Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory
Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory
Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory
Operations Research Center and Department of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology
McGraw-Hill, Ine. New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bog06 Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
This is a first textbook in applied probability theory, assuming a background of one year of calculus. The material represents a onesemester subject taught at M.I.T. to about 250 students per year, most of whom are in the Schools of Engineering or Management. About two-thirds of these students are undergraduates. The subject, Probabilistic Systems Analysis, serves both as a terminal course and as a prerequisite for more advanced work in areas such as communication theory, control systems, decision theory, operations research, quantitative management, statistics, and stochastic processes.
My intention is to present a physically based introduction to applied probability theory, with emphasis on the continuity of fundamentals. A prime objective isto develop in the new student an understanding of the nature, formulation, and analysis of probabilistic situations. This text stresses the sample space of representation of probabilistic processes and (especially in the problems) the need for explicit modeling of nondeterministic processes. In the attempt to achieve these goals, several traditional details have either been omitted or relegated to an appendix. Appreciable effort has been made to avoid the segmentation and listing of detailed applications which must appear in a truly comprehensive work in this area. Intended primarily as a student text, this book is not suitable for use as a general reference.
Scope'and Organization
The fundamentals of probability theory, beginning with a discussion of the algebra of events and concluding with Bayes' theorem, are presented in Chapter 1. An axiomatic development of probability theory is used and, wherever possible, concepts are interpreted in the sample space representation of the model of an experiment (any nondeterministic process). The assignment of probability measure in the modeling of physical situations is not necessarily tied to a relative frequency interpretation. In the last section of this chapter, the use of sample and event spaces in problems of enumeration is demonstrated. Chapter 2 is concerned with the extension of earlier results to deal with random variables. .This introductory text emphasizes the local assignment of probability in sample space. For this reason, we work primarily with probability density functions rather than cumulative distribution functions. My experience is that this approach is much more intuitive for the beginning student. Random-variable concepts are first introduced for the ,discrete case, where things are particularly simple, and then extended to the continuous case. C h a p ter 2 concludes with the topic of derived probability distributions as obtained directly in sample space. Discrete and continuous transform techniques are introduced in Chapter 3. Several applications to sums of independent random variables are included. Contour integration methods for obtaining inverse transforms are not discussed. Chapters 4 and 5 investigate basic random processes involving, respectively, independent and dependent trials. Chapter 4 studies in some detail the Bernoulli and Poisson processes and the resulting families of probability mass and density functions. Because of its significance in experimentation with physi-
cal systems, the phenomenon of random incidence is introduced in the last section of Chapter 4. Discrete-state Markov models, including both discrete-transition and continuous-transition processes, are presented in Chapter 5. The describing equations and limiting state probabilities are treated, but closed form solutions for transient behavior in the general case are not discussed. Common applications are indicated in the text and in the problems, with most examples based on relatively simple birthand-death processes. Chapter 6 is concerned .with some of the basic limit theorems, both for the manner in which they relate probabilities to physically observable phenomena and for their use as practical approximations. Only weak statistical convergence is considered in detail. A transform development of the central limit theorem is presented. The final chapter introduces some common issues and techniques of statistics, both classical and Bayesian. My objectives in this obviously incomplete chapter are to indicate the nature of the transition from probability theory to statistical reasoning and to assist the student in developing a critical attitude towards matters of statistical inference. Although many other arrangements are possible, the text is most effectively employed when the chapters are studied in the given order.
Examples and Home Problems
Many of the sections which present new material to the student contain' very simple illustrative examples. More structured examples, usually integrat;inglarger amounts of material, are solved and discussed in separate sections. For the student, the home problems constitute a vital part of the subject matter. I t is important that he develop'the skill to formulate and solve problems with confidence. Passive agreement with other people's solutions offers little future return. Most of the home problems following the chapters are original, written by the author and other members of the teaching staff. These problemr, were written with definite objectives. In particular, wherever possible, we have left for the student a considerable share in the formulation of physical situahions. Occasionally, the probability ,assignments directly relevant to the problems must be derived from other given information. I t did not seem feasible to sample the very many possible fields of application with other than superficial problems. The interesting aspects of each such field often involve appreciable specialized structure and nomenclature. Most of our advanced problems are based on
relatively simple operational situations. From these common, easily communicated situations, it seemed possible to develop compact representative problems which are challenging and instructive. The order of the problems a t the end of each chapter, by and large, follows the order of the presentation in the chapter. Although entries below are often not the most elementary problems, relatively comprehensive coverage of the material in this text is offered by the following skeleton set of home problems:
I have taken some liberties with the usual details of presentation. Figures are not numbered but they do appear directly in context. Since there are few involved mathematical developments, equations are not numbered. Whenever it appeared advantageous, equations were repeated rather than cross-referenced. Recommended further reading, including a few detailed references and referrals for topics such as the historical development of probability theory are given in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 consists of a listing of common probability mass and density functions and their expected values, variances, and transforms. Several of these probability functions do not appear in the body of the text. A brief table of the cumulative distribution for the unit normal probability density function appears in context in Chapter 6. The general form of the notation used in this text seems to be gaining favor at the present time. To my taste, it is one of the simplest notations which allows for relatively explicit communication. My detailed notation is most similar to one introduced by Ronald A. Howard.
it is the interest they stimulated which led me to this book, rather than one on field theory, bicycle repair, or the larger African beetles. Like all authors, I am indebted to a large nurnber of earlier authors. In this case, my gratitude is especially due to Professors William Feller, Rfarek Fisz, and Emanuel Parzen for their excellent works. Teaching this and related material during the past six years has been an exciting and rewarding experience, due to the intensity of our students and the interchange of ideas with my colleagues, especially Dr. RIurray B. Sachs and Professor George Murray. The many teaching assistants associated with this subject contributed a great deal to its clarification. Some of the problems in this book represent their best educational, (and Machiavellian) efforts. During the preparation of this book, I had many productive discussions with Professor William Black. I n return for his kindness, and also because he is a particularly close friend, I never asked him t o look a t the manuscript. Professor Alan V. Oppenheim and Dr. Ralph L. Miller were less fortunate friends; both read the manuscript with great care and offered many helpful suggestions. The publisher's review by Dr. John G. Truxal was most valuable. Some award is certainly due Mrs. Richard Spargo who had the grim pleasure of typing and illustrating the entire manuscript-three times! My devoted wife, Elisabeth, checked all examples, proofread each revision of the manuscript, and provided unbounded patience and encouragement. Finally, I express my gratitude to any kind readers who may forward to me corrections and suggestions for improvements in this text.
Alvin W . Drake
My interest in applied probability theory was originally sparked by the enthusiasm and ability of two of my teachers, Professors George P. Wadsworth and Ronald A. Howard. For better or worse,
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Events Sample Spaces for Models of Experiments probability' Measure and the Relative Likelihood of Events Conditional Probability and Its Interpretation in Sample Space Probability Trees for Sequential Experiments The Independence of Events Examples Bayes' Theorem Enumeration in Event Space: Permutations and Combinations
4-10 Renewal Processes
4 1 1 Random Incidence
2. Random Variables
2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-1 1 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15
Random Variables and Their Event Spaces The Probability Mass Function Compound Probability Mass Functions Conditional Probability Mass Functions Independence and Conditional Independence of Random Variables Functions of Random Variables Expectation and Conditional Expectation Examples Involving Discrete Random Variables A Brief Introduction to the Unit-impulse Function The Probability Density Function for a Continuous Random Variable Compound Probability Density Functions Conditional Probability Density Functions Independence and Expectation for Continuous Random Variables Derived Probability Density Functions Examples Involving Continuous Random Variables
Series of Dependent Trials for Discrete-state Processes Discrete-state Discrete-transition Markov Processes State Classification and the Concept of Limiting-state Probabilitie~ The Ergodic Theorem The Analysis of Discrete-state Discrete-transition Markov Processes Examples Involving Discrete-transition Markov Processes Discrete-state Continuous-transition Markov Pmcesses Examples Involving Continuaus-transition Processes
6. Some ~und'amental Limit Theorems
The s Transform The z Transform Moment-generating Properties of the Transforms Sums of Independent Random Variables; Convolution The Transform of the P D F for the Sum of Independent Random Variables A Further Note on Sums of Independent Random Variables Sum of a Random Number of Independent Identically Distributed Random Variables An Example, with Some Notes on Inverse Transforms Where Do We Go from Here?
4. Some Basic Probabilistic Processes
The Chebyshev Inequality Stochastic Convergence , The Weak Law of Large Numbers The Gaussian PDF Central Limit Theorems Approximations Based on the Central Limit Theorem Using the Central Limit Theorem for the Binomial PMF The Poisson Approximation to the Binomial PMF A Note on Other Types of Convergence
7. An Introduction to Statistics
The .Bernoulli Process Interarrival Times for a Bernoulli Process Summary of the Bernoulli Process An Example The Poisson$ Process Interarrival Times for the Poisson Process Some Additional Properties of Poisson Processes and Poisson Random Variables Summary of the Poisson Process Examples
7-1 Statistics Is Different 7-2 Statistical Models and Some Related Issues 7-3 Statistics: Sample Values and Experimental Values 7-4 Significance Testing 7-5 Parametric and Nonparametric Hypotheses 7-6 Hypothesis Testing 7-7 Estimation 7-8 Some Properties of Desirable Estimators 7-9 Maximum-likelihood Estimation 7-10 Bayesian Analysis 7-11 Complementary PDF's for Bayesian Analysis 7-12 Some Comments on Bayesian Analysis and Classical Statistics
Appendix 1 Further Reading . Appendix 2. Common PDF's, PMF's, and Their Means, Variances, and Transforms Index
We first introduce an explicit language for our discussion of probability theory. Such a language is provided by the algebra of events. We wish to develop an understanding of those introductory aspects of this algebra mhich are essential to our study of probability theory and its applications. Let's begin with a brief tour of some of the definitions, concepts, and operations of the algebra of events.
If all points of C' mhich are in B are also in A , then event B is said to be included in event A. Two event.s A and B are said to be equal if every point of U which is in A is also in B and every point of C; which is in A' is also in B'. Another way to state t,he condition for the equalit,y of two events would be to say that two events are equal if and only if each event, is included in the other event. We have sampled several of the notions of the algebra. of events. Pictures of events in the universal set, such as t,hose used above, are known as Venn diagrains. Formally, the following is a set of laws (azio~ns) which fully defines t:he algebra of events:
Events (or sets) are collections of points or areas in a space. The physical interpretation of this space will be provided in the following section.
The collection of all points in the entire space is called U , the universal set or the universal event.
+ +C
The Seven Axioms of the Algebra of Eyents Event A', the coinplement of event A , is the collection of all points in the universal set which are not included in event A. The null set 4 contains no points and is the complement of the universal set.
The intersection of two events A and B is the collection of all points which are contained both in A and in B. For the intersection of events A and B we shall use the simple notation AB.
Technically, these seven axioms define everything there is to know about the algebra of events. The reader may consider visualizing each of these axioms in a Venn diagram. Our selection of a list of axioms is not a unique one. Alternative sets of axioms could be stated which would lead to the same results. Any relation which is valid in the algebra of events is' subject to proof by use of the seven axioms and with no additional information. Some representative relations, each of which may be interpreted easily on a Venn diagram, are
The union of two events A and B is the collection of all points which are either in A or in B or in both. For the union of events A and B I we shall use the not,ation A B.
+ Cj
If it were our intention to prove (or test) relations in the algebra of events, we would find it surprisingly taxing to do so using only the
seven axioms in their given form. One could not take an '(obvious" step such as using CD = DC without proving the validity of this relation from the axioms. For instance, to show that CD = DC, we may proceed
A list of events is collectively exhaustive if each point in the universal set is included in a t least one event in the list. A Venn diagram for three collectively exhaustive events A, B, C could be
Axiom (1) with A = C and B = D ' ' Take complement of both sides By use of axioms (5) and (4)
The task of proving or t,esting relations becomes easier if we have relations such as the above available for direct use. Once such relations are proved via the seven axioms, we call them theol-ems and use then1 with the same validity as the original axioms. We are already prepared to note those definitions and properties of the algebra of events which will be of value to us in our study of ~robabilitv. . /
ifi=j if
i = l , 2,
. . . , N; j = l , 2 , . . . , N
A list of events is composed of mutually exclusive events if there is no point in the universal set which is included in more than one event in the list. A Venn diagram for three n~utuallyexclusive events A, B, C could be
but in no case may there be any point in the universal set which is included in none of the events. A list of events may be mutuaI1y exclusive, collectively exhaustive, both, or neither. After the discussion of sample space in the next section, we shall have many opportunities to consider lists of events and familiarize ourselves with the use of these definitions. We note two additional matters with regard to the algebra of events. One is that we do not make errors in the algebra of events if we happen to include the same term several times in a union. If we are trying to collect all the points in a rather structured event, we need only be sure to include every appropriate 'point a t least once-multiple inclusion will do no harm. Another consideration is of particular importance'in dealing with actual problems. The algebra of events offers a language advantage in describing complex events, if we are careful in defining all relevant sirnpIe events. Since we shall be making conscious and subconscious use of the algebra of events in all our work, one necessary warning should be sounded. ('He who would live with the algebra of events had better know exactly.with which events he is living." The original defined events should be simple and clear. If this is the case, it is then an easy matter to assemble expressions for complex events from the original definitions. Foi instance: Event A : Neither Tom nor Mary goes without Harry unless they see Fred accompanied by Phil or it is raining and . . . . Event B: Mary goes. BETTER Event A : Tom goes. Etc. Event C: Harry goes.
but in no case may there be any overlap of the events. A list of events A , , A2, . . . , A y is said to be collectiuely e d a u s t i u e if and only if A1
+ A2 + . . . + A,\r
; " =
- 2 = :
I n this book, we use the word "experiment" to refer to any process which is, to some part,icular observer, nondeterministic. I t makes no
difference whether the observer's uncertainty is due to the nature of the process, the state of knowledge of the observer, or both. The first six chapt.ersof this book are concerned with the analysis of abstractions, or models of actual physical experiments. Our last chapter is concerned with the relation of the model to the actual experiment. I t is probably safe to state that there are more variables associated with the outcome of any physical experiment than anybody could ever care about. For instance, to describe the outcome of an actual coin toss, we could be concerned with the height of the toss, the number of bounces, and the heating due to impact, as well as the more usuaI consideration of which face is up after the coin settles. For most purposes, however, a reasonable model for this experiment would involve a simple nondeterministic choice between a head and a tail. Many of the "trick" probability problems which plague students are based on some ambiguity in the problem statement or on an inexact formulation of the model of a physical situation. The precise statement of an appropriate sample space, resulting from a detailed description of the model of an experiment, will do much to resolve common difficulties. I n this text, we shall literally live in sample space. Sample space: The finest-grain, mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive listing of all possible outcomes of a model of an experiment
of the outcome of a performance of some experiment can be identified as a collection of events in sample space. I n sample space one may collect the members of any event by taking a union of mutually exclusive points or areas from a collectively exhaustive space. The advantage of being able t o collect any event as a union of mutually exclusive members will become clear as we learn the properties of probability measure in the next section. A sample space may look like almost anything, from a simple listing to a multidimensional display of all possible distinguishable outcomes of an experiment. However, two types of sample spaces seem to be the most useful. One common type of sample space is obtained from a sequential picture of an experiment in terms of its most convenient parameters. Normally, this type of sample space is not influenced by our particular interests in the experimental outcome. Consider the sequential sample space for a reasonable model of two flips of a coin. We use the notation Event
___= __=
The '(finest-grain" property requires that all possible distinguishable outcomes allowed by the model be listed separately. If our model for the flip of a coin is simply a nondeterministic selection between possible outcomes of a head and a tail, the sample space for this model of the experiment would include only two items, one corresponding to each possible outcome. To avoid unnecessarily cumbersome statements, we shall often use the word experiment in place of the phrase ((model of an experiment." Until the final chapter, the reader is. reminded that all our work is concerned with abstractions of actual physical situations. When we wish to refer to the real world, we shall speak of the "physical experiment.'' Soon we shall consider several experiments and their sample spaces. But first we take note of two matters which account for our interest in these spaces. First, the universal set with which we deal in the study of probability theory will always be the sample space for an experiment. The second matter is that any event described in terms
Above we picture the experiment proceeding rightward from the left origin. Each sample point, located a t the end of a terminal tree branch, represents the event corresponding to the intersection of all events encountered in tracing a path from the left origin to that sample point. On the diagram, we have noted one example of how an event may be collected as a union of points in this sample space. Formally, the four sample points and their labels constitute the sample space for the experiment. However, when one speaks of a sequential sample space, he normally pictures the entire generating tree as well as the resulting sample space. For an experiment whose outcomes may be expressed numerically, another useful type of sample space is a coordinate system on which is displayed a finest-grain mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive set of points corresponding to every possible outcome. For
instance, if we throw a six-sided die (with faces labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) twice and caIl the value of the up face on the nth toss x,, we have a sample space with 36 points, one for each possible experimental outcome,
The union of these sample points corresponds to the
An example of an event space but not a sample space for this experiment is
~ o
0 0
_ 4 - - - - . - - - -
*HI eH1T2
This sample point corresponds to the experimental outcome "a four on the first toss and a three on the second tossn
2 Experiment: Flip a coin until we get our first head. Notation : Let Often we shall have reason to abbreviate a sample space by working with a mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive listing of all possible outcomes which is not finest-grain. Such spaces, possessing all attributes of sample spaces other than that they may not list separately all possible distinguishable outcomes, are known as event spaces. If a,list of events A Az, . . . , A.v forms an event space, each possible finest-grain experimental outcome is included in exactly one event in this list. However, more than one distinguishable outcome may be included in any event in the list. We now present some sample and event spaces for several experiments.
1 Experiment: Flip a coin twice.
be the event
A sample space which is a simple listing for this experiment, with N representing the number of the toss on which the first head occurred, is
Notation : Let
be the event
on the nth toss. Note that this is still a finest-grain description and that one can specify the exact sequence of flips which corresponds to each of these sample points. -4n event space but not a sample space for this experiment is
We already have seen the sequential sample space for this experiment, but let's consider some event spaces and some other displays of the sample space. The sample space in a different form is
3 Experiment: Spin a wheel of fortune twice. The wheel is continuously calibrated, not necessarily uniformly, from zero to unity. Notation: Let x, be the exact reading of the wheel on the nth spin.
a .
x2 > ! j
Every possible distinguishable outcome (xl, x2 ) is represented as a different point in this space
algebra of events, one obtains a consistent system for associating real nonnegative numbers (probabilities) with events in sample space and f for computing the probabilities of more complex events. I we use the notation P(A) for the probability measure associated with event A, then the three additional axioms required to establish probability measure are :
+ P(B)
= p = :
Any point in a samplespace corresponds to one possible outcome of a performance of the experiment. For brevity, we shall often refer to the sample point as though it were the event to which it corresponds.
1-3 Probability Measure and the Relative Likelihood of Events
To complete our specification of the model for a physical experiment, we wish to assign probabilities to the events in the sample space of the experiment. The probability of an event is to be a number, representing the chance, or "relative likelihood," that a performance of the experiment will result in the occurrence of that event. This measure of events in sample space is known as probability measure. By combining three new axioms with the seven axioms of the
The first axiom states that all probabilities are to be nonnegative. By attributing a probability of unity to the universal event, the second axiom provides a normalization for probability measure. The third axiom states a property that most people would hold to be appropriate to a reasonable measure of the relative likelihood of events. I we accept these three axioms, all of conventional probability theory f follows from them. The original assignment of probability measure to a sample space for an experiment is a matter of how one chooses to model the physical experiment. Our axioms do not tell us how to compute the probability of any experimental outcome "from scratch." Before one can begin operating under the rules of probability theory, he must first provide an assignment of probability measure to the events in the sample space. Given a physical experiment to be modeled and analyzed, there is no reason why we would expect two different people to agree as to what constitutes a reasonable probability assignment in the sample space. One would expect a person's modeling of a physical experiment to be influenced by his previous experiences in similar situations and by any other information which might be available to him. Probability theory will operate "correctly" on any assignment'of probability to the sample space of an experiment which is consistent with the three axioms. Whether any such assignment and the results obtained from it are of any physical significance is another matter. If we consider the definition of sample space and the third axiom of probability measure, we are led to the important conclusion, Given an assignment of probability measure to the finest-grain events in a sample space, the probability of any event A may be computed by summing the probabilities of all finest-grain events included in event A.
One virt,ue of working in sample space is that, for any point in the sample space there must be a "yes" or "no" answer as to whether the point is included in event A. Were there some event in our space for which this .was not the case, then either the space would not be a sample space (because it did not list separately certain distinguishable outcomes) or our model is inadequate for resolution between events A and A'. We shall return to this matter when we discuss the samplespace interpretation of conditional probability. One can use the seven axioms of the algebra of events and the three axioms of probability measure to prove various relations such as
Obviously, one could continue listing such relations for a very long time. Now that we have considered both the algebra of events and probability measure, it is impo.rtant to recall that : Events are combined and operated upon only in accordance with the seven axioms of the algebra of events. The probabilities of events are numbers and can be computed only in accordance with the three axioms of ,probability measure. Arithmetic is something else.
Because we shall live in sample space, few, if any, such relations will be required formally for our work. We shall always be able to employ directly the third axiom of probability measure to compute the probability of complex events, since we shall be expressing such events as unions of mutually exclusive members in a sample space. I n computing the probability of any event in sample space, that axiom states that we must include the probability of every sample point in that event exactly once. hlultiple counting caused no error in taking a union in the algebra of events to describe another event, but one must carefully confine himself to the axioms of probability measure when determining the probability of a complex event. There are many ways to write out a "formula" for the probability of an event which is a union such as P ( A B C). Using the third axiom of probability measure and looking a t a Venn diagram,
+ CD + B ( A + C'D)]
The axioms of probability theory are used in obtaining the numerical value of this quantity.
The algebra of events applies inside the brackets. I t operates upon events and has nothing to do with their measure.
In practice, we shall usually evaluate such probabilities by collecting the event as a union of mutually exclusive points in sample space and summing the probabilities of all points included in the union.
Conditionai Probability and Its Interpretation in Sample Space
-+- +
Assume that we have a fully defined experiment, its sample space, and an initial assignment of probability to each finest-grain event in the sample space., Let two events A and B be defined on the sample space of this experiment, with P ( B ) # 0. We wish to consider the situation which results if the experiment is performed once and we are told only that the experimental outcome has attribute B. Thus, if B contains more than one sample point, we are considering the effect of "partial information" about the experimental outcome. Let's look a t a ~ a & ~ l e - s ~ picture of this situation. Consider ace a sample space made up of sample points S1,Sz,. . . , S.V.
Given that event B has occurred, we know that the sample point representing the experimental outcome must be in B and cannot be in B'. We have no information which would lead us to alter the relative probabilities of the sample points in B. Since we know one of the sample points in B must represent the experimental outcome, we scale up their original probabilities by a constant, l/P(B), such that they now add to unity, to obtain conditional probabilities which reflect the influence of our partial information. We formalize t,hese ideas by defining P(Sj ( B), the "conditional probability of S, given B," to be
resulted in a head." Given this partial information, we wish to determine the conditional probability that both tosses resulted in heads. Using the notation and the problem statement, ire may draw a sample space for the experiment and indicate, in the P(*) column, our a priori probability for each sample point.
The conditional probability of any other event, such as A, is to be the sum of the conditional probabilities of the sample points included in A, leading to the common definition of the conditional probability of event A given B. P(AB) P(A 1 B) = P(B) definedonlyforP(B)$O
all j in A
P(SjIB) =
all j in A
For the above display, we defined the events A and B to be "at least one head" and "two heads," respectively. In the A, B, and AB columns we check those sample points included in each of these events. The probability of each of these events is simply the sum of tthe probabilities of the sample points included in the event. (The only use of the B column in this example was to make it easier to identify the sample points associated with the complex event AB.) The desired answer P ( B I A ) may be found either directly from the definition of conditional probability
We may conclude that one way to interpret conditional probability is to realize that a conditioning event (some partial information about the experimental outcome) allows one to move his analysis from the original sample space into a new conditional space. Only those finest-grain events from the original sample space which are included in the conditioning event appear in the new conditional space with a nonzero assignment of conditional probability measure. The original ("a priori") probability assigned to each of these finest-grain events is multiplied by the same constant such that the sum of the conditional ("a posteriori") probabilities in the conditional space is unity. I n the resulting conditional sample space, one uses and interprets these a posteriori probabilities exactly the same way he uses the a priori probabilities in the original sample space. The conditional probabilities obtained by the use of some partial informat,ionwill, in fact, serve as initial probabilities in the new sample space for any further work. We present one simple example. A fair coin is flipped twice, and Joe, who saw the experimental outcome, reports that "at least one toss
It is essential that the reader realize that certain operations (such as collecting events and conditioning the space) which are always simple in a sample space may not be directly applicable in an arbitrary event space. Because.of the finest-grain property of a sample space, any sample point must be either wholly excluded from or wholly included in any arbitrary event defined within our model. However, in an event space, an event point A might be partially included in B, some other event of interest. Were this the case, the lack of detail in the event space would make it impossible to collect event B in this event space or to condition the event space by event B.
For instance, suppose that for the coin example above we were given only the event space
its probability assignment, and no other details of the experiment. Because this event space lacks adequate detail, it would be impossible to calculate the probability of event Hz or to condition this space by event H 2. When we are given a sample space for an experiment and the probability assigned to each sample point, we can answer all questions with regard to any event defined on the possibleexperimental outcomes.
1-5 Probability Trees for Sequential Experiments
Sequential sample and event spaces were introduced in Sec. 1-2. Such spaces, with all branches labeled to indicate the probability structure of an experiment, are often referred to as probability trees. Consider the following example:
sum of the probabilities on the branches leaving any nonterminal node must sum to unity; otherwise the terminal nodes could not represent a collectively exhaustive listing of all possible outcomes of the experiment. Of course, any tree sample space which contains the complete set of finest-grain events for an experiment is a "correct" sample space. In any physical situation, however, the model of the experiment will usually specify the sequential order of the tree if we wish ,to label all branches with the appropriate conditional probabilities without any calculations. Sometimes, a complete picture of the sample space would be too large to be useful. But it might still be of value to use an "outline" of the actual sample space. These outlines may be "trimmed" probability trees for which we terminate uninteresting branches as soon as possible. But once we have substituted such an event space for the sample space,-wemust again realize that we may be unable to perform certain calculations in this event space.
1-6 The
independence of
Thus far, our structure for probability theory includes seven axioms for the algebra of events, three more for probability measure, and the definition and physical interpretation of the concept of conditional probability. We shall now formalize' an intuitive notion of the independence 'of events. This definition and its later extensions will be of considerable utility in our work. I n an intuitive sense, if events A and B are defined on the sample space of a particular experiment, we might think them to be "independent" if knowledge as to whether or not %heexperimental outcome had attribute B would not affect our measure of the likelihood that the experimental outcome also had attribute A . We take a formal statement of this intuitive concept to be our definition of the independence of two events. Two events A and B are defined to be independent if and only if
This would be a sample space for an experiment in which?for instance, the "C1 or Cz" trial occurs only if ALBzhas resulted from the earlier stages of the sequential experiment. As before, one sample point appears for each terminal branch of the tree, representing the intersection of all events encountered in tracing a path from the left origin to a terminal node. Each branch is labeled such that the product of all branch probabilities from the left origin to any node equals the probability that t,heevent represented by that node will be the outcome on a particular performance of the experiment. Only the first set of branches leaving the origin is labeled with a priori probabilities; all other branches must be labeled with the appropriate conditional probabilities. The
= __. ZZZ = -
From the definition of conditional probability, as long as P ( A ) # 0 and P ( B ) # 0, we may write When we substitute the condition for the independence of A and B into this equation, we learn both that P ( A I B ) = P ( A ) requires that
P(B 1 A) = P(B) and that an' alternative statement of the condition for the (mutual) independence of two events is P(AB) = P(A) P(B). If A and B are other than trivial events, it will rarely be obvious whether or not they are independent. To test two events for independence, we collect the appropriate probabilities from a sample space to see whether or not the definition of independence is satisfied. Clearly, the result depends on the original assignment of probability measure to the sample space in the modeling of the physical experiment. We have dejined conditional probability such that (as long as none of the conditioning events is of probability zero) the following relations always hold : P(AB) = P(A I B)P(B) = P ( B I A)P(A) P(ABC) = P(A)P(BC I A) = P(B)P(C ( B)P(A 1 BC) = P(AC)P(B I AC) but only when two events are independent may we write
This relation does not require, and is not required by, the separate condition for the unconditional independence of events A and B, P(AB) = P(A)P(B) We close this section with a consideration of the definition of the independence of two events from a sample-space point of view. One statement of the condition for the independence of events A and B, with P(B) f 0, is P(AB) or, equivalently, P(A) = P(B) P ( A I B) = P ( A )
We extend our notion of independence by defining the mutual independence of N events Al, A2, . . . , AN.
. . . A,)
. .p_<N
= = ZZESZ =
Thus, the independence requirement is that event AB is assigned a fraction of the probability measure of event B which is numerically equal to P(A). As one would expect, we see (from the above diagram and the last'equation) that, as long as P(A) # 0 and P(B) # 0,events A and B cannot be independent if they are mutually exclusive.
1-7 Examples
example 1 Our first example is simply an exercise to review the properties of
This is equivalent to requiring that the probabilities of all possible intersections of these (different) events taken any numb-er at a ,time [such as P(A1A3A4A9)] given by the products of the individual event be probabilities [such as P(A P(A3)P(A4)P(A9)]. Pairwise independence of the events on a list, as defined a t the beginning of this section, does not necessarily result in the mutual independence defined above. One should note that there is no reason why the independence or dependence of events need be preserved in going from an a priori sample space to a conditional sample space. Similarly, events which are mutually independent in a particular conditional space may or may not be mutually independent in the original universal set or in another conditional sample space. Two events A and B are said to be conditionally independent, given C, if it is true that
probability measure, conditional probability, and some definitions from the algebra of events. The reader is encouraged to work out these examples for himself before reading through our discussion of the solu t.ions. Suppose that we ate given three lists of events, called lists 1, 2, and 3. All the events in the three lists are defined on the same experiment, and none of the events is of probability zero. List 1 contains events Al, A2, and collectively exhaustive. List 2 contains events B1, B2, and collectively exhaustive.
Evaluate each of the following quantities numerically. If you cannot evaluate them numerically, specify the tightest upper and lower numerical bounds you can find for each quantity.
and since we are told that the Aj7sare nzutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, we have
Part (a) requires that we sum the probability measure associated with each member of a mutually exclusive but not collectively exhaustive list of events defined on a particular experiment. Since the events are mutually exclusive, we are calculating the probability of their union. According to the conditions of the problem, this union represents an event of nonzero probability which is not the universal set; so we obtain
For part (f), we can use the-definition of conditional probability and the given properties of lists 1 and 2 to write
For part (b), the Ai's are mutually exclusive so we note that P(A2 / A,) is zero unless j = 2. When j = 2, we have P(A2 I Az), which is equal to unity. Therefore, we may conclude that
The quantity to be evaluated in part (g) involves the summation of conditional probabilities each of which applies to a different conditioning event. The value of this sum need not be a probability. By decomposing ,the universal set into Al, A2, . . . , Ak and considering a few special cases (such as B1 = U)consistent with the problem statement, we see
Again in part (c), the mutually exclusive property of the Ai's f will require P(AiAj) = O unless j = i. I j = i, we have P(AjAj), which is equal to P(Aj); so upon recalling that the Ai list is also collectively exhaustive, there follows
the crime for which he is about to be tried. Bo and Ci, each of whom knows whether or not A1 is guilty, have been called to testify. Bo is a friend of Al's and will tell the truth if A1 is innocent but will lie with probability 0.2 if A1 i s guilty. Ci hates everybody but the judge and will .tell the truth if A1 is guilty but, will lie with probability 0.3 if A1 is.innocent.
Given this model of the physical situation: In part (d), we know that C2 and C) are mutually exclusive. Therefore, Cgand C3 can never describe the outcome of the same performance of the experiment on which they are defined. So, with no attention to the properties of the Aj9s (assuming that we can neglect any pathological cases where the conditioning event A,C3 would be of probability zero and the conditional probability would be undefined), we have (a) Determine the probability that the witnesses give conflicting testimony. (b) Which witness is more likely to commit perjury? (c) What is the conditional probability that A1 is innocent, given that Bo and Ci gave conflicting testimony? {d) Are the events "Bo tells a lie" and "Ci tells a lie" independent? Are these events conditionally independent to an observer who knows whether or not A1 is guilty?
We begin by establishing our notation for the events of interest: Event A : A1 is innocent. Event B: Bo testifies that A1 is innocent. Event C: Ci testifies that A1 is innocent. Event X : The witnesses give conflicting testimony. Event Y: Bo commits perjury. Event Z: Ci commits perjury. Now we'll draw a sample space in the form of a-probability tree and collect the sample points corresponding to the events of interest.
original a priori probabilities by the same constant [l/P(X)] so that they add to unity.
Now, in the conditional space we simply sum the conditional probabilities of all sample points included in any event to determine the conditional probability of that event.
d To determine whether "Bo tells a lie" and "Ci tells a lie" are independ-
To find the probability of any event in sample space, we simply sum the probabilities of all sample points included in that event. (It is because of the ,mdually exclusive property of the sample space that we may follow this procedure.) Kow, to answer our questions,
+ B'C) = P(BC') + P(B'C) = 0.22 + A'B) = P(AB') + P(AfB) = 0.00 + 0.16 = 0.16
= 0.06
ent in the original sample space, we need only test P ( Y Z ) P(Y) P(Z). Since P(YZ) = 0 but P ( Y ) > 0 and P(Z) > 0, we see that events Y and Z are not independent, in fact they are mutually exclusive. To determine whether Y and Z are conditionally independent given A or A', we must test P(YZ I A) & P(Y 1 A)P(Z ( A) and P(Y I Af)P(Z I A'). From the sample space, we find P(YZ I A') that the left-hand side and one term on the right-hand side of each of these tests is equal to zero, so events Y and Z are conditionally independent to one who knows whether or not A1 is innocent. Since the testimony of the two witnesses depends only on whether or not A1 is innocent, this is a reasonable result. If we don't know whether or not A1 is innocent, then Y and Z are dependent because the occurrence of one of these events would give us partial information about Al's innocence or guilt, which would, in turn, change our probability of the occurrence of the other event.
example 3 When we find it necessary to resort to games of chance for simple
+ 0.00 = 0.06
examples, we shall often use four-sided (tetrahedral) dice to keep our problems short. With-a tetrahedral die, one reads the "down" face either by noticing which face isn't up or by looking up at the bottom of the die through a glass cocktail table. Suppose that a fair four-sided die (with faces labeled 1, 2, 3, 4) is tossed twice and we are told only that the product of the resulting two down-face values is less than 7. (a) What is the probability that at least one of the face values is a two? (b) What is the probability that the sum of the face values is less than 7? (c) If we are told that both the product and the sum of the face values is less than 7 and that at least one of the face values is a two, determine the probability of each possible value of the other face.
Conflicting testimony is more likely to occur if A1 is innocent than if he is guilty; so given X occurred, it should increase our probability that A1 is innocent. This is the case, since 3/11 > 1/5. c (One other method of solution.) Given X occurred, we go to a conditional space containing only those sample points with attribute X. The conditional probabilities for these points are found by scaling up the
We use the notation Event Fi: Value of down face on first throw is equal to i Event Sj: Value of down face on second throw is equal to j to construct the sample space
in which, from the statement of the problem ("fair die"), all 16 sample points are equally likely. Given that the product of the down faces is less than 7, we produce the appropriate conditional space by eliminating those sample points not included in the conditioning event and scaling up the probabilities of the remaining sample points. We obtain <
and the conditional probability that the other face value is unity is 2/5; the same applies for the event that the other face value is 3, and there is a conditional probability of 1/5 that the other face value is also a two. For Example 3 we have considered one approach to a simple problem which may be solved by several equivalent methods. As we become familiar with random variables in the next chapter, we shall employ extensions of the above methods to develop effective techniques for the analysis of experiments whose possible outcomes may be expressed numerically.
1-8 Bayes' Theorem
The relation known as Bayes' theorem results from a particular application of the definition of conditional probability. As long as. the conditioning events are not of probability zero, we have
P(B)P(A I B)
We wish to apply this relation to the case where the events A 1, At, . . ,AN form a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of events. For this case where the events A1, Az, . . . , AN form an event space, let's consider the universal set and include some other event B.
in which each of the remaining 10 sample points is still an equally likely outcome in the conditiond space.
a There are five sample points in the conditional space which are included in the event "-4t least one down face is a two"; so the conditional probability of this event is 5 X 0.1 = 0.5. b All the outcomes in the conditional space represent experimental outcomes for ~ h i c hhe sum of the down-face values is less than 7; so the t conditional probability of this event is unity. c Given all the conditioning events in the problem statement, the resulting conditional sample space is simply
For the case of interest, assume that we know P(Ai) and P ( B I Ai) for all 1 _< i 5 N and we wish to determine the P(Ai I B)'s. An example of this situat,ionfollows: Let A; represent the event that a particular apple was grown on farm i. Let B be the event that
an apple turns blue during the first month of storage. Then the quantity P(B / Ai) is the probability that an apple will turn blue during the first month of storage given that it was grown on farm i. The question of interest: Given an apple which did turn blue during its first month of storage, what is the probability it came from farm i? We return to the problem of determining the P(Ai I B)'s. As long as P(B) # 0 and P(Ai) # 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , N , we may substitute Ai for A in the above definition of conditional probability to write
i= 1
and we substitute the above expression for P(B) into the equation for P(Ai I B ) to get Bayes' theorem: the attempt to assign a priori probabilities in the sample space for a model when one has very little information to assist i n this assignment. We'll return to this matter in Chap. 7. One last note regarding conditional probability is in order. No matter how close to unity the quantity P ( A I B) may be, it would be foolish to conclude from this evidence alone that event B is a "cause" of event A. Association and physical causality may be di$erent phenomena. If the pr.obability that any man who consults a surgeon about lung cancer will pass away soon is nearly unity, few of us would conclude "Aha! Lung surgeons are the cause of these deaths!'' Sometimes, equally foolish conclusions are made in the name of "statistical reasoning." We wish to keep an open mind and develop a critical attitude toward physical conclusions based on the mathematical analyses of probabilistic models of reality.
Enumeration in Event Space: Permutations and Combinations
Rayes' theorem could also have been obtained directly from our Sample space interpretation of conditional probability. Note that, using a sequential sample space (shown at the top of the following page) this interpretation would allow us to derive Bayes' theorem [the expression for P(Ai ( R)J by inspection. A knowledge of Bayes' theorem by name will not affect our approach to any problems. However, the theorem is the basis of much of the study of statistical inference, and we shall discuss its application for .that purpose in the last chapt,er of this book. In the literature, one finds appreciable controversy about the "validity" of certain uses of Bayes' theorem. We have learned that the theorem is a simple consequence of the definition of conditional probability. Its application, of course, must always be made with conscious knowledge of just what model of reality the calculations represent. The trouble is generated, not by Bayes' theorem, but by
Sample spaces and event spaces play a key role in our presentation of introductory probability theory. The value of such spaces is that they
enable one to display events in a mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive form. Most problems of a combinatorial nature, whether probabilistic or not, also require a careful listing of events. I t is the purpose of this section to demonstrate how combinatorial problems may be formulated effectively in event spaces. Given a set of N distinguishable items, one might wonder how many distinguishable orderings (or arrangements) may be obtained by using these N items K a t a time. For instance, if the items are the four events A, B, C, D, the different arrangements possible, subject to the requirement that each arrangement must include exactly two of the items, are
There were N choices for the first member, any such choice results in N - 1 possible choices for the second member, and this continues until there are N - (K 1) possible choices for the Kth (and last) member of the permutation. Thus we have __=
N ( N - 1)(N - 2 )
(N - K + 1 )
( N - K)!
