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Medical Imaging Systems

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arSystems 8
ition of Linearity 8
uperposition Integral. Delta Function. and Impulse Response 9
Invariance 11
ification 11
imensional Fourier Transforms 13
istence Conditions 13
tory 1
dical Imaging Modalities 2
smission of Electromagnetic Energy 3
ing with Acoustic Energy 4
parison of X-Rays and Ultrasound 5
lear Medicine 6
viii Contents
Fourier Transform Relationships 15
Linearity 15
Magnification 15
Shift 15
Convolution 15
Cross Correlation 16
Separability 16
Frequently Occurring Functions and Their Transforms 17
Sampling 18
Elementary Probability 20
Problems 21
3 Physics of Projection Radiography 23
6 Noise Considerations in Radio h grap y andFluoroscopy 75
Resolution Considerations of the SNR 80
Recorder Statistics 80
Fluoroscopy 83
Image Intensifier 84
Additive Noise 87
SNR of the Line Integral 88
Scatter 90
Scatter Analysis 91
Scatter Reduction Through Separation 94
Scatter Reduction Using Grid Structures 96
Linear Detector Arrays 101
Problems 102
7 Tomography 106
Detectors 146
Considerations with Gamma Ray C
149 - ameras 147
Imaging Structures 153
Collimator 157
Systems 164
Source Imaging 166
Motion Tomography 107
Circular Motion 110
Multiple-Radiography Tomography' T .
C d d S . omosynthesls 111
o e ource Tomography 112
Computerized Tomography 113
Reconstruction Mathematics It .
. - eratlve Approaches 114
Irect Reconstruction Methods F .
- oUrier Transform Ap h
xamples Using Fourier Transform A proac 117
A' pproach 122
Iternate Direct Reconstruction-Back P . .
Filtered Back-Projection R . rOJectlon 123
. econstructlon System 125
Convolution-Back Projection 127
Reconstruction of the Attenuation Coefficient 130
Modalities 131
in Computerized Tomography 138
Screen-Film Systems 64
Critical-Angle Considerations 69
Energy Spectrum Considerations 70
Alternative Approaches to Recorder Systems 70
Overall System Response 72
Problems 73
5 Recorder Resolution Considerations 63
Parallel Geometry 23
Attenuation Relationship 24
Source Spectrum 25
The Attenuation Coefficient 27
Analytic Expressions for the Attenuation Coefficient 33
Problems 34
Point-Source Geometry 36
Depth-Dependent Magnification 39
Examples of Point-Source Geometry 40
Extended Sources 44
Analysis of Imaging Using Planar Sources 46
Alternate Analysis Using Planar Objects 48
Effects of Source Size 49
Simplifying Relationships Using Solid Objects 49
Nonparallel Source Distributions 53
Effects of Object Motion 56
Representative Source Configurations 58
Problems 59
4 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging 36
Index 251
:xi Contents
Topics in Medicallmaging 225
agnetic Resonance 225
btraction Radiography 233
Imaging 235
Acquisition and Processing Systems in Th D' .
240 ree- Imenslonal Radiography
Ultrasonic Reconstruction Systems 240
of Radiographic Parameters 242
StimUlatEld positron Emission 243
Basic Reflection Imaging 174
Attenuation Correction 176
The A Scan 176
The M Mode 178
Cross-Sectional Imaging or B Mode 178
Diffraction Formulation 181
Steady-State Approximations to the Diffraction Formulation 183
Fresnel Approximation 185
Fraunhofer Approximation 188
Acoustic Focusing 190
Wideband Diffraction 191
Ultrasonic Characteristics of Tissue 195
Attenuation 195
Velocity 196
Reflectivity 197
Compound Scan for Specular Interfaces 199
Noise Considerations 200
Speckle Noise 201
Problems 202
9 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging 173
:x: Contents
10 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays 204
Imaging Arrays 205
Limitation of Imaging Arrays 208
Electronic Deflection and Focusing 208
Linear Array 208
Linear Array with Deflection 212
Linear Array with Focusing 214
Wideband Responses of a Linear Array 216
Two-Dimensional Array Systems 218
Rectangular Array 218
Concentric Ring Array 220
Annular Ring Array Transmitter 221
Theta Array 222
Problems 224
"{>f'o,nl"frn,p.(j primarily with the creation of images of structures within
object. Although the object studied will be the human body,
ge developed will be applicable to a variety of nonmedical applica-
.' nondestructive testing.
an body consists of tissues and organs which are primarily water,
es, with water being the dominant constituent. A wide variety of
are present, such as iodine in the thyroid, tellurium in the liver,
e blood. These elements playa minor role in medical imaging.
to change, especially with the advent of computerized tomog-
and air, however, dominate the ability, or lack of it, to
with various types of radiation so as to create images.
made to provide a complete chronology of medical imaging.
oversimplified fashion, we attempt to highlight the role of the
and engineer in some historical context.
2 Introduction
100m 10m 1.0m 10cm 1.0cm 1.0 A 0.1 A 0.01 A 0.0001 A .,
+ t 0.001 A
2 X 10-
3.7 X 10-
FIG. 1.1 Transmission of EM waves through 25 em of soft tissue.
It is instructive to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from de to
cosmic ray.s, a regIOn to do suitable imaging of the interior regions. The
relative SUItabIlIty be evaluated based on two parameters, resolution and
attenuation. obtam a useful image, the radiation must have a wavelength
under 1.0 em m the body for resolution considerations. In addition, the radiation
should be reasonably attenuated when passing through the body. If it is too
highly attenuated, transmission measurements become all but impossible because
of noise. If it is almost completely transmitted without attenuation, the measure-
ment cannot be made with sufficient accuracy to be meaningful. The attenuation
can be due to absorption or multiple scatter.
Figure 1.1 is an attempt to illustrate the relatively small region of the
electromagnetic which is suitable for imaging of the body. In the
long-wavelength regIon at the left, we see immediately that we have excessive
attenuation at all but the very long wavelengths where the resolution would
10-10 1. The measurement of the transmission of x-rays through the body
2. The measurement of the reflection of ultrasonic waves
through the body
3. The measurement of gamma rays emitted by radioactive
which have been selectively deposited in the body
Present medical imaging systems in clinical use consist of three basic
We consider each of these briefly.
The earliest use of techniques of this type goes back to the discovery of
x-rays by William K. R0entgen in 1895. Many of the major systems' contribu.
tions to radiography, such as intensifying screens, tomography (imaging of a
specific plane), and the rotating anode tube, came within the next 10 to 20 years.
Thus most of the efforts in radiography, since the 1930's, have been toward
improving components rather than systems.
It is interesting to note that during the latter period, profound improvements
in internal visualization of disease processes were achieved by the creativity of
clinicians rather than physical scientists and engineers. A variety of procedures
were developed for selectively opacifying the regions of interest. These included
intravenous, catheter, and orally administered dyes. Thus the radiologist, faced
with the limited performance of the instrumentation, devised a variety of
procedures, often invasive to the body, to facilitate visualization of otherWise
invisible organs.
Beginning in the 1950's, and reaching a peak in the mid-1970's, we entered
a revolutionary era in diagnostic instrumentation systems. New systems
conceived of and developed for noninvasively visualizing the anatomy
disease processes. Here the physical scientist and engineer have played
dominant roles, with clinicians being hard-pressed to keep up with the ImlmeIllseil
amount of new and exciting data.
This revolution began with nuclear medicine and ultrasound, which
serious imaging limitations, provided noninvasive visualization of
processes which were otherwise umwailable. The new era reached its peak
the introduction of computerized tomography in the early 1970's. Here
cross-sectional images were obtained that rivaled the information obtained
exploratory surgery. These instruments rapidly proliferated and became
standard technique for a wide variety of procedures.
This revolutionary process is continuing, not only with profound Imi)r01ie:[.
ments in these systems, but also with initial studies of newer speculative >111,"-""111<1_
modalities. These include the use of microwaves and nuclear magnetic
Comparison of X-Rays and Ultrasound 5
Ibcity of propagation to calculate the depth. Unfortunately, in the
the. fiii,nbvend where soft tissue imaging is suitable, air exhibits excessive
uency a , , l' 'bl
freg(?sC!\; This is not a problem in x-rays, where air attenuatIOn IS neg Igi e.
attenua .... regions of the anatomy, primarily the lungs, cannot be studied by
US cettalD . h "t d b
c. 'i . cd Fortunately the entire thoraCIC or c est regIOn IS no covere y
.' d h d'
U . c..Th.. I'S an opening in the front part of the left lung calle t e car lac
gs ere , b '
un 'Th' window allows ultrasonic studies of the heart, WhICh are ecommg
notch. IS.
. easingly Important.
mcr .
. ' tructive to compare the two modalities which are capable of probing the
It IS IDS .'" h' h h 'd
d x-rays and ultrasound, One Important dlstmctlOn, w IC .. as receIve
bo debate, is that of toxicity, Although diagnostic x-ray levels have
conSI 'd bi d . d' ,
considerably reduced over the years, there are conSI era e ata m Icatmg
een b'l' f d' h
a small damaging effect which can increase .the proba Ilty 0 Iseases suc as
leukemia and eye cataracts. The eXIstence of a damage threshold con-
canc , ' , .
tinues to be a source of controversy. The preponderance of data at thIS
ears to indicate an absence of any toxic effects at the presently used dIag-
apPstic levels of ultrasound. These levels are well below those which produce
no " d
measurable temperature changes or cavitation. This apparent tOXICIty a vantage
for ultrasound has made its use more and more popular in potentially sensitive
regions such as the pregnant abdomen and the eyes.
Over and above toxicity, ultrasound and x-rays have a number of other
profound differences in their imaging characteristics. Ultrasonic waves, in
travel at about 1.5 X 10
m/sec, while x-rays have the free-space velOCity of
electromagnetic waves of 3 x 10
m/sec. This difference essentially means that
pulse-echo or time-of-flight techniques are relatively straightforward in ultra-
sound and extremely difficult in x-ray systems. The propagation time in 1 cm of
wateris 6.7 fJ,sec using ultrasound and 33 psec using x-rays. Thus state-of-the-
art electronic techniques can quite readily resolve different depths using ultra-
sound but cannot begin to accomplish range gating using pulsed x-ray sources.
In addition, the velocity of propagation in the x-ray region is essentially
independent of the materials used. Thus the refractive index of all structures is
unity. The only mechanisms of interaction are absorption and scattering. \his
lack of refractive properties has both desirable and undesirable
It is desirable in that the transmitted radiation travels in straight lines thro-hgh
the body and is undistorted by different tissue types and shapes. The undesirable
aspect is that lenses cannot be constructed, so that selective imaging of specific
planes is difficult. Ultrasound, on the other hand, has a wide variation in
refractive indices of materials. Thus lens effects and focusing structures can be
readily obtained. These same refractive effects cause some distortion within the
Having defined the x-ray region as the only suitable part of the
spectrum for studying the body, we now investigate the potential of aC()USI:ICI.
radiation. The velocity of propagation of sound in water, and in most
tissues, is about 1.5 x 10
m/sec. Thus, as with electromagnetic radiation,
resolution criteria eliminate wavelengths longer than about 1.0 cm. We
concentrate on the frequency spectrum well above 0.15 MHz.
The attenuation coefficient in body tissues varies approximately
tional to the acoustic frequency at about 1.5 db/cm/MHz. Thus
attenuation rapidly becomes a problem at high frequencies. For the
parts of the body, as in abdominal imaging, frequencies above 5 MHz are
never used and values of 1.0 to 3.0 MHz are common. For the imaging
shorter path lengths, as occurs in studies of the eye or other superficial
frequencies as high as 20 MHz can be used.
In ultrasound, unlike with x-rays, reflection images are produced,
render the system unusable. Here the transmission through soft tissue can
approximated as exp (-201/ J...), where I is the path length.
In the intermediate regions of the spectrum corresponding to the infrare
optical, and ultraviolet regions, we again have excessive attenuation due to bot
absorption and scatter at the myriads of tissue interfaces. This excessive atten
tion continues, as shown, into the soft x-ray regions.
Between 0.5 and 10-
A, corresponding to photon energies of about 25 ke
to 1.0 Mev, the attenuation is at reasonable levels with a wavelength far shorte
than the resolution of interest. This is highly desirable since it ensures tha
diffraction will not in any way distort the imaging system and the rays w'
travel in straight lines. This is clearly the suitable region for imaging and repre
sents the widely used diagnostic x-ray spectrum.
At shorter wavelengths, with the energy per photon hv getting increasingl
higher, the attenuation becomes smaller until the body becomes relativel
transparent and it ceases to be a useful measurement. Also, at these shorte
wavelengths, the total energy consists of relatively few quanta, resulting in poo
counting statistics and a noisy image.
Before concluding our look at the electromagnetic spectrum we shaul
point out that the wavelengths in the microwave region represent wavelengths'
space. The dielectric constant of water in the microwave region is about 8
resulting in a refractive index of about 9. Thus if the body and a microwa
source-detector system are immersed in water, the wavelengths are reduced
about an order of magnitude. In this case the attenuation of a 1.0-cm wave i
water is no longer prohibitive and a marginal imaging system can be considere
Experiments in this regard have been made [Larsen and Jacobi, 1978].
6 Introduction
body. Fortunately, most tissues have comparable propagation velocities, with
bone and regions containing air being the primary exceptions.
Diffraction effects occur where the object of interest has structure compara_
ble to the wavelength. In x-rays, having wavelengths less than 1 A, these are
nonexistent. However, in ultrasound the wavelength of approximately 0.5 rom
can cause diffraction effects in tissue. To achieve their desired resolution proper_
ties ultrasonic imaging systems are required to operate close to the diffraction
limit, whereas x-ray systems do not begin to approach this limitation.
These various properties of the radiation determine which clinical procedures
they are most suitable for. For example, pulse-echo ultrasound is useful in
visualizing the internal structure of the abdomen because of the distinct reflec_
tions which are received at the interfaces between organs and from various
lesions within the organs. Radiological studies of the abdomen, using x-rays,
show little of the internal organs because of their comparable transmission and
close packing. Special procedures are often used to apply radiopaque dyes
selectively to visualize specific organs. The thorax or chest, on the other hand'
essentially unavailable to ultrasound because of the air in the lungs. '
raphy, however, achieves significant visualization in the chest because of
considerable differences in attenuation of air, soft tissue, and bone. Many
examples exist where the relative capabilities of the two modalities cOlmpJerrlenti,1
each other.
In nuclear medicine radioactive materials are administered into the body a
are selectively taken up in a manner designed to indicate disease. The gam
rays emitted from these materials must be high enough in energy to escape
body without excessive attenuation. Thus higher energy gamma-ray emitters a
usually desirable, the only exception being that they are more difficult to im
and to detect efficiently. The energy range 25 kev to 1.0 Mev used in nuel
medicine is comparable to that of radiography, although somewhat higher
the average.
Nuclear medicine has a number of interesting features which make it v
useful in diagnosis. Very small concentrations of materials are required
visualization, unlike the significant amounts of radiopaque dyes required
transmission radiography. Noninvasive intravenous administration of mate'
is used as compared to invasive catheterization, which is often used in radi
raphy. In general, nuclear medicine images look poor in that they hav.e lat
resolutions of about 1 em and are noisy because of the limited number ofp
tons. However, the images have the desirable characteristic of directly indica
pathology or disease processes. In many studies they are taken up only
Nuclear Medicine 7
diseased regions. Radiography, on. the other hand, exhibits high resolution and
relative freedom from nOIse. However, radiographic images essentiall
display anatomy, so th.at disease processes are often distinguished by
of the normal anatomIcal features.
Linear Systems
The Superposition Integral, Delta Function, and Impulse Response 9
function. This powerful concept allows us to decompose the image,
system on the individual parts with the system function, and then sum to
erate .
o . the desired output Image.
must be emphasized that S in equation (2. I) is a linear system operator
ddoes not apply, in general, to nonlinear systems. For example, consider a
an rnear system, such as photographic film, which exhibits 8. saturation value
non lnd which a further increase in input intensity results in no change in the
beyo ded density. Equation (2.1) does not apply since we can have two input
:eco:sities, II and 1
, each of which do not reach the saturation value, whereas
jDte d h' 1 H . h 1' f
th 'r weighted sum excee s t IS va ue. owever, smce t e meanty property 0
(2e;) provides a variety of powerful techniques, we often approximate nonlinear
into a linear form to aid in our understanding, despite the errors in the
sy proxirnation. Linearization techniques of this type are often employed in
:rectronics, where piecewise linear models are used to represent nonlinear-device
Here the delta function at Xl = Yl = 1] has sifted out the particular value
ff c5(x, y)dxdy = 1.
rx,2 exp [-nrx,2(x
+y2)] = c5(x, y).
. decompose our input function gl(X
, Y1) into an array of these twq-
dimenSIOnal delta functions by using the sifting property of the delta function
as given by ,
The linearity property expressed in equation (2.1) enables us to express the
response of any linear system to an input function in an elegant and convenient
manner which provides significant physical insight. We first decompose our
input function into elementary functions. We then find the response to each ele-
mentary function and sum them to find the output function.
The most convenient elementary function for our decomposition is the delta
function <5(x, y). The two-dimensional delta function has infinitesimal width in
alI dimensions and an integrated volume of unity as given by
The delta function can be expressed as the limit of a two-dimensional function
whose volume is unity. One example is the Gaussian, as given by
Many of the phenomena found in medical imaging systems exhibit /in
behavior patterns. For example, in a nuclear medicine wh
the intensity of the emitting sources double, the resultant Image mtenslty
double. Also, if we record an image intensity due to a first source and t
another due to a second source, the image intensity due to both sources ac
simultaneously is the sum of the individual image intensities. These two p
erties, scaling and superposition, define a linear system. This can be expre
formally as
(x, y) + bI
(x, y)} = aSf!l(x, y)} + bSf!2(X, y)}
where S is the system operator, a and b are constants, and II and 12 are the
input functions. The functions are shown as two-dimensional since we are dea
with images.
The system operator Sin imaging systems is typically a blurring fune
that smears or softens the original image. As will be discussed subsequent
can be a convolution operation with the point-spread function of sys
Thus equation (2.1) is stating that the weighted sum of two blurred Irna
equal to the weighted sum of the two images which are then blurred by
oose h(xz, Y2; 1]). Knowing this response for all input points enables us
rescaPlculate the output 12(x2,Y2) for any input-source distribution II(XI'Yl) by
using (2.9).
In many linear systems we the. added simplification that the impulse
response is .for all Tn case the impulse response
merely shifts Its pOSitIOn for dIfferent mput pomts, but does not change its
functional behavior. Such systems are said to be space invariant. The impulse
response or point-spread function thus becomes dependent solely on the
difference between the output coordinates and the position of the impulse as
given by
, Yz; 1]) = h(x
- - 1]). (2.10)
Thus, referring to Fig. 2.1, the system is space invariant if the image of the
point source has the same functional form, but only translates, as the point
source is moved around the Xl' Yl plane.
The output function under these conditions becomes
A magnified image, in the general sense, is space variant since the impulse
is not dependent solely on the difference between input and output
coordmates. This is seen in the pinhole imaging system shown in Fig. 2.2. With
This is the two-dimensional convolution function, which is often abbreviated as
gz = gl ** h (2.12)
where the dual asterisks indicate a two-dimensional convolution. This convolu-
tional relationship clearly indicates the "blurring" of the gl input function by
the impulse response h. It is a very convenient form since its Fourier transform
is a simple product relationship whereby the transform of the output function
is the transform of the input function multiplied by the transfer function H,
the transform of. the impulse response. This provides an elegant relationship
between the two-dimensional spatial frequencies of the input and output.
. In medical imaging systems the impulse response h varies gradually for
mput coordinates. In these it becomes convenient to define regions in
which this variation is negligible. These space-invariant or isoplanatic regions
can be analyzed using the convenient convolutional form and thus have the
benefits of having a transfer function in the Fourier transform domain.
Linear Systems
Within the integral we have the system response to a two-dimensional del
function. This is known as the impulse response or point-spread function and
given by
which is the output function at X
, Y2 due to an impulse or two-dimensio
delta function at Xl = = 1]. Substituting (2.8) into equation (2.7),
we obtain the superposition integral, which is the fundamental concept that
derive from the linearity property (2.1). This enables us to characterize an out
function completely in terms of its response to impulses. Once we kn
, Y2; 1]) for all input coordinates, we can find the output due to any in
function gI'
As a simple example, consider the elementary imaging system of Fig.
Here a planar array of sources fl(X
, YI) are separated from a surface where
output intensity f
, Y2) is recorded. As can be seen, the output is blurred
to the spreading of the radiation over the distance between planes. An imp
source at X I = YI = 1], thus results in a diffuse blur having an imp
FIG. 2.1 Elementary imaging system.
Using the linearity property of (2.1) we structure 1]) as a weighting fact
on each delta function so that the output becomes
of g 1 at that point. The output function g2(X2, Y2) is given by the system Operat
S as
, Y2) = S{gJx1 , YI)}'
Using the delta function decomposition, we obtain the output function as
, Y2) = S {f} 1])b(Xl - - .
12 Linear Systems
Two-Dimensional Fourier Transforms 13
g(x, y) = g:-l{G} = ff G(u, '1.') exp [i2n(ux + vy)]dudv.
G(u, v) = g:fg(x, y)} = ff g(x, y) exp [-i2n(ux + vy)]dxdy
.Before using the Fourier transform we must look at the required mathe-
matlcaLconditions on the fu'nction g(x, y) for its Fourier transform to exist.
The folloWing are the more important sufficient conditions on the function.
where;f is the Fourier transform operator, and u and v are the spatial frequencies
in the x and Y dimensions. Thus the two-dimensional function is being decom-
posed into a continuous array of grating-like functions having different period-
icities and angles. Each u, v point in the Fourier space corresponds to an
elementary "plane wave" type of function in object space. This complex expo-
nential function has lines of constant phase separated by (U
+ VZ)-l/Z and at
an angle of tan-I (ujv) with the x axis.
into spatial frequencies u and v, having dimensions of
distance, provides a direct measure of the spatial spectrum and
bandwidth. The original function can be subject to spatial frequency filtering
degradations in the system. We then use the inverse Fourier
find the resultant object function as defined by
dent of the x I' Y1 coordinates, so that the aperture collects the same fraction,
pen f h . . f h .
independent o. t e o. t e pomt. If this assumption is not made, and the
efficIency IS a functIOn of Xl and Yl' the system becomes space variant
co d . .
and cannot be structure In convolutIOnal form.
Electrical and communication engineers are very familiar with Fourier analysis
of various signals where a function of time is decomposed into an array of
complex exponentials of the form e
!. One of the incentives for this decomposi-
tion is that the complex exponential is the eigenfunction of invariant linear
systems. That is, when a complex exponential signal is applied to an invariant
linear system, such as a network or filter, the same complex exponential will
appear in the output with various amplitude and phase weightings. Thus, with
the Fourier transform decomposition, the effect of filtering a signal is greatly
facilitated by operating in the frequency domain.
In imaging systems we use the two-dimensional Fourier transform G(u, v)
as defined by [Bracewell, 1965]
FIG. 2.2 Pinhole imaging system with magnification.
, Yz) = JJII - ,', Yz - 1'/')d,'d1'/'
= ** h(xz, Yz)
Using the substitution of (2.15), we have been able to use
form. Physically, we have convolved the appropriately magmfied mput I
with the impulse response so as to avoid the disparity between
systems. II(xzjM, yzj M) is the output image we would get using mfimtes
pinhole camera which experiences magnification. but no bl.urfIn
. The 1
factor is the loss of intensity due to the magnificatIOn of the Image.
The impulse response h(x
, yz) is a magnified .of the
function where the magnification factor is (a + b)ja. In addItIOn, 1m
response includes a collection efficiency term relating to fractIOn
intensity of each point in II is collected by the aperture or pmhole. In eq
(2.13) we effectively assume that the collection efficiency is a constant,
the pinhole on axis, the impulse response by geometry becomes
, yz; " 1'/) == h(xz - M" Yz - M1'/)
where M = -bja. Thus the output intensity is given by
, Yz) ==. SS1
(" 1'/)h(xz - M', Yz -- M1'/)d'd1'/. (2.1
This equation can be restructured into the desirable convolutional form [Go
man, 1968] using the substitutions
t :-::: M, and 1'/' = MYJ
ing relationships,
g:[g(x, y)} = G(u, v)
;f[h(x, y)} = H(u, v).
oblems to know the relationship between manipula-
ose of the frequency domain. For example, what is
spectrum if an object is magnified or shifted? The
iationships are given below without proof. The proofs
y consulting references [Bracewell, 1965; Goodman,
g:[ag -+ Ph} = ag:[g} + pg:[h} (2.22)
operation is linear, so that the transform of the weighted
.....h"'nc1<:: the weighted sum of their individual transforms.
g: {ff l1)h(x - y - = G(u, v)H(u, v)
g:{g(x - a, y - b)} = G(u, v) exp [-i2n(ua + vb)] (2.24)
Translation of a function in object space introduces a linear phase shift in the
frequency domain.
The convolution of two functions in space is represented by simply multiplying
their frequency spectra. This relationship occurs very frequently in medical
imaging, where a spatial distribution g is blurred by an impulse function h.
The two-dimensional convolution operation is abbreviated as g ** h.
;f{g(ax, by)} = I IG( (2.23)
The stretching ofcoordinates in one domain results in a proportional contraction
in the other domain together with a constant weighting factor.
14 Linear Systems
Before becoming overly involved in these conditions, we must re
this book relates to an applied science, so that we are interested pri
studying the transforms of real physical phenomena. These will in
variety of two-dimensional source distributions or two-dimensional trans
functions. These physical distributions, by definition, have a transfor
as pointed out by Bracewell [1965], "... physical possibility is a valid su
condition for the existence of a transform." In our analysis, however
often use convenient idealized distributions to study various system p;o
These include the delta function, sinusoidal distribution, .dc or constant
and so on. Each of these useful functions violates one or more of the pre
listed sufficient conditions. It would be unfortunate, however, to a
these and lose the resultant insights. Instead, we use them in a limiting
so that the conditions remain satisfied.
One example of this limiting process is the representation of a two-d
sional delta function as the limit of a two-dimensional Gaussian funeti
given by
exp (-a
)} = exp (_
where p is the radial variable in Fourier transform space and p2 = u
Applying the limiting process to equation (2.20), we obtain
g:{<:5(x, y)} = exp ( _ = 1.
Thus the Fourier transform of the delta function is uniformly distribute
the two-dimensional frequency domain.
The limiting process has allowed us to stay within the required
matical conditions and yet evaluate the transform of a function that
our third condition. The particular function, <:5(x, y), is very useful,
transform. We can also use the same limiting procedure to evaluate the
form of a constant term of unity amplitude, a function that violates
condition. In this case we define the constant term as the limit of
Gaussian function, where a now approaches zero. Taking the limit
transform, we evaluate the Fourier transform of unity as <:5(u, v) a delta
in the frequency domain.
where r
= x
+ y2. The Fourier transform of this function (see Table
given by
1. The function is absolutely integrable over the entire domain.
2. The function has only a finite number of discontinuities and
number of maxima and minima in any finite region.
3. The function has no infinite discontinuities.
16 Linear Systems
Frequently Occurring Functions and Their 'T' .1: .I ransJorms 17
Cross Correlation
transform becomes
G(p, ) = G(p) = 2n f'" rg ( )J (2 oRr 0 nrp)dr.
This Hankel transform of zero ord . f (2.35)
transform. er IS 0 ten referred to as the Fourier-Bessel
We first present the transforms of a b
(Table 2.1). num er of well-known continuous functions

so UJ q)h*(x + y + G(u, v)H*(U, v) (2.26)
g(x, y) ** hex, y) = g(x, y) ** h(-x, -y).
If we set g = h, we form an autocorrelation where
;rfg(X, y) ** g* (x, y)} = G(u, v)G*(u, v) = \G(u, v) p'.
This relationship is abbreviated using stars as g h*. It is closely related to
the convolution with the equivalence expressed by
G(p, cf = 2n anC- i)ne
n4> rglr)JnC
For the important case of circular symmetry, with no 8 variations,
g(r,8) = gR(r).
____ OVf'pnt for an. which is unity. The
comb (u)
comb (u) eomb (v)
J t (2np)
1 .
2" o(u) - _l_
sine (u) = sin nu
sine (u) sine (v)
(u) sine
2i [o(u -- 1) - o(u + 1)]
T[o(v - 1) + o(v + 1)]
o(u - 1 V _ 1)
.,;, .,;
exp (-np2)
o(u, v)
sin 2nx
cos 2ny
exp [in(x + y)]
exp (-nr
I IX I :::;;i-
= 0 otherwise
rect (y)

xo, y - Yo) = o(r - ro)o(8 - ( 0 )
= O(x - n)
comb (y)
I r:::;; 1
o otherwise
I x20
o otherwise
define a number of specialized functions a
wlttiQ.tft.d.eri'v::ltlf\n (Table 2.2). Some of th . nd presenttheir transform
ese are Illustrated in Fig. 2.3.
geC8) = l: ane
If g(x, y) is separable in its rectangular coordinates as
g(x, y) = gx(x)gy(Y)
We then evaluate the transform of each angular harmonic by making use
;rtgir)einB} = (_Wein4>JCnlgir)1
where JC
l.1 is the Hankel transform of order n, which is given by
lglr)1 = 2n rglr)Jn(2nrp)dr
where p and cf> are the Fourier transform variables in polar
the complete transform is given by
G(p, cf = ;rfgir)gi8)} = t anC_i)n
;rfg(X, y)} = ;rxfgx};rytgy}
where ;r x and ;ry are one-dimensional Fourier transform operators. This
ship occurs often with simple objects and is a convenient simplification
evaluating the transforms.
A variety of interesting relationships result when the function g(x,
separable in polar coordinates, as given by
g(r, 8) = gir)gi
we can decompose the 8 variation into its angular harmonics as
Sampling 19
G(u, v) = G.(u, v)H(u, v).
)comb ( ; )g(x, y)] ** hex, y)
g(nX, mY)o(x _. nX, y - mY)
9h to restoring an appropriately bandlimited image from its
ier transform the samples, multiply the resultant spectrum by
and then inverse transform the result. An equivalent method
Jation functions as derived by taking the Fourier transform
. here
consists of a replicated array of the spectra G(u, v). If these spectra
verlap, the central one can be isolated through frequency-domain
will thus reproduce G(u, v). Since each spectra is separated by 1/X
filter for isolating the central replication is given by
H(u, v) = rect (uX) rect (v Y). (2.40)
rlap the maximum spatial frequencies present in the image are
i,s and 1/2 Yin the v axis. If the image is subject to this bandwidth
original spectrum can be restored using the filter of equation
,mY) sinc [lex - nX)] sinc (x - mY)} (2-j4)
he elegant in that it is a weighted sum of two-dim1en-
seach sample at x = nX, y = mY is used to weight a
ion centered at that point. The sum of these functions
indicated, it is appropriately bandlimited.
an be restated as the image having no frequency
X and 1/2 Y, half of the sampling frequencies 1/ X
These samples will completely represent g(x, y) if it is adequately bandlimited.
The spectrum of the samples g.(x, y), is given by
G.(u, v) = ;r[g.(x, y)} = XY comb (uX) comb (vY) ** G(u, v). (2.37)
The comb functions are each infinite arrays of delta functions separated by
1/ Xand 1/ Y, respectively. Since convolution with a delta function translates a
function, convolution with a comb provides an infinite array of replicated
functions. Thus equation (2.37) can be rewritten as
00 00 ( n m)
G.(u, v) = nI:oo G u - X' v - y
XYcomb (uX) comb (uY) = nX:oo o(U - ;, v - ;).
\ 1
-- x
___1 0 0.5
d cial functions.
FIG. 2.3 Often encountere spe

0 .
. h se involving computer 0
. . erations, especIally to. b a finite array
many Imagmg op d'mensional functIon y 1
f uous two- 1 mplete Y
we represent a con m d which these samples co . g(x
e study conditions un er'
a two_dimensional ,
f n Consl er d It functlons
samp e . and Y in the y 1m
in the x dimensIon .
( Y
) is given by
g. x, (X) comb (L) g(x, y).
g.(x, y) = comb X Y
Linear Systems
20 Linear Systems
and 1/ Y. Any greater image frequency components will result in overlap of the
spectral islands. This overlap cannot be removed by filtering and results in
aliasing, where the higher-frequency components reappear at incorrect fre-
A number of considerations in medical imaging involve simple probabilities or
stochastic considerations. This is especially true when studying the noise
properties of the signals or images. We first define the distribution function F(x)
of a random variable x, which is the probability P that the outcome X of the
event will be less than or equal to x as given by
Elementary Prohahility 21
uncertainty in this component th .
or e nOise po If
such as voltage or current its s wer. X represents an amp)'t d
. b ,quare represent th 1 U e
varIance ecomes the noise power. s e power and therefore .
In general th . Its
. ,esIgnal-to-noise ratio (SN .
to-nOIse power. For example in th I R) IS defined as the ratio of s' 1
. I (). ,eu trasound s t Igna -
a sIgna e t IS received from sound fl ys ems of Chapters 9 and 10
. (t) f h re ected from a . ,
nOIse n rom t e transducer ad' regIOn of interest Th
density as given by n amplIfier follows a Gaussian proba'bilit;
p(x) = (J' 1_ exp [-J... (X - X)zJ.
,.,/21& 2 (J' (2.51)
In the case of the noise signal net) i .
the resultant SNR given by , ts mean IS zero and its variance I'S 2
(J', WIth
aging system of th .
iu . e type Il1ustrated in Fi
. s R. USIng the geometry show g. 2.2 Uses a circuI'jlr
find the output spat' I fi n, and assuming a constapt
Spatial frequency r/eq(uency spectrum /z(u, v) in
m 1 u, v).
transform of zero order often
transform of the fioll '. called the Fourier-Bessel

2' h (J'; (2.52)
were, (J/I IS t e variance as shown in .
the x-ray and gamma-ray .equatIon (2.51).
of the energy in the form the noise is dominated by the d'
tu I a countable numb f Iscrete
. re e The probability density fun f er 0 recorded at
IS the POIsson function given by CIon descflbmg the number of

. k! (2.53)
IS the probability of exactly k h
pixel. equations the average is 2
lance (J'k = A.. Smce the numbe f h ' :v
find the mean k = A.
n by r 0 P otons IS a unit of energy, the
SNR = = ,.,/T.
in detail in Chapter 6.
(2.45 P[X S x] = F(x).
P[x) S X S XZ) = F(x
) - F(x
) = IX' p(x)dx
x= E(X) = I xp(x)dx.
The expected value of the nth moment of X is given by substituting x
equation (2.48). An important statistical parameter is the variance 0';,
represents the second central moment of X as given by
o'} = E[(X - X)Z) = E(X2) - X
The standard deviation (J x, the square root of the variance, represents t
mean-square (rms) variation of X about the mean Xas given by
(Jx = [E(X
) - XZ)112.
If X represents the energy or power, the standard deviation is the
The probability P[) has the property that its value lies between zero
one. F(x), the distribution function, is monotonically increasing from zer
one as x goes from -00 to 00. The probability density function p(x) is al
positive and its integral over all x values is unity. The probability density fune
p(x) takes on a variety of forms, including Gaussian, uniform, and so on. I
cases where x takes on only discrete values, such as the outcomes of dice,
is a sum of delta functions.
The mean of the outcomes, or expected value of X, is given by
The probability that the outcome X is between two values, Xl and x 2, is therefor
given by
where p(x) is the probability density function, which is defined as
p(x) = dxF(x).
22 Linear Systems
(b) rect (r ba). where a> b.
(c) gr(ar), where 5{gr(r)} = G(p). .
3 P th
e following properties of b functIOns.
2. rove _ b)
(a) f(x, y) b(X - a, y - b) = (a, b)b(x - a, Y .
. b) - f(x - a y - b).
(b) f(x, y) ** b(X - a, Y - - ,
(c) b(ax, by) = \;b \ b(X, y).
b(r - ro)b() - ()o).
(d) b(x - xo, Y - Yo) = r
(e) b(x, y) = -:;:r'
2.4 Prove the following Fourier transform relations.
(a) y)}} = g(-x, -y).
(b) * h} = GH.
1 (U ..!..).
(c) by)} = \ab \ G a' b
x _ a y - b)} = G(u, v) exp [-i21t(ua + vb)].
(d) . robability of being between the
2.5 A random variable x has umform p
a and b.
(a) Find the probability density function p(x).
(b) Find the mean value of the variable
(c) Find the standard deviation of the vanable (J x'
Physics of
Projection Radiography
rojection radiography could be referred to as conventional radio-
more familiar, although less descriptive. It refers to the bulk of
where the transmission of x-rays through the body is recorded
arious attenuation effects, we use the simplified geometry of Fig.
sollimated x-ray source is assumed such as would be produced
tee at infinity. In this assumption we avoid the distortions 4lue
rce reasonably close to the object. These distortions are cbn-
I in Chapter 4. This beam is partially absorbed and scattered in
with the remaining transmitted energy traveling in straight
ctor. For purposes of this discussion, it will be assumed that
tie is sufficiently far away so that all scattered radiation fails to
or. The effects of scatter are considered in Chapter 6.
Source Spectrum
A number of sources of energy exist in the x-ray spectrum. However, thus far,
only the x-ray tube, where an energetic electron beam strikes a metal target, has
shown sufficient intensity to provide a usable image in a reasonable exposure
interval. Radioactive isotopes normally have insufficient intensity, although
many do provide monoenergetic radiation.
The source of x-ray energy from x-ray tubes has the Bremsstrahlung
(braking) radiation spectrum [Ter-Pogossian, 1967] derived from collisional
interactions between electrons and matter. This is the energy produced by the
deflection and deceleration of electrons by the nucleus of the atoms in the
material being bombarded. The energy is emitted in the form of x-rays or
high-energy photons whose energy depends on the electron energy, the charge
of the nucleus, and the distance between the electron and the nucleus. The
electrons are accelerated toward the target by an anode voltage E.
In thin targets, a uniform photon energy distribution is produced whose
intensity is proportional to the atomic number Z and whose maximum photbn
energy is the electron energy E. The spectrum is relatively uniform since dif-
ferent events produce different numbers of photons. For example, the photon
can give up all its energy to a single emitted photon of energy E. Similarly, it
can produce n photons, each of energy Eln. Thus the average intensity at each
photon energy is similar. A thick target, such as is used in conventional x-ray
Sources, results in a triangular rather than uniform energy spectrum, as shown
where Po is the attenuation coefficient at 00'
Id(x, y) = f 10 (0) exp [ - f flex, y, z, o)dzJdo (3.4)
where 1
(0) is the incident)x.-raY
intensity a funcffitio? of the enher
n 0 and flex, y, z, 0 IS t e mear attenuatIOn coe clent at eac regIOn
object under study. The bracketed term represents the intensity transmis-
:t each ....... y coordinate and at each photon energy. Thus the intensity
fthrough the object at photon energy 00 through a thickness I
tra ..... b
at a given x.,ypoSltlOn IS given y
- t(x, y, 00) = exp [ - s: fleX, y, z, oo)dzJ.
If P, has a uniform value of flo throughout the volume, t is given by
t(x, y, 00) = exp ( - flol)
.' 'beam contains a spectrum of different energies, and the linear attenua-
'ncldent, , . f . . d
1. mcient fl is a functIOn 0 posItIon an energy.
non on equation (3.3), the intensity at the detector plane fix, y) is
given by
J<:---- z
FIG. 3.1 System for studying x-ray attenuation.
Physics of Projection Radiography
N = -fl dx.
Nin 0
Solving equation (3.2) we have the classical attenuation relationship
= Nine-;<x.
Returning to Fig. 3.1, we use this relationship to formulate the detected intey;
I (x y) in terms of the incident intensity 10 , The intensity attenuation
'same relationship as that of the number of photons. The intensity
energy per unit area, which can be expressed in terms of the number ofphq!
per unit area weighted by the energy per photon. In the more general cast
The transmitted photons either interact with a particle of matter or pass u
fected [Johns and Cunningham, 1974]. The interaction results in the rem
of the photon from the beam by scattering or absorption. This intera
between an x-ray photon and a particle of matter does not affect the 0
photons in the beam. The number of photons interacting and removed
the beam bN in a region of thickness bx is given by
bN = - flNbx (
where N is the total number of impinging photons and fl is a constant of
portionality known as the linear attenuation coefficient. bN is negative sin
beam loses photons. As would be expected, the number of.
is proportional to the number of incident photons, the mteractmg
and the material.:
If we start with N
photons and, after a thickness x, have Nout
using equation (3.1) in differential form we have the integral relation!
The Atte1Ulation Coefficient 27
foneofthe atoms ofthe target material. The electron is ejected and the vacancy
?filled by an electron from another shell. The loss of potential energy in the
IS nsition between shells is radiated as an x-ray photon having an energy equal
that of the transition. !his characteristic radiation occurs at all levels but
is most pronounced at the mner K shell. It represents a significant fraction of the
total radiated energy from the x-ray tube.
The linear attenuation coefficient J-l of all materials depends on the photon
energy of the beam and the atomic numbers of the elements in the material
[Johns and Cunningham, 1974]. Since it is the mass of the material itself that is
providing the attenuation, attenuation coefficients are often characterized by
fl./p, the. mass attenuation coefficient, and are then multiplied by the density to
get the linear attenuation coefficient in units of inverse distance. In the diag-
nostic range, below 200 kev, three mechanisms dominate the attenuation:
coherent scatter, photoelectric absorption, and Compton scatter, as shown in
Fig. 3.3 for water.
Coherent or Rayleigh scattering is the apparent deflection of x-ray beams
caused by atoms being excited by the incident radiation and then reemitting
waves at the same wavelengths. This phenomenon is useful in x-ray diffraction
studies, where the x-ray energies are of the order of a few kiloelectron volts and
thus the wavelengths are the same order of magnitude as atomic dimensions. It
is relatiyelyunimportant in the energies used in diagnostic radiology, as is seen
bytllep!otor,ur!p in Fig. 3.3.
ei1swer energies of interest, the photoelectric effect dominates the
coefficient, as seen by the plot of ,up!p. The x-ray photon in this
interacting with a tightly bound electron. The kinetic energy
eJectron is dissipated in the matter. The vacancy is filled in a
.od of time by an electron falling into it, usually from the next
mpanied by the emission of characteristic x-ray photons called
ion. Lower-energy excitation is absorbed in the M and L shells,
rgy radiation is absorbed in the inner K shell. This absorption
lady important with the higher-atomic-number materials that
'opaque dyes. The mass attenuation coefficient due to photo-
n varies approximately as the third power ofthe atomic nUnPber
o that the linear attenuation coefficient will vary approximately
wer. Thus photoelectric absorption becomes increasingly impor-
-atomic-number materials.
coefficient undergoes a sharp increase in the energy
ding to the K shell. This is known as the K absorption edge.
omic-number elements, such as are found in water and organic
E EN ERGY (ev)
/ r...- EFFECT OF
FIG. 3.2 Energy spectrum of a thick target, showing effect of filtering and
characteristic radiation.
Many of the x-ray photons, especially those at lower energies, are abs
before they leave the x-ray tube. This filtering of the beam occurs in the
itself, the glass envelope of the x-ray tube, and in other filtering structures
the x-ray beam passes through. The effect of this filtering is shown in the
curve in Fig. 3.2. This filtering is normally desirable since these low-
"soft" x-rays have little penetration in the body and can cause skin
without contributing to the transmission image. Often additional filtering
rial, such as aluminum, is added to remove these lower energies. In spe .
studies involving relatively short path lengths and soft tissue, as in rna
graphy, the lower-energy x-rays are used in image forming.
Were it not for the various filtering actions within the tube, the effi
of x-ray production would be proportional to E since the output power'
portional to E2. Because of the filtering action, however, the output
increases at a greater rate than E2.
In addition to the uniformly decreasing photon energy spectrum,
shows the characteristic radiation lines. These are produced by the ace
electrons colliding with a tightly bound electron, usually bound in the
in Fig. 3.2. The thick target can be modeled as a sequence of thin planes
causing a successive loss of electron energy. Thus the spectrum produced
each succeeding plane is again a uniform spectrum whose maximum val
becomes progressively lower. The sum of the radiation assumes a trian
form due to the reduced electron energy at increasing depths. The total emit'
energy because of this triangular form is approximately proportional to Z
where E is the initial electron energy.
26 Physics of Projection Radiography
28 Physics of Projection Radiography
The Attenuation Coefficient 29
FIG. 3.5 Collision of a photon and an electron, illustrating Compton
FIG. 3.4 Total and components of mass attenuation of lead (p = 11.5 gjcm

PHOTON ----.----1
\ .
\ \
- J._ _ \\ \
- - - \ " PHOTON
0.1l-__...L- --.L.__ ENERGY
10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 (kevl
material, this K edge occurs below the diagnostic energy spectrum being
For higher-atomic-number materials, such as lead shown in Fig. 3.4, this
edge occurs within the spectrum of interest. At energies well beyond the
absorption edge, the attenuation' due to the photoelectric effect diminishes
importance. Over the range of interest, Jlp/ p varies as 1/8

The most significant and most troublesome source of tissue attenuation

the diagnostic region is that of Compton scattering. The Compton effect
sists of a collision between an x-ray photon and either a free or a loosely
electron in an outer shell, as shown in Fig. 3.5 [Weidner and Sells,
Since conservation of energy must be preserved, the relativistic
balance is given by
E = E' + (m - m
where E' is the new photon energy and (m - m
is the increase in
energy, where m
is the rest mass of the electron, c is the velocity of
FIG. 3.3 Total and components of mass attenuation coefficient of water.
\ .
\ .
0.2 --._-"'""'.-\
\ -- - .-...........
0.15 \ -..........
, /lc/ p COMPTON
, \
, V
, \
/', \
. \
\ \
\ \
\ \ ,\ PHOTON
0.01 '- l...- -l...e__-....l------.L.-----L-...--__ ENERGY
10 20 50 100 200 500 (kev!
30 Physics of Projection Radiography
Since the change in the energy of the photon is E - ', its change in wave.
length is given by
m= mo/,J1 - (v/ C)2, the mass of the moving electron. Conservation of momen.
turn in the x and y directions, respectively, provides
The Attenuation Coefficient 31
Photon Deflection Angle, e
Incident Photon
Energy (kev) 30 60 90 180
25 24.9 24.4 24 23
50 49.6 47.8 46 42
75 74.3 70 66 58
100 98.5 91 84 72
150 146 131 116 95
1000 794 508 341 205
= hc _ hc
A E' E
E E' )
- = - cos e+ mv cos rx
c c
o= E' sin e - mv sin rx.
have been limited by the relative inability to distinguish scatter from the desired
transmitted radiation.
Figure 3.6 shows the various regions of the energy spectrum where the
different effects dominate [Christensen et al., 1978]. As can be seen, higher-
atomic-number elements will experience primarily photoelectric absorption,
while those of lower atomic numbers will be dominated by Compton scattering.
Thus the electron is scattered at an angle rx and the x-ray photon is deflected
by an angle eat a lower energy (longer wavelength). The increase in
in angstroms, is given by
= 0.0241(1 - cos e).
where h is Planck's constant. Using the equations above, we obtain
= - cos e).
FIG. 3.6 Relative importance of the two major types of x-ray interaction.
The line shows the values of Z and photon energy hv for which the photo-
electric and Compton effects are equal.


