Galactic Chemical Evolution and Formation of The Atmosphere
Galactic Chemical Evolution and Formation of The Atmosphere
Galactic Chemical Evolution and Formation of The Atmosphere
2, 2012
Department of Physics, Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajhat, Bandel, Hooghly 712123, India
Recent advances of the evolutionary processes that occur during all stages of the formation of stars are examined with an emphasis on the conceptual diagram of formation of a protostar in the planetary system at (a) Early stage (b) Intermediate (present) stage and (c) Final and future stage. Parameters governing the galactic evolution are focused Stellar properties associated with the evolution processes of low mass stars have been re-looked to investigate the variations at different lifetime. Relations showing the evolution of abundances and gas density as well as the contribution of the volatile components are critically considered. Finally the atmosphere of the inner planets are elaborately discussed including the hypothesis on atmospheric evolution
1. Introduction
For the development of life adequate environmental conditions are essential. A search of these conditions and early evolution of the atmosphere is important to understand the chemical path and metabolism that had been favored the development of life. Due to the Earths tectonics, the geological record during the Hadean Eon has been totally erased. As a matter of fact, most of our knowledge on atmospheric evolution is indirect. In the present day atmosphere volatile elements have elemental and isotopic compositions related to live and extinct radioactivity products to provide information on the timing of atmospheric evolution. The mantle contains volatile elements which were trapped during earths accretion and might have been preserved since then. Only few elements still keep a record of the volatile component trapped in accreting silicates. Independently, a close look to extraterrestrial bodies and solar wind permits to infer the composition of potential contributors and to compare it with compositions observed in terrestrial reservoirs. Extremely essential sources of information are the compositions of planetary atmospheres. The compositions of the Jovian, Martian and Venusians atmospheres have been already measured, allowing significant advances in this field. The terrestrial atmosphere cannot derive directly from the protostar nebula, the abundance of atmospheric rare gases, the isotopic composition of rare gases and nitrogen are drastically different from those of solar gases [1-3]. The depletion of rare gases in the Earth resulted in high parent-daughter ratios (with the parent as non-volatile element and the daughter as a rare-gas isotope), allowing us to use natural radioactivity products to
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quantify the evolution of the terrestrial atmosphere. The aim of this study is to identify the volatile components like H, C, and N, rare gases present at the earths surface and in its interior to infer the potential contributing sources and processes that resulted in the surface and the mantle inventory of the volatile elements.
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the mantle reservoir early in the earths history: for a common I-Pu geochemical source, the atmosphere as a geochemical reservoir would have been form before the mantle, which is logically ridiculous. A way round this problem is to consider that the hypothesis of a common I-Pu geochemical source is not adequate and that two different geochemical sources contributed Xe in the mantle and in the atmosphere respectively. This implies either (i) Heterogeneous accretion of the bodies with contrasted composition having different I/Pu ratios [13] and (ii) active exchange between atmosphere and mantle occurred, while atmospheric Xe was fractionated during escape [17-18]. However, it must be noted that the identification of Xe components in the earth atmosphere is not yet perfect, as the isotopic composition of primitive Xe that was apparently trapped during the earths formation has not been measured directly in extra-terrestrial samples but has been inferred from a statistical treatment of meteoritic data [21-22], making the terrestrial resources of 129 Xe* and 136Xe*Pu model dependent. Moreover, the non-radiogenic isotopic composition of Xe in the mantle, essential to compute these two values, is not precisely known, although CO2-well gas studies suggesting the existance of non-atmospheric Xe components [24].
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Figure 1 Formation of a protostar in the planetary system at (a) Early stage (b) Intermediate (present) stage and (c) Final and future stage
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proposed for the chemical evolution of our Galaxy for which mmin=0.1 M for the stars formed out of the spiral arms and mmin = 2M for the stars formed inside them [30], to account for the metallicity gradient with respect to the galactocentric distance. Recently scientists have developed a bimodal star-formation model [31] quite similar to the previous one, but with no indication to the galactic arms. Concerning mmax, one may argue that mmax ~1/ with ~ 1 since the largest giant H II region complexes have been observed by Viallefond [32] and others in the external regions of the galactic disc of 101 having low metallicity. 4.2 The Rates of Star Formation The classical Schmidt law relating gas density and stellar density S is dS/dt ~ (1< < 2) can be used to parameterize the rate of star formation as it is a valid representation of the rate of star formation in the high-mass range, from the many tracers of high-mass stars [33]. It is very difficult to determine directly the rate of formation of low-mass stars and attempts is being taken to use the planetary nebulae and the observations of their metallicity to deduce the rate of formation of the low-mass stars. From the analysis it is observed that x 109 years. S(t) ~ et/ with ~ S(t) = S0 for t < tc and thus dS/dt ~ for t tc. This parameter is not always a continuous function since star formation might occur often in the course of evolution of a galaxy. Moreover, the rate of star formation can be stochastic. 4.3 The Yields This provides the relative production of a given nuclear species by a distribution of stars and is in fact related to the different nucleosynthetic contributions of the stars with respect to their mass [34-35]. The yields yi concerning a species i can be written as:
where Qij are the mass fraction of the nucleus j transformed into i in a star of mass m; and X j are the mass fractions of the element j; (m) is the initial mass function(IMF). The yield yi of a stellar generation is defined as the mass of newly synthesized species Zi fraction of matter that is confined in long-living stars and remnants. They are also related to the constraints coming from the nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution [30]. Spectroscopic studies of lowmass stars should provide valuable information about the determination of some of these yields.
