2012 Sepa Conference
2012 Sepa Conference
2012 Sepa Conference
Sheraton New Orleans Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana February 15-18, 2012
HEADQUARTERS for the 201 SEPA annual meeting is the Sheraton New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana. Events will be held in the Sheraton New Orleans. REGISTRATION is in Napoleon Foyer on the 3rd floor. Everyone attending the meeting must register and must wear the SEPA identification badge. Advance Registration: If you have registered in advance, come by the SEPA registration desk to pick up your badge and program. On-Site Registration: Register as soon as possible after you arrive. The SEPA registration, information, workshop, and membership desk is located in Napoleon Foyer on the 3rd floor and will be open as follows:
Wednesday 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Registration Categories: $ 75 SEPA members or affiliate members whose dues are current 50 Advanced graduate student members whose dues are current 50 Student Affiliates whose dues are current 135 Professional non-members 100 Student non-members (Undergraduates or graduate students
with fewer than two years in their degree program)
30 Non-psychologist Spouse/Partner
In paper sessions on Thursday morning, the asterisks (**) denote finalists for monetary awards in the Outstanding Paper Award for Professional Members. These awards were funded through a grant from the American Psychological Association Science Directorate. Award winners will be announced at the Friday evening reception.
GENERAL INFORMATION WORKSHOPS for Continuing Education credit are scheduled throughout the convention. (See sessions A-J at the beginning of the meeting schedule.) Workshop registration is at the main SEPA registration desk. SEPA registration is a prerequisite to workshop registration. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT will be offered for presentations of the SEPA Invited Speakers. Each of these sessions will offer one hour of credit for a fee of $10. Information on registration and payment will be available on-site at the convention. Persons who verify their attendance, remit payment, and submit an evaluation form for these sessions will receive a CE certificate for each session attended. POSTER SESSIONS are scheduled in Napoleon CD 123 on the 3rd floor. (See floor plan at the back of this program.) EXHIBITS are located in Napoleon CD 123 on the 3 rd floor. Hours of operation are Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Thursday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and 8:00 -12:00 noon on Saturday MESSAGES may be left on the Message Board outside the exhibit area. PSI CHI will sponsor a Psi Chi Orientation on Thursday from 9:00 am to11:00 am in the Napoleon Ballroom CD Corridor. The Southdown Meeting Room (4 th floor) will be used as the Psi Chi Hospitality Room Thursday and Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. You do not have to be a Psi Chi member to visit the Hospitality Room; all meeting attendees are welcome to meet with students from other schools. Receptions are scheduled in Napoleon CD/123 room on Wednesday, in the Waterbury (2nd floor) Ballroom on Thursday and in the Armstrong Ballroom (8th floor) on Friday. The Administrative Officer is responsible for all arrangements (such as rooms for social functions or special meetings) and will make all such contacts with the hotel. Please send any requests to Al Finch at the SEPA e-mail: SEPA@citadel.edu.
Thursday, February 16
Saturday, February 18
Luncheon for Past Presidents Friday, February 17 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Poydras Room
SEPA Business Meeting All are welcome! Friday, February 17th 3:00 3:50pm Napoleon B1/B2 Room
These psychologists presentations are invited and sponsored by SEPA and/or by affiliated organizations because their work is of significant interest to psychologists in many fields. Information about the speakers is available at the SEPA registration desk.
Roy F. Baumeister, Ph.D., Florida State University G. Stanley Hall Lecture (sponsored by the American Psychological Association The Why, What and How of Human Consciousness Friday 4:00-4:50pm/NapoleonB1/B2
Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr., Ph.D., Texas A&M University Rosecrans SEPA Invited Address I Goodbye Dr. Chips: Or When Will College Professors No Longer Teach Any Courses? Thursday 9:00-9:50am/Napoleon B1/B2 Randall W. Engle, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology Rosecrans SEPA Invited Address II Working Memory Capacity as a State and Trait Variable Friday 9:00-9:50am/Napoleon B1/B2 Anthony B. Greenwald, Ph.D., University of Washington Siegel-Wallston Invited Address Implicit Bias: New Forms of the American Dilemma and the New Science of Discrimination Friday 11:00-11:50am/Napoleon B1/B2 Debra Sue Pate, Ph.D., Jackson State University Presidential Address A Woman's Place: In Psychology? Thursday 4:00-4:50pm/Napoleon B1/B2 Adrian Raine, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania PSI CHI/SEPA Invited Address The Brain Basis to Crime: Ethical and Legal Implications. Thursday 1:00-1:50pm/Napoleon B1/B2 Judith Worell, Ph.D., University of Kentucky CEPO/SEPA Invited Address Looking Back, Looking Forward Friday 1:00-1:50 pm/Napoleon B1/B2
The Committee on Equality of Professional Opportunity is a standing committee of SEPA. Its purpose is to provide information about and opportunity for persons from groups that are under-represented in the organization or in the broader community of psychologists. The Chair of CEPO is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee
CEPO/SEPA Student Research Semi-Finalists Wednesday, February 15 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Napoleon CD123 CEPO/Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Program Thursday, February 16 8:30 am 9:45 am Napoleon CD123 CEPO Minority Interest Group Thursday, February 16 3:00 pm 3:50 pm Napoleon A2 CEPO/Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Program Friday, February 17 8:30 am 9:45 am Napoleon CD123 SEPA/CEPO INVITED ADDRESS Friday, February 17 2:00 pm 2:50 pm Napoleon B1,B2 CEPO Symposium Friday, February 17 3:00 pm 3:50 pm Napoleon A2 CEPO Leadership Institute Saturday, February 18 9:30 am --- 11:00 am Napoleon B3 CEPO Business Meeting Saturday, February 18 11:00-11:50 am Napoleon B3
Welcome Reception Wednesday February 15 5:00 7:00 pm Napoleon Exposition Hall 3rd floor (Poster Area) 5:30 7:30 pm Waterbury Ballroom (2nd floor)
Reception Horning Past Presidents, Award Winners and CEPOs 40th Friday, February 17 5:00 6:30 pm Armstrong Ballroom (8th floor)
This reception honors SEPAs Past Presidents and Celebrates CEPOs 40th anniversary. Winners of the Mentor Award, the Outstanding Professional Paper award, the Graduate Student Research Award, and the CEPO/PSI CHI Undergraduate award will be announced.
1954-55 John B. Wolfe (Temporary during founding of SEPA) 1955-56 John B. Wolfe 1956-57 Nicholas Hobbs 1957-58 E. E. Cureton 1958-59 Winthrop N. Kellogg 1959-60 M. Curtis Langhorne 1960-61 John F. Dashiell 1961-62 Stanford C. Ericksen 1962-63 Irwin A. Berg 1963-64 Susan W. Gray 1964-65 Louis D. Cohen 1965-66 Ralph Mason Dreger 1966-67 Wilse B. Webb 1967-68 Ted Landsman 1968-69 Wallace A. Kennedy 1969-70 Earl C. Brown 1970-71 Raymond R. Shrader 1971-72 Raymond D. Fowler 1972-73 Charles D. Spielberger 1973-74 William D. Spears 1974-75 Joseph C. Hammock 1975-76 Marshall R. Jones 1976-77 Edward H. Loveland 1977-78 Laurence Siegel 1978-79 Ellen B. Kimmel 1979-80 Irwin J. Knopf 1980-81 William H. Calhoun 1981-82 Dorothy D. Nevill
1982-83 Pauline Rose Clance 1983-84 Joseph H. Grosslight 1984-85 C. J. Rosecrans 1985-86 William B. Pavlik 1986-87 Howard R. Pollio 1987-88 David E. Clement 1988-89 W. Theodore May 1989-90 Karen S. Calhoun 1990-91 Cheryl B. Travis 1991-92 John E. Williams 1992-93 Henry E. Adams 1993-94 Charles L. Brewer 1994-95 Judith Worell 1995-96 Jennifer C. Friday 1996-97 Jacquelyn W. White 1997-98 Nathan W. Perry 1998-99 W. Harold Moon 1999-00 Rosemary Hays-Thomas 2000-01 Sheila Eyberg 2001-02 Sheila Eyberg (Acting for the late Mervyn K. Wagner) 2002-03 Richard D. Tucker 2003-04 Stephen H. Hobbs 2004-05 A. J Finch, Jr. 2005-06 Jean Spruill 2006-07 Lillian Range 2007-08 2008-09 Deborah South Richardson James L. Pate
Date: ___________________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________________________ Position/Title: ______________________________________________ Phone: (___)______________E-mail: ___________________________
F. (50/25)
Return this booklet page, your meeting registration form and a check for the total cost of the workshops you wish to attend (made payable to SEPA) to: SEPA, Psychology Department, The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409. If you have not already registered for the meeting you may register online.
3 CE Credits
Bayside A
6 CE Credits
Bayside B
3 CE Credits
Bayside C
as a small group intervention within clinics and elementary and middle schools, has a 34 session child component and a 16 session parent component. Clinicians and researchers attending the workshop will be able to identify preadolescent children who are appropriate for the intervention; to describe how the Coping Power model provides a framework for the assessment and intervention of specific children; to understand the intervention research findings supporting this program; and to implement tools to help the child recognize physiological cues of anger and manage their anger arousal, and to identify competent strategies for coping with social problems, and to help parents respond to childrens aggressive behavior problems. Learning Outcomes: At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. describe the risk factors for angry, aggressive children discuss the Coping Power Programs outcome effects list techniques to help children cope more effectively with anger and other difficult emotions. list techniques for enhancing childrens social problem-solving skills. discuss the skills to assist parents in enhancing parent-child relationships and developing effective behavior management strategies.
Targeted Audience: Open to graduate students and Doctoral level practitioners. Thursday, 1:00 4:00
3 CE Credits
Bayside C
3. 4. 5.
state the difference between diversity management and other organizational approaches such as EEO, Affirmative Action, Valuing Diversity, Training, and Organization Development. describe effective techniques and methods for managing organizational diversity at individual and organizational levels. list factors shown to be important in the success of diversity management efforts. assess the status of an organization with respect to diversity climate and the status of diversity management.
Targeted Audience: Open to all but some background in organizational, social or industrial psychology is preferred. Thursday, 1:00 4:00 3 CE Credits Bayside A
Workshop E: Faculty Online Learning Communities: Faculty Academies Make the Difference
Mary Lou Yeattes, Ed.D., Raymond Jones, Ed.D., and Nichelle Middleton, MA, The Citadel Description: This workshop explores developing online teaching communities within your college through the mechanism of formal Faculty Academies. The facilitators experiences developing and conducting online Academies across disciplines will be shared in three themes Establishing the Foundation for Buy-In, Aligning the Academy Model to your needs Growing and Nurturing your Online Community. With the support of facilitators, participants will work together to discover how they can help faculty engage, contribute, and become more active with their peers as an online community. The desired long-term result is improved faculty and student satisfaction in online education, improved alignment between learning objectives and learning outcomes, and heightened awareness of regulatory requirements in online education.
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to: 1. identify practical applications to help faculty engage, contribute, and become more active with their peers as an online community. negotiate the regulatory information regarding equivalency, copyright, and accommodation of disability in the online environment. describe how the proper design of asynchronous and synchronous structure can create more efficient online environments and improve faculty and student satisfaction in online education
analyze alignment between learning objectives and learning outcomes, creating effective online models.
Targeted Audience: Individuals interested in learning about establishing online teaching courses. Friday, 9:00 12:00 & 1:00 4:00
6 CE Credits
Bayside B
Targeted Audience: The target population of this workshop is clinicians and clinicians in training who provide evaluation services to students seeking accommodations in higher education. Some prior training in assessment is necessary, and those with some prior training in the areas of LD, ADHD, and chronic medical and psychiatric conditions are likely to benefit most.
3 CE Credits
Bayside A
Workshop G: Understanding PTSD: Etiology and Evidenced Based Treatment from the Biopsychosocial Perspective
Melton Strozier, PhD., ABPP Mercer University School of Medicine Description: The purpose of this workshop is to explain the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of on PTSD from the Biopsychosocial perspective. Recent brain imaging results will be shown to the audience to demonstrate findings on how trauma affects brain structure and function. This approach to understanding PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder will show the etiology of both diagnoses, describe the psychological and social systems effects of this brain alteration on the individual, and discuss evidence based treatment options consistent with the neurobiology of PTSD. Special attention will be paid to women who are victims of childhood sexual abuse. Learning Outcomes: Workshop participants will be able to 1. identify the biological responses of the brain and the endocrine system to psychological stressors. 2. discuss the results of fMRI techniques in terms of understanding the neurobiology of PTSD. 3. describe how the process of significant and/or extended trauma changes the structure and function of the brain. 4. describe how trauma-related neurological structure and function changes affect behavior of both PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder patients. 5. discuss evidence-based treatment options for trauma victims from the Biopsychosocial perspectives.
Targeted Audience:
Open to all Friday, 9:00 12:00 3 CE Credits Bayside C
Workshop H: Microskills: Im hearing what you are saying, but what are you saying?
Susan Thorson-Barnett, PhD., Joseph D. Biscoe, III, MHS, and Laura Burns, BS Northwestern State University of Louisiana Description: Helping Profession (therapists, counselors, advisors, mentor, etc.) need a tool bag (techniques and skills) for effectiveness and efficiency when facilitating those they
serve. This interactive workshop will present both theory and practice exercises designed to assist Helping Professionals improve their communication skills. The information included is based on Ivey, Ivey, and Zalaquett (2009) Intentional Interviewing and Counseling theories regarding, Microskills Hierarchy Basic Listening Sequences: attending behaviors and active listening. The benefit of using the microskills model lies in the ability of the helping professional to effectively communicate to those they serve. There are two goals of this workshop: 1) The participants will demonstrate their ability to enhance their tool bag in two of the basic communication skills by successfully completing the roleplaying activities and then apply these skills in their therapy sessions. 2) The participants will be able to identify and understand how personal values impact professionalism. Workshop participants will, at the completion of this workshop, be able to 1) identify the characteristic and skills of a positive helping profressional 2) identify the barriers to effective communication 3) define and implement the first tier of the Microskills Hierarch: Attending Behaviors 4) define and implement the second tier of the Microskills Hierarchy: Active Listening 5) identify and describe how personal values impact professionalism 6) identify and develop a better understand of Multicultural issues 7) define the ethics for the helping professional and be aware of resources to assist Target Audience: This workshop is designed for beginning therapists, counselors, graduate students, and professionals in helping occupations Friday, 1:00 4:00 3 CE Credits Bayside A
Learning outcomes: At the completeion of the workshop participants will be able to 1. describe the limits of confidentiality when working with children and families 2. recognizing the roles of individuals involved in divorce and legal proceedings 3. facilitate interactions between therapists and the legal system 4. discuss the implications of technology and electronic communication as they relate to ethical treatment of children and families.
Targeted Audience: The workshop will be open to all. Interested parties will likely have a desire to work with children and families and also to interface with the legal system.
3 CE Credits
Bayside A
Targeted Audience: The session is targeted for individuals involved in providing clinical supervision at any level (graduate practica, internship, postdoctoral, peer), although supervisees would also be welcome to attend as didactic training for the later provision of supervision (i.e., open to all).
