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Drug Study Qi

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DRUG STUDY Drugs Name Generic/ Brand Generic Name: - Gliclazide MR Classification/ Action Oral hypoglycemic/ antidiabetic.

Dosage 30g 1tab OD Indication Non-insulin dependent diabetes (type 2), in association with dietary measures and with exercise, when these measures alone are not sufficient. Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities Should be taken with food (Take w/ meals. Swallow whole, do not chew/crush.).

Allergy to Hypoglycemic gliclazide manifestations Diabetes (sweating, Brand Name: requiring pallor, intense - Diamicron MR Control of blood treatment with hunger, glucose in people insulin or malaise), with type 2 insulinUrticaria, diabetes dependent itching, skin Increases the diabetes (type rash. Nausea, amount of insulin 1); ketoacidosis, diarrhea, released by the diabetic stomach upsets, pancreas and helps precoma, severe constipation, the body use liver or kidney hepatitis insulin more disease, efficiently. treatment with miconazole. Analysis and Interpretation: Client has a history of diabetes and needs to take this drug to control the glucose in blood. Client is not contraindicated with the medication and no side effects experience. Generic Name: Antibacterial 750mg Pharyngitis, Hypersensitive Phlebitis, Take with food. - Cefuroxime q8 ANST (-) tonsillitis, to drug. thrombophlebiti Axetil Second-generation infections of the snausea, May be crushed if - Cefuroxime cephalosporin that urinary and anorexia, swallowing is a Sodium inhibits cell-wall lower vomiting, difficulty. synthesis, respiratory diarrheatransien Brand Name: promoting osmotic tracts, and skin t neutropenia, May be dissolved - Ceftin instability; usually and skineosinophilia, in small amounts - Zinacef bactericidal. structure hemolytic of apple, orange infections anemia, or grape juice, caused by thrombocytope even chocolate

Streptococcus niaerythematou milk. However, pneumoniae s rashes, drugs bitter taste and S. urticaria, is difficult to pyogenes, pain,hypersensi mask even with Haemophillus tivity reactions, food. influenzae, serum sickness, Staphylococcus anaphylaxis. aureus, Escherichia coli, Moraxella catarrhalis Analysis and Interpretation: Client was diagnosed with TB and pneumonia thus requiring him to take this antibiotic to cell wall synthesis. Client is not contraindicate with the medication and does not encounter any side effects. Generic Name: Macrolide 1tab x 7 days Treatment of Contraindicated Dizziness, Do not cut or - Clarithromycin antibiotic BID upper with headache, crush, and ensure respiratory hypersensitivity vertigo, that patient does Brand Name: Inhibits protein infections to somnolence, not chew ER - Biaxin synthesis in caused by S. clarithromycin, fatigue, tablets. - Biaxin XL susceptible pyogenes, S. erythromycin, or Diarrhea, bacteria, causing pneumoniae any macrolide abdominal pain, Monitor patient cell death. Treatment of antibiotic. nausea, for anticipated lower dyspepsia, response. respiratory flatulence, infections vomiting, Administer caused by melena, without regard to Mycoplasma pseudomembra meals; administer pneumoniae, S. nous colitis, with food if GI pneumoniae, H. Superinfections effects occur. influenzae, M. , increased PT, catarrhalis decreased WBC Analysis and Interpretation: Client was diagnosed with TB and pneumonia that requires him to take antibiotic to inhibit protein synthesis of the bacteria that would cause cell death. Client is not contraindicated with the medication and does not experience any symptoms of side effects.

Assess cough type and Act centrally (on frequency brain, and Monitor the Brand Name: specifically the adverse reactions - Sinecod Forte vagus nerve) or Assess patients locally (on the VS respiratory tract) to Instruct patient to suppress the cough cough effectively, reflex sit upright and take several deep breaths before attempting Analysis and Interpretation: This drug is indicated for acute cough. Client experiences coughing requiring him to take this drug. Client is not contraindicated and does not experience side effects of the medication. Generic Name: Mucolytic Agent 600g Mucolytic Contraindicated Nausea, Take with food. - Nausil 1 tab OD Adjuvant therapy with rhinorrhea, - Acetylcysteine Exerts mucolytic X 5 days for abnormal, hypersensitivity bronchospasm Administer the ff action through its viscid, or to especially in drugs separately Brand Name: free sulfhydryl inspissated acetylcysteine; asthmatics,stomat because they are - Fluimucil group which mucussecretion in use cautionand itis,and incompatible with opensup the acute and chronic discontinue if urticaria acetylcysteine: disulfide bonds in bronchopulmonar bronchospasm tetracyclines, the mucoproteins y occurs. hydrogen thus lowering disease(pneumon peroxide, trypsin. mucous viscosity. ia,asthma,TB) Inform patient that nebulization may produce an initial disagreeable odor, but will soon disappear

Generic Name: - Butamirate Citrate


1 tab TID

Acute cough of any etiology. Pre and Post op cough sodation for surgical procedures and bronchoscopy

