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The Biblical Passover Haggadha

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This Haggadha is dedicated,

to all those who have suffered oppression and persecution in the name of the Tora.

Compiled, arranged, and translated by Hakham Meir Yosef Rekhavi. Biblical text based on the Karaite
Aharon ben Asher's Masoretic text. Hebrew edited by Hakham Nehemia Gordon. Typesetting by Ivan
Labombarbe. This work was partly based on previous Karaite Haggadhoth arranged by the ancient
Karaite Sages. To learn more, visit http://www.karaite-korner.org/rekhavi/ or write to: World Karaite
Movement, POB 7816, Jerusalem, Israel.


2001 by World Karaite Movement, All rights reserved.

This work may be reproduced unaltered for personal non-commercial use.





Pesah (Passover) is the oldest of the Biblical holidays. We can trace our birth as a
nation back to that dark, foreboding night, our last in Egypt (Exodus 12). On Pesah
Night, Israel as a nation stepped out onto the stage of world history. On Pesah Israel
passed from the dark winter of bondage to the springtime of nationhood and to the
freedom of YHWH's Tora. The service of that first Pesah Night took place on the very
night that the tenth plague befell the Egyptians, the end of the fourteenth day of the
first month and the beginning of the fifteenth day.
The Pesah Sacrifice, like all other sacrifices, could not be offered anywhere one
liked, but only at the Temple in Jerusalem, "You shall not be allowed to slaughter the
Pesah [Passover] within one of your gates, which YHWH your God gives to you. But
to the place that YHWH your God shall choose to have his name dwell, there you
shall slaughter the Pesah [Passover]" (Deut. 16:5-6) Today the Temple no longer
exists, and sacrifices can no longer be brought, but we wait in patience for our
glorious redemption and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, "And it shall be in
the last days, the mountain of YHWH's house he will establish, it shall be at the head
of the mountains and he will lift it above the hills and all the nations shall flow to it."
(Isa. 2:2) The Pesah Sacrifice was distinctly Israelite, no non-Israelite being allowed
to partake unless he first submitted to circumcision and thereby embraced the
Biblical faith and identified himself with the people hood and destiny of Israel, "And if
a sojourner shall sojourn with you, and shall make the Pesah [Passover] to YHWH,
circumcise him (and) all (his) males, and then he shall come near to make it and he
shall be a citizen of the land, and all uncircumcised-males shall not eat of it." (Ex.
12:48) Five days prior, each family group set aside for themselves an unblemished
sheep to the house of the fathers a sheep for a house." (Ex. 12:3), "A perfect sheep,
a male a year old it shall be for you, from the sheep and from the goats you shall take
it." (Ex. 12:5) On the night of the fourteenth at twilight, when the fourteenth of the
month passed onto the fifteenth, the lamb was slaughtered, "And it shall be for you
for safekeeping, until the fourteenth day of this month, and they shall slaughter it, all
the assembly of the Community of Yisrael at twilight." (Ex. 12:6) The lamb was
roasted whole over a fire and to be eaten in a state of purity, together with
unleavened bread and bitter herbs, "And they shall eat the meat on this night,
roasted with fire and unleavened bread, with bitter herbs they shall eat it." (Ex. 12:8),
not one bone of the lamb was to be broken and none of the meat was to be taken
outside "You shall not take out from the house, from the meat outside and you shall
not break a bone of it." (Ex. 12:46). None of the meat was to remain until morning
and what meat did remain was burnt, "And you shall not let any of it remain until the
morning, and the remainder of it until the morning, in fire you shall burn." (Ex. 12:10)
The slavery in Egypt and the redemption from that bondage are told in the early
chapters of the Book of Exodus, which relate to YHWH's promises and deeds in
connection with our redemption, and it is from those chapters that the majority of the
material for this Haggadha is drawn. The name Haggadha comes from the Hebrew
word meaning to tell or to relate and this is the very function of the Haggadha, to
relate the events of the Exodus, "And in order that you may tell in the ears of your
son and of your son's son, that I acted severely in Misrayim, and my signs that I have
placed upon them; that you may know that I am YHWH." (Ex. 10:2) "And you shall
keep this thing for a law for you and for your sons forever. And it shall be when you
shall come to the land, which YHWH shall give to you, as he has spoken, and you
shall keep this service. And it shall be when your children shall say to you, 'What is

Biblical Passover Haggadha

this service to you?' And you shall say, 'It is the slaughter-offering of Pesah
[Passover] to YHWH, who passed over the houses of the Children of Yisrael in
12:24-27) The Haggadha is read during the Sedher, a word which means order, by
the head of the family and by any others at the Sedher table who wish to participate
in its reading. Various sections of the Haggadha can be allocated out to those who
wish to participate in its reading. Ideally it is read in Hebrew, but if the Hebrew is not
understood by those gathered round the Sedher table then a translation should be
read along with it, for the whole concept of this night is to hear and understand the
miracles and wonders that YHWH did on our behalf in Egypt. This is a service
dedicated to YHWH, whose deliverance of us from bondage was an expression of his
love for his chosen people. The children are the pride of place at the Sedher table
and the children's interests are to be stimulated and their curiosities are to be
aroused. The whole of the Sedher has an educational air to it, for it is the duty of the
head of the family to recount the story of the Exodus from Egypt and to explain its
significance to the children and adults alike. We were born in slavery, a fact that
exerts a sobering influence and places the attainment of any subsequent glory into
correct perspective, and a fact that teaches humility. More than anything else, Pesah
Night expresses this one fact: YHWH did it. On Pesah Night the story of the Exodus
is retold afresh as if we, on that very night, are the ones being brought out from the
Egyptian bondage, for we also long for true freedom. True freedom is not just the
negation of slavery, in what ever form it manifests itself, but the willing acceptance of
a higher discipline. We were redeemed with a purpose, to serve YHWH and to keep
his Tora. Israel attained complete and true freedom at Sinai when we willingly
accepted the discipline demanded by the Tora. We were released from subjection to
an earthly master in order to prove our worth as a chosen people prepared to serve
YHWH. The truth has therefore been impressed upon us: there is no absolute
freedom! Only a choice of masters, we can serve YHWH and be free, or else serve
man and be enslaved. This ultimate desire for true freedom is expressed in the last
pages of the Haggadha where the divine promise of the future redemption is
After the reading of the Haggadha a festive meal is served to commemorate the first
Pesah. Along with the meal other foods are eaten to remind us of that first Pesah,
unleavened bread, known as massa. Massa is also called the "bread of
poverty/affliction" (Deut. 16:3), for it is there to remind us of the poverty physically,
social and spiritually that we suffered in Egypt. It is therefore preferable to use a
simple massa, one that does not contain eggs or fruit juice, is required for this
occasion. There are also a number of Karaite customs associated with the Sedher.
Bitter herbs, like watercress and endive, to remind us of the bitterness that our
ancestors suffered in Egypt and unfermented wine made from raisins that are soaked
and the juice extracted, now a days by liquidising the raisins after soaking them and
then filtering out the juice from the pulp, to symbolise the joy of our redemption by the
hand of YHWH. Roasted lamb, to remind us of the Pesah Sacrifice that was made on
that first Pesah and offered up in the Temple at Jerusalem on subsequent Pesahs
since, but since the destruction of the Temple no sacrifices can be offered, so the
roasted lamb is a pale reminder of what once was.
From the fifteenth of the first month to the twenty-first of the same month is the Feast
of Unleavened Bread or a better translation from the Hebrew Hagh Hammassoth is
the Pilgrimage-Festival of Unleavened Bread, "In the first (month), on the fourteenth
day of the month at evening, you shall eat massoth [unleavened bread], until the
twenty-first day of the month at evening." (Ex. 12:18). Strictly speaking Pesah refers
to the Pesah Sacrifice as in the verse, "In the first month on the fourteenth day of the

