RF Mosfet Basics
RF Mosfet Basics
RF Mosfet Basics
1. Basic Considerations
1.1. Use a Printed Circuit Board - In most cases superior and more repeatable performance
can be obtained using a printed circuit board with stripline inductors. It is also easier to
maintain a good ground plane around the transistor.
1.2. Fixed Tuned Matching Networks - A well designed amplifier with a fixed tuned matching
network eliminates the factory or field tune up and even more important, eliminates lossy
variable capacitors. Today’s more consistent transistors can be easily purchased to drop
into a wideband circuit with no tuning.
1.3. Low Q Matching Networks - The use of low loaded Q matching Networks minimizes the
loss due to high RF circulating currents. Any component variation in production is less
likely to cause a problem in a low Q matching network. Use an external filter for any
desired additional frequency selectivity.
1.4. Ruggedness - Always use a transistor that will withstand ∞ VSWR if possible. This will
prevent a lot of unexplained failures. If a device that will withstand ∞ VSWR is not
available, use the most rugged available.
1.5. Power Dissipation - Select a transistor that has a dissipation capability at least twice the
RF power out rating. This will help ensure maximum reliability.
1.6. Power Output - Operate the transistor at a power level that is 65 - 80% of the rated
power output. This will provided less power slump with temperature and more efficient
operation. The rated power output of a transistor is defined as the data sheet power
1.7. Largest Available Transistor - Select a large transistor over combining two or more small
ones. Not only is this more economical; but, the circuit design is simpler and more
1.8. Mounting Flange Packages - Flange packages must be mounted on flat (± 1 Mil/inch)
surface if the proper heat transfer is expected. It is also important that the flange not be
twisted or bent before or during installation and there are no tooling marks in the area
where the transistor is mounted.
1.9. Surface Mount Packages - Surface mount packages may be installed using epoxy or
solder. When soldered properly, thermal resistances equivalent to the flanged packages
can be expected. Some degradation in thermal resistance will be experienced when
epoxy is used; the extent depends on the conductivity of the epoxy used.
1.10. Silicone Grease - A high quality silicone grease like Dow Corning 340 or equivalent should
always be used on flange devices. The use of silicone grease will improve the interface
thermal resistance by at least 0.20 C/Watt and as much as several 0 C/Watt if the heatsink
surface has a poor flatness.
1.11. Relationship of Leads to Circuit - This is one of the most important aspects of transistor
mounting! The transistor should fit in the circuit without stressing the leads when torqued
to the heatsink. Never solder a transistor into a circuit before torqueing to the heatsink!
The two most important points to remember when mounting a transistor are:-
• Don’t Stress the leads excessively.
• Keep the source lead inductance at a minimum.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 1
2. Recommendations for mounting Polyfet transistors
2.1. Tapped holes in heatsinks should be free of burrs and have a minimum depth of 0.25
2.2. Suitable length screws should be used with a 4-40 UNC/2A thread. A washer should be
used to spread the joint pressure.
2.3. For transistors up to 80 Watts Pout, the heatsink should be a minimum of 0.120 copper or
0.200 Al. For transistors of greater levels of Pout, thickness should be increased
2.4. Flatness and finish of mounting surfaces is critical. Flatness should be 0.0008 inch or
better and finish should be minimum of 16.
2.5. A sparing use of evenly distributed heatsink compound on the transistor flange is
recommended. Suitable brands of heatsink compound are: Dow Corning 340, Eccotherm
TC-5 (E&C) and Wakefield 120.
2.6. The screws through the flange holes should first be finger tight then tightened to 0,6 to
0,75 Nm to achieve the published thermal resistance between the device and the heatsink.
2.7. When a transistor is removed from a heatsink, the joint pressure will almost certainly have
distorted the flange. Grinding or lapping of the flange according to the information above is
necessary to restore proper conditions for mounting.
3. RF Components
3.1. It is important to realize RF Mosfets are low impedance devices at high frequencies.
Designing with low impedance devices require special considerations:
• With a low impedance circuit you have to be more concerned with current flow as
opposed to high voltage in a high impedance circuit. This means that ground current paths
and the current handling capability of components have to be watched carefully.