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(SFR) and the IMF. These are the reasons to accept that the IMF is independent of time. In that case we can write, B (m; t) = SFR IMF (3) (iii) Stellar lifetimes: Stellar lifetimes m, remnant masses wm and stellar yields Yi(m) are the concerned factors. This mainly considers how elements are produced in stars. (iv) Gas flows: This is concerned with infall, outflow or radial flows. The lifetime of a star of mass m (in M) with solar metallicity (in Z) can be expressed as, m 11.3m-3 + 0.06m-.75 + 0.0012 Gyr. (4)
The stars having lower metallicity live shorter lives if the initial mass of them are smaller [37], whereas stars of higher metallicity lives a longer life. If the mass of a star (m) is low or intermediate the remnant is a white dwarf while for stars 9 < m < 25 the remnant is likely a neutron star. Variation of stellar mass with their lifetime is presented in Figure 2. The figure shows three distinct zones. The lifetime of higher mass stars decreases linearly with increasing mass (zone 1), for stars 9 < m < 25 it is intermediate (zone 2) and for lighter mass stars the lifetime increases very rapidly with a small change in star mass (zone 3).
Figure 3, on the other hand, reveals the variation of stellar lifetime with varying values for different stellar masses. It appears that the light stars live more than the massive one as the rate of consumption of fuel in lighter star is very less than the massive stars.
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where v is the astration-rate, E(m) is the fraction of gas returned at the end of stellar evolution, m is the lifetime of a star of mass m ( m = 1010/m8 +106 yr), and is the possible accretion of gas in the considered zone. Thus, =(6)
where Zi is the mass fraction of the element i in the interstellar medium, pZi the fraction of this element produced in the stars and ti the mass fraction of this element contained in the accreted gas. Study of low-mass stars is not only significant because of their large m but they are also important for the determination of the different pZi, depends critically on the abundance determination concerning them.
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defined as the total amount of volatile elements in the crust, sediments and oceans and in the atmosphere divided by its degassing rate from the mantle due to mid ocean ridges (MOR) [18]. When MDD is lower than the age of the earth the recycling is faster but when it is greater than the age of the earth then either it is decreasing or occurrence of volatile components at the surface of the earth is not derived from the mantle or both. The vertical axis of Figure 4 is the ratio (FARC/FSUB), between the volatile flux through arc volcanism and the volatile carried by plates towards subduction zones. When the ratio is one then no recycling is there. The correlation between MDD and FARC/FSUB firmly indicates recycling and mantle atmosphere exchange efficiency is reducing from S to C, H2O, N and finally to rare gases [39]. The isotopic compositions of the volatiles mantle and the surface follow this logic well as both S and C isotopic ratios are similar in the mantle and in the surface inventory where as H2O, N, Ne present isotopic heterogeneities, probably representing different volatile sources, not totally homogenized. Hence it is possible to distinguish a mantle reservoir from the surface inventory (atmosphere) and also to investigate the origin of both.
Figure 4 Recycling of volatile elements in the Earth; the horizontal axis represents the surface to the present day flux ratio and the Y-axis is the amount of volatile elements carried by oceanic crust and sediments to subduction zones by the volcanic flux at arcs (FARC/FSUB) [15]
The composition of meteoritic volatiles, supposed to be derived from protosolar nebula through isotopic and elemental fractionation. Contributions from the sources outside the solar system are affected by the inter-stellar chemistry, governing the discovery of pre-solar grains in primitive meteorites. A comparison He, Ne, Ar, C and N between cosmo-chemical potential precursors and terrestrial reservoirs is shown in Figure 5. Volatile abundances are normalized to 20 Ne, as its isotopic composition in the mantle is different from that in the atmosphere.