300 500 700
As can be seen, the percentage change in wavelength is significant only at
relatively high energies since the wavelengths of x-rays at a photon energy of
50 kev is about 0.2 A. Thus the scattered photons, in the diagnostic x-ray energy
region, are comparable to the original energy and are a source of serious deg.
radation to the image. The methods of eliminating the scattered photons will
be discussed in Chapter 6. As seen in Fig. 3.3, Compton scattering is the largest
component for water or soft tissue in most of the energy range. As would
expected, the mass attenuation coefficient due to Compton scattering varies
the electron density of the material. However, the electron densities for almo
all elements are comparable at about 3 x 10
electrons/gram. Thus the line
attenuation coefficient becomes proportional to the mass density of the materi
The one exception is hydrogen, which has an electron density of about 6 X 10
electrons/gram. Thus hydrogenous materials, such as water and soft tissue, w
exhibit a proportionally higher attenuation due to Compton scattering.
As indicated by equation (3.11), the fractional change in wavelength a
photon energy with angle varies significantly with the initial energy of the phot
[Christensen et al., 1978]. This is illustrated in Table 3.1 for energies both with
the diagnostic range and higher. As can be seen, the energy change for sm
angles, within the diagnostic range, is quite small.
The scattering angle distribution is approximately isotropic at the 10
photon energies used in diagnostic radiology. This changes significantly
higher energies, where the scatter becomes predominantly in the forwa
direction. This is significant since attempts at very high energy radiogra
the atomic number, 8 is the photon energy in kev, C
and Cp are
elating the relative magnitudes of the Rayleigh and photoelectric
S, fee) is the energy-dependent Compton scattering function, and
ctron mass density in electrons per gram as given by
Analytic Expressions for the Attenuation Coefficient 33
The total attenuation coefficient can be decomposed into independent con-
tributions from each mode of photon interaction as given by
fJ = J.lR + fJp + fJe (3.13)
where R, P, and C refer to Rayleigh (coherent) scattering, photoelectric effect,
and Compton scattering, respectively. Rayleigh scattering is included for com-
pleteness, although, as indicated in Fig. 3.3, it plays a relatively small role in
the diagnostic energy range. Thus formula (3.1), representing the total number
of interacting photons, can also be used for the number of interacting photons
duetgeach interaction mode, where J.l would represent the particular fJ for
that.II1()de. .
.t\,.;'jiumber of efforts have been made to develop reasonably accurate
xpressions for the various components of the attenuation coefficients
tion of energy and the specific material characteristics. In general, for
these take the form
20) gives it a significant photoelectric effect in the lower-energy regions, which
artially accounts for its distinct visibility in radiography. At higher energies
the attenuation is primarily Compton scatter, its mass absorption coef-
ficient becomes the same as that for other body materials.
20 30 40 50
. } uscle fat and bone, as a
FIG. 3.7 X-ray attenuation coefficients or m , ,
function of photon energy.
11 J.l .

P i Pi ,.
, 1 the linear attenuatIOn coefficient
. lk d 'ty of the materIa, J.li .'h
where P IS the bu enSl , f 1 nt i and w. the fraction by welg t of
of element i, PI the bulk .denslt
0 e eme,
the element in the materIal.. f terials normally encountered in the
Mass attenuation coefficients orffim.a t for muscle is almost identical to
. F' 3 7 The coe Clen .
body are shown mIg. ". hat lower. The calcium mbone (2 ==
that of water, while that due to fat IS somew
32 Physics of Projection RadiographY
, " d t the overall attenuation coefficient is the
Since each interactIOn IS en '1 . h and Compton coefficients,
sum of that due to photoelectrIc, a mass attenuation coefficient
In using various compounds an mIX ,
can be used which is given by
34 Physics of Projection Radiography
Physics of Projection Radiography 35
The exponents in the Rayleigh and photoelectric components have been experi.
mentally determined as k = 2.0, 1= 1.9, m = 3.8, and n = 3.2, and the Con.
stants as C
= 1.25 X 10-
and Cp = 9.8 X 10-

For composite materials the attenuation coefficient becomes

jl = pNg {f(E;) + CR + Cp
where ZT and Zp are the effective atomic numbers as given by
_ ( ) 11m

- -n -:1f ----------
Thus, as previously discussed, the important attenuation mechanisms in the
diagnostic energy range are a photoelectric component having a very strong Z
dependence which dominates the lower energies, and a Z independent Compton
scattering cJmponent which dominates the higher energies.
FIG. P3.3
(a) Find the minimum energy of a Compton-scattered photon reaching
the x-ray detector assuming single scattering events.
(b) Repeat part (a) where E = 100 kev, Z = dj2, h = df4, and 1= df4.
3.4 Consider a cube of depth I having a total of N incident photons on one
face. Calculate the total number of scattered photons if the total linear
attenuation coefficient is Jl and the Comptom coefficient is Jlc' [Hint : Use
the general relationship for the number of interactions in a thin section,
lln = ninJlllx.] Neglect multiple scattering.
3.5 X-ray transmission measurements are made of a single material of known
length at two photon energies in the diagnostic energy range where only
the Compton and photoelectric components are significant. What infor-
mation can be derived about the material if it is known that it is
(a) an element?
(b) a compound or mixture?
where oc/ is the electron fraction of the ith element given by

l :L: N
where N
; = NAw/(Z/!A/). In this composite material N
Ng = :L: Ng ; = NA
3.1 A region of the body has a 10-cm thickness of muscle tissue. Part of
region has a superimposed 2-cm thickness of bone. The densities of
muscle and bone are 1.0 and 1.75, respectively. Calculate the x-ray uanSDillS'ii.
sion in the muscle tissue alone and in the combined muscle and bone
at energies of 30 and 100 kev. Which energy is preferable for
contrast? Which is preferable for visualizing variations in muscle
in the presence of bone?
3.2 Using the simpler analytic expression for the attenuation coefficient, in
region where the photon energy is under 100 kev, find an
expression for the energy at which the photoelectric effect and
effect are equaL Check your expression with that of Fig. 3.6
10 and 20.
3.3 A source emits photons of energy E to a thin object as shown' in
Source Considerations
in Radiographic Imaging
Point-Source Geometry 37
FIG. 4.1 Rotating anode x-ray tube. (Courtesy of the Machlett Labora-
tories, Inc.)
, Ya) = Ji(x
, Ya) exp [ - f .uo(x, Y, z)drJ (4.1)
where Ji(xa, Ya) is the intensity incident on the detector plane in the absence .of
any attenuation and .uo(x, Y, z) is the linear attenuation coefficient at the m01-
chromatic energy 8
This intensity Ji(xa, Ya) in the absence of any attenuating object can be
evaluated with the aid of Fig. 4.3. A point radiator emits N photons isotropically
during the exposure interval. The intensity at a point Xa, Ya in the detector
plane is proportional to the number of photons per unit area at that point as
beam strikes a tilted surface so that the projected focal spot, in the direction
of the beam, is smaller than the bombarded area.
We first consider the geometry formed by an ideal point source as shown
in Fig. 4.2. The output is formed by the line integral of the attenuation coef-
ficient f.l(x, Y, z) of the various rays. In studying the geometric considerations
relating to image distortion and resolution, it is convenient to assume a mono-
energetic source. This represents no loss of generality since we can always return
to the general relationship as expressed in equation (3.4). Thus the detector
output due to a monoenergetic source is given by
In Chapter 3, which emphasized attenuation mechanisms, a parallel
source was assumed. In this chapter we study the limits imposed by an
source of finite size.
In the sources approach point sources resulting from an ele(;tron!1
.stnkmg a metal target. The use of a point source, with its
dIvergmg beam, results in "distorted" projection images compared to those
the beam in Chapter 3 [Christensen et al., 1978]. A
x-ray tube IS shown m FIg. 4.1 [Ter-Pogossian, 1967]. The electron beam,
to about 100 kv, is used to bombard a tungsten anode. Since the
tImes a.re a small fraction of a second, the anode heating is minimized by
a rotatmg anode and thus providing a larger dissipation surface. The
Depth-Dependent Magnification 39
= -_.
convenient to specify Ilxd, Yd) in terms of 10 , its value at the
= 0, as given by
a representation that shows the variations in incident intensity
coordinates. Thus Ii can be expressed as
These equations allow us to rewrite the line integration of equation (4.1)
in terms of the depth z using
XJ + yJ
() dependence can be interpreted as the product of an inverse
uare falloff with distance, providing a cos
() dependence, multiplied by a
sqs8 dependence due to the obliquity between the rays and the detector plane.
fa.tthe source has been assumed to be monoenergetic. For a polychro-
matic source the detector output becomes
Iixd' Yd) = f 1,(8) exp[ - f p(x, y, Z, 8)drJd8. (4.6)
Using equation (4.1), the simplified monoenergetic case, we can develop a more
useful formulation which directly illustrates the "distortion" due to point-
source geometry. The line integral element, dr, is decomposed as
dr = + dy
+ dz
. (4.7)
The line integration, as seen in Fig. 4.2, takes place along a line defined as
FIG. 4.2 Point-source x-ray system.

I-+---------d-----__.. _j DETECTOR PLANE
38 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
dx _ Xd and. ddYz = Ydd.
dz -7
SUbstituting, we obtain
Iixd,Yd) = I,exp[-,)1 + fPo (l z, (4.9)
. The two-dimensional transmission function at any plane z is magnified by
djz in the detector plane, as can be seen in Fig. 4.2. We can therefore rewrite
FIG. 4.3 Intensity falloff of an incident beam.
given by
Ii(xd, Yd) = K-
where NQ/4n is the number of photons in Q, a is the incremental area, K is
constant representing the energy per photon, and Q is the solid angle intercept
by the area a given by
Q = a cosO.
Examples of Point-Source Geometry 41
I 1
..... :.<--- d I
tput can be approximated by
detecte Ou
lixd' Yd) lie-paL.
'nteresting example of the effects of point-source geometry is the
Anot er 1 . , ' h d" h
, . f rectangular object of unlImIted extent III t e x lrection as sown
attenuation coefficient in space is defined by
in FIg...
f.Lo(x,Y,z) = f.Larect (f) rect (Z -:,zo) (4.13)
Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
z- z)
Po(x, Y, z) = Pa rect T .
As a first example, in Fig. 4.4 we study an infinite slab of thickness L which
centered at a depth of Zo and has a uniform attenuation of Pa' The
dimensional attenuation coefficient can be expressed as
the preceding equation as
lixd,Yd) = Ii exp [ -J1 + f: Po (:tz)'
where M(z) = d/z. This formulation can be arrived at through physical
geometric reasoning. The radical outside the integral is the obliquity factor
to the longer path lengths of rays through the object at greater angles to t
normal. In certain geometries, as with relatively thin objects, it can be ignore
FIG. 4.5 Imaging of a rectangular object.
where f.La is the uniform value of Po throughout the object. The resultant
intensity pattern at the detector becomes
d,Yd)=li exP[-Jl + (4.14)
The product of the two rect functions is used to the upper and
limits of integration corresponding to the overlap regIOn of the two functIOns,
as shown in Fig. 4.6.
- rect[(z-zo)/w]
---- rect (Ydz/dLl
FIG. 4.4 Imaging of an infinite slab.
Since flo is a function of z only, equation (4.10) simply involves the integral
a rect function, giving
lixd' Yd) = Ii exp (-J1 +
For the case where (d/d
)Pa L 1, corresponding to a combination
small attenuation coefficient, thin section, or regions close to the axis,
- ---,
21 Yd 1
FIG. 4.6 Product of rect functions.
the detected output as
Examples of Point-Source Geometry 43
Ilxd' Yd) = l/t(:;, [;j) (4.18)
where the transmission function t(x, y) = exp [- -rex, y)].
In this form the geometric magnification factor of the diverging beam is
evident where a plane at Zo is magnified an amount djzo in the detector plane.
planes close to the source receive a large magnification, while those close to
the detector plane receive a magnification approaching unity.
The distortion of images due to point-source geometry can cause significant
problems in clinical interpretation if the diagnostician does not take it into
account [Christensen et aI., 1978]. For example, in Fig. 4.8 the apparent relative
Figure 4.7 illustrates the transmission Id/l/ versus IYd I, ignoring the obliquity
factor ,Jl + d/d

Rect [(z - zo)/w] is shown centered at Zo with a width w. Three cases

shown for rect Ydz/dL, corresponding to three ranges of Yd' Since the
is symmetrical in Yd we can evaluate it for IYd I, with the same image <Lf-JIJC3.rlnh
at each side of the Yd axis. For values of IYd I > dL/(2zo - w), the rect
do not overlap, providing an upper and lower limit of integration
Thus the integrated value is zero, corresponding to the lack of attenuation
the region where the rays miss the object. In the next region, for values
1Yd I below dL/(2z
- w) but above dL/(2z o+ w), the integration takes
in the shaded region from Zo - w/2 to dL/21 Yd I, corresponding to rays
through the corners of the object. In the third region, where IYd I < dL/(2z
w), the rays always go through the entire object. This corresponds to an inte.
grated value of w since rect (z - zo)/w determines the limits of integration. The
resultant equation is given by
42 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
FIG. 4.7 Transmission of a rectangular object.
For very thin sections the attenuation coefficient can be characterized
FIG. 4.8 Distortion of the relative position of two images with respect to
the center lines.
FIG. 4.9 Apparent size of a tilted object varies with its lateral position. i
Figure 4.10 illustrates an x-ray photograph of an off-axis elongated plastic
hollow cylinder. Note how the variation in magnification with depth gives the
of a truncated conical section, with one end experiencing greater
magmficatlOn than the other.
radial position of two objects is distorted. Similarly, in Fig. 4.9, the apparent
size of a tilted object depends on its position within the diverging beam. These
examples are exaggerated compared to the usual clinical situation where the
angular divergence of the beam is relatively small.
where -rex, y) is the line integral of the attenuation coefficient at each
x, y. The resulting detected output is given by
Iixd' Yd) = Ii exp [ -)1 + fJ)]
where M = d/z
. If we ignore the obliquity factor ,Jl + rJ/d
, we can
f.lo(x, Y, z) = -rex, y)<5(z - zo)
I Vd I
+ W 2z
- W
exp - J1.
44 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
Analysis of Imaging Using Planar Sources 45
IaCu, v) = KM2m2T(Mu, Mv)S(mu, mv)
----------d--- _
Thus the magnification of the source image is 1 minus the magnification of
the object. Since the response due to each pinhole is independent of its lateral
position, the system is space invariant, as discussed in Chapter 2. The response
to each isolated plane can be structured in convolution form and the spatial
frequency domain can conveniently be used. The response to a transparency
having transmission t(x, y) in plane z is given by
Iixd' Yd) = Kt(;;, J;) ** ;;:).
FIG. 4.11 Planar extended source.
This can be expressed in the Fourier domain as the product of the individual
transforms, where
S are the Fourier transforms of t and s, and u and v are the spatial
frequency coordinates.
a simplified view of the effects of extended sources, we now
more general analysis. Figure 4.12 illustrates an imaging systef
source s(xn Ys)' In our analysis, we first find the detected image
aclltlierential point at Xn Ys on the source distribution. We then find the
intensity IaCxd' Yd) by integrating over the entire source. The dif-
at the detector plane in the absence of the object, dI;(x
, Yd),
'UUt;'!Qilrl)Ollnt at x
, Ys is again given by
FIG. 4.10 X-ray photograph of a hollow plastic cylinder.
= KS(Xd Yd)
where K is a proportionality constant and m, the magnification of the s
due to a hole in plane z, is given by
d - z ( )
m(z) = --- = l-Mz.
We have shown how the use of a point x-ray source produces images having
depth-dependent magnification which is a distortion when compared to
parallel geometry of Fig. 3.1. We now consider the effects of a finite sour
The x-ray source using a bombarded target, as in Fig. 4.1, has finite dim
sions, which significantly affects the resolution of the detected image [Spra
1977]. We first assume that the source is planar and parallel to the dete
plane as shown in Fig. 4.11. If the object is an opaque plane at z having
array of pinholes, each pinhole will reproduce an inverted image of the so
magnified by (d - z)/z, as indicated by the geometry. The point respo
, Yd) for a pinhole at the origin in plane z, for a source distribution'
Ys), is of the form
Analysis of Imaging Using Planar Sources 47
:<. = mxs ,
f.lo(X, Y, z) = 'rex, y)o(z - zo).
takes place along
x = Xd dxsZ + x sand Y = Yd dYsZ + Ys'
For the more complete polyenergetic case, both sand f.l are functions of energy
and the entire expression is integrated over the energy spectrum.
Wecan simplify equation (4.31) to provide more insight into the imaging
process. We first assume that rds is sufficiently smaller than d so that we can
ignore the two obliquity factors relating to the falloff in source intensity and
the increased path through the object. We study a thin object at z = Zo again
characterized by
The resultant detected image intensity becomes
lex Y) - 1 SS ( ) [ (Xd - mx
Yd - mYs)Jd d '
d d, d - 4nd2 s x., Ys exp -'r M 'M Xs Y.. I
To place this expression in the desired space-invariant convolutional form, we
use the substitution
substituting equations (4.27) and (4.28) into (4.26), we obtain
dfa(xa,Yd,X.,yS) = dliexp[-,jI + 1; Sf.lo(X
+ x.,
Yd dYs z + Y., z)dz} (4.29)
Using the previously defined object magnification M = dlz and source magni-
fication m = -(d - z)lz, (4.29) becomes
dfa(xa, Ya, x., Ys) = dli exp [ -,j1 + ~ J ~ Jf.lo(X
~ mx
, Yd ~ m
, z)dz1
The detected image due to the entire source, Id(xd, Yd), is obtained by integrating
the image due to a source point dlixd, Yd, x., Ys) over the entire source as
given by
lj.,xa, Ya) = SSdlixd, Yd' XS, , Ys)
1 SS s(x
, Ys) [11 + rJs f (X
- mx
= 4nd2 (1 + ds/d
)312 exp -'V d2 f.lo M '
Yd - mys )d Jd d
M ,z z Xs Ys'
FIG. 4.12 Imaging, using a planar source.
If-o ..r - - - - - - - - - d - - - - - - - - ~
= (1 + ds/d
where rds = [(Xd - x
)2 + (Yd - Ys)2]1/2, the lateral distance between so
and detector points.
Inserting the object with attenuation f1o(x, Y, z), the differential det
intensity due to each infinitesimal source point is given by
dl ( )
- sex., Ys)dxsdys exp [- S"(x Y z)dsJ
d Xd, Yd, x., Ys - 4nd2(1 + ds/d2)3/2 1"'0 , ,
= dli exp [ - Sf1o(x, Y, z)dsJ
where ds is the element of line integration. Expanding ds, we obtain
ds = -Jdx
+ dy
+ dz
Again parameterizing x and Y coordinates in terms of z, the line integ
dl = s(xs, Ys)dxsdys.
o 4nd2
The angular distribution cos
eis also measured from each infinitesimal so
point as given by
(J = [1 + (X
dxsr + (Yd dYsrJ3/2
as in (4.5). dlo is now defined as the differential detected intensity on the
of the particular infinitesimal source point where Xd = Xs and Yd = Y.. as gi
46 Source Considerations in Radiographk Imaging
Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging Simplifying Relationships Using Solid Objects 49
which is identical to (4.22). This result was derived a of
source points each separately imaging the object. a general
result, equation (4.31), for imaging any object. An altern.attve, sImp.ler .approach,
however, can be used for the case of a planar object wIth the obhqUlty factors
ignored, giving the same result as in equation (4.36).
Substituting x" = Mx' and Y" = My' provides a convolution relationship
given by
here Q is the solid collection angle of the pinhole. Equation (4.37) is derived
:y direct geometric projection with a magnification m and a translation weighted
by M. The term 1'[lm
is the collection efficiency divided by the ratio of image
and source areas. Ignoring obliquity is equivalent to assuming that the solid
angle of the unity area pinhole is 1/z
over the entire transparency. With this
approximation, the detected intensity is given by
l(xd' Yd) = ff h(Xd' Yd, x', y')t(x', y')dx'dy'
= _1_ SS t(x' Y')s(X
- Mx' Yd - MY')dx'dy" (4.39)
'. m' m
(4.35) 1 (Xd Yd) [ ... (X
l(x y)=---s - - **exp M'M
d d, d 4ndzm
m' m
Using the previously defined t(x, y) = exp [--rex, y)], we obtain the simplified
convolution expression
1 (X
Yd) ** t(X
laCxd' Yd) = 4ndzmzs m' m M' M
to provide
which is identical to the previously derived equation (4.36).
FIG. 4.13 Impulse response with an extended source.
lified convolution relationships (4.36) and (4.40) were derived for a
with the only approximations being the neglecting of obliquity
owever, for the solid object, even with the neglecting of obliquity,
near relationship prevents us from forming a convolution relationship.
Equation (4.40) illustrates the basic problem of the loss of resolution due
to source size. For object planes close to the detector where M::::::::: 1 and m ::::::::: 0,
the image has unity magnification and is not blurred by the source, no matter
what its size, since (l/m
)s(xlm, ylm) approaches a delta function. For object
planes closer to the source, for example at z = dl2 where M = 2 and Im I = 1,
the.8pject plane will be blurred by the source size itself. Attempts at greater
will have greater blurring since ImI = M - 1. Figure 4.14
two x-ray photographs of a high-resolution test object taken with
fmagnifications. In the case of unity magnification the array of holes
llresolved due to the lack of blur from the source function. With a mag-
n of 2, however, the smaller holes are clearly blurred by the source
Effects of Source Size
t(x, y)
In this approach we find the detected intensity from the entire
a transparency consisting of an impulse where t(x, y) = o(x - x , Y - Y),
shown in Fig. 4.13. The resultant intensity at the detector plane or UUI",Ull,I;';:I
response h(Xd' Yd' x', y') is given by
, , _ 1'[ (Xd - Mx' Yd - MY')
h(xd, Yd, X, Y ) - mZs m ' m
where 1'[ is the collection efficiency of the pinhole as given by
1'[ = 4n
Simplifying Relationships Using Solid Objects 51
flo(X, y, z) = flwCX, y, z) + fl6.(X, y, z)
(4.42) flo(X, Y, z) = 2: "ix, y)o(z - Zi)
I ( ),-....; I '" 1 (X
Yd) (X
d Xd, Yd - i - 7' 4rcd2mt
m/ m
** 'r( M/ M
is the attenuation coefficient of water and fl6. is the departure from
ter. We can now more legitimately assume that f fl6.dz < 1. Those
that do depart significantly from water, namely air and bone, are
iated with relatively short path lengths, so that the assumption can
id. Substituting (4.45) in (4.4J.) and using the assumption above,
with the resultant detected intensity
fa(Xd' Yd) = 4;d
ffs(X., Ys) exp {- Yd ]}dXsdys
where m
= -Cd - Zi)/Zi and Mi = d/zi. If we make the assumption f fldz < 1,
namely that the attenuation through any path is relatively small, we can lin-
earizethe exponential where exp (- f fldz) :::::: 1 - f fldz, giving
where'lr= (1/4rcd
) ff s(X., ys)dxsdy., the intensity in the absence of an object.
;[,hisformulation (4.44) provides a convolution relationship for all planes
object. Unfortunately, the approximation used in the derivation,
is quite inaccurate except for very thin portions of the body. At
energy levels the attenuation coefficient of most soft tissue is about
Thus a typical 20-cm depth provides f fldz :::::: 4, which makes the
tion unreasonable.
ternative approach is to assume that most body tissue has an attenua-
cient similar to that of water, so that the attenuation coefficient is
ed as
Repeating (4.31) without the obliquity factors, we have
1 55 ( ) [5 (X
- mx
Yd - mys )d Jd d
IiXd' Yd) = 4rcd2 s x., Ys exp - flo M ' M ,z z Xs Ys'
In general the three-dimensional attenuation coefficient of the object flex, Y, z)
must be used to solve for the intensity. Unfortunately, this relationship does
not provide the insightful convolution relationship which serves to directly
indicate the system performance and facilitate the use of frequency analysis.
Using various approximations, each having different degrees of validity,
equation (4.41) can be linearized to provide a convolution form. One approach
is the modeling of the solid object as an array of planar objects as given by
FIG. 4.14 X-ray images of a planar object, using different magnifications.
Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
Nonparallel Source Distributions 53
I d-z d I d-z
m = --- an M = s.
z - Zs Z - zs
ith the rotating anode tube of Fig. 4.1, the conventional x-ray tube
that can be approximated as a planar surface which is tilted with
detector. The effects of this source distribution are illustrated in
These limits five of integration to the regions
delineated by the mtersectlOn of the rays from the fillIte source with the four
corners of the rectangle.
In general, in the study of radiographic imaging, the simplified convolu-
tional relationships of a single plane are preferred since they provide profound
insight into the performance-limiting factors. To review the development of the
convolutional approach, we first showed that, for a planar object, if the rela-
tively small obliquity factors are neglected, the resultant image is the convolution
of the magnified transparency with a magnified source. For the solid object,
we first modeled it as an array of planes and showed that the convolutional
fOfm would again apply if the total line integral of the attenuation coefficient
is quite small so that the exponential could be linearized. Since this is not the
usual case, we then modeled the solid object as a sum of a water coefficient,
its dominant component, and a difference from this coefficient. Since the line
integral of the difference component is quite small, we could linearize this
portion of the expression and express each plane in convolutional form. As
indicated, the motivation for this exercise was not primarily to establish an
analytic procedure to deal with solid objects. It was, rather, a justification for
analyzing systems by their response to a single planar object. We have shown
that the simplified planar object analysis does indeed predict the performance
of complex volumetric objects.
lfl.:most x-ray tubes, as shown in Fig. 4.1, the source is not parallel to the
detector. This results in a different point-spread function for each
detector plane. In general the source is a three-dimensional surface
Using the same type of derivation as that of the planar source,
th lized expression for the recorded intensity becomes
mIn max --y;::y;-
- m . z - Z {-y;::.:y;-
reet (Yd Ys) rect ( __O)dz = dz.
ML W [ZO-W/2
dLJ2-y.. d
min ma x -y;;=y:;-
-dLl2-Y ,d
Equation (4.48) provides a convolution relationship with each plane using rno
valid approximations than that of (4.44). Tw represents the transmission throll
the object as if it were composed uniformly of water and the source was a poi
It should be emphasized that, although equation (4.48) provides a reasona
basis for calculating the intensity due to a solid object, that is not the rn
reason for its presentation. The principal conclusion to be drawn from t
development is that it is reasonable to study the response to an individual pia
within a volume using the simplified convolutional relationship of equati
Although (4.44) and (4.48) provide the elegance of the convolution
tionship, for the general three-dimensional object, (4.31) or (4.41) must
used. For example, using the rectangular object of Fig. 4.5 with equation (4.
we obtain
IaCxd' Yd) = SSs(x" yJ exp [ - Ila Srect (Yd rect (Z ZO)dZ
x dxsdys' (
In this case the limits of integration are no longer symmetrical in Yd'
integral over the object is given by
we obtain
Iixd' Yd)::::: ffs(x" Ys) exp [ - fIlw(Xd -;X
, Yd MmyS, z)dz]
x [1 - f1ll>.(Xd -;Xs, Yd M mys, z)dz]dXsdys. (4.46)
The first exponential in the integral represents the line integral of the object
consisting of uniform tissue having attenuation coefficient Ilw Because of the
uniformity we can make the approximation
II (Xd - mxs Yd - mys z)::::: II (Xd Yd z).
rw M ' M' rw M' M'
This approximation is valid within the interior of the object. It fails, however
at the boundaries of the object, where the attenuation coefficient goes abrupt!
from Ilw to zero. Using this approximation, and restructuring the integratio
involving Ill>. as a summation of planes, as in (4.42) to (4.44), we obtain
Iixd' Yd) ::::: Tw[Ii - I: 4 d\ 2
, Yd) ** 'l:l>.i(M
, M
)] (4.48
i 7C mi mi mi i i
54 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
Nonparallel Source Distrihutions 55
(d - z)(z - ay') = m(l - a
Z2 z '
M;x= M.
1-01----Z I
relationships the point response, ignoring obliquity, is given by
x' y') - 1 [Xd - Mx' Yd - My' ] (457)
, - 4nz
(1 - ay'jz)s . m ' m(l - ay'jz) . .
response confirms the behavior shown in Fig. 4.15, where the
cation changes significantly with the vertical position of the object
The x magnification remains essentially unchanged. For the case of
e at y' = zja, the detector sees the edge of the source, resulting in a
. Equation (4.57) then reduces to a delta function in the y dimension.
intensity du.e ,to general t(x, y), we use the impulse
In the superposItIOn mtegral. Makmg the substitutions x" = Mx' apd
" the detected intensity becomes
Yd) = _1_ 55 1 s(Xd - x" Yd - y" )
1 - ay"jMz m' m(l - ay"jMz)
x t (4.58)
= m' - _ d - z m = (d - z)(z - ay')
-' z - ays' y (z - ays)2
and M = M = d - ays.
;x y z - ays
For any sources of interest the source size will be significantly smaller than
the object depth z. Thus z ays and d ays' We then get the approximate
,....., d-z_ ___
rnx - --z- - rn, my -
FIG. 4.16 Ray tracing for a tilted source.
The mcremental magnifications are found by appropriately differentiating the
recorder coordinates in Fig. 4.16, where Xd = M'x' + m'xs and Yd = M'y' +
m'ys' These are given by
For the tilted source case we can again evaluate the impulse
, ' h 1 at x' y' as in Fig 4 13 Since in general, the magmficatlOns
usmg a pm 0 e, . ., .' .
will be different along each axis, we can rewnte equatIOn (4.37) as
" 11 (Xd - M;xx' Yd - Myy')
h(Xd' Yd, x, Y ) = m;xrn
S rn;x , my
h m M and
M are the incremental magnifications as given by
were mx, y, x' y
_ aXd and rn = aYd
mx - ax
y ays
M - aXd and M = aYd.
x - ax' yay'
In the case of the planar source parallel to the detector, these
were constants independent of source and object coordinates. For the 111
source these constants are evaluated with the aid of Fig. 4.16. The values
m' and M' for the tilted source, by geometry, become
and M,=d-a
z - ays z - ays

ex I
11-oo1 __<----z
FIG. 4.15 Point response variations due to a tilted source.
Fig. 4.15. As can be seen, the projected source size varies for dif.
ferent y positions on the planar object t(x, y). The source geometry IS modeled
b tt
' - Ny where a is the tangent of the angle between the Source
y se mg zs - "" S'
plane and the vertical.
Effects of Object Motion 57
geometry, is MvT. The resultant recorded intensity is given by
Iixd' Yd) = 4nd2 2
, M
) ** s(X
, Ya) * _1_ rect (2.L).
m m m MvT MvT
Thus the n:otion blurring is minimized by a short exposure time T.
EquatIOn (4.61) can be restructured to emphasize the trade-off betw
. d . een
source SIze an exposure tIme as limiting the system resolution. The energy
density of the source sex, can be written as the product of a power density
p(x, y) and the T. The total source energy E
is thus given by
TIf p(x, To exposure time, for a given SOUrce energy,
the source IS Its maximum power density Pmax, usually determined
by the temperature lImIt. If we assume that the source is emitting uniformly
and has an extent of a(x, y), equation (4.61) becomes
I (x y) = t(xa/M, Ya/
) ** P T (Xa Ya) P
JJa(x, y)dxdy
a a, a 4nd2 2 max a -, - * ---;-;--;:0---
m m m MvE
XaPmax ff a(x, Y)dXdY]
X rect
y) is a function defining the extent of the uniform source.
The T III the rect functIOn due to motion has been replaced by th
d' 'd db' e source
energy IVI e y the Illtegrated source power. For a square source where
a(x, y) = rect x/L rect y/L, the impulse response is given by
h(xa, Ya) = K rect (..5L k) * reet ( X
). (4.63)
. tnL'mL MVE
indicate.d in (4.63), ,a larger source size results in a decreased motion blur-
VIce vers.a., The\ total extent of the point response in the x direction
X, due to source SIze is given by ,
x= ImlL + MvEs
L2 (4.64)
can be minimized with respect to L, giving
= ( 2MvEs ) 1/3 .
Im I (4.65)
this dimension will provide the smallest point
the x dIrectIOn. The corresponding exposure time T is given If
T = Es _ ( Es )1/3(1 ml )2/3 '
P - Pmax 2Mv . (4.66)
of t?e object increases, the optimum source size becomes
exposure tIme correspondingly smaller.
56 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
The oversimplified solution to the problem of a finite source size is to use
extremely small source. These sources, however, have reduced power outp
requiring longer exposure intervals, resulting in blurring due to the motio
the object under study. These motions are either those of uncooperative patie
such as children, or the physiological body motions of the respiratory, car
vascular, and gastrointestinal systems.
The blurring effect of motion can be considered as a linear param
similar to that of the source size. Using the basic system of Fig. 4.13, con
the pinhole aperture moving uniformly in the x direction with a veloci
during the exposure interval T. The image movement at the recorder plan
Despite the appropriate substitutions, equation (4.58) remains space
variant because of the variation in the Y magnification with the object coordi.
nate. In an attempt to use the convolution formulation, we can divide the
object plane into narrow horizontal strips at each value of y'. These strips form
space-invariant or isoplanatic patches within which the impulse response is
constant. Each horizontal strip at an object coordinate y' corresponds to a
horizontal strip at the detector plane at coordinate Yd = My'. An approximate
convolutional relationship can be structured at each horizontal strip by refor.
mulating equation (4.58) as
I ( . ') 1 . (X
Yd ) ** t(X
Yd) (
d X
, Yd, Yd - 4nd2m2(1 _ m'm(l - M' M 4.59)
where is the detector coordinate of the region of interest and is a constant
in the convolution operation. The variation of vertical resolution with is
clearly indicated. This relationship can be transformed into the frequency
domain as
Iiu, v, = :;;2S[mu, m(l - ] T(Mu, Mv). (4.60)
Again at Y' = z/rx corresponding to = d/a" we see the infinite bandwidth in
the v dimension.
We have shown that the commonly used rotating anode tube can be
structured as a tilted planar source. Although all the magnifications become
function of object position, the only one that changes significantly is the sour
magnification in the direction of the tilt. Using formulations for the incremen
magnifications, with appropriate approximations, we develop an impulse res
ponse which is a function of the object position in the direction of the tilt.
allows an approximate convolution relationship which serves to illustrate t
nature of the blur function.
Representati-Pe Source Configurations 59
Standard x-ray tubes use directly heated cathodes consisting of a coiled filament
within a focusing cup. The resultant electron optics often results in two distinct
areas on the rotating anode which are being bombarded with electrons and
producing x-rays, as illustrated in Fig. 4.17. The source function can be approxi.
mated as two narrow rectangles each w x L separated by W, as given by
sex, y) = [rect (X - :1
) + rect (X +w
) ] rect (r) (4.67)
Id is very high. These electrons impinge on a conical anode within the cylinder,
fie Iting in a relatively large annular source size. These tubes use relatively
voltages and low currents and have not achieved widespread use.
hIghFocal spots are generally measured using a pinhole camera. A small hole
. laced in a relatively opaque sheet of high-atomic-number metal such as
or gold. pinhole is placed between the film recorder.
Ignoring obliqUIty factors, the resultant source Image IS gIven by
I ( ) - 1 (X
Ya) * (X
a Xa, Ya - 4nzzmzMzP M' M * s m' m

% /'
where p(x, y) represents the pinhole. The detected image will essentially repre-
sent the source as long as the magnified pinhole p(xl M, ylM) is appreciably
smaller in extent than the magnified source image s(xlm, ylm). In this way the
pinhole acts as a two-dimensional delta function, reproducing the source image.
Typically, the pinhole is midway between source and detector with ImI 1
and M :::::: 2, so that the source image is approximately actual size. A relatively
high resolution recorder, consisting of film only, is used to preserve the source
FIG. 4.17 Typical focal spot shape in x-ray tubes.
Typical dimensions for Wand L vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mm. This represents
relatively poor response in the X direction, which can distort vertical edge
One indication of the problem is the Fourier transform of the source distrib
tion, as given by
S(u, v) = 2wL cos (n Wu) sine (wu) sine (Lv).
The cosine function makes the response highly oscillatory in the X directio
Of course, as previously indicated, the system response to a source function
determined by the source magnification m. Thus object planes close to the det
tor, where m is relatively small, will be relatively independent of the sou
size and shape.
Many efforts are under way to provide source configurations which a
both smaller and have preferred shapes. In some x-ray tubes additional focusi
fields are applied to cause the electron beam to produce a more desirable sin
spot. Microfocus tubes are available which use electron guns and prod
focal spots of 50 to 200 microns. Field emission tubes have no heated filam
and emit electrons from sharp points on a cylindrical cathode where the elect
4.1 (a) Using a point-source x-ray system a distance d from the detector, find
an approximate expression for the distance from the center of the detector
'a where the incident intensity has fallen off a fractional amount Ll, where
(b) Using the same system, a slab of material of thickness Wand attenua-
tion coefficient Po, parallel to the detector, is placed in the x-ray path.
Neglecting the falloff in incident intensity, calculate the value of ra at which
the detected intensity has fallen off a fractional amount Ll, where Ll 1.
(c) For parts (a) and (b), calculate ra for d = 1 meter, W = 20 cm, Po =
0.25 cm-
, and Ll = 1%.
4.2 As shown in Fig. P4.2, a cylindrical bone of infinite length is embedded in
a layer of soft tissue of infinite extent. The linear attenuation coefficient
of the bone is Pb and that of the soft tissue is Pw. The incident
is 10 using parallel x-rays./
(a) Find an expression for la, the detected intensity.
(b) What is the ratio of the detected intensity through the maximum bone
. thickness at Ya = 0 to that of the soft-tissue-only region where Yd > R?
FIG. P4.4

o )1
4-----zo---l R

I h,

I .. Z2
I" d
Source Considerations in Radiographic 117Ulging 61
4.5 A rectangular x-ray source, S(X., Ys) = rect (xl X) rect (yl Y), is used with
two opaque, semi-infinite planes as shown in Fig. P4.5. Ignoring all obliquity
factors, plot the intensity versus Ydon the detector plane labeling all break
FIG. P4.5
4.6 An L X L x-ray source, having unity intensity, parallel to and a distance
d from the recorder, is used to image a planar transparency a distance z
from the source having a transmission .
t = +cos 2nay I
(a) Ignoring obliquity, find an expression for the intensity at the recorder
plane. (Do not leave in convolutional form.)
(b) Repeat part (a) where the source is tilted at angle tan-
(1" where (1, =
and the projected size of the source in the xy plane continues to be
FIG. P4.3

-----'0-- --
'.. zo---....
X-RAYS I /xd
FIG. P4.2
(c) Calculate this ratio for W = 20 cm, R = 0.5 cm, using the curves
Fig. 3.7, where the soft tissue is muscle having a density of 1.0 and the bon
density is 1.75. Perform the calculation for x-ray photon energies of 3
and 100 kev.
4.3 A cylindrical object having an attenuation coefficient flo is positioned in
point-source x-ray system as shown in Fig. P4.3.
(a) Find an expression for fa, neglecting the falloff of the source intensi.
over the detector plane due to obliquity.
(b) Find an expression for ld using the object in Problem 4.2 with
cylinder in a layer of soft tissue.
4.4 A cylinder of attenuation coefficient fl, radius R, and length L is plac
on the axis of an x-ray imaging system as shown in Fig. P4.4. Neglecti
all obliquity factors, find an expression for ld versus rd, where the intens
in the absence of the object is a uniform 1
60 Source Considerations in Radiographic 117Ulging
Recorder Resolution
SNR = C.jl1N C?l)
number of photons per picture element impinging on the recorber,
or capture efficiency, and C is the contrast of the structure
recorder has a high quantum efficiency but, as will be shown,
resolution. Similarly, very thin recorders exhibit negligible blur-
but capture relatively few of the photons.
We far considered resolution limitations due to the x-ray source. The
resolution-limiting factor in the system is the x-ray recorder,
where the image itself is formed. The principal difficulty is in the attaining of
the' ,high resolution while maintaining a relatively high quantum or
cap lency. The quantum or capture efficiency..epresents the fraction of
ph interact within the recorder material. As will be shown in Chapter
6, captured photons per picture element governs the resultant
ratio. This SNR will be shown to be given by
\-l!.t------------d ----------
'0 t: IT
- - - - -,
I Zo I
I. d ----------+1
FIG. P4.7
4.8 A rectangular source tilted by an angle eis used to image an opaque obj
tilted at 45 as shown in Fig. P4.8. The projection of the source Yis
nificantly smaller than all other dimensions. Neglecting obliquity fact
plot the relative detected intensity in the Yd direction labeling the Yd axi
the break points. [Hint: Assume space invariance in the vicinity of
break points.]
FIG. P4.8
4.9 A source tilted at an angle of 45 has a projected intensity sex, y)
circ (rjr
)' It is used to image a transparency at 2 = 2 0, having a tran
sion t(x, Y) = I: o(x)o(y - i). Find the resultant intensity at z = d,
lecting obliquity.
4.7 A tilted source is used to image an opaque planar tilted object infinite
extent and containing three pinholes of equal size as shown in Fig. P4
Neglecting obliquity, plot I d versus Yd, indicating the relative amplitud
and the position of the break points. Space invariance can be assumed'
the vicinity of the pinhole images.
62 Source Considerations in Radiographic Imaging
FIG. 5.1 X-ray recording process.
Screen-Film Systems 65
F(x) = 1 - e-
p(x) = ixF(x) = p,e-
Since the system is space invariant, frequency res.ponse the system is
. by the Fourier transform of the pomt-spread functIOn, as gIven by
r'" Kx
H1(p) = g:{h(r)} = 2n Jo (rZ + xZ)3IZJo(2npr)rdr
For a phosphor screen of thickness d, the distribution function is given! by
1 - e-
F(x) = 1 d' (5.10)
- e P
This distribution function represents captured photons only and ignores those
transmitted beyond x = d since they do not contribute to the resultant image.
Thus the distribution function varies from zero to one as x varies from zero
where p, is the linear attenuation coefficient and e-
represents the fraction of
photons transmitted beyond distance x. The associated probability density is
given by
This normalization can be performed since it only the elimination of
constant terms and no functions of x. In general, howeveI2 the normalization
should be performed after the averaging process, where H(p) is obtained, to
ensure that each individual response HI (p, x) is properly weighted in the
averaging process.
The normalized frequency response, H(p, x), is the transfer function
resulting from a photon giving up its energy at a x. In order to find
the average transfer function ii(p) resulting from a large number of x-ray
photons, we integrate over the probability density function p(x) as given by
ii(p) = f H(p, x)p(x)dx = f e-Zrrxpp(x)dx (5.7)
where p(x) is the density function of the point at which the x-ray photons
interact. The probability density function can be determined from the dis-
tribution function F(x) given in equation (2.45) which is the probability that an
x-ray photon will interact within a distance x. For an infinitely thick scintil-
lating phosphor, the distribution function is given by
h e J (2npr)r is the kernel of the Fourier-Besse1 transform for functions
w e: g cirCUlar symmetry and p is the radial spatial fr.. pency variable as given
havIll I'" .. b
in equation (2.35). The resu tant transJorm IS gIven y
H1(P) = 2nKe-
. (5.5)
It is convenient' to use a normalized frequency response H(p) as given by

The invariant impulse response her) along the recording film emulsio
governed by two factors, the obliquity factor of the impinging light phot
which follows a cosine law, and the inverse-square-Iaw falloff with dis
from the scintillation point, which has a cos
edependence. Thus her), as
the x-ray source in Fig. 4.3, is given by
her) = h(O) cos
e= h(O)(x2 + r2)3/2
where h(O) is the response at r = 0 given by h(O) = Kjx
. Thus her) is give
h(r)=K(2 I 2)312
r T x
where K is an intensity proportionality constant. With the assumptions
above, this represents the point-spread function of the x-ray recording pr
X-ray film itself is a relatively inefficient recorder of x-ray photons. To ColI
the x-ray photons efficiently, a scintillating screen is used to convert each x-
photon into a large number of visible photons, which are then recorded
film. The scintillating screen is a dense high-atomic-number material, such
calcium tungstate, which will capture the x-ray photons in a relatively sho
path for resolution considerations. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.1. An incomi
photon gives up its energy to a scintillating phosphor at a distance x as Show
A large number of visible photons are generated in the scintillating crys
The exact nature of this process is quite complex [Bates and Marwood, 1973
We will assume an isotropic radiator of visible light at the scintillation poin
Also, we neglect the granular nature of the phosphor and assume unifo
light propagation. It is reasonably accurate to assume that the x-ray phot
does not interact with the film itself.
Screen-Film Systems 67
FIG. 5.3 Dual-screen recording system.
this can be clearly approximated as
H(h) = k (21lPk + :>(1 - e-Pd>'
b tituting 11 = 1- e-
, the capture efficiency of the screen, and using the
Su snable approximation 11k ], we get an expression for the cutoff frequency:
reasO .
Pk (5.13)
the currently used of is the -10% response.
e for this case the hmItmg resolutIOn. In cycles/m.m would be f.lIO.21l'f/. ThIS
shows the trade-off bet,:een and the
as regards the thicknessd. A coeffiCIent. f.l is always
since it provides for the stoppmg of photons a short dIstance. The thIckness
d however, must be a trade-off between efficIency and the cutoff frequency.
practice a variety of screens are n:ade available 0\ differing so
that the desired trade-off between efficIency and resolutIOn can be achIeved for
each study. .
Modern x-ray recording systems utilize a double screen-film cassette
structure which helps this trade-off among screen thickness, resolution, and
efficiency, as shown in Fig. 5.3. The recording film has a photographic emul-
sian on each side and is sandwiched between two phosphor layers. The efficiency
is now based on the entire phosphor thickness d =. d
+ d
Scintillations in
either layer will be recorded on one of the two emulsions. The frequency
ponse due to a scintillation at x is given by I
H(p, x) = e-
(d,-x) for 0 < x < d
= for d
< x < d.
The film itself is essentially transparent to x-rays.
10.0 1.0 0.1