N > K
, -
_ _ I
SS s
Such arrangements of N distinguishable items, taken K a t a time, are known as K-permutations of the items. I n the above example, we have found by enumeration that there are exactly 12 different 2-permutations of 4 distinguishable items. To determine the number of K-permutations which may be formed from N distinguishable items, one may consider forming the permutations sequentially. One begins by choosing a first item, then a second item, etc; For instance, for the above example, this process may be shown on a sequential sample space,
A selection of K out of N distinguishable items, without regard to ordering, is known as a K-combination. Two K-combinations are identical if they both select exactly the same' set of K items out of the original list and no attention is paid to the order of the items. For the example considered earlier, AB and BA are different permutations, b u t both are included in the same combination. By setting N = K in the above formula, we note that any combination containing K distinguishable items includes K! permutations of the members of the combination. To determine the number of K-combinations which may be formed from N distinguishable items,, we need only divide the number of K-permutations by K! to obtain Number of K-conlbinations of N distinguishable i t e m
= -
Many enumeration and probability problems require the orderly collection of complex combinatorial events. When one attacks such problems in an appropriate sequential event space, the problem is reduced to several simple counting problems, .each of which requires nothing more than minor (but careful) bookkeeping. The event-space approach provides the opportunity to deal only with the collection of mutually exclusive events in a collectively exhaustive space. This is a powerful technique and, to conclude this section, we note one simple example of its application. Suppose that awunranked committee of four members is to be formed from a group of four males R, S, T, U and five females V, W, X, Y, 2. I t is also specified that R and S cannot be on the same committee unless the committee contains at least one female. We first wish to determine the number of different such committees which may be formed.
We draw an event space for the enumeration of these committees. Our only methodology is to decompose the counting problem into smaller pieces, always branching out into a mutually exclusive decomposition which includes all members of interest. (We may omit items which are not relevant to our interests.)
Use the axioms of the algebra of events to prove the relations a Uf=+ bA+B=A+AfB+ABC c A + U = U
Event X: X is on the committee. Event f,: Exactly n females are on the committee.
Number of ways to select the one female member Number of ways to select the other male member ( T o r U)
Use Venn diagrams, the axioms of the algebra of events, or anything else to determine which of the following are valid relations in the algebra of events for arbitrary events A, B, and C: a ( A B C)' = A' B' CJ b A B C=A AfB (A A'B)'C c ( A B)(At B') = AB' A'B A'BC' d AB AB' A'B = (A'B')'
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The following each terminal node is the number of acceptable committees associated with the indicated event. For instance, for the RS' committees, note that there are as many acceptable committees containing R but not S as there are ways of selecting three additional members from T , U, V, W, X, Y, Z without regard to the order of selection. We have obtained, for the number of acceptable committees, 2
Fully explain your answers to the following questions: a If events A and B are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, are A' and B' mutually exclusive? b If events A and B are mutually exclusive but not collectively exhaustive, are A' and B' collectively exhaustive? c If events A and B are collectively exhaustive but not mutually exclusive, are A' and B' collectively exhaustive? We desire to investigate the validity of each of four proposed relations (called relations 1, 2, 3, and 4) in the algebra of events. Discuss what evidence about the validity of the appropriate relation may be obtained from each of the following observations. We observe that we can: a Obtain a valid relation by taking the intersection of each side of relation 1 with some event El b Obtain an invalid relation by taking the intersection of each side of relation 2 with some event Ez c Obtain a valid relation by taking the union of each side of relation 3 with some event E3 d Obtain an invalid relation by taking the complement of each side of relation 4 I n a group of exactly 2,000 people, it has been reported that there are exactly: 612 people who smoke 670 people over 25 years of age 960 people who imbibe ' 86 smokers who imbibe 290 imbibers who are over 25 years of age
Finally we determine, were the committees selected by lot, the probability that the first four names drawn would form an acceptable committee. Since.any committee is as likely to be drawn as any other, we note that there are 125 acceptable committees out of possible results of the draw. Thus there is a probability of 125/126 that a randomly drawn committee will meet the given constraint. Had we decided to solve by counting unacceptable committees and subtracting from 126, we would have noticed immediately that only one draw, RST U, would be unacceptable. The extension of our event-space approach to problems involving permutations, such as ranked committees, merely requires that we work in a more fine-grained event space.
= = -
158 smol~ers ho are over 25 years of age w 44 people over 25 years of age each of whom both ~1110lies nd imbibes a 250 people under 25 years of age who neither smokc nor imbibe Determine whether or not this report is consistent.
1.11 A game begins by choosing between dice A and B in some manner such that the probability that A is selected is p. The die thus selected
- 1.06 Consider the experiment in which a four-sided die (with faces labeled 1, 2, 3, 4) is thrown twice. We use the notation -
is then tossed until a white face appears, at which time the game is concluded. Die A has 4 red and 2 white faces. Die B has 2 red and 4 white faces. After playing this game a great many times, it is observed that the probability that a game is concluded in exactly 3 tosses of the selected die is &. Determine the value of p.
1.12 Oscar has lost his dog in either forest A (with a priori probability
For each of the following lists of events, determine whether or not the list is (i) nlut.ually exclusive, (ii) collectively exhaustivc, (iii) a sample space, (iv) an event space: a F1, F2, (Fl F2)I b F ~ S IF1S2, F2, Fa, F , 4 ,c FISI, FxS2, (pi)', (Si 82)' d (Fi 8x1, (F2 S2), (F3 S3), (F4 84) e (Fi F2)(S1 S 2 S3), (Fi F2 F3)S4, (F3 F4)(S1 8 2 SS),S41t'4
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
For three tosses of a fair coin, determine the probability of: a The sequence H H H b The sequence HTH c A total result of two heads and orle tail d The outcome "More heads than tails" Determine also the conditional probabilities for: e "SIore heads than tails" given "At least one tail" f "RIore heads than tails" given "Less than two tsails" Joe is a fool with probability of 0.6, a thief with probability 0.7, and neither with probability 0.25. a Determine the probability that he is a fool or a thief but not both. b Determine the conditional probability that he is a thief, given that he is not a fool. Given P(A) # 0, P(B) # 0, P(A B) = P(A) P(B) - 0.1, and P(A I B) = 0.2. Either determine the exact values of each of the following quantities (if possible), or determine the tightest nuiuerical bounds on the value of each: aP(ABC)+P(ABC1) bP(AfIB) cP(B) dP(At) e P(A B A'B')
+ +
0.4) er in forest B (with a priori probability 0.6). If the dog is alive and not found by the Nth day of the search, it will die that evening with probability N / (N 4- 2). If the dog is in A (either dead or alive) and Oscar spends a day searching for it in A, the conditional probability that he will find thedog that day is 0.25. Sinlilarly, if the dog is in B and Oscar spends a day looking for it there, he will find the dog that day with probability 0.15. The dog cannot go from one forest to the other. Oscar can search only in the daytime, and he can travel from one forest to the other only at night. All parts of this problem are to be worked separately. a In which forest should Oscar look to maximize the probability he finds his dog on the first day of the search? b Given that Oscar looked in A on the first day but didn't find his dog, what is the probability that the dog is in A? c If Oscar flips a fair coin to determine where to look on the first day and finds the dog on the first day, what is the probability that he looked in A? d Oscar has decided to look in A for the first two days. What is the a priori probability that he will find a live dog for the first timeon the second day? e Oscar has decided to look in A for the first two days. Given the fact that he was unsuccessful on the first day, determine the probability that he does not find a dead dog on the second day. f Oscar finally found his dog on the fourth day of the search. He looked in A for the first 3 days and in B on the fourth day. What is the probability he found his dog alive? g Oscar finally found his dog late on the fourth day of the search. The oaly other thing we know is that he looked in A for 2 days and and in B for 2 days. What is the probability he found his dog alive?
c P(Af I B1)
Considering the statement of Prob. 1.12, suppose that Oscar has decided to search each day wherever he is most likely to find the dog on that day. He quits as soon as he finds the dog.
= -
c Given that he does get to look in forest B, what is the probability that he finds the dog during his first day of searching there? d Given that he gets to 100li in forest B at least once, \+hat is ,the probability that he eventually finds the dog in forest A?
Joe is an astronaut for project Pluto. Rlission success or failure depends only on the behavior of three major systems. Joe decides the following assumptions are valid and apply to the performance of an entire mission: (1) The mission is a failure only if two or more of the major systems fail. (2) Syste,m I, the Gronk system, will fail with probability 0.1. (3) I at least one other system fails, no matter how f this comes about, System 11, the Frab system, will fail with conditional probability 0.5. If no other system fails, the Frab system will fail with probability 0.1. (4) System 111, the Beer Cooler, fails with probability 0.5 if the Gronk system fails. Otherwise, the Beer Cooler cannot fail. a What is the probabili+y thilt the mission succeeds but that t h e Beer Cooier fails? b What is t.he prob:~bility that all thrcc systetils f:d? c Given that more than oue system failed, determine the co~ditiomd probabilities that: i The Gronk did not fail. ii The Beer Cooler failed. iii Both the Gronk and the l'rab failed. d About the time when Joe was due back on Earth, you overhear a radio broadcast about Joe in a very uoisy room. You are riot positive whnt the announcer did say, but, based on all available information, you decide thnt it is twice as likely that he reported "ALission a success'? as that he reported ".\lission n failure." What now is the conditional probability (to you) that the Gronk failed? A box contains two fair coins and one biased coin. For the biased coin, the probability that any flip will result in a head is +. A1 draws two coins from the box, flips each of then1 once, observes an outconle of one head and one tail, and returns the coins to the box. Do then draws one coin from the box and flips it. The result is a tail. Determine the probability that neither A1 nor Bo removed the biased coin from the box. Joe, the bookie, is attempting to establish the odds on an exhibition baseball game. From many years of experience, he has learned that his prime colisideration should be the selection of the starting pitcher.
The Cardinals have only two pitchers, one of whom must start : C1, their best pitcher; C2, a worse pitcher. The other team, the Yankees, has only three pitchers, one of whom must start: Yl, their best pitcher; Y2, a worse one; Yg, an even worse one. By carefully weighting information from various sources, Joe has decided, to make the folIowixig assumptions: The Yanliees will not &art Y1 if C1 does not start. If C1 does start, the Yankees will start Y1 with probability 3. The Cardinals are equally likely to start C1 or C2, no matter what the Yankees do; Y t will pitch for the Yan1;ees with probability f if Y1 does not pitch, no matter what else occurs. The probability the Curdinids will win given Ct pitches is r u / ( m I), where 112 is the nunlber (subscript,) of the Yankee pitcher. The probability the Yankees will win given Cz pitches is 1/114 where 1~ is the number of the Yankee pitcher. a 'CVhat'is the probability that C2starts? b What is the probabi1it.y that the Cardinals will win? c Given that Y2does not start, whnt is the probability that the Cardinals will win? d If Cz and Y2 start, what is the probability that the Yankees win?
Die .4 has five olive faces and one lavender face; die B has three faces of each of these colors. 1 fair coiri is flipped once. If it falls 1 heads, the game coritinues by throwing die A alone; if it falls tails, die B alone is used to continue t.he game. However awful their face colors may be, it is known that both dice are fair. a Determine the probability that the nth throw of the die results in olive. b Determine the probability that both the nth and (n 1)st throw of the die results in olive. c If olive readings result from all the first n throws, determine the conditional probability-of an olive outcome on the (n 1)st toss. Interpret your result for large values of n.
Consider events A, B, and C with P(A) > P ( B ) > P(C) > 0. Events A and B are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. Events A and C are independent. Can C arid B be mutually exclusive? S - 1.19 We are given that the following six relations hold: i
= 1.18 -
Subject to these six conditions, determine, for each of the following entries, whether it must be true, it might be true, or it cannot be true: a P(ABC) = P(A)P(B)P(C) b P(B I A) = P(B I C ) c P(AB I C) = P(A I C)P(B I C) d P(A B C) < P(A) P ( B ) P(C) e If W = ABand V = AC, T T V = 4
+ +
independent, and each link has a probability of 0.5 of being out of service. Towns A and B can communicate as long as they are connected in the communication network by at least one path which contains only in-service links. Determine, in an efficient manner, the probability that A and B can communicate.
Events E', F, and G forin a list of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events with P f E ) # 0, P(F) rC 0, and P(G) # 0. Determine, for each of the following sttltenlents, whether it must be true,, it might be true, or it cannot be true: a E', F', and G' are n~utually exclusive. b E", F', and G' are collectively exhaustive. c E' and F' are independent.. d P(E=') P(Ft) > 1.0. e P(Er BF' E'FG') = 1.0.
+ +
1.21 Bo and Ci are the only two people who will enter the Rover Dog Food jingle contest. Only one entry is allowed per contestant, and the judge (Rover) will declare the 'one wi~ineras soon as he receives a suitably inane entry, which may be never. Bo writes inane jingles rapidly but poorly. He has probability 0.7 of subnlitting his entry first. If Ci has not already won the contest, Bo's entry will be declared the winner with probability 0.3. Ci writes slowly, but he has a gift for this sort of thing. If Bo has not already won the contest by the time of Ci's entry, Ci will be declared the winner with probability 0.6. a What is the probability that the prize never will be awarded? b What is the probability that Bo will win? c Given that Bo wins, what is the probability that Ci's entry arrived first? d What is the probability that the first entry wins the contest? e Suppose that the probability that Bo's entry arrived first were P instead of 0.7. Can you find a value of P for which "First entry wins" and "Second entry does not win" are independent events?
I n the above communication network, link failures are independent, and each link has a probability of failure of p. Consider the physical situation before you write anything. A can communicate with B as long as they are connected by at least one path which contains only in-service links. a Given that exactly five links have failed, determine the probability that A can still communicate with B. b Given that exactly five links have failed, determine the probability that either g or h (but not both) is still operating properly. c Given that a, d, and h have failed (but no information about the condition of the other links), determine the probability that A can communicate with B.
The events X, Y, and Z are defined on the same experiment. For each of the conditions below, state whether or not each statement following it must necessarily be true if the condition is true, and give a reason for your answer. (Renlember t,hat a simple way to demonstrate that a statement is n~t~necessarily may be to find a counterexample.) true a If P ( X Y) = P(X) P(Y), then: i P(XY) = P(X)P(Y) . iii P(Y) = 0 iv P(XY) = 0 ii X Y = X +XfY b If P(XY) = P(X')P(Y) and P(X) # 0, P(Y) # 0, thcn: iii P(XY) # 0 i P ( X I Y) = P(Y 1 X) ii P ( X Y) = P(X) P(Y) - P(XY) , iv X. # Y unless X = U c If P(XY IZ) = 1, then: iii P(XYZ) = P(Z) i P(XY) = 1 i v P(Xr 12) = 0 iiZ=U d If P[(X Y) 1 Z] = 1 and X # 4, Y # +, Z # 4, then: i P(XYIZ)=O jii P ( X t Y ' ) Z ) = O iv P ( X I Z) < 1 ii P ( X Y) < 1 I the events R, f e Define the events R = X, & = X'Z, T = X'Y'Z'.
8, and T are collectivel-y exhaustive, then: i R, S, and T are mutually iii P(XfYZ') = 0 exclusive ii P ( R S T ) = P ( S ) P ( R l ' l S ) ivP[(R+S+T)IXYZ]=l
Only a t midnight may L mouse go from either of two rooms to the : other. Each midnight he stays iri the same room with probability 0.9, or he goes to the other room with probabi1it.y 0.1. We can't observe the mouse directly, so we use the reports of an unreliable observer, who each day reports correctly with probability 0.7 and incorrectly with probabi1it.y0.3. 011 day 0, we installed the niousc in room 1. We use the notation : Event &.(n.) : Observer reports mouse in room k on d:ty t t . Event Sk(n):Jlouse is i r i room 1; on day n. a What is the a priori probabi1it.y that on day 2 we shall receive the report R2(2)? b If we receive the reports R1(l) and R2(2), what is the conditional probability that the observer has told the t.ruth on both days? c If we receive the reports Rl(l) and R2(2), what is the conditional probnbilit,~ the event S2(2)? Would IVC then believe the observer of on the second day? Explain. d Determine the conditional probability P[R2(2) Rl(l)], and compare I it with the conditional probability P[S2(2) / Sl(l)].
Companies A, B, C, D, and E each send three delegates to a conference. A committee of four delegates, selected by lot, is formed. Determine the probability that: a Company A is not represented on the committee. b Company A has exactly one representative on the committee. c Neither company A nor company E is represented on the committee.
of A box contains N items, K of which are defective. A san~ple LIIitems is drawn from the box a t random. What is the probability that the sample includes a t least one defective item if the sample is t.aken : a With replacement b Without replacement The Jones family household includes Jlr. and Mrs. Jones, four children, two cats, mid three dogs. Every six hours there is a Jones family stroll. The rules for a Jones family stroll are: Exactly five things (people dogs cats) go or1 each stroll. Each stroll must include a t least one parent arid a t least one pet. L Therc (mi never be a dog arid : vat on the same stroll unless both parents go. All acceptable stroll groupings are equally likely. Given that exactly one parent went on t.he 6 P.M. stroll, what is the probability that Rover, the oldest dog, also went?
a The Pogo Thorhead rocket will fuxict.ion properly only if all five of its major systems operate simultaneously. The systems are labeled A , B, C, D,and A. System failures are independent, and each systenl ' has a probability of failure of 1/3. Given that the Thorhead fails, determine the probability that systcn! A is sol el^ a t fault. b The Pogo Thorhead I1 is an improved configuration using the same five systems, each still with a probability of failure of 1/3. The Thorhead I1 will fail if system A fails or if (at least) any two systems fail. Alas, the Thorhead I1 also fails. Determine the probability that system A is solely a t fault.
The individual shoes from eight pairs, each pair a different style, have been put into a barrel. For $1, a customer may randomly draw and keep two shoes from the barrel. Two successive customers do this. What is the probability that a t least one customer obtains two shoes from the same pair? How much would an individual customer improve his chances of getting a t least one complete pair by investing $2 to be allowed to draw and keep four shoes? (Some combinatorial problems are quite trying. Consider, if you dare, the solution to this problem for eight custon~crs instead of two.)
random variables
Often we have reasons to associate one or more numbers (in addition to probabilities) with each possible outcome of an experiment. Such numbers might correspond, for instance, to the cost to us of each experimental outcome, the amount of rainfall during a particular month, or the height and weight of the next football player we meet. This chapter extends arid specializes our earlier work to develop effective methods for the study of experiments whose outcomes may be described numerically.
Sample points
For t'he study of experinlents whose outconles may be specified numerically, we find it useful to introduce the following definition:
" "lH2*3
" Hl
A random varzhble is defined by a function which assigns a value of the rarldonl variable to each sample point in the sample space of an experiment.
* 2
T 3
"1 T2 T3
Each performance of the experiment is said to generate an experimental calzce of the randonl variable. This experinlental value of the random variable is equal to the value of the randonl variable assigned to the sample point which corresponds t-othe resulting experimental outcome. Consider the following example, which will be referred to in several sections of this chapter. Our experiment consists of three independent flips of a fair coin. We again use the notation Event
'? TP3
When this is the case, we may prefer to work in an event space which distinguishes among outcomes only in terms of the possible experimental values of the random variables of interest. Let's consider this for the above example. Suppose that our only interest in a performance of the experiment has to do with the resulting experimental value of random variable h. We might find it desirable to work with this variable in an event space of the form
We may define any number of random variables on the sample space of this experiment. We choose the following definitions for two random variables, h and r : h = total number of heads resulting'from the three flips r* = 1cngt.hof Iongest run resulting from the three flips (a run is a set of successive flips all of which have the same outcome) We now prepare a fully labeled sequential sample space for this experiment. We include the branch traversal conditional probabilities! t,heprobability of each experinlental outcon~e, the values of random and variables h and 1. assigwd to each salnple point. The resulting sample spaw is shown a t the top of the following page. If this experiment were performed once and the experimental out.conle were the event H1T2T3,we would say that, for this performance of the experiment, the resulting experimental values of random variables h and I . were 1 and 2, respectively. Although we may require the full sample space to describe the dehiled probabilistic structure of an experiment, it may be that our only practical interest in each performance of the experiment will relate to t,he resulting experimental values of one or more random variables.
The four event points marked along the ho axis form a mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive listing of all possible experimental outcomes. The event point at any h corresponds to the event "The experimental value of random variable h generated on a performance of the experiment is equal to ho," or, in other words, "On a performance of the experiment, random variable h takes on experimental value ho." Similarly, if our concern with each performance of the experiment depended only upon the resulting experimental values of random variables h and r, a simple event space would be
to all possible values of the random variable. event space could be
This event point represents the event "exactly two heads resulted from the three flips and no pair of consecutive flips had the same outcomen
One such
An event point in this space with coordinates ho and 1.0 corresponds to the event "On a performance of the experiment, random variables h and 1, take on, respectively, experimental values ho and T ~ . " The proba,bility assignment for each of these six event points may, of course, be obtained by collecting these events and their probabilities in the original sequential sample space. The random variables discussed in our example could take on only experimental values selected from a set of discrete numbers. Such random variables are known as discrete random variables. Random variables of another type, known as continuous random variables, may take on experimental values anywhere within continuous ranges. Examples of continuous random variables are the exact instantaneous voltage of a noise signal and the precise reading after a spin of an infinitely finely calibrated wheel of fortune (as in the last example of Sec. 1-2). Formally, the distinction between discrete and continuous random variables can be avoided. Rut the development of our topics is easier to visualize if we first become familiar with matters with regard t o discrete random variables and later extend our coverage t o the continuous case. Our discussions through Sec. 2-8 deal only with the discrete case, and Sec. 2-9 begins the extension to the continuous case.
The Probability Mass Function
Each point in this event space corresponds to the event "On a performance of the experiment, the resulting experimental value of random variable x is equal to the indicated value of xo." We next define a function on this event space which assigns a probability to each event point. The function p,(xo) is known as the probability mass function ( P A I F ) for discrete random variable x, defined by
p,(xo) = probability that the experimental value of random variable x obt.ained on a performance of the experiment is equal to xo
= =
We often present the probability mass function as a bar graph drawn over an event space for the random variable. One possible PMF is sketched below:
Since there must be some value of random variable x associated with every sample point, we must have 1
We have learned that a random variable is d-efined by a function which assigns a value of that random variable to each sample point. These assigned values of the random variable are said to represent its possible experimental values. Each performance of the experiment generates an experimental value of the random variable. For many purposes, we shall find the resulting experimental value of a random variable to be an adequate characterization of the experimental outcome. I n the previous section, we indicated the form of a simple event space for dealing with a single discrete random variable. T o work with a random variable x , \\;e mark, on an xo axis, the points corresponding
0 _< p,(xo) 5 1
Note that the argument of a PAIF is a dummy variable, and the PAIF for random variable x could also be written as p,(y), p , ( f = , ), or, as some people prefer, p , ( - ) . We shall generally use the notation p,(xo) for ,z l'A117. However, when another notation offers advantages of clarity or brevity for the detailed study of a particular process, we shall adopt it for that purpose.
For an example of the I'SiF for a random variable, let's return to the experiment of three flips of a fair coin, introduced in the previous section. U7emay go back to the origirlal sample space of that experiment to collect ph(hO), P11F for the total number of heads resulting the from the three flips. We obtain
We wish to consider situat.ionsin which values of more than one rand on^ variable are assigned to each point in the sample space of an experiment. Our discussion will be for two discrete random variables, but the extension to more than two is apparent. For a performance of an experiment, t,heprobability that random, variable x will take on experimental value xo and random variable y will take on experimental value y 0 may be determined in sample space by summing the probabilities of each sample point which has this compound attribute. To designate the probability assignment in an xo,yo event space, we extend our previous work to define the compound (or joint) PSIF for two randomvariables x and y,
I n situations where we are concerned with more than one random variable, the P l I F ' s for single random variables, such as p,(xo), are referred to as marginal PMF's. No matter how many random variables may be defined on the sample space of the experiment, this function p,(xo) always has t,he same physical interpretation. For instance, p,(2) is the probability that the experimental value of discrete random variable z resulting from a performance of the experiment will be equal t o 2. Let's return to the example of three flips of a fair coin in Sec. 2-1 to obtain the compound P l I F for random variables h (number of heads) and r (length of longest run). By collecting the events of interest and their probabilities from the sequential sample space in Sec. 2-1, me obtain pfL,,(ho,?.o). e indicate the value of p,b,r(hO,f*O) W associated with each event by writing it beside the appropriate event point.
probability that the experimental values of random varinbles x and y obtained on a performance of the experimerit are equal to xo and 1 ~ 0 ,respectively
ZiSZ!E =
The probability of any event described in terms of the experimental values of random variables h and may bc found easily in this event space once p,,,,(ho,ro) has been determined. Vor instance, we may obtain the marginal l'llli's, ph(hO) and ~ ~ ( l 'simply by collecting the probabilities of the appropriate events ~), in the ho,ro sample space.
A picture of this function would have the possible event points marlied on an zo,yo coordinate system with each value of p,,,(xo, yo)indicated as a bar perpendicular to the xo,yoplane above eachevent point. [We use the word event point here since each possible (xo,yo) point might represent the union of several sample points in the finest-grain description of the experiment.] By considering a.n xo,yo event space and recalling t,hat an event space is a mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive listing of all pos-
The reader can check that the ibove procedure and a similar operation for random variable h lead to the marginal PAIF's
and, similarly,
As was the case in the previous -chapter, the conditional probabilities are not defined for the case where the conditioning event is of proba.bility zero. Writing these definitions another way, we have Notice that, in general, the marginal PJlF's p,(xo). and p,(yo) do not specify pr,,(so,yo) just as, in general, p(A) and p(B) do not specify P(AB). Finally, we need a notation for a conditional joint probability mass funct.ion where t,hc conditioning event is other than an observed experirnent,al value of one of the random variables. We shall use I A) : pr,l,lA(xO,~O to denote the conditional compound PM 1 for random variables x and givctn event A . This is, by the definition of conditioxid probability,
I t is important to note that, in general, there is no wgy to go back from the marginal PbIF's to determine the compound PM1'.
Conditional Probability Mass Functions
Our interpretation of conditional probability in Chap. 1 rioted that conditioning a sample space does one of two things to the probability of each finest-grain event. If an event does not have the attribute of the conditioning event., the conditional probability of that event is set to zero. For all finest-grain events having the attribute of the condit ioriing event, the conditional probability associated with each such everit is equal to its original probability scaled up by a constant [ l / P ( A ) , where A is the conditioning event] such that the sum of the conditional probabilities in the conditional sample space is unity. We can use the same concepts in an event space, as long as we can answer either "yes" or "no" for each event point to the question "Does this event have the attribute of the conditioning event?" Difficulty would arise only when the conditioning event was of finer grain than the event space. This matter was discussed near the end of Sec. 1-4. When we consider a discrete random variable taking on a particular experimental value as a result of a performance of an experiment, this is simply an event like those we denoted earlier as A, B, or anything else and all our not,ions of conditional probability are carried over to the discussion of discrete random variables. We define the conditional
We return to the ho,ro event space of the previous sections and it,s compound PAIF in order to obtain some experience with conditional probability mass functions
h , r, event space including value of joint PMF for each
event point
*L 8
. 1
pZl,(xoI yo)
= =
conditional probability that the experimental value of random variable x is so, given that, on the same perfor-
We begin by finding the conditional I'MF for random variable r, the length of the longest run obtained in three flips, given that the experimental value of h, the number of heads, is equal to 2. Thus, we wish to find p r l h ( r O ( 2). Only two of the event.points in the original ho,ro
event space have the attribute of the conditioning everit (ho = 2), and the relative likelihood of these points must remain the same in the conditional event space. Either by direct use of the definition or from our reasoning in sample space, there results
directly condifiori an event space by an arbitrary event defined on the experiment. For our example, if we were told that the second flip resulted in heads, our sinlple conditioning argument cannot be applied in an ho,roevent space because we can't answer uniquely "yes" or "no" as to whether or not each event point has this attribute. The conditioning requires inforn~ation which appeared in the sequential sample space of Sec*.2-1 but which is no longer available in an h0,l.o event space.
2-5 lndependence and Conditional lndependence of Random Variables
I11 Sec. 1-6 we obt.ained our definition of the independence of two events by st,ating formally an intuitive notion of independence. For two random variables to be independent,,we sha.11require that no possible experimental value of one randont variable be able to give us any new infornlation about the probability of any experimental value of the other random variable. A formti1 statement of tlhisnotion of the independence of two rnndonl variables is
Had the conditioning event bee11that the experimental value of h were equal to 3, this would specify t,he experiment,al value of r for this experiment, because there is only one possible ho,ro event point with ho = 3. The resulting conditional 1'1117 would, of course, be
= _is__
Ilandont variables z and ?/ are defined to be independent if and only if p,&o I so) = p,(yo) for all possible values of xo and go.
= = =
From t.he definition of the conditional 1'1 f k"s, as long as the cor~ditioning event is of nonzero probability, we n u y always write
_ _ I
Suppose that we wish to conditiori the contpound PAIF in the ho,roevent space by the event that the experimental values of k and r resulting from a performance of the experiment are not equal. I n going to the appropriate conditional event space and allocation of conditional probability, we remove event points incompatible with the conditioning event and renormalize to obtain
Conditional horo event space given "ex perimental values of hand r are not equaln
If we let A represent this con ditioning event, the numbers beside each event point are
and, substituting the above definition of independence into this equation, we find that pyl.(yo1 .xo) = py(yo) for all zo,yo requires that p,l,l(.ro ( 00) = p,(xo) for all X O , ~thus, one equivnlent definition of O; the indepcndcrlcc condition would he to state that. rnndoin variables x and y are i~idcpendcntif aud o d y if p,,,(xo,go) = p,(.ro)p&o) for all TO, o. y We define any number of random variables to be irzutually independent if the compound 1'111: for all the randoni variables factors into the product of all the marginal 1'1II"s for all arguments of the compound 1'11 1 : . I t is also converlient to define t,henotion of conditional independence. One of several equivalent definitions is
Random variables x and y are defined to be conditionally independent given event A [with P ( A ) # 0] if and only if Finally, we can note one reasonable example of a phenomenon which was mentioned earlier. We have stated that we cannot always P~,,IA(%YO I A)
PXIA(XO ) ~ u ~I ~ ( ~ o IA A)
Of course, the previous unconditional definition niay be obtained by setting A = U in the conditional definition. The function p X l ~ ( x A) (o is referred to as the conditional warginal PSIF for random variable x given that the experimental outconle on the performance of the experiment had attribute A . We shall learn later that the definition of independence has implications beyond the. obvious one here. In studying situations involving several raridoni variables, it will normally be the case that, if the random variables are mutually independent, t.he analysis will be great,ly simplified and several powerful theorems will apply. The type of independence we have defined in this section is oft.en referred to as true, or statistical, independence of randonl variables. These words are used to differentiate between this complete form of independence and a condition known as linear independence. The latter will be defined in Sec. 2-7. The reader may wish to use our three-flip experiment and its ho,roevent space to verify that, although h and 1, are clearly not independent in their original event space, they are conditionally independent given that the longest run was shorter than three flips.
Functions of Random Variables
and then working in the above event space, we can rapidly collect p,(wo), to obtain
A function of some randonl variables is just what tjhe name indicatesi t is a function whose experiment,al value is determined by the experimentnl values of the random variables. For inst.ance, let h and again be the number of heads and the length of the longest run for three flips of a fair coin. Some functions of these random variables are
= ~(h,?,) h2
I h - 1' I
and, of course, h and r. Functions of randonl variables are thus new random variables themselves. The expcrimental values of these new random variables nmy be displayed in the event space of the original random variables, for instance, by adding some additional markers beside the event points. Once this is done, it is a simple mather to assemble the PJIF for a function of the original random variables. .. For example, let random variable w be defined by w = Ih - 11 We'll write the value of w assigned to each event point in a box beside the point in the ho,ro event space,
Let x be a random variable, and let g(x) be any single-valued function of its argument. Then g(x) is a function of a random variable and is itself R random variable. UTedefine E[g (x)], the expectation, or expected value, of this function of random variable x, to be
and we also define E[g(x) I A], the conditional expectation of g(x) given
As usual, this definition for the conditional case includes the unconditional case (obt,ained by setting A equal to the universal event.). Consider the event-space interpretation of the definition of E[g(s)]in an xo event space. For each event point so, we multiply g(x0) by the probability of the event point representing that experimental outcome, and then we sum all such products. Thus, the expected value of g(x) is simply the weighted sum of all possible experimental values of g(x), each weighted by its probability of occurrence on a performance of the experiment. We might anticipate a close relationship between E[g(x)] and the average of the experimental values of g(x) generated by many performances of the experiment. This type of relation will be studied in the last two chapters of this book. Certain cases of g(z) give rise to expectations of frequent interest and these expectations have their own names.
variance, c, is 1;oomn as the standard deviation of random variable x , and may be considered to be one characterization of the spread of a I'MF about E ( x ) . Herc arc a few 1'JI F's for random variable x, cach with the samc mean but different standard deviations.
E ( x ) = 0.0
The quantity is known as the nth moment, and the quantity (x - 2)" is known as the nth central moment of random variable x. Often we desire a few simple parameters. to characterize the Ph3F for a particular random variable. Two choices which have both intuitive appeal and physical significance are the expected value and the second central moment of the random variable. We shall discuss the intuitive interpretation of these quantities here. Their physical significance will become apparent in our later work on limit theorems and statistics. The &st moment (or expected value or mean value) of random variable x is given by
A conditional central moment is a measure of the nth power of t,he spread of a conditional PJIF for a random variable about its conditional mean. For instance, given that the experinwntal outconw had attribute A , the co~rditionalvariance of ratidom variable x, o:lA, is
and if we picture a PAIF bar graph for random variable .7: to be composed of broomsticlis on a weight.less axis, we may say that E ( x ) specifies the location of the c e n t e ~ mass of t,he PMF. of The second central moment E { [x - E (x)121 is a measure of the second power of the sprea.d of the PMF for random variable x about its expected value. The second central moment of random variable x is known as its va?iance and is denoted by uZ2. The square root of the
For functions of several random variables, me again define expect,at,ionto be the weighted sum of all possible experimental values of the function, with each such value weighted by the probability of its occurrence on a performance of the experiment. Let g(x,y) be a single-valued function of random variables x and y. By now me are familiar enough with the ideas involved to realize that a definition of E[g(x,g) I A ] : the conditional expectation of g(x,y), will include the definition for t,he unconditional case.
of g(x) [or of g(x,y) or of any function of g(x,y)] it is not necessary that we first determine the PMF p,(go). The calculation of E[g(x,y)] can always be carried out directly in the xo,go event space (see Prob. 2.10). We wish tJoestablish some definitions and results regarding the expected values of s u n s and products of random variables. From the definition of the expectat ion of a function of several random variables, we may write
We have dealt with only one example related to our study,of discrete random variables. We now work out some more detailed examples.
example 1 A biased four-sided die is rolled once.
Random variable hi is defined to be the down-face value and is described by the PhiIF,
for~~=1,2,3,4 for all other values of N o Based on the outcome of this roll, a coin is supplied for which, on any flip, the probability of an outcome of heads is (N 1 ) / 2 N . The coin is flipped once, and the outcome of this flip completes the experiment. PN(NO)=
1 0
The expected value of the sum qf two random variables is always equal to the sum of their expected values. This holds with no restrictions on the random variables, which may, of course, be functions of other random variables. The reader should, for instance, be able to use this result directly in the definition of t.he variance of rand on^ variable x to show Now, consider the expected value of the product xp,
Determine : (a) The expected value and variance of discrete random variable N. (b) The conditional PMF, conditional expected value, and conditional variahce for random variable N given that the coin came up heads. (c) I we define the events f Event A : Value of down face on die roll is either 1 or 4 Event H: Outcome of coin flip is heads are the events A and H independent? We'll begin by drawing a sequentid sample space for the experiment, labeling all branches with the appropriate branch-traversal probabilities, and collecting some relevant information.
I n general, we can carry this operation no further without some knowledge about p,,,(xo,yo). Clearly, if x and y are independent, the above expression will factor to yield the result E(xy) = E(x)E(y). Even if x and y are not independent, it is still possible that the numerical result would satisfy this condition.
i_ l
E(x)E(y), random variables x and y are said to be linearly ZZSS independent. (Truly independent random variables will always satisfy SEiE ___1 this condition.)
If E(xy)
An important expectation, the covariance of two random variables, is introduced in Prob. 2.33. Chapter 3 will deal almost exclu~ sively with the properties of some other useful expected values, the transforms of PMF's. We shall also have much more to say about expected values when we consider limit theorems and statistics in Chaps. 6 and 7.
a Applying the definitious of nlean aud vsrimce to random variable N, described by the Pi\IIc pN(No) given above, we have
deciding how many parking ticliets he will award that day. For any day, the probability that he decides to give exactly K tickets is given by the PJIF for K O = 1, 2, 3, or 4 for all other values of Ko
we may condition the above space by event H by removing all points with attribute T and scaling up the probabilities of all remaining events by multiplying by l / I > ( H ) = 10/7. This results in the four-point conditional event space shown below. To the right of this c*onditional event space we present the resulting conditional PAIF for random variable N , given that event H did occur.
But the more tickets he gives, the less time he has to assist old ladies at street crossings. . Given that he has decided to have a K-ticket day, the conditional probability that he will also help exactly I, old ladies cross the street that day is given by
Applying the definitions of the mean and variance in this conditional event space, we have
c We wish to test P(AH) 2 P ( A )P ( H ) , and we have already collected each of these t,hree quantities in the sample space for the experiment.
Before we answer some questions about Officer Aft, we should be sure that we understand the above stat.ements. For instance, on a day when Officer Aft has decided to give two tickets, the conditional PAIF states that he is equally likely to help one, two, or three old ladies. Similarly, on a day when he has decided to give exactly four tickets, it is certain that he will help exactly one old lady cross the street. (a) Determine the marginal P J I F ' ~ L ( I , ~ This marginal PMF tells ). us the probability that Officer Aft will assist exactly Lo old ladies on any day. Det.ermine also the expected value of random variable L. (b) Random variable S, Officer Aft's salary on any given day, is a function of random variables K and L. Determine the expected value of the quantity S(L,K). (c) Given that, on the day of interest, Officer Aft earned a t least $6, determine the conditional marginal PMF for random variable K, the number of traffic tickets he awarded on that particular day. (d) We define Event A : Yesterday he gave a total of one or two parking tickets. Event B: Yesterday he assisted a total of one or two old ladies. Determine whether or not random variables K and L are conditionally independent given event AB. From the statement of the example we can obtain a sample space and the assignment of a priori probability measure for the experiment. We could begin with a sequential picture of the experiment such as
To find the expectation of I,, we could multiply the experimental value of IJ corresponding to each sample point by the probability measure assigned to that point and suni these products. But since we already have ~ L ( L ~ ) , quicker to work in the event space for random variable it is L to obtain
or we might work directly in a Ko,TJocoordinate event space with the probability assignment PK,L(K~,TJ~) determined by 5-KO
5 LO< 5 - K O 5 Lo < 5 - K O
Akhough it has happened in this example, we should note that there is no reason whatever why the expected value of a random variable need be equal to a possible experimental value of that random variable. We b E(S) = (2K0 h~)p~,~(KO,TJo). can simply multiply the
experinlental value of S corresponding to each event point by the probability assignment of that event point. Let's write the corresponding experimental value of S beside each event point and then con~pute E'(S). .
We have established that each of the ten possible event points has an a priori probability of 0.1 of representing the outcome of any particular day in the life of Officer G. R. Aft
c Given that Officer Aft earned at least $G, me can easily condition the
We wish to check
above event space to get the conditional event space (still with the experimental values of S written beside the event points representing the remaining possible experimental outcomes)
Each of these three PJIF's is found from the conditional Ko,Loevent space presented above.
.6 *8
Since the relative likelihood of all event points included in the conditioning event can't change, these remain. ing six event points are still equally probable
2 0, we have
The definition of conditional independence is found to be satisfied, and we conclude that random variables K and L, which were not independent in the original sample space, are conditionally independent given that the experimental outcome has attribute AB. Thus, for instance, given that A B has occurred, the conditional marginal PDF of vari:tble I; will be un,zffct*tedby the experimental value of random variable K. In this text, the single word independence applied to random variables is a1w:~ysused to denote statistical independence.
Recall that we car1 use this simple interpretation of conditional probability only if the event space to which we wish to apply it is of fine enough'grain to allow us to classify each event point as being wholly in C or being wholly in C'. d There are only four (equally likely) event points in the conditional Ko,Loevent space given that the experimental outcome has attribute AB.