Wednesday February 15th 9. One of These Things is Not Like the Others: The Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Processing Distinctive Information. Naomi Chatley, Stephanie Miller, and Stuart Marcovitch, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 10. Changes in Undergraduates Research Self-Efficacy, Knowledge, and Interest in Research. Stefanie Boswell, University of the Incarnate Word 11. Academic Entitlement: Group Differences and Change over Time. Stefanie Boswell and Mollimichelle Cabeldue, University of the Incarnate Word 12. Fact from Fiction: Learning about Abnormal Psychology through Stories. Adrian Janit, Georgina Hammock, Darrell Robinson, Erik Emmons, and Deborah Richardson, Augusta State University 13. Personality Predicts Adoption of an Orphaned Essential Learning Outcome. Bethany Jurs, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Timothy Daugherty, Missouri State 14. Excitatory and Inhibitory Effects of Emotion on Social Identity Judgments. Cassandra Sturycz, and Andrew Mienaltowski, Western Kentucky University 15. Impact of parenting style on the relation between temperament and guilt in preschoolers. Candace Lassiter, Janet Boseovski, and Vanessa Alvarado, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 16. ++Directed Forgetting and Directed Remembering in Visual Working Memory. Melonie Williams, and Geoffrey Woodman, Vanderbilt University. 17. ++Bullying Experiences of Special Education Students: Teacher versus Student Report. Melissa-Miles Dunn, Conway Saylor, and Kristina Kenny, The Citadel 18. ++Does the DASS measure up to the Tripartite Model? Nicole Wilner, Georgia State University; Michael Compton, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences; Robert Latzman, and Erin Tone, Georgia State University. 19. The Relationship between Masculinity and Aggression in Adjudicated Male Youth. Daniel Robinson, and Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, University of South Alabama 20. Effect of Childhood Trauma on Jurors Rulings for a Defendant. Mary Dunn, Hannah Rawcliffe, and Chelsea Bolton, Wesleyan College 21. Differing State Definitions Impact Juror Decisions in a Capital Trial Involving Intellectual Disability. Ashley Moore, and Kristine Jacquin, Mississippi State University 22. The Influence of Need for Closure on Jury Decision Making. Alyna Ohanmamooreni, Christopher Holden, Thomas Ford, Annie Kochersberger, and Adam Hicks, Western Carolina University 23. Links between attachment and psychological symptoms among HIV+ youth. Patricia Bowman and Michelle Broth, Georgia Gwinnett College
Wednesday February 15th 24. Interpretation Bias in Ruminative Thinking. Thuy Anh Ngo and Paula Hertel, Trinity University 25. Suspicion and Attributed Hostility: New Wine in Old Bottles? Stanciu Jamie and James Epps, University of South Florida Polytechnic 26. Using Color to Test Boundary Extension as a Source Memory Error. Katherine Ness, Greta Munger, and Kristi Multhaup, Davidson College 27. Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery. Michael Marcell, Meagan Orton, Christie Mallard, Megan Ryan, and Erin Stephenson, College of Charleston 28. Long-Term Memory for Lateral Orientation. Michael Marcell and Morgan Benz, College of Charleston 29. Effect of interstimulus intervals on ERP measures of affective priming. Rima Alomari, Neymi Orozco, Kayla Butler, Jessica James, and Jaime Tartar, Nova Southeastern University 30. Correlations between MMPI-2-RF Supplementary Scales and Child Abuse Potential Inventory. Brittni Morgan, David McCord, and William Moon, Western Carolina University 31. Whose Fault is it Anyway? Perfectionists Experience of Test Anxiety. Brittany Weiner and John Carton, Oglethorpe University 32. Relationships among Parenting, Parental Psychopathology, and Late Adolescent Psychopathology. Mary Milone, Joe Pastuszak, Chafen DeLao, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University 33. Violence Among Us: Perceptions of Same-sex Domestic Violence. Shawn Mendez, and Jacquelyn White, University of North Carolina Greensboro 34. Factors Influencing Late Adolescent Disruptive Behavior. Tiffany Woodcock, Melanie Morse, Ashley King-Profit, Justine Connolly, Hillary Leibold, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University
Welcome Reception 5:00 7:00 pm Poster Room/Exhibit Area Napoleon Exposition Hall (3rd floor) Reception open to all convention attendees Light Hors D Oeuvres (Cash Bar)
8:30 9:20 am Napoleon A2 Doctoral Training in Clinical Medical/Health Psychology: Current Status. Steven Hobbs and Melton Strozier, Mercer School of Medicine. presiding
8:30 9:20 am Napoleon A1 Conversation Hour with Past Chairs of CEPO Jennifer Friday, Georgia Gwinnett College, presiding
8:30 9:30 am Oak Alley
Thursday February 16th Gary Jones, Lousiana State University at Shreveport presiding ** Denotes nominee for Outstanding Professional Paper Award 8:30 **8.1 Risk Factors of Vicarious Traumatization in Psychology Graduate Students. W. Michael Nelson, Colleen Furey, and Anna Ghee, Xavier University 8:50 8.2 Religious Coping, Gender Role Orientation, and LGBTQ Psychological Adjustment. Stacy Parenteau, James Goodson, Sakkaphat Ngamake, devaron Palmer, Susan Walch, University of West Florida 9:10 ** 8.3 Teacher Emotional Maltreatment of Students in Grades K-6 and 7-12. Mary Ellen Fromuth, Teresa Davis, Candias Sadler, Jonathan Prokop, and Krystal Owens, Middle Tennessee State Univ.
Thursday February 16th 4. Detecting Random Responding in College Students' Self-Reported Data. Jon Mandracchia, University of Southern Mississippi 5. The Latent Structure of Self Esteem across Gender: A Taxometric Analysis. Tiffany Hopkins, Laci Zawilinski, Eileen Todd, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, and Bradley Green, University of Southern Mississippi 6. Qualitative Data Analysis using Cohens Multiple Kappa a Case of Multiple Categories and Raters. David Biek, Macon State College; Stephanie McClure, Georgia College & State University
12. CE Workshop A
9:00 am 12:00 noon Bayside A Strategies for Improving Productivity with Underperforming Faculty Presented by R. Christopher Qualls, Ph.D. Emory & Henry University
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under A on page 11 of this program
13. CE Workshop B
9:00 am 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Bayside B Comprehensive Behavioral Interventions for Tics 6 hours Presented by Michael Himle, Ph.D. University of Utah 6 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under B on page 12 of this program
14. CE Workshop C
9:00 am 12:00 noon Bayside C
The Coping Power Program for Childhood Aggression Presented by John E. Lochman, Ph.D., ABPP University of Alabama 3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under C on page 12 of this program
Thursday February 16th 2. Understand the reasons for the erosion of support for teaching in university environments that continually increase research expectations for faculty. 3. Understand what university faculty can do to maintain appropriate commitments to teaching.
10. Perceived benefits of opposite-sex friendships among homosexuals and heterosexuals. Anna Hendon, Amanda Vincent, Kathryn Bruce, and Quentin Hartmann, Augusta State University 11. Body Image and its Correlation to Sexual Efficacy. Stephanie Barger, Maryville College 12. Receptivity to Casual Sexual Offers. Jacqueline Woerner, Amanda Atkins, and Todd Mcelroy, Appalachian State University 13. Perceptions of Characteristics of Individuals Following Different Sexual Behaviors. Annie Kochersberger, Catherine Toldeo, and Erin Myers, Western Carolina University
Thursday February 16th 14. Examining the Relation between Anxious and Depressive Symptoms and Sexual Promiscuity. Kaitlin Short, Brittany Kinman, and Kathryn Hahn, Millsaps College 15. Examining Relationships: Communication and Satisfaction in Lesbian and Heterosexual Women. Elizabeth Brashier and Jennifer Hughes, Agnes Scott College 16. Components of Love and Relationship Satisfaction: Lesbian and Heterosexual Women. Claire Cusack, Jennifer Hughes, and Rachel Cook, Agnes Scott College Cluster II: Aggression 17. The Effects of Anger Management on Childrens Social and Emotional Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Ashley Candelaria and Alicia Fedewa, University of Kentucky
18. Predicting Aggressive Driving. Elizabeth White, Augusta State University 19. The Relationship among Testosterone, Serotonin, and Aggressive Behavior in Men. Anne McIntyre and Mitchell Berman, University of Southern Mississippi 20. A Relationship between Intoxication and Physical Violence amongst African American Women Attending a HBCU. Cynthia Jackson, Christopher Brooks, Martez Burks, and Sharda Mishra, Tennessee State University 21. Childhood Exposure to Family Violence: Impact on Adult Intimate Partner Relationships and Well-being. Cynthia Jackson, Lisa Battle, Aisha Armstrong, and Sharda Mishra, Tennessee State University 22. Validating the Social Perception of Rape Using Perceived Rape Situational Scale with a Sample of University Students. Cynthia Jackson, Joshua Rackley, LaToya Moppins, and Sharda Mishra ,Tennessee State University 23. Understanding Cultural Differences on Perceptions of Child Abuse. Cynthia Jackson, Jillian Richardson, Dolf Johnson, and Sharda Mishra, Tennessee State University 24. A bi-directional study: Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence. Cynthia Jackson, Ivorye Perry, Shayla Tumbling, and Sharda Mishra, Tennessee State University 25. Religious Identification and Criminogenic Thinking: An Exploratory Analysis. Rose Gonzalez, David Gavel, Will Whited, and Jon Mandracchia, University of Southern Mississippi 26. Womens Patterns of Inter-Partner Violence and Gendered Attributes in Adolescence. Ezgi Toplu, and Jacquelyn White, University of North Carolina Greensboro 27. An Examination of Sexual Assault & Drugging amongst Undergraduates. Janae Bonsu, Suzanne Swan, and Peter Warren, University of South Carolina
Thursday February 16th 28. Childhood Maltreatment, Loss of Control, and Female Dating Aggression. Laura Cook, Alireza Zibaie, and Jacquelyn White, University of North Carolina Greensboro 29. Gender Differences in Anger and Aggression: The Impact of Attributed Hostility. Steven Houston, Sophia Pena, Linda Lowman, and James Epps, University of South Florida Polytechnic 30. Psychopathy, Empathy and Eye Tracking of Sad, Threatening, and Pleasant Pictures Yan Fu and Leonardo Bobadilla, Western Carolina University 31. Sexual Aggression as a Latent Construct. Bradley Goodnight, Kevin Swartout, and Sarah Cook, Georgia State University 32. Validation of the Stalking Myth Survey, Revised. Amy Lyndon, East Carolina University; H. Colleen Sinclair, Mississippi State University; Steffany Martin, East Carolina University
(Posters plus facilitated discussion) W. M. Nelson, III, Xavier University, presiding 21.1 Case Formulation: Its Clinical/Psychotherapeutic Utility in Working with Clients. W. M. Nelson, III, Xavier University 21.2 Case Formulation: Toe Walking in the Case of a Child with Autism. Rachel R. Doty, Xavier University 21.3 Case Formulation: Anger Management in the Case of a College-Aged Male. Bailey C. Bryant, Xavier University 21.4 Case Formulation: Medication Adherence in the Case of a College-Aged Female. Lauren A Cerk, Xavier University 21.5 Case Formulation: The Case of a 24-Year Old Female with Borderline Characteristics. Jessica L. Chiu, Xavier University 21.6 Case Formulation: Enuresis in the Case of a 10-Year Old Female. Kelly M. Isaacs, Xavier University 21.7 Case formulation: The Case of Parental Driving Phobia. Helmer Figueiredo, Xavier University 10:00 10:50am Napoleon A3
Preparing for Graduate School I: Preparation Strategies Maria J. LaVooy, Florida Institute of Technology, presiding Presenters: Elizabeth Blikensderfer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Alvin Wang, University of Central Florida
11:00 11:50 am Napoleon A3 Jeffrey Klibert, Georgia Southern University, presiding 24.1 Using Personality to Predict Suicidality in Emerging Women and Men. Joseph Todd and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 24.2 Suicide Behaviors: Associations with Suicide and Dimensions of Impulsivity. Angela Platt and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 24.3 Dimensions of Perfectionism: Multivariate Associations with Gender and Suicidality. Natalie Benton and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 24.4 Experiences and Perceptions of Self-Injurious Behaviors for African American College Students. Regina Kakhnovets, ShaNonte Davis, Elizabeth Proctor, Emily King, Lori Novak, James Willis, and Emily Pyles, Austin Peay State University
11:00 12:20 pm
Oak Alley
CUPP (Council of Undergraduate Psychology Programs) Sharon Pearcey, Kennesaw State University, presiding This symposium, sponsored by the Council of Undergraduate Psychology Programs, will address differing topics related to department-level issues and provide a forum for dialogue. Topic 1: A presentation and discussion on the trend in psychology toward the BS degree. Prevalence of the BA and BS degrees in psychology in the Southeast will be examined along with curricular issues related to the topic.
Thursday February 16th Presenter: Sabina Widner, Augusta State University Topic 2: The design and implementation of completely online, undergraduate statistics courses present both unique challenges and opportunities for the designer and instructor. This presentation will offer concrete suggestions for best practice pedagogy. Presenter: Jerry Brenner, Fort Valley State University Topic 3: This presentation examines different types of "Majoring/Careers in Psychology" courses that can meet diverse departmental goals. Emphasis is given to understanding the range of impacts these courses may have on students, faculty, and a department. Presenter: Daniel T. Rogers, Kennesaw State University Topic 4: This presentation will discuss the developmental process and implementation of a posttest assessment used to measure learning outcomes for the Introductory/General Psychology course. Presenter: Gail S. Scott, Kennesaw State University Topic 5: This presentation will discuss the challenges of implementing an undergraduate psychology program at a traditional polytechnic university. Presenter: J. La Juana Cochrane, Southern Polytechnic State University Topic 6: In this presentation, participants will learn strategies for infusing undergraduate research into the curriculum in order to (a) increase the number of students engaging in research, (b) increase the quality of the undergraduate research experience, and (c) relieve some of the burdens and pressures on overworked faculty members. Presenter: Amy M. Buddie, Kennesaw State University
11:00 11:50 am Napoleon A2 Aging Strategies and The University of West Florida. Rodney Guttmann, Kim Bryan, Lisa VanWormer, and Steve Kass University of West Florida Center on Aging
11:00 28.1 The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide: An Empirical Test and Applications to Inpatient Psychiatry. Phillip Smith, University of South Alabama; Kimberly Van Orden, and Alisa O'Riley, University of Rochester Medical Center 11:15 28.2 Perfectionism: Relationships among Personal Standards, Evaluative Concerns and Automatic Thoughts. Tessa Wimberley and Michael Stasio, University of Tampa 11:30 28.3 How are you interacting? Parental Views on Youths Social Skills Development. Daniel Janulaitis, Elizabeth Cale, Natalia Palacio, and Judy Ho, Pepperdine University
11. Neuroticism Moderates the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and SelfAggressive Behavior. Anne McIntyre, Eileen Todd, and Mitchell Berman, University of Southern Mississippi 12. Individual preferences for uncertainty: An ironically pleasurable stimulus. Michael Bankert, Kiel VanNess, Elizabeth Hord, Juan Pena, Virginia Keith, Chava Urecki, and Chris Buchholz, Roanoke College 13. Control in Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Study. Ivelina Naydenova, GardnerWebb University 14. Social Networking Sites and the Impression of the Self. Hannah Doan, Meizi Li, and Janelle Campos, Wesleyan College 15. Personality and Mothers Parenting Style Predict College Womens Coping Strategies. Alysia Ritter, Murray State University; Charles Jenks, Idaho State University; Joel Royalty, Murray State University 16. Belief in Conspiracy Theories Are Related to Political Perspective, Not Personality. Richard Walker and Booker Wiggins, Winston-Salem State University 17. Perception of Financial Status Influences on Male Attractiveness. Veronica Jones, and Tiffanie Blackshire, Wesleyan College 18. Who's More Perfect? A Comparison of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Timothy Hanchon, The Citadel 19. Climate Change: Attitudes, Denial, Control, and Behavior. Paul Harris, Jenifer Collins, Kristina Howansky, and Melissa Scartozzi, Rollins College 20. Paranormal Beliefs of Latvian and American University Students. Arturs Utinans, Gunta Ancane, Riga Stradins University, Jerome Tobacyk, Mary Livingston, and Julia Tobacyk, Louisiana Tech University 21. Sensitivity to and Tolerance of Relationships Characterized by Outcome Dependence. Lara Ault, Rachel Connor, and David Cox, Saint Leo University 22. Predictors of Reality TV Viewing, Perceptions, and Reactions. Merry Sleigh and Darren Ritzer, Winthrop University 23. Predictive Factors of Relationship Self-Efficacy in Undergraduates. Mollimichelle Cabeldue and Stefanie Boswell, University of the Incarnate Word 24. Harassers for Hire: Dispositions to Harass May Affect Career Choice. Angie MacKewn, and Colin Key, University of Tennessee Martin 25. Academic Entitlements Relationships with Self-Esteem, Sex, Psychological Entitlement, and Self-Efficacy. Stefanie Boswell, Amber Griffith, and Mollimichelle Cabeldue, University of the Incarnate Word.