FIG. 5.2 Frequency response of a screen-film system.
It is important to establish some figure of merit for the frequency respo
such as a cutoff frequency or effective bandwidth, to evaluate various c
figurations. Referring to equation (5.11), we note that, using typical values,
bracketed expression can be approximated as unity above relatively low spa
frequencies. For example, at p = ].0 cycle/mm, H(p) = 0.53 and the bracke
expression is 0.85. Clearly, in establishing a cutoff frequency, it is conveni
to assume that the bracketed expression is unity. We define the cutofffreque
Pk as that spatial frequency where H(Pk) = k. For values of k less than
Equation (5.11) represents a monotonically decreasing response wi
increasing spatial frequency. A representative value for the thickness d of
typical screen is 0.25 mm. A calcium tungstate screen at the center of t
diagnostic photon energy spectrum will have an attenuation coefficient J1,
about 15 em-I. A plot using these values is shown in Fig. 5.2.
to d. The resultant probability density function is f.le-IIX/(l - e-Jicl) with
normalized spectrum given by .
H(p) = 1 }:e-i-<d fad e-Z7tXPe-i-<Xdx
66 Recorder Resolution Considerations
68 Recorder Resolution Considerations
We will establish an effective cutoff frequency Pk for this configuration as was
done for the previous case. Since dl and d2 are comparable in width, each about
half of d, we can again neglect the exponents of the form exp (- 2npd), since
they will become negligible at relatively low spatial frequencies. We also make
the approximation
The frequency response averaged over many events using equation (5.7) be.
Ii(p) = 1 I'd {fad
exp [-2np(dj - x) + J.lx]dx
+ exp[-2np(x - dj ) + J.lX]dX}
p(x) = J.l e-I'X
1 - e-
The mean interaction distance xis given by
x = J
x= 1 - e-pd(1Ui + 1)
p(l - e I'd) . (5.21b)
the values used, d = 0.25 mm and p = 15 cm-
, the
IS 0.1 a?proxImately equal to d/2. ,Por thicker screens used for
maxImum senSItIVIty, WIth reduced resolution, the front screen de th d
be half of the back screen depth d
p j can
Critical-Angle Considerations 69
probability density function of the photon interaction po' t
derived, is given by In, as previously
1 -L 1
2np - J.l I 2np + J.l 2np
which is valid as long as (2np)2 J.l2. As before, this is appropriate at all but
the lower spatial frequencies. Using these approximations we again define the
cutoff frequency Pk as that frequency at which Ii = k as given by
- II 2
H(h) = k:::::: .l:::-.e-I'dl __
1J 2npk
resulting in a cutoff frequency
k - 2nk1J .
This indicates that this configuration, for a given efficiency, has an improvem
given by 2e-l'd
. It is erroneous to assume that a reduction of d
to zero
maximize the resolution since this negates the approximation of Ii(p) at big
frequencies and simply returns us to the original single-layer configurati
The optimum condition, as would be expected, is approximately at dj =
Under these conditions we have
J.l --
Pk - 2nk1J2,-/1 - 1J
with a resultant improvement over the single screen of 2,-/1 - 1J. The dou
screen improvement factor at high spatial frequencies for commercial ser
where 1J :::::: 0.3 is about 1.7. This substantial factor can be used to pro
improved frequency response at a given efficiency, improved efficiency
given resolution, or any intermediate combination.
The optimum division of the two screens between d
and d
for a giv
is a somewhat complex subject. A simplified approach is to place the div'
at the mean stopping distance of the photons, thus ensuring that the s
lations in both screens will be as close as possible to the film emulsions
Afurther refinement of the frequency response of the h h
f th bl f h .. P osp or screen makes
useo/ e pro em 0 t e angle. Assuming perfect contact between the
ph()sphor and t?e film, the maXImum or critical angle ec at which Ii ht from
tJJ.epb.psphor WIll enter the film is given by g
LJ nf
sm U c = n (5.22)
refractive index of the film emulsion and . th. f .
. where np > n
. If we R th;
scmtI atlOn pomt at which light enters the film emulsion, we have
nf R
np = ,-/R2 + x2
R= x
)2 - 1 (5.23)
hthe of the light as shown in Pig. 5.1, the
hm:ted to. a . CIrcle of radius R. Thus the original point
system IS multIplIed by eirc (r/ R) as given by
her) = K x circ (r'-/ii2=!)
+ X
)3/2 x
the cire function is defined in Table 2.2. The Fourier
CIrc function is given by
g: {eirc r'-/f22=l} = x J (-.J.llXP )
x p,-/n
- 1 1 Vn2 - I .
Recorder Resolution Considerations
. the convolution of the originally derived
The total frequency response IS. . b
that due to the circ function as given y
ponse an __-)
xl (2nxp/Jn
- 1 .
K - 2r.xp * :::.::....!..C

HI P = e Jn
- Ip
'd tion increases the resolution but decrea
1 h itical angle conSI era (:t"
In genera, t e cr - . h h t s per x-ray photon. The ellect on noise
the number of captured llg t P 0 on
considered in Chapter 6.
h b done under the assumption of a mo
The analysis of the recorder Wa.sh ethen usual broad energy spectrum gener
. spectrum It e
chromatic energy . d (8) of the scintillating phosphor shoul
by x-ray tubes, energy depen ence,ul t analysis. Thus a more accurate ex
taken into account for a more compoe ese in the svstem of Fig. 5.1 is give
sion for the averaged frequency respon -'
- fd Ii;' _
(i;lx ,u(8) S'(8)d8dx (
(p) = K e 1 _ e-p(i;)d
o i;, .
. d 5'(8) is the enercry spectrum leaVI
. alizmcr constant an b f
where K IS a norm b F a parallel x-ray geometry, or or r
body and entering the recorder' .or f the rays can be ignored, this spe
close to the axis where the ob IqUlty 0
is given by [ r l
5'(8) = 5(8) exp -. ,ul(8, z)dz J
d is the attenuation coefficient
where 5(8) is the source spectrum an ,ul
body as a function of energy and depth.
. . . h hors the light photons were
In recorders using scmtillatmg. P 'lol
. 'This gave rise to the fu
. h oint of scmtI atlon. .
isotroplcally at t e p. d ffi' C I Three configuratIOnS ca
trade-off between resolution an e Clen).
to avoid this . can be structured in the form
First the scmtlllatmg phosphor h't If and as with co
, . t .ai is the phosp or 1 se , . d
fibers where the mner rna en d . h I yer of lower-refractive-lil e
fiber optics, the phosphor is cla v-: It a a in one of the fibers, t
hoton gives up Its energy Th
When an x-ray P lete internal reflection. us
light is trapped within the fiber by t the film The resolu
bounces back and forth untIl It arnves a .
Alternative Approaches to Recorder Systems 71
determined by the of. the fibers. the fiber structure
h isotropic spreadmg of the lIght photons, WIth Its resultant loss of resolutIOn.
eincrease the collection efficiency, the fiber bundles are merely made longer,
a resultant loss in resolution. The photographic film can be placed on
WI e side of the fiber bundle with an optically reflecting surface on the other
to ensure that most of the light photons eventually reach the film. Initial
51 perim
have been made with structures of this type, although thus far the
construction difficulties have prevented its commercial availability.
P The second alternative approach uses a high-pressure gas chamber, usually
enon, as the detector. The x-ray photon gives up its energy in an ionization
xrocess that creates electron-hole pairs. A strong electric field is placed across
ihe gas chamber so that the charged particles, once generated, will follow field
linesa.l1d not disperse. The field is thus similar to the fiber structure, which
ionized particles to follow straight lines. Thus a relatively thick gas
be used to ensure that most of the x-ray photons interact and
. ovide high collection efficiency. The resultant charged particles follow
it field and are deposited on a dielectric sheet. The charge pattern on
represents the latent image. If developed with a toner, as is done in
; the desired image results. One of the practical difficulties is the
;the dielectric sheet from the high-pressure gas chamber.
alternative approach is a scanning system where the information
in time rather than in space. A narrow pencil x-ray beam scans
he detector is made very thick so as to have a very high capture
e detected signal is used to intensity modulate a synchronously
of a cathode ray tube to create the desired image. The important
.of this system is that the geometry of the detector does not affect
solution. Thus a thick, high-efficiency scintillating crystal, such
de, can be used followed by a photomultiplier to develop the
. The noise considerations of configurations of this type are
hapter 6. In any case the resolution is governed solely by the
e scanning beam and is independent of the detection process.
s of this type have been impractical since they use a very small
x-rays emitted from the source. This causes a long .exposure
e associated distortions due to respiratory and cardiovascular
ears line detector arrays have been used which have been
mputerized tomography systems. Here the x-rays are initi'il.lly
planar or fan-shaped beam. This planar beam is
y onto the line detector array. The resolution normal to the
.ed solely by the beam thickness. The resolution along the
bythe array of detectors. Each detector is usually shielded to
products, be they light or charged particles, from entering
ements. Thus, as with optical fibers, the resolution along the
ed by the size of the detectors. Detector arrays with O.5-mm
...... IMAGE

FIG. P5.3
I, .... --d--+-II
Overall System Response 73
and Hbac'k are the individual normalized responses. Find the
cutoff Pk of the overall transparency using the appropriate
By what factor does this cutoff frequency differ from the
gle emulsion on the front side where the x-rays impinge?
to capture the escaping half of the light photons which are
st, a mirror of reflectivity R is placed in back of the screen as
P5.3. For this case calculate the following:
5.1 Using the appropriate approximations find the ratio of the high-frequency
cutoff.h for the case shown in Fig. 5.1, with the film in front where the
x-ray photons impinge, to that of a screen with the same geometry having
the film in the back.
5.2 Afilm emulsion is placed on both sides of a phosphor screen of thickness
d. 'The resultant transparencies are combined such as to provide an overall
transparency having a small-signal normalized frequency response
jj _ Hrront + Hbac'k
overall - 2
The maximization of this function determines the depth z which provides
the best With a source, and a broad
S(P), the optimum Will occur at small values of z SInce !JCp) will be
the dominant. factor. the OppOSIte for a larg.e source haVIng a narrow
S(P), the Will oc.cur where the plane IS the re.corder: with
zapproaching d. The opt.lmum depth plane, In general, IS determIned by dif-
ferentiating HoCpfM, z) WIth respect to the depth z.
Recorder Resolution Considerations
Ho(ft) =
This transfer function, in terms of object spatial frequencies pfM, ena
study the conditions for maximizing the response to of t
For example, placing the response in terms of depth z, we obtam
H0 (ft) = s[(1 - PJH( p) .
The overall response of a projection imaging system, including the source"
recorder considerations, is given bye
I (x y) = Kt(Xd Yd) ** ** herd)
d d, d M'M m
where for convenience, the source response, like that of the recorder, is ass
to be 'radially symmetric. In this case the intensity f d represents the reco
light photons. In the frequency domain this becomes
flu, v) = KM2T(Mu, Mv)Ho(u, v)
where Ho(u, v), the overall transfer function between the
object and the image, is given by
Ho(u, v) = Ho(p) = S(mp)H(p).
This transfer function is based on spatial frequencies at the r
representing spatial frequencies of the magnified object t(Xd/M, Yd!M
often desirable to evaluate the ability of the system to resolve spec!fic
frequencies of the object itself. The output spectrum in terms of. object
frequencies is given by
= K
detector elements have been constructed. Although the resolution is poc
than film screen systems, these alfays exhibit high efficiency and have electri
outputs that can be coupled to digital systems. The be
and line array are scanned, relative to the subject, to create a two-dlmensio
image. . .
In systems using discrete detector arrays wIth the reso
tion is governed by the detector size itself. Here the l.n resolution
based on fabrication considerations. A more fundamental hmltatlOn on detec
size is the signal-to-noise ratio, which is considered in Chapter 6.
Noise Considerations in
Radiography and Fluoroscopy
-----n--of-----d2 -.....
74 Recorder Resolution Considerations
(a) H(p, x), the normalized frequency response for a photon stop'
distance x. PIng
(b) H(p), the average frequency response.
(c) Pk> the high-frequency cutoff using the appropriate approximation
[Hint: For the reflected light use the virtual image position of the s .s..
latIOn, as shown.]
5.4 A more complete model of a film-screen system includes the effect
light from each screen reaching the opposite emulsion as shown in p.o
Assuming that the film is transparent to light and x-rays,
H1(p) and H
(p), the normaliz!d frequency responses of each emulsion
the overall response Ho(p) that it is the average ofth
mdlVldual responses. By what factor does Ho(p) differ from the previo
case, where the film thickness is ignored?
FIG. P5.4
5.5 An x-ray imaging system has a uniform circular source of radius r
the impulse response of the recorder is a uniform circle of radius "2. An
opaque planar object at plane z has two pinholes separated by a distance s.
(a) What is the overall impulse response of the system to a planar object
at depth z?
(b) What is the minimum distance s at which the images of the holes are
separable, that is, the resultant responses do not overlap?
(c) At what ratio of rdrz is this minimum distance independent of the
depth z?
5.6 An extended source x-ray system is used with the Source parallel to the
recorder plane and having a distribution s(r) = e- ar'. The recording plane,
a distance d from the source, has an impulse response her) = e- br'. Neg-
lecting all obliquity factors, at what distance Zo from the source should a
transparency be placed so as to maximize the relative response at a spatial
frequency Po in the transparency? Discuss the optimum Zo where a: b
and b a.
The ability to visualize a structure in a no.ise-free environment depends, among
other factors, on the local contrast C, whIch we define as
C = /).! (6.1)
where i is the average background intensity and /).[ is the intensity
in the region of interest. Contrast, however, is not a fundamental hmIt .on
visualization since it can be artificially enhanced by, for example,
part of the background or raising the intensity pattern some NOIse,
however, represents a fundamental limitation on the. :0
tures. The signal-to-noise ratio, a basic measure of VIsualIzatIOn., IS .
by the ratio of the desired intensity variations to .the random mtensIty vana-
tions, which are governed by the statistical propertIes of the system. In general,
our signal-to-noise ratio will be defined as
SNR = /).1 = ci (6.2)
(11 (11
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
i1N , 1M
SNR = ;JN = Cv N
a Poisson process of rate pN
. We have shown that the
Vntlot()nS from the object continue to be Poisson distributed with the
by the attenuation of the object p = exp (- f fJ.dz). The photons
m the object have a mean value N given by
al is i1N, the variation in the number of photons per element
ructure of interest, and the noise is ,.)N, the standard deviation
of photons per element. As is seen for a given subject contrast
-noise ratio is proportional to the square root of the number/ of
the signal-to-noise ratio can be made arbitrarily high except for
imitation. We will briefly consider the nature of the radiation
process of mean N the variance is N and the standard deviation
zen, 1960). We can thus calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of a
ing a contrast of C as given by
t of radiation [Johns and Cunningham, 1974; Sprawls, 1977] is
lex and will be treated here in a relatively simplified fashion.
summation is equal to e
Substituting this into the formula for
of the probabilities of the various combinations transmitting k photons as
given by
Q(k) =P(k)( Z)pk + P(k + l)(k t l)pkq + ... + P(k + n)(k t n)pkq"
where each term represents a combination of a photon source producing k +
xphotons,P(k +x), and a binomial transmittance (k t X)pkqX, which combine
to transmit k photons. Since P is a Poisson process, we have
P(k + n)(k + n)pkqn = (k + n)! pk
k (k + n)! k! n!
_ e-N'(pNo)k (qN
- k! -n-!-' (6.5)
Substituting this result in the general equation for Q(k), we obtain
Q(k) = t (6.6)
k. n=O n.
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
SNR = ;JNhv + 4KT
where N is the number of photons per time element, is the signal ener
per element, and JNhv is the standard deviation or nOIse energy per
In most communications systems 4KT hv, so that, for. any reason.able Si
strength, the additive thermal noise term in the denomInator F
example at v = 106 Hz, 4KT/hv = 2.5 x 10
Even at v = 10
GHz, thIS ra
is 2.5 x'102 At the nominal x-ray frequencies of v = 10
Hz, correspon
to A = 0.2 A, this ratio is 2.5 x 10-
Clearly, equation (6.3) reduces to
SNR given by fl. This means that in the x-ray region the to.tal re
sents a countable number of photons whose statistical uncertaInty is the
contribution to the noise.
The emission of photons from the x-ray source is a Poisson process [Pa
1960) whose probability density was given in equation (2.53) as

Pk = -k-'-.-
where P is the probability, in a given time interval, of emitting k photon
No is th; average number of photons emitted that interval.
In Chapter 3 we characterized the transmiSSion of photons throu
body as a binary process where photons either inte.racted and were r
the beam or did not interact and were transmitted to the recorde
, bT fa
represents a binomial process [Parzen, 1960) where the proba 1 P0
being transmitted is exp (- S j1dz) and the probability q it
1 - exp (- S j1dz). The cascading of a Poisson and bmomlal dis
results in a Poisson distribution as shown below. .
The probability of getting k photons through an object, Q(k), is
where (JJ is the standard deviation of the background intensity representing the
rms value of the intensity fluctuations. .
The noise properties of most communications systems Involve
noise only. The energy per photon, hv, in these spectra is rela.
tively small, so that copius amounts of a:e avaIlable for the
sicrnals being considered. Thus the uncertaInties lIe almost completely ill the
added by the measurement system rather those of the itself.
Quantum noise, which is the primary n?ise source In x-ray sys.tems, IS the noise
due to the quantization of the energy Into photons each haVIng an energy hv.
This quantum noise is Poisson distributed. .. .
We can appreciate the dominance of the quantum nOIse by considenng a
communications system having an additive noise power of 4KTB, where Kis
Boltzmann's constant, T is the absolute temperature, and B
The noise energy per time element 1/B is therefore 4KT. The ratiO of Signal-to-
noise energy per element can be structured as
78 Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
Our principal intent is to relate dose considerations to the incident photon
density and hence to the signal-to-noise ratio. Two quantities are of interest.
the ex'posure, or amount of radiation delivered to a point, and the absorbed
dose or the radiation energy absorbed in a region.
The unit of exposure is the roentgen (R), which is defined as producing
ionization of 2.58 X 10-
coulomb/kilogram in air. The absorbed dose unit is
the rad, which is defined as an expenditure of energy of 100 ergs/gram. In air
an exposure of 1 R corresponds to an absorbed dose of 0.87 rad. The number
of rads per roentgen varies with different materials and with the energy used as
shown in Fig. 6.1. As is seen, for soft tissue, there is approximately 1 rad per
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy 79
SNR = C,Jf1>ARt. (6.11)
;:tl-to-noise ratio given above is that of the photons emerging from
thus would represent the performance of a detector which cap-
ese photons. For a recorder having a quantum efficiency 1] the
becomes C,J1]C1>ARt. Here we see the fundamental t:ade-
A dose R. For a typical chest x-ray the exposure is
the tran.smIsslon t through regions devoid of bone is about 0 05
effiCle?cy of the screen is about 0.25. For a linear
the. ratio is about 400C or about 16 db for
n a 10 %change in transmission. i
to-noIse :-atio been defined in terms of the incident radiatitn
us effectIvely In terms of the surface dose. The maximum dose
t the surface. Although this is an effective measure a
r dose are used. It is important to notehowe;er
e relates dIrectly the incident photon density and {hus would
constant for a gIven body material. Integral dose, or total
the number of roentgens incident on the subiect A I'S th . f
t . 2 (J' 'J, e area 0 a
en III cm - pdz) IS the transmission t through the body
densIty per roentgen. The signal-to-noise ratio in terms of
Iven as
120 140 160 (key)
G. 6.2 The relationship of photon f1uence to exposure over the diagnos-
energy range.
X10'0 PHOTONS/cm
160 140 120 100 80 60 40
FIG. 6.1 The relationship of an absorbed dose to exposure in body tissues
over the diagnostic energy range.
/. .
. '"
I .
. "

.-.-*-e-e-e-e---.---. .
roentgen throughout the diagnostic energy range. Thus with the excepti
bony regions, where the absorbed dose increases at lower energies, the r
roentgen become essentially equivalent for our purposes.
Figure 6.2 shows the relationship of photon density to the expo
roentgens. At low photon energies most of the photons interact, but the
imparted per interaction is small. At very high photon energies, very few
interact. These conflicting factors result in a peak at about 60 kev,
average over the diagnostic range being about = 2.5 X 10
roentgen. We use this relationship to characterize the number of pho
pixel N in terms of the incoming radiation as given by
N = <PAR exp ( - Sf1,dz)
Recorder Statistics 81
the valence band to the conduction band. In its return to the valence band
energy is radiated in the form of visible light photons. The number of light
photons produced due to each captured x-ray photon is also a Poisson-distrib-
uted random variable. The total number of light photons produced is given by
'd . 'n Radiography and FluoroscOpY
80 Noise COnsl eratzons I
. -rads where a O"ram-rad is equivalent to
. expresse In gram, 0 .
absorbed energy, IS f d e used is the surface Integral exposure
th Jobal measure 0 os )
100 ergs. no er g . roentgens and the total surface area
which is the product of the exposure In
Y = L: Xm
(6.14) a; = E(M)a; + airE2(X)
epresents the expected value and a
the variance, These equations
ely reasonable since the resultant mean would be expected to be the
the individual means. The variance a
is due to the uncertainty of
r of captured x-ray photons and the uncertainty in the number of
ons produced per x-ray photon. Since each x-ray photon produces
ns having a variance a;, the total uncertainty due to light photons
.iSimilarly, the variance in the number of captured x-ray photons air
an average gain of E(X), so that this resultant component of the
eighted by E2(X),
use these results to analyze the signal-to-noise ration of a radio-
n to determine whether the uncertainty in the emission of light
ences the overall performance. We let E(X), the mean value of
flight photons produced from each captured x-ray photon, be
the average gain. It should be emphasized that gl includes both
flight photons and their attenuation or transmission loss to the
yare used. The number of light photons captured is often limited
gle or transmission through a material. As with the previous
Poisson process is attenuated by one having a probability lof
he effective rate of the Poisson process is simply multiplied J:>y
product of the average number of light photons produced
multiplied by the probability of transmission to the point of
poisson distributed, g1 is also the variance of X. E(M), the
,of captured photons per picture element is, as before, l1N.
oisson distributed, its variance is l1N. Substituting these into
where Yis a random variable representing the total number of light photons
produced, M is a random variable representing the number of captured x-ray
pMt()ns, and X
is a random variable representing the gain or the number of
light photons produced per x-ray photon.
Our resultant SNR will be determined by the statistics of Y, the total
We will study to what extent this SNR has been reduced com-
that of equation (6.11). ":Ie do not to know the density
of Y [Feller, 1957] smce the SNR IS completely determmed by the
variance. Using probability theory, these are given by
E(Y) = E(M)E(X) (6.13)
s er icture element transmitted thro
Ideally, the number of photon P lt
t SNR performance. This, ho
1 d
t mines the resu an h
body complete y e er . (6 11) thus represents t e
only true with an ideal only a portion 1J of
, NR f iven radIatIOn. n , .' the
SIble S or a g dditional noise source anses m
hotons are captured. Also, an a .
t record the Image. d fi
of the captured P otons 0 f ently used in radiography an .
The recording process most requ elatively high atom
.' These screens use r
is the scintIllatIOn screen. h the x-ray photonS ar
1 . tungstate were .
materials, such as ca clUm. i this process an electron IS r
. '1 by the photoelectnc e ect. n
pnman Y
. d (6 11) is clearly proportional to the contrast
The SNR in equatIOnS (6.9) an. .' aused by the structure of interest. It
. 1 h O"e in transmISSIOn c
or fractIOna c ano . t C is the recorded contrast. For larg
.zed that thIS contras
should be emp aSI bl . due to the finite source and the record
lesions C is unaffected by. the urlnn
ds the edges of the lesion and does n
. . thOs blurnng mere y roun d d
resolutIOn SInce 1 II t uctures however the recor e contr
. 1 alue For sma er s r " .
change ItS centra v h a specific definition must be aSSl
will definitely be affected. In t ese d image. Hopefully, this definition
o C relating to the shape of the recor e
, . r . b observers.
strongly relate to VIsua IzatIOn. Y ( ) can be blurred due to a finite sou
For example, a planar t hapter 4 of the form s(x/m, ylm)
'd' image as gIven In . bl 1
size, pro
Ing an h't recorded contrast consIdera y at
t(x/ M, ylM). A can
to note that this system ha,
by this convolutIOn operatIO? h structure being visualized. A relatt
. dependIna on tel. 1
optimum source SIze . 0 d d contrast but with re atIVe y
.d th hIghest recor e ,
sm'lll source pro
es .e . f a given photon density, the nu
h ce SIze Increases, or h
photons. As t e sour , eral the contrast can decrease due to t
of photons increases m gen " tronaly dependent on the depth
volution operation. ThIs, of course, IS s 0
tion of the lesion of interest.
Fluoroscopy 83
SOURCE --r-----_L
does not significantly change the resultant signal-to-noise ratio. The final
s ocess, the film emulsion, is highly nonlinear and not subject to simple analysis.
a linearizing approximation, however, about 200 photons are required on
the average for each developed silver grain in x-ray film; thus gz :::::::: 1/200. The
g P
roduct of 2.5 does result in about a 20 %degradation of the performance
gj 2 --=-=
since,j1 + 2/5 :::::::: 1.2.
FIG. 6.3 An early fluoroscopy system.
In fluoroscopy [Ter-Pogossian, 1967; et al,. 1978] the image is
displayed in real time rather than being recorded on film. This allows moving
structures such as the heart to be visualized. It is also widely used for the inser-
tion of catheters to monitor their position. In the early forms of fluoroscopy
the radiologist directly observed the fluorescent screen as shown in Fig. 6.3.
has a significant noise problem due to a deteriorated light collection
. e . Approximately 10-
of the light quanta produced at the screen
aci:].\y appear at the retina of the eye because of the small solid angle inter-
cete<ibythe pupil n
and the losses within the eye. The capture efficiency of
tlit'fe is given by
'"iIi . = Tene = TeA (6 23)
x.i . 71e 4n 4nrz . ;
is the light transmission to the retina, which is about 0.1, A is Jhe
pupil/area and r is the distance of the eye from the screen. For the dark-adapted
eye,Ais about 0.5 cm
, corresponding to an 8-mm pupil. The closest reasonable
vieWirfgdistance is about 20 em, resulting in maximum value of 1fe of about
of 10-
to 10-
are much more typical. For a typical screen the
product of the screen gain of 10
and the retinal transfer of 10-
is about lO-
where Y, as before, is the number of captured light photons and 2 m is a rando
variable representing the number of events, such as developed film grain
produced for each captured light photon. Using the previous relationship
we obtain
a; = E(Y)a; + a;EZ(2)
= gjgz71N + (71Ngj +
= gjgzJiiN /1 +1- + g1
'\j gj z
SNR = CE(W) = c,v'11R
aw ,v'1 + 11gj + 11gjgz
This representation can be generalized for q successive stages as
SNR = cJiiN .
J1 + gj)
If every product term, gjgZg3' ... , is appreciably greater than unity,
SNR will be dominated by the captured number of x-ray photons per P
In general, this is a desirable goal since it ensures that the minimum pa
dosage is used for a given image quality.
In the particular case of radiographic film-screen cassettes, g1, th.e g
the scintillating screen, is limited by energy conservation to the ratiO 0
wavelength of the emitted visible light, 5000 A, to that of the x-ray pho
0.25 A, which is 20,000. These screens have an energy efficiency of
about half of which escapes, resulting in a gj of about 0.5 x 10
a; = 71 Ngj + 71 Ngi
The resultant signal-to-noise ratio is given by
SNR = CE(Y) = . (6.17)
ay ,v'1 + 1/gj
If an appreciable number of light photons g j are collected for each captured
x-ray photon, the resultant statistics are essentially determined by the numbe
of captured photons 71 N.
In most processes, such as the radiographic screen-film combination,
least one additional gain stage is involved having a similar statistical model. In.
the second stage each light photon generates a Poisson-distributed array 0
events whose mean is gz. We can characterize the sum of the recorded eventS
in this process by W, where
equations (6.13) and (6.14), we obtain
E( Y) = 71 Ngj
82 Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
........... OBSERVED
FIG. 6.5 Quantum values at different levels.

Image Intensifier 85
,gIg, product of the phosphor screen and h .. .
hich will leave the incident sI'gnal to . p ?toemltter gams of about 100
- -nOIse ratIo e . II '
emitted electrons are focused by the v I ssentla y undisturbed. The
anous e ectrostatic Ie d
to repro uce the incident image with good fidelit nses an magnets
sec;en. These electrons are accelerated to a yon an output phosphor
pro?uce about 10' visible photons per elect n of about 25 kev so as to
can either be observed directly or through . e resultant mtensIfied image
the light loss to the retina of film If observed
of about 1, so that the signal to' . .results In an overall gain
h - -nOIse ratIO IS slightly red d P'
o. t e quantum values at different 1 I' uce. 19ure
eve s In the system. In a dose-
FIG. 6.4 Diagram of an x-ray image intensifier tube and a photOgra
a typical intensifier. (Courtesy of the Siemens AG-Bereich Medizi
Modern fluoroscopic systems [Ter-Pogossian, 1967; McLean and Schag
1979) solve these problems through the use of the image intensifier, shown
Fig. 6.4. In these devices the light from the phosphor scintillator is ampli
before being utilized by the eye. A photoemissive material is placed against
scintillating phosphor. These materials have quantum efficiencies of about 1
so that one electron is emitted for about every 10 light photons. This pro
1-4----- ANODE
at best. This reduces the signal-to-noise ratio by 10. Stated in other words, the
photon flux, or radiation, required to provide an image having a signal-to_
noise ratio comparable to that recorded on film would require a lOO-fold
increase. As fluoroscopy was normally practiced, however, the radiologist con-
tented himself with a poorer signal-to-noise ratio. He usually employed dark-
adapted vision, which increased pupil size and thus maximized the collection
efficiencY ofJigbt photons.. In the dark-adapted state, however, the visual accuity
IS conSIderably reduced smce the denSIty of rods m the retma IS considerably
less than that of the cones, which dominate vision at normal light levels.
Thus early fluoroscopy was characterized by poor statistics and poor
visual performance of the observer. It is the function of the image intensifier
our next topic, to both improve the statistics, in terms of available independen
events per pixel, and to increase the brightness sufficiently so as to provi
normal visual acuity.
84 Noise Considerations in RadiographY and Fluoroscopy

SNR = Cl1
,y'N; + l1N
Additive Noise 87

FIG. 6.6 Quantum values in a system employing a TV camera.
component in the output signal of the television
. e ynamic range and can represent the limiting noise com on nt
high.photon transmission. Since this additive noise is rnt
nOIse due to the x-ray h t h' .
p 0 ons, t e signal-to-nOIse ratio can be
)(0.04 x 10
)(0.1) = 4 x 10
where g1 is the gain of the scintillating phosphor in the image intensifi
light photons per x-ray photon, g2 the efficiency of the photocathode in el
per light photon, g3 the gain of the output phosphor of the image inte
with the loss in the optics in light photons per electron, and g4 the q ..
efficiency of the television camera photocathode in electrons per light p
The result of 4 x 10
ensures that the signal-to-noise ratio of the s
essentially determined by the number of quanta emerging from the b
the quantum efficiency in capturing these photons. Fluoroscopy bee
efficient process. The resolution through the many cascaded imaging st
is reduced over film radiography, although adequate for most studies.
tion to resolution, the dynamic range is reduced considerably compared
tographic film because of the television camera and the glare of th
intensifier. Figure 6.6 illustrates the quantum values at different level
system employing a television camera.
where M is the magnification, f the ratio of image distance to lens diamet
and T the light transmission of the optics. This expression is essentially d
mined by the solid angle intercepted by the optical system. Systems that eo
the image intensifier output to a television camera have f numbers of a
1.0, a magnification of about 1.0, and a transmission T of about 0.6, resul
in an 110 of about 0.04. The quantum efficiency of the photoemitter of
television camera is about 10%. This represents the lowest point in the quan
amplification chain, since beyond this point there are a variety of amplifica
mechanisms. The glg2g3g4 at this lowest point is given by
86 Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
efficient system the minimum quantum levels, representing the product of th
average gains, remain well above that of the absorbed x-ray photons. e
The demagnification of the input image to a smaller output image in Pi
6.4 does not affect the SNR, since it is based on events per picture
!his does, the brightness of the
Image, whIch does affect the vIsual accUlty of the observer. Increased brightnes
can ensure that the visual accuity will be dominated by the
cones rather than the rods.
With many image intensifiers the small image size precludes direct vieWing
so that additional devices are required. If optics are used to magnify the image
of the intensifier will be lost, thus pro.viding either a nois;
Image or addItIOnal exposure. ThIs problem can be allevIated by coupling the
output of the image intensifier to a television camera tube. The optical syste
coupling the image intensifier output to the television camera is usually a len
The photon collection efficiency of a lens 110 is given by
88 Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
SNR of the Line Integral 89
SNR = c In
= c (J ,udz),fiiN.
E[g(X)] = g(N) + g/J(N)(J2 +
2 . . . (6.32)
as before, is the variance of the number of h .
valuating the second derivative of the log p btO?S per element gIven
,we 0 tam
E[g(X)] = In (NN) .+.- J... -L- (6 33
. 2N I )
he number of counts per element exceeds 106 .
ected value of the line intearal can simpl b most CIrcumstances,
,our of by In (No/N), the
of the line integral, (J;, we use eq (6.31) to evaluate
= g2(N) + [g'(N)2 + g(N)g"(N)](J2 + ....
the relatIonship from equation (2.49) yields
(J; = E[g2(X)] - E2[g(X)]
[g'(N)J2(J2 - + ...
+ terms of degree and higher
al to' ' .
. - -nOIse ratIo IS given, from equation (6.29), by
SNR = cln
detection efficiency,
in a Taylor series about N as given by
g(X) = In No - In X
g(N) + g'(N)(X - N) + g/J(N)(X -; N)2 + ... + g(n\N)(X _ N)n
. n!
h X
d . (6.30)
were. IS a ran om varIable representing the b f
per element and N is its mean value. num er 0 transmitted photons
Using the general relationship
E[g(X)] = Jg(X)p(X)dx (6.31)
use the series to evaluate the various statist' I
(6 3
1) d' t' . lca averages of g. Inserting
IV""VJ"nv an m egratmg, we obtam
g = In No - In N = f fldz
We have thus far dealt solely with the signal and noise considerations of
transmitted photon intensity. This transmitted intensity is a nonlinear fune
of the line integral of the attenuation coefficient N = No exp (- f fldz). In
recent x-ray imaging systems employing digital processing and electroni
plays, the line integral g itself is calculated and displayed through a log oper
as given by
where the detector efficiency has been assumed unity.
In this case our SNR is defined as
where c is the fractional change in the average value of SJ.!dz cause
region of interest and (Jg is the standard deviation.
To evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the line integr
make use of the fact that g is a function of the random variable X [
1965], which is known to be Poisson distributed. We expand the f
SNR = T'i/ 1 + 1/k211
In cases where k211N 1, corresponding to a high photon count and/or
relatively high additive noise fraction, the SNR reduces to C/k, the ratio of the
fractional signal component to the additive noise. In this case further increases
in radiation No will not improve the performance, since it is being dominat
by the additive noise of the system. In the other extreme, where k211N
the additive noise is negligible and the SNR returns to the dose-depende
case of Cjl1N.
N a = kl1N.
The SNR in equation (6.25) can be rewritten as
where N is the .average or of tran.srr:itted photons per
element, N = No exp (- f fldz), C IS the fractIonal vanatIOn of the region
under study, and N; is the variance of the additive noise component. Thus
, the standard deviation of the additive noise, is being expressed, for COn.
venience, as a number of photons per element.
In general, the additive noise Na will occupy a fraction k of the dynamic
range or the average value of the signal. This is conveniently expressed as
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy Scatter Analysis 91
Two appropriate assumptions have been made in this derivati?n, which
should be pointed out for completeness. First, to use .the Taylor senes. expan-
sion we must assume that the probability of collectmg zero counts IS zero;
oth:rwise the log function blows up. This is clearly a reasonable assumption,
given an 'average of> 10
Second, the of number of i.ncident
photons per element, No, has been ignored. ThIs IS agam SInce
. enerally a multiplicative factor of > 10
greater than N, so that ItS relatIve
IS g . . d f
statistical variation can be neglected. Also, monItorIng .etectors are 0 ten used
to measure No, thus minimizing the effect of its .
The expression for c, the fractional change In the lIne Integral, can be
structured in terms of the contrast C, as given by
- SI'dt N - (I + <l SI'dt J
C _ - oe - oe :::::: c /ldz.
- N - Noe- SI'dt
Therefore, logarithmic processing of the image,. to provide a display of theyne
integral of the attenuation coefficient, results In the same SNR as the dIre
intensity presentation as given by
cg ci -
SNR = - = - = ejYfN.
(lg (l1
The most significant additive noise component !s that of [Te:-Pogoss'
1967]. The attenuation mechanism that domInates :adIOgraphy IS Com
scattering. Depending on the energy used and the atomIC of the mate
the attenuation mechanism is divided between absorptIOn scatter.
soft-tissue regions, which occupy most of the body, scattenng IS the doml
mechanism. Unfortunately, many of the scattered photons reach the sc
representing additive noise. .
Scatter, as an additive n?ise c?mponent, ha.s two effect;
of contrast and an increase In nOIse. The first IS a determInIstIc phen
where the scatter produces an added intensity Is which adds to the
intensity It' The resultant contrast C, due to a transmission contrast CIS gI
, = It + Is = 1 + Is/It
where (1 -L I /I)-I is the contrast reduction factor. This reduction is
, st.. h I b comparable t
evident in regions of low transmISSIon were t ecomes d
addition to its deterministic effect, the scattered photons produce an a
noise component in the counting statistics. If N represents tran
photons per picture element and N
the scattered photons per pIcture
. . d b f ndependence. The
their vanances add In the etector ecause 0 1
signal.to-noise ratio becomes
SNR = CYfN c,.,/ijN
+ l1Ns + NsjN (6.41)
Scatter causes a serious deterioration of performance if nothing is done to
reduce it. This scatter reduction process must somehow distinguish between the
scattered and transmitted photons. One mechanism, as described in Chapter 3,
is to make use of the photon energy loss that takes place in the process of
Compton scattering. Unfortunately this can only be used for the case of mono-
epergetic sources, since, with broadband sources, the transmitted and scattered
photons have overlapping energy spectra. This procedure of scatter elimination
tlirough spectral analysis is thus only used in nuclear medicine, where the
iS9tope sources are monoenergetic and of sufficiently high initial energy to
ca.usea significant energy loss. The other mechanism that distinguishes scatter
of direction. Transmitted photons all appear to come from the source.
SAAttered photons can thus be minimized by collimating structures that are
. -at the source. These structures, known as grids, absorb many of the
d photons because they arrive at angles other than that determined by
ition of the source. They will be analyzed in some detail following the
ment of a model to analyze the amount of scatter.
in Fig. 6.7, the area under study is a cylinder of length Land
which is assumed to be homogeneous with an attenuation coefficient
'ncident x-rays are assumed to be parallel having a photon intensity
Thus the intensity reaching the incremental section at plane
oton density given by n(z). The incremental density of scattered
Ilerated in this section is given by
dnsCz) = n(z)J1.
dz = noe-
dz (6.42)
the Compton scattering portion of the attenuation coefficient.
consider what fraction of the scattered photons will reach the
he scatter were perfectly isotropic, half of the scattered photons
the direction of the detector and the other half toward the source.
ostic range is a slight from isotropy, wl1-ere
k In the forward dIrectIOn [Klein and Nishilma,
k = 0.52 + 0.07ffci
). (6.43)
ical average photon energy of 40 kev, k = 0.55.
ume that the collection angle at each point in the detector plane
FIG. 6.7 Model for scatter analysis.
Scatter Analysis 93
F(r) = I - e-
.'. (6.51)
to the probability that the photon will reach a distance
by the conditional distribution function
detector plane in Fig. 6.7, we have
dO. = dA cos (t _ rdrd(J(L - z)
+(L - Z)2 - [r
+(L - Z)2]3/2
here dA cos (t is the incremental area element in the plane of the section with
; being the angle to the axis of the cylinder. Integrating, we obtain
Q(z) = (L - z) lR1
" [r 2 + (frc:! Z)2]3/2
= 2n[1 - L - z J.
,.jR2 +(L - Z)2
The integral in equation (6.46) is then given by
LQ(z)dz = L + R - ,.jL2 + R2
o 2n
with the scattered photon density at the detector given by
= Bnoke-pLf.l.(L + R - ,.jL2 + R2). (6.50)
The multiplicative buildup factor B accounts for those scattered photons
not collected after the first scattering. If they scatter again, the fraction col-
lected can be structured exactly as the previous analysis-hence the multipli-
cative nature of the factor. A simplified estimate of B would therefore be the
estimated number of scattering events as a photon travels to the screen. We
first calculate the mean distance in the z direction to a scattering interaction of
an entering photon. The estimate of B is then the total depth L divided by this
mean distance.
Assume that a photon is moving toward the detector at an angle (t to the
cylindrical axis. The distribution function of a scattering interaction along its
or probability that the photon will reach a distance r before interacting
F(z I(t) = 1 - exp (-f.ls
) .
cos (t
,smiffelreI11tiating provides the probability density function,
p(z I(t) = -!:!:.L exp (-f.ls
') .
cos (t cos (t
the cOlhditiolnal mean in the z direction, given the angle (t, becomes
E(z I(t) = Szp(z I(t)dz
= ~ 1"" z exp (- f.lsZ)dz = cos (t.
cos (t 0 cos (t f.ls
\ /'
I //-
-l-" dz
t t t t
F(z) = ke-p(L-Z) Q(z)
where k is the fraction scattered forward, e-p(L-z) is the fraction transmi
through the material, and Q(z)j2n is the fraction subtended by the solid an
of the detector. If these scattered photons were the only ones produced, negl
ing secondary scattering processes, the total scattered photon density at
detector, n ~ , would be given by
n: = Sn(z)flsF(z)dz.
However, this analysis has neglected a variety of secondary process
These include the scattered photons within the solid angle which have ex
rienced an additional scattering event but remain within the solid angle.
analysis has also neglected photons which were scattered outside the solid an
which, as a result of a subsequent scattering event, are scattered back into
solid angle. We can summarize this process by a multiplicative buildup fa
B providing a total scattering density at the detector ns given by
= S: Bn(z)f.l.F(z)dz
B k
-pL (L Q(z) d
= no e fls Jo 21t z.
We first evaluate Q(z) and its integral for the cylindrical geometry of
6.7 and then evaluate the buildup factor B. Using r, () polar coordinates
is constant at Q(z), the fraction of scattered photons F(z) that reach the detect
is given by
92 Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
Scatter Retblction Tltrough Separation 95
"\ 00'
0.0 I-.. -O-_..L-'--'-----'__...... \ __ .......l__
0.Q1 0.1 1.0 2 3 5 10 100
parable to the object size, the scatter collection fraction is about 0.3, leaving
the resultant scatter intensity larger than the transmitted intensity for the object
previously considered. For relatively large separations, however, this reduction
factor becomes appreciable. However, at these larger separations, we experieI}ce
resolution the finite source size as studied in Chapter 4. Wfth
separatIon the SNR IS gIven by :
SNR = C"'/1/noe Jd-A . (6.62)
.../1 + 'IIQ(s)/2n
- Equation (6.62) was derived with the assumption of a parallel beam.
Although this assumption gives reasonably accurate results for the previous
FIG. 6.8 Scatter collection fraction vs. separation/radius.
by some distance s, the number of received scattered photons will be
object d while those transmitted will be unaffected. The solid collecting angle
the detector and the emitted photons from the object has the
:eform as derived for Q(z) in equation (6.48) and is given by
Q(s) = 2n(1 - .../RZ
+ sz)' (6.61)
Th efore the fraction of scattered photons collected by the screen is given by
Q(:{;21C. Aplot of th.is collecti.on versus s/R, the ratio of the
to the object radius, IS shown In FIg. 6.8. As can be seen, for separatIons com-
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
SNR = C.../'flno
.../1 + ns/noe J1L
where A is again the area of a picture element. It is convenient to struct
the SNR as
SNR = C.../'flno
.../1 + If
where If is the ratio of scattered-to-transmitted photon density at the detecto
given by
III = = Il;L2k(L + R - .../L2 + R2).
'I' noe J1L
Using typical values of a body section where L = 20 cm, R = 10
with Ils = 0.2 cm-
, and k = 0.5, we have a If of approximately 6.1..
This degree of scatter is clearly unacceptable. It would reqUIre
responding increase of greater than 6 to 1 in radiation dose to resto:e
original SNR. In addition, the contrast, especially in areas of 10"':'
is seriously deteriorated. It is therefore obvious that scatter reductIOn IS requ
Because of the many multiple scatter processes, the scattered e
from the volume in Fig. 6.7 can be assumed to be approximately ISotr
covering a solid angle of 2n steradians. If the detector is separated fro
= ("/2 cos a sin rJ. da
Jo Ils
,,/2 1 1
= -sin2adrJ.=2
o 21ls Ils
The average number of interactions along the entire length L is given by
B = E(z) = 21ls
with the scattered photon density at the detector given by
= noe-J1LIl;L2k(L + R - .../L2 + R2).
We can use this result to find the signal-to-noise ratio
given by
The mean or average distance to an interaction in the z direction is obtain
by integrating the conditional expectation multiplied .the probability dens
of a. Since the scatter is isotropic, it has equal probabIlIty of appearing in an
two-dimensional angular interval. This corresponds to pea) = sin a, where
varies from 0 to n/2. The resultant mean distance is
E(z) = SE(z Ia)p(rJ.)da
97 Scatter Reduction Using Grid Structures
where niO) is assumed uniformly distributed over 1C radians and T(O) is even.
The function of the grid structure is thus to provide as low as possible an
integrated T(O) without unduly attenuating the desired transmitted photons. If
1/ is the grid efficiency for transmitted photons, the improvement in the ratio
of transmitted to scattered photons at the detector is given by 11t/RS' T(O) and
are evaluated using Fig. 6. I O.
Noise Considerations in Radiography and FluoroscoPY
" 't does give an optimistic result in the case of separation. In the case
ana )SIS. 1 . h '.
f d
' t b am the detected photon density due to t e transmItted sIgnal
o a Ivergen e , . .
photons will decrease due to the The scatter,
is unaffected by the beam divergence SInce It rep:esents an IsotropIC
source. Thus the SNR is reduced from that shown In equatIOn (6.62).
FIG. 6.10 Dimensions of grid strips.
Scatter reduction is achieved by providing a relatively high transmission to
the collimated desired photons, and a relatively low transmission to the iso-
tropic scattered photons.
We first subdivide T(O) into specific angular regions which have uniform
properties. Within each angular region, at each 0, we use the fact that each ray
has a uniform probability distribution of occupying each lateral position. We
thus further subdivide each angular region into regions having different attenua-
tion mechanisms and apportion each region uniformly. In those regions having
attenuations which vary with ray translation, we integrate to find the mean
attenuation. For example, for rays having angles to the normal 0 < 0 <
tan'-l(t/h), the rays are either totally in the metal strip, partially in the metal
strip, or unattenuated. T(O) is given by
T(e) = t - h tan 0e-lihlcos8 (totally in metal)
o<8<tlln-1 (tlh) 5
2h tan 0 1 J
+ ------ e-lix/sm8 dx (partIally In metal)
5 h tan 0 0
+ s - t -.;. h tan B X 1 (unattenuated) (6.r)
whereJl is the attenuation coefficient of the metal strip. The first term .lias
thefactor (t - h tan 0)/5, indicating the fraction of the period 5 that the rays
are'!otally in the length of the metal strip and experience the attenuation
exp{-Jlh/cos 0). In the second term the duty cycle is (2h tan 0)/5, and the
attenuation term is the integrated average over the different parts of the metal
0 0'%
FIG. 6.9 Scatter-reducing grids.
. . I' focused arid we will stu
Since the analysIs IS unduly comp ex USIng a 1;;'
the collimated grid and make the reasonabl.y that t
scatter-reduction performance will be essentIally IdentIcal .In both
evaluating the performance of a grid structure, we calculate Its
a function of scatter angle in one dimension, T(e). The reductIOn factor
of the scattered photons is then given by
nsCe)T(e)de 2 i
R = 7fi2 = - T(e)de (6.
S J7fi2 n
n.(e)de 0
The scatter can be reduced, with a small loss o.f by using
a collimated structure which is parallel to the dlrectIO.n of transmItted beam
[T P
. 1967] As shown in Fig. 6.9, the gnd consIstS of an array of
er- ogossJan, . .
thin absorptive strips which are parallel for the case of a collImated beam
and are pointed toward the source for a d!vergin
beam. The IS called a
'd' 't 's designed for a specI1k source to detector dIstance.
focuse gn SInce 1 1
t ,
Scatter Reduction Using Grid Structures
llsing a scatter reducing grid is given by
+ Rsl/l/tlt
.the quantum. et?ciency of the no is the incom'ng
e IS the transmISSIOn of the body, A IS the area of a picture
e ratio of scattered to transmitted photons at the detector, and
n of the scattered photons passed by the grid.
ation (6.69), we can calculate the performance of some typical
curves of T(e) are shown in Fig. 6.11. In general, the values
ratIO of scattered to transmitted photons following the grid, is
attenuation coefficient of the filler material. Normally, relatively
>tt11mlber materials such as plastics and aluminum are used as filler
attenuation. Except for the use of filler materials, in theory,
could be made arbitrarily high for increased scatter reduction at
smission efficiency. When filler materials are used, T(e) is modi-
tiplicative factor e-Plh/cos8, ignofing the small path through the
3s - h tan e e-2Jtt/sinO + h tan e - 2se-3pt/sinO
s s'
e:) < e< tan-
Or, in general,
T(O) = +n(n + l)s - h tan O]e-npt/sino + (h tan 0 - ns)e-(n+l)pt/sin8},
(n:) < 0 < tan-{(n 1
)S] (6.69)
where n is an integer that takes on values from zero to infinity.
The transmission efficiency tit for the dimensions shown in Fig. 6.10 is
given by T(O) = (s - t)/s, assuming that the rays are completely stopped by
passing through the length of a strip. Often, however, filler material is used in
the space between the metal strips for structural purposes. Under these con-
ditionsl1t is given by
re t. In that case we get either zero attenuation or the complete attenuation
we .'
of one or more stripS as gIven by
h e e-Jtt/sinO + s - : tan e, 0 < e < tan-1
2s - h tan ee-Jtt/sino + h tan e - s e-2pt/sinO
s s'
T(e) = < e< tan-Ie:)
(partially in strip)
passing through entire)
strip width
...L h tan e- t -Jtf/sinO
I e
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
=+[s - t - h tan e + (h tan 0 - t)e-Ilf/sino
+ 2 e (1 _ e-Jtf/sinO)}
In the next angular region rays either pass through the entire strip wid
pass partially through a strip as given by
T(e) = h tan e - t e-Jtf/sine (through entire strip width)
tan-I[(S-f) /hj<O<tan-
(s/h) S
I S + t - h tan e 1 (' e-IlX/sin8
T S S - h tan e JhtanO-(s-f)
(partially in strip)
_ 1 [(h tan e _ t)e-Jtf/sino + (s + t - h tan () sin
- S s - h tane
This procedure is continued until T(e) becomes vanishingly small as
angle rays go through many metal strips and experience large
resulting T(e) is then integrated to find the effectiveness of.the gnd.
The calculations can be significantly simplified by igonnng the :fi
of the metal strips but considering their exact attenuation. a. ra
throuah a lead strip of thickness t at e would have a
I:;> I
However, because of the zero thickness approximatIOn, we can
ravs that pass partially through the strip. We thus use a model of
st;ips of height h and separation s whose attenuation behaves as If I
strip traversed by the ray. The third term is the fraction of the duty
this angular range, over which the rays do not strike the metal strip, and t
are unattenuated. Collecting terms and performing the integration, we obtai
T(e) = -l[(t _ h tan e)e-Jth/cOSO + 2 sin e (1 - e-Jth/cosO)
o<O<tan- 1 (f/h) S f.l
+ s - t - h tan ()J.
Similarly, we find the transmission in the next angular region tan-let/h) < 9
tan-l[(s - t)/h], where the rays are either unattenuated, pass through the en
strip width, or pass through a part of the strip as given by
T(e) = s - t - h tan e X I (unattenuated)
tan-J (f/h) <O<tan-J[(S-f) /hj S
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy 101
Linear Detector Arrays
FIG. 6.12 Scatter reducing, using translated slits.
of Fig. 6.12 is the use of a one-line detector array in place of
This linear array follows the translating sheet beam, achieving
only a sheet beam to pass through the body at anyone time. The
ators on either side of the body must be translated at different speeds
that the transmitted beam is not intercepted. Most of the scattered
iII fail to reach the detector, as shown. Although these systems have
)VeIl, they do have the practical difficulty of requiring increased
wer output from the x-ray tube. Multiple-slit systems mediate this
,>ther configurations using rotating slits have also been studied because
';convenient geometry. I
[the order of unity. This can, of course, be considerably more in a region of
attenuation, such as in the path of a large bone, where the transmitted
are reduced and the scattered photons from the volume are relatively
Although the grids provide reasonable performance, there are clearly many
linical situations where they are inadequate and the remaining scatter con-
to limit visualization. Significant research is under way on a variety of
'mproved scatter-reducing mechanisms.
lOne approach is the sequential irradiation of the body with translated
slits [Sorenson and Nelson, 1976] as illustrated in Fig. 6.12. Here two translated
0.4 0.2
0.6 0.8 1.0
FIG. 6.11 Scatter transmission vs. angle for two typical grid structures
using lead, where Jl = 60 cm-
Grid (a): s = 0.3 rom, h = 2.0 rom, and
t = 0.05 rom, resulting in R
= 0.106. Grid (b) has the same parameters
except that h = 4.0 rom, resulting in Rs = 0.034.
FIG. P6.1
--1 r-
FIG. P6.4
Noise Considerations in RadiographyQnd Fluoroscopy

