Nutrition Month 2011: Isulong Ang Breastfeeding - Tama, Sapat at Eksklusibo! (Tsek) Program
Nutrition Month 2011: Isulong Ang Breastfeeding - Tama, Sapat at Eksklusibo! (Tsek) Program
Nutrition Month 2011: Isulong Ang Breastfeeding - Tama, Sapat at Eksklusibo! (Tsek) Program
(TSEK) Program
3. What does BREASTFEEDING TSEK means? TSEK or Tama, Sapat at EKsklusibo means:
o Tama by immediate skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after birth, and initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour of life. o Sapat by encouraging and assuring mothers that little breastmilk is enough for the first week and that frequent breastfeeding ensures continuous breastmilk supply to respond to the increasing needs of the baby. EKsklusibo by giving only breastmilk and no other liquid to the baby for the first six months. Breastmilk has all the water and nutrients that the baby needs for the first six months after which the baby should be given appropriate complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding.
Meanwhile the percentage of exclusive breastfeeding (35.9%) was significantly higher in 2008 compared with 2003 in which 29.7% of 0-5 months old infants were exclusively breastfed. However, the duration of exclusive breastfeeding in 2008 is significantly lower than 2003 with 2.3 and 3 months, respectively.
Some babies die after birth because they were not breastfed immediately. Breastfeeding should be initiated at once about 30 minutes after normal delivery and about 3 4 hours after delivery by caesarian section. Providing breastmilk within the first hour after delivery can save up to 22% of infants from death and about 16% when they are breastfed within the first day thus, decreasing the rate of infant mortality significantly. Infants who were given early breastfeeding will have the opportunity to be more successful and sustain exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, babies who are breastfed immediately can help avoid the risk of hypothermia as the warmth of the mothers breast helps regulate the babys body temperature and avoiding the risk of death due to cold. Also, babies that were placed on the mothers chest will be calmer as it reduces stress and stabilizes the heartbeat and breathing. On the other hand, the babys touch and suckle can help stimulate the production of oxytocin by the mother which causes uterine contractions that help reduce bleeding; stimulates other hormones, which makes the mother calm and relaxed and stimulates the production of breastmilk. Early initiation of breastfeeding is part of the Essential Newborn Care Protocol adopted by the Department of Health. The four key elements of the protocol are: Immediate and thorough drying up of the newborn for 30 seconds to one minute warms the newborn and stimulates breathing. Early skin-to-skin contact between newborn and mother and delayed washing for at least 6 hours prevents hypothermia, infection and hypoglycemia. Properly timed cord clamping and cutting prevents the newborn from having anemia and protects against brain hemorrhage in premature newborns. Continuous non-separation of newborn and mother for early breastfeeding protects newborns from dying due to infections.
7. What are the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding for the mother? a. Physiological benefits
Breastfeeding promotes uterine involution, decreases risk of postpartum hemorrhage and increases period of postpartum anovulation (having periods without ovulating). Mothers can also practice natural child spacing since breastfeeding delays ovulation. This is called Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM). A lactating woman has at least 98% protection from pregnancy for six (6) months when she remains without her period (ammenorrheic) and fully or nearly fully breastfeeds. Breastfeeding also decreases the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and hip and bone fractures.
Breastfeeding promotes attachment between the mother and child, increases self-esteem to mothers and allows daily rests for mothers. It is important for the optimal health and development of the baby. Breastmilk provides every single essential nutrient in the development of the baby, and the bonding element (mothers thoughts, emotions and vibrations) that helps mother and baby to bond for life.
c. Financial Benefits
Breastfeeding can save as much as P2000 a month when compared to using other milks. Reduces time lost from work. Mothers do not have to absent themselves from work because breastfed babies are less likely to get sick. Reduces cost for medicines for sick baby because breastfed infants do not get sick easily.
c. A baby needs to be fed on demand. In the first two days of life, babies need only to be fed 2-4 times a day. From about the third day onward, the baby starts to feed more often or about 10-20 feeding in 24 hours. On the second week or so, most babies settle into a routine of their own and feed 5-10 times a day. From the third week onward, the number of feedings decreases to about one feeding every 3-4 hours. A mother should offer her breasts to the baby often. d.