Thursday February 16th 26. Dark Side of Conflict: Relationship Conflict, Aggression, and Antisocial Tendencies. Amanda Townsend, Tammy Zacchilli, Kritti Batra, Kristine Bauknight, Krista Miles, Ashleigh Protus, and Kimberly Young, Saint Leo University 27. Attitudes toward Interracial Romantic Relationships. Breanna Ruark, and Cynthia Vance, Piedmont College 28. Outcome Dependence: Gender and Personality Differences in Experiences and Responses. Rachel Connor, Lara Ault, David Cox, and Ginger Harden, Saint Leo University Cluster 2: Emotions 29. De-loathing the GRE: Musics influence on mood and GRE performance. Kelsey Owen, Shannon Davis, and Leilani Goodmon, Florida Southern College 30. Detecting Subtle-microexpressions: Can we see them? Balbir Singh Khalsa, and Leah Zinner, Oglethorpe University 31. The Effect of Affect on Group Memory. Dominick Atkinson, Michael Leider, and John Bohannon, Butler University 32. Responsibility and Mood in Adolescents with Asthma. Kayla Nembhard, Krista Ford, Emma Macalister, and Michiko Clutter, University of South Florida 33. Examining the Disrupted Military Family: A Cross-Sectional Study of Psychological Symptom Patterns Associated with Active Duty Deployment. Catherine Daw, University of Central Florida 34. Splash of Flavor: Moral Judgment and Taste Perception. Megan Calabrese and Cedar Riener, Randolph-Macon College
35. The Effect of Color on Mood during Work Related Performances. Daniella Cash,
30.2 A Look into the Future: Using Interactive Eye Tracking to Investigate Differences in Delay Discounting. Roy Acuff, Ana Franco-Watkins, Auburn University; Joseph Johnson, Miami University
12:00 12:50 Napoleon A3 Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University, presiding 33.1 Parenting, Parental and Media Influences, and Body Image. Emily McClelland, Hillary Leibold, Shea Golding, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University 33.2 Childhood Sexual Abuse and Disordered Eating: Caucasian and African-American Women. Tara Milton, Rebecca Jones, Hamid Mirsalimi, and Tabitha Robin Casey, Argosy University Atlanta 33.3 Effects of Parentification on Eating Disorder Symptoms in Graduate Students. Tabitha Robin Casey, Rebecca Jones, Hamid Mirsalimi, and Tara Milton, Argosy University Atlanta 33.4 Body Mass Index in Youth with Major Depressive Disorder: Implications for Outcome. Jessica King, Jeylan Buyukdura, Hayley Evans, Sarah Ezzell, Taryn Mayes, Betsy Kennard, and Graham Emslie, UT Southwestern 33.5 The Role of Aesthetic or Performance-Based Media Images on Body Satisfaction and Self-Esteem. Erika Bent, University of Central Florida 33.6 Fathers Roles in College Females Maladaptive Eating Behaviors. Alicia Foster, Queens University of Charlotte
34. CE Workshop D
1:00 4:00 pm Bayside C Managing Diversity Management in Organizations Presented by Rosemary Hays-Thomas, Ph.D. University of West Florida
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under D on page 13 of this program
1:00 4:00 pm Bayside A Faculty Online Learning Communities: Faculty Academies Make the Difference Presented by Mary Lou Yeattes, Ed.D. Raymond Jones, Ed.D. Nichelle Middleton, MA The Citadel
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under E on page 14 of this program
The Brain Basis to Crime: Ethical and Legal Implications. Adrian Raine University of Pennsylvania
Maria Lavooy, presiding
Thursday February 16th 1:00 1:50pm Oak Alley Alen Hajnal, University of Southern Mississippi, presiding 1:00 38.1 Anxiety Affects the Fading Affect Bias in Autobiographical Memory. Richard Walker and Booker Wiggins, Winston-Salem State University 1:15 38.2 Listening from a New Angle. Attila Farkas and Alen Hajnal, University of Southern Mississippi 1:30 38.3 The Perception of Distance on a Geographic Slope. David Bunch and Alen Hajnal, University of Southern Mississippi
9. Dyadic Meta-Accuracy in Leader-Member Exchanges: Antecedents and Relational Outcomes. Jared Ledoux and Tracey Rizzuto, Louisiana State University 10. The Role of Personality Variables in Complex Problem Solving. Sarah Donovan, Dominik Gss, Samantha Winsky, and Smit Shah, University of North Florida 11. Five Factor Traits, Work Locus of Control, and GPA. Rami LeBlanc, University of Lafayette 12. Face-to-Face vs. Virtual Dyads: Teamwork in American and Asian Cultures. June Takeuchi, Steven Kass, and Sherry Schneider, University of West Florida. Cluster 3: Cognitive Neuroscience 13. Mind Your Brain: College Students Knowledge of Neuroscience. Ruth Williams Morris, Southern University. 14. Sensation Seeking and Heart Rate Differences in Memory Performance. Jonathan Ritter and Adam Lawson, Eastern Kentucky University 15. Effects of Adolescent Fluoxetine Exposure on Female Rat Sexual Behavior. Rebecca Gregory and William Jenkins, Mercer University 16. Engagement in Group Decision Making: Consensus Rule versus Majority Rule. Meagan McKoy, Samantha Spitler, Kelsey Zuchegno, Alena Enslein, Stephen Hobbs, Robert Reeves, and Tadd Patton, Augusta State University; William Lawless, Paine College 17. The Effects of Capsaicin Consumption on Mood State. Ryan Bohnenkamp, and Sharon Pearcey, Kennesaw State University 18. The Co-Constitution of Mind and Culture in Children and Adults. Jordan Starck, Davidson College; Phia Salter, Texas A & M University; Kristi Multhaup, Davidson College; Kamaria Faison, Bennett College 19. Visual Evoked Potential: An Indirect Method of Observing Neurocognitive Systems. James Arruda, Mary Hennessey, Elise Lullo, Jameson Beach, and Jason Case, University of West Florida Cluster 4: Professional Issues 20. Telehealth intervention modality preferences in rural patients. Lisa WatsonJohnson, Jacob Warren, K. Bryant Smalley, and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 21. How People Perceive Profanity Users. Marie King and Leah Zinner, Oglethorpe University Cluster 5: History of Psychology
Thursday February 16th 22. From engram to ngram. Linda Weldon, CCBC Essex; Alva Hughes, RandolphMacon College 23. An Historical Review of the Perception of Psychology from 1948-2010. Rachel Yosick, and Ronak Shariati, Georgia School of Professional Psychology Cluster 6: Forensic 24. Defendant Decision-Making: Factors that Contribute to a Guilty Plea. Elisabeth Beasley, and Vanessa Edkins, Florida Institute of Technology 25. Parental Alliance and Child Behavior in Custody/Visitation Conflicts. W. Michael Nelson, Xavier University; Mary Markivich, US Army; Meredith Will, Seattle Pacific University 26. Examining how Criminal Associates Impact Criminogenic Thinking. Will Whited, Laura Underwood, and Jon Mandracchia, University of Southern Mississippi 27. Removal Trends for Offenders on the NC Sex Offender Registry. Jerica McIntyre, Grace Love, Alvin Malesky, Western Carolina University 28. Examining the Relationship between Violent Media, Aggression, and Criminogenic Thinking. Laura Underwood, and Jon Mandracchia, University of Southern Mississippi 29. Unintentional Tricks of the Pre-admonition Trade. Karen Ryndak, Shannon Davis, Danica Ivancevich, Caitlin Owen, and Deah Quinlivan. Florida Southern College 30. I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Pre-admonition Suggestion. Danica Ivancevich, Shannon Davis, Karen Ryndak, Caitlin Owen, and Deah Quinlivan, Florida Southern College 31. Deceptive Responding is related to Sensation Seeking Subtraits: Potential Impact on Polygraph Testing. Travis Wise, Suzanna Lagerros, Jonathan Ritter, and Adam Lawson, Eastern Kentucky University 32. Resistance of the Cross-race Effect to Navon Letter Training. Brooke BennettDay, Chapell Hailey, Shanice Dickerson, and Emily Epperson, Wesleyan College
2:00 2:50 pm Napoleon A2 Demystifying Research in Psychology Careers When students think of careers in psychology, they often envision working as practitioners. However, clinical practice is just one career path for psychologists. The purpose of this symposium is to demystify the research process and help students better understand how research is incorporated in various psychology career paths. Students will learn more about academic careers and highlight the benefits of these career paths. Additionally, the symposium will provide suggestions for gaining experiences in these areas and information on research opportunities for students. Cheryl B. Warner, Clemson University, Presiding Panel Linda Jones, Belmont University Rihana S. Mason, Emmanuel College Cheryl B. Warner, Clemson University
42. PSI CHI: Audience Driven Session with the Central Office
2:00-2:50pm Napoleon B3 Amie Austin and Michael Hall PSI CHI Central Officer, presiding
Cultural Competence Movement: Evolution or Revolution Pamela Banks, Jackson State University Participants: Gabrielle Banks, University of Memphis
Ana Bruton, Jackson State University Rosemary Hadley, Jackson State University Pamela Banks, Jackson State University Discussant: Jennifer C. Friday, Georgia Gwinnett College
PRESIDENTIAL RECEPTION RECCEPTION In honor of Debra Sue Pate Jackson State University
5:30 to 7:30 pm Waterbury Ballroom (2nd floor) Reception is open to all convention attendees Hors DOeuvres (Cash Bar)
Friday February 17th Kathy Ramirez, Kacee Graulich Terry Fromknecht Pasco-Hernando Community College
6 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under F on page 15 of this program
9:00 am 12:00 noon Bayside A Understanding PTSD: Etiology and Evidenced Based Treatment from the Biopsychosocial Perspective Melton Strozier, PhD, ABPP Mercer University School of Medicine
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under G on page 16 of this program
9:00 am 12:00 noon Bayside C Microskills: Im Hearing What You are Saying, but What are You Saying? Presented by Susan Thorson-Barnett, Joseph D. Biscoe, III and Laura Burns Northwestern State University of Louisiana
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under H on page 16 of this program.
