MathematicsF3 T1 Ms
MathematicsF3 T1 Ms
MathematicsF3 T1 Ms
Types of Marks
M(ethod) marks are awarded for knowing a correct method of solution and attempting to
apply it. Method marks cannot be lost for arithmetic mistakes. They can only be awarded if
the method used would have led to the correct answer had not an arithmetic mistake been
made. In general a correct method is implied by a correct answer and therefore when a
correct answer is given and no work is shown, no method marks are lost.
A(ccuracy) marks are given for correct answer only (c.a.o.) Incorrect answers, even though
nearly correct, score no marks. Accuracy marks are also awarded for incorrect answers
which are correctly followed through (f.t.) from an incorrect previous answer, provided
that f.t. is indicated in the mark scheme. No method (M) or accuracy (A) marks are
awarded when a wrong method leads to a correct answer.
B marks are accuracy marks awarded for specific results or statements independent of the
method used.
M marks can still be earned (unless that part of the question is trivialized) but the final A marks
are lost.
In general, missing or inaccurate units are not penalised unless otherwise indicated in the mark
Incorrect working or statements following a correct answer are ignored.
Marks are not sub-divisible; no half marks may be awarded.
Other abbreviations used:
o o.e. (or equivalent)
o e.e.o.o. (each error or omission)
Markers are advised to indicate the M, A or B marks awarded in the body of the script and
then write their total in the margin. The total mark for each question should be written in
the table included at the top of page 1 of the main paper. This measure facilitates the
moderation of papers.
Quest. Requirements Mark Additional Guidance Tot
i) 90 B1
ii) 2 B1
1. 3
b) 400 B1
i) B1
2. a)
5 4 9
ii) M1 A1 4
10 10 10
1 4
b) ,
2 8 B1 (both correct)
a) B1
3. 2
b) 14 B1
i) –1 B1
ii) 4 + 5 = 9 B1
4. 3
b) 23 – 2 = 21 B1
100 + 92 + 81 = 273 M1
5. 2
360 – 273 = 87 A1
a) True B1
8. b) False B1 3
c) True B1
a) 11 B1
9. 3
Any correct solution such as:
b) B2
1 and 3 or 3 and 2
3 1 A1
=6=2 4
b) 6 3
− 10 M1
= 10 A1
2. a) 20 B1
b) 68 B1
3. a) B3 –1 e.e.o.o.
b) 13 B1
c) 10 × 2 – 1 M1
19 A1
4. a) i) 2 B1
ii) Mdina B1
b) 2 hours + 2 hours = 4 hours M1 5
6 km/h × 4 hours M1
24 km A1
B4 B1 for each correct matching 4
6. a) 360° ÷ 5 M1
= 72 A1
b) 360° ÷ 8 = 45° B1
M1 Constructing one 45° angle
M1 Constructing four 45° angles
A1 Fully correct answer
c) 60 B1
d) 76 – 11 M1
= 65 A1
e) This mark is above the median and A1 Accept other valid explanations
above the mean
10. a) 7a + 8b B2 1 mark for each term
b) 3(3x + y) B2 1 mark for each factor
c) 3(2) + 5(3) – 3(4) M1
6 + 15 – 12 M1
=9 A1
d) 6x – 12y B1
11. a) half (or 30 minutes), eight B2
b) 40 B1
12. a) 30 B1
b) 49 B1
c) 2 B1
d) 180 B1
e) 6 B1
f) 80 B1
13. 200 °C 2355 m –5 m –8°C B4 4
14. a) 50 + 20 = 70 M1
70 – 100 M1
–30 A1 5
b) 8 – –4 M1 Seen or implied
12 A1