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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


1K.V.G.M.SREERAM, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering (A) Vizianagaram -535005,
Andhra Pradesh, India, Email: kvgmsreeram@gmail.com
2RAJENDRA PRASAD SINGH Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering (A)

Vizianagaram -535005, Andhra Pradesh, India, Email: rp.singh130@gmail.com

3S SIVA BHANU SAI KUMAR Assistant. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, MVGR College of Engineering (A)

Vizianagaram -535005, Andhra Pradesh, India, Email: sivabhanu.sripathi@gmail.com

Abstract - Earthquake is the natural calamity, it produce combination of shear wall and bracings are adopted for the
strong ground motions which affect the structure. Small or structure at different locations.
weak motions that can or cannot be felt by the humans.
Provision of shear walls and bracings are installed to can 2. SHEARWALLS
enhance the lateral stiffness, ductility, minimum lateral
displacements and safety of the structure. Storey drift and Shear walls are vertical members that resist pseudo
lateral displacements are the critical issues in seismic design of static (seismic) forces. These are provided along the height
buildings. Two types of frame models are developed and to resist the in-plane loads. Shear wall mainly experience the
evaluated by Time history analysis by STAAD-Pro. seismic and wind loads. Generally, the loads are transferred
In the present work G+9 multi Storey building to walls by Diaphragm (The structural element which
is analyzed by using shear wall and braced frame at corner of transverse the lateral load to the vertical resisting elements
the structure. It is analyzed and results of Storey drifts, of a structure. These are mainly in horizontal, but can be in
maximum bending moment, maximum Sea force, deflections sloped in special case like ramp for parking the vehicle.)
are evaluated and compared. They may be wood, concrete and masonry. Shear walls have
high strength and stiffness to resist the lateral forces.
Shear wall are very important in high rise buildings in the
Key Words: STAAD-PRO, Shear wall, bracings, dual system, seismic prone areas. Lateral displacement can be reduced by
storey drift, time history analysis. these shear wall. These are designed to resist both self-
weight of the structure (gravity loads) and lateral forces.
Natural calamities (Earthquakes, wind forces) force causes
several kinds of stresses such as shear, tension, and torsion
1. INTRODUCTION etc., the structure may experience Storey displacement or
The main objective of this paper is to locate the may collapse suddenly. Shear wall reduces the severity of
position of shear wall and bracing for the building which is lateral displacement of the structure and indicate the failure
subjected to pseudo static (seismic) forces. The structure is of the structure.
analyzed by STAAD-PRO V8i by TIME HISTORY analysis.
Storey drift, maximum shear force and maximum bending 1.2 Classification of Shear Wall
moment of the stories are compared.
1. Simple rectangular
Dual system is a structural system which provides 2. Coupled shear walls
resistance to lateral loads, gravity loads. In dual system, both 3. Rigid frame shear walls
frames and shear walls resist lateral loads. Group of beams 4. Framed walls in filled frames
and columns connected with each other by rigid joints. 5. Column supported shear wall
6. Core type shear walls
Shear walls are RC walls that are projected
along the structure from base. Shear walls reduce the Storey 1.3 General Requirements of Shear Wall
displacement when seismic forces counter the building.
Since, the structure may not have aesthetic appearance if the  The thickness of shear wall should not be less than
structure is closed with shear wall along the building. 150mm to avoid unusually thin sections.
Bracings are adopted to reduce the lateral forces and wind  Effective flange width for the flanged wall sections from
forces and these are easy to install and retrofitted even for the face of web should be taken as least of
the existing building. For low rise buildings bracings may not o Half the distance to an adjacent shear wall
be suitable. So as to overcome these circumstances the web and
o One – tenth of total wall height

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 225
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 The minimum reinforcement in the longitudinal and