month at twilight, is Pesah to YHWH. And on the fifteenth day of this month,
Pilgrimage Festival of Massoth [Unleavened Bread] to YHWH." (Lev. 23:5-6). The
first and last days being holy, no manner of work is permitted on them apart from the
cooking of food, "And on the first day a holy proclamation, and on the seventh day a
holy proclamation shall there be to you, all vocation you shall not do on them, only
that which every soul/life force must eat that alone may be done by you." (Ex. 12:16),
and for the seven days of this festival massa is to be eaten along with every meal,
"Seven days you shall eat massoth [unleavened bread]" (Ex. 12:15).
Before the commencement of the festival all traces of leaven are to be removed from
one's property. The Tora states that there are two kinds of leaven, soor (pronounced
so-or) and hames. The definition of soor is a leavening or fermenting agent that is an
inedible substance, such as yeast, that induces fermentation. Hames comes from the
Hebrew word meaning sour as is therefore any edible food that has gone through a
souring process, in other words a substance that has fermented. This includes such
foodstuffs as vinegar, which is fermented as can be testified by its name in Hebrew
"homes" a derivative from the word hames, sour milk, cheeses and yoghurts, for all
cheeses and yoghurts have gone through a fermentation process, breakfast cereals,
preserves containing starch or flour, pastas and the likes, beers and all alcoholic
drinks including wines, for to produce alcohol fermentation has to occur. In the case
of soor the Tora demands that it be utterly destroyed so that it will be neither seen
nor found, "And there shall not be seen with you leaven [soor] in all your borders
seven days." (Deut. 16:4), "On the first day you are to get rid of leaven [soor] from
your houses" (Ex. 12:15). Hames, on the other hand is forbidden to be seen during
the days of Hagh Hammassoth, but not necessarily destroyed, "Nothing
fermented/soured [hames] is to be seen with you," (Ex. 13:7) and is not to be eaten
during the seven days of Hagh Hammassoth as is written, "You shall not eat it with
anything fermented/soured [hames]" (Deut. 16:3), "For anyone who eats what is
fermented/soured [hames], from the first day and until the seventh day, that soul/life
force shall be cut off from Yisrael." (Ex. 12:15). As well as removing from one's
property foods that are hames or contain hames, no matter how small a quantity, the
home and all property should be thoroughly cleaned and all cutlery, crockery, and
cooking implements should also be thoroughly cleaned to remove all traces of soor
and hames. Items such as eye makeup and face makeup that contain a small
amount of hames or bread and biscuit that have spoiled and have changed their
nature by being turned into something resembling dust need not be removed.
May you all have a kasher and peaceful Pesah and Hagh Hammassoth. May you all
find the true freedom of YHWH and his Tora.
Hakham Meir Yosef Rekhavi

Biblical Passover Haggadha

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Praise you Yah, praise you the name of
YHWH; praise you servants of YHWH that
stand in the house of YHWH, in the courts
of the house of our God. Praise you Yah,
for YHWH is good; sing you to his name;
for it is pleasant. For Yah has chosen
Ya'akov to himself, Yisrael for his
treasured possession. For I know that
YHWH is great and he is our Lord from all
gods. All that YHWH desires he has done
in heaven and in earth, in the seas and all
deep places. He makes vapours ascend
from the end of the earth; he makes
lightning for the rain; he brings wind out of
his treasuries. He that smote the first-born
of Misrayim, from man until beast, sent
signs and marvels into the midst of you
Misrayim, upon Par'o and upon all his
servants. He that smote great nations and
slew mighty kings, Sihon king of the Emori,
and 'Ogh king of Bashan and all the
kingdoms of Kena'an, and gave their land
for a heritage, a heritage to Yisrael his
people. YHWH, your name endures
forever; YHWH, your remembrance from
generation to generation. For YHWH will
judge his people, and upon his servants he
will be for comfort. The idols of the nations,
silver and gold, are the work of the hands
of men. They have mouths, but they do not
speak; they have eyes, but they do not
see. They have ears, but they do not hear;
nor is there any breath in their mouths.
They that make them, may they be like
them: all that trust in them. House of
Yisrael, bless YHWH: House of Aharon,
bless YHWH: House of Lewi, bless YHWH:
you that revere YHWH, bless YHWH.
Blessed be YHWH out of Siyyon, who
dwells at Yerushalem. Praise you Yah.
(Psalm 135)
When your son asks you on the morrow,
saying, "What (mean) the testimonies and
the laws and the judgements that YHWH
our God has commanded you?" Then you
shall say to your son, "Slaves we were to
Par'o in Misrayim; and YHWH took us out












from Misrayim with a strong hand. And
YHWH placed signs and marvels, great
and evil, on Misrayim, on Par'o and upon
all his household, before our eyes. And he
took us out from there, in order to bring us,
to give us the land that he swore to our
fathers. And YHWH commanded us to do
all these laws, to revere YHWH our God,
for our good all the days, to keep us alive,
as it is this day. And righteousness it will
be for us, if we keep to do all this
commandment before YHWH our God, as
he commanded us." (Deut. 6:20-25)






And in order that you may tell in the ears of

your son and of your son's son, that I acted
severely in Misrayim, and my signs that I
have placed upon them; that you may
know that I am YHWH. (Ex. 10:2)



Which we have heard and known, and our

fathers have told us. We will not deny it
from their children, telling to the last
generation the praises of YHWH, and his
might, and his wonders that he did. (Psalm



You are he, YHWH the God, who chose

Avram, and took him from Ur of the
Kasdim, and gave him the name of
Avraham. And found his heart faithful
before you, and cut a covenant with him to
give the land of the Kena'ani, the Hitti, the
Emori, and the Perizzi, and the Yevusi,
and the Girgashi, to give it to his seed, and
you kept your words, for you are righteous.
And did see the affliction of our fathers in
Misrayim, and heard their cry by the Sea of
Reeds. And placed signs and marvels
upon Par'o and on all his servants and on
all the people of his land: for you knew that
they acted insolently toward them. And you
made for yourself a name, as it is this day.
(Neh. 9:7-10)



























Biblical Passover Haggadha

And he said to Avram, "Know, you shall

know that your seed shall be a sojourners
in a land not theirs, and they will place
them in servitude and afflict them four
hundred years. And also the nation to
which they are in servitude, will I judge:
and after that they shall go out with great
property." (Gen. 15:13-14)



And Yisrael came (into) Misrayim and

Ya'akov sojourned in the Land of Ham.
And he made his people very fruitful; and
he made them mightier than their foes. He
turned their heart to hate his people, to
deal deceitfully with his servants. (Psalm























