The Euro Interest Rate Swap Market
The Euro Interest Rate Swap Market
The Euro Interest Rate Swap Market
Philip D Wooldridge
+41 61 280 8819
The euro interest rate swap market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world. Indeed, the swap curve is emerging as the preeminent benchmark yield curve in euro financial markets, against which even some government bonds are now often referenced. However, owing to the current structure of the swap market, liquidity is not as robust to market stress as in the larger government securities and futures markets.
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the BIS.
25 20 15 10 5 0 Euro swaps
Dollar swaps
Dollar bonds
Euro loans
Yen swaps
Yen bonds
Euro equities4
Notional principal. 2 Money market instruments and bonds issued by governments and non-governments in domestic and international markets. 3 Including interbank and cross-border loans. 4 Market capitalisation of shares of domestic companies. Sources: ECB; World Federation of Exchanges; national data; BIS calculations. Graph 1
to monetary union. Differences in governments credit ratings, settlement systems, tax regimes and market conventions remain obstacles to the complete integration of euro government securities markets (ECB (2001b)). As a result, a single market for general collateral repos does not yet exist; market participants must still specify the nationality of government debt used as collateral before they conclude a repo transaction (ECB (2001a)). This complicates the use of government securities to hedge or speculate on interest rate movements. The switch to swaps was reinforced by a series of traumatic market events in the late 1990s. Events surrounding the near collapse of Long-Term Capital Management in September 1998 highlighted the risks inherent in the use of government bonds and related derivatives to hedge positions in nongovernment securities. This had been a routine strategy among dealers up until that time, albeit more so in the US dollar market than in the euro market. Squeezes in German government bond futures contracts over the 19982002 period had a similar effect. Temporary increases in the scarcity premium on euro government securities during auctions of third-generation mobile telephone licences in 2000 also made government securities less attractive for hedging and position-taking purposes. Overnight index swaps (OISs) have become especially popular hedging and positioning vehicles in euro financial markets. An OIS is a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap with a floating rate leg tied to an index of daily interbank rates. In the euro market, OISs are overwhelmingly referenced to the euro overnight index average (EONIA) rate a weighted average of interest rates contracted on unsecured overnight loans in the euro area interbank market. Trading in EONIA swaps is highly concentrated in maturities of three months or less, and EONIA swap rates are widely considered to be the pre-eminent benchmark at the short end of the euro yield curve. Banks, pension funds, insurance companies, money market mutual funds and hedge funds all make extensive use of EONIA swaps to hedge and speculate on short-term interest rate movements (ECB (2001a, 2002)). OISs are also traded in US dollars and other major currencies, but they have not gained benchmark status in these markets. The benchmark status of the euro swap curve is reflected in quoting practices for corporate bonds. These practices often depend on the credit quality of the issuer and the nationality of the investor. Euro-denominated bonds issued by investment grade borrowers are usually quoted in terms of a spread over the swap curve. For non-investment grade corporate bonds, prices are quoted in the form of outright yields. Interest rate swaps are becoming more widely used as benchmark instruments in the US dollar market too (McCauley (2001)). However, the shift is less advanced than in the euro
One significant difference between an OIS and a plain vanilla interest rate swap is that the floating rate leg of an OIS is determined and paid only at maturity. In a plain vanilla interest rate swap, the floating rate leg is determined at one settlement date and paid at the next, ie determined in advance and paid in arrears.
