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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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First Year Syllabus

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Four-Year B.Sc. (Honours) Course

Effective from the Session: 2013–2014
National University
Subject: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Syllabus for Four Year B. Sc Honours Course
Effective from the Session: 2013-2014

Year-wise Papers and marks distribution.


Paper Code Paper Title Marks Credits

212901 Biophysical and Bioorganic Chemistry 100 4
212903 Introductory Biochemistry 100 4
212904 Biochemistry Practical 100 4
213007 Botany-I 100 4
213008 Botany-I Practical 50 2
213105 Zoology-I 100 4
213106 Zoology-I Practical 50 2
211501 History of the Emergence of Independent of 100 4
Total = 700 28
Detailed Syllabus

Paper Code 212901 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: Biophysical and Bioorganic Chemistry

Part A: 50 marks
1. Thermodynamics:
(a) First law of thermodynamics: Introduction, definitions, nature of heat and work, PV
work, maximum work, first law of thermodynamics - internal energy, enthalpy, molar heat
capacities, isothermal and adiabatic expansion.
(b) Thermochemistry : Exothermic and endothermic reactions, standard enthalpy of
thermochemical equations, reaction enthalpy - dependence on temperature, bond energies.
(c) Second law of thermodynamics: Thermodynamics - reversibility and irreversibility,
spontaneous processes, entropy, thermodynamic efficiency and Carnot’s theorem,
statements of second law, entropy changes - phase transition, heating, irreversible
processes. Third law of thermodynamics. Free energy - variation with temperature and
pressure, Gibbs-Helmholtz
equation, applications of thermodynamics in biochemistry, biochemical relevance of
classical thermodynamics, open systems.
2. Chemical equilibrium :
The nature of chemical equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, relationship
between G and Keq, effect of temperature and pressure, Le Chattelier principle, equilibrium
reaction involving protons, coupling of reactions. Applications in living systems.
3. Chemical Kinetics : Definition, reaction rate, rate laws, zero-, first- and second-order reactions,
molecularity of a reaction, pseudo first order reaction, half-life, determination of order and rate
constant, effect of temperature on reaction rates. Theories of reaction rates - the collision theory,
the activated complex theory. Catalysis : Definition, types, characteristics of catalysts, activation
energy and catalysis.
4. Acids and bases : Bronsted-Lowry concept, Lewis concept, strengths of acids, weak acids and
bases, pH, buffer solutions. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, buffering against pH changes in
biological systems, maintaining the pH of blood, acid-base indicators, acid base titration, choice
of a suitable indicator.
5. Properties of liquids (brief treatment): Introduction – the kinetic molecular description,
intermolecular forces in liquids, dielectric constant, surface tension, viscosity, diffusion, osmotic
pressure, phase rule, phase diagram of water, ionization of water, water as a reactant.
6. Spectrophotometry : Beer-Lambert law, standard curves, working principle of a

Part B : 50 marks
1. Physico-chemical parameters for biomolecules:
Inter and Intramolecular interaction: covalent, ionic bond, hybrid orbitals, polarity
of bonds, electronegativity, dipole, hydrogen bonding, dihydrogen bonding,
hydrophobic interactions, Van der waals interaction.
2. Nature of bonding in organic molecules and in relation to biomolecules:
Delocalized chemical bonding-conjugation, cross conjugation, resonance,
hyperconjugation, bonding in fluorescences, tautomerism.
3. Reaction intermediates:
Formation, structure, stability and reactions of Carbocation, Carbanions, free
radicals, Nitrenes, Carbenes, Benzynes.