• Stray inductances are extremely important. Of particular importance is the transistor lead
inductance and any series inductance in a shunt component in a matching network. Don’t
forget that the inductance associated with the ground path is also very important.
3.2. The key point to remember when designing at low impedance is that when you need a
matching component, like a 1 Ω capacitor, make sure you do not forget about series lead
impedance and possibly the ground return impedance. It does not take much stray
inductance to equal the 1 Ω capacitive impedance you are seeking, only about 1 nh and
150 Mhz! That is about 1/16” of a stripline transistor’s lead.
3.3. Since the impedances levels are so low, components used in the circuits must be selected
carefully. Of particular importance is the selection of capacitors. Again the main
concern is current handling capability and lead inductance. Any capacitors used at low
impedance points in VHF or UHF circuits at the 40W level or higher should have ribbon
leads or no leads at all (chips). The best capacitors for use at low impedance points are
the uncased mica and porcelain ceramic types. These capacitors have low series
resistance components for very low loss and are therefore capable of operating at high
RF currents. At higher impedance or lower frequencies, NPO chips or NPO leaded
capacitors with very short leads will work.
4. Notes on Capacitors
4.1. Many different dielectrics, such as paper, plastic, ceramic, mica, polystyrene,
polycarbonate, teflon, oil, glass and air, are used in the manufacture of capacitors.
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4.2. Ceramic dielectric capacitors vary widely in both dielectric constant (K=5 to 10,000) and
temperature characteristics. Generally, the higher the K the worse the temperature
coefficient. Low K ceramic manufactured using magnesium titanate, has a positive TC
whereas those manufactured using calcium titanate have a negative TC(Temperature
Coefficient). By combining these two materials in varying proportions, a range of
controlled TC can be generated. These capacitors are sometimes called temperature
compensating capacitors, or NPO (negative positive zero) ceramics. NPO ceramics are
well suited for oscillator, resonant circuit or filter applications.
4.3. High K ceramic capacitors are typically termed general purpose capacitors Their
temperature characteristics are very poor and their capacitance may vary as much as
80% over various temperature ranges. They are commonly used only in bypass
applications at RF.
4.4. Ceramic capacitors specifically for RF applications are typically high Q. They may have
ribbon leads or no lead at all to reduce inductance. The lead material is usually solid silver
or silver plated and, thus, contains very low resistive losses. Chip capacitors, with no
ribbon leads, are generally used for frequencies above 500 Mhz.
4.5. Mica Capacitors typically have a dielectric constant of about 6, thus they are physically
large for any given capacitor value. They have very good temperature characteristics and
are used in applications where PCB area is not of concern. Silver mica capacitors have
tolerances of +20ppm/oC over a range of -60oC to +89oC. Micas are becoming
increasingly less cost effective than ceramic types.
4.6. Metallized film capacitors represent a broad range of dielectrics used, such as teflon,
polystyrene, polycarbonate and paper. These capacitors have tight tolerances over the
temperature range. Polystyrene, however, typically cannot be used over +85oC as it is
very temperature sensitive above this point. Most of these capacitors are large in
comparison to ceramics and are used only where space is not a constraint.
5. Notes on Inductors
5.1. At RF frequencies, inductors have a series resistance and is paralleled by distributed
capacitance. At very high frequencies the inductor can look more capacitive than
5.2. Recent advances in inductor technology have led to development of microminiature fixed-
chip inductors. These inductors feature a ceramic substrate with gold plated solderable
wrap-around bottom connections. They come in values from 0.01 µH to 1.0 mH, with
typical Qs that range from 40 to 60 at 200 Mhz.
5.3. When winding your own inductors, some methods of increasing Q to extend its useful
frequency range are:-
• Use a large diameter wire. This decreases the ac and dc resistance of the windings.
• Spread the windings apart to decrease the distributed capacitance.
• Increase the permeability of the flux linkage path by winding the inductor around a
magnetic-core material such as iron or ferrite.
5.4. Considerations to take when using magnetic core materials:-
• Adding a magnetic core material to a air-core inductor can reduce the Q of the inductor
due to the losses in the core.