Euro market Interest rate swaps2, 3 Euribor futures4 German government securities5 Italian government securities French government securities US dollar market Interest rate swaps2, 6 Libor futures US government securities Yen market Interest rate swaps2 Libor futures Japanese government securities
1 3
260 ... 202 195 130 156 ... 396 28 ... 195
Trading activity in money, bond and futures markets. 2 Including interest rate forwards. LIFFE began trading euro swap futures in March 2001. 4 Data for 1998 refer to futures contracts referenced to Deutsche mark Libor, Lira Libor, Mibor, Pibor and Ribor. 5 Data on money and bond market turnover refer only to the most actively traded bonds on Euroclear and probably underestimate cash market turnover of German government bonds by a significant amount. Data on cash market turnover for 2001 refer to January 2001. 6 The Chicago Board of Trade began trading US dollar swap futures in October 2001, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and LIFFE introduced US dollar swap futures in April 2002 and July 2002, respectively. Sources: Euroclear; calculations. FOW TRADEdata; Futures Industry Association; national data; BIS Table 1
market. For example, many US investors still prefer to price dollar-denominated corporate bonds against the Treasury yield curve rather than the swap curve. Notwithstanding the growth of the euro swap market, futures contracts continue to be heavily used as hedging and positioning vehicles. Indeed, trading in euro-denominated money and bond market futures soared in the runup to and years immediately following the introduction of the single currency (Table 1). Contracts based on three-month Euribor a trimmed average of interest rates quoted for term deposits in the euro area interbank market and traded on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) are by far the most actively traded short-term interest rate futures in the euro market. Contracts based on German government securities and traded on Eurex dominate activity in longer-term euro futures.
forwards. Since 1999, the dealer-customer segment has become increasingly important (Graph 2). By end-June 2002, positions vis--vis financial customers accounted for 42% of the outstanding notional amount of euro interest rate swaps and forwards, and positions vis--vis non-financial customers a further 7%. By comparison, in the dollar swap market, positions vis--vis financial customers accounted for 41% of outstanding contracts, and positions vis--vis non-financial customers 15%. The smaller share of the dollar swap market accounted for by inter-dealer positions 45%, compared to 51% in the euro market is explained in part by greater concentration in the dollar market, which results in dealers offsetting more of their transactions internally rather than with other dealers. Even European governments have begun to use interest rate swaps to manage their risk exposures. The French government has since October 2001 3 employed swaps to shorten the average maturity of its debt. As of end-July 2002, it had written swaps totalling 61 billion in notional principal, equivalent to approximately 8% of outstanding French government debt. The German government uses swaps to lower its interest costs. At present, it is authorised to swap up to 20 billion, equivalent to about 3% of its outstanding debt. The Dutch, Italian and Spanish governments are also active in the euro swap market. The entry of governments into the interest rate swap market has tended to put a ceiling on euro swap spreads. When the spread between government yields and swap yields widens, governments find it attractive to receive fixed in the swap market. Although the range of players using swaps is increasing, the number of intermediaries is declining. Swaps are overwhelmingly traded over the counter (OTC), and so dealers are critical to the functioning of the swap market. Given
By contract type1
Forward rate agreements Interest rate swaps 30
By counterparty2
0 1998
Jun 98
Jun 99
Jun 00
Jun 01
0 Jun 02
In billions of euros.
The French government temporarily suspended its swap programme in September 2002 owing to concerns about the level and volatility of swap spreads.
customers traditional preference for dealing with high-quality counterparties, trading in OTC markets has long been dominated by a handful of better-rated dealers. In particular, the major dealers have tended to be commercial banks 4 with credit ratings of at least double-A. In recent years, intermediation in OTC markets has become even more concentrated owing to mergers and acquisitions. For example, following the merger of Chase Manhattan and JP Morgan in 2000, the combined entitys share of the global OTC interest rate derivatives market equalled approximately 25%. In the EONIA swap market, the five largest dealers accounted for 48% of all trading activity during the second quarter of 2001, and the 20 largest dealers 88% (ECB (2002)). Other segments of the euro interest rate swap market were more concentrated, with the five largest dealers accounting for 60% of turnover. The euro swap market, however, is less concentrated than the dollar market. Two banks hold nearly three quarters of all interest rate derivative contracts booked by US banks, and the five largest banks hold over 90% of outstanding contracts. Banks headquartered in the euro area are the most active dealers in the euro swap market, writing 46% of notional contracts outstanding at end-June 2002 (Table 2). Among euro area banks, German banks are the largest
BNP Paribas, Socit Gnrale, Crdit Agricole
14.7 10.6
7.1 4.0
7.3 1.2
United States
JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch
Fuji Bank, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Sumitomo Bank
17.2 26,322
17.4 26,247
10.3 12,507
Individual dealers identified had outstanding swap contracts of at least 1 billion at end-2001. Interest rate swaps and forwards. Table 2
Securities firms tend to be lower-rated than banks, typically single-A. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a number of securities firms set up triple-A derivatives subsidiaries, but these subsidiaries never captured a substantial share of the market.
