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Richfaces Reference

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RichFaces Developer Guide

RichFaces framework
with a huge library of
rich components and
skinnability support
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
2. Technical Requirements .............................................................................................. 3
2.1. Supported Java Versions .................................................................................... 3
2.2. Supported JavaServer Faces Implementations and Frameworks ............................ 3
2.3. Supported Servers .............................................................................................. 3
2.4. Supported Browsers ............................................................................................ 4
3. Getting Started with RichFaces ................................................................................... 5
3.1. Downloading RichFaces 3.2.1 ............................................................................. 5
3.2. Installation .......................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Simple Ajax Echo Project ................................................................................... 6
3.3.1. JSP Page ................................................................................................ 6
3.3.2. Data Bean ............................................................................................... 7
3.3.3. faces-config.xml ....................................................................................... 7
3.3.4. Web.xml .................................................................................................. 8
3.3.5. Deployment ............................................................................................. 9
4. Settings for different environments ........................................................................... 11
4.1. Web Application Descriptor Parameters .............................................................. 11
4.2. Sun JSF RI ...................................................................................................... 14
4.3. Apache MyFaces .............................................................................................. 15
4.4. Facelets Support ............................................................................................... 15
4.5. JBoss Seam Support ........................................................................................ 16
4.6. Portlet Support .................................................................................................. 19
4.7. Sybase EAServer .............................................................................................. 19
4.8. Oracle AS/OC4J ............................................................................................... 20
5. Basic concepts of the RichFaces Framework ............................................................ 21
5.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 21
5.2. RichFaces Architecture Overview ....................................................................... 22
5.3. Limitations and Rules ........................................................................................ 25
5.4. Ajax Request Optimization ................................................................................ 26
5.4.1. Re-Rendering ......................................................................................... 26
5.4.2. Queue and Traffic Flood Protection ......................................................... 28
5.4.3. Data Processing Options ........................................................................ 29
5.4.4. Action and Navigation ............................................................................ 30
5.4.5. JavaScript Interactions ............................................................................ 31
5.4.6. Iteration components Ajax attributes ........................................................ 32
5.4.7. Other useful attributes ............................................................................ 33
5.5. How To... ......................................................................................................... 34
5.5.1. Send an Ajax request ............................................................................. 34
5.5.2. Decide What to Send ............................................................................. 34
5.5.3. Decide What to Change ......................................................................... 35
5.5.4. Decide what to process .......................................................................... 35
5.6. Filter Configuration ............................................................................................ 36
5.7. Scripts and Styles Load Strategy ....................................................................... 38
5.8. Request Errors and Session Expiration Handling ................................................ 39

RichFaces Developer Guide

5.8.1. Request Errors Handling ......................................................................... 40

5.8.2. Session Expired Handling ....................................................................... 40
5.9. Skinnability ....................................................................................................... 41
5.9.1. Why Skinnability ..................................................................................... 41
5.9.2. Using Skinnability ................................................................................... 41
5.9.3. Example ................................................................................................ 42
5.9.4. Skin Parameters Tables in RichFaces ..................................................... 43
5.9.5. Creating and Using Your Own Skin File ................................................... 45
5.9.6. Built-in skinnability in RichFaces ............................................................. 45
5.9.7. Standard controls skinning ...................................................................... 46
5.9.8. Client-side script for extended skinning support ........................................ 55
5.9.9. XCSS file format .................................................................................... 57
5.9.10. Plug-n-Skin .......................................................................................... 58
5.10. State Manager API .......................................................................................... 65
6. The RichFaces Components ...................................................................................... 71
6.1. < a4j:ajaxListener > ......................................................................................... 71
6.1.1. Description ............................................................................................. 71
6.1.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 71
6.1.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 71
6.1.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 72
6.1.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 73
6.2. < a4j:keepAlive > ............................................................................................. 73
6.2.1. Description ............................................................................................. 73
6.2.2. Using the tag on a Page ........................................................................ 73
6.2.3. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 74
6.2.4. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 74
6.3. < a4j:outputPanel > ......................................................................................... 75
6.3.1. Description ............................................................................................. 75
6.3.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 77
6.3.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 77
6.3.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 77
6.3.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 79
6.4. < a4j:repeat > .................................................................................................. 79
6.4.1. Description ............................................................................................. 79
6.4.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 80
6.4.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 81
6.4.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 81
6.4.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 82
6.5. < a4j:log > ...................................................................................................... 82
6.5.1. Description ............................................................................................. 82
6.5.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................... 84
6.5.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 84
6.5.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 84
6.5.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 85

6.6. < a4j:include > ................................................................................................ 85
6.6.1. Description ............................................................................................. 85
6.6.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 86
6.6.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 87
6.6.4. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 88
6.7. < a4j:region > .................................................................................................. 88
6.7.1. Description ............................................................................................. 88
6.7.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 89
6.7.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 89
6.7.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 89
6.7.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 92
6.8. < a4j:status > .................................................................................................. 92
6.8.1. Description ............................................................................................. 92
6.8.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 94
6.8.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 94
6.8.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 95
6.8.5. Relevant resources links ......................................................................... 96
6.9. < a4j:jsFunction > ............................................................................................ 96
6.9.1. Description ............................................................................................. 96
6.9.2. Creating on a page ................................................................................ 98
6.9.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ..................................... 99
6.9.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................... 99
6.9.5. Relevant resources links ....................................................................... 100
6.10. < a4j:portlet > .............................................................................................. 100
6.10.1. Description ......................................................................................... 100
6.10.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 101
6.10.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 101
6.10.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 101
6.10.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 101
6.11. < a4j:commandLink > ................................................................................... 102
6.11.1. Description ......................................................................................... 102
6.11.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 106
6.11.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 106
6.11.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 107
6.11.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 107
6.12. < a4j:mediaOutput > .................................................................................... 108
6.12.1. Description ......................................................................................... 108
6.12.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 112
6.12.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 112
6.12.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 113
6.12.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 114
6.13. < a4j:loadStyle > .......................................................................................... 114
6.13.1. Description ......................................................................................... 114
6.13.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 114

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.13.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 115

6.13.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 115
6.13.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 115
6.14. < a4j:form > ................................................................................................. 115
6.14.1. Description ......................................................................................... 115
6.14.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 118
6.14.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 119
6.14.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 119
6.14.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 120
6.15. < a4j:htmlCommandLink > ............................................................................ 120
6.15.1. Description ......................................................................................... 120
6.15.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 123
6.15.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 123
6.15.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 123
6.15.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 124
6.16. < a4j:loadScript > ......................................................................................... 124
6.16.1. Description ......................................................................................... 124
6.16.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 125
6.16.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 125
6.16.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 125
6.16.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 125
6.17. < a4j:poll > .................................................................................................. 126
6.17.1. Description ......................................................................................... 126
6.17.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 128
6.17.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 128
6.17.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 128
6.17.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 130
6.18. < a4j:loadBundle > ....................................................................................... 130
6.18.1. Description ......................................................................................... 130
6.18.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 131
6.18.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 131
6.18.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 131
6.18.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 131
6.19. < a4j:commandButton > ............................................................................... 132
6.19.1. Description ......................................................................................... 132
6.19.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 136
6.19.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 136
6.19.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 136
6.19.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 138
6.20. < a4j:page > ................................................................................................ 138
6.20.1. Description ......................................................................................... 138
6.20.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 139
6.20.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 139
6.20.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 140

6.20.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 141
6.21. < a4j:support > ............................................................................................ 141
6.21.1. Description ......................................................................................... 141
6.21.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 143
6.21.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 144
6.21.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 144
6.21.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 147
6.22. < a4j:actionparam > ..................................................................................... 147
6.22.1. Description ......................................................................................... 147
6.22.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 148
6.22.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 148
6.22.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 148
6.22.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 149
6.23. < a4j:push > ................................................................................................ 149
6.23.1. Description ......................................................................................... 149
6.23.2. Creating on a page ............................................................................. 152
6.23.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 152
6.23.4. Key attributes and ways of usage ........................................................ 152
6.23.5. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 154
6.24. < rich:ajaxValidator > ................................................................................... 154
6.24.1. Description ......................................................................................... 154
6.24.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 154
6.24.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 156
6.24.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 156
6.24.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 157
6.25. < rich:graphValidator > ................................................................................. 159
6.25.1. Description ......................................................................................... 159
6.25.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 159
6.25.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 160
6.25.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 160
6.26. < rich:beanValidator > .................................................................................. 161
6.26.1. Description ......................................................................................... 161
6.26.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 161
6.26.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 162
6.26.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 162
6.27. < rich:calendar > .......................................................................................... 165
6.27.1. Description ......................................................................................... 165
6.27.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 165
6.27.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 172
6.27.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 172
6.27.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 172
6.27.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 181
6.27.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 182
6.27.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 182

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.27.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 186

6.27.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 192
6.28. < rich:comboBox > ....................................................................................... 192
6.28.1. Description ......................................................................................... 192
6.28.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 193
6.28.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 196
6.28.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 197
6.28.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 197
6.28.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 200
6.28.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 200
6.28.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 200
6.28.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 202
6.28.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 206
6.29. < rich:componentControl > ............................................................................ 206
6.29.1. Description ......................................................................................... 206
6.29.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 206
6.29.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 208
6.29.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 208
6.29.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 208
6.29.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 211
6.29.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 211
6.30. < rich:contextMenu > .................................................................................... 211
6.30.1. Description ......................................................................................... 211
6.30.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 211
6.30.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 214
6.30.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 214
6.30.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 214
6.30.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 219
6.30.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 219
6.30.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 219
6.30.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 220
6.30.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 222
6.31. < rich:dataFilterSlider > ................................................................................ 222
6.31.1. Description ......................................................................................... 222
6.31.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 222
6.31.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 227
6.31.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 227
6.31.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 227
6.31.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 228
6.31.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 229
6.32. < rich:datascroller > ..................................................................................... 229
6.32.1. Description ......................................................................................... 229
6.32.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 229
6.32.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 234

6.32.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 234
6.32.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 234
6.32.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 238
6.32.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 239
6.32.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 239
6.32.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 241
6.33. < rich:columns > .......................................................................................... 242
6.33.1. Description ......................................................................................... 242
6.33.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 242
6.33.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 244
6.33.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 245
6.33.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 245
6.33.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 249
6.33.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 249
6.33.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 249
6.33.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 251
6.34. < rich:dataTable > ........................................................................................ 251
6.34.1. Description ......................................................................................... 251
6.34.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 252
6.34.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 256
6.34.4. Creating the Component Dynamically from Java ................................... 257
6.34.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 257
6.34.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 259
6.34.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 259
6.34.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 260
6.34.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 263
6.35. < rich:subTable > ......................................................................................... 264
6.35.1. Description ......................................................................................... 264
6.35.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 264
6.35.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 268
6.35.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 268
6.35.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 268
6.35.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 269
6.35.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 269
6.35.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 269
6.36. < rich:dataList > ........................................................................................... 273
6.36.1. Description ......................................................................................... 273
6.36.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 273
6.36.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 275
6.36.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 275
6.36.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 276
6.36.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 277
6.36.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 278
6.36.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 280

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.37. < rich:dataOrderedList > ............................................................................... 280

6.37.1. Description ......................................................................................... 280
6.37.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 280
6.37.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 282
6.37.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 282
6.37.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 283
6.37.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 284
6.37.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 284
6.37.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 287
6.38. < rich:dataDefinitionList > ............................................................................. 287
6.38.1. Description ......................................................................................... 287
6.38.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 288
6.38.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 290
6.38.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 290
6.38.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 290
6.38.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 292
6.38.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 292
6.38.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 294
6.39. < rich:columnGroup > ................................................................................... 294
6.39.1. Description ......................................................................................... 294
6.39.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 295
6.39.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 297
6.39.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 297
6.39.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 297
6.39.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 300
6.39.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 300
6.39.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 300
6.39.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 302
6.40. < rich:column > ............................................................................................ 302
6.40.1. Description ......................................................................................... 302
6.40.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 303
6.40.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 305
6.40.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 305
6.40.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 306
6.40.6. Sorting and Filtering ........................................................................... 309
6.40.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 315
6.40.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 315
6.40.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 315
6.40.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 317
6.41. < rich:dataGrid > .......................................................................................... 317
6.41.1. Description ......................................................................................... 317
6.41.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 318
6.41.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 322
6.41.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 322

6.41.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 323
6.41.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 324
6.41.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 325
6.41.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 325
6.41.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 327
6.42. < rich:dropSupport > .................................................................................... 327
6.42.1. Description ......................................................................................... 327
6.42.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 328
6.42.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 331
6.42.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 331
6.42.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 332
6.42.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 334
6.42.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 335
6.43. < rich:dndParam > ....................................................................................... 335
6.43.1. Description ......................................................................................... 335
6.43.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 335
6.43.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 336
6.43.4. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 336
6.43.5. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 337
6.43.6. Relevan Resources Links .................................................................... 337
6.44. < rich:dragIndicator > ................................................................................... 338
6.44.1. Description ......................................................................................... 338
6.44.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 338
6.44.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 339
6.44.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 339
6.44.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 339
6.44.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 341
6.44.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 342
6.45. < rich:dragSupport > .................................................................................... 342
6.45.1. Description ......................................................................................... 342
6.45.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 342
6.45.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 345
6.45.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 346
6.45.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 346
6.45.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 348
6.45.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 348
6.46. < rich:dropListener > .................................................................................... 348
6.46.1. Description ......................................................................................... 348
6.46.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 348
6.46.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 349
6.46.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 349
6.46.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 349
6.46.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 350
6.47. < rich:dragListener > .................................................................................... 350

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.47.1. Description ......................................................................................... 350

6.47.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 350
6.47.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 351
6.47.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 351
6.47.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 352
6.47.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 352
6.48. < rich:dropDownMenu > ............................................................................... 353
6.48.1. Description ......................................................................................... 353
6.48.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 353
6.48.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 355
6.48.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 356
6.48.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 356
6.48.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 359
6.48.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 359
6.48.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 360
6.48.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 363
6.49. < rich:extendedDataTable > .......................................................................... 363
6.49.1. Description ......................................................................................... 363
6.49.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 363
6.49.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 368
6.49.4. Creating the Component Dynamically from Java ................................... 369
6.49.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 369
6.49.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 373
6.49.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 373
6.49.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 374
6.50. < rich:menuGroup > ..................................................................................... 375
6.50.1. Description ......................................................................................... 375
6.50.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 375
6.50.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 377
6.50.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 377
6.50.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 378
6.50.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 379
6.50.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 379
6.50.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 380
6.50.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 382
6.51. < rich:menuItem > ........................................................................................ 382
6.51.1. Description ......................................................................................... 382
6.51.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 382
6.51.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 386
6.51.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 386
6.51.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 386
6.51.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 388
6.51.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 388
6.51.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ..................................................... 389

6.51.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 391
6.52. < rich:menuSeparator > ................................................................................ 391
6.52.1. Description ......................................................................................... 391
6.52.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 392
6.52.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 392
6.52.4. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 392
6.52.5. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 393
6.52.6. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 393
6.52.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 394
6.53. < rich:effect > .............................................................................................. 394
6.53.1. Description ......................................................................................... 394
6.53.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 394
6.53.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 395
6.53.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 395
6.53.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 396
6.53.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 398
6.53.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 398
6.54. < rich:fileUpload > ........................................................................................ 398
6.54.1. Description ......................................................................................... 398
6.54.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 398
6.54.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 403
6.54.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 403
6.54.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 403
6.54.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 411
6.54.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 414
6.54.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 414
6.54.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 415
6.54.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 419
6.55. < rich:gmap > .............................................................................................. 419
6.55.1. Description ......................................................................................... 419
6.55.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 419
6.55.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 422
6.55.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 422
6.55.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 422
6.55.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 425
6.55.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 425
6.55.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 427
6.56. < rich:virtualEarth > ...................................................................................... 428
6.56.1. Description ......................................................................................... 428
6.56.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 428
6.56.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 430
6.56.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 430
6.56.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 430
6.56.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 432

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.56.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 432

6.56.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 432
6.57. < rich:hotKey > ............................................................................................ 432
6.57.1. Description ......................................................................................... 432
6.57.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 432
6.57.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 434
6.57.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 434
6.57.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 434
6.57.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 436
6.57.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 436
6.57.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 436
6.58. < rich:inplaceInput > ..................................................................................... 436
6.58.1. Description ......................................................................................... 436
6.58.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 437
6.58.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 440
6.58.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 441
6.58.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 441
6.58.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 445
6.58.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 446
6.58.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 446
6.58.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 446
6.58.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 449
6.59. < rich:inplaceSelect > ................................................................................... 449
6.59.1. Description ......................................................................................... 449
6.59.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 450
6.59.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 454
6.59.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 454
6.59.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 454
6.59.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 459
6.59.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 459
6.59.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 460
6.59.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 460
6.59.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 463
6.60. < rich:inputNumberSlider > ........................................................................... 463
6.60.1. Description ......................................................................................... 463
6.60.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 463
6.60.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 468
6.60.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 468
6.60.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 468
6.60.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 469
6.60.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 470
6.60.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 470
6.60.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 472
6.61. < rich:inputNumberSpinner > ........................................................................ 472

6.61.1. Description ......................................................................................... 472
6.61.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 473
6.61.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 476
6.61.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 477
6.61.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 477
6.61.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 478
6.61.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 478
6.61.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 479
6.61.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 480
6.62. < rich:insert > .............................................................................................. 481
6.62.1. Description ......................................................................................... 481
6.62.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 481
6.62.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 482
6.62.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 482
6.62.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 482
6.62.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 483
6.62.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 483
6.63. < rich:jQuery > ............................................................................................. 483
6.63.1. Description ......................................................................................... 483
6.63.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 483
6.63.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 484
6.63.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 485
6.63.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 485
6.63.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 489
6.63.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 489
6.64. < rich:listShuttle > ........................................................................................ 489
6.64.1. Description ......................................................................................... 489
6.64.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 489
6.64.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 493
6.64.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 493
6.64.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 493
6.64.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 498
6.64.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 498
6.64.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 499
6.64.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 501
6.64.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 505
6.65. < rich:message > ......................................................................................... 505
6.65.1. Description ......................................................................................... 505
6.65.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 505
6.65.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 508
6.65.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 508
6.65.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 508
6.65.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 509
6.65.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 509

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.65.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 512

6.66. < rich:messages > ....................................................................................... 512
6.66.1. Description ......................................................................................... 512
6.66.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 512
6.66.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 515
6.66.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 515
6.66.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 515
6.66.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 516
6.66.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 517
6.66.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 519
6.67. < rich:modalPanel > ..................................................................................... 519
6.67.1. Description ......................................................................................... 519
6.67.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 520
6.67.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 523
6.67.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 523
6.67.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 523
6.67.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 528
6.67.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 528
6.67.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 529
6.67.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 530
6.67.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 532
6.68. < rich:orderingList > ..................................................................................... 533
6.68.1. Description ......................................................................................... 533
6.68.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 533
6.68.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 536
6.68.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 536
6.68.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 537
6.68.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 540
6.68.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 541
6.68.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 541
6.68.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 543
6.68.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 547
6.69. < rich:paint2D > ........................................................................................... 547
6.69.1. Description ......................................................................................... 547
6.69.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 548
6.69.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 550
6.69.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 550
6.69.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 550
6.69.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 552
6.69.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 552
6.70. < rich:panel > .............................................................................................. 552
6.70.1. Description ......................................................................................... 552
6.70.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 552
6.70.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 553

6.70.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 554
6.70.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 554
6.70.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 556
6.70.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 556
6.70.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 557
6.70.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 559
6.71. < rich:panelBar > ......................................................................................... 559
6.71.1. Description ......................................................................................... 559
6.71.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 559
6.71.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 561
6.71.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 562
6.71.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 562
6.71.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 562
6.71.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 562
6.71.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 563
6.71.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 565
6.72. < rich:panelBarItem > ................................................................................... 565
6.72.1. Description ......................................................................................... 565
6.72.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 565
6.72.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 566
6.72.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 567
6.72.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 567
6.72.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 568
6.72.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 568
6.72.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 568
6.73. < rich:panelMenu > ...................................................................................... 571
6.73.1. Description ......................................................................................... 571
6.73.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 571
6.73.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 577
6.73.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 578
6.73.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 578
6.73.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 580
6.73.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 581
6.73.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 581
6.73.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 583
6.74. < rich:panelMenuGroup > ............................................................................. 583
6.74.1. Description ......................................................................................... 583
6.74.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 583
6.74.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 589
6.74.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 589
6.74.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 590
6.74.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 592
6.74.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 592
6.74.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 592

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.74.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 593

6.74.10. Relevant resources links ................................................................... 595
6.75. < rich:panelMenuItem > ................................................................................ 596
6.75.1. Description ......................................................................................... 596
6.75.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 596
6.75.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 600
6.75.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 600
6.75.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 600
6.75.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 602
6.75.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 603
6.75.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 603
6.75.9. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 606
6.76. < rich:pickList > ........................................................................................... 606
6.76.1. Description ......................................................................................... 606
6.76.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 606
6.76.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 609
6.76.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 609
6.76.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 610
6.76.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 612
6.76.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 612
6.76.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 614
6.76.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 618
6.77. < rich:progressBar > ..................................................................................... 618
6.77.1. Description ......................................................................................... 618
6.77.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 618
6.77.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 621
6.77.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 622
6.77.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 622
6.77.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 625
6.77.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 625
6.77.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 626
6.77.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 627
6.77.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 629
6.78. < rich:scrollableDataTable > ......................................................................... 629
6.78.1. Description ......................................................................................... 629
6.78.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 630
6.78.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 634
6.78.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 634
6.78.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 634
6.78.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 638
6.78.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 638
6.78.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 638
6.78.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 639
6.78.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 643

6.79. < rich:separator > ........................................................................................ 644
6.79.1. Description ......................................................................................... 644
6.79.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 644
6.79.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 645
6.79.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 646
6.79.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 646
6.79.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 647
6.79.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 647
6.79.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 648
6.80. < rich:simpleTogglePanel > ........................................................................... 648
6.80.1. Description ......................................................................................... 648
6.80.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 648
6.80.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 652
6.80.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 652
6.80.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 653
6.80.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 654
6.80.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 654
6.80.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 655
6.80.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 657
6.81. < rich:spacer > ............................................................................................ 657
6.81.1. Description ......................................................................................... 657
6.81.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 657
6.81.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 659
6.81.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 659
6.81.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 659
6.81.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 660
6.81.7. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 660
6.82. < rich:suggestionbox > ................................................................................. 660
6.82.1. Description ......................................................................................... 660
6.82.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 660
6.82.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 666
6.82.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 667
6.82.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 667
6.82.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 671
6.82.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 671
6.82.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 671
6.82.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 672
6.82.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 674
6.83. < rich:tabPanel > ......................................................................................... 675
6.83.1. Description ......................................................................................... 675
6.83.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 675
6.83.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 678
6.83.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 678
6.83.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 679

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.83.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 680

6.83.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 681
6.83.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 681
6.83.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 684
6.84. < rich:tab > .................................................................................................. 684
6.84.1. Description ......................................................................................... 684
6.84.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 684
6.84.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 688
6.84.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 689
6.84.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 689
6.84.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 692
6.84.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 692
6.84.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 693
6.85. < rich:togglePanel > ..................................................................................... 696
6.85.1. Description ......................................................................................... 696
6.85.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 696
6.85.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 698
6.85.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 699
6.85.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 699
6.85.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 701
6.85.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 701
6.85.8. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 702
6.86. < rich:toggleControl > ................................................................................... 703
6.86.1. Description ......................................................................................... 703
6.86.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 703
6.86.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 707
6.86.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 707
6.86.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 707
6.86.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 708
6.86.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 709
6.87. < rich:toolBar > ............................................................................................ 710
6.87.1. Description ......................................................................................... 710
6.87.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 710
6.87.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 712
6.87.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 713
6.87.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 713
6.87.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 714
6.87.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 714
6.87.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 715
6.87.9. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 716
6.88. < rich:toolBarGroup > ................................................................................... 716
6.88.1. Description ......................................................................................... 716
6.88.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 717
6.88.3. ......................................................................................................... 718

6.88.4. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 719
6.88.5. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 719
6.88.6. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 719
6.88.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 720
6.88.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 721
6.88.9. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 721
6.89. < rich:toolTip > ............................................................................................ 721
6.89.1. Description ......................................................................................... 721
6.89.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 722
6.89.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 724
6.89.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 725
6.89.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 725
6.89.6. JavaScript API .................................................................................... 728
6.89.7. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 728
6.89.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 729
6.89.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes ...................................................... 729
6.89.10. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 730
6.90. < rich:treeNode > ......................................................................................... 730
6.90.1. Description ......................................................................................... 730
6.90.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 731
6.90.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 736
6.90.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 736
6.90.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 736
6.90.6. Built-in Drag and Drop ........................................................................ 738
6.90.7. Events Handling ................................................................................. 738
6.90.8. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 738
6.90.9. Skin Parameters Redefinition .............................................................. 738
6.90.10. Definition of Custom Style Classes .................................................... 739
6.90.11. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 740
6.91. < rich:tree > ................................................................................................. 740
6.91.1. Description ......................................................................................... 740
6.91.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 741
6.91.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 747
6.91.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 747
6.91.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 748
6.91.6. Built-In Drag and Drop ........................................................................ 752
6.91.7. Events handling .................................................................................. 754
6.91.8. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 755
6.91.9. Skin Parameters Redefinition: ............................................................. 755
6.91.10. Definition of Custom Style Classes .................................................... 755
6.91.11. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................. 757
6.92. < rich:changeExpandListener > ..................................................................... 757
6.92.1. Description ......................................................................................... 757
6.92.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 757

RichFaces Developer Guide

6.92.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 758

6.92.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 758
6.92.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 758
6.92.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 759
6.93. < rich:nodeSelectListener > .......................................................................... 759
6.93.1. Description ......................................................................................... 759
6.93.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 759
6.93.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 760
6.93.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 760
6.93.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 760
6.93.6. Look-and-Feel Customization .............................................................. 761
6.94. < rich:treeNodesAdaptor > ............................................................................ 761
6.94.1. Description ......................................................................................... 761
6.94.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 762
6.94.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 763
6.94.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 763
6.94.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 763
6.94.6. Relevant Resources Links ................................................................... 764
6.95. < rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor > .............................................................. 764
6.95.1. Description ......................................................................................... 764
6.95.2. Key Features ...................................................................................... 765
6.95.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag ............................................ 766
6.95.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java ................................. 766
6.95.5. Details of Usage ................................................................................. 766
6.95.6. Relevant resources links ..................................................................... 768
7. IDE Support ............................................................................................................. 769
8. Links to information resources ................................................................................ 771

Chapter 1.