Babies are content with breastmilk alone. Breastmilk is adequate when the baby:
is satisfied after 15 20 minutes of feeding falls asleep right away after each feeding and sleeps for about 3 4 hours: gains weight satisfactorily, i.e. about kilogram every month for the first six (6) months such that birth weight will be doubled by about the sixth (6th) month, and tripled by the first year urinates about six (6) times a day (wetness test). e. Breastfeeding does not cause the breast to sag. Breasts sag because of poor physical support during pregnancy and lactation. To prevent breasts from sagging, mothers can do breast exercises, and use a firm but comfortable brassiere. A nursing brassiere can be used during breastfeeding. f. Breast size is not important in producing breastmilk. The size of breast does not determine the quantity of milk. A mother can store enough milk, even if she has small breasts. Frequent suckling of the baby stimulates milk production. g. A mother can breastfeed even when she is sick or tired. It is best and safest to breastfeed an infant even if the mother is sick or tired from work or even after doing house chores. The baby will not suckle her sickness or tiredness. Whenever the mother is exposed to an illness or infection, her body makes the antibodies, and her milk contains antibodies to protect the baby. h. Breasts do not produce sour or spoiled milk. Breastmilk is always safe and will never get spoiled in the breast. The quality of the milk is the same in both breasts. Mothers must be reassured of this and encouraged to feed the baby on both breasts during each feeding. i. Colostrum is not dirty milk and should not be thrown away. Colostrum is often yellowish in color, but it does not mean it is dirty. It should be given to the baby to protect the baby from getting sick. j. Breastmilk is not too thin. It is important for a baby to have both foremilk (breastmilk released at the start of feeding) and hindmilk (milk released towards the end of the feeding) to get a complete meal, which includes all the water that the baby needs. The hindmilk is especially high in fat which helps the baby feel full and satisfied. It is important to let the baby suckle as long as s/he wants.
14. What are the policies and programs that promote, protect and support breastfeeding?
a. Executive Order 51 or the National Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, Breastmilk Supplements, and Other Related Products, Penalizing Violation Thereof, and for Other Purposes, otherwise known as the Milk Code. It aims to promote, protect and support breastfeeding through intensified dissemination of information on breastfeeding and the regulation of advertising, marketing and distribution of breastmilk substitutes and other related products, including bottles and teats. b. RA 7600 or The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992. This law aims to create an environment where basic physical, emotional and psychological needs of mothers and infants are fulfilled after birth through the practice of rooming-in and breastfeeding. Health institutions must provide facilities for rooming-in and breastfeeding expenses incurred, in this regard, it shall be deductible expenses for income tax purposes. c. RA 10028 or Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009. The law provides for the necessary support services to enable breastfeeding mothers to combine family obligations with work responsibilities. The law provides for the establishment of lactation stations in workplaces, provision of breastfeeding breaks for working breastfeeding mothers, establishment of human milk banks in health institutions, inclusion of breastfeeding in curriculums of schools and declaring August of each year as Breastfeeding Awareness Month. d. DOH Administrative Order (AO) 2005-0014- National Policies on Infant and Young Child Feeding. The policy provides the guidelines for improving the survival of infants and young children by improving their nutritional status, growth and development through optimal feeding anchored on exclusive breastfeeding, early initiation within one hour after birth, provision of timely, adequate and safe complementary foods at six months while continuing breastfeeding up to two years and beyond. The AO is supported with the National Plan of Action for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
e. DOH AO 2007-0026 or the Revitalization of Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Health Facilities with Maternity and Newborn Care Services. The AO aims to transform these health institutions into facilities that protect, promote and support rooming-in, breastfeeding and mother-baby friendly practices. f. DOH AO 2009-0025 or Adopting New Policies and Protocol on Essential Newborn Care. It provides guidelines on evidence-based essential newborn care for health workers and medical practitioners. The protocol entails four key elements including: 1) immediate and thorough drying of the newborn; 2) early skin-to-skin contact of the newborn to mothers skin; 3) properly-timed cord clamping and cutting; and 4) non-separation of the newborn from the mother for early breastfeeding initiation and roomingin. g. Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition. The countrys framework for nutrition identifies as priority action the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and complementary feeding and the other necessary conditions to promote infant and young child feeding practices.