To prepare for a general discussion of continuous random variables, it is desirable that we become familiar with some properties of the unit-in~pulsefunction. Our introduction to this function, though adequate for our purposes, will lack certain details required to deal with more advanced matters. The unit-impulse functio~lpo(xo - a) is a function of $0 which is equal to infinity at xo = a and which is equal to zero for all other values of xo. Thc integral of po(x0 -. a) over any interval which includes the point where the unit inzpulse is nonzero is equal to unity. One way to obtain the unit impulse p o ( z ~ a) is to consider the Zi~uit, A goes to zero, of as
event space is the real line from xo = - a, to xo = PDF for random variable x, f,(xo), by
a. ,
We define the
< x 5 b)
1f,(xo) dxo
C__I C__
where the scale height of the impulse is irrelevant and the total area under the impulse function is written beside the arrowhead. The integral of the unit-impulse function,
Thus, fz(xo) is a density of probability measure on the event space (the xo axis) for random variable .x. Any event can be collected by selecting those parts of the s o axis which have the attribute of the event. For instance,
,-The event: Ix I < 1
- a) ~
- a).
[The event: x
The probability of any event is found by evaluating the integral of fz(xo)over those parts of the event space included in the event.
f, ( x o )
Thus an in~pulse may be used to represent the derivative of a function at a point where the function has a vertical discontinuity. As long as a function g(xO) does not have a discontinuity a t xo = a, the integral
over any interval which includes xo = a is simply g(a). This results from the fact that, over the very small range where the impulse is nonzero, g(xo)may be considered to be constant, equal to g(a), and factored out of the integral.
2-10 The Probability Density Function for a Continuous Random Variable
We wish to extend our previous work to include the analysis of situations involving random variables whose experimental values may fall anywhere within continuous ranges. Some examples of such continuous random variables have already occurred in Secs. 1-2 and 2-1. The assignment of probability measure to continuous sample and everit,spaces will be given by a probability density function (PDF). Let us begin by considering a single continuous random variable x whose
Should the PDF f,(xo) contain impulses a t either a or b, the b fz(xo)dxois defined to include the area of any impulse at the integral upper limit but not the area of any impulse at the lower limit. Note that this convention is determined by our choice of the inequality signs in the definition of f,(xo). Based on our understanding of event space and probability measure, me note that any P D F must have the following properties:
I we wish to reason in terms of the probability of events (of nonzero f probability), it is important to realize that it is not the P D F itself, but rather its integral over regions of the event space, which has this interpretation. As a matter of notation, we shall always use fz(xo) for PDF's and reserve the letter p for denoting the probability of events. This is consistent with our use of pz(xo)for a PMF. Note that, unless the P D F happens to have an impulse a t an experimental value of a random variable, the probability assignment to any single exact experimental value of a continuous random variable is zero. [The integral of a finitef,(xo) over an interval of zero width is equal to zero.] This doesn't mean that every particular precise experimental value is an impossible outcome, but rather that such an event of probability zero is one of an infinite number of possible outcomes. We next define the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for random variable x, pz5(x0), by
The scale height of the impulse in the diagram is irrelevant. The area contained under the impulse is written alongside it.
px5(xo) = Prob(x
< xO)= /-
f & ~ )dxo
= ==r==
The function pxl(xo) denotes the probability that, on any particular performance of the experiment, the resulting experimental value of random variable x will be less than or equal to xo. Note the following properties of the CDF:
Because of the integration convention discussed earlier in this section, we can note that p,<(xo) has (in principle) its discontinuity inlmediatcly to the left of xo = 0.2. We consider one simple example which deals with a continuous random variabte. Assume that the lifetiete of a particular component is known to be a random variable described by the PD1'
The CDF will be especially useful for some of our work with continuous random variables. For a discrete random variable, the C D F is discontinuous and therefore, to some tastes, not differentiable. For our purposes, we have defined the derivative of the C D F a t such a discontinuity to be an impulse of infinite height, zero width, and area equal to the discontinuity. Let's consider an experiment involving a random variable x defined in the following manner: A fair coin is flipped once. If the outcome is heads, the experimental value of x is to be 0.2. If the outcome is tails, the experimental value of x is obtained by one spin of a fair, infinitely finely calibrated wheel of fortune whose range is from zero to unity. This gives rise to the P D F
Let's begin by determining the a priori probability that the component fails during its second month of use. I n an xoevent space we can collect this event,
Thus, we require the quantity Prob(1 < x 5 2) = f z(zo)dxo which is equal to the shaded area in the following sketch:
1 ' 1
,-This area is equal to the conditional probability of failure in the second month. niven that failure did . not occur during the first month. Area =
r T h t s area IS equal to the probablltty that the component will fail during its second month of use
Since random variable x does not have a nonzero probability of taking on an experimental value of precisely 1.0 or 2.0, it makes no difference for this example whether we write Prob(1 < s < 2) or Prob(1 x < 2) or Prob(1 < x 5 2) or ~ r o b ( 1 x 5 2). 5 Next, we ask for the conditional probability that the component will fail during its second month of use, given that it did not fail during the first month. We'll do this two ways. One approach is t o define the events,
I n this latter solutior~,we simply worked directly with the notion which was formalized in Sec. 1-4 to obtain the definition of conditional probability. Before closing this section, let us observe that, once we are familiar with the unit-impulse function, a PMF may be considered to represent a special type of PDF. For instance, t.he following probability mass furic:tion and probability density function give identictal dcscript ions of some random variable x :
B: Component fails
during second month
and then use the definition of conditional probability to determine the desired quantity, P(B I A'). Since it happens here that event B is included in event A', there follows
P ( B I A')
P(B) =
f&o) dxo
=% I-
Only when there are particular advantages in doing so shall we represent the probability assignment to a purely discrete random variable by a PDF instead of a PMF.
2-11 Compound Probability Density Functions
As we would cxpect from the nature of the physical situation in this problem, our result has the property I'(BIAr) > P ( B ) . One other approach to this question would be to condition the event space for random variable x by noting that experimental values of x between 0.0 and 1.0 are now impossible. The relative probabilities of all events wholly contained within the conditioning event A' are to remain the same in our conditional space as they were in the original event space. To do this, the a priori P D F for the remaining event points must be multiplied by a constant so that the resulting conditional P D F for x will integrate to unity. This leads to t,he following condiI tional P D F jzlAl(xo A') :
We may now consider' the case where several continuous random variables are defined on the sample space of an experiment. The assignment of probability measure is then specified by a compound probabilit,~ density function in an event space whose coordinates are the experimental values of the random variables. I n the two-dimensional event space for the possible experimental values of random variables x and y, the compound PDF fz,,(xo,yo)may be pictured as a surface plotted above the xo,yoplane. The volume enclosed between any axes in the xo,y0 plane and this f,,,(xo,yo) surface is equal to the probability of the experimental outcome falling within that area. For any event A defined in the xo,yoplane me have
compound P D F for random variables x and g is specified to be if05yo~xoL1 otherwise and we wish to determine A,.fZ(xo),and the probability that the product of the experimental values of x and y obtained on a performance of the experinient is less than or equal to 0.25. Three relevant sketches in the xo, yo event space are The probability that the experimental value of x will fall between xo and xo dxo, which we know must be equal to fx(xo) dxojis obtained by integrating the compound PDF over the strip in the event space which represents this event,
For the continuous case, we obtain the marginal PDF's by integrating over other random variables, just as we performed the same operation by summing over the other random variables in the discrete case. fx(x0) =
where our notation will be that the rightmost integration will always be performed first. Thus we have
-, fx.,(~o,~o) dye
/,(YO) = ,=:/ %
-, fzs(x0,zlo) dxo
3xo dyo .
if 0 xo ,< 1 otherwise
Note that we must be careful to substitute the correct expression for fZ.,(x~,ytJeverywhere in the x0,yo event space. The result simplifies to f&o) =
ifO_<xo~l otherwise
I t should be remembered that such relations are not valid a t points where a P D F contains impulses. W e shall not add this qualification each time we employ such incremental statements. I n any physical problem, as long as weare aware of the presence of impulses in the PDF (nonzero probability mass a t a point), this situation will cause us no particular difficulty. We close this section with a simple example. Suppose that the
To determine the probability of the event xy 5 0.25, there are several ways to proceed. We may integrate f,,,(xo, yo) over the area representing this event in the xo,yoevent space. We may integrate the joint P D F over the complement of this event and subtract our result from unity, I n each of these approaches we may integrate over xo first or over yo first. Note that each of these four possibilities is equivalent but that one of them involves far less work than the other three.
We now display this result and complete the problem by considering a more detailed sketch of the xo,yo event space.
Only if we integrate the joint PDF here, over the complement of the event of interest, a d if we integrate over yo first, may we perform the double integration by using only one set of limits for the entire integration
- -I
This last discussion was a matter of elenleutary tr:dculus, not probability theory. However, it is important to realize how a little forcthought in planning these multiple integrations call reduce the sn~ourit of calculation and improve the probability of gct-ting a c!orrevt result.
The conditional PDF's are not defined when their denominators are equal t o zero. ~ o t that the conditional PPD ff,l,(xoI yo), as rt function of xo e for a given yo, is a curve of the shape obtained a t the intersection of the surface (xO,yO) a plane in three-dimensional space representing 2nd a constant value of coordinate yo. Using the event-space interpretation of conditional probability, we readily recognize how to condition a compound I'DF given any
As all example of some of these concepts, let's continue with the example of the previous section, where the PDI; for continuous random variables x arid y is specified by
ifO<yo<xoil otherwise
We wish to evaluate the quantity frlY(xoI go) dxo, defined to be thc conditional probability that the experimental value of x is between zo and xo dxo, given t,hat the experimental valueof y is between yo and yo dye. Our procedure mill be to,define the incremental events of irlterest and substitute their probabilities into t>hedefinition of conditional probability introduced in Sec. 1-4.
.Joint PDF for x and y is equal to 3 x o inside this triangle and is equal to zero everywhere else
3 x 0
We'll calculate fyl,(yoI zo), taking advantage of the fact that we have already determined f,(xo).
3x0 -
Event A : xo
Event B: 90
< g I yo + dyo
o _< yo 5 xo 5 I
Since the a priori PDI;'j~.y(xO,yo) a function of uo, it is reasonable is not that the conditional 1'DF .fyl,(y0) so) should be uniform over the possible experimental values of randoni variable y. For this example, the reader might wish to establish that
1 yo)
- yo2
i f ~ < y ~ g x ~ i i otherwise
may be found direct,ly in the xo,yoevent space without ever determining the P D F ;fg(go). However, if we have an interest only in the behavior of random variable g and we wish' to answer several questions about it, we may desire t,owork in a go event space with the P D F f,(go). A P D F obtained for a function of some randoni variables whose P D F is known is referred to as a derived PDF. We shall introduce one simple method for obtaining a derived distribution by working in the event space of the random variables whose I'D17 is liuomn. There may be more efficient techniques for particular classes of problems. Our method, however, will get us there arid because we'll live in event space, we'll always Iinow exactly what we are doing. To derive the I'DF for g, a function of some random variables, we need t,o perform only two simple steps in the event space of the original random variables: __= Determine the probability of t.he event g _< go for all values of go. Differentiate this quantity wit.h respect to go to obtain fo(g0).
Two corit.inuous random variables x arid g are defined to be independent (or statistically independent) if and only if fZly("o( go) = .fX(xo) for all possible xo,yo
= _.__
a d~~~C~S~,&O,VO) = .f.(~~lf,~,(y~ = /,,(~o)f&~ yo) is always true XO) by the definition of the conditional PDlT's, an equivalent condition for the independence of x and y is S r , y ( x ~ ,= Jlc(x~)fy(yP) for all xo,yo ~~) We say that any number of random variables are nwtually independent if their compound ]'Dl' factors into the product of their marginal 13DF's for all possible experimental values of the randon1 variables. The conditional expectation of g(x,y), a single-valued function of continuous random variables x and y, given that event A has occurred, is defined to be
All the definitions and results obtained in Sec. 2-7 carry over directly to the continuous case, wit-h summations replaced by integrations.
Derived Probability Density Functions
The first step requires that we calculate the cu~nulativeprobability distribut.ion function po5(go). To do so; we sin~ply integrate t,he given I'D&' for the original random variables over the appropriate region of their event space. Consider the following exnmplc: h fair wheel of fortune, contir~uously calibrated from 0.00 to 1.00, is to be s p u twice. The experi~ mental values of random variables s arid 1/ are defined to bc the readings on the first and second spins, respectively. [By "fair" we nleaxi, of course, that the wheel has no nmnory (different spins are independent events) and that any intervals of equal arc are equally likely to iriclude t.he experimentd outcon~e.] We wish to determine t.he 1'DF So(go) for x thc clasc where random vari:~blcg is defincd by g(x,y) = -.
Thc exan~ple states that the spins :we independent. Therefore we may obtain the joint I'DF
1.0 "f=.&o,~lo)= fZ(~o>.fy(~o>0.0 =
We have learned that g(x,y), a function of random variables x and y, is itself a new random variable. From the definition ,of expectation, we also know that the expected value of g(x,y), or any function of g(x,y),
ifO<xo_<l,O<yoL1 otherwise
< 1:
I we wish to derive a joint PDF, say, for g(x,y) and h(x,y), then f in'step 1 we collect the probability
Two sketches are given to show that the boundaries of the event of interest are different for the cases go < 1 and go > I. For our particular example, because of the very special fact that fr,u(xoryo) is everywhere equal to either zero or unity, we can replace the integration
by a simple calculation of areas to obtain, for the first step of our two-step procedure,
As the number of derived random variables increases, dur method becomes unreasonably cumbersome; but more efficient techniques exist for particular t.ypes of problems. One further detail is relevant to the mechanics of the work involved in carrying out our two-step method for derived distributions. Our method involves an integration (step 1) followed by a differentiation (step 2). Although the integrations and differentiations are gener:tlly with respect to different variables, we may wish to differentiate first before formally performing t,he integration. For this purpose, it is useful to rcmember one very useful formula and the picture from which it is obtained.
we have an integral over z whose lower h i t , upper limit., and integrand are all functions of a. If we desire to oht.ain the derivative At this point, of course, we may check that this CDF is a monot~or~ically irlcreasit~g function of .roand that it increases from zero a t go = - 00 to urlit,y a t go = a. Sow, for step 2, we differentiate p,&o) to find
@ (4 7
it is more efficient to use the following forrnula directly than t,o first perform the integration with respect to r and then to differentiate wkh respcct to a.
This relation is easy to remember if \vc keep in mind the picture from which it may be obtained
The dotted lines represent x changes in r (0,) and the limits of the integral due to small changes in a
The reader will have many opportunities to benefit from the c R (a) E above expression for -in obtaining derived distributions. For da instance, in Prob. 2.30 at the end of this chapter, this expression is used in order to obtain the desired P D F in a useful form.
Examples Involving Continuous Random Variables
c Because of the given ranges of possible experimental values of x and y, we note that
However simple the concepts may seem, no reader should assume that he has a working knowledge of the material in this chapter until he has successfulIy mastered many problems like those at the end of the chapter. Two examples with solutions follow, but we must realize that these examples are necessarily a narrow representation of a very large class of problems. Our first example gives a straightforward drill on notation and procedures. The second example is more physically motivated.
example 1 Random variables x, y, and x are described by the compound prob-
which simplifies to
ability density function, and we know that f,(xo) is zero elsewhere. +xo+% ifO_<xo51 otherwise
a From the statement of the compound PDF, note that the experimental value of random variable x can never be greater than unity. Since we are asked to det,ermine the probability that this experimental value is less than or equal to 3.0, we can immediately answer
Whenever possible, we perform simple checks on our answers to see whether or not they make any sense. For instance, here we'd check t o see that - DD fx(xo) dxo is unity. Happily, it is.
This result is a t least compatible with reason, since xy is always between zero and unity.
remember that the proper expressions must be listed for all values of the arguments. dzo(xoxo 3yozo) which simplifies to +(xo
if 0 i xo 5 1, 0 5 otherwise
+ 3yo)
if 0 _< xo L 1, 0 5 otherwise
For any possible value of XO, E(y I x) does result in a conditional our expectation for y which is always between the smallest and largest possible experimental values of random variable y.
example 2 Each day as he leaves home for the local casino, Oscar spins a
biased wheel of fortune to determine how much money to take with him. He takes exactly x hundred dollars 1vit.h him, where x is a continuous random variable described by t.he probability density function
The definit.ion of conditional probability is used with the given fZ(zo) to determine
As a matter of convenience, we are assunling that the currency is infinitely divisible. (Rounding off to the nearest penny wouldn't matcter much.) Oscar has a lot of experience a t this. All of it is bad. Decades of experience have shown that,, over the course of an evening, Oscar never wins. I n fact, the anlount with which he returns home on any particular night is uniformly distributed between zero and the anlount with which he started out. Let random variable y represent the amount (in hundreds of dollars) Oscar brings home on any particular night. (a) Determine J,,,(xo,yo), the joint P D I ~ his original wealth z and for his terminal wealth y on any evening. (b) Determinej,(yo), the marginal probability density function for the amount Oscar will bring home on a randomly selected night. (c) Determine the expected value of Oscar's loss on any particular night. (d) On one particular night, we learn that Oscar returned home with less than $200. For that night, determine the coriditior~al probability of each of the following events: (i) He started out for the casino with less than $200. (ii) His loss was' less than $100. (iii) His loss that night was exactly $75. a From the example statement we obtain
Joint PDF is equal to 118 inside this triangle and zero elsewhere. A quick check shows that the calculated PDF does integrate to unity over the entire event space.
The f, (yo ) PDF does integrate to unity and, as was obvious from the above sketch (since the joint PDF was constant inside the triangle), it is linearly decreasing from a maximum at yo=O to zero at y 0 = 4
c E(x - Y) =
We'll integrate
The event: "he started out with less than $200"
where again we are using the convention that the successive integrals are to be performed in order from right to left. By changing a sign in the proof in Sec. 2-7, we may prove the relation E(x - y)
E(x) - E(y)
e event nhis loss was less than $1"
. $
.;. 3y
<&yi/, TI
Since we already have the marginal PDF's, this relation allows us t o obtain E(x - y) by another route,
d Given that Oscar returned home with less than $200, we work in the
appropriate conditional sample space. At all points consistent with the conditioning event, the conditional P D F is equal to the original joint P D F scaled up by the reciprocal of the a priori probability of the conditioning event.
We realize that, in general, we, would have to integrate the conditional 13DF over the appropriate events to obtain their probabilities. Only because the conditional P D F is a constant have we been able to reduce the integrations to simple multiplications. iii As long as we allow the currency to be infinitely divisible, the conditional probability measure associated with the event x - y = 75 is equal to zero. The integral of the compound P D F f z , v ( ~ O ,over) ~O the line representing this event in the xo,yo event space is equal t o zero.
The event: "he returned home with less than $200."The a priori probability of this event is equal to the integral of the a priori joint PDF over this event which is equal to
( y1- P)Ko-l
<P <1
Thus, the conditional joint P D F is equal to a/$ = in the region where it is nonzero. Now we may answer all questions in this conditional space.
Determine the probability that an experimental value of K will be greater than N. c Given that an experimental value of random variable K is greater than integer N, what is the conditional probability that it is also larger than 2N? (We shall discuss this special result in Chap. 4.)
d What is the probability that a11 cxperimcntal value of K is equal to an integer nlultiplc of 3? = - 2.02 The probability that any particular bulb ~villburn out during its K t h month of use is given by the 1'MF for K, = -
Four bulbs are life-tested simult.aneously. Determine the probability t.hat a Xone of the four bulbs fails during its first nlonth of use. b Exactly two bulbs have failed by the cnd of the third month. c Exactly one bulb fails during each of the first three months. d Exactly one bulb has failed by the end of the sccond month, and exactly two bulbs are still working at the start of the fifth month.
> d2. c Determine the probability that dl d2 . . d~ ,< 1.0 d Define r = max(dl,d2) and s F min(d1,dz). Determine the following PRIF's for, all values of their .arguments: i p&o) ,. ii p+(1'0 1 0) ii p ( o , o iv pt(to), with t = (1 dJ/(l s) e Determ-ine the expected value and variance of random variable s defined above. f Given dl d2 _< 2.0, determine the conditional expected value and conditional variance of random variable s defined above.
b Determine the probability that d l
+ +
Discrete random variable x is described by the PMF p,(xo). Before an experiment is performed, we are required to guess a value d. After an experimental value of x is obtained, we shall then be paid an amount A - B(x - d)2 dollars. a What value of d should we,use to maximize the expected value of our financial gain? b Determine the value of A such that the expected value of the gain is zero dollars. Consider an experiment in which a fair four-sided die (with faces labeled 0, 1, 2, 3) is thrown once to determine how many times a fair coin is to be flipped. I n the sample space of this experiment, random variables n and k are defined by n = down-face value on the throw of the tetrahedral die Ic = total number of heads resulting from the coin flips Determine and sketch each of the following functions for all values of their arguments: a pn(no) b pkln(ko 1 2) c pnlk(no 1 2) d px-(ko) e Also determine the conditional I'SIF for random variable n, given that the experimental value of k is an,odd number. Joe and Helen each know that the a priori probability that her mother will be home on any given night is 0.6. However, Helen can determine her mothek's plans for the night a t 6 P.M., and then, a t 6 :15 P.M., she has only one chance each evening to shout one of two code words across the river to Joe. He will visit her with probability 1.0 if he thinlis Helen's message means "Ma will be away," and he will stay home with probability 1.0 if he thinlis the message means "Ma will be home." But Helen has a meek voice, and the river is channeled for heavy barge traffic. Thus she is faced with the problem of coding for a noisy channel. She has decided to use a code containing only the code words A and B.
= ,
aSho~vthatthisI'~1I:sumstounity. b Discwte random variables R and S are defined on the sample spaces of two different, unrelated experiments, and thesc random variables have the 1'11 F's
c s 2.04 i l
Use an Ro,So sample space to determine the I'MF pT(TO), where discrete random variable T is defined by T = R S. Random variable W is defined by W = cR, where c is a known nonzero constant. Determine the PMF pw(W0) and the expected value of 'CV. How will the nth central moment of W change if c is doubled?
= -
Let dl, dZ,. . . , d~ represent N successive independent experimental values of random variable x. a Determine the numerical value of K.
telephow line (to be used once a day a t 6 :15 P.M.) with the following properties:
message is An
A frazzle is equally 1il;cly to contain zero, one, two, or three defects. K.0 frazzle has more than three defects. The cash price of each frazzle is set a t $(lo - K 2 ) ,where K is the number of defects in it. Gummed labels, each representing $1, are placed on each frazzle to indicate its cash value (one label for a $1 frazzle, two labels for a $2 frazzle, etc.). What is the probability that a randomly selected label (chosen from the pile of labels a t the printing plant) will end up on a frazzle which has exactly two defects?
A pair of fair four-sided dice is thrown once. Each die has faces labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. Discrete rand on^ variable x is defined t o be the product of t.he down-face values. Determine the conditional variance of x2 give11 that the sum of the down-face values is greater than the product of the down-face values. Discrete random variables x and y are defined on the sample space of an experiment, and g(x,y) is a single valued function of its argument. Use an evmt-space argument to establish that
Input words
Noisy channel
Output words
a I n order to minimize the probability of error between transmitted and received messages, should Helen and Joe agree to use code I or code II?
Code I
= Ma away B = Ma home
Code I1
A = Ma home B = Ma away
b Helen and Joe put the following cash values (in dollars) on all possible
outcon~es a day: of
Ma home and Joe comes Ma home and Joe doesn't come Ma away and Joe comes Ma away and Joe doesn't come
0 f30 -5
Joe and Helen make all their plans with the objective of maximizing the expected value of each day of their continuing romance. Which of the above codes will maximize the expected cash value per day of this romance? c Clara isn't quite so attractive as Helen, but a t least she lives on the same side of the river. What would be the lower limit of Clara's expected value per day which would make Joe decide to give up Helen? d What would be the maximum rate which Joe would pay the phone company for a noiseless wire to Helen's house which he could use once per day at 6: 15 P.M.? e How much is it worth to Joe and Helen to double her mother's probability of being away from home? Would this be a better or worse investment than spending the same amount of money for a
= 2.11 s
= C
At a pa~ticular point on a busy one-way single-lane road, a study is made of. the distribution of the interarrival period T between successive car'arrivals. A reasonable quantization of the data for a chain of 10,001 &arsresults in the following tabulation:
T, seconds
4 2,000
Number of occurrences
(Consider the cars t.o be as wide as the road, but very short.) a A young wombat, who never turns back, requires five seconds to cross the street. Determine the probability that he survives i f : i He starts immediately after a car has passed. ii He starts at a random time, selected without any dependence & the state of the traffic.
Let fz(zo) .be any PDF. The exponential transform (or s transform)
obtain inverse transforms by recognition and by exploiting a few simple properties of transforms. A discussion of one simple procedure for attempting to evaluate inverse transforms mill appear in our solution t o the example of Sec. 3-8.
The z Transform
Once we are familiar with the impulse function, any P M F may be expressed as a PDF. To relate the P M F pZ(xo)to its corresponding P D F fz(xo), we use the relation We are interested only in the s transforms of PDF's and not of arbitrary functions. Thus, we need note only those aspects of transform theory which are relevant to this special case. As long as fx(xo)is a PDF, the above integral must be finite at (see Prob. 3.01). least for the case where s is a pure imaginary Furthermore, it can be proved that the s transform of a P D F is unique to that PDF. Three examples of the calculation of s transforms follow: First, consider the P D F f&o)
2 pZ(a)po(xoa
may be written as the P D F f,(xo),
[The unit step function p-l(xO - a) is defined in Sec. 2-9.1 For a second example, we consider the uniform P D F fz(xO)=
- 0) - p-l(x0 - 1)
Our third example establishes a result to be used later. Consider the P D F for a degenerate (deterministic) random variable x which always takes on the -experimental value a,
where we have made use of the following relation from Sec. 2-9 The P D F corresponding to a given s transform, fZT(s), known is as the inverse transform of fxT(s). The formal technique for obtaining inverse transforms is beyond the scope of the mathematical prerequisites assumed for this text. For our purposes, we shall often be able to
The above s transform could also have been obtained directly from the equivalent (expected value) definition of fzT(s),
Alt,hough the s transform is defined for the P D F of any random variable, it is convenient to define one additional type of transform for a certain type of PMF. I pz(xo)is the P M F for a discrete random f variable which can take on only nonnegative integer experimental values transform (or z transform) of (xo = 0, 1, 2, . . .), we define the disc~xele pz(xo)to be pZT(z), iven by g m
pzT(z) -- E(zz)
2 zspz(xo)
z =O o
= = =
The right-hand side of the last equation, when evaluated a t s = 0, may be recognized to be equal to (- l)"E(xn). Thus, once we obtain the s transform for a I'DF, we can find all the moments by repeated differentiation rather than by performing other integrations. From the above expression for the nth derivative of fzT(s),we may establish the following useful results:
We do riot find it particularly useful to define a z transform for PAIF's which allow ioni integer or negative experimental values. I n practice, a large number of discrete random variables arise from a count of integer units and from the quantization of a positive quantity, and it is for cases like these that our nonnegative integer con~t~raint holds. The P l I F a t the start of this section allows only nonnegative integer values of its random variable. As an example, we obtain the z transform of this PSIF,
Of course, when certain moments of a P D F do not exist, the corresponding derivatives of fzT(s)will be infinite when evaluated a t s = 0. As one example of the use of these relations, consider the P D F ..J;(xo) = p-l(xo - O)Xe-hzo,for which we obtained fZT(s)= X/(s A in ) Sec. 3-1. We may obtain E(x) and uZ2 by use of the relations
Xote that the x transfornl for a P J I F may be obtained from the s transform of the equivalent I'D17 by substituting z = e-". The z transform earl be shown to be finite for a t least lzl 5 1 and to be unique to its 1'3IE'. We shsli normally go back to a 1'AII' from its transfornl by rec~og~iit.iorr a few familiar tra.nsforms. Howof ever, we can note from the definition of pZT(z),
The moments for a 1'31 F may also be obtained by differentiation of its z transform, although the resulting equations are somewhat different from those obtairied above. Begirining with the definition of the z transform, we have
I n general, for n
1, 2,
. . . , we have
The right-hand side of this last equation, when evaluated a t z = 1, is equal to some linear conlbination of E(xn), E(xn-I), . . . , E(x2), and B(x). What we are accomplishing here is the determination of all moments of a PAIF from a single summation (the calculation of the transform itself) rather than attempting to perform a separate summation directly for each moment. This saves quite a bit of work for those PAIF'S whose z transforms may be obtained in closed form. We shall frequently use the following relations which are easily obtained from the above equations:
A similar relation which will be used frequently in our work with z transforms is
We often recognize sums which arise in our work to be similar to expressions for moments of PMF's, and then we may use z transforms to carry out the summations. (Examples of this procedure arise, for instance, in the solutions to Probs. 3.10 and 3.12.) As an example of the moment-generating properties of the z transform, consider the geometric P N F defined by - P)zo-l if xo = 1, 2, 3, . . . p&o) = otherwise O < P < l We shall use the x transform to obtain E(x), E(x2), and rz2.
The properties of sums of independent random variables is an important topic in the study of probability theory. I n this section we approach this topic from a sample-space point of view. A transform approach will be considered in Sec. 3-5, and, in Sec. 3-7, we extend our work to a matter involving the sum of a random number of random variables. Sums of independent random variables also will be our main concern when we discuss limit theorems in Chap. 6. T o begin, we wish to work in an xo,y0 event space, using the method of Sec. 2-14, to derive the P D F for w, the sum of two random variables x -and y. After a brief look a t the general ease, we shall specialize our results to the case where x and y are independent. We are given fz,v(xo,yo),the P D F for random variables x and y. With w = x y, we go to the xg,yoevent space to determine pws(wo). The derivative of this CDF is the desired PDF, fW(wo).
[Try to evaluate E(x2) directly from the definition of expectation!] l-P az2 = E(x2) - [E(x)I2 = P2 I n obtaining pxT(x),we used the relation 1 - ak+l 1 + a + a 2 + . . * + = ---lal < 1 l-a
We may use the formula given in See. 2-14 to differentiate the quantity in the brackets to obtain
I n general, we can proceed no further without specific knowledge of the form of fz,v(xo,yo). For the special case where x and y are independent random variables, we may write
We next replace variable yo by xo and then plot, along an xo axis, the flipped function shifted to the right by wo.
This operation is known as the convolution of jz(xo) and fv(yoj. Had we integrated over xo first instead of yo in obtaining p,.s(w~), we would have found the equivalent expression with xo and yo interchanged,
- 1.0
The convolution of two functions has a simple, and often useful, f,(xo) graphical interpretation. If, for instance, we wish to co~lvolve and fu(yo) using the form
We can now present f,(wo - xo) on the same plot as fz(xo)and perform the integration of the product of the curves as s function of wo.
This sketch is drawn for the case wo -2.7, and from it we can integrate the product of these curves to obtain f w ( 2 . 7 ) 0.5
we would require plots of fx(xo) and fu(wo - xo), each plotted as a function of xo. Then, for all possible values of wo, these two curves may be multiplied point by point. The resulting product curve is integrated over xoto obtain jw(wo). Since convolution is often easier to perform than to describe, let's try an example whichVrequires conthe volution of the following PDF's:
1 :
Our final step is to plot the integral of the product of these two functions for all values of wo. We obtain
We are asked to find the PDF for w = x y, given that x and To obtain the desired plot of f,(wo - x3) as a function of xo, we first "flip" fu(yo) about the line yo = 0 to get
y are independent random variables.
fyc -Yo 1
Thus, by graphical convolution, we have determined' the PDF for random variable w, which, you may recall, was defined to be the sum of independent random variables x and y. Of course, we check to see that &(wo) is nonzero only in the range of possible values for sums of x and y (2.0 _< wo 3.7) and that this derived PDF integrates to unity.
We are now familiar with two equivalent methods to obtain the P D F for the sum of the independent random variables x and y. One method would be to work directly in the xo,yo event space; an alternative is to perform the convolution of their marginal PDF's. I n the next section, a transform technique for this problem will be introduced. For the special case where we are to convolve two PDF's, each of which contains one or more impulses, a further note is required. Our simplified definition of 'the impulse does not allow us to argue the following result from that definition; so we shall simply define the integral of the product of two impulses to be
pwT(z) = pZT(z)puT(z)
for w = x
+ y and
x,y statistically independent
is entirely similar to the above. Let's do one example for the discrete case, using z transforms. Independent variables x and y are described by the PAIF'S
P, ( x , )
= =
. -
Thus, the convolution of two impulses would be another impulse, with an area equal to the product of the areas of the two impulses. A special case of convolution, the discrete convolution, is introduced in Prob. 3.17. The discrete convolution allows one to convolve PlUF's directly without first replacing them by their equivalent PDF's.
3-5 The Transform of the PDF for the Sum of lndependent
Random Variables
+ y, has the z
Let w = x y, where x and y are independent random variables with marginal PDF's fz(xo) and S,(yo). We shall obtain fwT(s), the s transform of fw(wo), from the transforms fZT(s)and fyT(s).
The compound P D F factors into fz(xo)f,,(yo) because of the independence of x and y, to yield
fwT(s) = ficT(s)LT( s )
= = 5
The reader is encouraged to either convolve the PMF's or work the problem in an xo,go sample space to verify the above result.
3-6 A Further Note on Sums of lndependent Random Variables
We have proved that the transform of the P D F of a random variable which is the sum of two independent random variables is the product of the transforms of their PDF's. The proof of the equivalent result for discrete random variables which have z transforms,
in Sec. 2-7. Thus, the expected value of a sum is always equal to the sun1 of the expected values of the individual terms. We next wish to note how variances combine when we add independent random variables to obtain new random variables. Let w = x y ; we then have, using the above relation for the expected value of a sum,
This would lead us to expect that, for instance, as n goes to infinity, the probability that an experimental value of 1 % falls within a certain absolute distance d of E(r) decreases to zero. That is, lim I'rob[(r
(we think)
For x and y independent, the expected values of all products in the last brackets are equal. I n fact, only linear independence is required for this to be true and we obtain the following important expression for the variance of the sum of linearly independent random variables:
We reach this speculation by reasoning that, as the width of f,(r0) grows as the height of most of the curve should fall as l / d n to keep its area equal to unity. I f so, the area of fr(ro) over a slit of fixed width 2d should go to zero. Our second speculation is based on the fact that B(r) grows faster than a,. we might then expect that the probability that an experimental value of r falls within + A % of E(r) grows to unity as n goes to infinity (for A # 0). That is,
lim Prob
n--+ m
[Ir I)>$';
< A] I =
for A
(we think)
for w
+ y and
---i -
We might reason that, while the height of the PDF in most places near E(r) is probably falling as I/.\/;, the interval of interest, defined by
An alternative derivation of this relation for statistictllly independent random variables (using transforms) is indicated in Prob. 3.14. We now specialize our work to sums of independent random variables for the case where each member of the sum has the same PDF. When we are concerned with this case, which may be considered as a sum of independent experimental values from an experiment whose outcome is described by a particular PDF, we speak of independent identical12 distributed random variables. Let r be the sum of n independent identically distributed random variables, each with expected value E ( x ) and variancerZ2. We already know that For the rest of this section we consider only the case E ( z ) > 0 and > a,* > 0. The E(x) > 0 condition will simplify our statements and expressions. Our reasoning need not hold for ax2 = a, and any PDF which has ax2 = 0 represents an uninteresting deterministic quantity. If we are willing to accept the standard deviation of r , a,, as a type of linear measure of the spread of a PDF about its mean, some interesting speculations follow. As n increases, the PDF for r gets "wider" (as and its expected value increases (as n). The mean and the standard deviation both grow, but the mean increases more rapidly.
grmvs :is u. Thus the area over this irltervnl sl~oulcl, 11 -+a ,come :is to irtclucle 811 thc area of the PDF f,(r,). For the given conctit.ions, we shtdl lesirrl i n Chap. ti that these spcculatiotis happel1 to be correcbt. Although proofs of such tlzeorems cdoultI bc st:~tedhcre, n-e would not h v e ns satisfactory a physic:~linterpretation of suc.h,lilrtit theowus as is possible after we become familiar ,with thc properties of severnl importarlt PMF's mcl PDF's.
3-7 Sum of a Random Number of Independent'ldentically Distributed Random Variables
Let n: be a random varidde with I'DF f,(xo) arid s t,ransformfZT(s). If r is defined to be the sum of 12. i~~clcj~endetit experimental values of rardom vnrittble .u, we Imow from the results of Sec. 3-5 that the transform for the PDF f,(ro) is =
(stntistic,zlly) independent
= P
i . _
[with P l I F pn(no)]. We are interested in the sun1 of a random (but integer) number of independent identically distributed random variables. For instance, if f,(xo) were the P D F for the weight of any individual in an elcvrttor, if the weights of pcoplc in the clevator could be considered to be irtdcpendcnt random varinblcs, and if pn(no) werc the PAIF for the rlumber of pcoplc in thc elcvnt,or, random variablc 1. mould reprcscnt the total weight of the pcoplc in the elevator. Our work will also require that .z. and n be independent. I n our cxrtmplc, tlhc I'D17 for the individual weights may not depend on t,hc riumbcr of people in the elevator. If n can take on the experinwntal values 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, the sample spare for cneh performance of our experiment is of N 1 dimensions, siricc cach performance generates one experimental value of n and up to N experimental valucs of random variable s. I t is usually difficult t,o obtain thc desired P D F fr(ro) directly, but its s transforn~ derived quitc easily. Although it may be difficult to get is back t.o fr(ro) in a useful form from ;frT(s), it is a simple matter to . evnlunte the moments and variance of random variable 1. We may det,crminc the s transform for fr(ro) by working in an event spncc for random variable n (the number of independent experinlental values of x in the sum) and 2. (the value of the sum). This evcnt spacc, perhaps a strange choice a t first sight, consists of a set of parallel lines in one quadrant and one point a t the origin of the ro,noplane.
l'o,noevent space, 2nd t.hcn we talic the s transfornl 011both sides of the equation.
Wc rccognizc thc last ccpation forafrT(s) be the z transform of PMF to pn(no),with the tr:wform evaluated : ~ tz = fZT(s). WC now restate this problem arid its solut.ion.
Let n and x be independent random variables, where n is described bg the Pillli p, (nu) and x by the PDF l,(.zfl). Ilqjine r to be the sum of n independent experiwental values qf random variable .e. The s transfom for the PDF f41.0) is AT(s) = pnT[fST(s)]
= =J==:
I .
Wc may use thc rhnin rule for diffcrcutiation to o h t d n the expectation, second moment, and variance of Y.
Every event point representing a possible outcome is either on one of these heavy lines or at the origin
The first step in the equation immediately above made use of the fact
Along each heavy line, there applies a conditional P D F Jrln(ro 1 no) which is the PDI? for 1. given the experimental value of n. We know I nu) that Jrln(~.o is that PDF which describes the sum of no independent experimeutal values of random variable x. As me noted a t the start of ) this section, P D F f r l n ( r o no) has the s transform [fzT(s)Jno. We use these observations to collect fr(yo) as a summation in t.he
A second chain-rule differentiation of frT(s) and the use of the relation for (rr2 in terms of frT(s) leads to the further result
o (e) Determine the P D F f,(ro) from the s transform fTT(s) btained in part (d). a Rather than attempt to carry 'out some troublesome summations directly, it seems appropriate to employ the z transform. We may note that this result checks out correctly for the case where n is deterministic (an2 = 0) and for the case where x is deterministic (uZ2= 0, [E(x)I2= x2). If we had required that x, as well as n, be a discrete random variable which takes on only nonnegative integer experimental values, we could hnvc wor1;etl with the 1',1I1; p,(xo) to study a partkular case of the :tbovc rlcriv:~tiorls. Thc rcsultirig x transform of t.hc l'lil: for discrete randon1 variable v is and the above expressions for X(Y)and aT2still hold. An examplc of the sum of a random nunlbcr of independent idcrit.ica1ly distributed random variables is included in the following s~ct~ion.
