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JULY 2004
JULY 2004

World’s #1 Knife Publication

What To Do With
Your $400
$400 Knife

The BLADE Show:

Why It’s The
The Best

NEW, SHARP $4.99 U.S.A. $6.99 CAN.

Factory Knives
0 71486 50251 7

BladeCVR704.indd 1 4/9/04 7:12:43 PM

989849_BL.qxd 4/9/04 4:01 PM Page 1


It’s back! Back for a return engagement. W.R. Case and Sons presents the 2004
Case Brothers Candy Stripe Celluloid series. This special family of knives feature
a distinctive Candy Stripe Celluloid handle, historic badge shield, Case Brothers tang stamp and Tru-Sharp™ surgical
steel blades. Available in nine popular patterns, each knife comes packaged in a special Case Brothers tin. Only 500 pieces
of each knife will be produced. These knives won’t last long! Order early!

N E20W

9399 Total
82 99
500 Pieces
of Each
#5317 (R1111⁄2LSS) #5321 (R383WHSS)
• Candy Stripe Celluloid Handle • Candy Stripe Celluloid Handle
• Case Brothers Tang Stamp • Case Brothers Tang Stamp
• Clip Blade • Clip, Short Clip and Pen Blades
• 43⁄8" closed • 31⁄2" closed
• Mfg. List $134.00 • Mfg. List $118.00

$ 99
#5319 (R254SS)
#5323 (R220SS)
• Candy Stripe Celluloid Handle
$ 99
• Candy Stripe Celluloid Handle
• Case Brothers Tang Stamp • Case Brothers Tang Stamp
• Clip and Spey Blades • Clip and Pen Blades
• 41⁄8" closed • 27⁄8" closed
• Mfg. List $108.00 • Mfg. List $94.00


5316 (R215SS) Gunstock . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 . . . . . .$69.99
5318 (R4052SS) Congress . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$120.00 . . . . . .$83.99
5320 (R2130SS) Large Gunstock . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$120.00 . . . . . .$83.99
5322 (R1265LCSS) Mid Folding Hunter ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$139.70 . . . . . .$97.99
5324 (R347SS) Medium Stockman .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$108.00 . . . . . .$75.99


TOLL FREE • 7 DAYS A WEEK 8-8 • We’re on the Web!!! www.casexx.com & www.shepherdhillscutlery.com
Home Office: Lebanon, MO
Additional Locations Include: Osage Beach, MO • Branson, MO • Eddyville, KY • Gretna, NE • Tunica, MS • Nashville, TN • Dallas, TX
989947_BL.qxd 4/12/04 10:39 AM Page 1

call fo
r your
cata log
LENGTH: 3.5”
3.5” HANDLE:
LENGTH: 8.75”`
8.75”` PLUNGE


M.O.D. Tactical Knives

4850 Brookside Court
Norfolk, VA U.S.A. 23502
©BlackHawk® Products Group™
800.694-5263 • FAX 888.830.2013
July 2004


12 Hotter Than the Rising Sun
Latch onto one of the latest long Japanese swords. By Mike Haskew

20 The Year of The Factory Knife? Part II

Check out the latest and sharpest in today’s production pieces. By Steve Shackleford

28 Historically Accurate at a Laid-Back Pace

If you like premier period bowies, you’ll like Ken Durham. By B.R. Hughes
32 What Do You Do With a $400 Knife?
In case you ever wondered … By Dexter Ewing

40 How To Mirror Polish a Blade

What you can achieve is close to perfect but not quite. By Bill Herndon

46 An Ultra-Rare Bird
Less than 50 Randall Starflights are still “winging it.” By Pete Hamilton

50 Grade “A” Abrade

Consider the latest sharpeners for the field, camp and home. By Durwood Hollis

60 A Knifemaker’s Dream Comes True Part I

Feel the challenge of building a new knife shop. By Ed Fowler
82 How to Forge from a Wheelchair
The author experiments in forging from the sitting position. By Wayne Goddard

88 The Be-All, End-All BLADE Show

Enjoy behind-the-scenes stories of BLADE Shows past. By Joe Kertzman

96 Captain Crunch
Bruce Gillespie’s fancy field knife will keep you a-cuttin’ and a-grinnin’.
By MSG Kim Breed

100 Confessions of a Handmade Knife

Collector Part II
Learn some keys to identifying the handmades to have. By Dan Magrino

28 108 The Good Knife People

Pro-Tech offers top automatics—and much more. By Mike Haskew

4 / BLADE JULY 2004

Contents.indd 4 4/12/04 9:31:20 AM


—a collaboration between
legendary outdoorsman
and tracker Tom
Brown and the
world-renowned 2003 Tom
In early 2003 Tom
William Henry Knife senior staff
Brown and his senior staff
Studio. at Tracker School
School visited
and requested
William Henry Knives and requested
to their
a special knife be built to their standards
Contact the William Henry Studio or
the Quest
of performance – a year later the Quest
BLADE the Tracker School to get your own
Quest – limited production was born. This knife is the every
every day
day carry

SPOTLIGHT available starting April 2004

tool of Tom Brown and his senior staff.

6 Readers Respond
7 Cover Story
10 Unsheathed w w w. w i l l i a m h e n r y k n i v e s . c o m
18 The Knife I Carry 831.454.9409 orders only 888.563.4500
38 Your Knife Rights
58 Where To Net ‘Em
59 Next In BLADE®
67 BLADE Shoppe
76 BLADE List
76 Classified Ads
77 Ad Index
78 What’s New
80 Knifemaker Showcase
86 Handmade Gallery
98 Show Calendar
105 Where To Get ‘Em
106 Father’s Day Knives
114 Hot Handmade


JULY 2004 BLADE / 5

Contents.indd 5 4/12/04 9:31:42 AM

readers respondrespond
This Is Your Column! And we want to know what you think. to: %/$'(, P.O. Box 789, Ooltewah, TN 37363-0789, or visit
Do you like what you’ve read in %/$'(Š? Do you have a our Web site: www.blademag.com or e-mail: blademagazine@
complaint? A suggestion? An opinion you’d like to share with krause.com. We reserve the right to edit your comments to fit
the largest knife audience in the world? Mail your comments the space available.

The Knives of Matt Helm

the knives I wanted had been “pulled” but
LETTER OF THE MONTH couldn’t determine whether they had. He
F irst, a very belated thank you for
printing my submission in “The Knife
suggested that I place another order. One of
I Carry” section in the May 2003 BLADE .
The Tru-Balance Bowie-Ax Bolo I was
R ecently, during one of Randall Made
Knives’ “stock sales” in which the
company takes telephone orders on a first-
the knives I originally wanted was no longer
available, so I ordered a substitute. Though
somewhat disappointed, I felt lucky to have
shown holding also made a big hit with come basis, the following occurred. gotten two Randall knives. After telling my
Steve McEvoy of Tru-Balance Knives and After 45 minutes of intense dialing, my wife the story, I left to run some errands.
Bobby Branton, president of the American call to the shop was finally answered with About half an hour later my cell phone
Knife Throwers Alliance. a pleasant, “Randall Knives. What are you rang. My wife asked, “Who do you think I
Now, there’s always something that really interested in?” Knowing the staff would be just talked to?” When I replied I had no idea,
sparks my interest in every issue of BLADE. busy, I was prepared. she laughed and said, “Mr. Gary Randall!”
Lately, it’s been the W.R. Case Mid-Folding “I would like a Model 21.” It seems Mr. Randall was the original “order
Hunter that occasionally appears in Case’s “We have that in stock. What else would taker.” When the call was lost, he placed
ad on the inside back cover of BLADE. you like?” the knives to the side, just in case I called
That Case folder and other “flick knives” “A Model 8.” back. The person who answered my second
caused me to contemplate Matt Helm, the “We can handle that too. Please hold on call was Mr. Michael Randall, Gary’s son.
fictional American blue-collar secret agent while I pull the items.” Later, he relayed the incident I had reported
who made James Bond look like a sissy “Sure!” to him to his father, and you know the rest
by comparison. For the uninitiated, unlike Then the phone made a maddening of the story. Mr. Randall informed my wife
the silly but entertaining Dean Martin ‘60s series of beeping noises that I knew meant that I would be getting my original order of
movies, the spy novels by Donald Hamilton the connection had been lost. I also knew knives. That, of course, made my day.
featured a deadly, no-nonsense Helm. that the person on the other end of the line In today’s business world of recorded
And, wonder of wonders, Helm’s primary didn’t know my name nor had any of my messages, automated answering machines
weapon was a knife, a folder. Initially, he contact information. Totally devastated, I and customer-no-service, I would hope that
carried a medium-large, German-made began the task of redialing. all who read this have a better understanding
jackknife with a big blade that locked. After 25 minutes of busy signals, I got of one of the reasons why Randall Made
After years of ownership and practice, Matt through again, though to a different person, Knives “keeps rolling along.”
could very quickly manipulate the opening to whom I explained the situation. The very Of course, having knives that are
process one handed. Oddly enough, the lock sympathetic individual said that the phones unequaled in quality doesn’t hurt either.
was released by pressing down on the still- got so overloaded that such problems
closed small blade—an ingenious device sometimes occurred. He checked to see if H.S. Wardell, Oxford, Georgia
that may have existed only in the mind of
Helm’s creator.
Sadly, Helm’s prized knife, a World War Years after his military discharge, a securely tie up a determined opponent
II souvenir, was soon taken from him and its series of bizarre incidents forced him back meant that he’d just have to deal with the
blades snapped off when he was briefly held into service. The updated Helm occasionally opponent later—that is, if he was lucky.
captive by the opposition. Helm replaced the had to dump his weapons to keep his cover Though dated, the Matt Helm novels
destroyed treasure with a Buck lockback, from being blown—an occupational hazard still read well, and Helm would’ve loved the
which became a recurring favorite—partly that didn’t bother him much, since his outfit current crop of one-hand knives with their
because it was easy to obtain but mostly replaced the lost revolvers. Besides, the clip-on capabilities.
because, like his original folder, it could be Buck folders were inexpensive.
brought into action with one hand. Hamilton’s fondness for writing his Bill Cantey, Charleston, South Carolina
Helm went through a variety of knives, novels in the first person gave his readers
including a briefly owned push-button keen insight into Helm’s mindset. The gritty
automatic. Once he even grabbed and threw and determined Helm was acutely aware BLADE In Malaysia
two kitchen knives when he was unarmed that carrying and using an edged weapon
and trapped in a strange apartment.
Though Helm’s spy organization insisted
was considered “sinister and un-American”
by individuals both inside and outside his
line of business.
R ecently I saw BLADE at a couple of
the bookshops in Penang, Malaysia.
That’s great! The magazine is getting popu-
that he carry a small, snub-nosed, five-shot
revolver; his O.S.S. firearm of choice was However, getting the job done always lar here in Malaysia, so it’s on newsstands
a Colt Woodsman .22 caliber automatic came first, and he would not risk injuring on a regular basis.
pistol. He appreciated its light report and its his hands in a fistfight. Besides, knocking
ability to carry more ammunition. Besides, people out and expecting them to remain Nawfal Nur, a letter from the Internet
he favored head shots anyway. conveniently unconscious was movie and
television nonsense. Also, taking time to
6 / BLADE JULY 2004


cover cover story


S porting a desert-tan blade and handle,

the new Desert Cruiser from Colum-
bia River Knife & Tool is colored to
OF 600

“blend like a chameleon into the desert A PREMIER COLLECTOR SERIES FEATURING:
realm.” • Sterling Silver Keystone Shields
Designed by Jim Hammond, the
• Golden Age Jigged Bone Handles E
flipper folder has a clip-point blade of
titanium-nitride-coated AUS-8 stainless • Mastodon Ivory Office Knife
steel and a textured Zytel® handle radi- • 2003 Keystone Display Case
used and contoured for a comfortable, • Mirror Polished 420 H.C. Stainless Blades
secure grip. Completing the latter is an at 56/57 Rockwell C-Scale
index finger groove and rounded parrot’s • Limited Production of 600 For Each Pattern
beak butt.
When engaged, a Lake And Walker • Fully Hand Hafted
Knife Safety (LAWKS) keeps the blade • Traditional Finish
locked in the open position. A paddle-
style pocket clip is attachable in four D
positions: tip up or tip down, left or right.
Weight: 6.1 ounces. Closed length: 5 C
1/4 inches. Two of the Teflon®-plated
clips, their hardware and a Torx® tool are
included. MSRP: $79.99. Available: Now.
For more on the Desert Cruiser
contact CRKT, attn: R. Bremer, Dept.
BL7, 9720 SW Hillman Ct., Ste. 805,
Wilsonville, OR 97070 503.685.5015
w w w. c r k t . c o m . Fo r m o r e o n t h e
Hammond design and other of the latest
factory knives for 2004, see the story on
page 20.
The cover photo is by Bob Best.


A. 122221 3 1/4” Equal end senator pattern with ancient woody mammoth
Ivory handles and “Office Knife” lasered design. MSRP $197.54
B. 042169 3 1/2” Two blade Barlow with signature bolsters & clip point
master blade. MSRP $130.54
C. 042196 3 5/8” Physicians knife with clip point master blade & spatula blade.
MSRP $129.62
D. 043299 3 1/2” Equal end Split back spring whittler with lined and pinched
bolsters and spear point master blade. MSRP $153.38
E. 041131 4 1/2” Mountain Man folding lockback hunter with clip point
master blade and lanyard tube. MSRP $137.42
F. 042213 4 1/2” Wildcat Driller two blade sleeveboard with spear point
master blade. MSRP $167.38

QUEEN CUTLERY CO. PO Box 500 Franklinville, NY 14737

Phone 800-222-5233 Fax 800-299-2618 Email: salesOKC@aol.com
JULY 2004 BLADE / 7

CoverStory.indd 2 4/12/04 9:53:28 AM

Vol. XXXI, No. 7, July 2004

Publishers Of

And Cutlery Retailer

Divisional Publisher
Managing Editor
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Advertising Sales
800-272-5233; FOR AD UPLOAD: HTTP:

Photo by Shelby Chan

Advertising Assistant
Art Director
Graphic Designer
Field Editors
e-mail address
Web address
Subscription Services
(715) 445-3775 EXT. 257
BLADE® (ISSN 1064-5853) is published monthly, including the direc-
tory and calendar issues, by Krause Publicatons, Inc., 700 E. State St.,
Iola, WI 54990. Periodical postage paid at Iola, WI 54945 and additional
mailing offices. Canadian Agreement Number: 40665675. Subscription
price is 1 year for $25.98; 2 years for $43.98; 3 years for $60.98 in the
U.S. and possessions. Foreign subscriptions, including Canada and
Mexico, twelve issues for $52.98. Copyright 2004 by Krause Publica-
tions, Inc. All rights reserved except where expressly waived. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to BLADE, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI
54945. Editorial contributions should be mailed to Blade Magazine, 700
E. State St., Iola, WI 54990-0001 and must be accompanied by return
postage. We assume NO responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited
material. Any material accepted is subject to such revisions as necessary
in our sole discretion to meet the requirements of this publication. Upon
acceptance, payment will be made at our current rate, which covers
all author’s and/or contributor’s rights, title and interest in and to the
material mailed, including but not limited to photos, drawings, charts
and designs which shall be considered as text. The act of mailing or
delivering a manuscript and/or material shall constitute as expressed by
the contributor that the material is original, and in no way an infringe-
ment upon the rights of others. The views and opinions of authors or
advertisers, expressed or implied herein, are not necessarily those of the
publisher, editor, or Krause Publications and they assume no responsibil-
ity for views of authors or advertisers. The possession, transportation
and sale of certain types of knives is restricted or prohibited by federal,
state and local laws. BLADE and Krause Publications, Inc. rely upon the
fact that collectors, dealers, exhibitors, advertisers and manufacturers are
expected to know and comply with these regulations. Letters and ques-
tions to the editor: The act of mailing or delivering a letter or question
shall constitute permission to publish that letter or any portion unless
informed otherwise in that letter.

Printed in The United States

krause publications
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990-0001
Phone 715-445-2214 • Fax 715-445-4087

8 / BLADE JULY 2004

991152_BL.qxd 4/9/04 4:04 PM Page 1

By Steve Shackleford

If You’re “Jonesin’” for the

BLADE Show, the Cure Is Near!
know, some of you’ve got it bad—you’re center of the show hall so that you may 7) Saturday night is the annual BLADE
“Jonesin’” for the BLADE Show. But view most of the entries without having to Show Banquet, where the BLADE Magazine
never fear; your annual dose of the visit each individual booth; Knives-Of-The-Year and this year’s
world’s most anticipated knife event is mere 4) At around 6 p.m. Friday, the winners inductee into the Cutlery Hall Of Fame®
weeks away, June 4-6, at the Cobb Galleria of the BLADE Show handmade knife will be announced. Though the banquet is
Centre in Atlanta, Georgia. competition will be announced; by invitation only, it’s usually over by 8:30
To map out your BLADE Show strategy, 5) Be sure to check out The Pit on or so, at which time everyone is invited for
following is a heads-up on some things Friday evening. By 10 p.m. or so, it should an informal celebration in The Pit, where
to help make the entire experience a most be registering about a 10 on the Richter award winners, award participants and knife
rewarding one: scale; enthusiasts the world over will celebrate the
1) If you can’t wait until Friday for the 6) Saturday will be an all-out mega- most important night in knives;
show to begin, visit with the knifemakers, blade blitz. In addition to a feast of all that 8) When the show opens Sunday, the
knife collectors and other knife enthusiasts cuts, the show’s seminar schedule will be at winners of the Knife-Of-The-Year and
who begin to filter into the area surrounding full-tilt boogie, featuring both indoor and handmade knife competition awards from
“The Pit” of the host hotel, the Renaissance outdoor instructionals and demonstrations. the previous day will be posted at the show
Waverly, Thursday morning and afternoon. Among them will be seminars on cut ‘n entrance. Finally, after a full morning and
Later that evening and into early afternoon of seminars and
the wee hours, The Pit proper three-plus-days’ worth of knife
South Africa’s
should be rockin’ and rollin’ sales and purchases, everyone
Kevin and
with knife personages of all Heather Harvey will count their knives and
stripes; were among the money and go home, where
2) If you want VIP or international they will begin counting the
Early Bird passes, there are knifemakers days until the 2005 BLADE
only two ways to get them. of note who Show.
A VIP pass, which entitles attended last Of course, the preceding is
you to two-hour-early entry year’s BLADE but a bare-bones primer. Other
on Friday only and free Show, and are of the many show highlights
expected to do
entry during regular show will be previewed in complete
so again at this
hours for all three days, is year’s show detail next month in the August
available exclusively from June 4-6 at the BLADE.
show table holders or booth Cobb Galleria
exhibitors. You’ll have to ask Centre in Correction
the table holders or booth Atlanta, Georgia. In the June BLADE, it was
exhibitors for one of those. reported that, in addition to the
The Early Bird pass, which new Case saddlehorn trapper
entitles you to the two-hour- already in production, Tony
early entry on Friday only, Bose and Case also would be
costs $10 in addition to the shoot knife pistols; LiquidMetal; wire EDM collaborating on a saddlehorn
price of a standard ticket and will be on machines; what to look for in tactical and trapper more closely resembling Bose’s
sale at the main BLADE Show ticket booth high-end handmades; how to forge; knife actual handmade version. Instead, that
Friday morning. At noon Friday, the show throwing; bladesmithing for kids; how to collaboration will be on a muskrat in a
opens to VIP and Early Bird pass holders. grind; all about Randall knives; and many selection of handle materials. Tentative
At 2 p.m., it opens to the general public; more, topped off by the 2nd Annual ABS release date: summer-fall.
3) By 4 p.m. Friday, all entries in the World Cutting Championships pitting the
BLADE Magazine Knife-Of-The-Year winners of cutting competitions from six For more information on the BLADE
Awards® competition for production knives major sites leading up to the BLADE Show. Show, contact the show in care of Mary
should be on display at each participating The finalists will be John Fitch, Reggie Lutz, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54945
factory booth. In addition, for your Barker, Mike Bauer, Jerry Lairson and (715) 445-2214 lutzm@krause.com, and/
convenience, those factory booth exhibitors last year’s champion, Jim Crowell. The or blademagazine@krause.com, www.
who wish may also put duplicates of their alternate will be Charles Smale. The blademag.com and www.bladeshow.com.
entries in the special display area in the seminars are free to all show ticket holders;
10 / BLADE JULY 2004

989945_BL.qxd 4/9/04 11:14 AM Page 1


Tactical Knives for...

• Police and Public Service
• Personnel Service
• Utility and Durability
SW108, MK I Tanto, Plain $49.99
High carbon steel Tanto-style blades take an edge quickly and
hold it well. Folders feature thumb studs for one-handed,
ambidextrous operation. Knives are assembled with Torx
fasteners for easy maintenance. All knives except the MK-IV
feature removable deep-draw pocket clips for instant access. A
fine finish and subdued black color make the line a favorite with
SW110, MK I Tanto, Serrated $49.99 Public Service professionals as well as serious civilians.


• Anodized aluminum handles with rubber grip inserts
• Smooth opening side lock
• MK I: Hefty dimensions make this a fine, all-purpose knife.
Specs: Overall- 8-1/2” • Closed- 4-3/4” • Blade- 3-3/4” x 1/16”
• MK II: Slightly smaller for easier carry/concealment.
SW113, MK II, Plain $49.99 Specs: Overall- 7-1/4” • Closed- 4” • Blade- 3-1/4” x 1/8”


• Frame lock folders utilize one side of the skeletonized carbon
steel frame as the locking mechanism with fixed-blade safety
• Milled thumbrest for positive control
SW114, MK II, Serrated $49.99
• Black powder-coated handle
• Black Teflon®-coated blade
• Specs: Overall- 8-1/2” • Closed- 4-3/4” • Blade- 3-5/8” x 1/8”


• Ideal, concealable backup weapon
• Sturdy chain is designed to break under undue pressure to
prevent choking
SW116, MK III,Plain $59.99 • Black fiber-reinforced nylon handle
• Black Teflon®-coated blade
• Fiber reinforced nylon sheath with positive click-stop retention
and built-in emergency whistle
• Specs: Overall- 6-7/8” • Blade- 3” x 0.10”

SW117, MK III,Combo $59.99

The legendary Gurkhas, renowned warriors from the Nepalese
Himalayas, served as mercenary warriors for the British crown as
late as World War II. Tales of their fearlessness in battle are still
told today, and the kukri, their weapon of choice for close quarters
combat, lives on, improved with modern steel and a grippy
Kraton® handle.
SW115, MK IV Skeletal Neck Knife $29.99 • Perfectly balanced for chopping, with deep belly for slicing, food
preparation or game skinning
• 1095 Carbon Steel full-tang blade
• Epoxy powder coated for corrosion resistance
• Kraton® handle with bird’s-beak pommel and lanyard
• Dimensions - 17” overall with 12” x 0.187” blade
• Weight - 2 lbs.
• Black Cordura® nylon belt sheath
• Made in the U.S.A. by Ontario Knife Company

See Your Local Knife Dealer or Call:

Spec Ops Knives
BQM, Ltd
PO Box 100001, Kennesaw, GA 30144-9217
Dealer & Distributor Inquiries Call:
Fax: 770-419-2895
SP2502, Combat Survival Kukri $59.99 E-mail: wholesale@brigadeqm.com
KKR01, Kukri Kydex Replacement Sheath $29.99
japanese swords
japanese swords

ABS master
smith Wally
Hayes says the
minimum length
for a katana blade
is about 21 inches,
and most of them fall
between 26-29 inches.
His interpretation here has
a 27-inch blade of cable da-
mascus. The hilt is a traditional
silk wrap over rayskin. Overall
length: 38 inches.
(PointSeven photo)

Iaiso Toshishiro Obata, a

member of the International
Shinkendo Federation, uses a
Phill Hartsfield
Hartsfield sword to cleave
four lengths of hard Chinese
bamboo cleanly in half. (photo
courtesy Phill Hartsfield)

By Mike Haskew

12 / BLADE JULY 2004

hey’re long, they’re beautiful and
people are buying both handmade and
factory renditions of them in record
numbers. Japanese-style swords have
been a mainstay of the cutlery industry
for many years, but the recent trend has
makers and manufacturers fi lling a void
in the availability of those with the great-
est overall length and longest blades.
ABS master smith Wally Hayes spe-
cializes in a Japanese line of handmade
knives and swords. He says the mini-
mum length for a katana blade is about
21 inches, and most of them fall between
26-29 inches. His longest effort was a
couple of years ago when he forged a 31-
inch blade.
“The proper length for an individual’s
blade is for the tip to be an inch off the
ground with the person’s elbow slightly
bent while holding the sword down,”
he commented. “I measure the sword
based on the height of the person holding
a broomstick with his or her elbow
slightly bent.”

“Hayes’ longest ef-

fort was a couple A 25-inch blade of 1050 carbon
steel, sterling silver fittings and a
traditional hilt of silk wrap over ray-
of years ago when skin highlight Scott Slobodian’s
katana. The scabbard is bird’s-eye
he forged a 31- zebrawood. (Slobodian photo)

inch blade.”
—the author

Wally’s list prices for his swords

range from $2,700-$7,500, depending on
the materials used. All his work is cus-
tom ordered, and the swordmaking pro-
cess itself is painstaking. He uses three
primary blade materials: 1050 tool steel
for his tactical katana, the Katana-Tac;
welded cable damascus folded in up to
1,600 layers; and carbonized, electro-
lytic iron folded and mixed with wrought
iron in up to 240,000 layers.
“I forge the blade to shape and then
grind in all my lines nice and clean,”
Hayes said. “For the tempering process,
I use fi re-brick mortar and put it on in
different patterns depending on the style
of temper line I’m doing. The quench is
then done in water or oil depending on
the blade steel.
“When I quench the 1050, that’s what
puts the curve in the blade. [The quench
also] produces the hard edge and the soft
back and the temper line in the transi-
tion zone, which is called the habuchi.
There are 200 different temper lines for
Japanese swords. Most of the time I use
gonume, which is a wavy line with little
bumps. My favorite and the hardest to do

JULY 2004 BLADE / 13

Ferocious bear
japanese swords
japanese swords
smells steaks
grilling on

According to swordmaker Anthony

DiCristofano, swords with blades
over 30 inches long are experienc-
ing a rebirth. David Goldberg’s im-
pressive piece boasts a 30 1/2-inch
blade and an overall length of 43
inches. (PointSeven photo)

188 Extreme

Are you ready? is choji, which [appears on the blade as] of the movie The Seven Samurai again
billowing clouds.” over a year ago,” he recalled, “and one
of the characters uses an over-large ka-
Super-Size Katana tana. During the feudal period in Japan,
Cold Steel President Lynn Thompson [such a large sword was] more common
acknowledges a response to his own than people think. It was carried by a
WWW.XIKAR.COM rekindled interest in the longest Japa- fair number of warriors for good reason.
nese-style swords. “I watched the DVD The taller and stronger warriors had the

14 / BLADE JULY 2004

Swords.indd 14 4/12/04 11:19:05 AM

989645_BL.qxd 4/5/04 8:46 PM Page 1



Each of these high quality knives feature the new innovative,

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to its full, locked position for you.

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Utility patent pending.

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HD0052BKNB and HD0052SLNB are each presented in an aluminum
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• CNC machined, 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum handle
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• Solid pewter skull logo handle shield
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an aluminum storage case.
• 4-3/8" closed length

1425 United Blvd. See our full line of Colt® and Harley-Davidson® knives at knife dealers worldwide. Dealer inquiries, call 1-800-548-0835 and
Sevierville, TN 37876 ask for Dept. BL7 or fax 865-428-2267. Visit our website at www.unitedcutlery.com. Exclusively from United® Cutlery Brands. ©2004 H-D. All rights reserved.
japanese swords
japanese swords The massive Ritter Steel Odachi Giant Samurai is 67
inches overall and is one of the newest swords from
Knight’s Edge. The long hilt of the Odachi and its 40-
inch blade allow it to be used in a number of different
stances. MSRP: $298.

advantage of extra reach, leverage, cut- Evolving Defi nition the pole was wrapped like a sword hilt,
ting power and weight to beat aside an Illinois swordmaker Anthony DiCris- and the word nagamaki literally means
opponent’s weapon.” tofano has been making Japanese-style ‘long wrap.’”
Cold Steel’s response to this catalyst pieces for the past decade. Like Hayes, he Anthony’s list prices for his swords
is the O Katana. A recent addition to tailors the sword length to the individual run from $2,500 for an unpolished naga-
Cold Steel’s Warrior Series, the O Kata- and says that the defi nition of a katana- maki to over $5,000 for a fully mounted
na features a whopping 36-inch blade of length blade has changed over time. katana with wrapped hilt, scabbard and
1050 high carbon steel and an impressive polished blade.
overall length of 49 inches. The 13-inch
samé, or rayskin, hilt is wrapped with Beyond The Mainstream
black braid cord, the weight is a hefty “We’re adapting “We push the limits,” asserts Knight’s
56 ounces, and the scabbard is black Edge President Marion Bastle. “Basi-
lacquered wood with a blue-violet cover swords that cally, our company doesn’t only do
bag. The manufacturer’s suggested retail the mainstream things. We want to
price (MSRP): $559.99. were made for show what was actually used in his-
“When you consider that the average torical times while also keeping the
16th-century Japanese person was 5’4” smaller people.” balance and the type of design that were
to 5’6” and today’s average American actually used.”
is 5’10”, we have much bigger people —Lynn Thompson The massive Ritter Steel Odachi Gi-
now,” Thompson observed. “The Japa- ant Samurai is 67 inches overall and is
nese sized their swords to their stature, one of the newest swords at Knight’s
and now, four centuries later, we’re “Some people look for a 26- or 27- Edge. The long grip of the Odachi and
adapting swords that were made for inch blade, and taller people are asking its 40-inch blade allow it to be used as a
smaller people.” for 29 or 30 inches, with the 30 inch be- pole weapon or in a number of different
In addition to the O Katana, the Cold ing common now,” he said. “When you stances. MSRP: $298.
Steel Warrior Katana is slightly lighter talk about the bigger blades, the fi rst “This is a beautiful sword with steel
at 40.6 ounces, with a 29 3/8-inch blade thing that comes to my mind is the naga- that has good temper, forged in a clay
and an overall length of 40 3/4 inches. maki, which has a blade around 32 inches pit in a double-walled process that re-
MSRP: $474.99. At an MSRP of $824.99, long and a tang that is at least 24 inches. tains constant temperatures,” Bastle ex-
the Cold Steel Imperial Katana sports The total length of the nagamaki is al- plained. “Each blade is made by hand.
a 1050 carbon steel blade that’s 29 3/8 most 5 feet, and it’s about three-eighths Both the hilt and scabbard are thick,
inches long and boasts a wrapped samé of an inch thick. That’s a pretty hefty braided brown leather, and the tsuba, or
hilt. Weight: 39.5 ounces. Overall length: piece. The tip is actually wider than the guard, is blackened steel.”
over 40 inches. base, so it’s almost the opposite of the Among the other large offerings from
katana and sometimes mounted on a Knight’s Edge is the Skull Katana, sport-
short pole about 4 feet long. Sometimes ing a 29-inch forged steel blade and an

The Cold Steel O Katana features a whopping 36-inch blade

of 1050 high carbon steel and is 49 inches overall. The 13-inch
samé, or rayskin, hilt is wrapped with black braid cord. Weight:
56 ounces. MSRP: $559.99.

16 / BLADE JULY 2004

overall length of 44 inches. The skull
motif is evident throughout, including
a hand-cast skull pommel and skull-
shaped tsuba. Cast pewter skulls are also
notable along the hilt and scabbard.
The Giant Braided Leather Samurai
and Black Braided Ninja Sword are two
other large Knight’s Edge offerings. The
Giant Samurai’s 54-inch overall length
and 40-inch high carbon steel blade are
impressive. MSRP: $236. The Ninja’s
carbon steel blade is 28 inches long, with
a 10-inch hilt and blackened steel tsuba.
The hilt is wrapped in braided black
leather. MSRP: $158.

“The 30-inch
blades are
common now.”

The rediscovered fascination with long
Japanese swords may just be gathering
steam. For those who appreciate them,
the swords offer a balance between art-
istry and function. If you’ve never ex-
perienced one, perhaps now is the time
to try.

For the contact information for the

swords in the story, see “Where To Get
‘Em” on page 105.

Other Long
Japanese Swords

I n addition to those in the story,

others who offer long Japanese
swords include: 888KnivesRUs;
Albion; Angel Sword; Atlanta Cut-
lery; Rick Barrett; Michael Bell;
Francis Boyd; Bugei Trading Co.;
C.A.S. Iberia/Paul Chen; Kevin
Cashen; Paul Champagne; Howard
Clark; Barry Dawson; Vince Evans;
Don Fogg; David Goldberg; Phill
Hartsfield; Anders Hogstrom; Mu-
seum Replicas; Ontario; Pro Cut; Ed
Schempp; Steve Schwarzer; David
Schlueter; Scott Slobodian; Sword
Armory; J.W. Townsend; United
Cutlery; and Yoshindo Yoshihara.
There are others.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 17

the knife i carry
the knife i carry

“I use Buck and Smith & Wesson knives at work as a

shipwright. When I’m off from work, as a concerned citi-
zen, I’m never without my Emerson Commanders with
the Wave feature. They’re faster than autos and I could
go on and on!”

