Article in Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) · July 2015
DOI: 10.13031/trans.58.11004
29 4,721
2 authors, including:
Sagar Dhakal
United States Department of Agriculture
All content following this page was uploaded by Sagar Dhakal on 10 February 2016.
ABSTRACT. Meat and meat products are closely associated with the daily eating habits of people around the world.
Quality monitoring of meat and meat products is essential to ensure public health. In recent years, the meat industry has
employed state-of-the art, high-speed processing technology, and meat processors need rapid, non-destructive, easy-to-
use technology to monitor the safety and quality of meats and meat products for economic benefit. Optical technology has
been gaining importance in research and industrial applications for real-time, non-destructive, accurate measurement of
the quality attributes of meat and meat products. Hyperspectral imaging, multispectral imaging, visible-near-infrared
(Vis/NIR) spectroscopy, and machine vision are used in research and industry for detection of the physical, chemical, sen-
sory, and microbiological attributes of meat and meat products. These optical technologies have shown potential for ac-
curate detection of individual attributes as well as multiple attributes simultaneously. This article reviews these optical
technologies for detecting the quality attributes of meat (especially beef, pork, lamb, and poultry). This article also dis-
cusses the prevailing challenges for practical application of optical technologies and future research prospects.
Keywords. Industrial application, Meat, Non-destructive, Optical technology, Rapid, Real-time.
conomic development has lifted the living stand- Chemical attributes are responsible for the nutritional value
ards of people around the world. Along with im- of meat. Microbiological organisms, such as bacterial con-
proved living standards, the meat industry has tamination, present a safety hazard in meat and are respon-
seen a massively increased demand for meat and sible for spoilage. Sensory attributes, such as color, smell,
meat products. Meat and meat products have become an flavor, and tenderness, directly influence the purchasing
important part of the daily diet for people around the world. decisions of consumers, as they provide the first impression
It has been reported that, over the past 50 years, global of meat quality.
meat consumption has quadrupled from 70 million tons in The above-mentioned attributes determine the overall
1961 to 283 million tons in 2011 (Tao and Peng, 2014). quality of meat. However, these attributes are mainly ap-
With growing consumption of meat and meat products, the plied to red meat and represent the quality of poultry meat
public has become more conscious of meat quality attrib- to a lesser extent. In poultry, fecal matter and ingesta are
utes. Meat quality is thus one of the important factors that the primary sources of carcass contamination by microbial
contribute to meat prices and to the purchasing decisions of pathogens. Physicochemical, biochemical, and microbio-
consumers. logical properties, including moisture content, water activi-
Meat quality can be defined as a measurement of the pa- ty, pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), and bacterial
rameters, attributes, and characteristics that determine the contamination, determine the freshness of chicken meat.
suitability for consumption of fresh or stored meat without Hence, it can be concluded that the quality attributes of
any deterioration for a certain period of time (ElMasry et meat can be broadly classified into the four categories re-
al., 2012b). Meat quality includes physical qualities, chem- gardless of the type of meat (fig. 1).
ical composition and nutritional content, microbiological Meat quality is influenced by many factors, from animal
organisms in the meat, and sensory attributes, as shown in breeding, growth, and slaughter, to packaging, storage, and
figure 1. Physical qualities include factors such as marbling transportation, and finally to cooking. This means that meat
and water-holding capacity (WHC). Chemical composition
and nutritional content, such as protein, fat, calcium, and Meat Quality
moisture content, represent the chemical attributes of meat.
to manipulation of the packaging material. Packaged meat spoilage during storage and transport. Hence, there is an
products are susceptible to contamination before packaging urgent need for technology that can monitor the quality
and due to the packaging material, and are thus prone to attributes of packaged meat products.
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