First, for our particular PMF we Let A represent the event that the
k even o
As we untlcrt:ll;c! thc study of somc caonimon prob:tbilistic yroccsses i r i tho tlcxt cbhnptcr, our ~vori; will irlc*ludc rlumc!rous cx:~n~plcs of npl)lic*:ttiorlsof trnnsform tccdhlliclncs. 01ic prob\cw is solved hcre to rcvieic some of thc things we learrlcd in this, t,o indicate one ncn- :~pplicntion, [in part ( c ) ]to 1c:td us into :I diswssion of how we ar~d may attempt to go back fro111an s transform to its I'DE'. Thcre arc, which we shall riot discuss. of course, more general n~cthods, Let discrete random v;tri:dAc k hc described by the I'JIF' gO k p r ( k o ) = ~ ko=O,1,2,. . . (a) Determine the expected value arid variance of random v:wiable 1c. (h) Determine the prot)nl)ility that :Lrl cxpcrinwtltd vnluc of I. IS even. ' ( c ) Detcrminc thc probuhility that the sum of r~ i~idcpcndetit expcrinle~ital values of li is even. (d) Lct random variable lc rcprescnt t.hc ritimher of light bulbs we '. happen to have on hand a t time 7" I'urthermore, let .r, the lifetime of each bulb, be an indepcrident rnndom variable wit,h I'Dl? replac*ingit immediately with We turn on one bulb fit time To, another bulb as soon as it fails. .This cwntinues until thc last of the 1; bulbs blows out. DcternGrlc the s trnnsform, exl)ec~t:ttior~, and variance for random variable T , the t h e from To until t,hc last bulb dies.
The monotonically decreasing P M F for random variable k makes it obvious that P(A) > 0.5, since pt(0) > pk(l), pk(2) > pk(3), etc. Another approach, which is applicable to a more general problem where we may not be able to sum pk(ko) directly, follows:
ko even
ko even
p k ( ~ o ) l)ko] (-
For our example we have pxT(z) = (9 - 8t)-l, pkr(- 1) = &-,resulting in P ( A ) = 9/17. c Let r be the sum of n independent experimental values of random variable lc. I n Sec. 3-5, we learned that which we simply substitute into the expression obtained in (b) above, to get Prob(exper. value of r is even)
+ pfT(--I)]
4- (A).]
As we might expect on intuitive grounds, this probability rapidly approaches 0.5 as n grows. d This part is concerned with the sum of a random number of independent
identically distributed random variables. Continuous random variable is the sum of k. independent experimental values of random variable x. From Sec. 3-7, we have For fz(xo), the exponential PDF, we have
And, from the definition of the s transform, we note that fVT(s)would be the weighted sum of the transforms of the conditional PDF's f*l~~(yo J Ai). If we define
we have
which results in
We may substitute E(k), ak2, E(z), and uz2 into the formulas of Sec. 3-7 to obtain E(T) and uT2,or we may use the relations and
When we wish to take inverse transforms (go back to a P D F from a transform), we shall try to express the s transform to be inverted, fVT(s), the above form such that we can recognize the inverse transin form of each $lA,(s). In our particular problem, where the PMF for k is of the form and the P D F for x is the exponential P D F it happens that we may obtain fT(rQ) from fiT(s) by the procedure discussed above. We begin by using long division to obtain
72 which is of the form frT(s) = +.~L,(s) 3- Q.fin1(8) From the examples carried out i Sec. 3-1, we note that fin,(s) = 1 has the inverse transform frlA1 (TO Al)
1 -
(from the example in Sec. 3-3), which, in the expressions of See. 3-7 for the expectation and variance of a sum of a random number of i n d e pendent identically distributed random variables, yields 80 8 uT2= E(k)sz2 [E(x)12ur2 X, = E(T) = E (k)E(x) = X
has the inverse transform f r I ~ , ( ~ O and, finally, we have the PDF for the duration of the interval during which the lights are on.
The expected time until the last bulb dies is the same as it would be if we always had eight bulbs. But, because of the probabilistic behavior of k, the variance of this time is far greater than the value 8/X2 which if would describe aT2 we always started out with exactly eight bulbs. e Let A1,A2, . . . , Akbe a list of mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive events. Assume that there is a continuous random variable y which is not independent of the Ai's. Then it is useful to write
The impulse at TO = 0 in this PDF is due to the fact that, with probability 3, we start out with zero bulbs. Thus our PDF $,(TO) a mixed is PDF, having both a discrete and a continuous component. We conclude with a sketch of the PDF f,(rO)
The reader should recall that the scale height of the impulse is arbitrary
= - 3.01 A sufficient condition for the existence of an integral is that the - integral of the magnitude of the integrand be finite. Show that, a t = = - least for purelyimaginary values of s, s = j w , this condition is always - satisfied by the s transform of a PDF. = I = = - 3.02 If we allow s to be the complex quantity, 8 = a + jw, determine for - which values of s in the a,w plane the s transforms of the following = - PDF's exist: -
We are already familiar with most of the basic concepts, methods, and tools of applied probability theory. By always reasoning in an appropriate sample or event space, we have had little difficulty in going from concepts to applications. Three main areas of study are to follow: 1 Probabilistic processes (Chaps. 4 and 5) 2 Limit theorems (Chap. 6) 3 Statistical reasoning (Chap. 7) Although we shall consider these topics in the above order, this does not necessarily reflect their relative importance in the world of applied probability theory. Further study of the consequences of the summation of a large number of random variables (limit theorems) is indeed basic. Many probabilicists work solely a t attempting to make reasonable inferences from actual physical data (statistical reasoning). Our choice of the order of these topics is based on the contention that, if we first develop an understanding of several processes and their properties, we may then begin a more meaningful discussion of limit theorems and statistics. The following two chapters are concerned with those probabilistic processes which form the most basic building blocks from which models of actual physical processes are constructed.
- 3.03 Express the P M F pz(xo) = (1 - P)Pzo, xo = 0,1,2, . . . , as a PDF. 3.04 If z can be the complex number z = a j& determine for which
values of z in the a,@plane the z transform of the P M F of Prob. 3.03 will exist.
All parts of this problem require numerical answers. a If fVT(s)= K / ( 2 s), evaluate K and E(y3). b If pzT(z) = (1 z2)/2, evaluate p,[E(x)J and u,. c If fzT(s) = 2(2 - e-*I2 - e-*)/3s, evaluate E(e2*). d If pzT(z) = A(l 3 ~ evaluate ~ ) ~ E(x3) and pz(2).
+ +
= -
= - 3.06 Determine whether or not the following are valid z transforms of a = - tive integerdiscrete random variable which can take on only nonnega= -- PMF for a experimental values: . = = - az2+2z-2 b2-z c(2--z)-l = - 3.07 Show that neither of the' following is an s transform of a PDF: = b 7(4+3s)-I - a (1 -e+j8)/s = 3.08 Let Z, be a discrete random variable whose possible experimental 5 - values are all nonnegative integers. We are given
Determine the numerical values of E(l), pl(1) and of the conditional expected value of I given 1 # 0.
ZEE 3.09 Use the expected-valae definition of the s transform to prove that, -
= - if x and y are random variables with y = ax + 6, fvT(s) = e-a!fZT(as). = - (This is a useful expression, and we shall use it in our proof of the = - central limit theorem in Chap. 6.) For of cookies, k, - 3.10 cookie a particular batchrandom variable the number of nuts in any is an independent described by the probability = = mass function a Human tastes being what they are, assume that the cash value = - $ofa cookie is proportional to the third power of the number of nuts in - the cookie.: The cookie packers (they are chimpanzees) eat all the - cookies containing exactly 0, 1, or 2 nuts. All series must be summed. = - a What is the proba.bility that a randomly selected cookie is eaten by = the chimpanzees? - b What is the probability that a particular nut, chosen a t random from = the population of all nuts, is eaten by the chimpanzees? - c What is the fraction of the cash value which the chimpanzees - d consume?the probability that a random nut will go into a cookie What is = containing exactly R nuts? = - 3.11 The hitherto uncaught burglar is hiding in city A (with a priori - probability 0.3) or in city B (with a priori probability O.6), or he has = - left the country. If he is in city A and N A men are assigned t o look == - for him there, he will be caught with probability 1 - fN^. If he is in = - city B and N B men are assigned to look for him there, he will be caught - with probability 1 - f. If he has left the country, he won't be N. = = - captured. Policemen's lives being as hectic as they are, N A and N B are - independent random variables described by the probability mass = - functions -- a What is the probability that a total of three men will be assigned to search for the burglar? - b Wllnt is the probabilit>-tlint the burglar will be caught? (All series are to - c Given be sux~~mecl.) that he was captured in a city in which exactly K men had been assigned to look for him, what is the probability that he was found in city A?
I _
The number. of "leads" (contacts) available to a salesman on any given d a y is a Poisson random variable with probability mass function
The probability that any particular lead will result in a sale is 0.5. If your answers contain any series, the series must be summed. a What is the probability that the salesman will make exactly one sale on any given day? b If we randomly select a sales receipt from his file, what is the probability that it represents a sale made on a day when he had a total of R leads? c What fraction of all his leads comes on days when he has exactly one sale? d What is the probability that he has no sales on a given day?
The probability that a store will have exactly ko customers on any given day is
On each day when the store has had a t least one customer, one of the sales slips for that day is picked out of a hat, and a door prize is mailed t o the corresponding customer. (No customer goes to this store more than once or buys more or Iess than exactly one item.) a What is the probability that.a customer selected randomly from the population of all customers will win a door prize? b Given a customer who has won a door prize, what is the that he was in tkie store on a day when it had a total of exactly ko customers?
Independent random variables IL. and y . have PDF7s whose s transforms are fZT(s) and juT(s). Random variable r is defined to be r =x y. Use frT(s) and the moment generating properties of transforms to show that E(r) = E(x) E(y) and ar2 = aZ2 aU2.
+ 9.
b E(r) and ur2. c fr(r0). d Repeat the previous parts for the case r = ax
Determine :
+ by.
Consider the PDF fz(xo) = p-l(xo - 0) - p-t(x0 - 1). Random variable y is defined to be the sum of two independent experimental values of x. Determine the PDF fu(yo): a In an appropriate two-dimensional event space b By performing the convolution graphically c By taking the inverse transform of fuT(s)(if you can)
a If x and y are any independent discrete random variables with
Widgets are packed into cartons which are packed into crates. The weight (in pounds) of a widget is a continuous random variable with
The number of widgets in any carton, K, is a random variable with the
PhlF's pz(zo) and pu(yo) and we define r = x pr(ro) = pz(xo)pu(ro- $0) = p,(yo)p,(ro - yo).
+ y,
tions are said to represent the discrete convotution. Show how you would go about performing a discrete convolution graphically. b For the case where x and y are discrete, independent random variables which can take on only nonnegative-integer experimental values, take the z transform of one of the above expressions for p,(ro) to show that prT(z) = pzT(x)puT(z).
The number'of cartons in a crate, N, is a random variable with PMF Random variables x, K, and N are mutually independent. Determine : a The probability that a randomly selected crate contains exactly one widget b The conditional PDF for the total weight of widgets in a carton given that the carton contains less than two widgets c Tlie s transform of the PDF for the total weight of the widgets in a crate d The probability that a randomly selected crate contains an odd number of widgets 3.21 The number of customers who shop a t a supermarket in a day has the PA4F
Random variable x has the PDF f,(xo), and we define the Mellin transform fzM(s)to be
a Determine E(x) and us2 in terms of fZM(s). b Let y be a random variable with
i Determine K. ii Determine fuM(s)in terms of fzM(s). iii EvaluatejZM(s) and f,M(s) for
and, independent of k, the number of items purchased by any customer has the PMF
c Let w and r be independent random variables with PDF's f , ( w ~ ) and f,.(ro) and Mellin transforms fWM(s) and frM(s). If we define 1 = wr, find flM(s)in terms of the Mellin transforms for w and r.
A fair wheel of fortune, calibrated infinitely finely from zero to unity, is spun k times, and the resulting readings are summed to obtain an experimental value of random variable r. Discrete random variable k has the PMF pk(kO)= 7Xkoe-h
k ! o
ko = 0, 1, 2;.
Two ways the market can obtain a 10% increase in the expected value of the number of items sold are: a To increase p by 10% b To increase X by 10 % Which of these changes would lead to the smaller variance of the total items sold per day?
A single Bernoulli trial generates an experimental value of discrete random variable x, described by the PMF
to expand pkT(z) in a power series and then note the coefficient of zkoin this expansion, recalling that any z transform may be written in the form
= pkT(~) pk(0)
+ zpk(1) + z2pk(2) +
xo-0 xo= 1
where the notation is the common Random variable x, as described above, is known as a Bernoulli random variable, and we note that its PMF has the z transform discussed in Sec. 1-9. Another way to derive the binomial PMF would be to work in a sequential sample space for an experiment which consists of n independent Bernoulli trials,
Either by use of the transform or by direct calculation we find We refer to the outcome of a Bernoulli trial as a success when the experimental value of x is unity and as a failure when the experimental value of x is zero. A Bernoulli process is a series of independent Bernoulli trials, each with the same probability of success. Suppose that n independent Bernoulli trials are to be performed, and define discrete random variable k to be the number of successes in the n trials. Random variable k is noted to be the sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables, so we must have There are several ways to determine pk(ko), the probability of exactly ko successes in n independent Bernoulli trials. One way would be to apply the binomial theorem
Each sample point which represents an outcome of exactly ko successes in the n trials would have a probability assignment equal to 1 - P n . For each value of ko,we use the techniques of Sec. 1-9 to determine that there are obtain
- .
for t h c hinomial PMF. We earl determine the expected value and variance of the binomid rarulm variable ,le by any of three techniques. (One should always review his arsenal before selecting a weapon.) To evaluate B(k) and ok2 we may
1 Perform the expected value'summationsdirectly. 2 Use the moment-generating properties of the z transform, introduced in Sec. 3-3. 3 Recall that the expected value of a sum of random variables is always equal to the sum of their expected values and that the variance of a sum of linearly independent random variables is equal to the sum of their individual variances. Since we know that binomial random variable k is the sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables, the last of the above methods is the easiest and we obtain
We have labeled each sample point with the experimental value of random variable l1 associated with the experimental outcome represented by that point. From the above probability tree we find that
Before moving on to other aspects of the Bernoulli process, let's look at a plot of a binomial PMF. The following plot presents pk(ko) for a Bernoulli process, with P = and n = 4.
Since direct calculation of E(ll) and utI2 in an Z l event space involves difficult summations, we shall use the moment-generating property of the z transform to evaluate these quantities.
It is often convenient to refer to the successes in a Bernoulli process as arrivals. Let discrete random variable ll be the number o f Bernoulli trials up to and including the first success. Random variable l1 is known as the first-order in!erarrival time, and it can take on the experimental values 1, 2, . . . . We begin by determining the PhIF p ( 1 ) (Note that since we are subscripting the random variable there is no reason to use a subscripted dummy variable in the argument of the PAIF.) We shall determine pr,(l) from a sequential sample space for the experiment of performing independent Bernoulli trials until we obtain our first success. Using the notation of the last section, we have
Suppose that we were interested in the conditional P M F for the remaining number o trials up to and including the next success, given f that there were no successes in the first m trials. By conditioning the event space for ll we would find that the conditional PMF for y = 11- m, the remaining number of trials until the next success, is still a geometric random variable with parameter P (see Prob. 4.03). This is a result attributable to the "no-memory" property (independence of trials) of the Bernoulli process. The PMF ptl(l) was obtained as the P M F for the number of trials up to and including the first suocess. Random variable 11, the first-order interarrival time, represents both the waiting time (number of trials) from one success through the next success and the waiting time from any starting time through the next success. Finally, we wish to consider the higher-order interarrival times for a Bernoulli process. Let random variable 5, called the rth-order interarrival time, be the number of trials up to and including the rth success. Note that I, is the sum of 1. independent experimental values
There are several ways we might attempt to take the inverse of this transform to obtain prr(l), the PMF for the ith-order interarrival time, but the following argument seems both more intuitive and more efficient. Since plr(l) represents the probability that the rth success in a Bernoulli process arrives on the Zth trial, plr(l) may be expressed as conditional probability of having rth success on the Zth trial, given exactly r - 1 successes in the previous 1 - 1 trials The fint term in the above product is the binomial P M F evaluated for the probability of exactly r 1 successes in 1 - 1 trials. Since the outcome of each trial is independent of the outcomes of all other trials, the second term in the above product is simply equal to P, the probability of success on any trial. We may now substitute for all the words in the above equation to determine the PMF for the rth-order interarrival time (the number of trials up to and including the rth success) for a Bernoulli process
equaIs the probability that the rth success will occur on the Zth trial. Any success on the lth trial must be the first, or second, or third, ete., success after 1 = 0. Therefore, the sum of ptr(l) over r simply represents the probability of a success on the lth trial. From the definition of the Bernoulli process, this probability is equal to P. Our results for the Bernoulli process are pummarized in the following section.
4-3 Summary of the Bernoulli Process
Each performance of a Bernoulli trial generates an experimental value of the Bernoulli random variable x described by
A series of identical independent Bernoulli trials is known as a Bernoulli process. The number of successes in n trials?random variable k, is the sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables and is described by the binomial PA4F
m m
m -
Of course, with r = 1, this yields the geometric PMF for E l and thus provides an alternative derivation of the PMF for the first-order interarrival times. The PMF pl,(l) for the number of trials up to and including the rth success in a Bernoulli process is known as the Pascal PMF. Since 1, is the sum of r independent experimental values of 11, we have
The number of trials up to and including the first success is described by the PMF for. random variable 11, called the first-order interarrzual (or waiting) time. Random variable 11has a geometric P M F
The negatiue binomial PXF,a P M F which is very closely related to the Pascal PMF, is noted in Prob. 4.01. As one last note regarding the Bernoulli process, we recognize that the relation The number of trials up to and including the rth success, 5, is called the rlh-order interarrival time. Random variable I,, the sum of r independent experimental values of E l , has the Pascal PMF
Door is
P(*) .d 12
No dog
.3 r2
Failure Failure
We conclude with one useful observation based on the definition of the Bernoulli process. Any events, defined on nonoverlapping sets of trials, are independent. I we have a list of events defined on a f series of Bernoulli trials, but there is no trial whose outcome is relevant to the occurrence or nonoccurrence of more than one event in the list, the events in the list are mutually independent. , This result, of course, is due to the independence of the individual trials and is often of value in the solution of problems.
An Example
We consider one example of the application of our results for the Bernoulli process. The first five parts are a simple drill, and part (f) will lead us into a more interesting discussion. Fred is giving out samples of dog food. He makes calls door to door, but he leaves sample (one can) only on those calls for which the door is answered and a dog is in residence. On any call the probability of the door being apswered is 3/4, and the probability that any household has a dog is 2/3. Assume that the events "Door answered" and "A dog lives here" are independent and also that the outcomes of all calls are independent. (a) Determine the probability that Fred gives away his first sample on his third call. (b) Given that he has given away exactly four samples on his first eight calls, determine the conditional probability that Fred will give away his fifth sample on his eleventh call. (c) Determine the probability that he gives away his second sample on his fifth call. (d) Given that he did not give away his second sample on his second call, .determine the conditional probability that he will leave his second sample on his fifth call. (e) We shall say that Fred "needs a new supply" immediately after the call on which he gives away his last can. I he starts out with two f cans, determine the probability that he completes a t least five calls before he needs a new supply. (I) If he starts out with exactly rn cans, determine the expected value and variance of dm, the number of homes with dogs which he passes up (because of no answer) before he needs a new supply. We begin by sketching the event space for each call.
For all but the last part of this problem, we may consider each,call to be a Bernoulli trial where the probability of success (door answered and dog in residence) is given by P = B C = 4. a Fred will give away his first sample oi t& third call if the first two calls are failures and the third is a success. Since the trials are independent, the probability of this sequence of events is simply (1 - P)(1 - P ) P = 1/8. Another way to obtain this answer is to realize that, in the notation of the previous section, we want pr,(3) which is (1 - P)2P = 1/8. b The event of interest requires failures on the ninth and tenth trials and a success on the eleventh trial. For a Bernoulli process, the outcomes of these three trials are independent of the results of any other trials, and again our answer is (1 - P)(1 - P)P = 1/8. c We desire the probability that l,, the second-order interarrival time, is equal to five trials. We know that pl,(l) is a Pascal PMF, and we have
d Here we require the conditional probability that the experimental value of I2 is equal to 5, given that it is greater than 2.
As we would expect, by excluding the possibility of one particular experimental value of 2 2 , we have increased the probability that the experimental value of 12 is equal to 5 . The PMF for the tota1,number of trials up to and including the rth success (since the process began) does, of course, depend on the past history of the process. e The probability that Fred will complete at least five calls before he
needs a new supply is equal to the probability that the experimental value of l2 is greater than or equal to 5. Although the problem did not require it, let's obtain the z transform of pdm(d),which is to be obtained by substitution into
f Let discrete random variable f, represent the number of failures before Fred runs out of samples on his mth successful call. Since 1, is the number of trials up to and including the mth success, we havef, = 1, - m.
Given that Fred makes I , calls before he needs a new supply, we can regard each of the f, unsuccessful calls as trials in another Bernoulli process where P', the probability of a success (a disappointed dog), is found from the above event space to be
P'z = We know that pZT(z)= 1 - P' &z, and, using the fact that fm = 1, - m, we can write out plmT(z) pjmT(z) and and note a simple relation to obtain the latter from the former.
Prob(dog lives there I Fred did not leave a sample) From these expansions and our results from the Pascal process we have
We define x to be a Bernoulli random variable with parameter P'. The number of dogs passed up before Fred runs out, dm, equal is to the sum of f, (a random number) Bernoulli random variables each with P' = 1/3. From Sec. 3-7, we know that the z transform of pdm(d) with z replaced by the z transform is equal to the r transform of pfm(f), , of Bernoulli random variable x. Without formally obtaining ~d.~(z) we may use the results of Sec. 3-7 to evaluate E(dm) and udm2.
- P)]-
and, finally,
Since the z transform for the PMF of the number of dogs passed up happened to come out in such a simple form, we can find the PMF pdm(d) by applying the inverse transform relationship from Sec. 3-2. We omit the algebraic work and present the final form of pdm(d).
We substitute these expected values into the above equation for E ( d 3 , the expected value of the number of dogs passed up. expected value of no. of. dogs m = E(dm)= m ! P' = m ! - = passed up before Fred gives - - ! I P +3 awaymthsample We find the variance o dm by f
cd; = E(j,)a?
For instance, if Fred starts out with only one sample, we have m = 1
from Sec. 3-7 pd,(d) = d=0,l72, is the P M F for the number of dogs who were passed up (Fred called but door not answered) while Fred was out making calls to try and give away his one sample.
4-5 The Poisson Process
+ [E(x)I2u,
urm2= ulm2 I
Since fm = 1 - m, the PMF for f, is simply the PLMF 1, shifted to , for the left by m. Such a shift doesn't affect the spread of the PXF about its expected value. from properties of Pascal PMF noted in previous (1 - P) (Tim2= m P2 section We may now substitute into the above equation for ud2, the variance of the number of dogs passed up.
We defined the Bernoulli process by a. particular description of the "arrivals" of successes in a series of independent identical discrete trials. The Poisson process will be defined by a probabilistic
description of the behavior of arrivals a t points' on a continuous line. For convenience, we shall generally refer to this line asif it were a time (t) axis. From the definition of the process, we shall see that a Poisson process may be considered to be the limit, as At --+ 0 of a series of identical independent Bernoulli trials, one every At, with the probability of a success on any trial given by P = X At. For our study of the Poisson process we shall adopt the somewhat improper notation: @(k,t) == the probability that there are exactly k arrivals during any interval of duration t This notation, while not in keeping with our more aesthetic habics developed earlier, is compact and particularly convenient for the types of equations to follow. We observe that @(k,k,t) a PMF for random is variable k for any fixed value of parameter t. In any interval of length t, with t 2 0, we must have exactly zero, or exactly one, or exactly two, etc., arrivals. Thus we have
Poisson process, events A, B, and C, defined on the intervals shown below, are mutually independent.
These x's represent one possible history of arrivals
Event A : Exactly kl arrivals in interval T1 and exactly ka arrivals in interval T 3 Event B: More than kz arrivals in interval T2 Event C: No arrivals in the hour which begins 10 minutes after the a third arrival following the end of interval T The second defining property for the Poisson process states that, for small enough intervals, the probability of having exactly one arrival within one such interval is proportional to the duration of the interval and that, to the first order, the probability of more than one arrival within one such interval is zero. This simply means that @(k,At)can be expanded in a Taylor series about At = 0, and when we neglect terms of order (At)2 or higher, we obtain the given expressions for @(k,At). Among other things, we wish to determine the expression for @(k,t) for t 0 and for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Before doing the actual derivation, let's reason out how we would expect the result to behave. From the definition of the Poisson process and our interpretation of it as a series of Bernoulli trials in incremental intervals, we expect that
We also note that @(k,t)is not a PDF for I. Since @(k,tl)and @(k,tt) are not mutuatly exclusive events, we can state only that 0
L:, @(kt)dt i
The use of random variable k to count arrivals is consistent with our notation for counting successes in a Bernoulli process. There are several equivalent ways to define the Poisson process. We shall define it directly in terms of those properties which are most useful for the analysis of problems based on physical situations. Our definition of the Poisson .process is as follows:
1 Any events defined on nonoverlapping time intervals are mutually independent. 2 The following statements are correct for suitably small values of At:
@(O,t)as a function of t should be unity a t t = 0 and decrease monotonically toward zero as t increases. (The event of exactly zero arrivals in an interval of length t requires more and more successive failures in incremental intervals as t increases.) @(k,t) as a function of t, for k > 0, should start out a t zero for t = 0, increase for a while, and then decrease toward zero as t gets very large. [The probability of having exactly k arrivals (with k > 0) should be very small for intervals which are too long or too short.] @(k,O) as a function of k should be a bar graph with only one nonzero bar; there will be a bar of height unity at k = 0. We shall use the defining properties of the Poisson process to relate @(k, t At) to @(k,t) and then solve the resulting differential equations to obtain 6(k,t). For a Poisson process, if At is small enough, we need consider only the possibility of zero or one arrivals between t and t At. Taking advantage also of the independence of events in nonoverlapping time
The first of the above two defining properties establishes the no-memory 'attribute of,the Poisson process. As an example, for a
- 1, t)@(l,At)
The two terms summed on the right-hand side are the probabilities of the only two (mutually exclusive) histories of the process which may lead to having exactly k arrivals in an interval of duration t At. Our definition of the process specified @(O,At) and @(l,At) for small enough At. We substitute for these quantities to ob&n
Collecting terms, dividing through by At, and taking the limit as At --, we find 0,
Thus the expected value and variance of Poisson random variable k are both equal to p. We may also note that, since E(k) = At, we have an interpretation of the constant X used in
which may be solved iteratively for k = 0 and then for k = 1, etc., subject to the initial conditions as part of the definition of the Poisson process. The relation E(k) = At indicates that X is the expected number-of arrivals per unit time in a Poisson process. The constant X is referred to as the average arrival rate for the process. ' Incidentally, another way to obtain E(k) = Xt is to realize that, for sufficiently short increments, the expected number of arrivals in a 1 . X A = A At. 1 time increment of length At is equal to 0 (1 - X At) Since an interval of length t is the sum of t/At such increments, we may determine E(k) by summing the expected number of arrivals in t each such increment. This leads to E(k) = h At - = ht. At
Let Zr be a continuous random variable defined to be the interval of time between any arrival in a Poisson process and the rth arrival after it. Continuous random variable l,, the rth-order interarrival time, has the same interpretation here as discrete random variable 1, had for the Bernoulli process. We wish to determine the PDF's Letting fi = At, we may write this result in the more proper notation for a PMF' as pk(ko) = ------- = ko! ko!
(At) k~e-Xt pkw-fl
p =
k = 0, 1,2, o
And we again use an argument similar to that for the derivation of the Pascal PMF,
This is known as the Poisson PMF. Although we derived the Poisson PMF by considering the number of arrivals in an interval of length t for a certain process, this PMF arises frequently in many other situations. To obtain the expected value and variance of the Poisson PMF,
< I,
A 1
where A = probability that there are exactly r - 1 arrivals in an interval of duration 1 B = conditional probability that 7th arrival occurs in next A1, given exactly r - 1 arrivals in previous interval of duration I Thus we have obtained the PDF for the rth-order interarrival time We established that the first-order interarrival times for a Poisson process are exponentially distributed mutually independent random variables. Had we taken this to be our definition of the Poisson process, we would have arrived at identical results. The usual way of determining whether it is reasonable to model a physical process as a Poisson process involves checking whether or not the first-order interarrival times are approximately independent exponential random variables. Finally, we realize that the relation
which is known as the Erlang family of PDF's. (Random variable 1, is said to be an Erlang random variable of order r.) The first-order interarrival times, described by random variable 11, have the PDF
p-l(l - O)Xe-Xl which is the exponential PDF. We may obtain its mean and variance by use of the s transform.
holds for reasons similar to those discussed at the end of Sec. 4-2.
Some Additional Properties of Poisson Processes and Poisson Random Variables
Suppose we are told that it has been r units of time since the last arrival and we wish to determine the conditional PDF for the duration of the remainder ( 1 1 - r ) of the present interarrival time. By conditioning the event space for 11, we would learn that the PDF for the remaining time until the next arrival is still an exponential random variable with parameter X (see Prob. 4.06). This result is due to the no-memory (independence of events in nonoverlapping intervals) property of the Poisson process; we discussed a similar result for the Bernoulli process in Sec. 4-2. Random variable 1, is the sum of r independent experimental values of random variable I l . Therefore we have
Before summarizing our results for the Poisson process, we wish to note a few additional properties. Consider diicrete random variable w ,the sum of two independent Poisson random variables s a n d y, with expected values E(x) and E ( y ) . There are at least three' ways to establish that p,(wo) is also a Poisson PAIF. One method involves direct summation in the XO,yo event space (see Prob. 2.03). Or we may use z transforms as follows,
w =x
x, y independent
pUl(w0) -
Wo =
A third way would be to note that w = x y could represent the total number of arrivals for two independent Poisson processes within a certain interval. A new process which contains the arrivals due to both of the original processes would still satisfy our definition of the Poisson process with h = h1 X I and would generate experimental values of ,random variable w for the total number of arrivals within the given interval. We have learned that the arrival process representing all the arrivals in several independent Poisson processes is also Poisson. Furthermore, suppose that a new arrival process is formed by performing an independent Bernoulli trial for each arrival in a Poisson process. With probability P, any arrival in the Poisson process is also considered an arrival at the same time in the new process. With probability 1 - P, any particular arrival in the original process does not appear in the new process. The new process formed in this manner (by "independent random erasures") still satisfies the definition of a Poisson process and has an average arrival rate equal to hP and the expected value of the first-order interarrival time is equal to (XP)-l. If the erasures are not independent, then the derived process has memory. For instance, if we erase alternate arrivals in a Poisson process, the remaining arrivals do not form a Poisson process. It is clear that the resulting process violates the definition of the Poisson process, since, given that an arrival in the new process just occurred, the probability of another arrival in the new process in the next At is zero (this would require two arrivals in At in the underlying Poisson process). This particular derived process is called an Erlang process since the first-order interarrival times are independent and have (second-order) Erlang PDF's. This derived process is one example of how we can use the memoryless Poisson process to model more involved situations with memory.
An alternative definition of a Poisson process is the statement that the first-order interarrival times be independent identically distributed exponential random variables. Random variable k, the number of arrivals in an interval of duration t, is described by the Poisson PMF
The first-order interarrival time 1 is an exponential random 1 variable with the PDF
The time until the rth arrival, L, is known as the rth-order waiting time, is the sum of r independent experimental values of 11, and is described by the Erlano PDF
For convenience, assume that we are concerned with arrivals which occur at points on a continuous time axis. Quantity m(k,t) is defined to be the probability that any interval of duration t will contain exactly k arrivals. A process is said to be a Poisson process if and only if
, .
i -
k = l k > 1
The sum of several independent Poisson random variables is also f a random variable described by a Poisson PMF. I we form a new process by including all arrivals due to several independent Poisson processes, the new process is also Poisson. I we perform Bernoulli f trials to make independent random 'erasures from a Poisson process, the remaining arrivals also form a Poisson process.
c Let
The ~oisson process finds wide application in the modeling of probabilistic systems. We begin with a simple example and proceed to consider some rather structured situations. Whenever it seems informative, we shall solve these problems in several ways.
example 1 The PDF for the duration of the (independent) interarrival times
wombats start out. It will be helpful to draw a sequential event space for the experiment.
N2 0
Both survive
where these durations are measured in seconds. (a) An old wombat requires 12 seconds to cross the highway, and he starts out immediately after a car goes by. What is the probability that he will survive? (b) Another old wombat, slower but tougher, requires 24 seconds to cross the road, but it take$ two cars to kill him. (A single car won't even slow him down.) I he starts out a t a random time, f determine the probability that he survives. (c) If both these wombats leave at the same time, immediately after a car goes by, what is the probability that exactly one of them survives? a Since we are given that the first-order interarrival times are independent exponentially distributed random variables, we know that the vehicle arrivals are Poisson, with
Prob(exact1y one wombat survives) = Prob(Nl = 0, N 2 2 2) Prob(N1 = 1, N 2 = 0) Quantities Nl and N 2 are independent random variables because they are defined on nonoverl'apping intervals of a Poisson process. We may now colIect the probability of exactly one survival from the above event space.
= =
- 2e-I)
+ @(1,12)@(0,X2)
+ e-2
= r f e-2 = 0.233 :
Since the car-arrival process is memoryless, the time since the most recent car went by until the wombat starts to cross is irrelevant. The fast wombat will survive only if there are exactly zero arrivals in the first 12 seconds after he starts to cross.
particular bulb is independent of the lifetimes of all other bulbs and is described by the P D F .
Of course, this must be the same as the probability that the wait until the next arrival is longer than 12 seconds. @(0,12) =
e-tIL2 dt
Determine the mean, variance, and s transform of random variable y, the time until the third failure. We define t i j to be a random variable representing the time from the ith failure until the jth failure, where tol is the duration from t = 0 until the first failure. We may write The length of the time interval during which exactly 8 - i bulbs are on is equal to tici+1,. While 8 - i bulbs are on, we are dealing with the sum
b The slower but tougher wombat will survive only if there is exactly
of 8 - i independent Poisson processes and the probability of a failure in the next At is equal to (8 - i)X At. Thus, from the properties of the Poisson process, we have
the waiting time until the first arrival in a Poisson process with average arrival rate XNF. The probability that his total waiting time t will be between to and to dto is
Knowledge of the experimental value of, for instance,. t o 1 does not tell us anything about tt2. Random variable tI2 would still be an exponential random variable representing the time until the next arrival foi a Poisson process with an average arrival rate of 7X. Random variables t o l , t l r , and tlr are mutually independent (why?), and we have
Given that the experimental value of Joe's waiting time is exactly to hours, the conditicnal PMF for K is simply the probability of exactly K O arrivals in an interval of duration to for a Poisson process with average arrival rate XFN.
The experiment of Joe's waiting for the next NF bus and observing the number of wrong-way buses while he waits has a two-dimensional event space which is discrete in K and continuous in t. This has been one example of how easily we can obtain answers for many questions related to Poisson models. A harder way to go about it would be to determine first the PDF for q, the third smallest of eight independent identically distributed exponential random variables.
etc. For instance, this sample point would represent the experimental outcome "he had to wait exactly to hours and he saw exactly three FN buses while he waitedp
independent Poisson processes with average arrival rates of ["N} buses XNF per hour. Determine the PMF and the expectation for random variable K, the number of "wrong-way" buses he will see arrive before he boards the next NF bus. W e shall do this problem in several ways.
Method A
We shall obtain the compound PDF for the amount of time he waits and the number of wrong-way buses he sees. Then we determine pK(Ko)by integrating out over the other random variable. We know the marginal PDF for his waiting time, and it is simple to find the PMF for K conditional on his waiting time. The product of these probabilities tells us all there is to know about the random variables of interest. The time Joe waits until the first right-way ((NF)bus is simply
By noting that
would integrate to unity over the range 0 _< to m (since it is an Erlang PDF of order K O , +I), we can perform the above integration by inspection to obtain (with XNFIXFN = P ) ,
If the average arrival rates X N F and ApN are equal ( p = I ) , we note that the probability that Joe will see a total of exactly K wrong-way buses O before he boards the first right-way bus is equal to (+)KO+'. For this case, the probability is 0.5 that he will see no wrong way buses while he waits. The expected value of the number of FN buses he will see arrive may be obtained from the z transform.
Method C
Consider the event space for any adequately small At, This answer seems reasonable for the cases p
Method B
Regardless of when Joe arrives, the probability that the next bus is a wrong bus is simply the probability that an experimental value of a random variable with PDF fi(xO) = X F N e - X ~ ~ 2 0
We need be interested in a At only if a bus arrives during that At; so we may work in a conditional space containing only the upper two event points to obtain
ANF XNF Prob (any particular bus is NF) = AFN XNF This approach replaces the integration in the x,y event space for the previous solution and, of course, leads to the same result.
is smaller than an experimental value of another, independent, random variable with PDF fu(yo) = X N ~ e - A ~ r g o
+ +
Event: the next bus Joe sees after he arrives is a wrong way bus
As a final point, note that N, the total number of buses Joe would see if he waited until the Rth N F bus, would have a Pascal PMF. The arrival of each bus would be a Bernoulli trial, and a success is represented by the arrival of an NF bus. Thus, we have
As soon as the next bus does come, the same result holds for the fol'lowing bus; so we can draw out the sequential event space where each trial corresponds to the arrival of another bus, and the experiment terminates with the arrival of the first NF bus.
where N is the total number of buses (including the one he boards) seen by Joe if his policy is to board the Rth right-way bus to arrive after he gets to the bus stop.
Renewal Processes
Consider a somewhat more general case of a random process in which arrivals occur at points in time. Such a process is known as a renewal process if its first-order interarrival times are mutually independent random variables described by the same PDF. The Bernoulli and Poisson processes are two simple examples of the renewal process. In this and the following section, we wish to study a few basic aspects of the general ren.ewa1process. To simplify our discussion, we shall assume in our formal work that the PDF for the first-order interarrival times (gaps) jz(xo) is a continuous PDF which does not contain any impulses. [A notational change from fi,(l) to &(so) will also simplify our work.] We begin by determining the conditional PDF for the time until the next arrival when we know how long ago the most recent arrival occurred. In the next section, we develop the consequences of beginning to observe a renewal process at a random time. If it is known that the most recent arrival occurred exactly T units of time ago, application of the definition of conditional probability results in the following conditional PDF for x, the total duration of the present interarrival gap:
This is the conditional PDF for the total lifespan of a bulb,given that it has already been in use for exactly T units of time without failing
> 7 ( y 0 1 x ,?)
This is the conditional PDF for y, the remaining lifespan of a bulb which has already been in use for exactly 7 units of time without failing
If we let random variable y represent the remaining time in the present gap, y = x - r, we obtain the conditional PDF for y,
We learned earlier that the first-order interarrival times for a Poisson process are independent random variables with the P D F f,(xo) = Xe-Xzo for x 2 0. For a Poisson process we can show by direct o substitution that the conditional PDF for the remaining time until the next arrival, ful,,,(yo I x > T), does not depend on 7 (Prob. 4.06) and is equal to fz(yo),the original unconditional PDF for the first-order interarrival times. For the Poisson process (but not for the more general renewal process) the time until the next arrival is independent of when we start waiting. If the arrivals of cars at a line across a street constituted a Poisson process, it would be just as safe to start crossing the street at a random time as it would be to start crossing immediately after a car goes by.
4-11 Random Incidence
As an example, suppose that we are burning light bulbs one at a f time and replacing each bulb the inst.ant it fails. I the lifetimes of the bulbs are independent random variables with PDF fi(xo), we have a renewal process in which the points in time at which bulb replacements occur are the arrivals. Let's use the results obtained above to work out one example with a particularly simple form for fz(xo).