FIG. P6.3
obliquity. factors calculate the signal-to-noise ratio using a
havmg an efficIency 11 and a resolution element of area A. The
signal is defined as the background minus the value at the center
what ratio of r1 to r2 is the signal-to-noise ratio a maximum?
.ess section of an object is shown in Fig. P6.4, where the desired
tion is represented by the small structure of width w.
the SNR the x-ray photons emerging from the object
e SIze of a resolutIon element is A cm

late the SNR of the recording where the phosphor screen has a
fficiency of 11 and produces L light photons per x-ray photon, and
6.3 Acircular x-ray .source of radius r1 emits n photons/unit area during
the exposure tIme (FIg. P6.3). A cylindrical lesion of thickness t radius r
' 2,
and attenuatIon coefficient Jl2 is within a slab of thickness L where L t.
Noise Considerations in Radiography and Fluoroscopy
_ I
-_ J.l
__: t
6.1 (a) Neglecting scatter and assuming that 11 = 1, find the SNR for ima
the thicker region where Jll I (Fig. P6.1).
SNR:::= Cj$ART
which essentially approaches the ultimate that is achievable. These linear arra
are used in conjunction with the computerized scanners where the
provide both cross-sectional and In thiS context the outp
signals are digitized to facilitate processmg by digital computers and subsequ
storage and display.
(b) Assuming that the energy dependence of Jl is given by f.l
find the energy that maximizes the SNR.
6.2 An x-ray transparency t = a + b cos 2nfox at a depth z is imaged
L x L rectangular source having an intensity of n photons per
a distance d f;om the recorder. Find the signal-ta-noise ratio of
tant image, which is defined as the ratio of the peak amplitude ofth
to the standard deviation of the average value. The area of eac
has a negligible effect on the ability to resolve the sinusoidal im
the desired scatter reduction since the only sensitive area is the line itself.
one-line array has a number of added desirable it can be made
using high-quantum-efficiency electronic detectors usmg scintillators
and photodetectors. Thus not only does 11 approach umty, but. the resultant
signal is sufficiently high to override any subsequent electromc noise. The
effects of neglible scatter, high efficiency, and the lack of subsequent noise
processes provide a signal-to-noise ratio determined almost solely by the trans-
mitted photons as given by
J.L /
J.Lo dJ(
Noise Considerations in Radiograrph" and 'rl " ctuoroscopy
FIG. P6.8
f the scatter-reducing grid the ..
pproximated as a parallel'b from a point
on efficiency 11t = T(O) ,...., ( earn entermg a parallel grid
W X W source a - t)js. Calculate 11t for
, period s, thickness t and d from t.he detector. Tht
The angles involved 'are coefficient p.
nd cos e:::::: 1. suffiCIently small such that
no [1 + m cos 211'fOXl
FIG. P6.7
modulated x-ray image is recorded .
as shown in Fig. P6 8 FInd th by a one-sIded screen-
. . e record d SNR
as the peak of the sinusoid and th . e where the signal
erage background On th e nOIse as the standard deviation
er x-ray photon . t of ahverage the produces I light
' IC are transmItted t h
e events are recorded Th . 1 . ate emulsion
, 1..b . e pIxe area IS A h' h . '
eg 19I Ie effect on the resolut' ' w IC IS assumed
rs \
t \
t \

__--- -d-----------
(a) Find the value of r
that provides the maximum SNR wit
at some specific plane z o .
(b) Using this value of r
find the SNR versus depth z.
(c) Assuming that the planar object produces P isotropi
photons per incident photon, find the SNR versus depth z.
6.7 (a) Calculate the SNR of the lesion image (Fig. P6.7) assu
Compton scatter component of flo is flS" The difference in
the lesion can be neglected. The detector has a capture effie
a resolvable element area of A.
(b) Calculate the modified SNR using a grid structure havin
T(e) placed against the detector plane. The separation s .
this case with the detector against the object.
FIG. P6.6
R events per light photon are recorded. Due to critical-angle consid
. d. d 1 h h I era
tlOnS, the recor er receIves emitte Ig t p otons on Y over a solid angle n
6.5 Equation provides If!, the :atio of scattered to transmitted photo
for the cylmdncal geometry of FIg. 6.7. Calculate If! for an object havin
square cross section W X W with the same length L. You can leave y:
anSwer m mtegral form.
6.6 A circular source of radius rs emits no photons per unit area (Fig. P6.
A planar object of radius R has a transmission t with an opaque cente
radius roo The image signal is defined as the difference in photons
pixel, with a pixel area A, between the background and the center of
image of the opaque disk at the center. Ignore all obliquity considera
and assume that 1] = 1.
104 Noise Considerations in Radiography and FluoroscOPY
In this chapter we consider systems that provide important "tomographi
three-dimensional capability. The tomogram is effectively an image of a
taken through a three-dimensional volume. Ideally, it is free of the effi
intervening structures, thus providing a distinct improvement in the abi
visualize structures of interest.
In single-projection radiography the resultant image is the superp
of all the planes normal to the direction of propagation. In essence the
has infinite depth of focus, although, as was shown in Chapter 4, th
source size causes planes closer to the recorder to have better res
Ignoring this effect and assuming parallel rays, the recorded image is gi
Id(x, y) = 1
exp [- Sp(x, y, z)dz].
This integration over z often prevents a suitable diagnosis of the
of a section at a given depth plane. Since all other planes are supenmpo
subtle contrast variations of the desired plane are often obscured.
particularly true in studies of lung lesions where the superimposed rib st
obscure the visualjzation.
V t'l very recently the only method of isolating a view of a single plane was
tomography [Meredith and Massey, 1977], as shown in Fig. 7.1. The
J!lO lee and the recorder are moved in opposite directions. As shown, one plane
object remains in focus while all others have their images blurred. The
In ture and degree of the deblurring is determined by the distance of each plane
na mthe focused plane and by the extent and type of motion of the source
ro f' h . k
dfilm. These systems are 0 ten classIfied by t e type of motIon underta en,
an h'd .
eh as linear, circular, and ypercyclOi al tomography. The mechamsms that
these motions are quite elaborate since they must be both accurate
rapid, so that the motions can be completed in a few-second breath-holding
FIG. 7.1 Motion tomography.
the source undergoes a specific motion in a plane parallel to
The path as a function of time can be characterized as
in general, is a two-dimensional delta line function which
otion of the source. From this motion and the corresponding
'efilm, we can calculate the resultant impulse response.
source motion of g(x, y, t), we immediately see that the resultant
nary film using a pinhole transparency is g(xlm, ylm, t) by straight-
etry. Thus the path due to source motion experiences the same
; m = -Cd - z)/z, as did the source image in Chapter 4. As indi-
vide a tomographic plane, the film is moved in a scaled
motion. Whenever the source is displaced from the axis at a
center is positioned at - kx, - ky, where k is a positive num-
'ng the scaling of the film motion. Thus the center of the film
th g(x/-k, y/-k, t).
lin moves, the resultant path of a beflm on the film moves in the
etion with respect to film coordinates. Thus the resultant path
k = -m = d - Zo
,Yd) ** 1 f( Xd Yd)
mm L(k + m)2 k + m' k + m .
graphic plane z = Zo where m = -k and f becomes a delta
tion continues to be limited by the source size. The expres-
ges to that of the point source as given by (7.5) and (7.7) if
) = KN5(x,y).
IaCu, v) = I
M2T(Mu, Mv) sine [X(k + m)u]. (7.13)
irection, a plane at z is multiplied by a low-pass filter having
width of approximately rX(k + m)r
At the desired plane
mes an infinite-bandwidth filter and does not affect the fre-
d(U, v). All other planes experience various degrees of filtering.
a finite source rather than a point source, the total impulse
onvolutionof the motion path function and source size as
function becomes a narrow delta function and reproduces the
in its original form. The plane of interest is at the depth z0 =
"hest tomogram"using linear motion is shown in Fig. 7.2. Note
of the ribs and spine.
uency domain the Fourier transform of t is multiplied by the
rm of the point-spread function h. For the case shown above,
Motion Tomography 109
( ) - t(X
Yd) * 1
f( Xd Yd) (78)
Ia Xd,Yd - M' M * L(k + m)2 k + m' k + m . .
The most widely used form of motion tomography is linear tomography,
here the source and film are both moved uniformly in straight lines in opposite
The source motion is by
g(x, Y, t) = 5(x - vt)5(y) reet (7.9)
where v is the velocity of the source in the x direction and X is the extent of the
traVerse. The resultant source path is given by
f(x, y) = Sg(x, y, t)d(vt) = rect (7.10)
ting a line of length X in the x direction. The resultant detected image
Iixa, Yd) = t(::, r;) ** X(k1+ m) rect m)]5(Ya). (7.11)
llthe expression above could be eliminated by defining the convolu-
gone-dimensional in the x direction only. Thus each point at plane
into a horizontal line of length X(k + m). At the desired plane
IiXd' Yd) = t ** h
X Y) 'f'( Xd 3-),
= t M' M** B
k+'Yz' k + m
, alizin constant B, we use similar reas
In evaluatmg the norm g that the total number of pho
, Ch t 4 We assume .
that employed In er If the source is translated the
during the exposure IS l'!., d ring the exposure IS NIL, whe
photons emitted per UTIlt dIstance . u b
line integral of the pathf(x, y) as gIVen y
L = JJf(x, y)dxdy.
, 'it represents a
. ' dimensional mtegratlO
Although thIS IS a two-. f ' Thus the constant B, rep
. .)' delta lme unctIOn. , . b
smce f(x, y Is.a . t the detector plane, IS gIVen Y
intensity per Unlt dIstance a I
KN cos
() =
B = L4nd2 (k + m)2 L(k + m
" . ' defined in (4.2), (4.4), and
where Ii is the InCIdent mtenslty Ignoring obliquity fact
proportional to the energy pe: p that cos
() ::::: 1
Ii = 1
, the intensity at the aXIS, w IC
detected intensity becomes
h two motions is the impulse response,
incident on the film due to L e
is given by (X Yd t)
h(Xd,Yd,t) = Bg k -: m'k+'Yz'
due to both motions and B is a no
. h t tal maanlllCa IOn ,.
where (k + m) IS teo. ::> bse uently evaluated. The mtegrated Impul
malizing constant that will be su q
response is therefore )
Xd t d(vt)
h(Xd' YJ) = B Jg(k + m)' (k + m)'
Xd Yd)
= Bf k+'Yz' k+'Yz
. d th traversed by the source as given by
where f (x, y) is the Integrate pa
f(x, y) = Jg(x, Y, t)d(vt)
. ' h d' ection of motion. The resultant reeo
where v is the source velOCIty III t e lr
ath, as given above, is )
Xd Yd .
f k+'Yz' k+'Yz
f the geometry, is independent
This impulse response, ,becausde 0 thus be placed in convolutiona.
. f the object an can
lateral coordInates 0 1 t 'maae due to a transparency t a
h d pth P
lane '7, The resu tan 1 ::>
for eac e
z is given by
7.3 Sequence of radiographs used to create a tomogram.
<t,"4yltiple-Radiograph Tomography; Tomosynthesis
Motion Tomography
. . .

of the disadvantages, the detail contrast being the same as that

radiography, is fundamental to motion tomography. The first
sadvantages, however, can be remedied by a system shown in Fig.
as tomosynthesis [Grant, 1972], where the desired plane is selected
ray procedure. Here a sequence of different radiographs are taken
rce in different positions and the subject and film in the same posi-
'esenting a single circular traverse. The resultant source path is described as
I(x, y) = foCr -; ro) o(e - rot) rect
= oCr - ro) rect(!n) = o(r - ro). (7.17)
The film center also moves in a circle at the opposite side of the axis having
radius kro' When the source is at ro, eo the film center is at kro, eo + n. The
:esultant impulse response from (7.3) and (7.7) is given by
h(Xd' Yd) = h(r) = 2nr
(ko + m) o[r - (k + m)ro]. (7.18)
Motion tomography has two basic disadvantages. First, for each tomo-
graphic plane, the of interest is exposed. x-rays. If a num.ber
of sections are desIred, as IS usually the case, the radIatIOn can be extensIve.
Second, in motion tomography, the detail contrast in the plane of interest is
over a conventional radiograph. All planes other than the plane
are blurred or smeared out, leaving the desired plane as the only
ottiNwithany detailed structure. Thus the sharp details of the interfering struc-
planes are removed, which significantly improves the visualization
eVeR'tih.()ugh the detail contrast in the desired plane is unchanged.
Circular Motion
oCr - ro) 5:(e - 0 )
oCx-xo,y-Yo)= r U o
FIG. 7.2 Chest tomograph, using linear motion of source of detector.
The circular motion is described by
( )
_ ( 0 t) = oCr - ro) 0(0 - rot) rect
g x, y, t - g r, , r
As was indicated, many other motions can .be used other than the
. d 'b d The linear motion has the dIsadvantage that planes
motIOn escn e . .' d' . n
than the desired tomographic plane experience In one ImensIO'
Thus edges parallel to the x axis receive no blurnng all. <
. lane will remain sharply defined and can Interfere wIth t ,e
a:l in the desired plane, The alternative is th.e
dimensional motions such as circles, hype.rcycloids,. and so f
can be described using the polar coordInate equIvalent 0 t e
113 Computerized Tomography
a revolutionary concept in tomography, known as computerized
phy, was introduced by EMI Ltd. of England. This system pro-
ated image of a' section within a volume completely eliminating
es [Herman, 1980; Gordon, 1975; Ledley, 1976; Scudder, 1978;
DiChiro, 1976a; Cho, 1974]. Thus the contrast of the image is
by intervening structures. Thus far, computerized tomograPrf
emely successful in clinical use. Lesions and organs that were
ossible to visualize are seen with remarkable clarity.
system is shown in Fig. 7.4. An x-ray source is collimated into
and scanned through the plane of interest. The transmitted
ography, at best, represents a limited ability to isolate a specific
eneral the contrast of the plane of interest is unchanged over that
'on radiograph. If a lesion in the plane results in a 1%difference
intensity in a conventional radiograph, it will continue to be 1%
the motion tomogram. The out-of-focus planes, however, will
-Cd - ZI)!Zp The decoded image is given by
Ia= Ie **
= [S(;I' ** ]** It) (7.21)
The source function sex, y) is chosen to have a sharp autocorrelation peak,
approaching a two-dimensional delta function. Thus at z = Z I, I a will faithfully
reproduce the plane t(x/Mt. y/MI ) where M I = dlzl' For z:;= ZI, the cross-
correlation function will become broad, thus blurring all other planes. Some
representative functions for sex, y) are a random array of points or a Fresnel
zone plate. The considerations are similar to those of coded apertures in Chapter
The decoding can be accomplished in a digital computer. For a given
encoded image Ie(x, y), any desired plane can be chosen by using the appro-
priatecross-correlation function s(x/ml' y/ml ). The basic difficulty with this
sysfelllis that sex, y) is fundamentally a nonnegative function. It thus has
linlitedcapability for providing the desired autocorrelation peak. At best, the
will have a peak riding on a large plateau. This plateau effec-
resents an integration over a large portion of the image. This can
response and result in poor noise performance. As a
'sapproach has not been used commercially.
!(x,y)=6(y) 2: 6(x-iX)
'h e n is the number of source positions and X is the separation betwee
w er I' f .
source positions. The value of k, representing the trans atlOn 0 the Individ
radiographs, is determined after the x-ray exposures are made, where ea
t sp
arency' is separated from its neighbor by k X. The resultant effecti
ran . ).. b
detected intensity for a given plane t(x, y) USIng (7.8 IS gIVen y
1 nl2
I (x y) = t(X
,Ya ** 6(Yd)- 2: 6[xa - i(k + m)X].
d d' a M M n i=-n/2
The line integral L becomes n, the sum of the source positions, .and the (k +
normalization in the denominator is canceled by the fact?rs 10 the f
tions. It is clear that k is readily chosen to select the deSired plane of mte
Since each film is given approximately lin of the exposure. requi
the system requires no increase in radiation for the. abIlIty to select pI
after the exposure. The system requires a relatively changer so
exposures can be accomplished in a breath-holdmg 10terval of a
en. f . h
seconds. The out-of-focus planes are smeared by a senes 0 t at appr
a line. Using an appropriate mechanical structure the separat1?n of the r
raphs can be continuously varied with the plane of focus contmuously rno
the object. Alternatively, the information can be and
using television fluoroscopy, with the translatIOn and
mation taking place in a computer.
Another approach to tomography is the use of a comple
sex, y). The recorded image, as studied in Chapter 4, IS given by

This recording can be considered the encoded image Ie: This encoded
not useful of itself because of the complex source functIOn.
The desired image, at any plane of interest, is decoded by crosS c
with s(x/m
, ylm]), the source function at a particular plane Zl
tion. The resultant films are stacked together and translated with respect
each other to select the desired plane. Assuming that the composite
image is the sum of the individual detected images, the path functIon lex, y) is
a of point-source positions given by
Reconstruction Mathematics-Iterative Approaches 115
\ I

............ -----
. . g system for computerized tomography. (Courtesy
FIG. 7.4 BaSIC scannm . . . .
of the Siemens AG-Bereich Medlzlmsche Techmk.)
d b
ina detector at each position of the scan.
hotons are detecte Y a scann 1:0 . 80 h
P . t d t approximately 1 mtervals for 1 so t at
same procedure IS repea e a Th It t
. d t pproximately all angles. e resu an pr.
. f s are obtame a a .
o proJec Ion. d' 't 1computer where an accurate two-dlmens
. d ta are applIed to a Igl a . .
tIOn a t' the linear attenuation coefficIent 1
. . tructed represen mg . .
IS h' th atics involved in the image reconstructIOn
sectIOn of mterest. T e rna em .
. . d ta will be described. ,
prOjectIOn a . 11 11 of the shortcommgs of
This a roach overcomes essentIa y a.. .
pp 1 the section of interest is IrradIated. Usmg careful
tomography. On y d r 'ted only by the poisson statistics of the n
brated detectors, an ImI . techni ue has provided almost uncann
counts per measurement, thIS sly invisible. Radiologists h
lization of that were prevIOu
coefficient differed by I
able to perceive leSIOns whose attenua . .' fashI'on an
. . Thus m a nonmvaSIVe ,
0.5 %from the surroundmg tIssue, ,
diagnosis is obtained.
. l' 1 ld but seldom used, fie
The mathematics IS a re atIVe y. 0 '. al distribution fr
involving the reconstructIOn of a two-dImensIonutationally ineffi .
jections. The most straightforward, con:
. nst
involves linear algebra. The two-dimensIOnal Image IS reco
atrix inversion of the projection data. For images of reasonable complexity,
is quite formidable. One general class of solutions involves an iterative
ocedure. This is an attempt to find a two-dimensional distribution that
pratches all of the projections. An initial distribution is assumed and it is
mmpared with the measured projections. Using one of a variety of iterative
the initial distribution is successively modified. This method is
known as the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, or ART [Herman, 1980;
and DiChiro, 1976a].
ART system, illustrated in Fig. 7.5, is based on the very general
that the resultant reconstruction should match the measured projec-
iterative process is started with all reconstruction elements II set to
as the mean j or zero. In each iteration the difference between
FIG. 7.S ART system.
ata for a projection gj and the sum of the reconstructed elements
f: IIi} is calculated. Here III represents an element along the
the projection ray gj' This difference is then evenly divided
construction elements. The iterative algorithm is defined as
gj - 2:.li
= Ii; + N=l (7.22)
ript q indicates the iteration. The algorithm recursively relateJ
elements to those of the previous iteration.
tion of the ART process we use a simple 2 x 2 matrix of
bciated measured projections.
.5 4.5 -10
Horizontal rays:
5.5 4.5 -10
7 11 9 13
\ /
f, == 5 f2 == 7 -12
f3 == 6
== 2 -8
f1 = 5.5 + 13 ;- 10 = 7
= 3.5 + 7 --; 10 = 2
7 - 10
f? = 6.5 + -2- = 5;
3 - 2 -,
In multiplicative ART, each reconstructed element is changed in proportion to
its magnitude. This is in sharp contrast to additive ART, where each element
in the ray is changed a fixed amount, independent of its magnitude.
Although the iterative methods were the most popular in the earlier days
of computerized tomography, they have become almost completely supplanted
by direct methods due to problems such as computation time and convergence
accuracy in the presence of noise. The direct methods provide a linear recon-
struction formulation between a two-dimensional distribution and its pro-
Direct Reconstruction Methods-Fourier Transform Approach 117
represents an array of line integrals in the x direction. For
the central' section theorem we use the two-dimensional Fourier
methods are based on the central section theorem, which
IUWlttated with the aid of Fig_ 7.6. As shown, a single projection is taken
xTCLIrectllon, for convenience, forming a projection g(y) given by I
g(y) = ff(x, y)dx. (7.24)
Thus the original elements are reconstructed. In general, for larger formats,
any iterations, using the same measurement data over and over, are required
rr adequate convergence. The process is usually halted when the difference
the measured and calculated projections is adequately small.
A number of variations on this general theme have been proposed. One
nonlinear formulation makes use of the known nonnegativity of the density
values fi]' Thus where fl} < 0, it is set equal to zero. Another variation is
known as multiplicative ART, as compared to the previous original algorithm,
which is additive ART. In the multiplicative version the original density values
are multiplied by the ratio of the measured line integral gj to the calculated
sum of the reconstructed elements. This is given by
12 - 10 5 5
= 4.5 +--r- = .
8 - 10 35
z -45 1 --= .
4- -r 2
9 - 0 45
l - fl = 0 + --= .
2 - 4 2
12-10 65'
ff = 5.5 + 2 =.,
8-10 45-
= 5.5 + -2- = . ,
10 10

11-0 55-
l_fl=O+_= .,
1 - 3 2
Diagonal rays:
. . t 'neluding the two verticals, two hOJrIzcmta
All six prOjectIOn measuremen s, 1 d Presumably these projection meas
' als have been rna e. '
and two lagon , d f om these the matrix of elements sho
ments are all that is a.: process by setting all val
must be reconstructed. We I gI . ctions and comparing them to the m
to zero, calculating the tant proJe alcuiated divided by the two elemen
sured projections. The dIfferences are c ,
and added to each element.
per me,
o 0
Vertical rays: m
x cos 8 + Y sin 8 = R
r cos (8 - if = R
..... x
Direct Reconstruction Methods-Fourier Trans'./"; A
OJ orm pproach 119
g(lR) = JJf(x, y)<5(x cos 8 + y sin 8 - R)dxdy
= L
1t I
fer, )<5[r cos (8 - ) - RJrdrd (7.27)
the projection information in the 8 direction Th' .
ong hne x cos 8 + . 8 _ . . e mtegratIOn
R. The delta line Ie sm 8 - R m polar coordinates r, ,
to. . x + y sm 8 - R) sifts out the desired
provIde effectIve lme integration. The symbol g (R) ld
ave been wntten g(R 8)' " (J cou
. . ,smce It IS a two-dimensional fu f
prOjectIOn angles 8 and the distances R al h' nc. IOn
ymb I (R)' . ong eac proJectlO,..1
. 0 g(J mdicates a series of one-dimensional .
tances R taken at a particular angle 8. measurements
efa( gen)e:al ?erivation, the Fourier transform of the two-dimen-
x, y IS gIven by
F(u, v) = JJI(x, y)e-i21t(ux+VYJdxdy.
FIG. 7.8 Projection of a two-dimensional function.
erpendicular to the line is at an angle 8 Th' &'
. IS lorms a prOjectIOn
y y

fIx, y)
FIG. 7.6 Illustration of the central section theorem.
FIG. 7.7 Fourier domain illustration of the central section theorem.
F(u, v) = 55 f(x, y) exp [-i2n(ux + vy)}dxdy.
F(u, vI I
F(O, v) = 55 f(x, y) exp (-i2nvy)dxdy
= 5[5 f(x, y)dx]e-i21tVYdy
Along the u = line this transform becomes
where It} represents a one-dimensional Fourier transform. Thus, as
in Fig. 7.7, the dashed u = line in F(u, v) is given by the Fourier tra
of the projection of f (x, y) in the x direction. Since the transf()
projection forms a radial line in F(u, v), we can fill F(u, v) by taki
at many angles and taking their transforms. Once filled F(u, v) is'
formed to reconstruct the desired density f(x, y). This process
in more detail using Fig. 7.8. Using a two-dimensional distributi
array of line integrals are measured, each being a distance R f
transform of the distribution f(x, y) as given by
118 Tomography
R x
Direct Reconstruction Methods-FoUJ'ier Transform Approach
.1? Projections of sinusoidal components of a two-dimensional
Figure 7.10 provides some physical insight into the central section theorem.
In the top figure is a of a two-dimensional distribution/ex, y). Using
Fourier f(x, can .be decomposed into an array of two-
dimensional smusOlds. Two of the smusolds are illustrated. In the center figure
aprojection is taken of a two-dimensional sinusoid. Since each ray experiences
FIG. 7.9 Two-dimensional Fourier transform plane of distribution.
______--__....J----l>- u
Thus the Fourier transform of a projection at angle p, as defined in Fig.
forms a line in the two-dimensional Fourier plane at this same angle.
the projection angle fJ and the resultant polar angle in the Fourier tran
plane p are identical, we can use the same symbol fJ for both. The tran
of a projection in the transform plane, F(p, fJ), is shown in Fig. 7.9. After
the entire F(p, fJ) plane with the transforms of the projections at all angl
reconstructed density is provided by the two-dimensional inverse
F(p, P) = SgiR) exp (-i2npR)dR
f(x, y) = SSF(u, v) exp [i2n(ux + vy)]dudv
f" dfJ S: F(p, fJ) exp [i2np(x cos fJ + y sin fJ)]pdp.
F(p, P) = SSf(x, y)e-
"P(X cos {J+ysin {J)dxdy.
This expression clearly reduces to the basic Fourier transform relations
of equation (7.28) by integrating over R. By isolating the expression for
projection from equation (7.27), the Fourier transform of the image f(x, y)
be rewritten as
F(p, P) = SSSf(x, y)b(x cos P+ y sin p - R) exp (-i2npR)dxdydR. (7.
The general central section theorem is shown by again mainpulating the tw
dimensional Fourier transform to include the projection expression as given
Expressing this in polar coordinates F(u, v) = F(p, P), where u = p cos p
v = p sin p gives
Alternative Direct Reconstruction-Back Projection
fer) = 2n i"" F(p)pJo(2nrp)dp = Jo(nr).
FIG. 7.11 Projections of a point at the origin back projected.
The computational problem with the central section theorem method shown
is that a two-dimensional inverse transform is required. For computerized
tomography this involves various interpolations and coordinate transformations.
We now consider alternative reconstruction systems based on the same general
principles but having distinct computational advantages. To do this we first
introduce the concept of back projection [Gordon, 1975].
In back projection the measurements obtained at each projection are
projected back along the same line, assigning the measured value at each
pointin the line. Thus the measured values are "smeared" across the unknown
function as if a line of wet ink, containing the measured projection
is drawn across the reconstructed density function. This is shown in
for the case of an object consisting of a single point on the origin.
EacJbDrollectiion is identical. Intuitively, we know, from each individual pro-
ieCtJion that a point of density lies somewhere along the line of
Again we reach the unanticipated result that the projection of a Jo( ) function,
the zeroth-order Bessel function of the first kind, is a cosine function.
presenting a cylindrical shell in the frequency domain. The density is again
;ven by the inverse transform. Using the Fourier-Bessel transform yields
goeR) = cos nR.
As before, on each line in the transform, such as the u axis, we
F(u)= 1[c5(u - 1) + c5(u + 1)].
Summing this pair of delta functions over 180, we obtain
F(p) = 1c5(P - 1)
This "jinc" function, named for its similarity to the sinc function, ?as. a
shape to the sinc function except that its zeros do not occu.r
the amplitude of the ripples fall off more Thus prOjectIOn of J
is 2 sine 2R, a result that is certainly not mtUItIvely
For the second example of circularly symmetnc objects we use a
soidal projection
As an illustrative example we will consider two circularly .symmetric cases
simple geometries. Circularly symmetric e.xamples are bemg used solely
simplicity since the method is clearly apphcable to .an
geometry. In the fi
example the measured projections at all angles are gIVen by
goeR) = 2 sinc 2R.
The two-dimensional Fourier transform at each angle (J is given by
FoCp) = ;Y{giR)} = rect ( i) ,
where p, in this equation, is a along the.8 directi
Adding up the contributions at all ang.les IS to rotatmg the
function over 180 to provide a symmetnc two-dImensIOnal frequency fun
F(p, 8) = F(p) = circ p, (1
where the circ function is a "pillbOX" with .radius .and unity heig
defined in Chapter 2. The reconstructed denSIty IS the Inverse transfo
this function as given by
. J (2nr)
f(x,y) =f(r) = ;Y-l{CHC p} = _l-r-'
equal positive and negative contributions, the projection is zero.
the bottom figure the sinusoid is parallel to the projectIOn As a result, the
projection is a one-dimensional sinusoid. Thus each prOjectIon extracts only
those sinusoidal components at the projection angle. con:ponents
sent a line, as in Fig. 7.9, in Fourier space representmg smusOlds of
frequencies at a specific angle.
Filtered Back-Projection Reconstruction System
ibex, y) = Ie" d8 f:oo F(p, 8) exp [i2np(x cos 8 +y sin 8)]dp.
have made use of the delta function relationship [Bracewell, 1965]
where we o(x _ x )
o[f(x)] = 2: I!,(x,,)1 (7.44)
fb(x, y) = s: d8 roo g(R, 8)0(x cos 8 +y sin 8 - R)dR (7.47)
[restructuring it into a Fourier transform mode by using the central secti(im
to substitute the inverse transform of F(p, 8) for g(R, 8) as given fY
b(;,Y) = Ie" d8 S:oo [S:oo F(p, 8)ei2npRdp]O(x cos 8 + y sin 8 - R)dR. (7.48)
eiformingthe integration over R, we obtain
to be able to use the elegant simplicty of back projection and to
o the l/r blur without requiring two-dimensional transforms. This is
mplished by again making use of the powerful central section theorem.
We begin by restating the back-projection relationship for the laminogram

