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BSNLEU Constitution (Amended in Guwahati AIC)

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Regd. No. 4896
(Registered Under Indian Trade Union Act, 1926)


(As amended at Guwahati AIC, 26th- 29th January, 2006)

CHQ, Dada Ghosh Bhawan,

1, Patel Road, New Delhi – 110008
Phone: 25894862, 25705385 Fax: 25894100
Website: www.bsnleuchq.com,
www.bsnleuchq.com, E-mail: chqbsnleu@sify.com
1. Name:
The name of the union shall be Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Employees Union (in
short; BSNL Employees Union), herein after referred to as “the Union” in this

2. Head Quarters:
The Head Quarters of the Union shall be Delhi and situated for the present at D-7,
Telegraph Place, Bangla Sahib Marg, New Delhi – 110 001*

3. Aims & Objectives:

a) To safeguard, promote and advance the interest of the members of the union in
particular and BSNL Employees in general to redress their grievances by suitable
actions including legal assistance.
b) To render efficient service to the nation and to protect the interest of the nation
and to participate in building a socialistic society.
c) To publish journal / journals

4. Organisation:
The union shall have Central, Circle, District and Local Branches. District Branch
shall be primary unit of the union for the purpose of participating in All India
Conference and the Local Branch shall be the primary unit for the purpose of
participating in Circle Conference.

5. Membership:
(i ) Ordinary Members: All Non-Executive employees and workmen of the
BSNL shall be eligible to become members of the union. The Executive
Committee of the Local Branch union shall have the right to deny
membership to any employee who is a member of any other union or who is
charged with corruption or moral turpitude or such undesirable activities. An
employee shall be enrolled in the Union as a member on payment of
admission fee equivalent to one month’s subscription.
(i i ) Honorary Members: Those persons who are not eligible for admission as
ordinary members under Article 5(i) above may be admitted as Honorary
Members of the union for the purpose of being elected or co-opted to the
executive committee of the union, subject to the provisions of section 22 of
the Trade Union Act 1926. Number of such Honorary Members will remain
restricted to as provided in the Indian Trade Union Act 1926.

6. Membership Register:
A Register of members including Honorary Members showing name, age and
address shall be kept at the Registered Office of the Union and properly maintained
by the officers responsible for the purpose. The register shall be open to inspection

* Head Quarters now functioning at Dada Ghosh Bhawan,

1, Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008
by any officer or member of the union on any weekday during the normal working
hours the union.

7. Rights of Members:
The members of the union shall have the right to inspect the accounts books and
registers of the union. A member of the Union shall be entitled to benefits provided
by the Union as long as he/she continues to be the member of the union.

A member has the right to vote in meetings and also has the right to get elected to
any office of the Union, provided he/she has been on rolls at least for a period of six
months consecutively.

8. Rates of Subscription & Quota:

Rate of subscription shall be Rs. Fifteen only per member per month. The
subscription thus collected shall be allocated every month in the following manner:

Central Union : Rs. 5

Circle Union : Rs. 4
District Union : Rs. 3
Local Branch Union : Rs. 3

However, the Circle Conference can decide to collect monthly contribution to the
circle union from every member to meet the expenditure of the circle union.

The subscription as well as contribution to circle union, if any, shall be paid by each
member latest by 5th of each month and the Treasurer of Local Branch shall make
arrangements for collection of the same from members falling in the respective units.

9. (i) Objects for expenditure of General Fund: The general fund of the Union
shall not be spent on any objects other than the following:

(a) The payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to an office bearer or

employee of the union.
(b) The prosecution or defence of any legal proceedings to which the union or
member thereof is a part when such prosecution or defence is undertaken for
the purpose of securing or protecting any right of the union as such or any rights
arising out of relations of any member with the employer.
(c) The payment of expenses for the administration of the union including audit of
account of the general funds of the union.
(d) The conduct of dispute on behalf of the union or any member thereof.
(e) The compensation of members for loss arising out of trade dispute.
(f) Relief to members or their dependents in the event of death, old age, sickness,
accident of such member.
(g) Up keep of periodicals published for the benefit of members.

