Chionanthus Virginica.: Common Names.
Chionanthus Virginica.: Common Names.
Chionanthus Virginica.: Common Names.
( FR I N G E T R E E. )
Common Names.- Fringe Tree, Snow Flower, Snowdrop Tree, White Ash, Old Mans Beard, Old Mans Grey Beard. (Illogically called PO&~ Ash.) History.-This tree is abundant in moist elevated places in the Central South, being very plentiful in Georgia and Tennessee. The flowers are snow white, hence the name SUJ~ Fi!ozue~, which also indicates the Greek derivation of the word, C&z (snow) and LVL&Q (flower); the correct pronunciation being kf &n&-thi5s. There is no record of the Indians using it as a remedy. In Chionanthus we have the example of a remedy introduced for one purpose, and finally established for another markedly distinct purpose. Rafinesque (1830) gives it the value febrifuge in ague and chronic fevers. Externally in cataplasms it cures wounds without supperation, Kings American Dispensatory following the first edition commended Chionanthus principally as useful in fezw~s, especially &sz?z& i&em&e&s. More effective remedies, howe\-er, altogether displaced it from that field where it is now obsolete. The credit of its introduction into its present field is due to Professor I. J. M. Goss, M. D., an Eclectic physician of Marietta, Ga., who in 1843 successfully used a preparation of the bark of the root for an attack of jaundice, from which he personally suffered. [See p. 8 for the original article on Chionanthus by Dr. Goss, as publis,hed in his New Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1877.] Professor Goss employed the remedy in practice, introduced it to his professional friends, and commended it freely in the journals as well as in his book publications. T h e remedy proved so successful as to come into repute at once in Eclectic practice, to which for a couple of decades it was almost exclusively confined, Finally its reputation crept outside, the drug being moderately used by Regular physicians who read contemporary medical literature, but, as yet, this important remedy has escaped the attention of the leaders in Regular Therapy. This is to be regretted for the drug would be of much use and greatly serve humanity were it extended in that direction. Chionanthus is unquestionably one of the most valuable of the Eclectic remedies when the Specific Medicine is administered in accordance with modern Specific Medication methods. It has no reported poisonous qualities. 2
Part Used-The inner bark of the root. It stands somewhat conspicuous in that the commercial drug is always true to name, no sophisticant or substitute to our knowledge being found on the market. Characteristics a n d Constituents. - Chionanthus rootbark is brown externally, presenting a light yellowish color when the dried bark is broken. It is hard, brittle, and destitute of fibc~-. The odor is characteristic, rank and peculiar. The writer can not locate a drug that possesses a similar odor. When the dried bark is soaked for twenty-four hours in cold 3-water it swells to its natural size, 1 becomes white, and when broken presents a spongy, fleshy fracture; through the white flesh are seen deposits of a hard, gritty, yellow, a m b e r - l i k e , semi-transparent substance, which lies in pockets parallel with the grain of the tree. This material is nearly tasteless, and is destitute of medicinal value. The taste of Chionanthus bark is bitter,and, dominated by the odor, gives a very characteristic flavor when the bark is chewed. No CH1ONAYTHUS \IRGIXICA. [Dried Emk of Root-Sahwal Sir&J analysis of the baik has been made, attempts to do so having failed for obvious reasons. Mr. R. S. Justice thought to have identified saponin, which Mr. W. von Schulz disputed, in his turn announcing a glucoside. The fact is, the most tender touches of chemistry disrupt the drug,which is so sensitive that its alcoholic tinctures and fluid extracts disintegrate and fly into unknown products even when kept in the cold. I%o known separated constituent gives the energy of Chionanthus. The s o - c a l l e d C&VZ~&~~ of early Eclecticism was intended to be a mixture of about everything the drug afforded. In its production heat, dessication and heroic destructive manipulation, brushed the )ife out of the drug, thp pl-oduct, a so-called concentration or resinoid 3
of the resinoid and alkaloid craze of Eclecticisms infancy, being oractically valueless. The writer of this paper has made a systematic study of Chionanthus for twenty-five years. It has been to him a perplexing problem, one of the most exasperating in some regards of all the Materia Medica drugs. The experimental details of this work would fill a volume. Be it enough to state that as a conclusion we believe the only possible therapeutical representative of the bark to be a liquid pharmaceutical preparation. P r a c t i c a l l y no heat, no chemistry, no heroic disruption .methods, no acid nor alkaline solvents, can be employed in its production, The drug must be of exceptional quality, fresh and prime. The kindliest touch of perfectly neutral solvents is an absolute necessity to success. De, structive chemistry is a mockery. P H A R M A C E U T I C A L PREPARATIONS These are prone to gelatinize after the manner of certain pectin solutions, e. g. Senega. The substance that forms this Chionanthus jelly is not, however, pectin, although it may possibly be related thereto. It is an altered product, not present in the bark, and is peculiarly a Chionanthus derivative. It is neither soluble in alkaline solution, alcohol, glycerin, water, nor the original menstruum used in extracting the drug, resembling more closely the gelatinous decomposition products of solutions of Nettle Root (Urtica Dioica) than any other substance. For