15. What are ways to celebrate Nutrition Month 2011 and promote BREASTFEEDING TSEK?
The promotion, protection and support to breastfeeding to ensure TSEK can be done in various settings:
Report violations of the Milk Code to the Department of Health to prevent unregulated marketing of formula milk which threatens to undermine the practice of breastfeeding. Health and nutrition workers and health facilities must not be used to promote breastmilk substitutes but instead should be strongly promoting breastfeeding. There must be no milk company-supported activities. Remove marketing materials of formula milk in health facilities. Create local media watch to monitor Milk Code violations and report to the Department of Health. Volunteer as breastfeeding peer counselor. Help other mothers to become successful in breastfeeding and in giving appropriate complementary feedings after 6 months. Peer counselors are mothers who have had successful breastfeeding experiences and provide peer-to-peer counseling to other mothers with difficulties in breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices. In some areas, there are male volunteers who help advocate for breastfeeding as well as provide counseling to mothers, fathers and other family members to create a supportive family environment for appropriate infant and young child feeding practices. Ask your midwife, nutrition action officer and other health and nutrition personnel in your community.
Form support groups in communities. Mother-to-mother support groups are women, and men too, who want to share their experiences in infant and young child feeding, mutually support each other through their own experiences, strengthen or modify certain attitudes and practices and learn from each other.
Protect breastfeeding even during emergencies and disasters. Young infants are especially vulnerable during emergencies and disasters particularly to diarrhea, acute respiratory tract infections and malnutrition, Breastfeeding reduces the risk of death up to six times during emergencies. The Milk Code does not allow donation of formula milk during emergencies and disasters because use of formula milk increases the risk to death and disease. There are many dangers of using formula milk by itself, formula milk is not sterile; unsafe when there is not enough clean water to sterilize feeding bottles and prepare the formula; water used may be contaminated; there may be no equipment, fuel, cooking pots, and water to sterilize feeding bottles; incorrect proportion of formula milk with water which can result to over or under-diluted formula; and formula milk does not protect against infections unlike breastmilk. It is therefore best to be prepared during emergencies by having trained personnel on infant and young child feeding to be able to assist, support and counsel mothers to continue breastfeeding even during emergencies. Disseminate correct information about breastfeeding. Conducting seminars and other fora to discuss breastfeeding among mothers and also fathers together with the experts on breastfeeding. Many misconceptions about breastfeeding still exist which prevent mothers and their families to practice breastfeeding. Help correct these misconceptions by increasing awareness on correct breastfeeding practices. Family members can support breastfeeding mothers by building her confidence that she can and is able to breastfeed, help care for the baby so the mother can have enough rest; provide nutritious and balance meals; and give practical help. A supportive family and community environment increases the likelihood that the mother will initiate and continue to breastfeed. Pass local resolutions and ordinances that enforce the Milk Code, promote infant and young child feeding, establish lactation stations in barangay halls, markets and other places, providing budget for breastfeeding promotion, peer counseling and support groups.
b. Working places
Establish lactation stations in accordance with the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act (RA 10028) wherein the lactations centers shall be adequately provided with the necessary equipment and facilities, such as: lavatory for handwashing, unless there is an easily-accessible lavatory nearby; refrigeration or appropriate cooling facilities for storing expressed breastmilk; electrical outlets for breast pumps; a small table; comfortable seats; and other items, the standards of which are defined by the Department of Health. Provide breastfeeding breaks for working mothers in addition to their regular breaks. The breastfeeding breaks should not be less than 40 minutes for every 8 hours of work. Enforce the two-month maternity leave and when possible, allow extended maternity leave or allow work-from-home scheme to enable the mother to continue exclusive breastfeeding. Do not allow any direct or indirect marketing, promotion or sales of infant formula or breastmilk substitutes within the work place.
c. Health facility
Be certified as a Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital (MBFH). Follow the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Implement the Essential Newborn Care Protocol. Train health facility staff on lactation management. Contact the Center for Health Development in your region for details on the MBFH certification Provide pre- and post-natal services for pregnant and lactating women to support mothers to breastfeed their child. Set-up milk banks or milk storage and pasteurization facilities for breastmilk donated by mothers. The milk shall be given to infants in the neonatal intensive care unit whose own mothers are seriously ill. Provide continuing education, re-education and training of health workers including doctors, nurses, midwives, nutritionist-dietitians on current and updated lactation management. Health workers must be able to provide correct information and support for breastfeeding. Produce and distribute information materials on breastfeeding for distribution to mothers in addition to breastfeeding counseling. Refer breastfeeding mothers prior to discharge from the health facility, to breastfeeding support groups in the community to help them continue breastfeeding when they return home.