Let this be the PDF for x, the total
Assume that a renewal process, characterized by the P D F of its .first-order interarrival times, f,(zo), has been in progress for a long time. We are now interested in random incidence. The relevant experiment is to pick a time randomly (for instance, by spinning the hands of a clock) and then wait until the first arrival in the renewal process after our randomly selected entry time. The instant of the random entry must always be chosen in a manner which is independent of the actual arrival history of the process. We wish to determine the PDF for random variable y, the waiting time until the next arrival (or the remaining gap length) following random entry. Several intermediate steps will be required to obtain the unconditional PDF f,(yo). First we shall obtain the P D F for random variable w, the total duration of the interarrival gap into which we enter by random inci-
dence. Random variable w describes the duration of an interval which begins with the most recent arrival in the renewal process prior to the instant of random incidence and which terminates with the first arrival in the process after the instant of random incidence. Note that random variables w and x both refer to total interarrival-gap durations for the renewal process, but the experiments on which they-are defined are different. An experimental value of w is obtained by determining the total duration of the interarrival gap into which a randomly selected instant falls. An experimental value of x is obtained by noting the duration from any arrival in the renewal process until the next arrival. After obtaining fw(wo),we shall then find the conditional P D PF for the remaining time in the gap, y, given the experimental value of the total duration of the gap, w. Thus, our procedure is to work in a wo,yo event space, first obtainingf,(wo) andfvlw(yo wo). We then use I the relations
where the denominator is the required normalization 'factor. For the particular example given above, we obtain the PMF for the total duration of the gap into which a random entry falls,
to obtain the unconditional PDF &(yo) for the waiting time from our randomly selected instant until the next arrival in the renewal process. To determine the PDF f,(wo), let's begin by considering an example where the first-order interarrival times of the renewal process have the discrete PMF
A random entry, for this example, is ten times as likely to fall into a ten-second gap as a one-second gap, even though a gap length is equally likely to be of either kind. Extending the general form of pw(wO) the continuous case, we to have the desired fw(wo)
fw(w0) =
where f,(.) i s the PDF for the first-order interarrival times for the renewal process and f,(wo) i s the PDF for the total duration o the interarrival gap f entered by random incidence.
7 .
= = S
_ I
== I
ESSE __5_ =
= S =
Although any interarrival time is equally likely to be either 1 or 10 seconds long, note that each 10-second gap consumes 10 times as much time as each 1-second gap. The probability that a randomly selected instant of time falls into a 10-second gap is proportional to the fraction of a11 time which is included in 10-second gaps, The fraction of all time which is included in gaps of duration x o should be, in general, proportional to p,(xo) weighted by xo,since ~ ~ ( $ 0 ) is the fraction of the gaps which are of duration xo and each such gap consumes xo seconds. Recalling that random variable w is to be the total duration of the interarrival gap into which our randomly selected instant falls, we have argued that
In reasoning our way to this result, we have made certain assumptions about the relation between the probability of an event and the fraction of a large number of trials on which the event will occur. We speculated on the nature of this relation in Sec. 3-6, and the proof will be given in Chap. 6. Given that we have entered into a gap of total duration w by o random incidence, the remaining time in the gap, y, is uniformly distributed between 0 and wo with the conditiona1 PDF
because a random instant is as likely to fall within any increment of a wo-second gap as it is to fallwithin any other increment of equal duration within the wo-second gap.
Now we may find the joint PDF for random variables w and y,
and we use
To determine !,(yo), the PDF for the time until the next arrival after the instant of random incidence,we need only integrate (carefully) over w in the w0,yo event space. Note that w, the total length of the gap o entered by random incidence, must be greater than or equal to y, the remaining time in that gap; so we have
to obtain
This is.the PDF for the remaining duration of the interarrival gap entered by random incidence
y o
- pzs (YO)
-.----_ _ I
where fv(go)is the PDF for the duration of the interval which begins at a "random" time and terminates with the next arrival for a renewal process with firsborder interarrival times described b y random variable X.
We apply these results to the problem introduced in the previous section. Let the PDF for the first-order interarrival times be
Let this be the PDF for the first-order interarrival times of a renewal process
I t is interesting to note that the expected value of the remaining duration of the gap entered by random incidence, E(y), may be greater than, equal to, or less than the "expected gap length" given by E(x). In fact, we have already learned that E(x) = E(y) for a Poisson process. Thus, for instance, if car interarrival times are independent random variables described by fi(xo), the expected waiting time until the next car arrives may be greater if we start to cross at a random time than if we start right after a car goes by! . If we understand the different experiments which give rise to E (x) and E(y), this seems entirely reasonable, since we realize that random incidencefavors entry into large gaps. We should realize that statements about average values or expected values of a random variable are meaningless unless we have a full description of the experiment on whose outcomes the random variable is defined. I n the above discussion, E(x) and E(y) are generally different, but each is the "expected value of the time until the next arrival." The experiments of "picking a gap" and "picking an instant of time" may lead to distinctly different results. (Probs. 2.08, 2.11, and 3.10 have already introduced similar concepts.)
to obtain
f,( wo )
This is the PDF for the total duration of the interarrivalgap entered by random incidence. Obviously, random incidence favors entry into longer gaps
The PMF for the number of failures before the rth success in a Bernoulli process is sometimes called the negative binomial PMF. Derive it and explain its relation to the Pascal PMF.
A channel contains a series flow of objects, each of fixed length L. All objects travel at constant velocity V. Each separation S between successive objects is some integral multiple of L, S = nL, where the n
for each separation is an independent random variable described by the probability mass function
a Find the average flow rate, in objects per unit time, observable at' some point in the channel. b Calculate what additional flow can exist under a rule that the resulting arrangements of objects must have at least a separation of L from adjacent objects. c As seen by an electric eye across the channel, what fraction of all the gap time is occupied by gaps whose total length is greater than - 2L? A numerical answer is required.
Determine, in as simple a form as possible, expressions for the probability that: a We can cross for the first time just before the Nth car goes by. b We shall have had exactly n opportunities by the instant the Nth car goes by. c The occurrence of the nth opportunity is immediately followed by the arrival of the Nth car.
Let x be a discrete random variable described by a geometric PMF. Given that the experimental value of random variable x is greater than integer y, show that the conditional P M F for x - y is the same as the original PMF for c. Let r = x y, and sketch the following
a 4.04
l z > y)
c p4ro)
We are given two independent Bernoulli processes with parameters P I and P . A new process is defined to have a success on its kth trial I (k = 1, 2, 3, . . .) only if exactly one of the other two processes has a
success on its kth trial. a Determine the PMF for the number of trials up to and including the rth success in the new process. b Is the new process a Bernoulli process?
Consider the manufacture of Grandmother's Fudge Nut Butter Cookies. Grandmother has noted that the number of nuts in a cookie is a random variable with a Poisson mass function and that the average number of nuts per cookie is 1.5. a What is the numerical value of the probability of having at least one nut in a randomly selected cookie? b Determine the numerical value of the variance of the number of nuts per cookie. c Determine the probability that a box of exactly M cookies contains exactly the expected value of the number of nuts for a box of N cookies. ( M = 1, 2, 3, . . ; N = 1, 2, 3, . . .) d What is the probability that a nut selected at random goes into a cookie containing exactly K nuts? e The customers have been getting restless; so grandmother has instructed her inspectors to discard each cookie which contains exactly zero nuts. Determine the mean and variance of the number of nuts per cookie for the remaining cookies.
Determine the expected value, variance, and z transform for the total number of trials from the start of a Bernoulli process up to and including the nth success after the mth failure. Let x be a continuwzs random variable whose PDF f,(xo) contains no impulses. Given that x > T, show that the conditional PDF for r = x - T is equal to f.(ro) if fz(xo) is an exponential PDF. To cross a single lane of moving traffic, we require at least a duration T . Successive car interarrival times are independently and identically distributed with probability density function fi(t0). If an interval between successive ears is longer than T, we say that the interval represents a single opportunity to cross the lane. Assume that car lengths are small relative to intercar spacing and that our experiment begins the instant after the zeroth car goes by.
A woman is seated beside a conveyer belt, and her job is to remove certain items from the belt. She has a narrow line of vision and can get these items only when they are right in front of her. She has noted that the probability that exactly k of her items will arrive in a minute is given by
and she assumes that the arrivals of her items constitute a Poisson process. a If she wishes to sneak out to have a beer but. will not allow the expected value of the number of items she misses to be greater than 5, how much time may she take? b If she leaves for two minutes, what is the probability that she will miss exactly two items the first minute and exactly one item the second minute? c I she leaves for two minutes, what is the probability that she will f
cisely one-minute intervals between gongs. If, between 'two successive gongs, more than three items come along the belt, she will handle only three of them properly and will destroy the rest. Under this system, what is the probability that any particular item will be destroyed?
arrival time (measured in minutes) between successive boxes of cigars a t point y. e If we arrive a t point y a t a random instant, long after the process began, determine the PDF f7(ro), where r is the duration of our wait until we see a box of cigars a t point g. Dave is taking a mu-ltiple-choice exam. You may assume that the number of questions is infinite. Simultaneously, but independently, his conscious and subconscious facilities are generating answers for him, each in a Poisson manner. (His conscious and subconscious are always working on different questions.) Average rate a t which conscious responses are generated = Xc responses/min Average rate a t which subconscious responses are generated Each conscious response is an independent Bernoulli trial with probability p, of being correct. Similarly, each subconscious response is an independent Bernoulli trial with probability pa of being correct. Dave responds only once to each question, and you can assume that his time for recording these conscious and subconscious responses is negligible. a Determine pk(ko), the probability mass function for the number of conscious responses Dave makes in an interval of T minutes. b If we pick any question to which Dave has responded, what is the probability that his answer to that question: i Represents a conscious response ii Represents a conscious correct response c If we pick an interval of T minutes, what is the probability that in that interval Dave will make exactly Ro conscious responses and exactly S subconscious responses? o d Determine the s transform for the probability density function for random variable x, where x is the time from the start of the exam until Dave makes his first conscious response which is preceded by a t least one subconscious response. e Determine the probability mass function for the total number of responses up to and including his third conscious response. f The papers are to be collected as soon as Dave has completed exactly N responses. Determine: i The expected number of questions he will answer correctly ii The probability mass function for L, the number of questions he answers correctly
ble ri is defined by
I we eliminate arrivals number rl, r2, ra, . . . in a Poisson process, do f the remaining arrivals constitute a Poisson process?
Boxes of cigars
A1 makes cigars, placing each cigar on a constant-velocity conveyer belt as soon as it is finished. Bo packs the cigars into boxes of four cigars each, placing each box back on the belt as soon as it is filled. The time A1 takes to construct any particular cigar is, believe it or not, an independent exponential random variable with an expected value of five minutes. a Determine pA(k,T),the probability that A1 makes exactly k cigars in T minutes. Determine the mean and variance of k as a function o f T . k = 0 , 1 , 2 , , . . . ; O < T < a. b Determine the probability density functionf,(ro), where r is the interarrival time (measured in minutes) between successive cigars a t point
g Repeat part (f) for the case in which the exam papers are to be col= lected at the end of a fixed interval of T minutes. Determine, in an efficient manner, the fourth moment of a continuous % 4.14 random variable described by the probability density function = -
E 4.15 The probability density function for L, the length of yarn purchased by any particular customer, is given by =
A single dot is placed on the yarn at the mill. Determine the expected value of r, where r. is the length of yarn purchased by that = customer whose purchase included the dot. = = sz - 4.16 A communication channel fades (degrades beyond use) in a random manner. 'The length of any fade is an exponential random variable The duration of the interval between the end e
with expected value A-I. of any fade and the start of the next fade is an Erlang random variable = with PDF
Bottles arrive at the Little Volcano Bottle Capper (LVBC) in a Poisson manner, with an average arrival rate of X bottles per minute. The LVBC works instantly, but we also know that it destroys any bottles which arrive within 1/5X minutes of the most recent successful capping operation. a A long time after the process began, what is the probability that a randomly selected arriving bottle (marked at the bottle factory) will be destroyed? b What is the probability that neither the randomly selected bot4le nor any of the four bottles arriving immediately after it will be destroyed?
- 4.19 In the diagram below, each dk represents a communication link. Under the present maintenance policy, link failures may be considered = - independent events, and one can assume that, at any time, the proba- bility that any link is working properly is p. = -
a If we observe the channel at a randomly selected instant, what is the probability that it will be in a fade at that time? Would you expect this answer to be equal to the fraction of all time for which the channel is degraded beyond use? b A device can be built to make the communication system continue to operate during the first T units of time in any fade. The cost of the device goes up rapidly with T. What is the smallest value of T which will reduce by 90% the amount of time the system is out of
The random variable t between = 4.17 consecutive events and is corresponds to the interarrival time function specified by the probability density
= -
Interarrival times are independent. a Determine the expected value of the interarrival time x between the 11th and 13th events.
a If we consider the system at a random time, what is the probability that : i A total of exactly two links are operating properly? ii Link g and exactly one other link are operating properly? b Given that exactly six links are not operating properly at a particular time, what is the probability that A can communicate with B? c Under a new maintenance policy, the system was put into operation in perfect condition at t = 0, and the PDF for the time until failure of any link is
to 2 0
Link failures are still independent, but no repairs are to be made until the third failure occurs. At the time of this third failure, the system is shut down, fully serviced, and then "restarted" in perfect order. The down time for this service operation is a random variable with probability density function
i What is the probability that link g will fail before the first service
ii Determine the probability density function for random variable y, the time until the first link failure after t = 0. iii Determine the mean and variance and s transform for w, the time from t = 0 until the end of the first service operation.
a Let be the time between successive tube arrivals (regardless of type and regardless of whether the machine is free). Determine S,(!h), E ( d ?and flu2. b Given that a tube arrives when the machine is free, what is the probability that the tube is of type I? c Given that the machine starts to process a tube at time To, what is the I'DF for the time required to process the tube? d I we inspect the machine at a random time and find it processing a f tube, what is the probability that the tube we find in the machine is type I? e Given that an idle period of the machine was exactly T hours long, what is the probability that this particular idle period was terminated by the arrival of a type I tube?
interarrival times (gaps) between the arrivals of successive at points in time are independent random variables with PDF,
The first-order interarrival times for cars passing a checkpoint are independent random variables with PDF
a What fraction of time is spent in gaps longer than the average gap? b If we come along a t a random instant. after the process has been proceeding for a long time, determine i The probabiiity we shall see an arrival in the next (small) At ii The PDF for I, the time we wait until the next arrival c Find any ft(to) for which, in the notation of this problem, there would result E(1) > E(t).
Two types of tubes are processed by a certain machine. Arrivals of type I tubes and of type II tubes form independent Poisson processes with average arrival rates of hl and h2 tubes per hour, respectively. The processing time required for any type I tube, X I ,is an independent randbm variable with P D F
z x =
, (
ifO_<xsi otherwise
The proc&sing time required for i n y typeI1 tube, x2,is also a uniformly distributed independent random variable hdx)
{ 0.5
ifOLxS2 otherwise
The machine can process only one tube at a time. If any tube arrives while the machine is occupied, the tube passes on to another machine station,
where the interarrival times are measured in minutes. The successive experimental values of the durations of these first-order interarrival times are recorded on small con~puter cards. The recording operation occupies a negligible time period following each arrival. Each card has space for three entries. As soon as a card is filled, it is replaced by the next card. a Determine the mean and the third moment of the first-order interarrival times. b Given that no car has arrived in the last four minutes, determine the PJIF for random variable K, the number of cars to arrive in the next six minutes. c Determine the PDP, the expected value, and the s transform for the total time required to use up the first dozen computer cards. d Consider the following two experiments: i Pick a card a t random from a group of completed cards and note the total time, &,the card was in service. Find &t) and oti2. (i ' ii Come to the corner at a random time. When the card in use at the time of your arrival is completed, note the total time it was in service (the time from the start of its service to its completion). Call this time 1,. Det.ermine E(tj), and q t j 2 . e Given that the computer card presently in use contains exactly two entries and also that it has been in service for exactly 0.5 minute, determine arid sketch the 1'DF for the remaining time until the card is completed.
I the state of the system immediately prior to the nth trial is known, f the Markov condition requires that the conditional transition probabilities describing the nth trial do not depend on any additional past history of the process. The present state of the system specifies all historical information relevant to the future behavior of a i\Iarkov process. We shall not consider processes for which the conditional transition probabilities
depend on the number of the trial. Thus we rimy define the state transition probabilities for a discrete-transition Markov process to be Quantity p~ is the conditional probability that the system mill be in state Sj immediately after the next trial, given that the present state of the process is Si. We always have 0 _< pi, $ 1, and, because the list of states must be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, it must also be true that
These transition probabilities specify the probabilities associated with each trial, and they are conditional on the entire past history of the process. The above quantity, for instance, is the conditional probability that the system will be in state S j immediately after the nth trial, given that 'the previous state history of the process is specified by the event S a ( n - l ) S b ( n- 2)X,(n - 3 ) . . . We note some examples of series of dependent trials in discretestate discrete-transition processes. The states might be nonnegative integers representing the number of people on a bus, and each bus stop might be a probabilistic trial at which a change of state may occur. Another example is a process in which one of several biased coins is flipped for each trial and the selection of the coin for each trial depends in some manner on the outcomes of the previous flips. The number of items in a warehouse at the start of each day is one possible state desc~iption an iinventoiy. For this process, the state transition due of to the total transactions on any day could be considered to be the result of one of a continuing series of dependent trials.
Discrete-state Discrete-transition Markov Processes
It is often convenient to display these transition probabilities as members of an m X 772 transilion matrix [p], for which pij is the entry in the,ith row and jth coIumn
/conditional probability that wroc-\ ess will be in state Sj after exactly k more trials, given that present = PIS,(n \state of process is S, -
+ i) 1 Si(n)j
Markou condition:
for all n, j, a, b, c ,
which simply notes that the process had to be in some state immediately after the (n k - l)th trial. From the definition of conditional probability we have
We may use the relation FOY discrete-state discrete-transition Markov process we may use the a Marliov condition on the right-hand side of this equation to obtain
first for k = 2, then for k = 3, etc., to compute the following table (in which we round off to three significant figures) :
which may be substituted in the above equation for pij(k) to obtain the result
This relation is a simple case of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, and it may be used as an alternative definition for the discrete-state discrete-transition Aiarkov process with constant transition probabilities. This equation need not apply to the more general process described in Sec. 5-1. Note that the above relation, with 1 = 1,
provides a means of calculation of the k-step transition probabilities which is more efficient than preparing a probability tree for k trials and then collecting the probabilities of the appropriate events (see Prob. 5.02). We consider one example. Suppose that a series of dependentcoin flips can be described by a model which assigns to any trial conditional probabilities which depend only on the outcome of the previous trial. In particular, we are told that any flip immediately following an experimental outcome of a head ha5 probability 0.75 of also resulting in a head and that any flip immediately following a tail is a fair toss. Using the most recent outcome as the state description, we have the two-state Markov process
Our table informs us, for instance, that, given the process is in state S1 a t any time, the conditional probability that the process will be in state S2 exactly three trials later is equal to 0.328. In this example it appears that the k-step transition probabilities pij(k) reach a limiting value as k increases and that these limiting values do not depend on i. We shall study this important property of some Markov processes in the next few sections. If the probabilities describing each trial had depended on the results of the previous C flips, the resulting sequence of dependent trials could still be represented as a Markov process. However, the state description might require as many as 2 states (for an example, see C Prob. 5.01). It need not be obvious whether or not a particular physical system can be modeled accurately by a nfarkov process with a finite number of states. Often this turns out to depend on how resourceful we are in suggesting an appropriate state description for the physical system.
5-3 State Classification and the Concept of Limiting-state Probabilities
Weobserved one interesting result from the dependent coin-flip example near the end of Sec. 5-2. As k -+ m , the k-step state transition probabilities pij(k) appear to depend neither on k nor on i. I we let P[Si(O)] be the probability that the process is in state f Si just before the first trial, we may use the definition of p&) to write P[S,(k)l
S,: tails
$ p[Si(O)lpiJ(k)
In the state-transition diagram shown above, we have made a picture of the process in which the states are circles and the trial transition probabilities are labeled on the appropriate arrowed branches.
The quantities P[Si(O)] are known as the initial conditions for the process. If it is the case that, as k --+ m , the quantity pij(k) depends neither on k nor on i, then we would conclude from the above equation
that P[Sj(k)] approaches a constant as k -+ m and this constant is independent of the initial conditions. Many (but not all) Markov processes do in*fact exhibit this behavior. For processes for which the limiting-state probabilities
exist and are independent of the initial conditions, many significant questions may be answered with remarkable ease. A correct discussion of this matter requires several definitions. State Si is called transient if there exists a state Sj and an integer 1 such that pij(l) # 0 and pi&) = 0 for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . This simply states that Si is a transient state if there exists any state to which the system (in some number of trials) can get to from S, but from which it can never return to St. For a Narkov process with a finite number of states, we might expect that, after very many trials, the probability that the process is in any transient state approaches zero, no matter what the initial state of the process may have been. As an example, consider the process shown below,
for all k is found by considering the pair of states S1and S3 the above in diagram. Recurrent state Si is called periodic if there exists an integer d, with d > 1, such that pii(k) is equal to zero for all values of k other than d, 2d, 3d, . . . . I n our example above, recurrent states Ss and S6 are the only periodic states. (For our purposes, there is no reason to be concerned with periodicity for transient states.) A set W of recurrent states forms one class (or a single chain) if, for every pair of recurrent states '8% Sjof W, there exists an integer and r;j such that pij(r,) > 0. Each such set W includes all its possible members. The members of a class of recurrent states satisfy the condition that it is possible for the system (eventually) to get from any member state of the class to any other member state. In our example, there are two single chains of recurrent states. One chain is composed of states SI and S4,and the other chain includes S3and 8 6 . Note that the definition of a single chain is concerned only with the properties of the recurrent states of a Markov process. After informally restating these four definitions for m-state Markov processes (m < a), we indicate why they are of. interest.
for which we have indicated branches for all state transitions which are to have nonzero transition probabilities. States S g and Ss are the only states which the process can leave in some manner such that it may never return to them; so S2and S5 are the only transient states in this example. State Si is called recurrent if, for every state Sj, the existence of an integer rj such that pij(rj) > 0 implies the existence of an integer ri such that pji(ri) > 0. From this definition we note that, no matter what state history may occur, once the process enters a recurrent state it mill always be possible, in some number of transitions, to return to that state. Every state must be either recurrent or transient. I n the above example, states S1,S3, S4,and S6are recurrent states. The fact that each of two states is recurrent does not necessarily require that the process can ever get from one of these states to the other. One example of two recurrent states with p,(k) = pji(k) = 0
Si: From a t least one state which may be reached s eventually from Si,ystem can never return to Si. RECURR~NT STATE 8;: From every state which may be reached eventually from Si, system can eventually return to S;. PERIODIC STATE 8 : A recurrent state for which p,(k) may be non. zero only for k = d, 2d, 3d, . . . , with d an integer greater than unity. SINGLE CHAIN W: A set of recurrent states with the property that the system can eventually get from any member state to any other state which is also a member of the chain. All possible members of each such chain are included in the chain.
For a Markov process with a finite number of states whose recurrent stales form a single chain and which contains no periodic states, we might expect that the k-step transition probabilities p&) become independent of i and k as k approaches infinity. We might argue that such a process has "limited memory." Although successive trials are strongly dependent, it is hard to see how P[Si(k)J should be strongly influenced by either k or the initial state after a large number of trials. I n any case, it should be clear that, for either of the following processes,
we would certainly not expect any pij(k) to become independent of i and k as k gets very large. We speculated that, for a Markov process with a finite number of states, whose recurrent states form a single chain, and which contains no periodic states, we might expect that
where Pjdepends neither on k nor on i. I n fact this result is established by a simplified form of the ergodic theorem, which we shall state without proof in the following section. The Pj's, known as the limiting-state probabilities, represent the probabilities that a singlechain process with no periodic states will be in state Sj after very many trials, no matter what the initial. conditions may have been. Since our example of the dependent coin flips in the previous section satisfies these restrictions, the ergodic theorem states, for example, that quantity PISl(n)J = Prob(heads on nth toss) will approach a constant as n -+ co and that this constant will not depend on the initial state of the process.
The Ergodic Theorem
for a t least one column of Mk simply requires that there be a t least one state & and some number k such that it be possible to get to Sj from every state in exactly k trsnsitions. This requirement happens to states of the system correspond to the c.onditions that, the recurre~~t form :t single chain and that there be no periodic states.. When the above restriction on the pij(k) is satisfied for some value of k, the ergodic theorem states that? as n -+ m , the n-step transition probabilities pij(n) approach the limiting, or "steady-state," probabilities Pi. A formal test of whether this restriction does in fact hold for a given process requires certain matrix operations not appropriate t o the mathenlatical background assumed for our discussions. We shall work with the "single chain, finite number of states, and no periodic states" restriction as being equivalent to the restriction in the ergodic theorem. (The single-chain and no-periodic-states restrictions are necessary conditions for the ergodic theorem ; the finite-number-ofstates restriction is not a necessary condition.) For the representative 34arkov systems to be considered in this book, we may test for these properties by direct observation.
In this section we shall present and discuss a formal statement of a simple form of the ergodic theorem for a discrete-state discrete-transition hIarliov process. The ergodic theorem is as follows:
Let Mk be the matrix of. k-step transition probabilities of a Mar~lcov process with afinite number of states SI,Ss . . . , 8,. If there exists an integer k such that !he terms pij(k) of the matrix i l l r satisfy the relation min pij(k) = 6
We begin this section with a review of some of the things we already know about discrete-state discrete-transition Markov processes. We then write the general difference equations which describe the behavior of the state probabilities, the P[Sj(n)l's, as the process operates, over a number of trials. For processes to which the ergodic theorem applies, we also consider the solution of these difference equations as n -+ to obtain the limiting-state probabilities. . Finally, we note how our results simplify for the important class of Markov processes known as birth-and-death processes. As we did a t the beginning of our study of the Poisson process in Chap. 4, let us make use of an efficient but somewhat improper notation to suit our purposes. We define
j =1
lirn p,(n) = P,
. . . ,I ; Z P ,
where the Pi(O)'s, the initial conditions, represent the probabilities of the process being in its various states prior to the first trial. Because
are satis*fied.
We collect the probabilities of the events Sj(n 1) for j = 1 (first equation), for j = 2 (second equation), etc., up through j = Trt, - 1. Thus, for any discrete-state discrete-transition Markov process
and these limits do not depend on the initial conditions. One expresses his "state of knowledge" about the state of a hlarlcov process a t any time by specifying the probability state vector
mth eq.:
+ Pdn)pzl + . - . + Prn(n)prnl
Now we shall write the describing equations for the state probabilities of a JIartov process as it continues to undergo trials. There are efficienttransform and flow-graph techniques for the general solution of these equations. Here we shall develop only the describing equations and consider their solution as n goes to infinity. Even this limited tour will prepare us to study many important practical systems. 1)'s to the state The equations of interest will relate the P,(n probabilities one trial earlier, t,he P i ( n ) ' ~ . Each of the first m - 1 following relat>ionssums the probabilities of the mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive ways the event Sj(n 1) can occur, in terms of the state probabilities immediately after the nth trial. We start with the appropriate event space,
where the lath equation states the dependence of the Pj(n 1)'s. Given a set of initial conditions P1(0), P2(0), . . . , Pm(0), these equations may be solved iteratively for n = 0, 1,2, etc., to determine the state probabilities as a function of n. 3Iore advanced methods which allow one to obtain the probability state vector I P(n) I in closed form will not be considered here. For the remainder of this section, we consider only processes with no periodic states and whose recurrent states form a single chain. T h c ergodic theorem applies to such processes; so we may let lim Pi(n
= szz
+ 1) = lim Pj(n) = P i
we have
The solution to these n simultaneous equations detcrn~ineshe limitingz t state probabilities for those processes which meet the restrictions for the ergodic theorem. Examples of the use of our two sets of simultaneous equat,ions are given in the following section. (By writing the mth equation in the form used above, we avoid certain problems with this set of simultaneous equations.) Happily, there is a special and very practical type of Narkov process for which the equations for the limiting-state probabilities nmy be solved on sight. We further limit our discussion of singlc-chain processes with no periodicities 'to the case of birth-and-death processes.
A discrete-state discrete-transition birth-and-death process is a .\larl;ov process whose t,ransition probabilities obey
limiting-state probabilities for a single-chain birth-and-death process. We begin by choosing any particular state SK and noting that, a t any time in the history of a birth-anddeath process, the total number of SK4 SK+Itransitions made so far must either be one' less than, equal --+ to, or one greater than the total number of S K + ~ SKtransitions made so far. (Try to trace out a possible state history which violates this rule.) Consider the experiment which results if we approach a birthand-death process after it has undergone a great many. transitions and our state of knowledge about the process is given by the limiting-state probabilities. The probability that the first trial after we arrive will result in an SK--+ S K + transition is P K b ~ ; probability that i t will ~ the result in an S K +-+ SR transition is PR+ldR+l. ~ Since, over a long period of time, the fractions of all trials which have these two outcomes must be equal and we are simply picking a trial a t random, we must have (for a single-chain birth-and-death process with no 'periodic states) and thus the limiting-state probabilities may be obtained by finding all Pi's in terms of Pofrom
o and then solving for P by using .\[any practical irlrt~ancesof this dype of process are mentioned in the problenls at the cud of this chapter. S o t e that our definition of the birth-and-death process (and the method of solution for the limitingstate prob:tbilities to follow) does not include the process pictured below :
2 Pi = 1
Another way to derive this result would be to notice that, for a birth-anddeath process, many of the coefficients in the. simultaneous equations for the Pi's for the more general single-chain Alarkov process are equal to zero. The resulting equations may easily be solved by direct substitution to obtain the solution stated above. The first paragraph of this sectionmay now serve as a road map for the above work. Several examples are discussed and solved in the following section.
5-6 Examples Involving Discrete-transition Markov Processes
For the given assignment of state labels. this process will violate the definition of the birth and death process if either P I Sor Pat is nonzero
example 1 Experience has shown that the general mood of Herman may be
realistically modeled as a three-state Alarkov process with the muturtlly exclusive collectively exhaustive states
\Yv sli:~ll now demonstrate one argument for obtaining the
His mood can change only overnight, and the following transition probabilities apply to each night's trial:
We are told that Herman's mood today is so-so. (a) Determine the components of the probability state vector, the Pi(n)'s, for Herman's mood for the next few days. (b) Determine this probability state vector for a day a few months hence. Is the answer dependent on the initial conditions? (c) Determine the PMF for the number of trials until Herman's mood undergoes its first change of state. (d) What is the probability that Herman will become glum before he becomes cheerful? a We are given ,P(O), = /P1(0) P2(0) P3(0), = , 0 1 0 , ) and we may use the original set of difference equations for the Pj(n
All entries have been rounded off to three significant figures. The difference equations apply to any discrete-state discrete-transition RIarkov process. . b Since our Markov model for this process has no periodic states and its recurrent states form a single chain, the limiting-state probabilities are independent of the initial conditions. (The limiting-state probabilities would depend on the initial conditions if, for instance, we had p12 = p32. = p13 = p31 = 0.) We shall assume that the limiting-state probabilities are excellent approximations to what we would get by carrying out the above table for about 60 more trials (two months). Thus we wish to solve the simultaneous equations for the limiting-state probabilities,
+ l)'s,
which may be solved to obtain
0 we
Further iterations using the difference equations allow us to generate the following table:
These values seem consistent with the behavior displayed in the above table. The probability that Merman will be in a glum mood 60 days hence is very close to 6/13. In fact, for this example, the limitingstate probabilities are excellent approximations to the actual-state probabilities 10 or so days hence. Note also that this is not a birthand-death process (prs # 0) and, therefore, we may not use the more rapid method of solution for the Pj's which applies only to birth-anddeath processes. c Given that Herman is still in state St, the conditional probability that he will undergo a change of state (of mind) at the next transition is given by 1 - p22. Thus the P M F for 1, the number of (Bernoulli) trials up to and including his first change of mood, is the geometric P N I ' with parameter P equal to 1 - p22.
We would obtain n similar result for the conditional PMF for the number of trials up to and including the next actual change of state for m y discrete-transition Alarliov process, given the present state of the process. For this reason, one may say that such a process is charac-
terized by geometric holding tinzes. A similar phenomenon will be discussed in the introduction to the next section. d Given that Herman's mood is so-so, the following event space describes any trial while he is in this state:
For this example we shall not go to an 8, description for each state, but we shall work directly with H and N, using the notation P(Hn) = probability Roger is in state H during nth game P(Nn)
e A
/, Q D
Thus we may calculate that the conditional probability he becomes glum given that a transition does occur is equal to p!23/(p21 -4- ~23). This is, of course, equal to the probability that he becomes glum before 0.3) = 0.5. he becomes cheerful, and its numerical value is 0.3/(0.3
We are given the initial condition P(H1) = 1. We also note that this is a single-chain process with no periodic states, and it also happens to be a birth-anddeath process. a We wish t o determine P(H3). One method would be to use the sequential sample space
P(*) -
4 -
have streaks, hit a home run during the first game of this season. The conditional probability that he will hit at least one homer in a game is 0.4 if he hit a t least one homer in the previous game, but it is only 0.2 if he didn't hit any homers in the previous game. We assume this is a complete statement of the dependence. Numerical answers are to be correct within 4 2 %. (a) What is the probability that Roger hit at least one home run during the third game of this season? (b) If we are told that he hit a homer during the third game, what is the probability that he hit at least one during the second game? (c) I we are told that he hit a homer during the ninth game, what is f the probability that he hit at least one during the tenth game? (d) What is the probability that he will get a t least one home run during the 150th game of this season? (e) What is the probability that he will get home runs during both the 150th and 151st games of this season? (f) What is the probability that he will get home runs during both the 3d and 150th games of this season? (g) What is the probability that he will get home runs during both the 75th and 150th games of this season? This situation may be formulated as a two-state Markov process. A game is type H if Roger hits at least one homer during the game; otherwise it is type N. For our model, we shall consider the trials to occur between games.
to find P(H3) = 0.16 0.12 = 0.28. Since the conditional branch traversal probabilities for the tree of a Markov process depend only on the most recent node, it is usually more efficient to solve for such state probabilities as a function of n from ths difference equations, which, for this example, are
We have chosen to write P(H2 ( H3) rather than P(H2 I H3HI) because the event H I is given as part of the overall problem statement. c The conditional probability that Roger hits at least one homer in the 10th game, given he hit a t least one in the 9th game (and given no , information about later games), is simply p w ~ which is given to be 0.4 in the problem statement. d I we carry out a few iterations using the difference equations given f after the solution to part (a) we find, working to three significant figures,
Thus it is conservative to state that, for all practical purposes, his performances in games separated by more than 10 games may be considered independent events. P(HISO)is just the limiting-state probability pH, which, taking advantage of our method for birth-and-death processes, is determined by resulting in PH = 0.25, which checks with the result obtained by iteration above. e The desired quantity is simply P1{pIr,= a - & = 0.1. Note that the strong dependence of results in successive or nearly successive games must always be considered and that the required answer is certainly not P H ~ . f P(H3Ni50)= P(H3)P(IJI5o I H3) % P ( H ~ ) P H (0.28)(*) = 0.07 = g Roger's performances on games this far apart may be considered independent events, and we have
' The reader is reminded that these have been two elementary problems, intended to further our understanding of results obtained earlier in this chapter. Some more challenging examples will be found at the end of the chapter. Some questions concerned with random incidence (Sec. 4-11) for a Markov process, a situation which did not arise here, will be introduced in the examples in Sec. 5-8.
transition will occur in the next At is given by Xu At (for j # i and suitably small At). Thus, each incremental At represents a trial whose outcome may result in a change of state, and the transition probabilities which describe these trials depend only on the present state of the system. W e shall not allow Xij t be a function of time; this restriction o corresponds to our not allowing pij to depend on the number of the trial in our discussion of the discrete-transition Aflarkov process. We begin our study of these discrete-state continuous-transition Markov processes by noting some consequences of the above description of the state transition behavior and by making some comparisons with discrete-transition processes. (All the following statements need hold only for suitably small At.) The conditional probability that no change of state will occur in the next At, given that the process is a t present in state Si, is I'rob(no change of state in next At, given present state is Si) = 1 -
2 x,at
Although pii was a meaningful parameter for the discrete-transition process, a quantity Xii has no similar interpretation in the continuoustransition process. This is one reason why our equations for the state probabilities as a function of time will be somewhat different in form from those describing the state probabilities for the discrete-transition process. (For reasons outside the scope of this text, it is preferable that we let X i i remain undefined rather than define hi, to be equal to zero.) Given that the system is at present in state Si, the probability of leaving this state in the next At, no matter how long the system has already been in state Si, is equal to hij At
i i f
Again we are concerned with a system which may be described a t any time as being in one of a set of mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive discrete states S1, S2, S3, . . . , Sn. For a continuous-transition process, the probabilistic rules which describe the transition behavior allow changes of state to occur at any instants on a continuous time axis. If an observer knows the present state of any Markov process, any other information about the past state history of the process is irrelevant to his probabilistic description of the future behavior of the process. I n this section, we consider Markov processes for which, given that the present state is Si, the conditional probability that an Si -* Sj
and, from our earlier study of the Poisson process, we realize that the remaining time until the next departure from the present state is an exponentially distributed random variable with expected value
For this reason, the type of continuous process we have described is said to have exponential holding times. Surprisingly general physical systems, many of which do not have exponential holding times, may be modeled realistically by the resourceful use of such a Markov model. For the continuous-transition process, we shall again define a transient state Si to be onefrom which it is possible for the process
eventually to get to some other state from which it can never return to Si. A recurrent state Si is one to which the system can return from any state which can eventually be reached from S;. No concept of periodicity is required, and a single class (or chain) of recurrent states again includes all its possible members and has the property that i t is possible eventually to get from any state which is a member of the class to any other member state. A useful compact notation, similar to that used in Sec. 5-5, is Pj(t) = P[S,(t)] = probability process is in state Sj at time t. Pj(t) must have the properties
t a i d not undergoing a change of state in the next At. The second term is the probability that the process entered state Si from some other state during the incremental interval between t and t At. We can simplify these equations by multiplying, collecting terms, dividing through by At, and taking the limit as At --+ 0 to obtain, for any discrete-state continuous-transition Markov process with exponential holding times
We would expect, a t least for a process with a finite number of states, that the probability of the process being in a transient state goes to zero as t -+ m. For a recurrent state S; in a single chain with a finite number of states we might expect if Si is a recurrent state in a single-chain process Pi(t) dt = m with a finite number of states
- 1 eqs. :
1 :
mth eq.:
since we expect Pi(t) t o approach a nonzero limit as t -+a. We shall now develop the equations which describe the behavior of the state probabilities, the Pi(t)'s, as the process operates over time for any m-state continuous-transition 3Iarkov process with exponential holding times. The formulation is very similar to that used earlier for discrete-transition JIarkov processes. We shall write nz - 1 incremental relations relating Pj(t At) to the P;(t)'s, for j = 1, 2, . . . , Our ?nth equation will be the constraint that P,(t At) = 1. 11% - 1.
To express each Pj(t At), we sum the probabilities of all the mutually exclusive mays that the process could come to be in state Sj at t At, in terms of the state probabilities at time 1,
+ i
m - 1 eqs. :
Each of the first n - 1 equations above relates the rate of z change of a state probability to the probability of being elsewhere (in the first term) and to the probability of being in that state (in the second term). The solution of the above set of simultaneous differential equations, subject to a given set of initial conditions, would provide the state probabilities, the Pi(t)'~,for i = 1, 2, . . . . m and t 0. Effective flow-graph and transform techniques for the solution of these equations exist but are outside the scope of our discussion. For some simple cases, as in Example 1 in See. 5-8, the direct solution of these equations presents no difficulties. For the remainder of this section we limit our discussion t o processes whose recurrent states form a single chain. We might expect for such processes that the effects of the initial conditions vanish as t-+ and that Pi(t At) -+ Pi(t) or df'i (t) - 0 ) a s t - 6 . dt we
mth eq.:
+ At)
On the right-hand side of the ith of the first w - 1 equations, the first term is the probnhi1it.y of the process being in state Si at time
And we comment without proof that a suitable ergodic theorem does exist to establish the validity of the above speculations. To obtain the equations for the limiting-state probabilities, we need only rewrite the simultaneous differential equations for the limit-
. There results
Thus, for a continuous birth-and-death process, the limiting-state probabilities are found from the simple relations
If the process has been in operation for a long time, this term, multiplied by At, is the probability that the process will enter Sz from elsewhere in a ran-
ji. 1
2 pjhJ2
j# 2
- P2
j2 2
Several examples with solutions are presented in Sec. 5-8. A wider range of applications is indicated by the set of problems a t the end of this chapter. Example 2 in Sec. 5-8 introduces some elementary topics from the theory of queues.
j- P
s' jf m - 1
operation for a long time, this term, multiplied by At, is the probability that, in a randomly selected At, the process will leave S2 to enter another state.
