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Circadian Rhythms

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Circadian Rhythms Fact Sheet

What are circadian rhythms? Circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organisms environment. They are found in most living things, including animals, plants and many tiny microbes. The study of circadian rhythms is called chronobiology. Are circadian rhythms the same thing as biological clocks? No, but they are related. Our biological clocks drive our circadian rhythms. What are biological clocks? The biological clocks that control circadian rhythms are groupings of interacting molecules in cells throughout the body. A master clock in the brain coordinates all the body clocks so that they are in synch. What is the master clock? The master clock that controls circadian rhythms consists of a group of nerve cells in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN. The SCN contains about 20,000 nerve cells and is located in the hypothalamus, an area of the brain just above where the optic nerves from the eyes cross. Does the body make and keep its own circadian rhythms? Circadian rhythms are produced by natural factors within the body, but they are also affected by signals from the environment. Light is the main cue influencing circadian rhythms, turning on or turning off genes that control an organisms internal clocks. How do circadian rhythms affect body function? Circadian rhythms can change sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature and other important bodily functions. Do circadian rhythms have a genetic component? Yes. Researchers have already identified genes that direct circadian rhythms in people, fruit flies, mice, fungi and several other model organisms. Are circadian rhythms related to sleep?

Yes. Circadian rhythms are important in determining human sleep patterns. The bodys master clock, or SCN, controls the production of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. Since it is located just above the optic nerves, which relay information from the eyes to the brain, the SCN receives information about incoming light. When there is less lightlike at nightthe SCN tells the brain to make more melatonin so you get drowsy. Are circadian rhythms related to jet lag? Yes. Jet lag occurs when travelers suffer from disrupted circadian rhythms. When you pass through different time zones, your bodys clock will be different from your wristwatch. For example, if you fly in an airplane from California to New York, you lose three hours of time. So when you wake up at 7 a.m., your body still thinks its 4 a.m., making you feel groggy and disoriented. Your bodys clock will eventually reset itself, but this often takes a few days. Are circadian rhythms implicated in any health problems? Yes. Circadian rhythms have been linked to various sleep disorders, such as insomnia and disrupted sleep-wake cycles. Abnormal circadian rhythms have also been associated with depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder. How do researchers study circadian rhythms? Scientists can study circadian rhythms by studying humans or by using model organisms, such as mice or even algae. Basic researchers doing these experiments control the subjects environment by altering light and dark periods and then look for changes in gene activity or other molecular signals. How does circadian rhythm research contribute to human health? Understanding what makes our biological clocks tick may lead researchers to treatments for sleep disorders, jet lag and other health problems. Learning more about the genes responsible for circadian rhythms will also enhance our understanding of biological systems and the human body. Content created July 2008 (http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Education/Factsheet_CircadianRhythms.htm)

CLINICAL REVIEW The brain, circadian rhythms, and clock genes BMJ 1998; 317 doi: 10.1136/bmj.317.7174.1704 (Published 19 December 1998) Michael Hastings, reader in neuroscience

Every day we experience profound changes in our mental and physical condition as body and brain alternate between states of high activity during the waking day and recuperation, rest, and repair during night time sleep. These cycles are not a passive response to the world around us: they are pre-adapted, driven by an internal clock. We know this because when human volunteers are held in experimental isolation and deprived of any temporal or social cues, they still show daily cycles of sleep and wakefulness, in core body temperatures, and urinary output. As with all biological processes, the clock driving these cycles is slightly imperfect, therefore the measurable rhythms free run with periods of slightly less than or greater than one solar day, hence circadian (approximately a day). Notwithstanding this inaccuracy, the circadian clock is extremely robust. It is capable of continuing for several months and with reproducibility to within a few minutes per cycle. Summary points Circadian timekeeping is a fundamental property of all higher forms of life In mammals the principal circadian mechanism lies in the individual neurones of the suprachiasmatic nuclei Comparative studies of the clock in mammals and fruit flies have provided a model of autoregulatory feedback to explain its basic properties The genes encoding this feedback loop, and how they and their protein products respond to synchronising cues, are being characterised This opens the way for an understanding of how genes regulate a basic aspect of behaviour and what are suitable targets for intervention when this timing mechanism breaks down Most aspects of physiology and behaviour are governed by a central clock mechanism in the hypothalamus. The clock acts on neural and endocrine pathways to regulate individual circadian rhythms so that internal state varies predictably over 24 hours. This enables adaption to daily and seasonal environment and enhances efficiency by separating anabolic and catabolic processes in time The clock in our brain: the suprachiasmatic nuclei In humans and other mammals the primary body clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, a cluster of around 10 000 neurones located on either side of the midline above the optic chiasma, about 3 cm behind the eyes. If these nuclei are destroyed, either experimentally in animals or as a result of disease in humansfor example, compression by expanding pituitary tumoursthe ability to express any overt circadian rhythms is destroyed. The temporal programme of behaviour and physiology is scrambled.