—Jeremy Johnson, Roanoke Island, North Carolina

“I helped my dad with his display at the BLADE Show in Atlanta, so
he said I could choose a knife from one of the makers while I was
there. There were so many cool knives but the one I wanted was the

i n
Valkyre Alien. Tom Anderson made it. He explained all the parts
and how to work it but I already knew how because I have my own

collection, just like my dad. Everybody at my house likes knives. I
take my Alien everywhere except school. Sometimes I think it’s miss-
ing but that’s because my dad sneaks into my room and borrows it.”

—Robert Thomason, Denver, Colorado

“ From the moment I put on my pants until I take

them off at night, I carry a small Victorinox
four-blade knife with checkered aluminum scales.
It was a gift from a very close friend for my DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ DQHFGRWH 7U\ WR
participation in his wedding. He even had my LQFOXGH D VKDUS SKRWRJUDSK RI
name engraved in the blade. In no time at all my \RXDQG\RXUNQLIH:H·OOSXEOLVK
friend and I lost complete contact! I could swear \RXUFRPPHQWVLQDQXSFRPLQJ
I gave him a coin in return for the four blade. ´7KH .QLIH , &DUU\µ <RXU QDPH
Since then I have not given, nor have I received, ZLOO WKHQ EH HQWHUHG LQ D GUDZ
a knife. I work in a custom metal fab shop, so this LQJ WR ZLQ D IUHH VWDJKDQGOH
little knife has cut everything from cardboard to 5REHVRQWZREODGHSRFNHWNQLIH
copper wire, and assembled and disassembled 7KH GUDZLQJ ZLOO EH KHOG 0D\
welders, forklifts, railings, forges, machinery and
electric tools. The knife even field dressed a large
  0DLO WR Blade Maga-
zine® 32 %R[  2ROWHZDK
eight-point buck, my first deer. It’s a heck of a
knife with a lot of heart. It sure cost me, though.

—Jonathan Schneider, Colerain Township, Ohio

” 71  RU HPDLO

18 / BLADE JULY 2004

958649_BL.qxd 9/12/03 5:36 PM Page 1
factory knife intros
factory knife intros

By Steve Shackleford

An example of the continuing trend toward rainbow-colored knives is the

Small Titanium Flaming Legend III from United Cutlery. A downsized
version of the original Titanium Flaming Legend III, the one-hand
folder features a “prismatic-titanium-coated” 440A stainless blade
and aluminum handle. Closed length: 4 1/4 inches. MSRP: $98.99.

This issue’s cover knife,

the Columbia River Knife
& Tool Desert Cruiser is The new Val-Matic double-action auto-
a Jim Hammond-designed matic from Lone Wolf Knives is a Butch
flipper folder in a desert-tan- Vallotton design that opens manually
blade-and-handle motif that as a locking liner via a thumb stud
reportedly blends in chameleon- and automatically by a handle scale
like with desert environments. release (inset). The 3.6-inch blade
The blade is AUS-8 stainless steel is CPM S30V stainless steel and
and the handle is Zytel® textured the handle is black checkered
for a secure grip. Weight: 6.1 ounces. G-10. Closed length: 4.8
Closed length: 5.25 inches. MSRP: inches. MSRP: $229.99-
$69.99. Available: Now. $289.99.

It’s hard to believe but it’s been 10 years

since the classic Emerson CQC-7 tacti-
cal folder debuted and Emerson Knives,
Inc., is celebrating the occasion with
the HD-7 frame-lock folder. The blade
is 154CM stainless in a choice of
satin chrome or black Teflon®
finishes. The handle comes in
two versions: all titanium
($425 MSRP) or one slab
of titanium and the other
G-10 ($364.95 MSRP).

20 / BLADE JULY 2004

Factory.indd 20 4/12/04 10:02:48 AM

First prototype of the Alamo
Knife, by ABS master smith
Jerry Fisk.

First prototype of the Dwight David Eisenhower, by ABS

master smith Jim Crowell.

First prototype of the Liberty Tree Knife, by ABS

journeyman smith Larry Harley.

First prototype of the Robert

E. Lee, by ABS master smith
Jerry Fisk.

First prototype of the Crazy

Horse, by Brent Evans.

The Tree Knives

B rowning’s special limited edition of five Living History

knives celebrates great Americans and sports a handle from
the wood of trees that “witnessed” the deeds of valor by the prin-
handle is from a large limb of a live oak that grows on the Alamo
grounds. On each side is a single gold star for the fabled Lone
Star of Texas. Only 1,836—the year of the Battle of the Alamo—
cipals involved. of the knives will be made.
The handle of the Liberty Tree Knife is from the last surviv- The Dwight David Eisenhower is patterned after the M3 is-
ing Liberty Tree. Pro-liberty colonists gathered under Liberty sued to many GI’s who fought in D-Day. The wood is ash from
trees during the American Revolution to plan the future of the trees grown at the general’s boyhood birthplace in Texas. Only
United States. The bowie will come in a limited edition of 1,776. 1,944—the year of the D-Day invasion—of the knives will be
The Robert E. Lee is a D-guard bowie with handle wood from made.
a black oak on the grounds of Lee’s former estate in Arlington, The Crazy Horse sports a handle made of wood from a grove
Virginia. It’s decorated with 13 gold stars forming the pattern of of aspen trees in southern Nebraska. The aspen is revered by the
the Confederate Flag. Only 1,863—the year of the Battle of Get- Sioux Nation as the “Tree of Life.” The blade is obsidian. Only
tysburg—of the knives will be made. 500—the number of Sioux killed in two separate 19th-century
The Alamo Bowie celebrates the Alamo and Jim Bowie. The massacres—of the knives will be made.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 21

Kershaw’s latest assisted opener is the Blur,
here in the serrated, drop-point version. Blade
factory knife intros
factory knife intros
steel is 440A stainless and the handle is anod-
ized aluminum with Trac-Tec inserts. Weight:
4.2 ounces. Closed length: 4 1/2 inches.
MSRP: $100. An extension model called
the Tactical Blur comes with a par-
tially serrated tanto blade.

A quince wood handle and

a 5.52-inch blade of laminated VG-10
stainless highlight the Al Mar Knives Shiva,
a new model helping to celebrate AMK’s 25th anniversary. The
stately fixed blade comes in a limited edition of 500. MSRP: $499
each. Available: End of summer.

The TOPS Sky Marshall (above)

features a partially serrated tanto blade
The Trident TF-3 (below) is SOG Specialty Knives’
of 1095 carbon steel with Black Traction Coat-
latest assisted-opening folder and is distinguished
ing. The handle is G-10 with a prybar/splitter butt.
by the patented Groove in the Zytel® handle for cut-
Overall length: 9 1/2 inches. A leather sheath
ting paracord, fishing line, etc. The blade is AUS-8
comes standard. MSRP: $179. Available: Now.
stainless in a Tigerstripe finish. A built-in safety
locks the blade closed. Weight: 4.5 ounces. Closed
length: ~5 inches.

Innovation springs

forward with the new

Rush from Buck Knives.


The blade folds safely

Rolling cam inside the sleek skeletal

lock for safety.
frame until you glide

it open with the help

Sleek, skeletal frame. o f A S A P Te c h n o l o g y.


You’ll rush to one simple

conclusion: Sweet.
Patent pending Advanced
Spring Assisted Performance. 1-800-326-2825
290 Rush


22 / BLADE JULY 2004

Factory.indd 22 4/12/04 10:06:38 AM

More Gun Players in
T wo new entries—SIGARMS and
Warne—are the latest gun compa-
dealer inquiries invitied
nies to announce their entries into the
knife industry.
Warne, known for its line of rifle
and pistol scope and tactical mounts,
has a new knife division spearheaded
by Matt Foster, formerly of Gerber. Priced
The flagship model in Warne’s Foster from
Knives line is the 1911 Folder, a lock-
ing liner with a handle based on that of $16.50
the world-famous 1911 model pistol.
SIGARMS, makers of SIG Sauer
handguns and Sauer, Blaser and Maus-
er rifles, is in the process of offering
a line of knives that will be launched
sometime this year—possibly by the
end of the summer. BLADE® will
keep you posted on the progress
of both companies’ fledg-
ling knife efforts.


5645 Murray Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Phone: 336-922-9582 • fax: 336-923-2062 • www.linvilleknifeandtool.com

by a handle
similar to the
one on the legend-
ary 1911 pistol, the
Warne/Foster Knives
1911 Folder features a
154CM stainless blade and a
Lake-Walker safety. The handle
comes in hard-coat-anodized,
matte-black aluminum ($159.95 MSRP),
and is also available in electroless nickel.
Weight: 5.7 ounces. Closed length: ~5
inches. Available: May.

The Hunter’s Ulu from Knives of Alaska

consists of a 2 1/4-inch ulu blade of D-2 tool
steel and handles of desert ironwood, G-10
Micarta® and stag. An oiled leather sheath
is included. MSRPs: $59.97-$99.97 (prices
vary depending on handle material and
whether the ulus are presentation models).
JULY 2004 BLADE / 23

factory knife intros
factory knife intros

Cold Steel
President Lynn
Thompson and
veteran knife-
maker Lloyd
Pendleton teamed
up to design the
Cold Steel Ultimate
Hunter. The hollow-
ground drop-point
blade is 4-mm-thick
AUS-8A stainless in a
satin finish. The handle
is synthetic Thermorun.
Weight: 5.9 ounces.
Closed length: 5
inches. MSRP: $89.99.
Available: Now.

Among the latest in factory/custom

collaborations is the new Schrade Jerni-
gan, a team effort between Schrade and
Steve Jernigan (inset). The damascus
blade operates on a locking liner and
the handle is done in classic Jernigan
styling, with Picasso marble wafers
creating a puzzle-piece effect. The knife
will be made in a serial-numbered lim-
ited edition of 1,000.
24 / BLADE JULY 2004

Factory.indd 24 4/12/04 10:09:32 AM

The SL1Mini from ToolLogic features
a 2-inch blade of 420J2 stainless and
a Zytel® handle equipped with an
LED flashlight and emergency signal
whistle. Overall weight: 2 ounces.
MSRP: $29.95.

A slightly larger and more rugged version

of the Westcliff, the Blade Magazine 2003
Overall Knife Of The Year®, the William
Henry Knives Tom Brown collaboration
features a clip-point blade of Mike Norris
raindrop stainless damascus. (Brown
also designed The Tracker knife for the
movie of the same name.) The new
folder has a slightly deeper choil and a
bigger titanium grip than the Westcliff.
MSRP: $600 ($375 in ATS-34). Avail-
able: Now.

The Smith & Wesson

CKSUR7 Search &
Rescue knife from
Taylor Cutlery features
a coated recurve
blade of 440A stain-
less and a rubber
handle. Weight:
17 ounces.
Overall length:
13.75 inches.
MSRP: $50.

An example of the new wave of second-

generation knife family members mak-
ing a name for themselves in the cutlery
industry is Spyderco’s Eric Glesser
(left), son of Spyderco CEO Sal Glesser,
here with ABS bladesmith Ed Schempp
at the S.H.O.T. Show. Other new-wave
“Generation K-ers” are Taylor Cutlery’s
Morgan Taylor, son of Taylor Cutlery
CEO Stewart Taylor, and Bear & Son’s
Matt Griffey, son of Bear & Son CEO
Ken Griffey. There no doubt are—and
will be—others.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 25

Factory.indd 25 4/12/04 10:10:20 AM

factory knife intros
factory knife intros

Snap Lock Wins at IWA

E d Van Hoy’s new Snap Lock design

for Columbia River Knife & Tool
won the Designer Knife category of
the IWA International Award Show in
Nuremberg, Germany, this past March.
“Everything is one: gadget, ornament,
utensil and money clip,” Margaret
Spindler, chair of the jury for the
award, said of the Snap Lock’s
clever design. IWA is an annual
European knife show featuring
cutlery manufacturers and
knifemakers from around
the world, including a
growing number of
American cutlery

The cam locking system of the award-win-

ning CRKT Snap Lock features two thumb
wheels for ambidextrous use. The blade
can pivot a full 360 degrees when the
reversible, stainless clip is removed, or
180 degrees in either direction with the clip
in place. Simply press the thumb wheel
and rotate the blade. Blade steel: AUS-
6M stainless. Closed length: 4.18 inches.
MSRP: $49.99. Available: Now.

The Spyderco Yojimbo is a mid-sized fold-

er reminiscent of the company’s Ronin
See us at fixed blade, with both being designed by
the Blade Michael Janich. The modified wharncliffe
blade is flat-ground CPM S30V stainless
in a plain edge. The handle is blue G-10.
Closed length: ~5 inches. Weight: 3.6
ounces. MSRP: $159.95.

26 / BLADE JULY 2004

Factory.indd 26 4/12/04 10:10:52 AM

For the contact information for the
knives pictured herein, see “Where
The Apparition, a To Get ‘Em” on page 105.
Warren Osborne and Mel
Pardue design from Benchmade,
takes a different approach to factory
spring-assisted openers—a handmade look with
a handle of black horn from the African kudu antelope.
The knife comes as a locking liner or a spring rod can be
inserted into the knife to optimize opener function. Blade
steel: 154CM stainless. Weight: 4.5 ounces. Closed length:
4.39 inches. MSRP: $140.

Custom Knife Gallery of Colorado

The Very Best In Handmade Cutlery

Knife by Cliff Parker

Phone: 303-904-4471
http://customknifegallery.com Cell: 303-941-7142
http://knifephotographer.com Email: bob_glassman@yahoo.com

JULY 2004 BLADE / 27

profile in steel
profile in steel

Ken Durham

Ken Durham’s interpretation of a 19th-

century bowie is near perfect in every
detail, including the handle engraving
by Billy Bates, handle pins, Spanish
notch and impeccable grind. The blade
is 1095 and the handle is African black-
wood and coin silver. Overall length: 16 By B.R. Hughes
1/2 inches. (PointSeven photo) BLADE ® correspondent

28 / BLADE JULY 2004

Here’s another antique bowie reproduction,
this time in a rosewood handle and a Durham
blade steel favorite, 1095. The handle fea-
tures 252 pins. Overall length: 14 3/4 inches.
(PointSeven photo)

n 1996, Dr. James Batson, founder of When I asked Durham about his In 1995, he heard about the Alabama
the Alabama Forge Council, invited memories of high school, he smiled and Forge Council. At the time, the council
me to participate in the activities told me that he tried to avoid the prin- was literally meeting in Dr. Batson’s
surrounding the council’s annual blade- cipal’s office as much as possible! After backyard, which is about the size of a
smithing symposium, and I’m delighted graduation, he held a variety of jobs until football field, near Huntsville, Alabama.
that I accepted. The annual assemblage of 1991, when he went to work for his cur- Since then, the group has moved to Tan-
bladesmiths has drawn participants from rent employer, a water utilities company. nehill State Park, a few miles from Bes-
as far away as England, and the average semer, Alabama. Durham liked what he
attendance is well over 100. Since that saw and hasn’t missed a single meeting
initial visit, I’ve returned several times. of the council since. Over the years,
One of the highlights of that ’96 ex-
“He prefers to he’s also journeyed a number of times
pedition was the opportunity to meet a to the William F. Moran School of Bla-
talented bladesmith named Ken Durham.
painstakingly desmithing in Old Washington, Arkan-
Born in Colbert County, Alabama, in sas, to attend the biannual hammer-ins
1965, a 1983 graduate of Cherokee High
recreate knives of held there.
School, and the recipient of an ABS jour- Ken’s fondness for objects with sharp
neyman smith rating in 1999, Durham
the 19th century.” edges may go back to his grandfather,
seems destined to receive his ABS mas-
ter smith stamp any time now. Indeed, by
—the author who was noted throughout the county for
his ability with an axe. From that worthy,
the time you read these lines, he may al- young Durham learned that an axe—or
ready have achieved the coveted “MS.” His interest in bladesmithing goes knife—should always be kept as sharp as
Ken is a large, quiet, laid-back in- back to a time when he was still in el- possible. He made his fi rst blade in 1995
dividual, and I’m constantly impressed ementary school, and his father, a farm- when his son wanted a bowie knife to
with his gentle demeanor. The term “high er, allowed him to hammer hot metal in wear at a Civil War re-enactment. After
pressure” could never be applied to him. the farm’s small smithy. While his fa- forging the blade, Ken fi led it out with
When you view his work, it seems he ther provided some assistance, most of a handheld fi le. “That took awhile,” he
prefers to let his knives do most of the what Ken learned about forging in those reflected, “but I like to do as much hand-
talking. And, I think you will fi nd that early years came from the school of trial work on my knives as possible. Because
they’re eloquent indeed. and error. of that, my shop isn’t nearly as well

JULY 2004 BLADE / 29

profile in steel
profile in steel

A 9-inch blade of 1095, a forged

guard and an African blackwood
handle distinguish what Durham calls
his Creole Bowie. Note the unusual
sheath design. (Hoffman photo)

equipped as the average smith’s.” Wayne Goddard, several years after its
Slowly, his fame spread, aided in part publication. “Next,” Durham explained,
by his keen appreciation of history. He “I saw Don Fogg do a demonstration at
prefers to painstakingly recreate knives an Alabama Forge Council in 1999, so I
of the 19th century. Among his favorite went home, built a gas forge, and began
styles are those of Samuel Bell and Hen- making damascus.” Ken’s damascus is a
ry Schively. He also makes pieces exhib- blend of 1095 and L-6, while his carbon
iting strong Scottish overtones. blades are mostly 1095, a steel for which
Since Ken earned his ABS journey- he has a strong affi nity.
man rating in 1999, it might surprise At the Arkansas Knife Show in
some that, in view of his obvious skills, Little Rock this past February, Durham
he hasn’t received his MS yet. However, showed me one of his large Schively-
if you’ve met him, you know that he’s styled knives that he list priced at $1,400.
not a man to hurry. “I’m in no rush,” Frankly, I was surprised, since this par-
he told me a couple of years ago, “and I ticular piece, which appeared to be cor-
want to be perfectly satisfied in my own rect in every respect, could easily have
mind that I’m ready in every sense of fetched $2,000.
the word.” When I asked Ken how he planned
He became interested in making his such a knife, he told me that he fi rst stud-
own damascus a few years ago after read- ies the antique piece he intends to repli-
ing an article in Knives ‘86, authored by cate, and then makes a set of full-scale,

30 / BLADE JULY 2004

detailed drawings. “I owe a great deal to
Dr. Batson,” Durham said, “for teaching Ken Durham
me so much. Moreover, since he’s one of Buzzard Roost Forge
the leading bowie authorities of today, 10495 White Pike, Dept. BL7
I show him my drawings and obtain his Cherokee, AL 39616
suggestions before I start a 19 th-century- 256.359.4287
style knife.” Technology with an Edge
Perhaps the best way to obtain a Specialties Period fi xed blades, es-
Durham knife is to see him at one of pecially such 19th-century bowie re-
the several shows he attends each year, productions as those of Samuel Bell
frequently accompanied by his wife, and Henry Schively, and traditional The Technology.. Kershaw’s Double Cross
Carolyn. He accepts orders, provided it’s Scottish designs
something he wants to make. At present, Blades Forges straight carbon steel of
his lead time is one year. 1095, 5160 and 52100, and damascus
He’s won a number of awards at ma- in pattern welds of 1095 and L-6
jor shows for his work, including Best Handles A selection of natural
The Edge.................• One-hand opening & closing
• Two blades—one locking liner
Bowie, Best Forged Blade and Best Fixed materials, w/African blackwood a
• AUS6A premium-quality steel
Blade. His business card—he has no bro- favorite; handles pinned in a 19th-
• Beautiful Stamina® wood
chure—announces that he makes hand- century style and otherwise embel-
inlay handles
forged knives “in the traditional man- lished are a staple
• Kershaw’s “shaving-sharp”
ner.” That, my friends, is exactly what he Stamp Maker’s full name, city and
does, and he does it exceedingly well. state in half-moon circles with a
• Lifetime guarantee
steer’s head in the center
List Prices $85-$1,250 and up

Model 4380
MSRP $69.95

Blade1.......2 3/8 in. (5.9cm.)

Blade2......1 7/8 in. (4.7cm.)
Steel.........AUS6A stainless
Handle .....Stamina® wood inlay
Closed......3 1/2 in. (8.9cm.)
Durham won the 2002 Antique Weight .....2.2 oz.
Bowie Knife Association Award for
the best ABS journeyman smith’s
reproduction of an antique bowie,
this one a Henry Schively sport-
ing a 10 1/4-inch blade, a check-
ered blackwood handle, a forged
sterling-silver bolster, silver ferrule
and silver pins with a copper collar.
He accepted the award (inset) at
the 2002 BLADE Show from Jim For information or a dealer near you, call:
Batson. (PointSeven knife photo) 1-800-325-2891

JULY 2004 BLADE / 31

days of our knives
days of our knives

While some invest in them for collection purposes,

five say they often buy them for use and daily carry

Clayton Lawrence’s $400 By Dexter Ewing

knife is a Pat Crawford/Bob BLADE ® field editor
Kasper Folding Fighter
(KFF). It comes standard
with a clip-point blade,
though Crawford made
it with a tanto blade for
a brief time. Double
ground from 154CM
stainless, the KFF
tanto blade is less
than 4 inches—just
like the standard

32 / BLADE JULY 2004

hat do knife enthusiasts do with members who routinely buy, sell, trade,
their $400 knives? To fi nd out, carry and use $400 knives.
BLADE® polled five people who
buy knives in the $400 price range. First, User, Collector or Both?
though, let’s set some parameters as to Four hundred dollars is a lot of money.
what constitutes a $400 knife. Do people who spend that much on a
By using the arbitrary figure of $400, knife collect such knives, use them or a
we don’t necessarily mean knives that cost little bit of both?
exactly $400. Instead, for the purposes of “It used to be that all my knives were
this story, we mean knives anywhere in the strictly ‘users,’” says Al Elser of Atlanta,
$350-$450 price range. The knives can be Georgia. “I had a strong opinion that a
fi xed blades or folders, handmade or pro- knife is no good if it’s not used. Now I
duction. They have to be modern pieces have a different opinion as to which knives
made today, not vintage cutlery. should be used and which should be in a
The five people interviewed for the case or safe. Most of the time I watch the
story picked among their own knives that online forum sales, auctions and retailer
fit the criteria for discussion. All five in- sites to see what the value of a knife or of a
terviewees were chosen from the Usual particular maker’s knives are doing.”
Suspect Network (www.usualsuspect. Clayton Lawrence of Concord, Califor-
net), a knife discussion forum on the nia, seems to rely on gut instinct. “There
Internet. The forum has a core group of are certain things that I like to collect in

Tony Wang’s $400 knife is the Bob Terzuola ATCF, which features a 4-inch
drop-point blade of CPM S30V stainless steel and an ergonomic handle
that incorporates an integral hand guard. Wang uses the tactical folder on
the job and at home for any number of everyday cutting chores.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 33

days of our knives
days of our knives
knives, like natural materials. There’s Crawford Kasper Folding Fighter (KFF)
nothing like the feel of stag in the hand,” tanto folder in a positive way. “I was first
he observes, “[though] I never buy a knife on scene at an [automobile] accident and
with the intention of collecting.” had to use the KFF to cut open a bag of
Tony Wang of New York, New York, flares that was in the guy’s car,” he recalls.
has a more practical approach. “It’s one of my favorite knives.”
“I prefer that all the knives I buy be
tools fi rst and objects second,” he ex- Use It/Lose It?
plains. “Very few of the knives I own are One of the most crippling feelings a knife
‘safe queens,’ [i.e., those kept locked in enthusiast will experience is losing an ex-
a safe] and all have seen some level of pensive carry knife. Generally, the higher
carry or use.” the price of the knife, the greater the loss.
Don Deckert of Wichita, Kansas, And losing a $400 piece is just enough to
says he enjoys the thrill of pursuing rare keep you up all night wracking your brain
or difficult to obtain handmade knives. as to where you last saw and used the knife,
Dave “Lifter” Abramson of Wharton, and where it could be.
New Jersey, meanwhile, focuses on What precautions can you take against
utility within reason. losing your $400 knife? Wang has a motto.
“All knives in my collection must be “I believe in the adage, ‘the more it costs to
capable of being used,” he stresses. “I have replace, the more I’ll take care not to lose
quite a few knives and while all can be it,’” he says. “One advantage of custom
used, there’s no sense getting all of them knives is that they’re expensive enough for
scratched up.” As a result, Abramson car- you to want to pay close attention to them,
ries a select few knives on a daily basis. and that forces you to be less liberal lend-
ing them out.” Does his approach work?
Who’s Got What “I’ve never lost a custom knife,” he says
What are the $400 knives of those inter- with a sigh of relief.
viewed? Wang’s is a Bob Terzuola ATCF
folder. He says he’s “used and abused” the
ATCF on a regular basis, employing it on
the job to cut boxes, packing straps and “I don’t even tell
communication cables. He adds that he
bought the folder because it’s the best knife people what the
for the cutting chores he encounters. “The
lesson learned from carrying the ATCF knives cost
is that while custom knives will perform
better than production, there’s no reason to anymore; it gets
abuse them,” he asserts.
Abramson favors his Kit Carson Model tiring trying to
4 folder. Employed full time at a newspa-
per publisher, he has plenty of chances to explain it.”
use his Model 4 on the job, cutting film,
tape, boxes, plastic “and anything else that —Dave Abramson
comes up.” In addition, he makes leather
sheaths part time, doing business as Lift- “I’ve never lost a handmade knife,
er’s Leather. “I use [the Model 4] a lot for though I did have one stolen from my home
cutting thread when sewing sheaths or about five years ago,” Abramson laments.
trimming leather,” he says. Since then, he’s invested in a gun safe to
Both Deckert and Elser rely on their house his prized possessions.
Strider SnG frame-lock folders for every- Lawrence practices a more laid-back
day cutting chores. Deckert says his SnG approach. “I don’t take any precautions at
“is the knife I carry on a daily basis. It’s all,” he offers, “nor have I ever lost a $300-
the perfect-size knife for me and is a very plus knife.” However, that’s not to say he’s
sturdy tool. I use it for various cutting immune to loss. “I did have one stolen out
chores both at work and home.” Echoes of my car one time,” he recalls. “That was
Elser, “It’s such a great user that it has a bummer but that’s also what insurance is
been a constant companion.” for. I never did get the knife back.” Ulti-
Elser and his wife take jewelry/metal- mately, he puts his faith in the knife’s hard-
smith classes in which Elser employs the ware. “I just hope that the [pocket] clip
SnG “to score silver sheet, cut fi ne wire, will hold,” he admits.
trim burrs, or whatever else pops up.” Deckert doesn’t take any special pre-
Given the SnG’s handle construction— cautions either. “I have faith that the knives
one scale is titanium, the other G-10—its I carry have features like pocket clips that
weight is at an absolute minimum while are secure and keep them from coming
providing maximum strength. loose or falling out of my pocket,” he says.
Lawrence had a chance to use his
34 / BLADE JULY 2004

Dave Abramson carries
the Model 4, perhaps Kit
Carson’s most popular
folder. Built like a tank, it
sports titanium bolsters
and a bevy of natural and
synthetic handle materi-
als. Abramson’s has jigged
bone scales. He makes
leather sheaths part time
and, among other things,
uses the Model 4 to cut
thread for sewing the
sheaths or to trim leather.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 35

days of our knives
days of our knives
Deckert admits he’s misplaced some of his
$400 knives before but found them after a
brief search.
Whereas Elser is another who eschews
safeguards beyond the call, he has a more

Limited Edition Hornady

.17 HMR Cartridge Knife
Hornady celebrates the success of the .17 Hornady
Magnum Rimfire with the release of a limited
edition .17 HMR Cartridge Knife – sure to
become a collector’s favorite and
available exclusively at
Both Al Elser and Don
Item No. 9917 Deckert carry a Strider
SnG. This one is
Elser’s. The 3.75-inch
blade is CPM S30V
stainless, big enough
to tackle most cut-
• First knife to ever feature • Limited run of 1500 pieces • Delrin® handle with ting tasks yet small
an actual full-size lanyard hole enough to be carried
• Two 420 stainless steel comfortably. One
cartridge (inert) embedded blades. RC 57-59 • Brass pins and liners scale is titanium, the
in the handle other G-10 to keep
• Hornady logo etched on the • Nickel silver bolsters
• Custom made in the USA weight to an abso-
clip blade • Priced at $39.95, plus lute minimum while
by Camillus Cutlery Co. • Measures 31/2" closed $2.00 shipping and handling providing maxi-
mum strength.

800-338-3220 www.hornady.com

36 / BLADE JULY 2004

400Knife.indd 36 4/9/04 10:50:18 AM

philosophical approach. “I try not to take
es any precautions I wouldn’t take with a
$30 Swiss Army knife,” he notes. “I have
enough to worry about without constantly
worrying about losing my knife.”

Post It/Toast It
Admit it; when you get a new knife, you
like to show it off to your friends so they
can share in your joy of a newfound addi-
tion to your collection. With the Internet
and digital photography, knife enthusi-
asts are able to post pictures of their latest
knives on various knife discussion forums
and share them across great distances with
their fellow enthusiasts.
“I often take photos of my custom
knives and post them on the Usual Suspect
Network of newly acquired knives,” Deck-
ert begins. He also posts pictures of his
knives that his fellow enthusiasts haven’t $2900
seen. “I’m guilty here,” confesses Law-
rence. “I love to take pictures of my new
knives and upload them to the Internet.”
Elser compares the posting of knife
photos to another “possession” of sorts
that people enjoy sharing. “I guess it’s
kind of like people who have kids,” he as-
sesses. “There are so many knife nuts such
as myself on the online forums that when I
get a new knife I just have to share it with

“I had to use the

KFF to cut open
a bag of flares
that was in the
guy’s car.”

You Paid How Much?

Those interviewed herein represent the
typical hard-core enthusiast who enjoys
buying, owning, and using knives with
price tags that make the uninitiated stop
dead in their tracks and ask, “You paid
how much for a knife?” As Abramson
notes, “I don’t even tell people what the
knives cost anymore; it gets tiring trying
to explain it.”
Knives take on many forms but above
all else are tools designed for everyday use.
There are those who can’t bring themselves
to use a $400 knife, but for every one of
them are those whose $400 knives play an
active role in their daily lives at the work SEE US AT
place and at home. BLADE SHOW

JULY 2004 BLADE / 37

400Knife.indd 37 4/12/04 2:02:15 PM

your knife
your knife rights

Changing A Knife’s
Legal Identity By Judge Lowell Bray
BLADE® field editor

Confusion often arises when someone caught

committing a crime is also carrying a knife

ot every knife is a weapon, though, of crazy thoughts went through my mind. purposes of that case.
of course, knives never intended What he had the ability to do ... He had the That decision was released more
as weapons can be used as such. ability to come in the door and no telling than a decade ago. Since then the
For instance, 9/11 is tragic evidence of what else he could have [done]. I mean, I Legislature has not made any attempt
what can be accomplished with a box cutter didn’t have anything to protect myself or to amend the statute to treat all burglars
when it’s in the wrong hands. nothing.” wielding [pocketknives] as qualifying for
When a knife, not designed, made or first degree burglary, even if they do so
ordinarily classified a weapon is actu- non-threateningly. Accordingly, it was
ally put to use as one, its legal identity “That the knife error to convict [the] defendant under
changes. Simply by being used as a the first degree burglary statute and
weapon in the commission of a crime, was present when to refuse to reduce the conviction to
the “non-weapon” becomes a weapon for simple burglary of a dwelling.
purposes of the law. a crime was
The emphasis here is on the words used Put more simply, since the knife was
as a weapon. The mere fact that the knife committed isn’t never used as a weapon, there was no
was present when a crime was committed burglary with a dangerous weapon.
isn’t enough to make it a weapon. Even enough to make it
using the knife to commit a crime—for In the Matter of J.A.W.
example, as a pry bar in a burglary—
doesn’t make it a weapon. However, confu-
a weapon.” J.A.W. was convicted of aggravated
robbery—i.e., robbery while using or
sion often arises when someone caught
committing a crime is found to be carrying
—the author exhibiting a dangerous weapon. Though
the victim, Arre Daniel Thomas, gave the
a knife. police contradictory accounts of what
Two juvenile cases decided last year are The juvenile was convicted of first- happened, his testimony generally was as
instructive. One of them, J.W. v. State, was degree armed burglary, a charge that follows:
adjudicated in Florida. The other, In the requires the use of the words dangerous On Sept. 25, 2000, he was asleep in
Matter of J.A.W., was decided in Texas. weapon. The court refused to reduce the his home, which was located behind his
charge to a simple burglary of a dwelling. grocery store. He was awakened by J.A.W.,
J.W. v. State On appeal, the reviewing court reversed who began hitting him and demanding
In J.W., the defendant, a male juvenile, the decision, saying: money. J.A.W. left and Thomas noticed that
broke into a home. The homeowner, a money he believed he had left on a table
female, heard him “jiggling and turning Under nearly identical facts in [a was gone.
the doorknob” and saw him enter the home 1990 case], we recognized that a [pock- The following day, Thomas was work-
with an open pocketknife in his hand. The etknife] could conceivably constitute a ing in the front of his store when he saw
juvenile never threatened the homeowner, dangerous weapon if actually used “in J.A.W. striking concrete with a knife.
either by word or deed. In fact, when he a manner likely to produce death or Thomas was frightened and went to the
saw her he immediately turned and ran great bodily injury.” Nevertheless, we back of his store. J.A.W. followed him and
from the scene. At trial the victim testi- held that under the circumstances it did demanded money, threatening, “I will beat
fied that she was scared and that, “[a] lot not qualify as a dangerous weapon for you worse than I did yesterday.” Though

38 / BLADE MAY 2004
JULY 2002

Rights.indd 2 4/9/04 6:56:27 PM

State to prove that the knife constituted
your knife
your knife rights
a deadly weapon by showing its size,
shape and sharpness, the manner of See Us
See Us At
At THe
rights its use or intended use, and its capac-
ity to produce death or serious bodily BLADE
Thomas told police that J.A.W. pulled a injury. And, while the instrument may SHOW
knife on him in the back of the store, at have been brandished and may have Booth 59
trial he testified that J.A.W. did not pull a placed the victim in fear, that alone is
knife on him in the back of the store not enough to establish it as a deadly
Here, the record before us simply
evinces that the knife was brandished
“Since the knife and Thomas was scared. Again, noth-
ing describes the weapon’s shape,
was never used as size, sharpness, or capacity to produce
death or serious bodily injury. Further-
a weapon, there more, the police did not find the weapon
allegedly used by appellant; so, it was
was no burglary not admitted into evidence. Nor was a
facsimile tendered. Also absent was
with a dangerous any description of how appellant used
the knife, other than the statement that
weapon.” he “pulled” it. Similarly, nothing was said
of the proximity of appellant to Thomas
—the author when the knife was pulled, other than
that they were [in the back of] the
store. Whatever the distance, however,
J.A.W. was charged with robbery for it was far enough to allow appellant
the Sept. 25 incident. For the incident on to run away unhurt. And, that appel-
the 26th, he was charged with aggravated lant verbally threatened Thomas is of
robbery while using or exhibiting a deadly little import since the threat consisted
weapon. The jury didn’t convict on the first of the representation that he would
charge but did on the second. The judge “beat” Thomas as opposed to cut or
committed the juvenile to the youth author- stab him. Under these circumstances,
ity for an indeterminate time not to exceed we hold that no evidence supports the
his 21st birthday. jury’s determination that appellant used
The case was appealed. After reviewing or exhibited a deadly weapon in the
the evidence in the case, the court said: robbery.