transverse directions in the plan of the wall should be
taken as 0.0025 times the gross area in each direction
and distributed uniformly across the cross section of the 4.1 Properties of members
 If the factored shear stress exceeds the 0.25fck or if the Young’s modulus of concrete 2.1×107 kN/m3
wall thickness exceeds 200mm. Poisson’s ratio 0.17
 The maximum spacing of reinforcement in either Density 25 kN /m3
direction should be lesser than , tw ,or 150 mm. Thermal coefficient 1e-005/oC
Grade of concrete M20
Yield strength of steel Fe415
Diameter of bar should not exceed the one- tenth of the
thickness of that part. This puts a check on the use of very 4.2 SEISMIC PARAMETERS
large diameter bars in thin wall sections.
Zone value 0.1
3. BRACINGS Response reduction factor 5
Importance factor 1
A braced frame is a structural system is designed primarily Damping ratio 0.05
to resist the earthquake and wind forces. These are designed
to resist lateral forces and reversal of stress too. Lateral 4.3 SIZE OF MEMBERS
displacement and be resisted by the braced frame and also
bending moment can be controlled in columns. These are Width of beam 250mm
economical easily erected and have the design flexibility to Depth of beam 400mm
create stiffness and strength. Width of column 400mm
The resistance to horizontal forces is provided by Breadth of column 400mmLength of
two bracing systems column 2.95m
Height of each floor 2.95m
3.1 Vertical bracing
Bracing between column lines provides load paths LOAD CALCULATION
for the transference of horizontal forces to ground level.
Framed buildings required at least three planes of vertical Live load, dead load and load combinations are
bracing to brace both directions in plan and to resist torsion calculated as per IS 456 :2000 and are assigned to the
about a vertical axis structure. IS 1893 - (part 1) : 2002 provides Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures. The different
3.2 Horizontal bracing load combinations are as follows
The bracing at each floor level provides load paths Table – 1 LOAD COMBINATIONS
for the transference of horizontal forces to the planes of S.no Load combinations
vertical bracing. Horizontal bracing is needed at each floor 1 Dead load
level, however, the floor system itself may provide sufficient
resistance. 2 Live load
3 Earthquake x+
 Single diagonal 4 Earthquake x-
 Cross diagonal
 K- Bracing 5 Earthquake z+
 V – Bracing
6 Earthquake z-
 Eccentric bracing
7 1.5 ( d.l + l.l )
8 1.5 ( d.l +e.q x + )
The plan area of the structure is 30.57 m× 26.97 m and
height of the structure is 26.55 m. The combination of Shear 9 1.5 ( d.l +e.q x - )
wall and bracings are located at different positions of 1.5 ( d.l +e.q z + )
structure at corners and middle of the structure. The lateral
displacement of the structure is compared of the structures. 11 1.5 ( d.l +e.q z - )
12 1.2 ( d.l + l.l+e.q x + )

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 226
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

13 1.2 ( d.l + l.l+e.q x - )

14 1.2 ( d.l + l.l+e.q z + )
15 1.2 ( d.l + l.l+e.q z - )
16 0.9d.l +1.5 e.q x+
17 0.9d.l +1.5 e.q x -
18 0.9d.l +1.5 e.q z+
19 0.9d.l +1.5 e.q z-

The structure is analyzed by TIME HISTORY METHOD, In Fig-2: Dual system ( building with shear-wall and
non-linear dynamic analyses, the detailed structural model
subjected to a ground motion record produces estimates of
component deformation for each degree of freedom in the
model and modal responses are combined. Nonlinear
properties of the structure are based on time-domain The results of lateral deflection of normal building
analysis. The data time vs. acceleration is given as input and dual system ( building with combination of shear wall
value. This approach is required by some building codes of and bracings ) placed at corner are tabulated. The lateral
unusual configuration or of special importance. The deflection in both the X- axis and Z-axis are tabulated
properties of the seismic response demand depend on the separately.
severity of seismic shaking, and various levels of intensity to
represent different possible earthquake. Table-2: Results showing lateral deflection (x-direction) of
normal building and dual system (building combination of
shear walls and bracings)

Lateral Deflections (in mm)

X- Direction X- Direction

26.55 17.8 4.97

23.6 17.1 4.3

20.65 15.8 3.57

17.7 14.3 2.81

14.75 12.41 2.05

11.8 9.5 1.34

8.85 6.63 1

5.9 3.67 0.482

2.95 1.1 0.138

1.45 0.311 0.0484

0 0 0

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 227
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig-4: Graph showing lateral displacement in x-direction

Fig-3: Graph showing lateral displacement in x-direction
Table-3: Results showing lateral deflection (x-direction) of
normal building and dual system (building combination of From the result observed,
shear walls and bracings)
 It is found that the structure with the dual systems
Lateral Deflections (in mm) (combination of shear wall and bracings) at the corner
NORMAL will give minimum lateral displacement than the normal
HEIGHT (in Meters) DUAL SYSTEM building at top 4.84mm.
Z-Direction Z-Direction
 Lateral deflection is decreased by 86% in x-direction in
26.55 17.8 4.84 dual system when compared to normal building
23.6 17.1 4.19  Lateral deflection is decreased by 89% in z- direction in
dual system when compared to normal building
20.65 16 3.47
 Maximum shear force in normal building is 1157.8 kN
17.7 14.2 2.69
 Maximum shear force in dual system is 1130.2 kN
14.75 12 1.89
 Maximum bending moment in normal building is 5.042
11.8 9.41 1.14 kNm
8.85 6.56 0.886 NOWLEDGEMENT
5.9 3.63 0.392 I would like to thank Department of civil engineering staff
and management of MVGR College of engineering for their
2.95 1.09 0.12
support in doing this work.
1.45 0.303 0.041
0 0 0
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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 228
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 229

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