In experimental animals with such ablation, central grafting of neonatal hypothalamic tissue containing the suprachiasmatic nuclei can restore circadian patterning to the activity-rest cycle. Not only is this compelling evidence that the clock is an autonomous property of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, it is also an excellent example of the restoration of function by neural grafting. Also, when neonatal suprachiasmatic nucleic tissue is dissociated and held in vitro, the individual neurones show robust circadian rhythms of electrical firing, each of them with a slightly different period from its neighbours as they free run in the culture dish. The circadian mechanism is therefore autonomous in cells, and the clock is so powerful that the rhythms of a single neurone can be recorded continuously for several weeks with only the slightest deviation from 24hours. Circadian clock molecules in flies The expression of circadian timing in individual neurones shows that it is not an emergent property of a neural circuitry or system but an integral feature of the biochemistry of the cells. An early indication that the machinery is specified genetically came from studies of the circadian rhythms of cortisol secretion in twins, but as in so many other biomedical fields, the real impetus to molecular genetic analysis of the clock 83 has come from fruit flies (Drosophila spp). By analysing the circadian patterns of activity and emergence from the pupal case of mutant flies, several genes have been identified that encode essential elements of the clock. Mutations of these genes can either speed up or slow down the clock, giving flies with days of 20 or 28hours. Alternatively, mutations can destroy altogether the ability of a fly to be rhythmic. circadian clock molecules in drosophila. Early cycle: Expression of the clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim) is stimulated by the factors Bmal and Clock (blue/green circles). As cytoplasmic concentrations of per mRNA increase, Period protein (Per) is produced (red circles). Initially it is unstable and degraded. Mid-cycle: As the concentrations of Per and Timeless (Tim) proteins increase, the proteins form heterodimers (red and grey clusters), which enter the nucleus and suppress the expression of per and tim genes. Late cycle: Transcription of the genes is halted. With time Per and Tim proteins are inactivated, and without mRNA no new proteins can be produced. Consequently, Bmal and Clock are able to exert their stimulatory actions and the cycle begins again after about 24 hours The proteins encoded by these genes are components of a self sustaining negative feedback loop, which is now thought to form the driving oscillation of the timing system. Period (Per) and Timeless (Tim) proteins move around the cell, their abundance and location defining circadian time. The genes encoding these proteins (per and tim respectively) are active in the early part of the night, producing mRNA; proteins start to accumulate later in the night. Initially the proteins are rapidly degraded within the cytoplasm, especially Per. However, the Per protein has a specialised binding site, which enables it to associate with Tim as heterodimers. These dimers are much more resistant to degradation, and in the act

