Kellys Syndrome 5
Kellys Syndrome 5
Kellys Syndrome 5
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All content following this page was uploaded by Lalit Kumar on 18 December 2018.
Abstract : The prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with an edentulous maxilla opposing mandibular anterior
natural teeth is one of the most challenging situations that a clinician encounters. Occlusal forces from the
opposing natural teeth may cause fractures in the maxillary prosthesis and also result in residual ridge
resorption of the edentulous maxilla. Prosthodontists try overcoming this Combination syndrome by careful
treatment planning, which may require a multi-disciplinary approach involving surgical intervention followed
by metallic denture base prosthesis, implant supported fixed prosthesis, implant supported overdentures etc.
Even conventional prosthodontic techniques with special consideration for flabby tissues, over denture
prosthesis and removable cast partial denture may be used. Choice of treatment modality is made by keeping in
mind that the requirement of stability and retention of the prosthesis must be balanced along with the
preservation of the health of the remaining oral tissues for every patient. With the presence of extreme gagging
reflex, the treatment may become even more complicated. This article describes and illustrates the two stage
surgical and prosthetic treatment of a patient with an edentulous maxilla opposing mandibular anterior natural
teeth. The extreme gagging reflex from maxillary conventional complete denture and the occlusal forces from
the mandibular anterior natural teeth compelled the clinician to adapt a different treatment plan which included
placement of 4 endosseous implants in maxilla followed by fabricating a maxillary fixed screw retained hybrid
prosthesis, and 4 implants in posterior mandible for implant supported Fixed Partial Denture.
Keywords: Hybrid Denture, Implant supported FPD, Combination Syndrome
I. Introduction
In 1972 Kelly [1] collectively called the sequential destructive changes in the hard and soft tissues of the
oral cavity seen in patients requiring singular restoration of a completely edentulous arch opposing a natural
dentition as Combination syndrome. The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms defines Combination Syndrome as
: The characteristic features that occur when an edentulous maxilla is opposed by natural mandibular anterior
teeth are overgrowth of the tuberosity, papillary hyperplasia of the hard palatal mucosa, extrusion of mandibular
anterior teeth and loss of alveolar bone and ridge height beneath the mandibular removable partial denture bases,
also called anterior hyper function syndrome. [3] These features may appear over a varied time span however
factors in the oral environment related to host defenses may also determine the initiation of the symptoms like
extrusion of mandibular anterior teeth, including loss of bone. When a fully edentulous maxillary arch is
rehabilitated with implant supported prosthesis, we must take into account several factors:
• Anatomy of the remaining residual alveolar bone
• Quantity and quality of the residual bone
• Types of prosthetic options available
• Number of implants
• Occlusal forces
• Antagonist tooth/teeth (natural or artificial)
• Inter arch distance as well as relationship
After a thorough clinical and radiological evaluation of patient, an implant supported prosthetic option
catering to the particular clinical situation and economic feasibility is given. Due to the complexed
biomechanics of the oral cavity and implantology, the number and position of the implants will be determined
by the type of prosthesis that the patient will be restored with.
Implant supported prosthetic options for the fully edentulous maxilla or mandible fall into two basic groups
given by Misch[4]
1. Fixed restorations and
2. Removable restorations.
The choice of type of fixed or removable implant supported prosthesis depends on:
• The maxillary bone loss in antero-posterior direction
• The distance between the residual ridge and the occlusal plane (Crown Height Space)
The most decisive factor in the choosing of the type of prosthesis is the distance from the residual ridge
to the occlusal plane. This distance is increased by the vertical loss of bone and of soft tissue that occurs in
edentulous patients. When a patient presents a distance greater than 15mm, the most indicated prosthesis is a
removable type (overdenture), as we are able to compensate for the missing tissues using acrylic. The use of
fixed restorations of metal porcelain type is compromised, because it can result in the production of elongated
teeth, which are not very aesthetic and also lead to increased leverage forces.
In 1987, Zarbet al. [5] described a type of fixed treatment in severely reabsorbed full edentulous
maxillae, with distances greater than 15mm. These authors describe the fabrication of a hybrid prosthesis using
an over-contoured metal structure with acrylic and conventional denture teeth. This type of restoration can be
classified, according to Misch, as FP-3, permanent prosthesis, which replaces crown, tissue and lost bone, the
prosthesis uses denture teeth and acrylic gum.