RichFaces is an open source framework that adds Ajax capability into existing JSF applications
without resorting to JavaScript.

RichFaces leverages JavaServer Faces framework including lifecycle, validation, conversion

facilities and management of static and dynamic resources. RichFaces components with built-
in Ajax support and a highly customizable look-and-feel can be easily incorporated into JSF

RichFaces allows to:

• Intensify the whole set of JSF benefits while working with Ajax. RichFaces is fully integrated into
the JSF lifecycle. While other frameworks only give you access to the managed bean facility,
RichFaces advantages the action and value change listeners, as well as invokes server-side
validators and converters during the Ajax request-response cycle.

• Add Ajax capability to the existing JSF applications. Framework provides two components
libraries (Core Ajax and UI). The Core library sets Ajax functionality into existing pages, so
there is no need to write any JavaScript code or to replace existing components with new Ajax
ones. RichFaces enables page-wide Ajax support instead of the traditional component-wide
support and it gives the opportunity to define the event on the page. An event invokes an Ajax
request and areas of the page which become synchronized with the JSF Component Tree after
changing the data on the server by Ajax request in accordance with events fired on the client.

• Create quickly complex View basing on out of the box components. RichFaces UI library
contains components for adding rich user interface features to JSF applications. It extends
the RichFaces framework to include a large (and growing) set of powerful rich Ajax-enabled
components that come with extensive skins support. In addition, RichFaces components are
designed to be used seamlessly with other 3d-party component libraries on the same page, so
you have more options for developing your applications.

• Write your own custom rich components with built-in Ajax support. We're always working on
improvement of Component Development Kit (CDK) that was used for RichFaces UI library
creation. The CDK includes a code-generation facility and a templating facility using a JSP-
like syntax. These capabilities help to avoid a routine process of a component creation.
The component factory works like a well-oiled machine allowing the creation of first-class
rich components with built-in Ajax functionality even more easily than the creation of simpler
components by means of the traditional coding approach.

• Package resources with application Java classes. In addition to its core, Ajax functionality of
RichFaces provides an advanced support for the different resources management: pictures,
JavaScript code, and CSS stylesheets. The resource framework makes possible to pack easily
these resources into Jar files along with the code of your custom components.

Chapter 1. Introduction

• Easily generate binary resources on-the-fly. Resource framework can generate images,
sounds, Excel spreadsheets etc.. on-the-fly so that it becomes for example possible to create
images using the familiar approach of the "Java Graphics2D" library.

• Create a modern rich user interface look-and-feel with skins-based technology. RichFaces
provides a skinnability feature that allows easily define and manage different color schemes
and other parameters of the UI with the help of named skin parameters. Hence, it is possible to
access the skin parameters from JSP code and the Java code (e.g. to adjust generated on-the-
fly images based on the text parts of the UI). RichFaces comes with a number of predefined
skins to get you started, but you can also easily create your own custom skins.

• Test and create the components, actions, listeners, and pages at the same time. An automated
testing facility is in our roadmap for the near future. This facility will generate test cases for your
component as soon as you develop it. The testing framework will not just test the components,
but also any other server-side or client-side functionality including JavaScript code. What is
more, it will do all of this without deploying the test application into the Servlet container.

RichFaces UI components come ready to use out-of-the-box, so developers save their time and
immediately gain the advantage of the mentioned above features in Web applications creation.
As a result, usage experience can be faster and easily obtained.

Chapter 2.

Technical Requirements
RichFaces was developed with an open architecture to be compatible with the widest possible
variety of environments.

This is what you need to start working with RichFaces 3.2.1:

• Java

• JavaServer Faces

• Java application server or servlet container

• Browser (on client side)

• RichFaces framework

2.1. Supported Java Versions

• JDK 1.5 and higher

2.2. Supported JavaServer Faces Implementations and


• Sun JSF-RI - 1.2

• MyFaces 1.2

• Facelets 1.1.1 - 1.2

• Seam 1.2. - 2.0

2.3. Supported Servers

• Apache Tomcat 5.5 - 6.0

• BEA WebLogic 9.1 - 10.0

• Resin 3.1

• Jetty 6.1.x

• Sun Application Server 9 (J2EE 1.5)

• Glassfish (J2EE 5)

Chapter 2. Technical Requirements

• JBoss 4.2.x - 5

2.4. Supported Browsers

• Internet Explorer 6.0 - 7.0

• Firefox 1.5 - 2.0

• Opera 8.5 - 9.2

• Safari 2.0-3.1


Safari 3.0 Beta is not supported.

This list is composed basing on reports received from our users. We assume the list can be
incomplete and absence of your environment in the list doesn't mean incompatibility.

We appreciate your feedback on platforms and browsers that aren't in the list but are compatible
with RichFaces. It helps us to keep the list up-to-date.

Chapter 3.

Getting Started with RichFaces

3.1. Downloading RichFaces 3.2.1
The latest release of RichFaces is available for download at:

in the RichFaces project area under JBoss.

3.2. Installation

• Unzip "richfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA-bin.zip" file to the chosen folder.

• Copy "richfaces-api-3.2.1.jar", "richfaces-impl-3.2.1.jar","richfaces-

ui-3.2.1.jar"files into the "WEB-INF/lib" folder of your application.

• Add the following content into the "WEB-INF/web.xml" file of your application:

<display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

• Add the following lines for each JSP page of your application.

<%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/a4j" prefix="a4j"%>

<%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/rich" prefix="rich"%>

For XHTML pages:

Chapter 3. Getting Started wi...


3.3. Simple Ajax Echo Project

In our JSF project you need only one JSP page that has a form with a couple of child tags:
<h:inputText> and <h:outputText> .

This simple application let you input some text into the <h:inputText> , send data to the server,
and see the server response as a value of <h:outputText> .

3.3.1. JSP Page

Here is the necessary page (echo.jsp):

<%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/a4j" prefix="a4j"%>

<%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/rich" prefix="rich"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
<title>repeater </title>
<rich:panel header="Simple Echo">
<h:inputText size="50" value="#{bean.text}" >
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="rep"/>
<h:outputText value="#{bean.text}" id="rep"/>

Only two tags distinguish this page from a "regular" JSF one. There are <rich:panel> and
<a4j:support> .

The <rich:panel> allows to place the page elements in rectangle panel that can be skinned.

Data Bean

The <a4j:support> with corresponding attributes (as it was shown in the previous example) adds
an Ajax support to the parent <h:inputText> tag. This support is bound to "onkeyup" JavaScript
event, so that each time when this event is fired on the parent tag, our application sends an Ajax
request to the server. It means that the text field pointed to our managed bean property contains
up-to-date value of our input.

The value of "reRender" attribute of the <a4j:support> tag defines which part(s) of our page is
(are) to be updated. In this case, the only part of the page to update is the <h:outputText> tag
because its ID value matches to the value of "reRender" attribute. As you see, it's not difficult to
update multiple elements on the page, only list their IDs as the value of "reRender" .

3.3.2. Data Bean

In order to build this application, you should create a managed bean:

package demo;

public class Bean {

private String text;
public Bean() {
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;

3.3.3. faces-config.xml

Next, it's necessary to register your bean inside of the faces-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config

Chapter 3. Getting Started wi...



Nothing that relates directly to RichFaces is required in the configuration file.

3.3.4. Web.xml

It is also necessary to add jar files (see installation chapter) and modify the "web.xml" file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-
<display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>



<!-- Faces Servlet -->

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

<!-- Faces Servlet Mapping -->

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

Now your application should work.

3.3.5. Deployment
Finally, you should be able to place this application on your Web server.To start your project, point
your browser at http://localhost:8080/a4jEchoText/echo.jsf

Chapter 4.

Settings for different environments

RichFaces comes with support for all tags (components) included in the JavaServer Faces
specification. To add RichFaces capabilities to the existing JSF project you should just put the
RichFaces libraries into the lib folder of the project and add filter mapping. The behavior of the
existing project doesn't change just because of RichFaces.

4.1. Web Application Descriptor Parameters

RichFaces doesn't require any parameters to be defined in your web.xml. But the RichFaces
parameters listed below may help with development and may increase the flexibility of RichFaces

Table 4.1. Initialization Parameters

Name Default Description

org.richfaces.SKIN DEFAULT Is a name of a skin used in an
application. It can be a literal
string with a skin name, or
the EL expression (#{...})
pointed to a String property
(skin name) or a property of a
type. Skin in last case, this
instance is used as a current
org.richfaces.LoadScriptStrategyDEFAULT Defines how the RichFaces
script files are loaded to
application. Possible values
For more information see
"Scripts and Styles Load
org.richfaces.LoadStyleStrategyDEFAULT Defines how the RichFaces
style files are loaded to
application. Possible values
For more information see
"Scripts and Styles Load
org.ajax4jsf.LOGFILE none Is an URL to an application or
a container log file (if possible).
If this parameter is set, content

Chapter 4. Settings for diffe...

Name Default Description

from the given URL is shown
on a Debug error page in the
iframe window
org.ajax4jsf.VIEW_HANDLERS none Is a comma-separated list
of custom ViewHandler
instances for inserting
in chain. Handlers are
inserted BEFORE RichFaces
viewhandlers in the given
order. For example, in
facelets application this
parameter must contain
instead of declaration in faces-
none Is a comma-separated list of
names for a component as
a special control case, such
as messages bundle loader,
alias bean components, etc.
Is a type of component got
by a reflection from the static
For components with such
types encode methods always
are called in rendering
Ajax responses, even if a
component isn't in an updated
false For generated resources, such
as encrypt generation data,
it's encoded in the resource
URL. For example, URL for
an image generated from
the mediaOutput component
contains a name of a
generation method, since for
a hacker attack, it is possible
to create a request for any
JSF baked beans or other
attributes. To prevent such
attacks, set this parameter to

Web Application Descriptor Parameters

Name Default Description

"true" in critical applications
(works with JRE > 1.4 )
random Is a password for encryption of
resources data. If isn't set, a
random password is used
true It doesn't allow framework
to reformat JavaScript files
(makes it impossible to debug)
a4j Defines prefix which is added
to all URIs of generated
resources. This prefix
designed to handle RichFaces
generated resources requests
a4j/g Defines prefix which is added
to URIs of global resources.
This prefix designed to
handle RichFaces generated
resources requests
a4j/s Defines prefix which is
used for session tracking
for generated resources.
This prefix designed to
handle RichFaces generated
resources requests
org.ajax4jsf.DEFAULT_EXPIRE86400 Defines in seconds how long
streamed back to browser
resources can be cached
false If enabled the component
state (not the tree) will be
serialized before being stored
in the session. This may
be desirable for applications
that may have issues with
view state being sensitive
to model changes. Instead
of this parameter can use
parameters for corresponding

Chapter 4. Settings for diffe...


org.richfaces.SKIN is used in the same way as org.ajax4jsf.SKIN

Table 4.2. org.ajax4jsf.Filter Initialization Parameters

Name Default Description

log4j-init-file - Is a path (relative to web
application context) to the
log4j.xml configuration file, it
can be used to setup per-
application custom logging
enable-cache true Enable caching of framework-
generated resources
(JavaScript, CSS, images,
etc.). For debug purposes
development custom
JavaScript or Style prevents
to use old cached data in a
forceparser true Force parsing by a filter
HTML syntax checker on
any JSF page. If "false", only
Ajax responses are parsed to
syntax check and conversion
to well-formed XML. Setting to
"false" improves performance,
but can provide visual effects
on Ajax updates

4.2. Sun JSF RI

RichFaces works with implementation of JSF (JSF 1.2) and with most JSF component libraries
without any additional settings. For more information look at:

java.sun.com [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/]

Additional information how to get ViewExpiredExceptions when using RichFaces with JSF 1.2
you can find here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki//RichFacesCookbook/ViewExpiredException].

Apache MyFaces

4.3. Apache MyFaces

RichFaces works with Apache MyFaces 1.2 version including specific libraries like TOMAHAWK
Sandbox and Trinidad (the previous ADF Faces). However, there are some considerations to take
into account for configuring applications to work with MyFaces and RichFaces.

There are some problems with different filters defined in the web.xml file clashing. To avoid these
problems, the RichFaces filter must be the first one among other filters in the web.xml configuration

For more information look at: http://myfaces.apache.org [http://myfaces.apache.org]

There's one more problem while using MyFaces + Seam . If you use this combination you should
use <a4j:page> inside <f:view> (right after it in your code) wrapping another content inside
your pages because of some problems in realization of <f:view> in myFaces.

The problem is to be overcome in the nearest future.

4.4. Facelets Support

A high-level support for Facelets is one of our main support features. When working with
RichFaces, there is no difference what release of Facelets is used.

You should also take into account that some JSF frameworks such as Facelets use their
own ViewHandler and need to have it first in the chain of ViewHandlers and the RichFaces
AjaxViewHandler is not an exception. At first RichFaces installs its ViewHandler in any case, so in
case of two frameworks, for example RichFaces + Facelets, no changes in settings are required.
Although, when more then one framework (except RichFaces) is used, it's possible to use the
VIEW_HANDLERS parameter defining these frameworks view handlers according to its usage order
in it. For example, the declaration:



says that Facelets will officially be the first, however AjaxViewHandler will be a little ahead
temporarily to do some small, but very important job.

Chapter 4. Settings for diffe...


In this case you don't have to define FaceletViewHandler in the WEB-INF/faces-


4.5. JBoss Seam Support

RichFaces now works out-of-the-box with JBoss Seam and Facelets running inside JBoss AS
4.0.4 and higher. There is no more shared JAR files needed. You just have to package the
RichFaces library with your application.

Your web.xml for Seam 1.2 must be like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-

<!-- richfaces -->

<display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>



<!-- Seam -->


JBoss Seam Support

<servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>

<servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>

<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>

<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>

<!-- MyFaces -->


<!-- JSF -->



<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

Chapter 4. Settings for diffe...

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>


Seam 2 supports RichFaces Filter. Thus your web.xml for Seam 2 must be like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app version="2.5"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/


<!-- Seam -->


<servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>

<servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>

<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>

Portlet Support

<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>

<!-- JSF -->



<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>


Only one issue still persists while using Seam with MyFaces. Look at myFaces part of this section.

Detailed information on how to integrate Richfaces and Trinidad and how to hide ".seam" postfix
in the URL you can find here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesWithTrinidad]

4.6. Portlet Support

JBoss Portlets have support since version Ajax4jsf 1.1.1. This support is improved in RichFaces
3.2.1. Provide your feedback on compatible with RichFaces if you face some problems.

4.7. Sybase EAServer

The load-on-startup for the Faces Servlet had to be set to 0 in web.xml.


Chapter 4. Settings for diffe...

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

This is because, EAServer calls servlet init() before the ServletContextInitializer. Not an
EAServer bug, this is in Servlet 2.3 spec.

4.8. Oracle AS/OC4J

In order to deploy your project with RichFaces components to an Oracle AS you just have to
prevent the application's class loader from importing the Oracle XML parser. Use the following
notation in orion-application.xml :

<remove-inherited name="oracle.xml"/>
<remove-inherited name="oracle.xml.security"/>

Chapter 5.

Basic concepts of the RichFaces

5.1. Introduction
The framework is implemented as a component library which adds Ajax capability into existing
pages, so you don't need to write any JavaScript code or to replace existing components with new
Ajax widgets. RichFaces enables page-wide Ajax support instead of the traditional component-
wide support. Hence, you can define the event on the page that invokes an Ajax request and
the areas of the page that should be synchronized with the JSF Component Tree after the Ajax
request changes the data on the server according to the events fired on the client.

Next Figure shows how it works:

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Figure 5.1. Request Processing flow

RichFaces allows to define (by means of JSF tags) different parts of a JSF page you wish to
update with an Ajax request and provide a few options to send Ajax requests to the server. Also
JSF page doesn't change from a "regular" JSF page and you don't need to write any JavaScript
or XMLHTTPRequest objects by hands, everything is done automatically.

5.2. RichFaces Architecture Overview

Next figure lists several important elements of the RichFaces framework

RichFaces Architecture Overview

Figure 5.2. Core Ajax component structure

Ajax Filter. To get all benefits of RichFaces , you should register a Filter in web.xml file of
your application. The Filter recognizes multiple request types. Necessary information about Filter
configuration can be found in the "Filter configuration" section. The sequence diagram on Figure
3 shows the difference in processing of a "regular" JSF request and an Ajax request.

In the first case the whole JSF tree will be encoded, in the second one option it depends on the
"size" of the Ajax region. As you can see, in the second case the filter parses the content of an
Ajax response before sending it to the client side.

Have a look at the next picture to understand these two ways:

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Figure 5.3. Request Processing sequence diagram

In both cases, the information about required static or dynamic resources that your application
requests is registered in the ResourseBuilder class.

When a request for a resource comes (Figure 4), the RichFaces filter checks the Resource Cache
for this resource and if it is there, the resource is sent to the client. Otherwise, the filter searches for
the resource among those that are registered by the ResourceBuilder. If the resource is registered,
the RichFaces filter will send a request to the ResourceBuilder to create (deliver) the resource.

Next Figure shows the ways of resource request processing.

Limitations and Rules

Figure 5.4. Resource request sequence diagram

AJAX Action Components. There are Ajax Action Components: <a4j:commandButton> ,

<a4j:commandLink> , <a4j:poll> and <a4j:support> and etc. You can use them to send Ajax
requests from the client side.

AJAX Containers. AjaxContainer is an interface that describes an area on your JSF page that
should be decoded during an Ajax request. AjaxViewRoot and AjaxRegion are implementations
of this interface.

JavaScript Engine. RichFaces JavaScript Engine runs on the client-side. It knows how to
update different areas on your JSF page based on the information from the Ajax response. Do
not use this JavaScript code directly, as it is available automatically.

5.3. Limitations and Rules

In order to create RichFaces applications properly, keep the following points in mind:

• Any Ajax framework should not append or delete, but only replace elements on the page. For
successful updates, an element with the same ID as in the response must exist on the page.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

If you'd like to append any code to a page, put in a placeholder for it (any empty element). For
the same reason, it's recommended to place messages in the "AjaxOutput" component (as
no messages is also a message).

• Don't use <f:verbatim> for self-rendered containers, since this component is transient and
not saved in the tree.

• Ajax requests are made by XMLHTTPRequest functions in XML format, but this XML bypasses
most validations and the corrections that might be made in a browser. Thus, create only a strict
standards-compliant code for HTML and XHTML, without skipping any required elements or
attributes. Any necessary XML corrections are automatically made by the XML filter on the
server, but lot's of unexpected effects can be produced by an incorrect HTML code.

• The RichFaces ViewHandler puts itself in front of the Facelets ViewHandlers chain.

• RichFaces components uses their own renderers. On the Render Response Phase RichFaces
framework makes a traversal of the component tree, calls its own renderer and put the result
into the Faces Response.

5.4. Ajax Request Optimization

5.4.1. Re-Rendering
Ajax attributes are common for Ajax components such as <a4j:support> ,
<a4j:commandButton> , <a4j:jsFunction> , <a4j:poll> , <a4j:push> and so on. Also, most
RichFaces components with built-in Ajax support have these attributes for a similar purpose. Ajax
components attributes help RichFaces to expose its features. Most of the attributes have default
values. Thus, you can start working with RichFaces without knowing the usage of these attribute.
However, their usage allows to tune the required Ajax behavior very smoothly.

"reRender" is a key attribute. The attribute allows to point to area(s) on a page that should be
updated as a response on Ajax interaction. The value of the "reRender" attribute is an id of the
JSF component or an id list.

A simple example is placed below:

<a4j:commandButton value="update" reRender="infoBlock"/>
<h:panelGrid id="infoBlock">

The value of "reRender" attribute of the <a4j:commandButton> tag defines which part(s) of your
page is (are) to be updated. In this case, the only part of the page to update is the <h:panelGrid>


tag because its ID value matches to the value of "reRender" attribute. As you see, it's not difficult
to update multiple elements on the page, only list their IDs as the value of "reRender" .

"reRender" uses UIComponent.findComponent() algorithm [http://java.sun.com/javaee/

UIComponent.html#findComponent(java.lang.String)] (with some additional exceptions) to find
the component in the component tree. As can you see, the algorithm presumes several steps.
Each other step is used if the previous step is not successful. Therefore, you can define how fast
the component is found mentioning it more precisely. The following example shows the difference
in approaches (both buttons will work successfully):

<h:form id="form1">
<a4j: commandButton value="Usual Way" reRender="infoBlock, infoBlock2" />
<a4j:commandButton value="Shortcut" reRender=":infoBlockl,:sv:infoBlock2" />
<h:panelGrid id="infoBlock">
<f:subview id="sv">
<h:panelGrid id="infoBlock2">

It's also possible to use JSF EL expression as a value of the reRender attribute. It might be a
property of types Set, Collection, Array or simple String. The EL for reRender is resolved right
before the Render Response phase. Hence, you can calculate what should be re-rendered on
any previous phase during the Ajax request processing.

Most common problem with using reRender is pointing it to the component that has a "rendered"
attribute. Note, that JSF does not mark the place in the browser DOM where the outcome of the
component should be placed in case the "rendered" condition returns false. Therefore, after the
component becomes rendered during the Ajax request, RichFaces delivers the rendered code to
the client, but does not update a page, because the place for update is unknown. You need to
point to one of the parent components that has no "rendered" attribute. As an alternative, you
can wrap the component with <a4j:outputPanel> layout="none" .