of association, surfaces of the protein that hold Per in the cytoplasm are obscured and the dimers become able to enter the nucleus. This is a key event because these clock proteins have another propertythey can control the activity of various genes. Expression of the per and tim genes is suppressed by their own dimerised protein products, closing the feedback loop. As a result, once the dimers gain access to the nucleus, the clock genes are turned off and no new clock mRNA or protein is synthesised. After a lag the existing proteins in the nucleus start to be broken down and the genes are released from inhibition to become active again and reinitiate the cycle. Because of the long lags between gene activation and turn off, the whole sequence takes about 24 hours and is self sustaining. Scanning electron micrograph of a mutant fruit fly with leg antennae Circadian clock molecules in mammals Studies in mammals have advanced our understanding of the clock mechanism in two ways. Firstly, the human and mouse equivalents of the drosophila per gene have now been identified,
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studies showing the presence of mammalian tim are likely to be published in the next few months. The parallels between the fly and mammalian forms of the genes show that evolution has conserved not only the property of circadian timing but also its molecular basis, indicating how deeply the clock is entrenched in our make up. Secondly, molecular genetic approaches have revealed another pair of essential clock parts. What the feedback model of drosophila does not explain is why removal of inhibition would be followed by gene switch onin other words, what positive factors are responsible for activating per and tim when the heterodimer proteins are inactivated? These positive factors have now been identified as the Clock and Bmal proteins: positive transcriptional regulators which act together to stimulate the per and tim genes. Mutations of clock in mice and of the equivalent genes in drosophila ablate circadian rhythmicity, probably because the per and tim genes need this positive drive to trigger a new cycle. In its absence the clock is unwound. As might be expected, the mammalian per genes, clock, and bmal are all expressed in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, but whereas the genes encoding Clock and Bmal are turned on permanently, expression of the per gene is rhythmic, being highest in the middle of the day and suppressed at later stages of the cycle. The assumption is that the inactivation reflects the negative feedback of Per (and possibly Tim) proteins antagonising the positive drive from Clock and Bmal, just as it does in drosophila. But unravelling the workings of the clock does not stop therethe most recent gene to be identified in flies, double-time, encodes a kinase enzyme thought to be responsible for phosphorylation of Per protein.

Mutation of double-time in flies speeds up the clock because without phosphorylation the

breakdown of Per protein in the cytoplasm is attenuated. This allows Per concentrations to rise faster,

thereby shortening the lag between gene activation and the entry of heterodimer proteins into the nucleus. This illustrates the important point that the integrity and speed of the core oscillation of the clock depends on several intracellular eventsthat is, the clock's biochemical context. Many factors independent of the core oscillation might be manipulated to affect circadian timing, and these, rather than the core oscillator itself, may be more suitable targets for both experimental and therapeutic purposes. Synchronising body time How can internal time based on the Per-Tim loop be synchronised to the outside world? In flies light seems to destabilise the heterodimers by breaking down Tim. In mice, however, light acts through the retina and direct neural pathways to the suprachiasmatic nuclei to stimulate per gene expression. Perturbations by light can advance or delay the clock, depending on the stage at which a new pulse of Per is injected into the ongoing cycle. Under normal circumstances this ensures that small daily adjustments to the clock around dawn and dusk are sufficient to keep it tightly synchronised to the environment.
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In addition, our habits may affect the clock independently of light because recent work

has shown that applied schedules of physical activity can alter circadian period. Although the neural pathways mediating these non-photic effects are being mapped, how arousal might affect the behaviour of clock molecules in the suprachiasmatic nuclei is not known. Nevertheless, these findings have important therapeutic considerations in situations where the clock is desynchronisedfor example, in jet lag, shift work, and particular forms of depression. Firstly, resetting can proceed only at a rate of around 1-2 hours a day, so it may well take the clock the best part of a week to adapt to a reversed shift pattern. While the readjustment occurs, the unfortunate person may be expected to perform demanding mental and physical tasks at a time when the clock is driving reaction times and mental performance to their nocturnal nadir. Secondly, the recognition of the potency of non-photic resetting stimuli adds to the potential range of compounds that might be convenient chronotherapeuticsthat is, compounds useful for regularising clock function. The pineal hormone melatonin is one such compound. Synthetic derivatives are now being tested clinically and may prove to be useful as alternatives to benzodiazepines in managing sleep disorders. How many circadian clocks are there? Recent work in drosophila has shown that when they are excised and cultured in isolation many tissues continue to express circadian patterns in their biochemistry, some tissues being directly photoresponsive.