• The permeability of all magnetic cores changes with frequency and usually decreases to a
very small value at the upper end of their operating range.
• The higher the permeability of the core, the more sensitive it is to temperature variation.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 3
• The permeability of the core changes with applied signal. If too large an excitation is
applied, saturation of the core will result.
• Powdered-iron cores can typically handle more RF power without saturation or damage
than the same size ferrite core.
• Powdered-iron core tend to yield higher Q inductors, at high frequencies, than an
equivalent size ferrite core. This is due to the characteristic of powdered iron core which
produce much less internal loss. The higher Q makes it very useful in narrow band or
tuned circuit applications.
• At very low frequencies, or in broad-band circuits which spans the spectrum from VLF
up through VHF, ferrite seems to be the general choice. This is true because ferrites
have a higher permeability. The higher permeability is needed at the low end of the
frequency range where for a given inductance, fewer windings would be needed.
6. Notes on Resistors
6.1. Carbon composition resistors are poor high frequency performers. Between each pair of
densely packed carbon granules is a very small parasitic capacitor. These parasitics add
up to be a significant component of the resistor’s equivalent circuit.
6.2. Wire wound resistors have problems at radio frequencies too, exhibiting varying
impedances over various frequencies. This is particularly true of the low resistance values
in the frequency range of 10-200 Mhz.
6.3. A metal film resistor has the best characteristics over frequency. Thin film chip resistors,
produced on alumina or beryllia substrates, exhibit very low parasitics and are now
popularly used from dc to 2 Ghz.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 4
Component Types Applications Manufacturer or Equivalents
Electrolytic Low Freq. bypass Distributor Item
Hi-K Ceramic HF bypass Distributor Item
Mylar HF bypass Distributor Item
NPO Ceramic VHF Byapss and Matching Distributor Item
Dipped Mica VHF Coupling Distributor Item
Uncase Mica VHF & UHF Matching and Bypass F.W. Capacitors
NPO Chips VHF bypass & Matching ATC - 700 Series
Porcelian Chips UHF & Microwave Matching ATC - 100 Series
Piston trimmers UHF & Microwave Matching Johanson Man. Corp.
Compression Mica UHF & UHF Matching Arco
Ferrites Cores/Beads Matching Transformers/Chokes Amidon
Powdered Iron RF Chokes Amidon
Wire Wound Res. Low Value Resistor Distributor Item
Simi-Rigid Coax Matching transformer Micro-Coax
Heatsink Material Heatsink, Copper, Brass, Alum. Wakefield
Carbon Resistors Oscillation Supression Distributor Item
Board Material Teflon Glass P.C.B. 3M
Board Material Epoxy Glass P.C.B. Distributor Item
Copper Tape Adhesive Backed conductor 3M
Power Combiners Broadband Output Combiner RF Power
The following is a list of suggested suppliers. Polyfet is neither recommending nor endorsing any of them
for use.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 5
1. RF Measurements, Power and Impedance
1.1. Power Measurements - Given an RF power amplifier circuit in input and load matched to
50 ohms, the measurement of power gain as well as absolute output power deserves some
comment. The reason is that no one has yet developed an ideal wattmeter which
combines all the properties of high accuracy, fast response, insensitivity to harmonics, and
insensitivity to radiated RF power. The table below is a summary of the present state of
the art for wattmeters:-
1.1. For accurate measurements of input and output power, Polyfet uses a pair of electronic
wattmeters of the thermoelectric type. These wattmeters and associated heads are
mounted in a shielded enclosure along with the associated switches, bi-directional
couplers, attenuators and loads. A typical measurement set-up is illustrated, Fig. 1. below.
2. Description of Figure 1
2.1. The source is isolated from the test amplifier with 3 or 6 dB attenuator. If more isolation is
required, a circulator may be used.
2.2. The output attenuator is adjusted to be exactly 30.0 dB over the frequency range of
2.3. The input is calibrated over the frequency range to agree with the reading of the output
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 6
• Load VSWR - Although MOSFETS are not as sensitive to VSWR as bipolar transistors,
some caution should be applied. In general, the higher frequency of operation, the higher
VSWR tolerance of the device. Most manufacturers specify a maximum load VSWR for
safe operation. The maximum permissible VSWR is less at lower frequencies.