Friday February 17th 55.2 Abram Gustavus Bayroff: Charter Member and Almost Founder. James L. Pate, Georgia State University 9:30 55.3 Buford Jennette Johnson: An Update. Debra Sue Pate, Jackson State University
Friday February 17th 10:30 11:20 am Nottoway These three papers are the finalists for the graduate student research awards Jennifer Hughes, Agnes Scott College, presiding 62.1 Consequences: Bullying Versus Ostracism in Middle School Students. James Carpenter, Steve Nida, Conway Saylor, and Lloyd Taylor, The Citadel 62.2 Georgia State University (GSU) Diverse Faces Set of Facial Expressions. Sara Schmidt, Jennifer Davis, and Erin Tone, Georgia State University 62.3 Parent versus Teacher Perceptions of Bullying: Where are the Differences? Kristina Kenny, Conway Saylor, and Melissa-Miles Dunn, The Citadel
Friday February 17th 11. Effects of Meditation and Dispositional Mindfulness Acceptance on Cognitive Flexibility. Kelly Wilkerson, Stephan Desrochers, and Casey Geyer, Georgia Gwinnett College 12. How much do You Remember About Threats to Your Evolutionary Fitness? Sarah Pajkos and John Bohannon, Butler University 13. Like a Sore Thumb: Von Restorff Effects in Source Monitoring. Curtis Dobbs, Chad Blair, Hussein Tehaili, Samantha Hochstadt, Ece Kilic, Jonathan Schick, and Arlo ClarkFoos, University of Michigan Dearborn 14. Attention Restoration and Representational Momentum: Take the Scenic Route. Daniel Keller and Greta Munger, Davidson College 15. Mood Effects on Source Memory and Confidence for Conversations. Rodney Vogl Hailee Brown, Paige Campbell, and Ashley Scudder, Christian Brothers University 16. Gender Biases and Divided Attention in Source Monitoring. Chad Blair, Curtis Dobbs, Amal Algahmi, Hanadi Abdallah, Jenny Adkins, Nitya Sethuraman, and Arlo Clark-Foos, University of Michigan Dearborn 17. Individual Differences in Auditory Imagery. Michael Marcell, Meagan Orton, Christie Mallard, Megan Ryan, and Erin Stephenson, College of Charleston 18. Long-Term Memory for Lateral Orientation. Michael Marcell and Morgan Benz, College of Charleston 19. Item Associative Uniqueness and Rule Peroidicy in a Serial Pattern Learning Task. James Rowan, Megan Franken, Swechhya Shrestha, Sujala Maharjan, Aditi Dey, and Haley Ward, Wesleyan College 20. Tylenol Effects Memory during Social Rejection. Karina Hamamouche, Elizabeth Jennings and John Neil Bohannon, Butler University 21. The Effects of Affect on Multimedia Learning. Jeremiah Sullins, University of Mobile; Scotty Craig and Art Graesser, University of Memphis 22. Exploring the Effectiveness of a Novel Feedback System. Jeremiah Sullins, University of Mobile; Jamal Williams and Xiangen Hu, University of Memphis 23. Phenomenological Asymmetries of Past and Future Events. Paul Hill, Lisa Emery, and Rebecca Daniel, Appalachian State University 24. Do Self-explanation Training and Diagrams Enhance Reading Comprehension? Laura Pearson, Rachel Salda, Jarrod Moss, and Courtney Bell, Mississippi State University 25. The Effects of Real-time Feedback on Gas Mileage. Erica Hernandez and Marie DeVincenzo, Francis Marion University
Friday February 17th 26. Cue Familiarity and Target Strength in FOK Accuracy. Lauren Jones, Shane Harrell, and Deborah Eakin, Mississippi State University 27. Picture this: Parameters in Evaluating Manipulated Landscapes. Sarah Hester, Patrick Smith, Leilani Goodmon, and Bruce Darby, Florida Southern College 28. Havent Got Room for the Pain: Working Memory Capacity can Influence the Perception of Pain. Page Sloan and Chad Schrock, Maryville College 29. Pucker up: Temperature and taste cues that influence gustatory conditioning. David Stoltzfus, Adrienne Kneebone, and Patrick Smith, Florida Southern College 30. Two Heads Are Better Than One? Does Collaborative Viewing Improve Prospective Person Memory for Missing Children? Vicki Gier, Mississippi State University; James Lampinen, University of Arkansas; Ted Guyse, Meagan Breaux, Chassidy Kelly, Leticia Seydel, and Hope Gilbert, Mississippi State University 31. Memory Errors between Sexes in Negative and Neutral Recognition Tasks. Jami Pittman, Megan Redhead, Leia Golden, Millsaps College; Jordan Gilmore, Rhodes College 32. Feedback and Self-regulated Learning during a Chinese Learning Task. Sarah Meacham, Jonathan Berry, Shamiria Lindsey, Tiffany Sledge, Emma Barr, Danielle Atkins, Joshua Cash, Bailey English, Barbara Wright, and Jodi Price, University of Alabama in Huntsville 33. The Effects of News Source on Believability and Recognition of Believable (Newspaper) and Unbelievable (Tabloid) Headlines. Morgan Epstein, Lauren Gooden, Lauren Shriver, Martin Bretzin, Nicholas Saffos, Christopher Boyer, and Jeffrey Gibbons, Christopher Newport University
34. Evidence for Face Prototypes with Hispanic Names. Lissa McManus, Millsaps
College, Lauren Vucovich, University of California at Santa Barbara; Melissa Lea, Millsaps College
35. The Effect of Congruent and Incongruent Images on Believability and Recognition of News Headlines. Martin Bretzin, Nicholas Saffos, and Jeffrey Gibbons, Christopher Newport University
Gunnar Myrdal (1944) described "The American Dilemma" as a conflict between Americans' egalitarian ideals and their acceptance of inferior treatment of Black Americans. Although overt race discrimination has greatly declined in America, recent research has revealed that various biases exist in "implicit" forms that operate outside of awareness. Many earnestly egalitarian Americans remain unaware that any dilemma still exists-the prejudicial horn of Myrdal's dilemma has retreated from awareness. Therefore it is not surprising that many assume America is "post-racial." Yet, implicit biases have been found based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and age. In addition to describing the basic findings that underlie this new science of discrimination, this talk will demonstrate the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The IAT was originally developed to investigate implicit bias and is now also proving useful in interventions that engender awareness of the modern form of Myrdal's dilemma. Participants, at the completion of this activity, will be able to: 1. Describe the theory underlying the IAT. 2. Explain how implicit bias differs from overt prejudice. 3. Describe the most important findings of research conducted using the IAT. 4. Present strategies that can disrupt ordinary processes by which implicit biases are expressed as overt discrimination.
66.2 Driving while Talking and Texting-Texting while Turning. Charles Talor and Jessica Tucker, Valdosta State University 66.3 Driving while Talking and Texting-Opinions. Hillary Whitacre, Caitlin Bailey, Kaysie Purvis, and Charles Talor, Valdosta State University
Friday February 17th Considerations in Research Involving Human Participants in Multiple Settings. Mary Livingston, Alice Carter, Louisiana Tech University; Thomas Mitchell, University of Baltimore Division of Applied Behavioral Sciences; Jerome Tobacyk, Louisiana Tech University; and Angela Kennedy, Department of Health Information Management Louisiana Tech University
How to Publish
Sponsored by The American Psychological Association Publishing in established scholarly journals provides important career development for professional, scientific, and academic psychologists. Experienced authors and editors sharing their knowledge of the ins and outs involved in becoming an established author can be invaluable. Panelists: Jackie White, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Laura Koppes Bryan, University of West Florida Annie Hill, American Psychological Association
7. Personality and Interpersonal Characteristics on Social Media Use and GPA. Craig Rogers, Campbellsville University 8. Let me Sleep on it: The Influence of Time and Familiarity on Person Perception. Bethany Mims, Brandi Carden, Jessica Williams, Donna Lucky, and Clarissa ArmsChavez, Auburn University Montgomery 9. The Effects of Time and Familiarity on Ethnic Typicality Ratings. Jessica Williams, Brandi Carden, Bethany Mims, Donna Lucky, and Clarissa Arms-Chavez, Auburn University Montgomery 10. Identifying Cognitive Correlates of Procrastinatory Behavior in Emerging Adults. Stephanie Chastang, and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 11. Is Perceived Vulnerability to Disease Related to Pet Attachment and Attitudes Toward Animals? Colin Wiseman and Harold Herzog, Western Carolina University 12. Cyber Bullying Among College Students. Suzannah Isgett, Robin Kowalski, Micah Lattanner, Amber Schroeder, and William Senn, Clemson University 13. Effects of Lighthearted Use of Derogatory Terms on Impression Formation. Justin Sabree and Leah Zinner, Oglethorpe University 14. The Effect of Social Media, Similarity, and Proximity on Friendship Formation. Julio Cid Altamira, Saint Leo University 15. Effects of Perceived Economic Benefit on Cultural Inertia. John Tisdale, Jason Moody, Christina Forshay, and Clarissa Arms-Chavez, Auburn University Montgomery 16. Impact of Angry Obama Pictures on Implicit and Explicit Associations. Samantha Nicholson, Richard Keen, and John Theilmann, Converse College 17. Effect of Type A Personality on Self-reported Distracted Driving. Ayushi Amin, Sharon Welburn, Molly Cox, Crystal Franklin, Philip Fine, and Despina Stavrinos, University of Alabama at Birmingham 18. Disabilities and Friendships: Bridging the Gap. Jan Griffin, Stefanie Keen, Leigh Lehman, Katherine Howells and Sydney Brown, University of South Carolina Upstate 19. Predicting Shyness as a Function of the Internet. Jeannine Klein and N.C. Silver, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 20. Predicting Shyness as a Function of Body Investment. Jeannine Klein and N.C. Silver, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 21. Actions Speak Louder than Personality: A Facebook Analysis in Employment. Danica Ivancevich, Sofie Lundberg, Leilani Goodmon, and Patrick Smith, Florida Southern College
Friday February 17th 22. Anxiety and Sensation Seeking In Scuba Divers. Donald Kendrick, Middle Tennessee State University 23. Development of a Public-domain Proxy Instrument for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Whittney Bridges and David McCord, Western Carolina University 24. The Worries Linger: Citizens Oil Spill Concerns 18 Months Post. Mark Williams, Candice Selwyn, My Kim Nguyen, and Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, University of South Alabama 25. Pro-social Behavior: Beauty is in the Eye of the Rejected. Daniella Cash, Olivia Hendren, and Leilani Goodmon, Florida Southern College 26. Raising and Maintaining Subjective Well-Being: Who Benefits and for How Long? Michael Sadler, Stetson University; Kathryn Ziegler-Grahm, St. Olaf College; Shannon Martin, Stetson University 27. Thats Just Gross: Cleanliness, Salience and Reactions to Humor. Annie Kochersberger, Western Carolina University 28. Desire to Have Children: Examination of Influential Factors. Amanda Dimasi, Jason Vice, and Cynthia Hal, West Virginia University Institute of Technology 29. A Psychosocial Intervention to Enhance Adolescent Community Investment and Empowerment. Deborah Byrd, Tres Stefurak,and Emily Jackson, University of South Alabama 30. Consenting to Unwanted Sex: Locus of Control and Attachment Style. Amy Buddie, Amber Fulmer, Brittany Sharp, and Erica Miciek, Kennesaw State University
Cluster 2: Emotions 31. Emotional Reactions of an Intercollegiate Athletic Team to a Near Fatal Bus Incident. Elizabeth Shoenfelt, Andrew Mienaltowski, David Normansell, Grant Mowrer, Devin Pauly, Caley Foster, and David Stephenson, Western Kentucky University 32. Anxiety Resulting from Differences in Real vs. Idealized Selves. Vitta Clawson and Merry Sleigh, Winthrop University 33. Depression and the Fading Affect Bias in Visually-Triggered Involuntary Memories. Rodney Vogl, Minna Zhao, Kara Jones, Hailee Brown, and Roma Rozanska, Christian Brothers University 34. Peer Rejection, Depression, and Fading Affect Bias in Involuntary Memories. Rodney Vogl, Minna Zhao, Kara Jones, Hailee Brown, and Roma Rozanska, Christian Brothers University 35. Peer Rejection, Depression, and Voluntary Recall of an Autobiographical Memory. Rodney Vogl, Dana O'Hoyt, Hailee Brown, Paige Campbell, and Ashley Scudder, Christian Brothers University
36. Feeling Good and Creative: Positive Affect Enhances Interpersonal Problem Solving. Donna Nelson and Erin Sim, Winthrop University 37. Achievement Goals: What Undergraduate and Graduate Student Data Tell Us. Kristina Kenny and Timothy Hanchon, The Citadel 38. I Love that Song: Music Valence Influence on Mood. Shannon Davis, Karen Ryndak, and Leilani Goodmon, Florida Southern College 39. Sad To The Right and Happy To The Left?: A Test of Hemispheric Differences in Emotion. Jordan Bentz, Nathan Stroh, Kaylie Kittner, Marie Robert, and Todd McElroy, Appalachian State University
11:30 12:30 Nottoway Stefanie Boswell, University of Incarnate Word, presiding 11:30 70.1 Ageism: My Future Self May Not Like Me Either. Stefanie Boswell, University of the Incarnate Word 11:45 70.2 Ageisms Relationships with Anxiety, Knowledge, and Intergenerational Contact. Stefanie Boswell, University of the Incarnate Word 12:00 70.3 The Career Mystique: How Feminism Shapes Anticipation of Work-Family Conflict. James Gedra, Private Practice, Murray, Kentucky 12:15 70.4 Christian Absolutism: Validation of a New Scale. Rafaella Sale, Erin Dobbins, and Courtney Rocheleau, Appalachian State University
78. CE Workshop I
1:00 4:00 pm Bayside A Ethical Practice for Child Clinical Psychologists Lloyd Adam Chip Taylor, Ph.D. The Citadel
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under I on page 17 of this program
Friday February 17th 6. Daily Stress and Anxiety: Examining Intolerance of Uncertaintys Moderating Effect. Kathryn Jeter and Kim Zlomke, University of South Alabama 7. Age of Onset of Childhood Physical Abuse: Implications for Adult Anger/Aggression. Stephanie Carter, Niki Crabtree, and James Epps, University of South Florida Polytechnic 8. Social Anxiety and Social Reticence: A Comparison between Previously Homeschooled and Traditionally Educated College Freshmen. Scott White, Andrew Gipson, Jessica Polson, Frances Howard-Ratcliffe, and Rachel Henderson, Belhaven University 9. Defenses in Emerging Adults: Associations with Gender and Individuation Processes. Erin Lawson and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 10. Relationships among Child Abuse Experiences, Social Support, and Later Functioning. Amanda Lowell, Amanda Havill Adgate, and Kimberly Renk, University of Central Florida 11. Young Children's Emotion Regulation and Recall of Mother's Emotions. Meghan Donohue and Erin Tully, Georgia State University 12. Coping, Stress, Support, and Life Satisfaction in Socially Anxious Students. Stephanie Pantschyschak, Jessica Kelliher, and Kia Asberg, Western Carolina University 13. Associations between Father-Child Relationship Quality and Childhood Disruptive Behavior. Marie Saxon, Appalachian State University 14. Factors Contributing to Mental Illness Stigma. Brett Beck and Anastasiya Cherkunova, Bloomsburg University 15. Clinician Symptom Descriptions of Comorbid Psychiatric Diagnoses. Hannah Morton, Nikki Harshbarger, Katy Buchanan, Olivia Ivy, Destiny Peterson, and Jared Keeley, Mississippi State University 16. Non-Accidental Head Injuries: Risk Factors and Prevention. Lindsay Cummings and Lori Muskat, Georgia School of Professional Psychology 17. Psychosocial Correlates of Depression and Anxiety and How Measurement Matters. Jeffrey Leitzel, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 18. Parenting and Psychopathology in Late Adolescents: Importance of Childhood Playtime. Leah Power, Claire Kirk, Hannah Morton, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University 19. Physiological Reactivity During Autobiographical Narratives: The Role of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms. Sarah Robertson, Kathryn Connelly, and Ann Galizio, College of Charleston
Friday February 17th 20. Relationship Quality, Depression, and Anxiety in New Parents. Richa Aggarwal, Julie Waples, Sharnail Bazemore, and James Paulson, Drexel University 21. Disclosure, Social Support, and GLBT Life Satisfaction. Samantha McLane Lyons, Christine Thomas, Torin Howland, Marissa Mestre, Jennifer Ross, Jamie Turner, and Susan Walch, University of West Florida 22. Evaluating Marital Conflict as a Mediator of Maternal Depression and Child Externalizing Behavior. Kristen Tyson, Sara Jordan, and Amanda Stary, University of Southern Mississippi 23. Inconsistent Discipline as a Mediator of Destructive Marital Conflict and Childrens Externalizing Behavior. Amanda Stary, Kristen Tyson, and Sara Jordan, University of Southern Mississippi 24. Perceived Parenting, Psychopathology, and Environment: What Influences Projected Parenting? Ashley Norwood-Strickland, Justine Connolly, Jessie Billups, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University 25. Child-Directed Interaction Training for Children with ASDs: Parental Stress Predictors. Olivia Soutullo, Nicole Ginn, Leah Clionsky, University of Florida; Christina Warner-Metzger, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; John Paul Abner, Milligan College; Sheila Eyberg, University of Florida 26. Parental Depression and Punitive Parenting in Predicting Preschool Externalizing Behavior. Kristy DiSabatino, University of Southern Mississippi; Ferne Pinard, Children's Hospital Boston; Tammy Barry, University of Southern Mississippi 27. Examining Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children Following an Expected or Unexpected Death. Kylie Barefoot, Jacob Warren, and K. Bryant Smalley, Georgia Southern University; Irene McClatchey, Kennesaw State University 28. The Effects of Peer Characteristics on Perception of Behavior Stability. Brea-Anne Lauer, Rachel White, and Kimberly Renk, University of Central Florida 29. An Investigation of Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction among Pregnant Teens. Candice Selwyn, Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Adrianne McCullars, and Tiffany Misra, University of South Alabama 30. Psychosocial Risk and Stress in Families of Children with Autism. LaToya Patterson, Natalie Cook, and Kim Zlomke, University of South Alabama 31. Broad Autism Phenotype and Negative Mood: The Role of Parenting. Sarah Bauman, Lisa Turner, and Kim Zlomke, University of South Alabama 32. The Effect of a Career Course on Goal Instability. Michael Campbell and Lauren Osbourne, University of Southern Mississippi