And there arose a new king over Misrayim,

who knew not Yosef. And he said to his
people, "Here is (this) people, the Children
of Yisrael, many more and mightier than
we. Come, let us deal wisely with him, lest
he become many more, and it shall be,
when war should chance, he too be added
to our enemies, and make war upon us
and go up from the land." So they placed
over him chiefs of forced labour in order to
afflict him with their burdens. And he built
storage cities for Par'o, Pithom and
Ra'amses. But as they afflicted him, so did
he become many more, so did he burst
forth. And they felt dread before the
Children of Yisrael. (Ex. 1:8-12)







And Misrayim made the Children of Yisrael

serve with rigor. And they embittered their
lives with hard labour, in clay and in brick
and in all manner of labour in the field: all
their labour in which they made them
serve, was with rigor. (Ex. 1:13-14)



















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And the king of Misrayim spoke to the 'Ivri
women's midwives, of which the name of
one was Shifra, and the name of the
second Pu'a. And he said, "When you help
the 'Ivri women give birth, and see them
upon the two stones; if he be a son, you
shall put him to death; but if she be a
daughter, she shall live." But the midwives
revered God, and did not do as the king of
Misrayim spoke to them, and let the
male-children live. And the king of
Misrayim called for the midwives and said
to them, "Why have you done this thing,
and let the male-children live?" And the
midwives said to Par'o, "Because the 'Ivri
women are not like the Misri women: for
they are lively, before the midwife comes
to them they have given birth." And God
dealt well with the midwives: and the
people became many, and became very
mighty. And it came to pass, because the
midwives revered God, that he made for
them houses. (Ex. 1:15-21)








commanded all his people, saying, "Every
son that is born you shall cast into the Nile,
and every daughter you shall let live." (Ex.







ERUQ And there went a
man from the House of Lewi and took (to
wife) a daughter of Lewi. And the woman
became pregnant and bore a son: and
when she saw him that he was goodly, she
hid him three moons [months]. And when
she was no longer able to hide him, she
took for him an ark of papyrus and covered
it with clay and with pitch, and she put the
child in it and put it in the reeds by the
shore of the Nile. And his sister stationed
herself afar off, to know what would be
done to him. (Ex. 2:1-4)

And Par'o's daughter went down to bathe

at the Nile, and her maidens were walking
by the Nile: she saw the ark among the
reeds and sent her maid, and she fetched
it. And she opened it and saw him, the
child: and behold, a boy weeping! And she
had compassion on him, and said, "This is
one of the 'Ivri's children". Then said his

















Biblical Passover Haggadha

sister to Par'o's daughter, "Shall I go, and

call for you a nursing woman from the 'Ivri
women, that she may nurse the child for
you?" And Par'o's daughter said to her,
"Go!" And the maid went and called the
child's mother. And Par'o's daughter said
to her, "Have this child go with you and
nurse him for me, and I will give you your
wages." And the woman took the child and
nursed him. And the child grew, and she
brought him to Par'o's daughter, and he
became her son. And she called his name
Moshe: and she said, "Because from the
waters I drew him out". (Ex. 2:5-10)
And it came to pass in those days, when
Moshe was grown, that he went out to his
brothers, and saw their burdens: and he
saw a Misri man striking an 'Ivri man, one
of his brothers. And he turned this way and
that way, and when he saw that there was
no man, he struck the Misri, and hid him in
the sand. And when he went out the
second day, behold, two 'Ivri men scuffling!
And he said to the guilty one, "For what
(reason) do you strike your fellow?" And he
said, "Who put you as a prince and a judge
over us? Do you say, that you mean to kill
me, as you killed the Misri?" And Moshe
became afraid, and said, "Surely this thing
is known". Par'o heard this thing, and
sought to kill Moshe. But Moshe fled from
the face of Par'o, and settled in the Land of
Midhyan. (Ex. 2:11-15)





















And Moshe was willing to settle with the

man, and he gave Sippora his daughter to
Moshe. (Ex. 2:21)


And it came to pass after these many

days, the king of Misrayim died: and the
Children of Yisrael groaned from the
servitude, and they cried out; and their cry
for help ascended to God, from the
servitude. And God heard their moaning,
and God remembered his covenant with
Avraham, with Yishak, and with Ya'akov.
And God saw the Children of Yisrael, and
God knew. (Ex. 2:23-25)






Now Moshe was a shepherd of the flock of
Yithro his father-in-law, priest of Midhyan:
and he led the flock behind the wilderness,
and he came to the Mountain of God, to
Horev. And YHWH's messenger was seen
by him in a flame of fire from the midst of a
bush: and he saw, and behold, the bush
burned with fire, and the bush was not
consumed. And Moshe said, "Please, I will
turn aside, and I will see this great sight,
why the bush does not burn up!" When
YHWH saw that he had turned aside to
see, God called to him from the midst of
the bush, and said, "Moshe, Moshe". And
he said, "Here I am". And he said, "Do not
come near hither, put off your shoe from
your foot, for the place on which you stand
is holy ground." And he said, "I am the God
of your father, the God of Avraham, the
God of Yishak, and the God of Ya'akov."
And Moshe hid his face, for he was afraid
to gaze upon God. (Ex. 3:1-6)









And YHWH said, "Seen, I have seen the

affliction of my people that is in Misrayim,
and their cry I have heard because of their
slave-drivers; for I know his suffering. And I
have come down to rescue him from the
hand of Misrayim, and to bring him up from
that land, to a land good and wide, to a
land flowing with milk and honey, to the
place of the Kena'ani, and the Hitti, and the
Emori, and the Perizzi, and the Hiwwi, and
the Yevusi." (Ex. 3:7-8)




"And now go, and I will send you to Par'o,

and bring out my people the Children of
Yisrael from Misrayim." (Ex. 3:10)



And Moshe said to God, "Who am I, that I

should go to Par'o, and that I should bring
out the Children of Yisrael from Misrayim?"
And he said, "Indeed, I will be with you,
and this is the sign for you, that I myself
have sent you: When you have brought out
the people from Misrayim, you shall serve
God upon this mountain." (Ex. 3:11-12)
And Moshe said to God, "Here, I will come
to the Children of Yisrael and I will say to
them: The God of your fathers has sent me
to you; and they will say to me: What is his



Biblical Passover Haggadha

name? What shall I say to them?" And God

said to Moshe, "I WILL BE THAT I WILL
BE." And he said, "Thus shall you say to
the Children of Yisrael, I WILL BE has sent
me to you." And God said still more to
Moshe, "Thus shall you say to the Children
of Yisrael, YHWH the God of your fathers,
the God of Avraham, the God of Yishak,
and the God of Ya'akov, has sent me to
you: this is my name forever and this is my
memorial (from) generation to generation".
(Ex. 3:13-15)






"And I know that the king of Misrayim will

not let you go, and not by a strong hand.
And I will send out my hand and I will strike
Misrayim with all my wonders that I will do
in its midst: and after that he will send you
out." (Ex. 3:19-20)



