Satellite Communications Introduction To Telecommunication
Satellite Communications Introduction To Telecommunication
Satellite Communications Introduction To Telecommunication
Telecommunication is the extension of communication over a distance. In practice it also recognizes that something may be lost in the process; hence the term telecommunication covers all forms of distance and/or conversion of the original communications, including radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking. The elements of telecommunication system are a transmitter, a medium (line) and possibly a channel imposed upon the medium and a receiver. The transmitter is a device that transforms or encodes the message into a physical phenomenon; the signal. The transmission medium, by its physical nature, is likely to modify or degrade the signal on its path from the transmitter area to the receiver. The receiver has a decoding mechanism capable of recovering the message within certain limits of signal degradation. In some cases, the final receiver is the human eye and/or ear and the recovery of the message is done by the brain. Telecommunication can be point-point, point-to-multipoint or broadcasting, which is a particular form of point-to-multipoint that goes only from the transmitter to the receivers. On of the roles of the telecommunications engineer is to analyze the physical properties of the line or transmission medium, and the statistical properties of the message in order to design the most effective encoding and decoding mechanisms. When systems are designed to communicate through human sense organs (mainly vision and hearing), physiological and psychological characteristics of human perception will be taken into account. This has important economic implications and engineers will research what defects may be tolerated in the signal yet not affect the viewing or hearing experience too badly.
a satellite and then back to earth. Satellite Internet connections average a 600-800 millisecond delay, about ten times than that of a terrestrial Internet link. This delay is a challenge to deployment of Virtual private networks over satellite internet connections.
Satellite communications are comprised of two basic elements:
The satellite is also known as the space segment. It is composed of the following separate units; i.e. a) The satellite and telemetry controls b) The transponder The transponder comprised of the receiving antenna to catch-up signals from the ground station, a broad band receiver, an input multiplexer and a frequency converter that is used to reroute the received signals through a high powered amplifier for downlink. The main function of satellite is to reflect signals. In case of a telecom satellite, the primary role is to pick up signals from a ground station, which is located, a considerable away from the first. This relay action can be two way, as in the case of a long distance phone call. Another use of satellite is the television broadcasts. Number of programs are first up-linked and then down-linked over wide region. The customer having appropriate devices can receive and watch the programs. One of the modern uses of satellite is getting information along with image (commonly known as space/satellite image) of any desired location on earth.
This is called the earth segment. A base band processor, an up-converter, high Powered amplifier and a parabolic dish antenna is involved to transmit the terrestrial data to an orbiting satellite. In the case of downlink, the ultimate reverse operation is being down and uplinked signals are recaptured through parabolic antenna.
Various schemes are invented to make the satellites feasible to increase the bandwidth available to ground based cellular networks. Every cell in a cellular network consists of fixed range of channels which consist of either frequencies, as in the case of FDMA systems, or time slots, as in the case of TDMA. A particular cell that can only operate within those channels allocated to it, overloading can occur. With the help of satellite which operate at frequency outside those of the cell, extra channel can be provided on demand to an overloaded cell. Any of the overloaded cells can easily use these newly satellite-transmitted signals. In this case the cell is not bound by the bandwidth 3
restrictions as compare to the previous scenario. In other words the satellite provides its own bandwidth for a network of cells that can be used by any cell (that need it) without being bound by terrestrial bandwidth and location restrictions.
Satellites have been used since 1960 to transmit broadcast television signals between the network hubs of television companies and their network members. Sometime, a whole set of programs is transmitted at once and recorded at the affiliate, and then broadcast to the local populace according to the appropriate time. In the 1970s it became possible for private individuals to download the same signals that the network and cable companies were transmitting, using C-band reception dishes. This free viewing of the corporate contents by individuals let to scrambling and subsequent resale of the descrambling codes to individual customers, which started the direct-to-home industry. The direct-tohome industry has gathered even greater response since the introduction of digital direct broadcast service.
In the marine community, satellite communication systems such as Immarsat provide good communication links to ships at sea. These links use a VSAT type device to connect to geosynchronous satellites, which in turn links the ship to a land based point having respective telecommunications system.
Along the same lines as the marine based service, there are VSAT devices which can be used to establish communication links even from the worlds most remote regions. Theses devices can be hand-held or fit into a briefcase or might be bigger. Digital data at 64K ISDN is available with some (Immarsat).
Another service provided by geosynchronous satellite is the ability for passenger on an airborne aircraft to connect directly to a land based telecom network.
Another VSAT oriented service, in which a small apparatus containing the ability to determine navigational coordinates by calculating a triangulating or the signals from multiple geosynchronous satellites.