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Figure 5 Comparison of volatile abundances in protosolar nebula (PSN), primitive chondrites, terrestrial mantle and atmosphere, normalized to 20Ne and PSN so that the PSN pattern is flat [17]
7.1 Meteorites Figure 5 depicts a big difference in abundance pattern between PSN and the primitive meteorites, showing different trapping efficiency during condensation of the materials and also exchange between gas and solids for the formation of solar system. The chondritic excess of C and N relative to solar system may be resulting from preferential trapping of those compounds. The large heterogeneity of the N-isotopic composition among solar system is not compatible with a single source (like solar nebula), but rather suggests mixing between different components [40-41]. It is likely to be stated that a major fraction of H and N was incorporated as compounds and the ultimate origin of these elements could be partly interstellar. 7.2 Terrestrial mantle The analysis of rare gases together with C and N of mantle-derived samples allows us to investigate the volatile composition of the mantle. However, data need to be corrected such as partial melting, fractional crystallization, degassing and atmospheric contamination and in the past few years analytical and correction techniques was developed, allowing the reconstructions of the elemental and isotopic composition of the mantle for He, C, N and Ar [42-46]. The mantle displays a chondritic pattern providing important information on the process of delivery as it suggests that the bulk fraction of these volatiles was delivered with minimal fractionation to the earth by chondritic-like material. In fact, it is very surprising that such a chondritic pattern could have been preserved despite the severe fractionating processes that are likely to have occurred during formation of the earth, such as impact degassing, core formation or atmospheric escape. Indeed, the earths mantle is extremely depleted in volatile elements, by a factor 10-3 relative to the carbonaceous chondrites in case of N [43, 47]. The situation resembles that of highly siderophile elements for which a chondritic pattern is found in the mantle in spite of drastic depletion.
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Reservoir Atmosphere Ocean Hydrated Crust Mantle Total Atmosphere Ocean Carbonate rocks Mantle Total Atmosphere Crustal rocks Mantle Total
Size(hPa) < 0.001 26 10 ~100 136 0.00003 0.0002 4 ~26 30 0.078 0.025 ~0.1 0.2
Climatic role Greenhouse gas, carbonate sink, weathering, biology, plate tectonics Greenhouse gas
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Composition H, He, Na 96%CO2, 3% N2, minor CO, SO2 78%N2, 21%O2, 1%Ar, minor H2O, CO2 96%CO2, 3% N2, 2%Ar, minor CO, O2
Figure 6 Geochemical constraints on atmospheric pCO2 from rock record (line A) at 2.75 Ga, Estimation of maximum pCO2 in soil waters as a function of temperature (line B) [50]
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According to customary theories of the evolutionary process of the main sequence stars, of which the Sun is a distinctive member, the solar luminosity has been steadily increasing by about 40% since the creation of the Sun. The mean surface temperatures of earth-like planets are determined by the energy-balance. If the composition of the atmosphere would not alter, the earths mean surface temperature remains below the icy point of water before about 2 billion years ago. But from sedimentary records there was the confirmation of liquid water always on the earth. A reasonable resolution of the paradox is that the early atmosphere contained more greenhouse gases like CO2, NH3 and CH4. All these gases comprise strong absorption bands that fall within the spectral porthole, where the earth reradiates most of the solar energy it receives back to space, but outside the primary CO2 absorption band at 15 m. Their abundance in the atmosphere depends on their rates of formation and destruction. The largest present day sources of NH3 and CH4 are biological, and that might be the case at previous ages as well. While NH3 is a very effective absorber of infrared radiation, it is easily destroyed by UV radiation and is unlikely to have been abundant enough in the Achaean atmosphere. On the other hand, CH4, has a chemical lifetime of 10 years, is stable with respect to molecular oxygen, but reaction with hydroxyl radicals (OH) from the photolysis of water vapor produces CH3, which does readily react with O2. In the absence of O2 to remove the hydrogen also produced by photolysis, the OH can recombine with H and is no longer an effective sink form ethane. The modern production rate can maintain a CH4 mixing ratio of 10-3 in an anoxic atmosphere, a level that can act in concert with a modest amount of atmospheric CO2 to maintain Achaean temperatures above freezing. However, the dominant modern source of CH4 is the micro biota in the anoxic guts of termites and ruminants. Low-mass stars witness the early revolutionary phases of the galactic evolution. They should limit the choice of the parameters governing the chemical evolution of galaxies. But for that principle progress should be made in the determination of more elemental abundances and especially isotopic ratios which comprise the best input data to deduce the relative yields which are used in the galactic chemical evolution models and also in refining the current analyses of various nucleosynthetic mechanisms. Binaries are also important in the galactic nucleosynthesis. Since more than half of all stars being members of binary systems it is important to consider the effects of binary evolution on nucleosynthesis, and consequently on galactic chemical evolution.