many years this gelatinous disturber worried the writer inconceivably. It was likely to appear in alcoholic and in aqueous preparations, glycerin and sugar did not prevent it from forming, nor did any mixture of solvents protect the preparation. The very best .liquid representatives of the very best quality of drug were prone to alter, and, indeed, seemed fully as inclined to disintegration as did the poorer fluids of commerce. This exasperating feature of the Chionanthus liquids annoyed physicians very much, for a representative, nice preparation might gradually deposit a thick semi-transparent jelly to the extent of half its bulk, or might, indeed, in a single night, become gelatinous, True, preparations that would remain permanent could be made, but so can the play of Hamlet be given with Hamlet left out. Only the past year did the writer determine the cause of the trouble and perfect a process that, as shown by the S&+$?c iVe&c&e r904, is crowned with fair success. The only pharmaceutical preparation we commend as carrying the full value of Chionanthus Root Bark, minim to grain, is therefore:: Specific Medicine Chionanthus 1904.-This liquid is made from the recent bark of Chionanthus Root in its best form. It possesses a bitter taste, and imparts to water the exact flavor o f
the drug, but itself is nearly odorless. It has a red-yellow color, and when poured into water yields a light colored flocculent precipitate. Each minim carries the full value of a grain of the bark. It is practically permanent, there being no indication of the preparation made by the 1904 formula gelatinizing or altering, other than when long kept, forming a slight coating on the bottom of the bottle. It is the only preparation of Chionanthus known to us that carries the full qualities of the drug in a satisfactory form, and as has been said, is the only preparation we commend, It will be observed that the authorities contributing the therapy of Chionanthus to this fascicle base their statements on the use of the Specific Medicine. THE THERAPEUTICS OF CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA. PROFESSOR FLORENCE TIPPETT DUVALL, M.D.,Atlanta, G a . Among the drugs which Eclectics consider particularly the product of the Eclectic school of practice, Chionanthus Virginica holds a conspicuous place. In the early 7 0 ' s Professor I. J. M. Goss, M. D., recorded his experiences with Chionanthus (Old Mans Beard, as it is familiarly known in the South) in chronic hepatitis, and acute catarrhal conditions of the liver. From his continued administration of the drug, he developed a line of indications which later-day Materia Medicists give as follows : Acute jaundice, evidenced by yellowness of the conjunctiva, first; subsequently of the skin, with distress in the right hypochondrium, with cramp-like. pains. (,!ZZL&~~&.) Skin resembling copper in color, but shading a little more on green; pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, yellowish or greenish discoloration of the eyes. (pyfi.) The special action of this drug is expended upon the liver and to some extent on all the organs concerned in blood-making. It is tonic to the stomach and bowels, and influences the whole glandular apparatus. It is one of our best cholagogues, and we have employed it with good results in jaundice and congestion of the liver. Yellowness of the conjunctiva and skin, uneasy sensations in the right hypogastrium, and extensive abdominal pain, somewhat resembling colic, are the specific indications for its use. It may, therefore, be employed in cases of gallstones, during both their formation and passage, hepatic inflammation (acute and chronic), bilious colic, and for the irritable condition of the liver common in the inebriate. (Luc&~ Matha Meaica ma T%ze~a$eutks ) I regard Chionanthus as one of the most meritorious remedies in our Materia Medica. In that insidious and intractable malady, 5
jaundice, Chionanthus is the main-stay, and will not disappoint when properly administered. Unlike podophyllum, it can be given in good-sized doses and continued for an indefinite period unaccompanied by any unpleasant results. It does not produce nausea, nor noes it cause a temporary paresis of the bowels, as is a common sequence of some other cholagogue remedies. It has been declared ny some authorities, to be slightly narcotic when taken for some length of time, but in a constant use of the remedy for several years, I have yet to discover any such property. In those cases of chronic jaundice, due to catarrhal affection of the bile duct, Chiona,nthus is to be depended upon; and while its use is depreciated as being slow, I regard that property as one of great importance. Too often we are tempted to produce sudden and violent stimulation of the liver by more active remedies, *whose action is followed by partial suspension of the functions of that organ, the last state of the patient being worse than the first. In these cases iris or podophyllum may be used as adjunct or co-operative remedies in the commencement of the treatment, but their long-continued use is to be condemned. Chionanthus forms a valuable addition to the armamentarium of the obstetrician. Jaundice, that annoying and obstinate trouble of the pregnant woman, disappears before the kindly action of the Fringe tree when it is given in five-drop doses three or four times a day. Infantile jaundice, which so often presents itself and demands prompt attention, is soon overcome by this gentle yet effective remedy. I usually employ it in such cases, triturated with sugar of milk, Ellingwood says (Materia Medica, p. 395): It (Chionanthus) overcomes catarrh, liquefies the bile, prevents the formation
of calculi, and promotes the discharge of those formed.