Due to the high altitudes of satellite orbits, the time required for a transmission to navigate a satellite link (2/10ths of a second from earth station to earth station) could cause a variety of problems on a high speed terrestrial network that is waiting for the packets. POOR BANDWIDTH Due to radio spectrum limitations, there is a fixed amount of bandwidth allocable to satellite transmission. NOISE The strength of a radio signals strength is in proportion to the square of the distance traveled. Due to the distance between ground station and satellite, the signal ultimately gets very weak. This problem can be solved by using appropriate error correction techniques, however. ERROR CORRECTION Number of Error correction techniques has been approved to deal with the high noise presence on satellite link. These techniques are divided into the two categories; FEC (Forward-error-correction) and ARQ (Automatic-repeat- request). FORWARD-ERROR-CORRECTION (FEC) A certain number of information symbols are transformed to new information symbols, but in such a way as to get more symbols than were original had. When these new symbols are checked on the receiving end, the redundant symbols are used to decipher the original symbols, as well as to check for data integrity. The more redundant symbols that are included in the mapping, the better the reliability of the error correction. However it should be noted that the more redundant symbols that is used to achieve better integrity, the more bandwidth that is wasted. Since this method uses relatively a large amount redundant data, it may not be the most efficient choice on a clear channel. However when noise levels are high, FEC can more reliably ensure the integrity of the data. AUTOMATIC-REPEAT-REQUEST (ARR) In this method, data is broken into packets. Within each packet is included an error checking key. This key is often of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) sort. If the error code reflects a loss of integrity in a packet, the receiver can request the sender to resend that packet. ARR is not very good in a channel with high noise, since many retransmissions will be required, and the noise levels that corrupted the initial packet cause corruption in subsequent packets. ARR is more suitable to relatively noise free channels. STOP AND WAIT (SW) This form of ARR, the sender must wait for an acknowledgement of each packet before it can send a new one. As it takes 2/10ths seconds for the receiver to get the packet another 2/10ths seconds for the sender to receive the acknowledgement. This can take upwards of 4/10ths of a second per packet. GO-BACK-N (GBN) This method of ARR is developed form of stop and wait. It allows the sender to 6
keep sending packets until it gets a request for a resend. When the sender gets such a request, it
sends packets starting at the requested packet over again. It can again send packets until it receives another retransmit request, and so on. SELECTIVE-REPEAT (SR) This ARR protocol is an improved form of GBN. It allows the receiver to request a retransmit of only that packet that it needs, instead of that packet and all that follows it. The receiver, after receiving a bad packet and requesting a retransmit, can continue to accept any good packets that are coming. This method is the most efficient method for satellite transmissions of three ARR methods discussed. ARR methods can be presented to provide a usable error correction scheme, but it is also the most expensive, in terms of hardware. This is in part due to the buffering memory that is required, but more importantly to the cost of the receiver, which needs to be able to transmit re-requests. Systems such as the Digital Broadcast Satellites used for television signal Distribution would become inordinately expensive if they had to make use of ARR, since the home based receiver would now need to be transmitter, and the 18 inch dish would be inadequate for the requirements of transmitting back to a satellite. HYBRID NETWORKS In todays global networking landscape, there are many ways to transmit data from one place to another. It is desirable to be able to incorporate any type of data transmission media into a network, especially in networks that encompass large areas. A hybrid network is one that allows data to flow across a network, using many types of media, either satellite, wireless or terrestrial, transparently. Since each type of media will have different characteristics, it is necessary to implement standard transmission protocol. One that is normally used in hybrid network is TCP/IP. In addition, much work is being done to use TCP/IP over ATM for the satellite segments of hybrid networks. One way to get around the need in ARR for the receiver to have to request retransmit via an expensive and slow satellite link is to use a form of hybrid network. In one form of hybrid network, the receiver transmits its requests back to the sender via a terrestrial link. Terrestrial link allows for quicker, more economical and less error prone transmission from the receiver, and the costs associated with the receivers hardware are greatly reduced when compared to the costs involved if it had to transmit back over the satellite link. There are products on the market today that allow a home user to get internet access at around 400MB via digital satellite, while its retransmit signals are sent via an inexpensive modem or ISDN line.
Figure: 4.2-a
In fact, a product currently being marketed by Direct PC called Turbo Internet uses a form of hybrid network. The system uses two network interfaces; one connects via a special ISA bus PC adapter to a receive-only Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), while the other is a modem attached to a serial port. Inbound traffic comes down to the VSAT, while outbound traffic goes through the modem link. The two interfaces are combined to appear as a single virtual interface to upper layer TCP/IP protocol stacks by a special NDIS compliant driver. The Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) is used to connect the modem-based link with an internet service provider. Packets, which are encapsulated by the terminal such that the desired IP address of the destination host is embedded underneath the IP address of the Direct PC Gateway, to which all packets leaving the terminal must go. Once at the gateway, the outer packet is stripped, and the gateway contacts the destination address within. Upon the gateway's receiving the request from the host, it then prepares the packet for satellite transmission, which is then used to send the packet back to the terminal.
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