For one to be guilty of aggravated Conclusion

robbery, one must, in the course of Though the evidence indicates that both
committing theft and with the intent juveniles committed crimes and that they
to obtain or maintain control of prop- both had knives, those facts alone don’t
erty, knowingly or intentionally threaten transform legal knives into illegal weap-
or place another in fear of imminent ons.
bodily injury or death. In addition, the In an interesting side note, if the Flor-
State must also prove an aggravat- ida prosecutor was able to show that J.W.
ing element. That [element] relied used his knife to break into the residence,
upon at bar and submitted to the jury the knife could have been classified as a
[involved] the use or exhibition of a burglary tool. Then J.W. could be charged
deadly weapon during the course of with the additional felony of possession of
the robbery. burglary tools. That’s another example of a
From the recitation of the evidence knife being legally transformed into some-
mentioned above, we conclude that thing it was never designed or intended to
some evidence appears of record illus- be—but that’s a subject for another time.
trating that a robbery occurred and that
appellant “pulled” a knife on Thomas [Facts taken from J.W. v. State, 849 So.
while committing the robbery. However, 2d 1111 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003) and In the
we are troubled by the lack of any Matter of J.A.W. , 108 S.W. 3d 573 (Tex.
evidence regarding the size, shape, App.-Amarillo 2003).]
and sharpness of the knife. No one
presented any evidence touching upon The author has been a lawyer since 1972
those issues. Rather, the evidence and a judge since 1983. He’s also a jour-
simply describes the weapon used to neyman smith in the American Bladesmith
prove the aggravating element of the Society, a voting member of The Knifemak-
charge as a “knife.” ers’ Guild, and a charter member of the
It has long been the law of Texas Florida Knifemakers Association.
that a knife is not a deadly weapon
per se. Thus, it is incumbent upon the

JULY 2004 BLADE / 39

Rights.indd 3 4/9/04 6:56:43 PM

knife shop
knife shop By Bill Herndon
BLADE ® correspondent

The buffing procedure for a mirror polish requires a directional el of the wheel, the blade will be torn from the operator’s hands
change in the position of the work on the wheel. The directional and thrown who knows where, and can cause serious injury to
change cancels out the scratches created in the previous direc- the operator or worse. Please note that the blade is held so that
tion by switching to another direction. As a result, at left, the it cannot stab the operator. The gloves are supposed to be slice
blade point is up and, at right, the blade point is down. If either proof but the author said he doesn’t plan to test them anytime
the edge or the blade spine are allowed at an angle into the trav- soon. They are definitely not stab proof. (Herndon photos)

40 / BLADE JULY 2004

MiUURU.indd 40 4//04 :5:00 PM

A refl
ection of the author’s face
smiles back from the mirror-polished
blade surface.

irrors are made on ultra-flat glass
and ultra flat is extremely hard to
achieve by hand—and so is mirror
polishing a blade.
Achieving a quality finish on a knife
blade is difficult at best. At worst, it’s one
heck of a lot of work. The basic process is
to get the surfaces smooth and flat, and re-
duce the size of the scratches to zero. There
are a number of ways to do this but they all
boil down to a sequence of finishing steps to
finer and finer grits of abrasives to reduce the
scratch size.
Not all steels will yield a good polish and
a perfect mirror polish is darn near impossi-
ble. What’s achievable is close but not quite.
For instance, it was mentioned in an earlier
issue of BLADE® that D-2 has the tendency
to “orange peel.” This means the surface is
polished but not smooth and flat, and is rather
lumpy like that of an orange peel.
Steel hardness is also a factor. A hard-
ened steel polishes much easier and better
than a soft one. Examine the forged blade
with a selectively hardened edge and you
will see a considerable contrast between the
finishes at the hard edge and softer back.

Let’s talk abrasives. They come in various
grits or degrees of roughness and are mea-
sured by several methods. Abrasives in the
USA are measured in grits from 30 (the
coarsest) to 3,000 (the finest), though there
are some new paper abrasives that go as high
as 6,000 grit. Europeans rate their abrasives
with a “P” grading system. And the finest
grades are now measured in microns (the ac-
tual size of the grit particles). To keep from
creating a lot of work for yourself, refer to the
abrasive conversion chart on page 45.
You can buy abrasives in cans of free grit;
paste; papers with waterproof adhesives (wet
and dry); cloths; mesh cloths; belts; rouges
(for buffing wheels); rubber; and stones.
Stones are great for handwork. They’re more
aggressive, don’t wear out as fast as paper or
belts, and yield a flatter surface.
To further complicate matters, grinding
JULY 2004 BLADE / 41

MiUURU.indd 41 4//04 :5:13 PM

knife shop
Not Just For knife shop
belts come in different cloth weights and de-
grees of flexibility. Diamond dusts in pastes

Combat • Grit-free lubrication for

are also available. Toothpaste is a good pol-
ishing agent for fine work.
Tru-Grit, which contributed much of the
abrasive data for this story, Knife & Gun
all firearms and gear
Finishing Supplies, Texas Knifemakers Sup-
Call your dealer,
• Smooth action in any ply, Bader and many others can provide your
or call 800-546-8049;
temperature – dry bonded, Dealers call your abrasive needs. Auto paint supply houses
oil-free lubrication distributor or Us have grits up to 3,000.
• Proven under fire –
The Method
from Afghanistan
My methods have changed drastically over
to Iraq the years. I used to buff all my knives from
a 320-grit hand finish, but full general buff-
ing blurs edges and grind lines, and smears
scratches. It’s very hard to control the buffer
and keep it off the edges. Besides, the buffer
is the most dangerous tool in the shop!
Thanks to some tips from long-time
knifemaker Herman Schneider, the method
he, many other makers and I use requires
little or no buffing. Starting at the grinder,
use the finest belt you can (generally 400-
800 grit; Joe Cordova uses a Dynabrade lube
spray on the finer belts). Go to the bench
and to your polishing blade holder—a long
magnet with a taped protective cover—and,
Dept. BL, Manchester, NH 03101 • 603-626-8888 • Fax 603-626-8889 starting with a 320-grit stone dipped in oil,
See our full product line at www.sentrysolutions.com • MADE IN USA work out any scratches in the blade or “until
your arm falls off.” You can shape the stones
on the grinder to get into tight curves or cor-
ners, and flatten them if they develop a swale
in the surface. To check your progress, keep
soft tissues nearby to wipe off the oil.
From there, go to the 400-grit stone in
oil with the same procedure, and then to

Nino, the author’s friend and student,

stones out a blade. Note the tissue
to wipe the blade clean to check for
scratches, and the bowl of stoning
oil to keep the stone lubed. (Herndon

42 / BLADE JULY 2004

MiUURU.indd 42 4//04 :5:30 PM

BL0000963600.qxd 4/7/04 1:11 PM Page 1


June 4, 5, 6, 2004
In Atlanta’s Cobb Galleria Centre
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knife shop
knife shop

These mirror-polished stock-removal blades and hatchet demonstrate Joe Cordo-

va’s skills. Note the reflections from the mirror polish on the surface of the steel.

the 600-grit stone and continue until you’re happy with the results, go to a white plastic
satisfied. I usually like to be able to see the buffing compound on a wheel, which is very
holes in my shirt buttons in the surface of gentle and has almost no effect. Finally, from
the polished blade before proceeding to the there go to a loose wheel with a fine paste.
paper abrasive at about 400-600 grit. On the The process is easy, yes, but not quick. I have
paper, make the strokes in one direction the friends who can do it in half a day but I figure
full length of the blade. Use a little oil or ker- one-to-three days for a super job.
osene for lubrication. You can go up to 6,000
grit and more with the paper. Author’s note: Several knives were used in
I know of one maker who uses grocery the accompanying photos. I had a big “cut-
sacks for the abrasive and then goes to toilet ter” on hand that needed some work, so I fin-
paper with his final finishes. If you’re still not ished one side of the blade on a 320-grit belt,

The signature
side of the blade
(right) was stoned
to 600 grit and
sanded to 1,200
before careful
buffing. Note the
sharp line at the
tip of the blade.
The hardened
edge has a bright-
er polish and,
toward the back
of the blade, more
scratches and
less polish are
evident. On the
side at left, note
that the scratches
are eroded, the
surface is far
more uneven and
the loss of the
sharp edge at the
tip. The same dif-
ference is evident
at the choil (not

44 / BLADE JULY 2004

MiUURU.indd 44 4//04 :5:4 PM

Grit Comparison Chart THE DOVER SHOW
Micron CAMI USA Grade European New “P” Grade KNIFE EXPO
May 22 & 23, 2004
15 600 Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds
259 S. Tuscarawas Ave.
500 P1000 Dover, Ohio
30 400 P800 (I-77 & Exit 83 - one mile past Warther’s)
New & Antique Factory Knives
360 P600 Custom Knives-Collectible Knives

40 P500 Exhibitor Set-up:

320 P400 Sat. & Sun., 7am to 9am
280 P360 Open to the public: Sat. 9am-4:30pm
P320 Sun. 9am-3pm
240 P280 Nearby Motel Accommodations Available
220 P240 Call Tuscarawas Conv. & Visitors Bureau
80 180 P180
Forging Demo - Knife Throwing
Knife Grinding - Scrimshaw Artist
Tour the Warther Museum, home of Ernest
hand sanded it to a 320 grit and then buffed and achieving total sharpness is very nearly Warther, “The World’s Master Carver”
it. I finished the other side on a 320-grit belt, impossible due to optical and focal consid- There will be raffles and silent auctions through-
hand finished it from a 320 to a 600 grit with erations, so please bear with me on that shot out the show
stones, repeated the process from a 320 to (see page 41). GENERAL INFORMATION
a 1,200 grit with lubed paper on wood, and TRADE/DISPLAY TABLE RESERVATIONS
then buffed. It could use another day’s work For more information on mirror polishing WRCA, PO BOX 355, DOVER, OH 44622
but the differences are apparent—if not in blades, contact the author at 32520 Michigan E-mail dmusgrav@neo.rr.com
the pictures, they are in person—and it’s a St., Dept. BL7, Acton, CA 93510 661.269.5860
WEB SITE: http://wrca-oh.com
fair mirror finish. Photographing one’s im- fax 661.269.4568 bherndons1@earthlink.
age in a blade’s mirror-polished surface net.

1862 MLK BLVD, RIVIERA BEACH, FL 33404-7105 • Phone: (561) 863-3205 • Fax: (561) 863-3277
For Quick Service Toll Free: (800) 500-FURY(3879) • e-mail : mail@joyenterprises.com
e-mail : mail@joyenterprises.com • Catalog available to dealers only. Please include letterhead, phone number & resale license number.

Muela of Spain Pocket Jewels

All Blades 440 Steel - Handcrafted the European Way

19069 - 41/8”
Pocket Clip
Select Pakka Wood
19072 - 41/8” Scales Handle
19068 - 41/8” Pocket Clip
Pocket Clip Stamina Wood
Micarta Scales Handle Handle

JULY 2004 BLADE / 45

Mirror.indd 45 4/9/04 7:00:43 PM

Editor’s note: At the 2004 BLADE Show,
randall answer man
randall answer man
the author once again will present his
popular seminar, “All About Randall
Knives.” Check the August BLADE® for
the exact time and day of the seminar. The
BLADE Show will be June 4-6 at the Cobb
Galleria Centre in Atlanta. Georgia.

’ve received some questions about
a Randall throwing device made in
the late 1970s called the Starfl ight.
Designed by W.D. “Bo” Randall, it was
made of stainless steel. Production end-
ed in the early ‘80s. Less than 50 were
made. It was not forged as, of course,
most Randalls were, and still are, today.
The Starfl ight’s secondary blades
fold up in line with the main blade so the
knife will fit into a specially designed
belt sheath. To my knowledge, none of
the Starfl ights were used except the one
Mr. Randall built for himself. Most of
the others were or are in collections.

1: I’ve tried to cut small saplings with

the Randall sawteeth without much
luck. Were the sawteeth intended for

First made in the late In this picture from 1954, W.D. “Bo”
1970s, the Starflight boast- Randall holds the prototype of the
ed stainless steel blades Model 14. The square tops of the
and a Johnson leather hilts of both the Model 14 and 15
sheath. Production ended were altered when the hilt of the
in the early ’80s, with Model 18 was changed. (from the
less than 50 being made. Randall family collection)
(Hamilton photo)

By Pete Hamilton
BLADE ® field editor

46 / BLADE JULY 2004

5DndDOO$nVZeU.indd 4 4//04 :53:21 PM

such use? (M.E., Plymouth, Massa-
chusetts) www.TopBrandKnives.com
A One-Stop Shop For The Only Knives You Will Ever Want Or Need
No, not really. If you look at the teeth,
you will notice that there’s no set in them We offer a full array of knives from top manufacturers for any use.
as on the teeth of a standard saw. Minus Hunting, Fishing, Tactical, Collectable, Leisure, and Everyday Carry- All At Substantially Below Retail.
the set, there’s no way for the wood be- Order safely online, by fax, or e-mail.
ing cut to drop out of the teeth. Conse- Our excellent customer service is what sets us apart from the competition.
quently, the teeth clog up. Most orders shipped same day, 99% within 72 hours.
The sawteeth on your Randall knife
were designed to cut light-gauge metal, Online or e-mail orders 24 hours a day, fax 10AM-8PM edt
such as the skin of an aircraft, thus al- Fax: 252-754-8082 e-mail: sales@TopBrandKnives.com
lowing the user to forcibly enter or, more Wholesale inquiries not only welcome, but solicited.
to the point, escape an aircraft if trapped
inside. Incidentally, the Randall saw-
teeth don’t work too well on bone, either.

2: Why doesn’t Randall offer the Mod-

el 27-style handle on the Model 3? Af-
ter all, the two are basically the same
knife. (R.K., Australia)

The only answer I can give at this time

is that such an offering would be made
if Gary Randall decided to make the
handle design available on other knives.
Remember, the fancier the knife or the "For years you were told you needed the holes."
more options offered, the more time it
takes to build and, in a business where
time is money, Gary has to be picky Sharpens Quickly
about which changes do or don’t make
the “important list.” Stays Flat
Use on anything
3: Why can I get my Randall knife Available in up to 5 different grits
quicker from Randall dealers than
directly from Randall Made Knives?
(M.J., Phoenix, Arizona)

Dealers of Randall knives are allocated

so many spaces/knives per month. The
"Our Competitors have finally seen the light."
dealer allocations are scheduled yearly.
When you order from a dealer, he will
add your order to the next available space
"Isn't it time that you did too?"
in the month he has openings. When your
space comes up, your knife is ready. Or-
dering direct from Randall Made, on the
other hand, can involve some lead-time.

4: Is it true that employees of Randall

Made Knives designed the single-fi n-
ger-groove and the Border Patrol shape
handles? (D.J., Brashear, Texas)

The fi rst single-groove handle was de-

signed by one of my friends at Randall,
Dave Griffi n, and was called the Griffi n
style for some time. It was later changed
to the single fi nger groove. He was an Flat stones available in sizes ranging from 3/4"x2" to 8"x8"
employee for 30 years until he had to For Entire Product Line Go To www.eze-lap.com
retire due to health problems. Dave has
since passed away and is missed by all at
Randall Made Knives.
The Border Patrol shape was the de- 3572 Arrowhead Drive
sign of a Randall customer. His name Carson City, NV 89706
was Fred Capio and he was a Border Pa-
trol agent. Along with Gary Randall, Mr. Phone: 1-800-843-4815
Capio came up with the shape and named Fax: 775-888-9555
it the Border Patrol. The knives were the
Model 14, each with a small, reproduced MADE IN USA
JULY 2004 BLADE / 47

5DndDOO$nVZeU.indd 47 4//04 :53:3 PM

randall answer man
randall answer man

KnivesTA C T I C A L D I V I S I O N
Frame Lock 4.5” Blade
badge inlaid in the handle. Mr. Capio
ordered them for Border Patrol agents.
At the completion of the order, a little
$475.00 US
over 300 of the knives with the inlay had
been made.
phone:780/846-2812 5: What’s the origin of the Model 22?
photo by fax:780/846-2813 (B.I., Simpsonville, South Carolina)
Point Seven
RR #2 Kitscoty, AB
Canada T0B 2P0 The Model 22 was designed by David
Samuels, an employee of Randall Made
w w w. l i g h t f o o t k n i v e s . c o m Knives in the early ’70s. It was added
to the 21st printing of the Randall cata-
logue in 1971. It was truly a “shiner” and
wasn’t made for hacking. It had a very
thin blade with a wide bevel. It’s still in

6: Why were the square hilts discon-

tinued? (B.D., Chicago, Illinois)

If you’re questioning the top of the single

hilts, they were fl at on top for the user
to place a thumb. If you have a Randall
knife with such a hilt, you will notice that
at either side of the fl at there’s a point,
which felt sharp to most people and also
dug into the sheath. This section was
rounded to eliminate the problems.
If you’re referring to the square tops
of the Model 14 and 15, they were altered
when the hilt of the 18 was changed. The
change was due to the tube handle no
longer being crimped, a process that was
precluded when the wall thickness of the
handle was increased so that it could be
threaded for the buttcap. The hilt was
shaped with a taper to the top and bot-
tom. It was felt that the look of the tapers
was better than the square ends, so the
change was made. The taper of the hilts
of the 14 and 15 fi rst appeared in the 26th
catalogue printing in 1983. The taper of
the hilt on the 18 fi rst appeared in the
23rd catalogue printing in 1975.

7: Where is the original King Faisal

set? (S.F., Boulder, Colorado)

The Faisal set was delivered in 1957.

Shortly thereafter, the king was assassi-
nated. I don’t know where the knives are
now and I don’t know anyone who does.
With the problems over there (Iraq), I
don’t know how anyone could fi nd out. If
anyone knows, please contact me.

8: I’d like to know more about a Model

17 my father gave me. It has a brown
Micarta® handle and Dad said that he
thinks the blade is carbon steel. For
insurance and collecting purposes,
is it worth anything? (G.S., Atlanta,

I don’t like to quote values because they

48 / BLADE JULY 2004

5DndDOO$nVZeU.indd 4 4//04 :53:51 PM

In past installments of “Randall
Answer Man,” the author has
discussed the Johnson sheaths
Randall Made Knives used for
many years. Here are pictures of
Mr. Maurice Johnson and his son,
John. Mr. Johnson made sheaths
for Randall from 1962 until he
retired, and John took over the
production into the 1990s. Today,
Randall sheaths are made by
Sullivan’s Holster Shop. (photos
courtesy the author)

Burr-King, Bader &
Hard Core Belt Grinders

Variable Speed Motors

Large selection of Steel in stock. ATS. 34, 440C,
BG-42, & 416. Also Stainless & Nickel Damacus

vary day to day, but you should know

that the carbon steel Model 17 was one of
the fi rst groups of 17 made and its value
now is quite high. As for it being a col-
lectible, yes, it’s very much in demand
by collectors.

Send your questions to the Randall Answer

Man, c/o BLADE®, 700 E. State St., Iola,
WI 54990 blademagazine@krause.com, 9˝ Reversible Disc Sander.
or contact the author at (850) 539-4320 Call For Catalog
fax (850) 539-4992. For information on TRU - GRIT
how to verify the authenticity of your Ran- 760 E. Francis St. Suite N, Ontario, CA 91761
dall knife, contact the author. (909) 923-4116 • Fax (909) 923-9932 • 1-800-532-3336
VISA - MasterCard - American Express

JULY 2004 BLADE / 49

5DndDOO$nVZeU.indd 4 4//04 :54:01 PM


By Durwood Hollis

The McGowan Firestone Knife Safe, which also

contains a fillet knife—shown here getting an
edge touchup—sharpens knives via a pair of
revolving abrasive stones. The author says he
keeps the Firestone sharpener with his fishing
gear at all times.

50 / BLADE JULY 2004

6KDUSeneUV.indd 50 4//04 4:01:20 PM

Technology with an Edge

The Technology.....Kershaw’s Ken Onion Tactical Blur

The Edge.................• Speed-Safe assisted-opening system

• Tanto blade design
• “Trac-Tec” handle inserts
• for extremely secure grip
• Ergonomic design
• Kershaw’s “shaving-sharp” edge
• Removable/reversible pocket clip
• Lifetime guarantee

Model 1670TBLKST
(Partially Serrated)
MSRP $99.95

Blade......3 3/8 in. (8.6cm)

Steel.......440A stainless
Handle...Anodized aluminum
w/ Trac-Tec inserts
Closed....4 1/2 in. (11.5cm)
Weight...4.2 oz.

The new Meyerco Alien II

incorporates both a tapered
diamond shaft and a pair
of tungsten carbide tips in
the same hand-held fixture.
Here the shaft is used to
sharpen a Boker 2005.

nife-sharpening locales can be di- an edge is with one of the “drag-and-

vided into three major categories: scrape” knife sharpeners, which consists
field, camp and home. There are of a pair of tungsten-carbide sharpening
a number of new tips set into a hand-
sharpeners in each held fi xture at an
category that I’d like appropriate angle.
to address, as well as
ones I’ve used with
“The fastest way To use a drag and
scrape, place the
consistent success
through the years.
to re-establish knife on a solid sur-
face with the cut-
In the field, you
must select a sharp-
an edge is with ting edge up. Hold
the knife steady
ener that can produce
satisfactory results
one of the ‘drag- with one hand and
the sharpener with
quickly and with a
minimum of trouble.
and-scrape’ knife the other. Engage
the edge near the
A small pocketsize
whetstone can do the
sharpeners.” handle with the “Y”
notch formed by the
job, though you must
be proficient at free-
—the author sharpening tips. Us-
ing light downward
hand knife sharpen- pressure, draw the
ing to use one. Given sharpener along the
For information
the fact that most knife users struggle entire length of the cutting edge. Tools or a dealer near you, call:
with whetstone work, several alterna- of this category that I’ve used and can 1-800-325-2891
tives may be better suited. recommend without reservation are the www.kershawknives.com
The fastest way to re-establish Smith’s Jiff “V” Sharp JIFF-S, the

JULY 2004 BLADE / 51

6KDUSeneUV.indd 51 4//04 4:03:41 PM

w w w.accentknives.com sharpeners


A Cut Above:
Knives from a
European For freehand knife
sharpening on a whetstone,
there are many different options,

Master including natural and manmade

stones, diamond-impregnated stones
and stones with multiple sharpening sur-
faces. One of the author’s leading choices
is the new DMT DuoBase with a 6x2-inch
diamond stone sharpener.

Lansky Easy Grip Sharpener, and the then draw the edge through the sharpen-
AccuSharp Knife and Tool Sharpener ing tips. My favorite of this type is the

Model 001. Edgemate Carbide Sharpener from


An alternative procedure reverses the GATCO. Regardless of the sharpener,


position of the knife and sharpener. Situ- you will both see and feel the tungsten

ate the sharpener on a solid surface and carbide tips cut a new edge angle.

The fastest way to re-establish an


edge is with one of the “drag-and-

scrape” knife sharpeners, which
consists of a pair of tungsten-carbide
sharpening tips set into a hand-held
fixture at an appropriate angle. An
example of the category that the au-
thor has used and recommends is the
AccuSharp Knife and Tool Sharpener
Model 001, here fine tuning a Schrade
Uncle Henry Model 164.


Only living Grandmaster

of the Art

Five decades of Experience

Five hundred years of


• Traditional Folding Knives

• Forged Damascus Blades
• Hunting Knives
• Custom Knives

52 / BLADE JULY 2004

6KDUSeneUV.indd 52 4//04 4:05:2 PM

The Tri-Angle Sharpmaker 204MF
from Spyderco comes with two
sets of high alumina ceramic
stones—medium grit for aggres-
sive sharpening and fine for
professional grade finishing. A
set of brass safety rods protects
your hands during sharpening.
The knife is a Buck 119A.

Another easy-to-use field-sharpener
methodology employs a pair of crossed
sharpening steels set into a hand-held
fi xture. Edgemaker manufactures sev-
eral different variations. The original
“There are no
Model 012 is the one I favor for edge
touch-ups—similar to the way a butcher
component parts “IMITATED
does with a sharpening steel. to lose, no
One more excellent sharpener for BUT NEVER
field use features a diamond-impregnat- special setup
ed, rounded shaft enclosed in a knurled
brass handle. The model that has ac- and no lubricant DUPLICATED”
companied me on several trips to the
field is the Round Diamond Sharpener necessary.” BLADE SHOW
Model M from EZE-LAP. I’ve also used
the GATCO Diamond Stix Sharpener —the author
and the Kershaw Model 2525 with com- 27, 28 & 29
plete satisfaction.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 53

6KDUSeneUV.indd 53 4//04 :4:22 PM


The author has used the sharpener style consisting

of a diamond-impregnated, rounded shaft enclosed
in a handle—such as the Kershaw 2525, here with a
Schrade Uncle Henry 885UH—several times in the
field with complete satisfaction.

Another of the author’s favorite drag-

and-scrape models is the Smith’s Jiff “V”
Sharp JIFF-S. It is shown here honing a
Schrade Uncle Henry 164 fixed blade.

54 / BLADE JULY 2004

6KDUSeneUV.indd 54 4/7/04 :35:22 $M

Simply remove the shaft from the
handle container and secure it in place by
means of a handle-attached screw collar.
There are no component parts to lose, no
special setup and no lubricant necessary.
Engage the blade at an appropriate angle
and begin moving the diamond-impreg-
nated shaft along the length of the edge.
The new Meyerco Alien II incor-
porates a tapered diamond shaft and a
pair of tungsten carbide tips in the same
hand-held fi xture. It both re-establishes
the cutting edge and hones it to a fi ne
sharpness—all in one tool.
Whetstone devotees will probably
prefer the sharpeners consisting of han-
dy pocket stones attached to folding pro-
tective handles. These are available in a
number of different grits—extra fi ne, fi ne
and medium coarse, and combinations of
same—as well as ceramic and diamond-
covered sharpening surfaces. Diamond
Machining Technology (DMT) has a
wide selection of such tools, all of which
are convenient and go anywhere. I re-
ally like the Diafold Hook and Knife
Sharpener for sharpening my fi llet knife
and lure hooks with equal aplomb.