Hypersensitivity to drug

Dizziness. Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. Skin rash

Analysis and Interpretation: Client has a pneumonia requiring him to take mucolytic drug to loosen and help him expectorate secretions. Client is not hypersensitive to the drug and does not experience any side effects. Generic name: Analgesia, 300g IVP Fever, Relief of Contraindicated Cramping, Can be given - Paracetamol Antipyresis > 38.5PRN mild to with heartburn, without regards to moderate pain hypersensitivity abdominal meals. Brand Name: Inhibits like headaches, distention can Tablets can be - Aeknil, prostaglandin muscular aches be experienced. crushed. - Biogesic, synthesis in the and pain, On a rarity, Assess - Calpol, CNS and blocks toothache, hypersensitivity temperature - Neo-kiddielets, the pain impulse colds, earache, reactions. directly before - Tempra through a fever due to and 1 hour after peripheral action. tonsillectomy, giving It acts on the inoculations, medication. hypothalamic heatand Evaluate for regulating center, vaccinations. therapeutic producing response: relief of peripheral pain, stiffness, vasodilation. It swelling; results in increasing in joint antipyresis and mobility; reduced produces analgesic joint tenderness; effect. improve grip strength. Analysis and Interpretation: Client experiences elevation of his body temperature because of respiratory infection thus requiring him to take this antipyretic drug. Client is not hypersensitive to the drug and does not feel any side effects of the medication.

NURSING CARE PLAN Cues/ Assessment Subjective: -c/c: difficulty of breathing Objective: -Ineffective cough -crackles -dyspnea -use of accessory muscles -restless V/s: Temp -37.7 C Pulse rate -110bpm Resp. rate -34cpm BP -140/80 mmHg Nursing Diagnosis Ineffective airway clearance related to retained secretions as evidence by crackles Analysis A chronic or acute infection in the lungs caused by a bacterium is known as tuberculosis or TB, it is one of the most common diseases in the world. The species of bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculae causes tuberculosis, untreated and long term infection results in the death of the affected individual. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs. Normally physical symptoms include the presence of a subtle fever, physical malaise and a sudden Goals & Objectives Goal: --After 8hrs. of nursing intervention client will improve airway and clear secretions. Objectives: Short term >Client will be >Assess able to sustain respiratory rate. respiratory rate within normal range 12-24 cpm >Display decreasing amount of secretions >Note chest movement and use of accessory muscle during respiration. Interventions Rationale Evaluation

--Client improved airway and clear secretions. Y__ N__?

>For baseline data.

Client sustained respiratory rate within normal range 12-24 cpm Y__ N___? Display decreased amount of secretions Y__ N__?

>Auscultate breath sounds

>Use of accessory muscle during respiration may occur in response to ineffective ventilation. >Crackles indicate

weight loss in the person. TB patients are affected by the production of large amounts of mucus in the lungs, gradually coughing begins with the production of scanty sputum that which appears green, and has a pus-like consistency-later on, the mucus begins to obstruct respiration and full scale TB results. The presence of a bloody cough, constant pain in the walls of the chest and a shortness of breath are the usual and most obvious signs of tuberculosis. The initial stage of bacterial infection normally begins in

and assess air movement

>Document respiration, secretion, character and amount of sputum. > Encourage deep breathing > Suction naso/ tracheal/ oral PRN >Allay restlessness >Position to moderate high back rest >Keep environment allergen free

accumulation of secretions and inability to clear airways. >expectorations maybe different when secretion are very thick.

>loosen secretions. >Maintain and clear airway.

>For lung expansion

>Relieve restlessness Y__ N__?

Long term: --During the clients stay at the hospital he will be able to maintain patent airway as evidence by:

-- During the clients stay at the hospital the client maintained patent airway Y__ N__?

the lower-middle part of the lungs, over time this infection spreads out via the lymphatic system to other organs in the body of the person. A small area of inflammation develops in the lungs in about 4 to 10 weeks of continuous illness. At this juncture, a small bacterial growth begins to affect the capacity of the immune system-it begins to weaken as a result of this problem. Reference: Herbs2000.com

>Normal respiration and absence of abnormal breath sounds (crackles).

>Auscultate breath sounds and assess air movement

>To ascertain status and note progress.

> Normal respiration and absence of abnormal breath sounds (crackles). Y__ N__? >Normal breathing pattern of 12-24cpm Y__ N__? >Absence of bronchial secretions Y__N__?

>Normal >Check for breathing pattern obstruction, of 12-24cpm accumulation of secretions. >Absence of bronchial secretions. > Increase fluid intake >Administer Expectorant/ brochodilator as ordered by the physician.

>To check for improvement of condition.

>Hydration helps liquefy secretion. >Improve secretion clearance and improve respiratory function. >To reduce fatigue.

>Relieve restlessness

>Provide rest and limit activities to level of respiratory tolerance.

Relieve restlessness Y__ N__?

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