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

"ajaxRendered" attribute of the <a4j:outputPanel> set to "true" allows to define the area of the
page that will be re-rendered even if it is not pointed in the reRender attribute explicitly. It might be
useful if you have an area on a page that should be updated as a response on any Ajax request.
For example, the following code allows to output error messages regardless of what Ajax request
causes the Validation phase failed.

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<h:messages />

"limitToList" attribute allows to dismiss the behavior of the <a4j:outputPanel> "ajaxRendered"

attribute. limitToList = "false" means to update only the area(s) that mentioned in the
"reRender" attribute explicitly. All output panels with ajaxRendered="true" is ignored. An
example is placed below:

<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test" limitToList="true"/>
<h:outputText value="#{person.name}" id="test"/>

5.4.2. Queue and Traffic Flood Protection

"eventsQueue" attribute defines the name of the queue that will be used to order upcoming
Ajax requests. By default, RichFaces does not queue Ajax requests. If events are produced
simultaneously, they will come to the server simultaneously. JSF implementations (especially, the
very first ones) does not guaranty that the request that comes first will be served or passed into
the JSF lifecycle first. The order how the server side data will be modified in case of simultaneous
request might be unpredictable. Usage of eventsQueue attribute allows to avoid possible mess.
Define the queue name explicitly, if you expect intensive Ajax traffic in your application.

The next request posted in the same queue will wait until the previos one is not processed and
Ajax Response is returned back if the "eventsQueue" attribute is defined. In addition, RichFaces
starts to remove from the queue "similar" requests. "Similar'"requests are the requests produced
by the same event. For example, according to the following code, only the newest request will be
sent to the server if you type very fast and has typed the several characters already before the
previous Ajax Response is back.

Data Processing Options

<h:inputText value="#{userBean.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" eventsQueue="foo" reRender="bar" />

"requestDelay" attribute defines the time (in ms) that the request will be wait in the queue before
it is ready to send. When the delay time is over, the request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest "similar" request is in a queue already .

"ignoreDupResponses" attribute orders to ignore the Ajax Response produced by the request
if the newest "similar" request is in a queue already. ignoreDupResponses"="true" does not
cancel the request while it is processed on the server, but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response loses the actuality.

Defining the "eventsQueue" along with "requestDelay" allows to protect against unnecessary
traffic flood and synchronizes Ajax requests order. If you have several sources of Ajax requests,
you can define the same queue name there. This might be very helpful if you have Ajax
components that invoke request asynchronously from the ones produced by events from users.
For example, <a4j:poll> or <a4j:push> . In case the requests from such components modify
the same data, the synchronization might be very helpful.

More information can be found on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://jboss.com/index.html?

module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=105766] .

"timeout" attribute is used for setting response waiting time on a particular request. If a response
is not received during this time, the request is aborted.

5.4.3. Data Processing Options

RichFaces uses form based approach for Ajax request sending. This means each time, when you
click an Ajax button or <a4j:poll> produces an asynchronous request, the data from the closest
JSF form is submitted with the XMLHTTPRequest object. The form data contains the values from
the form input element and auxiliary information such as state saving data.

When "ajaxSingle" attribute value is "true" , it orders to include only a value of the current
component (along with <f:param> or <a4j:action> param values if any) to the request map. In
case of <a4j:support> , it is a value of the parent component. An example is placed below:

<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test" ajaxSingle="true"/>

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

<h:inputText value="#{person.middleName}"/>

In this example the request contains only the input component causes the request generation, not
all the components contained on a form, because of ajaxSingle="true" usage.

Note, that ajaxSingle="true" reduces the upcoming traffic, but does not prevent decoding other
input components on the server side. Some JSF components, such as <h:selectOneMenu> do
recognize the missing data in the request map value as a null value and try to pass the validation
process with a failed result. Thus, use <a4j:region> to limit a part of the component tree that will
be processed on the server side when it is required.

"immediate" attribute has the same purpose as any other non-JSF component. The default
"ActionListener" should be executed immediately (i.e. during the Apply Request Values phase
of a request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase. Using
immediate="true" is one of the ways to have some data model values updated when other
cannot be updated because of a problem with passing the Validation phase successfully. This
might be important inside the <h:dataTable> like components where using <a4j:region> is
impossible due to the <h:dataTable> component architecture.

"bypassUpdates" attribute allows to bypass the Update Model phase. It might be useful if you need
to check your input against the available validator, but not to update the model with those data.
Note, that an action will be invoked at the end of the Validation phase only if the Validation phase
is passed successfully. The listeners of the Application phase will not be invoked in any case.

5.4.4. Action and Navigation

Ajax component is similar to any other non-Ajax JSF component like <h:commandButton> . It
allows to submit the form. You can use "action" and "actionListener" attributes to invoke the
action method and define the action event.

"action" method must return null if you want to have an Ajax Response with a partual page update.
This is regular mode called "Ajax request generates Non-Ajax Response". In case of action
does not return null, but the action outcome that matches one of navigation rules, RichFaces starts
to work in "Ajax request generates Non-Ajax Response" mode. This mode might be helpful
in two major cases:

• RichFaces allows to organize a page flow inside the <a4j:include> component. This is a typical
scenario for Wizard like behavior. The new content is rendered inside the <a4j:include> area.
The content is taken from the navigation rule of the faces configuration file (usually, the faces-
config.xml). Note, that the content of the "wizard" is not isolated from the rest of the page. The
included page should not have own <f:view> (it does not matter if you use facelets). You need
to have an Ajax component inside the <a4j:include> to navigate between the wizard pages.
Otherwize, the whole page update will be performed.

JavaScript Interactions

• If you want to involve the server side validators and navigate to the next page only if
the Validation phase is passed successfully, you can replace <h:commandButton> with
<a4j:commandButton> and point to the action method that navigates to the next page. If
Validation process fails, the partial page update will occur and you will see an error message.
Otherwize, the application proceeds to the next page. Make sure, you define <redirect/> option
for the navigation rule to avoid memory leaks.

5.4.5. JavaScript Interactions

RichFaces allows writing Ajax-enabled JSF application without writing any Javascript code.
However, you can still invoke the JavaScript code if you need. There are several ajax attributes
that helps to do it.

"onsubmit" attribute allows to invoke JavaScript code before an Ajax request is sent. If "onsubmit"
returns "false" , the Ajax request is canceled. The code of "onsubmit" is inserted before the
RichFaces Ajax call. Hence, the "onsubmit" should not has a "return" statement if you want
the Ajax request to be sent. If you are going to invoke a JavaScript function that returns "true"
or "false" , use the conditional statement to return something only when you need to cancel the
request. For example:

onsubmit="if (mynosendfunct()==false){return false}"

"onclick" attribute is similar to the "onsubmit" , but for clickable components such as
<a4j:commandLink> and <a4j:commandButton> . If it returns "false" , the Ajax request is
canceled also.

"oncomplete" attribute allows to invoke the JavaScript code right after the Ajax Response is
returned back and the DOM tree of the browser is updated. RichFaces registers the code for
further invocation of XMLHTTP request object before an Ajax request is sent. This means the
code will not be changed during processing of the request on the server if you use JSF EL value
binding. Also, you cannot use "this'" inside the code, because it will not point the component where
Ajax request was initiated.

"onbeforedomupdate" attribute defines JavaScript code for call after Ajax response receiving and
before updating DOM on a client side.

"data" attribute allows to get the additional data from the server during an Ajax call. You can use
JSF EL to point the property of the managed bean and its value will be serialized in JSON format
and be available on the client side. You can refer to it using the "data" variable. For example:


Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...


RichFaces allows to serialize not only primitive types into JSON format, but also complex types
including arrays and collections. The beans should be serializable to be refered with "data" .

There is a number of useful functions which can be used in JavaScript:

• rich:clientId('id') - returns client id by short id or null if the component with the id specified
hasn't been found

• rich:element('id') - is a shortcut for


• rich:component('id') - is a shortcut for #{rich:clientId('id')}.component

• rich:findComponent('id') - returns an instance of UIComponent taking the short ID of the

component as a parameter.

<h:inputText id="myInput">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="outtext"/>
<h:outputText id="outtext" value="#{rich:findComponent('myInput').value}" />

5.4.6. Iteration components Ajax attributes

"ajaxKeys" attribute defines strings that are updated after an Ajax request. It provides possibility
to update several child components separately without updating the whole page.

<a4j:poll intervall="1000" action="#{repeater.action}" reRender="text">
<a4j:repeat value="#{bean.props}" var="detail" ajaxKeys="#{repeater.ajaxedRowsSet}">
<h:outputText value="detail.someProperty" id="text"/>

Other useful attributes


5.4.7. Other useful attributes

"status" attribute for Ajax components (such as <a4j:commandButton> , <a4j:poll> , etc.)

points to an ID of <a4j:status> component. Use this attribute if you want to share <a4j:status>
component between different Ajax components from different regions. The following example
shows it.

<a4j:region id="extr">
<h:outputText value="Status:" />
<a4j:status id="commonstatus" startText="In Progress...." stopText=""/>
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value="Name"/>
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{userBean.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="out" />
<h:outputText value="Job"/>
<a4j:region id="intr">
<h:inputText id="job" value="#{userBean.job}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="out" status="commonstatus"/>

<h:outputText id="out" value="Name: #{userBean.name}, Job: #{userBean.job}" />
<br />
<a4j:commandButton ajaxSingle="true" value="Clean Up Form" reRender="name,
job, out" status="commonstatus">
<a4j:actionparam name="n" value="" assignTo="#{userBean.name}" />
<a4j:actionparam name="j" value="" assignTo="#{userBean.job}" />

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...


In the example <a4j:support> and <a4j:commandButton> are defined in different regions.

Values of "status" attribute for these components points to an ID of <a4j:support> .Thus, the
<a4j:support> component is shared between two components from different regions.

More information could be found here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/

status.jsf?c=status] .

Other useful attribute is "focus" . It points to an ID of a component where focus will be set after
an Ajax request.

5.5. How To...

5.5.1. Send an Ajax request

There are different ways to send Ajax requests from your JSF page. For example you can use
<a4j:commandButton> , <a4j:commandLink> , <a4j:poll> or <a4j:support> tags or any

All these tags hide the usual JavaScript activities that are required for an XMHTTPRequest object
building and an Ajax request sending. Also, they allow you to decide which components of your
JSF page are to be re-rendered as a result of the Ajax response (you can list the IDs of these
components in the "reRender" attribute).

<a4j:commandButton> and <a4j:commandLink> tags are used to send an Ajax request on

"onclick" JavaScript event.

<a4j:poll> tag is used to send an Ajax request periodically using a timer.

The <a4j:support> tag allows you to add Ajax functionality to standard JSF components and
send Ajax request onto a chosen JavaScript event: "onkeyup" , "onmouseover" , etc.

5.5.2. Decide What to Send

You may describe a region on the page you wish to send to the server, in this way you can control
what part of the JSF View is decoded on the server side when you send an Ajax request.

The easiest way to describe an Ajax region on your JSF page is to do nothing, because the content
between the <f:view> and </f:view> tags is considered the default Ajax region.

You may define multiple Ajax regions on the JSF page (they can even be nested) by using the
<a4j:region> tag.

If you wish to render the content of an Ajax response outside of the active region then the value
of the "renderRegionOnly" attribute should be set to "false" ("false" is default value). Otherwise,
your Ajax updates are limited to elements of the active region.

Decide What to Change

5.5.3. Decide What to Change

Using IDs in the "reRender" attribute to define "AJAX zones" for update works fine in many cases.

But you can not use this approach if your page contains, e.g. a <f:verbatim> tag and you wish
to update its content on an Ajax response.

The problem with the <f:verbatim/> tag as described above is related to the value of the
transientFlag of JSF components. If the value of this flag is true, the component must not
participate in state saving or restoring of process.

In order to provide a solution to this kind of problems, RichFaces uses the concept of an output
panel that is defined by the <a4j:outputPanel> tag. If you put a <f:verbatim> tag inside of the
output panel, then the content of the <f:verbatim/> tag and content of other panel's child tags
could be updated on Ajax response. There are two ways to control this:

• By setting the "ajaxRendered" attribute value to "true".

• By setting the "reRender" attribute value of an Action Component to the output panel ID.

5.5.4. Decide what to process

The "process" attribute allows to define the ids of components to be processed together with the
component which is marked as ajaxSingle or wrapped to region.

You could make use of the "process" attribute when you need to process only two components
in the different parts of view.

Imagine you need to process only two input fields but not all the view. If you wrap the first input
to region or make <a4j:support> component with ajaxSingle="true" nested the second input
will not be processed.

Here is a simple solution:

<h:inputText value="#{bean.name}" id="name">
<a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" process="email" event="onblur" reRender="someOut"/>
<h:inputTextarea value="#{bean.description}" id="desc" />
<h:inputText value="#{bean.email}" id="email">
<a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" process="name" event="onblur" reRender="someOut"/>

In the example above when the input field with the id="name" looses focus, an AJAX request is
sent. So only two input fields (with id="name" and additionally with id="email") are processed:

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

decoding, conversion/validation, value applying phases are executed. The input field with the
id="email" is handled the same way on blur event.

5.6. Filter Configuration

RichFaces uses a filter for a correction of code received on an Ajax request. In case of a "regular"
JSF request a browser makes correction independently. In case of Ajax request in order to prevent
layout destruction it's needed to use a filter, because a received code could differ from a code
validated by a browser and a browser doesn't make any corrections.

An example of how to set a Filter in a web.xml file of your application is placed below.


<display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>


Fast Filter is deprecated and available only for backward compatibility with previous
RichFaces versions. Fast Filter usage isn't recomended, because there is another
way to use its functionality by means of Neko filter type [36] .

In RichFaces 3.2 filter configuration becomes more flexible. It's possible to configure different
filters for different sets of pages for the same application.

The possible filter types are:


"TIDY" filter type based on the Tidy parser. This filter is recommended for applications with
complicated or non-standard markup when all necessary code corrections are made by the filter
when a response comes from the server.


"NEKO" filter type corresponds to the former "Fast Filter" and it's based on the Neko parser. In
case of using this filter code isn't strictly verified. Use this one if you are sure that your application

Filter Configuration

markup is really strict for this filter. Otherwise it could cause lot's of errors and corrupt a layout as
a result. This filter considerably accelerates all Ajax requests processing.


No correction.

An example of configuration is placed below.





<display-name>RichFaces Filter</display-name>

<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

The example shows that ORDER parameter defines the order in which particular filter types are
used for pages code correction.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

First of all "NONE" type is specified for the filter. Then two different sets of pages are defined for
which two filter types (NONE and NEKO) are used correspondingly. If a page relates to the first
set that is defined in the following way:


it's not corrected, because filter type for this page is defined as "NONE". If a page is not from the
first set, then "NEKO" type is set.

If a page relates to the second set that is defined in the following way:


then "NEKO" filter type is used for correction. If it's not related to the second set, "TIDY" type is
set for the filter ("TIDY" filter type is used for code correction).

5.7. Scripts and Styles Load Strategy

Before the version 3.1.3, RichFaces loaded styles and script on demand. I.e. files are loaded only
if they are required on a particular page. Since RichFaces 3.1.3, it's possible to manage how the
RichFaces script and style files are loaded to application.


The following declaration in your web.xml allows loading the integrated script files.


If you do not declare the org.richfaces.LoadScriptStrategy in the web.xml, it equals to:


Request Errors and Session Expiration Handling

The third possible value is "NONE". You have no a special reason to use it unless you obtain the
newest (or modified) version of the script and want to include it manually in a page header.


If you use ALL value of Scripts Load Strategy, the JavaScript files compression
turns off!


The following declaration allows to load only one integrated style sheet file.


The integrated style sheet contains style for all shipped components. The skinnability feature still

The "DEFAULT" value is a classical on-demand variant.

The "NONE" stops loading the styles at all. The earlier introduced plain skin resets all color and
font parameters to null. The "NONE" value for org.richfaces.LoadStyleStrategy means that
predefined styles for RichFaces are not used.

For more information see RichFaces User Forum [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?

module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4114033] .

5.8. Request Errors and Session Expiration Handling

RichFaces allows to redefine standard handlers responsible for processing of different exceptional
situations. It helps to define own JavaScript, which is executed when these situations occur.

Add the following code to web.xml:


Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

5.8.1. Request Errors Handling

To execute your own code on the client in case of an error during Ajax request, it's necessary to
redefine the standard "A4J.AJAX.onError" method:

A4J.AJAX.onError = function(req,status,message){
window.alert("Custom onError handler "+message);

The function defined this way accepts as parameters:

• req - a params string of a request that calls an error

• status - the number of an error returned by the server

• message - a default message for the given error

Thus, it's possible to create your own handler that is called on timeouts, inner server errors, and

5.8.2. Session Expired Handling

It's possible to redefine also the "onExpired" framework method that is called on the "Session
Expiration" event.


A4J.AJAX.onExpired = function(loc,expiredMsg){
if(window.confirm("Custom onExpired handler "+expiredMsg+" for a location: "+loc)){
return loc;
} else {
return false;

Here the function receives in params:

• loc - URL of the current page (on demand can be updated)

• expiredMsg - a default message on "Session Expiration" event.


5.9. Skinnability
5.9.1. Why Skinnability
If you have a look at a CSS file in an enterprise application, for example, the one you're working
on now, you'll see how often the same color is noted in it. Standard CSS has no way to define
a particular color abstractly for defining as a panel header color, a background color of an active
pop-up menu item, a separator color, etc. To define common interface styles, you have to copy
the same values over and over again and the more interface elements you have the more copy-
and-paste activity that needs to be performed.

Hence, if you want to change the application palette, you have to change all interrelating values,
otherwise your interface can appear a bit clumsy. The chances of such an interface coming
about is very high, as CSS editing usually becomes the duty of a general developer who doesn't
necessarily have much knowledge of user interface design.

Moreover, if a customer wishes to have an interface look-and-feel that can be adjusted on-the-fly
by an end user, your work is multiplied, as you have to deal with several CSS files variants, each
of which contains the same values repeated numerous times.

These problems can be solved with the skinnability system built into the RichFaces project and
realized fully in RichFaces. Every named skin has some skin-parameters for the definition of a
palette and the other parameters of the user interface. By changing just a few parameters, you
can alter the appearance of dozens of components in an application in a synchronized fashion
without messing up user interface consistency.

The skinnability feature can't completely replace standard CSS and certainly doesn't eliminate
its usage. Skinnability is a high-level extension of standard CSS, which can be used together
with regular CSS declarations. You can also refer to skin parameters in CSS via JSF Expression
Language. You have the complete ability to synchronize the appearance of all the elements in
your pages.

5.9.2. Using Skinnability

RichFaces skinnability is designed for mixed usage with:

• Skin parameters defined in the RichFaces framework

• Predefined CSS classes for components

• User style classes

The color scheme of the component can be applied to its elements using any of three style classes:

• A default style class inserted into the framework

This contains style parameters linked to some constants from a skin. It is defined for every
component and specifies a default representation level. Thus, an application interface could be
modified by changing the values of skin parameters.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

• A style class of skin extension

This class name is defined for every component element and inserted into the framework to
allow defining a class with the same name into its CSS files. Hence, the appearance of all
components that use this class is extended.

• User style class

It's possible to use one of the styleClass parameters for component elements and define your
own class in it. As a result, the appearance of one particular component is changed according
to a CSS style parameter specified in the class.

5.9.3. Example
Here is a simple panel component:


<rich:panel> ... </rich:panel>

The code generates a panel component on a page, which consists of two elements: a wrapper
<div> element and a <div> element for the panel body with the particular style properties. The
wrapper <div> element looks like:


<div class="dr-pnl rich-panel"> ... </div>

dr-pnl is a CSS class specified in the framework via skin parameters:

• background-color is defined with generalBackgroundColor

• border-color is defined with panelBorderColor

It's possible to change all colors for all panels on all pages by changing these skin parameters.

However, if a <rich:panel> class is specified somewhere on the page, its parameters are also
acquired by all panels on this page.

A developer may also change the style properties for a particular panel. The following definition:


Skin Parameters Tables in RichFaces

<rich:panel styleClass="customClass"> ...


Could add some style properties from customClass to one particular panel, as a result we get
three styles:


<div class="dr_pnl rich-panel customClass"> ...


5.9.4. Skin Parameters Tables in RichFaces

RichFaces provides eight predefined skin parameters (skins) at the simplest level of common


• plain

• emeraldTown

• blueSky

• wine

• japanCherry

• ruby

• classic

• deepMarine

To plug one in, it's necessary to specify a skin name in the org.richfaces.SKIN context-param.

Here is an example of a table with values for one of the main skins, "blueSky" .

Table 5.1. Colors

Parameter name Default value
headerBackgroundColor #BED6F8
headerGradientColor #F2F7FF

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Parameter name Default value

headTextColor #000000
headerWeightFont bold
generalBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
generalTextColor #000000
generalSizeFont 11px
generalFamilyFont Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
controlTextColor #000000
controlBackgroundColor #ffffff
additionalBackgroundColor #ECF4FE
shadowBackgroundColor #000000
shadowOpacity 1
panelBorderColor #BED6F8
subBorderColor #ffffff
tabBackgroundColor #C6DEFF
tabDisabledTextColor #8DB7F3
trimColor #D6E6FB
tipBackgroundColor #FAE6B0
tipBorderColor #E5973E
selectControlColor #E79A00
generalLinkColor #0078D0
hoverLinkColor #0090FF
visitedLinkColor #0090FF

Table 5.2. Fonts

Parameter name Default value

headerSizeFont 11px
headerFamilyFont Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
tabSizeFont 11px
tabFamilyFont Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
buttonSizeFont 11px
buttonFamilyFont Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
tableBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
tableFooterBackgroundColor #cccccc
tableSubfooterBackgroundColor #f1f1f1

Creating and Using Your Own Skin File

Parameter name Default value

tableBorderColor #C0C0C0

Skin "plain" was added from 3.0.2 version. It doesn't have any parameters. It's necessary for
embedding RichFaces components into existing projecst which have its own styles.

To get detailed information on particular parameter possibilities, see the chapter where each
component has skin parameters described corresponding to its elements.

5.9.5. Creating and Using Your Own Skin File

In order to create your own skin file, do the following:

• Create a file and define in it skin constants which are used by style classes (see section
"Skin Parameters Tables in RichFaces" ). The name of skin file should correspond to the
following format: <name>.skin.properties . As an example of such file you can see RichFaces
predefined skin parameters (skins): blueSky, classic, deepMarine, etc. These files are located
in the richfaces-impl-xxxxx.jar inside the /META-INF/skins folder.

• Add a skin definition <contex-param> to the web.xml of your application. An example is placed



• Put your <name>.skin.properties file in one of the following classpath elements: META-INF/
skins/ or classpath folder (e.g. WEB-INF/classes).

5.9.6. Built-in skinnability in RichFaces

RichFaces gives an opportunity to incorporate skinnability into UI design. With this framework
you can easily use named skin parameters in properties files to control the appearance of the
skins that are applied consistently to a whole set of components. You can look at examples of
predefined skins at:

http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/ [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/]

You may simply control the look-and-feel of your application by using the skinnability service of the
RichFaces framework. With the means of this service you can define the same style for rendering
standard JSF components and custom JSF components built with the help of RichFaces.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

To find out more on skinnability possibilities, follow these steps:

• Create a custom render kit and register it in the faces-config.xml like this:


• Then you need to create and register custom renderers for the component based on the look-
and-feel predefined variables:


• Finally, you need to place a properties file with skin parameters into the class path root. There
are two requirements for the properties file:

• The file must be named <skinName>.skin.properties , in this case, it would be called

newskin.skin.properties .

• The first line in this file should be render.kit=<render-kit-id> in this case, it would be
called render.kit=NEW_SKIN .