4. Alcohols, ethers, epoxides and di-ols: Occurrence, nomenclature, structure,

synthesis, physical and chemical properties and uses.
5. Dienes: Structure and properties of 1, 3-butadiene, addition reactions,
polymerisation, Diels-Alder and other reactions of dienes.
6. Aromaticity:
Structure of benzene, sources of aromatic hydrocarbons, industrially important
aromatic compounds, nomenclature of benzene derivatives, electrophilic and
nucleophilic aromatic substitution, chemistry of aromatic aliphatic compounds.
7. Aldehydes and ketones:
Nomenclature, synthesis, nucleophilic addition, elimination reaction, oxidation and
reduction of carbonyl compounds, haloform reaction, enolisation in biological
system, -halocarbonyl compounds, aldol condensation, benzoin condensation,
Claisen condensation, crossed aldol and crossed Claisen condensation, perkin
condensation. Witting reaction, Reformatsky reaction, ,-unsaturated carbonyl
8. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: Nomenclature, synthesis, classification,
properties, reactions, uses, decarboxylation reactions, dicarboxylic acids, esters.
9. Nitro-compounds and amines: Occurrence, nomenclature, synthesis,
classification, properties, reactions, uses, diazonium compounds.
10. Phenols: Occurrence, nomenclature, synthesis, properties and reactions, polyhydric
11. Heterocyclic Compounds: reactions, classification and synthesis of heterocyclic
compounds with special reference to – pyrroles, purines and pyrimidines.

Books Recommended:
1) Essentials of Physical Chemistry
a. By : B.S. Bahl G.D. Tuli and A. Bahl
b. Publisher : S. Chand & Company Ltd.
2) Physical Chemistry with Application in Biological Systems
a. By : Ramond Chang
b. Publisher : Macmillan Publishers Co.
3) Text Book of Physical Chemistry
a. By : S. Glasstone
b. Publisher : D. Van Nostrand Company
4) Elements of Physical Chemistry
a. By. S. Glasstone and D. Lewis
b. Publisher : The Macmillan Press
5) Organic Chemistry
a. By : R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd
b. Publisher: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
6) Organic Chemistry
a. By : I.L. Finar Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
b. Publisher : English Language Book
c. Society and Longman Group. Ltd.
7) Organic Chemistry
a. By: H. Hart and R.d. Schuetz
b. Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
8) Contemporary Organic Chemistry
a. By: A. L. Ternay
b. Publisher: W.B. Sanders Company
9) Concepts In Modern Chemistry
a. By: P. Kavanah, J. Robbins and J. Oberkrieser
b. Publisher: Cambridge Book

Paper Code 212903 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: Introductory Biochemistry

1. History, scope and future of biochemistry

2. Concept of life and living process. The identifying characteristics of a living matter.
3. The cell and its evolution, from molecules to the first cell, from .prokaryotes to eukaryotes,
structure and function of sub-cellular organelles, their isolation and identification, brief
treatment of meiosis and mitosis.
4. Biomolecules:
(i) Carbohydrates : Biological functions of carbohydrates, classification and
nomenclature, optical properties, ring structure of common monosaccharides, proof
of ring structure of glucose, mutarotation of glucose, general .properties and colour
test of reducing sugars, important derivatives of monosaccharides, sugar acids.
Disaccharides: Maltose, lactose, sucrose and other disaccharides, isolation from
natural source, structure and biological importance.
Polysaccharides: Storage and structural polysaccharides, structures and functions of
starch, glycogen and cellulose, other polysaccharides of biological interests:
structure and their functions.
(ii) Lipids: nomenclature, classification, general reactions of fats, fatty acids, and
sterols, structure and biological functions of different classes of lipids, isolation of
cholesterol and .phospholipids from natural sources.
(iii) Amino acids and peptides: Structural features, optical activity, classification,
physio-chemical properties of amino acids and peptides.
(iv) Proteins: General introduction to .proteins, classification of proteins based on
biological functions, shape and structure, isolation, and purification, primary
structure of proteins, sequence determination of insulin, sequence homology of
homologous proteins, denaturation of proteins.
Fibrous proteins: Secondary structure of proteins, protein conformation, alpha-
keratins, X-ray analysis of keratin, planar peptide bonds, alpha-helix, helix forming
and destablizing amino acids, the insolubility of alpha-keratins, beta-keratins –
conformation and structure, structures of collagen and elastin, filamentous proteins –
actin, myosin and microtubules.
Globular proteins: Tertiary structures of proteins: distinctive tertiary structures of
myoglobin, and ribonuclease, renaturation of unfolded and denatured ribonuclease,
factors maintaining the tertiary structure of globular proteins, oxygen-binding curves
of haemoglobin and myoglobin, the cooperative binding of oxygen by haemoglobin,
factors contributing to oxygen saturation curve of hemoglobin, sickle-cell anaemia
and its relation to haemoglobin.
Protein purification and characterization : Dialysis and ultrafiltration, density
gradient centrifugation, gel filtration, isoelectric .precipitation, solvent fractionation,
salting-in and salting-out of proteins, electrophoresis, ion-exchange chromatography,
selective adsorption, affinity chromatography, minimum molecular weight