This represents a poor reconstruction in the case of reasonably
. because of the "tails" of the I/r response. Some early reconstructIOns
lInagesbtained of medical images using pure back projection with marginal
were 0
results. . d' d .
The I/r blurring must be removed to provIde the eSIre reconstructIOn.
ach makes use of the frequency-domain representation of (7.45),
One ap
x are the roots off(x).
the impulse response to be 1/r, we write the reconstructed image
ack projection
. ce the two-dimensional Fourier transform of l/r is 1/p. An obvious cor-
smtion method is to take the Fourier transform offix, y), weight the resultant
8) with p, and then inverse transform to provide the desiredf(x, y). This,
has clearly not solved the computational problem since two two-
dimensional transforms are required.
goeR) = J
" J= Orr cos (8 - ) - R]rdrd
o 0 n
= 1" J-== orr cos (8 - ) - R]drd
= J" oCR) d = oCR).
o n
Thus, as expected intuitively, each projection of a delta function at th
is oCR). These delta functions are back-projected giving the impulse
hb(r) :
hb(r) = Ie" d8 roo o(R)o[r cos (8 - ) - R] dR
= f orr cos (8 - )]d
- + )l
= - J
o It8r cos (8 - ) I eval uated at 8 = +
fix, y) = Ie" beCx, y)d8
= Ie" d8 t: go(R)o(x cos 8 + y sin 8 - R)dR
where fb(x, y) is the crude reconstruction resulting from pure back proj
This reconstruction is often called a laminogram. We will study the na
the distortion in this reconstruction and attempt to correct it.
Using (7.27) and (7.41), we find the impulse response using back proj
We first find the projections geCR) due to a delta function at the origin
as given by
integration. It is thus reasonable, as an initial attempt at reconstructio
assign the measured value along the entire line. We are essentially statin
we know that the point of density is somewhere along the line so that a "c
reconstruction will result if we assign the measured value along the entire
Mathematically, the back projection of a single measured proj
along the unknown density is given by
beCx, y) = SgeCR)o(x cos 8 + y sin 8 - R)dR
where bo(x, y) is the back-projected density due to the projection goeR) at
8. Adding up these densities at all angles, we obtain
126 Tomography
To appreciate the significance of this relationship we restate the
sional inverse Fourier transform relationship in polar form as
f(x, y) = 1
" de 1'" F(p, e) exp [i2np(x cos e + y sin e)]pdp,
We modify this equation to conform with (7.49), where the e integr
from 0 to n and the p integration from - 00 to 00 as given by
f(x, y) = fa" de t"'", F(p, e) exp [i2np(x cos e + y sin e)]lpldp.
This form is equivalent to that of (7.50), where the integrand is Her
This is clearly the, case for physical systems where y) is real and F(p
F(-p, e+ n). It IS necessary to use Ipl rather than pIn (7.51) since the in
tion includes negative values.
Comparing (7.51) to the equation for the back-projected lamin
(7.49), we see that they differ only by the Ip I weighting as previously indi
Substituting 5' 1[goeR)} for F(p, e) in (7.49), and dividing and muItiplyi
Ip I, we obtain
fb(X, y) = 1" de g: 1[l
)} exp [i2np(x cos e + y sin e)] I p I dp.
This equation provides an alternative interpretation to back projectio
essence, the transform of each projection goeR) has been weighted by
along each radial line in Fig. 7.9. This accounts for the blurred reconst
offb(X, y). This can therefore be removed by weighting each transformed
jection with Ip I prior to back projection to create an undistorted reconstru
as given by
f(x, y) = (" de f'" 5' 1 Ip I exp [i2np(x cos e + y sin e)] Ip Idp. (7
Jo -00 p
When we operate on each projection goeR) the radial frequency varia
assumes the role of a one-dimensional frequency variable.
This reconstruction approach is known as the filtered back proj
system. It is widely used since it involves only one-dimensional transD
Each projection is individually transformed, weighted with the one-dimens
variable Ip I, inverse transformed, and back projected. This is seen by rew
(7.52) as
f(x,y) = fa" de 5:00[5:00 5'1[goCR)}. IPlei2"PR}5(x cos e + y sin e - R)dR(
= rde tOO", 5'1"1 [g: 1[go(R)}. Ip I]b(x cos e + y sin e - R)dR.
Here it is clearly seen that the function back-projected at all angles is a flIt
version of the projection goeR), where the filter provides a Ip I weighting.
any filtering operation in the frequency domain, we first Fourier transD
multiply by the filter function, and then inverse transform:
function in (7.54) can be rewritten as
5'11[5'lfgiR)}jp!1 = goeR) * 5'1
flpl} (7.55)
nvolution theorem of Fourier transforms. The spatial equivalent
ith IpI is convolving with the inverse transform of Ifl.l [Horn,
1979' Scudder 1978]. This introduces the convolutIOn-back
m:ihod of reconstrdction, which is by far the widely
filtering each projection in the frequency domaIn,. each pr.oJectIOn
onvolved with a function c(R) and then back-proJected. SInce
n function c(R) is chosen to correct the l/r blur, the reconstructIon
ct''sgiven by
f(x,y) = fa" de [giR) * c(R)]b(x cos e+ y sin e- R)dR. (7.56)
As indicated in (7.55), the convolution function is given by
c(R) = g:-lflpl}. (7.57)
Unfortunately, this transform is not defined function is not
integrable. However, we can evaluate the transform In the hmlt as
c(R) = 5'-1 Ip I (7.58)
which is an integrable function. Evaluating the transform, we have
1 p I = - - p)] (7.59)
where H() is the unit step function, which is unity for arguments and
zero otherwise, as defined in Chapter 2. We first find the Inverse transform of
the bracketed portion as given by
g:-1[[.]} = (00 _ fO
Jo _00
i4nR (7.60)
= c
+ (2nR)2
The completed inverse transform is evaluated using the relationship
5'-l{pA(p)} = 21na/(R). (7.61)
- 4n
R2) (7(62)
= g:-I[p[.]} = (c
+ 4n
R2)2' I
The convolution function c(R) is therefore the limit of (7.62) as c O.
The various properties of this convolution function can in a .logical
framework, keeping in mind the fact that the convolution functlOn IS the Inverse
transform of Ip I. Using known theorems of Fourier transforms, we know that
the average value of a function is equal to the value of its transform at the
FIG. 7.13 Filtering function with band limiting.
Convolution-Back Projection
IPI = [rect - A(:JJ
-.l JJ
To facilitate taking Fourier transforms, this function is modeled as
"n,,;T10rIUJlU5 this complex integration, we arrive at the result
her) = lim K( 2 + 4 2)3/2 (7.64)
f nr
a constant. This is clearly an "impulsian" function having a value
the origin and zero elsewhere. Other forms of c(R) in the limit provide
results [Horn, 1978].
We now consider more realistic convolution functions which have well-
behaved properties: For example, any physical system has an upper frequency
limit imposed by eIther the geometry of the system, such as a finite beam size,
or by electrical limitations such as noise. Thus the filtering imposed by the
convolution filter could be of the form IPIrect (p/2pa), where Po is the cutoff
frequency. This filter is illustrated in Fig. 7.13.
where the convolution function is given by
= Pa(2sinc2paR - sinc
PaR). (7.66)
Thus a bandlimited function can be reconstructed by taking each projection
convolving with Pa(2 sine 2paR - sinc
PaR), and back projecting. Ifwe
fake the limit of this bandlimited function as Po -- 00, we get an expression
similar to that of (7.62).
-In practice, a wide variety of convolution functions are used which are
similar t.o that of (7.65). The convolution kernel c(R) is a convenient place to
accomplIsh overall. filtering in addition to the basic IPI In
g.eneral, as WIth most Imagmg systems, these filters are a compromise
signal-to-noise ratio and resolution. Thus these filters generally involve the
product of IPI and some high-frequency cutoff filter. Since the sharp cutoff of
areet function generally causes "ringing" at edges, gentler rolloff characteristics
are usually used.
FIG. 7.12 Convolution function to undo I/r blur.
origin. Thus, since IPIis zero at origin, we know that the average inte
value of e(R) must be zero. This IS the case for the function given b
Using this same relationship in reverse, we know that the value of eel) (
origin must approach the integrated average of IPI. The area of Ipl' a
to the limit, as P -> 00, of p
This is in keeping with the value of
origin in the limit, as -, 0, of 2/2.
Figure 7: I? .illustrates sketch of the convolution fun
e(R). In the vIclmty of the ongm, where R2 2/4n
, the function is giv
2/2. For higher values of R, where R2 2/4n
, the function appro
R2, as shown in Fig. 7.12.
her) = f d8 foo' e(R)o[r cos (8 - )- R}dR
. f" 2 - 4n
(8 - 4 8
= hm 2 [2 I 4 2 2 2(8 _ 4]2d .
a T n r cos
It is interesting to note that the desired convolution function e(R)
have been devised without using the central section theorem. We can rna
of linear systems considerations in that any function e(R) which results'
proper reconstruction of an impulse, without the l/r blur, will acc
reconstruct all functions. For example, in equation (7.56), we require
that will produce an impulsian I(x, y) when goeR) = oCR), the projection
impulse at the origin. Essentially, this requires that e(R), back-projected
angles, will produce an impulsian reconstruction.
For the c(R) in the limit given in (7.62), back-projecting at all
provides the system impulse response as given by
Scanning Modalities 131
(7.71) 1= SSsex, y) exp [ - SJ1.(x, y, z)dz]dxdy
y) is the source intensity as a function of its lateral dimensions. For
a monoenergetic beam in this case. As before, the error with
depends on the variation in flex, y) over the beam size sex, y). If,
region, fleX, y) is relatively constant at some value p, the measure-
approximated as
In ( 1) f P(z)dz (7.72)
ray sum, resulting in a distortion in the attempted reconstruc-
discussion it is seen that the largest distortions will occur in
bone where the greatest spectral shifts occur. In early head scans
lted in a severely cusped region immediately inside the skull,
sis of this region very difficult.
rilinear terms cause distortions in the reconstructed image which
severe. As a result, most instruments use a nonlinear function of
measurements in an attempt to compensate for the nonlinearity.
y, the degree of nonlinearity depends on the materials in the path,
t known beforehand. This problem has been minimized in some
tomography scanners by using a water bag around the region
thus providing a constant known path length. This approach
some error since the amount of bone and air within each path is
Other approaches are under investigation. In one, an initial
is provided which includes the distortions or spectral shift arti-
this initial reconstruction the amount of bone and soft tissue in
be estimated and used to provide a more accurate nonlinear
nonlinearity is that due to finite beam size. The projection for
rnDllLc;;VIO"'UU size is given by
In Fig. 7.4 we illustrated a simple method of data acquisition where a single
s?uree and detector are synchronously scanned to provide the required projec-
tion data. This system, because of chronology, is known as a "first-generation"
10 = SSsex, y)dxdy.
nfortunately, there are many discontinuities in the attenuation coefficient,
eli as the edges of bone, so that this approximation is often inaccurate. This
a source of error in existing instruments which is minimized through
the use of relatively narrow beams.
In x-ray attenuation considerations, the logarithm of the measured inte
many positions and angles is used with one of the reconstruction
previously described to form a cross-sectional image of the linear atte
The removal of the nonlinearity has within it a number of inherent a
tions, namely, that the source is monoenergetic and that the beam is
tesimally narrow. Unfortunately, both of these assumptions lead to reI
impractical systems as far as getting sufficient photon flux to obtain a stati
meaningful measurement. Thus, to provide a source of adequate stre
polychromatic source is used providing a measured transmission gi
I = S5(8) exp [ - Sfl(Z, 8)dzJ d8
where 5(8) is the source spectrum. In this case the line integral is not
measured and the resultant behavior is nonlinear [Stonestrom et aI.,
Here we attempt to reconstruct fl(e), where e is the average energy e
from the object. Taking logs as in (7.68), we obtain
In ( ) = ao+ aj f fl(Z, e) dz + a{f fl(z, e)dzJ+ .. ,
where 1
= SS(8)d(8), the total source energy. We have a distorted ve
the desired line integral.
The nature of the distortion can be seen by studying a single pi
cross section traversed by a number of rays at different angles. Along e
we are attempting to measure the line integral or the sum of the atte
coefficients of each pixel. The attenuation coefficient of the single pix
studied should contribute a given fl to each sum. However, each ray
tain different materials providing different degrees of spectral shift
resultant different average energy e. Thus the single pixel has differen
= ffl(z)dz.
The reconstruction methods studied indicated how a tWO-dimensional
could be reconstructed from its line integrals. These line integrals are
of the function in different In t.he of x-ray attenuation, h
we measure the exponent of the deSIred hne mtegral as given by
1= 1
where, for convenience, we consider a single ray in the z direction.
we have a nonlinear relationship between the measured projection
desired line integral. This non linearity can be removed if we
measured data, the log of the measured transmission where
FIG. 7.15 Third-generation fan-beam scanner, using a rotating source
and detector array. (Courtesy of the General Electric Medical Systems
One disadvantage of this system is the lack of self-calibration. At no point
enters the machine can the system be calibrated. In the earlier
days of these instruments "ring artifacts" were prevalent due to errors in indi-
yidualdetectors which were uncalibrated. These have since been minimized
through improved detectors and software corrections. A commercial third-
generation system is illustrated in Fig. 7.16.
The fourth-generation scanner is characterized by a rotating fan beam
impingi.ng on a 360
stationary detector array as illustrated in Fig. 7.17. A sourpe,
generatmg a fan beam, is rotated around the patient. The transmitted rays
collected by the stationary detector array. This simple mechanical motion of
the soprce only allows for a rapid scan time. In addition, the system is again
self-calibrating since, at different portions of the scan, each detector is irradiated
by the source without any intervening material. Also, the system is relatively
Scanning Modalities 133
nt feature of both first- and second-generation scanners is
Either preceding or following each traverse, each x-ray beam
detector with no intervening material. This provides a reference
, the intensity in the absence of attenuation. This value is
ulate the line integral. Although it is theoretically constant,
urce and detector often require frequent measurements.
generation scanner involves rotation-only of a fan beam, as
ig. 7.15. Both the source and the detector are rotated about a
r within the patient. The detector array is a few hundred con-
ts. The primary advantage of this approach is the mechanical
associated ability to provide very high speeds, with scan times as
The detectors can be deep and positioned along the
from the source. This relatively long path length has enabled
ionization detectors using xenon.
132 Tomography
FIG. 7.14 Second-generation scanner, using multiple detector translate-
rotate system.
1 \
I \
I I \
I \
I \
scanner. It is identified by a two-motion translate-rotat
d Th
" l'ffi . " e Scan
etector. e pnnclpa dl culty with this Instrument is't I'
. I Sre atlvel
time, on the order of a few minutes. Only a small portion f Y
output of the x-ray tube is utilized, requiring relatively Ion 0 t
d . . g scanntn
ac Ieve a equate statistiCS. These long times are acceptable h
. I' . , owever
tIve y statlOnary regIOns such as the head. These scanners c . '
. I 'd . ontmue t
re atlve y WI e use because of their low cost. However even h
. . . ,asa ead
t ere are contInuIng problems With uncooperative patients h
. . suc as
an patients WIth poor motor control.
Figure 7.14 is an illustration of a second-generation sc
mtervals of the scan. Here the same translate-rotate motion
. . s are Use
multiple-detector system. In thiS way several projections ar .
, J e acquire
each traverse. For example, if there are 10 detectors each 10
" . . ' - apart,
translatIOn acqUIres all 10 During the subseque t
. . d d 100 0 n rotat
IS In exe rather than I , in a 10: 1 time reductio
10 times as much of the x-ray output IS being utilized, the sea t'
I U' h' n 1m
aceor mg y. smg t IS approach, scan times have been reduced t
of a minute. 0 a
135 Scanning Modalities
FIG. 7.17 Fourth-generation scanner, using a rotating fan-beam and a
stationary ring detector array.
The third- and fourth-generation scanners derive their measurements using
rather than parallel-beam projections. These require somewhat modi-
to the reconstruction problem. One approach is known as
the various fan-beam rays from different projections are
as parallel-beam projections. These then require the same recon-
as the first- and second-generation scanners. An alternative
is the use of a modified convolution back-projection system [Gullberg,
9; Denton et al., 1979]. Here the convolution kernel is slightly different
the back projection involves a quadratic weighting factor rather than the
weighting of the parallel rays. This latter algorithm is widely used/in
eXlstmg scanners. !
The image quality of these systems has improved significantly in recent
as has their diagnostic value. Typical head and body images made with
athIrd-generation scanner are illustrated in Figs. 7.18 and 7.19.
FIG. 7.16 Third-generation commercial scanner. (Courtesy of the General
Electric Medical Systems Division.)
immune to ring artifacts since detector errors are distributed through
image, rather than representing a specific radius.
One difficulty with the scanner is the varying angle at which the ray
the detectors. In the third-generation scanner the detectors could be'
along the rays since the entire structure rotated. Here, however, at d
source positions the rays strike a given detector at different angles. This
that the detectors should be relatively shallow to avoid the rays enterin
cent detectors. To provide high quantum efficiency with these shaIIow de
high-.u materials are used such as scintiIIators with high atomic n
Gaseous detectors, having lower linear attenuation coefficients, are no
with stationary detector systems.
136 Tomography
FIG. 7.18 Cross-sectional head images at different levels, made with a
third-generation scanner. (Courtesy of the Siemens AG-Bereich Medizin-
ische Technik.)
Scanning Modalities
FIG. 7.19 Cross-sectional body images at different levels, made with a
third-generation scanner. (Courtesy of the Siemens AG-Bereich Medizin-
ische Technik.)
C(p)=lpIS(p) (7.85)
where. IPI removes the back-projection blur and S(p) is the system filter. Thus
where geCR) represents the projection at the angle (),c(R) is the convolution
function, and each has been convolved with <5(R - R'), the back-projection
operator. For studying noise we use a realistic model of M discrete projections
as given by
Noise Considerations in Computerized Tomography 139
[i = I: [go.(R') *
J-l(X, y) = fa" [goeR') * e(R')]d()
her, = - e[r cos () - ]d().
re 0
where [i is the estimate of J-l. To evaluate the required normalization and
facilitate the use of transforms, we express this finite sum in integral form as
[i = i" [giR') * e(R')]d()
where t:,,() = rei M. This can be expressed as a two-dimensional convolution of
the desired function per, as
[i = her, ** J-l(r, (7.81)
where her, is the two-dimensional impulse response as given by
eintroduce the notation R' = r cos () - so that the back-projection opera-
;Or takes the form <5 (R .- R'). ..
Using the convolutIOn-back projectIOn system, the resultant reconstruction
is given by
H(p) = M C(p)
re Ipl
H(p) is the transform of the circularly symmetric impulse response an.
1.S the Fourier transform of the convolution function e(R). Division by IIJI
IS agam the affect of back projection. C(p) can be decomposed as given by
For this analysis it is convenient to normalize the area of her, to unity so that
the reproduced values of [i, in broad constant areas, will not be scaled and will
represent the correct average value. We thus require that
f" tOO her, rdrd> = 1. (7.83)
The impulse response having a unity area is equivalent to its Fourier transform
H(p) being unity at the origin.
Taking transforms using equation (7.82), we obtain
The noise considerations of the measurements in computerized tomo
"1 h f .. d' h [C graph
are SlmI ar to t ose 0 prOjectIOn ra IOgrap y hesler et al., 1977 B
and DiChiro, 1976a]. We have an array of independent roo
havmg the general form
where No = noA, the incident number of photons per measurement. Using t
relationship, we calculate the mean gi and (J g" the standard deviation of the Ii
integral resulting from the uncertainty in the measurement of N

The mean and variance of the line integral of the projection have be
derived in Chapter 6. For a reasonably large number of photons per meas
ment N
, the mean and variance of the line integral are given by
2 I
(Jg, - --=-
where N
is the mean of the number of counts per measurement.
Using these statistics of the line integral measurement of the reconstru
image J-l(x, y), we wish to analyze the signal-to-noise ratio as given by
SNR = Cji
where C, as with projection systems, is the fractional change in J-l, ji is the m
and (JI" is the standard deviation. We now proceed to calculate ji and (JJl for a
of discrete projections in an appropriately normalized fashion. For convenie
Ni = noA exp ( - 5. J-ldl)
-:vhere .Ni is the detected at each :neasurement, no is th
mcommg photon densIty In photons per umt area, A IS the active area of th
detector receiving the impinging x-ray beam, and 5. J-ldl is the ith line inte
of the cross section J-l(x, Y), representing one of the rays. For simplicity th
collection efficiency 1'/ is assumed to be unity, a reasonable assumption 'wi
available detectors used in CT. As in projection radiography, the noise 0
standard deviation of each measurement is "JNi because of the Poisson statistic
In computerized tomography, however, we first calculate the line integrals
J-l using logs and then, using the line integrals, reconstruct the values of p. Th
line integrals are given by
We evaluate this integral using Parseval's theorem, giving
a; = M !h r" de fOO c
(R)dR = fOO c
n n Jo -00 n -00
Noise Considerations in Computerized Tomography
where K is a constant of order unity depending on the shape of the system
response. This constant will vary slightly depending on which resolution criteria
is used. The signal-to-noise ratio then becomes
SNR = K'Cil.-JiihM W
where K' is a combined constant, again of order unity.
It is indeed interesting to study the implications of the resultant signal-to-
noise ratio. insight can be derived by structuring this relationship
in terms of N, the average number of counts per measurement as given by
SNR = K' Cil.-JNM w (7.95)
where N= fiA = fiwh.
In our noise studies in projection radiography in Chapter 6, the signal-to-
noise ratio was shown to be dependent solely on the number of counts per
measurement. The counts per measurement were governed by the imput radia-
ti()p., the body attenuation, and the area of a pixel. Here we see the additional
fagtqrw.Thus, in computerized tomography, a higher-resolution system suffers
noise penalty, over and above the reduced number of photons
for a given dose. This increased penalty is a result of the convolution
operation, which couples the noise values of adjacent measurements into each
The procedure that decouples the signal information, removing
Increases the noise since the signal is subjected to a c(R) convolution
noise variance experiences a c
(R) convolution as indicated in (7.87).
XTh? analysis using a continuous measured projection ge(R) ignored the

function such as rect (R/w). This can be treated as part of the overall
function c(R). Thus c(R) becomes the convoution ofrect (R/w) and
thefunctlOn used for reconstruction. For detector arrays this situation becomes
more complex because of the aliasing, which is introduced when geCR) is sampled.
The resultant signal-to-noise ratio is therefore
SNR = Cil = Cil.-JJlM" p-3/2
ap' nO'
It is more useful to structure the result, as before, in terms of resolution
limitations imposed by the detector width w so that the trade-off between
resolution and ratio is readily visualized. Obviously, increasing
the bandwidth Po wIthout bound would be poor design since the signal-to-noise
ratio would become poorer while the resolution would continue to be limited
by the effective detector width w. Thus, in a good design, the bandwidth Po is
compatible with a resolution equal to the detector width. Thus we have
a; =
Using the normalized rectangular filter from (7.86), we obtain
2 _ M fOO 2 n
( p ) _ 2 .
ap' - iih P M2 rect 2 dp - iihM 3
-00 po
a; = S: a;e(R') * [c(R')2de
where a;/R) is the variance of ge along each projection. In the continuous
from (7.76), it is given by
We will calculate the signal-to-noise ratio using this filter function.
In taking the variance of the estimate of f.i' we use the statistical prop
that the variance of a sum of independent measurements is equal to the su
the variances. For a weighted sum of measurements, the weightings are sq
in accordance with the definition of the variance in (2.49). Since each meas
ment is weighted by c(R), the resultant measurement variance is weighted
[c(R)]2. The variance of the reconstruction is therefore the variance of
measurements convolved with [c(R)2 and back-projected. In integral form
is given by
where iieCR) is the average transmitted photon density and h is the height 0
beam normal to the section. The iih represents the number of transmitted ph
per unit distance along the projection.
To achieve useful results, we assume a typical radiographic object
the density of transmitted photons iie(R) is relatively constant and
approximated by a constant ii. In that case the convolution becomes an i
of c
(R) and the variance becomes
S(O) = !!:.-.
For example, using the rectangular filter of Fig. 7.13, we obtain
C(p) = lp I rect
the normalization procedure requires that
Tomography 143
between those z planes where the size of the response due to the
source motion alone is equal to the response size due to the source alone.
7.6 An x-ray imaging system consists of a circular disk source of radius r
separated a distance d from a film-screen system which has an impulse
response circ (rlr
). The source is linearly translated in the x direction an
amount A with the film moved kA in the opposite direction.
(a) Find the impulse response of the system for a transparency at plane z.
.(b) A transparency consists of two pinholes separated in the x direction by
S. Over what depth range can the transparency be placed with the resultant
images separated, that is, not overlapping?
(c) Repeat part (b) for two holes of radius rho
Make the necessary assumptions concerning the relative dimensions such
that the images are separable in the absence of translation.
7.7 (a) Find the projection space g(R, e) of a two-dimensional function I(x,
y) = cos 2n/
x. Using the filtered back-projection reconstruction system,
find the back-projected function. Show that this function results in a correct
reconstruction. .
(b) Repeat part (a) for f(x, y) = cos 2nax + cos 2nby and I(x, y) = cos
2n(ax + by).
7.8 Find the circularly symmetric function fer) which has a projection at all
angles of
peR) = - R2 rect 2'
[Hint: Use Fourier transform tables in Bracewell (1965).]
7.9 The area of a two-dimensional function is Sflex, y)dxdy.
(a) Find an expression for the area in terms of the projection goeR).
(b) Show that the function hR(R)ho(e) cannot represent a projection g(r, e)
unless ho(e) is a constant.
7.10 In a computerized tomography system each projection is obtained using a
uniform scanning beam of width W instead of an infinitesimal pencil beam.
Find the resultant estimate J(x, y) of the function I(x, y) using a conven-
tional reconstruction system that does not take the beam width into
7.11 Find the signal-to-noise ratio of the computerized tomography reconstruc-
tion of a lesion immersed in a 20-cm cylinder of water whose attenuati04
coefficient is 5 %different than that of the water. A scanned source is used
providing 100 projections at 0.1 R per projection. The detector and beam
dimensions are 2.0 X 2.0 mm. Make appropriate assumptions about the
reconstruction filter.
In a linear tomography system a source a distance d from the film is
uniformly an amount X in the x direction with the film moved an amOunt
kX in the opposite direction. A sinusoidal transparency having a trans.
t = a + b cos 2n/ox
is imaged. At what depths z will the sinusoidal component at/o disappear?
7.2 In an x-ray imaging system the desired information is at plane z = d!2
and the undesired structure, at plane z = 2d13, consists of a symmetrical
square wave in the x direction of period. W. .
(a) Find the parameters k and X of a .motIOn tomography system.
that will focus on the desired plane and ehmmate the squarewave struc
(b) At what other depth planes will this square-wave grating disappear?
7.3 An x-ray source, parallel to and a distance d from the recorder, has
a pattern in the x direction of rect (xo! X). It is .moved X.
direction an amount D with the recorder moved m the OpposIte dlrectlo
an amount kD where D > X.
(a) Find the two z distances for placing transparency at which the poi.nt
spread function due to the source alone IS equal to that due to the motlO
(b) Plot the point response at the recorder, in the x direction, for
two z planes labeling the break points.
(c) Plot the point response for planes at z = d, z = d!(l + k), z
dl(l + kI2).
7.4 In a linear tomography system a source is moved a distance A in the
direction with the recorder moved kA in the opposite direction. The sou
distribution in the x direction is rect (xl X), a distance d from the record
(a) At what two depth planes is the response a rect function? What
the widths?
(b) At what two planes is the response a triangular function, and wha
the width of the response at each plane?
7.5 In a linear tomography system the source is translated in the x
at a velocity v for a time interval-r. The recorder is linearly translate In
opposite direction with a velocity kv for the same time interval. The so
distribution in the x direction is given by rect (xl X). .
(a) Find the overall point response in the x direction. as functIOn of
(b) Find the thickness of the tomographic cut, WhICh IS defined as
144 Tomography
7.12 Projections goCR) are taken of a unit square where f(x, y) = rect (x) rect
(y). d h t' 1 f .
(a) Find a general expression for goeR) an t e par lCU ar unctIOns for
(J = 0 and 45.
(b) Using the method of filtered back projection, find the Fourier
of the back-projected function for the general case and for e= 0 and 45.
7.13 In the convolution back projection reconstruction syst.em, find a general
. for the l'mpulse response of the reconstructIOn her) for a con-
expreSSIOn . .
volution function c(R). The answer can be left III mtegral form and should
be a function of rand R only.
Nuclear Medicine
diography the regions under study are used in a transmission mode in the
rement of the attenuation coefficient. This measurement is often enhanced
selective administration of radiopaque contrast materials. In nuclear
e[Blahd, 1965J the region under study becomes an active source. This is
pugh the selective administration of radioactive materials since the body
. no natural radioactive substances. Either the radioactive material
the chemical form it is bound in, has properties that cause it to be
taken up in specific regions of the anatomy. Once taken up in the
'nterest, these become radiating sources. Thus the imaging problem in
edicine is that of defining a three-dimensional source distribution
n a distribution of attenuation coefficients.
important to point out that, in general, much smaller amounts of
red materials are required in nuclear medicine than in radiographic
dies. The radiation dose problems are also quite different. In radi<p-
patient is irradiated only during the time the x-ray beam is turned oh.
medicine the patient is being irradiated from the moment the radio-
rial is administered until it is either eliminated by the body or decays.
arIiest nuclear medicine studies were made on the thyroid gland by
antage of its natural affinity for iodine. An isotope of iodine
e tracer material. This emits gamma rays at an energy of 364 kev.

147 Imaging Considerations with Gamma-Ray Cameras
a-ray camera allows an entire field to be studied simultaneously
quiring a mechanical scan. For both static and dynamic studies, these
y becoming the most widely used instruments. A basic gamma-ray
shown in Fig. 8.3.
focused collimators, aimed at a specific depth range, to provide a limited degree
of depth resolution.
The relative radioactivity, often specified as representing hot and cold
regions, is of diagnostic significance. In the thyroid these indicate regions of
overactivity and underactivity. In other organs lesions can be demonstrated by
regions of either underactivity or overactivity as compared to the normal organ.
For example, brain tumors tend to localize the radioactive material and produce
ahot spot. Liver studies, on the other hand, are produced by injecting a colloidal
radioactive substance which is taken up in normal liver tissue. Thus regions of
disease, such as tumors, are characterized by cold spots which do not take up
the administered colloidal material.
Scanned systems are unsuitable for studying the dynamics of the function-
ing of an organ or system because of the long time required to view the area of
irtterest. To accomplish this function cameras have been developed which view
krrentire region at once and make a series of images that indicate the distribution
radioactive material at different time intervals. The ability to make these
rapidly is governed by the efficiency of the camera and the amount of
material used. This amount is limited by radiation considerations.
;'t;t,iTbe basic unit of activity is the curie (Ci), which is defined as 3.7 X 10
. n.tegrating nuclei per second. In the case of a gamma-ray emitter this repre-
the number of photons emitted per second. The amount of radiation dose
sdetermined by the amount administered, the half-life of the material,
ability of the body to excrete the material. Iodine 131 is used in thyroid
and has a half-life of 8.1 days. A dose of 25 ,uCi results in a radiation
f 40 rad, a number significantly greater than any radiographic study. In
ly days, using relatively inefficient detectors, doses of 50 to 250 ,uCi were
ith present-day detectors, doses of 5 ,uCi and less are used.
nned detector systems have rapidly declined in popularity, although
tinue to be used for visualizing static structures of the body. This is
rly true of studies involving very large fields of view, such as a whole-
ne scan [Laughlin et aI., 1960]. Figure 8.2 illustrates a commercial
together with a typical whole-body bone scan. As can be seen, the image
ely noisy and of considerably lower resolution than typical radiographic
Nuclear !l-1edicine
FIG. 8.1 Scanned gamma-ray detector.
In the early thyroid studies the imaging device a simple
' t h' h was scanned over the area of mterest as shown m FIg, 8.
co Ima or w IC . ,. 1 '
, th ouah the hole gave up their energy In a scmtil atmg crys
Photons passmg r b .
, I' omparable to that used in x-ray screens. Matenals such
whose matena IS c
sodium iodide are used with the resultant visible photons coupled to pho
' I' r tube where an electrical signal is created. The crystal IS m
mu Ip Ie . '100/ t
relatively thick so as to capture the gamma rays WIth almost /0 quan urn
ciencv. The number oflight photons produced per and
light -quantum efficiency of the photocathode are suffiCIently .hIgh so that
sianal-to-noise ratio is dominated by the number of receIved. gamm
photons, The detector is mechanically scanned across the area of mteres::
resultant signal is used to intensity modulate a scanned dl
which produces an image of the radioactivity dlstnbutIOn. Some scanner
Gamma rays are photons having the same energy range as x-rays. The definition
simply distinguishes their source, with x-rays generated by events and
amma ravs aenerated by nuclear events. The energy of 364 kev IS somewhat
by radio;raphy standards. In nuclear medicine,. of the
. undesI'rable The requirement for neglIgible attenuatIOn would of
p otons IS , . .
, If a st verv high energy isotopes. However, thIS reqUIrement IS moderated
Itse suege .) . . .' d ffi'
by the imaging considerations. ObtaInIng good an e Clent detec-
. . d'ffi It t very hiah energies so that the energIes used are often a com-
tIOn IS I cu a b ,
promise between the attenuation and imaging
I t ears
99roTc an isotope of techmclUm [Blahd, 1965], has gotten
n recen v, . .
'd t - as the preferred material for a variety of studies. ThIS decision
WI e accep ance . ' .. ',,'
is based primarily on three desired properties. FIrst, It IS easI.ly made
b h
. I rators rather than requiring a cyclotron. 0econd, It has a
y c emlca gene .
. 'on energy of 140 kev which is a good compromIse between
gamma-ray emiSSI . " " .
body attenuation and imaging conSIderatIOns. ThIrd, It has a relatIvely short
half-life of 6 hours, for low radiation dosage,
148 Nuclear Medicine
FIG. 8.2 Commercial scanner and a typical whole-body bone scan.
FIG. 8.3 Basic gamma-ray camera.
The camera consists of a collimator for forming the .distribu!
into a two-dimensional image, a detector for detecting the pOSItIOn of
gamma-ray photon, and a for an image the dete
photons. The detector consideratIOns are SImIlar to of
material should be sufficiently thick and of high attenuatIon coeffiCIent so
stop most of the high-energy photons and produce n.umbers. of
photons. A typical nuclear medicine detector has a -!-mch-thIck SOdIum 10
crystal. . . d f an i
The recorder must register the pOSItIOn of each event an orm
Anger Camera 149
recorder used in radiography, is unsuitable because of scatter consid-
A large number of the emitted photons are Compton scattered and
in the detector at erroneous positions. In radiography these are atten-
by collimating grids since we know which direction the desired rays are
ng from. In nuclear medicine, the direction of the desired rays is unknown.
er discrimination is provided by making use of the nature of Compton
ering described in Chapter 3. Each scattered photon has a reduced photon
?;Y. At the relatively high energies used in nuclear medicine isotopes, this
gy change is significant enough to be measured. Also, the photon rate is
ciently slow that individual photons can be distinguished. Each single
on captured in the detector produces a number of visible photons propor-
to the energy of the gamma ray. Desired events can be distinguished from
events by the amplitude of the light pulse produced. Thus electronic
reCorders, such as an array of photomultipliers with pulse-height analyzers, can
il1inimize the scattered radiation. This capability is unavailable using photo-
film. In addition, having the signal in an electronic form makes possible
a'variety of processing, such as geometric distortion correction.
One generalized configuration for a detector and recorder utilizes an array
of individual detectors. The output from each detector represents the integrated
number of photons over a given incremental area. The detected outputs can be
coupled to a recorder, where an image is produced of the intensity at the detector
plane. Arrays of this form have been used employing scintillating crystals fol-
lowed by photomultipliers [Bender and Blau, 1963]. In recent years suitable two-
dimensional arrays have been built using gaseous multiwire proportional
counters and also using cooled semiconductor arrays such as intrinsic and
lithium-drifted silicon and germanium. In the detector arrays considered, the
system resolution is limited to the number of discrete detectors used. With some
detectors, such as sodium iodide scintillating crystals followed by photomulti-
pliers, this can be a very awkward and expensive configuration if reasonable
resolution is desired.
The Anger camera, named after its inventor, is a system for achieving a large
number of resolvable elements with a limited number of detectors [Anger,
It thus overcomes the previous difficulty of having the resolution limited by tne
number of discrete detectors. The principle is based on estimating the position
of a single event by measuring its contribution to a number of detectors. This
system requires that the detector be capable of distinguishing individual events,
no matter where they occur. Two simultaneous events occurring at different
portions of the detector system would be rejected by this camera, whereas it
could be recorded by the previously described array of individual detectors.
Anger Camera
I I "-
Nuclear Medicine 150
The basic principle is simply illustrated in Fig. 8.4 with a single slab
scintillating crystal followed by two photocells Xl and X
The light
received from each detector, due to single events, IS dIstnbu.t:d among the
detectors based on the position of the event. Thus the posItIOn of the event x
can be estimated as
FIG. 8.5 Block diagram of an Anger camera.
FIG. 8.4 Anger camera principle.
The ultimate resolution in the X direction, using only two is deter-
mined by the accuracy of the formula and, more important, the statIstICS of each
measurement rather than by the size or number of detector elements. It must be
emphasized, however, that the process requires detecting events. If
than one scintillation takes place during the measurement Interval, 'posItIon
cannot be determined. Fortunately, the II +1
sum can be used to IndIcate the
sum of the counts received so as to discard multiple events and scatter.
of this general type have a single crystal viewed by arrays. of detectors the
detected outputs followed by a position computer to estImate the posItIOn of
each event. .. 1" h f m
A typical detector system of this type is shown In FIg. 8.5. !he Ig t ro
the crystal is divided among the photomultiplier tubes ar:anged In hexagona;
array. The sum of the outputs is used for energy achIeve"scatte
rejection. If the pulse height fails to fall within pr.escnbed for
used the pulse is reJ'ected by blanking the intenSIty of the dIsplay devIce. Thi
, "" " " f the event
same process also rejects occasIOnal multIple events. The pOSItIOn 0
on the crystal is determined by a centroid calculation. The estimate of the X
and ycoordinates of the event, x and y, are given by
I: xtnt
X=_i_ (8.2)
I: nt
..J nj
where x{ and Yj are the x and Y coordinates of the center of the photomultipliers
and n{ and nj are the number of light photon counts or the pulse amplitudes in
each photomultiplier. This system provides a resolution of over 1000 resolvable
elements using 19 photodetectors. This is made possible by analyzing single
events. However, even the 1000 elements represent a lateral resolution of about
1em, considerably less than that used in radiography. t
The resolution of the camera, rather than depending on the number of
discrete detectors, is determined by the accuracy of the position computation.
This is limited by the counting statistics of the number of light photons at each
photomultiplier. In calculating the statistics of the position measurement we
make the simplifying assumption that the total number of collected counts
2:i n{ is a constant equal to N. First, with a large number ofcounts, the statistical
portion or collimator of the camera system in Fig. 8.3 contributes
93-ntIy to the determination of the efficiency and the lateral resolution.
graphic do not need an structure since transmitted
os define the Image through shadowmg. In nuclear medIcine we hre
pg the source and thus require an imaging or collimating structure. Lenses
at th.is energy range since the refractive index of all transparent
IS umty. Smce only attenuation mechanisms are available, a pinhole
the logical imaging device. This is known in nuclear medicine as a
Plp}10le collimator and is shown in Fig. 8.6.
Pinhole Imaging Structures 153
Total Detector to
(x,y position
Array Photo- Number Scintillator Standard
uree Size, L multiplier of Photo- Distance Deviation
(em) Size (em) multipliers deem) (em)
0,0 40 4 100 5 0.225
40 8 25 5 0.25
0,0 40 8 25 3 0.224
0,0 40 4 100 3 0.177
20,20 40 4 100 3 0.578
20,20 40 8 25 3 0.614
20,20 40 8 25 5 0.578
to, 10 40 8 25 3 0.368
0,0 20 4 25 3 0.131
5,5 20 4 25 3 0.186
10,10 20 4 25 3 0.28
tipliersincrease. The accuracy for points on the axis is improved by decreasing
the distance d from the photodetectors to the scintillator. However, for off-axis
sources the accuracy deteriorates at a more rapid rate for the smaller d. Also, a
smaller field of view provides improved accuracy at the price of viewing a
limited portion of the anatomy.
It should be emphasized that the centroid calculation of the position given
iniequations (8.2) and (8.3) are not optimum from a statistical point of view.
weighting given each measurement can be shown to be suboptimal.
forms of position arithmetic [Gray and Macovski, 1976] using nonuni-
of the measurements are being used to provide reduced stan-
deviations for a given photon count.
A 2:
- PAx-ray 4n
where tj P is the efficiency of light production of the scintillating material.
calculations are essentially identical for aJ'
In Table 8.1 we list the standard deviation for a number of cases. Fo
plicity, a square L x L array of contiguous square photodetectors ,has
used. The spatial resolution or number of elements along each aXIs.
approximated by Lj2a.
with the total number of resolvable bel
square of that number. A total number of 1000 collected photons IS assum
N. As shown in Table 8.1, the accuracy increases as the number of phot
The standard deviation of the computation is therefore
I xf[(x
- X)2 + (Yi - y)2 + d2r3/211/2
ax = N 2: [(x) _ x)2 + (YJ - y)2 + d
] 3/2
where the area of the photomultiplier A cancels out. This area determines
overall collection efficiency which governs N, the total number of coun
given by
where Q{ is the solid angle subtended by fth photomultiplie: from the light
emitted from the scintillating crystal at pomt x, Y and Q/L.J Q} IS the fraction of
the total collected counts in the fth photomultiplier. The solid angle at each
photomultiplier due to an event at x, Y can be approximated as
Q i ::::::: [(Xi _ X)2 + (Yi - y)2 + d
where A is the area of the photomultiplier cathode and d is the z distance from
the event to the photocathodes. The distance d is assumed constant since th
thickness of the crystal is smaller than the distance from the crystal to the phot
multipliers as shown in Fig. 8.5. .' '
The variance of the measurement, WhICh determmes the accuracy, IS
variation in this quantity will be small compared to that of each ni Second
pulse-height analysis will reject events whose total is not in the immediate
vicinity of N. The expected value of x is therefore gIven by
E(x) = xiE(ni)
152 Nuclear Medicine
In the interest of providing a space-invariant impulse response, with a subtle
loss in accuracy, we ignore the cos
() dependence of the oblique rays. Since the
system is linear we use the superposition integral to find the output lix
, Yd) due
toa general planar source Sex, y) at plane z as given by
Iixd, Yd) = 471(z d)2 ffSex, y)a (X
-:n Mx, Yd -:nMY) dxdy. (8.13)
Tpe previous approximation, which neglected the finite thickness of the pinhole
aperture, and the cos
() obliquity factor have enabled us to structure this expres-
siOnin convolutional form. We do this by making the substitutions
x' = Mx and y' = My
If the pinhole were an infinitesimally small opening on the axis of the sys-
- Sex y) would be reproduced at the detector plane as
tern, a p anar source a..;;, "
, y d) = KS ) (8.9)
. _ n ,....., ff a(x,y)dxdy A
11(z) - 471 - 471z 2 = 471;Z'
I ( ) 1 S(Xd Yd) (X
d Xd,Yd = 471d2mZ M' M ** a m' m .
see the basic trade-off between efficiency and resolution as represented
Ap of the pinhole.
to examine equation (8.14) to evaluate the intensity of the
afunction of depth. If the source is a small point, the intensity of the
.'11 decrease with increasing depth as indicated by the (z + d)Z factor in
I11inator of (8.11), Thus, as the point source is moved farther away, the
aperture image will,become both smaller and less intense.
situation is different, however, for a large extended source whose
tent is appreciably greater than the extent of the projected aperture.
the resolution and the magnification of the image vary with depth, the
intensity is depth independent. This can be appreciated by noting
rea of a(xjm, yjm)jm
is equal to A
for all m. Essentially, the z depyn-
11(z) = Ap /471z
is canceled by that of MZ = dZ/z
. Thus the detecfed
nsity due to a broad area source at some plane z is independent of the
from the pinhole. This can be appreciated if we consider the photons
by a point on the detector plane. As the source plane moves away,
ding to increasing z, the collection efficiency goes down, but the source
by the point increases. These conflicting phenomena cancel and result
dependence within the paraxial approximation. In general, with in-
capture efficiency of the system is simply based on the solid collection
Q. Using the same simplifying approximations used in developing the
response, we have
Pzithole Imaging Structures
m is the magnification of the projected aperture as given by
m = z + d =1 - M.
FIG. 8.6 Pinhole imaging system.
...........- DETECTOR x d' Yd
I /
_1-- tc======::J
r CC====::::J'T