(ii) Safe custody of the General Fund: The General Fund of the union shall
c o n s i s t o f:
(a) Admission Fee
(b) Subscription
(c) Donation
(d) Any extra collection made from members for general purpose or for any
particular purpose.
The money collected from the above mentioned sources shall be deposited in bank
or banks approved by the Executive Committee in the name of the Union to be
operated by the Secretary and Treasurer at the respective level. Cash in hand, to
meet any urgent and unexpected expenses, shall not exceed Rs. 10,000 at the
Central level, Rs. 5000 at the Circle level and Rs. 1000 at the District level and Rs.
500 at Local level.

10. Disciplinary Actions:

(a) Removal of Member: A member of the union can be removed from the rolls
of the union for anti-union activity, corruption, immoral activity or anti-
national activity or for non-payment of subscriptions only by the concerned
General Body at the Local level with 2/3rd majority of members present in
such meeting. Such removal of any member who is an office bearer of the
Union at a higher level shall come into effect only after ratification by the
respective committee of which he / she is a member. The member against
whom such action is proposed shall be provided adequate opportunity to
e x p l a i n h i s c o n d u c ts .
(b) Other Disciplinary actions: The Executive Committee at the respective level
shall have the power to suspend for a specified period or censure any of its
members for indiscipline by a simple majority.
(c) Appeal: Appeal against any disciplinary action shall lie to the next higher level
committee. Any appeal received by such committee after a period of fifteen days
shall not be considered. Final authority to dispose off the appeal, if received by it,
shall be the Central Executive Committee.
(d) Members who have been expelled for non-payment of subscription etc. are
eligible for re-admission on payment of all arrears. However, no fine shall be
(e) Note: If membership ceases in the middle of a year the amount of subscription,
fees, levies etc. already remitted shall be forefited.

11. Management:
The Management of the Union shall be vested in the following bodies.
(i) The All India Conference which shall normally be held once in two years. The
Central Executive can convene Special Conference in between the biennial
conference, if necessary.
(ii) The Central Executive Committee, consisting of the Central Office Bearers
elected by the All India Conference and the Executive Members shall meet as and
when required.
(iii) Central Secretariat and Circle Secretariat consisting of office bearers stationed
and present in Head Quarters at any particular time shall meet as and when

12. All India Conference:

(a) Composition: The All India Conference consists of Central Office Bearers,
Central Executive Committee Members and the Delegates elected in the
respective District Conferences or in the Special District Conventions convened
for the purpose. The paid up membership of the District shall be determined on
the basis of quota received by the Central union from all the local branches of the
concerned Districts during the two financial years preceding the conference. In
case the membership of the District is less than one hundred, it shall elect one
delegate. In case the membership of the District is one hundred or more, it shall elect
delegates at the ratio of one delegate for every hundred or part thereof, provided the
part there of is fifty or more.

(b) Voting Power: Voting power of a district unit shall be determined in proportion to
the average paid up membership of the said unit at the ratio of one vote for every
100 members or part thereof which shall equally be shared by the Delegates
from the unit present in the Conference. Central Office Bearers and Central
Executive Committee members shall carry one vote each. The President of the
conference can cast additional vote in case of tie.

13. Duration of Office:

All Office Bearers and Executive Committee members shall hold office for two years,
till replaced by the next conference. If any elected Office-Bearer post falls vacant due
to death, non-acceptance by the person concerned, resignation or continued
absence from the office without proper authority for a period of more than three
occasions, shall be filled up by the Executive Committee at the respective level.