Extra information on custom renderers creation can be found at:

http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/reference/docs/index.html [http://java.sun.com/

5.9.7. Standard controls skinning

The feature is designed to unify the look and feel of standard HTML element and RichFaces
components. Skinning can be applied to all controls on a page basing on elements' name and
attribute type (where applicable). Also this feature provides a set of CSS styles so that skinning
can be applied assigning rich-* classes to particular elements or to container of elements that
nests controls.

Standard controls skinning

Standard controls skinning feature provides 2 levels of skinning - standard and extended, while
skinning is based on detecting browser user agent. If user agent is not detected, Advanced level
is used.

• Standard provides customization only basic style properties.

To the following browsers Basic level of skinning is applied:

• Internet Explorer 6

• Internet Explorer 7 in BackCompat mode (see document.compatMode property in MSDN

[http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533687(VS.85).aspx] )

• Opera

• Safari

• Extended extends basic level introducing broader number of style properties and is applied to
browsers with rich visual styling capability of controls

The following browsers support Advanced level of skinning:

• Mozilla Firefox

• Internet Explorer 7 in Standards-compliant mode (CSS1Compat mode)

These are the elements that affected by skinning:

• input

• select

• textarea

• keygen

• isindex

• legend

• fieldset

• hr

• a (together with a:hover, a:visited "pseudo"-elements)

Skinning can be initialized in two ways:

• adding org.richfaces.CONTROL_SKINNING parmeter to web.xml. Values: "enable" and

"disable". This way implies that skinning style classes are applied to elements by element
name and type attribute (where applicable). No additional steps required from an application

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

developer. Please find below the table that contains the list of element to which skinning a

• adding org.richfaces.CONTROL_SKINNING_CLASSES parameter to web.xml file. Possible

values "enable" and "disable". Implementation of this method implies the provision of several
style classes for different types of elements. The style classes have predefined names.
Application developer should manually assign classes to controls that needs skinning or assign
class to an element that contains controls.

By setting org.richfaces.CONTROL_SKINNING_CLASSES to "enable" you are provided with style

classes applicable to:

• Basic elements nested inside element having rich-container class, e.g.:


.rich-container select {
//class content

• Elements that have class name corresponding to one of the basic elements name/type mapped
by the following scheme rich-<elementName>[-<elementType>] . See the example:


.rich-select {
//class content

.rich-input-text {
//class content


a elements have classes based on "link" and pseudo class name, e.g.: rich-link,
rich-link-hover, rich-link-visited

Standard controls skinning

Additionally, the predefined rich CSS classes that we provide can be used not only as classes for
basic HTML elements but also as classes for creation of complex elements .

There is a snippet with some of them for example:

<u:selector name=".rich-box-bgcolor-header">
<u:style name="background-color" skin="headerBackgroundColor" />
<u:selector name=".rich-box-bgcolor-general">
<u:style name="background-color" skin="generalBackgroundColor" />

//gradient elements
<u:selector name=".rich-gradient-menu">
<u:style name="background-image">
<f:resource f:key="org.richfaces.renderkit.html.gradientimages.MenuGradientImage"/>
<u:style name="background-repeat" value="repeat-x" />

<u:selector name=".rich-gradient-tab">
<u:style name="background-image">
<f:resource f:key="org.richfaces.renderkit.html.gradientimages.TabGradientImage"/>
<u:style name="background-repeat" value="repeat-x" />

To get a better idea of standard component skinning we recommend to explore CSS files located
in ui/core/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/ folder of RichFaces svn. Standard level

Table 5.3. Html Elements Skin Bindings for input, select, textarea, button,
keygen, isindex, legend

CSS Properties Skin parameters

font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color controlTextColor

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Table 5.4. Html Elements Skin Bindings for fieldset

CSS Properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor

Table 5.5. Html Elements Skin Bindings for hr

CSS Properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor

Table 5.6. Html Elements Skin Bindings for a

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color generalLinkColor

Table 5.7. Html Elements Skin Bindings for a:hover

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color hoverLinkColorgeneralLinkColor

Table 5.8. Html Elements Skin Bindings for a:visited

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color visitedLinkColor

Table 5.9. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-input, .rich-select, .rich-
textarea, .rich-keygen, .rich-isindex, .rich-link

CSS Properties Skin parameters

font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color controlTextColor

Table 5.10. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-fieldset

CSS Properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor

Table 5.11. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-hr

CSS Properties Skin parameters/Value

border-color panelBorderColor
border-width 1px
border-style solid

Standard controls skinning

Table 5.12. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-link

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color generalLinkColor

Table 5.13. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-link:hover

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color hoverLinkColor

Table 5.14. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-link:visited

CSS Properties Skin parameters

color visitedLinkColor

Table 5.15. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-field

CSS Properties Skin parameters/Value

border-width 1px
border-style inset
border-color panelBorderColor
background-color controlBackgroundColor
background-repeat no-repeat
background-position 1px 1px

Table 5.16. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-field-edit

CSS Properties Skin parameters/Value

border-width 1px
border-style inset
border-color panelBorderColor
background-color editBackgroundColor

Table 5.17. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-field-error

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

border-width 1px
border-style inset
border-color panelBorderColor
background-color warningBackgroundColor
background-repeat no-repeat

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

background-position center left
padding-left 7px

Table 5.18. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-button, .rich-button-

disabled, .rich-button-over

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

border-width 1px
border-style solid
border-color panelBorderColor
background-color trimColor
padding 2px 10px 2px 10px
text-align center
cursor pointer
background-repeat repeat-x
background-position top left

Table 5.19. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-button-press

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

background-position bottom left

Table 5.20. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-container fieldset, .rich-

CSS Properties Skin parameters/Value

border-color panelBorderColor
border-width 1px
border-style solid
padding 10px
padding 10px

Table 5.21. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-legend

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color controlTextColor

Standard controls skinning

CSS Properties Skin parameter/Value

font-weight bold

Table 5.22. Rich Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-form

CSS Properties Skin parameters/Value

padding 0px
margin 0px Extended level

Table 5.23. Html Elements Skin Bindings for input, select, textarea, button,
keygen, isindex

CSS properties Skin parameters/Value

border-width 1px
border-color panelBorderColor
color controlTextColor

Table 5.24. Html Elements Skin Bindings for *|button

CSS properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor
font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color headerTextColor
background-color headerBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.ButtonBackgroundImage

Table 5.25. Html Elements Skin Bindings

for button[type=button], button[type=reset], button[type=submit],
input[type=reset], input[type=submit], input[type=button]

CSS properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor
font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color headerTextColor
background-color headerBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.ButtonBackgroundImage

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Table 5.26. Html Elements Skin Bindings for *|button[disabled], .rich-

container *|button[disabled], .rich-button-disabled

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tabDisabledTextColor
border-color tableFooterBackgroundColor
background-color tableFooterBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.ButtonDisabledBackgroundIma

Table 5.27. Html Elements Skin Bindings for .rich-button-

disabled, .rich-container button[type="button"][disabled], .rich-button-
button-disabled, .rich-container button[type="reset"][disabled], .rich-
button-reset-disabled, .rich-container button[type="submit"]
[disabled], .rich-button-submit-disabled, .rich-container input[type="reset"]
[disabled], .rich-input-reset-disabled, .rich-container input[type="submit"]
[disabled], .rich-input-submit-disabled, .rich-container
input[type="button"][disabled], .rich-input-button-disabled

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tabDisabledTextColor
background-color tableFooterBackgroundColor
border-color tableFooterBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.ButtonDisabledBackgroundIma

Table 5.28. Html Elements Skin Bindings for *button[type="button"]

[disabled], button[type="reset"][disabled], button[type="submit"]
[disabled], input[type="reset"][disabled], input[type="submit"][disabled],

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tabDisabledTextColor
border-color tableFooterBackgroundColor
background-color tableFooterBackgroundColor

Table 5.29. Html Elements Skin Bindings for *|textarea

CSS properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor
font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont

Client-side script for extended skinning support

CSS properties Skin parameters

color controlTextColor
background-color controlBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.InputBackgroundImage

Table 5.30. Html Elements Skin Bindings for textarea[type=textarea],

input[type=text], input[type=password], select

CSS properties Skin parameters

border-color panelBorderColor
font-size generalSizeFont
font-family generalFamilyFont
color controlTextColor
background-color controlBackgroundColor
background-image org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.InputBackgroundImage

Table 5.31. Html Elements Skin Bindings for *|textarea[disabled], .rich-

container *|textarea[disabled]

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tableBorderColor

Table 5.32. textarea[type="textarea"][disabled], input[type="text"]

[disabled], input[type="password"][disabled]

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tableBorderColor

Table 5.33. textarea[type="textarea"][disabled], input[type="text"]

[disabled], input[type="password"][disabled]

CSS properties Skin parameters

color tableBorderColor

5.9.8. Client-side script for extended skinning support

As it was mentioned earlier in the guide, extended skinning of standard HTML controls is applied
automatically: the browser type is detected and if a browser doesn't fully support extended skinning
feature, only basic skinning is applied.

However, if a develop doesn't want to the rich components and standard HTML controls to be
skinned automatically and perform the skinnability implementation himself, he might encounter

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

with a problem, i.e. standard HTML controls in such browsers as Opera and Safari are affected by
standard controls skinning featured. ( Here you can get more details on how to disable skinnability.)

In brief, to disable the skinnability mechanism of RichFaces you need to set the
"org.richfaces.LoadStyleStrategy" parameter to "NONE" in web.xml.


Additionally, you should include the style sheets that perform skinning of the rich component and
standard HTML controls.

In order to resolve the problem with extended skinning in Opera and Safari a client script
(skinning.js) is added to the RichFaces library. The script detects the browser type and enables
extended skinning only for those browsers that fully support it.

The script can be activated by inserting this JavaScript code to the page:

<script type="text/javascript">

You also need to specify "media" attribute in the <link> tag which includes the
"extended_both.xcss" style sheet with "rich-extended-skinning".

This is how you can include the style sheets to the page, in case automatic skinnability
implementation is disabled.

<link href='/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME/a4j_3_2_2-SNAPSHOTorg/richfaces/renderkit/html/css/
basic_both.xcss/DATB/eAF7sqpgb-jyGdIAFrMEaw__.jsf' type='text/
css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />
<link media='rich-extended-skinning' href='/ YOUR_PROJECT_NAME /a4j_3_2_2-
jyGdIAFrMEaw__.jsf' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />
<link href='/ YOUR_PROJECT_NAME /a4j_3_2_2-SNAPSHOT/org/richfaces/skin.xcss/DATB/
eAF7sqpgb-jyGdIAFrMEaw__.jsf' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />

XCSS file format


Now necessary to use resources prefix a4j/versionXXX instead of

a4j_versionXXX. Base64 encoder changed to use '!' instead of '.'.

5.9.9. XCSS file format

XCSS files are the core of RichFaces components skinnability.

XCSS is an XML formatted CSS that adds extra functionality to the skinning process

XCSS extends skinning possibilities by parsing the XCSS file that contains all look-and-feel
parameters of a particular component into a standard CSS file that a web browser can recognize.

XCSS file contains CSS properties and skin parameters mappings. Mapping of a CSS selector
to a skin parameter is performed using < u:selector > and < u:style> XML tags that form the
mapping structure. Please study the example below.

<u:selector name=".rich-component-name">
<u:style name="background-color" skin="additionalBackgroundColor" />
<u:style name="border-color" skin="tableBorderColor" />
<u:style name="border-width" skin="tableBorderWidth" />
<u:style name="border-style" value="solid" />

During processing the code in the shown example will be parsed into a standard CSS format.

.rich-component-name {
background-color: additionalBackgroundColor; /*the value of the constant defined by your skin*/
border-color: tableBorderColor; /*the value of the constant defined by your skin*/
border-width: tableBorderWidth /*the value of the constant defined by your skin*/
border-style: solid;

The "name" attribute of <u:selector> tag defines the CSS selector, while "name" attribute of
the <u:style> tag defines what skin constant is mapped to a CSS property. The "value" attribute
of the <u:style> tag can also be used to assign a value to a CSS property.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

CSS selectors with identical skinning properties can be set as a comma separated list.

<u:selector name=".rich-ordering-control-disabled, .rich-ordering-control-top, .rich-ordering-
control-bottom, .rich-ordering-control-up, .rich-ordering-control-down">
<u:style name="border-color" skin="tableBorderColor" />

5.9.10. Plug-n-Skin
Plug-n-Skin is a feature that gives a developer an opportunity to easily create, customize and plug
into a project a custom skin. The skin can be created basing on parameters of some predefined
RichFaces skin.

The feature also provides an option to unify the appearance of rich controls with standard HTML

In order to create your own skin using Plug-n-Skin feature, you can follow these step by step

First of all, you need to create a template for the new skin. Creation of the template can be
performed using Maven build and deployment tool. More information on how to configure Maven
for RichFaces here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/HowToConfigureMavenForRichFaces] . You can
copy and paste these Maven instructions to command line and execute them.

mvn archetype:create

Primary keys for the command:

• DarchetypeVersion indicates the RichFaces version. For example, "3.3.0-SNAPSHOT"

• DartifactId artifact id of the project

• DgroupId group id of the project


• Dversion the version of the project you create, by default it is "1.0.-SNAPSHOT"

After this operation, a folder with the name of your "ARTIFACT-ID" appears. The folder contains
a template of Maven project.

Next steps will guide you though creating of the skin itself.

In the root folder of Maven project (the one that contains "pom.xml" file) you should run the
following command in the command line:

mvn cdk:add-skin -Dname=SKIN-NAME -Dpackage=SKIN-PACKAGE

Primary keys for the command:

• Dname defines the name of the new skin

• Dpackage base package of the skin. By default "groupId" of the project is used.

Additional optional keys for the command:

• DbaseSkin defines the name of the base skin.

• DcreateExt if set to "true", extended CSS classes are added. For more information, please,
see "Standard controls skinning"

As a result of the performed operations the following files and folders are created:

• BaseImage.java - the base class to store images. Location: "\src\main\java\SKIN-PACKAGE


• BaseImageTest.java - a test version of a class that stores images. Location: "\src\test\java


• XCSS files - XCSS files define the new look of RichFaces components affected by the new skin.
Location: "\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\"

• SKIN-NAME.properties - a XCSS file that contains properties of the new skin. Location: "\src

The following properties are used to configure the SKIN-NAME.properties file:

• baseSkin – the name of the base skin to be used as basis. The look of the skin you define
will be affected by new style properties.

• generalStyleSheet - a path to the style sheet (SKIN-NAME.xcss) that imports style sheets of
the components to be affected by the new skin.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

• extendedStyleSheet - a path to a style sheet that is used to unify the appearance of RichFaces
components and standard HTML controls. For additional information please read "Standard
controls skinning" chapter.

• gradientType is a predefined property to set the type of gradient applied to the new skin.
Possible values are glass, plastic, plain. More information on gradient implementation you
can find further in this chapter.

• SKIN-NAME.xcss - a XCSS file that imports XCSS files of the components to be affected by
the new skin. Location: "src\main\resources\META-INF\skins "

• XCSS files If the command is executed with the "DcreateExt" key set to "true", the XCSS
(extended_classes.xcss and extended.xcss) files that define style for standard controls will be
created. Location: "\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-NAME\css\".

• SKIN-NAME-ext.xcss / If the command is executed with the "DcreateExt" key set to "true", the
configuration SKIN-NAME-ext.xcss file that imports XCSS file defining styles for the standard
controls will be created. Location: "src\main\resources\META-INF\skins ".

• SKIN-NAME-resources.xml - the file contains the description of all listed above files. Location:
"src\main\config\resources ".

Now you can start editing the XCSS files located in "\src\main\resources\SKIN-PACKAGE\SKIN-
NAME\css\". New style properties can be assigned to the selectors (the selectors listed in the
XCSS files) in two ways, which are both valid, and it'up to the developer what way to choose.

• Applying a standard CSS coding approach, i.e. you can add css properties to the given selectors
are you normally do while doing CSS coding. The only thing, you have to keep in mind is that
the selectors must be inside <f:verbatim> <![CDATA[ ...]]> </f:verbatim> tags.

For example

.rich-calendar-cell {
background: #537df8;

• Using XCSS coding approach, the same way as XCSS files are normally formed in RichFaces.
The XCSS tags have to be placed outside <f:verbatim> <![CDATA[ ...]]> </f:verbatim>



<u:selector name=".rich-calendar-cell">
<u:style name="border-bottom-color" skin="panelBorderColor"/>
<u:style name="border-right-color" skin="panelBorderColor"/>
<u:style name="background-color" skin="tableBackgroundColor"/>
<u:style name="font-size" skin="generalSizeFont"/>
<u:style name="font-family" skin="generalFamilyFont"/>

Having performed described above steps and edited the XCSS files you can proceed to building
the new skin and to plugging it into the project. Building the new skin can be done by executing
the given below command in the command line in the root folder of you skin project (the one that
contains pom.xml file).

mvn clean install

In addition Plug-n-Skin has a number of predefined gradients that you can also use to make your
application look nicer. The given below code snippet shows how a gradient can be used

<u:selector name=".rich-combobox-item-selected">
<u:style name="border-width" value="1px" />
<u:style name="border-style" value="solid" />
<u:style name="border-color" skin="newBorder" />
<u:style name="background-position" value="0% 50%" />
<u:style name="background-image">
<f:resource f:key="org.richfaces.renderkit.html.CustomizeableGradient">
<f:attribute name="valign" value="middle" />
<f:attribute name="gradientHeight" value="17px" />
<f:attribute name="baseColor" skin="headerBackgroundColor" />

So, as you can see, the background-image CSS property is defined with <f:resource
f:key="org.richfaces.renderkit.html.CustomizeableGradient"> that sets the gradient.
While the gradient type can be specified in the SKIN-NAME.properties file with gradientType
property. The gradientType property can be set to one of the possible values glass, plastic, plain.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

The gradient in it's turn can be can be adjusted using baseColor, gradientColor, gradientHeight,
valign attributes. Their usage is shown in the snippet above.

Now, you can use your newly-created and customized skin in your project by adding your new
skin parameters to web.xml file and placing the jar file with your skin ( the jar file is located in
"target" folder of your skin project) to "\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\".

... Details of Usage

This section will cover some practical aspects of Plug-n-Skin implementation. It's assumed that
you have read the section of the guide that tells how the new skin using Plug-n-Skin prototype
can be created.

Above all, we need to create a new skin, in order to do that we just have to follow the steps
described in the previous section.

This command will be used to create a template of the new skin project.

mvn archetype:create

Now you can browse the "P-n-S" folder to view what files and folders were created there.

Next, we will use Maven to add all needed files to the skin project. This will done by the following

mvn cdk:add-skin -DbaseSkin=blueSky -DcreateExt=true -Dname=PlugnSkinDemo -



As you remember from the previous section "-DbaseSkin" key defines what RichFaces built-in
skin to be used as a base one, "-DcreateExt=true" determines that the new skin will come with
XCSS files that unify the look of the rich components with standard HTML controls.

So, now the files and folder with all needed resources are created and redefining/editing the new
skin can be started.

Now we can start editing XCSS files of the rich components. In order to see how the Plug-n-Skin
feature works we will change some style attributes of <rich:calendar> and some basic HTML
controls to see how they are affected by standard controls skinning.

Thus, it will be demonstrated how to:

• Recolor the current day's cell background of the <rich:calendar> to see how the new skin
created with the help of Plug-n-Skin feature affects the style of the component;

• Recolor a standard HTML submit button;

In oder to edit the style properties of <rich:calendar> you need to open the "calendar.xcss" file
located in "P-n-S\src\main\resources\skinpackage\plugnskindemo\css\". Once, you have opened
the file, please find ".rich-calendar-today" selector and amend it as follows: background-color:
#075ad1;. The current day's background color can be considered recolored.

Now we will see how font style of a standard HTML submit button can be changed. Please,
open "extended.xcss" file located in "P-n-S\src\main\resources\skinpackage\plugnskindemo\css
\" and put in font-weight: bold; inside the curly braces of these coma separated
selectors button[type="button"], button[type="reset"], button[type="submit"],
input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], input[type="button"]. So, the CSS code
should look like this.

button[type=&quot;button&quot;], button[type=&quot;reset&quot;], button[type=&quot;submit&quot;], input[type=&qu

font-weight: bold;

All the changes that were planned to be preformed are done and now you can proceed to building
the new PlugnSkinDemo skin and import it into the project. As you read in the previous section,
the skin should be built in the "P-n-S" folder of the skin project be executing mvn clean install
command. This procedure results in creating a "target" folder that contains a .jar file with a
compiled new skin, it our case the file is named "P-n-S-1.0.-SNAPSHOT.jar". The next step is to
import the new PlugnSkinDemo skin into the project.

What you need to do, in order to have the new skin imported to the project is to

• Copy the "P-n-S-1.0.-SNAPSHOT.jar" file to the "\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\" folder.

• Add the new skin's name to the "web.xml" file. It is done like this

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...


Please, do not forget that standard controls skinning has to be enabled in the "web.xml" file, which
can be done by adding the following code to the "web.xml" file:


The result of both action is displayed on the figure below.

Figure 5.5. Plug-n-Skin feature in action.

State Manager API

5.10. State Manager API

JSF has an advanced navigation mechanism that allows you to define navigation from view to
view. Navigation happens in a Web Application when a user tries to switch from one page to
another page either by clicking a button, a hyperlink, or another command component. But there
is no switch mechanism between some logical states of the same view. For example in Login/
Register dialog an existing user signs in with his user name and password, but if a new user
registers an additional field "Confirm" is displayed, buttons labels and methods are changed when
the user clicks "To register" link:

Figure 5.6. Login Dialog

Figure 5.7. Register Dialog

RichFaces State API allows easily to define some set of states for the pages and any properties
for this states.

Actually States is a map where the entry key is a name of the State and the value is a State map.
Particular State map has entries with some names as keys and any objects as values that are used
after the state activation. Thus, in the State map you could define any values, method bindings,
or just some simple state variables (constants) which have different values for every State.

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

Figure 5.8. RichFaces State API

One of the most convenience features of the RichFaces State API is a navigation between states.
The RichFaces State API implements states change as the standard JSF navigation. Action
component just returns outcome and the RichFaces State API extension for the JSF navigation
handler checks whether this outcome is registered as a state change outcome or not. If the state
change outcome is found the corresponding state is activated. Otherwise the standard navigation
handling is called.

In order to use RichFaces State API you should follow the next steps:

• Register State Manager EL resolver and navigation handler in the faces-config.xml:


• Register an additional application factory in the faces-config.xml:


State Manager API


• Register two managed beans in the faces-config.xml:


One bean ("config") defines and stores states as it is shown in the following example:

public class Config {

* @return States
public States getStates() {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
States states = new States();

// Registering new User State definition

states.setCurrentState("register"); // Name of the new state

// Text labels, properties and Labels for controls in "register" state

states.put("showConfirm", Boolean.TRUE); // confirm field rendering
states.put("link", "(To login)"); // Switch State link label
states.put("okBtn", "Register"); // Login/Register button label

Chapter 5. Basic concepts of ...

states.put("stateTitle", "Register New User"); // Panel title

ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication()


// Define "registerbean" available under "bean" EL binding on the page

ValueExpression beanExpression = expressionFactory
"#{registerbean}", Bean.class);
states.put("bean", beanExpression);

// Define "registeraction" available under "action" EL binding on the

// page
beanExpression = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(facesContext
.getELContext(), "#{registeraction}", RegisterAction.class);
states.put("action", beanExpression);

// Define method expression inside registeraction binding for this state

MethodExpression methodExpression = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(
facesContext.getELContext(), "#{registeraction.ok}",
String.class, new Class[] {});
states.put("ok", methodExpression);

// Outcome for switching to login state definition

states.setNavigation("switch", "login");

// Login Existent User State analogous definition

states.put("showConfirm", Boolean.FALSE);
states.put("link", "(To register)");
states.put("okBtn", "Login");
states.put("stateTitle", "Login Existing User");

beanExpression = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(facesContext
.getELContext(), "#{loginbean}", Bean.class);
states.put("bean", beanExpression);

beanExpression = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(facesContext
.getELContext(), "#{loginaction}", LoginAction.class);
states.put("action", beanExpression);

methodExpression = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(
facesContext.getELContext(), "#{loginaction.ok}",
String.class, new Class[] {});

State Manager API

states.put("ok", methodExpression);

states.setNavigation("switch", "register");

return states;

The other bean ("state") with the type org.richfaces.ui.model.States has the "states"
managed property that is bound to the "config" bean which defines states.