under treatment, at present, a case of biliary calculi defied all previous treatment. Alternate constipation of hepatitis were the !eading features of the case. The been upon-
Specific Medicine, Chionanthus, - - - - 3 .. y I gtt. x Speci!ic M e d i c i n e , Xnx Vomica, - - Glycerin, aa. q. s. 3 iv Aqua Iura, - - - - - M. Sig. One teaspoonful four times a day, four hours apart.
In the two months in which this medication has been carried out, the bowels have moved regularly, no congestive attacks have appeared and the patient has gained in flesh and strength. I have been much impressed, by the action of Chionanthus in chronic kidney l*:sions and was glad to see the following by Dr. A.
CHIONANTHUS. 1. Hauss (National Eclectic Transactions, Vol. XXIX) : It is clear in my mind that the malady (diabetes mellitus) should be treated as strictly a functional disease of the liver, giving due attention to the impaired condition of the sympathetic nervous system . . . To correct any functional diseases of the liver with the symptoms given later, I think first of Lloyds Specific Medicine, Chionanthus. You may ask what is my specific indication for Specific Chionanthus, and 1 would invariably say, a functional disorder of the liver with the following symptoms, namely: Intense thirst, specific gravity of the %lrine, 1030 to 1040 ; frequent and copious urination, more or less nervous prostration, loss of weight, night sweats, and in a large per cent. of cases, constipation and stool void of bile, being white i n color. I recommend this special drug because I have prescribed it for the last twenty-one years in a large practice, where the above indications were often present, denoting marked functional disorders of the liver. I have seen numbers of so-called kidney lesions improve under the administration of this energetic remedy, when there were present the indications calling for its administration Dr, J. P. H a r v i l l (Georgia Eclectic Medical J ournal) recommends Chionanthus as a valuable agent in asthma, citing those cases where this affection is accompanied by evidences of hepatic congestion. Dr. W. M. Durham, a Southern practitioner of many years experience, is an advocate of Chionanthus in cirrhosis of the liver and in hepatic engorgement from deficient portal circulation. This remedy is a favorite with Dr. Durham as a tonic during convalescence from fevers and in exhausting diseases. The American Dispensatory recommends the topical use of this agent as a poultice in ulcers, wounds and open sores, and speaks as follows concerning its field of usefulness :
TIy$ertro$&y q,f th li7ler, chrozic hcjaiic i~~j%zuumztio~~,
a n d $ortaZ coti-
gestation, are speedily relieved by Chionanthus. The remedy acts quickly, often removing in from one to two weeks an icteric hue that has existed for months, and
even years. Jaundice once cured by it is not apt to recur. There are two direct indications for the drug: jaundice, as evidenced by the yellowness of the skin, and conjunctiva and soreness and pain, hepatic colic, as pointed out by Professor
Scudder. The latter is by far the most direct indication. There is the dull, heavy
pain in the right hypochondrium, with a feeling of fulness and weight, deepseated tenderness and soreness on pressure, occasional hectic flushes, light-colored feces, sometimes diarrhea with frothy, yeasty stools, and urine scanty and
high colored. T h e s e conditions, with the ictcric hue of skin and conjunctiva, call for Chionanthus. Sometimes the patient writhes in pain-cannot find rest in any position IA. Specific Chionanthus, gtt. x, every half hour, and apply a cloth wrung out of pot water. In &$e$sia, with hepatic complications; in &Y-&~&Z stutes of the 7
~Wmzch from . high living, and the use of alcoholic stimulants ; and in general chronic in..ammatory conditions of the duo&zum and ductus communis choledochus, Chionanthus serves a useful purpose. It is also a good remedy in infu&iZe dysfiefxiu, dzeumatic q,%tiozs, with soreness in the region of the liver, and a jaundiced condition. Its tonic effects on the chylopoietic viscera render it a god agent in gveraldebiZity. In i&est&zaZ dyspejsia, with jaundice, thin, watery, yeasty alvine discharges, with previous abdominal distention: EL Specific Chionanthus, gtt. v, every two hours. Chronic .$lewitis and ?ze#k?is are conditions in which Fringe tree often proves a good remedy; also in pancreatic disease, inflammatory or otherwise. GZanuzAz~ diseases, with evidence of imperfect waste, often call for its administration. Chionanthus is of utility in uteyi%e and ovarian congestioti, when the usual hepatic symptoms calling for it are present. If there be fullness and bearing down in the pelvic viscera, especially a desire to frequently evacuate the rectum,, combine it with Specific Helonias.