Books Recommended:
1. Lehninger Principle of Biochemistry
By: David L., Nelson and Michael M. Cox.
Publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company, New York
2. Biochemistry
By: Lubert Stryer
Publisher: W.H. Freeman and Company, New York
3. Biochemistry
By: Donald Voit and Juldith Voit
Publisher: John Wiliy & Sons.
4. Cell and Molecular Biology
By: Gerald Karp
Publisher: John Willy & Sons

Paper Code 212904 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: Biochemistry Practical

1. Use of analytical balance.

2. Preparation of standard solutions.
3. Standardisation of HCl.
4. Estimation of acetic acid content of vinegar.
5. Estimation of calcium by the permanganate method.
6. Estimation of iron content of Mohr’s salt by the dichromate method..
7. Estimation of copper by iodometry.
8. Estimation of ascorbic acid content of biological samples.
9. Identification of organic compounds and colour tests for biomolecules.
10. Separation of amino acid mixture by paper chromatography,
Books Recommended :
1. Text Book of Organic Chemistry
By A.I. Vogel
Publisher : Allyn and Bacon Inc.
2. Test Book of Practical Inorganic Chemistry
By A.I. Vogel
Publisher : English Language Book Society and Liongman Group Ltd.

Paper Code 213007 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours:60

Paper Title: Botany-I

1. Introduction: Origin and evolution of life; differences between plants and animals;
modern concepts of classification of living organisms.
2. Microbiology:
a) Introduction to Viroids, Prions, Rickettsia and Mycoplasms.
b) Virus: Physical and chemical nature of phage, plant and animal viruses, multiplication of HIV
virus and economic importance.
c) Bacteria: Types, fine structure, reproduction and importance.
d) Fungi: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to class (Alexopoulos), reproduction, importance,
life history of Saccharomyces.
e) Cyanobacteria: Habitat, characteristics, structure, importance of Cyanobacteria .
f) Algae: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to class (Fritsch), reproduction, importance; life
history of Oeodogonium.

g) Phytoplankton: Habitat, characteristics, classification and importance.

3. Lichen: Habitat, characteristics, classification and importance.

4. Limnology: Definition, scope, importance and classification of lakes.
5. Bryophyta: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to classes and reproduction; life history of Riccia
and Anthoceros.
6. Pteridophyta: Habitat, characteristics, classification up to classes, importance; life history of
Selaginella and Christella.
7. Gymnosperms: Habitat, characteristics and importance; life history of Cycas and Gnetum.
8. Angiosperms: Habitat, characteristics, ICBN, classification systems of plant kingdom. (Artificial,
natural & phylogenetic). Identifying characters and economic importance of the following families: (a)
Fabaceae, (b) Solanaceae and (c) Malvaceae and (d) Poaceae.

9. Plant Pathology: Concept of diseases in plants, causes, diagnosis, classification and importance of
plant diseases, symtomatology and control measures; forecasting of plant diseases.
Causal organisms, symptoms and control measures of brown spot of rice, stem rot of jute, citrus
canker and tungro disease of rice.
10. Economic Botany: Local and scientific names, parts used and importance of at least 8 prominent
plants of each of the following groups: (a) Food, (b) medicine, (c) timber, (d) fibre, (e) oil and (f)
vegetables. Cultivation and processing of tea and rubber.

Books Recommended:
1. Agrios, G.N. 1997 : Plant Pathology (4th ed.). Academic Press, London.
2. Bold, H.C. and
M.J. Wynne. 1978 : Introduction to the Algae, Prentice Hall, India
3. Hawker, Lilian, E. 1967 : Fungi, Hutchinson Univ. Library, Cambridge Univ. Press,
4. Lawrence, G.H.M. 1951 : Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. The Macmillan Co. New York.
5. Pelczer, M.J., E.C.S. Chan : Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill Book
Co. and N.R. Krieg. 1993 Inc. New York.