d. Schools
Integration of infant and young child feeding in the curriculum. The Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority are tasked to integrate in the relevant subjects in the elementary, high school and college levels, especially in the medical and education, the importance, benefits, methods or techniques of breastfeeding and change of societal attitudes towards breastfeeding. Enforcement of the Milk Code in schools. Schools must not allow any marketing including sponsorship from milk companies within the school. Schools must not also accept donations of formula milk and breastmilk substitutes as this is against the Milk Code. Place posters, brochures and other information about breastfeeding in school-based health centers. Establish lactation stations in the school to enable teaching and non-teaching personnel to breastfeed or express and store breastmilk. Schools are also considered workplaces and therefore must comply with the provisions of RA 10028.
e. Industry/manufacturers
Compliance to the Milk Code by milk companies. Strictly no marketing of products within the scope of the Milk Code. Fortify foods that are mandated by RA 8976 or the Food Fortification Law and volunteer to fortify other food products. Compliance to the Code of Hygienic Practice for Food for Infants and Children of manufacturers in accordance to the proper handling of foods in the food chain. This will ensure that food products intended for infants and children are safe.
Newborn Screening Basic Information about Newborn Screening What are the disorders included in the Newborn Screening Package? 1. Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH) CH results from lack or absence of thyroid hormone, which is essential to growth of the brain and the body. If the disorder is not detected and hormone replacement is not initiated within (4) weeks, the baby's physical growth will be stunted and she/he may suffer from mental retardation. 2. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) CAH is an endocrine disorder that causes severe salt lose, dehydration and abnormally high levels of male sex hormones in both boys and girls. If not detected and treated early, babies may die within 7-14 days. 3. Galactosemia (GAL) GAL is a condition in which the body is unable to process galactose, the sugar present in milk. Accumulation of excessive galactose in the body can cause many problems, including liver damage, brain damage and cataracts. 4. Phenylketonuria (PKU) PKU is a metabolic disorder in which the body cannot properly use one of the building blocks of protein called phenylalanine. Excessive accumulation of phenylalanine in the body causes brain damage. 5. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (G6PD Def) G6PD deficiency is a condition where the body lacks the enzyme called G6PD. Babies with this deficiency may have hemolytic anemia resulting from exposure to certain drugs, foods and chemicals.
What is Newborn Screening? Newborn Screening (NBS) is a simple procedure to find out if your baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental retardation and even death if left untreated. Why is it important to have Newborn Screening? Most babies with metabolic disorders look normal at birth. One will never know that the baby has the disorder until the onset of signs and symptoms and more often ill effects are already irreversible.
When is Newborn Screening done? Newborn screening is ideally done on the 48th hour or at least 24 hours from birth. Some disorders are not detected if the test is done earlier than 24 hours. The baby must be screened again after 2 weeks for more accurate results. How is Newborn Screening done? Newborn screening is a simple procedure. Using the hell prick method, a few drops are taken from the baby's heel and blotted on a special absorbent filter card. The blood is dried for 4 hours and sent to the Newborn Screening Laboratory. (NBS Lab). Who will collect the sample for Newborn Screening? A physician, a nurse, a midwife or medical technologist can do the newborn screening. Where is Newborn Screening Available? Newborn screening is available in practicing health institutions (hospitals, lying-ins, Rural Health Units and Health Centers). If babies are delivered at home, babies may be brought to the nearest institution offering newborn screening. When is the Newborn Screening results available? Newborn screening results are available within three weeks after the NBS Lab receives and tests the samples sent by the institutions. Results are released by NBS Lab to the institutions and are released to your attending birth attendants or physicians. Parents may seek the results from the institutions where samples are collected. A negative screen mean that the result of the test is normal and the baby is not suffering from any of the disorders being screened. In case of a positive screen, the NBS nurse coordinator will immediately inform the coordinator of the institution where the sample was collected for recall of patients for confirmatory testing. What should be done when a baby has a positive newborn screening result? Babies with positive results should be referred at once to the nearest hospital or specialist for confirmatory test and further management. Should there be no specialist in the area, the NBS secretariat office will assist its attending physician. Disorder Effect Screened SCREENED CH (Congenital Hypothyroidism) Severe Mental Retardation CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia) Death GAL (Galactosemia) Death or Cataracts PKU (Phenylketonuria) Severe Mental Retardation G6PD Deficiency Severe Anemia, Kernicterus Help us save the 33,000 babies affected annually by any of this disorders. Effect if SCREENED and treated Normal Alilve and Normal Alive and Normal Normal Normal
Dengue is everybodys concern, but with our concerted efforts, dengue can be controlled starting today, Ona concluded.