“An electric knife

sharpener will
produce foolproof
results each time
you use it.”

ha unt r s to the ope or

fr G o

l f

of he eth inl ife res eve ility

—the author

h ta kn p d b
id ck . W d s e de gy pa
ur pa ife an th an olo ca

H e es in s
yo ot kn le rm c hn he
m n g d fo ou c t
or hy tin an ns y te ce
Another type of easy-to-use knife-
sf w un l h tra er, ted twi
tra ing ng Zy e to Fra ten ply

sharpening technology consists of a pair

a m

of revolving abrasive stones. McGowan

ig sa tr ed la e p si


m ru s rc b c g s

Manufacturing makes a number of such

be st r c ne fo e en izin t i

ld ju o s o ein th Sp til cre

tools, including the FireStone Knife t

ou It ing s i s-r ate nd . U se

d r

ea t

Safe, which also contains a fi llet knife.

sh er? mp .thi las rot a ght r’s
ife lv ca s.. g nd on ei ve


It’s a perpetual part of my fi shing gear.

kn evo e er its a ers d w vol
R ou’r l lin ith ver ob an Re

Camp Sharpeners
y tee . W le e R ze er

ht d o
s w ng bi si nt

Since storage space and tool weight

sa cki ob me Hu

an e
lo R a w

are not serious considerations in most

nt th
by e s ne

re s

camps, if you have mastered freehand

ffe ve
th he

di n

knife sharpening, you can use your fa-

a tk
m ga

vorite whetstone. Of course, there are

do lo .
fro in

many different options, including natu-

... ok

ral and manmade stones, diamond-im-

e re

pregnated stones, and stones with multi-

w u’
ay y

ple sharpening surfaces. My choice is the

w ow

DMT DuoBase with a 6x2-inch diamond


T m

stone sharpener. And an EZE-LAP dia-

ES co

-B s.

mond stone (Model 62F) on a walnut

G e v

pedestal is a permanent fi xture in my

SO kn

MSRP: $86.95

8- og

hunting lodge. Blade & Saw: 4.75"

88 .s

“V” knife sharpeners, which feature


Handle: 4.5"

a pair of sharpening rods set into a rigid Leather Sheath Included

JULY 2004 BLADE / 55

6KDUSeneUV.indd 55 4//04 4:0:13 PM

base, are also great for camp use. Gen-
Marble Safety Axe Co. erally, ceramic sharpening rods, in both
round and triangular shapes, are used.
No. 3 Five Inch Safety Hunting Knife Since the tool base serves as a storage
location for the rods, the entire system
Originally produced from 1902 to 1906, the first version of Webster is self-contained. The two holes in the
Marble’s Safety Hunting Knife became a legend among sportsmen in short base, each drilled at a precise angle, can
order, and a legend among collectors in the years to come. The model be used to position the rods at the cor-
rect sharpening angle (some sharpeners
have more than one rod-insertion posi-
tion for two-stage sharpening). To make
things even easier, the need for lubricant
is eliminated and thus the mess with it.

pictured is the latest in our series of Safety Hunting knife reproductions,

and features ivory colored handles molded with the ‘elk and cougar’ scene
“The Lansky
on one side and the scrolled name of its manufacturer on the other, just Crock Stick
like the original hard rubber models.
These knives feature a 402HC stainless steel blade and are mounted Professional has
entirely in nickel silver. Only 250 of this edition have been produced, and
each knife comes with a fine reproduction of the original leather belt been a part of my
Made in the U.S.A., by America’s finest craftsmen. camping gear for
Dealer Inquiries Contact our Distributors:
• Blue Ridge 276-783-6143 • Bowie Corporation 906-864-3922
several years.”
David G. Shirley and —the author
The Custom Shoppe, LLC
Made in the USA
13 Weston Avenue, Gladstone, MI 49837 The Lansky Crock Stick Profes-
sional has been a part of my camping
gear for several years. The alumina ce-
ramic sharpening rods can be set at ei-
ther 20- or 25-degree angles and snap
into the base for storage.
The Tri-Angle Sharpmaker 204MF
from Spyderco is another perennial “V”
sharpener favorite. It comes with two
sets of high alumina ceramic stones—
medium grit for aggressive sharpening
and fi ne for professional grade fi nishing.
A set of brass safety rods protects your
hands during sharpening.
The kit-contained, fi xture-mounted
sharpener eliminates all the guesswork
surrounding which angle to use. It con-
sists of a knife clamp and several stones
for different levels of abrasion. Clamp
the knife in, then insert the guide rod
into the appropriate slot in the angle
guide. To sharpen the knife, all you have
to do is draw the hone across the edge.
This tool allows you to replicate a con-
sistent abrasive angle with every pass of
the hone over the edge. For convenient
storage, the sharpener and its compo-
nent parts—angle guide, abrasive hones
and sharpening lubricant—are all con-
tained in a molded storage container,
complete with instructions for use. In
this category, I give both the GAT-
CO Edgemate Model 10005 and the
DMT Deluxe Aligner high marks for

56 / BLADE JULY 2004

6KDUSeneUV.indd 5 4//04 4:07:40 PM

outstanding performance.
rs Sharp At Home
Certainly, every knife sharpener men- Larkin Precision specializes in flat grinding, including
tioned so far can be used in your home. knife blade blanks of all the customary steels.
However, with an electric knife sharpen- 4 DOUBLE DISC GRINDERS
er, you’re more likely to keep your knives
at the peak of cutting performance. And NEW IN 2004:
electric knife sharpeners possess the ROSLER KERAMO-FINISH POLISHER
best features—preset sharpening angle,
* Quality Work * Customer Satisfaction * Excellent Customer Service
different types of abrasives and satis-
factory edge establishment—of all. The LARKIN PRECISION LLC
major difference is the speed and ease of 5810 SOUTH 194TH STREET
sharpening. KENT, WASHINGTON 98032
While electric knife sharpeners have PHONE: 253-872-3536 • PHONE: 800-359-9582
been on the market for many years, older FAX: 253-872-3830 • E-MAIL: larkinprecision1@qwest.net
models were nothing more than mini-
grinders. The abrasive wheels moved
so fast that an unacceptable level of
friction—i.e., heat—was produced that
could compromise the blade’s heat treat-
John R. Fraps, Knifemaker
See Me At
ment. When that occurred, edge reten-
tion went downhill fast! Simply put,
The Blade Show Table 15D
many earlier electric knife sharpeners Knifemaker’s Guild Show
damaged the blade rather than restored
the edge. Fortunately, that’s all changed
in recent years.
I’ve used the Chef’s Choice EdgeSe- 317-849-9419
lect Model 120 enough to realize that jfraps@att.net
there’s no better and easier way to do the www.frapsknives.com
job. Moreover, an electric knife sharp-
ener will produce foolproof results each www.BladeGallery.com/Fraps
time you use it. www.customknifegallery.com/fraps photo by BladeGallery.com

“’V’ knife sharp-

eners are great
a r twith
an edge
for camp use.” A large selection
of handmade and
—the author production knives

Last Cut
My father used only one type of knife www.arizonacustomknives.com • 904.460.9579
sharpener—a dual-faced (coarse/soft
and fi ne/hard) whetstone. It was stored Julie Hyman | 5099 Medoras Ave. • Saint Augustine, FL 32080 sharptalk@bellsouth.net
in a kitchen drawer but, when we went
afield, the old man made sure it was part
of our camp gear. Even when we packed
into some remote backcountry location,
he carried the whetstone in his pack.
25th Anniversary
Thankfully, knife-sharpening tech-
nology has evolved since the days of my AL MAR KNIVES
youth. No matter where the need arises—
deep in the backcountry, at a roadside Shiva™
campground or in the kitchen—there’s a
knife sharpener for every situation. Limited
Production of
For the contact information for the PO BOX 2295
sharpeners in the story, see “Where To TUALATIN, OR 97062 500 Knives
Get ‘Em” on page 105.
PH. 503-670-9080 www.almarknives.com
FX: 503-639-4789
See us at Blade Show Booth #84

JULY 2004 BLADE / 57

Sharpeners.indd 57 4/12/04 11:14:59 AM

1starmoryauction.com C.A.S. lberia Guild Knives - Selling
Online Firearms Auction www.casiberia.com Custom Collection, Don Guild
admin@1starmoryauction.com cas@casiberia.com www.guildknives.com
2thehilt.com Cable Joe Knives Halpern Titanium
2thehilt.com http://homepage.mac.com/coff- www.halperntitanium.com
info@2thehilt.com man/cablejoe info@halperntitanium.com
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. Held’s Discount Knives
www.agrussell.com www.cbaknives.com www.pumaknives.com
ag@agrussell.com info@cbaknives.com sales@pumaknives.com
Atlanta Cutlery Chuck Anderson Hoffman Knives - Selling
www.atlantacutlery.com www.cbaknives.com Top Quality Collection - Walt
atlcut@mindspring.com info@cbaknives.com www.hoffmanknives.com

Automatic Knives Switchblade Close Quarters Combatives Independent Knife and

Knife Sales U.S.A. Tactical Knives Novelty
www.nicnac.net www.CQCKnives.com independentknife.com
sales@cqcknives.com info@independentknife.com
Custom Knife Gallery of Colorado Knife & Sword Auction
Beckwith’s Blade www.bladebid.com
www.beckwithsblades.com www.customknifegallery.com
bob_glassman@yahoo.com bladebid@cs.com
Custom Knife Consignment Knife Center of the Internet
Benchmade www.knifecenter.com
www.benchmade.com www.customknifeconsignment.com
bob@customknifeconsignment.com info@knifecenter.com
Custom Leather Knife Sheaths The Knife Connection
Benchmark/National Knife knifeconnection@comcast.net
Distributors www.customsheaths.com
rschrap@aol.com www.thecustomknifeconnection.com
nkdi@nkdi.com Cutting Edge Cutlery Co. Knife Mart
No one in Canada has more knives www.knifemart.com
Best Knives knifeologist@knifemart.com
info@bestknives.com Dantes Knifeworks KnifeShows.com
www.DantesKnife.com www.knifeshows.com
Blade Art Inc. sales@DantesKnife.com tedmerchant@comcast.net
info@bladeart.com E-Blades.com Kubasek Custom Knives
www.e-blades.com www.kubasekcustomknives.com
Bladegallery.com sales@e-blades.com kubasekknives@yahoo.com
Omalley@bladegallery.com Dave Ellis - “CA. 1st ABS M.S.” Last Legend Competition Blades
www.exquisiteknives.com www.lastlegend.com
Blades International Online ellis@mastersmith.com sales@lastlegend.com
Magazine Little Hen Knives
www.bladesinternational.com Ernie Lyle - Knifemaker
www.ernestlyleknives.com www.littlehenknives.com
editor@bladesinternational.com ron@littlehenknives.com
Bob Neal Custom Knives Lone Wolf Knives
www.bobnealcustomknives.com Frost Cutlery
bob@bobnealcustomknives.com www.frostcutlery.com
Bubba Knives Lynn Griffith - Tactical Knifemaker
www.bubbaknives.com Gary Levine Fine Knives www.griffithknives.com
warren@bubbaknives.com www.levineknives.com blade@griffithknives.com
Burger Knives Mackrill Knives
www.swordcane.com Greco Knives www.mackrill.co.za
sordcane@venturenet.co.za Official Website info@mackrill.co.za
Busse Combat Knife Company johngreco@grecoknives.com Mantis Swords
www.bussecombat.com (Going out of business due to www.mantisswords.com
busse@bright.net health) mantisswords@toadmail.toad.net

Next_Issue.indd 32 4/12/04 12:48:58 PM


Charlie Mattox Sharper Things
www.mattoxknife.com www.SharperThings.com
charliemattox@aol.com info@sharperthings.com
Moore Cutlery Sooner State Knives
www.moorecutlery.com www.soonerstateknives.com
gary@moorecutlery.com ssknives@swbell.net
On Most Newsstands
Mother Of Pearl Co. Inc.
Spartan Cutlery
by June 8th
www.stingrayproducts.com www.knivescentral.com
mopco@earthlink.net info@knivescentral.com 2004 BLADE Show
Spoon River Cutlery & Gifts
Moulton Knives
www.moultonknives.com www.spoonrivercutlery.com Preview
dusty@moultonknives.com questions@spoonrivercutlery.com
Museum Replicas Swamp Rat Knives
www.museumreplicas.com www.swamprat.com
musrep@mindspring.com info@swamprat.com
Nashville Knife Shop The Equipment Outpost
Knives For
Winning The Peace
Neilson’s Mountain Hollow
The Sword Armory
J & Tess Neilson
mountainhollow@emcs.net sales@swordarmory.com BLADE Show Knife
Okuden Custom Kydex Thunderforged® Damascus Intros
www.okuden.net www.knifesupplies.com
info@okuden.net cs@knifesupplies.com
Pardue Knives Tool Shop
www.pardueknives.com www.toolshop.de The Randall
joe@pardueknives.com info@tool-shop.com
mel@pardueknives.com Zacharias Knife
Triple Aught Design
Pratt’s Collectible Cutlery www.tadgear.com
Case, Puma, Parker, Boker, Bulldog, info@tadgear.com
Muela, Remington
Knife Store www.prattscutlery.com True North Knives
Profile In Steel:
Darrel Ralph www.truenorthknives.com
Vince & Grace
darrel@darrelralph.com Universal Agencies, Inc. (U.A.I.) Evans
Ray Jay Knives www.knifesupplies.com
www.rayjayknives.com cs@knifesupplies.com
Vinny’s Knives One Man’s Cutlery
Ray Rogers Handcrafted Knives www.vinnysknives.com
www.rayrogers.com vinny@vinnysknives.com Crystal Ball
Jim Whitman, Knifemaker
Richard L Johnson Knifemaker www.whitmanknives.com
Custom Knives and Knife Repair
jim@whitmanknives.com A Firmament of
rlj@execpc.com Willy B. Custom Sticks/Picks
Robertson’s Custom Cutlery www.willyb.com Handle Pins
www.robertsoncustomcutlery.com wbflashs@prodigy.net
customknives@comcast.net Daniel Winkler
S4 Supply Master Bladesmith A Club For Almost
www.s4supply.com www.winklerknives.com
sales@s4supply.com daniel@winklerknives.com Every Knife
BLADE / 59

Next_Issue.indd 33 4/12/04 12:47:34 PM

knife talk
knife talk

By Ed Fowler Built in the 1930s, the author’s old knife

BLADE ® field editor shop holds many fond memories for him,
including making such knives as the PH7
Raccoon. Note the author’s Beaudry power
hammer outside the shop at right. (knife
photo by BladeGallery.com)

The author embarks on

building a new knife shop—
but not before paying
homage to the old one
60 / BLADE JULY 2004

)RZOeU.indd 0 4//04 :33:13 PM

This Father's
Day, choose
Some leftover equipment from
the author’s old shop includes his
most prized knifemaking posses-
only the best.
sion, an Eclipse Model V-7 3-inch
bench vise (left) given him by his
grandfather. The author’s first For your free catalog call
“power hammer” was a 10-pound
double jack with a 1-inch-round 479-571-6161 Dept #H0704
steel bar welded on for a handle
(right). (Fowler photo) For faster service -
ast spring started with the dream of Shop Online @
many knifemakers: we were going to
build a new knife shop. A new shop had agrussell.com
been a dream of my wife Angie’s since the © Copyright 2004, A. G. Russell Knives, Inc.
fi rst time she saw my old one. Her fi rst visit
to the old shop devastated her; she couldn’t
believe that the knives I made could come
from such a “dump.”
Angie comes from one side of the
tracks, I came from the other. Angie had See us at
never seen dirt before she came to Wyo-
ming; I rarely walk on pavement. Angie
Blade Show
Booths 56 & 61
was used to a high-ticket job in the spar-
kling-clean hospital laboratory where she
worked before we met. I’ve lived most of
TO U G H C H O I C E !
my life well below what modern American
government officials proclaim to be “the
poverty level.” Of course, that’s only as far



The 30x60-foot monolithic slab for UMS

the new shop includes two deep, (Uniformed Military Services)
reinforced concrete pads to sup-
port the power hammers. It’s under Law Enforcement and Active Military Discounts
the slab that the author buried
several five-gallon buckets worth Visit our updated Web site
of experimental blades. (Fowler www.microtechknives.com
photo) or call 772-569-3058 for more information

JULY 2004 BLADE / 61

Fowler.indd 61 4/9/04 7:06:06 PM

knife talk
knife talk
as money is concerned; my life has been
filled with riches beyond the reach of many
T H E P T K ( P i c k Ta c t i c a l K n i f e ) folks well above the poverty level.
The old shop was built sometime in
A B U D N E A LY / M I C H A E L R . P I C K C O L L A B O R AT I O N

$ 2 9 900

w w w. b u d n e a l y k n i f e m a k e r. c o m
O r C a l l , w r i t e o r e m a i l : B u d N e a l y, 1 4 3 9 P o p l a r Va l l e y R d . , S t r o u d s b u r g , PA 1 8 3 6 0
Phone 570-402-1018; Fax 570-402-1019; Email budnealy@ptd.net

WOLF TUFF Jim Kortum (below) devised a

LC14700 labyrinth of wires that provides an
Harsey Tactical absolute abundance of 110- and
220-volt outlets every six feet along
the walls of the author’s new shop.
When the foreman from the power
company saw the breaker box, he
called the rest of his crew in to
LC14800 study it, claiming it was the best
Harsey Tactical Ranger example of workmanship he’d seen
on a breaker box with 40 breakers.
Evolution eliminates bad design and (Fowler photos)
construction in plants, animals and
equipment. We build our Tactical
Knives, “Wolf Tuff.” Seven million years
of evolution has perfected the wolf and
Lone Wolf Knives has perfected the
LC14600 folding tactical knife. All Lone Wolf
Harsey T-2 Ranger Tactical knives utilize the best design,
materials and construction available.
They are built to survive where others
will fail.

• CPM-S30V blade
• Titanium liners
• Master-Grip™ handle design
• Designer - William (Bill) Harsey
• Lifetime Warranty
17400 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, Suite 240, Portland, OR 97224 www.lonewolfknives.com

62 / BLADE JULY 2004

)RZOeU.indd 2 4//04 :33:42 PM

the 1930s and has a character all its own.
When we moved to the Willow Bow Com-
munity, the shop was filled with scrap iron
and one incandescent light bulb with a
pull chain hung from a rafter in the center.
Years passed and slowly the shop and I got
to know each other.
The old shop was where my dreams
became realities. I experimented with dif-
ferent steels and heat-treating methods.
Through their knives in my old shop, I
visited with knifemakers who had passed
on many years before my time. Ten great
dogs, each of them supreme companions
of man, several cats, lambs, newborn
calves and a few horses shared time with
me in my old shop. Many knifemakers and
clients visited my old shop; friendship
lived there. Sure, my old shop wasn’t much
compared to a hospital laboratory, but
it was mine.
Thirty years ago I could only afford to
insulate the walls and ceiling of my shop
with old newspapers and cardboard. Those
were followed by some scrap Styrofoam™
from a construction project up town and,
later, some fiberglass insulation. Mean-
while, I used discarded plywood to spruce
the inside up and provide a little more shel-
ter from the wind, heat and cold, and rain
and snow. A wood stove provided a small
amount of heat, though a sonic boom from
some government experiments shook the
stovepipe loose and set the cedar-shin-
gle roof on fi re. We put the fi re out with
buckets of water from the slough and re-
placed the shingles that had been con-
sumed by the flames.
My old shop continued to be a part of
those fi rst knives, most of which were given
away. My forge was a farrier’s coal model
from a pawnshop, the hand crank turned
by my children—when I could catch them.
My fi rst “power hammer” was a 10-pound
double jack with a 1-inch-round steel bar
welded on for a handle.
My fi rst grinder was a well-used 1/4-
horsepower stone-wheel bench model;
my drill press was a hand held 1/4-inch
electric drill. My most prized knifemak-
ing possession was and still is an Eclipse
Model V-7 3-inch bench vise given me by
my grandfather, along with his Norton fi ne
India bench stone. I had made many other
knives before coming to the Willow Bow
Ranch; this was a new generation. My fi rst
knives that I sold for $20 were enough en-
couragement to keep me in materials to
make more knives.
I bought used grinders and buf-
fers from garage sales and scrap yards. I
mounted them on pedestals I made from
scrap materials. Eventually, I was able to
afford a Burr King 960 belt grinder and a
real propane forge from Ken Mankel. New
pieces of equipment were added one at a
time as opportunity or an exceptional deal
or cash to buy one became available. Two
more grinders and, fi nally, three Little Gi-

JULY 2004 BLADE / 63

)RZOeU.indd 3 4//04 :34:03 PM

“Handles With Care” knife talk
knife talk
ant power hammers and a Paragon heat-
MASECRAFT treating oven, and my shop was pretty
well equipped.
SUPPLY COMPANY As time passed we added what I felt
was adequate lighting—two windows let
in daylight and afforded some ventilation.
Five light fi xtures were mounted on open
Pearl, Horn, Bone, Exotic Woods, Micarta, rafters. When I worked on a knife, only
G-10’s, Carbon Fiber, Celluloids, Stag, it and nothing else was on my mind or in
my vision. The clutter accumulated and I
ImiStag, Laminated Pearl Veneer Sheets, honestly never saw the lack of organiza-
tion and mess that surrounded me. I came
Color Ply Laminated Veneer Wood, to love my old shop. I often wondered why
the wives and companions of visiting knife
Imitation Pearl, Alternative Ivory, Recon Stone friends chose to sit in their cars or out-
side under the shade trees while my knife
and More friends and I talked knives.
The most significant contribution to
Call to order our catalog becoming a knifemaker is desire. I made
P.O. Box 423 BL my fi rst knives using nothing more than a
cold chisel, vise, blowtorch, claw hammer,
254 Amity St., Meriden, CT 06450 files and sandpaper. If you want to make
knives bad enough, you will in spite of the
tools available. Your shop will grow with
Phone: (203) 238-3049 your enthusiasm.

E-mail: masecraft@masecraftsupply.necoxmail.com Raising The Roof

In the spring of 2003, a friend and con-
tractor, Glen McPherson, offered to build
an extension onto my shop. This sounded
good. He rightfully convinced me that
we would be wasting our time trying to
remodel or add on to the old shop, so we


decided to build a new one.
The new shop was fi rst planned as a
20x30-foot building on a monolithic slab.
Plans grew and soon we had laid a 30x60-
foot monolithic slab, with two deep,
reinforced concrete pads to support the
power hammers.
BACK IN THE SADDLE! 36TH YEAR One evening after the cement crew
left, I carried several five-gallon buck-
WORLD’S GREATEST ets filled with experimental blades and,
one at a time, buried them in the dirt where
FIREARM ◆ BLADE ◆ WESTERN SHOW! the slab was to be poured the follow-
ing morning. Those experimental blades
ANTIQUE AND MODERN ARMS MILITARY MEMORABILIA were and are the foundation of all that we
ART & JEWELRY have achieved. I felt it was an appropriate
SPURS & BITS place for them.
RELOADING SUPPLIES SWORDS & BLADES Bill Burke, his children Joe and An-
UNIFORMS INSIGNIA & DECORATIONS drew, and his friend Jim Kortum drove
down from Salmon, Idaho, and donated
★BUY ★ SELL ★ TRADE ★ DISPLAY★ their construction equipment and summer
putting the plans together.
Kortum learned about electricity while
★ MAY 8 - 9 ★ he was in the Navy doing special wiring on
nuclear projects. He devised a labyrinth of
wires that provides an absolute abundance
FAIR PARK - DALLAS, TEXAS of 110- and 220-volt outlets every six feet
along the walls. The shop has 41 light fi x-
GREAT WESTERN SHOWS, INC. tures and is warmed by a geothermal heat
AUSTIN, TX 78720 pump that, so far, has heated the shop at
SUNDAY AT 11AM (512) 996-8900 FAX: (512) 996-9909 half the cost of my old one. In the summer
the heat pump also provides air condition-
ing. When the foreman from the power
Web site: http://www.greatwesternshow.com E-mail: info@greatwesternshow.com company saw the job Jim had done wiring
64 / BLADE JULY 2004

)RZOeU.indd 4 4//04 :34:30 PM

Technology with an Edge

The Technology....Kershaw’s NEW Ken Onion Splinters

The Edge.................• Ambidextrous thumb-stud opening

• Quince wood or smoked anodized
aluminum handles
• Kershaw’s “shaving-sharp” edge
• Removable pocket clip
• Lifetime guarantee

Model 1460
Model 1460BR
Model 1460BRST Model 1460
(Quince Wood)
MSRP $140.00

Blade......3 in. (7.5cm.)

Steel.......AUS8A stainless
Liners.....420 stainless
Handles..Quince wood
or Aluminum
Lock .......Liner
Those who built the author’s new shop include, from left: ABS bladesmith Bill Closed....4 in.
Burke, Glen McPherson, Duane McPherson, Jim Kortum and Joey Burke, Bill’s (10.3cm.)
eldest son. The lamb is one of Angie Fowler’s favorites, “Cheater.” (Fowler photo) Weight ...2.3 oz.

the breaker box, he called the rest of his My old shop had two windows that ad-
crew in to study it, claiming it was the best mitted little light and little ventilation. The
example of workmanship he’d seen on a new shop has 18 windows that, during the
breaker box with 40 breakers! day, adequately light and provide radiant
The electrical system in my old shop heat for most work. The old shop didn’t get
was a maze of wiring that started with- much ventilation via the windows or doors,
out any plan other than “get a light here or though it was well ventilated through the
maybe there.” Each electrical outlet ran to walls. The new shop has 14 inches of in-
more homemade extension cords. The fuse sulation in the ceiling and 6 inches in the
box had four screw-in fuses that regularly walls, and is tight enough that I have to
yielded their responsibility at will. One open a couple of windows for ventilation.
outlet got its electricity from somewhere
that wasn’t included in the main shop line; Next time: The author waxes even more
it was very reliable and never blew a fuse. nostalgic about his old shop before moving
In the interest of safety, I used a large felt- his equipment to the new digs, rearranging
tip marker to place the notice, “NOT ON and organizing tools and other materials,
MAIN BREAKER,” on the wall above it. and much more.
Model 1460BRST
(Black, Red)
Partially Serrated
MSRP $99.95
The new shop has 14 inches of
insulation in the ceiling and 6
inches in the walls. (Fowler photo)

Model 1460BR
(Black, Red)
Straight Edge
Not Shown
MSRP $99.95

For information
or a dealer near you, call:

JULY 2004 BLADE / 65

)RZOeU.indd 5 4//04 :34:2 PM

BLJUL04 4/12/04 10:23 AM Page 2



Knives 2004 2004 Sporting Knives How to Make Knives How to Make Antique American
24th Edition 3rd Edition by Richard W. Barney Folding Knives Switchblades
Edited by Joe Kertzman Edited by Joe Kertzman & Robert W. Loveless A Step-By-Step How-To by Mark B. Erickson
Hundreds of examples of ornate works Featuring A to Z coverage of every hot Learn how with “the bible of knifemak- by Ron Lake, Frank Centofante Master how to realistically grade and
of art and working tools are displayed knife style, this annual reference provides ing.” Gives complete instructions on and Wayne Clay price switchblades and learn inside infor-
and discussed in this edition of the a complete selection of currently available making high quality handmade knives- mation on the hobby, including slang and
world’s greatest knife book. See current knives, knife gear, and knife accessories forging and stock removal, mirror pol- Follow easy instructions on how to make
jargon specific to this field. You’ll also get
custom knife designs and style trends used on a daily basis. ishing, sheath making, safety techniques, a folding knife. Three top custom makers
a reliable history on how they were devel-
and read the best knife articles. Also required tools and supplies, and more. include safety tips, suppliers’ lists, and
Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 256 pages oped and profiles of the companies that
features completely updated directories answers to frequently asked questions.
800 b&w photos Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 182 pages manufactured them. This comprehensive
and custom knifemaking club member-
448 b&w photos Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 193 pages reference offers detailed listings—
ship lists. Item# DGK03 • $22.99
Item# KHM01 • $13.95 350 b&w photos manufacturer/model section, color photo-
Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 312 pages Item# KMF01 • $15.95 graphs, detailed descriptions, and accu-
1,000+ b&w photos rate prices—with an honest appraisal of
8-page color section more than 250 individual models.
Item# KN2004 • $22.99 Softcover • 8-1/4 x 10-7/8
144 pages • 300 color photos
Item# AAMS • $24.99
Available in February

To order by
phone call
Offer K14K
Shipping & Handling:
$4.00 for 1st book,
$2.25 each add’l—
to U.S. addresses.
Wayne Goddard’s The Wonder of Knife Talk II: The High Levine’s Guide to Non-U.S. addresses please
$50 Knife Shop Knifemaking Performance Blade Knives & Their Values add $20.95 for the first book
by Wayne Goddard by Wayne Goddard by Ed Fowler 5th Edition and $5.95 each additional.
Blade magazine columnist Wayne Master bladesmith Wayne Goddard Ed Fowler presents 65 articles on such top- by Bernard Levine, Residents of CA, IA, IL, KS, NJ,
Goddard demonstrates how to outfit a draws on his decades of experience with ics as function, design, and technique; phi- Edited by Bud Lang PA, SD, TN, WI please add
knife making shop for about $50 using this book that tackles real-world prob- losophy; and forging and heat-treating. He Numerous additions, significant pricing appropriate sales tax.
household and Junkyard items. Detailed lems like heat-treating, choosing the also discusses knife manufacturing and revisions and updated sections continue to
diagrams show the design and construc- best steel, and finding the right tools for industry legends. make this the bible for knife collectors—an
tion of all tools needed to make great the knifemaker’s shop. invaluable resource for anyone interested
knives on a shoestring budget. Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 200 pages
250 b&w photos in collectible knives. Inside you’ll find thir-
Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 160 pages
Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11 • 160 pages 8-page color section ty-two additional pages to accommodate
150 b&w photos
75 b&w photos Item# KNTA2 • $19.99 the expansion of current chapters and the
16-page color section
8-page color section all-new chapters on the modern folding
Item# WOKN • $19.95 knife, modern plier/knife multi-tool and a
Item# WGBW • $19.95
further chronicling of the pioneers of P.O. Box 5009
modern handmade knives.
Iola WI 54945-5009
Softcover • 8-1/2 x 11
544 pages www.krausebooks.com
2,000+ b&w photos and illustrations
Item# LGK5 • $29.95 Offer K14K
BLJUL04 4/9/04 11:11 PM Page 7

Dan Burke
EDMOND, OK 73034
PHONE: 405-341-3406
FAX: 405-340-3333

Jumbo Half
Closed Length:
3 3/4”

“Don’t You Buy

No Ugly Knife”

A.T. Barr
153 Madonna Drive
Nicholasville, KY 40356
859-887-5400 Voice/Fax
e-mail: atbarr@alltel.net
See Me At The Blade Show - Table 7H http://www.customknives.com

-Buy -Sell-Trade-
Call or Write:
706-896-2292 24 Hrs.
Associate Member
J.W. Denton Knifemakers Guild
102 N. Main St., Box 429
Hiawassee, GA See us at the Blade Show – Tables 3-E&F
30546-0429 FAX 706-896-1212 • E-mail: jwdenton@alltel.net

Kelly Carlson “Falcon”

54 So. Holt Hill www.carlsonknives.com Tel: 603-588-2765

Antrim, NH 03440 kellycarlson@starband.net Fax: 603-588-4223

JULY 2004 BLADE / 67

BLJUL04 4/7/04 8:35 PM Page 6


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Blade Length - 6 3/8”
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or Tactical Gray
Steel - 1095 High
Carbon Alloy - Rc 58-60
Handles - Blackwater Cutlery PO Box 14902 Preston Road Suite 404/MS 328 Dallas, Texas 75254
Black Linen Micarta® Corporate Line 1-972-661-8383 Toll Free 1- 866-661-8383 Fax 1-817-283-6214
Sheath - Web: www.blackwatercutlery.com Email: sales@blackwatercutlery.com
Ballistic Nylon
with Kydex Liner
Mfg. - Handcrafted
in the USA

$229 + S&H 6AL/4V and Commercially Pure Titanium, Sheet,
Bar, Rod, Stainless Steel Fasteners; Carbon Fiber,
T. O . P S G-10; Titanium Pocket Clip Blanks
Specializing in hard to find knifemaking materials
- Full line of Tactical Knife-making Supplies
- 6 Lobe Stainless Steel Fasteners
TOPS - Wholesale Prices on Carbon Fiber
Tactical-OPS USA - G-10 Available in Colors
P. O. Box 2544 - Rings
Idaho Falls, ID 83403 See Our New Specials Page
PH: (208) 542-0113 on www.halperntitanium.com
FAX: (208) 552-2945 Call: 888-283-8627
Fax: 413-289-2372
Web site: http://www.halperntitanium.com
E-Mail Address: info@halperntitanium.com
...CAUSE THEY’RE HARD TO THE CORE! ™... P.O. Box 214, Three Rivers, MA 01080

68 / BLADE JULY 2004

BLJUL04 4/7/04 8:36 PM Page 9

Visit us at

All of our custom

Knives, Randall, Chris
Phone Orders Welcome! Reeves, William Henry
Plaza Cutlery & other rare knives
South Coast Plaza We accept MasterCard, VISA, &
American Express. Shipping by UPS. are updated daily.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714-549-3932 www.plazacutlery.com

.70¢ ea. ALL NEW

.70¢ ea. WEBSITE!
$1.15 ea.
$1.40 ea.
2˝ x 72˝ $1.70 ea.
$1.20 ea.
$2.90 ea.

Founding member Photo is of a Chris Reeves Sebenza,

NICA 3 William Henry Limited Edition Knives, Wayne Watanabe Neck Knife
(National Independent & a Richard Rogers English slip joint!
Cutlery Association)
shipping & handling $6.95 All Available at the time we placed the ad!

The Tru Hone Knife
Sharpener gives you a per-
Cera-Titan Blade fectly sharpened knife in a
fraction of the time
required by old-fash-
ioned methods. It sharpens both bevels of a knife
blade simultaneously, resulting in equal bevels and
precision sharpness in less than a minute. The
Tru Hone can easily be adjusted to different angles
To place an order or request a FREE catalog allowing you to tailor your knives for any type of
cutting operation. Its heavy duty stainless steel
of knives, call toll-free: 800.992.6537x18 construction and 1/2 hp motor means you will get
or write to: Boker USA,1550 Balsam St. years of maintenance free knife sharpening.
Lakewood, CO 80214-5917
188 Zeta 1721 NE 19th Ave. • Ocala, FL 34470 USA
$97.95 1-800-237-4663
(352) 622-1213 • FAX (352) 622-9180

JULY 2004 BLADE / 69

BLJUL04 4/9/04 8:26 AM Page 8

For Dealers Only! For Dealers Only! For Dealers Only! GAS FORGE
Shape Your Large Blades
By Hot Forging

Reaches Welding Temperature

Call Us Toll Free •Brand Names

•Dependable Sales Staff

1-800-447-4342 •Courteous Operators

•Quick Service
NC Tool Company Inc
125 DEPOT STREET Forest City, NC 28043 Telephone 828-245-4321 Fax 828-245-5121 6133 Hunt Road
E - M a i l u s a t n k d i @ n k d i . c o m o r Vi s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w. n k d i . c o m Pleasant Garden, NC 27313


To proudly mark your knives. Made
to order from your logo, trademark
or special design. Quality steel
stamps at competitive prices.
• Set Prices — no quotes Ask
necessary on most stamps Our
• Personalized Service Stamping
• Brochure $1
Stamp and Die
3050 Westwood Dr. #B-5
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 735-8467 • FAX (702) 735-6895
We accept

Chuck Gedraitis
Handcrafted Knives
Fine Quality Custom Folders
and Automatics

See me
at the blade show
table 14D

82 Campbell St.
Rutland, MA 01543
(508) 963-1861

70 / BLADE JULY 2004

BLJUL04 4/9/04 11:12 PM Page 10

$99.00 FOR BAGHDAD BULLET $99.00
Blade Length - 3 1/2"
O/A Length - 6 1/4"

.A .
PS Actual Cutting Edge - 2 7/8"

U. S
U Thickness - 3/16"


T. O .


Blade Color - Gray $79.00


Steel - 1095 High Carbon +S&H
Alloy Rc 58
Specifications: Handle - Blue/Black G-10
Blade Length - 2 1/2"
Blade Length - 1 7/8" Sheath - Kydex
O/A Length - 4 1/2" O/A Length - 6"
Actual Cutting Actual Cutting
Edge - 1 7/8" Edge - 2 1/2"
Thickness - 3/16" Thickness - 1/8"
Steel - 1095 High Carbon Steel -154 CM RC 58-60
Alloy - Rc 58
Blade Color - Tactical Black
Blade Color - Tactical Black
Skeletonized Handle Skeletonized Handle
Sheath - Kydex Neck Chain Sheath - Kydex Neck Chain
and Snap Link and Snap Link

T. O . P S
. P S
T. O

Blade Length - 3 1/2"

O/A Length -7 1/2" U.S.A.

