Singapore Engineer
Singapore Engineer
Singapore Engineer
Mr Olivier Vassart and Mr Louis-Guy Cajot, from ArcelorMittal R&D Long Carbon, Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg, Mr Jean-Pierre Muzeau and Mr Hamid Bouchar, from Blaise Pascal University, Clermont Ferrand, France, describe the development of an award-winning structural element. INTRODUCTION A lot of research projects have been undertaken by ArcelorMittal, in the area of Cellular Beam Design. ese have led to the creation of new design methods and userfriendly design software [1-15]. Not long ago, the famous Paris-based architect Mr Claude Vasconi requested ArcelorMittal for assistance in designing a more architectural and sensual cellular beam that would be characterised by larger, eye-shaped openings. is new shape would also have to enable a more ecient fabrication process for hot rolled proles, due to single cutting in the web and reduced length of welding. A discussion on the new shape can be divided into four parts: elaboration of the new cutting shape, design of the beam for a reference building, realisation of a 17 m span composite beam test at the University of Lige, Belgium, and elaboration of a numerical model able to simulate all the failure modes of this new composite cellular beam. ELABORATION OF THE NEW CUTTING SHAPE ANGELINA Some steps were taken to dene the shape of the new cellular beam. e rst drawing from the architect Mr Vasconi, is shown in Fig 1. A classic cellular beam has been gradually modied using ACB software, to have the largest opening allowed by ultimate values for criteria in the construction and service phases.
Fig 2: New shape ANGELINA. e oxycutting is performed through a HD400 x 187 prole.
Fig 3: Oxycutting details. After the dierent steps in the fabrication, the ANGELINA beam takes shape and its nal dimensions, with reference to the initial section, are indicated in Fig 4.
Fig 1: First drawing from Mr Claude Vasconi and transformation using ACB software to ANGELINA. Geometrical details of the cutting with a = 0.840 m and b = 0.500 m. 14 THE SINGAPORE ENGINEER Aug 2008
Fig 5: Reference Building. Loads Variable load = 5 kN/m Self weight of the steel beam = 1.87 kN/m Self weight of the slab (Cofradal 200) = 2 kN/m Permanent loads (partition walls, nishing) = 1 kN/m
Structural Engineering
Material properties Structural Steel S460 (fy = 460 N/mm) Reinforcing Steel S500 (fy = 500 N/mm) Concrete C30/37 (fck = 30 N/mm) ACB design A calculation using ACB software was performed. e results led to a cellular beam made from an HD400*187 in S460 Histar with an opening of 450 mm, a web post of 150 mm, and a total height of 580 mm. ANGELINA design Calculation of the optimal opening One of the identied failure modes, is the buckling of the lower part of the top tee at the beginning of the opening near the support. is instability is due to the shear force Vbeam which is the shear applied on the steel part. e shear internal force VSd is calculated in the middle of the rst opening (x = 1960 mm).
Fig 7: Test conguration. Load at the jack V = from 0 to 559 kN (at the end of the test) Self weight of ANGELINA = 1.87 kN/m Self weight of the slab = 5 kN/m Self weight of the two loading beams = 20 kN ELABORATION OF A NUMERICAL MODEL ABLE TO PREDICT ALL THE FAILURE MODES OF THE NEW COMPOSITE CELLULAR BEAM A nite element model was built using the FEM software SAFIR from the University of Lige[17]. e ANGELINA was modelled using shell elements and the concrete slab was modelled using a beam element (Fig 8). A full shear connection was taken into account by using the same nodes to model shell and beam elements.
e shape of the opening was optimised in order to make the biggest opening possible in this given prole. e cutting line of ANGELINA follows the line of iso-resistance due to the shear force applied. Following Eurocode 3 [16] and classication theory, the following bending moment resistance has been calculated. e MRd,steel line corresponds to class 3, 2 and 1 bending moment resistance of the tee section.
Fig 6: MEd MRd evolution in the opening. REALISATION OF A 17 M SPAN COMPOSITE BEAM TEST AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LIGE Test parameters In order to simulate the distributed load, four point loads were placed on the beam (Fig 7).
Fig 8: SAFIR - geometric properties (pointed load). e test shows that the measured results are in accordance with the numerical simulations performed with the SAFIR software (Fig 9). THE SINGAPORE ENGINEER Aug 2008 15
Structural Engineering
[3] Large Web Openings for Service Integration in Composite Floors CEC 7210-PR315. [4] Properties and strength of castellated beams. Consideration of previous tests, Report D GE 71/262, e United Steel Companies Ltd, Swinden Laboratories, Rotherham, (1957). [5] Gibson & Jenkins, e Structural Engineer, 35 (12), (1957) pp 467-479. [6] Sherbourne, Proc 2nd Commonwealth Welding Conference, Institute of Welding, London, C2 (1966) pp 1-5. [7] R. Delesques : Stabilit des montants de poutres ajoures, revue Construction mtallique n3 - 1968, CTICM, 1968, p 26-33. [8] A. Bazile et J Texier, Essais de poutres ajoures, revue Construction mtallique n3-1968, CTICM, 1968, p12-25. [9] Hosain & Speirs, J. American Welding Society, Welding Res Supp, 52 (8), (1973) pp329-342. [10] Mandel et al, J Structural Division, ASCE, 97 (ST7), (1971) pp1947-1967. [11] Shoukry, J American Welding Society, Welding Res Supp, 44 (5), (1965) pp231- 240. [12] RG Redwood, Analyse et dimensionnement des poutres ayant des ouvertures dans les mes, revue Construction mtallique n3-1978, CTICM, 1978, p15-27. [13] D. Mateesco et G. Mercea, Un nouveau type de poutres ajoures, revue Construction Mtallique, n3-1981, CTICM, 1981, p 3-14. [14] D. Bitar, T Demarco, P O Martin, Steel and non composite cellular beams Novel approach for design based on experimental studies and numerical investigations, brochure EUROSTEEL, June 2005. [15] Large web Openings for service integration in composite oor, ECSC contract 7210-PR-315, 2004. [16] Eurocode 3 : Design of steel structures - Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings. N 1993-1-1. European Committee for Standardisation. [17] Finite Element Software SAFIR edited by the University of Lige, Belgium.
Fig 9: Comparison of test results and numerical simulation using SAFIR. CONCLUSIONS An optimal and aesthetic cutting shape was developed and a complete range of new sections was designed. e ANGELINA beam has been patented by ArcelorMittal Commercial Sections SA and is being marketed by the company. e new section has been optimised for multi-storey oce buildings. By integrating the services within the height of the beam, the ANGELINA beam enables, for example, eight levels to be created in a building, where only seven levels would have been normally possible. In recognition of its innovative characteristics, ANGELINA received a Golden Design Trophy at BATIMAT 2007, the building and construction exhibition in Paris. is trophy acknowledges the close collaboration between architect and industry, as well as the innovative aspects of the product. ANGELINA combines architectural vision with the desire of clients and engineers, for exibility and material optimisation. REFERENCES [1] ARBED Cellular Beams Descriptif Technique Dtaill, 2002. [2] ACB Design optimisation Web-Post Buckling, CTICM report n7.013-08, 2003.