33. The Role of Worry in the Relationship of Mood and Sleep Quality in Adolescents.
Jillian Murphy, Caitlin Bach, Leah Twitty, and Kim Zlomke, University of South Alabama
Friday February 17th 34. Childhood Trauma and its Relationship to Recovery from Substance Abuse. Karen Gordon, Southern Adventist University 35. A Test of Acquired Capability for Suicide in Male Prisoners. Caitlin Wolford, Dustin Lamport, University of South Alabama; Jon Mandracchia, University of Southern Mississippi; Phillip Smith, University of South Alabama 36. Humor Styles and Life-style Defense Mechanisms on Psychological Well-being. Brandon LaBarge and Susan Thorson-Barnett, Northwestern State University
81. SWIM
1:00 pm to 3:00 Oak Alley Southeastern Workers in Memory Paul Merritt, Clemson University, presiding Searching for Cross-dimension Cuing in Multidimensional Source Memory. Jason L. Hicks, Louisiana State University; Jeffery J. Starns, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Testing the Testing Effect in the Laboratory and the Classroom. Jessica Logan, Rice University
1:30 2:20 pm Napoleon A1 In the Eye of the Beholder: Multiple Perspectives and Correlates of Parenting Style History. Christina Rodriguez, Kija Abrahao, Meagan Tucker, Christine Edmonds, and Anjali Gowda, University North Carolina-Greensboro 63
Looking Back, Looking Forward Judith Worell, Professor Emerita, University of Kentucky Jacquelyn White, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, presiding
10. Childrens Action Learning: Teleo-functional Bias or Embodied Cognition? Hannah Smith, Hillary Taylor, Sam Hunley, Paige Benedum, and Erin Hahn, Furman University 11. Preschoolers Behavioral Responses to Inequity. Sheterra Walker, Rebecca Williamson and Sarah Brosnan, Georgia State University 12. Attention to belief-inconsistent information differs in college students. Carol Yoder, Trinity University; Patrick Smith, University of Texas Health Science Center 13. Does Visual Imagery Ability Contribute to Individual Differences in the Age of Adults First Memories? Hannah Lawrence and Kristi Multhaup, Davidson College 14. Identity and Intimacy as Moderated by Culture. Garima Jhingon, Shengnan Li, and Steven Berman, University of Central Florida 15. The Effects of Social Anxiety on Identity Development. Shengnan Li, Garima Jhingon, and Steven Berman, University of Central Florida 16. Parenting in Head Start Context. Pinar Gurkas, Clayton State University 17. The Effects of Media Use on Infants' Ability to Learn. Cassandra Hendrix, Shoshana Dayanim, and Laura Namy, Emory University 18. Will They Grow Out of it? The Prominence of Cyberbullying in College. Catherine Tallant, Shannon Farris, Tammy Zacchilli, Cheralyn Barrington, and Carson Holton, Saint Leo University 19. Cyberbullying: A Study of Parental Awareness. Shannon Farris, Tammy Zacchilli, Christopher Collier, John Brazill, Folarinle Fasida, and Christina Merrigan, Saint Leo University 20. Implementation of a Control Theory Informed Experiential Education Model: Academic Performance and Pro-social Behavior Outcomes in a Large Mens General Fraternity. Rodney Roosevelt, Auburn University-Montgomery; Tim Reuter, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 21. Implementation of a Control Theory Informed Experiential Education Model in a Large Mens General Fraternity: Differences in Self Awareness. Rodney Roosevelt, Auburn University-Montgomery 22. Components of conversation: Where do we stand? Elizabeth White, William Crissman, Morgan Tomberlin, Allison Fellers, and Quentin Hartmann, Augusta State University 23. Death Events and the Fading Affect Bias. Jackie Lentz, Ashley Fehr, Janet Brantley, Hannah Kaye, Kalli Wilson, Angela Toscano, and Jeffrey Gibbons, Christopher Newport University
Friday February 17th Cluster 2: Gender 24. Gender Stereotypes of Occupations. Regina Kakhnovets, Austin Peay State University; Kelsey Hewitt, Auburn University at Montgomery 25. Men are Perceived as Funnier than Women. Miranda Barenie, Fallon Montgomery, Jennifer Weaver, Shalin Candelaria, and Richard Topolski, Augusta State University 26. Gender differences in rumination as a risk factor for depression. Angeliki Argyriou, Guillermo Wated, and Stephen Koncsol, Barry University 27. Illegal Behavior: Associations with Cognitive Schemas and Gender. Victoria Allen and Jeffery Klibert, Georgia Southern University 28. The Role Played by Ambivalent Sexism in the Motherhood Penalty and Hiring Discrimination. Alynn Gordon and Hilary Lips, Radford University 29. The Status-Signaling Model of Self-Esteem and Perceptions of Female Politicians. Erin Myers and Olivia Muse, Western Carolina University 30. The Effects of Appearance-related Commentary on Body Change Strategies, Body Image Disturbance, and Eating Pathology Men. Elizabeth Schuster, University of Central Florida 31. Trust as a Mediator of Post-Disaster Resilience. Christiana Wright, Jessica Shenesey, and Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, University of South Alabama Cluster 3: Religion 32. The Effects of Grace versus Works Beliefs on Religious Coping. Christina Sinisi and Nicholas Long, Charleston Southern University 33. Parental and Personal Religiosity, Parenting, and Psychopathology in Late Adolescents. Leah Power, Melanie Morse, Hannah Morton, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University 34. Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity on Late Adolescent Psychopathology. Leah Power, Hannah Morton, Claire Kirk, Melanie Morse, and Cliff McKinney, Mississippi State University
This symposium panel will present information on gender and tenure status and begin to elicit discussion among participants. Each presenter will focus on barriers/support
that she feels are instrumental in women progressing in rank. Participants will be encouraged to have an open discussion with women who are in, or considering, academia about barriers to reaching the rank of full professor. The symposium will help the participants to think about these issues and begin to build their own support systems if they chose to seek promotion to full professor. Women and Academic Rank: An Overview. Cathy W. Hall, East Carolina University Advancement Issues for Female Faculty: An Historical Perspective. Jacquelyn W. White, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Current Issues in Encouraging Women Faculty to Seek Academic Advancement. Kathleen L. Row, East Carolina University
Friday February 17th 4. Appreciate why conscious thought is a distinctively human trait.
8:30 9:20 am Napoleon A2 Adjudicated Female Adolescents: Narratives, Interventions, and Implications. Erin Gallivan, Jasmin Jones, Amy Perkins, Lauren Mann, Amanda Perkins, Georgia Calhoun, and Brian Glaser, University of Georgia
Napoleon A3 8:30 9:20 am A Personality and Endocrinological Test of the Triarchic Psychopathy Model. Leonardo Bobadilla, Brittany Blanchard, Kimberlee Cooper, and Lisa Vartanian, Western Carolina University
Saturday February 18th 2. Change of Attitudes toward Math and Science. Timothy Smith, Williams Baptist College 3. Measures of Epistemic Cognition in College Undergraduates. Brian Pope, Jessimine Strauss, Kayla Jones, William Garris, and Thomas Harlow, Tusculum College 4. The Impact of School Didactic Philosophies on Moral Cognition in Children. Smit Shah, University of North Florida; Travis Kent, Valerie Sims, University of Central Florida; Sarah Donovan, University of North Florida 5. Community Service: Survey of Senior Undergraduate Psychology and Marketing Majors. W. Michael Nelson and John Forrette, Xavier University 6. Curriculum Ideologies Preferred by Doctoral-Level Educational Leaders. Amy Browne and Verilette Hinkle, Valdosta State University 7. Effects of Actual and Perceived Workload on Student Studying. Matthew Hayes, Brittney Brown, and Wesley Allen, Winthrop University 8. Child School Readiness As Seen Through Bridges to Tomorrow. Ruth O'Brien, Lara Jones, Melissa Gibson, Ashley Feldman, and Ruth O'Brien, Spalding University 9. What do Students in Psychology Courses Know about Clinical Psychology? Jon Ellis and Jenny Barnes, East Tennessee State University 10. Self-Determination throughout Schooling: Reports of Traditional and Adult College Students. Jennifer Harper and Faith Yonce, Tusculum College 11. Person and Context Related Predictors of Success in Science. Pinar Gurkas, Clayton State University; Zodiac Webster and Kimberly Shaw, Columbus State University 12. Enjoyment and Learning: Students Experiences in a Psychological Careers Course. Georgina Hammock, Deborah Richardson, and Darrell Robinson, Augusta State University 13. To t or not to t: Designing the Psychology Minor. Bethany Jurs, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Timothy Daugherty, Missouri State University 14. Assessing the impact of a school-based intervention program designed to reduce bullying and increase heroic acts. Lloyd Chip Taylor, Conway F. Saylor, and Lori Fernald, The Citadel 15. Academic and employable skills: Are students benefiting from undergraduate research experiences? Quentin Hartmann and Chad Carrick, Augusta State University 16. Relations between Metacomprehension and Personality Constructs Among Taiwanese Chinese Students. Lin-Miao Agler, University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast; Karen Zabrucky, Georgia State University; DeWayne Moore, Clemson University
Saturday February 18th Cluster 2: Ethnic 17. Evaluating University Study Abroad Programs for Cultural Diversity and Globalization. Gail Scott, Madison Hanscom and Helen Spence, Kennesaw State University 18. Ego Identity, Africentrism, and Stress in African American College Students. Cindy Joseph, University of Georgia 19. Are early experiences with race related to attitudes in adulthood? Kimberley Roberts and Alva Hughes, Randolph-Macon College 20. The effect of culture on categorization. Danielle Amegah, and Alva Hughes, Randolph-Macon College 21. Priming Participants in Spanish versus English Alters Perceptions. Laurie Gueits, and Merry Sleigh, Winthrop University 22. Promoting Approval of Positive Parenting Through Measuring Parent Knowledge, Behavior and Acceptability. Laurence Hayes and Paula Wolfteich, Florida Institute of Technology 23. Competitiveness and Individualism-Collectivism in Bali and the U.S. John M. Houston, Hoyt Edge, Libby E. Anderson, Rollins College, Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana and Luh Ketut Suryani, Udayana University 24. Individualism and Collectivism: Differences in Conformity and Conflict Management Style. Shristy Chhetri, Stephanie Jamison, and Susan Emery, Wesleyan College 25. Praise from teachers as perceived by Spanish speaking and English speaking students. Nathan Miller and Alvin Malesky, Western Carolina University 26. Self-Esteem: Associations with Cultural Congruity and Ethnic Identity across Race. Kylie Barefoot, Jeffery Klibert, K. Bryant Smalley, and Jacob Warren, Georgia Southern University 27. Diversity-related terminology in introductory psychology textbooks. Marian Beasley, Bailey Nevels, and Rosemary Phelps, University of Georgia 28. Chinese Girls who were Adopted: Affective Response to Adoption Language. Christine Dacey, Julia Jacobs, and Michael Gaskell, Xavier University 29. Predicting Motor Vehicle Crashes in Young Adults Using UFOV. Molly Cox Ayushi Amin, Sharon Welburn, Shannon Denny, Crystal Franklin, Philip Fine,; Lesley Ross, and Despina Stavrinos, Unviersity of Alabama at Birmingham 30. Weather Information Needs Assessment for Spanish-Only Speakers in Georgia. Cristalis Capiero, Reisha Moxley, Ivonne Ocampo, and Alan Stewart, University of Georgia
Saturday February 18th 31. Modification of Acculturation Scales: A Factor Analysis Approach. Karly Cochran, Kimberly Beam, ; Erin Froman, Jessica Woods, Joseph Green, and Gabriela Carrasco, University of North Alabama 32. Workplace Alcohol Norms: the United States and Germany. Diane Catanzaro, Christopher Verity Watson, Christopher Newport University; Lisa Gabelein, Anja Hiltmann, Theresa Uredat, Anna-Lena Pilgram, Antonie Arnoldussen, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg; Christopher Wingo, and Andrew Wickliffe, Christopher Newport University 33. Facebook: Are there gender or race differences in usage? Mai Nguyen, Rebecca LeCroix, Sarah Bauman, Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Lisa Turner, and Jessica Shenesey, University of South Alabama
34. Resilience and Health Characteristics in the Hispanic Population. Kelley Wilson,
Elise Labbe, Melissa Womble, David Chavers, George McMahon, George Mason University; John Shelley-Tremblay, University of South Alabama
9:00 am 12:00 noon Bayside C Clinical Supervision: When Things go Awry presented by Scott A. Cardin, PhD VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care Center Jared W. Keeley, PhD Mississippi State University
3 CE credits Please register and pay for this session at the SEPA Workshop Registration Desk before entering this workshop. See information under J on page 18 of this program
9:30 10:20 am Napoleon A2 Graduate Experiences of Students of Immigrant Parents. Cindy Joseph and Christine Sainvil, University of Georgia
9:30 10:20 am Napoleon A3 Undergraduate Course Ideas: Helping Students to Become Engaged with Psychology. Jennifer Hughes, Agnes Scott College; Amber Garcia, The College of Wooster; Carla Bluhm,; Kimberly Mannahan, College of Coastal Georgia; Eileen Cooley, Agnes Scott College; Robert Rotunda, University of West Florida
10:30 11:20 am Napoleon A1 Graduate Students Perspective on Multicultural Competence: From Privilege to Allies. Brittany Escuriex, Jessica Shenesey, Tiffany Misra, and Ashley Powell, University of South Alabama
10:30 11:20 am Napoleon A2 Ready, Set, Go: A Mentoring Program for College Students. Susan Thorson-Barnett, Joseph Biscoe, III, and Laura Burns, Northwestern State University
Jennifer Friday, Georgia Gwinnett College Rosemary E. Phelps, University of Georgia Amy Shadoin, Premier Evaluations, Inc.