Thickness - 3/16" Tactical-OPS USA

Actual Cutting Edge - 3 1/2"
P. O. Box 2544
SRP $109.00 +S&H Idaho Falls, ID 83403
Steel -1095 High Carbon Phone: (208) 542-0113
Alloy - Rc 58 FAX: (208) 552-2945

Blade Color - Tactical Black
Skeletonized Handle Sheath - Leather 101% Made in USA www.topsknives.com



Edmund Davidson
The Integral JERR Y RADOS
Blacksmith & Bladesmith
The Ultimate Hand Tool


Now providing heat treating service on carbon

Edmund Davidson
3345 Va. Ave., Goshen, VA 24439 & carbon Damascus blades, as well as hot bluing.
Phone: 540-997-5651 P.O. Box 53 • Grant Park, IL 60940
Catalog: $2.00 815-405-5061

If you really love

Prices starting
at $35.
your knives...
...They deserve a
Complete Specifications Send $2 for new quality Sheath!
130 Years of Pocket Knife color brochure
Secrets Revealed! No. 3 Five Inch
Automatic Spring Loaded,
Gravity, Fly, Locking Mech., M.S.A. Co. Safety Hunting Knife
Sliding Interchangeable 2002 Reproduction
Plus Special Bonus Spring
Loaded Weapons Section.
382 Pages. 8 1/2” X 11”
Comb Bound. Amazing
Details. Ideal For
4995 Collectors, Craftsman,
Knife Lovers
Treestump Leather
2036 13th Street, Menominee, MI 49858
Regular Price $79.95 Save $25.00 European orders add $15.00 www.bowiecorporation.com
HC 31, Box 6484 ph: 906.864.3922 • fax: 906.864.3924
We Pay Shipping (1st Class) Send Check for $49.95 to:
Rt. 200, Dept. B, Ellsworth, ME 04605 Toll Free: 877-622-2397
Will Hanna 306 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 212
Royal Oak, MI 48067 (207) 584-3000 • www.treestumpleather.com

JULY 2004 BLADE / 71

BLJUL04 4/12/04 11:21 AM Page 12

Burt Foster


Journeyman Smith

23697 Archery Range Road

Bristol, VA 24202
ADRENALINE 276.669.0121



BG42 Steel
in USA Axis Stag Handle Charlie Mathews
Harry Mathews
121 Mt. Pisgah Church Rd.
Statesboro, GA 30458
T. O. P S


DART = 912-865-9098

DIRECT twinxblades@yahoo.com


Blade Length - 7”
OAL Length - 12 3/4”
Actual Cutting Fine Knives from Seki, Japan
Edge - 6 1/2"
Thickness - 3/16” • With 750 years of sword-making history
Blade Color - Tactical and tradition, we offer the finest brand
Black or Gray
Steel - S30V Rc 60
knives direct from Seki at
Heat Treated by the great saving SekiDirect prices.
Paul Bos
Handle - Black Hattori, Hiro, Seki-Cut,
Linen Micarta®
Sheath - Kydex Masahiro & More
Heavy Duty
Shop online at:

$329 + S&H


T. O . P S
St. Amour Knives
Murray St. Amour
Fine Knives
TOPS Handcrafted in the
Tactical-OPS USA Foothills of the
P. O. Box 2544 Adirondacks
Idaho Falls, ID 83403
PH: (208) 542-0113
FAX: (208) 552-2945 See Us
...BORN IN THE USA... at Blade
www.topsknives.com Show


...CAUSE THEY’RE HARD TO THE CORE! ™... Broadalbin, NY 12025
(518) 883-4875 www.stamourknives.com
skiffmadeblades@hotmail.com knives@webhart.net
www.skiffmadeblades.com R.R. 3, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 6W4 Canada

72 / BLADE JULY 2004

BLJUL04 4/12/04 9:14 AM Page 13

Finest Quality
Superior Service
Popular Blade Material
440C, 440V, ATS-34, 154 CM,
BG-42, 52100, D-2, 0-1, A-2, 1084,
15N20, Nickel 200, Damascus.
ABS ◆ Cobb Centre ◆ Room 103
Guard Bolster & Liners
304, 416, 410, Nickel Silver, Titanium,
◆ Atlanta, Georgia ◆ 11:00 A.M.
Brass, Copper and Aluminum. ◆ June 4, 2004 ◆ 270/753-7919
Handle Material
Colored G-10, Carbon Fiber, Colored Master Knife of the Year
Phenolics, Natural Woods, by Bill Dietzel
Dymondwood®, Horn, Bone and
Reconstructed Stone.
Pocket Knife Supplies
Steel Balls, Washers, Thumbbobs, 6
Spline and Hex Screws, Clips, Mokume,
Mosaic Bolsters and Pivot Pins.
Heat Treat Supplies, Tools, Handle Bolts,
Polishing Supplies, Engraving Supplies,
Abrasive Belts, Blades, Books & Videos.

Catalogs $5.00 U.S.A. Master Folding Knife Journeymen Knife of the

* $8.00 outside U.S.A. of the Year by Year by Robert
SHEFFIELD KNIFEMAKERS Roger Massey Rossdeutscher
P.O. Box 741107, Orange City, FL 32774-1107
Phone: 386-775-6453 • Fax: 386-774-5754
American Bladesmith Society
Web: http://www.sheffieldsupply.com
E-mail: sheffsup@totcon.com
Bid online at www.americanbladesmith.com

Want A Real Hard Use Knife? Heirloom Quality Custom

Get A Graham Razel Knives By...
The Most Useful Knife Michael O’Machearley
129 Lawnview Drive
Yo u W i l l E v e r O w n ! Wilmington, OH 45177

3 / 1 6 ” t h i ck
S 3 0 V, 1 5 4 C M ATS-34 Cocobolo
Kydex or Leather “Featured In Blade Magazine”
423-472-0995 August, 2003 - “Spec Sheet”
www.Grahamknives.com When It All Comes Down To “A Sharp Edge”

JULY 2004 BLADE / 73

BLJUL04 4/12/04 11:21 AM Page 14

T HE PASAYTEN ™ www.kayneandson.com

World’s Finest Blacksmithing
Tools and Equipment
Best Prices
“A JOINT ADVENTURE” Sold By Experienced Blacksmiths
Steven Dick-Designer and SPECIFICATIONS:
Peddinghaus 2
(Airborne Rangers, Viet Nam - Forester - Blade Length - 5 1/4” NEW!!
Field Tester & Editor, Tactical Knives) TOPS Cutting Edge - 4 7/8”
O/A Length - 10” Thickness - 1/8”
Fly Press Horn Anvils
KNIVES Blade Color - Tactical Gray
Steel - 154CM - CRYO Treated
Rc 58-60 Heat Treated by Paul Bos
Handle - Black Linen Micarta®
Sheath - Kydex heavy duty LBE
Revolving Spring Steel Clip
Gas Forges

T. O . P S

$179.00 TOPS knives
+S&H Tactical-OPS USA
P. O. Box 2544
Idaho Falls, ID 83403
COMBINED Phone:(208) 542-0113
HANDCRAFTED FAX: (208) 552-2945 Kayne and Son
EXCELLENCE Internet: www.topsknives.com Custom Hardware, Inc.
100 Daniel Ridge Road
Candler, NC 28715
...FROM THE CAMP TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP...WE’LL BE THERE (828) 667-8868 or 665-1988

Cliff Parker
Handmade Knives &
Damascus Steel

6350 Tulip Drive

Zephyrhills, FL 33544
See Me at Blade Show (813) 973-1682
Table 20-L

Don’t miss the next

Issue Deadline
August April 14, 2004
September May 19, 2004
October June 16, 2004
November July 21, 2004
For advertising information contact

700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990-0001
1-800-272-5233 ext. 642 • FAX (715) 445-4087

74 / BLADE JULY 2004

BLJUL04 4/9/04 11:13 PM Page 15

Bill Burke
High Performance
Working Knives
Hand Forged,
Multiple W NE
52100 #BAGB-03 COMMON #BLUOT-01
$99.00 FOR BAGHDAD BULLET $99.00
Blade Length - 3 1/2"
SEE ME AT O/A Length - 6 1/4"

.A .
BLADE SHOW PS Actual Cutting Edge - 2 7/8"

U. S

TABLE 22N U Thickness - 3/16"


T. O .


Blade Color - Gray $79.00


Steel - 1095 High Carbon +S&H
315 Courthouse Dr. Alloy Rc 58
Salmon, ID 83467 Specifications: Handle - Blue/Black G-10
Blade Length - 2 1/2"
Blade Length - 1 7/8" Sheath - Kydex
Photo by Blade Gallery 208-756-3797 O/A Length - 4 1/2" O/A Length - 6"
Actual Cutting Actual Cutting
Edge - 1 7/8" Edge - 2 1/2"
Thickness - 3/16" Thickness - 1/8"
Steel - 1095 High Carbon Steel -154 CM RC 58-60
Alloy - Rc 58
Blade Color - Tactical Black
Blade Color - Tactical Black
Skeletonized Handle Skeletonized Handle
Sheath - Kydex Neck Chain Sheath - Kydex Neck Chain
and Snap Link and Snap Link

T. O . P S
. P S
T. O

Blade Length - 3 1/2"

O/A Length -7 1/2" U.S.A.

Thickness - 3/16" Tactical-OPS USA

Actual Cutting Edge - 3 1/2"
P. O. Box 2544
SRP $109.00 +S&H Idaho Falls, ID 83403
Steel -1095 High Carbon Phone: (208) 542-0113
Alloy - Rc 58 FAX: (208) 552-2945

Blade Color - Tactical Black
Skeletonized Handle Sheath - Leather 101% Made in USA www.topsknives.com



Custom Boxes & Displays

Lawrence E. McLean
(714) 848-5779• lmclean@socal.rr.com Knife by Rich Orton

JULY 2004 BLADE / 75

BLJUL04 4/9/04 8:27 AM Page 18

IVORY LEGAL African elephant sold in full tusks or sections.

9705 BUY, SELL, TRADE Alan Zanotti, 22 Goodwin Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360. 508-746-
BUYING UNUSUAL Multi tools. Have most major tools. If you
have unusual or rare tools, send description and price to: IVORY PRE-BAN African elephant sold in slabs, tusk sections,
David W. Long, PO Box 996, Paducah, KY 42002. and whole tusks. Warther’s of Ohio, 330-343-1865.

FOR SALE: Antlers (deer, elk, moose), buckskins, tanned furs, MAMMOTH IVORY, blues, greens, and blacks. Fossil
etc. Over 150,000 items. Complete Internet catalog (pictures). Walruss ivory and Oosic. Best selection, best colors, best
http://www.hideandfur.com prices. See me at the Blade Show table 20T. Daniel
Westlind, Beaver Creek Trading.
WANTED: ANY condition handmade knives; Randall, Scagel, MANKEL’S 130# shop anvils. Natural gas or propane fired
Ruana, F.S. Richtig, Morseth, Bone, Cooper, Loveless, shop forges. Tongs and hammers. Good used trip hammers.
Moran, Lile, etc. Also military knives and pocketknives, Call for prices. Mankel 616-874-6955.
watches. Send description and price to: Angelo Solino, 201
Toronto Ave., Massapequa, NY 11758. 516-798-4252. NORDIC KNIVES and materials, handmade and factory made.
Blades, sheaths, wood, leather. Large selection.
6486 CASE 9710 CATALOGS/ MAIL ORDER STEEL TANG Stamps: Mark your knives with your name, logo
LISTS or design. Quality hand-cut hardened steel stamps made to
OLDER CASE pocketknives for sale. XX, USA, 10 Dot and your specifications. “If it’s worth making, it’s worth marking.”
others. Clean outstanding knives with pretty handles. Please CANADA’S KNIFEZONE, premier online knife and sword store. Established 1898. Henry A. Evers, Corp. 72 Oxford St.,
call or write for my list. Charlie Mattox, PO Box 1565, Gallatin, 160 brands including Grohmann knives. http://knifezone.ca, 1- Providence, RI 02905. 401-781-4767.
TN 37066. 1-877-520-9192, voice mail pager. Mobile phone 866-885-6433.
615-419-5669. Http://www.mattoxknife.com TEXAS KNIFEMAKERS Supply, large mail order catalog
COLLECTOR GRADE Knives- Queen, Schatt & Morgan, Ka-Bar, available. Call toll-free 888-461-8632.
WANTED: CASE pocketknives especially 10 Dot and older. Robeson, Remington and Case. We stock knifepaks and rolls.
Check with Charlie before you sell. Call or write. Charlie Send $2 for our catalog. S&S & Sons Cutlers, POB 501C,
Mattox, PO Box 1565, Gallatin, TN 37066. 1-877-520-9192, Lomita, CA 90717. 310-326-3869 or visit our web site 9890 KNIFE SHOPS
voice mail pager. Mobile phone 615-419-5669. http://www.snsandsonscutlers.com
Http://www.mattoxknife.com SHARP STUFF. Antique, custom and factory knives. Buy, sell
CRK&T, SPYDERCO, Benchmade, Cold Steel, Case, Linder, and trade in shop. 3655 North Campbell Ave. at Prince, Tucson
Marbles +many more. Large selection, low prices. Over 5,000 AZ 85719. 520-881-0327.
6876 REMINGTON items. 146 page color catalog. Send $3, refundable with
puchase. Visa & MC. Ruff’s Sadddle Shop Knife Sales, 20747
REMINGTON BULLET Knives; special knife issues; posters; Wiygul Rd, Umatilla, FL 32784, 352-669-3143, E-mail: 9900 LEATHER/ SHEATHS
Remington company collectables. 800-622-5120. cutrope@aol.com CUSTOM LEATHER knife sheaths in your design or mine. Write
DISCOUNTS UP to 55% on Case, Columbia River, Chris Reeve, or call: Robert Schrap, 7024 W. Wells St., Wauwatosa, WI
53213. 414-771-6472 evenings or knifesheaths@aol.com
7602 SWORDS Buck, Puma, Lone Wolf, Smith and Wesson, Gerber, Boker,
Benchmade, Spyderco, Queen Schatt & Morgan, Kershaw and FINE FOLDERS deserve protection. Ron Lake and Mike Walker
HOLLYWOOD REPLICAS is your one stop source for movie many more. Free catalog. Sooner State Knives, PO Box 67, send their folders with one of these soft goatskin, ultrasuede
and TV weapons! We carry all currently available products! Konawa, OK 74849. 580-925-3708 VISA/MC. lined slips. Six sizes for pocket or belt. Arne Mason, 258
Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, Highlander, Xena and ssknives@swbell.net or visit our web site Wimer, Ashland, OR 97520. 541-482-2260, fax 541-482-7785.
more! All with our lowest price guarantee! Visit our website at www.soonerstateknives.com. www.arnemason.com
http:// www.hollywoodreplicas.com for complete details! Free
locator service! Hollywood Replicas, 1029 Johnson Street, GREEN RIVER Knives, ivory micarta, buffalo horn, oak, with
Des Moines, IA 50315, 515-770-5234, E-mail: sheaths. Brochure $1 York Mountain Enterprises, RD2 Box 9935 MULTIPLE BRANDS FOR SALE
hreplicas@aol.com 272B Dept. B, Pittsfield, PA 16340.
CUTTING EDGE CUTLERY is CANADA’S source for knives. Visit
THOUSANDS OF antique swords, daggers, polearms, guns, KNIFE LIST: Usually 200+ old/ new/ discontinued items. $1 www.swords.ca or Call 306.374.EDGE for your needs. No one
accessories, armor and related items. All cultures and all (refundable) and large SASE to: Knives, 1426 S. 167th St., in CANADA has more knives.
periods. The world’s largest stock brought to you in fully Omaha, NE 68130 or knifelist@tconl.com
illustrated color catalogs, $10 annual subscription (two
catalogs and six new stock bulletins). Serving collectors LIST OF over 600 automatic antique and modern knives. 9945 REPAIR (KNIFE)
since 1965. Faganarms, Box 425K, Fraser, MI 48026. Including Case Zippers, Ka-Bar, Grizzly, Presto, Flylock, Case,
Remington, Latama, Italian pick locks and many more brands. KNIFE REPAIR and Restoration. Maintain an old friend or
Send $5.00 refundable with first order. Skelton Enterprise, protect an investment. Miracles are not predictable, but with
7674 MISC. KNIFE TYPES/PATTERNS Jerry Skelton, 3795 Hwy. 188, Alamo, TN 38001. 731-656- time, research and care they are possible. Contact 337-754-
5461 or FAX 337-754-9159 for timely repair.
2443. Request list “S”.
THROWING KNIFE catalog and instruction sheet sent free for
TRAINING KNIVES and Kali Sticks: Many knife styles and sizes
which replicate actual blades. Lightweight material with wide SASE to: Tru-Balance Knife Co., PO Box 140555, Grand 9965 SALES/ AUCTIONS
striking surface allow for harder and faster training with TAK Rapids, MI 49514.
FOR SALE Raffle tickets for the National Knife Collectors
Training Knives. Great Dealer Programs for Martial Arts Association 2004 KNIFE RAFFLE, drawing to be held October
Studios and
Retailers. info@TAKknife.com, 9740 ENGRAVING 23, 2004. The NKCA is raffling off four custom knives as a
fundraiser this year; custom made 23” dagger, one-of-a-kind,
CUSTOM LASER engraving for knives, tools, etc. Call Laser by Ben Shostle in 1993, valued at $10,000; custom made
Blades 800-966-5643 or fax 941-378-9427 for quote. Dietmer Kressler ivory handled hunting knife, valued at
8400 LOVELESS (BOB) HANDCUT ENGRAVING: Specializing in knives, quick
$2,000; custom 2-bladed Saddlehorn folder by John Howser;
and a custom made miniature damascus hunting knife by
LOVELESS KNIVES wanted: Gordon White, PO Box 181, turnaround. Call Barry Snell, evenings 6pm to 9pm EST. 727- Roger “Mudbone” Jones. Also, (2) Queen Cutlery Co Pearl
Cuthbert, GA 39840. 229-732-6982 anytime. 398-7568 Prototypes; and one custom axe by Ryan Johnson. You do not
have to be present to win in raffle, as the winners will have
knives shipped to them in October. RAFFLE TICKETS- $10-12
8450 MORAN (BILL) 9770 HANDLE MATERIALS tickets; $20-24 tickets; $50-60; etc. Mail your check/ money
order to NKCA RAFFLE, PO Box 21070, Chattanooga, TN
MORAN KNIVES wanted by collector. Bob 415-768-4821. DESERT IRONWOOD- screwbean mesquite. Knife handles, 37424-0070 or call and charge to VISA/MC, (423) 892-5007 or
gun stocks, pistol grips, contenders and encores a specialty, e-mail: NKCA@aol.com for more information. Give us your
finished or raw blocks, will ship UPS. 480-948-3638. mailing address if sending check/ money order.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
8708 RANDALL FOR SALE Raffle tickets for the National Knife Collectors
IRONWOOD BURL scales, blocks, folders, squares, cubes, Association 2004 KNIFE RAFFLE, drawing to be held October
I WILL pay top dollar for old Randall knives with Heiser logs online at http://www.ironwoodbydon.com and other
sheaths in good condition. McCotter 252-633-5697. 23, 2004. The NKCA is raffling off four custom knives as a
woods 520-625-5067. fundraiser this year; custom made 23” dagger, one-of-a-kind,
by Ben Shostle in 1993, valued at $10,000; custom made
8808 SCAGEL (WILLIAM) 9780 HEAT TREATING Dietmer Kressler ivory handled hunting knife, valued at
$2,000; custom 2-bladed Saddlehorn folder by John Howser;
SCAGEL KNIVES and Axes wanted: Gordon White, PO Box HEAT TREATING & deep sub-zero (minus 300 F) cryogenic and a custom made miniature Damascus hunting knife by
181, Cuthbert, GA 39840. 229-732-6982 anytime. quench. Rockwell testing & certificates available. Air Roger “Mudbone” Jones. You do not have to be present to win
quenchables steels only. Call toll-free 888-461-8632 Texas in raffle, as the winners will have knives shipped to them in
Knifemakers Supply. October. RAFFLE TICKETS- $10-12 tickets; $20-24 tickets;
9224 MISCELLANEOUS HANDMADE OIL HARDENING/ zone and clay tempering- all steels. Lee
$50-60; etc. Mail your check/ money order to NKCA RAFFLE,
PO Box 21070, Chattanooga, TN 37424-0070 or call and
EXQUISITE HANDMADE Dendritic steel kitchen cutlery and Oates, PO Box 1391, LaPorte, TX 77572-1391. For prices charge to VISA/MC, (423) 892-5007 or e-mail: NKCA@aol.com
outdoor knives, with or without original artwork etched on the http://www.bearclawknives.com 281-587-6080. for more information. Give us your mailing address if sending
blades, superb edge holding & easy to sharpen. Francine check/ money order.
Etched Knives www.francineetchings.com 831-426-6046,
800-557-1525. 9810 KNIFE CLUBS/ SOCIETIES
ENJOY MINIATURE knives? Join the Miniature Knifemakers
JIMMY LILE “Rambo The Mission” matte version, pre-dot & Society. For information, contact: Earl Witsaman, 3957 CUSTOM SCRIMSHAW by Juanita Rae Conover. Single or full
Gil Hibben “Rambo III” #14 of 350, with/certificate. Will only Redwing Circle, Stow, OH 44224, E-mail: eawits@aol.com color. Wildlife a specialty. Exceptional quality. Call for sample
be sold as a pair for $3,500. Contact 201-224-6135. pictures and turn around information. PO Box 70442, Eugene,
WANTED: SCAGEL, R.H. Ruana, Randall, Loveless, Morseth, OR 97401, 541-747-1726 or juanitaraeconover@yahoo.com
Remington, and Marbles knives and axes. Any Heiser knife or 9840 KNIFEMAKING EQUIPMENT
axe sheaths. 229-732-6982, anytime. Gordon White, Box 181,
Cuthbert, GA 39840. m
COOTE BELTGRINDER and contact wheels. Visit us at
www.cootebeltgrinder.com, E-mail coote@olypen.com, phone
360-437-0366. FOR SALE Nicholson Grinder MU-76-LH. Make offer. Carol,
502-845-2284. KY.
9465 WWII- USA
FOR SALE: Military knives, mostly WWII, including Disston
1918 Trench knife, case pig sticker, PAL RH35 Mark I, PAL FOLDER SUPPLIES pivot pins, stainless and gold plated
RH36 commercial, Kabar Mark II USN, and many others screws, titanium sheet. IBS Intl., R.B. Johnson, Box 11, NORTHWEST KNIVES, www.nwknives.com 800-611-8849,
including several authentic reproductions. Terry 410-252- Clearwater, MN 55320. 320-558-6128. Antique, custom, military, factory, swords- we’ve got it all. Free
6660. http://www.customknives.comr.b.johnson/ Catalog!

76 / BLADE JULY 2004

BLJUL04 4/12/04 10:22 AM Page 3

6398 Benchmade 7152 Bowies 7928 Emerson (Ernest) 9705 Buy / Sell / Trade
6421 Blue Mountain 7158 Bowies (Antique) 7958 Fisk (Jerry) 9710 Catalogs / Mail Order
Turquoise 7180 Camp 7980 Fowler (Ed) Lists
6424 Boker 7232 Commemoratives / 8020 Gilbreath (Randall) 9712 Cigar Cutters
6448 Buck Limited Editions 8030 Goddard (Wayne) 9715 Collectible
MAGAZINE CLASSIFIED 6466 Bulldog 7290 Diving 8128 Holder (D’)
9720 Collections
HEADINGS AVAILABLE 6476 C.A.S. Iberia Inc 7322 Fighters 8188 Hudson (Robbin)
9730 Dealers Wanted
7334 Folding 8348 Lile (Jimmy)
CLASSIFIED ADS 6480 Camillus
7338 Folding (Multi-Blade) 8400 Loveless (Bob)
9735 Design Services

Only 55¢ per word 6486 Case

6492 Case Classics
7344 Fruit
7374 Hunting (Folders)
8450 Moran (Bill)
8708 Randall
9738 Distr Wanted
9740 Engraving
Minimum charge is $8.25 per ad. 6510 Cold Steel 9750 Factory Reps Wanted
7376 Hunting (Straight) 8788 Ruana (Rudy)
6523 Columbia River 9770 Handle Materials
7420 Machetes 8808 Scagel (William)
7450 Navy 8880 Shadley (Eugene)
9780 Heat Treating
(Consecutive Issues Only Of The Same Ad.) 6530 Cripple Creek 9790 Knife Boxes / Containers
1-2 Issues No Discount; 3-6 Issues 15%; 7-12 Issues 20% 7460 Office 8900 Smith (J.D.)
6580 Fairbairn-Sykes 9800 Knife Cases / Displays
7466 One-Hand 8968 Terzuola (Robert)
ANTIQUE FACTORY KNIVES 6120 Eye Brand Knives 6586 Fight’n Rooster 9000 Tighe (Brian) 9810 Knife Clubs / Societies
7526 Razors
6010 American Knife Co. 6125 George Wostenholm 6614 Gerber 9100 Walker (Michael) 9825 Knife Rolls
7532 Rifleman’s
6130 Gerber Legendary 6650 Henckels 9150 Warenski (Buster) 9840 Knifemaking Equipment
6020 Baldwin Cutlery Co. 7540 Scout
Blade 6660 IBCA/ABCA 9170 Wile (Peter) 9850 Knifemaking Instruction
6025 Belknap Hardware Co. 7546 Senator 9875 Knifemaking Supplies
6135 Grohmann 6700 Ka-Bar 9180 Yellowhorse (David)
6030 Bertram (C) Cutlery Co. 7576 Sog (Type) 9890 Knife Shops
6140 Heimerdinger Cutlery Co. 6766 Marble’s 9224 Miscellaneous
7602 Swords 9895 Knife Shows
6035 Boker Germany 6150 Henry Sears 1865 Handmade
6842 Puma 7622 Tool/Pliers
6040 Boker USA 6175 John Primble, Belknap MILITARY 9900 Leather / Sheaths
6860 Queen 7628 Toothpick 9915 Manufacturers Wanted
6200 Klaas, Robert 9310 Civil War
6045 Bruckman (E) Cutlery 6876 Remington 7640 Trench
6210 Lackawanna Cutlery Co. 9365 Korean 9924 Memorabilia (Knife)
6050 Bruckmann, Solingen 6940 Smith & Wesson 7650 Utility 9405 Vietnam 9935 Multiple Brands For Sale
6225 Marble Arms & Manf Co. 7660 Wharncliffe
6055 Burkinshaw Knife Co. 6944 Sog Specialty 9432 WWI 9936 Multiple Brands Wanted
6235 Napanoch Knife Co. 7666 Whittler
6060 Camillus 6952 Spyderco 9445 WWII - German 9938 Oils & Lubricants
6254 Ontario Knife Co. 7674 Misc. Knife Types/
6065 Canton Cutlery Co. 7040 Valley Forge 9450 WWII - Japanese 9940 Original Catalogs
6262 Pal Cutlery Co. Patterns
7046 Victorinox 9465 WWII - USA 9945 Repair (Knife)
6070 Case Brothers 6282 Russell Barlows HANDMADES
7084 Winchester 9470 WWII - Miscellaneous 9965 Sales / Auctions
6075 Cattaraugus 6300 Utica 7718 Bartrug (Hugh)
7090 Misc. Factory Brands 9475 Miscellaneous Military 9975 Scrimshaw
6080 Central City Knife Co. 6310 Wade & Butcher 7778 Bose (Tony)
6090 Christy Knife Co. 6325 Misc. Antique Factory 7785 Boye (David) SERVICES
7100 Advertising 9985 Sharpening /
Knives 7792 Burke (Dan) Sharpeners
6095 Colonial Cutlery Co. 9680 Agency Wanted
FACTORY BRANDS 7126 Baseball Bat 7800 Centofante (Frank) 9988 Show Cases
6100 Cripple Creek, USA 9685 Appraisal Services
6340 Al Mar 7132 Bayonets 7818 Cooper (John Nelson) 9991 Steels
9690 Auction Services
6105 Diamond Edge 6380 Barteaux Machetes Inc. 7138 Bolos 7825 Corbit (Jerry) 9993 Tobacco Products
9700 Books / Magazines /
6110 Eagle Pocket Knife Co. 6390 Bear MGC 7144 Boot 7888 Davis (Terry) Videos 9996 Miscellaneous Products

A Clem & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cliff Parker Knives. . . . . . . . . . . 74
Hanna, Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Harper Manufacturing . . . . . . . . 70
McLean, Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . 75
Michael O’Machearly. . . . . . . . . 73
Riverside Machine. . . . . . . . . . . 68
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc. . . . . . . 61
Collectables Insurance Agency . . . 83 Henry Evers Corp. . . . . . . . . . . 90 Microtech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Accent Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Self Defense Supply . . . . . . . . . 17
Colonial Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Hornady Manufacturing Co.. . . . 36 Mission Knives & Tools . . . . . . . 95
Aeroblades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Sentry Solutions Ltd.. . . . . . . . . 42
Columbia River . . . . . . . . . . 25, 33 Horsehead Creek Knives. . . . . 102 Mooney, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Al Mar Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Seto Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Crawford, Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Moore Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
American Bladesmith Society . . 73
Creative Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . 8
J Moteng International, Inc. . . . . . 35
Sheffield Knifemakers Sply, Inc. . . 73
Angel Sword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Jantz Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Shepherd Hills Walnut . . . . . . . . . 2
Custom Knife Company. . . . . . . 37 Mother Of Pearl Company . . . . 103
Arizona Custom Knives . . . . . . . 57 Joy Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Skiff Made Blades . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Custom Knife Gallery Of Colorado . 27 Moulton, Dusty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Atlanta Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 SOG Specialty Knives, Inc. . . . . 55
Axtion Bladez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Custom Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 K N St. Amour Murray . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Custom Shoppe, LLC . . . . . . . . 56 Kayne Custom Hardware, Inc. . . 74
National Knife Distributors . . . . . 70 Steel Addiction Custom Knives . . . 37
B D Kencrest/Hara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
NC Tool Company . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Strider Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Balboa Manufacturing . . . . . . . . 23 Kershaw Knives . . . 31, 51, 65, 113
Davidson, Edmund . . . . . . . . . . 71 Nealy, Bud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Szilaski, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Banyon Bay, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 King, Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Denton, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Nemesis Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Barr, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Diamond Machining Technology . . 34
Klotzli Burgdorf . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Newsletter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 T
Barrett Firearms Mfg. . . . . . . . . 41 Knife & Gun Finishing Supplies. . . 84
Nordic Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Taylor Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Beckwith’s Blades . . . . . . . . . . 102 E Knife Art.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Texas Knifemakers Supply . . . . 70
Best Knives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Edgecraft Corporation . . . . . . . . 48 Knife Center Of The Internet . . . 93 O Tippmann Industrial Products . . 27
Blackwater Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . 68 Elishewitz Custom Knives . . . . . 94 Knife Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Ontario Knife/Queen Cutlery . 7, 42 Toolshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Blade Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Emerson Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Knife Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 85 Osborne, Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Topbrandknives.com . . . . . . . . . 47
Blade Show 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Eze-Lap Diamond Products. . . . 47 Knifemakers Guild Show . . . . . . 63 Oso Grande Knife & Tool . . . . . 104 Tops . . . . . . . . . 68, 71, 72, 74, 75
Knives Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Bladegallery.com. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
F Koval Knives & Supplies . . 83, 111
P Treestump Leather . . . . . . . . . . 71
Blue Ridge Knives . . . 94, 103, 105
Fallkniven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Paragon Industries . . . . . . . . . . 90 Tru-Grit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Bob Dozier Knives . . . . . . . . . . 94
Finer Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 L Paragon Sporting Goods . . . . . . 92 Tru-Hone Corporation . . . . . . . . 69
Bowie Corporation . . . . . . . . . . 71
Foster, Burt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Lansky Sharpeners . . . . . . . . . . 63 Pardue, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 True North Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Briar Custom Knives . . . . . . . . . 99
Fowler, Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Larkin Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 PHR Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Twin Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Brigade Quartermaster . . . . . . . 11
Britton, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fraps, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Leather Crafters & Saddlers . . . 37 Plaza Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 91 U
Frost Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Lightfoot Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Pro Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 United Cutlery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Buck Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lone Star Wholesale . . . . . . . . . 92 Professional Knifemakers Assoc
Burke, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 G Lone Wolf Knives . . . . . . . . . . . 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 V
Burke, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 G.L. Pearce Abrasive Co. . . . . . 69 Vagnino, Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Burr King Mfg. Co., Inc. . . . . . . 102 Gary Levine Fine Knives . . . . . . 99 M R
Busse Combat Knife Co. . . . . . 103 Gedraitis, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Magnum USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 R & J Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 W
Marzitelli Custom Knives . . . . . . 93 Rados, Jerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Western Reserve Cutlery Assoc. . 45
Graham Knives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
C Great Western Shows . . . . . . . . 64
Masecraft Supply . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Randall King Knives . . . . . . . . 111 William Henry Knives . . . . . . . . . 5
C.A.S. Iberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Master Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Randall Made Knives . . . . . . . . 68
Carlson, Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Grohmann Knives Ltd.. . . . . . . . 91
Masters Of Defense Knife Co. . . . 3 Randy’s Custom Knives . . . . . . 73
Xikar, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chopra Deepak. . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 H Matthews Cutlery . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Red Hill Corporation . . . . . . . . . 97
Chris Reeve Knives. . . . . . . . . . 26 Halpern Titanium. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 McDonald, Rich . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Reddick Enterprises . . . . . . . . . 73 2thehilt.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
The advertisers’ index is provided as a reader service. Occasional last-minute changes may result in ads appearing on pages other than those listed here.
The publisher assumes no liability for omissions or errors.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 77

what’s new
what’s new

Ott Outfits Bowie Lonewolf Offers Neely Fileworks

With Stag Handle CPM S30V Hunter Guard And Spacer

red Ott fashions a stag-handle one Wolf’s Harsey Magnum Hunter reg Neely’s 11-inch bowie sports
bowie, complete with a 1084 blade, features a CPM S30V blade, tita- a 5160 blade, a stag handle and a
nickel-silver fittings and a deer- nium liners and a Micarta® handle. fileworked guard and spacer.
skin-covered sheath. For more information contact Lone For more information contact Greg
For more information contact Fred Ott, Wolf, attn: D. Hutchens, Dept. BL7, 17400 Neely, Dept. BL7, 5419 Pine St., Bellaire,
Dept. BL7, 1257 Rancho Durango Rd., S.W. Upper Boones Ferry Rd., Ste. 240, TX 77401 713.664.4864.
Durango, CO 81303 970.375.9669. Portland, OR 97224 503.431.6777.