14. Quorum
The Quorum for the Conference / Meetings shall be as under
(i) All India Conference : 1/3rd of the representatives
(ii) Central Executive Committee : 50% of the members
(iii) Circle Conference : 1/3rd of the representatives
(iv) Circle Executive : 50% of the members
(v) District Conference : 1/3rd of the representatives
(vi) District Executive : 50% of the members
(vii) Local Executive : 50% of members
(viii) Local Conference/
General Body meeting : 1/3rd of the members

15. Notice for meetings

(i) All India Conference : 30 days
(ii) Central Executive : 15 days
(iii) Circle Conference : 21 days
(iv) Circle Executive : 14 days
(v) District Conference : 21 days
(vi) District Executive : 07 days
(vii) Emergent Circle Executive : 03 days
(viii) Emergent District Conference : 03 days
(ix) Emergent District Executive : 01 day
(x) Local Branch Executive /
General Body : 07 days
(xi) Local Branch Conference : 14 days
(xii) Emergent Local Branch Executive/
General Body : 01 day

16. Power of All India Conference

(a) To elect the following:
1. One President
2. Six Vice Presidents
3. One General Secretary
4. One Deputy General Secretary
5. Five Asst. General Secretaries
6. One Treasurer
7. One Asst. Treasurer
8. Nine Organising Secretaries

(b ) To consider and adopt the biennial report and accounts of the union.
(c ) To effect or ratify changes in the Constitution of the Union.
(d) To nominate the Auditor.
(e ) To issue rules and bye-laws for the management of the Union.
(f ) To appoint Editor (s) for the Journal (s)
(g ) To take any appropriate decision to ensure smooth functioning of the union
keeping in view of the aims and objectives.

17. Composition and Powers of the Central Executive Committee:

Central Executive Committee shall consist of Circle Secretaries who shall be ex-
officio members and the Central Office Bearers elected by the All India Conference.
In between two All India Conferences the Central Executive shall exercise all powers
of the All India Conference except Amendment to the constitution of the Union and
Election of the Office Bearers. However, the office bearers posts that have fallen
vacant can be filled by the CEC. The Central Executive Committee shall present
biennial report and audited accounts to the All India Conference.

18. Circle Conference:

Composition: The Circle Conference shall be composed by the Circle Office
Bearers elected by the previous conference, the District Secretaries of the Circle who
shall be ex-officio members and the delegates elected by the Local Branch
Conferences/General Body meetings at the ratio of one delegate for every 20
members or part thereof. The Circle Conference shall be held once in two years.
Voting strength shall be determined district wise on the basis of paid up membership
for the two financial years preceding the Conference and at the ratio of one vote for
every 20 members received by the Circle Union from the local branches of the
concerned district. The delegates from the local branches of the concerned district
will equally share the voting strength of the concerned district. The circle office
bearers and members of Circle Executive Committee shall exercise one vote each,
in the elections, subject to the provision that total votes exercised by them shall not
exceed ten percent of the total voting power of the delegates from District Unions.
Each of Circle Office Bearers and members of the Circle Executive shall however
has one vote each in all matters other than elections.

19. Duties of Circle Conference

(a) To elect the following office bearers
1. One President
2. Five Vice Presidents
3. One Circle Secretary
4. Five Asst. Circle Secretaries
5. One Treasurer
6. One Asst. Treasurer
7. Seven Organising Secretaries
(b) To consider and adopt biennial report and accounts
(c) To nominate the auditor
(d ) T o c o n s i d e r a n y o t h e r i t e m n o t i f i e d .

20. Composition and Powers of Circle Executive

The Circle Executive Committee shall consist of District Secretaries who shall be ex-
officio members and the Circle Office Bearers elected by the previous conference. In
between two circle conferences, the Circle Executive Committee shall exercise all
the powers of the Circle Conference except election of office bearers. However the
circle office bearers’ posts that have fallen vacant can be filled by the Circle
Executive Committee. The Circle Executive shall present the biennial report and
audited accounts to the Circle Conference and send the same after being adopted by
the Circle Conference, to the Central Union.