One of the main advantages attributed to this type of prosthesis, is the reduction of the impact of
occlusal forces, as the acrylic acts as an intermediary in between the teeth and the metal structure. In the case of
fixed restorations in the maxilla, as is the case of the hybrid prosthesis, the literature suggests the placement of 4
to 8 implants distributed bilaterally in the maxillary arch. [6]
If there are any discrepancies, the index is sectioned and luted back together intraorally with the GC pattern
resin. The laboratory then sends the master cast with the casted framework on UCLA abutments and the wax
set ups for the design and fabrication of the maxillary fixed hybrid framework. Trial of framework was done and
bite records were taken using Jet Bite TM (Coltène/WhaledentAG),a bite registration paste to confirm the earlier
recorded jaw relation. After esthetics, occlusion and phonetics were evaluated; the denture was processed in
heat-cured acrylic and delivered with the finished fixed mandibular bridges. Insertion of finished hybrid
prosthesis was done and abutment screw was tightened to manufactured recommended torque. (Figure -5, 6, 7)
The openings of the holes were closed using Filtek™ Z250 Universal Restorative (3M ESPE Dental
Products US). Final occlusion was adjusted and patient was recalled for checkup after one week. Post-operative
OPG was taken to ensure proper fit of the prosthesis (Figure -8). 6 month and 18 months follow up was done to
check working of the prosthesis and bone levels around the implants using radiographic methods.
Shen K, Gongloff RK documented the prevalence of symptoms associated with "combination
syndrome" in 150 maxillary complete denture wearers. The five alveolar ridge changes that are most
consequential to denture wearing and most difficult to correct surgically were found in 7% of the population
studied. However, these changes were found in 24% of patients who have natural mandibular anterior teeth
opposing complete maxillary dentures. This rate did not differ significantly between patients who do and do not
wear a mandibular removable partial denture. [7]
There are many authors who hold different opinions about the treatment procedures to prevent
occurrence and further degenerative changes in the oral cavity in patients whose occlusal scheme comprise of a
complete maxillary denture opposed by natural anterior teeth and a bilateral distal extension removable partial
denture (RPD). Kelly [1] said that before proceeding with the prosthetic treatment, gross changes that have
already taken place should be surgically treated. These include conditions like flabby (hyperplastic) tissues,
papillary hyperplasia and enlarged tuberosity’s.
Various treatment modalities for the completely edentulous Maxillary Arch: Planned Extractions
followed by Immediate Dentures: This treatment option is considered when arch relationship is such that arch
requires alveolectomy along with extraction of the anterior teeth for patients with severe prognathic maxilla,
periodontally compromised proclined anterior teeth present in the maxillary arch and missing mandibular
posterior teeth.
Overdenture Prosthesis with a Metallic Denture Base: Every effort should be made to avoid the
potentially destructive occlusal forces exerted on the anterior maxillary residual ridge. Therefore, when a
maxillary complete denture is planned, endodontic and periodontic techniques are used to preserve roots in
order to maintain the bony architecture of the anterior maxilla. The retained anterior maxillary roots will absorb
occlusal forces exerted by anterior mandibular teeth.
Conventional prosthodontic techniques with special consideration for flabby tissues: A variety of
techniques have been suggested to circumvent the difficulties of making a denture rest on flabby ridge. It has
been stated that while the flabby ridge may provide poor retention for a denture, it is better than no ridge-as
could occur following surgical excision of the flabby tissues. A magnitude of impression techniques have been
suggested in the past to help record a suitable impression of a flabby denture-bearing area [8].
Surgical Intervention (Vestibuloplasty and Excision of Flabby Tissue) Followed by Metallic Denture
Base Prosthesis: Patients reporting with a completely edentulous maxillary arch opposing anterior natural
dentition in the mandibular arch along with destructive changes in the hard and soft tissues of the jaws of the
combination syndrome such as severe anterior ridge resorption, epulis fissuratum and flabby tissue in the
maxillary arch accompanied by loss of vertical dimension require surgical intervention
Implant Placements: Four options can be used in rehabilitating a completely edentulous maxilla using
implants like implant supported fixed ceramo-metal prosthesis with gingival ceramic, implant supported fixed
ceramo-metal prosthesis, Implant supported overdenture or an implant and tissue supported overdenture .[9]
The phenomenon of residual ridge resorption (RRR) following removal of teeth has been well observed
and documented in literature. [10,11] While the bone loss following the removal of teeth is stated to be rapid,
progressive, irreversible and inevitable, it is equally well observed that bone is maintained around standing teeth
and implants.[12,13] There are wide varieties of implant supported treatment options for fully edentulous
patient.[13]But the final choice of treatment depends on the patient’s perception and affordability and various
biomechanical factors influencing performance of prosthesis. As in our case, when there is financial limitation
for additional implants, no bone to support adequate number of implants, also there is loss of supporting
structures for the lips and other surrounding tissues and when bone grafting is to be avoided in such a situation,
a tissue-implant supported hybrid denture may be designed as a less expensive and simple option, if bounded by
certain guidelines.
VI. Conclusion
Oral implantology is growing day by day; the development of new surgical and prosthetic techniques
opens a new world of options to explore, in order to offer the patient better treatment. Before proceeding for a
full arch maxillary rehabilitation, we must make a detailed analysis of the anatomy of the maxilla using all tools
available, including diagnostics models, x-ray images (radiographs, CBCT), etc.
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