Example: a transistor which is safe with and ∞ VSWR load at 1 Ghz maybe capable of
withstanding only a 10:1 VSWR at 100 Mhz. Also the maximum VSWR specifications on
a data sheet is usually for a transistor-circuit combination. Some circuits present higher
VSWR’s to the transistor than others.
• Frequency Range - A transistor should be used within its intended frequency range if
possible. If a transistor is used at a lower frequency it will be more fragile and more
susceptible to oscillations. If operated at higher frequencies, lower gain and poorer
efficiencies can be expected.
• Safe Operating Area - Unlike Bipolar transistors, MOSs do not have secondary
breakdowns and similar SOA curves are not available. The transistor should be operated
within 75% of the maximum power dissipation specified.
3.3. Spikes and Power Supplies - The source of DC power for an RF amplifier is very
important. Spikes and high voltage kill transistors! For example, an automotive electrical
system which supplies a nominal 12 volts usually runs at 13.6 volts and can go to 16 volts
or have spikes even higher. Watch your supply voltage carefully, get rid of the spikes and
make sure the transistor you use can handle what is left.
3.4. An often overlooked supply voltage problem occurs in the electronically regulated power
supply. Many of the finest laboratory power supplies are sensitive to radiated RF. While
the RF amplifier is being tuned or being subjected to a load mismatch, the power supply
may suddenly add several volts on its own. Always watch your voltmeter to make sure
this does not happen to you.
4.1. Which Class of Operation - The “normal” operating mode for a MOS RF power
transistor is Class AB, for which most data sheets are presented. This is the best
compromise mode for linearity and efficiency. Class A operation would be used for ultra-
linear amplifiers requiring -40 to -50 dB intermodulation. Operating the transistor power
output backed off from the saturated power output will also improve linearity.
4.2. The Concept of Low Impedance - A transistor is usually a low impedance device. (MOS
devices are higher impedance than Bipolars) Designing with low impedance active
components requires that the designers have the proper concept. He must think in a way
that is opposite in many cases from previous design work.
• Current is critical, not voltage. Components must be capable of carrying high RF currents
at low loss.
• Lead inductance is important. - Any lead inductance associated with the transistor or
capacitors may severely degrade the amplifier performance.
• Ground paths must also be considered - In high impedance circuits the ground path is
carried from component to component on a printed circuit run. This cannot be done with
low impedance circuit design! A continuous groundplane on the back side of a PC board
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 7
is an ideal arrangement. Remember parasitic inductance in the ground path is of equal
importance to the signal path.
• The important thing to remember when working with low impedances is to keep all
parasitic and loss terms an order of magnitude below the element being used.
4.3. Grounds - When designing with RF power amplifiers, the technique used to ground the
various components is so important that it deserves additional attention. Several tips listed
below will help optimize our amplifiers. REMEMBER GROUNDING BECOMES
• Ground the transistor source leads at the body of the transistor. Not at ends of the leads!
Not 1/8” away from the body!
• The back side of the PCB should be nearly a continuous ground plane. The top side
ground should be connected to the bottom side ground using straps under each source
lead. Plated through holes could also work.
• Components in the matching networks have critical ground paths too. The ground on the
shunt capacitors on the gate of the transistor is often the most critical. Remember the
shunt capacitor required here is often 1 or 2 ohms and therefore the total inductive
impedance in the ground return to the source must be extremely small. For this reason, 2
capacitors in parallel, one back to each source lead, (as in AM and AT packages) are
usually needed.
• Capacitors elsewhere in the matching networks even at slightly higher impedance points,
still require a good ground. A direct connection to the continuous back side ground using
a strap through a hole in the board is the best technique.
• Grounds for components and connectors at higher impedances near 50 ohms are not so
important and do not require as much care.
5. Thermal Consideration
5.1. With today’s high power transistors, a design engineer must have a good understanding on
thermal resistance properties of a transistor and its applications. To have a high degree of
reliability, thermal considerations of the design must be studied in detail. A low overall
thermal resistance is essential for a high power transistor in order to keep the junction
temperature at a minimum. If the junction temperature is kept low enough, it is possible to
design a transistor power amplifier that will last in excess of 500,000 hours.