6. Vashista, P.C. 1993 :

Botany for Degree Students: Pteridophyta. S.C. Chand & Co.
Ltd. Ramnagar, New Delhi.
7. Mukherji, H. and Ganguly, 2000: Plant Groups, Centrl Book Agency, Calcutta.
8. Hill,F.A. 1972. : Economic Botany, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishin Company,
ivq, k¨vgj Kzgvi, cvj, wbkx_ Acy®úK Dw™¢`weÁvb (1g I 2q LÛ), evsjv GKv‡Wgx,
Kzgvi : XvKv|
cvkv, †gv¯—dv
11. Lvb, AvRgvR` Avjx Ges
ZwiKzj Bmjvg mœvZK Dw™¢` weÁvb 1g, 2q I 3q LÛ|
11. L›`Kvi gwbi“¾vgvb, 1994

12. evmvi, Gg. G., Gg.G. nvmvb

Ges wjg‡bvjRx, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cÖKvkbv, XvKv|
g. iwdKzj Bmjvg. 2004
13 nvmvb, Gg. G. Ges Dw™¢` weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, evsjv evRvi, XvKv|
Gg. †K. Avjg. 1997 Dw™¢` †kªYx web¨vm ZË¡ (3q ms¯‹iY), nvmvb eyK

nvDm, XvKv|

14. LvZzb, iv‡eqv, 2002

Dw™¢` †kªYxweb¨vm, BD‡iKv eyK G‡RwÝ, ivRkvnx

Paper Code 213008 Marks: 50 Credits: 2 Class Hours:30

Paper Title: Botany-I Practical

1. Detail study including dissection (where necessary), mounting, drawing, description and
identification with classification of the following genera: 10
Cyanobacteria : N o s t o c , a n a b a e n a
Algae : Saccnaromyces and Accoboius
Bryophyte : Riccia and Marchantia
Pteridophyte : Selaginella, Christella
Gymnosperms : Cycas
Angiosperm : Poaceae and Fabaceae
2. Identification of the following genera with reasons: 06

Algae Volvox, Polysiphonea and Fucas.

Fungi Rhizopus, A garicus, Puccinia and Penicillium.

Lichen Crustose, Foliose and Fructose.

Bryophyte Anthoceros, Semibarbula.

Pteridophyte Selaginella, Marsilea, Azolla and Pteris

Gymnosperms Male and female cones of Cycas,

Angiosperms Scientific names of common plants around the institution.
3. Find out algal specimens from local fresh water sample; draw and describe.......................05

4. Study of the symptoms and causal organisms of Brown spot of rice and stem rot of Jute.

5. Detailed taxonomic study of the families as included in the theory syllabus.
6. Study of plant and plant parts, and economic uses of angiosperms included in the syllabus.
7. Preparation of herbarium specimens of local plants and submission during examination.
8. Laboratory Note book. 05

Books Recommended:

1. Agrios, G.N 1997 : Plant Pathology (4th ed.). Academic Press, London.
2. Bold, H.C. and M.J.Wynne. 1978 : Introduction to the Algae, Prentice Hall, India
3. Devlin, M.R. and H.F. Witham.1986 : Plant Physiology (4th ed.). CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi.
4. Esau,K.1953 : Plant Anatomy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
5. Goodwin, T.W. and E.I. Mereer. : Introduction to Plant Biochemistry (2nd ed.). Pergamon
6. Hawker, Lillin,E. 1967 : Fungi, Hutchinson Univ. Library, Cambridge Univ. Press,
7. Kumar, H.D. 1995 : General Ecology, Vikash Pub. House, India.
8. Lawrence, G.H.M. 1995 : Taxonomy of Vascular Plants. The Macmillan Co. New
9. Pelczer, M.J., E.C.S. Chan and
N.R. Krieg.1993 : Microbiology: Concepts and Applications. McGraw Hill
Book Co. Inc. New York.
10. Vashista, P.C. 1993 : Botany for Degree Students: Pteridophyta. S.C. Chand &
Co. Ltd. Ramnagar, New Delhi.
11. cvkv, †gv¯—dv Kvgvj
ivq, k¨vgj Kzgvi, 1986 : e¨envwiK Dw™¢`weÁvb, evsjv GKv‡Wgx,
12. AvLZvi“¾vgvb, g. : eskMwZ we`¨v, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
13. AvLZvi“¾vgvb, g. 2000 : eeZ©b ev`, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
14. Bmjvg, G. Gm. 1984 : eskMwZ we`¨vi g~j K_v, evsjv GKv‡Wgx,
15. Kg©Kvi, h`yjvj. 2000 : Dw™¢` kixi weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, XvKv|
16. Lvb, AvgRv` Avjx Ges
ZwiKzj Bmjvg : mœvZK Dw™¢` weÁvb 1g, 2q I 3q LÛ|
17. L›`Kvi gwbi“¾vgvb, 1994 : wjg‡bvjRx, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq
cÖKvkbv, XvKv|
18. Rvgvb, Gg. G. 1975 : †Kvlwe`¨v, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv|

