Bulletin 05.03.12
Bulletin 05.03.12
Bulletin 05.03.12
If you need an updated staff photograph taken, please be in the Infant hall on Monday
morning at 9am. Please do not forget to visit the Church for the Stations of the Cross in the next few weeks.
Monday 5th Van Cols Photographer Class photographs of all year groups, including Nursery, to be taken in KS1 hall. Year 6 to have photographs taken first, and other classes will be called when required Infant Hall out of use all day Mr Jan Choeanec (Guitar Teacher) in school
8.30am 9.00am 9.30 12noon 10.30am 11am 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.30 4.30pm 3.30 4.30pm
Mrs Ranjan to meet with NRH Supervisor in KS2 Andrew Bryam (BCCS) to meet with Year 5 parent Mr Piper to attend course No KS1 Headteacher Assembly Pupil progress meeting Mrs Doyle and Mrs Lucey KS2 Headteacher Assembly Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Basketball Club starting for Years 4, 5 & 6 Staff Meeting Humanities Mrs Monk to lead in 1b Tuesday 6th Year 6 Junior Citizenship, am & am session
KS1 Hymn Practice Mrs Casey away at Midday Fr Selvini Governor Visit 11.30am Year 3 with Mrs Kirwan (MFL) Lunch with children Junior Department 1.15pm Year 2
Pupil Progress Meeting Mrs Doyle and Miss Wilson Dance Club Yrs 3 - 6 KS2 Hymn Practice Netball Year 5 & 6 Pupil Progress Meeting Mrs Doyle and Miss McCusker
Dance Club, Years 1 & 2, Junior Hall Play practice All cast members to attend Junior IT Suite Wednesday 7th
Redbridge Mini Games: Mr Hatzar (student cover am, Mrs Kirwan cover pm), Mrs Holden (no cover required), Mrs Harris (Mrs Kirwan cover am, student to cover pm) and Miss Bergin (PPA cover am by PE coach, Mrs Anthony to cover until 2.15pm, LSA cover 2.15 3.15pm) to attend 8.00 8.45am 9.00 3.45pm 9 10am 1.00 3.30pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3:30 4:30 3.30 4.30 3.30pm 3.20pm 3.30 4.30pm 4.15 5.30pm Year 1 & 2 Tri Golf Infant Hall Violin Teacher in school. Mrs Anthony away Cello Teacher in Youth Hall. PEP Meeting in SMT room Mrs Anthony to attend No KS2 Deputy Headteacher Assembly Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall Film Club Pupil Progress Meeting Mrs Doyle, Miss Scahill and Mrs Gallagher Choir - Classroom No Art Club Play practice All cast members to attend - Junior IT Suite Thursday 8th Book Fair to be collected 8 8.45am 10.30am 11.10 12.50 1.20pm 1.30pm pm 3.30pm 3.30 4.30pm KS2 Cheerleading Infant Hall KS1 Assistant Headteacher Assembly Mrs Doyle Booster Classes year 6 Dance Club Yrs 3 - 6 Mr Hatzar to attend Primary ICT Co-ordinators Meeting no cover required School council to feedback to classes Spanish Classes Mrs Neale EYFS & KS1 Fronter training in KS2 ICT Suite Mrs Martin KS2 Moderation meeting Class 6b Moderating Maths Borderline judgement Yr 3 & 4, Yr 5 & 6
Friday 9th Mrs Doyle to attend Catholic Headteacher Deanery Meeting Action plans to be sent to Mrs Doyle by Co-ordinators Mrs McCartney (Mrs Gallagher to cover) and Mrs Colville (Mrs Williams to cover 3a) to attend Strictly VI course at Joseph Clarke School Mrs Ranjan to attend Level 2 CP Training at Ley Street House 9.30am Pm 1.20pm 1.20pm 2.45pm 2.40pm 3.30 4.30pm Kathy Stimson (Hatton School) to meet with Mrs Ranjan Mrs Anthony to cover 2b PPA cover Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school 3a Assembly Mrs Lucey to lead Golden Book Assembly Mrs Anthony to lead Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training KS2 Playground PSA Ladies Quiz Evening