• Use state bindings on the page. See the following example:

<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="username" />
<h:inputText value="#{state.bean.name}" id="name" required="true" />
<h:outputText value="password" />
<h:inputSecret value="#{state.bean.password}" id="password" required="true" />
<h:outputText value="confirm" rendered="#{state.showConfirm}" />


To get full Login/Register dialog example, please, click here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/


Chapter 6.

The RichFaces Components

The library encompasses ready-made components built based on the Rich Faces CDK .

6.1. < a4j:ajaxListener >

6.1.1. Description

The <a4j:ajaxListener> component is the same one as <f:actionListener> or

<f:valueChangeListener> , but for an Ajax container.

Table 6.1. a4j : ajaxListener attributes

Attribute Name Description

type Fully qualified Java class name of an
AjaxListener to be created and registered.

Table 6.2. Component identification parameters

Name Value
listener-class org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxListener
event-class org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxEvent
tag-class org.ajax4jsf.taglib.html.jsp.AjaxListenerTag

6.1.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:ajaxListener type="demo.Bean"/>

6.1.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


package demo;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

public class ImplBean implements import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxListener{


import demo.ImplBean;
ImplBean myListener = new ImplBean();

6.1.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

Additional to the listeners provided by JSF specification, RichFaces add one more: ajax
Listener ( <a4j:ajaxListener> ). Ajax Listener is invoked before the Render Response phase.
Instead of <f:actionListener> of <f:valueChangeListener> which are not invoked when
Validation of Update Model phases failed, ajax Listener is guarantied to be invoked for each
Ajax response. Thus, it is a good place for update the list of re-rendered components, for
example. Ajax Listener is not invoked for non-Ajax request and when RichFaces works in
"Ajax Request generates Non-Ajax Response" mode. Therefore, ajax Listener invocation is a
good indicator that Ajax response is going to be processed. Attribute "type" described in
the following chapter. It defines the fully qualified Java class name for listener. This class
implements org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.ajaxListener interface [http://labs.jboss.com/file-
access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/index.html]. You can
access to the source of the event (Ajax component) using event.getSource() call.


<a4j:commandLink id="cLink" value="Click it To Send Ajax Request">
<a4j:ajaxListener type="demo.Bean"/>


package demo;

import org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxEvent;

public class Bean implements org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxListener{


Relevant resources links

public void processAjax(AjaxEvent arg0){

//Custom Developer Code

6.1.5. Relevant resources links

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://

More information about <f:valueChangeListener> can be found here [ http://java.sun.com/


6.2. < a4j:keepAlive >

6.2.1. Description

The <a4j:keepAlive> tag allows to keep a state of a bean between requests.

Table 6.3. a4j : keepAlive attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxOnly if true, bean value restored in ajax requests
beanName name of bean for EL-expressions.

Table 6.4. Tag identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.components.KeepAlive
component-family org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxKeepAlive
component-class org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxKeepAlive

6.2.2. Using the tag on a Page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:keepAlive beanName = "testBean"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Note, that to be put into the request scope the pointed bean should be registered inside faces-
config.xml file and marked with org.ajax4jsf.model.KeepAlive annotation.

6.2.3. Key attributes and ways of usage

If a managed bean is declared with request scope in the configuration file with the help of
<managed-bean-scope> tag then the life-time of this bean instance is valid only for the current
request. Any attempts to make a reference to the bean instance after the request end will throw
in Illegal Argument Exception by the server. To avoid these kinds of Exception, component
<a4j:keepAlive> is used to maintain the state of the whole bean object among subsequent


<a4j:keepAlive beanName = "#{myClass.testBean}"/>

The "beanName" attribute defines the request scope bean name you'd like to re-use. Note that
this attribute must point to a legal JSF EL expression which resolves to a managed mean instance.
For example for the above code the class definition may look like this one:

class MyClass{
private TestBean testBean;
// Getters and Setters for testBean.

The "ajaxOnly" attribute declares whether the value of the bean should be available during a
non-Ajax request. If the value of this attribute is "true" a request scope bean keeps the same value
during Ajax requests from the given page. If a non-Ajax request is sent from this page the bean
is re-created as a regular request scope bean.

6.2.4. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/keepAlive.jsf?c=keepAlive] you can

see the example of <a4j:keepAlive> usage and sources for the given example.

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://jboss.com/

< a4j:outputPanel >

6.3. < a4j:outputPanel >

6.3.1. Description
The component is used for components grouping in the Ajax output area, which offers several
additional output opportunities such as inserting of non-present in tree components, saving of
transient elements after Ajax request and some others.

Table 6.5. a4j : outputPanel attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxRendered Defines, whether the content of this component
must be (or not) included in AJAX response
created by parent AJAX Container, even if it
is not forced by reRender list of ajax action.
Ignored if component marked to output by
some Ajax action component. Default value is
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
keepTransient Flag to mark all child components to non-
transient. If true, all children components will
be set to non-transient state and keep in saved
components tree. For output in self-renderer
region all content ( By default, all content
in <f:verbatim> tags and non-jsf elements in
facelets, marked as transient - since, self-
rendered ajax regions don't plain output for
ajax processing ).
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
layout HTML layout for generated markup. Possible
values: "block" for generating an HTML <div>
element, "inline" for generating an HTML
<span> element, and "none" for generating no
HTML element. There is a minor exception for
the "none" case where a child element has the
property "rendered" set to "false". In this case,

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

we create an empty <span> element with same
ID as the child element to use as a placeholder
for later processing.
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component

Table 6.6. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.OutputPanel
component-family javax.faces.Panel
component-type org.ajax4jsf.ajax.OutputPanel
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxOutputPanel
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxOutputPanelRenderer

Creating on a page

6.3.2. Creating on a page

Here is the simplest way for a component creation on a page.


<h:outputText value="Some text"/>
<h:inputText id="text1" label="text1" value="#{rsBean.text1}">

6.3.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxOutputPanel;
HtmlAjaxOutputPanel myPanel = new HtmlAjaxOutputPanel();

6.3.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

<a4j:outputPanel> allows marking of a page area, which is updated on Ajax response.

Anyway, <a4j:outputPanel> usage is optional, as in RichFaces it's possible to indicate any
existing component id on a component view in order to define updating areas. To speed
up the performance, RichFaces updates only a component tree. <a4j:outputPanel> usage
is recommended for wrapping components that aren't rendered during the primary non-ajax
response, as the components don't present in a component tree.


<a4j:support ... reRender="mypanel"/>

<a4j:outputPanel id="mypanel">
<h:panelGrid rendered="#{not empty foo.bar}">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In addition to the areas directly indicated in "reRender" attribute of Ajax components,

<a4j:outputPanel> allows to update a part of a page basing on its own flag. The flag is defined by
the "ajaxRendered" attribute. The flag is commonly used when a part of a page must be updated
or can be updated on any response.


<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">

On default <a4j:outputPanel> is output as a pair of opening and closing html <span> tag, but
with the help of the layout attribute this output way could be changed. There are three variants
for this component value:

• "inline" (default)

• "block"

• "none"

If layout="block" is chosen, the component is rendered as a pair of opening and closing <div>
tag, to which it's possible to apply any available style attributes available for block tags.

layout ="none" helps to avoid an unnecessary tag round a context that could or couldn't
be rendered according to the defined "rendered" attribute conditions. If an inner context isn't
rendered, <a4j:outputPanel> is rendered as a <span> tag with the id equal to an id of a
child component and display:none style. If a child component is rendered, <a4j:outputPanel>
doesn't present at all in a final code.


<a4j:support .... reRender="mypanel"/>

<a4j:outputPanel layout="none">
<h:panelGrid id="mypanel" rendered="#{not empty foo.bar}">

As you see, the code is very similar to the one shown above, but "reRender " attribute refers
directly to the updating panelGrid and not to the framing outputPanel, and it's more semantically

Relevant resources links

<a4j:outPanel> should be used for non-JSF component part framing, which is to be updated
on Ajax response, as RichFaces specifies the list of updating areas as a list of an existing JSF

On default non-JSF context isn't saved in a component tree, but is rendered anew every time.
To accelerate the processing speed and Ajax response input speed, RichFaces saves non-JSF
context in a component tree on default. This option could be canceled by "keepTransient" attribute
that cancels transient flag forced setting for child components. This flag setting keeps the current
value set by child components.


In JSF 1.1 implementation and lower, where non-JSF context should be framed
with the <f:verbatim> component, <a4j:outputPanel> doesn't improve this
JSF implementation option in any way, so you still have to use this tag where it's
necessary without RichFaces usage.

RichFaces allows setting Ajax responses rendering directly basing on component tree nodes
without referring to the JSP (XHTML) page code. It could be defined by "selfRendered" attribute
setting to "true" on <a4j:region> and could help considerably speed up a response output.
However, if a transient flag is kept as it is, this rapid processing could cause missing of transient
components that present on view and don't come into a component tree. Hence, for any particular
case you could choose a way for you application optimization: speed up processing or redundant
memory for keeping tree part earlier defined a transient.

6.3.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/outputPanel.jsf?c=outputPanel] you
can see the example of <a4j:outputPanel> usage and sources for the given example.

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://www.jboss.com/
index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4052203#4052203] .

6.4. < a4j:repeat >

6.4.1. Description
The <a4j:repeat> component implements a basic iteration component allowing to update a set
of its children with AJAX.

Table 6.7. a4j : repeat attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition.
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope.
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side.
value The current value for this component.
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Table 6.8. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Repeat
component-family javax.faces.Data
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxRepeat
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.RepeatRenderer

6.4.2. Creating on a page

The component definition on a page is the same as for the facelets component:

<a4j:repeat id="detail" value="#{bean.props}" var="detail">

<h:outputText value="#{detail.someProperty}"/>

The output is generated according to a collection contained in bean.props with the detail key
passed to child components.

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

6.4.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxRepeat;
HtmlAjaxRepeat repeater = new HtmlAjaxRepeat ();

6.4.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The main difference of this component from iterative components of other libraries is a special
"ajaxKeys" attribute. This attribute defines row keys that are updated after an Ajax request. As
a result it becomes easier to update several child components separately without updating the
whole page.

<a4j:poll intervall="1000" action="#{repeater.action}" reRender="text">
<a4j:repeat value="#{bean.props}" var="detail" ajaxKeys="#{repeater.ajaxedRowsSet}">
<h:outputText value="detail.someProperty" id="text"/>

Thus, a list with a table structure from bean.props is output.

In the above-mentioned example the component <a4j:poll> sends Ajax requests every second,
calling the action method of the repeater bean.


The <a4j:repeater> component is defined as fully updated, but really updated

there are only the row keys which "rowKeys" includes into the set "ajaxRowSet"
defined in the "ajaxKeys" attribute

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The set could be defined during the action method processing using data on a
model from the property repeater.myRepeat

One more benefit of this component is absence of strictly defined markup as JSF HTML DataTable
and TOMAHAWK DataTable has, hence the components could be used more flexibly anywhere
where it's necessary to output the results of selection from some collection.

The next example shows collection output as a plain HTML list:

<a4j:repeat ...>

All other general attributes are defined according to the similar attributes of iterative components
( <h:dataTable> or <ui:repeat> ) and are used in the same way.

6.4.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/repeat.jsf?c=repeat] you can see the
example of <a4j:repeat> usage and sources for the given example.

6.5. < a4j:log >

6.5.1. Description
The <a4j:log > component generates JavaScript for opening of the window with client-side debug
information on an Ajax request.

Table 6.9. a4j : log attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
height Height of pop-up. Default value is "600".
hotkey Keyboard key for activate ( in combination with
CTRL+SHIFT ) log window.


Attribute Name Description

id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
level Log level. The possible values are "FATAL",
Component sets level 'ALL' by default.
name name of pop-up window
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
popup Renders log as pop-up window or as div
element on the page. Default value is "true".
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
width Width of pop-up. Default value is "800".

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.10. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Log
component-family org.ajax4jsf.Log
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxLog
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.LogRenderer

6.5.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:

<a4j:log popup="false" level="ALL" style="width: 800px; height: 300px;"></a4j:log>

Then, in order to open a log window, press "CTRL+SHIFT+L" on a page with the component.

6.5.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxLog;
AjaxLog myLog = new AjaxLog();

6.5.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

Usage of the appropriate component attributes could change a representation level of debug
information as well as the hot key for a window opening.

The hot key could be changed with the "hotkey" attribute, where it's necessary to define one
letter that together with "CTRL+SHIFT" opens a window.

The "level" attribute with several possible values ("FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "ALL")
could change a logging level.

The log could be generated not only in a new window, but also on the current page in a separate
<div> , this is also controlled with the "popup" attribute on the component.


<a4j:log level="ALL" popup="false" width="400" height="200"/>

Relevant resources links

The component defined this way is decoded on a page as <div> inside a page, where all the
information beginning with informational message is generated.


<a4j:log> is getting renewed automatically after execution of Ajax requests. Don't

renew <a4j:log> by using reRender!

6.5.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/log.jsf?c=log] you can see the

example of <a4j:log> usage and sources for the given example.

6.6. < a4j:include >

6.6.1. Description

The <a4j:include> component is used for page areas update after an Ajax request according to
the faces-config Navigation Rules and for implementation of wizard-like parts work in Ajax mode.

Table 6.11. a4j : include attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxRendered Defines, whether the content of this component
must be (or not) included in AJAX response
created by parent AJAX Container, even if it
is not forced by reRender list of ajax action.
Ignored if component marked to output by
some Ajax action component. Default value is
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
keepTransient Flag for mark all child components to non-
transient. If true, all children components will
be set to non-transient state and keep in saved
components tree. For output in self-renderer
region all content ( By default, all content

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

in <f:verbatim> tags and non-jsf elements in
facelets, marked as transient - since, self-
rendered ajax regions don't plain output for
ajax processing ).
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
layout HTML layout for generated markup. Possible
values: "block" for generating an HTML <div>
element, "inline" for generating an HTML
<span> element, and "none" for generating no
HTML element. There is a minor exception for
the "none" case where a child element has the
property "rendered" set to "false". In this case,
we create an empty <span> element with same
ID as the child element to use as a placeholder
for later processing.
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
viewId viewId for included page.

Table 6.12. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Include
component-family javax.faces.Output
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.Include
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxIncludeRenderer

6.6.2. Creating on a page

To use the component, it's necessary to place the following strings on a page:


<h:panelGroup id="wizard">
<a4j:include viewId="/pages/include/first.xhtml" />

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


For navigation inside a page defined in viewId any components responsible for Ajax requests to
the server generation are used.

For example, the following component on a page "/pages/include/first.xhtml"


<a4j:commandButton action="next" reRender="wizard"/>

And in faces-config it's defined:



In this case after a click on a button defined inside "first.xhtml" view, navigation is performed
after an Ajax request (the same as standard JSF one) only inside this view.

6.6.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.Include;
Include myInclude = new Include();

If <a4j:include> is defined this way, any Ajax request returning outcome inside generates
navigation with this <a4j:include> .

Ajax Action for navigation implementation inside view must be placed inside <a4j:include>
pages. Navigation defined by these pages is applied to the <a4j:include> element current for

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

As in the general case for Ajax Action component, if the <a4j:action> component inside
<a4j:include> returns outcome defined as <redirect/>, Ajax submit is performed with navigation
of the whole page and not only of the current view.

6.6.4. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/include.jsf?c=include] you can see
the example of <a4j:include> usage and sources for the given example.

Some additional information can be found on the Ajax4Jsf Users Forum [http://jboss.com/

6.7. < a4j:region >

6.7.1. Description
The <a4j:region> component defines an area that is decoded on the server after Ajax

Table 6.13. a4j : region attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxListener MethodExpression representing an action
listener method that will be notified when this
component is activated by the ajax Request
and handle it. The expression must evaluate
to a public method that takes an AjaxEvent
parameter, with a return type of void
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate Flag indicating that, if this component is
activated by ajaxrequest, notifications should
be delivered to interested listeners and actions
immediately (that is, during Apply Request
Values phase) rather than waiting until Invoke
Application phase
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
renderRegionOnly Flag to disable rendering in AJAX responses
content outside of active region. If this attribute
set to "true" , no one of the components outside
of region will be included to AJAX response.
If set to "false", search for components to

Creating on a page

Attribute Name Description

include in response will be performed on all
tree. Default value is "false".
selfRendered if "true", self-render subtree at
InvokeApplication ( or Decode, if immediate
property set to true ) phase

Table 6.14. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.AjaxRegion
component-family org.ajax4jsf.AjaxRegion
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxRegion
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxRegionRenderer

6.7.2. Creating on a page

Here is an example of the region decoding on a page.

<h:inputText value="#{userBean.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="outname" />

6.7.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxRegion;
HtmlAjaxRegion newRegion = new HtmlAjaxRegion();

6.7.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The region is a component used for manipulation with components sent to the server. It sets
particular processing parameters for an area on the server, i.e. the region deals with data input
on the server and has no direct impact on output. To read more on the components responsible
for out, see "reference" here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/reference/index.html].

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The region marks an area page that is decoded on the server. In most cases it is not necessary
to use the region, as ViewRoot is a default region. This component helps to reduce data quantity
processed by the server, but the region doesn't influence on the standard submission rules. It
means that:

• The area that is to be submitted onto the server should be embedded in <h:form>/<a4j:form>

• The whole form is submitted on Ajax response and not a region that request is performed from.


<h:form id="form1">
<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID" value="Link" id="link1"/>
<!--..Some content that will be decoded on server after Ajax request.-->

Hence, the <a4j:commandLink> request generation causes full form1 form submission onto
the server, the only difference is that a component tree part decoded on the serve is the part
included into the region.

The regions could be nested in any order, the server picks out and decodes only the region, which
contains a particular component that sends a request.


<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID" value="Link" id="link1"/>
<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID" value="Link" id="link2"/>
<!--..Some content that will be decoded on server after Ajax request.-->
</a4j:region >
<!--..Some content that will be decoded on server after Ajax request.-->
</a4j:region >

Therefore, the external region is decoded for the "link1" and the internal one is decoded for
the "link2".

RichFaces allows setting Ajax responses rendering directly basing on component tree nodes
without referring to the JSP (XHTML) page code. It could be defined by "selfRendered" attribute
setting to "true" on <a4j:region> and could help considerably speed up a response output.

Key attributes and ways of usage

However, this rapid processing could cause missing of transient components that present on view
and don't come into a component tree as well as omitting of <a4j:outputPanel> usage described


<a4j:region selfRendered ="true">

<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID" value="Link" id="link1"/>
<!--..Some content with HTML used ("br","h1" and other tags used)-->
</a4j:region >

In this case, the processing is quicker and going on without referring to a page code, but the HTML
code that isn't saved in a component tree could be lost. Thus, this optimization should be very
carefully performed and a usage of the additional components RichFaces ( <a4j:outputPanel>
) is required.

The processing could be also accelerated if a region decoded for the processing passes straight
away into Encode. But to update some data out of the region or on another region, use the
"renderRegionOnly" attribute set to "false" ("true" on default) to change this behaviour.


<a4j:region renderRegionOnly="true">
<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID2" value="Link1" id="link1"/>
<h:panelGroup id="someId1">
<a4j:region renderRegionOnly="false">
<a4j:commandLink reRender="someID1" value="Link2" id="link2"/>
<h:panelGroup id="someId1">

This example shows that one of the regions is decoded when a link is used inside. Nevertheless,
if after processing the "link1" is clicked, the first region passes into Encode as a root region
and encode performance time is reduced. This optimization doesn't allow data update out of
the region and should be implemented very carefully. The data out of the region described with
renderRegionOnly="false" is updated successfully.

Starting from version 3.2.0 <a4j:region> can be used inside any iterative component (e.g.
<rich:column> , <rich:scrollableDataTable> ) and just re-render the components from the same
row without updating the whole table and without any additional listeners.


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<a4j:commandLink reRender="out"/>
<h:outputText id="out">

6.7.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/region.jsf?c=region] you can see the
example of <a4j:region> usage and sources for the given example.

6.8. < a4j:status >

6.8.1. Description
The <a4j:status> component generates elements for displaying of the current Ajax requests
status. There are two status modes: Ajax request is in process or finished.

Table 6.15. a4j : status attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
for ID of the AjaxContainer component whose
status is indicated (in the format of
a javax.faces.UIComopnent.findComponent()
forceId If true, render the ID of the component in HTML
code without JSF modifications.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
layout Define visual layout of panel, can be "block" or


Attribute Name Description

HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onstart JavaScript code, called on the start of a
onstop JavaScript code, called on the stop of a
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
startStyle CSS style class for the element displayed on
the start of a request.
startStyleClass CSS style class for the element displayed on
the start of a request.
startText Text for display on starting request.
stopStyle CSS style for element displayed on request
stopStyleClass CSS style class for element displayed on
stopText Text for display on request complete.
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component

Table 6.16. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Status
component-family javax.faces.Panel
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxStatus
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxStatusRenderer

6.8.2. Creating on a page

There are two ways to define elements indicating a request status :

• With "StartText"/"StopText" atributes:

<a4j:status startText="Progress" stopText="Done" for="stat1">

In this case, text elements for the corresponding status are generated.

• With "Start" / "Stop" facets definition:

<a4j:status for="stat2">
<f:facet name="start">
<h:graphicImage value="ajax_process.png" />
<f:facet name="stop">
<h:graphicImage value="ajax_stoped.png" />

In this case, the elements are generated for each status and correspond the facets content.

6.8.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxStatus;

Key attributes and ways of usage

HtmlAjaxStatus myStatus = new HtmlAjaxStatus();


6.8.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

There are two ways for the components or containers definition, which Ajax requests status is
tracked by a component.

• Definition with the "for" attribute on the <a4j:status> component. Here "for" attribute should
point at an Ajax container ( <a4j:region> ) id, which requests are tracked by a component.

• Definition with the "status" attribute obtained by any RichFaces library action component. The
attribute should point at the <a4j:status> component id. Then this <a4j:status> component
shows the status for the request fired from this action component.

The component creates two <span> or <div> elements depending on attribute "layout" with
content defined for each status, one of the elements (start) is initially hidden. At the beginning of
an Ajax request, elements state is inversed, hence the second element is shown and the first is
hidden. At the end of a response processing, elements display states return to its initial values.


<a4j:status startText="Started" stopText="stopped" />

The code shown in the example above is decoded on a page as:

<span id="j_id20:status.start" style="display: none">

<span id="j_id20:status.stop">

and after the generation of an Ajax response is changed to:

<span id="j_id20:status.start">
<span id="j_id20:status.stop" style="display: none">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

There is a possibility to group a <a4j:status> elements content into <div> elements, instead of
<span> . To use it, just redefine the "layout" attribute from "inline" (default) to "block".

6.8.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesPleaseWaitBox] you can find information on how to
show a "Please Wait" box and block the input while the Ajax request is processed using
combination of <a4j:status> and <rich:modalPanel> components .

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/status.jsf?c=status] you can see the

example of <a4j:status> usage and sources for the given example.

6.9. < a4j:jsFunction >

6.9.1. Description
The <a4j:jsFunction> component allows to invoke the server side data and return it in a JSON
format to use in a client JavaScript calls.

Table 6.17. a4j : jsFunction attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax


Attribute Name Description

Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
name Name of generated JavaScript function
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted

Table 6.18. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Function
component-family org.ajax4jsf.components.ajaxFunction
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlajaxFunction
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.ajaxFunctionRenderer

6.9.2. Creating on a page

Simple component definition example:


<!--There is some script named "myScript" that uses parameters which will be taken from

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


The script "myScript" is called after bean.someProperty data is returned from server(e.g. It'll
be object with two subproperties).