And YHWH said to Moshe, "When you go

to return to Misrayim, see, all the marvels
that I have put in your hand you shall do
them before Par'o, but I will strengthen his
heart, and he will not send out the people.
And you shall say to Par'o: 'Thus says
YHWH: My son, my first-born, is Yisrael.
And I say to you: Send out my son, that he
may serve me, and if you shall refuse to
send him out, here, I will kill your son, your
first-born!'" (Ex. 4:21-23)





For I brought you up from the Land of

Misrayim, and from the house of slavery I
redeemed you and I sent before you
Moshe, Aharon, and Miryam. (Mic. 6:4)


He sent Moshe his servant and Aharon

whom he had chosen. They put his signs
among them, and marvels in the Land of
Ham. (Psalm 105:26-27)


And afterward Moshe and Aharon came

and they said to Par'o, "Thus says YHWH
the God of Yisrael: Send out my people,
that they may hold a pilgrimage festival to
me in the wilderness." And Par'o said,
"Who is YHWH, that I should hearken to
his voice to send out Yisrael? I know not
YHWH and also Yisrael I will not send out".
And they said, "The God of the 'Ivrim has
called to us: please let us go a three days'
journey into the wilderness and let us




slaughter-offer to YHWH our God, lest he
strike us with the pestilence or with the
sword." And the king of Misrayim said to
them, "For what (reason), Moshe and
Aharon, do you disturb the people from
their works? Go to your burdens." And
Par'o said, "Here, the people of the land
are now many, and you would have them
rest from their burdens." (Ex 5:1-5)
And Par'o commanded on the same day,
the taskmasters of the people and their
overseers, saying, "You are no longer to
give straw to the people to make the
bricks, as yesterday (and the) day-before;
they are to go and gather straw for
themselves. And the quantity of the bricks,
which they made yesterday (and the)
day-before, you shall place upon them, you
shall not diminish from it, for they are lax,
therefore they cry, saying, 'Let us go, let us
slaughter-offerings to our God.' Let the
labour be heavy upon the men, and they
shall do it and they shall not have regard
for lying words." (Ex 5:6-9)










And the taskmasters of the people and

their overseers went out, and they said to
the people, saying, "Thus says Par'o, I will
not give to you straw. Go you, take for
yourselves straw from wherever you can
find (it), yet nothing of your labour shall be
diminished." And the people scattered
throughout the Land of Misrayim, to gather
stubble for straw. And the taskmasters
pressed them, saying, "Accomplish your
works, the day's tasks in its day, as when
there was the straw." And they were
beaten the overseers of the Children of
Yisrael, which Par'o's taskmasters had
placed over them, saying, "Why have you
not accomplished your legal requirements
for making bricks, as yesterday (and the)
day-before, so yesterday so today?" (Ex.









And the overseers of the Children of

Yisrael came and they cried to Par'o,
saying, "For what (reason) do you do thus
to your servants? There is no straw given
to your servants, and bricks they say to us,
'Make!' and here, your servants are beaten
and the guilt is your people's." And he said,




Biblical Passover Haggadha

"You are lax, lax, therefore you say, 'Let us

go, let us slaughter-offerings to YHWH.'
And now go and work, and straw will not
be given to you, and the full-measure of
bricks you shall give." (Ex. 5:15-18)


And the overseers of the Children of

Yisrael saw that they were in an evil case,
saying, "You shall not diminish from your
bricks, the day's tasks in its day." And they
encountered Moshe and Aharon, stationed
to encounter them, as they came out from
Par'o. And they said to them, "May YHWH
see you, and judge, for you have made our
smell stink in the eyes of Par'o and in the
eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their
hands to kill us!" And Moshe returned to
YHWH, and said, "Lord, for what (reason)
have you brought evil on this people? For
what (reason) is it that you have sent me?
For since I came to Par'o to speak in your
name, he has done evil to this people, and
rescue, you have not rescued your
people." (Ex. 5:19-23)






And YHWH said to Moshe, "Now you shall

see what I will do to Par'o, for with a strong
hand he shall send them out, and with a
strong hand he shall drive them out from
his land." (Ex. 6:1)


And God spoke to Moshe, and said to him,

"I am YHWH. And I appeared to Avraham,
to Yishak and to Ya'akov as El Shaddai,
but (by) my name YHWH I was not known
to them. And also I established my
covenant with them, to give to them the
Land of Kena'an, the land of their
sojourning, in which they sojourned. And
also I have heard the groaning of the
Children of Yisrael, whom Misrayim is
keeping in servitude, and I have
remembered my covenant. Therefore say
to the Children of Yisrael, I am YHWH, and
I will bring you out from under the burdens
of Misrayim, and I will rescue you from
servitude to them, and I will redeem you
with an outstretched arm, and with great
judgements. And I will take you to me for a
people, and I will be to you for a God, and
you shall know that I am YHWH your God,
who brings you out from under the burdens
of Misrayim. And I will bring you to the
land, which I took up my hand (in an oath)









to give it to Avraham, to Yishak and to
Ya'akov, and I will give it to you as an
inheritance, I am YHWH." And Moshe
spoke thus to the Children of Yisrael, and
they did not hearken to Moshe, from
shortness of spirit and from hard servitude.
(Ex. 6:2-9)



And YHWH said to Moshe, "I will harden

Par'o's heart, and I will make many my
signs and my marvels in the Land of
Misrayim. But Par'o shall not hearken to
you, and I will place my hand on Misrayim,
and I will bring out my hosts, my people
the Children of Yisrael, from the Land of
Misrayim, by great judgements. And
Misrayim will know that I am YHWH, when
I stretch out my hand upon Misrayim, and I
will bring out the Children of Yisrael from
among them." (Ex. 7:1,3-5)







And YHWH said to Moshe and to Aharon,

saying. "When Par'o shall speak to you,
saying, 'Give for you a marvel,' then you
shall say to Aharon, 'Take your staff and
cast it down before Par'o, and it shall
become a serpent'". And Moshe and
Aharon came in to Par'o, and they did thus,
as YHWH had commanded, and Aharon
cast down his rod before Par'o and before
his servants, and it became a serpent. And
Par'o also called for the wise men and for
the wizards, and they also did thus them
with the occult-knowledge of Misrayim with
their mysteries. And they cast down
(every) man his staff, and they became
serpents, and Aharon's staff swallowed up
their staffs. And he hardened Par'o's heart,
and he did not hearken to them as YHWH
had spoken. (Ex. 7:8-13)


































YHWH said to Moshe, "Say to Aharon,
Take your staff and stretch out your hand
over the waters of Misrayim, over their
rivers over their canals and over their
ponds, and over all their bodies of water,