Nuclear Medicine
h h
t ould have perfect fidelity in lateral resolution, it
Althoug t IS sys em w . . f'
. . . K hich is determmed by the solId angle 0 mterce
have zero mtensity smce ,w
tion would approach zero.
'To rovide adequate photon flux the pinhole is t? apertu.
a(x ) ire make the assumption that the aperture plate IS mfin:tesimal.ly t.
and rs opaque to the emitted rays. Although thIS
. . omewhat inconsistent It does make the system space mv
of assumptIOns IS s '., I (
iant and allows us to place the output. m a convement u 10
f An aperture plate of finite thIckness WIll have a space-vanant .p
orm, b the sl'des of the aperture will alter its effective size when VIe
response ecause
from different angles, . h . t sour
To calculate the impulse response we place a smgle p oton pom h
Z The intensity or photon density at the due ,to p
the aperture, using the same deve.lopment as gIven In
45 is Ij471(z + d)2] cos
e, where e IS the angle rays :n
( . ), al T[he extent of this intensity pattern is the magmfied projected ap
norm ' . 'fi d . of the ape
function projected from the point ThIS e
is translated by Mx and My, respectIvely, where IS e is giv
-djz. Thus the impulse response at the detector due to a pom
e (Xd - Mx Yd - MY)
hex, y, Xd' Yd) = 471(z + d)2 am' m
where the magnification lit! is given by
157 Parallel Hole Collimator
hole collimator [Anger, 1964] shown in Fig. 8.8 overcomes some oft
.ems of the pinhole collimator. In essence this structure is an attempt at
r g the emitted radiation so as to record an image having unity magni-
t all depth planes. The region being studied is placed against the
r so as to get all of the sources as close as possible. Unlike the pinhole
ification does not vary with depth and is a constant at unity.
quation represents intensity or photons per unit area. If multiplied by the
;rojected pinhole area, m
A p' it will represent photons per element. The pro-
jected source S(x/ M, Y/ M) is therefore multiplied by Ap and convolved with the
aperture function whose area is Ap' The of emitted pho.tons,
for a given number of photons per element, IS therefore Inversely proportlOnal
to A; or the fourth power of the linear extent of the aperture a(x, y).
One significant difficulty with pinhole collimators is that the image magnifi-
cation M varies inversely with depth. This can be significant in that lesions of
unknown depth can appear with arbitrary magnification. This can be important
in nuclear medicine, where there are few anatomical guidelines so that spatial
distortions in an apparent lesion can be more serious. It is not apparent, there-
fore, whether a small image represents a small lesion or a large distant lesion.
As a result of this deficiency, pinhole collimators are normally used for viewing
organs at known depths such as the thyroid gland. They are rarely used for
inspecting a volume, such as the head, for tumors that might occur anywhere
inthe space. A photograph of a commercial pinhole collimator together with a
typical thyroid image are shown in Fig. 8.7.
G. 8.7 Pinhole collimator and a thyroid image made with the collimator.
Nuclear Medicine
creasing z, the detected image becomes smal1er as the photon efficiency
creases, maintaining the photon density.
The impulse response of equation (8.11) and the resultant intensity
equation (8.13) could also have been derived using :he :'alternative
using planar object" described in Chapter 4. As sh.own m 4.13, the
due to an impulsian pinhole can be formulated as m equatI?n (4.37). The system
impulse response is then derived by integrating entIre function.
The desired system response is obtained by SubstItutmg the source dIstribution
Sex, y) for the x-ray source sex, y) and the aperture function a(x, y)
for the transmission t(x, y). The magmficatIOn constants m and M must be
appropriately defined to achieve the desired result. .
We have considered the intensity due to a speclfic plane. For the general
case consisting of a volumetric source the resultant image is the linear supet
position of the contribution due to all z planes in Sex, y, z). The total integrat
intensity is given by
- 1 S_1[S(..2L z) **
Iixa, Ya) - 4nd2 m(zY M(z)' M(z)' m(z) m(z)
This result is distinctly different from that of projection radiography, where
volumetric object resulted in the nonlinear relationships of (4.41) and (4.42).
those cases it was necessary to use various approximations to linearize the sys
and allow the use of convolutional forms.
Equation (8.16) has neglected the effects of the of. the obj
In general, each radiating source experiences the attenuatI?n of the tIssue be
reaching the detector. Although the attenuation is low at the.
energies used, its effects can be considerable. One SImpllfied approach
assume that the tissue attenuation is a constant, equal to that of water. In
case knowing the approximate outline of the region being studied, we can
a g;od estimate of the attenuation effect. For example, if the fa.ctor e-p.(z
included in equation (8.16), it wil1 provide a significant corre
Here f1 is the average attenuation coefficient of water or tIssu.e at the energ
and z' is the distance of the border of the patient from the pmhole.
The size of the aperture represents a fundamental trade-off between r
tion and efficiency. The total number of received photons is
Assume that it is desired to improve the system resolution by reducmg the
size of a resolution element by a factor of 2. Since the number of elements
detector has increased by four, four times as many detected
quired to obtain the same statistics in each picture To Impr
resolution of the imaging structure the width of the pmhole IS halved, r
the photon efficiency 1] by 4. Therefore, a 16: 1 increase in the number of
photons are required to halve the linear size of a picture T
photon requirement varies as the fourth power of the linear
This fourth-power variation of. the emitted v.:
dimensions of the aperture can be agam seen by studymg equatIOn ( .
158 Nuclear Medicine
Parallel Hole Collimator 159
tational convenience, let the lateral aperture function in equation
ven by
b(x, y) = a(x, y) ** comb (;) comb (8.22)
opaque. We then explore the geometric projection of point sources at various
positions through the holes. It is evident, observing Fig. 8.8, that this will lead
to a space-variant formulation. Clearly, the response will be different for a point
centered directly below a hole than one centered in a septal region between
holes. Space-variant responses, although accurate, have questionable value in
systems analysis since they do not result in convolutional forms, nor do they
provide transfer functions in the frequency domain. For these reasons we use the
concept of averaged responses as suggested in the Metz et al. paper. Since each
source has uniform probability of being at each x, y position, we provide an
response averaged over collimator position which is space invariant and
has the desired properties.
The calculation of the impulse response is similar to that of the pinhole
collimator except for the finite thickness of the collimator. The result is similar
to that of equations (4.5) through (4.10), where fio approaches infinity. This
represents the rays reaching the detector which are not obscured by the colli-
mator material. When the point source is at or near a region corresponding to
the center of a hole, the impulse is simply the projection of the back aperture
function nearest the detector, a magnified version of a(x, y). As the point moves
laterally, the rays begin to be obscurred by the front aperture function nearest
which has a larger magnification. The resultant response is the
product of the two projections, as illustrated in Fig. 8.9.
Figure 8.9 shows the projection for a single on-axis hole. Photons can reach
0l1ly at the intersection of the projections of the back and front
In studying the systems response we use the same notation as that of
inhole collimator, where m is the magnification of the projection of the hole
is the lateral magnification of the source position. It must be empha-
owever, that these magnifications are used solely in developing the sys-
ponse. Clearly, the overall system magnification will be unity. Using the'
1 for the back aperture and 2 for the front aperture, we have
= z + L
m2 = z
---"J [,..--"j
,,_/ L
FIG. 8.8 Parallel-hole coI1imator imaging system.
As shown in Fig. 8.8, the parallel hole collimator is a block of high
tion material, usually lead, with an array of spaced parallel holes each.ha
opening a(x, y) and whose centers are separated by w in the x and y dIme
The three-dimensional attenuation coefficient can be modeled as
fi(X, y, z) = fio[l - a(x, y) ** comb (:) comb ] rect (Z +(/
In general each hole of the collimator is responsive primarily to activi
vicinity. This accounts for the unity magnification.
For a more detailed analysis we employ the general method
Metz et al. [1980], where the collimator material is assumed to
FIG. 8.9 Projection of a single-on-axis hole.
Parallel Hole CoUimator 161
rb(e, d) = If b(p, q)b(p + e, q + d) dpdq.
resulting in
h(Xa'Yd' x',yl) = 4n(z + i + d)2
2ffb(p, q)
x b[P + z + + d(Xd - Xl), q + Z + f+ d(Yd - Y')] dpdq (8.26)
= 4n(z + i + d)Zw2 r{z + Z+ d(xd - X',Yd - Y')] (8.27)
where fb(e, d) is the two-dimensional autocorrelation evaluated at e, d defined
:equation (8.27) clearly illustrates the averaged space-invariant impulse re-
onse. Since the impulse response is directly proportional to the difference
tween the source and detector coordinates the system has unity magnification.
The derivation was based on the lateral aperture function b(x, y) in equatioh
.22), consisting of a regular array of apertures a(x, y). It is interesting to noie
at, under typical conditions, the intersection of the two aperture functions, as
Yen in equations (8.24) and (8.26), includes just a single aperture. That is, a
int Source will produce an image only due to the single hole it is under, and
ne other. As we translate a point source from the axis, the area of overlap of
efiont- and back-projected aperture functions becomes less and less until it
zero. If the amount of translation at that point is less than wj2, half the dis-
to represent the difference of input and output coordinates. This
nfirmed physically in studying Fig. 8.9 in that different source positions
'ace different intersections of the projections of the front and back aperture
As indicated, we will attempt to develop an average impulse response. In
we will move the collimator such that the origin moves over a period
fro111..,-wj2 to wj2 in x and Y and integrate the result. Our averaged impulse
response is therefore
h(Xa,Ya, x', y')
I If b(Xd - MIX' - mIx )b(Xa - M2x' - mzx ) d d
w2 m
"" mz ,... x Y
:=: -w/2 4n(z + L + d)Z (8.24)
where the y dependence in each expression for b is identical to that of x and has
been omitted for brevity. Equation (8.24) can be structured into a convenient
autocorrelation form using the substitutions
Xd M1 , Yd M1 , (825)
p=---x-x, q=---y-y .
'X - M,x' y - M,y')
a --, ---
m, ml
x', Y'
'X - M2x' Y - M2Y')
a -, ---
m2 m2
, , t t" the response at detector coordinates Xa, Ya to
Usmg thIS no a IOn
pulse at x', y' at a depth z is given by I I
I I _ cos3 e b (xa - M I X ,Ya - MI Y )
h(xa,Ya, x ,Y) - 4n(z + L + d)2 ml m
- M
x' Ya - M2 y')
X b 'm
m2 2
,. 1 f the rays from the normal.
where, as before, eis the ang e o. fficiently small to ignore
make the simplifying assumptIOn that eIS su tion than that of the
This represents a stronger, the normal can pe
collimator since only rays havmg
parallel hole collimator because of Its thIckness, ,ant and cann
The impulse response of (8.23) is clearly space van d'strl'bution
, d t general source 1
niently be used to find the Image ue 0 a , ot be studied.
affect of the collimator in the frequency domam f variables
variance can be seen mathematically in that no c ang
160 Nuclear Medicine
162 Nuclear Medicine
b t holes t
hen the point clearly cannot project through other holes
tance e ween, . . .
d /2 the I'mpulse response WIn Involve a number of holes.
I It excee s w , ..
If D represents the lateral extent of the hole .y), the condItIOn for the
impulse response to be based on a single aperture IS gIven by
D(m1 + mJ
W> M
- M
corresponding to a depth range
L(w - D)
z < 2D .
11 1 ho
le collimators typical depths win be within this range.
For most para e '
Therefore, the average impulse response becomes
-( . ) _ 1 r ( L d Xd, I LL + dYd)
h Xd' Yd - 4n(z + L + d)2W2 a Z + L + Z T
h r I
'S the autocorrelation of the aperture a(x, y). Using u. UtJl.U;)<;;"
W ere a d' 'b' S( )
. t s'ty due to a general source Istn utIOn x, Y, Z IS gIven
response, t e m en 1
IiXd' Yd) = J4n(z + i + d)2W 2
/[r ( L x . L Yd) ** S(xd, Yd, z)] dz.
x .L a Z + L + d d' Z + L + d
b 11 d that t
his detected intensity is based on an averaged impul
It must e reca e . h
h ld occur if the collimator were scanned dunng t e exposur
response W IC WOU f h' . t tern
t the estimated impulse response 0 t IS space-vanan sys .
I t a so represen s . h h efficiency
The efficiency is determined in the same WIt t e average
determined by the average projection area as gIven by
1 JJr ( L x L Yd) dxddYa (8.
f! = 4n(z + L + d)2W2 a Z + L + d d, Z + L + d
sino- the average impulse response we can develop a (l(u
the fact that the Fourier transform of an the squa
of the function's transform. The transfer functIOn IS gIven by
a(u, v) = ;:f{h(xd, Yd)}
__1 _ \ A (Z + L + d u, z+ L + d v) \2
- 4nL2
2 L L
f t
( . y) This tra
A( ,) is the transform of the aperture unc IOn a x,. .
were u, t d 1 ar source as gIve
function can be used to find the response ue to any p an
IaCu, v) = a(u, v)S(u, v) (8
distribution S(
where S(u, v) is the Fourier transform of a planar source
'fhe noise considerations in nuclear medicine imaging are dominated by the
statistics of the relatively few detected photons. Scatter is an additional
bise source because of the limited energy-selective capability of the detectors.
the newer semiconductor detector systems have significantly greater energy
resolution and thus provide greatly improved scatter rejection. This is often
done, however, at some price in quantum efficiency.
Although the photon statistics are much poorer than that of radiography,
the regions of interest can be delineated because of the greater contrast. For
example, a brain lesion is difficult to detect radiogtaphically since its attenuation
coefficient differs only slightly from that of the surrounding tissue. As a result,
the detection process requires large numbers of photons to reduce the standard
deviation in the image. Conversely, in a nuclear medicine procedure the lesion
takes up much more of the isotope than the surrounding tissue so that many
fewer photons are required to distinguish the lesion.
Assuming that we have a source emitting a background level of n counts
per unit area, the noise or standard deviation of the measurement is given by
(J = / tI nA (8.36)
'V M2
where A is the area of a picture element in the image and tin! M2 is the photon
density at the image. The signal can be determined as in radiography, where C
is the fractional difference between the photon density at the area of interest and
the background resulting in a signal-to-noise ratio given by
SNR = C I tI nA (8.37)
'V M2
This assumes that the amplitude of the signal in the region of interest is
umUfected by the blurring of the impulse response. A more accurate representa-
tloIlinvolves defining the image signal as the difference in the number of photons
p'etelement at the center of the lesion and in the background. We therefore
convolve the image with the impulse response, as in equations (8.14) and (8.31),
alldevaluate the convolution at the center of the lesion. This is equivalent to
taking the integral of the pr'oduct of the image distribution and the impulse
response centered at the center of the lesion. The difference between this value
in photons per picture element and the background determines the signal. :
The SNR is an interesting function of the aperture size in a pinhole im4ging
system. For example, assume that we are imaging a "cold" lesion such as occurs
inthe liver. This can be represented by a uniformly emitting area with a small
nonemitting region representing the lesion. For a relatively small pinhole, the
cold'lesion is well resolved, so that the signal is equal to the background level
since the value at the center of the lesion is zero. However, the low efficiency of
164 Nuclear Medicine
Coded Aperture Systems 165
h( )
Xd Yd) (Xd Yd)
, Yd = a m' m ** a m' m .
= _1_ S(X
Yd) ** [a(X
Y. d) ** a(X
M'M m'm m'm'
The point response of the reconstructed image hex, y) is given by the auto-
correlation of the aperture function as
'Thus an aperture plate should be chosen which has a high-amplitude,
narr9wautocorrelation peak for good resolution and large open area for good
efficiency. Examples are random pinhole arrays and Fresnel zone plates. The
latter can be reconstructed optically since propagation through space provides
theqesired correlation function. A different magnification m is used for each
so as to reconstruct each depth region separately.
':rhis imaging structure exhibits good performance for small sources. For
larger sources, however, comparable to the size of the coded aperture, the noise
perfprmance is considerably degraded. The basic problem arises from the non-
of the aperture function a(x, y). Its autocorrelation, for an ape,";-
a large number of holes, will consist of a narrow central pdk
havmg a normalized value of n, the number of holes, and a large background
a value of about unity, corresponding to the overlap of single
holesIn. the autocorrelation. The convolution with this function essentially
prod}lces an image that is amplified by n, plus an integral of the image as a result
of the large background pedestal of the function.
In decoding the detected image, we cross correlate with the appropriately
magnified version of the aperture plate to provide the reconstructed image as
given by
uclear medicine camera. The resultant coded image is thus the convolution of
source with that of the aperture plate. This image must then be decoded, by
a suitably magnified version of the aperture plate, to reconstruct the object at
any plane. is a of the depth plane, .th.ree-dimen-
sional informatIOn IS derIved. In addItIOn, the average transmISSIOn of the
aperture plate can be made many times greater than that of the pinhole. Using
the same notation as the pinhole analysis, the detected intensity due to a source
at plane z is given by .
f d = 4n}2
2 ** (8.41)
where Sex, y) is the source distribution at plane z, a(x, y) is the transmission of
the aperture plate, and
M = -!!-. and m = z + d = I - M. (8.42)
z Z
the small pinhole results in a low photon count and low SNR. As we increase
the pinhole size, the photon count and SNR increases. However, at a certain
aperture size, the lesion is no longer well resolved, so that the center of the
lesion, due to convolution with the aperture function, is no longer zero. The
reduced signal can then decrease the SNR. Clearly, there is an optimum size of
pinhole aperture for each lesion size.
The system can be analyzed assuming a planar source distribution Con.
sisting of a background photon density b(x, y) and a "lesion" density l(x,y)
centered at X
, Yo as given by
Sex, y) = b(x, y) + lex - Xo, Y - Yo)' (8.38)
The signal is defined as the magnitude of the difference in photons per
between the center of the lesion and the background. The impulse
h(xd' Yd) is used to determine the response at each region as given by
signal = A JJh(xd - Mx o, Yd - Xc, - Yo) dxddYd
where A is the pixel area and M the magnification of the plane. The noise,
previously indicated, is the standard deviation of the background signal:
noise = ,jA JJh(xd' dxddYd
which, for b(x, y) equal to a constant n photons per unit area,
,.jtinA! M2.
In recent years there has been considerable research effort at imaging
with increased capture efficiency as compared to the 10-
of pinhole and
hole collimators. One approach is the use of an imaging structure conslstlIlg
an array of pinholes known as a coded aperture plate [Barrett, 1972;
aI., 1972]. This structure, shown in Fig. 8.10, is used in place of the pinhole
25 0 0
\ z d-J
r-! i
FIG. 8.10
nN nJN
SNRmultiPle aperture = J nN + mN = J n + m'
Tomographic Source Imaging
FIG. 8.11 Conventional and cross-sectional reconstruction images of the
brain. (Courtesy of the General Electric Medical Systems Division.)
study conventional projection images of the activity of the brain are
to cross-sectional reconstruction. The patient had a lesion in the left
lobe which was not visible on the projection images. To provide 'he
U."''''''V,UQ.l reconstruction, 64 views were acquired at a rate of 30 seconds
These were reconstructed and examined. The lesion appears on the
erse and sagittal sections shown. It is clear that in this case the projection
representing the superimposed activity of all planes, failed to demon-
the disease.
mediate structures [Budinger and Gullberg, 1974]. Here the data are acquired
with a basic nuclear medicine camera, usually using a parallel hole collimator,
moved around the patient to collect an array of projection images at many
angles. These data are as described in Chapter 7, where each
measurement represents the hne mtegrals of the sources at a particular angle.
The reconstruction usually uses the convolution-back projection algorithm
described in detail in Chapter 7. Because of the sensitivity of these reconstruction
systems, it is particularly important to correct for attenuation so as to obtain
the true line integrals of the source distribution. This can be accomplished by
assuming a fixed value of fJ as previously indicated. For greater accuracy,
however, we can use an external source at the same energy as the isotope being
imaged to provide a reconstruction of p,(x, y) using transmission computerized
tomography. These values are then used to correct for the measured projections
of the source distribution.
In nuclear medicine, using a parallel hole collimator, at each projection
angle we simultaneously measure the projections of an array of planar sections.
The complete reconstruction is therefore an array of continuous sections of the
volume. A typical series of reconstructions of the brain is shown in Fig. 8.11.
Nuclear Medicine
To avoid dealing with a projection of a volumetric object, tomog:aphic sy
are used to provide three-dimensional information. These dIrect ana
"'With x-ray tomographic systems, so that we can rely heaVIly on the res
Chapter 7. For example, a simple motion system. can c
from the pinhole imaging system of Fig. 8.6 by the III
pattern described by f(x, y) with the detector moved
f(xlm, ylm). This will result in the image at plane z remammg III focus a
others being blurred by amounts. .... 0
As with radiocrraphy, motlOn tomography prOVIdes lImIted Impr
b . . d trap
since the intermediate planes are stIll present. Computenze omog
vides isolated sections of the three-dimensional volume completely free
where the improvement is obvious. For large sources m n the
ratio significantly deteriorates. For highly extended sources the resultant 51
to-noise ratio is poorer than that of the single pinhole so coded aper
system results in poorer noise performance. However, It to pro
depth information which the single pinhole does not. Improved verSlOns oft
imaging systems are presently under study.
For small sources, where n m, this becomes
/rl !}i - /n SNR .
multiple aperture - -'V A/ lY - IV' plnhole
where m is the number of equal intensity sources. The resultant signal-to-nois
ratio is given by
It is instructive to compare the signal-to-noise ratio of a single pinhole
system to that of a coded aperture with eac? havi?g the same size.
The signal-to-noise ratio of a uniform reglOn usmg the smgle pmhole is given by
SNRpinhole = J 1'1 = ft
where 1'1 is the number of detected photons per picture element. In the multiple
aperture plate the signal is given nN because of the autoco.rrelation function;.
The variance is the sum of the nOIse due to the narrow peak m the
tion and the integrated sum of the sources due to the large pedastal. Since thes
are independent, the variance is given by
(variance)multiPle aperture = nN + mN
Positron l11Ulging 169
FIG. 8.13 Positron ring detector.
require 30-picosend accuracy to provide I.O-em-depth resolution. That is
our electronic capability, both in the detection and proces-
sliigsystems. ThIS method does, however, have interesting potential for the
future. . .
Arecent excItmg approach to the reconstruction, which avoids the overlap
ofplanes, is the line integral technique discussed in Chapter 7 in the section on
cOIIlputerized tomography. If we sum up all the coincidence events reaching
ea.ch pair of detector locations Xl' Yl and x
, Yz, we will have calculated the line
integral of all the sources along that line. Having the line integral measurement
over all angles and positions, we can then reconstruct the complete source dis-
A system for accomplishing that specific task is the positron ring shown in
Fig. 8.13 [Ter-Pogossian et aL, 1975]. This system is used to reconstruct the
FIG. 8.12 Positron imaging system.
on either side of the subject. These can be either discrete arrays of detectors or
Anger cameras as previously described. The energy-selective mechanisms of the
detectors are set for 510 kev. When an annihilation event occurs, two photons
travel to the individual detectors. A coincidence detector records an output event
only in response to gamma rays being received at both detectors. This helps to
eliminate various undesired events, such as Compton-scattered photons. Fol-
lowing a coincidence, the source position can be estimated for a known depth
plane as given by
ZI,Z2 ZI,Z2 ZI+Z2 Zl+ Z 2
where x I' Y1 and x 2, Y2 are the coordinates of the first and second detectors and
Z I and Z 2 are the respective distances from the detectors to the source point. In
general, a given plane of interest is studied so that the reconstruction is accurate
in that plane and blurred for other planes as with motion tomography. The
significant feature is that no collimators are required. The only limitation to the
photon collection angle is the size of the detecting planes themselves.
One method of avoiding the blurring from other planes is to measure the
difference of arrival time of the pair of photons and use that information to
determine the source plane. Unfortunately, considering the velocity of light, it
Positron emitters generate a unique configuration of gamma ravs. Each e .
. I . d' I . . hI' mItted
a late y mteracts Wit an e ectron to produce an
tlOn event w IC generates two gamma rays each having energies of 510 key
at almost exactly opposite directions [Meredith and Massey, 1977; Johns and
Cunningham, 1974]. This phenomenon gives rise to a camera system show
Fig. 8.12. Here a pair of two-dimensional position-indicating detectors are
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine 171
sources in a plane, The sum of coincident events in pair the
ring represents the desired line integral. Since the lme for a
complete range of angles and positions, the reconstructiOn :echmques can
be the same as those discussed in Chapter 7. The should agam be
'd d althouah at these hiaher energies of 510 kev, It IS somewhat less of
conSI ere , c , c
a problem. . ., .' ,
Positron imaging has two inherent limitatiOn.s to Its ult.lmate
These are the range of the positron between its pomt of at the Isotype
and its point of annihilation, and the departure from 180 of two photons
because of the momentum of the positron. It should be emphasIzed,. h?wever,
that in present systems the position accuracy, and
a are the maJ'or limitations whIch provIde a lateral resolutiOn In the order
samp me '
of 1.0 cm. One practical difficulty in the use of these cameras IS that many of
the desirable isotopes must be produced by an some
of the resultant images represent outstanding of perfusiOn and
metabolism which are unavailable using other modalitIes.
FIG. P8.6
photons per pixel between the background level of the image and the level
at the center of the hole.
(a) Find the signal-to-noise ratio versus b. [Hint: Use analytic expressions
for two ranges of b.]
(b) Find the pinhole size that maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio.
8.3 A source consists of an infinite sheet of isotropically radiating material
emitting n photons per unit area and has a nonemitting rectangular hole
D X 2D. The source is imaged with a B x B square pinhole a distance z
from the source and d from the detector. The signal is defined as the differ-
ence in photons per pixel between the background and the center of the
hole image. The area of a pixel is A.
(a) Calculate SNR versus B.
(b) Find the size of B for optimum SNR.
8.4 An infinite planar source having a photon emission density n
(1 +p cos
2nfox) is imaged using a pinhole system with a source to pinhole distance z
and a pinhole to detector distance d. The signal is defined as the peak of the
number of photons per pixel of the detected sinusoid. Assume a pixel area
of A.
(a) Find an expression for the signal-to-noise ratio for a general aperture
a(x, y).
For an aperture having a Gaussian transmission, e-(r/b)", find the value
that maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio.
same source as in Problem 8.4 is imaged using a parallel hole collimator
a thickness L with circular holes of diameter D. Calculate the signal-
ratio assuming that the impulse response is limited to the projection
in Fig. P8.6, a pinhole imaging system of radius R is used to
e a volumetric source distribution of thickness L, having a cylindrical
--+-t----L..L G__b_....... /Z-- PI NHOLE

FIG. P8.2
In a pinhole source imaging system, the aperture y) = rect(x/ X) reet
(y/ Y). During the exposure the aperture IS translated from x =
_ D1/2 to x = D1/2 while the detector center IS translated from Xd = - Dz/2
to Xd = D
/2 in the same direction, where D2 > D1
(a) At what plane is the image not degrated by the motions?
(b) Find the resultant recorded point response function h(Xd' Yd) as a fun
tion of depth z.
A source consists of an infinite sheet of isotropically radiatin? mate'
emitting n photons/unit area and has a nonemitting hole radms a (
P8.2). The source is imaged with a circular pinh?le of b as sho
using a pixel area A. The signal is defined as the dIfference In the number
172 Nuclear Medicine
h 1 of
diameter D where D/2 > R, and emitting n photons per unit vol-
o e, . h .
ume. The signal is defined as the In p otons, per of the
b k d
level and the center of the hole Image. AssumIng a pIxel area of
ac groun . .
A, calculate the SNR versus zo, the depth of the emIttIng source.
8.7 A parallel hole collimator has D X square whose centers are
separated by win both dimensions, a thIckness L wIth the plane a
t d from the top of the collimator. A planar source a dIstance Zo
IS ance . 'b' f [1
from the bottom of the collimator has a dlstn utIOn 0 n? -:- rect (x/B)
( /B)]
hotons per unit area. Assume the hole separatIOn IS such that
rect y p . 1 U' h '
the impulse response at zinvolves a sIngle ho e. SIng t e average Impulse
response and a pixel area of A, calculate the SNR.
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
Inthis chapter the basic concepts of ultrasonic imaging [Wells, 1969; Woodcock,
1919Jare introduced using a simplified model and some reasonable approxi-
m#ions. Although these simplifications and approximations lead to some in-
they do form the basis of most current medical ultrasonic imaging
This chapter is limited to the reflection imaging modality, where, as in
radar,ultrasonic pulses are propagated through the body, causing reflected
occur at various discontinuities throughout the path of the propagated
or echo imaging is thus far the only one that has achieved
use. Other ultrasonic imaging modalities, which have thus far
only experimental use, are considered in Chapter 1I.
imaging modality is made possible by the relatively slow velocity of
of about 1500 meters/sec. This represents about a 333-..usec round
through 25 em. In this time scale it is relatively simple for
ele2tronic circuitry to distinguish reflections at different depths with good
is in sharp distinction to the x-ray region, where the energy travels at
of light, 3 X 10
meters/sec. At these speeds it would require pico-
accuracies to distinguish various depths in the body. Current electronic
have not yet reached this capability. As a result, x-ray imaging, as
!lasi;peen described; is limited to the transmission modality.
FIG. 9.1 Basic reflection imaging system.
Basic Reflection Imaging 175
an initial approximation we assume that the diameter or extent of the
of the transducer is very large as compared to the wavelength of the prop-
iIlg wave. Under these circumstances the propagating wave approaches a
extenshion the transduceWrfaceI sex, y). Diffraction spreading can be
'gn'ored under t ese circumstances. e a so assume that the wave propagates
a velocity c which is uniform throughout the body and is attenuated with
an attenuation coefficient rx which is also uniform. If we model the body as an
array of isotropic scatterers [Nicholas, 1977) having a reflectivity R(x, y, z), the
processed signal e(t) is given by
e(t) = KI fffe-;azR(X,y,z)S(X,y)p(t - (9.1)
where K is a normalizing constant, e-
is the attenuation in the tissue through
the round-trip distance of 2z, sex, y) is the lateral distribution of the propagating
wave, and pU - 2z/c) is the received pulse delayed by the round-trip time 2z/c
and modified by the various linear processes. Thus pet), the received pulse, is
the convolution of the transmitter pulse pet) with the impulse responses of the
transducer and the associated linear filters in the processor. It also includes a
derivative operator which is basic to the propagation phenomena, since it is
the change in the ultrasonic parameters, such as pressure, which gives rise to the
propagating wave. The absolute value used represents the envelope detection,
which is phase insensitive. The 1/z factor is the loss in amplitude of the reflected
wave due to diffraction spreading from each scatterer as illustrated in Fig. 9.1.
In general, equation (9.1) should have the transducer characteristic sex, y)
squared since it represents both the transmitted and received pattern. Thus
s(x, y) is both the lateral insonification function and the lateral receiver sensi-
tivity function. However, in this simplified example, where we ignore diffraction,
we are also assuming that sex, y) is constant over the transducer face and zero
elsewhere. This is a reasonable approximation for most transducers which are
operating in the piston mode.
R(x, y, z) has been assumed to be a scalar in that the reflectivity is inde-
pendent of the angle of approach of the ultrasonic beam [Nicholas, 1977). This
is accurate for structures that are small compared to a wavelength and thus
approach isotropic scattering. It is also accurate for relatively large areas whose
fInS roughness is large as compared to a wavelength and thus become diffusely
scattering in an almost isotropic fashion. For relatively smooth large surfaces,
however, which give rise to specular reflections, the model is inaccurate since
the reflection depends strongly on the angle of approach of the beam and thus
becomes a complex vector problem. This will be considered later in the chapter.
Another assumption on the reflectivity R(x, y, z) is that it is a weakly
reflecting medium. This essentially refers to reflections which are sufficiently small
that second-order reflections can be ignored. Otherwise, equation (9.1) would
become significantly more complex so as to include the multiple bounces from
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
. t is illustrated in Fig. 9.1. With the switc.
. 'maama arrangem
A basic re ectIOn I .1::0 1::0.. ulse waveform pet) excites the trans uce
thrown in the transmIt pOSItIOn, thfe p h wn in the solid lines. Immediate
. h ated wave ronts so. . .
resulting m t e propag .' 't h is thrown into the receive pOSIt!
I transmIssIOn the SWI c .' h
following the pu se . the wavefront hits a discontmUIty, as s
using the same transducer. h d' ections indicated by the dashed 1m
scattered wave is havmg :h; transducer and the resultant si;
This scattered wave IS receIved by . ally consists of bandpass filter
is processed and displayed. The pr.ocessmg usu
gain control, and envelope detectIOn.
I h
ristic of reflection ultrasonic imaging is the
f ndamenta c ara . .
. Anot e.r. three-dimensional information. X-ray Imagmg. systems
dIrect acqUIsItIOn . . f mation or line integrals of the attenuatIon coef-.
. 1 . e prOjectIOn m or . . ..
basIcal yacqUIr h -d' ensional informatIOn can be acqUIred only
ficient. In these systems tree 1m tructions of many projections, as described
. I th ugh computer recons . I' d'
indIrect Y ro h the received signal dIrect y In Icates the
It sound owever,
in Chapter 7. n u .' h dimensions. The propagating beam pattern
., f th object m tree . fl
reflectIVIty 0 e . d the round-trip tIme of the re ected pulse
defines the lateral s each received pulse directly represents the
defines the depth u
. . . t in object space. . .
reflectIvIty at a pom mptI'ons and approXImatIOns on the char-.
. use many assu
In thIS chapter we h b d being studied and on the nature of the
acteristics of the volume of teo. Yd' cat; the degree to which these assump-
. ,1 each case we mI.
propagatmg wave. n f h agating wave we melude three analyses,
'd I the case 0 t e prop .' .
tions are va 1 . n f y This approach WIll be contmued mto
each having a different degree 0 accurac .
the next chapter in the study of arrays.
177 TheA Scan
FIG. 9.2 An A scan of an eye which is normal except for a mild cataract in
the lens. The first echo on the left is due to the cornea, with the next two
representing the front and back of the lens. The small echo within the lens
is the cataract. The next echo is the back of the eye, followed by an array
of echoes due to retrobullar fat.
depth [Wells: 19.69]. W.hat is display.ed is an estimate of the reflectivity
R(O, 0, z) WhICh IS obtamed by scanmng the display at the velocity c/2 as given by
R(O, 0, z) = Jeit)8(t - 2
z) dt
R(O, 0, z) = KIR(x, y, z) *** p(2:)s(x, y) I evaluated at x= 0, y = o.
To be precise (9.6) should use s(-x, -y) in the convolution relationship. How-
ever, rather than ca'rry around this awkward notation, we can assume that
sex, y) refers to an inverted source pattern. This represents no problem since, in
both our examples and in commercial practice, symmetrical transducers are
used where sex, y) = s(-x, - y). The estimate of the reflectivity along any
other line, R(x
, Yo, z), is found by simply moving the transducer to the point
Xc, Yo with the convolution evaluated as x = X
and y = Yo. Here we see the
fundamental resolution limits of ultrasonic imaging where the lateral resolution
is limited by the beam pattern sex, y) and the axial or depth resolution is limited
by the received pulse waveform p(2z/c). A rectangular pulse, pet) = rect (t/7:),
results in a depth response of rect (2z/c-c). The volumetric resolution element
is the product of these lateral and depth functions.
This display of reflectivity as a function of depth, by deflecting the beam of
acathode ray tube, is known as an A scan. A typical A scan of the eye is shown
in Fig. 9.2. These are widely used to study various other disease processes,
including head injuries. In cases of head injury these scans are often used to
find the position of the brain midline. A shift of this midline position can indi-
cate bleeding and the need for urgent surgery.
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
The signal e (t) should ideally represent the reflectivity, as a of
along the x e= 0, y = axis of the body with time representmg the v
depths. In practice, this signal is used to deflect the of a
driven display device with the beam deflection representmg reflectIVlty
To simplify equation (9.1) we make us.e of the fact the
e-hz and lIz vary relatively slowly wIth z. The receIved pulse p(2zfe),
is a relatively narrow pulse and occupies only a n.arrow depth range as It pro
t Th
is is essential for good depth resolutlOn. As a result the functi
aga es. . f 2 I .
pet _ 2zlc) in equation (9.1) as a delta. functlOn as ar as e- a.z Z IS co
cerned, resulting in the approXImate output SIgnal
e(t) :::: K\ JJJR(x, y, z)s(x, y)p (t - dxdydz \
entiallv all ultrasonic imaging systems the signal processor includes
n es ,) . d d'ff .
t f
fme-varying gain to compensate for the attenuatlOn an 1 racti
svs em 0 1 . d d h' h .
d' Thus a compensated output signal e (t) IS pro uce w IC IS
sprea mg. .' e . a.er
original output e(t) multiplied by the tlme-varymg gam get) = ete as
ee(t) = g(t)e(t) = etea.ere(t).
Using the time-varying gain the compensated output signal becomes
) xl JJJR(x, y, z)s(x, y)j5(t 2:) dxdydz \.
It is convenient and instructive to structure this resultant signal in convoluti
form as given by
ee(t) = K\R(X, y, *** s(-x, -y)p(t) \ evaluated at x = a,y = a
where the triple asterisk represents a three-dimensional convolution.
various scatterers. This assumption is quite good in.practice the reflectance
of most biological structures is quite small. reflectlOns can OCCUr a
interfaces between tissue and bone, or tissue and an reflection
occur. These areas, however, have a variety of Ima
m.g problems an
are generally considered unsuita?le. propertIes of tIssue, includin
reflectivity, velocity, and attenuatlOn, wIll be presented toward the end of this
179 Cross-Sectional Imaging or B Mode
...... .__.- ..... - -
. _
FIG. 9.3 scan of the heart in the region of the mitral valve. The
valve leaflet IS sho:vn undergoing significant motion during each heartbeat.
The dark bands Immediately above the initial valve are the reflection
the septum, separating the left and right chambers of the heart. Thi:
reglO.n undergoes motion. (Courtesy of the General Electric
MedIcal Systems DIVIsion.)
of the y. = Yo plane. The transducer is translated in the x direc-
tion at aunllorm velocIty v along y = y As with the M mod f . o' e, a sequence 0
scans of tIme T are produced as the transducer is translated Th d
t t
" b . e compensate
ou pU IS gIVen y
ec(t) = K IfffR(x, y, z)s(x - vt, Y - yo)jj (t - nT - 2:) dxdydz \.
. . (9.11)
The. reflectl.vIty y, z) is to be constant during the generation of
Image smce lIttle .or no motIon takes place in the body.
The IS assumed to be essentially stationary during each round-
T, provIdmg an output signal
ec(t)::: K Ifff R(x, y, z)s(x - vnT, y - yo)jj (t - nT - dxdydz \.
A .
it ...s WIth the M the output signal from each scan line is used Jo
a lIne m a raster display. This display provides an estimate
e re ectIvIty m the Yo plane as given by
= K !R(X, y, z) *** sex, y)p() I
evaluated at x = vnT and y = Yo' (9.13)
where 2z
/c is the round-trip propagation time to the maximum depth z
The compensated output signal ec(t) is then given by
ec(t) = K \ JJJR(x, y, z, t)s(x, y)p(t - nT - dXdYdz\
where a total of N + 1 lines are recorded in a time interval (N +l)T.
As with the attenuation correction, we can assume with reasonable accu
that the anatomy is stationary over each round-trip time 2zmax/c. The round
time of about 300 f-lsec is very small compared to any anatomical rno
Therefore, equation (9.8) can be rewritten as
ec(t) = K nte \JJJR(x, y, z, nT)s(x, y)p(t - nT -
where t is approximated by nT.
This sequence of scans are displayed as intensity modulations of a
rather than deflection as with the A scan. The scans are arranged in a
configuration so that, for example, the y axis indicates depth z and the x
the time nT. This display represents an estimate of the time-varying reflec
and consists of a sequence of A scans as given by
R(O, 0, Z, t) = K \R(X,y, z, nT) ***
evaluated at x = 0, y = 0
where the convolution is with respect to the spatial coordinates x, y, and
A typical M-mode scan of the mitral valve is shown in Fig. 9.3, wh
y axis represents z or depth and the x axis the quantized time nT. The to
corresponds to about four heartbeats.
The most popular presentation is the B scan or B mode, which is the
of a two-dimensional slice through a portion of the anatomy [WoodcO
These data are usually acquired by linearly scanning the transducer
9.1 at a uniform velocity. For example, assume that we wish to form
We are often interested in the study of time-varying regions, such as the h
where the anatomy changes relatively rapidly [Woodcock, 1979]. This can si
be modeled as a time-varying reflectivity function R(x, y, z, t). A sequen:
repetitive A scans are recorded separated by time T, where'
T> 2z
FIG. 9.5 B scan of the liver. (Courtesy of the General Electric Systems Division.)
where r

---- i
s(xo, Yo)
FIG. 9.6 Basic propagation model.
Diffraction Formulation
Diffraction spreading [Goodman 1968' N t 1
ultrasonic wavelength repre;ents th or on
976] due to. the relatively
limits in ultrasonic imaging. In stu; de.ternunmg the resolu-
sider the propagation ignoring attenuat' y gb 1 ractIOn problem we con-
o . . ' lon, etween a point th d
,n.t?, x" y, plane and a point at depth z in the x on e .trans ncer
The basic propagation delay is model d b plane as FIg. 9.6.
of . e y t - roz/c), IndIcatIng a delay
FIG. 9.4 Manually scanned B-mode system. (Courtesy of Siemens Gam-
masonics, Inc., Vetrasound Division.)
An abdominal B scan is shown in Fig. 9.5. This is an image of the
where the upper border is the skin line along which the transducer was sea
The hepatic vein is clearly shown. The curved lower boundary is the diaph
This analysis was made with certain assumptions about the ultr
model of the region of the body being studied and of the nature of the pr
tion phenomenon. The region was assumed to have a constant velocity of
gation c, constant attenuation rx, and composed of an array of weakly re
isotropic scatterers. The propagation phenomenon of the transmitted wa
assumed to be governed by geometric optics with diffraction neglected. W
proceed to examine these more closely and to refine them where appropri
We first consider the important problem of diffraction spreading an
consider our ultrasonic model of tissue.
The B scan represents, by far, the most widely used modality in ult .
. . I 'd d" . f h rasoIllc
Imagmg. t prO'll es a lrect representatIOn 0 t e cross-sectional anatomy hi
can be readily evaluated. A typical B-scan system with a manually tra WI ch
. h "F' 94 ns ate<!
arm IS sown mIg. . .
180 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
182 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
. affect the resultant waveform, including the
A number of lin.ear 'c to the propagation phenomenon and the
" eratIOn WhIC IS aSI . d'
denvatlve op "F venience these are combme mto a single
d h ractenstlcs or con , ,
trans ucer C a ' h erall impulse response representmg the sIgnal
impulse response a(t), Thus t e ov
received is given by JZ
, )_[J (t - roz) * aCt) 2"
- c roz
th P
roduct of an obliquity factor zl '0., the.
h I
2 term represents e , h d'
where t e z ro
" d II' the normal falloff WIt Istance of an
cosine of the angle of mCldence, an Oz,
isotropic radiator. . h to find the field amplitude at any plane
We will use the Impulse responsle where '7 = 0 This field amplitude can
, I t the transducer pane -' '"
z due to a SIgna a .' tal parameters of the medIUm, mcludm
f the followmg mcremen Th
represent any 0 'I 1 'ty density and pressure. ese are a
, d' I ment partIc e ve OCI " .,. I
partIcle ISp ace, 'd artures from larger eqUIlIbnum va u
. 1 tities representmg ep f h I'
small-SIgna quan. '1 ferred to as a component 0 t e m
, .' eratIOn prevIOUS y re ,
The denvatIve op 'arameter is required for propagatIon
filtering aCt) indicates that a change map d at some point is proportional to
occur. For example, the pressure
f at a source pomt. , .
rate of change 0 pressure h ., driven by a sinusoidal burst providi
Consider a transducer at t e ongm
a field amplitude given by , )
u(xo, Yo, t) = s(xo, yo)p(t) exp (-IOJot
. 1 l't de distribution at the transducer, pet)
) 's the spatIa amp 1 u f
where s x o, Yo 1 ')' the sinusoidal carrier at a requency coo'
pulse envelope, and exp (-IC?ot IS d to a radiating point on the transd
field amplitude at any point m z lue response of equation (9.14), The t
ution with t e Impu se . ' h
is found by convo ) . found by convolvmg WIt equa
field amplitude at, plane z, plane as given by
(9.14) and integratmg over teen
, Yz, t) = JJu(xo, Yo, t) * h(t)dxodyo
. ' 'th respect to time, Substituting for u(x
, Yo, t
where the convolutIon WI ,
performing the convolutIOn gIVeS
ro:) eXP(ikro.)(+)dXodyo
u(xzoyz,t) = s(xo,yop t-
. roz
X exp (-icoot) * aCt)
_ c = 2nlA, Equation (9.17) repres
where the wavenumber k - OJo/_ Th 'ntegral operation prOVIdes the
. . ttern at plane ., e 1 t' s de
insonIficatIOn pa l' The temporal func IOn
extent of the pattern or its lateral reso utIOn,
depth resolution, as will be _ ' ( Y t), We now st
. f ch pomt at plane . IS U x:, z' ,
The insonificatIOn 0 ea h t ansducer, Assummg
response from the reflected wave back to t e r
Steady-State Approximations to the Diffraction Formulation 183
reflecting point at Xz' Yz, the received signal eh(t) is given by
eh(Xz,Yz, t) = SSu(xz,Yz, t) * [J(t - * (9.18)
where 6(t - 'ozlc) is the impulse response from the reflecting point to each point
in the transducer, bet) represents the linear operations between the reflecting
point and the received electrical signal, and zl is again the falloff in amplitude
with distance, including the obliquity factor zl rOz' The signal due to the reflecting
point is thus derived by integrating over the transducer area s(x
, yo)' Performing
the temporal convolution eh(t) becomes
eix.,yz,t) = SS[55 s(xo, Yo) exp (ikroz)p(t - -
X exp ( 2) * aCt) *bet) (9.19)
where the primed coordinates are used to distinguish the integration of the
reflected components. The uncompensated envelope response e(t) for a general
object with reflectivity R(x, y, z) having a uniform attenuation is then given by
e(t) = Ifff e-
R(x, Y, z)eix, y, t)dxdydz I (9.20)
In equations (9.17) and (9.19) the pulse envelope pet) appears in the spatial
defining the system spatial response. Physically, the transmitted pulse
from different portions of the transducer arrives at each reflecting point at
times, and the reflected pulse arrives at different portions of the trans-
different times. If the pulse is relatively short, the resultant transducer
will depend on which portion is being excited. For very long pulse envel-
the entire transducer is excited by essentially the same sinusoidal
so that a steady-state analysis represents a good approximation.
In making the steady-state approximation, we assume that
p(t - - (9.21)
1Jlakes p( .) independent of x and y, and allows it to be moved outsidejthe
I in equations (9.17) and (9.19), where it affects only temporal or depth
ion, not lateral resolution. Physically, we are assuming that the envelope
transmitted waveform from all parts of the transducer arrives at each
lane z at approximately the same time. Similarly, the waveforms reflected
reflecting point arrive at all portions of the transducer at approximately
Thus the lateral resolution considerations are governed solely by
Fresnel Approximation 185
Z + (xo - xz)2 t (Yo - yz)2. (9.30)
This approximation is valid in regions where Z3 (nJ4l)[(x
- x
)2 +
This inequality ensures that the exponent due to the third term
in expansion is significantly less than unity. As in optics, this
PRgximation is quite accurate for systems with reasonable angular fields. The
at plane z with the Fresnel approximation becomes
h(xz>yz) = h(x,y,z) = eikZS(X;y) ** exp [i;/X
+ y2)J (9.31)

rent depths. The convenient convolution form can be used since, using
approximation, the impulse response is space invariant, depending
difference between the spatial coordinates.
impulse response can be used to find the field amplitude h(x
, yz) at
z due to any transducer distribution sex, y). The effect of this convolu-
In the Fresnel region [Goodman, 1968J we approximate 'Oz in the exponent as
the first two terms of the binomial expansion of
'Oz = z,J1 + (xo - x z)2 -; (Yo - yz)2 (9.29)
h(xz, Yz) = ffs(xo, Yo) exp dxodyo (9.28)
As a first approximation we apply the paraxial approximation where the
term !/z z --: 'Oz the axis. It should that
this approximatIOn IS relatIvely msensItlve because of the multIplIcatIve effect of
this term. This is in sharp distinction to the 'Oz term in the exponent because of
its greater sensitivity. The approximations of 'Oz in the exponent are divided into
the Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions, often referred to as the near-field and far-
field regions.
Note in equations (9.25) and (9.27) that the integration the
olution is squared because of the symmetry of the transmlttmg and receIvmg
reseration. Thus, in the steady-state approximation, the overall lateral resolu-
nis the product of the identical transmitter and receiver patterns. We will now
tJoceed to study approximations to the lateral response function in the brackets
pr as to make the resultant expressions more tractable and subject to analysis.
;e separate out the lateral response of the transmit and receive operations as
given by
, - Z
elatively narrow angles are usually in
,.fi(Df2)2 I Z2 mce r 'd' .
where 'OZmox = T' .' :::: Z + (Df2)2f2z, provl mg a
lved we can use the 'oz"";
'for the steady-state approXImatIOn gIven by
1: 8zc'
d d pth
of z = 10 cm, the pulse durati.
. f D - 2 cm an a e
For a transducer sIZe 0 - 03 c This is achieved by most sys
must be significantly greater than . l' However for larger transducers
f b
tl 0 "sec are typlca .
since durations 0 a ou . t'" 'tion will be poor. A more ace
shorter depths, this steady-state
analysis will be considered f n of (9.21), the transmitted
Applying the steady-state approxlma 10
amplitude at depth z is given by z
u(x" y" t) = ell s(x., y.) exp (ikr,,) (r;,) dx.dy.J
x p (t - exp (-iWot) * aCt)
I r depth resolution functions are clearly
where the lateral and tempo.ra 0 t a point reflector eh(xZ ' Yz,
rated. The overall round-tnp response 0
equation (9.19) then becomes 2 . ( 2z)
e,(t) = U1s(x., y,) exp ikr., dx.dy.Je-'WO'P C
1 considering all the 1mear
where pet) is the effective pulse enve ope
where (2Z)' (2Z) e-iwot * aCt) * bet).
-,wol - p t --
pt-- e - c
c 'eneralized ob
ut of the system usmg a g
The envelope-detected outp . by
t d for
tissue attenuation is then gIVen 2 )
compensa e 2 Z
rrf )[f rS(xo,yo)eikro,(+)dXodYo] p(t - c
ec(t) = K \ J J JR(x, y, Z J J 'Oz
184 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
. d veforms at different portions of the trans-
the relative phases of the receIVe wa
ducer, not by the P(t)f this steady-state approximation, we can calcu-
To estimate the 0 b teen the center and edge of a transducer
. d 1 dIfference e w
late the maxImum e ay " th center of the beam. For the steady-state
fng pomt m e
of extent D for a re ec 1 . f the pulse envelope pet) should be long.
. . h ld the duratIOn 1: 0 . d'
approXImatIOn to 0,. Th' ensures that the entIre trans ucer IS
d lay dIfference, IS . .
compared to t IS e ble duration Thus the apprOXImation...
. 'fi d for a reasona' .
simultaneously mSODl e
criterion may be stated as
186 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
(9.36) evaluated at x = vnT, y = Yo
as before, is the time of each scan line.
instructive to c?nsi.der the affect of the phase-shift term exp (i2kz)
the round-tnp tIme to each plane. If we have reflections at one
only: each will experience the same phase shift. This phase
exp WIll then the magnitude is taken, representing
p.' e However, gIven reflectIOns at different depths, each reflectik.n
WIth a phase shift. The resultant signals, as represeAt-
(9.35), add. or destructively, depending on
elatIve phases. ThIS addItIOn and cancellation of signals results in a
d pattern known as "speckle" whose properties are studied later in this
If this phase factor is ignored, the resultant image will be the inco-
of the reflectivity, devoid of speckle.
Fresnel Approximation 187
and the diffraction spreading in both directions, llz
. As before, we can assume
that this factor varies very slowly compared to the effective pulse
envelope pet - 2z/c). Thus the envelope function acts as a delta function on the
attenuation factor, allowing it to be taken outside the integral as a time variation
As in equation (9.3), a compensating gain variation is used where
get) = (ct)ZelX.cr, resulting in a compensated output signal given by
etCt) = KI fffR(x,y, z)e
: {s(x,y) ** exp [i;/X
+YZ)J} Z
X p(t - I (9.33)
For A using a stationary transducer positioned at x = 0, y = 0,
the resultmg estImate of the reflection coefficient along the z direction is given by
R(O, 0, z) = K!R(X,y, z)e
*** {s(x,y) ** exp [i;/X
+ yZ)J} Zpe:)!
evaluated at x = 0, y = O. (9.34)
For a B. scan: again the transducer moving in the x direction along the
r== Yo lme WIth a velOCIty v the gain-compensated signal is approximated as
ec(t) = K IfffR(x, y, z)e
{sex - vnT,y - Yo) ** exp [i;/X
+ yZ)J} Zp(t - 2:)dXdYdz!. (9.35)
resu!t:ant displayed estimate of the reflectivity in the y = Yo plane is then
z) = K !R(X,y, z)e
*** {S(x,y) ** exp [ifz(x
+ yZ)J} Z
x pe:)!
-6 dB
Lateral distance
On.axis pressure amplitude
Having described the steady-state diffraction behavior in the Fresnel regi
we can to defining the received signal from a reflecting object as in eq
tion (9.21). In the Fresnel region the envelope detected signal is given by
e(t) = K \ JJJexp (;;2iXZ) R(x, y, z)e
X !s(X,y) ** exp [i fz(x' +Y'lJl 'p(t -
The overall attenuation factor is exp (- 2iXZ)j z2 due to the tissue attenuatio
FIG. 9.7 Steady-state field pattern of a circular transducer. (Courtesy of
Siemens Gammasonics, Inc., Vetrasound Division.)

o 0.25 0.5 0.75 D
1f... 1.0
I -----+-- Axial distance
'l-Nearfield ------Farfield ------+-
tion is relatively complex. The amplitude distribution of a circular disk trans-
ducer is shown in Fig. 9.7. As is seen, the field amplitude in the immediate
vicinity of the transducer has an oscillatory pattern whose extent is approxi-
mately a geometric extension of the transducer. At a depth of D2/4A, the
oscillatory pattern diminishes and the pattern begins to diverge uniformly. This
distance is referred to as the near field by some authors. The oscillatory pattern
extends to a depth of about D2/2A for a square transducer, twice that of the
circular transducer. At a distance of D2 jA the 3-db width of the beam equals the
transducer diameter. Beyond this depth we are clearly in the Fraunhofer or
far-field pattern, which is the next subject of discussion. In this region the shape
of the pattern remains fixed and its size linearly increases with depth, represent-
ing a fixed angular pattern having an angle of approximately A/ D.
Fraunlzo/er Approximation
Consider a square transd 189
It tIl' ucer where sex y) -
an atera spatIal patter . th f. .'. - rect (xl D) rect (yl D) The
nIne ar field IS glVen by .
h(xz,Yz) = e;V;y {rect(Xo)rect(:to.)} = eivDz. (DX).
. D D Z SInC T smc(DYz) (941
where SInC x = sin (nx)/nx Th fti.. Z AZ .)
fi d h . e e ectIve WIdth f th .
e ne as t e region where its ar um . a e smc function may be
beam WIdth at any depth z is ).zl D. :nt IS bet,,:een -j,. In this region the
In FIg. 9.8, showing the near collim t dPproxlI:natIOn to the total field is show
diverging behavior in the far behaVIOr to a depth D'il and then
reglon shown In Fig. 9.7 hav b . varIOUS perturbatIOns within the F 1
. . e een Ignored A . h resne
avmg a maXImum diameter of D .' S IS S own, a large transducer
depth Dill. If a smaller .approximately collimated to
Improve lateral resolution its perfor D
IS used in an attempt t
use f th d ' mance rapIdly det . 0
. . a ere uced value of D'I). enorates at greater d th
FIgure 9.8 illustrates the diffi
ul't' .. ep s
One ap h . c YIn desIgmng I
proac IS to provide approxim t 1 an u trasonic transducer
a e y near-field performance at all depths:

... ././
"....// -----

D, D2
.-l :'--

-l i r- "" --------
................... ----
FIG. 9.8 Approxim t fi .........
a e eld patterns for different transduce . r SIZes,
the transducer dimension D' h
DZ/A., is equal to the maxim IS c d
such that the limit of t
optimu t um epth z Th t"
m ransducer size becomes max' us lor collimatetl