6.9.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlajaxFunction;
HtmlajaxFunction myFunction = new HtmlajaxFunction();

6.9.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

As the component uses Ajax request to get data from server - it has all common Ajax Action
attributes. Hence, "action" and "actionListener" can be invoked, and reRendering some parts of
the page fired after calling function.

When using the <a4j:jsFunction> it's possible to initiate the Ajax request from the JavaScript
and perform partial update of a page and/or invoke the JavaScript function with data returned by
Ajax response.

<body onload="callScript()">
<a4j:jsFunction name="callScript" data="#{bean.someProperty1}"
reRender="someComponent" oncomplete="myScript(data.subProperty1,
<a4j:actionParam name="param_name" assignTo="#{bean.someProperty2}"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The <a4j:jsFunction> allows to use <a4j:actionParam> or pure <f:param> for passing

any number of parameters of the JavaScript function into Ajax request. <a4j:jsFunction> is
similar to <a4j:commandButton> , but it could be activated from the JavaScript code. It allows
to invoke some server side functionality and use the returned data in the JavaScript function
invoked from "oncomplete" attribute. Hence it's possible to use <a4j:jsFunction> instead of
<a4j:commandButton> . You can put it anywhere, just don't forget to use <h:form> ... </h:form>
around it.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.9.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki//RichFacesCookbook/JsFunctionJson] you can find
additional information and example on how to use <a4j:jsFunction> with JSON.

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/jsFunction.jsf?c=jsFunction] you can

see the example of <a4j:jsFunction> usage and sources for the given example.

Here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/tlddocs/f/param.html] you can

found some additional information about <f:param> component.

6.10. < a4j:portlet >

6.10.1. Description
The <a4j:portlet> component is DEPRECATED as far as JSR-301 was defined a same
functionality for a UIViewRoot component. Thus, it is implicitly defined by mandatory <f:view>

Table 6.19. a4j : portlet attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Table 6.20. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Portlet
component-family org.ajax4jsf.component.Portlet
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlPortlet

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

6.10.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


6.10.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlPortlet;
HtmlPortlet myPortlet = new HtmlPortlet();

6.10.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The main component purpose is realization of possibility to create several instances the same
portlet on one page. But clientId of elements should be different for each window. In that case
namespace is used for each portlet. The <a4j:portlet> implemets NaimingContainer interface
and adds namespace to all componets on a page. All portlet content should be wrapped by
<a4j:portlet> for resolving problems mentioned before.

6.10.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/portlet.jsf?c=portlet] you can found

some additional information for <a4j:portlet> component usage.

The aditional information about component usage you can find here: Ajax4Jsf Users Forum [http://

Portlet Sample could be checked out from JBoss SVN: portal-echo application [http://

Usage instructions for this demo could be found at the corresponding: portal-echo application

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.11. < a4j:commandLink >

6.11.1. Description
The <a4j:commandLink> component is very similar to the <h:commandLink> component, the
only difference is that an Ajax form submit is generated on a click and it allows dynamic rerendering
after a response comes back. It's not necessary to plug any support into the component, as Ajax
support is already built in.

Table 6.21. a4j : commandLink attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
charset The character encoding of a resource
designated by this hyperlink
coords This attribute specifies the position and shape
on the screen. The number and order of
values depends on the shape being defined.
Possible combinations: * rect: left-x, top-y,
right-x, bottom-y. * circle: center-x, center-


Attribute Name Description

y, radius. Note. When the radius value is
percentage value, user agents should calculate
the final radius value based on the associated
object's width and height. The radius should
be the smaller value of the two. * poly: x1, y1,
x2, y2, ..., xN, yN. The first x and y coordinate
pair and the last should be the same to close
the polygon. When these coordinate values
are not the same, user agents should infer an
additional coordinate pair to close the polygon.
Coordinates are relative to the top, left corner
of the object. All values are lengths. All values
are separated by commas
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
disabled If true, disable this component on page.
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
hreflang Base language of a resource specified with the
href attribute; hreflang may only be used with
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onblur JavaScript code. The onblur event occurs
when an element loses focus either by the
pointing device or by tabbing navigation. It may
be used with the same elements as onfocus
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onfocus JavaScript code. The onfocus event occurs
when an element gets focus
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved


Attribute Name Description

onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rel The relationship from the current document
to the anchor specified by this hyperlink. The
value of this attribute is a space-separated list
of link types
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
rev A reverse link from the anchor specified by this
hyperlink to the current document. The value
of this attribute is a space-separated list of link
shape This attribute specifies the shape of a region.
The possible values are "default", "rect",
"circle" and "poly".
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
target This attribute specifies the name of a frame
where a document is to be opened. By
assigning a name to a frame via the name
attribute, authors can refer to it as the "target"
of links defined by other elements
timeout Timeout ( in ms ) for request.
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type The content type of the resource designated by
this hyperlink
value The current value for this component

Table 6.22. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.CommandLink
component-family javax.faces.Command
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxCommandLink
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxCommandLinkRenderer

6.11.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:commandLink reRender="someData" action="#{bean.action1}" value="Link"/>

6.11.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxCommandLink;

Key attributes and ways of usage

HtmlAjaxCommandLink myLink = new HtmlAjaxCommandLink();

6.11.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

<a4j:commandLink> is used in the same way as <h:commandLink> , but with definition of the
area that is updated after the response comes back from the server.

This definition of the component provides a link, and a click on the link causes an Ajax form submit
on the server, "action1" method performance, and rendering of the component with "someData"
id after the response comes back from the server.

The component <a4j:commandLink> placed on a page generates the following HTML code:

<a href="#" onclick="A4J.AJAX.Submit(?"request parameters"); return false;">
<span>Link Value</span>

Hence, the utility method "A4J.AJAX.Submit" is called on a click, the method performs Ajax
request as the <a4j:support> component


AJAX support is built in and it's not necessary to add nested <a4j:support> to
the component.

Common JSF navigation could be performed after Ajax submit and partial rendering, but
Navigation Case must be defined as <redirect/> in order to avoid problems with some browsers.

As any Core Ajax component sending Ajax requests and processing server responses
<a4j:commandLink> has all attributes described above (see <a4j:support> chapter) that
provide the required behavior of requests sending (delay, limitation of submit area and rendering,

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.11.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/commandLink.jsf?c=commandLink]
you can see the example of <a4j:commandLink> usage and sources for the given example

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesConfirmationOnClick] there is detailed information

on how to use JavaScript "window.confirmation" with "onclick" on <a4j:commandLink> .

6.12. < a4j:mediaOutput >

6.12.1. Description
The <a4j:mediaOutput> component implements one of the basic features specified in the
framework. The component is a facility for generating images, video, sounds and other binary
resources defined by you on-the-fly.

Table 6.23. a4j : mediaOutput attributes

Attribute Name Description

accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
position of an IMG, OBJECT, or APPLET with
respect to its context. The possible values are
"bottom", "middle", "top", "left" and "right". The
default value is "middle".
archive space-separated list of URIs
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border Deprecated. This attribute specifies the width
of an IMG or OBJECT border, in pixels. The
default value for this attribute depends on the
user agent
cacheable If "true", the resource is cached (on the server
and the client sides).
charset The character encoding of a resource
designated by this hyperlink
classid identifies an implementation
codebase base URI for classid, data, archive
codetype content type for code
converter ID of a converter to be used or a reference to
a converter.


Attribute Name Description

This attribute specifies the position and shape
on the screen. The number and order of
values depends on the shape being defined.
Possible combinations: * rect: left-x, top-y,
right-x, bottom-y. * circle: center-x, center-
y, radius. Note. When the radius value is
percentage value, user agents should calculate
the final radius value based on the associated
object's width and height. The radius should
be the smaller value of the two. * poly: x1, y1,
x2, y2, ..., xN, yN. The first x and y coordinate
pair and the last should be the same to close
the polygon. When these coordinate values
are not the same, user agents should infer an
additional coordinate pair to close the polygon.
Coordinates are relative to the top, left corner
of the object. All values are lengths. All values
are separated by commas
createContent Method call expression to send generated
resource to OutputStream. It must have two
parameter with a type of java.io.OutputStream
and java.lang.Object ( deserialized value of
data attribute )
createContentExpression Method call expression to send generated
resource to OutputStream. It must have two
parameter with a type of java.io.OutputStream
and java.lang.Object ( deserialized value of
data attribute )
declare declare but don't instantiate flag
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
element Name of html element for resource link - may
be <a> <img> <object> <applet> <script> or
expires The attribute allows to manage caching and
defines the period after which a resource is
hreflang Base language of a resource specified with the
href attribute; hreflang may only be used with

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

hspace Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
amount of white space to be inserted to the left
and right of an IMG, APPLET, or OBJECT. The
default value is not specified, but is generally a
small, non-zero length
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ismap use server-side image map
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
lastModified The attribute allows to manage caching. A
browser can send request with the header
"If-Modified-Since" for necessity of object
reloading. If time of modification is earlier,
then the framework doesn't call generation and
return code 304.
mimeType Geterated content mime-type for append to
response header ( 'image/jpeg' etc )
onblur JavaScript code. The onblur event occurs
when an element loses focus either by the
pointing device or by tabbing navigation. It may
be used with the same elements as onfocus
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onfocus JavaScript code. The onfocus event occurs
when an element gets focus
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved


Attribute Name Description

onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rel The relationship from the current document
to the anchor specified by this hyperlink. The
value of this attribute is a space-separated list
of link types
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rev A reverse link from the anchor specified by this
hyperlink to the current document. The value
of this attribute is a space-separated list of link
session If "true", a session for an object generation is
shape This attribute specifies the shape of a region.
The possible values are "default", "rect",
"circle" and "poly".
standby message to show while loading
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
target This attribute specifies the name of a frame
where a document is to be opened. By
assigning a name to a frame via the name
attribute, authors can refer to it as the "target"
of links defined by other elements
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type The content type of the resource designated by
this hyperlink
uriAttribute Name of attribute for resource-link attribute
( 'href' for <a>, 'src' for <img> or <script>, etc)
usemap use client-side image map

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

value Data value calculated at render time and
stored in URI (also as part of cache Key ),
at generation time passed to send method.
Can be used for update cache at change of
generating conditions, and for creating beans
as "Lightweight" pattern components (request
scope). IMPORTANT: Since serialized data
stored in URI, avoid using big objects.
vspace Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
amount of white space to be inserted above
and below an IMG, APPLET, or OBJECT. The
default value is not specified, but is generally a
small, non-zero length

Table 6.24. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.MediaOutput
component-family org.ajax4jsf.Resource
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.MediaOutput
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.MediaOutputRenderer

6.12.2. Creating on a page

Component definition on a page for graphical data output


<a4j:mediaOutput element="img" cacheable="false" session="true"
createContent="#{paintBean.paint}" value="#{paintData}"

6.12.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.MediaOutput;
MediaOutput myMedia = new MediaOutput ();

Key attributes and ways of usage


6.12.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

To use the component it's necessary to define it on a page and set Java methods for data keeping
and data transmission to output stream.

Here is the content of paintData that is a bean containing output data


package demo;

public class PaintData implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Integer width=100;
Integer weight=50;

The Paint method of the paintBean class is a method transmitting graphical data into output


public void paint(OutputStream out, Object data) throws IOException{

<!--...Some code that puts binary data to "out" Stream-->

As it was shown in the example above there are two main components:

• "createContent" specifies a method accepting 2 parameters. The first (of

java.io.OutputStream type) defines a stream, where any binary data is output. The second
(of java.lang.Object type) contains deserialized object with data specified in the "value"

• Value specifies a bean class keeping data for transmitting into a method that transmits it into
a stream.


A bean class transmitted into value should implement Serializable interface.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Hence, when using the component it's possible to output your data of any type on a page with
Ajax requests.

6.12.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/mediaOutput.jsf?c=mediaOutput]
you can see the example of <a4j:mediaOutput > usage and sources for the given example.

6.13. < a4j:loadStyle >

6.13.1. Description
The component Inserts stylesheet links to the head element. Render the value of the component,
after passing it to the getResourceURL() method of the ViewHandler for this application, and
passing the result through the encodeResourceURL() method of the ExternalContext.

Table 6.25. a4j : loadStyle attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
media This attribute defines the device to which it
is necessary to apply style registration. The
possible values are "all", "screen" (by default),
"print", "projection", "projection", "braille" and
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
src name of JavaScript resource to load.

Table 6.26. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.LoadStyle
component-family org.ajax4jsf.LoadStyle
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlLoadStyle
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.LoadStyleRenderer

6.13.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<a4j:loadStyle src="styles/style.css"/>

6.13.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlLoadStyle;
HtmlLoadScript myStyle = new HtmlLoadStyle();

6.13.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

As it was mentioned above this component returns its value as the value of the "src" attribute
passing it to the getResourceURL() method of the ViewHandler for this application, and passing
the result via the encodeResourceURL() method of the ExternalContext.

It means that the Context is inserted automatically to the link. And calls like resource:// is
properly handled.

Except this - you may be free to put your stylesheet links right from the child page while using
facelets templates.

6.13.5. Relevant resources links

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://

6.14. < a4j:form >

6.14.1. Description
The <a4j:form> component is very similar to the same component from the JSF HTML library, the
only slight difference is in generation of links inside and possibility of Ajax by-default submission.

Table 6.27. a4j : form attributes

Attribute Name Description

accept This attribute specifies a comma-separated list
of content types that a server processing this
form will handle correctly. User agents may
use this information to filter out non-conforming
files when prompting you to select files to be

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

sent to the server (cf. the INPUT element when
acceptCharset This attribute specifies the list of character
encodings for input data that is accepted by
the server processing this form. The value
is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of
charset values. The client must interpret this
list as an exclusive-or list, i.e., the server is
able to accept any single character encoding
per entity received. The default value for this
attribute is the reserved string "UNKNOWN".
User agents may interpret this value as the
character encoding that was used to transmit
the document containing this FORM element
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
ajaxSubmit If "true", it becomes possible to set AJAX
submission way for any components inside .
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
enctype This attribute specifies the content type used
to submit the form to the server (when the
value of method is "post"). The default value
for this attribute is "application/x-www-form-
urlencoded". The value "multipart/form-data"
should be used in combination with the INPUT
element, type="file"
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)


Attribute Name Description

focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onreset The onreset event occurs when a form is reset.
It only applies to the FORM element
onsubmit The onsubmit event occurs when a form is
submitted. It only applies to the FORM element
prependId The flag indicating whether or not this form
should prepend its id to its descendent id during
the clientId generation process. If this flag is not
set, the default value is "true".
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
target This attribute specifies the name of a frame
where a document is to be opened. By
assigning a name to a frame via the name
attribute, authors can refer to it as the "target"
of links defined by other elements
timeout Timeout ( in ms ) for request.

Table 6.28. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Form
component-family javax.faces.Form
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxForm
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.FormRenderer

6.14.2. Creating on a page

Component definition on a page is similar to definition of the original component from JSF HTML


<h:commandButton value="Button" action="#{userBean.nameItMark}" />

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

6.14.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxForm;
AjaxForm myForm = new AjaxForm();

6.14.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The difference with the original component is that all hidden fields required for command links are
always rendered and it doesn't depend on links rendering on the initial page. It solves the problem
with invalid links that weren't rendered on a page immediately, but after some Ajax request.

Beginning with release 1.0.5 additional attributes that make this form variant universal have

If "ajaxSubmit" attribute is true, it becomes possible to set Ajax submission way for any
components inside, i.e. not a page URL is used as an "action" attribute, but the javascript:
A4J.AJAX.Submit(...)call. In this case, the "reRender" attribute contains a list of Ids of
components defined for re-rendering. If you have <h:commandButton> or <h:commandLink>
inside the form, they work as <a4j:commandButton> .


<a4j:form id="helloForm" ajaxSubmit="true" reRender="table">

<t:dataTable id="table"... >
<t:datascroller for="table"... >

This example shows that in order to make <t:datascroller> submissions to be Ajax ones it's
required only to place this <t:datascroller> into <a4j:form> . In the other case it is necessary
to redefine renders for its child links elements that are defined as <h:commandLink> and can't
be made Ajax ones with using e.g. <a4j:support> .

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

With the help of "limitToList" attribute you can limit areas, which are updated after the responses.
If "limitToList" is true, only the reRender attribute is taken in account. Therefore, if you use blocks
of text wrapped with <a4j:outputPanel> and ajaxRendered= "true", blocks of text are ignored.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.14.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/form.jsf?c=form] you can see the
example of <a4j:form> usage and sources for the given example.

6.15. < a4j:htmlCommandLink >

6.15.1. Description
The <a4j:htmlCommandLink> component is very similar to the same component from the JSF
HTML library, the only slight difference is in links generation and problem solving that occurs when
an original component is used.

Table 6.29. a4j : htmlCommandLink attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
charset The character encoding of a resource
designated by this hyperlink
coords This attribute specifies the position and shape
on the screen. The number and order of
values depends on the shape being defined.
Possible combinations: * rect: left-x, top-y,
right-x, bottom-y. * circle: center-x, center-


Attribute Name Description

y, radius. Note. When the radius value is
percentage value, user agents should calculate
the final radius value based on the associated
object's width and height. The radius should
be the smaller value of the two. * poly: x1, y1,
x2, y2, ..., xN, yN. The first x and y coordinate
pair and the last should be the same to close
the polygon. When these coordinate values
are not the same, user agents should infer an
additional coordinate pair to close the polygon.
Coordinates are relative to the top, left corner
of the object. All values are lengths. All values
are separated by commas
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
disabled When set for a form control, this boolean
attribute disables the control for your input.
hreflang Base language of a resource specified with the
href attribute; hreflang may only be used with
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
onblur JavaScript code. The onblur event occurs
when an element loses focus either by the
pointing device or by tabbing navigation. It may
be used with the same elements as onfocus
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onfocus JavaScript code. The onfocus event occurs
when an element gets focus

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rel The relationship from the current document
to the anchor specified by this hyperlink. The
value of this attribute is a space-separated list
of link types
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rev A reverse link from the anchor specified by this
hyperlink to the current document. The value
of this attribute is a space-separated list of link
shape This attribute specifies the shape of a region.
The possible values are "default", "rect",
"circle" and "poly".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
target This attribute specifies the name of a frame
where a document is to be opened. By
assigning a name to a frame via the name

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

attribute, authors can refer to it as the "target"
of links defined by other elements
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type The content type of the resource designated by
this hyperlink
value The current value for this component

Table 6.30. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type javax.faces.HtmlCommandLink
component-family javax.faces.Command
component-class javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.HtmlCommandLinkRenderer

6.15.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Component definition on a page is the same as for the original component from the JSF HTML


<a4j:htmlCommandLink value="value" action="action"/>

6.15.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink;
HtmlCommandLink myCommandLink = new HtmlCommandLink();

6.15.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The difference with the original component is that all hidden fields required for command links with
the child <f:param> elements are always rendered and it doesn't depend on links rendering on
the initial page. It solves the problem with invalid links that weren't rendered on a page immediately,
but after some Ajax request.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<a4j:htmlComandLink action="action" value="link" rendered="#{bean.rendered}">
<f:param .../>

In this example <a4j:htmlCommandLink> works as standard <h:commandLink> , but here

hidden fields required for correct functionality are rendered before the first downloading of a page,
though it doesn't happen if its attribute isn't set to "false".

6.15.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/htmlCommandLink.jsf?
c=htmlCommandLink] you can found some additional information for <a4j:htmlCommandLinks>
component usage.

Here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/tlddocs/f/param.html] you can

found some additional information about <f:param> component.

6.16. < a4j:loadScript >

6.16.1. Description

Inserts script links to the head element. Render the value of the component, after passing it to the
getResourceURL() method of the ViewHandler for this application, and passing the result through
the encodeResourceURL() method of the ExternalContext.

Table 6.31. a4j : loadScript attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
src name of JavaScript resource to load.

Creating on a page

Table 6.32. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.LoadScript
component-family org.ajax4jsf.LoadScript
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlLoadScript
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.LoadScriptRenderer

6.16.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:loadScript src="scripts/someScript.js"/>

6.16.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlLoadScript;
HtmlLoadScript myScript = new HtmlLoadScript();

6.16.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

As it was mentioned above this component returns its value as the value of the "src" attribute
passing it to the getResourceURL() method of the ViewHandler for this application, and passing
the result through the encodeResourceURL() method of the ExternalContext.

It means that the Context is inserts automatically to the link. And calls like resource:// is properly

Except this - you may be free to put your script links right from the child page while using facelets

6.16.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/script.jsf?c=loadScript] you can see

the example of <a4j:loadScript> usage and sources for the given example.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.17. < a4j:poll >

6.17.1. Description
The <a4j:poll> component allows periodical sending of Ajax requests to a server and is used
for a page updating according to a specified time interval.

Table 6.33. a4j : poll attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
enabled Enables/disables polling. Default value is
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted


Attribute Name Description

ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
interval Interval (in ms) for call poll requests. Default
value is "1000"ms (1 second).
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onsubmit JavaScript code for call before submission of
ajax event
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Timeout (in ms) for request

Table 6.34. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Poll
component-family org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxPoll
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxPoll
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxPollRenderer

6.17.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:poll interval="500" reRender="grid"/>

6.17.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxPoll;
AjaxPoll myPoll = new AjaxPoll();

6.17.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The <a4j:poll> componet is used for periodical polling of server data. In order to use the
component it's necessary to set an update interval. The "interval" attribute defines an interval
in milliseconds between the previous response and the next request. The total period beetween
two requests generated by the <a4j:poll> component is a sum of an "interval" attribute value
and server response time. Default value for "interval" attribute is set to "1000" milliseconds (1
second). See an example of definition in the "Creating on a page" section [128].

Key attributes and ways of usage

The "timeout" attribute defines response waiting time in milliseconds. If a response isn't received
during this period a connection is aborted and the next request is sent. Default value for "timeout"
attribute isn't set.

The "enabled" attribute defines should the <a4j:poll> send request or not. It's necessary to
render the <a4j:poll> to apply the current value of "enabled" attribute. You can use an EL-
expression for "enabled" attribute to point to a bean property. An example of usage of mentioned
above attributes [128] is placed below:



<a4j:poll id="poll" interval="1000" enabled="#{userBean.pollEnabled}" reRender="poll,grid"/>

<h:panelGrid columns="2" width="80%" id="grid">
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:outputText value="Polling Inactive" rendered="#{not userBean.pollEnabled}"></
<h:outputText value="Polling Active" rendered="#{userBean.pollEnabled}"></
<a4j:commandButton style="width:120px" id="control"
value="#{userBean.pollEnabled?'Stop':'Start'} Polling"
reRender="poll, grid">
<a4j:actionParam name="polling" value="#{!userBean.pollEnabled}"
<h:outputText id="serverDate" style="font-size:16px" value="Server Date:

The example shows how date and time are updated on a page in compliance with data taken
from a server. The <a4j:poll> componet sends requests to the server every second. "reRender"
attribute for <a4j:poll> contains value of its own Id. Hence, it renders itself for applying the current
value of "enabled" attribute.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The form around the <a4j:poll> component is required.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.17.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/CreateABannerUsingEffectsAndPoll] you can get additional

information how to create an image banner using <rich:effect> and <a4j:poll> components and
here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/CreateAHTMLBannerUsingEffectsAndPoll] how to create a
HTML banner.

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesCookbook/SlideShow] you can find information

how to make a Slide Show with help of the <rich:effect> and <a4j:poll> components.

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/poll.jsf?c=poll] you can see the

example of <a4j:poll> usage and sources for the given example.

The aditional information about component usage you can find here : RichFaces Users Forum
[http://jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=103909] .

6.18. < a4j:loadBundle >

6.18.1. Description

The <a4j:loadBundle> component is similar to the same component from the JSF Core library.
The component loads a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view and exposes
it (as a Map) in the request attributes of the current request.

Table 6.35. a4j : loadBundle attributes

Attribute Name Description

basename Base name of the resource bundle to be
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
var Name of a request scope attribute under which
the resource bundle will be exposed as a Map.