I$. Specific Chionanthus, Specific Helonias, - - - - - _&qua, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . M. Sig. Teaspoonful every two hours.
q. s. 3 iv
aa. 3 j
Chionanthus is a favorite agent of mine in tonic mixtures, where a gentle stimulant to the liver is desired. Enonymus Atropurpureus, Nux Vomica, and Hydrastis Canadensis are co-operative agents or great value in this connection. I have found Chionanthus an assistant remedy of Phytolacca, Fucus and Iris Versicolor in the treatment of obesity, and believe that it is destined to occupy a wider field of usefulness than that in which it is now established.
I procured a small quantity, and made a tincture in gin, and took a table-spoonful before each meal. In a few days my appetite began to improve, and my skin very rapidly cleared, and in some ten days my jaundice was gone; my skin was clear of bilious hue, and I felt like another man. As I found my appetite and digestion improving so much under the use of Chionanthus, I continued its use for several weeks, until I left Augusta and went to Western Georgia, where I could not get it, for it was not known then to regular physicians or druggists; but I had derived so much advantage from it that I determined to investigate its properties thoroughly, and it was not long before an opportunity was presented. I met with many cases of jaundice, and found the remedy so prompt to relieve it, that I published my experience in the &Ze& MedicaL]o:w?zaZ of Philadelphia, since which time I have used it in a great many cases of jaundice and debility connected with the torpidity of the liver. For jaundice it is a specific, and it is an admirable tonic for congestion of the uterus, for which it may be combined with helonias, and may be conjoined with any of the tonics before named. About the time Hallembeck, of Philadelphia, was writing his work on Materia Medica, I published my success with this remedy, which was transferred to his work. From time to time after that I called attention to this remedy, and now it is used by most Eclectic and many Hommopathic physicians in all liver affections. It has always proved a specific for jaundice in my hands, and a valuable remedy in hypertrophy and congestion of that organ. It does not .seem to act as forcibly upon the secretory function of the liver as some articles of its class, but in all abnormal conditions it seems to have the power to bring back the liver to its normal state. It has a specific influence over that organ in its diseased state, let that morbid condition be what it may. It is not cathartic in its action, but acts more as a tonic to the bowels, liver and stomach, and I think influences the spleen and whole glandular apparatus. In very large doses it has produced ptyalism, which soon passes off after the medicine is discontinued. It not only acts well on the liver, stomach and glandular system, but seems to have a curative effect on some female affections. It is very favorably spoken of by some physicians in congestion and chronic catarrh of the uterus. After a general review of the literature on the subject of Chionanthus, in a paper contributed to the New York City Eclectic Medical Society, 1892, Professor G. W. Boskowitz, M. D.. writes as follows concerning his use of the drug:
My personal attention was called to Chionanthus many years ago by Pry 9
remedy. He usually cnmbincd it with Euonymus. I have many times had occasion to be thankful to Professor Larew for calling my attention to this very useful medicine. For fifteen or more years I have used Chionanthus for that class of troubles for which phodophyllin and calomel cnmpounds are usually prescribed-non-inflammatory liver troubles. I consider it a tonic cholagogue and stomachic indicated in all cases of perverted action of the, entire digestive organs. More particularly the liver especially when the disturbance is caused by over-indulgence, or where there is a history of previous malaria! trouble; also in re-current bilious attacks. Ellingwood, in his most excellent work on Therapeutics, says of it that it is alterative aperient, diuretic, tonic, febrifuge,, purgative and cholagogue. It has a specific influence on the liver. Is a remedy for engorgement of the liver and for jaundice. It is cholagogue cathartic in full doses, but its best influence is in acute congestion with imperfect discharge of bile or catarrh of the common bile duct. The indications are: Acute jaundice evidenced by yellowness of the conjunctiva first, then of the skin; with distress in the right hypochondrium with cramp-like pains in the abdomen. It overcomes catarrh, liquifies bile, prevents the formation of calculi, and prom&es the discharge of those already formed. It is a remedy for chronic forms of liver disease, but its influence is not so plainly apparent, being much slower in its operations. It is not indicated in jaundice from permanent occlusion of the duct, from impacted gall-stones or foreign and malignant growths. It will quickly overcome the jaundice of childhood and infancy, and of pregnant women. In prescribing this drug I use the Specific Medicine, in doses of from three to five minims every three hours. Specific indications: Clay-colored stools, high, colored urine,tenderness and pain in the region of the liver.