dealers, with a 21% market share, followed by French banks at 15%. US banks share of the euro swap market was 35% at end-June 2002. By comparison, US banks share of the dollar swap market was 54%. Japanese banks play only a marginal role in the euro and dollar swap markets but have a 33% share of the yen market.
The pricing of interest rate swaps in general depends on the interest rate used for the floating rate leg of the contract. The yield used for the fixed rate leg is supposed to embody expectations about the future path of the floating rate for the life of the contract and the risk associated with the volatility of that rate. For euro swaps, the choice of the floating rate tends to depend on the contracts maturity. As discussed above, for short-dated swaps, EONIA is the most common basis for the floating rate leg. Euribor was commonly referenced following monetary union, but by 2000 had been superseded by EONIA at the short end of the swap curve. For longer-dated swaps, Euribor remains the key reference rate. The underlying instruments for both EONIA and Euribor are unsecured interbank deposits, and therefore these rates reflect a degree of credit risk. Indeed, most of the banks in the EONIA and Euribor contributor panels are rated double-A (BIS (2001)). The pricing convention for euro swaps is to provide quotes in terms of the yields that specify the fixed payments for the contracts. This is unlike the convention for US dollar swaps, which are typically quoted in terms of spreads over US Treasury yields. Hence, the price of a five-year euro swap might be quoted as 4%, without any reference to a government bond yield, while that of a five-year US dollar swap might be quoted as 50 basis points over the five5 year US Treasury yield. In spite of the benchmark status of euro swaps, their yields still tend to hover above the yields for the most liquid triple-A rated government bonds in a given maturity, just as dollar swap yields tend to be higher than US Treasury yields. At the 10-year maturity, for example, the fixed rate on euro swaps at end-January 2003 was about 20 basis points above the yield on the German bund (Graph 3). Swap rates are typically higher than rates on triple-A rated securities because they contain a premium for counterparty credit risk, which is often associated with the major dealers in the market. Alternatively, a deterioration in the perceived creditworthiness of the government could result in a narrowing of the spread. For example, fiscal difficulties in Germany appeared to contribute to a narrowing of the spread between euro swaps and German government bonds in 2001 and 2002 (Artus and Teiletche (2003)). In the past, a customer could mitigate counterparty risk by spreading positions across several dealers. As consolidation in the financial industry reduced the number of active swap dealers and credit ratings of the remaining
To be more precise, quoting in spreads for US dollar swaps is conventional for dealers in New York, while quoting in yields for this contract would be more typical for dealers in London.
Jan 97
Jan 99
Jan 01
Libor for three-, six- and 12-month yields; fixed rate leg of interest rate swaps for longer-term yields; in percentages. 2 Ten-year swap rate over 10-year government yield; in basis points. Sources: Bloomberg; national data; BIS calculations. Graph 3
dealers were downgraded, daily settlement and especially collateralisation became increasingly common. The widespread use of such mechanisms for mitigating counterparty risk resulted in narrower and more stable swap spreads. Nevertheless, counterparty risk can still at times unsettle the swap market. For example, credit concerns about several large US banks including major derivatives dealers caused dollar and, to a lesser extent, euro swap spreads to widen in July 2002 (BIS (2002b)). Other possible influences on swap spreads include the general level of interest rates and the slope of the yield curve. However, the economic rationale behind these factors is difficult to explain, and their relationship with spreads tends to be unstable over time. Liquidity was a concern in the past but, as discussed below, liquidity in the euro swap market is now such that yields tend not to be driven by imbalances in supply and demand.