21. District Conference

(a) Composition: The District Conference shall be held once in two years. The
District Conference shall be composed by the District Office Bearers elected by
the previous conference, the Branch Secretaries of the District who shall be ex-
officio members and delegates elected by local branch conferences. The number
of delegates to be elected by the local branch shall be at the ratio of one
delegate for every 5 members and in case of Districts having membership above
one thousand, it shall be at the ratio of one delegate for every 10 members or
part there of provided the part is 5 or more. This is subject to a minimum of one
delegate for every branch.
(b) Voting Power: The voting strength of the Local Branch shall be determined on
the basis of the membership paid by all the concerned Local branches to the
District union for the two financial years preceding the conference. The delegates
from the concerned local branch shall equally share the voting strength of the
concerned Local branch. Each of the District Office Bearers and members of the
District Executive shall exercise one vote each.

22. Duties of District Conference:

(a) to elect the following office bearers:
1. One President
2. Four Vice Presidents
3. One District Secretary
4. Four Asst. District Secretaries
5. One Treasurer
6. One Assistant Treasurer
7. Seven Organising Secretaries
In case of major telecom districts where there are DGM’s / GM’s area wise, the
District Conference shall designate one Assistant District Secretary for each of the
respective areas as Area Secretary of the concerned area.

(b) To consider and adopt biennial report and account

(c) To nominate the Auditor
To consider any other item notified.

23. Composition and Powers of District Executive:

The District Executive shall consist of Local Branch Secretaries of the District who
shall be ex-officio members and the District Office Bearers elected by the District
Conference. It between two district conferences the District Executive shall exercise
all powers of the district conference except elections of office bearers. However, the
district office bearers posts fallen vacant can be filled by the District Executive
Committee. The District Executive shall present the biennial report and audited
accounts to the District Conference and sent the same, after being adopted by the
District Conference, to the Circle union.

24. Strike:
Strike of work shall be declared by the union only after failure of negotiations and
agitational programmes and also along with other trade unions on the general issues
of working class. The strike shall be declared after observing the relevant provisions
of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

25. Local Branch

(a) Conference: It shall be held every year and all the members who have cleared
their dues are eligible for participation. It shall elect the following office bearers:
1. President
2. Three Vice Presidents
3. Branch Secretary
4. Three Asst. Branch Secretaries
5. One Treasurer
6. One Asst. Treasurer
7. Five Org. Secretaries
The Branch Conference shall consider and adopt annual report and accounts and
nominate auditor.
The Branch Conference shall consider any other items notified.
(b) General Body: It shall meet as and when required and except election of office
bearers and consideration of annual report and accounts it shall exercise all the
powers of the conference. All the members of the branch are eligible to participate.

26. Financial Year

Financial Year of the Union shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

27. Duties of Office Bearers:

(a) President: He shall preside over the meetings / conferences and shall vote in
case of a tie only.
(b) Vice President: One of the Vice Presidents shall exercise the powers of the
president in his absence.
(c) General Secretary: He shall be the Chief Executive of the Union and shall be
responsible for carrying out all the instructions of Central Executive and All India
Conference and conducting the correspondence on behalf of the Union. He shall
be responsible for recording minutes of the meetings and maintaining
membership register and other Registers. He shall convene the meeting of
Central Executive and All India Conference. He shall submit all statements and
documents required to be submitted by or under the Trade Union Act, 1926.
(d) Deputy General Secretary: He shall look after the duties of the General
Secretary in his absence and also assist the General Secretary in his day to day
fu n c ti o n i n g .
(e) Assistant General Secretary: He shall assist the General Secretary and Deputy
General Secretary in their day to day functioning.
(f) Treasurer: He shall be the custodian of the funds and responsible to maintain
the accounts of the union. He shall get the accounts audited and present the
same to the managing body and the conference.
(g) Assistant Treasurer: He shall assist the Treasurer in day to day functioning and
act as the Treasurer in the absence of the latter.
(h) Organising Secretary: He shall assist the General Secretary in organizational

28. Interpretation:
Unless specifically provided for, the provisions of this constitution shall apply to other
levels mutatis mutandis to the extent of their jurisdiction. Interpretation of any
particular article of the constitution shall be made by the Central Secretariat. The
interpretation thus given shall be submitted for ratification to the Central Executive
Committee or the All India Conference, which so ever meets earlier.