Puukko Showcases 440C Folder Blade RAT-7 Is Full-Tang

A Curly Birch Grip Is Satin Finished 1095 Fixed Blade

ellam introduces the Wolver- harles Marlowe hand rubs and satin ntario’s RAT-7 stretches 12 inches
ine puukko featuring a 3.7-inch finishes the 440C blade of a lock- overall and dons a flat-ground
SPT (Scientif ically Precision ing-liner folder with an antique- 1095 blade, a canvas-Micarta®
Tempered) blade and a curly birch handle. ivory-Micarta® handle and titanium liners. handle and an extended pommel.
For more information contact Kellam, For more information contact Charles For more information contact Ontario
attn: H. Mars-Kellokoski, Dept. BL7, Marlowe, Dept. BL7, 10822 Poppleton Knife Co., attn: B. Breton, Dept. BL7,
902 S. Dixie Hwy., Lantana, FL 33462 Ave., Omaha, NE 68144 402.991.7316. POB 145, Franklinville, NY 14737
561.588.3185. 800.222.5233.

78 / BLADE JULY 2004

:KDWV1eZ.indd 2 4/5/04 7:55:14 PM

what’s new
what’s new

Bowie Inlaid With Russell Releases Damasteel Defines

Mother-Of-Pearl VG-10 Penknife Back Pack Knife

ay Maines’ Texas Bowie incorporates .G. Russell unveils a .2-ounce t’s the Damasteel blade and burl-wood
a 7-inch 440C blade and an ebony penknife with a 1 1/2-inch VG-10 handle that def ine Buckx Gather-
handle with mother-of-pearl inlay. blade and a titanium handle. wood’s Back Pack knife.
For more information contact Jay For more information contact A.G. For more information contact Buckx
Maines, Dept. BL7, 5584 266th St., Russell Knives, attn: D. Myers, Dept. Gatherwood, Denise en Rob, Werkend-
Wyoming, MN 55092 651.462.5301. BL7, 1920 N. 26th St., Lowell, AR 72745 eslaan 108, 1851 VE Heiloo, Netherlands
800.255.9034 ag@agrussell.com. 0031.72.5336097 buckx@gatherwood.nl.

Replaceable Blade Fixed Blades Built Coil Spring Opens

Folder Weighs Less With Natural Grips The California Auto

igersharp’s latest replaceable-blade .R. Vecera outfits a pair of tapered- he California Auto from California
folder—the Helium—has a feather- tang damascus fixed blades with Knives showcases a 154CM blade,
light handle and weighs 3 ounces. thuya burl and oosic handles. a black- or ivory-colored Zytel ®
For more information contact Tiger- For more information contact J.R. bolster and a Dymondwood™ handle.
sharp, attn: C. Head, 1002 N. Central Vecera, Dept. BL7, 2501 Davis, #8, Taylor, For more information contact California
Expwy., Ste. 499, Richardson, TX 75080 TX 76574 512.365.8627. Knives, attn: B. Norton, Dept. BL7, 809 S.
972.907.0716. Santa Fe, Visalia, CA 93292 559.733.8751.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 79

:KDWV1eZ.indd 3 4/5/04 7:5:24 PM

knifemaker showcase

“Knifemaker Showcase” spotlights the photographs of knives sent by any and all custom knifemakers to BLADE® for filing in the Knifemakers Archive. The
Knifemakers Archive is the most complete collection of knifemakers’ knives and information in the world. If you are a custom knifemaker and have not sent
us a photo (the better quality the photo, the better chance it has of getting in the magazine), write to: BLADE, c/o Krause Publications, 700 E. State, Iola,
WI 54990 blademagazine@krause.com. Please include a close-up mug shot of yourself with your knife picture.

Arpad Bojtos
With chisels, hammers and files, and a belt grinder and drilling machine, Arpad
Bojtos builds ornately carved knives. “Some 20 years ago, I found a pesh kabz in
an Oriental antique shop,” he says, “but it was too expensive for me, so I decided to
make something similar. Since then, I’ve been making knives, at first part time, and
since 1990, as a full-time job.” The “Chameleon” (below, left) sports a carved ATS-
34 blade and a carved
moose-antler handle.
Bojtos’ list prices for
similar knives range
from $2,000-$10,000.
His address: Dept. BL7,
Dobsinskeho 10, 984
03 Lucenec, Slova-
kia +421.
(PointSeven photo)

Corbin Newcomb says he’s
amazed at the knifemaking
information and supplies
available today, unlike
when he began practicing
the stock-removal method
of blade building in 1980 or ’81. “There were no local
makers’ shops to visit, little printed information and supplies were limited,” he
notes. “The knives I made were Loveless-style drop-point hunters, straight hunt-
ers or bowie-style blades. Now most of my knives are forged.” The camp knife
Jerry Duran (above, right) sports a 1095 and 203E damascus blade and a lignum-vitae handle
with cocobolo spacers. Newcomb’s list price for a similar piece: $450-$500. His
As the silver anniversary of Jerry address: Dept. BL7, 628 Woodland, Moberly, MO 65270 660.263.4639.
Duran’s knifemaking career
dawns, he expresses continued
enjoyment of using new materi-
als, and creating edged objects of
art. “I like using damascus, both
my own and made by others,” he notes, “and I
prefer ATS-34 stainless for working fixed blades
and folders. My knives have been sold all over
the United States and in Europe.” Because of their
inherent natural beauty, Duran says he likes natu-
ral handle materials, including stabilized woods,
horn, stag and ivory. The two-blade ATS-34 trapper
(right) features a stag handle. Duran’s list price:
$375. His address: Dept. BL7, POB 80692, Albu-
querque, NM 87198 505.873.4676. (Goffe photo)

80 / BLADE JULY 2004

6KRZFDVe.indd 2 4//04 :50:20 PM

Van Steck
“I bought my f irst handmade
knife from Randall Made Knives
when I was 15 years old,” Van
Steck relates. “I bought two more
Randalls over the years and I spent
hours in the Randall Museum,
amazed by the beautiful knives and
swords on the wall and in display
cases.” Steck made several knives
during breaks at work and says
he became serious about building
edged tools in 1999. He fashions
titanium frame-lock folders, fillet
knives, bowies, Asian swords and
household cutlery. Steck practiced
the stock-removal method of knife-
making and now spends much of
his time forging. “I believe it is
easier to forge blades if you first
have a stock-removal background.
I like the challenges and rewards
of making knives,” he says. “It Todd Davison
requires a lot of patience, but if it
was easy, I’d lose interest.” The tita- “Twenty-some years ago, I was vacationing in Mississippi when a
nium frame-lock folder (above, right, shown both opened and guy showed me a few handmade knives. I ended my vacation early,
closed) sports a fileworked damascus blade and a skeletonized went home, bought some equipment and started making knives,”
handle. Steck’s list price: n/a. His address: Dept. BL7, 260 W. Todd Davison reports. “A lot of books, wasted steel and burnt hands
Dogwood Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 386.775.7303. later, my efforts started to look like knives.” Davison bent the ears
of more than a few knifemakers, asking them
questions, including Bob Loveless, who he says
patiently replied to all of his queries. The fixed
blades (below) sport a vari-
ety of natural handle materi-
als and D-2 or ATS-34 blades
heat treated by the maker.
Davison’s list prices: n/a. His
address: Dept. BL7, 308 N.
Main, Hutchinson, KS 67501
620.664.4937. (Welch photo)

Dean Bosworth
In 1985, Dean Bosworth started re-handling fillet knives,
using lignum-vitae, a hardwood native to Florida. “The
knives were a hit with friends and fishermen,” he says.
He read David Boyes’ Step-By-Step Knifemaking book and learned to make knives.
Among other equipment, Bosworth uses a band saw powered by a bowling-pin-
setting machine motor. “I enjoy freehand grinding, hand-rubbed blade finishes
and filework,” he notes. The 440C fixed blade (above, shown both sheathed and
unsheathed) features a fileworked spine, a rosewood-burl handle and ivory-Micarta®
inlay scrimshawed by Diane Hecht. Bosworth’s list price: $850. His address: Dept.
BL7, 329 Mahogany Dr., Key Largo, FL 33037 305.451.1564. (PointSeven photo)

JULY 2004 BLADE / 81

6KRZFDVe.indd 3 4//04 :50:3 PM

question &
question & answer

By Wayne Goddard
BLADE® field editor

How to Forge
From a Wheelchair
The author experiments in forging from the sitting position

1: I’ve been using the stock-removal as far as I’m concerned. Smiths from many suppose, American smiths never consid-
technique to shape my blades. I’m parts of the world forge while sitting on ered doing it any other way. (I wonder if it’s
interested in forging some blades the ground. Standing at the anvil seems because the climate in parts of Europe and
employing wire rope. Would the one- to be the tradition of the Europeans and, I North America made it too cold to sit on
brick forge using MAPP gas for fuel
suffice? I’m in a wheelchair and can
swing a three-pound hammer safely.
Do you know of any bladesmiths who
work from a wheelchair who can give
me any tips on how to proceed? I would
like to attend some of the seminars and
hammer-ins at the Bill Moran School of
Bladesmithing in Washington, Arkansas,
sometime in the future. Do you know
if the school is wheelchair accessible?
(Scott Brown, Oakley, Illinois)

MAPP gas can create temperatures up to

5,000°F, so it certainly would have suffi-
cient heat to make a forge weld. However,
the temperature range (not more than
3,000°F) of the soft fire bricks suitable for
a one-brick forge wouldn’t handle the high
temperature of MAPP gas. The effect of the
anhydrous borax used as flux for welding
would speed the high-temperature attack
on the bricks and rapidly destroy them.
Many other bladesmiths and I work
with homemade gas forges that use either
a castable refractory or a ceramic insu-
lating blanket for insulation. Such forges
will handle the temperatures created with
propane or natural gas. Plans for gas forges
can be found on the Internet. I have little
experience with commercial forges and
therefore cannot recommend a specific
one. Illustration No. 1: Next to the image of the granite anvil are the dimensions for the
I don’t know of any bladesmiths who heights of the anvil (25 inches) and the chair or stool (21 inches) for a person to forge
forge from a wheelchair but it is possible from while sitting. (Goddard illustration)

2 / /BLADE
82 BLADE MAY 2004
JULY 2002

4Dnd$.indd 2 4//04 :34:17 PM

the ground?) From the pictures and videos
I’ve seen of sitting smiths, it appears that Koval Knives
the anvil isn’t more than 8-12 inches above The Finest in Knifemaking Equipment & Supplies For Over 25 Years!
ground level.
My knifemaker friend, Richard Veatch, Micro-Mill Micro-Mill Milling Machine Tippman Boss Hand Stitcher Tippman Boss
Milling A Scaled Down Big Mill - Manual Operation Heavy Duty Stitching Affordable Price Handstitcher
has some pretty severe back and neck prob- FEATURES: FEATURES:
lems. He forges while sitting on a short Machine • Effortless, chatterless table and millhead • Lock Stitch • Simple to Operate •
movement due to the unique design of oversized Accurate Stitches • Extremely Durable •
stool. His anvil is a tombstone rescued from givs, ground steel ways, massive carriage and Throat Depth 6.5” • Adjustable Stitch
the scrap pile at a monument company. The steel bed/vertical mill head support• 6-Spindle Length • Automatic Tension • Hand
Speeds • Steel, Hard Anodized Aluminum, & Operated • Weighs 22 lbs.
height of the anvil is about 3 inches higher Brass Construction • Accuracy of .0004 • Manual CHS BOSS Stitcher . . .$1,349.00 ea
than his stool. Operation ready for CNC upgrade STANDS
MM1217 Micro Mill . . . . .$629.00 ea CSM-33
In order to try forging from the sitting MM1217-1 XY Table Only . .$349.50 ea Heavy Duty Stand . .$170.00 ea
position, I mounted my granite (tombstone) MM1204 Manual Conversion or Full CNC CSM-33-E
Micro-Mill . . .Price on Request Economy Stand . . . .$39.95 ea
anvil with the bottom directly at ground
level, plus the thickness of a piece of 3/4- THE KMG -1 KMG-1 Grinder Baldor Buffers
inch plywood. I chose the granite anvil The Knifemakers Grinder
because it appeared to be close to the FEATURES: Prices include flanges & nuts, but do
• Extra Heavy Construction • not include wheels. Single phase
correct height for forging from a chair. Standard 2” x 72” Belts • buffers 60 HZ, 115/230 V, except
Richard and I got our granite anvils free for Precision Tracking Adjustment #114 and #111 which are 115 V.
• Variable Belt Tension
hauling them away from a local monument Adjustment • Rear Drive for (Other Models Available) Baldor Buffers
business. Safety • Contact Wheels from
5/8” to 14” • B-114 1/4 HP, 1-Phase, 1800 RPM 1/2” shaft dia., 24-lbs . . . . . .$174.95
The above-ground-type monuments Adjustable/Replaceable Platen Plate • Heavy Duty, Over Sized Work Rest • Precision B-111 1/3 HP, 1-Phase, 3600 RPM 1/2” shaft dia., 24-lbs . . . . . .$174.95
are obsolete for burials but work great for Deep Groove, ABEC 1, Motor quality Bearings, Sealed for Life • Change from Contact B-332B* 3/4 HP, 1-Phase, 1800 RPM 3/4” shaft dia., 60-lbs . . . . . .$339.95
Wheel to Platen in Seconds with a Spare Tooling Bar • Weighs 125 lbs. • *Supplied with 3 conductor cord, plug, and switch.
makeshift anvils. Mine is about 150 pounds (Other Models Available)
and is hard as a rock, a necessary attribute KMG-PL Platen Grinder Package (Includes: 1-tool bar, 1-platen attachment, ORDER TODAY!
for an anvil. The face of the anvil is 25 1-work rest) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$650.00 ea 1-800-556-4837
KMG-14 14” Grinder Package (Includes: 2-tool bars, 1-platen attachment, For technical advice,
inches from the ground. My seat is 21 1-work rest, 1-bearing/spindle attachment, 1-14” contact wheel please call
inches from the ground and that worked w/flange plates) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,145.00 ea 614-855-0777
out just fine. (See Illustration No. 1 on the
For a complete Catalog of knifemaking supplies send $4.00 to:
facing page.) Not only was the granite anvil
Koval Knives • P.O. Box 492 • New Albany, OH 43054
the right height but, being narrower than
the average anvil base, it allowed me to get Visit our Showroom at: 5819 Zarley St., New Albany, Ohio
up close to it. My left leg was stretched Or Visit us online at: www.kovalknives.com • email: koval@kovalknives.com
out beside the anvil, right leg bent slightly.
Getting close enough to the anvil might
be a problem with a wheelchair unless the

footrests are out of the way. Some experi-
menting will be necessary to get the anvil
and seat the right height and in a suitable
The hammer needs to hit level with the
anvil face. If the anvil is too low, the toe
of the hammer will dig into the hot steel. For The Knife Collector
When too high, the heel of the hammer
will hit first. The Japanese-style forging
hammers have a long head with the handle Your homeowners insurance is rarely
installed at an angle. This gets the hammer enough to cover your collectibles. We've
face at the proper height to hit parallel with provided economical, dependable
the anvil face from the sitting position.
I set up the one-brick forge close behind insurance since 1966.
the granite anvil, got a piece of steel hot • Sample insurance rates for knife & edged weapons collectors: $3,000
and proceeded to forge a knife. Consider- for $13 per year, $10,000 for $43, $25,000 for $108, $50,000 for $215, $75,000
ing the top of the anvil isn’t exactly flat, I for $323, $100,000 for $430, $2.15 per $1,000 above $100,000. Discounts
did pretty well shaping the blade. However, from these prices are offered if you have a safe or central station alarm system.
proving the method of forging while seated • Our insurance carrier is AM Best's rated A+ (Superior).
was the purpose, not making a pretty and • We insure knives, edged weapons...and scores of other collectibles. And we offer you “One-stop”
perfectly forged blade. (See Illustration No. service for practically everything you collect.
2 on page 85.) • Replacement value. We use experts/professionals valuing collectible losses. Consumer friendly ser-
I didn’t seem to lose much, if any, power vice: Our office handles your loss—you won't deal with someone who doesn't know collectibles.
• See our website (or contact us) for full information, including standard exclusions.
with my 3 3/4-pound hammer when swing-
ing it from the sitting position. The only
real problem I had was hot scale settling
Collectibles Insurance Agency
on my right leg, which wouldn’t happen P.O. Box 1200-BL • Westminster MD 21158
if I were standing. A leather apron would E-Mail: info@insurecollectibles.com
be good protection against the heat of hot More Info? Call Toll Free:
I noticed that the heat in the blade was 1-888-837-9537 Fax: (410) 876-9233 or
retained longer when it was forged on the Visit: www.collectinsure.com
granite anvil. This was the result of the

JULY 2004 BLADE / 83

4Dnd$.indd 3 4//04 :35:2 PM

question &
question & answer
granite heating up at the area under the hot
blade. A steel anvil face is evidently more
efficient at conducting the heat away from
the surface under the blade being forged.
I’m definitely going to do more forging on
the granite anvil. It’s very solid and quiet
compared to the quietest metal anvil I’ve
Like most aspects of bladesmithing/
knifemaking, it comes down to problem
solving. The hardest part of the most
challenging knife I ever made was deciding
to make it. After that it was solving
Ancient Ivory Featuring: Ivoryworks problems as they arose and never giving
Mastodon/Mammoth up.
Tusk Sections
Cut slabs and Scales
Limited Contact Scotty Hayes, director of the
Moran School of Bladesmithing, about the
Inlay Material 7836 Oberlin Rd., Elyria, OH
(Toll Free) school’s wheelchair accessibility. He can
Interior Brown and White be reached at Texarkana College, 2500 N.
Blue and Brown Bark 1.888.863.0265
or visit us on the Web @
Robison Rd., Dept. BL7, Texarkana, TX
75599 903.838.4541, ext. 237.
Also Available www.ivoryworksltd.com
(E-mail Address)
Ancient Walrus Ivory 2: Can I use Norton oilstones without
Ancient Walrus Bone and wdwrksltd@centurytel.net adding oil or kerosene, and thus not
Precision Cutting/Quality damage the stones and/or their ability to
Ancient Mammoth Bone
Black Lip Pearl
Material provide a superb edge? Why do many say
Dealer Inquiries Welcome that once oil is used on a stone, always
Ancient Stellar Sea Cow
use oil with that stone? What are your
thoughts concerning using no lubricants
in the sharpening process? (Dana Pyle,
Kennewick, Washington)
Catalogue Knife and Gun Catalogue
$3.00 Finishing Supply $3.00 The Norton India (aluminum oxide) and
Crystalon (silicon carbide) stones are
PO Box 458 * Lakeside * AZ * 85929 NEW AREA CODE (928)-537-8877 designed for use with a lubricant. They’re
the stones I prefer. They’re of the highest
Damascus Billets quality, consistent in cutting ability and
Devin Thomas Stainless and Hi Carbon ultimately dependable. When the stones are
used dry, their pores become plugged with
Hollow Grinding Video metal particles and the aggressive cutting
Disc Grinders Flat Grinding Video action is lost.
9” Discs 25 Species of Wood Blades Once a stone is used with oil, it will
9x11 Sheets work best if oil (or kerosene) is used with
that stone from that point forward. The
Spray Adhesive Ivory lubricant keeps the stone clean and free
Giraffe Bone cutting. Kerosene works the best of any
Belt Grinders Exotic Skins lubricant I’ve tried, and I think I’ve tried
Leather Dye them all. The stone will remove more metal
1X42 Belts if you use kerosene instead of oil.
2X48 Belts Epoxies
Some stones are made to be used dry.
2X72 Belts Imitation Stag I don’t like the soft dry-use stones because
1X30 Belts Steel Multi Tool Grinder-Buffer they won’t stay flat and they wear out
•440c •1084 Multi Tool Attachment only $310 quickly. It’s not that they can’t be used
efficiently for sharpening, it’s just that they
Baldor Buffers •ATS 34 •1095 Jet Motor only $189
don’t fit in with the way I do things.
Buffs 6”-8”-10” •D-2 • 203-E I think of my sharpening stone as an
•15 N20 all-around sharpener. I might sharpen a
chisel one day, a plane iron the next. I want
Custom Stabilizing a stone that retains its shape and the Norton
10 Years Experience fine India gives me that.
All About Sharpening Stones
Orders only 800-972-1192 www.knifeandgun.com The following information may help you

4 / /BLADE
84 BLADE MAY 2004
JULY 2002

4Dnd$.indd 4 4//04 :35:55 PM

Illustration No. 2: This is the “somewhat ugly blade,” as the author puts it, which he
forged on the granite anvil. (Goddard illustration)

understand sharpening stones, and how and becomes dull, it should pull out, exposing a
why they work. new, sharp particle. If the bond is too hard,
Sharpening stones are manufactured the stone soon becomes glazed in appear-
with four or more different characteristics ance and no longer works efficiently to
built into them. The most common char- remove metal from the knife blade. If the
acteristics are the type of grit, size of the bond is too soft, the stone will wear out
individual grit particles, the hardness of the quickly. However, in some applications,
bonding agent that holds the grit particles such as in the stones used for polishing
together, and porosity. dies, a soft bond is desirable in order to get
First is the type of grit. The grit particles the work done quickly and efficiently.
may be aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, Fourth is porosity. Stones are designed
natural stone such as novaculite (Arkansas and made with gaps between the grit parti-
stones), natural sandstone, diamond, or a cles. This allows a chip to be formed by
combination of grit particles such as alumi- each sharp grit as it contacts the blade. If
num oxide mixed with a small amount there were no spaces between the grit parti-
of silicon carbide. The Norton Crystalon cles, there would be little cutting action.
stones are 100 percent silicon carbide. Sili- It’s a wonderful thing when all the vari-
con carbide is some of the hardest material ables in a stone are just right. I recommend
known, and will work down the hardest and the stones that I use because they work the
most abrasive-resistant steel. best for the way I do things. (Editor’s note:
Second, the size of the grit determines For more on the latest sharpeners, see the
the cutting action of the stone. Large grit story on page 50.)
removes material faster than small grit. Fine
grit produces a very sharp edge; coarse grit Send your questions to BLADE, P.O.
creates more of a saw-type effect. Box 789, Ooltewah, TN 37363-0789 e-
Third is the type of bond—soft, mail blademagazine@krause.com. Include
medium, hard or something in-between. an SASE, including your full name and
The bond is the substance that holds the grit where you live, for a personal response
particles together. It may be ceramic, resin, from Mr. Goddard, or e-mail him at
rubber or another bonding agent. The type wgoddard44@comcast.net. Due to the
of bond determines how quick the stone large volume of questions, please be patient
breaks down. In theory, as a grit particle in receiving your answer.

Smiths from many parts of the world forge while sitting on the ground. An example is
the bladesmiths of Nepal. (photo courtesy Himalayan Imports)

JULY 2004 BLADE / 85

4Dnd$.indd 5 4//04 :41:07 PM

handmade gallery

From the Subtle to
the Dramatic
One of the things that makes handmade knives so
appealing is the many variations a maker can provide
on a theme. The distinctions may be subtle—a smat-
Anders Hogstrom
tering of engraving here, a different handle material fashions a pair of fine
there—or more dramatic—contrasting blade shapes or fixed blades, both with
black-ash-burl handles,
carvings to differentiate one model from another, for sterling-silver fit-
instance. Whatever the variation, each seems to attract tings and 1050 blades.
its own audience. Of the knives on this and the facing Hogstrom's address:
Granvagen #2, Dept. BL7,
page, which variation(s) do you find most attractive? 13552 Tyreso, Sweden
011.46.8798.5802. (Point-
Seven photo)

Larry Fuegen builds three A trio of Mike O'Brien dag-

push daggers, all with gers employs 440C blades,
carved-damascus blades 416 stainless steel fittings
and integral guards, but and rosewood or desert-
differing in shape and ironwood handles, but the
handle materials. The similarities stop there.
grips are mother-of- O'Brien's
pearl, buffalo horn and address: 3807 War
fossil ivory. Fuegen's Bow, Dept. BL7,
address: 617 N. San Antonio, TX
Coulter Cir., 78238 210.256.
Dept. BL7, 0673.
Prescott, AZ (PointSeven
86303 photo)

86 / BLADE JULY 2004

JDOOeU\.indd 2 4//04 :3:45 PM

(Right) Though both Charles Sauer drop-point
hunters have damascus blades and bolsters, the
damascus patterns are dramatically different, as
are the legal-elephant-ivory and mammoth-bark-
ivory handles. Sauer's address: 1079-1/2 Hodg-
son Rd., Dept. BL7, Columbia Falls, MT 59912
406.257.9310. (PointSeven photo)

(Below) Only one of Ed Baumgardner's stag-han-

dle 154CM fixed blades features scrimshaw by
Richard Hutchings and guard engraving by Mike
Branham. Baumgardner's address: 128 E. Main
St., Dept. BL7, Glendale, KY 42740 502.435.2675.
(PointSeven photo)

(Bottom, left) Lloyd Pendleton's pair of

upswept fixed blades showcases fully
engraved blades, and ivory and bone
handles. Pendleton's address: 24581
Shake Ridge Rd., Dept. BL7, Volcano, CA
95689 209.296.3353. (PointSeven photo)

(Below) Though all three knives are

made by S.R. Johnson, the two at left are
in the style of Bob Loveless. All three
sport ATS-34 blades and natural handle
materials. The grips are, from left, bark
cape buffalo horn, ironwood and snake-
wood. Johnson's address: 202 E. 200 N,
Dept. BL7, Manti, UT 84642 435.835.7941.
(PointSeven photo)

JULY 2004 BLADE / 87

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knife barometer
knife barometer

By Joe Kertzman

One of the beauties of the BLADE Show

is that attendees can purchase knife-
making supplies, handmade, antique
or production knives and everything
in-between. Universal Agencies, a knife-
making supply company, sells materials
at the show. (Top, left) Sudesh Chopra (at
right in the photo) of Universal Agencies
shows Kazuo Okayasu, a knife entrepre-
neur, the latest in stag. Universal Agen-
cies also sells Thunderforged damascus,
as employed by Marvin Solomon on his
fixed blade (middle, left), complete with
nickel-silver bolsters and a reconstituted
lapis-lazuli handle. Such exotic handle
materials as colored G-10 (left) are avail-
able, like the pieces maker Darrel Ralph
gives a “groovy” look and uses for his
AXD knife model. (Ward knife photo)

88 / BLADE JULY 2004

%ODde6KRZ.indd  4//04 7:05:41 PM

knifemaker, I was in awe over Frank Cen-
tofante’s knives, or those by Ron Lake, D’
Holder, Tim Herman, Bill Pease and others.
To me, these are the old-school guys, and
to some extent they still set the knifemak-
ing standards. To be at the BLADE Show
and have one or two of those makers take
time to compliment me and the work I do
makes me feel as though I’ve emerged as
somewhat of a peer to them.”
The fact that William Henry Knives
has taken home several BLADE Magazine
Knife Of The Year Awards® over the last
five years is what Conable credits for his
acceptance as an equal among his knife-
making heroes. “Certainly, the first time I
won an award, I couldn’t help but feel the
excitement of being accepted at that level
in the industry, and to have so many people
share in the moment was incredible.
“To experience that euphoric moment
and then go down to ‘The Pit’ afterward
and have people buy me drink after drink
to celebrate the award, I felt like, ‘Wow, I’m
a member of the club now,’” Conable says.
“The awards are very powerful for that.”
Larry Brahms of BladeArt.com, an online dealer of handmade knives, swords and “The Pit,” as Conable and most BLADE
related items, recalls a chance meeting he had at the BLADE Show with his knife- Show exhibitors and attendees refer to it, is
making hero, Don Fogg, who’s seated at center in the photo. Other knifemakers the sunken bar area in the Renaissance Wa-
gathered around Fogg include Dickie Robinson, standing directly behind Fogg; verly Hotel adjacent to the show hall. It has
Larry Fuegen, to Fogg’s right; Rick Dunkerley, seated at bottom left; Rick Eaton, become a gathering place
seated at bottom right; and Wade Colter, standing at top right. for knifemakers, collec-
tors, dealers and other
industry professionals.

t’s not just the largest gathering of knife- people are immune to the impression left
makers, importers, manufacturers, deal- on them after meeting a knifemaking It’s “The Pit,”
ers, collectors and knife enthusiasts in legend. Not the Pits
the world. No, the BLADE Show is some- “At the BLADE Show, you “I’ve probably done
thing more, something intangible. It’s dif- see a congregation of the more knife deals in
ficult to lay your finger on what makes it heavyweights in the indus- The Pit than I have
bigger than life, but like many world events, try,” Matt Conable of at the show,” says
it starts with people and grows from there. William Henry Knives maker Barry Galla-
“This is the only industry in the world, says. “As a novice gher. “There are a lot
and the BLADE Show is the only place in
the world, where you can have a knifemak-
ing legend standing next to a newcomer,
and have one ask the other, ‘Do you want
to see my knife?’” says Larry Brahms of
A dealer of handmade knives, swords
and related items, Brahms says, “The
BLADE Show is the only place where you
can see the old, the new, what was and what
will be, all at the same time. It’s all there in
cooperative spirit.”
Brahms remembers a not-so-spirited
meeting he had at the BLADE Show with
one of his personal knifemaking heroes.
“My biggest thrill happened two years
ago,” he recalls. “This guy walks over to my
booth and says, ‘Hi. I’m Don Fogg.’ I just
stood there like a complete idiot. He said,
‘I just wanted to meet you.’ Then, he shook
my hand and walked away. I never said any- Matt Conable of William Henry credits his winning several BLADE Magazine Knife-
thing. To me, Don Fogg is to knifemaking Of-The-Year Awards® over the past five years for gaining him acceptance as a peer
what Bill Moran is to everyone else in the with many of his knifemaking heroes. That’s Matt at left accepting the 2002 Inves-
industry.” tor/Collector Knife Of The Year Award® from Goldie Russell of A.G. Russell Knives.
The award-winning Maltese gent’s folder features a bolster embellished in kostgari,
It’s that kind of personal contact that
a repeat process of burnishing 24k gold into grids cut into the steel surface.
makes the BLADE Show special, and few

JULY 2004 BLADE / 89

%ODde6KRZ.indd  4//04 7:0:03 PM

knife barometer
knife barometer
of deals going on down there. You mingle names are there—Bill Moran, Jerry Fisk,
with others, and people look forward to that Mel Pardue, Al Pendray and Ron Lake—
as much as the show.” and whether the guy is wearing a suit or
“The Pit allows everyone to let their torn Levi’s®, everyone treats each other like
guard down and talk like ‘good old boys,’” a big, happy family.”
says Ric Chopra of Universal Agencies, a The show hall and Pit aren’t the only
knifemaking supplies company. “All the big places where knives are sold. “No one can

Columbia River Knife & Tool

(CRKT) recently debuted the
Montana Gentleman, a dressy lock-
ing-liner folder designed by Barry
Gallagher—a reproduction of his
handmade Hummingbird model,
complete with a wing-like 6061-T6
aluminum handle. “CRKT will pro-
mote the knife at the BLADE Show,
so this has been important for me,”
Gallagher notes.


Paragon heat treating

furnaces for knife makers
“I couldn’t achieve the control I now
enjoy had I not had a Paragon furnace,”
says Ed Fowler. “Owning a Paragon is
extremely beneficial to blade smithing.”
The KM-24D shown above features
the new Sentry digital controller and a
larger, ¼” wide thermocouple. Ask
about our optional gas injection flow
Interiors of our knife maker fur-
naces: 14 ½” long KM-14D, 24” long
KM-24D, and 36” long KM-36D. (All
three models are 5 ½” wide x 4 ¼” high
inside.) Free brochure available.