5.2. Polyfet Mosfet VDMOS transistors have the drain on the bottom side of the die. To
provide electrical isolation to the flange, the die is mounted on a Beryllium (BeO) insulator
which is then attached to the flange. BeO is chosen for its good thermal conductivity
property and close thermal expansion match to silicon. BeO does add a measurable
thermal resistance to the make up of the transistor thermal equivalent circuit.
5.3. Polyfet transistors are gold metallized. There is less concern with electromigration due to
heat than with transistors built with aluminum metal. Nevertheless, it is recommended to
keep junction temperatures at 150 oC or less even though the data sheet calls for a
maximum of 200oC. There is nothing magical about the 200oC value. Lower temperature
will only tend to enhance reliability. Most military designs limit this number to 125oC.
Junction Temperature can be calculated from the formula:-
Tj(Ave.) = Pd θ jc + TC
where: Tj = junction temperature, θ jc = thermal resistance (from data sheet), Pd = power dissipation, TC
= device case temperature.
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1.1. We must remember that the thermal resistance of all materials increases with increasing
temperature. In a transistor, the die itself and the BeO insulator are the weakest links.
The θ jc numbers given in data sheets are for 25oC case temperature, but in actual use of
a device we are talking about case temperatures around 75oC typically, where the θ jc
theta jc (normalized)
25 50 75 125 150 175 200
Case Temp deg C
theta jc @ 25 C
1 A
0.1 B
100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Die Area, Mils ^2
Figure 2 theta jc for various die sizes (plot B) and combined die and 60 mil BeO (plot A)
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 9
1.3. Of equal importance to the transistor junction to case thermal resistance is the thermal
resistance between the transistor and the environment. Each of the interfaces and layers
of material in the heat flow path must be carefully investigated to insure the proper
thermal design. Fig 3 is a thermal flow chart of a transistor - heat sink combination. The
thermal resistance in the heat flow part are θ jc(transistor to case), θcs (transistor case to
heatsink), and θsa heatsink. All are very important. The thermal resistance numbers for
case to heat sink θcs vary for different package configurations as shown below:-
θ jc
θ cs
Heat Sink
θ sa
1.4. The heat sink is responsible for getting rid of the heat to the environment by convection
and radiation. Because of all the many heat transfer modes occurring in a finned heat
sink, the accurate way to obtain the exact thermal resistance of the heat sink would be to
measure it. However, most heat sink manufacturers today provide information about their
extrusions concerning the thermal resistance θ sa per unit length. This information can be
used to calculate the size and types of heat sink required without having to start from
1.5. When the power dissipation and the thermal resistances of all interfaces are known, the
requirement for the type and size of the heat sink required can be figured as :
Assume θcs is 0.1oC/W and Tj = 150oC, TA = 50oC, θ jc = 0.6oC/W and the Pd=100W.
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Then, the θsa is 0.3 oC/W. This means that a sufficient length of suitable extrusion is
required to obtain this θsa value, which does not include forced air cooling. The θsa of a
typical extrusion 4.5” (11.5cm) wide and 6”(15cm) long with 1”(25mm) high finds can be
lowered by approximately a factor of three with an air flow of 10ft (300cm)/second. The
forced air cooling is most efficient if turbulence can be created within the fins. This can
be approached by directing the air flow against the cooling fins instead of along them
longitudinally. The heat sink material must have good thermal conductivity. Aluminum is
the most common material for heat sinks because of its good conductivity and light
weight. Copper would, of course, be better because its thermal conductivity is about
twice that of aluminum, but it is heavier and more expensive. Fortunately there is a happy
medium. An aluminum heat sink can be equipped with a copper heat spreader, which is
a copper plate of around 0.25” to 0.5” in thickness fastened to the top of the aluminum
heat sink, and against which the transistor is mounted. The heat spreader should extend
at least one inch beyond the transistor package in each direction. Although an additional
thermal interface is created, the area is relatively large and there will still be a
improvement in the total θsa of the structure.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 11
Appendix A
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 12
Amplifier: A device which draws power from a source other than the input signal and which
produces as an output an enlarged reproduction of the essential features of its input.