CHIONANTHUS. ._~._ ~~__. fessor Charles Larew, M. D., who considered it a much neglected but very powerful)
mellitus is a condition characterized by a copious secretion of urine charged with sugar, and due to some as yet imperfectly understood derangement of the glycogenic and glyco-destructive function of the organism. It is not my desire to dwell long on the etiology and pathology of diabetes mellitus. There are no diseases concurring where so much accurate knowledge has been arrived at, and yet of the true pathology of which we are so thoroughly in the dark. It is not a kidney disease, as was once supposed in its early history, although this impression still prevails among the laity, and naturally so, because the essential evidence of its existence is found in the urine. We all know that we can produce diabetes in an animal by irritating the floor of the fourth ventricle. There are, however, other parts of the nervous system the irritation of which will produce diabetes. Noted pathologists claim that autopsies in a large number of the gravest forms of diabetes have failed to discover any lesion whatever. We are inclined to the belief that the nervous system has much to do with the production of diabetes, directly and indirectly, and that the great sympathetic is especially important through its transmission of reflex nervous impulses, regulating, as it does, the contraction or dilatation of the blood vessels. It is commonly admitted that in experimental glycosuria there is a centrifugal stimulus of the liver from the nervous centers, either through the vase-motor system or from direct stimulus to the liver cells. With this brief survey of the etiology of diabetes mellitus, it is clear in my mind that the malady should be treated as strictly a functional disease of the
liver, giving due attention to the impaired condition of the sympathetic nerve system. As to the treatment, this resolves itself to the dietetic, hygienic and medicinal. Dietetic treatment consists essentially in the elimination from the diet of such articles as are readily convertible into glucose, viz., the carbohydrates, which are familiar to us all. Next in importance to the dietetic is the hygienic treatment. This consists in providing perfect ventilation, and in bathing and attention to the skin, together with muscular exercises. The medical treatment is a short one with me, as in all diseases wherein treatment by drugs is relatively inefficient. Diabetes has its full share of reputed remedies, most of which are harmful, much less useful. This can not, however, be said of all drugs. Specific medication and specific remedies have, long ago, taught me a valuable lesson-that the name of any disease counts for naught when we select our remedies. To correct any functional disease of the liver with the symptoms given later, we think first of Specific Chionanthus. You may ask what is my specific indication for Chionanthus, and I would invariably say that our patient had a functional disease of the liver with the following symptoms, namely: Intense thirst; specific gravity of the urine, 1030 to 1040; frequent and copious urination; more or less nervous prostration; loss of weight; night sweats; and, in a large majority of cases, constipation, with stool void of bile, being white or clay colored. Again, why I recommend this special drug is, that I have prescribed it for the last twenty-one years in a large practice where the above indications were present, denoting marked functional disorders of the liver. Where there is no febrile condition and nervous depression, Specific Nux Vomica should be combined with Chionanthus. I prescribe Chionanthus in from ten to fifteen drop doses, and the Nux in from one-half to one drop doses, when combined, four times daily. The bowels should be flushed every morning, one hour before breakfast, by drinking one to two pints of hot water, to which should be added one-half to one teaspoonful of sulphate of magnesium; or, what is preferable, one-half to one wineglass of French Lick Pluto water in one pint of hot water. This line of treatment should be continued until the specific gravity of the urine is normal.-A. P. Gauss, fW. D., Chicago hfedical Times.
