Organisation Profile: Name of The Organisation
Organisation Profile: Name of The Organisation
Organisation Profile: Name of The Organisation
Name of the Organisation Address : SUPPORT (Body of ROH) : H.No. 17-6-13, New Hasnabad, Hindupur-515201, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India : B. Navajeevan Secretary and Chief Executive : Regd. under Societies Act XXI of 1860, No. 109/93 Regd. under FCRA No. 010120100 : Regd. under 12A and 80G for tax exemption of 1961 Regd. for PAN of Income Tax : ICICI Bank, Syndicate Bank, Corporation Bank, Andhra Bank : +91-8556-225052 : :
Income Tax
SUPPORT is established in the year 1993 by an initiative of a group of teachers and officers some of whom are disabled with an objective to uplift the lives of disabled and marginalized sections of society. Mr. Nimton and Mr. Abshalam who have long struggled in their childhood for being blind and belonging to the backward community in the society came long way countering the difficulties to become teachers in Govt. institution. They have also vast experience gathered from working in AMG International, an American organisation working for development of poor in India having been associated with it for around six years. SUPPORT is a pioneering organisation with its innovative approaches for developmental efforts for rural poor and is working with commitment for the development underprivileged, irrespective of gender, creed, cast, class or ethnicity.
To promote a society in which everybody including poor, marginalized and disadvantaged communities have equal opportunities and facilities and work to their potential and be self-reliant with justice, equity and pride.
Enhancing the life standard in qualitative and quantitative terms so as to integrate the marginalized and vulnerable sections and help them to participate in the mainstream society.
Empowerment of marginalized and disadvantaged groups and strengthening efforts to build self-reliance and to bring them to the mainstream of society.
To promote the development of children, women, disabled persons and backward communities To promote their participation in education, healthcare and economic activities. To promote awareness and education for the target communities
Sustainable community based initiatives for development of the target group through education, health, economic and social development efforts.
Sl. No. 1. Mrs. P.G. Sundari 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dr. S. Anand Kumar B. Navajeevan Mrs. B. Leena Darwin, B. Mr. T.P. Prasada Rao Mr. S. Nimton Name President Vice-President Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer E.C. Member E.C. Member Designation
The organisations focus has been Anantapur District while its presence is also there in Prakasam district. The working area is a deliberate selection keeping the geographic, social, economic situation beside the presence of the target communities in those areas. Anantapur district is affected by drought while Prakasam district is densely populated with people of lower strata of society who are marginalized economically and socially.
MANPOWER: ROH has at present 20 staff members at its headquarters while another 20 members at its branch office in Chirala of Prakasam district a coastal area with total staff strength of 40 members in which 60% are women and 40% are persons with disabilities. 40 members are providing voluntary services to the organization.
SI.No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. Name of Professional Mr. B. Abshalam Mr. V. N. Murthy Ms. Sudha Rani Ms. Padmavathi Mr. Sanjeevarayappa Ms. Nagamani Ms. Ramalakshmi Ms. Sahera banu Ms. Sanjeevamma Designation Executive Director Program Coordinator O & M Instructor Field staff Field staff Field staff Field staff Field staff Field staff Sex Male Male Female Female Male Female Female Female Female Work Experience 15 Years 8 Years 8 Years 4 Years 4 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years
Mr. Lakshmi narayana Mr. Narasimha Murthy Dr. G. Lokendranath Mr. Nagi Reddy Mr. Sathyanarayana
Accounting policy Human Resource Policy Training and Planning Financial monitoring Monitoring and evaluation system for projects Transparency in management through Credibility Alliance norms
Land for upcoming residential care centre for distressed children Office-cum-training centre 4-wheeler and 2-wheelers Computers and printers Telephone, Fax Sophisticated medical equipment and medicines from Action Medeor Vocational training equipment
AIDS/HIV Programme:
ROH as a member of local network which spearheaded HIV/AIDS campaign in Anantapur District. The campaign involved the participation of politicians, industrialists, officials, educationists, bigwigs and people affected by the disease. The following activities have been taken up during the campaign: Door-to-door visit to the people in town and rural villages educating the people on the prevention of HIV/AIDS Educating risk groups like sex workers, truck drivers, workers, areas like highways, interstate places Organised street plays, exhibitions and placed posters, banners at important places Erected hoardings at public-intensive places like bus-stands, railway station, market areas etc. Meetings of HIV/AIDS affected people and help for their rehabilitation and health checkup Distribution of condoms to risk-groups Organised rallies with health workers, social activists, educationists, politicians, officials etc. Mobile awareness in vehicles by distributing pamphlets, cultural programmes at public thronging places. The campaign received very good response from public and through this programme more than 20000 people in town and rural areas and more than 200 HIV/AIDS affected people.