Creating on a page

Table 6.36. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Bundle
component-family org.ajax4jsf.Bundle
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxLoadBundle

6.18.2. Creating on a page

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<a4j:loadBundle baseName="demo.bundle.Messages" var="Message"/>

6.18.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxLoadBundle;
AjaxLoadBundle myBundle = new AjaxLoadBundle();

6.18.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

<a4j:loadBundle> allows to use reference to bundle messages during the Ajax re-rendering.
<a4j:loadBundle> is a substitute for the <f:loadBundle> in JSF 1.1 which is not a JSF
component originally. <f:loadBundle> is a jsp tag that load the bundle messages into the request
scope when page is rendered. As soon as each Ajax request works in own request scope, the
bundles loaded with <f:loadBundle> are unavailable. Instead of <f:loadBundle> that might
be located anywhere on a page, the <a4j:loadBundle> should be declared inside the <f:view>
(this does not matter in case on using Facelets) JSF 1.2 introduces the bundle registered in the
faces-config.xml. This fixed the problem with <f:loadBundle> . Therefore, you can use this JSF
1.2 way to declare your bundles.

6.18.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/bundle.jsf?c=loadBundle] you can

found some additional information for <a4j:loadBundle> component usage.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/tlddocs/f/loadBundle.html] you

can found some additional information about <f:loadBundle> component.

Here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/tlddocs/f/view.html] you can found

some additional information about <f:view> component.

6.19. < a4j:commandButton >

6.19.1. Description
The <a4j:commandButton> component is very similar to the <h:commandButton> component,
the only difference is that an Ajax form submit is generated on a click and it allows dynamic
rerendering after a response comes back. It's not necessary to plug any support into the
component, as Ajax support is already built in.

Table 6.37. a4j : commandButton attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
alt Alternate textual description of the element
rendered by this component.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input


Attribute Name Description

data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
disabled If "true", disable this component on page.
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
image Absolute or relative URL of the image to
be displayed for this button. If specified,
this "input" element will be of type "image".
Otherwise, it will be of the type specified by
the "type" property with a label specified by the
"value" property.
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection


Attribute Name Description

rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
size This attribute tells the user agent the initial
width of the control. The width is given in pixels
except when type attribute has the value "text"
or "password". In that case, its value refers to
the (integer) number of characters
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
timeout Timeout ( in ms ) for request.
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type This attribute specifies a type of control to
create. The possible values are "submit",
"reset", "image" and "button". The default value
for this attribute is "submit"
value The current value for this component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.38. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.CommandButton
component-family javax.faces.Command
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxCommandButton
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxCommandButtonRenderer

6.19.2. Creating on a page

The simplest tag usage example:


<a4j:commandButton reRender="someData" action="#{bean.action1}" value="Link"/>

6.19.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxCommandButton;
HtmlAjaxCommandButton myButton = new HtmlAjaxCommandButton();

6.19.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

<a4j:commandButton> is used in the same way as <h:commandButton> , but with definition

of the area that is updated after the response comes back from the server.

This definition of the component provides a link, a click on the link causes an Ajax form submit
on the server, action1 method performance, and rendering of the component with someData id
after the response comes back from the server.

The component <a4j:commandButton> placed on a page generates the following HTML code:

<input type="submit" onclick="A4J.AJAX.Submit(...request parameters);return
false;" value="sort"/>

Key attributes and ways of usage


Hence, the utility method A4J.AJAX.Submit is called on a click, the method performs Ajax request
as the <a4j:support> component


AJAX support is built in and it's not necessary to add nested <a4j:support> to
the component.

The usage of the keyword 'this' in JavaScript code in the "oncomplete" attribute depends
on the location of <a4j:commandButton> . If the commandButton is situated outside the re-
rendered region you can use keyword 'this' as in the following example:

<h:form id="form">
<a4j:commandButton id="cbutton" action="director.rollCamera"
oncomplete="this.disabled=false" />

Otherwise if the commandButton contained in re-rendered region the "oncomplete" attribute has
a problem obtaining a reference of the commandButton object when using the keyword 'this'.
In this case you can use the "oncomplete" attribute as in the following example:

<h:form id="form">
<a4j:commandButton id="cbutton" action="director.rollCamera"
oncomplete="document.getElementById('form:cbutton').disabled=false" />

Common JSF navigation could be performed after an Ajax submit and partial rendering, but
Navigation Case must be defined as <redirect/> in order to avoid problems with some browsers.

As any Core Ajax component sending Ajax requests and processing server responses
<a4j:commandButton> has all attributes described above (see <a4j:support> chapter) that
provide the required behavior of requests sending (delay, limitation of submit area and rendering,
and etc.)

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.19.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/commandButton.jsf?
c=commandButton] you can see the example of <a4j:commandButton> usage and sources
for the given example.

6.20. < a4j:page >

6.20.1. Description
<a4j:page> is used for solving of incompatibility problems in early Ajax4jsf versions. The
component encodes the full html page structure.

Table 6.39. a4j : page attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxListener MethodExpression representing an action
listener method that will be notified when this
component is activated by the ajax Request
and handle it. The expression must evaluate
to a public method that takes an AjaxEvent
parameter, with a return type of void
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
contentType Set custom mime content type to response
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
format Page layout format ( html, xhtml, html-
transitional, html-3.2 ) for encoding DOCTYPE,
namespace and Content-Type definitions
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate Flag indicating that, if this component is
activated by ajaxrequest, notifications should
be delivered to interested listeners and actions
immediately (that is, during Apply Request
Values phase) rather than waiting until Invoke
Application phase
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component

Creating on a page

Attribute Name Description

namespace Set html element default namespace
onload JavaScript code to execute on a page load.
onunload JavaScript code to execute on a page unload.
pageTitle String for output as a page title.
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
selfRendered if "true", self-render subtree at
InvokeApplication ( or Decode, if immediate
property set to true ) phase
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component

Table 6.40. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.components.Page
component-family org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxRegion
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlPage
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxPageRenderer

6.20.2. Creating on a page

This component should be defined as a child component for <f:view>:

<f:facet name="head">
<!--...Head Content here-->
<!--...Page Content here-->

6.20.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlPage;
HtmlPage myPage = new HtmlPage();

6.20.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The component is mostly used to solve the following problem with MyFaces for erlier Ajax4jsf
versions: in MyFaces <f:view> doesn't get control over the RENDER_RESPONSE phase, thus
Ajax can't get control and make a response also. To avoid this problem it was necessary to use
<a4j:page> on a page round the Ajax updatable area. In the last versions of both frameworks
the problem is successfully fixed and no <a4j:page> usage is required.

The component is rendered as a full HTML page template as it is shown in the example [140].
The head section is defined with the help of the corresponding "head" facet. You do not need
to use "body" facet in order to define first body section. The second and more body sections is
defined with the help of the corresponding "body" facet.

The attribute "format" defines page layout format for encoding DOCTYPE.

The attribute "pageTitle" is rendered as title section.


<a4j:page format="xhtml" pageTitle="myPage">

<f:facet name="head">
<!--Head Content here-->
<!--Page Content Here-->

This structure is rendered as:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/

<!--Head Content here-->

Relevant resources links

<!--Page Content Here-->


6.20.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/page.jsf?c=page] you can found
some additional information for <a4j:page> component usage.

6.21. < a4j:support >

6.21.1. Description
The <a4j:support> component adds an Ajax support to any existing JSF component. It allows a
component to generate asynchronous requests on the necessary event demand and with partial
update of page content after a response incoming from the server.

Table 6.41. a4j : support attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disabled If "true", disable this component on page.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

disableDefault Disables default action for target event
( append "return false;" to JavaScript )
event Name of JavaScript event property ( onclick,
onchange, etc.) of parent component, for which
we will build AJAX submission code
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onsubmit JavaScript code for call before submission of
ajax event
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5

Creating on a page

Attribute Name Description

in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Timeout (in ms) for request

Table 6.42. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Support
component-family org.ajax4jsf.AjaxSupport
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlAjaxSupport
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxSupportRenderer

6.21.2. Creating on a page

To use a component, place <a4j:support> as nested to the component requesting Ajax
functionality and specify an event of a parent component that generates Ajax request and the
components to be rerendered after a response from the server.


<h:inputText value="#{bean.text}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="repeater"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:outputText id="repeater" value="#{bean.text}"/>

On every keyup event generated by an input field, a form is submitted on the server with the help
of Ajax and on a response coming from the server, element with repeater id, founded in a DOM
tree is redrawn according to a new data from the response.

6.21.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

In order to add <a4j:support> in Java code you should add it as facet , not children:


HtmlInputText inputText = new HtmlInputText();

HtmlAjaxSupport ajaxSupport = new HtmlAjaxSupport();
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext(), "#{bean.action}", String.class, new Class[] {}));
inputText.getFacets().put("a4jsupport", ajaxSupport);

6.21.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

<a4j:support> addition is very similar to correspondent event redefinition of a component, i.e.


<h:inputText value="#{bean.text}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="output" action="#{bean.action}"/>

Is decoded on a page as:


<input onkeyup="A4J.AJAX.Submit( Some request parameters )"/>

Key attributes and ways of usage

As you see from the code, the "onkeyup" event calls a utility RichFaces method that submit a form
creating a special marks for a filter informing that it is an Ajax request. Thus, any supports quantity
could be added to every component, the supports define component behavior on these events.

The components: <a4j:commandLink> , <a4j:commandButton> , <a4j:poll>
and others from RichFaces library are already supplied with <a4j:support>
functionality and there is no necessity to add the support to them.

With the help of "onsubmit" and "oncomplete" attributes the component allows using JavaScript
before (for request sending conditions checking) and after an Ajax response processing
termination (for performance of user-defined activities on the client)


<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.text}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="First Item" itemLabel="First Item"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue=" Second Item" itemLabel="Second Item"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue=" Third Item" itemLabel="Third Item"/>
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="panel" onsubmit="if(!confirm('Are you sure to
change the option ?'))
{form.reset(); return false;}" oncomplete="alert('Value succesfully stored')"/>

In example there is the condition checking (confirm) is used before request sending and message
printing after the request processing is over.

The components allows different Ajax request managing ways for its various optimization in
particular conditions such as:

• Limitation of the submit area and updating area for the request.

"ajaxSingle" is an attribute that allows submission on the server only component sending a
request, as if the component presented on a separate form.

"limitToList" is an attribute that allows to limit areas, which are updated after the responses.
Only these components defined in the "reRender" attribute are updated.

Example 1:

<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test" ajaxSingle="true"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:inputText value="#{person.middleName}"/>

In this example the request contains only the input component causes the request generation, not
all the components contained on a form, because of ajaxSingle="true" usage.

Example 2:

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test" limitToList="true"/>
<h:outputText value="#{person.name}" id="test"/>

In this example the component <h:messages> is always updated (as it capturing all Ajax
requests, located in ajaxRendered <a4j:outputPanel> ), except the case when a response is sent
from the input component from the example. On sending this component marks that updating area
is limited to the defined in it components, it means that on its usage with limitToList="true"
the only component updated is the one with id="test".

• Limitation of requests frequency and updates quantity after the responses.

"requestDelay" is an attribute that defines a time interval in seconds minimally permissible

between responses.

"eventQueue" is an attribute for naming of the queue where the next response is kept in till its
processing, but if the next event comes in till this time is over, the waiting event is taken away,
replacing with a new one.

"ignoreDupResponces" is an attribute that allows to disable any updates on the client after an
Ajax request if another Ajax request is already sent.

"timeout" is an attribute that allows to set a time interval in millisecond to define a maximum
time period of response wait time. In case of the interval interaction, a new request is sent and
the previous one is canceled. Postprocessing of a response isn't performed.



Relevant resources links

<h:inputText value="#{person.name}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="test"
requestDelay="1000" ignoreDupResponces="true" eventsQueue="myQueue"/>
<h:outputText value="#{person.name}" id="test"/>

This example clearly shows mentioned above attributes. If quick typing in a text field happens,
every next requests sending is delayed for a second and requests quantity is reduced. The
requests are kept in the queue till its the sending. Moreover, if the next request is already
sent, the rerendering after the previous request is banned, and it helps to avoid unnecessary
processing on the client.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.21.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/support.jsf?c=support] you can see
the example of <a4j:support> usage and sources for the given example.

6.22. < a4j:actionparam >

6.22.1. Description
The <a4j:actionparam> component combines the functionality of both JSF components:
<f:param> and <f:actionListener> .

More information about <f:param> and <f:actionListener> can be found here [http://

Table 6.43. a4j : actionparam attributes

Attribute Name Description
actionListener A method binding that refers to a method with
this signature: void methodName(ActionEvent)
assignTo EL expression for updatable bean property.
This property will be updated if the
parent command component performs an
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
converter ID of a converter to be used or a reference to
a converter.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

name A name of this parameter
noEscape If set to true, the value will not enclosed within
single quotes and there will be no escaping of
characters. This allows the use of the value
as JavaScript code for calculating value on the
client-side. This doesn't work with non-AJAX
value An initial value or a value binding

Table 6.44. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.ActionParameter
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlActionParameter

6.22.2. Creating on a page

Simple component definition example:



6.22.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.HtmlActionParameter;
HtmlActionParameter myActionParameter = new HtmlActionParameter();

6.22.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The component <a4j:actionparam> is a combination of the functionality of two JSF tags:
<f:param> and <f:actionListener> .

At the render phase, it's decoded by parent component ( <h:commandLink> or like) as usual. At
the process request phase, if the parent component performs an action event, update the "value"

Relevant resources links

specified in the "assignTo" attribute as its "value" . If a "converter" attribute is specified, use it
to encode and decode the "value" to a string stored in the html parameter.

<a4j:actionparam> has a "noEscape" attribute. If it is set to "true", the "value" is evaluated

as a JavaScript code.


var foo = "bar";

<a4j:actionparam noEscape="true" name="param1" value="foo" assignTo="#{bean.prop1}" />


The <a4j:param> extends <f:param> , so the "name" attribute is mandatory. Otherwise, the
"value" misses due missing the request parameter name for it.

6.22.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/actionparam.jsf?c=actionparam] you
can see the example of <a4j:actionparam> usage and sources for the given example.

More information can be found on the Ajax4jsf Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?


6.23. < a4j:push >

6.23.1. Description
The <a4j:push> periodically perform Ajax request to server, to simulate 'push' data.

The main difference between <a4j:push> and <a4j:poll> components is that <a4j:push>
makes request to minimal code only (not to JSF tree) in order to check the presence of messages
in the queue. If the message exists the complete request is performed. The component doesn't
poll registered beans but registers EventListener which receives messages about events.

Table 6.45. a4j : push attributes

Attribute Name Description
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
enabled Enables/disables pushing. Default value is
eventProducer MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an PushEventListener with return type void.
User bean must register this listener and send
EventObject to this listener on ready.
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates


Attribute Name Description

on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
interval Interval (in ms) for call push requests. Default
value is "1000"ms (1 second).
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Timeout (in ms) for request

Table 6.46. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.ajax4jsf.Push

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
component-family org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxPush
component-class org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxPush
renderer-type org.ajax4jsf.components.AjaxPushRenderer

6.23.2. Creating on a page

<a4j:push reRender="msg" eventProducer="#{messageBean.addListener}" interval="3000"/>

6.23.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

import org.ajax4jsf.component.html.AjaxPush;
AjaxPush myPush = new AjaxPush();

6.23.4. Key attributes and ways of usage

The <a4j:push> implements reverse Ajax technique.

The bean, for example, could be subscribed to Java Messaging Service (JMS [http://java.sun.com/
products/jms/]) topic or it could be implemented as Message Driven Bean (MDB) in order to send
a message to the <a4j:push> component about an event presence. In the presence of the event
some action occurs.

Thus, a work paradigm with the <a4j:push> component corresponds to an anisochronous model,
but not to pools as for <a4j:poll> component. See the simplest example below:


class MyPushEventListener implements PushEventListener {
public void onEvent(EventObject evt) {
//Some action

Code for EventListener registration in the bean is placed below:


Key attributes and ways of usage

public void addListener(EventListener listener) {
synchronized (listener) {
if (this.listener != listener) {
this.listener = (PushEventListener) listener;

A page code for this example is placed below.


<a4j:status startText="in progress" stopText="done"/>
<a4j:push reRender="msg" eventProducer="#{pushBean.addListener}" interval="2000"/>
<a4j:outputPanel id="msg" >
<h:outputText value="#{pushBean.date}">
<f:convertDateTime type="time"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Push!!" action="#{pushBean.push}" ajaxSingle="true"/>

The example shows how date is updated on a page in compliance with data taken from a server. In
the example "interval" attribute has value "2000". This attribute defines an interval in milliseconds
between the previous response and the next request. Default value is set to "1000" milliseconds
(1 second). It's possible to set value equal to "0". In this case connection is permanent.

The "timeout" attribute defines response waiting time in milliseconds. If a response isn't received
during this period a connection is aborted and the next request is sent. Default value for "timeout"
attribute isn't set. Usage of "interval" and "timeout" attributes gives an opportunity to set short
polls of queue state or long connections.

The form around the <a4j:push> component is required.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.23.5. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/push.jsf?c=push] you can found
some additional information for <a4j:push> component usage.

6.24. < rich:ajaxValidator >

6.24.1. Description
The <rich:ajaxValidator> is a component designed to provide ajax validation inside for JSF

6.24.2. Key Features

• Skips all JSF processing except validation

• Possibility to use both standard and custom validation

• Possibility to use Hibernate Validation

• Event based validation triggering

Table 6.47. rich : ajaxValidator attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxListener MethodExpression representing an action
listener method that will be notified when this
component is activated by the ajax Request
and handle it. The expression must evaluate
to a public method that takes an AjaxEvent
parameter, with a return type of void
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disableDefault disableDefault
event Name of JavaScript event property ( onclick,
onchange, etc.) of parent component by which
validation will be triggered
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onsubmit JavaScript code for call before submission of
ajax event
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
summary Summary message for a validation errors.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted

Table 6.48. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ajaxValidator
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlajaxValidator
component-family org.richfaces.ajaxValidator
renderer-type org.richfaces.ajaxValidatorRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ajaxValidatorTag

6.24.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{userBean.name}" id="name" required="true">
<f:validateLength minimum="3" maximum="12"/>
<rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur"/>

6.24.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlCalendar;
HtmlAjaxValidator myAjaxValidator= new HtmlAjaxValidator();

Details of Usage

6.24.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:ajaxValidator> component should be added as a child component to an input JSF
tag which data should be validated and an event that triggers validation should be specified as
well. The component is ajaxSingle by default so only the current field will be validated.

The following example demonstrates how the <rich:ajaxValidator> adds AJAX functionality
to standard JSF validators. The request is sent when the input field loses focus, the action is
determined by the "event" attribute that is set to "onblur".

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="User Info:" />
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{userBean.name}" id="name" required="true">
<f:validateLength minimum="3" maximum="12"/>
<rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur"/>
<rich:message for="name" />

This is the result of the snippet.

Figure 6.1. Simple example of <rich:ajaxValidator> with

In the example above it's show how to work with standard JSF validators. The
<rich:ajaxValidator> component also works perfectly with custom validators enhancing their
usage with AJAX.

Custom validation can be performed in two ways:

• Using JSF Validation API is available in javax.faces.validator package

• Using Hibernate Validator, specifying a constraint for the data to be validated. A reference on
Hibernate Validator can be found here [http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/validator/reference/

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The following example shows how the data entered by user can be validated using Hibernate

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="User Info:" />
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.name}" id="name" required="true">
<rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur" />
<rich:message for="name" />

Here is the source code of the managed bean.

package org.richfaces.demo.validation;

import org.hibernate.validator.NotEmpty;
import org.hibernate.validator.Email;
import org.hibernate.validator.Length;

public class ValidationBean {

private String name;
@Email (message="wrong email format")
private String email;

public ValidationBean() {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {

< rich:graphValidator >

this.name = name;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;

By default the Hibernate Validator generates an error message in 10 language, though you can
redefine the messages that are displayed to a user when validation fails. In the shows example it
was done by adding (message="wrong email format") to the @Email annotation.

This is how it looks.

Figure 6.2. Validation using Hibernate validator

6.25. < rich:graphValidator >

6.25.1. Description
The <rich:graphValidator> component allows to register Hibernate Validators for multiple input

6.25.2. Key Features

• Skips all JSF processing except validation

Table 6.49. rich : graphValidator attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
profile profile
summary summary

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

value value

Table 6.50. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.graphValidator
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlgraphValidator
component-family org.richfaces.graphValidator
renderer-type org.richfaces.graphValidatorRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.graphValidatorTag

6.25.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{userBean.name}" id="name" required="true">
<f:validateLength minimum="3" maximum="12"/>
<rich:graphValidator event="onblur"/>

6.25.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlCalendar;
HtmlgraphValidator mygraphValidator= new HtmlgraphValidator();

The <rich:graphValidator> component behaves basically the same way as the

<rich:beanValidator> The deference between these two components is that in order to validate
some input data with a <rich:beanValidator> component, it should be a nested element of
an input component, whereas <rich:graphValidator> wraps multiple input components and
validates the data received from them.

The following example demonstrate a pattern of how the <rich:graphValidator> can be used.

< rich:beanValidator >

<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.name}" id="name">
<f:validateLength minimum="2" />
<rich:message for="name" />
<h:outputText value="Email:" />
<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.email}" id="email" />
<rich:message for="email" />

The data validation can be also performed using Hibernate Validator, the same way as it is done
with <rich:beanValidator> .

The components's architecture provides an option to bind the component to a managed bean,
which is done with the <value> attribute. The attribute ensures that the entered data is valid after
the model is updated by revalidating the bean properties.

Please look at the example below.

<rich:graphValidator value="#{dayStatistics}">
<h:outputText value="#{pt.title}" />
<rich:inputNumberSpinne minValue="0" maxValue="24" value="#{pt.time}" id="time">
<rich:message for="time" />

6.26. < rich:beanValidator >

6.26.1. Description
The <rich:beanValidator> is a component designed to provide validation using Hibernate model-
based constraints

6.26.2. Key Features

• Validation using Hibernate constraints

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.51. rich : beanValidator attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding A ValueExpression that evaluates to an
instance of FacesBeanValidator.
summary Summary message for a validation errors.

Table 6.52. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.beanValidator
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlbeanValidator
component-family org.richfaces.beanValidator
renderer-type org.richfaces.beanValidatorRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.beanValidatorTag

6.26.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of the component on a page use the following syntax:


<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.email}" id="email">
<rich:beanValidator summary="Invalid email"/>

6.26.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlCalendar;
HtmlbeanValidator mybeanValidator= new HtmlbeanValidator();
... Details of Usage

Starting from 3.2.2 GA version Rich Faces provides support for model-based constraints defined
using Hibernate Validator. Thus it's possible to use Hibernate Validators the same as for Seam
based applications.

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

The <rich:beanValidator> component is defined in the same way as any JSF validator. Look
at the example below.

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{validationBean.progressString}" id="progress"/>
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="Name:" />
<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.name}" id="name">
<rich:beanValidator summary="Invalid name"/>
<rich:message for="name" />
<h:outputText value="Email:" />
<h:inputText value="#{validationBean.email}" id="email">
<rich:beanValidator summary="Invalid email"/>
<rich:message for="email" />
<f:facet name="footer">


Please play close attention on the bean code that contains the constraints defined with Hibernate
annotation which perform validation of the input data.

package org.richfaces.demo.validation;

import org.hibernate.validator.Email;
import org.hibernate.validator.Length;
import org.hibernate.validator.NotEmpty;

public class ValidationBean {


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

private String name;

private String email;

public ValidationBean() {

public String getName() {

return name;

public void setName(String name) {

this.name = name;

public String getEmail() {

return email;

public void setEmail(String email) {

this.email = email;

The following figure shows what happens if validation fails

Figure 6.3. <rich:beanValidator> usage

As you can see from the example that in order to validate the <rich:beanValidator> should be
nested into a input JSF or RichFaces component.

The component has the only attribute - "summary" which displays validation messages about
validation errors.