2011 South Town East Blvd.,

Mesquite, Texas 75149-1122
800-876-4328 / 972-288-7557
Toll Free Fax 888-222-6450

90 / BLADE JULY 2004

%ODde6KRZ.indd 0 4//04 7:0:25 PM

Barry Gallagher says the large contingent of international knifemakers who
display their wares at the BLADE Show draws in knife collectors and enthusiasts.
Gallagher refers to knives fashioned by such makers as Roger Bergh (left) and
Conny Persson as “culturally enlightening.” The term could be used to describe
the art dagger Bergh and Persson collaborated on, winning the 2003 BLADE
Magazine Best Knife Collaboration Award.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 91

%ODde6KRZ.indd 1 4//04 7:0:3 PM

knife barometer
knife barometer
count the number of knives in the building,”
Chopra says. “There are collectors who wait
in the hotel lobby for knifemakers to check
in. The collectors tell them, ‘I’ll buy every-
thing you have in your briefcase right now.’”
Though Chopra’s scenario is an exception
to the rule, the BLADE Show is a boon for
most parties involved. Columbia River Knife
& Tool (CRKT) recently debuted the Mon-
tana Gentleman, a dressy locking-liner folder
871 Broadway At 18th St., N.Y.C., 10003 (212) 255-8036
designed by Gallagher—a reproduction of his
Visa/Diners/AE/MC/Discover Mon.-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:30-7 handmade Hummingbird model, complete
www.paragonsports.com with a wing-like 6061-T6 aluminum handle.
“CRKT will promote the knife at the
BLADE Show, so this has been important
for me,” Gallagher notes. “The show is
a good place for knife companies to see

www.DeepakCutlery.com what’s going on in the handmade knife in-

dustry. I met Rod Bremer [of CRKT] at the
first BLADE Show I attended, and we’ve

Your Exclusive Distributor for: been friends ever since.Years later, Rod
said, ‘Hey, I’ve been keeping up on your
career, and I’m interested in your designs.’
That all started at the BLADE Show.”

“When I’m at
the BLADE Show,
I think, ‘This is
the room where
I belong.’”
—Matt Conable

“What’s real important to BladeArt,

with respect to factory knives, is collabo-
rations,” Brahms says. “I pay attention to
how the custom boys are progressing in the
industry and what kind of licensing deals
and collaborations they’re landing with the
knife companies.
“From a dealer’s point of view, the
BLADE Show is nirvana. It’s the biggest
shopping mart in the world,” Brahms says.
“For a knife collector or user, it’s the Toys


’R Us for adults.”
International knifemakers are another
draw for the world’s largest knife show. “It’s
important for me to see the work of the in-

G R E AT P R I C E S ternational knifemakers,” Gallagher stress-

es. “In the United States, we tend to think
we are the knife industry, and we’re not. We

DEALERS ONLY 806-356-9540 Resale Certificate or FFL Required

don’t get to see the work of Jurgen Steinau,
Connie Persson or Roger Bergh everyday,
and it’s culturally enlightening.”


Lone Star Wholesale, PO BOX 587, “Culturally enlightening” might be a
Amarillo, TX 79105 FAX 806-359-1603. good way to describe a knife that Gallagher
All FAX Correspondence, please include and fellow maker Rick Dunkerley fashioned
Tax info, and phone number. to take to the BLADE Show one year. “Rick
and I spent a couple days working on a joke

92 / BLADE JULY 2004

%ODde6KRZ.indd 2 4//04 7:07:00 PM

knife,” Gallagher recalls. “Shane Taylor had
given me a junk blade, so we made the ugli-
est knife you can imagine, wrapping it with
electrical wire and tape. It had fur hanging
off of it, a PakkawoodTM handle, a square
thumb peg and a clip off a dog chain for a

thong.” $49.99 (black)
(Production Folder)

Coolest Knife at the Show JOE PARDUE

“We glued a dime on it with purple glue 409-429-7074
and called it the ‘Shane Taylor Presidential P.O. Box 693
Commemorative Knife,’” he jokes. “Virgil Spurger, TX 77660
England must have brought 10 or 20 people JoePardue@direcway.com
over to the table to show them the ‘coolest
knife in the room.’ After a while, I had to SEE ME AT THE LAS VEGAS CLASSIC
agree with him.” • DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED •
Conable has a story of his own. “Natalie
Cyhan is a friend of David Boeckel, CEO of
Chesapeake Knife & Tool. She used to man-
age one of his stores, and she often comes
to the BLADE Show and helps out at our
The Perfigo (“To Pierce Through”)
Another Great Collaboration from Pat and Wes Crawford and Bob Kasper
booth, just for the pleasure of our company,
if you can believe that,” Conable remarks.
“I think we get the better end of that deal.
“Anyway, she’s nice to have along, and
she’ll do hilarious stuff. She’ll wear a candy
necklace and hold it out to customers and
ask, ‘Hey, do you want a piece of candy?’ This is a full size (4 1/2” blade) innovative self-defense knife with all the latest features you like in
It’s amazing to watch these normally well- a sophisticated combat knife. 154CM blade, titanium handles, new belt stud which changes to a
spoken men turn into incoherent, blubber- pocket clip, bronze washer, thumb opener and a recessed blade lock. Light, strong and reliable. All
ing idiots, and it’s great entertainment value bead blasted, $400.00. Stain blade, $425.00.
for us. The camaraderie at the BLADE
Show allows you to do that.” Crawford Knives • 205 N. Center Drive • West Memphis, Arkansas 72301
(870) 732-2452 • www.crawfordknives.com
Not all is fun and games, though. “A lot
of companies tailor their coolest stuff for
the BLADE Show,” Conable says. “Even
though the SHOT Show is bigger, the
BLADE Show is where the press spotlight
shines brightest, so I tend to pay more atten-


At the BLADE Show, young

knifemakers like Josh Smith (left)
rub elbows with those who many
consider knifemaking legends,
Custom Knives
such as Frank Centofante (right).
This meeting took place at the 1996 19929 35A Avenue
show. Smith was only 14 at the time Langley, B.C. Canada V3A 2R1
and today is one of the industry’s Phone/Fax (604) 532-8899
best young makers. www.marzitelli@shaw.ca www.marzknives.com

JULY 2004 BLADE / 93

%ODde6KRZ.indd 3 4//04 7:07:15 PM

knife barometer
The knife barometer
DOZIER tion to new products there. It’s where you
see the boldest stuff.
CLASSICS “If I had my druthers, it’s the only
show I’d do,” Conable admits. “When I’m
at the BLADE Show, I think, ‘This is the
Hidden tang, D2 steel Bob Dozier, room where I belong.’ Despite all of our
Knifemaker divergent approaches to making knives, we
share something at the BLADE Show, and
we share it with the customers.”
P.O. Box 1941 As a knife dealer, Brahms says his pur-
Springdale, AR 72765 pose at the show is to identify trends in
Toll-Free: 888-823-0023
w w w. d o z i e r k n i v e s . c o m knives, buy knifemaking materials to resell
later via his Website, and to meet new cus-
tomers. “It’s not so much to sell knives,”
he admits. “If you had $500-$600 in your
pocket and you were at the BLADE Show,
you’d want to meet the maker whose knife
you’re buying and shake his hand.”

“For a knife
collector or user,
the BLADE Show
P.O. Box 3059 • Canyon Lake, TX 78133
is the Toys ’R Us
Phone : 830.899.5356 • Fax: 830.899.4595 for adults.”
—Larry Brahms
Conversely, suppliers attend the BLADE
Your Cutlery Show to show off and sell their knifemak-
& More Superstore ing materials. “First of all, the sheer volume
We carry all major
1-800-562-8481 of customers who walk in the door at the
BLADE Show with the intention of buying
is unequaled,” Chopra says. “It gives us a
chance to circulate samples to new and ex-
www.theknifeconnection.com isting customers, predominantly new mate-
rials that we debut at the show.
“When the BLADE Show doors open,
Electronics Knives Swords Eyewear people hustle over to our booth and ask what’s
Gun Safes Sharpeners Lighters Multitools new. We have to have a half-dozen products
to unveil at the show,” he stresses. “Folks
Optics Watches Kitchen Cutlery & more who build knife prototypes with new mate-
rials or do short production runs of knives
want something that’s not run of the mill.
The beauty of this is, if they have trouble
envisioning how our Thunderforged damas-
E-mail: rmclongknives@aol.com cus will look on a knife, we know handmade
Rich McDonald knifemakers at the show who have knives on
hand they built with our materials.”
ABS Journeyman Brahms has a favorite anecdote to share.
“My absolute favorite story concerns Fred
Perrin, a French knifemaker and martial
Recreating the past; New!
artist,” he begins. “I’d been working with
Color Brochure Fred a couple years, selling just a ton of
for the future $3.00 his La Griffe neck knives, but I’d never met
him. He came to my BLADE Show booth
and introduced himself, so I said, ‘Let’s go
4590 Kirk Rd. to the loading dock and talk.’”
Columbiana, OH 44408
Phone & Fax (330) 482-0007 A Hat Trick
“Every knife Fred makes has martial arts

94 / BLADE JULY 2004

%ODde6KRZ.indd 4 4//04 7:07:33 PM

applications. He was wearing this unas-
suming baseball hat and I said, “You’re a
martial artist, but I don’t see any knives on
you. Why not?’” Brahms relates. “So, Fred
pulled one knife out of his sleeve and an-
other out of his other sleeve, a third one out
of his pocket and another from a different
pocket. Fred said to me, ‘Pretend you live
someplace where the police don’t like peo-
ple carrying knives. You’re walking down
the street and you see someone approach-
ing who’s up to no good.’ Then, Fred grabs
his baseball hat and he throws it at the load-
ing dock wall. It slams into the wall with a
thwack!, it sticks and it takes a big chunk
out of the wall. He had this sharpened steel
in the brim of his hat!”
Brahms recounts a second BLADE
Show incident. “A couple years ago, John
W. Smith made some beautiful knives with
colored carbon-fiber handles. I bumped into
him at last year’s BLADE Show and asked
him if he’d show me where he had bought
the carbon fiber,” Brahms says. “He was
busy but came back to the booth later and
I wasn’t there. [A co-worker] Ida [Stripling]
was working. So, John took Ida shopping for
carbon fiber. She got back and said, ‘Some
really nice guy took me shopping for handle
material just like the stuff John W. Smith
had.’ I said, ‘Ida, that was John W. Smith.’”
“You see a lot of old faces at the BLADE
Show who you count on seeing there every
year. It’s the only place I see some of them,”
Gallagher says. “I’m in the middle of my
career and I’m still trying to progress all the
time. I have to determine what’s next and
the BLADE Show is like a tuning fork. It’s a
good meter of the knife industry from year
to year.”
Brahms says this is BladeArt’s third
year as a BLADE Show sponsor and that Retail cutlery and cutlery accessories since 1987
it’s, “probably the best thing we ever did!”
He adds, “It gives us pride to be associated EXCELLENT MAILORDER PRICES & SELECTION
with a show that means so much to so many CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG
people. It’s as if the BLADE Show is the
only event of the year and everything else
comes after it.
“The energy on the floor sets the
BLADE Show apart,” he determines, “es-
KNIVES PLUS® 800-687-6202
Retail cutlery and cutlery accessories since 1987
pecially when the doors first open. It’s elec- 2467 I 40 West, Amarillo, TX 79109 www.knivesplus.com
tric. People are running around with their
eyes wide open. They’re looking and touch-
ing, and it gives me more energy than any
other knife show.”

The 2004 BLADE Show will take place

June 4-6 in Atlanta’s Cobb Galleria Cen-
tre adjacent to the Renaissance Waverly
Hotel. Contact the hotel at 770.953.4500,
or Mary Lutz, show coordinator, Krause
Publications, toll free at 877.746.9757,
lutzm@krause.com, www.bladeshow.com.

For the addresses of the sources in this sto-

ry, see “Where To Get ’Em” on page 105.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 95

%ODde6KRZ.indd 5 4//04 7:07:45 PM

spec sheet
spec sheet
By MSG Kim Breed
5th Special Forces (retired)

Captain Crunch
Bruce Gillespie’s fancy field knife keeps the author a-cuttin’ and a-grinnin’
For a working knife, Bruce Gillespie’s field
piece is a looker with its brass-bolstered
ivory handle and fileworked blade of D-2
tool steel. Overall length: 7 inches. The
maker’s list price: $190.

and for contrast. It also serves as a cushion

between the hard steel frame and the ivory
The brass bolsters are “45 degreed”

hen I first received the field mention a very clean look. to lock in the handle material, and there’s
knife made by Bruce Gillespie, On the other hand, ivory is a living a brass thong hole in the butt. An extra
I was surprised that it had an handle material, as it will swell, expand or Micarta pin gives the handle assembly more
ivory handle. The knives I get for testing check with the amount of moisture in the security, though I would omit it to keep the
usually have wood or Micarta® grips. Ivory air. Even so, ivory still can be used on a ivory clean for scrimshaw or some type of
gives knives a totally different feel, not to working knife; you just have to keep it waxed carving (just a personal preference). Instead
or oiled. Your working knife of the usual thumb ramp found on working
can look great with a little knives, Bruce uses a softer filework pattern
extra care. to keep your thumb steady.

Wingin’ It Tough Steel

Gillespie’s knife has what II was looking forward to cutting with the
call a bird-wing handle and knife because it’s been awhile since I’ve
is very comfortable to use. used the D-2 tool steel Gillespie employs
Bruce uses black spacer for the blade. I started with the fine work
material to outline the ivory
of slicing paper. The field knife performed
the job well but the cut
channel began to wedge
out, so I gave the edge
a closer look and found
that it was a bit steep
Gillespie’s knife introduced half-inch manila rope to to get clean cuts in
crunch time in short order. the paper. However, it
was nothing that a few
minutes on a diamond
stone couldn’t fix. With
the edge reshaped, the
field knife made super
clean cuts in the paper.
Next, I skived some
leather. The D-2 blade
aggressively bit into
the leather and made
it very easy to control
the depth of the cut.
The D-2 blade made it very easy to control the depth of The fine-edge demands of paper cutting were From there I went on to
the cut for skiving leather. no problem. four-walled cardboard

96 / BLADE JULY 2004

6SeF.indd 2 4//04 :2:05 PM

and cut a number of strips.
The blade made the cuts
with ease and the micro
serrations on the edge bit
cleanly. D-2 is known for its
edge holding and aggressive
cutting ability; it’s just tough

Crunch Time
From there I proceeded to
shred half-inch manila rope.
I couldn’t help but grin
after every crunching cut.
There’s something about
the crunch-crunch sound
that makes you want to keep
cutting. Gillespie’s field
knife kept me smiling for
The fancy field knife made wood curly-cues just like an old
38 crunching cuts. I found hand planer would.
a sharp edge by the finger
guard after six cuts but a
trip to the Kraton® wheel at my workbench would fill up your hand and provide a fuller
took care of it, and I continued with the rest grip.
of the crunching.
Final Grade
Gillespie’s knife is a very nice little package.
“Gillespie’s field It exhibits classic style with a rich look
and performs to boot. The basketweave
knife kept me pattern on the sheath adds to the overall
smiling for 38 For more information contact Gillespie
crunching cuts.” Knives, attn: B. Gillespie, Dept. BL7, 163
Crystal Lake Rd., West Union, WV 26456
—the author 304.873.3171 www.gillespieknives.com.

Finally, I scoured my shop for some

wood to do some whittling and came across
a leftover decking board. It was weathered
and dried out, so I had to put a glove on
my holding hand to keep from getting
splinters. The fancy field knife made curly-
cues just like an old hand planer would. I
experienced no hot spots on my hand and
my buddy Gary had to remind me that I SANDING BELTS FOR SHARPENING
didn’t have time to play around. It was fun Add 10% to Zirc prices for Ceramic belts.
whittling with the knife and it looked good
while doing it. SIZE A.O. ZIRCONIUM S.C.
1”x30” .75 ea 1.50 ea 1.00 ea
Recommendations 1”x42” .75 1.65 1.25
I would like the handle to be a little bit 2”x48”/2”x42” 1.20 2.50 1.80
2”x60” 1.50 2.80 2.25
longer for a better feel. The extra length 2”x72” 1.80 3.50 2.50
2”x90” 2.25 4.50 3.50
2”x132” 3.00 6.00 4.50
SPEC CHART 3”x132”
Model Fancy field knife 6”x48” 3.50 6.00 4.00
Blade Length 3.5” 9”x11” Sheets $28.00/100 220-2500 Grit
5 1/2”x9 1/2” Sheets $14.00/50 240-2000 Grit
Steel D-2
Handle Ivory
Extras Filework on blade spine DISCS, FLAP WHEELS, SHOP ROLLS
Overall Length 7” RED HILL CORP., P.O. BOX 4234, GETTYSBURG, PA 17325
Sheath 6-8-oz. tooled leather in a $6.00 S&H
basketweave pattern The brass bolsters are “45 degreed” to
(800) 822-4003 Free 48p.
www.supergrit.com Catalog
Maker’s List Price $190 lock in the handle material.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 97

6SeF.indd 3 4//04 :44:25 PM

show calendar
show calendar

Note: Shows marked with an asterisk (*) have knives as the main focus. Events marked with two asterisks
(**) are knifemaking instructionals/seminars, knife-throwing competitions, auctions, or other similar events.
BLADE’s® “Show Calendar” also can be seen on BLADE’s Web site at www.blademag.com.

MAY World Championship Cutting Competition Aug. 6-8 Austin, TX Central Texas Knife
and forging demos, how to collect, how Show, Holiday Inn South Woodward.
May 1-2 Washington, AR Spring ABS to make, the latest materials, etc. Contact Contact Chris Carlson, Dept. BL7,
Hammer-In, Bill Moran School of BLADE®, c/o Krause Publications, 700 108 Johnson Cove, Hutto, TX 78634
Bladesmithing. Contact Scotty Hayes E. State, Iola, WI 54945 715.445.2214 512.759.5111.*
903.838.4541 ext. 237.** blademagazine@krause.com.*
Aug. 20-21 Winston-Salem, NC 29th
May 1-2 Odessa, TX West Texas Clinic June 10-12 Pigeon Forge, TN Parkers’ Annual Tar Heel Cutlery Club Show, Elks
of Knifemaking (bench grinding), 4308 Greatest Knife Show on Earth #27, Grand Club. Contact George Manuel, Dept. BL7,
N. Robin Ave., Odessa. Contact Weldon Hotel Convention Center. Contact Buzz 3682 Bowens Rd., Tobaccoville, NC 27050
Whitley 432.530.0448 or Loyd McConnell Parker, Dept. BL7, Heritage Business 336.924.6876.*
432.363.8344.** Court, POB 23522, Chattanooga, TN 37422
423.892.0448.* Aug. 20-22 Denver, CO P.K.A. 12th Annual
May 8-9 Dallas, TX Great Western Denver Custom Knife Show, Holiday Inn-
Show, Fair Park. Contact Adele Seger June 18-19 Noblesville, IN Indiana Knife DIA. Contact Craig Camerer 618.778.5704
512.996.8900 info@greatwesternshow.com Collectors 16th Annual Knife Festival., craiggpf@dtnspeed.net.*
or www.greatwesternshow.com. Hamilton County Fairgrounds. Call
765.642.6313 bomi@famvid.com.* Aug. 21-22 Palo Alto, CA 25th Annual
May 15-16 Stamford, CT NCCA Knife BAKCA Knife Show, Hyatt Ricky’s,
Show, Sheraton Hotel, I-95 North Exit 8. June 18-20 Mannville, Alberta, Canada Camino Ballroom. Contact Jeff Pelz,
Contact Caroline Levine 978.454.5027.* Northwest Canadian Knifemakers Dept. BL7, POB 2787, Dublin, CA 94568
Symposium ’04, farm shop of Ed Storch. 510.797.6247 or 925.829.3036 www.bakca.
May 22-23 Dover, OH 16th Annual Contact Ed Storch, Dept. BL7, RR4, org.*
Western Reserve Cutlery Association Mannville, Alberta, Canada T0B 2W0
Invitational Knife Expo, Tuscarawas 780.763.2214.** Aug. 28-29 Palo Alto, CA 25th Annual Bay
County Fairgrounds. Contact WRCA, Dept. Area Knife Collectors Association Knife
BL7, POB 355, Dover, OH 44622 or call D. June 19-20 Kauhava, Finland 6th Show, Hyatt Ricky’s. Contact Jeff Pelz,
Musgrave 330.745.4242 dmusgrav@neo. Annual International Puukko Festival. Call B.A.K.C.A., POB 2787, Dublin, CA 94568
rr.com http://wrca-oh.com.* 358.6434.1968 (Finland) or 218.538.6633 510.797.6247 or 925.829.3036 www.bakca.
(USA) www.kauhava.fi/puukkofestivalit.* org.*
May 29-30 Melbourne, Australia
The Australian Knifemakers Guild June 25-27 Springfield, MO NKCA SEPTEMBER
Show, International Hotel Ibis. Contact Springfield Knife Show, Ozark Empire Sept. 10-12 Arlington Heights, IL
Shawn McIntyre 61 0412 0410 62 Fairgrounds. Contact NKCA, attn: Chicago Custom Knife Show, Sheraton
macpower@netspace.net.au.* L. Broyles, Dept. BL7, POB 21070, Chicago Northwest Hotel. Contact Ed
Chattanooga, TN 423.892.5007.* Wormser 847.757.9926 fax 847.564.1277
June 4-6 Atlanta, GA 23rd Annual BLADE
Show & International Cutlery Fair, Cobb July 30-31-Aug. 1 Orlando, FL The Sept. 17-19 Ontario, CA BLADE Show
Galleria Centre, I-285 & US 41, one exit Knifemakers’ Guild Show, Marriott’s West, Ontario Convention Center. Site of
off I-75 across from the Cumberland Mall, Orlando World Center. Contact Al Pendray, the 2004 BLADEhandmade™ Awards,
adjacent to the Renaissance Waverly Hotel. Dept. BL7, 13950 NE 20th, Williston, FL best in handmade, factory, antique and
The world’s largest combined show of 32696 352.528.6124.* military knives, knife collections, seminars
handmade, antique & factory knives. Over and much more. Contact BLADE Show
570 tables and 90 factory booths. Join the July 30-31-Aug. 1 Missoula, MT Montana West, 700 E. State, Iola, WI 54990-0001
world’s greatest national and international Knifemakers Association Show, Holiday 877.746.9757, Mary Lutz, ext. 313, fax
knifemakers, cutlery manufacturers, Inn Parkside. Contact Darlene Weinand 715.445.4087 lutzm@krause.com.*
collectors, collections and knife lovers. Site 406.543.0845.*
of the Blade Magazine 2004 Knife-Of-The- Sept. 17-19 Grapevine, TX Knives
Year Awards® for factory knives, points AUGUST Illustrated Spirit of Steel Show, Hilton
for the 2004 BLADEhandmade™ Awards, DFW Lakes Conference Center. Call Bruce
Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-Fame® Aug. 6-8 Lexington, KY Central Kentucky Voyles 423.238.6753.*
induction & much more. Site of the annual Knife Club Show, Continental Inn. Contact
ABS meeting and special Knifemakers’ Joe Litton 502.863.1840 litton711@aol. Sept. 17-19 Oak Lawn, IL AECA 25th
Guild section. Seminars include ABS com.* Annual Show, Oak Lawn Community

98 / BLADE JULY 2004

&DOendDU.indd 2 4//04 7:01:22 PM

Pavilion. Call Louie 800.785.9830 or Ernie

Sept. 24-26 Louisville, KY NKCA

Louisville Fall Knife Show, Holiday Inn
South. Contact NKCA, attn: L. Broyles,
Dept. BL7, POB 21070, Chattanooga, TN
Oct. 2 Tampa, FL Florida Knifemakers’
Association Custom Knife Show, Holiday
Inn City Centre. Contact Dan Piergallini
813.754.3908 coolnifedad@earthlink.
net and/or Don Vogt 813.973.3245

Oct. 8-9 Edgerton, WI Northern Lakes

Knife Co. Knife Show, Tri-County
Community Center. Contact Bob Schrap, www.levineknives.com
Dept. BL7, 7024 W. Wells St., Wauwatosa,
● Specializing in ● The rising stars
WI 53213 414.771.6472 fax 414.479.9765
rschrap@aol.com.* ● Fair prices
● The best makers
Oct. 8-9 Columbus, OH The Columbus
Greater Ohio Valley Knife Show ’04, Dealer of Handmade Knives
Aladdin Shriner’s Complex at Easton
Town Center. Contact Koval Knives, attn: Phone: (914) 238-5748
Mick or Judy Koval, Dept. BL7, POB 492,
New Albany, OH 43054 614.855.0777 fax PO Box 382 • Chappaqua, NY 10514

Oct. 9 Huntington Beach, CA Plaza GARY LEVINE FINE KNIVES

Cutlery Custom Knife Show, Huntington
Beach Hilton. Contact Plaza Cutlery, South
Coast Plaza, attn: D. Delavan, Dept. BL7,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.549.3932 www.

Oct. 22-24 Wilmington, OH NKCA Ohio

Fall Knife Show, Roberts Convention
Centre, exit 50 off I-71. Contact NKCA,
attn: L. Broyles, Dept. BL7, POB 21070,
Chattanooga, TN 423.892.5007.*

Nov. 6-7 Mt. Vernon, IL Mt. Vernon Knife
Show, Roland Lewis Community Building,
Mt. Vernon Veterans Park. Contact Nancy
or Larry Hancock, Dept. BL7, 12193 E.
Turner, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618.242.4514
To ensure timely publication of your knife
show in the “Show Calendar,” BLADE® KNIVES
requests that you send all pertinent infor-
mation concerning your show in written The Finest In
form—dates, locations, etc.—at least Folding
three months before the show takes place Cutlery
to Krause Publications, attn: J. Kertzman,
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54945 (715) 445- “Since 1984”
2214 fax (715) 445-4087. BLADE depends
on the shows themselves for prompt and
accurate information. Warren Osborne
P.O. Box 205, Waxahachie, TX 75168
Tel: (972) 935-0899 • Fax: (972) 937-9004 - Catalog $3.00
Web: http://www.osborneknive.com E-mail: ossie1@worldnet.att.net

JULY 2004 BLADE / 99

&DOendDU.indd 3 4//04 7:01:24 PM

Pavilion. Call Louie 800.785.9830 or Ernie

Sept. 24-26 Louisville, KY NKCA

Louisville Fall Knife Show, Holiday Inn
South. Contact NKCA, attn: L. Broyles,
Dept. BL7, POB 21070, Chattanooga, TN
Oct. 2 Tampa, FL Florida Knifemakers’
Association Custom Knife Show, Holiday
Inn City Centre. Contact Dan Piergallini
813.754.3908 coolnifedad@earthlink.
net and/or Don Vogt 813.973.3245

Oct. 8-9 Edgerton, WI Northern Lakes

Knife Co. Knife Show, Tri-County
Community Center. Contact Bob Schrap, www.levineknives.com
Dept. BL7, 7024 W. Wells St., Wauwatosa,
● Specializing in ● The rising stars
WI 53213 414.771.6472 fax 414.479.9765
rschrap@aol.com.* ● Fair prices
● The best makers
Oct. 8-9 Columbus, OH The Columbus
Greater Ohio Valley Knife Show ’04, Dealer of Handmade Knives
Aladdin Shriner’s Complex at Easton
Town Center. Contact Koval Knives, attn: Phone: (914) 238-5748
Mick or Judy Koval, Dept. BL7, POB 492,
New Albany, OH 43054 614.855.0777 fax PO Box 382 • Chappaqua, NY 10514

Oct. 9 Huntington Beach, CA Plaza GARY LEVINE FINE KNIVES

Cutlery Custom Knife Show, Huntington
Beach Hilton. Contact Plaza Cutlery, South
Coast Plaza, attn: D. Delavan, Dept. BL7,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.549.3932 www.

Oct. 22-24 Wilmington, OH NKCA Ohio

Fall Knife Show, Roberts Convention
Centre, exit 50 off I-71. Contact NKCA,
attn: L. Broyles, Dept. BL7, POB 21070,
Chattanooga, TN 423.892.5007.*

Nov. 6-7 Mt. Vernon, IL Mt. Vernon Knife
Show, Roland Lewis Community Building,
Mt. Vernon Veterans Park. Contact Nancy
or Larry Hancock, Dept. BL7, 12193 E.
Turner, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618.242.4514
To ensure timely publication of your knife
show in the “Show Calendar,” BLADE® KNIVES
requests that you send all pertinent infor-
mation concerning your show in written The Finest In
form—dates, locations, etc.—at least Folding
three months before the show takes place Cutlery
to Krause Publications, attn: J. Kertzman,
700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54945 (715) 445- “Since 1984”
2214 fax (715) 445-4087. BLADE depends
on the shows themselves for prompt and
accurate information. Warren Osborne
P.O. Box 205, Waxahachie, TX 75168
Tel: (972) 935-0899 • Fax: (972) 937-9004 - Catalog $3.00
Web: http://www.osborneknive.com E-mail: ossie1@worldnet.att.net

JULY 2004 BLADE / 99

&DOendDU.indd 3 4//04 7:01:34 PM


Dan Magri
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he va

100 / BLADE JULY 2004

MDJUinR.indd 100 4/7/04 :01:23 PM

Editor’s note: In part one last issue, the
author explored key early events in his
lifelong love affair with knives. In the The 2 3/4-inch ATS-34 blade of the author’s RT-5 by Howard Viele boasts
a modified tanto point with a chisel grind and a bead-blast finish. Inlaid in
conclusion, he details what to look for in a the Micarta® handle is a medallion sporting Viele’s logo, and the bolster is
premier handmade piece. titanium. The author’s value: $650.

y knife collection is for me and
I never lose sight of that fact. I
have established specific criteria
on which I try to base all my handmade
knife purchases. As a result, I usually start
with knives that I like, knives that have
eye appeal to me. I am not going to spend
money on something that I will look at and
regret later. This is most important! I can
justify a knife purchase, at whatever price,
if every time I look at the knife, pick it up
and use it, I am truly excited by holding
and having it. I like to think of it as paying
rightful homage to the kid in me.

Signature Models
In the early days of my collecting, I would
research and investigate the various mak-
ers. Their reputations, established or grow-
ing within the knife community, would
certainly spark my interest in their knives.
I would discover which knives were con-
sidered the signature models in the mak-
ers’ lineups and then target my sights on
those signature knives. Examples are
Emerson’s CQC-6, Bob Terzuola’s ATCF,
and Al Polkowski’s Bulldog and Pug fi xed
blades, to name a few.
In time, I had an outstanding assort-
ment of knives that represented many of
the stars of the knifemaking world whose
knives appealed to me. Soon, I was adding
to the signature pieces with other models
from these gifted makers. Then, with the
foundation of my collection in place, I be-
gan to concentrate on the elements of scar-
city and reputation in the aftermarket—in
other words, the knives’ ability to hold or
gain value—all the while being true to my
inner, and personal, eye-appeal require-
ment. ticular knife. This is a fit-and-fi nish detail at one of the edges on one of his knives will
that every folder maker must establish as a cause your forehead to bleed.
Fit & Finish top priority. An analogy would be seeing
The materials used in making a knife are that brand new Corvette spinning around Seek Counsel
not as important to me as the knife’s over- the showroom floor—and it has a basket- It never hurts to seek wise counsel to
all fit and fi nish. Handle materials and ball-sized dent in the driver’s door! Yuck help enhance your collecting experience.
blade steels all have their own unique at- and bleep it! Early on, I realized that ordering directly
tributes and styles. For me, there is no per- from the knifemakers as my sole means of
fect steel or one-and-only handle material, Dull Means Cull building my collection would never co-ex-
liner material and so forth. The character As for all knives, folding or fi xed, my big- ist with my lack of patience. As a result,
of each knife depends on the materials gest pet peeve is the dull blade. A presenta- establishing a relationship with a quality
used to create it, though the materials will tion knife or sword that is made to rest in purveyor can be invaluable. It has been
not necessarily preclude me from buying a display case and sit on a shelf can have for me. Almost always, the purveyor can
it. Sloppiness, taking shortcuts and failure a dull blade, but if knifemakers are adver- get a knife into your hands quicker than if
to pay full attention to detail are the signs tising their knives as functional, reliable, you are placed on a maker’s waiting list—
of a non-professional and, understandably, can-use tools, then the blades had better be which can mean it will take years before
I would not spend money on such a per- sharp. Offering a dull knife to a customer you get the knife.
son’s knife. is like, well, picking up that brand new Generally, the best purveyors establish
When it comes to folders, poor lock- Corvette from the dealer and discovering it quality relationships with the knifemakers
up, regardless of the locking mechanism, has four flat tires. Yuck and bleep it again! and thus are able to sell to collectors at the
is by far my biggest turn-off. Any wiggle, For me, when it comes to proper blade makers’ prices. A few purveyors even offer
left or right or up or down with the blade sharpness, the bar has been set by R.J. return allowances and equal trade-in guar-
in the open position, sours me on that par- Martin. Just looking long and hard enough antees, things not necessarily provided by

JULY 2004 BLADE / 101

MDJUinR.indd 101 4/7/04 :02:0 PM

the makers.
A sure sign that a purveyor is trust-
worthy and knowledgeable is evident from
the respect the knifemakers and the knife
community show him or her. The purveyor
can be a knife broker, offering advice on
buying and selling, notifying the customer
when specific knives may become avail-
able for purchase, and sharing knowledge
and foresight about possible trends and
up-and-coming makers. As for me, I deal
solely with Les Robertson.

Get Out There!