Thus, for any Markov process with exponential holding times whose recurrent states form a single chain, we may obtain the limiting-state probabilities by solving these m simultaneous equations. Again, there exists the important case of birth-and-death processes for which the equations for the limiting-state probabilities are solved with particular ease. A continuous birth-and-death process is a discrete-state continuous-transition hIarkov process which obeys the constraint
(Recall that X i i has not 'been defined for continuous-transition processes.) The parameters of the process may be written in a. birth-anddeath notation and interpreted as follows hi(i+s = bi
his newly leased two-room apartment. From all available information, we conclude that with probability 6 he was in room 1 at t = 0. Whenever.Peter is in room 1, the probability that he will enter room 2 in the next At is known to be equaI to X12 At. At any time when he is in room 2, the probability that he will enter room 1 in the next At is A 2 1 At. It is a bright, sunny day, the wind is 12 mph from the northwest (indoors!), and the inside temperature is 70F. (a) Determine Pl(t), the probability that Peter is in room 1 as a function of time for t 2 0. (b) If we arrive at a random time with the process in the steady state: (i) What is the probability the first transition we see will be Peter entering room 2 from room l ? (ii) What is the probability of a transition occurring in the first At after we arrive? (iii) Determine the PDFf,(xo), where x is defined to be the waiting time from our arrival until Peter's next change of room. (iv) If we observe no transition during the first T. units of time after we arrive, what is then the conditional probability that Peter is in room I'? , Let state S represent the event "Peter is in room n." We have a two-state AIarliov process with exponential holding times. We sketch a transition diagram of the process, labeling the branches with the conditional-transition probabilities for trials in an incremental interval At.
Either by direct substitution into the simultaneous equations or by arguing that, when a birth-and-death process is in the steady state (i.e., the limiting-state probabilities apply), the process must be as likely, in any randomly selected At, to undergo an Si -t &+I transition as to undergo the corresponding Si+, -+ Si transition, we obtain
a I t happens that, in this example, the recurrent states form a single chain. However, since we shall solve the general differential equations,
is simply
After collecting terms, dividing both sides of the first equation by At, taking the limit as At -t 0, and substituting the second equation into the first equation, we' have
which is a first-order linear differential equation which has the complete solution
1 Note that, although we are equally likely to observe an 8 -+ S 2 or an S2 Sl transition in the first At after we arrive at a random time, -+ it need not follow that the first transition we observe is equally likely to be either type. Outcomes of trials in successive At's after we arrive at a random time are not independent. For instance, if X12 > Asl and we arrive at a random instant and wait a very long time without noting any transitions, the conditional probability that the process is in state 8 2 approaches unity, We'll demonstrate this phenomenon in the last part of this problem. bii The probability of a transition in the first At after we arrive is simply
(For readers unfamiliar with how such an equation is solved, this knowledge is not requisite for any other work in this book.) We sketch , Pl(t) for a case where @ is greater than
which is the sum of the probabilities of the two mutually exclusive ways Peter may make a transition in this first At. The quantity 2A12Xzl(X12 X21)-1 may be interpreted as the average rate a t which Peter changes rooms. Of course, the two terms added above are equal, since the average rate at which he is making room 1 -+ room 2 transitions must equal the average rate a t which he makes the only other possible type of transitions. If X12 > X21, it is true that Peter makes transitions more frequently when he is in room 1 than he does when he is in room 2, but the average transition rates over all time come out equal because he would be in room 1 much less often than he would be in room 2.
Since we do happen to be dealing with a birth-and-death process which satisfies the ergodicity condition, we may also obtain the limitingstate probabilities from
This answer checks out if Ale = X 1 and furthermore we note that, if 2, > X 12, we are almost certain to find the process in state 1, in the > steady state and to have the PDF until the next transition be
P2Xzl Plh12 =
+ P2= 1
which does yield the same values for the limiting-state probabilities as those obtained above. bi The first transition we see will be an S1-+ S2transition if and only if Peter happened to be in room 1 when we arrive. Thus, our answer
and the above answer does exhibit this behavior. T units of time after we arrive." We may now sketch a sequential event space for the experiment in which we arrive at a random time, given the process is in the steady state.
The quantity P(A I S1) is the conditional probability that we shall see no transitions in the first T units of time after we arrive, given that the process is in state S1. This is simply the probability that the holding time in S1after we arrive is greater than T.
We wish to obtain the conditional probability that we found the process in state S1, given there were no changes of state in the first T units of time after we arrived a t a random instant.
This answer checks out for X12 = hzl and as T -+ 0. Furthermore, if > X12, we would expect that, as T --+ a,we mould be increasingly > likely to find the process in its slow transition (long-holding-time) state and our answer does^ exhibit this property.
Poisson process, with an average arrival rate of h customers per hour. If customers find the facility fully occupied when they arrive, they enter a queue (a waiting line) and await their turns to be serviced on a first-come first-served. basis. Once a customer leaves the queue and enters actual service, the time required by the facility to service him is an independent experimental value of an exponentially distributed random variable with an expected value of p-I hours (p > A). Determine the limiting-state probabilities and the expected value for the total number of customers a t the facility (in the queue and in service) if (a) The facility can service only one customer a t a time. (b) The facility can service up to an infinite number of customers in parallel. We shall study several other aspects of these situations as we answer the above questions. To begin our solution, we define the event S by i
For the case of interest, p > A, we shall assume that the limiting-state probabilities exist for this infinite-state process. I f the maximum sewjce.rate were less than the average arrival rate, we would expect the length of the line to become infinite. We use the relations
Pi+l = -Pi bi
&+I and there follow
i =0 1 2
2 Pi
T,he expected value of the total number of customers a t the facility when the process is in the steady state, E(i), is obtained above by either using z transforms or noting the relation of the Pi's to the geometric PMF. I t is interesting to observe, for instance, that, if the average arrival rate is only 80% of the inaximum average service rate, there will be, on the average, a total of four customers at the facility. When there are four customers present, three of them will be waiting to enter service even though the facility is empty 20 % of all time. Such is the price of randomness. Let's find t h e P D F for t, the total time (waiting for service and during service) spent by a randomly selected customer at this singlechannel service facility. Customers arrive randomly, and the probability any customer will find exactly i other customers already a t the facility is Pi. If he finds i other ctistomers there already, a customer will leave after a total of i 1 independent exponentially distributed service times are completed. Thus the conditional PDF for the waiting time of this customer is an Erlang PDI? (See. 4-6) of order i 1, and we have
customer will leave (complete service) in the next At is p At. While there are i customers present, we are concerned with departures representing services in any of i independent such processes and, to the first order, the probability of one departure'in the next At is ip At. We have, again omitting the self-loops in the transition diagram,
Use of our simplified procedures for obtaining the limiting-state probabilities for birth-and-death processes proceeds:
Thus, the total time any customer spends a t the facility, for a process with independent exponentially distributed interarrival times and service times, is also an exponential random variable. The expected time spent at the facility is then and we can check this result by also using our result from Sec. 3-7, noticing that t is the sum of a random number i 1 of independent service times,
The limiting-state probabilities for this case fornz a Poisson PJIB for the total number of customers a t the facility (all of whom are in service) a t a random time. As one would expect, Po is greater for this case than in part (a), and all other Pi's here are less than the corresponding quantities for that single-channel ease. For instance, if h / p = 0.8, this facility is completely idle a fraction
of all time. This compares with Po = 0.20 for the same A/p ratio for the single-channel case in part (a).
example 3 A four-line switchboard services outgoing calls of four subscribers
E(t) = E(i
+ l)E(x) =
b For this part, we consider the case where there are an infinite nuni-
ber of parallel service stations available a t the facility and no customer has to wait before entering service. When there are exactly i custoniers in service at this facility, the probability that any particular
who never call each other. The durations of all phone calls are independent identically distributed exponential random variables with an expected value of p-l. For each subscriber, the interval between the end of any call and the time he places his next call is an independent exponential random variable with expected value X-l.
Four independent customers who never call each other and participate only in outgoing calls
, , ,
We shall assume that the system is in the steady state, neglect the possibility of busy signals, and use the state notation Si: Exactly i of the input lines are active. (a) Determine the limiting-state probabilities for the number of the input lines in use a t any tinze. (b) Given that there are a t present three switchboard lines in use, determine the I'D17 for the waiting time until the next change of state. (c) Determine the expected value of the number of busy input lines. (d) What is the probability that there are exactly two lines busy a t the switchboard the instants just before the arrivals of both members of a randomly selected pair of successive outgoing calls? a Reasoning similar to that used in part (b) of the previous example leads us to the following observation. Given that there are exactly i input lines in use a t the present time, the conditional probability of an Si Si+l transition in the next At is (4 - i)X At, and the conditional probability of an Si --+ Si-l transition in the next At is zp At. Keglecting the self-loops, we have the transition diagram
> < As we I\-ould expect, if X > p, P4 is very close to unity and, if X < p, Po is very close to unity. b Given that the systenl is in state Satthe probability that it will leave this state in the next At is (3p h ) At, no matter how long it has been in S3. Thus, the YDF for t, the exponential holding time in this state, is
results in
and this answer agrees with our intuition for X > p and p > X. > > d This is as irwolvcd a problem as one is likely to encounter.
Only the answer and a rough outline of how it may be obtained are given. The serious reader should be sure that he can supply the missing steps; the less serious reader may choose to skip this part.
+3+ ( h + XP) /
Conditional p r x b i l i t y that next change of state is due to completion of a call, given s system is in state S
i )
-f I
Probability first member of our pair of arrivals becomes 3d customer present at switchboard
This is a single-chain process with no periodicities; so the limiting-state probabilities will not depend on the initial conditions. Furthermore, it is a birth-and-death process; so we may use the special form of the simultaneous equations for the limiting-state probabilities,
We have assunled that ,the "randomly selected" pa,ir was chosen by selecting the first member of the pair by means of an equally likely choice among a large number of incoming calls. If the first member were to be chosen by selecting the first incoming call to follow a randomly selected instant, we would have a different situ LZt'ion.
which result in
- 5.01 For a series of dependent trials, the probability of success on any trial is given by (k l)/(k 3), where k is the number of successes in the previous three t,ria,ls. Define a state description and set of = transition probabilities which allow this process to be described as a liarkov process. Draw the state transition diagram. T r y to use the = smallest possible number of states.
E -
a Identify the transient., recurrent,, and priodic states of the discretcstate discret e-transition Narkov process described by
b How many chains are formed by the recurrent states of this process?
For t,hc :\larkov proclcss pirt,urcd hcrc, the following qucstioris nxay be answered by inspection:
We are observing and recording the outcomes of dependent flips of a coin a t a distance on a foggy day. The probability that any flip mill have the same outcome as the previous flip is equal to P. Our observations of the experimental outcomes are imperfect. In fact., the probability that me shall properly record the outcome of any trinl is equal to F and is independcnt of all previous or future errors. We use the notation hn: We record the observation of the nth trial to be heads. 1,: We record the observation of the nth trial to be tails. Giver: that this process is i n state Sojust before the first trinl, determiue the probability that: a Thc process enters SZ the first time as the result of the K t h trial. for b The process never enters S4. c The process does enter S2, but it also leaves S2on the trial after it entered S2. d The process ent,ers S1for the first time on the third trial. e The process is in state Sginlnlcdiately after the Nth trial.
Days are either good fair (F), or sad (8). Let Fn,for instance, be t,he event that the nth day is fair. Assume that the probability of having a good, fair, or sad day depends only on the condition of the previous day as dictated by the conditional probabilities ( + I1 n
f'(Fn+~I Sn)
Can the possible sequences of our observations be modeled a the state history of a two-state Sfarkov process?
Assume that the process is in the steady state. A good day is worth $1, a fair day is worth $0, and a sad day is worth -$I.
E z zzzs
z=== 5
a Determine the expected value and the variance of the value of a randomly selected day. b Determine the expected value and the variance of the value of a randon1 two-day sequence. Compare with the above results, and comment^. c With the yroecss in the steady-state a t day zero, we are told that the sun1 vnluc. of days 13 and 14 was $0. What is the probability t h t day 1 3 w:w :I fair day?
5 z=s
=zzs s
C d
~ v h e \ye have used the r.iotation l~ Event 7'~.: Tails on 1it.h toss Event lik: cads on kth toss H
j zz=z
= = 5
j i
= S 5.08
L i
-_ L I
We know that the first. toss camc up heads. a Drtemiue t h e probability that the jirst tail will occur on the kth toss ( k = 2 , 3, 4, . . .I. b What is the probability that flip 5,000 will comc up heads? c What is thc probability that flip 5,000 will come up heads and Rip 5,002 wit1 also come up heads? d Given that flips 5,001, j,002, . . . , 3,000 f m all have the same result, what is the probability that all of these rn outcomes are heads? Sin~plify your answer as much as possible, snd interpret your result for large vnhes of 111. e We are told that the 873th heid just occurred on the ;iOOth toss. Determine the expected value of the number of additional flips required until we observe the 379th head.
1\11.. Alean Variance has the orily key which locks or unlocks tho door to Building 59, the Probability Building. He visits the door once each hour:on t,he hour. When he arrives: If the door is open, he locks it ~ i t h 0.3. If the door is locked, he unloclis it with probnbility 0.8. a After he has bcen on the job several mont,hs, is he more likely to lock the door or to unlock it on a randomly selected visit? b With the proress i l l the st,eadystate, doe arrived a t Building 59 two hours ahead of Harry. What is the probability that each of them found the door in the same condition? c Given the door was open a t thc time Slr. Varisnec was hired, determine the z transform for the number of visits up to and including the or~e which he unlocked the doorhimself for the first time. on
==s = = . _C
d d d
In his new job for the city, doe rndies daily meusurements of the level of the Sludge River. His predecessor established that these daily readings can be modeled by a ;\larkov process and that there are only three possible river depths, zero, one, and two feet. I t is also known that the river level never changes more than one foot per day. The city has compiled the following transition probabilities:
= 1/4 pio = 1/2 p 2 = 1/4 1 p2r = 1/4 Let X K represent Joe's reading of the river depth on his Xth day on the job. We are given that the reading on the day before he started was onefoot. Detern~inc: a The probability mass function for random variable X I b The probability that x 3 7 7 # x378 c The conditional probability mass function for ~ 9 9 9 , iven that XI,OOO= 1 g
10 Arrivals of potcnt.ial cust.omcrs on t,hcstrcet outside a one-pump gas station are noted to be :I I'O~SSOI~ rocess with an nverngo :trrival rate p of X mrs per hour. l'otr~~tinl eustonlern will eon~c n for gas if there i arc fewrr than two vnrs nlrendy a t the pump (irrduding the one being attended to). If there are two cars already at the pump, the potential customers will go eIsewhcrc. I t is noted that the amount of tinw required to service any car is :tn indcpendcnt randonl variable with PDlp
5 s _ 5 I
_ =
probability of having n mrs a t the pump a t time 1. Do not solve the equstions. c Write arid solve the equations for P,?,n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , where P, is thc stcndy-state probnbility of having a total of n cars a t the pump. d If the cars arrive a t the averqq?rntc of 20 per hour and the averngc service time is two nlinutrs per (&:it-, what is the probability that a potcntinl cwstomcr will go clscwhcrc? What fraction of the attendant's time will be spent servicing cars:)
- e =
i L
- 5.11 At a single service facility, the interarrival times between successive rustomers are independerit exponetitiillly distributed random - The average customer arrival rate is 40 custoimrs per hour. variables. When a total two or fewer customers are - attendant operates theoffacility and the sewice time forpresent, a single each customer is =
At the same salary, the o\vner can provide a more popular, but slower, atterldant,. This would raise the average service time to 2.5 minutes per car but would also increase from 20 to 28 cars per hour. Which attendant should he use to maximize his expected profit? Determine the percent change in the number of customers serviced per hour t,hat would result from changing to the slower attendant.
d Taxi A has been destroyed in a collision with a Go-Kart, and we note that B is at the station at time t = 0. What are the expected
value and variance of the time until B leaves the station with his fourth fare since t = O?
i i
minutes. Whenever there are three or morc customers a t the facility, the attendant is joined by an assistant. In t,his case, the service time is an exponrntially distributed random vnriable with an expected value of one minute. Assume the process is in the steady state. a What fraction of the time are both of them free? b What is the probnbilit,~ that both men are working at the facifity the instant before a randomly selected customer arrives? The instant after he arrives? c Each of the men is to receive a sdary proportional to the expected valuc of the amount of time he is actually at work servicing customers. The constant of proportiondity is the same for both men, and the sum of their salaries is to be $100. Determine thel salary of each man.
All ships travel at the same velocity through a wide canal. Eastbound ship arrivals a t the canal are a Poisson process with an average arrival rate X E ships per day. Westbound ships arrive as an independent Poisson process with average arrival rate XV per day. An indicator at a point in the canal is always pointing in the direction of travel of the most recent ship to pass it. Each ship takes T days to traverse the canal. Use the notation p = XE/Xw wherever lnossible a What is the probability that the next ship passing by the indicator causes it to change its indicated direction? b What is the probability that an eastbound ship will see no westbound ships during its eastward journey through the canal? c If we begin observing a t an arbitrary time, determine the probability mass function pk(ko), where k is the total number of ships we observe up to and including the seventh eastbound ship we see. d If we begin observing a t an arbitrary time, determine the probability density function f,(to), where t is the time until we see our seventh eastbound ship. e Given that the pointer is pointing west: i What is the probability that the next ship to pass it will be westbound ? ii What is the probability density function for the remaining time until the pointer changes direction?
Only two taxicabs operate from a particular station. The total time it takes a taxi to service any customer and return to the station is an exponentially distributed random variable with a mean of 1/p hours. Arrivals of potential custon~ers modeled as a Poisson process with are average ra,te of A customers per hour. If any potential customer finds no taxi at the station at the instant he arrives, he walks to his destination and thus does not become an actual customer. The cabs al~~rays return directly to the station without picking up new customers. ,411 parts of this problem are independent of statements in other parts. a If = m, determine (in as simple and logical a manner as you can) the average number of custonlers served per hour. b Using the notation p = p/A, determine the steady-state probability that there is exactly one taxi a t the station. c If me survey a huge number of actual customers, what fraction of them will report that they arrived at an instant when there was exactly one taxi at the station?
A switchboard has two outgoing lines and is concerned only with servicing the outgoing calls of three customers who never call each other. When he. is not on a line, each potential caller generates calls a t a Poisson rate A. Call lengths are exponentially distributed, with a mean call length of l / p . If a caller finds the switchboard blocked, he never tries to reinstitute that particular call. a Determine the fraction of time that the switchboard is saturated. b Determine the fraction of outgoing calls which encounter a-saturated switchboard.
An illurnination system contains R 3 bulbs, each of which fails independently and has a life span described by the probability density function At the time of the third failure, the system is shut down, the dead bulbs
are replaced, and the system is "restarted." The down timefor the service operation is a random variable described by the probability density function
arrive at a random time. What is the probability that the first transition wc observe will be due to a birth? That both of the first two transitions we observe will be due to births? 5.28 An information source is alwrys iri one of 112 mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive states SI,S2, . . . , S,. Whenever this source is in state Si: 1 It produces printed messages in :r Poisson manner at an average rate of pi messages per hour. 2 The conditional probnbility that the source ill enter state Sj ( j + i) in the next incremental At is given by X t j At. All messages are numbered consecutively and filed i n a warehouse. The process is in the steady state and you m:Ly nssumc that the limiting stnte probabilities for the source, PI, PI, . . , P , are , known qunntit ies. Each part of this problem is to be rvorlied separately. a Given that the process has been in stnte S2for the last three hours what is the probability that no messages were produced in the last 1.5 hours? b Given that the process is not in state S?, what is the probability that it will enter S? ill the nest incremerlt,ai At? c Determine the average rate a t which messages are produced. d What is the probability that the source will produce exactly two messages during auy particular visit to state Sz? e If me arrive at a ra~idom time to observe the process, what i s t h e probability that we see at least one nwssngc generated before rvc observe the next state t.r:rr~sition the message source'? of f If we select a random message from the file in the warehouse, what is the probability that it mas produced when the source mas in state Sz? g If me select s pair of cunsemiilfe messages a t random from the file, mhat is the probability t.hat the source underwent exactly one ehange of stnte during the itlterval between the instsnts at which these two messages were produced Y h If we ore told that, during the last 10 hours, the source process underwent exactly eight changes of state and spent Exactly two hours in state S3 Exactly five hours in state S7 Exact,ly t,hree hours in st:tte S8 determine the exact conditional PMF for the number of messages produced during the last 10 hours.
a Determine the mean and variance of y, the time from t = 0 until the end of the kth service operation. b Determine the steady-state probability that all the lights are on.
Potential customers arrive at the input gate to a facility in a Poisson manner with average arrival rate h. The facility will hold up t o three customers including the one being serviced. Potential customers who arrive when the facility is full go elsewhere for service. Service time is an exponential random variable with mean l/p. Custonlers leave as soon as they are serviced. Service for actual cust,omers is on a first-come first-served basis. a I we select a random pair (see final comment in Sec. 9-8) of sue-' f cessive potential customers approaching the facility, mhat is the probability that they will eventually emerge as a pair of successive actual customers? b I we select a random pair of successive actual customers leaving the f facility, what is the probability that these customers arrived as successive potential customers at the facility input? c Starting at a randomly selected time, what is the probability that before the next actual customer arrives at the input gate a t least two customers would be observed leaving via the output gate? Consider K-state discrete-state Xlarkov system with exponential holding times. The system is composed of e single chain.
Xi, At = conditional probability that system will enter state Sj in the i #j next At, given that present state is Si
Other than in part (a) you may use the limiting-state probabilities as PI,PZ, . . , PK in your ansmers. . a Write, i n a simple form, a set of equations which deternline the steady-state probabilities PI, Pz, . . . , Pn. b Given that the process is at present in state Si,what is the probability that two transitions from now it will again be in state Si? c What are the expect.ed value and variance of the time the system spends during any visit to state Si? d Determine the average rate at which the system makes transitions. e i f we arrive at a random time with the process in the steady state, determine the probability density function for the time until the next transition after we arrive.
tion bo the actual PPD for the sum of many random variables, regardless of the forms of the PDF7s1for individual random variables included the in the sum. This altogether remarkable result is known as the central limit theorem. A proof is presented for the case where the sum is composed ot independent identically distributed random variables. Finally, we
Since it is a rather ~veali bound, the Chebyshev inequality finds most of its applications in general theoretical work. For a random variable described by any particular I'UI", better (though usually more complex) bounds may he est:iblishcd. We shall use the Chebyshev one form of the lsrv of lnrgc numbers. bound in Sec. 6-3 to invcstig~ite
Stochastic Convergence
A dete~winistic sequence (1,,/ .r,, .et, . . . is said to converge to t*he = limit C i f for every E > 0 wc can find a finite no such that
The Chebysher~inequality s h t e s an upper bound on the probability that an experimental value of any random variable z will differ by at least any given positive quantity t from E ( x ) . In particular, the inequality will provide an upper bound on the quantity in t,erl>lsof t and o,. As long as the value of the standard deviation rr, is known, other details of the PDF f,(xo) are not relevant. The derivation is simple. With t > 0, we have
- CI < E
for all n
> no
To obtain the above inequality, n7enote that the integrand in the leftmost integration is always positive. BYremoving an interval of length 2t from the range of that integral, n-e cannot increase the value of the integral. Inside the two integrals on the right-hand side of the above relat,ion, it is always true that 1x - lC(x)( 2 t. We now replace [ x - E(z)lZby t2, which can never increase the valuc of the right-hand side, resulting in
Only for pathological cases would we expect t o be able to make equally strong nonprobnbilistic convergence statements for sequences of random variables. Several different types of convergerm are defined for sequences of randon1 variables. In this section we introduce and discuss one such definition, namely, that of stochastic conuo-gence. We shall use this definition and the Chebyshev inequality to establish a form of the law of large numbers jin the following section. (We defer any discussion of other fornts of eorivergeuec for sequences of random variables unt,il Sec. G-9.)
i C -
A sequence of random variables, (g./ = gr, y2, y3, . . . , is said to bc stochasticallg convergent (or to converge i n probability) to C if, for every E > 0, the condition linl I'rob(/y, - C/ > e ) = 0 is satisfied.
n--+ rn
2 jz0 =-
+ /xy=e(z)+t
= P
After we divide both sides by t2 and rec,ogllize the physical interpretat,ion of the remaining quantity on the right-hand side, we have -
e =
- E(z)\ 2 t] 5
= -
When a sequence of rahdorn variables, (g,J, is linorvn to be stochastically convergent to C, we must be careful to conclude onlg that the probability of the event ly, - C/ > E vanishes as n m. We cannot conclude, for any value of n , that this event is impossible. We may use the definition of a limit to restate the definition of stochastic convergence. Sequence { y, 1 is stochastically convergent to C if, for any F > 0 and any 6 > 0,it is possible to state a finite value of n such that o i'rob((y,
which is the Chebyshev inequality. I t states, for instance, that the probability that an experinwntal value of any random variable x will be further than Kc, from E ( x ) is always less than or equal to 1/K2
- C( > E) < 6
for all n
> no
of stochastic convergence in the following section and a coniparison witshother forlxs of probabilistic convergence in Sec. 6-9.
iirn Prob
n-+ co
[I I;
- B(9) 2
i s 1
m m
m m
converges t o its expected value. The type of convergence which applies determines whether the law is said to be weak or strong. Let 91, yz, . . . form a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables with finite expected values E(y) and finite variances aV2. I n this section me prove that the sequence
is stochastically co~ivergentto its expected value, and therefore the sequence {g.] obeys a (weak) law of large numbers. For the c,onditions given above, random variable ill, is the average of n independent experimental values of random variable y. Quantity M , is known as the sample mean. From the definition of rtl, and the property of expectations of sums, we have
mhich is known as the weak. law of large numbers (in this case for random variable y). The law states that, as n --+ m, the probability that the average of n independent experimental values of random variable y differs from E(y) by more than any nonzero E goes to zero. We have sholrrr~that as long as the variance of a random variable is finite, the random variable obeys the weak law of large numbers. Keither the independence of the yi's nor the finite variance conditions are necessary for the (0.) sequence to obey a law of large numbers. I'roof of these statenmrts is beyond the scope of this book. Let's apply our result to a situation where the 0;s are independent Bernoulli random variables wit,h parameter P. Suppose that there are n trials arid 1 is the number of successes. Using our result c above, we have
n--, =
lim Prob
- P > L)
1 -
and, because multiplying srandom variable y by c defines a new random variable with a variance equal to c2oY2, have we
To establish the weak law of large numbers for the case of interest, me simply apply the Chebyshev inequality to A1, to obtain
which is linonw 8s the Bewzoulli law o j large nu~rzbem. This relntiorl is one of the bases of the 1,elatiue-j~.epuer~c interpretation of probabilities. Often people read into it far more than it says. For instance, let the t.rials be coin flips mid the successes heads. If wc flip the coin any number of times, it is still possible that all outcomes will be heads. If we know that P is a valid parameter of a coin-flipping process and we set out to estimate P by the experimental value of kin, there is no value of n for n-hich we could be certain t h a t our experimental vnlue was within an arbitrary e of the true value of parameter P. The Bernoulli law of large numbers does not imply that 1- conL. verges to the lin~itirig vnlue nP as n -+ @ . We Icnow that the standard deviation of I;, in fart, becomes infinite as n --+ m (see Sec. 3-6).
where we have written a PDF for random variable z with parameters nz and a. The s transform of this PDF is obtained from 1 m : fiT(s) = E(emSx)= ---- / x ~ = - - e-s~oe- (zo-m) 2 1 2 0 2 dzo dGu
-- 1
In the above equation, we have carried out the algebraic operation known as "completing the square." We may substitute this result into the expression for fxT(s),
S o t e that the integral is equal to the total area undcr a Gaussian I'DF for which V L has been rcplaccd by the expression sz - sa2. This change displaces the PDF I\-ith regard to the xo axis but does not change the total area under the curve. Since the total area under any PDF must be unity, we h ~ v e found the transform of a Gaussian PDF with parameters nz and a to be
Suppose that wc are interested in the PDF for random variable w, defined to be the sunl'of two independent Gaussian random variables x and y. We use thc s transforms and the relation for the transform of n 1'DF for thc sum of independent random variables (Sec. 3-5) to obtain
e ( ~ 2 ~ 5 / 2 ) - ~ ~ ~
We recognize this to be the transform of another Gaussian PDF. Thus we have found that
we evaluate the expected value and the variance of the Gaussian PDF to be
The PDF for a sum of independent Gaussian random variables i s itself a Gaussian PDF.
E(x)=m aZ2=a2 We have learned that a normal PDF is specified by two parameters, the expected value E ( x ) and the standard deviation a,. The normal PDF and its s transform are
- 1=
fx(Zo) =
5 2, 5
d .rax 2l
A similar property was obtained for Poisson random variables in Sec. 4-7. When one becomes involved in appreciable numerical work with PDF's of the same form but with different parameters, it is often desirable to suppress the parameters E ( x ) and ax2 of any particular situation and work in terms of a unit (or normalized, or standardized) random variable. A unit random variable has an expected value of zero, and its standard deviation is equal to unity. The unit random variable y for random variable x is obtained by subtracting E ( x ) from x
I t happens that the cun~ulativc dist'ribution function, ps5(xo), for a Gaussinn rnrldonl v:tri:~blccannot be found in closed form. We shall be worliing with t,:tblcs of the CDI? for a Gaussian random v:triable, and it is for this reason t,ha,t. are interested in the discussion we in the previous paragraph. We shall be concerned with the unit normal PDF, n-hichsis given by fV(yo)= - - ~ o ~ / ~ - o~ _< yo 5 e
To obtain +(yo) for go < 0, we note that the area under fy(yO) is equal to unity and that the shaded areas in the following sketches are equal
E(y) = 0,
= 1
We define the function +(yo) to be the CDF for the unit normal PDF,
and we may use - the relation To nlnlic use of t:hles of +(yo) for Gaussian (but unstnndnrdized) random variitbfe .r, we need only rec:~lIthc relation
and thus, for the CDF of Gaussian randon1 variablc .T, n-c have
We present a brief example. Suppose that we wish to determine the probability t h i t an experimental value of a Gaussian random variable z falls within +ka, of its expected value, for k = 1, 2, and 3. Thus, we wish to evaluate Prob[lx - E(x)l 5 b,]
for Ic
1, 2, and 3
The argument on the right side of the nbovc cquntion is cqunl to tho number of st:md:~rd dcvi:ttions T, by which xo cxrccds IC(.c). If valucs t of .TO :we inensured in units of st:mdard dcvintions from i;'(r),:tl)lcs of the CDF for t,hcunit 1lo1m:~1 I'DI: m y bc uscd directly to obt:tin vnlucs of the CI)F pI5(xo). is itbout its csp&tcd value, Sincc n Gnussinn 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~symmctri~*nl the CDl: may he fully dcsrril~edby t:d)r~l;~ti~lg for v:ilucs alwvc it only (or 11elow)its cxpeeted vxlue. Thc follon-ing is :L bricf fonr-pl:ice t:~l)lo of +(go), the CD1' for n unit normd rundon1 v:ui:tt)lc:
Since 1c is already in units of standard deviations, we 'may use the *(yo) table directly according to the relation
Our result states, for instance, that the probability that an experinlcntal value of any Gaussian random variable x falls within an interval of total length 4@, which is centered on E(x) is equal to 0.954.
This PhIF, written as a PDF, will always include a set of n 1impulses and be equal to zero between the impulses. Thus, fr(ro) can never approach a Gaussian P D F on a point-by-point basis. However, i t is possible for the CDF of 1- to approach the C D F for a Gaussian random variable on a point-by-point basis as n -, co, and the central limit ; theorem given in the first paragraph of this section states that this is indeed the case. We now present a proof of the fo.rm of the 'central limit theorem stated in the opening paragraph of this section. 1 Let XI, 22, . . . *,2, be independent identically distributed random variables, each with finite expected value E(z) and finite variance qz2. We define random variable r to be I , = X I x2 - . . x,, and we wish to show that the C D F p,<(ro) approaches the CDF of a Gaussian random variable as n -+ oo .
+ +
3 Note that for any random variable y, defined by y = ar b, we may obtain fyT(s)in terms of frT(s) from the definition of the s transform as. follows :
+ +
We shall apply this relation to the case where y is the standardized random variable for r,
This is the type of convergence we wish to use in our statement of the central limit theorem. Consider a case where random variable r is defined to be the sum of n independent experimental values of a Bernoulli random variable with parameter P. For any value of n we know that r will be a binomial random variable with PMF
Sofar, me have found the s transform for y, the standardized sum of n independent identically distributed random variables,
f T
(6 ) each
0. These
f xd ~ ( = ~ ) n I
23 (x)
When we multiply and collect terms, for suitably small s (or, equivnlently, for suitably large n) we have
We continue with the notation I . = al x2 - - - xn, where the randoin variables ,XI,.r3 . . . , x, are mutually independent and identically distributed, c:wh with finite expected value E ( x ) and finite varinnw ax2. If every member of the sum happens to be a Gaussian random v:triable, wc I i t ~ o (from Sec. 6-4) that the L'DF fr(ro)will also \~ be Gaussian for any value of n. TVhateuer the I'DF for the individual , members of the sum, one central limit 'theorem states that, as n - m, we have
+ +
to take the limit as n -4 .ss of the approximation for fjIT(s)obtained in step 4. This results in lim fVT(s)= es2I2
n-+ m
As n - .o, the C D F for 1, approaches the CDF for that Gaussian ran, dom variable which has the same mean and variance as 1. . If 11-ewish to use the approxinlation
and we have shown that the s transform of the P D F for randorn variable y approaches the trnnsform of a unit normnl PDF. This does not tell us how (or if) the P D F fy(yo)approaches a Gaussian P D l ~ a pointon by-point basis. But a relation linown as the continuity theor-em of transform theory may be invoked to assure us that
n 4
is a continuous function, then the C D F for random variable y con, verges (on a point-by-point basis) to the C D F of random variable w. This convergence need not be defined a t discontinuities of the limiting CDF.] 6 Since y is the standardized form of r, we simply substitute into the above result for f,< (yo) and conclude the following.
xn and XI, x2, . . . , x, are independent If r = x l + x 2 + identically distributed randomvariables each with finite expected value E(x) and finite standard deviation a; we have , E(r) = nE(z) lim pT5(ro)= <P cr = ex n+ =
4 ;
for "large" but finite values of n, and the individual xi's are not Gaussian random variables, there are no simple general results regarding the precision of the approximation. If the individual terms in the sum are described by any of the more common PDF's (with finite mean and variance), fr(ro) rapidly (n = 5 or 10) approaches a Gaussian curve in the vicinity of Efr). Depending on the value of n and the degree of symmetry expected in f , ( ~ ) ,we generally expect. ;(ro) to be poorly approximated by a Gaussian curve in ranges of 1.0 more than some number of standard deviations distant from IT(?.). For instmce, even if the xi's can take on only positive experiinental values, the use of an approximation based on the central limit theoren~ will always result in some nonzero probability that the experimental value of xl x2 . xn will be negative. The discussion of the previous paragraph, however crude it may be, should serve to empha.size the centla1 property of approximations based on the central limit theorem. As one example of the use of an approxinlation based on the centml limit theorem, let random variable r be defined to be the sum of 48 independent experimental values of random variable x, where the PDF for x is given by
+ +
We wish to determine the probability that an experimental value of r falls in the range 22.0 < r $ 25.0. By direct calculation we easily obtain
Should this quantity be of interest, it would generally require n very unpleasant calculation. So we might, for Iargc n, turn to the central limit theorem, noting that where each xi is an independent Bernoulli random variable. If we applied the central limit theorem, subject to no additional considerations, we would have
we are approximating the true P D F fr(ro) in the range 22 the Gaussian PDF
< 25 by
If we wish to evaluate Prob(22.0 < r 25.0) directly from the table for the CDF of the unit normal PDF, the range of interest for random variable 1. should be measured in units of cr, from E(v). We have
We have approximated the probability that a binomial random variable b by the area under a n o r ~ ~curve over al this range. I n many cases this procedure will yield, excellent results. By looking at a picture of this situation, we shall suggest one simple improvenient of the approximation.
I t happens that this is a very precise approximation. I n fact, by simple convolution (or by our method for obtaining derived distributions in sample space) one can show, for the given f,(xo), that even for n = 3 or n = 4, f,(ro) becomes very close to a Gaussian P D F over most of the possible range of random variable r (see Prob. 6.10). However, a similar result for such very small n may not exist for several other common PDF's (see Prob. 6.11).
Using the Central Limit Theorem for the Binomial PMF
We wish to use an approximation based on the central limit theorem to approximate the PAIF for a discrete random variable. Assume we are interested in events defined in terms of k, the number of successes in n trials of a Bernoulli process with parameter P. From earlier work (Sec. 4-1) we know that
The bars of pk(ko) are shown to be about the same height as the approxima.ting normal curve. This must be the case if n is large enough for the CDF's of pk(ko)and the approximating normal curve to increase by about the same amount for each unit distance along the ko axis (as a result of the central limit theorem). The shaded area in this figure represents the approximation to Prob(a _< I; 5 b) which results from direct substitution, where we use the CDF for a normal curve whose expected value and variance are the same as those of pk(ko). By considering the above sketch, we might expect that a more reasonable procedure could be suggested to take account of the discrete nature of k. I n particular, it appears more accurate to associate the area under the normal curve between ko - 0.5 and ko 0.5 with the probability of the event that random variable k takes on experimental
value kco. This not ordy seems better on a term-by-term basis than direct use of the central-limit-theore111approximation, but we can also show one extreme case of what may happen when this suggested improvenlent is not used. Kotice (from the above sketch) that, if we have b = a 1 [with a and b in the vicinity of E ( z ) ] , irect use of the' d CDF for the normal approximating curve vill produce an approximation which is about 50%, of the correct probability,
which, for reasons n-e have discr~ssed,is poor indeed. Firinlly, if we usc tbc i corrcctioll of the DcMoivrc-Laplaw thcoren~, find we
When using the central linlit theorem to approximate t.he binomial PAIF, the adoption of our suggested improvement' leads us to write,
whic4h is withilt 0.025 of the cor1.cct value. If P is too claw cither to zero or to unity for n given n, the resulting binomial !'.\I I' will hc very nsymnletrir, with its peak very . close to Ii, = 0 or to ko = n arid m y Gaussian approximation will be poor. h rcaso~xthlc (hut nrlitriwy) rule of thunlb for determining rrhctllcr the De~Ioivrc-IAap1:w approxi~nation the binomial I'.\II: to nwy be mlployed [in the vicinity of l i ( k ) ]is to require that with ok = d n P ( 1 - P) The better the margin by which these co~lstraintsare satisfied, the larger the r:mgc about R ( k ) for ~rlrirhthe normal ~pprosilnationwill yield sntisfuctory results.