19. evmvi, Gg. G., Gg.G. nvmvb Ges : : Dw™¢` weÁvb, nvmvb eyK nvDR, evsjv
evRvi, XvKv|
g. iwdKzj Bmjvg. 2004
20. nvmvb, Gg. G. 1996 : evsjv‡`‡ki †flR Dw™¢`, Avkivwdqv eB Ni,
evsjv evRvi, XvKv|

21. nvmvb, Gg. G. Ges : Dw™¢` †kªYx web¨vm ZË¡ (3q ms¯‹iY), nvmvb
eyK nvDm, XvKv|
Gg. †K. Avjg. 1997

Paper Code 213105 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: Zoology-I

Group-A: Introduction to Zoology: Protozoa and non-chordates

Introduction to Zoology: Definition and scope of zoology. Foundation of animal life: Level of organization
(protoplasmic, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, species, individual, population, community,
fauna, biota, ecosystem, biosphere, biodiversity. Cells: Cell and cell theory, structure and functions of cell
organelles. Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis and oogenesis; placentation. Classification of animals: Animal
kingdoms; classification up to phyla on the basis of organization, symmetry, coelom and phylogeny; different
taxa and Linnean hierarchy and nomenclature.

Protozoa and non-chordates: General characteristics of the following protozoa and non-chordates phyla
with examples – Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Gastrotricha,
Nematomorpha, Rotifera, Acanthocephala, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Priapulida, Supuncula, Pogonophora,
Tardigrada, Onychophora, Phoronida, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa/Ectoprocta, General and diagnostic
characteristics of the following phyla with examples – Sarcomastigophora, Annelida, Arthropoda and

Type study of the following with their systematic position, habitats, external morphology, organ systems
such as digestion, movement, circulation, respiration, excretion, nervous, and reproduction; food and feeding
habits, mode of life and development –
a. Phylum Sarcomastigophora: Euglena
b. Phylum Apicomplexa: Eimeria
c. Phylum Ciliophora: Paramecium
d. Phylum Porifera: Scypha
e. Phylum Cnidaria: Obelia
f. Phylum Nematoda: Ascaris
g. Phylum Mollusca: Pila
h. Phylum Arthropoda: Prawn
i. Phylum Echinodermata: Astropecten
j. Phylum Hemichordata: Balanoglossus.

Group-B: Human Physiology and Applied Zoology

Human Physiology: Outline of the physiology of digestion, blood circulation, respiration, excretion and
reproduction; endocrine glands and their functions; vitamins and vitamin deficiency diseases.
Applied Zoology: Introduction to the major fields of applied zoology: Entomology, Fisheries Biology,
Wildlife Biology, and Parasitology. Agricultural pests: Major pests of rice, jute, sugarcane and stored grains.
Integrated fish farming: Types, poultry, livestock and paddy-cum-fish culture. Poultry farming: System of
poultry farming, diseases of poultry and their control, economic importance of poultry and their impacts on
socio-economic condition of Bangladesh.

Paper Code 213106 Marks: 50 Credits: 2 Class Hours: 30

Paper Title: Zoology Practical -I

1. Study of museum specimens: Representative of all major non-chordate phyla

(minimum 20 specimens to be studied).