. depth of 20 cm and a mlax. (9.42)
r SIze of 10 wave ength of 05 m th'
. . cm. This is a representativ fi . m IS represents a
ents In resolution can be obtained b e for modern instruments.
y redUCIng the wavelength. How-
where v = k(r;12z + z) and is the Fourier transform operator using spa
frequency coordinates u and vas indicated. Thus in the far-field or Fraunh
region, where z D' I)., the compensated received signal is given by
dt) = K\ 111 R(x, y, y)JJ'p(, - ) dxdydz I
In this far-field region the received signals and reflectivity estimates c
obtained by substituting for the lateral response termS (s(x, y) ** exp [i
(x' + y')]}' in equations (9.32) through (9.36) the simpler exp
y)J],. This formulation serves to illustrate the performance probl
collimated ultrasonic imaging systems in the far field. This far-field respOD
Fourier transform of the source function, is known as the "diffraction-Ii
response since it represents the best resolution for a given source confi
where r; = x; + y; and rl =xl + yl As before, the phase factor outsidethe
integral can be ignored when investigating a specific plane. Bowever, for reflec-
tions at various depths this z_dependent phase shift results in coherent speckle.
As for the quadratic phase factor within the integral, for a transducer having a
maximum lateral dimension of D, the exponent will have a maximum value of
"D'14).2, or approximately D'/).z. Thus for depths greater than D'I)., the
exponent will be less than 1 radian, and can be neglected. This leaves only
two-dimensional Fourier transform kernel in the integral, so that (9.3&) can
approximated as
r-J e
rr r .(2n\ J
h(x" y,) - z JJ s(xo, Yo) exp L-' ).z}(xoX, + yoy,) dxodyo
eiv""'r ( )l u- _ X
:::::: z;)" 1.. S X 0, Yo J ;'z V = ;:z
The general results in the Fresnel region, under the approximations outlined
are valid at a11 depths. Bowever, in the far-field or Fraunhofer region, the expres:
sions can he simplified. This not only provides simpler mathematical operations
but also represents considerable insight into the nature of the imaging patterns:
We return to the convolution relationship of equation (9.31) in integral
form representing the lateral impulse response as given by
h(x" y,) = e;' 11 s(xo, Yo) exp H', [(x, - x 0)' + (y, - Yo)'J\ dxodyo. (9.37)
This equation can be restructured as
_ ) _ exp [ik(r;/2z + z)1 rr ( )
Xz,Yz - z J J S xo,Yo exp 2Z
X exp + Yoyz)Jdxod
Widehand Diffraction
The previous formulations all d h u1 1 . use t e steady-stat .
p se enve ope m equation (9.17), pet _ r c' e where the
eau:atlcm. (9.24). As previously indicat:i as pet - zlc), as
WIth short pulses and/or 1 ,IS apprOXImatIOn can be poor l'
arge apertures T d n
1976] for the short pulse or wideba 0 stu ya m?re exact solu-
field pattern at a depth z W . r nd case we WIll consider the
. e SImp Ify the formulation of (9.17) as
u(xzo y., t) = SS sex ) ( ( 0, Yo exp ikroz)p t - r;z)
X exp(-icoot)
bution in the Fresnel equation (9 38) . . as gIVen by
h( ez'V SS x
, y z) = - s x k
z ( o,Yo) exp exp
x exp [-i(21r)(x J )'z oxz +YoYz) dxodyo. (9.46)
As can be seen, where z = f, t d
amplitude is the Fourier :qual to the focal length, the field
results m an effective lateral heam width ource dlStnbution. As before, this
large aperture system can result' 1" at the focal plane, of ).+1D Thus
h A d
mare at!vely s 11 :J I' . a
dept. t epths outside this regio th ,rna ,well-defined beam at thI'S
. ' d' , n e quadratIC ph ....
In vanous Ivergmg patterns Fo" k ase lactor returns result!'
b fil
' . r wea ly focused " , ng
er D IS appreciably greater than I the systems. where the system F
In FIg. 9.9 where the resolution is b ' behaVIOr IS slmilar to that sho
on eiilier side. est at the focal plane and degrades gradua7I;
p(t - r;z) exp (-icoot) = p (t - r
) exp ( , )
. c -lcoot * aCt)
IS the effective pulse envelo .
again use the Fresnel app P: m :he transmitted waveform.
ct. roxnnatIOn of equaf (9
ons ramts apply to the wideb d Ion .30) since the same
II d an case The r I z an the r
in the ex onent ' . amp ltude factor I
by the first two terms of the b' P . I and the argument of p are I
. momla expanSIOn, giving
t) = _e'_kz SS sex ) {k
z 0, Yo exp i-rex - x )2 +( } 2z z 0 Yz - Y0)2]
X p[t _ _ (xz - X O)2 _ (yz - yo)2J
2zc 2zc dxodyo (9.48)
' o \ (/,JOlf
J- \
single depth plane and its vicinity. The acoustic lens is generally made 0
plastic material which has a velocity of propagation greater than that of wa
Thus, unlike the case of light optics, the refractive index n is less than nni
where unity represents the index of the surrounding water. The relative pli
delay through the material at each lateral position x, Y is given by
{)(x, y) = ken - l)d(x, y)
where d(x, y) is the thickness of the lens at each position. We can approxi
the spherical surface as a quadratic surface in the paraxial region. In ilia
d(x, y) can be approximated by
d(x, y) :::::::: K + x
where R is the radius of curvature of the lens and K is a constant. I
constant phase factors the phase shift of the lens is thus given by
x2 -L y2 x
+ y2
{)(x, y) = ken - 0--TIr- = -k-V-
where f, the focal 1ength is - (n - 1)/ R. Since the refractive index is
one, this system is a positive converging lens.
To study the field patterns this phase factor is added to the sour
FIG. 9.9 Acoustic focusing system.
One method of modifying the performance shown in Figs. 9.7 and 9.8 is through
the use of acoustic focusing, as illustrated hy the lens system of Fig. 9.9 [Good-
man, 1968]. Bere an acoustic lens is used to ohtain optimum resolution at
ever, since the attenuation rt is frequency dependent, the increased frequenc
results in excessive attenuation at the greater depths. The situation is qui!e
different, however, in systems designed for superficial imaging of the eyes,
tbyrold, vessels m the neck, and so on. These systems mvolve a maximum depth
of about 4 em. Because of the reduced attenuatIOn problem frequencies as high
as 10 MHz (1 = 0.15 mm) can be used. In these cases the optimum transducer
size D is 2.4 mm, representing a considerable improvement in resolution.
190 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
Wideband Diffraction 193
lu(ep,O)! =
is plotted in Fig. 9.11. Here the response is seen to be a very short pulse,
function, for ep = and increasing in width as J increases. The shading
for r' > D Iep I and
t')1 = Isine Irect (Dep r/) -t Isin [1 (t' + ,,+ ] I
x rect (t' +/!>/2) + Isin [1 (t
- t + ] Irect (t' -/:/2)} (9.53)
for r' < D 14> I. In this case the absolute value of the sum becomes the sum of
the absolute values because the terms occur at different times. Notice that in
the second and third terms of each expression it becomes more convenient to
express the transform as a sine rather than a sine function.
These relatively complex equations show the interaction between the tem-
poral or depth response, using the coordinate t' , and the lateral or angular
response, using the coordinate . We can study some special cases in the interest
of clarification. Setting t ' equal to zero, we limit ourselves to the depth plane
z = Tc and obtain the lateral response as
Similarly, we obtain the response along the z axis by setting ep = and obtaining
D (t')
Iu(O, t') I = z rect 7' . (9.55)
On the t' and ep axes we observe the relatively straightforward responses
that were used in the steady-state analysis. In the steady-state analysis these
were also the off-axis responses. If we plot the effective extent of the response in
for example a plot of ep versus t ' indicating the lateral and depth resolu-
it would be a rectangle under the steady-state approximation since the
ternpc)raI and spatial responses are assumed to be noninteracting.
typical response using the more accurate formulation of equation (9.52)
in Fig. 9.10 for a relatively wide pulse. This figure can only show the
c<o,l'\",r,",v,rn",t", extent of the response since the amplitude at each value of ep and
r..,'l11r.." the third dimension. It does illustrate the important deviations from
ste,amf-state approximation. We see the diagonal arms resulting primarily
the last two terms in equation (9.52). These fall off as I/ep, which is not
in the figure. These represent undesired responses well removed from the
of interest. As the pulse length r increases, the relative amount of energy
diagonal arms decreases to the point where the effective extent of the
approaches a rectangle, as in the steady-state approximation. I
In the other extreme, for very short pulses, the response is dominated by'the
term in (9.53), as given by
1 (r') (t' )
!u(>, t') I::::::: z J rect D>
we obtain the two-dimensional transform
Expanding the quadratic terms,
Iv "[ !- _ (xz - X
)2 _ (Yz - Yo)2J}
, YZ> t) = e
;:F {s(Xo, Yo) exp 2Z p t - c 2zc 2zc
x exp (-iOJot), u = l;, v = f;' (9.49)
, , I' the steady-state case, (9.49) is difficult to evaluate,
As wIth the Fresnel mtegra m , h d'
a' , lif the formulation in the far-field regIOn were qua ratle
We can abam h
h ent and the argument of p can be neglected. In
,n x y m bot t e expon ,"
terms 1 0, o. f lation to the x dimensIOn to aVOId exceSSIve
addition we restnct our ormu " , b
: ' , I that case the transmItted field IS gIven y
complexIty m the notatIOn, n
t) ::::::: e
{S(XO)pll (t - T + xzxo)} exp (-iOJot) (9.50)
u x:, Z zc
_ I i 2/2zc representing the approximate time delay from the
where - Z c T X z ,
" to the reflecting point, I
ongm , , I ssume a rectangular source and a rectangu ar
As an IllustratIve examp e, a fi ld l' d
( )
_ t( ID) andj5(t) = rect(tlr). The e amp Itu e
pulse envelope where s Xo - rec xo
is then given by
u(x" t) exp - v)]5' lrect rect (x
- (t.:;;./;;(Zc/x,))\. (9.51)
, I tions' the cases where D > \uclXz I and
This product two
o;maller' rectangle dominates the product of
where D < 1rzclx
)' ,n c , have three regions, corresponding to
the two functions. WIthm each optIOn we function either fits into the
differen,t time,S, where the is reduced. Thus each option
one or IS at eIther end where th r f ach being a Fourier transform of a
represented by the sum of three
s, et'ons whl'ch define the time intervals.
1 ' l' d b ectangu ar tIme unc 1
rectangle mu tIp Ie y r , S' the time response represents 0
in which the different occur. _ T _ t)c representing time as
depth resolution, it is convementffto tt -d (d tl'me S'I'milarly we let r ' = 't'
. f n e ectlve re ar e ,
equivalent depth m terms 0 a WId fi A" = x Iz as a close approxim
the equivalent length of the pulse. e a so ,e ne 'f' "z
h b' ct point makes WIth the ongm. . .
tion to the ang e eac 0 Je, , h factors we limit our express
For simplification, to aVOId carrymg P " d of this chapte
A" ') I Th' . 'n keeping WIth the remam er
to Iu(xz , t) \ = Iu('f', t. IS IS
I d here appropriate since envelope dete
where phase factors have been roppe w ,
, , ssumed The overall response is therefore gIVen by
tIon IS a '
DA" \ ( t
) I A \ ' [l.(t
+ + -
\u(<P, t')\ = +{D\ sinc (-f) rect r' _ D4> T n4> sm A 2. 2
X rect (I' t;12) + :4> Isin U (I' - i - J\ rect (" :ot)\ (9.?
Coefficient (db/em)
Ultrasonic Characteristics of Tissue
Other soft tissues
We have thus far assumed a uniform attenuation coefficient throughout the
object being studied. However, in practice, the attenuation coefficient is a func-
tion of both the particular tissue and of the frequency of the propagating wave
[Woodcock, 1979]. The attenuation mechanisms in biological materials are not
well understood. In many common fluids, such as water, the attenuation is
primarily due to viscous absorption. In these cases the attenuation is propor-
tional to the square of the frequency. In most biological materials, however, in
the frequency range 1.0 to 10 MHz, the attenuation varies directly with the
frequency. This mechanism is usually attributed to a relaxation process in which
energy is removed from the propagating wave by an oscillating particle and then
returned at a later time. Some typical values for attenuation at 1.0 MHz are
given in Table 9.1.
indicates the falloff in amplitude with . As can be seen from Figs. 9.10 and 9.11,
the pulse waveform should be chosen to minimize the volume in the t'- space,
thuS providing the best compromise between depth and lateral resolution.
Using the same techniques, the complete transmitter pattern u(x
, Yn t) can
be studied. The round-trip response to a unity reflecting point e,,(xz, Yz, t) is
again derived using equation (9.17). The received signal from a generalized
reflecting object R(x, y, z) is derived using equation (9.20). In each of these
equations the far-field and paraxial approximations can again be applied to
simplify the computations and achieve insightful results.
= --
= ~
FIG. 9.11 Transmitted field pattern for very short pulses.
_______- ~ : - - - - - - - - - t '
FIG. 9.10 Typical transmitted pattern, using wideband diffraction con-
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
Ultrasonic Characteristics of Tissue 197
(9.60) v{ cos B{ - V
cos B
= V
cos B:
i, r, and t indicate incident, reflected, and transmitted
Our development assumes that the reflectivity of tissues can be modeled as
an array of weakly reflecting isotropic scatterers having a reflectivity R(x, y, z).
Because of the isotropic nature of the reflections, a falloff of liz was assumed as
in equation (9.1). In general, the reflectivity depends on both the shape and the
material in a relatively complex manner [Nicholas, 1977]. The simplest behavior
occurs at a planar interface between two materials. The resultant reflection is
called a specular reflection, as differentiated from the diffuse reflections we have
assumed. The planar surface acts as a mirror and reflects the wave at an angle
equal and opposite to the angle of incidence. In this case the amplitude of the
reflected wave received by the transducer becomes a strong function of the posi-
tion and angle of the transducer. The mathematical development for specular
reflectors of general shapes is more complex than that given for isotropic scat-
terers. However, the general concepts of resolution and diffraction considera-
tions remain the same.
In the earlier ultrasonic instruments, where binary images were produced
which essentially outlined organs and lesions, these specular reflections were the
significant information. In modern instrumentation with large dynamic
and gray-scale displays, the diffusely reflecting, isotropically scattering
have become the most significant, hence the use of the model in this
contains clinically useful information. For example, certain malignant tumors
exhibit increased propagation velocity. A method for reconstructing both
c(x, y) and lX(X, y), using the techniques of computerized tomography, is shown
in Chapter 11.
The reflectivity is dependent on changes in the acoustic impedance. This
\'IlllPedallce Z relates the pressure P to the particle velocity v as given by
P = Zv (9.57)
the acoustic impedance is given by
Z = pc (9.58)
P is the density and c the velocity.
behavior at a planar interface between two materials can be studied
Fig. 9.12. For equilibrium, the total pressure on each side of the interf1ce
equal, and the particle velocity on each side of the interface must !be
These conditions are satisfied when
Mean Velocity
Aqueous humor of eye
Vitreous humor of eye
Human tissue, mean value
Lens of eye
Skull bone
., . . the reflection mode is the assumption
The basis for ultrasomc m h t the body The round-trip time of
f velOCIty t roug ou . . .
of a propaga Ion. . s de tho Fortunately, although vanous matenals
each echo IS used to detern:me It. P t'c velocity the soft tissues of the body
h es m theIr acous 1, . .
exhibit profoun c ang 5 0 / Some representative values are gIven In
are limited to a range of about /0'
Table 9.2.
. 11 ometric distortions in the reproduc
Variations in velOCIty cause sma ge tant propagation velocity.
. d' 1 ystem assumes a cons . b m
images smce the ISp ay s . d deflect the propagatmg ea ....
. . t' can dIStort an h t
addition velOCIty vana Ions 't has been found t a
, . s In some cases 1
causing additional geometnc erro!'. h hout the object of interest, c(x, Y
distribution of propagation velOCIty t roug
ffi' t f the biological tissues varies approximately
As indicated, the coe . 0 f ater and air vary as the square of the
directly with frequ.enc
whIle t a :tion path is primarily soft-tissue struc-
frequency. In studIes where p Phg the abdomen a fixed-gain compensa-
tures of comparable attenuatIOn, I
cases involving blood pools or fluid
. 11y adequate n 0 er .
tion system IS usua . h onent of the gain compensatIOn over
., f d' able to vary t e exp
regions, It IS 0 ten eSlr . 1 rs make this option available.
the path. Many commerCIa scanne
198 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
At specular interfaces, as shown in Fi 9 12 . .
fashion where 8 = -8 As' d' t d
: '.' the wave IS reflected In mirror-like
r i' In Ica e In FIg 9 13th' .
reflection from an organ interface co I' t'l ' . IS.can result In the specular
resultant image will therefore be mis . mp e e y the The
the interface. SIng some 0 the InfOrmatIOn relating to
P" c,
components, respectively. Using Snell's law, we have
sin Of C1
sin Or = G (9.61)
and, as in electromagnetic theory, we set the angle of incidence Of equal to the
angle of reflectance Or'
The reflectivity, defined as the ratio of the reflected pressure to the incident
pressure, is found using equations (9.57) through (9.61) and is given by
R _ Pr _ Z z cos 0f - Z 1 cos Or
- Pi - Z2 cos 8f + Z1 cos 8r
where Z 1 and Z2 are the acoustic impedances in the two interfacing media. At
normal incidence where Oi = 8r = 0, we have
Z2 +21
Table 9.3 gives the reflectivity R at normal incidence for a variety of tissue
Materials at Interface

I I ",.
;z: G
FIG. 9.12 Behavior at a plane surface.
FIG. 9.13 Effect of a compound B scan. '
;n,is problem can be alleviated with ma 1 I
translation-rocking by utilizing a
:l number ofline scans are obtained 'th ' . t each lateral pOSI-
tions, all in the plane of the desiredWI the in different
.on and angle of the transd crhoss sectIOn. record the
ucer so t at the receIved e h t
appropriately recorded in the display Th th c oes a each angle
. us e transducer eventually
Brain-skull bone
Lens-aqueous humor
Lens-vitreous humor
Soft tissue (mean value)-water
Soft tissue-air
Soft tissue-PZT5 crystal
Here we see that the interfaces between soft tissues have a
under 0.10, representing less than 1%of the energy being reflected. This
cides with our "weakly reflecting" assumption, where multiple reflections we
ignored. However, a number of other interfaces, such as between tissue a
bone, tissue and air, and tissue and the transducer, have strong reflections. Th
certain clinical situations can result in multiple reverberations, giving rise
false echoes.
Speckle Noise 201
The calculation of SNR using (9.64) and (9.66) is complicated somewhat
by the constant K. This depends on a variety of factors, including the piezo-
electric constants of the transducer. Equation (9.66) can be restructured in terms
of measured values using a water tank. Assume that a specular
reflector wIth umty or known reflectivity is placed close to the transducer face
so as to. be within the near field. This is an easily performed experiment using
a matenal, such as a metal, whose acoustic impedance is very different than
water. Since the reflector is in the near field, no diffraction effects are involved.
In addition, the atter:uation in water tank, over the short path, is negligible.
The peak reference SIgnal E
wIth R = 1.0 and no diffraction or attenuation is
given by
200 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
reaches a position and angle, as shown in Fig. 9.13, where the beam is perpen-
dicular to the interface so that the specular reflection is received.
The use of higher frequencies has increased the ratio of diffuse to specular
echoes since the amplitude of the diffuse echoes increases as the square of the
frequency. However, these are still considerably lower in amplitude than the
specular echoes so that a large dynamic range is req.uired to them.
Following detection, most ultrasonic systems use nonlmear compreSSIOn, prior
to display, to compress the large specular echoes and enhance the weaker diffuse
The array systems, discussed in the next chapter, use stationary transducer
arrays and thus do not involve compound scanning. However, if a large array
subtends a relatively large angle with the region of interest, it reduces its angular
sensitivity. One mechanical commercial scanner uses eight rotating transducers
immersed in a water bath. These separate views are added to provide the effect
of a compound scan and minimize the angular sensitivity of specular interfaces.
Er = KP ff [sex, y)]2dxdy.
Using this measured value, the value of Eo is given by
Eo = If e-''''E, ISS R(x,y, zo)[s(x,y) ** ei(kr2/2zol]2dXdyl
[sex, y)]2dxdy
Unlike x-ray, with its signal-dependent Poisson noise, the noise in ultrasonic
systems is governed by additive Gaussian noise resulting from the transducer
and the first amplifier. The resultant signal-to-noise ratio is therefore the ratio
of the received signal power at the transducer terminals to the average noise
power e;. .'
In estimating the signal, it must be emphasIzed that the attenuation com-
pensation, defined in equation (9.3), is performed beyond the transducer and
thus does not generally affect the signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, as would be. ex-
pected, reflections from greater depths,which experience increased attenuatlOn,
result in a reduced signal-to-noise ratio.
The sicrnal-to-noise ratio at each depth Zo is defined as the peak signal
power at that depth divided by the noise power as given by
SNR = (9.64)
where Eo is the peak value of eo(t), the signal envelope e(t) derived from depth
plane z = zoo This signal eo(t), in a single transducer system, using steady-state
diffraction theory, from equation (9.32) is given by
eo(l) = K \ e-;;"ft(1 - 0) SSR(x, y, zo)[s(x, y) *>e;{,,'n"'j'dxdy \. (9.65)
The peak value Eo is given by
Eo K
-;;" p \ SSR(x, y, z 0) [s(x, y) ** e;{"'!'''']'dxdy \ (9.66)
where P is the peak value of p(t),
This expression can be used for Eo in (9.61) to find the signal-to-noise ratio
based on experimentally measured values.
. Th.e integral expressions in (9.66) and (9.68) represent the product of the
patterns of the source and the reflectivity at plane zoo If the reflecti-
VIty functIOn R, representing the object being studied at plane z is small
t.he beam. size, the integration is essentially over R itself.
such as a lesion, is large compared to the beampattern,
the IntegratIOn IS effectIvely over the beam pattern and is independent of the
size of the object.
The noise studied thus !s of electrical noise at the input of the system.
ultrasor:Ic Imagmg has substantial coherence properties. This
results In the mtroductIOn of a spatial noise component known as "speckle"
[Burckhardt, 1978]. The origin of this component is seen if we model our
function .an array of Because of the finite resolution, r-t
any tIme we are receIvmg from a dIstribution of scatterers within the resolutiqn
element. scattered signals add coherently; that is, they add constructively
and depending on the relative phases of each scattered waveform.
, !he. nOIse properties of speckle are based on the statistical nature of the
dIstrIbutIOn of the sum of sinusoids reflected from the randomly distributed
scatterers. The resultant phasors add in a random walk distribution. If there are
a large number of scatterers within each resolution element, and the received
Basic Ultrasonic Imaging 203
I C2' P2. a2 I C3. P3. a3
I Z2
9.4 In an ultrasonic imaging system, two isotropic point scatterers are in the
y = each a distance Z from an L X L square transducer. We define
two Images as being separable if the points are separated by at least
the betwee,n .the first zeros of the impulse response.
(a) IS the ml.mmum separation of the points in the x direction to
prOVIde. separable Images where Z = Zl in the geometric near field and
z = Z2 m the far field?
(b) What is the transducer size L that will achieve the same minimum sepa-
ration of points in both the near and far fields at Z = Zl and Z2 ?
9.5 An ima.ging .has an additive noise power component *.
A reflectIng havIng a reflectivity Acirc (rl ro) o(z - zo) is ad-
WIth an CIrcular transducer of radius rt where r
> ro. The
me.dmm a umform attenuation ct. Calculate the ratio of the signal-to-
nOIse ratIo In the near field at Z = Z 1 to that of the far field where Z = Z
Assume geometric imaging for depth Zl and Fraunhofer behavior for depth
FIG. P9.3
compensated for and that the effective pulse envelope is rectangular with a
period -r where c-r/2 < A.
(b) Repeat part (a) where 3A < c-r/2 < 4A.
In the reflectivity of the body we have assumed a weakly reflecting
where b?th the energy lost due to the reflection and multiple reflec-
tIons . be Assume a simple one-dimensional planar model
contammg two reflectmg surfaces which is modeled as
R(x, y, z) = R1o(z - Zl) +R2o(z - Z2)'
(a) Find the estimated reflectivity R(O, 0, z) using a perfect delta function
as the effective pulse envelope taking both the energy loss in reflection and
multiple into account. Ignore attenuation and calculate only the
first receIved multIple reflection.
(b) Find the value of Rusing R
= R
= 0.1. Compare this to R. using the
weakly reflecting assumption.
9.3 An ultrasonic pulse ,:ith aCt) = rect (tiT) is transmitted through
the ,shown m FI,g. P9.3. Plot the envelope of the received signal,
labelmg amplItudes and tImes. Use the weakly reflecting assumption and
neglect multiple reverberations.
SNR = /_
-"\/ 2 _ 2
9.1 A region of the body is modeled as a uniform array of scatterers. A fluid-
filled nonreflecting cyst is contained within the volume so that the reflectiv-
ity is given by
R(x,Y, z) = comb comb comb )(1 - rect x
+ y
(z- zoY),
(a) Plot the estimated reflectivity versus depth in the A mode using an
L x L transducer at the origin where L < A B. Assume geometric
imaging where diffraction is ignored. Assume that the attenuation has been
We use a fundamental property of Rayleigh probability distributions which
relates the mean of the envelope square to the square of the mean, as given by
2 = ..'2. (9.71)
Substituting this in (9.70) yields a signal-to-noise ratio of
SNR = ;E = (4 rcY/2 = 1.91. (9.72)
This relatively low ratio emphasizes the importance of this noise source. It often
overrides the system electrical noise and is especially visible in larger organs
consisting of uniformly distributed scatterers such as the liver. It is not yet well
understood how much this noise component contributes to reducing the diag-
nostic accuracy of the image.
One mechanism of reducing this speckle noise is the summation of a num-
ber of images of the same object, each with independent speckle patterns. This
will reduce the noise by the square root of the number of images. These inde-
pendent images can be obtained by acquiring the data from different angular
views. For example, compound scanning, illustrated in Fig. 9.13, reduces the
speckle noise by acquiring and combining views of the same region from
different angles.
where f2 is the average of the envelope squared. We define the signal-to-noise
ratio as the ratio of the mean of the envelope to its standard deviation as given
phases are uniformly distributed from to 2n radians, the envelope amplitude
E obeys a Rayleigh probability density function given by
2 (_2)
peE) = fi exp E2
202 Basic Ultrasonic Imaging
.. z
FIG. 10.1 Collimated imaging array.

? a.re defined as transducer arrays which are in an image plane.
is III to the arrays we will subsequently consider where the array
a nommagmg plane and the various transducer signals are delayed and
ed to provide image information.
Abasic imaging array is shown in Fig. 10.1. The system shown uses near-
or collimated imaging. The individual transducers shown are fired in
sequence. Intially, we assume that we are operating within the near field of the
individual transducers so that the propagated wave is a geometric extension of
each transducer sn(x, y). Using rectangular transducers each individual source
is described by
six, y) = rect rect (Y hnd). (10./>
As shown in Fig. 10.1, each transducer is driven by the pulse pet) in a
sequence separated by time T. This time, as indicated in Chapter 9, must be
greater than the maximum round-trip time 2z
/ c, where Zmax is the maximum
depth: Each rece:ived subjected to time-varying gain and envelope
detected to proVIde a sIgnal IdentIcal to that of equation (9.4). These signals are
Ultrasonic Imaging
Using Arrays
The various systems described in Chapter 9 all used a single transducer that was
manually scanned to provide a two-dimensional image. These systems lack two
desirable characteristics: real-time imaging and dynamic focus. Although real-
time operation can be achieved by rapidly oscillating mechanical systems, it is
presumed that an electronic scanning approach, with a stationary transducer
array, is more desirable from the point of view of size, weight, and reliability.
Dynamic focus, to overcome some of the basic diffraction problems illustrated
in Figures 9.7,9.8, and 9.9, can be achieved only through electronically con-
trolled transducer arrays.
In our analysis we lean heavily on the results of Chapter 9 in developing
the impulse response due to diffraction and the various considerations of
attenuation, velocity, and reflectivity. We will consider all array configurations
that are presently used or whose use is being considered [Macovski, 1979].
R(O, y, z) = K IR(x, y, z) *** p (2:) [Sn(X, y) ** exp JI
evaluated at x = O. (10.5)
This expression is valid for essentially all depth ranges, within the fairly
broad limits of the Fresnel approximation.
A commercial imaging array is shown in Fig. 10.2 together with a typical
image of a fetal head.
ec(t) = K fff R(x, y, Z)Sn(X, y)p (t - nT - 2:) dxdydz I (10.2)
where, as in Chapter 9, ec(t) is the gain-compensated, envelope-detected signal
R(x, y, z) is the three-dimensional reflectivity of the object, and pet) is th'
received pulse as modified by the various linear parameters of the system
including propagation and filtering. '
This array is an attempt to provide a cross-sectional image of the reflectivity
in the x = 0 plane. When ec(t) is synchronously displayed, the resultant estimate
of the reflectivity is given by
As before, the triple asterisk refers to a three-dimensional convolution. Each
line in the reflectivity image is blurred by sn(x, y) in the lateral dimensions and
p(2z/c) in the depth dimension. Clearly a high-resolution image would require
a relatively short pulse and a large number of relatively small, closely spaced
transducers. However, as the transducers become smaller, our assumption of
collimated imaging, which ignores diffraction, becomes less and less accurate.
In considering diffraction we will use the steady-state approximation of
equation (9.21), which assumes that the pulse envelope arrives at each lateral
position at the same time. We make use of the entire diffraction analysis of
Chapter 9 and use the result of equation (9.34), the resultant signal using the
Fresnel approximation. Applying this to the collimated array, the compensated
detected signal is given by
ec(t) = K SSSR(x, y, Z{Sn(X, y) ** exp (i k;;)J
X p(t - nT - 2:) dxdydz I (10.4)
where r
= x
+ y2. The lateral response has been degraded by diffraction as
noted by convolution with the quadratic phase factor. The estimate of the
reflectivity, including diffraction, is given by
Imaging Arrays 207

10.2 imaging array and a typical image of a fetal head

ourtesy of SIemens Gammasonics, Inc., Ultrasound Division.) .
evaluated at x = O.
\ (2
) N/2 ,
R(O, y, Z) = K IR(x, y, Z) *** P -.:. 2: Sn(X, y)
C n=-N/2
summed to provide an overall output given by
206 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
The imaging array of Fig. 10.1 has proven extremely useful in medical imaging
applications involving superficial structures, including the eyes and major vessels
close to the surface, such as the carotid arteries. In these regions relatively short
wavelengths of about 0.2 mm can be used. For deep body imaging, the attenu-
ation problem forces the use oflonger wavelengths with the associated diffraction
In addition to these diffraction problems, the field of view of imaging arrays
is limited to the geometric extension of the array itself. In many medical imaging
problems it is desired to study a region larger in extent than that of the array.
This is particularly true of the heart, where a relatively small anatomical window
the cardiac notch, limits the size of the array to approximately 2.0 cm. A
to both the lateral resolution problem and the field-of-view problem is electronic
deflection and focusing, our next topic.
In electronic deflection and focusing systems, or phased array systems as they
are often called, the transducer array is placed in a nonimaging plane. Unlike
the imaging system, each transducer receives signals from every point in the field
of view. The outputs of each transducer are appropriately delayed and summed
so as to represent the energy reflected from a specific point. In this manner the
signals from the desired point undergo constructive interference, while those
from the other points undergo destructive interference. A variety of array con
figurations will be considered.
A basic linear array imaging system is shown in Fig. 10.3. Using the controlled
delay elements, the beam pattern is steered and focused so as to sequence through
the region of interest [Somer, 1968]. Initially, we consider the use of the array
solely in the receiving mode. We assume that the object is isotropically insonified
by, for example, a small transducer at the origin of the array. We then calculate
the selectivity of the receiver pattern.
For convenience in the analysis, we initially limit ourselves to the far-field
region in the x dimension. In the y dimension, in linear array systems, there are
no phased array imaging properties. In most cases the height h of the transducer
Linear Array 209
FIG. 10.3 Linear array imaging system, using controlled delays.
is made large enough such that the beam remains al . .
dimension throughout the depth of the v I f .most collImated In the y
. 0 ume 0 mterest In th t h
i,mear d
hProdu.ces sector-scan configuration with the
m t e x dIrectIon, and collimated in the y direction, as shown in Fig.
To calculate the receiver response we start with th
Fresnel expression for the impulse resp; tIe steady-state
by nse a pane z, repeatmg (9.31), as given
h(xz, yz) = hex, y, z) = e
s(xo, Yo) ** exp (.
z l 2z . (10.6)
Si?ce we are considering the far field for the x com t .
thIS pattern as ponen s, we can apprOXImate
hex:> yz) = e;ag:{s,,(xo)}[s/yo) * exp (10.7)
where Q = k(x;/2z + z). It is assumed that d I
separable into the product s (x)s (y) If w f trans ucer Source sex, y) is
transducer is lar e e x Y '. e er assume that the height of the
interest, the thhe depths of
y smg t e rectangu-
Linear Array 211
/ ....
FIG. 10.5 Far-field pattern of a linear array.
since, as yet, no delays have been applied to the transducer outputs prior to
summation. The x axis is conveniently normalized to xzlz, which closely approxi-
mates the angle of the beam. As indicated in equation (10.11), the pattern in the
x direction is an infinite series of sine functions weighted by an overall envelope
function sine (xzwlAZ). For w = d, the array is a continuous transducer of extent
D and thus reduces to the single response at the axis, known as the main lobe.
In this case the zeros of sine (xzwl AZ) occur at the undesired responses known 'S
the "grating lobes" because of the similarity to the diffraction orders of
optical grating. .
Each individual lobe, because of the sine response, has an effective angular
width or resolution of approximately AID, where the distance between zeros is
22/ D. The grating lobes occur at angular spacings of Aid from the desired main
lobe response. These result in undesired spurious responses since they receive
) ioDw {. (xzW) . [D(X
n )J}
Yz = e z smc "1Z n!'::oo smc AZ - d
x [rect *exp (/'f})J.
The pattern in the y direction is the classical Fresnel pattern approximated
in Fig. 9.8, where it is initially collimated and oscillatory and then diverges at
an angle A/h. The far-field pattern in the X direction from equation (10.1) is
shown in Fig. 10.5. Of course, this represents the pattern without deflection
\ \
FIG. 10.4 Field pattern of a linear array sector scan, showing the result of
deflection and focus to a specific region.
Using the relationship
dX ) b (x
dcomb AZ
= AZ - d
Convolution with the comb function replicates the individual
t ( / ) at a spacing d. The overall width is defined by rect (x/ D) with the
:eftned by rect (y/h). Applying (10.7) we obtain the field pattern as
, yz) = e
{[ sine * dcomb (d;;)Jw sine (Xi;)}
x [rect (Yh) * exp (i k{;)J (10.9)
d ay of Fl
'g 103 we have a source distribution given by
lar trans ucer arr .' ,
sex, y) = {[rect comb J* rect (:)} rect
210 . Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
212 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays Linear Array with Deflection 213
energy from angles other than the direction of the main lobe. The full extent of
this grating lobe problem is appreciated when we consider the deflection of the
it becomes. Another general approach is to use an
msomficatIOn system, haVIng Its own spatial response whi h ... h
'11 . .. ' c mInImIZeS t e
I ummatIOn of the regIOns of the grating lobes. Finally as wI'11 b h b
tl . h' ' e sown su se-
quen In IS chapter, the use of short pulses, outside the quasi-steady-state
approxl,matIOn, reduces the :elative peak amplitude of the grating lobes.
USIng the system prevIOusly described, with an isotropic insonification
source and a sector scanner, we again provide an estimate of the reflectivity in
the y = 0 plane, the of.the sector scan, In general, a series of M scan lines
are generated, WIth a dIfferent deflection angle p. Pis incremented by an
amount !18 follOWIng the round-trip time of each line. The incremental angular
!18 should be less than the angular resolution AI D to ensure that the system
adequately sampled. The resultant reflectivity estimate of the system is given
R(x, 0, z) = KI R(x, y, z)e
*** p(2z) {Sine (XW) 1:
C AZ m=-M/2
X sinc [D (i: - - ][rect * exp (/'1:
) ]}!
. evaluated at y = O.
previously indicated, this is the system response for the case of' t .
msonificat' Oft h ' ISO roplc
_ lOn, en t e same lInear transducer array, with the same delays, is
'-- A (3 +-
FIG. 10.6 Far-field pattern of a deflected linear array.
where nd is the x coordinate of the center of each transducer and, as will be
shown, [J represents the resultant angular deflection of the beam pattern. Thus
the phase shift at each transducer exp (icoo'rn) is given by exp (ik[Jnd), where
k = coolc. The field pattern in the x direction, hex;), with these delays, is given by
h(x.) = {erect comb (X
)exp (ik[Jxo)] * rect (10.13)
where the product of exp (ik[Jx) with the comb function provides the discrete
phase shifts exp (ikf3nd). Taking the Fourier transform yields the far-field pattern
'0 Dw (x.W) . [D(x. n [J)]
= e
Z smc -iz smc ;.; - d -'X .
This far-field impulse response of the deflected pattern in the x direction is
shown in Fig. lO.6. Here the main lobe has been deflected to an angle of [J. The
grating lobes continue to be separated from the main lobe by multiples of Ald.
As the beam is deflected, the array of responses move within the overall envelope.
As shown, the desired central lobe is reduced in amplitude and one of the first-
order grating lobes comes up amplitude. Thus, in the presence of deflection,
grating lobes become a more serious problem because of their increased relative
One obvious method of reducing these grating lobes is to limit the angular
scan f3. This, of course, limits the field of view of the imaging system, making
it unacceptable for many procedures. A more general approach is to reduce
the spacing d, which, for a given array width D, corresponds to a larger number
of transducers. This forces the grating lobe to be further down on the overall
The controlled delays are used to steer or deflect the main lobe over an angular
range to provide a sector scan. In general, the delay element 'rn at each transducer
in Fig. 10.3 is equivalent to a convolution of each transducer signal with oCt
_ 'rn), where 'rn is a function of the array x coordinate. In the steady-state
approximation to diffraction theory, this represents a phase shift of exp (iwO!n),
where COo is the center frequency of the system. For deflecting the beam, !n is
made proportional to x as given by
= [Jc (.10.12)
214 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
Linear Array with Focusing 215
For convenience we can ignore the deflection angle p and study the
requirements of the quadratic phase shift 1fI. By setting IfI = 1/2z at each depth,
we cancel the quadratic phase factor at the center of each transducer element,
where x = nd. To achieve our desired focusing at each depth, that is, to provide
diffraction-limited imaging at all depths, the quadratic phase factor must be
eliminated so that the response in the x direction is the desired Fourier transform
of the array aperture. At the edges of each transducer, where X o = nd + w/2,
the phase factors reach their local maximum. The worst case occurs at the edge
of the array where X
= DI2 and (nd)max = D/2 - w/2. If we use the sufficient
condition that the resultant quadratic phase factor in (10.18) be small compared
to 1 radian, we have the inequality
This requirement is necessary in any case if we are to achieve a reasonable
angular field of view. The angular field of the sector-scan pattern, as shown in
Figs. 10.5 and 10.6, is determined by ..t/w, the angular field of each transducer.
The angle Dlz represents an angular field whose largest extent is the size of the
array itself. Thus (10.20) must be satisfied if the field of view is to encompass
a region significantly larger than the array size.
We therefore effectively cancel the quadratic phase factor and provide
focusing by having IfI = 1/2z. The focusing delays must vary dynamically with
depth as the pulse propagates. Various time-varying delay elements, such as
charge-coupled devices or switched delay lines, are used for this function. In
general, the deflection delays are switched to a new value of pfollowing each
scan line, while the focusing delays are varied dynamically during the line scan.
The delays specified for deflection and focusing in (10.19) can be negative. The
actual physical delays rend) must therefore have an added term To to ensure that
they are positive. This fixed delay at each element does not affect the responses
and merely adds an overall delay to the received signal.
The use of dynamic focusing provides the response of equation (10.14) at
all depths, not just in the far field. When the quadratic phase factor of equation
(10.18) is effectively controlled, we again have the Fourier transform of the array
of rectangular elements, resulting in the response of equation (10.14). Witli
dynamic focusing, the array width D can be increased to provide improved
lateral resolution without interfering with the far-field approximation. Unfor-
tunately, there are often anatomical limits on the size of the array, such as the
cardiac notch. Despite this, linear array sector-scan imaging of the heart using
d f
' 'ficatl'on In that case the system response of (l0.15) is modified
use or msonJ ' . ,
by simply squaring the lateral response terms in the braces. ThIS then provIdes
the required round-trip performance. "
It must be emphasized that, in the x we have assumed that we
are in the far-field or Fraunhofer region. In thIS regIOn the system performance
b' d through focusing. The far-field patterns represent the
cannot e Improve
'ff t' l'mI't or the best resolution attainable. In the near field, however,
I rae IOn I , . 1 d 'h d'
, I th D2 / 1 the transducer pattern IS convo ve WIt a qua ratlc
at dIstances ess an /" ,
phase factor. In this region: the ca? significantly Improved through
focusing to provide the deSIred dIffractIOn hmlt.
' th field pattern of the linear array in the x direction is
In the Fresne regIOn e
given by
.. ) () , l (x
h(xJ = e
;- {[rect comb Xl exp [lcoor(xO)]J * rect w * exp l2i
where r(x
) is the functional variation of the delays r n along the x
axis. In the case of deflection r(xo) was equal to !.xolc, or f3ndlc, resultmg m a
deflection angle 13. For focusing, we need an addItIonal delay to com-
pensate for the quadratic phase factor [as is normally by as m
We can restructure the Fresnel convolution of equatIOn (10.16) mto a Founer
transform form, as in equation (9.38), as given by
h(x,) e:
[F![(rect (XI) comb (';) exp [icoor(xo)]) * rect Go)Jex
which can be modified as
) = drect(X
-: + kcr(nd)]} (10.18)
where the overall width of the array rect (xl D) has replaced ?y a finite
N of array elements, In general, the function of, IS to prOVide
= f3ndlc and to provide focusing where It IS used to cancel the
were r
, 'ff . r't d response
ratic phase factor in (10.18) and provide a dl ractIOn- Imi e .
the delay at each transducer -rend) is given by
-rend) = j3nd _ lfI(nd)2.
c c
..t D