Saturday February 18th 10:00 11:15 am Napoleon CD 123 Susan Walch, University of West Florida, presiding Cluster 1: Addiction 1. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Impaired Attorneys in Residential Treatment. Michael Herkov, Eleyse D'Andrea, Sarah Teitelbaum,; Max Simonsen, Mark Gold, Amanda Schwait, University of Florida; Christopher Hammond, Yale University 2. College Athletes and Alcohol Consumption. Diane Catanzaro, Caitlin Butrick, and Travis Roelfs, Christopher Newport University 3. Non-Medical Prescription Drug Abuse and Sensation Seeking in College Students. Julie Kontos, Bloomsburg University 4. Substance Use Coping as a Mediator between Academic Distress and Substance Use Problems. Jessica Kelliher, Kia Asberg, and Stephanie Pantschyschak, Western Carolina University 5. Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale: Structural Invariance across Gender and Two Racial Groups. Michael Madson, Randolph Arnau, University of Southern Mississippi; Sasha Lambert, Federal Correctional Complex 6. Protective Behavioral Strategies, Alcohol Consumption, and Negative AlcoholRelated Consequences: Do Race and Gender Moderate these Associations? Jordan McCrary, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University; Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi 7. Alcohol Expectancies and Their Relationship with Consumption and Negative Consequences: Do Gender and Protective Behavioral Strategies Moderate This Association? Kayla Moorer, Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University 8. Contingent Self-esteem, Protective Behavioral Strategies, and the Negative Consequences of Alcohol Consumption. Whitney Stubbs, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University; Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi 9. Drinking Motives, Consequences and Protective Strategies in LGBT College Students. Ryan Ebersole, Jeremy Noble, and Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi 10. Examining the Relationship between Anxiety, Alcohol Consumption, and Negative Consequences. Jeremy Noble, Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University; Marissa Ethridge, University of Southern Mississippi 11. MMPI-A Differences in Substance and Non-Substance Abusing Delinquents. Michael Herkov, Max Simonsen, Kara Hudson, Sarah Teitelbaum, and Amanda Schwait, University of Florida
12. Demographic and clinical factors in impaired healthcare professionals. Julio Rojas, Michael Brand, Shahida Fareed, and Erin Koos, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center 13. Conformity, Negative Consequences and Protective Strategy Use among College Drinkers. Melissa Ambrosino, Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University 14. Positive and Negative Alcohol use Consequences and Protective Behavioral Strategies. Trisha McMillon, Melissa Bonnell, and Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi 15. Protective Behavioral Strategies, Injunctive Norm Perception and College Student Drinking. Kirsten Chodrick, Michael Madson, University of Southern Mississippi; Virgil Zeigler Hill, Oakland University 16. Gender Effects on the Relationships between Depression and Alcohol Misuse. Zenith Seixas, Kennesaw State University; Guadalupe Bacio, and Lara Ray, Ray, University of California, Los Angeles 17. Abstinence Outcomes in Treated Cocaine Dependent Homeless Persons With and Without Alcohol Dependence. Anna Davidson, Edwin Cook, and Jesse Milby, University of Alabama at Birmingham Cluster 2: Measurement 18. Earworms in Musicians and Non-Musicians. Brian Pope, Thomas Harlow, Jessimine Strauss, Kayla Jones, and Leneice Rice, Tusculum College 19. Roles of Coping on the Relationship between Discrimination and Distress. Jirapattara Raveepatarakul, Chulalongkorn University; Sakkaphat Ngamake and Susan Walch, University of West Florida 20. Peer Mentoring in an Undergraduate Psychology Program: Impacting Student Success. Ashley McNamara, Olivia Gupton, Sarah Winograd, Stephanie Dulaney, Yanmin Sun, Daniel Rogers, and Jeffrey Helms, Kennesaw State University 21. Perceptual-Reasoning Abilities and Video Game Performance. David Solomon, Trevor Dennie, James McAbee, and Brian Visconti, Western Carolina University 22. Comparison of Two Reading Tests for Estimating Premorbid Ability. Christine Mullen, Edward Fouty, Tyler Duffield, and David Butler, University of Central Florida 23. Need for Cognition related to intelligence and general memory but not working memory ability. Morgan Glusman, Benjamin Hill, and Joshua Foster, University of South Alabama Cluster 3: Diagnosis
Saturday February 18th 24. Clinician Treatment Plans for Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders. Chafen DeLao, Ellen Hurdish, Taylor English, Lindsey Roussin, Linda Konde, Elyse Ballard, and Jared Keeley, Mississippi State University 25. Exploratory Analysis of 1-year Repeated Administration of a Measure of Baseline Postural Stability. Adam Zimmer, Kyle Piecora, Herschel Ebner, Cara Bortz, and Frank Webbe, Florida Institute of Technology 26. Diagnoses, Reality Testing and Attachment in Violent Offenders. Xiao Dan (Angela) Zeng, Florida Institute of Technology Cluster 4: Therapy 27. Treatment Acceptability of Sport Psychology Interventions for Precompetitive Anxiety. Bernard Jensen, Leanna Serretiello, and Jeanine May, University of Central Florida 28. The Efficacy of DBT with Children in an Inpatient Setting. Natalie Balkema, and Lori Muskat, Georgia School of Professional Psychology 29. Treatment Generalization of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy to the Classroom. Carmen Edwards, Stephen Boggs, Sheila Eyberg, and Regina Bussing, University of Florida 30. Rural and Urban Home Visitation Workers Share Their Experiences. Anita Davis, Rhodes College; Morgan Mischer, University of Memphis
A Abdallah, Hanadi Abner, John Paul Acuff, Roy Adgate, Amanda Havill Adkins, Jenny Aggarwal, Richa Agler, Lin-Miao Agrawal, Nupur Ainbinder, Debra Ainsworth, Sarah Alexander, Brittany Algahmi, Amal Allen, C. Alexandra Allen, Rachel Allen, Victoria Allen, Wesley Alomari, Rima Altamira, Julio Cid Alvarado, Vanessa Ambrosino, Melissa Amegah, Danielle Amin, Ayushi Ancane, Gunta Anderson, Libby E. Archer, Julian Arms-Chavez, Clarissa Armstrong, Aisha Arnau, Randolph Arnoldussen, Antonie Arrowood, Robert Arruda, James Asberg, Kia Astor-Stetson, Eileen Atkins, Amanda Atkins, Danielle Atkinson, Dominick Ault, Lara 62.16 78.25 30.2 76.10 63.16 79.20 95.16 56.1, 56.2, 56.3, 59.3,84.2 9.3 39.1 63.16 39.6 105.1 87.27 95.7 2.29 69.14 2.15 103.13 95.20 69.17,95.29 29.20 95.23 7.4 69.15, 69.8, 69.9 20.21 103.5 95.32 9.4 39.19 2.3, 79.12, 103.4 95.1 20.12 63.32 29.31 29.21, 29.28 Bacio, Guadalupe Bagus, Cokorda Bailey, Caitlin Balkema, Natalie Ballard, Elyse Bankert, Michael Banks, Donice Barefoot, Kylie Barenie, Miranda Barford, Kate Barger, Stephanie Barnes, Daniel Barnes, Jenny Barnett, Susan Barr, Emma Barrington, Cheralyn Barry, Christopher Barry, Tammy Batra, Kritti Battle, Lisa Bauknight, Kristine Bauman, Sarah Bazemore, Sharnail Beach, Jameson Beam, Kimberly Beasley, Elisabeth Beasley, Marian Beck, Brett Beck, Hall Beck, Richard Bell, Courtney Bell, Steven Benedum, Paige Bennett, Mary Bent, Erika Benton, Natalie Bentz, Jordan Benz, Morgan Beobeouf, Monica Berman, Mitchell Berman, Steven Bernas, Ronan Berry, Jonathan Biek, David Billups, Jessie 79.33 103.16 95.23 66.3 103.28 103.24, 79.2 29.12, 29.6, 29.9 5 79.27, 95.26 87.24 9.4 20.11 10.3 95.10 60.3 63.32 87.18 29.5, 69.3 7, 104.1, 104.2, 104.4, 79.26 29.26 20.22 29.26 79.31, 87.6, 95.33 79.20 39.19 95.31 20.6, 39.24 95.27 79.14 10.2, 105.1, 56.5 9.2 63.24 63.6 87.10 1 33.5 24.3 69.39 28, 63.18 69.5 20.20, 29.11 87.14, 87.15, 87.4, 87.7 79.4 63.32 10.6 79.24
B Bach, Caitlin
Binion, Kendal Birckbichler, Julie Bishop, Taylor Bjornsen, Chris Blackshire, Tiffanie Blair, Chad Blalock, Lisa Blickensderfer, Beth Bobadilla, Leonardo Bodiford, Rebecca Boggs, Stephen Bohannon, John Bohannon, John Neil Bohnenkamp, Ryan Bolt, Taylor Bolton, Chelsea Bond, Krista Bonnell, Melissa Bonsu, Janae Boot, Walter Boquet, Albert Bortz, Cara Boseovski, Janet Boswell, Stefanie Boulter, Lyn Bowers, Candice Bowling, David Bowman, Patricia Boyer, Christopher Brand, Michael Brannon, Larae Brashier, Elizabeth Brazill, John Breaux, Meagan Bretzin, Martin Bridges, Whittney Brooks, Christopher Brosnan, Sarah Broth, Michelle Brown, Amy Brown, Benjamin Brown, Brittney Brown, Charles H. Brown, Hailee Brown, Kristina Brown, Sydney
20.2 73.1 20.2 85.4 29.17 63.13, 63.16 43.2 7.4 20.31 59.1, 80.3, 84.1 103.29 29.31, 63.12, 63.8 63.20 39.17 73.1 19 106.2 103.14 20.28 106.1 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 103.25 14 10, 29.23, 29.25, 70.1, 70.2, 87.5 10.2 63.2 29.3 22 63.33 103.12 73.1 20.15, 20.3, 20.4 87.19 63.30 63.33 69.23 20.21 87.11 6, 22, 39.1 29.4 87.8 95.8 60.4 63.15, 69.33, 69.34, 69.35 87.8 69.18
Brown, Willie Browne, Amy Browne, Blaine Brownlow, Sheila Bruce, Kathryn Bryan, Valerie Bryant, Bailey C. Buchanan, Katy Buchholz, Chris Buddie, Amy Bunch, David Burgoyn, Elizabeth Burks, Martez Bussing, Regina Butler, David Butler, Kayla Butrick, Caitlin Buyukdura, Jeylan Byrd, Deborah Byrd, Lauren
63.10 95.7 20.8 29.2, 29.3 20.10 80.3 21.3 79.15 29.12, 29.6, 29.9 69.30 38.3, 43.1 56.5 20.21 103.29 103.22 29 103.2 33.4 69.29 59.1, 84.1 C
Cabeldue, Mollimichelle Cabrerra, Jennifer Cala, Carrie Calabrese, Megan Cale, Elizabeth Calhoun, Georgia Calhoun, Karen Callen, Edward Campbell, Michael Campbell, Paige Camp-Meeks, Erin Campos, Janelle Candelaria, Ashley Candelaria, Shalin Cann, Arnie Capiero, Cristalis Carasco, Gabriela Carden, Brandi Carpenter, James Carrick, Chad Carter, Alice Carter, Stephanie Carton, John
29.23, 29.25 7.4 39.3 29.34 28.3, 97.4 79.3 4 63.4 79.32 63.15, 69.35 39.4 29.14 20.17 87.24 80.1, 84.3 95.30 95.31 69.8, 69.9 62.1 95.16 10.1 79.7 31
Case, Jason Casey, Tabitha Robin Cash, Daniella Cash, Joshua Cassisi, Jeffrey Catanzaro, Diane Caudill, Abbie Cavenaugh, Brenda Cerk, Lauren A. Chastang, Stephanie Chatley, Naomi Chavers, David Cherkunova,Anastasiya Chhetri, Shristy Chiu, Jessica L. Chodrick, Kristen Christensen, Larry C. Clarke, Annie Clark-Foos, Arlo Clawson, Vitta Clement, Lindsey Clionsky, Leah Clutter, Michiko Coats, Susan Cochran, Karly Coleman, Brittany Collier, Christopher Collins, Jennifer Collins, Matthew Compton, Michael Connelly, Kathryn Connolly, Justine Connor, Rachel Cook, Ashley Cook, Edwin Cook, Laura Cook, Natalie Cook, Rachel Cook, Sarah Cooper, Martha Copeland, Susan Cornelius, Courtney Corson, Ansley
39.19 33.2, 33.3 29.35, 69.32 63.32 60.1 103.2, 39.7, 95.32 94.3 73.3 21.4 69.10 9 58.3, 95.34 79.14 95.24 21.5 103.15 60.4 56.2 63.13, 63.16 69.32 106.2 79.25 29.32, 39.6 69.5 95.31 39.8 87.19 29.19 63.6 17 79.19 34, 79.24 29.21, 29.28 9.1 103.17 7, 20.29, 104.2 79.30 20.16, 20.4 20.32 59.3, 84.2, 97.2 73.2 56.5 69.4
Cox, David Cox, Jennifer Cox, Molly Crabtree, Niki Craig, Scotty Crissman, William Cruit, Jessica Csanadi, Andras Cummings, Lindsay Cusack, Claire Cusack, Claire Cyr, Betty-Ann
29.21, 29.28 63.2 69.17, 95.29 79.7 63.21 87.22 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 43.1 79.16 20.16 20.4 87.7