Biblical Passover Haggadha

and they will become blood, and there

shall be blood in all the Land of Misrayim,
and in the (vessels) of wood and in the
(vessels) of stone." And Moshe and
Aharon did thus, as YHWH commanded,
and he raised the staff and struck the
waters that were in the Nile, before the
eyes of Par'o and before the eyes of his
servants, and all the waters that were in
the Nile turned into blood. And the fish that
were in the Nile died, and the Nile stank,
and Misrayim was not able to drink water
from the Nile, and there was the blood in
all the Land of Misrayim. And they (also)
did thus those with the occult-knowledge of
Misrayim with their mysteries, and Par'o's
heart was hardened, and he did not
hearken to them as YHWH had spoken.
And Par'o turned and came into his house,
and also to this he did not pay attention.
And all Misrayim had to dig round about
the Nile, to drink water, for they were not
able to drink from the waters of the Nile.
And seven days were fulfilled, after YHWH
had struck the Nile. (Ex. 7:19-25)
YHWH said to Moshe, "Say to Aharon,
Stretch out your hand with your staff over
the rivers, over the canals and over the
ponds, and bring up the frogs upon the
Land of Misrayim." And Aharon stretched
his hand over the waters of Misrayim, and
the frogs ascended, and covered the Land
of Misrayim. And they (also) did thus those
with the occult-knowledge with their
mysteries, and they made frogs ascend
upon the Land of Misrayim. And Par'o
called for Moshe and for Aharon, and said,
"Supplicate to YHWH and he will take
away the frogs from me and from my
people, and I will send out the people, and
they shall slaughter-offer to YHWH." And
Moshe said to Par'o, "Glorify over me, for
when shall I supplicate for you and for your
servants and for your people, to cut off the
frogs from you and from your houses, (so
that) only in the Nile they shall remain?"
And he said, "For tomorrow". And he said,
"As your word! In order you shall know that
there is none like YHWH our God. And the
frogs shall depart from you and from your
houses, and from your servants and from
your people, only in the Nile they shall





















remain". And Moshe and Aharon went out
from (being) with Par'o, and Moshe cried to
YHWH about the matter of the frogs that
were placed before Par'o. And YHWH did
as the word of Moshe, and the frogs died,
from the houses from the courtyards and
from the fields. And they piled them heap
(upon) heap and the land stank. But when
Par'o saw that there was the respite, and
he made heavy his heart, and did not
hearken to them, as YHWH had spoken.
(Ex. 8:1-11)
YHWH said to Moshe, "Say to Aharon,
Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of
the land, and it will become lice in all the
Land of Misrayim". And they did so, and
Aharon stretched out his hand with his
staff, and struck the dust of the land, and
the lice were on man and on beast; all the
dust of the land became lice in all the Land
of Misrayim. And they (also) did thus those
with the occult-knowledge with their
mysteries to bring forth the lice, but they
were not able: and the lice were on man
and on beast. And those with the
occult-knowledge said to Par'o, "This is the
finger of God" and Par'o's heart was
hardened and he did not hearken to them
as YHWH had spoken. (Ex 8:12-15)













And YHWH said to Moshe, "Rise early in

the morning, and station yourself before
Par'o, here! He goes out to the water and
say to him, 'Thus says YHWH, Send out
my people and they shall serve me.
Because if you will not send out my
people, behold I will send out upon you
and upon your servants and upon your
people and upon your houses the swarms,
and the houses of Misrayim shall be full of
the swarms, and also the ground upon
which they are. And I shall make distinct in
that day the Land of Goshen, which my
people stand upon, that there shall not be
there swarms, in order you shall know, that
I am YHWH within the land. And I shall put
a ransom between my people and between
your people, for tomorrow there shall be
this sign'". And YHWH did so, and there
came a heavy swarm into Par'o's house
and the houses of his servants', and in all

















Biblical Passover Haggadha

the Land of Misrayim and the land was

ruined from before the swarm. (Ex.
And Par'o said, "I shall send you out, and
you shall slaughter-offer to YHWH your
God in the wilderness, only you shall not
go far, too far, supplicate for me". And
Moshe said, "Here, (when) I go out from
you, and I will supplicate to YHWH, and
the swarms shall depart from Par'o from
his servants and from his people tomorrow,
only let not Par'o add deception, by not
sending out the people to slaughter-offer to
YHWH". And Moshe went out from (being)
with Par'o, and supplicated to YHWH. And
YHWH did as the word of Moshe, and he
removed the swarms from Par'o from his
servants and from his people, there did not
remain one. And Par'o made his heart
heavy also at this time, and he did not
send out the people. (Ex 8:24-28)
YHWH said to Moshe, "Come to Par'o, and
speak to him, 'Thus says YHWH God of
the 'Ivrim, send out my people and they
shall serve me. For if you refuse to send
(them) out, and you still hold them. Here,
YHWH's hand shall be on your livestock
that are in the field, on the horses on the
donkeys on the camels on the cattle and
on the flock, a very heavy pestilence. And
YHWH shall make a distinction between
the livestock of Yisrael and between the
livestock of Misrayim, and there shall not
die from all of the Children of Yisrael's a
thing. And YHWH shall set an
appointed-time, saying, To-morrow YHWH
shall do this thing in the land.'" And YHWH
did that thing on the morrow, and all the
livestock of Misrayim died and from the
livestock of the Children of Yisrael not one
died. And Par'o sent out (to inquire), and
here, there had not died from the livestock
of Yisrael even one. And Par'o's heart
remained heavy, and he did not send out
the people. (Ex. 9:1-7)

YHWH said to Moshe and to Aharon,
"Take for yourselves fullness of handfuls of
soot (from) a furnace, and Moshe shall
throw it heavenward before the eyes of














Par'o. And it shall be for dust upon all the
Land of Misrayim, and it shall be upon the
human and upon the beast for boils
spreading blisters in all the Land of
Misrayim." And they took soot (from) the
furnace, and they stood before Par'o, and
Moshe threw it heavenward, and it became
boils blisters spreading on human and on
occult-knowledge were not able to stand
before Moshe, because of the boils, for the
boils were on those with occult-knowledge
and on all Misrayim. And YHWH hardened
the heart of Par'o, and did not hearken to
them as YHWH had spoken to Moshe. (Ex.
YHWH said to Moshe, "Rise early in the
morning, and station yourself before Par'o,
and say to him, 'Thus says YHWH God of
the 'Ivrim, send out my people and they
shall serve me. Because this time I will
send all my blows to your heart, and on
your servants and on your people in order
that you shall know that there is none like
me in all the land. Because now I have
sent out my hand, and I will strike you and
your people with the pestilence, and you
shall be effaced from the land. But
however, on account of this I caused you
to stand firm, for the sake of showing you
my power, and in order that (they) shall tell
my name in all the land. Still you exalt
yourself against my people, by not sending
them out. Here, I shall cause to rain down
this time to-morrow a very heavy hail,
which there has not been the like of in
Misrayim, from the day of its foundation
until now. And now send out (word) seek
refuge for your livestock and all that is
yours in the field, all the humans and the
beasts, which shall be found in the field
and have not been gathered into the
house, the hail shall descend upon them
and they shall die.'" He that revered the
word of YHWH from the servants of Par'o,
made flee his servants and his livestock
into the houses. And (he) that did not pay
attention to the word of YHWH, left his
servants and his livestock in the field. (Ex.