w z
Wideband Responses of a Linear Array 217
for ::n < 1
for :!n ;;::: 1.
R. = { ~ n
p= 0 and n = 0, we have the product of a broad sinc pattern sinc
and a narrow sinc pattern sinc (x
DI2z). Since D W, we can neglect
envelope of the broad sinc pattern. This reduces the response to the Fourier
j.;"lIflstolrm of rect (xl D), making it identical to the wideband case studied in
Thus the behavior of the main lobe, pointing straight ahead, is identical
to that illustrated in Figures 9.10 and 9.11 for the single-transducer case. We
again have the diagonal arms in the response, which are neglected in the quasi-
steady-state treatment. The accurate wideband treatment also has a profound
effect on the grating lobes. In evaluating the main-lobe response we set n =
and essentially assumed negligible overlap between the various orders. We
follow the same practice in evaluating the amplitudes of the nth order. Using
the same development as before, where p(t) = rect (tl-c), we have the amplitude
response due to the nth order as
ulxz, t) = exp (-:;iCOot);y {rect ( ~ ) exp ( 2 n ~ n x ) rect (X-c-: t')} (10.21)
where, as before, = xzlz, -c' = Te, and t' = (T
- t)c. Here the complex
exponential gives rise to a grating lobe centered at = n2ld.
To study the relative amplitudes of the grating lobes in response to short
pulses, we set t
= 0, corresponding to the center of the temporal response in
both cases. The ratio of the amplitude of the grating lobe to that of the main
lobe is defined as R
and is given by
R = u
(n2Id, 0). (10.22)
n uo(O, O)
Using (10.21), this ratio is calculated as
.I.E.. for -c' < n2D
R = nJ..D d (10.23)
n 1 for-c,>n2D.
- d
This relationship can be given additional physical meaning by noting that
the number of elements in the array is
N= d (10.24)
and the number of cycles in the pulse is
SUbstituting in (10.23), we have
FIG. 10.7 Commercial sector-scan instrument, showing a typical heart
scan. (Courtesy of Varian Associates.)
The analysis of the linear array was made using the quasi-steady-state approxi-
mation to diffraction theory. For considerations of the wideband case, using
relatively narrow pulses, we make use of the development in Chapter 9 [Norton,
1976]. For example, equation (9.51) represents the one-way response in the x
direction using a rectangular transducer and a rectangular pulse envelope. The
equations following (9.51) are an expansion of this result. This formulation is
identical to the one for the main lobe (n = 0) of a linear array system without
deflection, where p = 0. In equation (10.14) for the response of a linear array,
both electronic deflection and focusing has become a viable diagnostic product.
A commercial sector-scan instrument together with a typical heart image are
shown in Fig. 10.7.
216 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
218 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
Thus for the important first grating lobe, n = 1, the amplitude is reduced by the
ratio of the number of cycles in the pulse to the number of elements in the array.
Typically, this ratio is about an order of magnitude.
This reduction in the peak amplitude of the grating lobes is brought about
by a "smearing out" of the grating lobe response. This is illustrated in Fig. 10.8.
In addition to the grating lobe reduction, Fig. 10.8 illustrates improved
"smoothness" of the main-lobe response brought about by a reduction in the
sidelobes of the sinc pattern. In narrowband systems with relatively long pulses
having patterns similar to that of Fig. 10.5, a reduction in these sidelobes can
be achieved by apodization techniques. Here the overall weighting function of
the transducer array is modified from a rect function to a smoother function
whose resultant Fourier transform is relatively free of the sidelobes.
In the wideband analysis, as indicated earlier, we have neglected the overall
envelope pattern due to the individual transducer responses. This approximation
is valid if these transducer widths ware relatively narrow. Otherwise, this
represents an additional factor in the grating-lobe amplitude, which varies with
the deflection angle fl.
The system described thus far involves processing in one dimension only. The
beam pattern in the y direction was dictated by the classic diffraction patterns
described in Chapter 9. To provide diffraction-limited performance in
lateral dimensions, a two-dimensional array must be used.
A two-dimensional rectangular array can be used to provide a sector scan
dynamic focus in both lateral dimensions. For example, the beam, as
can be deflected in the x direction by a controlled amount fl. At each be
position, dynamic focus can be applied in both lateral dimensions by ag
applying a quadratic time delay to cancel the quadratic phase factor. Si
extending the previous results, we apply a time delay 'r mn to each element:
'r mn = To + l-[flnd - ljf(nd)2 - y(mdY]
where -y(md)2 is the additional delay given each element in the y directio
provide focusing. Both ljf and yare varied proportional to liz as the wavef
propagates to provide dynamic focusing at each depth plane. As can be
from (10.27), each of the N x N elements requires an independent delay co
to achieve the focusing in both dimensions. At the present state of the a
Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
Annular Ring Array Transmitter 221
represents excessive cost and complexity. Other, less complex approaches have
been used. For example, a weakly focused lens can be affixed to a linear
transducer array to provide improved lateral resolution for a range of depths.
The complexity of the controlled delay requirements is greatly reduced if the
delays are used solely to provide focusing. If the beam is not electronically
deflected, delays are required which are proportional to r
, the square of the
radial distance to the transducer axis. Systems of this type are available which
use an array of concentric rings as shown in Fig. 10.9. The controlled delays
radial impulse response (l0.28) becomes
) = eiV;r{circ(..!..L)} = eivllD2 J1(kDrz/2z) (10.29)
Z D/2 2z (kDr
where the circ function, as previously described, is unity for 0 < r
< 1 and
zero otherwise, and J
is the Bessel function of the first kind and first order.
The resultant pattern is often referred to as a "jinc" function because of its
similarity to the sine function, as illustrated in Fig. (2.3). Its effective resolution,
or width of the main lobe, is again approximately AZ/ D, as with the linear array.
The concentric ring array, as shown, provides dynamic focusing but not
deflection. The deflection of the beam is provided mechanically either by trans-
lating or tilting the ring array. The former provides a rectangular sectional
image format, while the latter provides a sector scan.
provide we again require a linearly varying phase shift exp
To provIde thIS WIth an annular ring array, the array must be segmented
The c.oncentric ring array fails to provide both electronic scanning and dynamic
focusmg. To accomplish this without the complexity of a rectangular array, we
make use of the combination of a separate transmit and receive array pattern with
the pattern being the product. It must be emphasized, however, that
the transmItter pattern is not subject to dynamic control. Unlike the receiver
once the is launched we lose control of the pattern, so
that It be vaned wI.th depth. To overcome this, we make use of the unique
propertIes of an annular nng transmitter pattern [Macovski and Norton, 1975].
An annular ring of radius R with infinitesimal thickness has a lateral impulse
response given by
h(rz) = - (10.30)
Applying the sifting property of the delta function, the quadratic phase
comes 0:rt of Fourier transform integral to form a constant phase
as studIed prevIOusly. We are left with the Fourier transform of an
.<!'-.'uu,u;:, which is simply the kernel of the Hankel or Fourier-Bessel transform of
The resultant pattern is given by
) = eiv21lRJo(21lRrz).
the quadratic phase factor, in an annular ring configuration, is automat-
removed. The resultant response of (10.31) is therefore the same in both
and far field. This achieves an effective focusing which is depth
h(rJ = s,,(ro) exp [-ika(nd)2] eXP[i(;z)dJ}
where snCr 0) represents each annular ring.
As with the linear array, we dynamically set a = 1/2z at each depth,
providing an exact cancellation of the quadratic phase shift at the center each
annular ring, where r
= nd. Using the same approximations as those prevIOusly
described for the linear array, under the same conditions as in (10.20), we
assume that the quadratic phase shift is adequately canceled over the entIre
array. Under these conditions, with contiguous annular rings, the lateral or
FIG. 10.9 Dynamic focusing system, using concentric transducer rings.
., =., -
n 0 C
are time varied so as to again cancel the quadratic phase factor in equations
(9.31) and (9.38). The resultant lateral response, making use of radial symmetry,
is given by
222 Ultrasonic Imaging Using Arrays
Theta Array 223
so that individual delays 'C
= pxjc can be applied. Adding this linear phase
factor in (10.30) provides a deflected pattern given by
FIG. 10.10 Theta array, using a weighted annular transmitter and a linear
array receiver.
This to as theta array, achieves
reSl)lution m both dImenSiOns usmg a relatively simple structure. As shown,
of linearly varying delays in the x direction is used to deflect the annular
to the same angle as that of the linear array. The linear array has both
and quadratic delays for deflection and focusing.
can rewrite (10.36) as
her ) = eiV[J1(kRr,,/z) 1 J (kRr
) co 2 A..J (10.38)
'" kRrz - Z 2 -z- S 'fJ
this form we can appreciate that the response in the y direction ( = 90,
is the desired jinc function, which characterizes a full aperture system
at the desired depth. The response in the x direction has significant
content. However, in the x direction, the overall pattern is mostly
tiormnate:Q by a dynamically focused linear array, as shown in Fig. 10.10.
h(r", ) = - R) cos
Using the polar transform relationship of equation (2.34), we have
h(r", ) = - 21
Using the Bessel function recursion identity
J () + J () = 2nJ
n-l X n+l X X
This response can be modified by taking advantage of the fact that the desired
transmitter pattern need only provide improved resolution in one dimension.
The dynamically focused linear array can provide the desired pattern in the x
direction with a relatively simple structure. The annular array can be modified,
using angular weightings, to provide an improved response in the y direction.
For example, using a cos
8 weighting, we have
h(x", y,,) = e;v {b(ro- R) exp [i (fz)dJ exp (ikPx o)}
_ iv 2rcRJ (2rcR,J(Xz - f3Z)2 + y;)
- e Z 0 )'z
where we have used the shift relationship
)} = b(x" - f3z). (10.34)
Equation (10.33) essentially assumed continuous segmentation of the annulus.
With finite segmentation the response is modified similarly to that of the linear
array, depending on the nature of the segmentation. As indicated, the response
is simply translated an amount f3z or deflected by an angle p.
The segmented annular ring provides a Jo(') response at all depths which
can be relatively simply deflected. This response has the desired narrow central
lobe, but has a severe problem of sidelobes. It is a highly oscillatory response
whose first sidelobe amplitude is 40 %of the peak response and whose fourth
sidelobe has a relative amplitude of 22 %. A pattern of this type causes many
false responses. Thus the uniform annulus would function poorly where the
transmitter pattern is relied on to provide the required resolution in one of the
lateral dimensions.
E uation (10.11) is the on-axis impulse response of a linear of rectan
10.1 dlar transducers. Find the impulse response, h(xz, Yz), a lmear array
circular transducers of radii Rand center-to-center spacmg d.
10.2 Estimate the largest ratio of grating lobe amplitude
tude for a linear array system that has been d:flecte y. ra Ian. e
. t f 20 contiguous elements of wIdth w= 1.0 mm. Assume
array conSlS so. . h [; fi ld where A- 05
the steady-state approximation, operatmg m tear e , - .
mm. d d fl .
. F 106 the main lobe is attenuated with increase e ectlOn
10.3 As shown m h
. d 'fl' f n angle {3 is the main lobe attenuated to 50 %of
angle {3. At w at e ec 10
its on-axis value?
Selected Topics
in Medical Imaging
In this chapter we consider a variety of medical imaging techniques which are
not broadly involved in current clinical practice. Some of these are at the level
of basic research, while others have advanced to the stage of initial clinical trials.
Nuclear magnetic resonance, or NMR as it is often abbreviated, has recently
been adapted to medical imaging. Some of the results, especially in providing
cross-sectional images of the head, have been very promising, so that this
modality is clearly worth considering. NMR requires subjecting the body to
relatively intense magnetic fields. Thus far, these appear to be without any
toxic effects, so that it has the advantage, over x-rays, of being free of ionizing
The basic NMR phenomenon [Bloch, 1946] has been used as an analytic
tool in chemistry and physics since itl> discovery. The phenomenon is based on
226 Selected Topics in Medical Imaging
the magnetic moment present in a wide variety of organic and inorganic mate-
rials. To possess a magnetic moment the nuclei must contain an odd number
of protons or neutrons. This requirment is met by a very large percentage of
stable nuclei and radiosotopes. Most important for medical imaging, hydrogen
possesses a magnetic moment and is by far the most active source of NMR
signals among the elements.
The presence of a magnetic moment is equivalent to the nuclei being arrays
of small magnets. When these are placed in an external magnetic field the
magnetic moment tends to align itself parallel to the field. Since the nucleus is
spinning, the magnetic moment responds to the external field like a gyroscope
precessing around the direction of the field. The rotating or precessing frequency
of the spins COo is known as the Larmor frequency and is given by
COo = yH (ILl)
where y is the gyromagnetic ratio, a property of the material, and H is the external
magnetic field.
Equation (ILl) represents the fundamental relationship between the mag-
netic field and frequency for a given material. It is this relationship that forms
the basis of various imaging modalities. Complex magnetic field distributions
are used so that each spatial region has a unique magnetic field and thus a unique
frequency. In the area of chemical analysis, in nonimaging systems, equation
(11.1) is used for material analysis where a fixed magnetic field is applied to a
small volume of interest. Each material in the sample represents a different
To perform either imaging or material analysis a signal at the precession
frequency must be emitted by the material. This is accomplished by exciting the
precession with a radio frequency rotating field in the x, y plane in addition to
the static field in the z direction. The total vector field His then given by
fj = Hoz + HI(x cos coot +y sin coot)
where X, y, and z are the unit vectors. The resultant precessing moment is
shown in Fig. 11.1. The precession or tipping angle () is given by
() = yHlt
where tp is the duration of the radio-frequency rotating field excitation.
When the excitation ceases, the rotating magnetic moment undergoes "fr
induction decay" as it decays to its equilibrium state. In this decay process
signal is emitted at the resonant frequency COo = YH. It is this signal that is
in image formation. The signal is normally detected using the same coils
produced the rotating magnetic field HI'
The resulting signal V is proportional to the hydrogen density of the m
rial, since each spinning nucleus is contributing. Following the excitation,
magnetic moment returns to its equilibrium value with a time ponstant
known as the longitudinal or spin-lattice relaxation time. In most ima
systems, as we will consider, repeated excitations are required of the same re
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
FIG. 11.1 Precessing magnetic moment.
When a region is reexcited that has not f .
resultant free induction decay or FlO . uIIy to Its equilibrium value the
by SIgnal amplItude V is diminished as given
. V = kp(1 - er.IT,)
k IS a proportionality constant.. (11.4)
Imaged, usually hydrogen and t . th' P. IS :he denSity of the material being
As can be seen, the between excitations.
strength and imaging time. The longitudin t
IS a. Con:promise between signal
lsec. Therefore, fa must be a reas a tIme T1 is approximatel
fraction .ofthe maximum signal of sec?nd to provide a
mInutes of data acquisition time. ' many ImagIng procedures require
Note that for relatively short value
on p and T
These ho s of fa' the resultant signal will dep d
.'. , wever, are both . . . en
beIng stUdied. Measureme t Important clImcal properties of the
oLp and T
n s at two values of fa can separate the val
A . ues
varIety of volumetric imaging methOd
methOd, caIIed zeugmatograrphy [Laut b s can be used. One straightforward
anar fl' er ur and La' 1980] .
flie> 0 p anar Integrals of the volume at all I, , Involves acquiring
I actI.vIty of each voxel in the volume Th . I an.
then reconstructing
IS accomplished by adding a 'd' e ISO atI.on of SIgnals from particular
field R '. gra lent field In d'fli '.
p' 0, whIch IS in the z directi A I erent dIrectIOns to the
J&... 11.2. on. representative geometry l'S sh .
r " own In
'> .n addItIon to the static H
field .
generated Using coils, a relatively HI field at COo
len e d Hg IS added in different
Selected Topics in Medical Imaging
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 229
' NMR imaging configuration,
FIG.11.2 asIC
e a g
radient in the x direction given by
. '11 t t've purposes assum
directIOns. For I us ra I . (11.5)
H = Gx
h osition Using equation (11.1) we see
where Hg(x) is the field at x has' its own nuclear resonant fre-
that each yz plane, at dIfferent va ues 0 x,
quency, as given by (H I G ) (11.6)
wo(x) = Y 0 T X. ,
, be used at a specific frequency y(Ho + Gx
) WhICh
An excitation Signal H 1 can d b the specific x value represented by
, '1 1 ne represente y 1 , h
will excIte a speci c yz p a f 'tations at different frequencIes, t e
b a sequence 0 excI '\'
that frequency. us, y d ' d A more efficient approach utI Izes
, f h plane can be enve ' 'd h
integrated denSIty 0 eac h 'tatl'on simultaneously provI es t e
, ' f H where t e excI ,
a broadband excItatIOn or 1 lane, For example, an exclta-
0" Ie for each frequency or p ,
required 90 tJppm,g ang will have a rectangular spectrum havmg a.
tion of the type smc (t/"r) cos wot h 1 at each x value produces the
Thus eac yz pane, '
bandwidth l!-r centere at wo , f lfwe take a Fouriertransfor
, ,,' 1at ItS own requency. .
"free inductIOn decay sIgna ", t l'tS frequencV components, we w
. ' 1 d composmg It m 0 .J h d
of the received sIgna, e t' the planar integration of the y r
ments represen mg ,
have an array 0 measure '01 ideband pulse results m the acq
gen density at each value,of x, Thus a sm,::, e w ,
sition of a set of planar mtegrals, . h h d'ient shifted to all possible dlr
ated Wit t e gra d
This process can e repe :-- 1 These can then be use
. 1 et of planar mtegra s, ,
tions to provIde a comp ete s , I 1 in the volume usmg the te
reconstruct the hydrogen denSIty ?f voxe
niques of reconstruction from proJectl?nS, [Lauterbur and Lai, 1980] is to
One approach to the reconstructIOn" f the volume For exam
d' . nal projectIOns 0 '.
derive an array of two- Imenslo t k with the gradient dlrec
assume that a ser,ies of incrementally rotated aro,
normal to the x aXIS, Thus t e gra len
the x axis. Tn each case, an array of planar integrals are formed which are
parallel to the x axis. These represent line integrals of the projections of the
volume in the x direction. Using the classic reconstruction technique described
in Chapter 7, the projection of the volume in the x direction can be calculated.
This process can be repeated, each time developing a two-dimensional projection
of the volume in an array of planes parallel to the y axis.
Once this set of projections exists, in a cylindrical geometry about the y
axis, we have the required information to reconstruct any planar cross section
parallel to the xz plane. Using the calculated projection data at all angles, we
again use the technique of reconstruction from projections to reconstruct any
element in the plane. Thus the information is processed using two successive
applications of reconstruction: first to obtain the projections from the planar
integrals, and then to reconstruct the individual planes from the projection
A second generic approach to NMR is the multiple sensitive point method
[Andrew, 1980J. This method utilizes an alternating gradient rather than the
previously described static gradient. The resultant NMR signal is then modulated
by the frequency of alteration, typically of the order of 100 Hz. If this frequency
is filtered out of the resultant received signal, the average value represents the
planar integral of the density at the narrow slice having a zero alternating field.
We have thus limited the acquisition to a single plane. Simultaneously, an alter-
nating gradient field of a different frequency can be applied normal to the first
gradient. After filtering both frequencies, the resultant signal represents the
density of single line, corresponding to the intersection of the two zero alter-
nating field planes.
Many variations are possible on this general theme for reconstructing each
Yoxel. The acquired sensitive line can be moved through a plane at all angles and
positions with the data used to reconstruct each pixel in the plane. Alternatively,
alternating field at the third perpendicular axis at another frequency can
so as to cause the filtered received signal to represent a single point.
manipulating the fields this single point can be scanned throughout the vol-
e. A more efficient, less time-consuming approach is to use a static field in
$,third axis. In this case, each point in the line will produce a different fre-
ency when excited with a wideband pulse. Again, a Fourier transform can
sed to provide the response at each frequency, simultaneously providing the
sity of each point on the line.
Another general imaging method we will consider makes use of a funda-
tal property of NMR as given by equation (11.3). As indicated, the pre-
ion angle eis determined by the strength of the rotating field Hi and the
. . duration of the HI pulse. This method is called the selective iradiation
ss [Crooks, 1980]. Thus far we have considered excitations involving
}90, resulting in a free induction decay (FlO) signal. This approach involves
180, known as an inverting excitation. This excitation does not produce a
induction decay signal. Instead, the resulting magnetic moment returns to
Selected Topics in Medical Imaging
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 231
(11. 7)
This process can be used to measure the T
property of the material or as an
alternative imaging system.
The spin echo phenomenon can be used in imaging by again isolating a
line as the intersection between two planes. The first 90 excitation is applied
to one plane and then, after a time t
, the 180 inversion excitation is applied
to the quadrature plane. Following another time interval t
, a spin echo will be
produced which represents only the line intersection of the two planes.
A novel approach to NMR imaging which appears quite promising is
known as the spin warp system. It has the interesting distinction of using
electrical and spatial Fourier transforms in the reconstruction process. Prior to
acquiring data from a plane, or a set of planes, a gradient field is applied normal
to the plane. This gradient momentarily causes frequency changes along the
gradient. When the gradient is removed, and the signal is received, regions along
the gradient will provide signals at different phases.
These phase variations will be cyclical with a periodicity based on the
strength of the gradient. Effectively, the information in the plane is being
decomposed into a specific spatial frequency based on the strength of the
gradient. Therefore, a series of acquisitions at different gradient amplitudes
results in a decomposition of the plane into its spatial frequency components
normal to the gradient.
To define each pixel in the plane completely, information is required normal
to the direction of the spatial frequency decomposition. This is accomplished
using an additional gradient normal to the one described previously which is
applied prior to data acquisition. This additional gradient is present during the
acqusition time so that each line in the plane corresponds to a different emitted
frequency. A Fourier transform of the temporal signal decomposes the plane in
one direction while a spatial Fourier transform of the successive cyclical phase
variations decomposes the plane in the orthogonal direction, defining each pixel.
We have discussed many approaches to imaging the density of the magnetic
moments which effectively represent hydrogen density when the appropriate
frequencies are used. As indicated, hydrogen provided by far the most intense
signal, which allows imaging in a reasonable time. Other elements have mag-
netic moments. However, the reduced abundance and magnetic moment neces-
sitates very long data acquisition times, so that images of other elements have
yet to be obtained in a clinical setting.
In addition to measuring hydrogen density, the various decay-time constants
can also be measured and used to form useful clinical images. Some examples
of clinical iinages using NMR are shown in Fig. 11.3.
be reversed. It is characterized by the time constant T
, another important prop-
erty of the material which could prove important in diagnosis. The resultant
spin echo signal amplitude is given by
v = kp(l - 2e-
Note the factor of 2 resulting from the initial inversion excitation.
At first a planar integration is acquired as previously described by using a
static gradient and a 90 excitation pulse at frequency. The
resultant sianal representing the integrated densIty m a plane IS stored. After the
system equilibrium we apply a static and excitation
pulse in quadrature with the first. plane. ThIS second pul.se, however,
is doubled in amplitude and/or tIme so that e= 180 , thus mvertmg the mag-
netic moments. This excitation produces no received free induction decay signal.
The first excitation is then repeated after a time t b to again obtain the integration
of the same plane as modified by equation (11.7).
The integrated values of the plane taken before and after the inverting
excitation subtracted. All the values in the plane will cancel except for the
line of intersection of the plane with the quadrature plane having the inverting
excitation. In this line, the preconditioned signal will be different, and therefore
not cancel. If the time between the inversion and the readout is sufficiently short,
the signal along the line of intersection will be the. negative of the previ?us
sianal so that the subtraction will double the amphtude of the selected lIne.
r; an; case, the output will be limited to the line of intersection. This line
aaain be scanned throughout any plane of interest to provide an approprIate
reconstructi on.
The 180 inversion excitation can be used following a 90 excitation to
provide another imaging approach. The free induction decay signal resulting
from a 90 excitation has a relatively short time constant because of the local
inhomogeneity of the fields caused by the gradients. In general, nuclei is
precessing at a slightly different frequency. The resultant phase
destructive interference, resulting in the rapid decay. However, the 180
excitation following the 90 excitation by a time interval t e causes the varIOUS
phase relationships between the individual nuclei to be reversed. A gi:en spin
which is lagging another in phase by an angle lJI is altered so as lead m
by the same angle. Therefore, following this 180 excitation the varIOUS
components that were out of phase return to being i.n phase after :he tIme t

The resultant signal produced is called a spin echo. A SImple analogy IS a num?er
of racing cars leaving a starting point at different speeds and slowly
"out of phase" after a time T. If their directions are reversed, after another tIme
T, they will again be "in phase" at the starting line. . .
The spin echo signal has an amplitude somewhat less than orIgl?al
FID. This loss is due to the spin-spin relaxation process whereby the
of each precessing nuclei with its neighbor causes some dephasing. ThIS IS a
random process, unlike the dephasing due to the nonuniform field, and cannot
equilibrium with the relaxation time T!. Therefore, if a 90 is applied
at a time t
after the 180 inverting excitation, the resultant FID sIgnal amplitude
is given by
The principal motivation of this technique is the noninvasive study of vessels
[Ovitt et aI., 1978]. With invasive procedures where catheters are inserted into
vessels, large amounts of iodinated contrast material are present, resulting in
good vessel visualization, despite the intervening anatomical structures. In
noninvasive studies, however, the very low iodine concentration is insufficient
to be visualized in a normal radiograph. As a result, subtraction techniques are
employed to eliminate the intervening tissue so that the iodine visualization is
limited solely by noise. The subtraction technique involves obtaining data both
before and after the administration of the contrast agent, and subtracting the
Let f.1r(x, y, z) be the attenuation coefficient of the tissue in the anatomical
region under study. Let f.1ix, y, z) be the attenuation coefficient distribution of
the administered contrast agent. The subtraction operation involves first taking
the logs of the measured intensities to derive the desired line integrals and then
subtracting. The measured intensities, assuming monoenergetic parallel x-rays
II = 10 exp [ - f f.1l x, y, z)dzJ (11.9)
12 = 10 'exp [ - f LuC<x,Y, z) + f.1cCx,y, z)]dz]. (11.10)
Subtracting the logs, we have
I n ( ~ : ) - I n ( ~ ~ ) = ff.1cCx,y,z)dz (11.11)
the desired projection image of the contrast agent alone.
The quality of this image is limited by two factors, motion and noise.
Various physiological motions, often involuntary, occur between II' the pre-
pontrast image, and 1
, the postcontrast image. This provides a motion "noise"
gomponent in the output image given by
Where t 1 and t 2 are the acquisition times of the images. This effect can be
minimized by storing a number of precontrast and/or postcontrast images and
finding a pair that provides acceptable tissue subtraction performance with a
small n

The basic noise sources have been considered in Chapter 6, including

goisson counting noise, additive noise, and scatter. The deterministic scatter
qornponent should be essentially identical both before and after the administra-
tion of contrast material since the scattering volume is unchanged. Therefore,
this scatter component should cancel out, leaving only the statistical noise.
234 Selected Topics in Medical Imaging Energy-SelectiJle Imaging 235
The total Poisson counting noise will therefore be represented by the transmitted
and scattered photons of each measurement. Similarly, the additive electrical
noise, from devices such as television cameras, will be comparable on each
measurement. Since each noise component is independent, the total variance
from equations (6.35) and (6.26) is given by ,
fluoroscopy. The output of the television camera, on each frame, is digitized
and stored in a digital memory. The outputs of the two memories are appropri-
ately processed and subtracted to provide the image of Fig. 11.4.
where Nt is the number of transmitted photons per element, Ns the number of
scattered photons per element, and 0'; represents the effective standard devia-
tion of the additive noise. Each component is doubled since the independent
variance of the two measurements are added. The resultant SNR, neglecting
motion, is given by
In regions where the anatomy is relatively static, such as the carotid arteries,
excellent vessel images have been produced. A representative example is given
in Fig. 11.4. The subtraction operation is made highly stable using digital
Since different materials have different energy-dependent attenuation coefficients
p,(&), measurements made at different energies can aid in the identification of
specific materials in the body. This process is analogous to the use of color in
the visible spectrum, where measurements are made in three spectral regions to
enable the identification of the reflectivity of objects by their color.
As indicated in equation (3.13), the attenuation coefficient of materials in
the body can be decomposed into a sum of the Rayleigh, photoelectric, and
Compton scattering coefficients. As shown in equation (3.14), each. individual
component can be represented by a constant, weighting a particular function
of energy. The energy function is the same for each material, so that each
material is completely defined by the weighting constants. If we neglect the
relatively small Rayleigh component, the attenuation coefficient of any material
can be characterized as [Alvarez and Macovski, 1976]
wherejc(S) andjp(S) are universal functions and a
and a
are a pair of constants
representing the material. As indicated in Chapter 3, jcCS) is a rather complex
function given in equation (3.16), andjp(S) is approximately given by S-3.
Equation (11.15) indicates the desirability of a two-dimensional decompo-
sition of x-ray attenuation coefficients. For example, in a computerized tomo-
graphy system, rather than only making a cross-sectional image of I.t(x, Y),
additional cross-sectional images can be made of apex, y) and ac(x, y) which
indicate specific material properties. As indicated in equation (3.14), a
is depen-
dent on the electron density, while a
is additionally strongly dependent on the
atomic number. Thus the pair of processed images delineate the important
parameters of average p and Z at each pixel.
To create the cross-sectional images a
and a
, we must first find their
projections or line integrals which we will call Ac and Ap' respectively, where
Ap = f apex, y)dl
FIG. 11.4 Subtraction image of the carotid artery.
Ac = f acCx, y)dl.
These can be calculated by first making measurements at two indpendent
Selected Topics in Medical Imaging Energy-Selective Imaging 237
r = ap2 - ap1
ad - ac2
ere ap1 , a
and ap2 , a
are the photoelectric and Compton coefficients of
two materials being matched. With this value of r, all equal lengths of the
materials will provide equal values in the resultant image.
An excellent example of this procedure is chest imaging, where important
ons are often obscured by bone. By setting bone to mimic soft tissue, using
ation ([1.22), the bones will disappear providing an image of the soft tissue
. For example, ribs immersed in soft-tissue structures will have no apparent
trast since they produce the same output as soft tissue. A chest image where
bone mimics soft tissue is shown in Fig. 1].6 together with a conventional
t image. For completeness, Fig. 11.7 shows the same image using the method
quation (11.21) to remove the soft tissue and display the bone.
where apt and act are the photoelectric and Compton constants of the material
to be removed. This can, for example, be used to eliminate soft tissue or water
structures to either display bones, calcifications, or administered iodine-contrast
One excellent example is the intraveneous pyelogram (IVP), where an
iodinated contrast agent collects in the kidney. As shown in Fig. 1l.5, the
conventional IVP normally has intervening bowel gas dispersed among the soft-
tissue structures which seriously degrades the visualization of the kidney. Using
ual-energy acquisition and processing, a weighted sum image is taken to cancel
ter or soft tissue. As shown, this eliminates bowel gas interference since it
presents variations in soft tissue. The resultant visualization is remarkably
proved and has led to the identification of disease which was otherwise missed.
Another important application is tissue look-alike, where any given material
be made to appear like any other. Here the ratio r is chosen as given by
dual-energy CT systems provide both material information and artifact-free
reconstructi 0 ns.
Tn addition to computerized tomography, dual-energy reconstructions are
very significant in projection radiography. Here dual-energy measurements are
acquired as two-dimensional projections of the entire volume. These projections
are processed, exactly as previously described to provide two-dimensional
image data Ap(x, y) and AcCx, y). These can be individually displayed to provide
material-dependent projection information.
A more exciting presentation is the display of a weighted sum of Ap and A
[Lehmann et aI., 1981], providing an image of the type
A(x, y) = A/x, y) + rAcCx, y) (11.20)
where r is the ratio of the combined components. This ratio r can be chosen to
provide a wide variety of useful clinical images. For example, to eliminate a
particular material, r is given by
= SSZCS) exp [ - Sp(S, x, Y)dlJdS,
b bt' d by using different anode voltages on the x-ray
The two t
0 material in the beam, Alternatively, energy-
tubes and/or llleren x-r
selective detectors can be used, 'dA f J d
, system is then required to derIve Ap an c rom 1 an
A data-processmg f th f t that the line integral of the attenuation coeffi-
I Here we make use 0 e ac 1 ' b
7' 'h f the photoelectric and Compton line integra s as gIven y
clent IS t e sum 0
Sp(S, x, y)dl = Apf/S) + Acfc(S), (11.18)
, ' (11 18) I'n the (11 17) measurement equations, we have two equations
SubstItutmg, .
in two unknowns, Ap and A c' ,
If 5 (S) and 5 (8) represented narrow monoenergetIc sources, we
, 1, 2 ,I that case by merely taking logs, we have a SImple
the mtegratiOn over energ) , n, 'th b d
, . fAd A In the general case, however, WI roa -
algebra1c solutiOn or p an c' , ' 1 f
.. d 'th the solution of nonlmear mtegra equa IOns,
spectral sources we are lace WI l' fth f
, 'b 1 ed numerically using power series so utiOns 0 e orm
The equatiOns can e so v
2 I b A A I b A
I b A
In II = b
+ b
+ b
+ b3A;, + b4Ac i 5 p c T 6 p T 7 c (1 I.l9)
I 1
- C -1- C A --l- C2
+ C3A;, + + csApAc + +
n 2- 0 I 1 piC 'h
The sets of constants b
and C
can be evaluated or preferably
wn materials, In the latter method It becomes prefera e
to the line integral of specific materials
rather than the photoel,ectric and Compt,:
materials such a: e represent the actual length
integrals of alummum an wa a w' Th' decompo
of the test materials used, resulting in a high degree of d be easil
sition is e uivalent to a photoelectric-Compton decomposl I,on an tal
into the latter with a simple linear transformatiOn [Lehmann e.
1981]0' A and A are determined, or the equivalent based on :wo act
nce p c f I images as m conve
materials, they can be used to reconstruct cross-sedcMiOna k' 1976] For exa
, d phy (CT) (Alvarez an acovs 1, '
tional computerIze tomogra " ' f Cha ter 7 images
pIe, using the convolution-back proJectIdon, properti.
( )
d (x y) can be reconstructe glvmg e 'f:
ap x, y an a
, "11be free of the nonlinear art! a
It is important to note that these Images WI , d l'ne integ
, ' h ((7 69) Smce the processe 1
discussed in connectiOn Wit equa Ion " , 'f t Theref
are energy independent, they are totally free of the nonlInear art! ac .
energy spectra 5
(S) and 5 2 (S) as given by
= S5
(S) exp [-Sp(S, X,Y)dZ]dS
Energy-Selective Imaging 239
FIG. 11.6 A conventional chest image and a processed image where the
bone mimics soft tissue.
FIG. 11.7 Chest image with the soft tissue eliminated to display the bone.
Line-Integral Ultrasonic Reconstruction Systems 241
FIG. 11.8 Ultrasonic line-integral data acquisition systems.
T = 1- fn(x, y)dl
this is given by
In general information about the reflectivity of voxel in a
volume can be acquired directly in a conventIOnal echo
system. In x-ray, however, the ?f the attenuatIOn of
individual voxels is not done by dIrect acquISItion but by reconstructIOn of hne
integral measurements. . ., .
Throughout the remainder of this chapter we WIll bnefly dISCUSS
systems which represent the reverse of the ..
ultrasonic systems, which, rather than directly acqulfl.ng reflectIVIty
use reconstruction from line integrals. Also, we WIll show two radIOgraphIC
systems where x-ray parameters are acquired directly rather than by reconstruc-
tion from line integrals.
where T is the time of flight, Co the standard velocity in water, and n the relative
refractive index co/c. For the attenuation, the line integral is defined as
In (e
) = fex(x, y)dl
In Chapters 9 and 10 ultrasonic imaging was studied in reflection
the only one in widespread clinical use. The immense of reflec:lOn
approach is due to the direct acquisition of
The impetus for alternative approaches, based on .mformatlOn, IS
the desire to measure ultrasonic parameters other than reflectIVIty.
Early results indicate that the localized sonic velocity or i?dex,
and the localized sonic attenuation may have significant correlatIOns WIth disease
processes. These parameters are not available in a
image, although they can be grossly inferred. For example, .Ifthe behmd a
lesion appears to be echo-free, it may be implied that the leSIOn exhIbits unusually
high attenuation, thus reducing echoes behind it. .
Reconstruction of velocity and attenuation requires measurement of their
line integrals and then a mathematical inversion as in :.
The line integrals can be measured by the system shown In FIg. 11.8, which IS
identical in concept with the x-ray system of Fig. 7.4.
Usina a scanned transmitting transducer and a synchronously scanned
receiver t:ansducer, a complete set ofline integrals are measured at all positi?ns
and angles [Greenleaf and Bahn, 1981]. Two measurements are made: time
of flight to measure the line integral of the refractive index and the to
measure the line integral of the attenuation coefficient. For the refractIve mdex,
similar to the x-ray case in Chapter 7. Thus the line integrals of n and ex are
derived from the measurements.
These measurements are used to reconstruct cross-sectional images of
n(x, y) and ex(x, y). These have been shown to be diagnostically significant
[Greenleaf and Bahn, 1981] in the diagnosis of diseases of the breast. The breast
is essentially the only organ where this technique can be applied since it allows
for transmission measurements at all angles and positions without intervening
air and bone.
Another line-integral approach to ultrasonic imaging has been proposed
as an alternative approach to measuring reflectivity [Norton and Linzer, 1979].
If a small transducer is excited with a pulse, it will produce an isotropic pattern
represented by expanding circles in a plane. In the receiving mode the output
from the transducer, at any given time, represents the line integral of the reflec-
tivity function along a particular circle. The circle is centered at the transducer
and has a radius cT/2, where T is the round-trip time interval. If a ring of
transducers is placed around the object being studied, such as a section of the
breast, each transducer will produce an array of measurements of the line inte-
grals of concentric circles. The total array of measurements can be inverted
[Norton and Linzer, 1979] to provide a two-dimensional reflectivity function.
In this way the reflectivity is measured without attempting to create focused
beam patterns aimed at specific regions.
Classic radiographic transmission measurements represent th.e line integral. of
the attenuation coefficient. Systems do exist, however,
radiographic parameters. One example is Compton scatter ImagIng, as Illustrated
in Fig. 11.9 [Farmer and Collins, 1971).
Stimulated Positron Emission 243
function of position. The beam can be scanned through a plane of interest to
provide p(x, y). The system has a few inherent assumptions, such as neglecting
multiple scattering events and the attenuation of the beam. Clinical images have
been produced.
Another recent approach to the direct acquisition of radiographic data is
stimulated positron emission [Benjamin and Macovski, 1979). This method is
comparable to the positron emission system described in Chapter 8, except that
radioactive isotopes are not involved. Instead, a high-energy monoenergetic
sheet beam is used to stimulate the emission of positrons with the subsequent
annihilation and emission of a pair of 51 O-kev photons traveling in opposite
Consider the system illustrated in Fig. 8.12. Assume that a sheet beam
parallel to the detector arrays and having an energy greater than 1.02 Mev is
projected through the object. At this energy [Ter Pogossian, 1967; Johns and
Cunningham, 1974] the high-energy photons can give up their energy to form an
electron-positron pair. The positron is almost immediately annihilated to pro-
duce equal and opposite 0.510-Mev photons, as indicated in Fig. 8.12.
The position of the annihilation region is calculated using the position of
the coincident events at the detector as given in equation (8.50). In the case of
"stimulated positron emission, however, the z position of the planar beam is
known, so that the reconstruction is exact. This is in sharp distinction to the
isotopic emission case, where the z position of the emitter is unknown and line-
'ntegral reconstructions are required.
The resultant planar images represent the attenuation coeffiCient due to pair
roduction. Since this is proportional to 2
[Ter Pogossian, 1967; Johns and
unningham, 1974], the images emphasize higher-atomic-number materials.
hey thus can prove useful to image contrast agents or evaluate bone mineraliza-
'on [Benjamin and Macovski, 1980]. The distinct advantage is the direct
cquisition of three-dimensional data, as distinct from computerized tomo-
raphy. For example, a small region of interest can be studied without making
n array of measurements at all angles and positions.
The system has a number of practical difficulties such as requiring energy-
elective detectors working at relatively high photon rates. The energy selection
s required to distinguish the abundant undesired Compton scattering photons
rom the desired 0.51O-Mev coincident pairs.
p(8 )
FIG. 11.9 Compton scatter imaging.
I 1- Xi
Therefore a nonlinear circuit can be used to convert the energy spectrum
, . . d .t teach pom:
into scattering density as a functIOn of x. The scattenng enSI y a .
is directly related to the electron density, which is comparable to the
density p. . . d 't as
Therefore, along the line of the beam, we dIrectly acqUIre enSI y
A high-energy monoenergetic source is used in the vicinity of 0.5 to 1.0
Mev. This can be derived from radioactive isotopes such as The use of
relatively high energies ensures a significant energy chang.e dUrIng a Con:pton
scattering event. The beam is collimated into a narrow pencIl and projected
through the body. Various Compton scattering events occurnng along the path
are received by the detector as illustrated in Fig. 11.9. .
For a scattering event to reach the detector it must scatter at a umque angle
at each x position. As indicated in Chapter 3, the scatter angle is directly related
to the energy of the scattered photon. Thus 8 = fee), as in (3.11).
The output of the detector is subject to pulse-height analysIs, provIdIng an
of intensity versus energy. This can be converted to intensity as a
angle using equation (3.11). However, the x position is directly determIned by
the angle as given by
~ " v ... ,,,...'"' arrays, 204-23 (see also
Ultrasonic arrays)
coustic focusing:
using lenses, 190-91
using arrays, 214-16
coustic imaging, 4-5, 174-223,240-41
(see also Ultrasonic imaging)
coustic impedance, 197
coustic reflectivity, 197-98
dditive noise 87-88, 200-02
1gebraic Reconstruction Technique
(ART), 115-17
-mode scan, 176-77
nger camera, 149-53
nnihilation event, 168-70
nnular-ring arrays, 220-23
rrays, ultrasound, 204-23 (see also
Ultrasonic arrays)
ana1ytic- expressions, 33-34
coefficient, in x-ray, 27-34
compensation, in ultrasound, 176
Attenuation (cont.):
electromagnetic waves in tissue,
reconstruction of image, 130-31,
ultrasound, 195-96
x-ray, 23-25
Autocorrelation, 16
Back projection, 123-29, 135
Binomial probability law, 76-77
B-mode scan, 178-81
Bone scan, 147-48
Bremsstrahlung radiation, 25-27
(see also X-ray sources, tube)
Capture efficiency, 63,67-69, 70-72
Cardiac notch, 5, 208
Central section theorem, 117-23
Characteristic radiation, 26-27
Circular line integral reconstruction,
Coded-aperture imaging, 164-66
Coded-source tomography, 112-13
Coherent x-ray scattering, 27-29,33-34
Collimated imaging array, 205-08
Collimators, imaging, 148, 153-62
Comparison of x-rays and ultrasound,
Compound scanning, 199-200
Compton scattering, 27-34
approximate function, 33-34
CT reconstruction, 235-37
imaging, 242-43
K1ein-Nishina function, 33
physics, 28-31
Computerized tomography:
clinical images, 136-37
Compton scattering component,
energy-selective, 235-37
noise considerations, 138-41
non-linearities, 130-31
nuclear medicine, 167, 169
photoelectric component, 235-37
reconstruction mathematics,
back projection, 123-29, 135
central section theorem, 117-23
convolution-back projection,
direct methods, 117-29, 135
fan beam, 135
filtered back projection, 125-26
Fourier transform, 117-23
iterative, 114-17
reconstruction of attenuation
coefficient, 130-31
scanning modalities, 131-35
Conservation of energy, 28
Conservation of momentum, 30
Contrast, definition, 75
Convolution, 11-13, 15
Convolution-back projection, 127-29,
Cross correlation, 16
Magnification, 11-13, 15
Mass attenuation coefficient, 27-33
Material cancellation in radiography,
Mean, 20-21
Microwave imaging, 4
M-mode scan, 178
Motion blurring, 56-57
Motion tomography, 107-12
circular, 110-11
linear, 109-10
nuclear medicine, 166
tomosynthesis, 111-12
Multiple sensitive point method,
253 Index
Noise (see also Signal-to-noise ratio):
additive thermal, 76
computerized tomography, 138-41
digital subtraction radiography,
nuclear medicine, 163-64
Poisson, 76-77
radiography and fluoroscopy, 75-
recorders, 63
scatter, 90-101
speckle, 201-02
ultrasound, 200-02
Non-linearity in CT reconstruction,
Nuclear magnetic resonance, 225-32
Nuclear medicine:
Anger camera, 149-53
cameras, 147-70
coded aperture, 164-66
general, 6-7
noise, 163-64
parallel-hole collimator, 157-62
pinhole collimator, 153-57
positron imaging, 168-70
scanned detector, 146-47
tomography, 166-70
armor frequency, 226
in fluoroscopy, 86
ultrasonic, 5, 190-91
ine array x-ray detector, 71-72,
inear arrays in ultrasound, 205-18
inear attenuation coefficient, 24,
inearity, definition, 8-9, 15
inearization, 9
ine-integral reconstruction in ultra-
ine-integral SNR, 88-90
K aborption edge, 27-29
K1ein-Nishina function, 33
intensifier, 84-87
response, 9-11
square falloff, 39
hnTPrtinO' excitation in NMR, 229-30
25,145-47, 170
reconstruction, 114-17
Gamma-ray cameras, 147-70 (see also
Nuclear medicine)
Gas chamber x-ray detector, 71
Gradient field in NMR, 227-28
Grating lobes, 211-13, 217-18
Grids, scatter-reducing, 96-101
Hankel transform, 16-17
History of medical imaging, 1-2
Efficiency, collection, 12-13,64, 67-68
Electronic deflection and focusing,
208-23, (see also Ultrasonic arrays)
Energy-selective imaging, 235-39
CT reconstruction, 235-37
selective projection radiography,
Existence conditions for Fourier
transforms, 13-14
Fan beam CT, 133-35
Fiber optic x-ray scintillator, 70-71
Filtered back projection method,
Fluoroscopic imaging, 83-88
direct view, 83-84
image intensifier, 84-87
lens, 86
television camera, 86-88
visual accuity, 84
Focusing, electronic in ultrasound,
Fourier transform reconstruction
methods, 117-23
Fourier transforms, 11, 13-14, 1
Fraunhofer diffraction, 188-90
Free induction decay signal, 227
Fresnel diffraction, 185-87
Delta function, 9-11,14
Diffraction in ultrasound, 6, 183-95
Digital subtraction radiography, 233-
Direct reconstruction methods, 117-29,
Dose, radiation, 77-80, 145-47
Dual-screen recorders, 67-69
Index ~ 5 2
!uantam noise, 21, 76-77,80-83
255 Index
X-ray imaging, 36-102
contrast, 75
noise, 75-102 (see also Noise)
planar object, 47-49
recorder, 63-73 (see also X-ray
solid object, 49-53
source, 36-37,44-56 (see also X-ray
system, 72
X-ray recorder, 63-73,80-83
alternate approaches, 70-72
fiber optic scintillator, 70-71
gas chambers, 71
line array, 71-72
scanning beam, 71
Wideband diffraction, 191-95,216-18
Ultrasonic imaging (cant.):
A-mode, 176-77
arrays, 204-23 (see also Ultrasonic
attenuation correction, 176
B-mode, 178-81
compound scan, 199-200
diffraction, 183-95
Fraunhofer, 188-90
Fresnel, 185-87
steady state, 183-85
wideband, 191-95
line-integral reconstruction, 240-41
M-mode, 178
noise, 200-02
speckle, 201-02
tissue properties, 195-98
Variance, 20-21
Velocity of propogation, 4-6, 196-97
Visual accuity, 84
Ultrasonic arrays, 204-23
annular ring, 221-22
collimated, 205-08
concentric ring, 220-21
linear array, 208-18
two-dimensional, 218-23
wideband analysis, 216-:-18
Ultrasonic imaging, 4-5, 174-223
acoustic focusing, 190-91
Television camera, 86-88
Temporal subtraction, 233-35
Theta array, 222-23
Thick target x-ray tube, 25-26
Thin target x-ray tube, 25-26
Thyroid studies, 145-47
Time of flight, 5, 168-69
Tomography, 107-41, 164-70
coded aperture, 164-66
coded source, 112-13
computerized tomography, 113-41
(see also Computerized tomog-
motion, 107-12
nuclear medicine, 166-70
tomosynthesis, 111-12
Tomosynthesis, 111-12
Toxicity, 5
Translating slits, 101
Transmission of electromagnetic
energy, 3-4
Two-dimensional arrays, 218-23
(see also Ultrasonic arrays)
Spatial frequency, 13
Speckle, 201-02
Specular reflections, 199-200
Spin echo, 230-31
Spin warp, 231
Standard deviation, 21
Stimulated positron emission, 243
Subtraction radiography, 233-35
Superposition integral, 9-11
Sampling, 18-20
Scanned nuclear medicine detectors,
Scanning beam x-ray system, 71
Scanning modalities in CT, 131-35
(see also Computerized tomography)
Scatter, 23, 27-34, 90-102
analysis, 91-94
buildup factor, 92-94
contrast loss, 90
grids, 96-101
linear array, 101-102
noise source, 90-94
separation, 94-96
translated slits, 101
Screen-film systems, 64-70, 80-83
Sector scanning, 212-14
Selective projection radiography,
Separability, 16-17
Separation for scatter reduction,
Shift relationship, 15
Signa1-to-noise ratio (SNR):
additive noise, 76, 87-88
computerized tomography, 138-41
digital subtraction radiography,
fluoroscopy, 83-88
general, 5
line integral, 88-90
nuclear medicine, 163-64
Poisson noise, 76-77
radiography, 75-83
scatter, 90-101
speckle, 201-02
thermal noise, 76
Source spectrum, x-ray, 25-27
Sources x-ray, 36-37, 44-59 (see also
X-ray sources)
Space invariance, 11-13
Roentgen, William K., 2
Rotating anode x-ray tube, 36-37,
unit of absorbed dose, 78-80
dose, 5, 77-80, 145-47
isotopes, 25, 145-47,
imaging, 36-102 (see
also X-ray imaging)
lange gating, 5
layleigh scattering, 27-29,33-34
leal-time imaging, 204
leconstruction mathematics, 114-29,
135 (see also Computerized tomog-
lecorder 63-73 (see also X-ray re-
tefractive index reconstruction,
toentgen, unit of exposure, 78-80
bliquity factor, 39-40
uallel-hole collimator, 157-62
!lased arrays, 208-23 (see also Ultra-
sonic arrays)
!lotoelectric absorption, 27-29,
hoton fluence, 78-79
hoton statistics, 4,21,76-77,80-83
inhole for measuring x-ray focal
spot, 59
inhole collimator, 153-57
oint source distortion, 43
oint source geometry, 36-43
oint-spread function, 9-11
oisson statistics, 21, 76-77, 80-83
ositron imaging, 168-70,243
robability, 20-21
u1sed ultrasound, 191-95, 216-1 8
6 Index
-ray recorder (cant.):
screen-film, 64-70
statistical considerations, 80-83
-ray sources, 2527, 36-59
extended, 44-56
field emission, 58-59
focal spot measurement, 59
microfocus, 58
planar, 44-56
point source, 36-37

X-ray sources (cant.):
rotating anode, 36-37
spectrum, 3, 25-27
tilted, 53-56
tube, 36-37
Zeugmatography, 227-29

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