A fly's body therefore consists of a series of independent clocks, which must in life be

synchronised by endocrine, neural, and other linkages. Until recently, the view for higher vertebrates was that the principal clock structures are the lateral eyes, the pineal organ, and the suprachiasmatic nuclei, with the suprachiasmatic nuclei being predominant in mammals. However, when mammalian cell lines

were first deprived of serum and then exposed to a high concentration of serum with all of its rich soup of signalling factors, the cells in culture very quickly turned on a large number of genes, among them mammalian per. This wave of gene expression then subsided, a typical response to serum. On continued sampling, however, the investigators found that after one, two, and even three circadian periods after serum stimulation, the cultures spontaneously turned on per and some other genes. This showed that cultures of immortalised cell lines, which had been held in the laboratory for 25 years, had the capacity to express endogenous free running circadian cycles.
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This landmark study opens up an enormous range of opportunities and questions, not the least of which is whether every cell in our body has the potential to be a circadian clock. If so, how do they talk to each other? A longer term view of biological time? The daily clock is crucial for longer term processes in many animals. Migration, hibernation, fattening, and fur growth are all adaptations to winter, while the annual rut of large animals and the summer population explosion of smaller ones are all cued, months in advance, by the change in day length. The circadian clock is central to this effect because the signal it gives out changes its shape to reflect the longer nights of winter. As a result, the nocturnal peak of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland, which is tightly controlled by the suprachiasmatic nuclei, provides an internal endocrine calendar. A lengthening melatonin signal from night to night indicates the season is moving through autumn to winter, while progressive shortening means the worst of winter may soon be over. So the daily clock provides an endocrine calendar, but is it important for humans? There are certainly reports of seasonal changes in mood, especially winter depression with atypical features of increased appetite and amelioration by bright artificial lighting,
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but for most of us our physiology remains almost

immune to season. However, recent studies have shown that the photoperiodic timing system may be latent in our bodies, especially for sleep. Human subjects held in isolation under a summer-like long day

length have a single consolidated nocturnal sleep bout, a sharply defined core body temperature minimum, and a short melatonin signal. When the nights are prolonged, the melatonin profile lengthens, sleep breaks into two components at the beginning and end of the night, with an intervening interval of quiet wakefulness, and the nocturnal nadir of the core body temperature rhythm either broadens or shifts phase towards one or other sleep interval. This vestigial seasonal reorganisation of the circadian temporal programme is probably not of great importance to most of us living a modern life. However, the subjective descriptions of the quiet wakefulness, with the mind hovering back and forth between dreamfilled sleep and conscious awareness suggest a deep psychological resonance with season which may underlie seasonal changes in normal and disordered mood. Perhaps we do all have a primitive need,

driven by our clock, to turn down the lights, put another log on the fire, and sit back and rest, waiting for the winter to pass. (http://www.bmj.com/content/317/7174/1704.full) Discovery: Experiments Confirm Novel Eye Pigment Controls Circadian Rhythm CHAPEL HILL - New research by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill scientists has proven that a light-sensitive pigment they discovered in the eye, the skin and part of the brain controls the body's internal clock. Their initial discovery, published in May, was the first of its kind in more than a century. The work could lead to better treatment for depression and fewer accidents during night work shifts, researchers say. "Because some investigators questioned how conclusive our earlier data was, we decided to create a mouse lacking the pigment to see what effect it had on the mouse," said Dr. Aziz Sancar, Kenan professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the UNC-CH School of Medicine. "Using what some people have called 'knock-out mouse technology,' we created animals that lacked the gene responsible for making the pigment." The scientists found the pigment, called cryptochrome (CRY), drives mammals' circadian rhythm, the 24hour biological timer that regulates numerous bodily functions, Sancar said. Those processes -synchronized to light and dark by light at dawn -- range from body temperature and blood pressure regulation to intellectual performance, sleep and wakefulness. A report on the findings appears in the Nov. 20 issue of Science. Besides Sancar, authors are Randy J. Thresher, Yasuhide Miyamoto, Aleksey Kazantsev, David S. Hsu, Claude Petit, Christopher P. Selby, Lala Dawut and Oliver Smithies, all of UNC-CH, and Martha Hotz Vitatarna and Joseph S. Takahashi of Northwestern University. Experiments at UNC-CH showed that production of a protein known as "Period," which is controlled by light and helps regulate mammals' internal clock, was reduced by more than 50 percent in the mutant mice, Sancar said. Complementary experiments at Northwestern that involved having the Carolina knockout mice running on treadmills and resting during simulated nights and days showed mutants to have abnormal response to light and abnormally long daily cycles lasting about an hour longer - 25 hours -- than they should. "We are extremely excited about this fundamental discovery because it appears to be so central to mental and physiologic functioning," Sancar said. "Previously, it was assumed that the same pigment in the eye was responsible for vision and circadian synchronization, and now we know that's not true." Discovered in 1877, pigments known as opsins, which are linked to vitamin A and located in the retina, enable mammals to see by absorbing light and transferring visual signals through the optic nerve to the brain. The newly discovered cryptochromes, which come in two forms called CRY 1 and CRY 2, are linked to vitamin B-2 and located in a different part of the retina. Cryptochromes enable animals and humans to synchronize their circadian clocks by absorbing blue light and transferring the light signal through the optic nerve to a different part of the brain from the center for vision. Severing the optic nerve abolishes both vision and circadian photo-response, the scientist said. However, because pigments for vision and circadian clocks occur in different parts of the retina, some blind people