REHABILITATION ACTIVITIES IN TSUNAMI AFFECTED AREAS: Child Development: 250 children in Tsunami affected areas are being provided with
support for education and overall development in 20 villages of Chirala and Vetapalem mandals of Prakasam district where HIV/AIDS is also rampant in coastal villages. PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION (PME) SYSTEM: Monitoring is a regular exercise in which staff and the target group has well defined role and participation. Monitoring includes maintenance of client profiles and records by client and his family while at office by respective field staff. It includes qualitative changes in the conditions and lifestyle of the client with the observations. The monitoring mechanism includes with social skills, life changes and for the programs it is with documentation, maintenance of day-to-day activities, training activities, advocacy measures and links formed with other organisations. Weekly review meetings with the field staff to review the work on weekly basis and suggest measures for improvement as well as planning for the week ahead. Parents, school teachers, govt. officers and target group themselves will also involve in this exercise as they maintain the record of how many times ROH staff visited them and they also give their inputs during six monthly extended evaluation. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Financial management is placed under the Executive Director who in consonance with Executive Committee organises the activities and manages the finance with the staff of Accountant and clerical staff which includes every day filing of day-to-day expenditure, entry book and ledger which is scrutinised by Executive Committee in its meetings. ROH maintains yearly budget under the various heads at present activities like education, economic activity, health care and awareness activities, transportation and administration.
Name of the Project Community awareness and education campaign on HIV/AIDS Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Vocational trainings, health camps Vehicles for medical camps Rehabilitation of girl children Medical camps for women, children Education material for disabled children (in kind) Medicines for medical camps (in kind) for HIV/AIDS Exchange visit to an NGO in Tamil nadu Sponsorship for education, vocational skills for poor Repair of catamarans of fishermen affected by Tsunami Sponsorship for distressed, orphaned and single parent children in Tsunami areas Damaged school repairs in Tsunami areas Funding partner Janahitha, Hindupur CBM International, Germany Caritas International, Belgium MIVA, Netherlands Wereld kinderen, Netherlands AFLC, USA Aurora Ministries, USA Action Medeor, Germany PHOS, Belgium GIVEIndia, Mumbai, USA
Training for physically handicapped persons in welding, basket making Economic development programme for disabled persons Vocational trainings, Awareness programmes Child development programme including HIV/AIDS affected and orphaned children due to HIV/AIDS Women development programme Education programme for children with disabilities
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) CAPART, New Delhi Jindal Trust, Bangalore Volkart Foundation, Mumbai Wereldkinderen, Netherlands Parle Agro Charitable Trust, Mumbai Caritas, Finland Edukans Foundation, Netherlands
Sensitisation to panchayat leaders across AP on disability issues - sponsored by NIVH In-service teachers workshop for Orientation & Mobility
World Association of NGOs (WANGO), USA International Forum for Child Welfare (IFCW), Switzerland Christian AIDS/HIV National Alliance (CANA) VANI, New Delhi PHOS, Belgium DCDD, Netherlands Network for Emergency Response for disabled, India Credibility Alliance, New Delhi Confederation of Voluntary Associations (COVA), Hyderabad Mission for Marginalised and Minorities (MMM), Anantapur JANAHITA (People's Good), Hindupur NGOs and community groups
General Body
Executive Committee
Executive Director
Finance & Administration Accountant & Computer operator Honorary Doctor Income generations incharge Resource / Itinerant teachers Office attendee Driver