As with any hobby, one of the best ways
to enjoy it and get the most from it is to
get out there and meet others of like think-
ing. Throughout the year, handmade knife
shows are held around the country. I al-
ways attend the two or three shows that

A double-ground, modified-tanto blade

of ATS-34 operates on the maker’s
patented locking mechanism (inset) of
this Scott Sawby folder. The handle is
carbon fiber and the bolsters and
liners are stainless steel. The
knife is an exclusive of
Robertson Custom Cut-
lery. Closed length: 4
1/4 inches. The author
said he paid $550
for it.
Your On-Line knife
And Sword Store

Over 1000 Blades & Accessories

20+ Major Manufacturers
Major Credit Cards Accepted Secure On-Line Ordering

Horsehead Creek Knives

“from the Prairies of Dakota”
Stag Handle Bowie
12” overall, 7” blade

Loyd Thomsen,
Award-Winning Bladesmith
“You dream it... I’ll build it!”

605-535-6162 See more of Loyd’s knives on his website:

HCR 46 Box 19 • Oelrichs, SD 57763 www.horseheadcreekknives.com

102 / BLADE JULY 2004

MDJUinR.indd 102 4//04 :45:31 PM

The author had R.J. Martin Mother
outfit three of his Kwaikens of
in a double grind instead
of Martin’s standard chisel
grind. The ATS-34 blades
are 4, 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 inches
long. From the smallest to Pearl slabs including;
the largest piece, the author white, gold, pink, black, brown
said he paid $400, $575 and & abalone
$650, respectively.
Jig, Pick, Smooth & Stag Bone
in a variety of colors & patterns:
Mosaic Abalone Buffalo &
Ram’s Horn, Stingray Skins,
Wallets & Belts.

See Us At:
The Blade Show
Atlanta, GA
June 4-6, 2004
Booth #14
Catalog send $5.00 or download from our
Web site to:
Mother of Pearl Company
P.O. Box 445, Franklin, NC 28744
Phone (828) 524-6842 • Fax (828) 369-7809

C.O.D. • Prepayment • MC/VISA

pop up in my area. If my schedule permits,

I also try to attend the BLADE Show and
The Knifemakers’ Guild Show. The shows
offer much one-on-one time with the mak-
Bog Dog
ers, as well as the chance to meet and talk D-2 Tool Steel
with fellow enthusiasts. There is nothing Blade - 1/8” Thick
like putting a face to the name etched on Ultra Light - 4-1/2 oz.
the blade of your handmade knife. Resiprene C -
The way I see it, the ultimate end re- Mudder Grip
sult of knifemaking is for the maker to sell
his/her knives and establish a reputation Blade Length 4-1/2”
and fan base. As the target customer/fan, I Overall Length 9-1/2”
know I am an important part of the knife-
making evolution. My input and participa-
tion in the process can best be served by
attending the shows, in addition to buying
the knives.

Under Your Nose

After all these years, I still remind myself
that the next great maker is right there
under my nose. Back in the day, all great
knifemaking legends had to have their
start. Maybe they were making the knives
for family and friends, maybe they were Custom/Antique/Commemoratives
selling them at flea markets and yard sales.
Knives they sold for $25 or $50 then are
trading hands at $1,000 or more today, so I •Immediate Payment.
remain ever vigilant. •We Purchase Entire Knife Collections!
About seven or eight years ago, I was •A Fair And Reputable Dealer For Over 20 Years.
•No Collection Too Large Or Too Small!
going through the exhibits at the Great 166 Adwolfe Rd. • Dept BL • Marion, VA 24354
Western Show in California (the Great Blue Ridge Knives Phone 276-783-6143 • Fax 276-783-9298
Western is now held in Dallas). I came

JULY 2004 BLADE / 103

MDJUinR.indd 103 4/7/04 :02:3 PM

OSO . .
T h The
e W oWorld’s
r l d ’ s L Leading
e a d i n g SSpecialty
p e c i a l t y Equipment
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Order Online 24 hours a day at www.osograndeknives.com!

INFO: 760-747-4600
760-747-4600 ORDERS: 1-888-OSO-6050 EMAIL:
ORDERS: 1-888-OSO-6050 E-MAIL: sales@osograndeknives.com
SEND $6.00
$6.00 OUR
CATALOG (Refundable
(Refundable w/w/Purchase)
Purchase) POPO
462945, PAUMA VALLEY, CA 92061
CA 92046

The author calls

this “a typical
Strider knife in that
it could probably
survive a nuclear
war.” The solid piece
of ATS-34 features a
chisel-ground tanto
blade and Strider’s
signature cord wrap.

across two guys chucking knives into the

concrete. They explained to me that they
were knifemakers, newcomers to the field,
and their confidence in the strength and
durability of their blades was evidenced by
KENNETH KING KNIVES the results of their rather unorthodox test.
www.kennethkingknives.com Intrigued, I stepped up to their table
770-476-1475 and examined the knives on display. Both
men were rather gregarious, one in par-
ticular, and they gave me a brief history of
their partnership, a detailed description of
their knifemaking process, and concluded
with their marketing strategies and goals.
Eye-appeal factor at work, I zeroed in
on one knife in particular and asked to buy
Blade Show it. Unfortunately for me, they explained
that all the knives were for the show and
Table 18A not for sale, but I could take a business
card and call their shop to place an order.
I knew this to be true, as other people had
been handed business cards and left the
table knifeless. However, I was relentless
and eventually we agreed on a price and
they allowed me to take the knife home. I
“Shooting Star” figured these guys just might have what it
takes to be big.
Carved Damascus Steel Folder This past November, at the New York
18Kt Gold, Sapphires Custom Knife Show, the same two guys
& Diamonds were there. This time their table was not so
One-Of-A-Kind, easy to reach. At times, the crowds before
it were 10-people wide and six deep. “The
Entirely Handcrafted
Strider Guys” have certainly come a long
way and I have one of their early knives.
Good for them, good for me.


104 / BLADE JULY 2004

Magrino.indd 104 4/12/04 7:53:43 AM

where to

where to get ’em Blue Ridge Knives
get ’em Phone (276) 783-6143 • Fax (276) 783-9298
E-Mail: onestop@blueridgeknives.com
Web Site: www.blueridgeknives.com
Blue Ridge Knives • Department BL
166 Adwolfe Road • Marion, VA 24354
Angel Sword, attn: D. Watson, Dept. BL7, 350 Al Mar Knives (see under “The Year Of The
Jennifer Ln., Driftwood, TX 78619 512.847.9679 Factory Knife?”); Cable Joe Knives, attn: J. olesal

2 0 0
www.angelsword.com; Cold Steel (see under Allen, Dept. BL7, 206 Brown St., Princeton, IN

“The Year Of The Factory Knife?”); David 47670-1146; Lakota Knife USA, attn: B. Gray,

Goldberg, Dept. BL7, 1120 Blyth Ct., Blue Bell, Dept. BL7, POB 155, Greenville, VA 24440

PA 19422 215.654.7117; Phill Hartsfield, Dept. 800.807.1169 www.lakotaknife.com; Dusty
BL7, POB 1637, Newport Beach, CA 92659-0637 Moulton, Dept. BL7, 135 Hillview Ln., Loudon,
949.722.9792 or 714.636.7633; Wally Hayes, TN 37774 865.408.9779 www.moultonknives.

Dept. BL7, 1026 Old Montreal Rd., Orleans, com; SOG Specialty Knives (see under “The Year

Ontario, Canada K4A 3N2 613.824.9520; Of The Factory Knife?”); Skiff Made Blades, or
Knights Edge, attn: M. Bastle, Dept. BL7, 5696 attn: S Skiff, Dept. BL7, POB 537, Broadalbin, W
N. Northwest Hwy., Chicago, IL 60646-6136 NY 12025 518.883.4875; Murray St. Amour,
773.775.3888 www.knightsedge.com; Scott Dept. BL7, RR3, 222 Dicks Rd., Pembroke,
Slobodian, Dept. BL7, 4101 River Ridge Dr., San Ontario, Canada K8A 6W4 613.735.1061 www.
Andreas, CA 95249 209.286.1980 stamourknives.com; Twin Blades, attn: Charlie DEALERS ONLY
Matthews, Dept. BL7, 121 Mt. Pisgah Church

THE YEAR OF THE FACTORY KNIFE? Rd., Statesboro, GA 30458 912.865.9098 www.
Bear & Son Cutlery, attn: K. Griffey, Dept. twinxblades.com ONLINE SHOPPING
BL7, 1111 Bear Blvd., Jacksonville, AL 36265

256.435.2227 www.bearcutlery.com; Benchmade GRADE “A” ABRADE
USA, attn: L. de Asis, Dept. BL7, 300 Beavercreek Accusharp Knife Sharpeners, Dept. BL7, We're Your Supplier
Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045 503.655.6004 205 Hickory Creek Rd., Marble Falls, TX
www.benchmade.com; Browning, attn: D. 78654 800.742.7797; Diamond Machining
Not Your Competitor
Thompson, Dept. BL7, Rt. 1, Morgan, UT 84050 Technology (DMT), attn: E. Powell, Dept. BL7,
800.333.3288 www.browning.com; Cold Steel, 65 Hayes Memorial Dr., Marlborough, MA
attn: L. Thompson, Dept. BL7, 3036-A Seaborg, 01752 800.666.4368; EZE-LAP, Dept. BL7,
Ventura, CA 93003 805.650.8481 www.coldsteel. 3572 Arrowhead Dr., Carson City, NV 89706
com; Columbia River Knife & Tool, attn: R. 800.843.4815; EdgeCraft Corp., attn: S. Weiner,
Bremer, Dept. BL7, 9720 SW Hillman, Suite 805, Dept. BL7, 825 Southwood Rd., Avondale, PA

Wilsonville OR 97070 503.685.5015 www.crkt. 19311 800.342.3255; Edgemaker, Dept. BL7,

com; Emerson Knives Inc., attn: E. Emerson, 3902 Funston St., Toledo, OH 43612 800.531.
Dept. BL7, 2730 Monterey St., Torrance, CA EDGE; GATCO, attn: J. Anthon, Dept. BL7,
90503 310.542.3050 www.emersonknives.com; POB 600, Getzville, NY 14068 800.548.7427;
Kershaw, attn: D. Flagg, Dept. BL7, 25300 SW Lansky, attn: A. LeVine, Dept. BL7, POB
Parkway, Wilsonville, OR 97070 503.682.1966 50830, Henderson, NV 89016 702.361.7511

www.kershawknives.com; Knives Of Alaska, www.lansky.com; Meyerco (see under “Year Of

attn: C. Allen, Dept. BL7, 123 W. Main, Denison, The Factory Knife?”); McGowan Mfg., Dept.
TX 75021 903.463.7112; Lone Wolf Knives, attn: BL7, 25 Michigan St., Hutchinson, MN 55350
D. Hutchens, Dept. BL7, 17400 SW Upper Boones 800.342.4810; Smith Abrasives, attn: R. Smith,
Ferry, Ste. 240, Portland, OR 97224 505.431.6777 Dept. BL7, 1700 Sleepy Valley Rd., Hot Springs,
fax 503.431.6776 www.lonewolfknives.com; Al AR 71901 800.221.4156; Spyderco (see under
Mar Knives, attn: G. Fadden, Dept. BL7, 16708 “Year Of The Factory Knife?”); Tru-Hone, Dept.
SW Jordan Way, Tigard, OR 97224 503.670.9080 BL7, 1721 Northeast 19th St., Ocala, FL 34470
www.almarknives.com; SOG Specialty Knives, 800.237.4663
attn: C. Cashbaugh, Dept. BL7, 6521 212th
St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 425.771.6230 THE BE-ALL, END-ALL BLADE SHOW

www.sogknives.com.; Schrade, attn: T. Faust, Roger Bergh, Dept. BL7, PL1137, 83070 NRA,
Dept. BL7, 7 Schrade, Ellenville, NY 12428 Sweden +46.613.12046; BladeArt.com, attn: L.
914.647.7600 www.schradeknives.com; Smith Brahms, Dept. BL7, 14216 S.W. 136 St., Miami,
& Wesson, c/o Taylor Cutlery, attn: S. Taylor, FL 33186 800.821.7461 www.bladeart.com;
Dept. BL7, POB 1638, Kingsport, TN 37662 Columbia River Knife & Tool, attn: R. Bremer,
423.247.2406; Spyderco, attn: J. Laituri, Dept. Dept. BL7, 9720 S.W. Hillman Ct., Ste. 805,
BL7, 20011 Golden Gate Cyn., Golden, CO Wilsonville, OR 97070 800.891.3100 info@crkt.

80403 800.525.7770 www.spyderco.com; TOPS, com; Barry Gallagher, Dept. BL7, 135 Park St.,
attn: M. Fuller, Dept. BL7, POB 2544, Idaho Lewistown, MT 59457 406.538.7056; Conny
Falls, ID 83403 208.542.0113 www.topsknives. Persson, Dept. BL7, PL 605, 820 50 Loos,
com; United Cutlery, attn: K. Rae, Dept. BL7, Sweden, +46.657.10305; Universal Agencies,
1425 United, Sevierville, TN 37862 423.428.2532 attn: R. Chopra, Dept. BL7, 4690 S. Old Peachtree
www.unitedcutlery.com; William Henry Knives, Rd., Ste. C, Norcross, GA 30071 678.969.9147
attn: M. Conable, Dept. BL7, 2125 Delaware, Ste. info@uai.org; William Henry Fine Knives, attn:
Send a copy of your business license
C, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.454.9409 www. M. Conable, Dept. BL7, 2125 Delaware Ave.,
williamhenryknives.com Ste. C, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.454.9409 and $3 (refundable) for 736 page color
sales@williamhenryknives.com catalog. Minimum order required.

JULY 2004 BLADE / 105

Getem.indd 2 4/12/04 9:42:35 AM

poppin’ sharp
poppin’ sharp

Knife Name:
Talon Coco-
bolo. Company:
Lakota. Pattern:
Fancy utility
folder. Mecha-
nism: Locking
liner. Blade Steel:
VG-10 stainless.
Handle: Cocobolo. By BLADE ® staff
Pocket Clip: Stain-
less steel. Closed
Length: 4 1/8”.
MSRP: $130.

Knife Name: Model No. 2. Maker: Twin

Blades. Pattern: Straight hunter. Blade Steel:
Satin-finished BG-42 stainless. Blade Length: 3.5”.
Handle: Axis deer stag. Miscellaneous: Nickel-silver fit-
tings; comes w/crocodile leather sheath.
Maker’s List Price: $275.

Maker: Murray St. Amour.
Blade Steel: 154CM stainless. Handle:
Amber stag bone. Bolsters: 416 stainless. Sheath: 6-8-
oz. leather. Maker’s List Price: $225.
106 / BLADE JULY 2004

)DWKeUV'D\.indd 10 4/5/04 :21:57 PM

Knife Name: Shrike. Company: Al
Mar Knives. Designer: Kirk Rexroat.
Knife Name: Twitch II. Pattern: Tactical folder. Mechanism:
Company: SOG Specialty Locking liner. Blade Steel: Flat-
Knives. Pattern: Gent’s ground VG-10 stainless. Handle:
knife. Mechanism: As- Textured G-10. Weight: 6 ozs. Closed
sisted-opening lock- Length: ~5”. MSRP: $199.
back w/flipper. Blade
Steel: AUS-8 stainless.
Handle: Hard-anodized
aluminum. Weight: 2.6
ozs. Closed Length:
~3 3/4 inches. MSRP:

Knife Name: The

Phantom. Maker:
Dusty Moulton. Pat-
tern: Fancy fighter.
Blade Steel: ATS-34
stainless. Blade Length:
5 1/2”. Handle: Stabilized Pattern: Fancy folder.
giraffe bone. Overall Maker: Skiff Made
Length: 11 1/4”. Miscella- Blades. Blade Steel:
neous: Engraving, mosaic Nitre-blued damascus.
pins, fully fileworked tang Mechanism: Lock-
and blade, and dovetailed ing liner. Handle:
bolsters. Sheath: Leather. Oosic. Bolsters: Devin
Maker’s List Price: $1,295. Thomas high-contrast
twist damascus. Liners:
Fileworked titanium. Back
Spacer: Fileworked 416
For the contact infor- stainless. Closed Length:
Knife Name: Buffalo Spirit. mation for the pictured ~4 inches. Maker’s List
Maker: Joe Allen. Pat- Price: $625 (w/pouch).
knives, see “Where To
tern: Bowie. Blade Steel: Get ‘Em” on page 105.
Choice of 440C, ATS-34
and CPM S30V stainless.
Blade Length: Choice of
8-10”. Handle: Spacers and
buffalo bone. Sheath: 8-
10-oz. hand-tooled leather.
Maker’s List Price: $400
(8”) and $450 (10”).

JULY 2004 BLADE / 107

)DWKeUV'D\.indd 107 4/5/04 :22:22 PM

factory focus
factory focus
A less-than-2-inch-long blade of 1 15/16 inches
makes the Stinger a California-legal automatic. An
upgraded version is available from Pro-Tech with a
damascus blade and mother-of-pearl handle inlays,
as seen here. MSRPs: $650-$1,250. A standard
version in 154CM stainless blade steel and an
aluminum handle has an MSRP of $150.


By Mike Haskew

108 / BLADE JULY 2004

PURB7eFK.indd 10 4//04 4:53:54 PM

The Pro-Atac is a collaboration between Pro-Tech and knifemaker
Jeff Harkins. The slender 3.5-inch clip blade is 154CM, and the
frame is aluminum with carbon-fiber inlays. The knife comes in a
manual version and a double-action auto that opens by a thumb
stud or via a button under the carbon-fiber inlay.

t first, it may seem a contradiction that across the country. The basic versions with other material options. The latter models
Pro-Tech, a rising maker of automatics 6061 T-6 aluminum handles and 154CM range in MSRPs from $650-$1,250.
and other knives, is located in Califor- stainless blades have manufacturer’s sug- Wattenberg said he’s proud that his
nia, a state with strict laws concerning the gested retail prices (MSRPs) of $150, and company sells what he called the pre-
sale and carry of autos. But the rationale is an upscale version of the Stinger is avail- miere line of California-made automat-
fairly simple for Dave Wattenberg, owner able with a mirror-polished or damascus ics, and that the knife-buying public has
and president of the six-year-old company. blade and mother-of-pearl inlays, among taken note of his enterprise.
Santa Fe Springs,
California, is home,
and while it’s dis-
couraging not to
be able to service
California consum-
ers with certain of
its models, Pro-Tech
makes and sells oth-
er pieces that appear
to be quite legal and
popular with knife
enthusiasts from
the Golden State
and beyond.
“You can imag-
ine that it’s frustrat-
ing not to be able to
sell all of our mod-
els to our friends in
California,” Wat-
tenberg reasoned.
“We do make two
switchblades that are
California legal. The
Runt and the Stinger
have blades under
2 inches, at 1 15-16
inches each. The
California switch-
blade law is interest-
ing, and if the blade
is under 2 inches, it’s
A basic black series of automatics in a military
OK for anybody to style, the Pro-Tech Tactical Response is avail-
carry in the state.” able in chisel-ground tanto and clip- and spear-
Wattenberg said point blades of 154CM stainless. The frame is
the smaller Pro- T-6 aluminum and blade lengths are 3-3.5 inches.
Tech models have MSRPs range from $200-$225.
sold well not only
in California but

JULY 2004 BLADE / 109

PURB7eFK.indd 10 4//04 4:20:57 PM

tion To rmance Blade E
o The Performance
factory focus
factory focus
Welcome to a discussion about
the world of knives. “I saw that there was a real demand for
F F some better and more interesting automatic
knives,” he said. “We started making some,
and so far so good. Even though we’re
W W making knives in decent-sized groups, we
L L do lean toward the custom feel. It’s just
E E me and a total of a half-dozen employees.
The people, the I guess we’re all knife people. Even those
R legends, forging, R
heat treating &
who do the most basic tasks here have an
• • appreciation for the fi nished piece. They
testing in search
R of the high R have to care or the process doesn’t work.
I performance knife. I It’s a caring, skilled and small group of
V Get an V people who work with me.”
autographed Pro-Tech uses CNC technology for
E copy of E rough machining, but extensive hand fi n-
R “Knife Talk” R
52100 steel for $14.95 ishing brings together the best of both low-
T pushed to (+$3.55 S/H) T and hi-tech. Some automatics are offered
the limit with blades specially ground by custom
O of today O
knifemakers Walter Brend, Don Maxwell
N The Design, N and Jeff Chaffee.
Construction &
• Function of the Buy the video

Using Knife
W (52100 Steel)
for $45.00 W
(+$1.25 S/H)
Y with Ed Fowler Y “Pro-Tech has al-
O Get your autographed O
copy of Knife Talk II lied with custom
M $20 plus $3.55 S&H M
I knifemakers on
BOX 1519
1519 •• RIVERTON,
G several models.”
—the author

Currently, the company produces eight

automatic models. Two of the best known
are the Godfather and Godson. The Godfa-
ther sports a 4-inch blade of 154CM and a
T-6 aluminum frame with MSRPs of $270-
$350, depending on inlays. An upgraded ver-
sion is available with a damascus blade and
mother-of-pearl inlay. The Godson appeared
as the sequel to the Godfather in the same
basic style with a 3.25-inch blade and a base
MSRP of $220. Upscale versions of the God-
son will be available later this year, with a
variety of premium blade and handle materi-
als and MSRPs ranging from $800-$1,500.
While the Godfather and Godson are
in-house designs, Pro-Tech has allied with
custom knifemakers on several projects.
One is the Pro-Atac, a Jeff Harkins pattern
and the company’s fi rst in-line double-ac-
tion auto. The slender 3.5-inch clip blade is
154CM, and the frame is aluminum with
carbon-fiber inlays.
“The Pro-Atac really is a neat de-
sign,” Dave remarked. “Unless somebody
showed you how it works, you wouldn’t
know it’s an automatic. The knife can be
opened with its thumb stud and also with
a button hidden under the carbon-fiber
inlay.” The same knife is available in a
manual version.
Wattenberg said Pro-Tech’s Tactical
Response Series has proven popular with

110 / BLADE JULY 2004

PURB7eFK.indd 110 4//04 :4:2 PM

*New Date - New Location*
October 8 & 9, 2004
Show Hours:
Fri. Oct. 8th . . . 12 pm to 7 pm
Sat. Oct. 9th . . 9 am to 5 pm
The Aladdin Shriners FREE
Complex At Easton PARKING!
Our 4th Annual Knife Show will feature many
famous custom knifemakers from around the
country exhibiting their one of a kind artistry,
along with the following:
pAntique Knives pTomahawks
pCarvings pScrimshaw Artists
pCustom Knives pMiniature Knives
pKnife Making Supplies pEngravers
pTactical Knives pLeather Workers
p High End Manufactured Kniveso
prizes and custom knife drawingso
Will Be Conducted Dailyo
pand much moreo
A superb new location and a fall date – 10 minutes
The Godfather is one of from Port Columbus International Airport – Easy
Pro-Tech’s flagship au- access from I-270 – New Easton Town Center
tomatics. The standard Shopping Complex across the street – Hotels nearby.
version sports a 4-inch For show reservations or more information contact:
blade of 154CM and a T- KOVAL KNIVES
6 aluminum frame with P.O. BOX 492 • NEW ALBANY, OH 43054
MSRPs of $270-$350, (614) 855-0777
depending on inlays.
This one is in burl. www.kovalknives.com email: koval@kovalknives.com

JULY 2004 BLADE / 111

PURB7eFK.indd 111 4//04 :4:41 PM

factory focus
Specializing in Custom & Randall Knives Since 1971
law enforcement agencies worldwide. In
addition to local law enforcement groups,
the series has been shipped to SWAT
teams throughout the USA, the U.S. Secret
Service, and police forces in Kosovo. A
basic black series of automatics in a mili-
tary style, the Tactical Response is avail-
able in chisel-ground tanto and clip- and
spear-point blades of 154CM. The frame is
T-6 aluminum and blade lengths are 3-3.5
inches. MSRPs range from $200-$225.
One collaboration with knifemaker
Mike “Whiskers” Allen has already pro-
duced a scale-release automatic, and a
second should be available soon. “Mike is
one of the top guys for making the scale-
release mechanism,” Wattenberg noted.
“We call the new knife the Magic, with a
3.5-inch drop-point blade and T-6 alumi-
num handle.”
The basic Magic will have an MSRP of
about $260, while a limited number of 25
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed by our Return Policy will be upscaled to include a Mike Norris
damascus blade at an MSRP of $500 each.
Visit our Web Site, 1634-C6 Copenhagen Dr. It should be noted that all upgraded Pro-
Tech knives are produced in limited num-
also featuring Solvang, CA 93463 U.S.A. bers and, added Wattenberg, they go fast.
manufactured sport knives (805) 688-3612 In addition to automatics, Pro-Tech
and kitchen cutlery or (800) 992-6574 (orders only) offers a couple of folders, while the com-
pany’s fi rst fi xed blade will soon follow.
“The Elite Combat Dagger, or ECD, is a
symmetrical knife with a 6-inch blade,”
Wattenberg explained. “The blade is
154CM and a variety of handle materials
such as maple burl, green and black G-10,
Professional Knifemakers Association and black linen Micarta® will be used. Of
12th Annual course, we already had the relationship
with Walter Brend, and this is one of his

designs. No more than 20 will be presented
as full customs, with blades ground and
mirror polished by Walter. The basic tacti-

Custom Knife Show Pro-Tech

attn: D. Wattenberg, Dept. BL7
Friday _____ 20th, 2 PM to 8 PM 11009 Shoemaker Ave.
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
August 2004 Saturday _____ 21st, 9 AM to 6 PM 562.903.0678
Sunday _____ 22nd, 9 AM to 4 PM fax 562.903.3949
Bring in this ad for
$2.00 off admission!! Specialties Automatics, double-ac-
tion autos, manual folders and a new
fi xed blade; material upgrades avail-
able on some models; collaborations
Regular admission - $7.00 - For all three days Children under 12 Free with knifemakers Mike “Whiskers”
HOLIDAY INN - DIA Allen, Walter Brend and Jeff Har-
15500 East 40th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80239 (I-70 and Chambers Road Exit) kins; some blades ground by Brend,
Show rate is $84 - Reservations, (303) 371-9494 (All reservations must be made by July 26, 2004) Don Maxwell and Jeff Chaffee
Many of the world’s finest knifemakers and purveyors will be displaying and selling their custom hunt- Blade Steel 154CM stainless and
ing, fishing, folding, tactical, kitchen, and artistic knives at this prestigious show. Mike Norris damascus
PKA members’ knives will be presented through a special raffle. Handle Materials 6061-T6 alumi-
Custom knives and other cutlery items will be given away as door prizes. num, mother-of-pearl, maple burl,
There will be forging and grinding demonstrations.
green and black G-10, and black
Do not miss this custom knife extravaganza.
linen Micarta®
For additional information MSRPs $150-$1,800
Contact: Craig Camerer at (618) 778-5704 or e-mail craiggpf@dtnspeed.net

112 / BLADE JULY 2004

PURB7eFK.indd 112 4//04 :47:5 PM

Technology with an Edge
Pro-Tech’s Elite Combat Dagger, or ECD, fea-
tures a 6-inch blade of 154CM and such handle
materials as maple burl, green and black G-10, The Technology....NEW Aluminum Handled Chives
and black linen Micarta®. A collaboration with
knifemaker Walter Brend, the basic tactical ECD The Edge.................• Speed-Safe assisted-opening system
carries an MSRP of $250, and the custom ver- • Ambidextrous Index-Finger opening
sions have MSRPs of $1,600-$1,800.
• Sized right for easy carrying
• Smoked anodized aluminum handles
• Kershaw’s “shaving-sharp” edge
• Removable pocket clip
• Lifetime guarantee

Model 1600BR
Model 1600BB
Model 1600BW
MSRP $54.95

Blade.....1 15/16 in. (4.9cm.)

Steel......420HC stainless
Lock ......Liner
Closed...2 7/8 in. (7.3cm.)
Weight ..1.9 oz.

Model 1600BR
(Black, Red)

Model 1600BB
(Black, Blue)

cal ECD will sell for $250, and the custom American switchblades. They weren’t for
versions will run $1,600 to $1,800.” sale and I couldn’t pick one. Now, my ‘re-
Pro-Tech produces about 7,000 knives a venge’ is that I make switchblades, and my
year, and Wattenberg credits a strong dealer dad buys them from me!”
network and the company’s popularity with Indeed, when Allen Wattenberg isn’t
law enforcement for steady increases in running his own store, he may be helping
sales. The addition of laser-engraving equip- his son Dave at Pro-Tech. Dave’s mother,
ment has provided a popular option for cus- Kathy, pitches in as well. Model 1600BW
(Black, White)
tomers. “Law enforcement agencies can send
us a clean badge logo, and we can put that on Editor’s note: The possession, transpor-
their knives in just a few days,” he said. tation and sale of certain types of knives,
For Wattenberg, the choice of a knife including automatics, is restricted or pro-
career was a foregone conclusion. “My hibited by federal, state and local laws.
father owns a retail cutlery store, and I BLADE® and Krause Publications, Inc.,
worked there ever since I was 5 or 6 years rely on the fact that collectors, dealers,
old,” he smiled. “On Sunday afternoons exhibitors, advertisers and manufactur-
For information
as kind of a payment, Dad would let me ers are expected to know and comply with or a dealer near you, call:
pick out something to take with me. There these regulations. 1-800-325-2891
was one case I couldn’t choose any of the www.kershawknives.com
knives from. It contained old Italian and
JULY 2004 BLADE / 113

PURB7eFK.indd 113 4//04 4:21:34 PM

hot handmade
hot handmade

Larry Harley’s Wootz Razor sports

a blade of L-6 Harley steel. The
handle and bolster are twist da-
mascus, the latter heat blued and
textured. The carving is by the
maker. Note the extra-sharp tip.
The inset mark is the maker’s
“Lonesome Pine” logo. (photos
by SharpByCoop.com)

By BLADE ® staff
omewhere deep in the hills of northeast Ten-
Spec Check nessee—Bristol, to be exact—Larry Harley
cooked up his graceful “Wootz Razor.”
The blade steel is what the maker calls “L-6H,”
Name Wootz Razor which stands for L-6 Harley. The handle is a bar of
Maker Larry Harley double-twist damascus twisted in opposite directions.
Blade Steel L-6 Harley The bolster is the same material heat blued and textured.
Handle Double-twist damascus The liner is stag. All carving is by the maker.
Bolster Heat-blued, textured double- “It was a pleasure to do,” Harley noted of the custom-ordered piece. In fact, after start-
twist damascus ing the project, he realized that he could do more with it than the original order called for,
Miscellaneous All carving by maker so he got with the customer and renegotiated some additions that resulted in an impres-
Maker’s List Price For A Similar sive fi nished piece. “If I’ve got a customer like that who will let me do what I have to do
Piece $1,700 to make the razor the best it can be,” Harley observed, “then the resulting piece will be a
good one.”

114 / BLADE JULY 2004

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989943_BL.qxd 4/12/04 9:02 AM Page 1

Own a Piece of History!

fter twenty-two years of negotia-

A tions, Atlanta Cutlery and

International Military Antiques
have purchased the entire contents of the
Royal Armory of Nepal. Along with
Victorian Era British firearms, we have
acquired these genuine, original battle
kukris, some of which are over 100 years
old! Each has seen service with the
famous Gurkha regiments.

(A) Here is your chance to own a true histori-

cal piece. There is nothing like these on
the market today! Each blade is still
packed in the original cosmoline. Original
scabbards available for item (E) only, at an
additional cost. Or, you can purchase a
newly made combat scabbard for all
(B) kukris, from the current government con-
tractor for $35.00 each.

(A) Traditional “Longleaf”–19" long,

21⁄2" wide, 3⁄8" thick. #1-134…$159.00
New Scabbard. #1-134NS…$35.00
(B) Traditional “Bhojpure”–17" long,
21⁄2" wide, 3⁄8" thick. #1-135…$129.00
New Scabbard. #1-135NS…$35.00
(C) WWI Vintage–171⁄2" long, 23⁄8" wide,
⁄32" thick. #1-136…$99.00
New Scabbard. #1-136NS…$35.00
(D) WWI Vintage–171⁄4" long, 23⁄8" wide,
⁄32" thick. #1-137…$99.00
New Scabbard #1-137NS…$35.00
(E) WWII Issue Kukri–17" long, 21⁄8" wide,
⁄4" thick. #1-138…$79.00
Original Scabbard. #1-138S…$40.00
(E) New Scabbard. #1-138NS…$35.00

Please add $6.95 postage and handling for

each Kukri or scabbard ordered.
Allow 4 weeks delivery for newly made
combat scabbards for old kukris.

Name ______________________________________

P. O. Box 839 BL07 Address ____________________________________

Conyers, GA 30012 City ______________________ State ____________
Since 1971
Zip ____________ Phone _____________________
Call Toll-Free QTY. ORDER # AMOUNT
1-800-883-0300 _____ _____________ _______________
(Charge Card Number)
Visit Our Website for _____ _____________ _______________
other rare British Victorian _____ _____________ _______________
Expiration Date Cardholder’s Signature
firearms & knives from VISA, Mastercard, American Express & Discover
Total Ground S/H _______________
GA Residents (Add Sales Tax) _______________
The Nepal Collection Welcomed – U. S. Check Or U. S. Money Order
TOTAL _______________
989949_BL.qxd 4/12/04 7:29 AM Page 1

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