2. Study of permanent slides: Whole mount, body parts and various cells and invertebrate
tissues (at least 10 slides to be studied)
a. Whole animals – representatives of protozoans, rotifers and arthropods.
b. Mouth parts of arthropods.
c. Parasites – nematodes and platyhelminths.
d. Different larval forms of invertebrates.
e. Histological slides of invertebrates.

3. Preparation and study of whole mounts of different non-chordates.

4. External morphology and dissection of various organ systems of earthworm,

cockroach, prawn, Pila and Lam ellidens.

a. Digestive system of prawn, Pila and Lamellidens.

c.Nervous system of cockroach, grasshopper, prawn, Pila and Lamellidens.

5. Temporary mounting –
a. Brain of earthworm.
b. Salivary gland of cockroach.
c. Statocyst of prawn.

6. Study of appendages of prawn.

7. Animal physiology –

a. Estimation of blood pressure and pulse rate.

b. Determination of blood group.

8. Class records.

Distribution of Marks for First Year Final Examination

1. Major dissection (dissection 8 + display 2 + drawing and labeling 3) = 13 marks.
2. Temporary mount (staining, mounting and display 3 + drawing and labeling 2) = 5 marks.
3. Spotting of museum specimens – 8 items (identification and classification 1 + diagnostic
characteristics 1) = 16 marks.
a. Invertebrate specimens (4 items) 2 × 4 = 8 marks.
b. Whole mount slides (mouth parts, parasites, larvae) (2 items) 2 × 2 = 4 marks.
c. Histological slides (2 items) 2 × 2 = 4 marks.
4. Appendages (detachment, placement and drawing on a paper sheet 3, labeling 2, displaying 1) = 6
5. Class records = 10 marks.

Books Recommended:

1. C.P. Hickman and L.S Roberts. 1995. Animal Diversity Wm.C. Brown
2. L.S. Dillon. 1976. Animal Variety: An Evolutionary Account: Wm C. brown Company
Publishers, Dubuque, Iwoa.
3. J.D. Bernal. 1969. The Origin of Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London.
4. E.E. Ruppert and R.D. Barnes. 1994. Invertebrate Zoology (6th edition). Saunders College
Publishing-harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York, London
5. C.P. Hickman. Integrated Principles of Zoology, C.V. Morsby Co. Inc., New York A.J. Marshal
and W.D. Williams. Text Book of Zoollogy Invertebrates, (edited the 7th edition of Text Book of
Zoology, Vol. I,T.J. Parker and W.A. Haswell)
6. N.J. Reigle. A Synoptic Introduction to the Animal Kingdom.
7. E.O. Wilson, T, Eisner and W.R. Brigges, Life: Cells, Organisms Populations. C.C.
Chatterjee Human Physiology Vols. I & II
8. W.H. Davson . A Text Book of General Physiology
9. G.L. Presser and P.A. Brown Comparative Animal Physiology
10. B.I. balinsky. An Introduction of Embryology
11. D. Dent. Insect Pest Management. Chapman and Hall, London.
12. P. Southgalte and J. Lucas (eds), 1998. Aquaculture Fish and Shellfish Farming Fishing News.
13. M. King. 1995. Fisheries Biology Assessment and Management. Blackwell Science.
14. C.G. Scalet. L.D. Flake and D.W. Willis. 1996. Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries: An Integrated
Approach. W.H. Freeman.
15. TVR. Pillay. 1993. Aquaculture: Principles and Practices. Fishing News Books.
16. L.P. Pedigo. Entomology and Pest Management.
17. R.Wall and D. Shearer, 1997. Vetenerary Entomology. Chapman & Hall
18. V.G. Jingran and R.S.V. Pull in 1985. A Hatchery Manual for the Common, Chinese and Indian
Major Carps. ADB/ICLARM
19. ‡gvt Avãyi iv¾vK wgqv| 2007| †cvjwUª e¨e¯’vcbv| evsjv GKv‡Wgx|
20. ‡MŠZg ey× `vk| 2004| †cvjwUª Drcv`b| evsjv GKv‡Wgx|
21. GBP. Gg. †gv¯—dv | 1994| Lvgv‡i nuvm-gyiMx cvjb I †ivM-e¨vwai wPwKrmv|
evsjv GKv‡Wgx|