D Dacey, Christine D'Andrea, Eleyse Daniel, Rebecca Daniels, Jennifer D'Antuono, Hayley Darby, Bruce Daugherty, Timothy Davidson, Anna Davis, Anita Davis, Jennifer Davis, Sarah Davis, Shannon Davis, ShaNonte Davis, Teresa Davis, Theresa Daw, Catherine Dayanim, Shoshana DeBerry, LaKenya Deckner-Davis, Deborah DeLao, Chafen Dennie, Trevor Denny, Shannon Desrochers, Stephan DeVincenzo, Marie 95.28 103.1 63.23 59.2, 94.2 63.2 63.27, 69.1 2.13, 95.13 103.17 103.30 62.2 107.1 29.29, 39.29, 39.30, 69.38 24.4 8.3 95.2 29.33 87.17 104.1 73.2 2.32, 103.24, 79.2, 79.5 103.21, 30.1, 77.1, 77.3 95.29 63.11 63.25
DeVries, Lindsey Dey, Aditi DiBello, Brooke Dicio, Michele Dimasi, Amanda DiSabatino, Kristy Doan, Hannah Dobbins, Erin Dobbs, Curtis Doherty, Annette Donohue, Meghan Donovan, Sarah Doty, Rachel R. Drury, Scott Duffield, Tyler Dulaney, Stephanie Dunn, Mary Dunn, Melissa-Miles
39.8 63.19 79.4 105.1 69.28 79.26 29.14 105.1, 70.4 63.13, 63.16 87.4 79.11 39.10, 95.4 21.2 97.3 103.22 103.20 19 2.17, 62.3
F Faison, Kamaria Falnes, Kali Fambro, Cassandra Fareed, Shahida Farkas, Attila Farris, Shannon Fasida, Folarinle Fayard, Kacie Fedewa, Alicia Feldman, Ashley Fellers, Allison Fernald, Lori Field, Stephanie Figueiredo, Helmer Fine, Philip Ford, Krista Ford, Thomas Ford, Thomas E. Forrette, John Forshay, Christina Foster, Alicia Foster, Caley Foster, D. Christina Foster, Joshua Fouty, Edward Framkas, Attila Franco-Watkins, Ana Franken, Megan Franklin, Crystal Friend, John Froman, Erin Fromuth, Mary Ellen Fu, Yan Fulmer, Amber Furey, Colleen G Gabelein, Lisa Gadson, Cecile Galizio, Ann Gallivan, Erin 95.32 20.9 79.19 79.3 39.18 2.1 105.5 103.12 38.2 87.18, 87.19 87.19 87.9 20.17 95.8 87.22 95.14 80.1, 84.3 21.7 69.17, 95.29 29.32 2.22 94.3 95.5 69.15 33.6 69.31 20.7 103.23 103.22 43.1 30.2, 39.3 63.19 69.17, 95.29 47.4 95.31 8.3, 20.30 39.5, 69.30 8.1
E Eakin, Deborah Ebersole, Ryan Ebner, Herschel Edge, Hoyt Edkins, Vanessa Edwards, Carmen Ellis, Jon Emery, Lisa Emmons, Erik Emslie, Graham English, Bailey English, Taylor Enslein, Alena Epps, James Epstein, Morgan Epting, Kimberly Ernst, Kim Eskine, Kendall Ethridge, Marissa Evans, Hayley Evans, Jarrett Eyberg, Sheila Ezzell, Sarah 63.1, 63.10, 63.26, 63.3, 63.5 103.9 103.25 95.23 20.6, 39.24 103.29 95.9 63.23 2.12 33.4 63.32 103.24, 72.2 39.16 2.25, 20.29, 79.7 63.33 63.2 87.9 85.1 103.10 33.4 106.1 103.29, 79.25 33.4
Garris, William Garwick, Melissa Gaskell, Michael Gavel, David Gedra, James Geyer, Casey Ghee, Anna Gibbons, Jeffrey Gibson, Melissa Gidycz, Christine Gier, Vicki Giesen, J. Martin Gilbert, Hope Gilmore, Jordan Ginn, Nicole Gipson, Andrew Glatte, Melisa Gold, Mark Golden, Leia Golding, Shea Gonzalez, Rose Gooden, Lauren Goodmon, Leilani Goodnight, Bradley Goodson, James Gordon, Alynn Gordon, Karen Goudreau, Shara Graesser, Art Graham, Rebecca Grainger, Justin Grant, Jennifer Gray, Jennifer Green, Bradley Green, Joseph Gregory, Rebecca Griffin, Jan Griffith, Amber Griggs, Tracy Gruber, Aaron Gueits, Laurie Gupton, Olivia Gurkas, Pinar Gss, Dominik Guyse, Ted
95.3 20.4 95.28 20.26 70.3, 85.2 63.11 8.1 63.33, 63.35, 87.25 95.8 2.4 63.30 73.3 63.30 63.31 79.25 79.8 20.7 103.1 63.31 33.1 20.25 63.33 29.29, 29.35, 63.27, 69.21, 69.25, 69.38 20.31 8.2 87.27 79.34 59.3,84.2 43.3, 63.21 2.5 87.1, 87.6 9.4 80.2 10.5 95.31 39.15 69.18 29.25 20.6, 20.9 56.1, 56.3 95.21 103.20, 39.5 87.16, 95.11 106.1, 39.10 63.30
H Hahn, Erin Hahn, Kathryn Haines, Laura Hajnal, Alen Hal, Cynthia Hall, Donald Hamamouche, Karina Hammock, Georgina Hammond, Christopher Hanchon, Timothy Haney, Michelle Hanscom, Madison Harden, Ginger Harlow, Thomas Harper, Jennifer Harrell, Shane Harrington, Jamie Harris, Paul Harrison, Jesse Harshbarger, Nikki Hartmann, Quentin Harvey, Kierra Hathcock, Catherine Haugen, Andrea Hayes, Laurence Hayes, Matthew Helms, Jeffrey Henderson, Rachel Hendon, Anna Hendren, Olivia Hendrix, Cassandra Hennessey, Mary Herkov, Michael Hernandez, Erica Hertel, Paula Herzog, Harold Hester, Sarah Hewitt, Kelsey Hicks, Adam Hignight, Alyson Hill, Benjamin Hill, Paul 87.10 2.1, 20.14 79.5 38.2, 38.3, 43.1 69.28, 58.2 63.9 63.20 2.12, 95.12 103.1 29.18, 69.37 104.4 95.17 29.28 9.4, 103.18, 95.3 95.10 63.26 69.5 29.19 87.4 79.15 20.10, 87.22, 95.15 17.2 20.2 9.2 95.22 95.7 103.20 79.8 20.10 29.35, 69.25 87.17 39.19 103.1, 103.11 63.25 2.24 69.11 63.27 87.24 30.1, 77.1 77.2, 77.3,2.22 63.2 103.23 63.23
Hiltmann, Anja Hinkle, Verilette Ho, Judy Hoadley, Rachel Hobbs, Stephen Hochstadt, Samantha Hock, Lauren Hoffmann, Norman Holden, Christopher Hollander, John Holton, Carson Hopkins, Tiffany Hord, Elizabeth Horne, Nailah Houston, Alex Houston, John Houston, John M. Houston, Steven Howansky, Kristina Howard, Valery Howard-Ratcliffe, Frances Howell, Amanda Howells, Katherine Hu, Xiangen Hudson, Kara Hughes, Alva Hughes, Jennifer Hunley, Sam Hunter, Erin Hurdish, Ellen Hutchens, Scott I Ingegno, Morgan Isaacs, Kelly M. Isbell, Terry Isgett, Suzannah Ivancevich, Danica Ivy, Olivia
103.10, 103.13, 103.15, 103.6, 103.7, 103.8 95.32 95.6 28.3, 87.6 39.16 63.13 39.2 2.2 2.22, 30.1 63.2 87.18 10.5 29.12, 29.6, 29.9 63.1 69.6 69.6 95.23 20.29 29.19 69.3 79.8 94.1 69.18 63.22 103.11 39.22, 95.19, 95.20 20.15, 20.16, 20.3, 20.4 87.10 39.2 103.24, 79.2 97.3
J Jackson, Cynthia Jackson, Emily Jacobs, Julia Jacquin, Kristine James, Jessica Jamie, Stanciu Janit, Adrian Janulaitis, Daniel Jenkins, William Jenks, Charles Jennings, Elizabeth Jensen, Bernard Jeter, Kathryn Jhingon, Garima Johnson, Dolf Johnson, Joseph Jones, Alexis Jones, Jasmin Jones, Kara Jones, Kayla Jones, Lara Jones, Lauren Jones, Rebecca Jones, Veronica Jordan, Sara Joseph, Cindy Juhel, Antoine Jurs, Bethany K Kacinik, Natalie A. Kakhnovets, Regina Kantra, Lacy Karlen, Claire Kass, Steven Kauten, Rebecca Keeley, Jared Keen, Richard Keen, Stefanie Keith, Demetra 85.1 24.4, 79.1, 87.24 79.1 94.2 39.12 29.5 103.24, 79.15, 79.2 69.16, 69.4, 80.2 69.18 56.3 20.21, 20.22, 20.23, 20.24, 20.20 69.29 95.28 2.21 2.29 2.25 2.11 28.3, 39.15 29.15 63.20 103.27 79.6 87.14, 87.15 20.23 30.2 63.5 79.3 69.33, 69.34 103.18, 95.4 95.9 63.26 33.2, 33.3 29.17 79.22, 79.23 95.18 7.2 2.13, 95.13
Keith, Virginia Keller, Daniel Kelliher, Jessica Kelly, Chassidy Kendrick, Donald Kennard, Betsy Kenny, Kristina Kent, Travis Key, Colin Khalsa, Balbir Singh Kilic, Ece King, Emily King, Jessica King, Marie King-Profit, Ashley Kinman, Brittany Kirk, Claire Kittner, Kaylie Klein, Jeannine Klibert, Jeffery
Kneebone, Adrienne Kochersberger, Annie Konde, Linda Koncsol, Stephen Kontos, Julie Koos, Erin Kowalski, Robin Krider, Karen Ksiazak, Tracy Kulick, Jade L Labbe, Elise Lagerros, Suzanna Lambert, Sasha Lampinen, James Lamport, Dustin Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Jennifer
29.12, 29.6, 29.9 63.14 103.4, 79.12 63.30 69.22 33.4 2.16, 62.3, 69.37 95.4 29.24 29.30 63.13 24.4 33.4 39.21 2.34 20.14 79.18, 79.5, 87.34 69.39 69.19, 69.20 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 29.1, 39.20, 69.10, 79.9, 87.27, 87.3, 95.26 63.29 20.13, 2.22, 69.27, 94.2,103.24 87.26 103.3 103.12 39.2, 69.12 2.6 69.4 29.10
58.3, 95.34 39.31 103.5 63.30 79.35, 87.6 2.19, 47.2, 47.3, 69.24, 79.29, 80.3, 87.31, 95.33 2.14 2.18
Lauer, Brea-Anne Lavine, Gabriella Lawless, William Lawrence, Hannah Lawson, Adam Lawson, Erin Lea, Melissa LeBlanc, Rami LeCroix, Rebecca Ledoux, Jared Lehman, Leigh Leibold, Hillary Leider, Michael Leitzel, Jeffrey Lesmana, Jaya Levos, Joshua Li, Meizi Li, Shengnan Lindsey, Cynthia Lindsey, Shamiria Lips, Hilary Livingston, Mary Lloyd, Ariel Locke, Hannah Lohr, Stephanie Long, Nicholas Looney, Rachel Love, Grace Lowell, Amanda Lowman, Linda Loznianu, Oana Luchner, Andrew Lucky, Donna Lullo, Elise Ly, Kheo Lykins, Emily Lyndon, Amy Lyons, Michelle
2.8, 79.28 105.3 39.16 87.13 105.2, 39.13, 39.32 79.9 63.34 39.11 47.2, 95.33 39.9 69.18 2.34, 33.1 29.31 79.17 95.23 29.7 29.14 87.14, 87.15 85.3, 87.2 63.32 87.28 10.1, 29.20 60.2 69.5 87.3 87.31 29.8 39.27 79.10 20.29 39.6 69.6 69.8, 69.9 39.19 69.3 39.8 20.32 29.2
M Macalister, Emma MacKewn, Angie Madson, Michael 29.32 29.24 103.10, 103.13, 103.14, 103.15, 103.5, 103.6, 103.7, 103.8, 103.9
Maharjan, Sujala Mailleue, Isaac Mainard, Heather Malesky, Alvin Mallard, Christie Mancha, Ruben Mandracchia, Jon Maner, Jon Marcell, Michael Marcovitch, Stuart Markivich, Mary Marks, Samantha Marshall, Cynthia Martin, Steffany May, Jeanine May, Marlena Mayes, Taryn McAbee, James McAnulty, Rick McCain, Jessica McCarty, Danny McClatchey, Irene McClelland, Emily McClure, Stephanie McCord, David McCormick, Sarah McCoy, Monica McCrary, Jordan McCullars, Adrianne McDonnell, Jennifer McElroy, Jordan McElroy, Todd McHale, Maureen McIntyre, Anne McIntyre, Jerica McKinney, Cliff
McKissack, Kathleen McKoy, Meagan McLane Lyons, Samantha McLemore, Elizabeth McMahon, George McManus, Lissa McMillon, Trisha McNamara, Ashley
7.1, 63.19 63.9 87.8 20.7, 39.27, 95.25 2.27, 63.17 56.2 10.4, 20.26, 39.26, 39.28 9.3 26, 28, 63.17, 63.18, 79.35 2.9 39.25 29.4 73.1 20.32 103.27 63.3 33.4 103.21 80.1, 84.3 87.1 87.6 79.27 33.1 10.6 2.3, 30, 58.1, 63.35, 69.23, 77.1, 77.2 17.2 80.2 103.6 47. 18.3 20.12, 69.39 60.3 20.19, 29.11 39.27 2.32, 2.34, 33.1, 79.18, 79.24, 79.5, 87.33, 87.34 17.2 39.16 79.21 106.2 95.34 63.34 103.14 103.20
McSwiggan, Meagan Meacham, Sarah Mechanic, Kristen Meghjee, Shakirra Melnyk, Joseph Melvin, Treshika Mendez, Shawn Merrigan, Christina Mestre, Marissa Meter, Lindsey Metze, Amanda Miciek, Erica Mienaltowski, Andrew Milby, Jesse Miles, Krista Miller, Kevin Miller, Laura Miller, Nathan Miller, Stephanie Milligan, Meg Million, Caitlin Milone, Mary Milton, Tara Mims, Bethany Mirsalimi, Hamid Mischer, Morgan Misra, Tiffany Montgomery, Fallon Moody, Jason Moon, William Moore, Ashley Moore, DeWayne Moore, Hilary Moorer, Kayla Moppins, LaToya Morelock, Rhonda Morgan, Brittni Morris, Ruth Williams Morse, Melanie Morton, Hannah Moss, Jarrod Mouilso, Emily Mowrer, Grant
2.8 63.32 69.3 105.3 58.1, 2.1 2.33 87.19 79.21 95.1 2.2 69.30 14, 69.31 103.17 29.26 39.7 87.2 95.25 2.9 56.5 104.4 2.32 33.2, 33.3 69.8, 69.9 33.2, 33.3 103.30 79.29 87.24 69.15 3, 30 20 27 56.2, 56.3 103.7 20.23 56.5 2.3,2. 30 39.13 2.34, 79.5, 87.33, 87.34 79.15, 79.18, 87.33, 87.34 63.24 2.4 69.31
Moxley, Reish Mulick, Patrick Mullen, Christine Multhaup, Kristi Munger, Greta Murnane, Kristy Murphy, Jillian Murphy, Meredith Muscarella, Frank Muse, Olivia Muskat, Lori Myers, Erin N
95.30 59.2 103.22 2.26, 39.18, 63.7, 87.13 25, 63.14, 63.7 69.2 79.33 56.2, 56.3 87.26 87.29 103.28, 79.16 20.13, 87.28
O'Riley, Alisa Orozco, Neymi Orton, Meagan Osbourne, Lauren Osland, Julie Owen, Caitlin Owen, Kelsey Owens, Krystal
28.1 2.29 2.27, 63.17 79.32 10.1 39.29, 39.30 29.29 8.3, 95.2
P Pajkos, Sarah Palacio, Natalia Palmer, Devaron Pantone, Maura Pantschyschak, Stephanie Parenteau, Stacy Park, Jisun Park, Mia Pastuszak, Joe Pate, Debra Sue Pate, James L. Patterson, LaToya Patton, Tadd Paulson, James Pauly, Devin Pearcey, Sharon Pearson, Laura Peay, Austin Pena, Juan Pena, Sophia Perry, Ivorye Peterson, Destiny Petit, Whitney Phelps, Rosemary Piecora, Kyle Pilgram, Anna-Lena Pinard, Ferne Pittman, Jami Pitts, Shane Platt, Angela Ploran, Elisabeth Polson, Jessica Pope, Brian Popwell, Zachary Powell, Ashley 63.12 28.3, 8.2 29.2 103.4, 79.12 8.2 79.4 106.2 2.32 55.3 55.2 79.30 39.16 79.20 69.31 39.17 63.24 79.1 29.12, 29.6, 29.9 20.29 20.24 79.15 94.3 95.27 103.25 95.32 2.7, 79.26 63.31 9.1 24.2 7.1 79.8 9.4, 103.18, 95.3 39.3 47.4