And YHWH said to Moshe, "Stretch out

















Biblical Passover Haggadha

your hand towards the heavens, and there

shall be hail in all the Land of Misrayim,
upon the human and upon the beasts, and
upon every herb of the field in the Land of
Misrayim." And Moshe stretched out his
staff towards the heavens, and YHWH
caused sounds and hail, and fire went
toward the earth, and YHWH caused it to
rain hail upon the Land of Misrayim. And
there was hail and fire taking hold of itself
in the midst of the hail, very heavy, which
there has not been the like of in all the
Land of Misrayim since it became a nation.
And the hail struck in all the Land of
Misrayim all that was in the field, from
human and until beast, and every herb of
the field the hail struck, and every tree of
the field was broken-down. Only in the
Land of Goshen, where the Children of
Yisrael were, there was no hail. (Ex.




And Par'o sent and called for Moshe and

Aharon, and said to them, "I have sinned
this time, YHWH is the righteous one, and I
and my people are the wicked ones.
Supplicate to YHWH for enough of there
being mighty sounds of God and hail, and I
will send you out, and you shall not
continue to stand (here)." And Moshe said
to him, "When I have gone out of the city I
will spread out my palms to YHWH; the
sounds shall cease, and the hail shall be
no more, in order that you shall know how
that the earth is YHWH's. But you and your
servants, I know that you will not yet stand
in reverence before YHWH God." (Ex.






And Moshe went out from Par'o and the

city, and spread out his palms to YHWH,
and the sounds and the hail ceased, and
the rain did not pour towards the earth.
And when Par'o saw that the rain and the
hail and the sounds had ceased, he added
to his sin, and his heart remained heavy,
he and his servants. And Par'o heart
remained hardened, and he did not send
out the Children of Yisrael, as YHWH had
spoken through Moshe. (Ex. 9:33-35)







YHWH said to Moshe, "Come to Par'o, for I
have made heavy his heart and the heart



of his servants, in order that I may put
these my signs among him. And in order
that you shall tell in the ears of your son
and of your son's son, that I acted severely
in Misrayim, and my signs that I have
placed on them, that you shall know that I
am YHWH". And Moshe and Aharon came
to Par'o, and they said to him, "Thus says
YHWH God of the 'Ivrim, 'Until when will
you refuse to humble yourself before me?
Send out my people and they shall serve
me. For if you refuse to send out my
people, here I will bring tomorrow locusts
into your border. And they shall cover the
surface of the earth, and one will not be
able to see the earth, and they shall eat
the remnant of that escaped that remains
to you from the hail, and shall eat all the
trees that sprout for you from the field. And
they shall fill your houses, and the houses
of all your servants, and the houses of all
Misrayim, which your fathers nor your
fathers' fathers have seen from the day of
their being upon the soil until this day.'"
And he turned and went out from Par'o.
(Ex. 10:1-6)










And Par'o's servants said to him, "Until

when shall this one be to us for snare?
Send out the men, and they shall serve
YHWH their God, do you not yet know that
Misrayim is lost?" (Ex. 10:7)


And YHWH said to Moshe, "Stretch out

your hand over the Land of Misrayim for
the locusts and they shall ascend upon the
Land of Misrayim, and they shall eat every
herb of the land, all that the hail has let
remain". And Moshe stretched out his staff
over the Land of Misrayim, and YHWH
drove an east wind against the land, all
that day and all that night, and when it was
morning the east wind carried the locusts.
And the locusts ascended over all the Land
of Misrayim, and they came to rest in all
the borders of Misrayim, very heavy,
before them there was no such locusts like
these, and after them there will not be
such. And they covered the surface of all
the land, and the land became dark, and
they ate every herb of the land, and all the
fruit of the trees that the hail had let
remain, and nothing remained (of) all (the)








Biblical Passover Haggadha

green on the trees and of the herbs of the

field in all the Land of Misrayim. (Ex
And quickly Par'o (had) to call for Moshe
and Aharon, and he said, "I have sinned
against YHWH your God and against you.
And now please bear my sin only this
once, and supplicate to YHWH your God,
and he shall remove from upon only this
death". And he went out from Par'o, and
supplicated to YHWH. And YHWH
reversed a very strong sea wind, and it
carried the locusts, and thrust them into
the Sea of Reeds, not one locust remained
in all the borders of Misrayim. And YHWH
hardened the heart of Par'o, and he did not
send out the Children of Yisrael. (Ex.
YHWH said to Moshe, "Stretch out your
hand towards the heavens, and there shall
be darkness over the Land of Misrayim,
and they shall feel darkness". And Moshe
stretched out his hand towards the
heavens, and there was gloomy darkness
in all the Land of Misrayim, (for) three
days. A man could not see his brother, and
a man did not rise from his place, (for)
three days, but for all the Children of
Yisrael there was light in their settlements.
(Ex. 10:21-23)

And YHWH hardened the heart of Par'o,

and he would not come to send them out.
And Par'o said to him, "Go from me! Keep
to yourself, you are not to see my face
again, for on the day you see my face you
shall die!" And Moshe said, "Yes you have
spoken, I will not see your face again". (Ex.






And YHWH said to

Moshe, "I shall bring one more plague
upon Par'o and upon Misrayim, afterwards
he will send you out from this, when he
shall completely send you out, drive out he
shall drive you out from this". (Ex. 11:1)






And Moshe said, "Thus says YHWH, 'In

the middle of the night I shall go out into















the midst of Misrayim. And all the first-born
shall die in the Land of Misrayim, from the
first-born of Par'o who sits upon his throne,
until the first-born of the maid that is
behind the millstones, and all the first-born
of beast. And there shall be a great cry in
all the Land of Misrayim that like it there
has never been, and the like of it shall not
be again. But against all the Children of
Yisrael no dog shall sharpen its tongue,
against man or against beast, in order that
you shall know that YHWH makes a
distinction between Misrayim and between
Yisrael. And all these your servants shall
go down to me, and they shall bow down
to me saying, 'Go out you and all the
people that follow after you', and after that I
will go out", and he went out from Par'o in
a blazing anger. (Ex. 11:4-8)
And YHWH said to Moshe, "Par'o shall not
hearken to you, in order that my marvels
shall be many in the Land of Misrayim."
And Moshe and Aharon had done all these
marvels before Par'o, and YHWH
hardened Par'o's heart, and he did not
send out the Children of Yisrael from his
land. (Ex. 11:9-10)










And it came to be in the middle of the

night, YHWH struck all the first-born in the
Land of Misrayim, from the first-born of
Par'o who sits upon his throne, to the
first-born of the captive that was in the
dungeon, and all the first-born of beast.
And Par'o arose (in the) night, he and all
his servants and all Misrayim, and there
was a great cry in Misrayim, for there was
not a house that there was not there one
dead. And he called for Moshe and for
Aharon (in the night), and said, "Arise go
out from among my people, even you even
the Children of Yisrael, and go serve
YHWH according to your words. Even your
flocks even your cattle take, as you have
spoken, and go! and you bless even me."
(Ex. 12:29-32)








And Misrayim pressed upon the people, to

send them out quickly from the land, for
they said, "We are all dead." And the
Children of Yisrael did according to
Moshe's word, and they asked from
Misrayim vessels of silver and vessels of





Biblical Passover Haggadha

gold and garments. And YHWH gave the

people favour in the eyes of Misrayim, and
they let themselves be asked of, and they
stripped Misrayim. (Ex. 12:33-36)


And the Children of Yisrael travelled from

Ra'meses to Sukkoth about six hundred
thousand on foot the men alone from the
little ones. And also a mixed multitude
went up with them, and flocks and cattle, a
very heavy (amount of) livestock. (Ex.



