Altered Dominants
Altered Dominants
Altered Dominants
The dominant chord is possibly the most important chord in Western music, because of its need to resolve to tonic harmony. Of course, this principal extends into the realm of jazz music as well. However, in jazz, dominant chords are often presented with significant alteration. There are many different ways to alter a dominant chord in jazz. More often than not, the complex chord symbol that results can be confusing. What follows is a discussion of some of the most common altered dominant chords and their corresponding scales, as well as a different way of thinking of these chords. It is crucial to both play these chords on the piano and spend a good deal of time practicing the melodic sounds that match the harmonies.
Diminished Harmony
The dominant 7th chord with a flatted ninth degree typically suggests diminished harmony, because when the root is removed from the chord, the remaining chord tones (3, 5, 7, b9) form a fully diminished 7th chord. If this chord is extended to the 13th, we notice that the 13, b9, and 3 of the chord in the first example below form an A major triad that rests atop a C7 chord. The dominant 7th chord with both a flatted 9th and raised 11th is also suggestive of diminished harmony, and results in another polychord combining C7 and an F# major triad.
The result is that we have all of the important chord tones (including the alteration(s)) and some additional color tones. It is worth noting that another option for the b9 chord is to utilize the harmonic minor scale of the key the chord should resolve to. For example, when playing over a C7(b9) chord, one could use the F harmonic minor scale, as many Bebop players did.
#11 Chords
Turning our attention to #11 chords, we encounter a new scale, also known as the Lydian dominant scale. While this name can be scary at first, it is nothing more than a mode of the ascending melodic minor scale (which, in and of itself, is only one note different from a major scale). Lets look at the function of the notes of this scale: Note C D E F# G A Bb Function 1 (root) 9 3rd #11 5th 13th 7th
Once again, we find that this scale contains only chord tones if we include the 13th in our discussion. This is a very useful scale for a very useful chord.
ALT Chords
Finally, we arrive at the chord/scale relationship for ALT chords. We turn again to a mode of the melodic minor (this time the 7th mode of melodic minor). This chord has been referred to as the diminished-whole tone scale or superlocrian scale. Call it what you likeit works and sounds great! Heres how this scale works: Note C Db Eb E F# Ab/G# Bb Function 1 (root) b9 #9 3rd #11 (or b5) #5 (or b13) 7th
Here we have the most important chord tones (1, 3, 7) joined by four very beautiful color tones. Mastery of these chords and scales will help you develop the modern melodic and harmonic vocabulary of todays leading players. There are a myriad of additional resources that cover all of these concepts in further detail, and they should be readily available.