Namy, Laura Nash, Samantha Naydenova, Ivelina Nelson, Donna Nelson, W. M. Nelson, W. Michael Nembhard, Kayla Ness, Katherine Nevels, Bailey Nevels, Robert Ngamake, Sakkaphat Ngo, Thuy Anh Nguyen, Mai Nguyen, My Kim Nicholson, Samantha Nida, Steve NiiLampti, Nyaka Noble, Jeremy Normansell, David Norwood-Strickland, Ashley Novak, Lori O
87.17 20.8 29.13 69.36 21.1 8.1, 39.25, 95.5 29.32 2.26, 63.7 95.27 10.3 8.2, 18.2, 103.19 2.24 95.33 47.3, 69.24 69.16 62.1 56.4 103.10, 103.9 69.31 79.24 24.4
O'Brien, Ruth Ocampo, Ivonne Ockstadt, Cierra Ohanmamooreni, Alyna O'Hara, Christine O'Hoyt, Dana
Power, Leah Prey, Julia Price, Jodi Prinz, Jesse J. Proctor, Elizabeth Prokop, Jonathan Protus, Ashleigh Pruden, Marlinda Puff, Jayme Purvis, Kaysie Pyles, Emily Q Quinlivan, Deah
79.18, 87.33, 87.34 94.3 106.2, 63.32 85.1 24.4 8.3 29.26 59.1, 80.3, 84.1 2.8 66.3 24.4
39.29, 39.30
R Racey, Deborah Rackley, Joshua Raveepatarakul, Jirapatara Rawcliffe, Hannah Ray, Lara Redhead, Megan Reeve, Charlie Reeves, Robert Reid, Myra Reidy, Dennis Renk, Kimberly Reuter, Tim Rice, Jasmen Rice, Leneice Richardson, Brittney Richardson, Deborah Richardson, Jillian Riedel, Robert Riener, Cedar Rinz, Alexa Rizzuto, Tracey Ritter, Alysia Ritter, Jonathan Ritzer, Darren Robert, Marie Roberts, Kimberley 106.3 20.22 18.2, 103.19 2.20 103.16 63.31 80.1, 84.3 39.16 63.3 105.5 2.8, 79.10, 79.28 87.20 63.8 103.18 106.2 12, 95.12 20.23 59.3, 84.2 29.34, 97.1 73.1 39.9 29.15 105.2, 39.14, 39.31 29.22 69.39 95.19
Robertson, Sarah Robinson, Ashley Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Darrell Rocheleau, Courtney Roelfs, Travis Rogers, Ashley Rogers, Craig Rogers, Daniel Rojas, Julio Romano, Brandon P. Roosevelt, Rodney Rosenbloom, Thomas Ross, Jennifer Ross, Lesley Roussin, Lindsey Rowan, James Royalty, Joel Rozanska, Roma Ruark, Breanna Russell, Valerie Ryan, Megan Ryndak, Karen S Sabree, Justin Sadler, Candias Sadler, Michael Saffos, Nicholas Salda, Rachel Sale, Rafaella Salter, Phia Sample, Donald Sawh, Anil Saxon, Marie Saylor, Conway Scartozzi, Melissa Schick, Jonathan Schmidt, Sara Schneider, Sherry Schock, Carter Schrock, Chad Schroeder, Amber Schuster, Elizabeth Schwait, Amanda
79.19 10.2 2.19 2.12, 95.12 70.4 103.2 73.1 69.7 103.20 103.12 60.2 87.20, 87.21 2.4 79.21 95.29 103.24, 79.2 63.19 29.15 69.33, 69.34 29.27 2.3 2.25, 63.17 39.29, 39.30, 69.38
69.13 8 69.26 63.33, 63.35 63.24 70.4 39.18 10.2 63.6 79.13 2.17, 62.1, 62.3, 95.14 29.19 63.13 62.2 39.12 39.5 63.28 69.12 87.30 103.1, 103.11 69.12 103.27 63.16 63.30 39.10 95.5
Scott, Brandon Scott, Gail Scudder, Ashley Seixas, Zenith Selvey, Daniel Selwyn, Candice Senn, William Serretiello, Leanna Sethuraman, Nitya Seydel, Leticia Shah, Smit Shariati, Ronak Sharp, Brittany Shaw, Kimberly Shean, Glenn Shelley-Tremblay, John Shelly, Nichole Shelley-Tremblay, John Shenesey, Jessica Shoenfelt, Elizabeth Short, Kaitlin Shrestha, Swechhya Shriver, Lauren Silver, N.C. Sim, Erin Simonsen, Max Sims, Valerie Sinclair, H. Colleen Sinisi, Christina Sinisterra, Paula Sledge, Tiffany Sleigh, Merry Sloan, Page Sly, Kaye Smalley, K. Bryant Smith, Hannah Smith, Hyland Smith, Megan Smith, Patrick Smith, Phillip Smith, Stephanie Smith, Timothy Solomon, David Soutullo, Olivia
2.5 95.17 63.15, 69.35 103.16 20.1 69.24, 79.29 69.12 103.27 63.16 63.30 39.10, 95.4 39.23 69.30 95.11 69.2 95.34 20.5 105.5 47.2, 47.3, 87.31, 95.33 69.31 20.14, 60.2 63.19 63.33 69.19, 69.20 69.36 103.1, 103.11 95.5 20.32, 94.1 87.32 17.3 63.32 18.3, 20.1, 20.5, 29.22, 69.32, 95.21 63.28 55.1 39.20, 79.27, 95.26 87.10 79.4 87.7 63.27, 63.29, 69.21, 87.12 24.6, 28.1, 79.35 2.7 95.2 103.21 79.25
Spence, Helen Spicer, Emily Spitler, Samantha Spofford, Jessica Staley, Sarah Starck, Jordan Starvrinos, Despina Stary, Amanda Stasio, Michael Stavrinos, Despina Stefurak, James Stefurak, Tres Stephens, Ben Stephens, Cecilee Stephenson, David Stephenson, Erin Stern. Darren Stewart, Alan Stoltzfus, David Strauss, Jessimine Streeb, Nicole Stroh, Nathan Stubbs, Whitney Sturycz, Cassandra Sullins, Jeremiah Sun, Yanmin Suryani, Luh Ketut Sutter, Megan Sutterfield, Kimberly Swan, Suzanne Swartout, Ashlyn Swartout, Kevin T Takeuchi, June Talhi, Benjamin Tallant, Catherine Talor, Charles Tan, Elaine Tanner, Kay Tartar, Jaime Taurasi, James Taylor, Hillary Taylor, Lloyd Teitelbaum, Sarah Thaw, A. Kurt Theaili, Hussein
95.17 2.1 39.16 10.3 105.1 39.18 95.29 79.22, 79.23 28.2, 47.1 69.17 47.4, 59.1, 80.3, 84.1 69.29 17.2, 73.1 56.5 39.4, 69.31 2.27, 63.17 59.3, 84.2 95.30 63.29 103.18, 95.3 63.4 69.39 103.8 2.14 43.3, 63.21, 63.22 103.20 95.23 39.6 29.8 20.27 59.4 18.1, 20.31
39.12 39.7 87.18 66.1, 66.2, 66.3 63.5 87.8 2.29 77.1 87.10 62.1, 95.14 103.1, 103.11 60.2 63.13
Theilmann, John Thomas, Christine Thompson, Amanda Thompson, James Thomson, Catherine Tisdale, John Tobacyk, Jerome Tobacyk, Julia Todd, Eileen Todd, Joseph Toldeo, Catherine Tomberlin, Morgan Tomeny, Theodore Tone, Erin Toplu, Ezgi Topolski, Richard Torin, Howland Torres, Aurora Townsend, Amanda Trevino, Jessica Tucker, Jessica Tully, Erin Tumbling, Shayla Turner, Jamie Turner, Lisa Twitty, Leah Tyson, Kristen
69.16 79.21 10.2 7.1 87.4 69.15 29.20 29.20 10.5, 29.11 24.1 20.13 87.22 104.3 2.18, 62.2 20.28 87.25 79.21 39.4 29.26 56.1, 56.3 66.2 79.11 20.24 79.21 79.31, 87.1, 87.6, 95.33 79.33 79.22, 79.23
Vance, Cynthia VanNess, Kiel Vazquez, Marla Vice, Jason Vincent, Amanda Visconti, Brian Vogl, Rodney Volk-King, Michele Vrbka, Danielle Vucovich, Lauren
29.27 29.12, 29.6, 29.9 87.4 69.28 20.10 103.21 63.15, 69.33, 69.34, 69.35 87.8 29.1 63.34
Walch, Susan Walker, Kristin Walker, Richard Walker, Sheterra Walsh, Logan Waples, Julie Ward, Haley Warner-Metzger, Christina Warren, Jacob Warren, Peter Warren, Sean Wated, Guillermo Watson, Christopher Verity Watson-Johnson, Lisa Weaver, Jennifer Webbe, Frank Webster, Zodiac Weems, Carl Weiner, Brittany Welburn, Sharon Weldon, Linda Whitacre, Hillary White, Elizabeth White, Jacquelyn
8.2, 18.2, 103.19, 79.21 17.1 29.16, 38.1 87.11 56.1, 56.2 79.20 63.19 79.25 39.20, 79.27, 95.26, 20.27 10.2 87.26 95.32 39.20 87.25 103.25 95.11 2.5 2.31 69.17, 95.29 39.22 66.3 20.18, 87.22 20.27, 20.28, 33
Underwood, Laura Urban, Emily Urecki, Chava Uredat, Theresa Utinans, Arturs
63.8 28.1
White, Rachel White, Scott Whited, Will Whitten, Shannon Wickliffe, Andrew Wiggins, Booker Wilkerson, Kelly Will, Meredith Williams, Belinda Williams, Jamal Williams, Jessica Williams, Mark Williams, Melonie Williams, Richard Williamson, Rebecca Wilner, Nicole Wilson, Julie Wilson, Keith Wilson, Kelley Wilson, Lacy Wilson, Kali Wimberley, Tessa Wingo, Christopher Winograd, Sarah Winsky, Samantha Wise, Travis Wiseman, Colin Woerner, Jacqueline Wolford, Caitlin Wolfteich, Paula Womble, Melissa Woodcock, Tiffany Woodman, Geoffrey Woods, Jessica Woodward, Suzanne Woodzicka, Julie A. Wright, Barbara Wright, Christiana Y
79.28 79.8 20.26, 39.26 20.18 95.32 29.16, 38.1 63.11 39.25 9.2 63.22 69.8, 68.9 69.24 2.16 87.6 87.11 2.18 87.7 79.4 58.3, 95.34 39.5 87.23 28.2, 95.32 103.20 39.10 39.31 69.11 20.12 79.35 95.22 58.3, 95.34 2.34 2.16 95.31 105.3 94.3 63.32 87.31, 47.2
Zabrucky, Karen Zacchilli, Tammy Zawilinski, Laci Zeigler-Hill, Virgil Zeng, Xiao Dan (Angela) Zhao, Minna Zibaie, Alireza Ziegler, Christine Zimmer, Adam Zink, Katherine Zinner, Leah Zlomke, Kim Zuchegno, Kelsey
95.16 29.26, 87.18, 87.19 10.5 10.5 103.26 69.33, 69.34 20.28 39.5 103.25 29.2 29.30, 39.21, 69.13 79.30, 79.33, 79.6, 79.31 39.16
Yoder, Carol Yonce, Faith Yonts, Nikki Yosick, Rachel You, Yu-Fany Young, Kimberly
In Memoriam
The following are SEPA members whose deaths were reported during the past year:
Submission Deadline for 2013 Annual Meeting is October 9, 2012 Start planning now! Watch the SEPA Web site for information www.sepaonline.com
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CE Workshop B Part I 9:00-12:00 CE Workshop A 9:00-12:00 Psi Chi Hospitality Room 8:00-4:00 Paper Session: Human Factor 8:159:20 Paper Session Trauma of Grad Students/MalTreatment/ Religion 8:30-9:30 Mini Poster Session: Methodology/Stats 8:30-9:20 Interactive Post Formulation 10:00-10:50 Interactive Post Suicide 11:00-11:50 Paper Session Industruial Orginzation 10:00-10:50 Paper Session Sex Aggression, Discrimination, and Mood Management 10:00-11:00 Paper Session Clinical 11:00-11:50 Cupp Symposium 11:00-12:20
Interactive Post Body Image and Eating Disorder 12:00-12:50 Panel Discussion Aging Strat. 11:00-11:50 Symposium Demystifiying Research 2:00-2:50 Symposium II Cultural Competence 3:00-3:50
Conv. Hour: Doctoral Training 8:30-9:20 Past Chair Conv. Hour 8:30-9:20 Papers Session Social/Personality Part I 8:30-9:30 Invited Speaker 9:00-9:50
Why Colors Discussion 1:00-1:50 Interest Group #1 9:30-10:20 Psi Chi Grad Student Discussion 10:00-10:50 SEIOPA Methodology Interest Group & Stats #2 10:30-11:20 12:00-12:50 Psi Chi Conversation Hour 12:00-12:50 Psi Chi Grad School Talk 2 11:00-11:50 9:50-12:00 Psi Chi Invited Address 1:001:50
5:30 7:30 pm
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CE Workshop C 9:00-12:00
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C B A A3 A2 A1 B3 1&2 CD 12 3
CE Workshop D 1:00-4:00
Paper Session: Ethnicity and Culture 9:00-10:15 Poster Session: Grad Awards 10:30-11:20
Conversation Hour 9:00-9:50 Paper Session: Interest Social/Person Group CAMPP ality 4 10:00- 11:00-11:50 10:50
Panel Conversation Dsicussion: Hour II How to 9:30-10:20 Publish 11:0011:50 Invited Speaker SiegelWallston 11:00-11:50 Invited Speaker Rosecrans II 9:00-9:50
Paper Session: Paper Sesion: Social / Addictio,Sex, Personality 2 Religion 1:00-1:50 2:00-2:50
5:00 6:30 pm
Paper Paper Session: Session: Clinical, Counseling, Addiction and Diagnosis 8:30-9:30 Aggression 10:00-11:00 Symposium: Texting 11:00-11:50 Paper Session: Education 1 12:00-12:50
SWIM 1:00-3:00
Paper Session: Ageism/Feminis m and Work Family Conflict 11:30-12:30 Paper Session: Forensic and Sexuality 1:00-1:50 Paper Session: Emotions 2:00-3:00
P oy d r os
Workshop H 9:00-12:00
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Napo leo n CD
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Paper Session: Education 2 9:00-10:00 PAPER SESSION: CLINICAL, COUNSELING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT 4 8:30-9:30 PAPER SESSION: COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND HISTORY 10:00-11:00 Symposium: Undergradu ate Course Ideas 9:30-10:20 Symposium: Personality and Endocrinological Test 8:30-9:20 PAPER SESSION: Learning and Cognition 3 10:30-11:20 Symposium: Symposium: Adjudicated Female Graduate Symposium: Ready, Adolescents Experiences Set, Go 10:30-11:20 8:30-9:20 9:30-10:20 Symposium: Graduate Students Perspective on Multicultural 10:30-11:20 Conversation Hour 8:30-9:20 Paper Session: CEPO Leadership Social/Personality 3 Institute 8:30-9:20 9:30-11:00 CEPO BUSINESS MEETING 11:00-11:50 Paper Session: Education and Ethnic Posters 8:30-9:45 Poster Session: Psychological Potpourri 2 10:00-11:15