Dengue DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER is an acute infectious disease manifested initially with fever. Transmission Aedes aegypti, the transmitter of the disease, is a day-biting mosquito which lays eggs in clear and stagnant water found in flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house. Signs and Symptoms Sudden onset of high fever which may last 2 to 7 days. Joint & muscle pain and pain behind the eyes. Weakness Skin rashes - maculopapular rash or red tiny spots on the skin called petechiae Nosebleeding when fever starts to subside Abdominal pain Vomiting of coffee-colored matter Dark-colored stools Prevention and Control Cover water drums and water pails at all times to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Replace water in flower vases once a week. Clean all water containers once a week. Scrub the sides well to remove eggs of mosquitoes sticking to the sides. Clean gutters of leaves and debris so that rain water will not collect as breeding places of mosquitoes. Old tires used as roof support should be punctured or cut to avoid accumulation of water. Collect and dispose all unusable tin cans, jars, bottles and other items that can collect and hold water.
The Department of Health (DOH) today announced that applications can be filed starting next week, January 17, for its project where unemployed nurses will be deployed to poor communities in the country. The project, billed RN HEALS, seeks to make essential health services available to all Filipinos by training and deploying 10,000 unemployed nurses in communities to be identified by the DOH in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD), Health Secretary Enrique Ona said. RN HEALS, an acronym for Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement And Local Service, is expected to address the shortage of skilled and experienced nurses in 1,221 rural and unserved or underserved communities for one year. They will undergo learning and development in accordance with the roles and functions required by the project. A certificate of competency and employment will be given by the DOH, DSWD, and the Professional Regulation Commission to those who have satisfactorily completed their requirements. While on deployment, the nurses will be given an allowance of P8,000 a month by the DOH while the local government unit (LGU) where they are assigned shall supervise them, ensure their safety and security, and provide modest board and lodging. Likewise, LGUs are encouraged to provide additional allowances and benefits worth at least P2,000 for these nurses. PhilHealth and the Government Service Insurance System will provide group insurance to the nurses while private corporations are encouraged to chip in through their available resources. The recruitment and selection of these nurses shall be under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) through its Regional Offices. Registered nurses who are physically and mentally fit, and willing to serve in their municipalities may apply online at the DOLE website ( from January 17 to February 4 this year. Preference will be given to residents of the municipalities covered by the Health Facilities Enhancement Program of DOH and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or the Conditional Cash Transfer of the DSWD.
The list of successful applicants with their area of assignments shall be posted online at the DOLE website from February 7-10. An orientation shall be held on February 11-12 in their provincial centers of assignment by the regional DOH, DSWD, Professional Regulation Commission Board of Nursing and the Philippine Nurses Association prior to deployment. Eventually, these nurses will be part of the pool of competent nurses for later employment or absorption in health facilities, thus addressing the inadequate supply of skilled nurses and increasing the nurses employment rate, the health chief concluded. DOH Statement Regarding the Delayed Stipend of Nurses under the RN Heals Program Assistant Secretary Enrique Tayag today assured that the nurses deployed under the Department of Healths Registered Nurses for Health Enhancement and Local Service (RN Heals) will receive their stipends within this week. Tayag explained that the DOH has fast-tracked the requirements necessary for the release of the funds earmarked for RN Heals. He also apologized to the RN Heals nurses for their delayed monthly stipend and guaranteed them that for the succeeding months, they shall be paid on time. RN Heals seeks to make essential health services available to all Filipinos by training and deploying 10,000 unemployed nurses in communities identified by the DOH in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD). While on deployment, the nurses will be given an allowance of P8,000 a month by the DOH while the local government unit (LGU) where they are assigned shall supervise them, ensure their safety and security, and provide modest board and lodging. Likewise, LGUs were encouraged to provide additional allowances and benefits worth at least P2,000 for these nurses.
*DOH PROGRAMS IN 2010-2011*