Phonegap + Sencha Touch: Hello World!
Phonegap + Sencha Touch: Hello World!
Phonegap + Sencha Touch: Hello World!
Hello world!
Smartphones are a bitch for developers a) Different APIs / OS b) Different screen resolutions
Since the internet is the shit => Smartphones come with native browsers
Even though most of them are crap They have basic functionality Crippled HTML5 + CSS3 + JS support
But it works! So why not use it? Widgets / WebApps use it! And so can we!
Smartphones are a bitch for developers a) Different APIs / OS b) Different screen resolutions
Smartphones are a bitch for developers a) Different APIs / OS b) Different screen resolutions
var datePicker = Ext.create('Ext.picker.Date', { value: new Date() });;
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