Market liquidity
European swap markets were already quite liquid prior to monetary union, and they gained liquidity following the introduction of the single currency. The use of interest rate swaps by some market participants as hedging and positioning vehicles increased the willingness of other participants to do likewise, resulting in a self-reinforcing process whereby liquid markets become more liquid. As described in CGFS (2000), a liquid market is one where participants can rapidly execute large-volume transactions with a small impact on prices. There are at least three dimensions to market liquidity: tightness, depth and resiliency. Tightness refers to the difference between buying and selling prices. Depth relates to the size of trades possible without moving market prices. Resiliency denotes the speed with which prices return to normal following temporary order imbalances.
EONIA swaps are the most liquid segment of the euro money market ...
The available data indicate that euro swaps are one of the most liquid instruments available in euro financial markets. Indeed, EONIA swaps are the most liquid segment of the euro money market (ECB (2001a)). EONIA swaps of 2 billion are regularly traded in the inter-dealer market for maturities up to three months, and significantly larger trades are not uncommon. Bid-ask spreads are typically 1 basis point. The Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity shows that the average daily turnover of euro-denominated OTC interest rate contracts almost doubled between April 1998 and April 2001, to 231 billion (BIS (2002a)). By 2001, the turnover of euro swaps and forwards exceeded that of all interest rate products other than money market futures, US Treasuries and (probably) German government securities (Table 1). Trading in EONIA swaps appears to account for much of this growth. Beyond two years, however, the euro swap market is neither as tight nor as deep as the larger European government securities markets. Anecdotal evidence suggests that bid-ask spreads for euro swaps are wider than those for government securities: 1 basis point for inter-dealer swaps, compared to less than half a basis point for the most recently issued German government securities. Quote sizes are also smaller: approximately 100 million for fiveand 10-year swaps, compared to at least 150 million for the most recently issued German bobls and bunds. Trading activity in longer-dated swaps is a fraction of that in futures contracts on German government bonds.
... but government securities markets are more liquid at longer maturities
Moreover, liquidity in the euro swap market appears more likely to evaporate during periods of extreme volatility than liquidity in the larger government securities markets. In particular, interest rate swaps remain less liquid than they would be if they were traded on an organised exchange, where a central clearing house could act as the counterparty to all trades. Counterparty credit risk becomes of paramount concern during periods of market volatility, when uncertainty about the health of financial institutions often increases. Consequently, arrangements for dealing with counterparty risk play a major role in determining market liquidity under stress (Borio (2000)). Assuming that the soundness of the clearing house is ensured, the liquidity of instruments traded on organised exchanges tends to be more robust to stress than that of instruments traded over the counter (Borio (2000), CGFS (1999)). Steps have been taken to encourage greater centralisation in the swap market. In the early part of 2001, the London Clearing House, supported by several of the largest swap dealers, began clearing and settling interest rate swaps in all of the major currencies. At about the same time, LIFFE introduced futures contracts on two-, five- and 10-year euro swaps. However, trading of swap futures accounts for an insignificant proportion of global swap activity (Table 1). By contrast, trading of futures contracts on German government bonds accounts for the larger part of activity in the German government securities market.
Artus, P and J Teiletche (2003): Les mcanismes sous-jacents au resserrement des spreads dans la zone euro, CDC IXIS special report, January. Bank for International Settlements (2001): The changing shape of fixed income markets, in BIS Papers, no 5, Basel, October, pp 143. (2002a): Triennial central bank survey: derivatives market activity in 2001, Basel, March. foreign exchange and
(2002b): Overview: loss of confidence deepens and spreads, BIS Quarterly Review, September, pp 112. Borio, C (2000): Market liquidity and stress: selected issues and policy implications, BIS Quarterly Review, November, pp 3848. Committee on the Global Financial System (1999): A review of financial market events in autumn 1998, Basel, March. (2000): Market liquidity: research findings and selected policy
implications, Basel, March. European Central Bank (2001a): The euro money market, Frankfurt, July. (2001b): The euro bond market, Frankfurt, July. (2002): Euro money market study 2001 (MOC), Frankfurt, December. McCauley, R (2001): Benchmark tipping in the money and bond markets, BIS Quarterly Review, March, pp 3945.