Asthma Treated Successfully with Chionanthus.--It has not been my custom hitherto to offer my experience to the profession in a general way, because I have never had a disposition to arrive at conclusions on a narrow premise or to offer anything unless, to my mind, fairly well established. But during an experience of eight years I have observed many things that perhaps will benefit others. The Chionanthus Virginica, or Fringe Tree, has always occupied a prominent place among my therapeutic agents, and my confidence in the remedy grows year by year as I observe its direct and prompt effect, when indicated, in diseases of the human body. The first two or three years of my practice I thought the usefulness of this remedy was wholly confined to acute disease, but not so. While I have seen its splendid work in many other chronic diseases, I shall only mention results obtained in chronic asthma, or frequent recurring spasmodic asthma. There are many forms of this distressing disease, or symptoms, as the case may be, which I shall not take time to discuss. It may be due, as far as the spasmodic contractions are concerned, to a neurosis which depends upon the existence of a peculiar diathesis. Muscular contraction of the circular muscular fibers of the bronchial tubes is an essential element of the paroxysm,, which meII
chanically narrows the lumen of the tube as a result. Each individual suffering from or subject to asthma is susceptible only to his own peculiar exciting cause, and it has been the custom with physiciansto offer such patients little or no encouragement for permanent relief. We visit them during the paroxysms, or sudden manifestations, and perhaps will never give a close examination between the attacks to ascertain the cause in each individual case, if possible. I believe that the causes of asthma are as varied as those of dropsy. When you see dropsy you dont conclude that the chief trouble lies in the part swollen, but at some distant point or some systemic condition. The reason I have associated Chionanthus with asthma in this article is because I have used it successfully in several persistent cases of asthma, all of which were decidedly benefited and one permanently cured. I will relate one or two of these. In December, 1898, Mr. H. came into my office after a very severe attack of asthma. He was about 35 years old, weighed about 120 pounds, and was 5 feet 6 inches tall, light hair turning considerably gray, pale blue or gray eyes and dark skin. I shall never forget the impression he made on me that morning. I had been practicing in his family for two or three years and had good success Other members of the family had told me of his condition, and that he had been the rounds, and I really dreaded to see him come. He gave me about the following history and symptoms: Had asthma for fourteen years, the last three or four of which he had been unable to do manual labor. He seemed to be as much a fixture in the corner by the fire as was his aged father. He could not get out of doors when the weather was the least damp or cold, for he knew the result would be from three to ten daysattack of asthmaHis skin was sallow and dirty looking, his tongue was discolored, rather blue, and was coated some at base with a thin white coat. Eyes were extremely yellow and expressionless, and had been this way, for the most part, during the whole time of his illness. One of the most marked symptoms was, as he expressed it, a stick of wood in his right side. This stick of wood symptom in the region of the liver, or a feeling as if the iiver were too large, together with the yellow discoloration of the sclera, led me to the selection of the remedy. I did not regard the name of his disease when I wrote my prescription, but gave the medicine according to the specific indications. Somehow, the whole time I was examining the patient I could think of nothing else but Chionanthus as the remedy, though I had never before used it in connection with this disease. So I prepared him a bottle of Specific Chionanthus and directed him to take fifteen-drop doses, night and morning, and report to me again in thirty days. I continued this treatment for over six months without any variation, except to lessen the dose. I saw him from time to time and closely watched his symptoms and the action of the medicine. There was not much change the first month, except the stick of wood seemed to become smaller and his appetite improved considerably. Dont become discouraged when your patient does not get well in thirty days. My confidence in Chionanthus was so strong that I gave him nothing else. At the end of sixty days he had been exposed to cold, but had only a slight attack of asthma; the stick in his side was nearly gone; his bowels, which, by the way, had been obstinately constipated, were now acting regularly. At the end of four months the stick was entirely absent from his side and his waist measurement had decreased three or four inches, and his coat and vest, the latter especially, were too large; but he had gained three or four pounds, showing that he had suffered extreme engorgement.