who have lost the part of the retina containing opsins still retain the cryptochrome region and maintain normal circadian rhythm. "Understanding how circadian rhythm works has many practical applications," said Sancar, a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. "First, individuals with a disease called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, suffer serious depression during the winter months with short daylight. It may be that SAD patients have a defective gene that doesn't produce the pigment properly or simply suffer from a vitamin B-2 deficiency. Maybe we can treat some patients with vitamin B-2." Second, industrial accidents such as those at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl often occur at night. American industry has collected data showing most accidents happen during the midnight shift. "That's because people's circadian clocks have told them that it is time to slow down, and mistakes are more likely," Sancar said. Jet lag follows the discrepancy between local time and a passenger's circadian time, which was in tune with the day and night cycle of the departure point. Also, breast cancer rates have climbed this century with some blaming long exposure to electric lights for disrupting normal hormone patterns. Cancer experts want to know more about such rhythms because both beneficial and side effects of anticancer drugs can depend on what time of day they are administered, he said. He and colleagues found evidence of the new pigment widespread in body tissues including skin and brain. Daily light-dark cycles regulate biologic functions in creatures as simple as bacteria and as complex as humans, Sancar said. Human Genome Project staff found the human CRY1 but not its function. He and his students discovered the CRY2 gene with Human Genome Sciences Inc. researchers. They have applied for a patent on the work, which was supported by NIH. ### (http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/1998-11/UoNC-DECN-191198.php) Melatonin enhances sleep, boosts energy MANILA, Philippines - Rosario P., 72-year-old grandmother; Mauro T., 32-year-old call center agent; Lisandro D., 54-year-old stressed executive who travels frequently, and Laura D., 52-year-old housewife who is a self-confessed television addict. What do these people have in common? They used to have sleep problems and have benefited a lot from taking melatonin supplementation nightly. A good nights sleep is an important means of the body and mind to recharge, and the use of natural sleep enhancers like Melatonin-T can also help improve ones health and wellness. Increased vigor and vitality also follow with the improvement in sleep. Melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates sleep. During daylight, the pineal gland in the brainproduces an important neurotransmitter called serotonin. (A neurotransmitter is a chemical that relaysmessages between nerve cells.) But at night, the pineal gland stops producing serotonin and instead makes melatonin. This melatonin release helps trigger sleep.

The production of melatonin varies according to the amount of light one is exposed to, such that the body produces more melatonin in a completely dark room than in a dimly lit one. Melatonin secretion decreases as one gets older. Scientists believe this may be the reason why older people have problems sleeping and have shorter hours of sleep. Health experts are also now seriously studying the possibility of melatonins potential benefit in extending lifespan. In test-tube and animal experiments, researchers have found that melatonin protects cells, strengthens the immune system, slows the growth of some tumors, and protects the heart and blood vessels. Trianon Melatonin-T is available as an over-the-counter supplement in Mercury, Watson and other leading drugstores nationwide. The brand has received several awards locally for product and marketing excellence. (http://www.philstar.com/article.aspx?articleid=447605)

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