9. Discussion
One major problem of this comparative approach is that the knowledge of the precursors is still limited. For, example the composition of comets is mainly known through remote sensing and in few instances through direct analysis of interplanetary dust particles. But the origin of these objects remains to be established. The concept of primary and secondary elements which has been introduced early might be a bit misleading. Primary elements are defined as those which can be produced directly in any star while secondary elements are only formed from a first generation of primary elements. This categorization should be replaced by that in which one separates the elements produced in high-mass stars which behave like primary elements and those which are produced in low-mass stars which behave like secondary elements. Matteucci [51] studied the problem and concluded that nitrogen is
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both a primary and secondary nucleosynthesis product. The primary originated from high and intermediate stars, whereas the secondary nitrogen is from lower-mass stars. A consistent explanation for the origin of is yet to be found. A similar problem exists in the case of sprocess elements and isotopes [52] whose synthesis in intermediate-mass stars or a low-mass star is not yet well-understood. Also in contrast to neighboring planets, our terrestrial atmosphere maintain conditions appropriate for life, in spite of an increase in solar luminosity, giant impacts, and the changing rhythm of plate tectonics. This fact is even more significant in context of the reasonably short residence time of most gases: the most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, the water vapor, has a residence time of only 10 days before exchanging with the oceans. Even the principal component of the atmosphere, the gaseous nitrogen, is recycled by biological oxidation, reduction, and re reduction to N2 on a time scale of 1015 million years. Thus Earths atmosphere is not only out of chemical equilibrium, but is dynamically maintained, having no inherent buffering ability on geologic span [53]. It has been suggested that the occurrence and evolution of life on earth may have had an intense impact on the climate by regulating the amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or by controlling aerosol production. Observations of the elemental function of biology in the cycling of atmospheric gases are one basis for the Gaia hypothesis in which the biosphere is conceived as regulating climate to retain appropriate conditions for biological movement [48]. The ability of the biosphere to maintain a global environment, most favorable for life is known as homeorrhesis. The terrestrial atmosphere subjected to homeorrhesis by the biosphere throughout its long history is a thrilling hypothesis but difficult to establish. Investigations into the evolution of Earths atmosphere not only snatch with profound questions about our planets habitability but also deal with the possible existence and detection of habitable planets and life around other stars. Human civilization, through the rapid combustion of buried organic compounds, deforestation, and modulation of the planetary albedo contribute the evolution of the atmosphere and climate. What kind of feedback role we will eventually play in the ongoing evolution of our planets atmosphere and climate remains to be observed.
10. Acknowledgement
We are thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India for the financial support through the project (Project No. 03(1153)/10/EMR-II, dated 26.04.2010).
11. References
[1]Brown, H., The Atmospheres of the Earth and the Planets, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1952 [2] Chamberlain, J. W., and D. M. Hunten, Theory of Planetary Atmosphere, New York, Academic Press, 1987 [3] K. Hashizume, M. Chaussidon, B. Marty, and F. Robert, Solar wind record on the Moon: deciphering presolar from planetary nitrogen, Science, 2000, 290, pp. 1142-1145. [4] W. W. Rubey, Geologic history of sea water, Geological society of America Bulletin, 1951, 62, pp. 11111148. [5] M. Ozima, Ar isotopes and Earth-atmosphere evolution models, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1975, 39, pp. 1127-1140. [6] E. C. Alexander, and D. W. Schwartzman, Argon isotopic evolution of upper mantle, Nature, 1976, 259, pp. 104-108.
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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No.2, 2012 Authors Profile
Prof. A.B Bhattacharya has published more than 200 research papers and 12 text books of high repute. He has conducted many research projects in the Department of Physics, Kalyani University. He is a reviewer of many scientific journals. His field of interest is Solar radio astronomy, radio wave propagation and atmospherics. He did his post doctoral work at the MIT, USA.
A. Nag is a Lecturer in the Department of Physics in Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology and has published more than 10 papers in International Journals. He is working for Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Bhattacharya in the Department of Physics, University of Kalyani.
D. K. Tripathi is a Lecturer in the Department of Physics in Narula Institute of Technology and has published more than 10 papers in International Journals. He has submitted his thesis for Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Bhattacharya in the Department of Physics, University of Kalyani.
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