Now the settlement of the Children of

Yisrael that settled in Misrayim (was) four
hundred and thirty years. And it came to be
at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, and it was on this very same day, all
of YHWH's hosts went out from the Land of
Misrayim. (Ex. 12:40-41)



And it came to be when Par'o sent out the

people, God did not lead them The Way of
the Land of the Pelishtim, (just) because it
was near, because God said, "Lest the
people regret when they see war, and
return towards Misrayim." (Ex. 13:17)


And God led the people round The Way of

the Wilderness at the Sea of Reeds, and
the Children of Yisrael went up in groups of
fifty from the Land of Misrayim. And Moshe
took the bones of Yosef with him, for he
had made the Children of Yisrael swear,
swear saying, "God shall muster you,
muster, and you shall bring up my bones
from this (place) with you. And they
travelled from Sukkoth and encamped in
Etham at the edge of the wilderness. And
YHWH went before them, by day in a
column of cloud to lead them the way and
by night in a column of fire to give light to
them, to go by day and night. He did not
depart the column of the cloud by day, or
the column of fire by night, from before the
people. (Ex. 13:18-22)



And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying,

"Speak to the Children of Yisrael, they
shall turn back and encamp before
Pi-Hahiroth, between Mighdol and between
the sea, before Ba'al-Sefon in front of it




you shall encamp by the sea. And Par'o
will say of the Children of Yisrael, 'They are
confused in the land, the wilderness has
closed upon them.' And I shall harden
Par'o's heart, and he shall pursue after
them, and I shall be honoured in Par'o and
in all his army, and Misrayim shall know
that I am YHWH," And they did so. And it
was told to the king of Misrayim that the
people fled, and the heart of Par'o and of
his servants was turned against the
people, and they said, "What is this we
have done, when we sent Yisrael from
serving us?" And he harnessed his chariot,
and his people he took with him. And he
took six hundred chosen chariots, and all
the chariots of Misrayim, and teams of
three upon all of them. And YHWH
hardened the heart of Par'o king of
Misrayim, and he pursued after the
Children of Yisrael, and the Children of
Yisrael went out with a high hand. And
Misrayim pursued after them, and they
reached them encamped by the sea, all
the chariot-horses of Par'o and his
horsemen and his army, by Pi-Hahiroth
before Ba'al-Sefon. (Ex. 17:1-9)











And Par'o drew near, and the Children of

Yisrael lifted up their eyes, and behold
Misrayim marched after them, and they
were very afraid, and the Children of
Yisrael cried to YHWH. And they said to
Moshe, "Is it because there are no graves
in Misrayim, you have taken us to die in
the wilderness? What is this you have
done to us for taking us out from
Misrayim? Is not this the word that we
spoke to you in Misrayim, saying, 'Cease
from us, and we shall serve Misrayim, for it
is better for us serving Misrayim from our
dying in the wilderness'." And Moshe said
to the people, "You shall not fear, stand
still and see the salvation of YHWH, which
he shall do for you today, for Misrayim that
you have seen today, you shall not
continue to see them again forever. YHWH
shall fight for you, and you shall be silent."
(Ex. 17:10-14)






And YHWH said to Moshe, "Why you cry to

me? Speak to the Children of Yisrael and
they shall march (forward). And you lift up
your staff, and stretch out your hand over



Biblical Passover Haggadha

the sea and split it, and the Children of

Yisrael shall come through the midst of the
sea on the dry land. And I here I shall
harden the heart of Misrayim, and they
shall come after them, and I shall be
honoured in Par'o and in all his army, in his
chariots and in his horsemen. And
Misrayim shall know that I am YHWH,
when I become honoured in Par'o, in his
chariots and in his horsemen." (Ex.





And the angel of God marched, who went

before the camp of Yisrael, and he went
behind them, and the column of the cloud
travelled from before them, and stood
behind them. And it came between the
camp of Misrayim and between the camp
of Yisrael, and it was the cloud and the
darkness and it lit up the night, and the one
came not near the other all the night. (Ex.




And Moshe stretched out his hand over the

sea, and YHWH caused the sea to go back
with a fierce east wind all the night, and he
set the sea into dry ground, and the waters
split. And the Children of Yisrael came
through the midst of the sea on the dry
land, and the waters a wall for them, on
their right and on their left. And Misrayim
pursued and came in after them; all Par'o's
horses his chariots and his horsemen, into
the midst of the sea. And it came to be at
the morning-watch, and YHWH looked out
to the camp of Misrayim in the column of
fire and of the cloud, and threw into panic
the camp of Misrayim. And he removed the
wheels of their chariots and made them
drive with heaviness, and Misrayim said, "I
must flee from before Yisrael, since YHWH
fights for them with Misrayim." (Ex.








And YHWH said to Moshe, "Stretch out

your hand over the sea, and the waters
shall return upon Misrayim upon their
chariots and upon their horsemen." And
Moshe stretched out his hand over the
sea, and the sea returned at the turn of
morning to its perpetual-place, and
Misrayim fled towards it, and YHWH
shook-off Misrayim in the midst of the sea.
And the waters returned and they covered





the chariots and the horsemen, of all of
Par'o's army that came after them into the
sea, not even one of them did remain. And
the Children of Yisrael walked on dry land
in the midst of the sea, and the waters a
wall for them on their right and on their left.
(Ex. 17:26-29)



And YHWH saved Yisrael on that day from

the hand of Misrayim, and Yisrael saw
Misrayim dead upon the shore of the sea.
And Yisrael saw the great hand, which
YHWH did, on Misrayim, and the people
revered YHWH, and they trusted in YHWH
and in Moshe his servant. (Ex. 14:30-31)



Remember his wonders that he did his

marvels and the judgements of his mouth.
Seed of Avraham his servant Children of
Ya'akov his chosen. He is YHWH our God
in all the earth are his judgements. He
remembered forever his covenant the word
that he commanded for a thousand
generations. Which he cut with Avraham
and his oath to Yishak. And he set it for
Ya'akov for a law to Yisrael for a covenant
forever. Saying to you, "I will give the Land
of Kena'an the rope of your possession."
When they were just a few men in number
and sojourners in it. And they went from
nation to nation from one kingdom to
another people. He did not permit a human
to oppress them and he reproved kings on
account of them. You shall not touch my
anointed and my prophets you shall not
harm. (Ps. 105:5-15)










You shall speak to all the Community of

Yisrael, saying, "On the tenth (day) of this
month, they shall take to them (each) man
a sheep to the house of the fathers a
sheep for a house. And if there shall be too
few in the house for the sheep, and he
shall take (it) him and his neighbour who is
near his house, according to the
computation of souls (each) man according
to his eating you shall compute for the
sheep. A perfect sheep, a male a year old
it shall be for you, from the sheep and from
the goats you shall take it. And it shall be
for you for safekeeping, until the fourteenth
day of this month, and they shall slaughter