Paper Code 211501 Marks: 100 Credits: 4 Class Hours: 60

Paper Title: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm

f~wgKv: ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki Afy¨`‡qi BwZnvm-cwiwa I cwiwPwZ

1| ‡`k I Rb‡Mvwôi cwiPq

K) f~ cÖK…wZi ˆewkó¨ I cÖfve
L) b„ZvwË¡K MVb
M) fvlv
N) ms¯‹…wZi mgš^qevw`Zv I ag©xq mnbkxjZv
O) Awfbœ evsjvi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z ZrKvjxb c~e©e½ I eZ©gvb evsjv‡`‡ki
¯^Kxq mËv

2| ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi cÖqvm I Dcgnv‡`‡ki wefw³, 1947

K) Jcwb‡ewkK kvmb Avg‡j mv¤cÖ`vwqKZvi D™¢e I we¯—vi
L) jv‡nvi cÖ¯—ve, 1940
M) ALÛ ¯^vaxb evsjv ivóª MV‡bi D‡`¨vM, 1947 I cwiYwZ
N) cvwK¯—vb m„wó, 1947

3| cvwK¯—vb: ivóªxq KvVv‡gv I ˆelg¨

K) †K›`ªxq I cÖv‡`wkK KvVv‡gv
L) mvgwiK I †emvgwiK AvgjvZ‡š¿i cÖfve
M) A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆelg¨

4| fvlv Av‡›`vjb I evOvwji AvZ¥cwiPq cÖwZôv

K) gymwjg jx‡Mi kvmb I MYZvwš¿K ivRbxwZi msMÖvg
L) AvIqvgx jx‡Mi cÖwZôv, 1949
M) fvlv Av‡›`vjb: cUf~wg I NUbv cÖevn
N) nK-fvmvbx-†mvnivIqv`©xi hy³d«›U, 1954 mv‡ji wbe©vPb I cwiYwZ

5| mvgwiK kvmb: AvBqye Lvb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmbvgj (1958-

K) mvgwiK kvm‡bi msÁv I ˆewkó¨
L) AvBqye Lv‡bi ¶gZv `Lj I kvm‡bi ˆewkó¨ (ivR‰bwZK wbcxob,
†gŠwjK MYZš¿, a‡g©i
ivR‰bwZK e¨envi)
M) AvBqye Lv‡bi cZb I Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi kvmb, GK BDwbU wejywßKiY,
mve©Rbxb †fvUvwaKvi, GjGdI (Legal Framework Order)

6| RvZxqZvev‡`i weKvk I ¯^vwaKvi Av‡›`vjb

K) mvs¯‹…wZK AvMÖvm‡bi wei“‡× cÖwZ‡iva I evOvwj ms¯‹…wZi
L) †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 6-`dv Av‡›`vjb
M) 6-`dv Av‡›`vj‡bi cÖwZwµqv, ¸i“Z¡ I Zvrch©
N) AvMiZjv gvgjv, 1968

7| 1969-Gi MYAfy¨Ìvb I 11-`dv Av‡›`vjb

K) cUf~wg
L) Av‡›`vj‡bi Kg©m~Px, ¸i“Z¡ I cwiYwZ

8| 1970 Gi wbe©vPb, Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb I e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv

K) wbe©vP‡bi djvdj Ges Zv †g‡b wb‡Z †K‡›`ªi A¯^xK…wZ
L) Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb, e½eÜzi 7B gv‡P©i fvlY, Acv‡ikb mvP©jvBU
M) e½eÜzi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv I †MÖdZvi
9| gyw³hy× 1971
K) MYnZ¨v, bvix wbh©vZb, kiYv_©x
L) evsjv‡`k miKvi MVb I ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvcÎ
M) ¯^Z:ù‚Z© cÖv_wgK cÖwZ‡iva I msMwVZ cÖwZ‡iva
(gyw³‡dŠR, gyw³evwnbx, †Mwijv I m¤§yL hy×)
N) gyw³hy‡× cÖPvi gva¨g (¯^vaxb evsjv †eZvi †K›`ª, we‡`kx cÖPvi
gva¨g I RbgZ MVb)
O) QvÎ, bvix I mvaviY gvby‡li Ae`vb (MYhy×)
P) gyw³hy‡× e„nrkw³ mg~‡ni f~wgKv
Q) `Lj`vi evwnbx, kvwš—KwgwU, Avje`i, Avjkvgm, ivRvKvi evwnbx, ivR
‰bwZK `j I †`kxq
Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMx‡`i ¯^vaxbZvwe‡ivax Kg©KvÛ I eyw×Rxex nZ¨v
R) cvwK¯Ív‡b ew›` Ae¯’vq e½eÜzi wePvi I wek¦cÖwZwµqv
S) cÖevmx evOvwj I we‡k¦i wewfbœ †`‡ki bvMwiK mgv‡Ri f~wgKv
T) gyw³hy‡× fvi‡Zi Ae`vb
U) †hŠ_ evwnbx MVb I weRq
V) ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡g e½eÜzi †bZ…Z¡

10| e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi kvmbKvj, 1972-1975

K) ¯^‡`k cÖZ¨veZ©b
L) msweavb cÖYqb
M) hy× weaŸ¯— †`k cybM©Vb
N) mcwiev‡i e½eÜz nZ¨v I Av`wk©K cUcwieZ©b

History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh

Introduction: Scope and description of the emergence of Independent Bangladesh.

Writing on this topic.

1. Description of the country and its people.

a. Geographical features and their influence.
b. Ethnic composition.
c. Language.
d. Cultural syncretism and religious tolerance.
e. Distinctive identity of Bangladesh in the context of undivided Bangladesh.

2. Proposal for undivided sovereign Bengal and the partition of the Sub Continent, 1947.
a. Rise of communalism under the colonial rule, Lahore Resolution 1940.
b. The proposal of Suhrawardi and Sarat Bose for undivided Bengal : consequences
c. The creation of Pakistan 1947 .

3. Pakistan: Structure of the state and disparity.

a. Central and provincial structure.
b. Influence of Military and Civil bureaucracy.
C. Economic , social and cultural disparity
4. Language Movement and quest for Bengali identity
a. Misrule by Muslim League and Struggle for democratic politics .
b. The Language Movement: context and phases .
c. United front of Haque – Vasani – Suhrawardi: election of 1954, consequences.

5. Military rule: the regimes of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan (1958-1971)
a. Definition of military rules and its characteristics.
b. Ayub Khan’s rise to power and characteristics of his rule (Political repression, Basic democracy,
c. Fall of Ayub Khan and Yahia Khan’s rule (Abolition of one unit, universal suffrage, the Legal
Framework Order)

6. Rise of nationalism and the Movement for self determination .

a. Resistance against cultura l aggression and resurgence of Bengali culture.
b. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the six point movement
c. Reactions : Importance and significance
d . The Agortola Case 1968.

7. The mass- upsurge of 1969 and 11 point movement: background,programme and significance.

8. Election of 1970 and the Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu

a. Election result and centres refusal to comply
b. The non co-operation movement, the 7th March , Address , Operation Searchlight
c. Declaration of Independence by Bangobondhu and his arrest

9. The war of Liberation 1971

a. Genocide, repression of women, refugees
b. Formation of Bangladesh government and proclamation of Independence
c. The spontaneous early resistance and subsequent organized resistance (Mukti Fouz, Mukti
Bahini, guerillas and the frontal warfare )
d. Publicity Campaign in the war of Liberation (Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, the Campaigns
abroad and formation of public opinion )
e. Contribution of students, women and the masses (Peoples war)
f. The role of super powers and the Muslim states in the Liberation war.
g. The Anti-liberation activities of the occupation army, the Peace Committee, Al-Badar, Al-Shams,
Rajakars, pro Pakistan political parties and Pakistani Collaborators , killing of the intellectuals.
h. Trial of Bangabondhu and reaction of the World Community.
i. The contribution of India in the Liberation War
j. Formation of joint command and the Victory
k. The overall contribution of Bangabondhu in the Independence struggle.

10. The Bangabondhu Regime 1972-1975

a. Homecoming
b. Making of the constitution
c. Reconstruction of the war ravaged country
d. The murder of Bangabondhu and his family and the ideological turn-around.

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