The amplifying element may be an electron tube. transistor, magnetic circuit. or any
various device.
Attenuation: The decrease in amplitude of a signal during its transmission from one point to
another. It may be expressed as a ratio, or by extension of the term, in decibels.
Band: 1. Any range of frequencies which lies between two defined limits.
2. A group of radio channels assigned by the FCC to a particular type of radio
Bipolar: Refers to a transistor in which both majority and minority carriers (electrons and
holes) carry current, and which is formed with PN junctions.
Breakdown The reverse bias voltage at which a rectifying junction begins to conduct a large
Voltage: reverse current (higher than normal reverse leakage). Reverse breakdown can be
caused by avalanche breakdown or by other electrical or thermal effects. Gate-to-
source and gate-to-drain breakdown in a FET avalanche effects, but may take place
without damage to the device so long as the reverse current is limited to a safe
Ciss: Capacitance gate-to-source. The capacitance that exists between the gate and
source electrodes of a Mosfet.
Crss: Reverse feedback capacitance as exist between drain and gate of a Mosfet.
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Coss: The output capacitance between drain and source of a Mosfet.
Capacitance: Also called capacity. In a capacitor or a system of conductors and dielectrics. That
property which permits the storage of electrically separated charges when potential
differences exist between the conductors. The capacitance of a capacitor is defined
as the ratio between the electric charge that has been transferred from one electrode
to the other and the resultant difference In potential between the electrodes. The
value of this ratio is dependent on the magnitude of the transferred charge.
Abbreviation: C).
Circuit: The interconnection of number of devices in one or more closed paths to perform a
desired electrical or electronic function.
Class A, AB, C: Bias classes that are used by engineers when designing a circuit. The use of the
circuit dictates which class is to be used. They range from Linear (Class A) to raw
power (Class C).
Drain Efficiency: The ratio, usually expressed in percentage, of useful power output to final stage
power-supply power input of a transistor.
Conductor: 1. A bare or insulated wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, s
suitable for carrying an electric current.
2. A body of conductive material so constructed that it will serve as a carrier of
electric current.
Conjugate Match: A transistor input or output port is conjugately matched when connected to an
impedance which has the same resistance as the transistor port and a reactance of
the same magnitude but opposite sign. This means that the reactances cancel, and
that maximum power transmission takes place and that there is no mismatch loss.
Correlation: 1. The relationship, expressed as a number between minus one and plus one,
between two sets of data, etc.
2. A relationship between two variables; the strength of the linear relationship is
indicated by the coefficient of correlation.
Current: The movement of electrons through a conductor. Measured in amperes. and its
symbol is I.
Decibel (dB): The standard unit for expressing transmission gain or loss and relative power levels.
Power Gain is expressed by:-
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 14
Pout (Watts)
Gain( db) = 20 log
Pin (Watts)
dBm The term "dBm" is used, when a power of one milliwatt is the reference level. Not
to be confused with “dB”, which indicates the ratio of power output to power input:
0 dBm = 1 milliwatt
10 dBm = 10 milliwatt
30 dBm = 1 Watt
40 dBm = 10 Watt
Depletion Layer: The portion of the epitaxial layer that lies directly beneath the gate of a PET and
becomes depleted of carriers (electrons) when a negative bias is applied to the gate.
Dopant: A substance added to silicon (or other transistor base material) to make it more
Duty Cycle: The amount of time a device operates, as opposed to its idle time. Applied to a
device that normally runs intermittently rather than continuously. Ratio of time on to
time-off expressed as a percentage.
F max ≅
FET: Field Effect Transistor. A unipolar device in which the number of carriers available
to carry current in the conducting region is controlled by the application of an electric
field to the surface (in the form of a capacitor or reverse-biased diode junction) of
the semiconductor. As a unipolar device, the current in a FET is carried only by the
free majority carriers (in an N-channel FET, electrons) in the conducting channel and
there is little or no current carried by the minority carriers (holes - in an N-Channel
FET). Compare this to the bipolar transistor in which both positive and negative free
carriers carry approximately equal currents
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 15
Frequency Range: 1. In a transmission system, those frequencies at which the system is able to transmit
power without attenuating it more than an arbitrary amount.