29. Inspection and Audit of Accounts:

The accounts of Central Union shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant
nominated by the All India Conference. The books of accounts of the union shall be
made available for inspection by any member or officer of the union at the Central
Head Quarters of the Union during the office working hours of the Union.

30. Requisition Meetings:

(a) If the meeting of the concerned Executive Committee is not convened with in 7
days at Branch level, 14 days at District level, 30 days at Circle level and 45 days
at Central level by the concerned Chief Executive after receipt of the requisition,
the first signatory of the requisitionists can convene the meeting, provided 50% of
the Executive Committee members requisitioned the meeting. Such requisitioned
Executive Committee Meeting can be convened by the first signatory of
requisitionists after giving 7 days notice at Branch level, 14 days notice at District
level, 30 days notice at Circle level and 45 days notice at Central level.
(b) If 50% of Executive Committee and delegates requisition the conference at the
concerned level, the conference can be convened by the first signatory of the
requisitionists in the manner prescribed in article 30(a).

31. Election
(a) Elections at all levels shall be by secret ballot, in case of contest.

(b) Disputes
All disputes at Local and District levels shall be settled by the Circle Secretariat.
Appeals against the decision of the Circle Secretariat shall lie with the Circle
Executive or with the Circle Conference, which so ever is earlier. In case an appeal
is made to CHQ, the decision of the Central Secretariat shall be final.

If a dispute arises in the Circle Conference, the Central Secretariat is competent to

take a decision on it. Appeal against the decision of the Central Secretariat shall lie
with the Central Executive Committee or the All India Conference, which so ever is
e a rl i e r.

32. Amendment, Variation and Rescinding of Rules

Any rule or rules of the union may be amended, varied or rescinded by the All India
Conference with 2/3rd majority of the representatives present in the conference for
which purpose each representative shall carry one vote. A notice of the change or
changes made in the rules shall be sent to the Registrar of Trade Unions within 15
days of the meetings referred to above. The change (s) shall not have effect until the
same have been registered and certificate of registration is obtained from the
Registrar of Trade Unions.

33. Submission of Annual Returns:

According to Section 28 of the Trade Union Act, 1926, the General Secretary shall
submit the Annual Returns to Registrar of Trade Unions with in the stipulated period
as may be notified by the Appropriate Government from time to time, in the Form ‘D’.

34. Defaulter
Any member of the Union who is in arrears of subscription for three months shall not
be entitled to any benefit until arrears have been paid. Any member who is in arrears
for more than 12 months shall automatically cease to be a member and shall forfeit
his/her claim from the union.

35. Code of Discipline

The union shall abide by Code of Discipline in Industry and shall strive for making it
more democratic.

36. Jurisdiction and Scope of the Union

Jurisdiction of the Union shall be the jurisdiction of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
Scope of the union shall limit to the non-executive employees employed under the
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.

37. Dissolution of the Union

The Union shall not be dissolved except by the decision of the All India Conference
called for the purpose. The quorum of the specially convened conference shall be
2/3rd of the representatives. In case of dissolution of the Union, a notice of the
dissolution signed by seven members and by General Secretary of the Union along
with Certificate of Registration shall be sent to the Registrar of Trade Unions within
fourteen days and the dissolution shall have effect from the date of such registration.
This meeting shall also decide in what manner the funds, assets and liabilities of the
Union, if any, after dissolution shall be disposed.

(Registered under Indian Trade Union act, 1926, Regn. No. 4896)
CHQ, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 1, Patel Road, New Delhi – 110008


Name of official:




Date of entry in service:


I certify that the particulars given above are correct. I agree to abide by the
Constitution of the Union. I request that I be enrolled as a member of BSNL
Employees Union.

Place :

Date :

Signature of Applicant

Com.__________________________ of ____________________________________ is

enrolled as member of BSNL Employees Union, ________________ Branch.

Signature of Branch Secretary

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