> $2
- P ) > 3cr
This result, a special case of the central Iimit theorem, is known as the DeMoivre-Laplace l m t theowm. I t can be shown to yield an improveii ment over the case in which the f& terms are not used. These corrections may be significant when a and b are close [(b - u ) / G ~ < 11 or when a or b is near the peak of the approximating Gaussian PDF. For example, suppose that me flipped a fair coin 100 times, and let Ic equal the number of heads. If me wished to approximate 51), the f4 corrections a t the end of the range of k Prob(48 k would clearly make a significant contribution to the accuracy of the approximation. On the other hand, for a quantity such as Prob(23 5 lc 5 6 5 ) , the effect of the $-+ is negligible. One must always question the va1idit.y of approximations; yet it is surprising how well the DeMoivre-Laplace limit theorem applies for even a narrow range of k [near E(?c)] when n is not very large. We shall do one such problem three ways. After obtaining these solutions, we shall comment on some iimitations of this approximation technique. Consider a set of 16 Bernoulli trials with P = 0.5. We wish t o determine the probability that the number of successes, k, takes on an experimental value equal to 6,7, or 8. First we do the exact calculation,
< <
We have noted that the De3loivre-Laplare limit theorem will not provide a useful approximntion to the binomial 1'111: if either P or 1 - P is very small. When either of these quantities is too sinall for a givcrl value of n, any Gaussinn npproximntion to the binomial will be urlsatisfactory. The Gaussian curve will renlhin aymt~et i d about r E(Ii), even though that value mny be only a fraction of a standard deviation from the lo~seat highest possible experimental value. of the or t?inomial random vnriabIe. If n is large and P is sn1all such that the Delloivre-Laplace theorem may not be applied, we may txlie the limit of
. by lettiug n - m and P -+ 0 while always requiring nP = p. Our result will provide a very good term-by-term approximation for the significant members [k0nonnegative and within a few uk of E ( k ) ]of the binomis1 PMF for large t 2 and small P. First, we use t.he relation nP = p to write
to obtain
1 I t is very probable that a n y particlda~IJ,~is within + E of C. 2 I t .is ]lot ~~eclcssnrily very probablc th:it ecery g,, is within & E of C.
The above result is kno\sn, for obvious rcasons, as the Poisson approximation to the binorilia1 PAIF. For a binomial rundonl variable k , we may note that*,as P -+ 0, the E(k)/gr ratio is very nearly equal to For example, if n = 100 and P = 0.01, the expected vnluc E(k) = n P = 1.0 is ordy one standard deviation from the minimum possible experimental value of k. Under these circumsta~lces,the nornial approxinlatiori (DeJloivre-Laplace) is poor, but the Poisson approxinmtion is quite accurate for the small values of ko a t which we find most of the probability mass of pk(ko). As an examplk, for the case n = 100 and P = 0.01, we find
A stronger foim of corlvergel1c.e tlmn stochastic convergerice is lino\sn :is conzwyence w t probability 1 (or conrwrgence alnzost everyih where). Thc scquc~icc(!/,,) of random vari:tblcs is defined to converge with probabi1it.y 1 to C if thc rel:ttio~i
is sat isficd. Convergence with. probabili ty 1 implies stochastic convergenw, but thc converse is not true. 1;urthermore it can be shown (by using incasure t hcory) t h a t convcrgencc \sit,h probability 1 does require thfit., for any E > 0 rutd any 6 > 0, n-e (tan find an no such that to For a scquenw {g,,] corivcrger~t~ C with probability 1, we would (*ondudethat, for onc thi~lg, sequence is also stochastically the convcrgcnt to C :md nlso that, ,for all n > no, with no sttitably large: 1 It, is very ~ m b a b l e that a n y parlicdar y, is within + E of C. 2 I t is d s o very probable that ecery y,, is within fE of C.
k" = 0
= 3
ko = 10
10 . <2-10-l8
A third form of convergence, wean-square convergence (or conceryence in Ihe w e a n ) of : sequence ( 9 , / of random variables is defined L by the relation
I n See. 6-2, we defined any sequence ( ? j , , ) of random variables to be storhastically convergent (or to converge in probability) to C if, for every e > 0, the coridition
is satisfied. Let A , denote t!le event ll/n - C( < E. By using the definition of a limit,, an equivalent statement of the condition for stochastic convergence is that, for any E > 0 and any 6 > 0, we can find an no such that Prob(An) >.'1 - 6
I t is sin~plc show that rnc:l~~-squnre to cortvergence implies (but is'not i~nplicdby) stotltristic convcrgelice (scc l'rob. (3.20). Mean-square corlvcrgc~~w not. imply :md is not implied by convergence with does probability 1. Determination of the necessary and sufficient conditions for sequences of random v:triables to displnyvarious forms of convergence, obey vnrious I t l m of large numbers, and obey cer~t,ral limit theorems is ~vcllbeyond thc scope of o u r discussion. We do renwrl;, however: th:tt, bccause of the limited tools a t our disposal, the law of large rium bcrs obtained in See. 6-3 is un~recessarilyweal;.
for all n
> no
However, it does not follow from stochastic convergence that for any > 0 and any 6 > 0 we can necessarily find an no such that
For n ~t~ochastirally convergent sequence (y,,), n-c would rorldude that, JOT all n > no, with no suitably large:
z 6.01 Lct z. he n random variable with 1'DF f,(xo) = Xe-Xq for xo > 0. z = Use t,he Chebyshev inequality to find an upper bound on the quantity Prob[ln: - E ( x )1 2 dl = 8
222 SOME FUNDAMENTAL LIMIT THEOREMS - as a function of d. Determine also the true value of this probability as a function of d. = . - 6-02 I n Sec. 6-3, we obtained the relation s
I _
of its expected value. Compare these bounds with the true values of these probabilities and with the corresponding bounds obtained from the Chebyshev inequality.
where yl, y2, . . . were independent identically distributed rand0111 variables. If y isknown to have a Bernoulli l'.\lI? with parameter P, n
= = = = 7
i =1
be within 40.01 of P with 8 probability of a t least 0.93. (Ilemember that this is n loose bound and the resulting vnluc of n may bc unnecessarily large. See Prob. 6.09.)
A noise signal z may be considered to be a Gaussian random va,riahle with an expected value of zero and a variance of uZ2. Assume that any experimental value of z mill cause an error in a digital communication system if i t is larger than +A. a Determine the probability that any particular experimental value of z will cause an error if: i a,2 = 10-3A2 i j U z z = 10-lA2 iii uz2 = A 2 iv ax2= 4A2 b For a given value of A , what is the largest o x 2may be to obtain an error probability for any cxperinxntal value of x less than low3? 10-6?
The weight of a Pernotti I'arabolic Pretzel, w, is a contin~ousandom r variable described by the probability density function
Let X I , z2, . . . be independent experimental vnlucs of : rnndon~ L variable with PDFf,(xo) = p-l(xo - 0) - p-,l(zo - 1). Consider the sequence defiried by
is stochnstically con-
Consider a Gaussian rarldoni v:wiable .r, with expected value 711 arid variance a x 2 = (?11/2)~. a Determine the probability that an experilnental v d u e of z is negative. b Determine the probability that the sum of four independent cxperimental values of .z. is negative. c Two independent experimental values of z (zl,zr) are obtained. Determine the PDF and the mean nlld variaritte for: ... 1,rI - .T?) i a.vl b.x2 ii axl - 6.7.2 111 a,b>O d Determine the probability that the produrt of four independcrlt experin~e~ital values of z is negative.
E(z) =
A uscful bound for the area under the tails of a unit nonnal PDI' is obtained from the following incqunlity for a >_ 0:
= E L -
a What is the probability that 102pretzels weigh more than 200 ounces?
b If ~ i - eselect 4 pretzels independently, what is the probability that
exactly 2 of the 4 d l each have the property of weighing more than 2 ounces? c What is the smallest integer (the pret,zeIs are not only inedible, they are also unbrcaliable) N for n-hieh the total weight of N pretzels will exceed 200 ounces with probability 0.990?
Thc energy of any individual particle in a certain s y s t m ~ an indeis pendent random variable with probability density futictiori
= = -
Use this result to obtain lower bounds on the probability that an cxperinleutal value of n Gaussian random variable x is within aka, b&%, c+4a,
= -
The total system energy is the sum of t,hc energies of the individual pnrticles,
a If there are 1,600 particles in the system, determine the probability that there are betn-eer~ 780 and 840 energy unit,s in the system. b What is the largest number of particles the system may contain if the probability that its total energy is less than 410 units must be a t least 0.972;3? c Each particle n-ill escape from the system if its energy exceeds (In 3)/2 units. If the system originally contained 4,800 particles, what is the probability that a t least 1,700 particles will escape? d If there are 10 particles in the system, determine an exact expression for thc PDF for the total energy iri the system. e Compare the second nud fourth mornent,~ the answer to (d) with of those resulting from a central-limit-theorem approximation.
Itcdo I'roh. 6.02, using an approximation based on the central limit t hcorenl rat her tha.11the Chebyshev inequality. Detcla-lincand plot the precise P D F for 7.) the sum of four independent expcrin~cntalvalues of randonl variable x, where the I'DF for x is ,I;(xu) = p-l(xo - 0) - p - l ( ~ o 1). Compare the nun-lericnl values of ;fT(ro)and its Gnusaian approximation a t 7.0 = E ( r ) rt Kgr, for I< = 0, 1, and 2. Let r' be thc sum of four indepcndcnt experimental vtilues of an cxpone~~ random variable. Compare the numerical values of f,(r,o) tial and its central limit theorem approximation a t two = I;l(r) Kar, for I( = 0, 1, and 2.
Each customer's Reyab eonsumption is independent of that of all other custon~ers. Reyab is sold only iri 100-tablet bottles. On a day when a customer consumes exactly ko tablets, he purchases a new 100-tablet bottle of Reyab with probability ko/lOO. a Determine the mean and variance of k, the random variable describing the Reyab co~~sumption any particular customer in one day. of b Determine the mean and variance oft, the random variable describing the total number of Reyab tablets consumed in one day. c Determine the probability that the total number of tablets consumed on any day will differ by more than & 5,000 tablets from the average daily total consumption. d Determine the probability that a particular customer buys a new bottle of Reyab on a given day. e What is the probability that a randomly selected tablet of Reyab (it was marlied a t the factory) gets consumed on a day when its owner consumes exactly two Reyab tablets? f The Clip Pharmacy supplies exactly 30 Reyab customers with their entire requirements. What is the pro'bability that this store sells exactly four bottles of aspirin on a particular day?
A cwtain toxn has'a Saturday night movie audience of 600 u-ho must choosc bct~vecn t ~ comp:mble n~ovicthcnters. Assume that the o n-lovic-going public is composed of 300 rouples, each of which independently ffips a f:\ir coin to decide which theater to patronize. a Using n central lin-lit theorem approximat,ion, determine how many scats each theater must have so that the probability of exactly one theater running out of seats is less th:tn 0.1. b Rcpent, assuming that each of the GOO rustomers malies an independent decision (instead of acting in pairs).
For 3,600 independent tosses of a fair coin: a Dctennine a number n such that the probability is 0.5 that the number of heads resulting will be bet\\-ecn 1,780 and n. b Dcterminc the probability that the number of heads is within $- 1 % of its expected value. Reyhb nspirin has exactly lo7 rlscrs, a11 of them fitfully loyal. The nm1l)c.r of tablets vonsumcd by :my p:wticular c~uston-lcrI I m y 011c day O
6.15 A population is sampled randomly (with replacement) to estimate S, the fraction of smokers in that population. Determine the sample size n such that the probability that the estimate is within k0.02 of the true value is a t least 0.95. I n other words, determine the smallest value of n such that
Consider the number of 3s which result from 600 tosses of a fair six-sided die. a Determine the probability that there are exactly 100 3s, using a form of Stirling's approximation for n! which is very accurate for these values,
b Use the Poisson approxin~ationto the binomial PSIF to obtain the
probability that there are exactly 100 3s. c Repeat part (b), using the central limit theo.em intelligently. d Use the Chebyshev inequality to find a lower bound on the probability that the number of 3s is between 97 and 103 inclusive, between 90 and 110 inclusive, and between 60 and 140 inclusive. e Repeat part (d), using the central limit theorem and employing the DeMoivre-Laplace result when it appears relevant. Compare your answers with those obtained above, and comment.
A formal proof is not required, but your reasoning should be fully explained. d If I - = min (~1~22,. . ,XX)and s = max ( 2 1 ~ 1 ,. . . J K ) , deter. mine the joint probability density function f,,,(~.~,s~)all valucs of for 7'0 and so.
Use the Chebyshev irrequality to prove that stochastic convergence is assured for any sequence of rundo111 variables which converges in the mean-square sense.
A coin is tossed n times. Each toss is an independent Bernoulli trial with probability of heads P. Random variable x is defined to be the number of heads observed. For each of the following expressions, either find the value of K which malies the statement true for all n >_ 1, or state that no such value of K exists.
Example: E(x)
b Let
Answer: k
The number of rabbits in generation i is ni. Variable ni+l,the number of rabbits in generation i 1, depends on random effects of light, heat,, water, food, and predator population, as well as on thenumber ni. The relation is
Each performance of a particular experiment is saia to generate one "experimental value" of random variable x described by the probability density function
This states, for instance, that with probability 0.5 there will be three times as many rabbits in genera ti or^ i 1 ns there were in generation i. The rabbit population in generation 1 was 2. Find an approximation to the PJLF for the number of rabbits in generation 12. (Hint: To use the central limit theorem, you must find an expression involving the s2mt of random variables.)
1 i
The experiment is performed K times, and the resulting successive (and independent) experimental values are labeled XI, x2, . . . , XK. a Determine the probability that x2 and x4 are the two largest of the K experimental values. b Given that xl x2 > 1.00, determine the conditional probability that the en~nller these first two experimental values is smaller than of 0.75.
an introduction to statistics
The statistician suggests probabilistic models of reality and investigates their validity. He does so in an attempt to gain insight into the behavior of physical systems and to facilitate better predictions and decisions regarding these systems. A primary concern of statistics is statistical inference, the drawing of inferences from data. The discussions in this chapter are brief, based on simple examples, somewhat incomplete, and always a t an introductory level. Our major objectives are (1) to introduce some of the fundamental issues and methods of statistics and (2) to indicate the nature of the transition required as one moves from probability theory. to its applications for statistical reasoning.
We begin with a few comments on the relation between statistics and probability theory. After identifying some prime issues of concern in statistical investigations, we consider common methods for the study of these issues. These methods generally represent the viewpoint of classical statistics. Our concluding sections serve as a brief introduction to the developing field of Bayesian (or modern) statistics.
Statistics Is Different
P for a head on any toss. For the study of the vaccine, he might suggest a model which assigns a probability of immunity PI to each
member of the control group and assigns a probability of immunity Pz to each member of the vaccinated group. We shall consider some of the questions which the statistician adis about his models and learn how he employs experimental data to explore these questions. 1 Based on some experimental data, does a certain model seem reasonable or a t least not particularly unreasonable? This is the domain of signijicance testing. I n a significance test, the statistician speculates on the likelihood that data similar to that actually observed would be generated by hypothetical experiments with the model. 2 Based on some experimental data, how do we express a preference among several postulated models? (These models might be similar models differing only in the values of their parameters.) When one deals 1vit.ha select,ionamong several hypothesized models, he is involved in a matter of hypothesis testing. We shall learn that hypothesis testing and sigtiificance testing are very closely related. 3 Given the form of a postulated model of the physical system and some experimental data, how may the data be employed to establish the most desirable values of the parameters of the model? This question would arise, for example', if we considered the Bernoulli model for flips of the suspicious coin and wished to adjust parameter P t o make the model as compatible as possible with the experimental data. This is the domain of estimation. 4 We may be uncertain of the appropriate parameters for our model. However, from previous experience with the physical system and from other information, we may have convictions about a reasonable PDF for these parameters (which are, to us, random variables). The field of Bayesian analysis develops an efficient framework for combining such "prior litlowledge" with experimen'tal data. Bayesian analysis is particularly suitable for i~lvestigations which must result in decisions among several possible future courses of action. The remainder of this book is concerned with the four issues introduced above. The results we shall obtain are based on subjective applications of coriccpts of probability theory.
Statistics: Sample Values and Experimental Values
Probability theory is axiomatic. Fully defined probability problen~s have unique and precise solutions. So far we have dealt with problems which are wholly abstract, although they have often been based on probabilistic nzodels of reality. The field of statistics is different. Statistics is concerned with the relation of such models to actual physical systen~s. The methods employed by the statist.ician are arbitrary ways of being reasonable in the application of probability theory to physical situations. His primary tools are probability theory, a mathematical sophistication, and conlmotl sense. To use an extreme example, there simply is no unique best or correct way to ext,rapolate the gross national product five years hence from three days of rainfall data. I n fact, there is no best way to predict the rainfall for the fourth day. But there are many ways to try.
Statistical Models and Some Related Issues
I n contrast to our work in previous chapters, wc are now concerned both with models of reality and reality itself. I t is important that we kecp in mind the differences betwcen the stntistician's model (and its implirations) and the actual physical sitmiion that is being modeled. In the real world, we may design and perform cxperin~ents. We may observe certain cha~+acleristics interest of the experimental out,oJ clomes. If we arc studying the behavior of a. coin of suspirious origin, a charac*t.cristic interest might bc the number of heads observed in :I of certain number of tosses. If we arc testing a vnccinc, onc characteristic of interest could be the observed immunity rates ill ctontrol group and in ,z vaccinated group. What is t,hc nature of the st8atistic:ian'smodel? From whatever Imowledgc hc has of tho physical me(*hanismsinvolved and from his past experienrc, t,he stut,istivian postulates n probabilist in model for thc system of interest,. He anticipates that this model will exhibit :I probabilistic behavior i n the characteristics interest similar to t.h:tt of the physical system. The details of thc model might or might not hc c*loselyrelated to the actunl nature of the physicd system. If the statist,ic:ianis concerned with the coin of suspicious origin.
In previous chapters, the phrase "experimental value" always applied to what we might now consider to be the outcome oj a hypothetical expel+ ment with a model of a physical system. Since it is important t h a t .we be able to dist.inguish between consequences of a model and consequences of reality, we establish two definitions.
Refers to actual data which must, of course, EZZ be obtained by the performance of (real) = experiments with a physical system Refers to the outcome resulting from the performance of (hypothetical) experiments E E S with a model of a physical system
The operation of deriving the PDF's and their means and variances for useful statistics is often very complicated, but there are a few c,ases of frequent interest for which some of these calculations are not too involved. Assuming that the xi's in our sample are always independent and identically distributed, we present some examples. One fundamental statistic of 'the sample (x1,x2, . . . ,x,) is the sample mean M,, whose definition, expected value, and variance were introduced in Sec. 6-3
These particular definitions are not universal in the literature, but they will provide us with an explicit language. Suppose that we perform a hypothetical experiment with our model n times. Let random variable x be the characteristic of interest defined on the possible experimental outcomes. We use the notation x to denote the random variable defined on the ith performance of i this hypothetical experiment. The set of random variables (xl,x2, . . . ,x.) is defined to be a sample of sire n of random variable x. A sample of size n is a collection of random variables whose probabilistic behavior is specified by our model. Hypothesizing a model is equivalent to specifying a compound PDF for the members of the sample. We shall use the word statistic to describe any function of some random variables, q(u,v,w, . . .). We may use for the argument of a statistic either the members of a sample or actual experimental values of the random variables. The former case results in what is known as a sample value of the statistic. When experimental values are used for u,v,w, . . . , we obtain an experimental value of the statistic. Given a specific model for consideration, we may, in principle, derive the PDF for the sample value of any statistic from the compound PDF for the members of the sample. I our model happens to be f correct, this P D F would also describe the experimental value of the statistic. Much of the field of statistics hinges on the following threesteps: 1 Postulate a model for the physical system of interest. 2 Based on this model, select a desirable statistic for which: The PDF for the sample value of the statistic may be calculated in a useful form. Experimental values of the statistic may be obtained from reality. 3 Obtain an experimental value of the statistic, and comment on the likelihood that a similar value would result from the use of the proposed model instead of reality.
and our proof, for the case gZ2< m , showed that M . obeyed (at least) the weak law of large numbers. If characteristic x is in fact described by any P D F with a finite variance, we can with high probability use M . as a good estimate of E(x) by using a large value of n, since we know that M , converges stochastically to E(x). I t is often difficult to determine the exact expression forf~,(M), the P D F for the sample mean. Quite often we turn to the central limit theorem for an approximation to this PDF. Our interests in the PDF's for particular statistics will become clear in later sections. Another important statistic is SR2,t he sample variance. The definition of this particular random variable is given by
= =
This is a more usefuf form of Sn2 the calculation of its expectation for
The expectation in the first term is the expected value of a sum and may be simplified by
I n the last term of the above expression, me have used the fact that, for Xj are independent random variables. Returning to our expression for E(Sn2),the expected value of the sample variance, we have
1 # j, xt and
model were correct. We wish to evaluate the hypothesis that our model is correct. I n the event space for q we define an event W, known as the improbable event,. We may select for our improbable event any particuf lar event of probability a, where CY is known as the level o significance of the test. Ajter event TV has been selected, we obtain an experimental value of statistic q. Depending on whether or not the experimental value of q falls within the improbable event W, we reach one of two conclusions as a result of the significance test. These conclusions are 1 Rejection oi the hypothesis. The experimental value q fell within the improbable event W. If our hypothesized model were correct, our observed experimental value of the statistic would be an improbable result. Since we did in fact obtain such an experimental value, we believe it to be unlikely that our hypothesis is correct. 2 Acceptance qf the hypothesis. The experimental value of q fell in W'. If our hypothesis were true, the observed experimental value of the statistic would not be an inzprobable event. Since we did in fact obtain such an experimental value, the significance test has not provided us with any particular reason to doubt the hypothesis. We discuss some examples and further details, deferring general comments until we are more familiar with significance testing. Suppose that we are studying a coin-flipping process to test the hypothesis that the process is a Bernoulli process composed of fair (P = +) trials. Eventua.lly, we shall observe 10,000 ffips,' and me have selected as our statistic k the number of heads in 10,000 flips. Using the central limit theorem, we may, for our purposes, approximate the sample value of k as a continuous random variable with a Gaussian PDF as shown below:
Thus, we see that for samples of a large size, the expected value of the sample variance is very close to the variance of random variable x. The poor agreement between E(Sn2)and us2for small n is most reasonable when one considers the definition of the sample variance for a sample of size 1. We shall not investigate the variance of the sample variance. However, the reader should realize that a result obtainable from the previous equation, namely, lim E(Sn2) = oz2
does not necessarily mean, in itself, that an experimental value of Sn2 for large n is with high probability a good estimate of us2. We would need to establish that S n 2 a t 'least obeys a weak law of large numbers before we could have confidence in an experimental value of Sn2(for large n) as a good estimator of uz2. For instance, E(Sn2) oZ2 large for be n does not even require that the variance of Sn2 finite.
Significance Testing
Assume that, as a result of preliminary modeling efforts, me hnve proposed a model for a physical system and we are able to d(:trrmine the I'DF for the sample value of q, the statist,ic we have selected. In significance testing, we work in the event spare for statistic g, using this I'DF, which mould also hold for expcrimcntal vslucs of q i[ our
Thus we have the conditional P D F for statistic k, given our hypothesis is correct. If we set a, the probability of the "improbable" event a t 0.05, many events could serve as the improbable event !W. Several such choices for W are shown below in an event space for k, w i t h . P ( W ) indicated by the area under the PDF fk(lco).
In a significance test me work with the conditional PDF for our stnt,istic, given that our hypothesis is true. For this example, we have
Assume that we have decided to test a t the 0.05 level of significance and that, with no particular properties of the possible alternative hypotheses in mind, we choose to malie the acceptance region for the significance test as small as possible. This leads to a rejection region of the form l l ~> A . The following sketch applies, f
3 Even if the outcome of a significance test results in acceptance of the hypothesis, there are probably many other more accurate (and less accurate) hypotheses which would also be accepted ,as the result of similar significance tests upon them. 4 Because of the imprecise statement of the alternative hypotheses for a significance test, there is little we can say in general about the relative desirability of several possible statistics based on samples of the same size. One desires a statistic which, in its event space, discriminates as sharply as possible between his hypothesis and other hypotheses. I n almost all situations; increasing the size of the sample will contribute to this discrimination. 5 The formulation of a significance test does not allow us to determine the a priori probability that n significance test will result in an incorrect conclusion. Even if we can agree to accept an a priori probability P(Ho) that the hypothesis No is true (before we undertake the test), we are still unable to evaluate the probability of an incorrect outcon~e of the significance test. Consider the following sequential event space picture for any significance test:
"Correct acceptancew Reject H, T a k e rejectioni
and A is determined by
"False acceptancen
( )
Reject Ho
'Correct rejectionn
= 0.875
A = 6.2
from table in See. 6-4 The lack of specific alternatives to No prevents us from calculating a priori probabilities for the bottom two event points, even if we accept a value (or range of values) for P(H0). We have no way to estimate B, the conditional probability of acceptance of H o given Ho is incorrect. 6 One value of significance testing is that it often leads one to discard particularly poor hypotheses. In most cases, statistics based on large enough sanlples are excellent for this purpose, and this is achieved with n rather small rlunlber of assumptions about the situation under study.
Thus, at the 0.05 level, we shall reject our hypothesis that E(x) = 0 if it happens that the magnitude of the sum of the 10 experimental values of a is greate'r than 6.2. We conclude this section with several brief comments on significance testing: 1 The use of different statistics, based on samples of the same size and the same experimental values, may result in different conclusions from. the significance test, even if the acceptance regions-for both statistics are made as small as possible (see Prob. 7.06). 2 I n our examples, it happened that the only parameter in the PDF's for the statist,ics was the one whose value was specified by the hypothesis. I n the above example, if uZ2were not specified and we wished to make no assumptions about it, we would have had to try to find a statistic whose PDF depended on E(x) but not on uZ2.
Two cxamples of significance tests were considered in the previous section. I n both cases, the PDF for the statistic resulting from the model contained a parameter. I n t h e first example, the parameter
was P, the probability of success for a Bernoulli process. I n the second example, the parameter of the PDF for the statistic was r, the expected value of a Gaussian random variable. The significance tests were performed on hypotheses which specified values for these parameters. If, in effect, we assume the given form of a model and test hypotheses which specify values for parameters of the model, we say that we are testing paranzeh-ic hypotheses. The hypotheses in both examples were parametric hypotheses. Nonparametric hypotheses are of n. broader nature, often with. regard to the general form of a model or the form of the resulting PDF for the characteristic of interest. The following are some typical nonparametric hypotheses: 1 Characteristic x is normally distributed. 2 Random variables x and y have identical marginal I'DF's, that is, f,(u)= f,(u) for all values of u. 3 Random variables x and y have unequal expected values. 4 The variance of random variable x is greater than the variance of random variable y. In principle, significance testing for parametric and nonparametric hypotheses follows exactly the same proced,ure. In practice, the determintltion of useful statistics for nonparametric tests is often a very difficult task. To be useful, the PDF's for such statistics must not depend on unlinown quantities. Furthermore, one strives to make as few additional assun~ptions possible before testing nonparametric as hypotheses. Several nonparametric methods of great practical value, however, may be found in most elementary statistics texts.
Hypothesis Testing
me shall ('reject" N oand "accept" H I . Otherwise we shall accept H o and reject H I . In order t,o discuss the choice of the "best" possible critical region W for a given statistic in the presence of a specific alternative hypothesis HI, consider the two possible errors which may result from the outconle of a hypothesis test. Suppose that Ho were true. If this were so, the only possible error would be to reject Ho in favor of H I . The conditional probability of this type of error (called an error of type I, or false rejection) given H ois true is
Suppose that Ho is false and H I is true. Then the only type of error we could make would be to accept H o and reject H I . The conditional probability of this type of error (called an error of type 11, or false acceptance) given H1 is true is Prob(accept H OI Q
Prob(q not in W I Q = Q I ) = ,8
I t is important to realize that a and /? are conditional probabili ties which apply in different conditional event spaces. Furthermore, for signijcance testing (in Sec. 7-4) we did not know enough about the alternative hypotheses to be able to evaluate 0. When we are concerned with a hypothesis test, this is no longer the case. Let's return to the example of 10,000 coin tosses and a Bernoulli model of the process. Assume that we consider only the two alternative hypotheses H o ( P = 0.5) and H1(P = 0.6). These hypotheses lead to two alternative conditional 1'DZ"s fork, the number of heads. We have
The term signZficance test normally refers to the evaluation of a hypothesis Ha in the absence of any useful information about alternative hypotheses. An evaluation of H o in a situation where the alternative hypotheses H1, Hz, . . . are specified is known as a hypothesis test. In this section we discuss the situation where it is known that there are only two possible parametric hypotheses Ho(Q = Qo) and HI(& = Ql). We are using Q to denote the parameter of interest. To perform a hypothesis test, me select one of the hypotheses, H O (called the null hypothesis), and subject it to a significance test based on some statistic q, If the experimental value of statistic q falls into the critical (or rejection) region W, defined (as in Sec. 7-4) by
In this case, for any given a (the conditional probability of false rejection) we desire to select a critical region which will minimize P (the conditional probability of false acceptance). I t should be clear that, for this example, the most desirable critical region W for a given a will be a continuous range of k on the right. For a given value of a,
we may now identify a and /3 as areas under the conditional PDF's for k , as shown below:
hypothesis test, a desirable statistic would be one which provides good discrimination between H o and H I . For one thing, we would like the ratio
to be as large as possible in the acceptance region W' and to be as small as possible in the rejection region 1V. This would mean that, for any experimental value of statistic q, me would be relatively unlikely to accept the wrong hypothesis. We might decide that the best statistic, q, is one which (for a given sample size of a given observable characteristic) provides the nlininlum @ for any given a. Even when such a best statistic does exist, however, the derivation of the form of this best statistic and its conditional 3L'DF's may be very difficult.
In practice, the selection of a pair of values a and /3 would usually depend on the relative costs of the two possible types of errors and some a priori estimate of the probability that Hois true (see l'rob. 7.10). Consider a sequential event space for the performance of a hypothesis test upon No with one specific alternative hypothesis H I :
Accept Ho
Accept *O
Reject Ho
If wc are willing to assign a11 a priori probability P(H0) to the validity of H , we may then state that the probability (to us) that this hypothesis test will result in an incorrect conelusion is equal to
+ Pi1 - P(ff0)l
with any step which involves the nssunlpEven if we are uncon~fortable tion of P(No), we may still use the fact that
Assume that we have developed the form of a model for a physical process and that we wish to determine the most desirable values for some parameters of this model. The general theory of using experimental data to estimate such parameters is known as the theory oof estimation. When ive perform a hypothesis test with a rich set of alternatives, the validity of several suggested forms of a model may be under question. For our discussion of estimation, we shall take the viewpoint that the general form of our model is not to be questioned. We wish here only to estimate certain parameters of the process, given that the form of the model is correct. Since stating the form of the model is equivalent t o stating the form of the PDF for characteristic x of the process, determining the parameters of the model is similar to adjusting the parameters of the PDF t,o best acconmodate the experimental data. . Let Q~(x~,xZ,. . ;xn) be a statistic whose sample values are a function of a sample of size n and whose experimental values are a function of n independent experimental values of random variable x. Let (2 be a parameter of our model or of its resulting PDF for random variable I. We shall be interested in those statistics Qn whose experimental values happen to be good estimates of parameter Q. Such statistics are linown as estit~zators. Some examples of useful estimators follow. We might use the average value of n experimental values of x, given by
5 max
as an estimate of the parameter E(x). We have already encountered this statistic several times. [Although it is, alas, known as the sample mean (M,), we must realize that, like any other statistic, i t has both sample and experimental values. A similar comment applies to our next example of an estimator.] Another example of a statistic which may serve as an estimator is that of the use of the sample variance, given by
A sequence of estimates Q1, Q2, . . . of-parameterQ is called consistent if it converges stochastically to Q as n + w . That is, Qn is a consistent estimator of Q if
for any
I n Chap. 6, we proved that, given that az2is finite, the sample mean
M , is stochastically convergent to E.(x). Thus, the sample mean is a consistent estimator of E(x). If'an estimator is known to be consistent,
to estimate the variance of the P D F for random variable x. For a final example, we might use the maximum of n experimental values of x, given by we would become confident of the.accuracy of estimates based on very large samples. However, consistency is a limit property and may not be relevant for small samples. A sequence of estimates Q1, Q2, . . . of parameter Q is called ztnbiased if the expected value of Q, is equal to Q for all values
to estimate the largest possible experimental value of random variable x. Often we are able to suggest many reasonable estimators for a particular parameter Q. Suppose, for instance, that it is known that fx(xo) is symmetric about E(x), that is, and we wish to estimate E(x) using some estimator Qn(x1,x2, . We might use the estimator
for n
1, 2,
. . ,xn).
n i = 1 xi
max (x~,xz, .
We noted (Sec. 7-3) that the sample mean Mn is an unbiased estimator for E(x). We also noted that, for the expected value of the sample variance, we have
or the estimator
, ~ n ) min ( ~ 1 ~ x . ,. 2 2
. 9%)
and thus the sample variance is not an unbiased estimator of az2. However, it is true that lim E(Sn2) = aZ2
a ,
. . . ,x.)
Any of these three estimators might turn out to be the most desirable, depending on what else is known about the form of fx(xo) and also depending, of course, on our criterion for desirability. I n the following section, we introduce some of the properties relevant to the selection and evaluation of useful eGimators.
is said to be an asymptotically unbiased estimator of Q. If Qn is an unbiased (or asymptotically unbiased) estimator of Q, this property alone does not assure us of a good estimate when n is very large. We should also need some evidence that, as n grows, the PDF for Q, becomes adequately concentrated near parameter Q. The relative eficiency of two unbiased estimators is simply the ratio of their variances. We would expect that, the smaller the variance of an unbiased estimator Qn, the more likely it is that an experi-
mental value of Q, will give an accurate estimate of parameter Q. We mould say the ?nost eficient unbiased estimator for Q is the unbiased estimator with the nlininlunl variance. We now discuss the concept of a suficient estimator. Consider the n-dimensional sample space for the values x!, 22, . . . , x,. In general, when we go from a point in this space to the corresponding value of the estin~ator Q,(zl,x2, . . . ,xn),one of two things must happen. Given that our model is correct, either Q, contaitis all the infor. mation in the experimental outcon~e( ~ ~ , .2. ~ ,,x,) relevant t o the estimation of parameter Q, or it docs not. For example, it is true for some estimation problen~s(and not for some others) that
contains all the infornlation relevant to the estiniation of Q which may be found in (x1,x2, . . . ,xn). The reason we are interested in this matter is that we would expect to n ~ a k e best use of experimental the data by using estimators which take advantage of all relevant information in the data. Such estimators arc I;no.cvn as sufficient estimators. The formal definition of sufficiency does not follow in a simple form from this intuitive discussion. To state the mathematical definition of a sufficient estimator, we shall use the notation
x ,
~XDI l x l ~2 2 0 =
formal definition in the above paragraph. We are estimating Q because we do not li1101v its d u e . Let us accept for a moment the notion that Q is (to US)a raildonl variable and t h a t our linowleledge about it is given by some a priori PDT". When we say that a sufficient estimator Q, will contain all the information about Q which is to be found in . (~1~x2,. . ,xn), the inlplication is that the conditional P D F for Q, given Q., will be identical to the conditional 1'DF for Q, given the values @1,.22, . . . ,xn). Because classical statistics does not provide a framework fog viewing our uncertainties about unknown constants in terms of &ch PDF's, the above definition has to be worked around to be in terms of other PDF's. . Instead of stating that Q, tells us everything about Q which might be found in (xI,x2, . . . our formal definition states that Qn tells us everything about (x1,z2, . . . ,x,) that we could find out by knowing Q. I n this section me have discussed the concepts of consistency, bias, relative efficiency, and sufficiency of estimators. We should also note that actual estimates are normally accompanied by confidence l m t . The statistician specifies a quantity 6 for which, given that iis 6 his model is correct, the probability that the "random interval" Q, will fall such that it happens to include the true value of parameter Q is equal to some value such as 0.95 or 0.98. Note that it is the location of the interval centered about the experimental value of the estimator, and not the true value of parameter Q, which is considered to be the random phenomenon when one states confidence limits. We shall not explore the actual calculation of confidence limits in this text. Although there are a few special (simple) cases, the general problem is of an advanced nature.
Our model provides us with a PDF for A in terms of a parameter Q which we wish to estimate. This PDF for amay be written as
Maximum-likelihood Estimation
fb(a)a , Q ) = g(
and Q
If we are given the experimental value of estimator Qn.,this is at least partial information about aand we could hope to use it to calculate the resulting conditional PDF for ,z, , Sblon(& I Vn) = h ( a ,Q,Qn) where h is a function only of Q, and (2,.
does not depend on pnramcter Q after the value of Q, is given, we define Q to be a sufficient estimator for parameter Q. , A few comments may help to explain the apparent distance between our simple intuitive notion of a sufficient statistic and the
There are several ways to obtain a desirable estimate for Q, an unknown parameter of a proposed statistical model. One method of estimation will be introduced in this section. A rather different approach will be indicated in our discussion of Bayesian analysis. siain To use the method of maximum-likelihoodelhood e t m t o ,we 'first obtain an experimental value for some sample ( x l , x t , . . . ,x,J. We then determine which of all possible values of parameter Q maximizes the a pl-iori probability of the observed experimental value of the sample (or of some statistic of the sample). Quantity Q*, that possible value of Q which maximizes this a priori probability, is known as the maximum-likelihood estimator for parameter Q. The a priori probability of the observed experimental outcome is calculated under the assumption that the model is correct. Before
expanding on the above definition (which is somewhat incomplete) and commenting upon the method, we consider a simple example. Suppose that we are considering a Bernoulli process as the model for a series of coin flips and that we wish to estimate parameter P, the probability of heads (or success), by the method of maximumlikelihood. Our experiment will be the performance of n fiips of the coin and our sample (x1,x2, . . , ,x,) represents the exact sequence of resulting Bernoulli random variables. The a priori probability of any particular sequence of experimental outcomes which contains exactly k heads out of a total of n Aips is given by To find P*, the maximum-likelihood estimator for P, we use elementary 1, maxicalculus to determine which value of P, in the range 0 P mizes the above a priori probability for any experimental value of k. Differentiating with respect to P, setting the derivative equal to zero, and checking that we are in fact maximizing the above expression, we finally obtain
< <
zero. For this case, let us, for an n-dimensional statistic, view the problem in an n-dimensional event space whose coordinates represent the n components of the statistic. Our procedure will be to determine that possible value of Q which maximises the a priori probability of the event represented by an n-dimensional incremental cube, centered about the point in the event space which represents the observed experimental value of the statistic. The procedure in the preceding paragraph is entirely similar to the procedure used earlier for maximum-likelihood estimation when the statistic is described by a PAIF. . For the continuous case, we work with incremental events centered about the event point representing the observed experimental outcome. The result can be restated in asimple is manner. If the statistic en~ployed described by a continuous PDF, we maximize the appropriate PDF evaluated at, rather than the probability oj, the observed experimental outcome. As an example, suppose that our model for an interarrival process is that the process is Poisson. This assumption models the firstorder interarrival times as independent random variables, each with PDF
which is the maximum-likelihood estimator for parameter P if we observe exactly k heads during the n trials. In our earlier discussion of the Bernoulli law of large numbers (Sec. 6-3) we established that this particular maximum-likelihood estimator satisfies the definition of a consistent estimator. By performing the calculation
In order to estimate A we shall consider a sample (r,s,t,u,v) composed , of five independent values of random variable x. Our statistic is the sample itself. The compound PDF for this statistic is given by
we find that this estimator is also unbiased. Note also that, for this example, maximum-likelihood estimation based on either of two different statistics will result in the same expression for P*. We may use an n-dimensional statistic (the sample itself) which is a finest-grain description of the experimental outcome or we may use the alternative statistic k, the number of heads observed. (It happens that k / n is a sufficient estimator for parameter P of a Bernoulli process.) We now make a necessary expansion of our original definition of maximum-likelihood estimation. If the model under consideration results in a continuous PDF for the statistic of interest, the probability associated with any particular experimental value of the statistic is
hIaximization of this PDF with respect to h for any particular experimental outcome (~so,to,uo,vo) leads to the maximum-likelihood estimator
A* =
3- so
+ to + uo + vo
which seems reasonable, since this result states that the maximumlikelihood estimator of the average arrival rate happens to be equal to the experimental value of the 'average arrival rate. [We used the (~,,s,t,u,v) notation instead of (x1,x2, . . . ,x,) to enable us to write out the compound PDF for the sample in our more usual notation.] * Problem 7.15 assists the reader to show that A is a consistent
estimator which is biased but asymptotically unbiased. It also hapyens that A * (the ~lunlberof interarrival times divided by their sum) js a sufficient estinlator for parameter X. I n general, maximum-lilielihood estimators can be shown to have a surprising number of useful properties, both with regard to theoretical matters and mith regard to the simplicity of practical application of the method. For situations involving very large samples, there are few people who disagree mith the reasoning which gives rise to this arbitrary hut most useful estimation technique. However, serious problems do arise if one attempts to use this estimation technique for decision problems involving small samples or if one attempts to establish that maximum likelihood is a truly jundamental technique involving fewer assumptions than other methods of cstin-tation. Suppose that we have to make a large wager based on the true value of P in the above coin example. There is time to flip the coin only five times, and we observe four heads. Very few people would be willing to use the maximum-likelihood estimate for P, as their estimator for parameter P if there were large stakes involved in the accuracy of their estimate. Since maximum likelihood depends on a simple maximization of an unweighted PDF, there seems to be an uncomfortable implication that all possible values of parameter P were equally likely before the experiment was performed. We shall return to this matter in our discussion of Bayesian analysis.