2. In a receiver, the frequency band over which the receiver is designed to operate,
covering those frequencies the receiver will readily accept and amplify.
3. A designated portion of the frequency spectrum.
GaAs: Gallium Arsenide. A type 111-V (from the periodic table) compound of gallium and
arsenic which has a resistivity sufficiently high to fabricate field-effect transistors.
Compared to silicon, the free carriers can reach about twice the limiting velocity with
one-third the applied voltage, thus a higher frequency of operation.
Gain Compression: Gain is a measure of amplification. It reaches some maximum value at a specific
output power level. As Pin is increased from this point, Gain decreases.
Gate: 1. A circuit having two or more inputs and one output, the output depending upon the
combination of logic signal at the inputs.
2. Controls the flow of current from the drain to the source.
Gate Length: The distance along which the electrons must travel when moving from source to
drain. That is, length is the shorter of the two gate dimensions (gate width is the
longer dimension). The frequency response of a FET, with all other things equal. is
inversely proportional to its gate length. Gate length is also known as channel length.
Gate Width: The size of the FET channel that carries current, That is, width is the longer of the
two gate dimensions (gate length is the shorter dimension). The power handling
capacity of a FET, with all other things equal, is directly proportional to its gate
width. Increasing gate widths increases gM, transconductance, and Coss, output
capacitance as well.
gM: DC transconductance, which is the ratio of the change in the drain current to
changes in gate voltage:
gm = for given Vds and Ids
GNF: Small signal gain. resulting from tuning for optimum noise figure. Also designated
Gp: Small-signal gain resulting from tuning for optimum output power.
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GT: Transducer power gain. The insertion power gain of a transistor with no assumptions
made concerning S12, S11, S22 or the source of load impedances. The maximum value
of GT for an unconditionally stable transistor is MAG (Maximum Available Gain).
4 G SG L y f
G T =
( y i + Y S ) ( y o + Y L ) − y fy r
Maximum Available Gain occurs when yr=0 and when YL and Ys are the complex
conjugates of yo and yi, respectively.
4 g ig 0
Where yf rio= y parameters
gi= input conductance
g0=output conductance
Gumax: Maximum unilateral transducer power gain. Transducer power gain with S12.
assumed equal to zero, and input and output conjugately matched for maximum
power transfer.
Hertz: A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Abbreviated Hz.
Id(max.}: Maximum allowable drain current that can be maintained under steady state
condition without damage to the transistor.
Idq: Quiescent current. Drain current with no RF applied to the circuit (Vdd and gate bias
Idss: Drain-to-source leakage current. The current that results from a given drain to
source voltage applied to the FET with the gate voltage held at zero.
Implanted Layer: An active layer formed by the implantation of dopants directly into the substrate
Insulators: 1. A material of such extremely low conductivity that, in effect, no current flow
through it.
2. A high-resistance device that supports or separates conductors to prevent a flow
of current between them or to other objects.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 17
Ion Implantation: A method of semiconductor doping in which selected dopants are ionized and
accelerated at high velocities to penetrate the semiconductor substrate and become
deposited below a surface. The high precision system is used to form active layers.
MAG: Maximum available gain, at a frequency where the transistor is unconditionally stable
and the input and output ports are simultaneously conjugately matched. Also
designated GA(max.), Gmax.
Maximum The maximum bias voltage that can be continuously applied to a particular
Operating Voltage: transistor without damage occurring.
MESFET: Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. MESFET is one form of GaAs FETs.
NFopt: A measure of the noise generated by a transistor when tuned for minimum noise
figure at a given frequency. Also designated NFmin.
NF50: Noise figure of a transistor at a given frequency, when inserted in an untuned 50-
Ohm circuit. This figure is most often used for the calculation of noise resistance.
Ohm: Symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω ). The unit of resistance. It is defined as
the resistance, at 0 0C, of a uniform column of mercury l06.3OO cm long and
weighing 14.4521 grams. One ohm is the value of resistance through which a
potential difference of one volt will maintain a current of one ampere.
