Covidien BIS
Covidien BIS
Covidien BIS
Given the complexity of the decisions you face, it makes sense to incorporate the added security of BIS monitoring into your practice. Used in millions of procedures requiring
Using the BIS monitor has made me more of a scientist and a more perceptive clinician. It is, in short, an essential part of modern anesthesia.
IrEnE OSBOrn, MD Mt. Sinai Medical Center
anesthesia, BIS technology can provide insight into the direct and patient-specific effects of anesthesia on the brain. hOw BIS wOrkS R awEEGdataareobtainedthrougha sensorplacedonthepatientsforehead Th eBISsystemprocessestheEEG informationandcalculatesanumber between0and100thatprovidesa directmeasureofthepatientslevel
BIS InDEx rangE
analgesia,andimmobility ecauseBISmeasureselectrical B activityinthebrain,itprovidesa directcorrelationwithdepthof consciousness(hypnosis) esponsestosurgicalstimulation R arefrequentlyindicatorsoftheneed foradditionalanalgesia.These responsesareoftenmediatedinthe spinalcord ISenablesyoutoassess B consciousnessandsedation separatelyfromcardiovascular
Burst Suppression
This chart reflects a general association between clinical state and BIS values. Ranges are based on results from a multi-center study of the BIS involving the administration of specific anesthetic agents. BIS values and ranges assume that the EEG is free of artifacts that can affect its performance. Titration of anesthetics to BIS range should be dependent upon the individual goals established for each patient. These goals and associated BIS ranges may vary over time and in the context of patient status and treatment plan.
87% 43%
Researchdemonstratesthatawareness withrecalloccursin1to2patientsper 1000receivinggeneralanesthesia.2,3,4 warenessisaleadingcauseofpatient A dissatisfactionwithanesthesia.5 ISistheonlyconsciousnessmonitoring B technologyproveninrigorousprospective clinicalstudiestohelpcliniciansreduce theincidenceofawarenesswithrecallin adultsbyapproximately80%.
0,000to40,000casesofawareness 2 withrecalloccureachyearintheUS. ISmonitoringmayplayarolein B helpinghealthcareorganizationsaddress therecommendationsproposedinthe JCAHOSentinelEventAlert2onpreventingandmanagingtheimpactof anesthesiaawareness. BIS MOnITOrIng anD ShOrTEr paCu STayS BIS-monitored patients have been shown to be eligible for PACU discharge 32% sooner.
BIS Titrated
Faster discharge from PACU10
32% 132
Standard Practice BIS Tricated
Multiple prospective randomized studies have measured the influence of BIS-guided anesthesia care compared to standard practice. Studies have shown reductions in the use of hypnotic anesthetics when anesthetics are titrated to the BIS index.
2 cases
.25% 0%
2 cases BIS-guided protocol n = 967 Expected Incidence of Awareness in High Risk Patients
2 cases ETAG protocol n = 974
2 cases
23% 964
BIS is an invaluable teaching toolit equips my students with the information they need to determine when they can safely titrate back their anesthetic. The added confidence that BIS provides has a significant impact on the quality and efficiency of the anesthesia they administer.
JoHn odonnELL, CRnA University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
wIDELy STuDIED, wIDELy aCCEpTED, wIDELy InTEgraTED BIStechnologyis upportedbythousandsofpublished S articlesandabstracts vailableextensivelythroughoutEurope, A Asia,Australia,andtheAmericas icensedforintegrationintothe L patientmonitoringsystemsofleading manufacturers
BIS IS rEaDy whEn yOu arE YoucannowaccessthefullbenefitsofBIStechnologywithBISx,adevicethatallows youtointerfacewithanyBISReadypatientmonitoringsystem.SimplyplugBISxinto aBISReadysystemandBISinformationisdisplayedalongwithothervitalsigns.* BISxintegrateswithsystemsinvirtuallyeveryhealthcareenvironment,fromhigh-end systemsinORsandintensivecareunits(ICU)topreconfiguredsystemsinambulatory surgerycentersorproceduralsedationlocations.BISxalsoprovidestheflexibilityto travelwiththepatientthroughoutthehospital(requirescompatiblebrand/connectors onpatientmonitoringsystems).
*Available in select monitors.
BISoffersyouaddedsecurityinproviding specializedcareandcomfortforyour patients,includingthosewhomaybe moresensitivetothehemodynamic effectsofanesthesia. BISprovidesvaluableinformationabout thestatusofyourpatientstohelpaddress theiruniqueanestheticrequirements. Thismaybeparticularlyvaluablefor: atientswithcomplexconditionswhose P statusmaysuddenlyorfrequentlychange atientswithcardiovascularconditions P besepatients O raumapatientsorothersrequiring T reducedlevelsofanesthesia
ThE BIS FaMILy OF SEnSOrS The family of BIS sensors includes eQuatroSensorforadultpatientsundergoinggeneralanesthesiaorsedation Th eExtendSensorforadultpatientsmonitoredforalongperiodoftime,suchas Th thoseintheICU ePediatricSensorforsmallerpatients Th eBilateralSensortoenabledetectionofhemisphericdifferencesinthebrainwhich Th mayproveusefulforadvancedmonitoringapplications*
*Bilateral hardware required. Hardware includes BISx4 and PIC-4 cable.
BIS quaTrO
references: 1. dershwitz M. Should we measure depth of anesthesia? Semin Anesth Perioper Med Pain. 2001;20:246-256. 2. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare organizations: Preventing, and managing the impact of, anesthesia awareness. Sentinel Event Alert. oct 6, 2004;(32):1-3. 3. Practice Advisory for Intraoperative Awareness and Brain Function Monitoring: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Intraoperative Awareness. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:847-64. 4. Sebel PS, Bowdle TA, Ghoneim MM, et al. The incidence of awareness during anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study. Anesth Analg. 2004;99:833-839. 5. Myles PS, Williams dL, Hendrata M, et al. Patient satisfaction after anaesthesia and surgery: results of a prospective survey of 10,811 patients. Br J Anaesth. 2000;84:6-10. 6. Myles PS, Leslie K, Mcneil J, et al. Bispectral Index monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: the B-Aware randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2004;363:1757-1763. 7. Avidan M, et al. The new England Journal of Medicine. 2008; 358:1097-108. 8. Ekman A, Lindholm ML, Lennmarken C, et al. Reduction in the incidence of awareness using BIS monitoring. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004;48:20-26. 9. Gan TJ, Glass PS, Windsor A, et al. Bispectral Index monitoring allows faster emergence and improved recovery from propofol, alfentanil, and nitrous oxide anesthesia. BIS Utility Study Group. Anesthesiology. 1997;87:808-815. 10. White PF, Ma H, Tang J, et al. does the use of electroencephalographic Bispectral Index or auditory evoked potential index monitoring facilitate recovery after desflurane anesthesia in the ambulatory setting? Anesthesiology. 2004;100:811-817. 11. Wong J, Song d, Blanshard H, et al. Titration of isoflurane using BIS Index improves early recovery of elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries. Can J Anaesth. 2002;49:13-18. 12. Luginbuhl M, Wuthrich S, Petersen-Felix S, et al. different benefit of Bispectral Index (BIS) in desflurane and propofol anesthesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2003;47:165-173 13. Punjasawadwong y, Boonjeungmonkol n, and Phongchiewboon A. Bispectral Index for Improving Anaesthetic delivery and Postoperative Recovery. Cochrane database of Systematic Reviews, 2007; 17(4): Cd003843. 14. Burrow B, McKenzie B, Case C. do anaesthetized patients recover better after Bispectral Index monitoring? Anaesth Intensive Care. 2001;29:239-245.
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