Biblical Passover Haggadha

it all the assembly of the Community of

Yisrael at twilight. And they shall eat the
meat on this night, roasted with fire and
unleavened bread, with bitter herbs they
shall eat it. You shall not eat any of it raw,
or cooked, cooked in water, but roasted
with fire, its head with its legs and with its
innards. And you shall not let any of it
remain until the morning, and the
remainder of it until the morning, in fire you
shall burn. And thus you shall eat it, with
your waist girded, your shoes on your feet,
and your staff in your hand and you shall
eat it in trepidation, a Pesah [Passover] it
is for YHWH. (Ex. 12:3-6,8-11)






It is a night of keeping-watch for YHWH, to

bring them out from the Land of Misrayim,
this is, it is the night of YHWH, a
keeping-watch for all the Children of
Yisrael throughout their generations. And
YHWH said to Moshe and Aharon, "This is
the law of the Pesah [Passover], any son
of a stranger shall not eat of it. And any
servant of a man purchased for silver, and
you shall circumcise him, then he shall eat
of it. A resident-settler and a hired-hand
shall not eat of it. In one house it shall be
eaten, you shall not take out from the
house, from the meat outside and you shall
not break a bone of it. All the Community
of Yisrael shall do it. And if a sojourner
shall sojourn with you, and shall make the
Pesah [Passover] to YHWH, circumcise
him (and) all (his) males, and then he shall
come near to make it and he shall be a
uncircumcised-males shall not eat of it.
One Tora [Instruction] there shall be for the
citizen, and for the sojourner that sojourns
in your midst." (Ex. 12:42-49)







And there shall not be seen with you

leaven [soor] in all your borders seven
days, and there shall not remain-overnight
(anything) from the meat, which you
slaughter in the evening on the first day till
the morning. You shall not be allowed to
slaughter the Pesah [Passover] within one
of your gates, which YHWH your God
gives to you. But to the place that YHWH
your God shall choose to have his name
dwell, there you shall slaughter the Pesah
[Passover] at evening, when the sun




comes, at the appointed-time of your going
out from Misrayim. And you shall cook (it)
and you shall eat (it) in the place that
YHWH your God shall choose, and you
shall turn in the morning, and you shall go
to your tents. (Deut. 16:4-7)


And you shall keep this thing for a law for

you and for your sons forever. And it shall
be when you shall come to the land, which
YHWH shall give to you, as he has
spoken, and you shall keep this service.
And it shall be when your children shall say
to you, "What is this service to you?" And
you shall say, "It is the slaughter-offering of
Pesah [Passover] to YHWH, who passed
over the houses of the Children of Yisrael
in Misrayim, when he fatally smote
Misrayim, and our houses he rescued."
(Ex. 12:24-27)



Let them praise YHWH for his

loving-kindness and his wonders for
human beings. (Psalm 107:8) Let them
praise your great and terrible name it is
holy. (Psalm 99:3) I will praise YHWH with
all my heart I will relate all your wonders. I
will be happy and I will rejoice in you I will
sing a hymn to your name most high.
When mine enemies are turned back they
shall stumble and they shall perish from
your presence. For you have made my
judgement and my justice you sat on the
throne of righteous judgement. You
rebuked the nations you destroyed the
wicked you wiped out their name forever
and ever. (Psalm 9:2-6) Blessed is YHWH
who has not given us as prey for their
teeth. (Psalm 124:6) Blessed is my Lord
day by day he carries us the God of our
salvation, sela. For us a God a God of
salvations and to YHWH my Lord belong
the results of death (Psalm 68:20-21)



Seek YHWH while he can be found call

him while he is near. Leave the wicked to
his way and the iniquitous man his
thoughts and let him return to YHWH and
he will have mercy on him and to our God
for he will abundantly pardon. (Isa. 55:6-7)
Then you shall call and YHWH shall
answer, you shall cry out and he shall say,
"Here I am," if you take away from your
midst the yoke, the sending of the finger






Biblical Passover Haggadha

and speaking iniquity. And you bring out

your soul to the hungry, and the afflicted
soul you shall satisfy, then your light shall
shine in the darkness and your gloom be
as the noonday. (Isa. 58:9-10)


A remnant shall return a remnant of

Ya'akov to mighty God. Even if your people
Yisrael shall be as the sand of the sea, a
remnant of them shall return, annihilation
decided overflowing with righteousness.
For complete destruction is decided, my
Lord YHWH of hosts shall make in the
midst of all the land. (Isa. 10:21-23)



And it shall be all that shall call on the

name of YHWH shall escape, for in Mount
Siyyon and in Yerushalem there shall be
those who escape as YHWH said and
among the survivors those whom YHWH
shall call. (Yoel 3:5)



In that day there shall be a shoot of YHWH

for beauty and for honour, and the fruit of
the earth for excellence and for splendour,
for the survivors of Yisrael. And it shall
come to be those that remain in Siyyon
and the residue in Yerushalem, holy shall
be said to him, all who are written for life in
Yerushalem. When my Lord shall wash
(away) the filth of the daughters of Siyyon,
and the blood of Yerushalem he shall
cleanse away from its midst in a spirit of
judgement and in a spirit of burning. And
YHWH shall create upon every dwelling
place of Mount Siyyon and upon her
places of proclamation a cloud by day and
smoke, and brightness of a flaming fire by
night, for upon all the honour a canopy.
And there shall be a booth for shade by
day from heat and for a shelter and for a
hiding place from downpour and from rain.
(Isa. 4:2-6)





And it shall be in that day my Lord will

increase his hand a second time to acquire
the remnant of his people who shall remain
from Ashshur and from Misrayim and from
Pathros and from Kush and from 'Elam and
from Shin'ar and from Hamath and from
the islands of the sea. And he shall lift a
standard to the nations and gather the
banished of Yisrael and the dispersed of
Yuhudha, he shall collect (them) from the



four corners of the earth. (Isa. 11:11-12)
"Here, the days are coming," declares
YHWH, "I will cut with the House of Yisrael
and with the House of Yuhudha a new
covenant. Not like the covenant that I cut
with their fathers in the day that I grasped
them by the hand to bring them out from
the Land of Misrayim my covenant that
they violated although I was their master,"
declares YHWH. "So this is the covenant
that I will cut with the House of Yisrael after
those days," declares YHWH, "I will place
my Tora in their innards, and upon their
hearts I will write it and I will be to them for
a God and they shall be to me for a
people. And they shall not teach again a
man his neighbour and a man his brother,
saying, 'Know YHWH,' for all of them shall
know me from the smallest of them and
until the greatest of them," declares
YHWH. (Jer. 31:31-34)



And it shall be in the last days, the

mountain of YHWH's house he will
establish, it shall be at the head of the
mountains and he will lift it above the hills
and all the nations shall flow to it. And
many people shall go and say, "Go! and
we will ascend to the Mountain of YHWH
to the house of the God of Ya'akov and he
will instruct us in his ways, and we will walk
in his paths," for from Siyyon shall go forth
Tora and the word of YHWH from
Yerushalem. And he shall judge between
the nations and shall decide for many
peoples and they shall beat their swords
into ploughshares and their spears into
pruning hooks, nation shall not lift up
sword against nation, and they shall not
learn war again. (Isa. 2:2-4)




Biblical Passover Haggadha

of Hebrew
Names in this

Spelling of


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