P1dB: 1. Power output at the -1dB gain compression point; essentially the maximum output
power available from the transistor while providing linear amplification.
2. The point a which the gain of the amplifier is no longer linear and is reduced by 1
Passivation: The formulation of an insulating layer directly over a circuit or circuit element to
protect the surface from contaminants, moisture, or particles.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 18
Pin: Power Input.
Planar: The process, and result, of the semiconductor or IC fabrication process in which the
lateral diffusion of the base, and the dopant is restricted to the extent required by the
device, thus eliminating the need for etching.
Power Gain: Ratio between power In and power out expressed as dB.
Pref: The power flowing back to the generator from the load.
PRT: Pulse repetition time. The time elapsed from the beginning of one pulse to the
beginning of the next.
Psat: Saturated power output. Usually specified at some level of small-signal gain
compression, such as 2dB or (most usually) 3 dB.
PT(max.): Maximum continuous power dissipation that can be sustained without device
Pulse: 1. The variation of a quantity having a normally constant value. This variation is
characterized by a rise and a decay of a finite duration.
2. An abrupt change in voltage, either positive or negative, which conveys
information to a circuit.
Pulse Duration: Also called pulse length or pulse width. The time interval between the points at
which the instantaneous value on the leading and trailing edges bears a specified
relationship to the peak pulse amplitude.
Rdson: Low field drain-to-source resistance. The slope of the drain I-V characteristic near
the origin of the curve, and an indicator of the active channel resistivity and the drain
and source contact quality.
RN: Equivalent noise resistance, used in the FET model to predict noise figure
Rth: The internal junction-to-case thermal resistance which is the rated increase in
junction temperature with respect to the case temperature per unit of dissipated
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 19
Return Loss: Same as S11. Ratio of reelected power to forward input power. Measured in dB.
Schottky A rectifying junction formed by depositing a layer of metal onto the surface of a
Diode: barrier which gives the metal-semiconductor interface rectifying properties, with
semiconductor. This creates an electrostatic the metal acting as the anode and the
N-type semiconductor as the cathode. Since the Schottky diode is a surface device,
and since its metal layer can be fabricated at the same time as ohmic (drain and
source) contacts, it is used to provide the gate structure of GaAs fets. Also
designated: Schottky-barrier diode, metal-semiconductor diode, hot-carrier diode.
S11: Input reflection coefficient expressing magnitude and phase of the input match.
S12: Reverse transfer coefficient expressing the magnitude and phase of the reverse
S21: Forward transfer coeffic ient expressing the forward gain magnitude and phase.
S22: Output reflection coefficient expressing the magnitude and phase of the output
StriplIne: On a circuit board, a printed conductor between two ground planes having properties
similar to coaxial transmission lines.
td: Delay time -- the time interval during pulse turn on of a transistor which is the time
from which the input reaches 10% of its full amplitude to the time at which the
output reaches 10% of its amplitude.
tf: Fall time -- the time interval during pulse turn-off of a transistor during which the
drain pulse goes from 90% to 10% of its amplitude.
tr: Rise time-the time interval during pulse turn on of a transistor during which the drain
pulse goes from 10% to 90% of its maximum amplitude.
TC: Also Tcase; the surface temperature of a transistor case under operating condition.
Tj: Junction temperature. Strictly, the measured or estimated temperature of the junction
of a transistor. Also known as die temperature.
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 20
Vds: Drain-to-source voltage. For a FET, the normal operating bias between the drain
and the source are 24V, 28V and 50V for base stations; 12.5V for mobile platforms
and 7V for handheld portable units.
Vgs: Gate-to-source voltage. In normal linear operation of a Mosfet, the operating bias
between the gate and the source is in the 3 volt range
(VSWR) Voltage Ratio between the sum and difference of the incident and reflected voltage waves.
θjc Junction-to-case thermal resistance, specified in terms of temperature rise vs. power
dissipation in the junction of a transistor ( 0C/W).
1110 Avenida Acaso , Camarillo Ca., 93012 Phone:- (805)-484-4210 Fax:- (805)484-3393 21