F ;
analyst's a priori PDF for the value of parameter Q. As before, the model speci'fies the PDF for the sample value of characteristic x, given the value of parameter Q. Since we are now regarding Q as another random variable, the PDF for the sample value of x with parameter Q is to be written as the conditional PDF, fTlQ(x0Qo) (
conditional P D F for the sample value of characteristic x, given that the value of parameter Q is equal to Qo
. Each time an experimental value of characteristic x is obtained, the continuous form of Bayes' theorem
i 1
Bayesian Analysis
A Bayesian believes that any quantity whose value he does not know is (to him) a random variable. He believes that it is possible, a t any time, to express his state of knowledge about such a random variable in the form of a PDF. As additional experimental evidence becomes available, Bayes' theorem is used to combine this evidence with the previous PDF in order to obtain a new a posteriori PDF representing his updated state of knowledge. The PDF expressing the analyst's state of knowledge serves as the quantitative basis for any decisions he is required to make. Consider the Bayesian analysis of Q, an unknown parameter of a postulated probabilistic model of a physical system. We assume that the outcomes of experiments with the system may be described by the resulting experimental values of continuous random variable x, the characteristic of interest. Based on past experience and all other available information, the Bayesian approach begins with the specification of a P D F fQ(Qo),the
is used to obtain the a, posteriori P D F fh(Qo), describing the analyst's new state of knowledge about the value of parameter Q. This 1'DF fb(Q0) serves as the basis for any present decisions and also as the a priori I'DF for any future experimentation with the physical system. The Bayesian analyst utilizes his state-of-knowledge P D F to resolve issues such as: 1 Given a function C(Qt,Q*), which represents the penalty associated with estimating Qr, the true v d u e of parameter Q, by an estimate Q*, determine that estimator &* which miuimizes the expected value of (For example, see l'rob. 2.05.) 2 Given the function C(Qt,Q*), which represents the cost of imperfect estimation, and given another function which represents, as a function of n, the cost of n repeated experiments on the physical system, specify the experimental test program which will minimize the expected value of the total cost of experinlentation 2nd estimation.
As one example of Bayesian analysis, assume that a Bernoulli model has been accepted for a vain-flipping process and that we wish to investigat$e parameter P, the probability of succeis (heads) for this model. We shall discuss only a few aspects of this problem. One should keep in mind that there is probably a cost associated wit,h each f i of the coin and that our general objective is to combine our prior lp evidence to corlvictiot~s about the value of P with some experin~ental obtain a suitably accurate and economical estimate P*. The Bayesian analyst begins by stating his entire assumptive structure in the form of his n priori I'DF fp(Po). Although this is necessarily an inexact and somewhat arbitrary specification, no estimation procedure, classical or Bayesian, can avoid this (or an equivalent) step. We eoritiriue with the example, deferring a more general discussion to Sec. 7-12.
and we shall continue our consideration of this relation in the following section. I n general, we would expect that, the narrower the a priori PDF f,(PO), the more the experimental evidence required to obtain an a posteriori PDF which is appreciably different from the a priori YDF. For very large amounts of experimental data, we would expect the effect of this evidence to dominate all but the most unreasonable a priori PDF's, with the a posteriori PDF fk(p0) becoming heavily concentrated near the true value of parameter P.
7-11 Complementary PDF's for Bayesian Analysis
A priori P D F @ could represent the prior convictions of one who believes, "Almost all coins are fair or very nearly fair, and I don't see anything special about this coin." If it is believed that the coin is probably biased, but the direction of the bias is unknown, P D F @ might serve asjp(PO). There might be a person who claims, "I don't know anything about parameter P, and the least biased approach is represented by PDF @." Finally, PDG @ is the a priori state of linowledge for a person who is certain that the value of P is equal to 0.75. I n fact, since PDF @ allocates all its probability to this single possible value of P, there is nothing to be learned from experimentation. For PDI? 0, a posteriori PDF will be the a priori PDF, the no matter what experimental outcomes may be obtained. Because the design of complete test programs is too involved for our introductory discussion, assume that some external considerations have dictated that the coin is to be flipped exactly N o times. We wish to see how the experimental results .(exactly K O heads in No tosses) are used to update the original a priori P D F fP(PO). The Bernoulli model of the process leads us to the relation
where we are using a PMF because of the discrete nature of K, the characteristic of interest. The equation for using the experimental outcome to update the a priori PDF fp(Po) t o obtain the a posteriori P D F fk(p0) is thus, from substitution into the continuous form of Bayes' theorem, found to be,
For the Bayesian analysis of certain parameters of common probabilistic processes, such as the-situationin the example of Sec. 7-10, some convenient and efficient procedures have been developed. The general calculation for an a posteriori PDF is unpleasant, and although it may be performed for any a priori PDF, it is unlikely to yield results in a useful form. To simplify his computational burden,' the Bayesian often takes advantage of the obviously imprecise specification of his a priori state of knowledge- I n particular, he elects that, whenever it is possible, he will select the a priori PDF from a family of PDF's which has the following three properties: 1 The family should be rich enough to allow him to come reasonably close to a statement of his subjective state of knowledge. 2 Individual members of the family should be determined by specifying the value of a few parameters. It would not be realistic to pretend that the a priori P D F represents very precise information. 3 The family should make the above updating calculation as simple as possible. In particular, if one member of the family is used as the a priori PDF, then, for any possible experimental outcome, the resulting a posteriori P D F should simply be another member of the family. One should be able to carry out the updating calculation by merely using the experimental results to modify the parameters of the a priori P D F to obtain the a posteriori PDF, The third item in the above list is clearly a big order. We shall not investigate the existence and derivation of such families here. However, when families of PDF's with this property do exist for the
estinlation of parameters of probabilistic processes, such PDF's are said to be conrplententa~y(or conjugate) PDF's for the process being studied. A demonstration will be presented for the example of the previous section. Consider the beta PDF for random variable P with parameters Ira and no. It is c'onvenient to write this PDF as @p(Po ko, no), defined by O_<P,=g k 20 a P ( P O kg, no) = C(ko,no)Poku-l(l - Po)~o-~Q-' o I no 2 ko where C(ko,no)is sinlply the nornmlization constant C(ko,no) =
I'DF for our example, establishes that if the Bayesian starts out with the a. priori PDF
and then observes exactly K O successes in NOBernoulli trials, the resulting a posteriori 1'DF is Thus, for the estimation of parameter P for a Bernoulli model, use of
n bet,a I'DF forJp(P0) allows the a posteriori PDF to be determined by
P o k c l ( l- Po)nu-ku-ldPo
merely using tlhe experimental values K Oand No to modify the paramet.ers of the a priori I'DF. Using the above sketch, we see, for instance, that, if jp(P0) were the beta PDF with 60 = 3 and no = 6, an experimentnl outconle of two successes in two trials would lead to the a posteriori beta I'D12 with ko = 5 and no = 8. I t is often the mse, as it is for our example, that the determination of parameters of the a priori PDF can be interp'retedas assuming a certain "equiv:dent past experience." For instance, if the cost structure is such that we shall choose our best estimate of parameter P to be the expectation of the a posteriori PDF, the resulting estimate of parametix P, which we call P*, turns out to be
This same result could have been obtained by the method of maxirnum1il;elihood estimation, had we agreed to combine a bias of ko successes in no hypothet,ical trials with the actual experimental data. Finally, we remark that the use of the beta family for estimating pnramter P of a Bernoulli process has several other advantages. It renders quite simple the otherwise most awkward calculations for what is 1~non.n preposterior analysis. This term refers to an exploration as of the nature of the a posteriori PDF and its consequences before the tests are performed. I t is this feature which allows one to optimize a test program and design effective experiments without becoming bogged down in .hopelessly involved detailed calculations.
Some Comments on Bayesian Analysis and Classical Statistics
An individunl nlcnlher of this family may be specified by sclceting vnlues for its illean :md v:~riarl(~c rather than by sclcrting ronst:ults ko and no directly. Although tcrhniqucs lxivc been developed to allow far more structured I'DF's, the I3aycsi:ul often finds t.hnt thcsc two E of paran~eters ( P ) and od allow for an adequate expressio~l his prior beliefs about the unlinown parameter P of n Bernoulli model. Direct substitution into the rclstion for Jb(P.), thc i~ posteriori
There is n large literature, both mathematical and philosophical, dealing with the relationship between classicrtl statistics and Bayesian analysis. In order to i~idirnte some of the considerations in a relatively
brief manner, some inlprecise generulizations necessarily appear in the foIIon-ing discwssion. The Bnyesinn approach represents a significant departure from
the more conservative classical techniques of statistical analysis. Classical techniques are often particularly appropriate for purely scientific investigations and for matters involving large samples. Classical procedures attempt to require the least severe possible assumptive structure on the part of the analyst. Bayesian analysis involves a more specific assumptive structure and is often described as being decision-oriented. Some of the most productive applications of the Bayesian approach are found in situations where prior convictions and a relatively small amount of experimentation must be combined in a rational manner to make decisions among alternative future courses of action. There is appreciable controversy about the degree of the difference between classical and Bayesian statistics. The Bayesian states his entire assumptive structure in his a priori P D F ; his methods require no further arbitrary steps once this P D F is specified. I t is true that he is often willing to state a rather sharp a priori P D F which heavily weights his prior convictions. But the Bayesian also points out that all statistical procedures of any type involve similar (although possibly weaker) statements of prior convictions. The assumptive structures of classical statistics are less visible, being somewhat submerged in established statistical tests and the choice of statistics. Any two Bayesians would begin their analyses of the same problem with somewhat different a priori PDF's. If their work led to conflicting terminal decisions, their different assumptions are apparent in their a priori PDF's and they have a clear common ground for further discussions. The common ground between two different classical procedures which result in conflicting advice tends to be less apparent. Objection is frequently made to the arbitrary nature of the a priori P D F used by the Bayesian. One frequently hears that this provides an arbitrary bias to what might otherwise be a scientific investigation. The Bayesian replies that all tests involve a form of bias and that he prefers that his bias be rational. For instance, in considering the method of maximum likelihood for the estimation of parameter P of a Bernoulli process, we noted the implication that all possible 'values of P were equally likely before the experiments. Otherwise, the method of maximum likelihood would maximize a weighted form of that function .of P which represents the a priori probability of the observed experimental outcome. Continuing this line of thought, the Bayesian contends that, for anybody who has ever seen a coin, how could any bias be less rational than that of a priori P D F @ in the example of Sec. 7-10? Finally, he would note that there is nothing fundamental in starting out with a
uniform P D F over the possible values of P as a manifestation of "minimum bias." Parameter P is but one arbitrary way to characterize the process; other parameters might be, for example,
and professing that all possible values of one of these parameters be equally likely would lead to different results from those obtained by assuming the uniform P D F over all possible values of parameter P. The Bayesian believes that, since it is impossible to avoid bias, one can do no better than to assume a rational rather than naive form of bias. We should remark in closing that, because we considered a particularly simple estimation problem, we had at our disposal highly developed Bayesian procedures. For multivariate problems or for tests of nonparametric hypotheses, useful Bayesian formulations do not necessarily exist.
1 - 7.01 Random variable M., the sample mean, is defined to be the average value of n independent experimental values of random variable x. = = = Determine the exact P D F (or PMF) for M , and its expected value and variance if: i
= = = -
and we do not know the value of r. For the following questions, assume that the form of our model is correct. a We may use the average value of 48 independent experimental values
What is the probability that our estimate of 1. obtained in this way will be within 50.01 of the true value? Within L-0.05 of the true value? b We may use the largest of our 48 experimental values as our estimate of the quantity r 1, thus obtaining another estimate of the value of parameter r. What is the probability that our estimate of re obtained this way is within (+0,-0.02) of the true value? Within (+0, -0.10) of the true value?
= = = -
but we do not know the value of parameter A . Consider the following statistics, each of which is based on a set of five independent experimental values (xl,xz, . . . ,xJ of random variable x:
a Use methods similar to those of Sec. 7-3 to derive s reasonably simple expression for the variance of the sample variance. b Does the sequence of sanzple variances (S12,SZ2,. . .) for a Gaussian random variable obey the weali law of large numbers'? Explain.
There are 240 students in a literature class ("l'roust, Joyce, Kaflia, and Xicliey Spillane"). Our model states that x, the numerical grade for any individual student, is an independent Gaussian random variable with a standard deviation equal to 10 1/Z. Assuming that our model is correct, we wish to perform a significance test on the hypothesis that E(x) is equal to 60. Determine the highest and lowest class averages which will result in the acceptance of this hypothesis: a At the 0.02 level of significance b At the 0.50 level of significance We have accepted a Bernoulli model for a certain physical process involving a series of discrete trials. We wish to perform a significance test on the hypothesis that P, the probability of success on any trial, is equal to 0.50. Determine the rejection region for tests a t the 0.05 level of significance if we select as our statistic a Random variable I., the number of trials up to and including the 900th success b Random variable s, the number of successes achieved in a total of 1,800 trials The expected number of coin flips for each of these significance tests is equal. Discuss the relative merits of these tests. Consider the two ratios or/E(r) and s,/E(s). Is the statistic with the sn~sller standard-deviation to expected-value ratio neccssarily the better statistic?
=. - 7.07 Al, the bookie, plans to place a bet on the number of the round in E Z = which Bo >might li110ck out Ci in their coming (second) fight. A1 = assumes only the following details for his model of the fight: 1 Ci can survive exactly 50 solid hits. The 51st solid hit (if there is one) finishes Ci. - 2 The times between solid hits by Bo are independent random variables with the P D F -
= = -
We wish to test the hypothesis A = 2.0 a t the 0.5 level of significance. (A significance test usirig statistic r, for example, is referred to as T..) Without doing too much work, can you suggest possible values of the data (xl,xZ, . . . ,x5) which would result in: a Acceptance only on T, (and rejection on T, and TI) Acceptance Y only on T,? Acceptance only on TtY b Rejection only on Tr (and acceptance on T . and Tt) Rejection ? only on T, Rejection only on T,? Y c Acceptance on all three tests? Rejection on all three tests?
If the hypothesis is accepted on all three tests, does that mean it has passed an equivalent single significance test at the 1 - (0.$3 level of significance?
= = = = -
A1 hypothesizes that X = & (hits per second). Given the result of the.previous fight (Ci won), at what significance level can A1 accept his hypothesis Ho(X = A)? I n the first fight Bo failed to come out for round 7 - 4 3 lasted at least six rounds. Discuss any additional assumptions you make.
We are sure that the individual grades in a class are normally distributed about a mean of 60.0 and have standard deviation's equal to either 5.0 or 8.0. Consider a hypothesis test of the null hypothesis Ho(a = 5.0) with a statistic which is the experimental value of a single grade. a Determine the acceptance region for Ho if we wish to set the conditional probability of false rejection (the level of significance) a t 0.10. b For the above level of significance and critical region, determine the conditional probability of acceptance of Ho, given a = 8.0. c How does increasing the number of experimental values averaged in the statistic contribute to your confidence in the outcome of this hypothesis test? d Suggest some appropriate statistics for tr hypothesis test which is intended to discriminate between Ho(a = 5.0) and Hl(a = 8.0). e If we use H1 as a model for the grades, what probability does j t allot to grltdes less than 0 or greater than loo?
Determine approximately the rejection region for H o which maximizes the expected value of the outcome of this hypothesis test.
7.11 A Bernoulli process satisfies either Ho(P = 0.5) or H l ( P = 0.6).
Using the number of successes observed in n trials as our statistic, we wish to perform a hypothesis test in which a, the conditional probability of false rejection of Ho, is equal to 0.05. What is the smallest value of n for which this is the case if 8, the conditional probability of false acceptance of Ho, must also be no greater than 0.05?
M, = X l + X 2 +
. . +xn-
A random variable x is known to be characterized by either a Gaussian PDF with E(x) = 20 and v, = 4 or by a Gaussian PDF with E(x) = 25 and a, = 5. Consider the null hypothesis Ho[E(x) = 20, a, = 41. We wish to test H o at the 0.05 level of significance. Our statistic is to be the sun1 of three experimental values of random variable x.
a Determine the conditional probability of false acceptance of Ho.
b Determine the conditional probability of false rejection of Ho.
c Determine an upper bound on the probability that we shall arrive a t an incorrect conclusion from this hypothesis test. d If we agree that one may assign an a priori probability of 0.6 to the event that Hois true, determine the probabilities that this hypothesis test will result in: i False acceptance of Ho ii False rejection of H o iii An incorrect conclusion
for the ]'Dl? of random variable x which is known to be Gaussian. a Nalie a sketch of the possible points (a,@)in an a,B plane for the eases n = 1 and n = 4. (a and B are, respectively, the conditional probabilities of false rejection and false acceptance.) b Sketch the ratio of the two conditional PDF's for random variable I l l , (given Ho, given H1) as a. function of dd, for the cases n = 1 and n = 4. Discuss the properties of a desirable statistic that might be exhibited on such a plot.
max (~1~x2,. .
. ,xn)
A random variable x is known to be the sun1 of k independent identically distributed exponential random variables, each with an expected value equal to (kX)-I. We have only two hypotheses for the value of parameter k ; these are Ho(k = 64) and H l(k = 400). Before we obtain any experimental data, our a priori guess is that these two hypotheses are equally likely. The statistic for our hypothesis test is to be the sum of four independent experimental values of x. We estimate that false acceptance of H o will cost us $100, false rejection of Ho will cost us $200, and any correct outcome of the test is worth $500 to us.
as an estimator of parameter A. a Is this estimator biased? Is it asymptotically biased? b Is this estimator consistent? c Carefully determine the maximum-lilielihood estimator for A, based only on the experimental value of the statistic s. ,
Suppose that we flip a coin until we observe the Zth head. Let n be the number of trials up to and including the lth head. Determine the maximum-likelihood estimator for P, the probability of heads. Another experiment would involve flipping the coin n (a predetermined number) times and letting the random variable be 1, the number of heads in the n trials. Determine the maximum-likelihood estimator for P for the latter experiment. Discuss your results.
- 7.15 We wish to estimate A for a Poisson process. If we let (x1,x2, . . . ',z,) be independent ex'perimental values of n first-order interarrival times, = we find (Sec. 7-9) that A,*,, the maximum-likelihood estimator for A is , giv.en by -
E Z = = -
Consider the problem of estimating the parameter P (the probability of heads) for a particular coin. T o begin, we agree to assume the following a priori probability mass function for P:
a Show that B(x,*) = nA/(n - 1). b Determine the exact value of the variance of random variable A,* as a function of n and A. c Is A,* a biased estimator for A Is it asymptotically biased? ? d Is A a consistent estimator for A ? : e Rased on what we know about A, can you suggest a desirable : unbiased consistent estimator for A ? Another type of maximum-likelihood estimation for the parameter A of a.Poisson process appears in the following problem.
Assume that it is known that occurrences of a particular event conPoisson ~ t i t SL~ t ~ process in time. We wish to investigate the parameter A, the average number of arrivals per minute. a In a predetermined period of T minutes, exactly n arrivals are * observed. Derive the maximum-likelihood estimator A for X based on this data. b In 10,000minutes 40,400 arrivals are observed. At what significance level would the hypothesis A = 4 be accepted? c Prove that the maximum-likelihood estimator derived in (a) is an unbiased estimator for A . d Determine the variance of A*. e Is A a consistent estimator for A? *
We are first - flip resulted in now told that the coin wasn flipped n times. Thetails. = heads, and the remaining - 1 flips resulted in = ==: Determine the a posteriori PAIF for P as a function of n for n >_ 2. Prepare neat sketches of this function for n = 2 and for n = 5. = = = Given a coin source, we decide parameter P - 7.19 (the probabilityfrom a particulartoss of this coin is thatus) a random of heads) for a (to = - variable with probability density function 5
= = = L
s fppo) ( gK(1 - Po)'Po8 if o 5 P, 5 I = otherwise = We proceed to flip the coin 10 times and note an experimental outcome = - of six heads and four tails. Determine, within a nornlahing constant, = the resulting a posteriori PDF for random variable P. = = = 7.20 Consider a Bayesian estimation of A, the unknown average arrival sz = - rate for a Poisson process. Our state of knowledge about A leads us to = describe it as a random variable with the PDF = = = L
- C -
= E
The volumes of gasoline sold in a month a t each of nine gasoline EZ 7.17 stations may be considered independent random variables with the PDF = 1 e fv(vO) -- [ ~ r - E ( ~ ) 1 9 1 2 f f v P =
d .ra, 2 r
- 00 _< v0 5 +- 00
a Assuming thato. = 1,find E*, the maximum-likelihood estimator for E (2,) when we are given only V, the total gasoline sales for all nine stations, for a particular month. b Without making any assumptions about a,,determine a and E*, the : maximum-likelihood .estimators for a, and E(v). c Is the value of E* in (b) an unbiased estimator for E(v)?
where k is a positive integer. a If we observe the proc&s for a predetermined interval of T units of time and observe exactly N arrivals, determine the a posteriori PDF for random variable A. Speculate on the general behavior of this PDF for very large values of T. b Determine the expected value of the a priori and a posteriori PDF's. for A. Comment on your results. c Before the experiment is performed, we are required to give an estimate A for the true value of A. We shall be paid 100 - 500(XG - A)2 c dollars as a result of our guess. Determine the value of A. which maximizes the expected value of the guess.
further readi'ng
This appendix presents several suggestions for further reading, including a few detailed references. Only a few works, all of relatively general interest,, are listed. Unless stated otherwise, tkie books below are a t a level which should be accessible to the reader of this text. No attempt has been made to indicate the extensive literature pertaining to particular fields of application. References are listed by author and date, followed by a brief description. Complete titles are tabulated a t the end of this appendix. For brevity, the present volun~eis referred to as FAPT in the annotations.
(1962) Engaging history of some of the earliest developments in probability theory. Attention is also given to the colorful personali ties involved.
L O ~ V E(1955) Significantly more advanced than Gnedenko, this is a mathematical exposition of probability theory. Limited concern with applications and physical interpretation.
(1963) Essays by Borel, de Finetti, Iioopman, Ramsey, Savage, and Venn on a matter of significance in applied probability theory, the topic of subjective probability. (1825) Interesting discussions of philosophical issues~elated to probability theory and its applications to real world issues. (1865) The classic reference for the early history of probability theory.
PAPOULIS (1965) An effective, compact presentation of applied probability theory, followed by a detailed investigation of randorn processes with emphasis on con~municationtheory. Especially recommended for electrical engineers.
PAILZEN (1960) More formal, appreciably more detailed presentation a t a mathematical level slightly above FAPT. More concern with mathenlatical rather than physical interpretation. A lucid, valuable reference work.
2 Intl-oductory Pf.obability Theory and I t s Applications of FELLER (1957) Thorough developn~ent the discrete case with a vast supply of interesting topics and applications. Contains a large body of fundamental material on combinatorial analysis and the use of transforms in the study of discrete renewal processes which is not included in FAI'T.
FISZ (1963) Large, scholarly, and relatively complete text treating probability theory and classical mathematical statistics. Tightly written. A very desirable reference work.
(1965) A more formql development a t about the same level as FAPT. With care, pat,ience, and illustration the author introduces matters of integrat,ion, measure, etc., not mentioned in FAPT. A recon~nlendedcomplement to FAI'T for readers without training in theoretical mathematics who desire n somewhat more rigorous foundation. Contairis an annotated bibliography at the end of each chapter.
PITT (1963) A concise statement of introductory mathematical probability theory, for readers who are up to it. Essentially self-contained, but the information density is very great.
3 Random P~.ocesses
(1962) Respected text with much coverage common t o FAPT, but a t a more advanced mathematical level. Includes a brief introduction to mathematical statistics. (1933) A short, original, and definitive work which established the axiomatic foundation of modern mathematical probability theory. Every student of applied probability theory will profit from spending at least several hours with this exceptional document. Although many sections are presented a t an advanced level, the reader will rapidly achieve some understanding of the nature of those topics which are required for a rigorous theoretical foundation but neglected in a volume such as FAPT. As one significant example, he will learn that our third axiom of probability theory (known formally as the axiom offinite additivity) must be replaced by another axiom (specifying countable additivity) in order to deal properly with probability in continuous sample spaces.
cox (1962) Compact, readable nlonograph on the theory of renewal processes with applications. cox and nmmm (1965) General text on the theory of random processes with applications.
cox and SMITH (1961) Compact, readable monograph which introduces some aspects of elementary queuing problems.
J)AVENPOI~T and ROOT (1958) .\lodern classic on the application of random process theory to communication problems.
DOOR (19.3) Very advanced text on the theory of random processes for renders with adequate nmthematical prerequisites. (Such people are uniikely to encounter I'AI'T.)
(1963) Cited above. Contains a proof of the ergodic theorem for discrete-state diseret,c-transition SIarkov processes stated in Chap. 3 of FAPT.
(1960). An entirely clear, brief introduction to the use of Markov models for decision making in practical situations with econon~ic consequences.
(in preparation) Detailed investigation of Xlarkov models and their applications in systems theory.
(1960) Lucid introductory text on communication applications of random process theory. (1958) Clear exposition of Marltov model applications in queuing theory aspects of a variety of practical operational situations. (1965) Cited above.
PARZEN (1962) Relatively gentle introduction to random process theory with a wide range of representative examples.
CRAMER (1946) A thorough, mathematically advanced text on probability and mathematical statistics.
(1958) Clear presentation of elementary classical statistical theory and its applications.
(1963) The last half of this book is a particularly logical, readable presentation of statistical theory a t a level somewhat more advanced than Fraser. Contains many references and an annotated bibliography of texts in related fields.
and GRAYBILL (1963) One of the most popular and successful basic treatments of the concepts and methods of classical statistics.
PRATT, I~AIFFA, SCHLAIFER (1965) From elementary probability and theory through some frontiers of modern statistical decision theory with emphasis on problenis with economic consequences. and SCHLAIFER (1961) An advanced, somewhat terse text on modern Bayesian analysis. Laclis the interpretative material and detailed explanatory examples found in the preceding reference.
(1954) An inquiry into the underlying concepts of statistical Does not require advanced mathematics.
(1954) A gentle, animated introduction to game theorythe study of decision making in competitive, probabilistic situations.
KOLMOGOROV, : "Foundations o the Theory of Probability" (Second A. N. f English Edition), Chelsea, New York, 1956. H. "Studies in Subjective ProbaRYBURG, E., JR., and H. E. SMOKLER: bility," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1964. LAPLACE, Philosophical Essay on Probabilities, 1825 (English translaA tion), Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1951. LEE,Y. W. : "Statistical Theory o Con2munication," John Wiley & Sons, f Inc., New York, 1960. LO%VE, "Probability Theory," D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., M.: Princeton, N.J., 1963. MOOD, M., and F. A. GRAYBILL: A. ('Introduction to the Theory o Statisf tics," McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1963.
"Queues, Inventories, and Maintenance," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958. PAPOULIS, : "Probabilitg, Random Variables, and StochasticProcesses," A. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1965. PARZEN, '(Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications," John E.: Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960. : "Stochastic Processes," Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1962. PFEIFFER, P. E. : "Concepts of Probability Theory," R4cGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1965. PITT, H. R.: "Integration, Measure, and Probability," Hafner Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1963. PRATT, w., H. RAIFFA, R. SCHLAIFER: J. and "Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory" (preliminary edition), McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1965. RAIFFA, H., and R. SCHLAIFER: "Applied Statistical Decision Theory," Harvard Business School, Division of Research, Boston, 1961. SAVAGE, J . : ((The Foundations of Statistics," John Wiley & Sons, L. Inc., New York, 1954. TODHUNTER," A History of a iMathematica1 Theory of Probabilit y from I. : the Time of Pascal to that of Laplace" 1865, Chelsea, New York, 1949. WILLIAMS,D. : "The Compleat Strategyst, Being a Primer on the Theory J. o Games of Strategy," McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1954. f
Cauchy PDF
fXfxo) =
+ ( x o - b)2
- - m < b < ~ cZ2=
< X o <
a>O E(x)
[The above value of E ( x ) is a common definition. Although E(x)= b seems intuitive from the symmetry of fz(xo), note that
O<xo<l othenvise
= e-bsabl
( [@
xo = 0,1,2, : .
. ,n
Erlang PDF
a>O Bivariate-normal PDF n=l,2,3,.
ae-axo xo > 0 othenvise
f ~ u ( ~ l , ~= ) 2
~~ 2 ,
\ 0.
4 a3x02e-a2z02/2 %
xo > o otherwise
- P)zo-'
$0 = 1, 2, 3, otherwise
. . ,n
vo=O,l,. . . , n
. - - y o = 0 , 1 , . . . ,n
- P)]-l
E(u) = npu
H ypergeometric P M F
p&o) =
all2 = n p d l
- PA
Laplace PDF
Pascal P M F
Poisson PMF
xo > a
Biyesian analysis, preposterior analysis, 255 Bernoulli law of large numbers, 207 Bernoulli probability mass function, 124 Bernoulli process, 124 definition and summary of results, 129 example, 130 interarrival times, 126 Bernoulli trials, 124 Beta probability density function, 254, 272 Binomial probability mass function, 125, 272 approximations, central limit theorem, 216 DeMoivre-Laplace, 218 Poisson, 219 Birth-anddeath process, continuous-transition, 184 discrete-transition, 174 Bivariate normal probability density function, 272 Collectively exhaustive events, 4 Combinations, 29 Combinatorial analysis, 27 Common probability mass and density functions, table, 271 Complementary probability density functions, 253 Complements of events, 2 Compound probability 'density functions, 69 Compound probability mass functions, 46 Conditional expectation, 53 Conditional independence of events, 18 example, 23 Conditional independence of random variables, 51 example, 59 Conditional moments of random variables, 53 Conditional probability, 13 definition, 14 sample-space interpretation, 13 Conditional probability density function, 72 Conditional probability mass function, 48 Confidence limits, 247 Consistent estimation, 245 Continuity theorem, 214 Continuous random variable, 44, 64 table of common PDF's, 271 Convergence, for deterministic sequence, 205 in the mean, 221 mean-square, 221 point-by-point, 212 with probability one, 221 stochastic, 205, 220 Convergence almost everywhere, 221 Convolution, 103 discrete, 120 graphical, 104 of two impulses, 106 Correlation coefficiert, 94 Countable additivity, 266 Counting in event spaces, 27 Covariance, 9 4 Critical region of a statistic, $236 Cumulative distribution function, 66 table for unit normal random variable, 211 Events, mutual independence, 18 mutually exclusive, 4 union, 2 Venn diagram, 3 Existence of transiorms, 1li: Expectation, 53, 74 conditional, 53 equivalent definitions, 87 for sum of random variables, 56, 108 table of expected values for common PDF's and PMF's, 271 Experimental value, of random variable, 42 of statistic, 232 Experiments, 1, 5 models of, 5 Exponential holding times, 181 Exponential probability density funct.ibn, 90, 138, 273 Exponential transform (see Transforms)
DeMoivre-Laplace limit theorem, 218 Dependent trials, 164 (See also Markov processes) Derived probability density functions, 74 Discrete convolution, 120 Discrete random variable, 44 probability mass function, 44 Discrete-state process, series of dependent trials, 164 (See also Markov processes)
Cauchy probability density function, 93, 273 applicability of central limit theorem (?), 227 Causality and association, 27 Center of mass of probability mass function, 54 Central limit theorems, 212 approximations based upon, 215-216 for binomial PMF, 216 outline of derivation, 213 related to Cauchy P D F (?), 227 Central moments of random variables, 54 t,ableof second central moments for common PDF's and PMF's, 271 Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, 166 Characteristics of interest, statistical, 230 Chebyshev inequality, 204 Chi-square probability density function, 273 Coding for a noisy channel, 85-86
Enumeration in event space, 27 Equality of events, 3 Ergodic theorem, 170 reference, 267 Erlang probability density function, 138, 273 Errors of type I and type 11, 237, 241 Estimation, 231, 243 consistent, 245 maximum -likelihood, 247 relative efficiency, 245 sufficient, 246 unbiased, 245 Event space, 8 use for counting, enumeration, 27 Events, 2 algebra of, 1 collectively exhaustive, 4 complement, 2 conditional independence, 18 for continuous sample spaces, 65 equality, 3 independence, 17 intersection, 2
False acceptance of a hypothesis, 237, 241 False rejection of a hypothesis, 237, 241 Finite additivity, 266 Functions of random variables, 52 derived probability density functions, 74 expectation, 53 Further reading, 265
Gamma probability density function, 274 Gaussian probability density function (see Normal probability density function) Geometric holding times, 178 Geometric probability mass function, 83, 127, 274 Grandmother's Fudge Nut Butter Cookies, 155
Hypergeometric probability mass function, 274 ,Hypotheses, parametric and nonparametric, 239
Hypothesis, null, 240 Hypothesis testing, 231, 240 probability of incorrect conclusion, 242 sequential event space for, 242
Improbable event in statistics, 235 Impulse function, 63 convolution of two impulses, 106 a t limits of integrals, 65 warning, 70 Independence of events, 17 conditional, 18 mutual, 18 sample-space interpretation, 19 Independence of random variables, 51 conditional, 51 linear, 56, 108 mutual, 51 statistical, 52 Independent trials, 124, 134 Inequality, Chebyshev, 204 Inference, statistical, 229 Interarrival times, for Bernoulli process, 126 for Poisson 137 for renewal process, 148 Intersection of events, 2 Inverse transforms, 98, 100 examples, 115, 133
Level of significance, 235 Limit theorems, 203 central, 212 DeMoivre-Laplace, 218 Poisson approximation to binomial, 219 some speculations, 108 weak law of large numbers, 206 Linear independence of random variables, 56, 108 Little Volcano Bottle Capper, 159 Log-normal probability density function, 274
Joint probability density function (see Compound probability density functions) Joint probability mass function, 46
Laplace probability density function, 274 Law of large numbers, 206 Bernoulli, 207
Marginal probability density function, 70 Marginal probability mass function, 47 conditional, 52 Markov 963 birth-and-death process, continuoustrsnsition, 184 discrete-transition, 174 Chapman-H;uffmogorovequation, 166 condition for ,discrete-&ate processes, 164 continuous-tr&n6'i.tim process, 180 describing equations, wntinuous-transition pmcess, 182 discrete-transition process, 173 discrete-transition process, 164 ergodic theorem., f 70 examples, of contimoue-transition process, 185 of discrete-transition process, 175 exponential holding times, 181 geometric holding times, L78 initial conditions, 167 k-trial transition probabilities, 165 simple method, of calculation, 166 limiting-state probabilities, continuoustransition process, 183 discrete-transition process, 167, 173 periodic state, 169 recurrent state, 168, 182 single chain, 169, 182
Markov processes, state classification, . 167, 169, 181 state description of a system, 164 transient state, 168, 181 transition characterization for continuous-transition process, 180 transition probabilities for discrete-transition process, 165 Maximum-likelihood estimation, 247, 256 Maxwell probability density function, 275 Mean (see Expectation) Mean-square convergence, 221 Mean-square error, 94 Mellin transform, 120 Mixed pro-bability density function, 67 Models, of experiments, 5, 6 statistical, 230 Moments of random variables, 54, 74 central, 54 conditional, 53 from transforms, 100 Multinomial probability mass function, 275 Mutual independence, of events, 18 of, random variables, 51 Mutually exclusive events; 4
Negative binomial probability mass function, 153 Neopalenantioctipus (prehistoric), 225 Nonparametric hypothesis, 239 Normal approximations to other probability functions (see Central limit theorems) Normal probability density function, 93, 95, 207, 275 bounds for area under tails, 222 sums of independent normal random variables, 209 Normalized covariance, 94 Normalized random variable, 213 Nowhere to Fungleton Bus, 144 Null hypothesis, 240
Parametric hypothesis, 239 Pascal probability mass function, 128, 275 PDF (see Probability density function) Periodic state, 169 Permutations, 27 Physical causality and association, 27 PMF (see Probability mass function) Point-by-point convergence, 212 Poisson approximation to binomial probability mass function, 219 Poisson probability mass function, 84, 136, 140,275-276 sums of independent Poisson random variables, 139 Poisson process, 133 additional properties, 139 definition and summary of results, 140 examples, 142 independent random erasures, 140 interarrival times, 137 Preposterior analysis, 255 Probability, axioms, 11 conditional, 13 relative-frequency interpretation, 207 Probability density function (PDF), 64 complementary, 253 compound, 69 conditional, 72 definition, 65 derived for a function of random variables, 74 expectation, 74 marginal, 70 mixed, 67 as a PMF, 69, 99 table of common PDF's, 271 Probability mass function (PMF), center of mass, 54 compound, 46 conditional, 48 conditional marginal, 52 definition, 45 expectation, 53 marginal, 47
Probability mass function (PMF), as a PDF, 69, 99 table of common PMF's, 271 Probability measure, 1, 10 Probability trees, 16
Relative likelihood, 10 Renewal process, 148 conditional waiting times,, 148 random incidence, 149 Run, 42
Sums of independent random variables, 103, 107 , many, 108, 212 normal, 209 Poisson, 139 random number of, 109 Sums of random variables, 56
Trees, 7 probability, 16
Queues, 188
Random incidence, 149 Random variable, 41 central moments, 54 conditional expectation, 53 conditional independence, 51 continuous, 44, 64 cumulative distribution function, 66 definition, 42 discrete, 44 expectation, 53, 74 experiment a1 value, 42 functions of, 52 independence, 51, 74 linear independence, 56 moments, 54, 100 probability density function, 64 [See also Probability density function (PDF)I probability mass function, 44 [See also Probability mass function (PMF)l standard deviation, 55 statistical independence, 52 sums of, 56 (See also Sums of independent random variables) variance, 54, 101 Rayleigh probability density function, 276 Recurrent state, 168 Rejection of hypothesis, 235 Relative efficiency of estimators, 245 Relative-frequency interpretation of probability, 207
s transform (see Transforms) Sample of size n, 232 Sample mean, 206, 233 Sample space, 1, 5, 6 examples, 8 sequential, 7, 16 Sample value of statistic, 232 Sample variance, 233 as estimator of population variance, 234 Sequential event space, for hypothesis' test, 242 for significance test, 239 Sequential sample space, 7, 16 examples of use, 21 Significance testing, 231, 234 Single chain, 169 Sludge River, 196 Standard deviation, 55 Standardized random variable, 213 State description, 164 State-of-knowledge probability density function, 250 Statistic, 232 acceptance region, 236 critical or rejection region, 236 experimental value, 232 sample value, 232 Statistical independence of random variables, 52 Statistical inference, 229 Statistical models, 230 Statistics, 229 Step function, 64 Stochastic convergence, 205, 220 Subjective probability, 266 Sufficiency of estimators, 246
Tables, common PDF's, PMF's, and their expected values, variances, and transforms, 271 cumulative probability distribution function for unit normal random variable, 21 1 Trans-Australian Highway, 142 Transforms, continuity theorem, 214 existence, 117 exponential transform ( s transform), 98 expressions for monients and variance, 101 inverse transforms, 98, 100 examples, 115, 133 Meilin, 120 moment generating properties, 100 s transform (exponential transform), 98 for sum of independent random variables, 106 for sum of random number of independent random variables, 109 table of transforms of common PDF's and PMF'S, 271 z transform, 99 Transient state, 168
Unbiased estimator, 245 Uniform probability density function, 276 Union of events, 2 Unit impulse function (see Impulse function) Unit normal probability density function, 210 cumulative table, 21 1 Unit step function, 64 Universal event, 2, 6
Variance, 54 of common PDF's and PMF's, 271 of sum of linearly independent random variables, 108 of<sumof random number of independent identically distributed random variables, 111 in terms of transforms, 101 Venn diagram, 3
Waiting lines,' 188 Weak law of large numbers, 206 Weibull probability density function, 276