At the end of six months I discharged him, but supplied him with enough Specific Chionanthus to last him two months longer, five or ten drops night and morning. He passed through last winter without an attack of asthma, something he had not done before for fifteen years. He accepted a position as machinist in a small town about eighty miles from Nashville. I had a letter from him a few days ago. He said he was enjoying life, working hard and saving his money, and had had no asthma since I discharged him. There are two other cases that I could relate, but will not at present,who were almost entirely cured. While they had some of the indications for Chionanthus, they were not so marked as the one above mentioned. I have one other case of asthma that has a splendid indication for the remedy, and, although I have been treating her only one month, she is much improved. Dont give the Chionanthus unless you have the indications present and then use The Specific Medicine.-?. P. I~LZT-viZZ, M. D,, Geoqia Eclecfic Med. Jozdr~. Materia Medica than Chionanthus. When given in functional liver difficulties due to some wrong of the mucous surfaces or its ducts, it seldom fails. It will not cure all cases of jaundice, but it will cure nearly all in which there is no structural disease of the liver. It may be said to be specifically indicated by clay-colored stools, yellowness of the skin and conjunctiva, high colored, even brown urine, with uneasiness or pain in the right hypochondrium or region of the liver, or with abdominal pain or colic, and great prostration. It is another remedy that acts &zumicuZly. Under older classification Chionanthus was said to he aperient, alterative, diuretic, narcotic, tonic to the stomach and bowels, and particularly emphasized as a &oZug-ague. We believe that it stimulates the liver to more and better work, and that it awakens and tones up the digestive tract generally. It is #ze remedy for jaundice due to functional disorders of the liver. It may be given alone or in combination with podophyllum, nux, leptandra, or dioscorea, all of which are closely related to Chionanthus when judged by their actions on hepatic functions. They are all antitorpor liver remedies-liver stirrers. Chionanthus will materially assist in the prevention of the formation of gall-stones, and is of undoubted benefit in their expulsion. Acute dyspepsia is frequently relieved by Chionanthus. It is of great worth in hepatitis, both acute and chronic, but is not a specific in the jaundice of hepatitis. It often S.&&Y the irritable or refractory liver of the dipsomaniac. Chionanthus has few equals in many cases of bilious, remittent and obstinate and intermittent fever. It is very beneficial inovercoming the slow convalescence that frequently follows exhausting diseases. Bilious colic has a conquerer in Specific Chionanthus. It relieves many cases of hypertrophic liver due to obstructions of its ducts and of a malarial character. The dose of Specific Medicine Chionanthus is from five to ten drops well diluted and frequently repeated. Chionanthus has strong recommendations for efficiency as a local application in the form of cataplasms or poultices in inflammations, in severe ulcers, and we rely upon it in certain lines, and we are not disappointed. Specific Chionanthus has a very rank odor, a dark amber color, and although lt occasionally precipitates a heavy sediment, it does not deteriorate.-Editorial from the Eclectic Medical Journal, January, 1897. Chionanthus is a valuable remedy in the treatment of jaundice and other troubles of the liver and skin, as well as digestive troubles dependent upon functional diseases of the liver. The most prominent indication for Chionanthus is a jaundiced or saffron color of the skin and conjunctiva, with a sodden color of the tongue and mucous membranes. It stimulates the liver and glands of the skin to 13
a more healthy action. Where a greater flow of the urine is desired-as is often the case in liver troubles-it is best to associate acetate of potassium with it.-3. C. E&s, hl. D., Ctiicago Med. Time.~. Chionanthus is the remedy for liver affections. We have proven to our own ,satisfaction that it is vastly superior to mercury. The indications are tenderness in the hepatic region, enlargement of the organ, yellowish color of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes; in other words, evidences of jaundice. It is the remedy in these conditions, whether acute or chronic. We are now experiencing w h a t seems to be an epidemic of catarrhal i n f l a m m a t i o n o f t h e d u c t s , w i t h a n attendant duodenitis. Our prescription has invariably been Specific Chionanthus alternated with sodium phosphate. We have never had to change the prescription but once in all of our cases, though some of my medical brethren have not been so fortunate. With this peculiar color of the skin it is equally valuable in chronic stomachic and intestinal diseases. The dose is Specific Chionanthus 3 ij to viii (according to age of patient), in half a glass of water, a teaspoonful of the mixture every two to four hours.- lW. N. Mumly, M. Il., Eclec-tic hfed. jfourn. P r e s c r i p t i o n of Chionanthus. - Fringe tree is the remedy par excellence in jaundice, torpor of liver, biliousness, clay-colored stools, threatened indisposition. It may be administered alone, or in combination with other hepatic remedies of known worth, as nux vomica or podophyllum, and, if the stomach is lame, Specific Medicine Hydrastis is added; the diffcrcnt remedies being selected according as the indication shall be. A common prescription with me in these troubles is the following: I&. Specific Chionanthus Vir. - - - 3 ss-3 j Specific Nux Vom. - - - - - gtt. x - - - - Specific Hydrastis, 3 j-3 ij Aqua Menth. Pip. - - - - q. s. acl-3 jv M. Sig. Teaspoonful every three or four hours when awake. Sometimes 3 ss-3 j Lloyds IIydrastis is used instead of Specific IIydrastis. Chionanthus is specific in jaundice, as I have demonstrated to my satisfact i o n . - ? . C . Andrews, hf. II?., C&ij?orzia J-F&. ~OWZ. Cl~io~~~ntl~ns.-lose, one-half drop to thirty drops of Specific Chionanthus may be given in water every one to three hours, I use it when there is pain in right hypochondriac region extending toward stomach, and tenderness upon pressure over liver; also when skin is jaundiced or muddy, associated with high colored and scanty urine, etc.-&xl. _E. .%zwzo~~.x, fJ1. B., EC&~&Z Fed. GlcaaeF. Chionanthu8 Virgiuica.-I will premise by stating that in this section of the country I believe Chionanthus is more frequently indicated than any other single remedy we possess; and that, for the last year or two, I have given it in more cases than any other drug; usually with certain and happy results. I care but little whether the effect of Chionanthus is obtained by increasing the secretions of the skin or kidneys, or the aperient effect that King starts out with in his abbreviated description of the drug; but this I do know, if my patient Is loaded down with malarial or mercurial poison, bilious, scrofulous, syphilitic, or other morbid material--if he is yellow or heavy skinned-Chionanthus is the remedy. Goss speaks of the decided catalytic influence over the glandular system possessed by this drug. I have always thought that he referred to the liver in particular, and I have always claimed he was right; but I can claim for Chionanthus a n equal value in many diseases that act on the other larger glands of the body, 14
Yet question whether I ought not also to ascribe more to phytolacca than I have been accustomed to do in the treatment of what we are in the habit of speaking of as glandular diseases, for in the treatment of these troubles both drugs work well, alternating with each other. I suppose both Goss and Scudder would claim, in the language of Goss, that the most prominent therapeutical property possessed by the Chionanthus is its specific power over morbid conditions of the liver. I will join them and say, I have tried it in hypertrophy of that organ, and with marked success, and in obstructions of the liver, in malarial districts with like success. It is near a specific in jaundice as is quinine in periodicity. I always use Chionanthus as my first tonic after fever: but were it not for its slightly cathartic effects ofttimes I might think of some other drug to use in its place. While I am quite willing to laud the great worth of Chionanthus in this place, yet I think its most useful field of action lies in the power it possesses in chronic cases and not after convalescence from acute diseases. As a diuretic its action I find to be valuable, not as well marked, but quite as certain as other more speedy and decided diuretics. I always use some other remedy with, or alternating with Chionanthus for this effect. In chronic disease of the kidneys, particularly in the advanced stage, and to correct functional wrongs in secretion and nutrition, no remedies in my hands have ever equaled the mixture of equal parts of Lycopus Virginica and Chionanthus. We ought, by what we gain from King, to expect efficacious results from the use of this remedy in bilious, typhoid and obstinate intermittent fevers, but I regret that I am unable to report my observations of its action in these diseases. In two remarkable cases of irregularity of the stomach and bowels I recently used it with satisfaction. Both cases presented the same symptoms: sallow, yellow skin; somber, dark, expressionless countenance; and all the other Chionanthus symptoms. Some days, constipation prevailed, other days frequent diarrhea, occasional nausea and vomiting; patients losing strength all the time. In the first case I used all the old means of relief- cathartics, astringents, and many things at many times that we hoped would act as a tonic to the mucous membrane and give tone to the stomach and howels, start up the liver, etc. I knew the patient needed Chionanthus, but we could obtain none at any of our druggists. As a consequence, the sufferer made no steps towards recovery, until we procured it. TW O bottles, containing one-half ounce each of the Specific Medicine Chionanthus, and one ounce and one-half of water, led to a good recovery. The other successful case was its exact counterpart, only the man had suffered the same way for more than three years, and his physicians had constantly been trying to remove his trouble. We gave him the following: &.
u7ater, M.
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Erg. - - - - - _ _ _ g;:
The effect was immediate.-By. F. C. Gaze, befom GC IL?ixois VaZZq Progressive M e d i c a l Association, 1876.