< rich:calendar >

6.27. < rich:calendar >

6.27.1. Description
The <rich:calendar> component is used for creating monthly calendar elements on a page.

Figure 6.4. <rich:calendar> component

6.27.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Popup representation

• Disablement support

• Smart and user-defined positioning

• Cells customization

• Macro substitution based on tool bars customization

Table 6.53. rich : calendar attributes

Attribute Name Description
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

boundaryDatesMode This attribute is responsible for behaviour of
dates from the previous and next months which
are displayed in the current month. Valid values
are "inactive" (Default) dates inactive and gray
colored, "scroll" boundaries work as month
scrolling controls, and "select" boundaries work
in the same way as "scroll" but with the date
clicked selection. Default value is "inactive".
buttonClass Style Class attribute for the popup button
buttonIcon Defines icon for the popup button element. The
attribute is ignored if the "buttonLabel" is set
buttonIconDisabled Defines disabled icon for the popup button
element. The attribute is ignored if the
"buttonLabel" is set
buttonLabel Defines label for the popup button element.
If the attribute is set "buttonIcon" and
"buttonIconDisabled" are ignored
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
cellHeight attribute to set fixed cells height
cellWidth attribute to set fixed cells width
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
currentDate Defines current date
currentDateChangeListener MethodExpression representing an action
listener method that will be notified after date
dataModel Used to provide data for calendar elements.
If data is not provided, all Data Model related
functions are disabled
datePattern Defines date pattern. Default value is "MMM d,

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

dayStyleClass Should be binded to some JS function that will
provide style classes for special sets of days
defaultTime Defines time that will be used: 1) to
set time when the value is empty 2)
to set time when date changes and flag
"resetTimeOnDateSelect" is true
direction Defines direction of the calendar popup
("top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-
right" (Default), "auto"). Default value is
disabled If "true", rendered is disabled. In "popup" mode
both controls are disabled. Default value is
enableManualInput If "true" calendar input will be editable and it
will be possible to change the date manualy. If
"false" value for this attribute makes a text field
"read-only", so the value can be changed only
from a handle. Default value is "false".
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
firstWeekDay Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g.,
SUNDAY in the U.S., MONDAY in France.
Default value is "getDefaultFirstWeekDay()".
Possible values should be integers from 0 to 6,
0 corresponds to Sunday
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
horizontalOffset Sets the horizontal offset between button and
calendar element conjunction point. Default
value is "0".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inputClass Style Class attribute for the text field
inputSize Defines the size of an input field. Similar to the
"size" attribute of <h:inputText/>
inputStyle Style attribute for text field
isDayEnabled Should be binded to some JS function that
returns day state.
jointPoint Set the corner of the button for the popup to
be connected with (top-left, top-right, bottom-
left (Default), bottom-right, auto). Default value
is "bottom-left".
label A localized user presentable name for this
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
locale Used for locale definition. Default value is
minDaysInFirstWeek Gets what the minimal days required in the first
week of the year are; e.g., if the first week is
defined as one that contains the first day of
the first month of a year, this method returns
1. If the minimal days required must be a full
week, this method returns 7. Default value is
mode Valid values: ajax or client. Default value is
monthLabels Attribute that allows to customize names of
the months. Should accept list with the month

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

monthLabelsShort Attribute that allows to customize short names
of the months. Should accept list with the
month names
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onchanged onChanged event handler
oncollapse onCollapse event handler
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
oncurrentdateselect onCurrentDateSelect event handler
oncurrentdateselected onCurrentDateSelected event handler
ondatemouseout onDateMouseOut event handler
ondatemouseover onDateMouseOver event handler
ondateselect onDateSelect event handler
ondateselected onDateSelected event handler
onexpand onExpand event handler
oninputblur input onBlur event handler
oninputchange input onChange event handler
oninputclick input onClick event handler
oninputfocus input onFocus event handler
oninputkeydown input onKeyDown event handler
oninputkeypress input onKeyPress event handler
oninputkeyup input onKeyUp event handler
oninputselect input onSelect event handler
ontimeselect onTimeSelect event handler
ontimeselected onTimeSelected event handler
popup If "true" calendar will be rendered initially as
hidden with additional elements for calling as
popup. Default value is "true".
preloadDateRangeBegin Define the initial range of date
which will be loaded to client from
dataModel under rendering. Default value is
preloadDateRangeEnd Defines the last range of date
which will be loaded to client from

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

dataModel under rendering. Default value is
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
resetTimeOnDateSelect If value is true then calendar should change
time to defaultTime for newly-selected dates.
showApplyButton If false ApplyButton should not be shown.
Default value is "false".
showFooter If false Calendar's footer should not be shown.
Default value is "true".
showHeader If false Calendar's header should not be
shown. Default value is "true".
showInput "false" value for this attribute makes text field
invisible. It works only if popupMode="true" If
showInput is "true" - input field will be shown.
Default value is "true".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

showWeekDaysBar If false this bar should not be shown. Default
value is "true".
showWeeksBar If false this bar should not be shown. Default
value is "true".
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
timeZone Used for current date calculations. Default
value is "getDefaultTimeZone()".
todayControlMode This attribute defines the mode for "today"
control. Possible values are "scroll", "select",
"hidden". Default value is "select".
toolTipMode Used to specify mode to load tooltips. Valid
values are "none", "single" and "batch" Default
value is "batch".
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
verticalOffset Sets the vertical offset between button and
calendar element conjunction point. Default
value is "0".
weekDayLabels List of the day names displays on the days bar
in the following way "Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, "
weekDayLabelsShort Attribute that allows to customize short names
of the weeks. Should accept list with the weeks

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

zindex Attribute is similar to the standard HTML
attribute and can specify window placement
relative to the content. Default value is "3".

Table 6.54. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Calendar
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlCalendar
component-family org.richfaces.Calendar
renderer-type org.richfaces.CalendarRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.CalendarTag

6.27.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:calendar popup="false"/>

6.27.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlCalendar;
HtmlCalendar myCalendar = new HtmlCalendar();

6.27.5. Details of Usage

The "popup" attribute defines calendar representation mode on a page. If it's "true" the calendar
is represented on a page as an input field and a button. Clicking on the button calls the calendar
popup as it's shown on the picture below.

Details of Usage

Figure 6.5. Using the "popup" attribute: calendar calls after you click on
the button.

Usage "currentDate" attribute isn't available in the popup mode.

The "value" attribute stores selected date currently.

With help of the "currentDate" attribute you can define month and year which will be displayed

The "todayControlMode" attribute defines the mode for "today" control. Possible values are:

• "hidden" - in this mode "Today" button will not be displayed

• "select" - (default) in this state "Today" button activation will scroll the calendar to the current
date and it become selected date

• "scroll" - in this mode "Today" activation will simply scroll the calendar to current month without
changing selected day.

The <rich:calendar> component can render pages of days in two modes. A mode could be
defined with the "mode" attribute with two possible parameters: "ajax" and "client". Default
value is "client".

• Ajax

Calendar requests portions of data from Data Model for a page rendering. If "dataModel" attribute
has "null" value, data requests are not sent. In this case the "ajax" mode is equal to the "client".

• Client

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Calendar loads an initial portion of data in a specified range and use this data to render months.
Additional data requests are not sent.


"preloadDateRangeBegin" and "preloadDateRangeEnd" attributes were

designed only for the "client" mode to load some data initially.

"ondataselect" attribute is used to define an event that is triggered before date selection.

"ondateselected" attribute is used to define an event that is triggered after date selection.

For example, to fire some event after date selection you should use <a4j:support> . And it should
be bound to "ondateselected" event as it's shown in the example below:

<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}">
<a4j:support event="ondateselected" reRender="mainTable"/>

"ondataselect" could be used for possibility of date selection canceling. See an example below:

<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}" ondateselect="if (!confirm('Are you sure to
change date?')){return false;}"/>

"oncurrentdataselected" event is fired when the "next/previous month" or "next/previous year"

button is pressed, and the value is applied.

"oncurrentdataselect" event is fired when the "next/previous month" or "next/previous year" button
is pressed, but the value is not applied yet (you can change the logic of applying the value). Also
this event could be used for possibility of "next/previous month" or "next/previous year" selection
canceling. See an example below:


<rich:calendar id="date" value="#{bean.dateTest}" oncurrentdateselect="if (!confirm('Are you
sure to change month(year)?')){return false;}"
oncurrentdateselected="alert('month(year) select:'+event.rich.date.toString());"/>

Details of Usage


How to use these attributes see also on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

There are three button-related attributes:

• "buttonLabel" defines a label for the button. If the attribute is set "buttonIcon" and
"buttonIconDisabled" are ignored

• "buttonIcon" defines an icon for the button

• "buttonIconDisabled" defines an icon for the disabled state of the button

The "direction" and "jointPoint" attributes are used for defining aspects of calendar appearance.

The possible values for the "direction" are:

• "top-left" - a calendar drops to the top and left

• "top-right" - a calendar drops to the top and right

• "bottom-left" - a calendar drops to the bottom and left

• "bottom-right" - a calendar drops to the bottom and right

• "auto" - smart positioning activation

By default, the "direction" attribute is set to "bottom-right".

The possible values for the "jointPoint" are:

• "top-left" - a calendar docked to the top-left point of the button element

• "top-right" - a calendar docked to the top-right point of the button element

• "bottom-left" - a calendar docked to the bottom-left point of the button element

• "bottom-right" - a calendar docked to the bottom-right point of the button element

• "auto" - smart positioning activation

By default, the "jointPoint" attribute is set to "bottom-left".

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

The "defaultTime" attribute to set the default time value for the current date in two cases:

• If time is not set

• If another date is selected and the value of the "resetTimeOnDateSelect" attribute is set to

The "enableManualInput" attribute enables/disables input field, so when enableManualInput =

"false" , user can only pick the date manually and has no possibility to type in the date (default
value is "false").

The <rich:calendar> component allows to use "header" , "footer"

, "optionalHeader" , "optionalFooter" facets. The following elements
are available in these facets: {currentMonthControl}, {nextMonthControl},
{nextYearControl}, {previousYearControl}, {previousMonthControl}, {todayControl},
{selectedDateControl}. These elements could be used for labels output.

Also you can use "weekNumber" facet with available {weekNumber}, {elementId}
elements and "weekDay" facet with {weekDayLabel}, {weekDayLabelShort},
{weekDayNumber}, {isWeekend}, {elementId} elements. {weekNumber}, {weekDayLabel},
{weekDayLabelShort}, {weekDayNumber} elements could be used for labels output,
{isWeekend}, {elementId} - for additional processing in JavaScript code.

These elements are shown on the picture below.

Figure 6.6. Available elements

Details of Usage

Simple example of usage is placed below.


<!-- Styles for cells -->

<rich:calendar id="myCalendar" popup="true" locale="#{calendarBean.locale}" value="#{bean.date}"
preloadRangeBegin="#{bean.date}" preloadRangeEnd="#{bean.date}" cellWidth="40px" cellHe

<!-- Customization with usage of facets and accessible elements -->

<f:facet name="header">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" width="100%" columnClasses="width100, fake">
<h:outputText value="{selectedDateControl}" />
<h:outputText value="{todayControl}" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:left"/>
<f:facet name="weekDay">
<h:panelGroup style="width:60px; overflow:hidden;" layout="block">
<h:outputText value="{weekDayLabelShort}"/>
<f:facet name="weekNumber">
<h:outputText value="{weekNumber}" style="color:red"/>
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:panelGrid columns="3" width="100%" columnClasses="fake, width100 talign">
<h:outputText value="{previousMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
<h:outputText value="{currentMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>
<h:outputText value="{nextMonthControl}" style="font-weight:bold;"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:outputText value="{day}"></h:outputText>

This is a result:

Figure 6.7. Facets usage

As it's shown on the picture above {selectedDateControl}, {todayControl} elements

are placed in the "header" facet, {previousMonthControl}, {currentMonthControl},
{nextMonthControl} - in the "footer" facet, {weekDayLabelShort} - in the "weekDay" facet,
{nextYearControl}, {previousYearControl} are absent. Numbers of weeks are red colored.

It is possible to show and manage date. Except scrolling controls you can use quick month and
year selection feature. It's necessary to click on its field, i.e. current month control, and choose
required month and year.

Details of Usage

Figure 6.8. Quick month and year selection

Also the <rich:calendar> component allows to show and manage time. It's necessary to define
time in a pattern (for example, it could be defined as "d/M/yy HH:mm"). Then after you choose
some data in the calendar, it becomes possible to manage time for this date. For time editing it's
necessary to click on its field (see a picture below). To clean the field click on the "Clean".

Figure 6.9. Timing

It's possible to handle events for calendar from JavaScript code. A simplest example of usage
JavaScript API is placed below:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:calendar value="#{calendarBean.selectedDate}" id="calendarID"

showApplyButton="#{calendarBean.showApply}" style="width:200px"/>


Also the discussion about this problem can be found on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://

The <rich:calendar> component provides the possibility to use a special Data Model to define
data for element rendering. Data Model includes two major interfaces:

• CalendarDataModel

• CalendarDataModelItem

CalendarDataModel provides the following function:

• CalendarDataModelItem[] getData(Date[]);

This method is called when it's necessary to represent the next block of CalendarDataItems.
It happens during navigation to the next (previous) month or in any other case when calendar
renders. This method is called in "Ajax" mode when the calendar renders a new page.

CalendarDataModelItem provides the following function:

• Date getDate() - returns date from the item. Default implementation returns date.

• Boolean isEnabled() - returns "true" if date is "selectable" on the calendar. Default

implementation returns "true".

• String getStyleClass() - returns string appended to the style class for the date span. For
example it could be "relevant holyday". It means that the class could be defined like the "rich-
cal-day-relevant-holyday" one. Default implementation returns empty string.

• Object getData() - returns any additional payload that must be JSON-serializable object. It
could be used in the custom date representation on the calendar (inside the custom facet).

The <rich:calendar> component provides the possibility to use internationalization method

to redefine and localize the labels. You could use application resource bundle and define

JavaScript API



You could also pack org.richfaces.renderkit.calendar resource [http://labs.jboss.com/file-

CalendarRendererBase.html#CALENDAR_BUNDLE] bundle with your JARs defining the same


Only for Internet Explorer 6 and later. To make <rich:calendar> inside

<rich:modalPanel> rendered properly, enable the standards-compliant mode.
Explore !DOCTYPE reference at MSDN [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
ms535242(VS.85).aspx] to find out how to do this.

6.27.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.55. JavaScript API

Function Description
selectDate(date) Selects the date specified. If the date isn't in
current month - performs request to select
isDateEnabled(date) Checks if given date is selectable (to be
enableDate(date) Enables date cell control on the calendar (to be
disableDate(date) Disables date cell control on the calendar (to
be implemented)
enableDates(date[]) Enables dates cell controls set on the calendar
(to be implemented)
disableDates(date[]) Disables dates cell controls set on the calendar
(to be implemented)
nextMonth() Navigates to next month
nextYear() Navigates to next year
prevMonth() Navigates to previous month
prevYear() Navigates to previous year
today() Selects today date
getSelectedDate() Returns currently selected date
Object getData() Returns additional data for the date

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Function Description
getCurrentMonth() Returns number of the month currently being
getCurrentYear() Returns number of the year currently being
doCollapse() Collapses calendar element
doExpand() Expands calendar element
resetSelectedDate() Clears a selected day value
doSwitch() Inverts a state for the popup calendar

6.27.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:calendar> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:calendar> component

6.27.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.56. Skin parameters redefinition for a popup element

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.57. Skin parameters redefinition for headers (header, optional


Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
additionalBackgroundColor background-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.58. Skin parameters redefinition for footers (footer, optional footer)
and names of working days

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color

Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-right-color
additionalBackgroundColor background
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.59. Skin parameters redefinition for weeks numbers

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color
additionalBackgroundColor background
calendarWeekBackgroundColor background-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.60. Skin parameters redefinition for a toolBar and names of months

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerSizeFont font-size
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerWeightFont font-weight
headerTextColor color

Table 6.61. Skin parameters redefinition for cells with days

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color
generalBackgroundColor background-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.62. Skin parameters redefinition for holiday

Skin parameters CSS properties

calendarHolidaysBackgroundColor background-color
calendarHolidaysTextColor color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.63. Skin parameters redefinition for cell with a current date

Skin parameters CSS properties

calendarCurrentBackgroundColor background-color
calendarCurrentTextColor color

Table 6.64. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected day

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerTextColor color
headerWeightFont font-weight

Table 6.65. Skin parameters redefinition for a popup element during quick
month and year selection

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.66. Skin parameters redefinition for a shadow

Skin parameters CSS properties

shadowBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.67. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected month and year

Skin parameters CSS properties

calendarCurrentBackgroundColor background-color
calendarCurrentTextColor color

Table 6.68. Skin parameters redefinition for a hovered month and year

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color
calendarSpecBackgroundColor background

Table 6.69. Skin parameters redefinition for a month items near split line

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-right-color

Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.70. Skin parameters redefinition for a hovered toolbar items

Skin parameters CSS properties
calendarWeekBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColor color
tableBackgroundColor border-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.71. Skin parameters redefinition for a pressed toolbar items

Skin parameters CSS properties
panelBorderColor border-color
tableBackgroundColor border-right-color
tableBackgroundColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.72. Skin parameters redefinition for "ok" and "cancel" buttons
Skin parameters CSS properties
additionalBackgroundColor background
panelBorderColor border-top-color

Table 6.73. Skin parameters redefinition for a popup element during time
Skin parameters CSS properties
additionalBackgroundColor background
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.74. Skin parameters redefinition for a wrapper <td> element for an
input field
Skin parameters CSS properties
controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color
subBorderColor border-bottom-color
subBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.75. Skin parameters redefinition for an input field

Skin parameters CSS properties
buttonSizeFont font-size

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Skin parameters CSS properties

buttonFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.76. Skin parameters redefinition for a wrapper <td> element for
spinner buttons

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color

6.27.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.10. Style classes

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.11. Style classes

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.12. Style classes

Figure 6.13. Style classes

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.77. Classes names that define an input field and a button

Class name Description

rich-calendar-input Defines styles for an input field
rich-calendar-button Defines styles for a popup button

Table 6.78. Classes names that define a days appearance

Class name Description

rich-calendar-days Defines styles for names of working days in a
rich-calendar-weekends Defines styles for names of weekend in a
rich-calendar-week Defines styles for weeks numbers
rich-calendar-today Defines styles for cell with a current date
rich-calendar-cell Defines styles for cells with days
rich-calendar-holly Defines styles for holiday
rich-calendar-select Defines styles for a selected day
rich-calendar-hover Defines styles for a hovered day

Table 6.79. Classes names that define a popup element

Class name Description

rich-calendar-popup Defines styles for a popup element
rich-calendar-exterior Defines styles for a popup element exterior
rich-calendar-tool Defines styles for toolbars
rich-calendar-month Defines styles for names of months
rich-calendar-header-optional Defines styles for an optional header
rich-calendar-footer-optional Defines styles for an optional footer
rich-calendar-header Defines styles for a header
rich-calendar-footer Defines styles for a footer
rich-calendar-boundary-dates Defines styles for an active boundary button
rich-calendar-btn Defines styles for an inactive boundary date
rich-calendar-toolfooter Defines styles for a today control date

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.80. Classes names that define a popup element during quick month
and year selection
Class name Description
rich-calendar-date-layout Defines styles for a popup element during quick
year selection
rich-calendar-editor-layout-shadow Defines styles for a shadow
rich-calendar-editor-btn Defines styles for an inactive boundary date
rich-calendar-date-layout-split Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
month items near split line
rich-calendar-editor-btn-selected Defines styles for an selected boundary date
rich-calendar-editor-btn-over Defines styles for a boundary date when
pointer was moved onto
rich-calendar-editor-tool-over Defines styles for a hovered toolbar items
rich-calendar-editor-tool-press Defines styles for a pressed toolbar items
rich-calendar-date-layout-ok Defines styles for a "ok" button
rich-calendar-date-layout-cancel Defines styles for a "cancel" button

Table 6.81. Classes names that define a popup element during time
Class name Description
rich-calendar-time-layout Defines styles for a popup element during time
rich-calendar-editor-layout-shadow Defines styles for a shadow
rich-calendar-time-layout-fields Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
input fields and buttons
rich-calendar-spinner-input-container Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
an input field
rich-calendar-spinner-input Defines styles for an input field
rich-calendar-spinner-buttons Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
spinner buttons
rich-calendar-spinner-up Defines styles for a "up" button
rich-calendar-spinner-down Defines styles for a "down" button
rich-calendar-time-layout-ok Defines styles for a "ok" button
rich-calendar-time-layout-cancel Defines styles for a "cancel" button

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:calendar> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.

Definition of Custom Style Classes


.rich-calendar-today {
background-color: #FF0000;

This is a result:

Figure 6.14. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example an active cell background color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:calendar> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:calendar> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "inputClass" attribute for <rich:calendar> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:calendar ... inputClass="myFontClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.15. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for output text was changed.

6.27.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/calendar.jsf?c=calendar] you can see
the example of <rich:calendar> usage and sources for the given example.

How to use JavaScript API see on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?

6.28. < rich:comboBox >

6.28.1. Description
The <rich:comboBox> is a component, that provides editable combo box element on a page.

Figure 6.16. <rich:comboBox> component

Key Features

6.28.2. Key Features

• Client side suggestions

• Browser like selection

• Smart user-defined positioning

• Seam entity converter support

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Disablement support

Table 6.82. rich : comboBox attributes

Attribute Name Description
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
horizontal alignment of its element with respect
to the surrounding context. The possible values
are "left", "center", "right" and "justify". The
default depends on the base text direction. For
left to right text, the default is align="left", while
for right to left text, the default is align="right".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
buttonClass Style Class attribute for the button
buttonDisabledClass Style Class attribute for the disabled button
buttonDisabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to disabled button
buttonIcon Defines icon for the button element
buttonIconDisabled Defines disabled icon for the button element
buttonIconInactive Defines inactive icon for the button element
buttonInactiveClass Style Class attribute for the inactive button
buttonInactiveStyle CSS style rules to be applied to inactive button
buttonStyle CSS style rules to be applied to button
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
defaultLabel Defines default label for the input field element

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

Defines the first value from the suggested in
input field. Default value is "false".
disabled When set for a form control, this boolean
attribute disables the control for your input
enableManualInput Enables keyboard input, if "false" keyboard
input will be locked. Default value is "true"
filterNewValues Defines the appearance of values in the list.
Default value is "true".
hideDelay Delay between losing focus and pop-up list
closing. Default value is "0".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inputClass Style Class attribute for the input field
inputDisabledClass Style Class attribute for the disabled input
inputDisabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to disabled input
inputInactiveClass Style Class attribute for the inactive input
inputInactiveStyle CSS style rules to be applied to inactive input
inputStyle CSS style rules to be applied to input field
itemClass Style Class attribute for the items
itemSelectedClass Style Class attribute for the selected item
listClass Style Class attribute for the popup list
listHeight Defines height of file pop-up list. Default value
is "200px".
listStyle CSS style rules to be applied to popup list
listWidth Defines width of file popup list
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onlistcall A JavaScript event handler called on a list call
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some text in a text field.
This attribute may be used with the INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
selectFirstOnUpdate Defines if the first value from suggested is
selected in pop-up list. Default value is "true".
showDelay Delay between event and pop-up list showing.
Default value is "0".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
suggestionValues Defines the suggestion collection
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
width Width of the component. Default value is "150".

Table 6.83. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ComboBox
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlComboBox
component-family org.richfaces.ComboBox
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.ComboBoxRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ComboBoxTag

6.28.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:comboBox value="#{bean.state}" suggestionValues="#{bean.suggestions}" />

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

6.28.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlComboBox;
HtmlComboBox myComboBox = new HtmlComboBox();

6.28.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:comboBox> is a simplified suggestion box component, that provides input with client
side suggestions. The component could be in two states:

• Default - only input and button is shown

• Input, button and a popup list of suggestions attached to input is shown

There are two ways to get values for the popup list of suggestions:

• Using the "suggestionValues" attribute, that defines the suggestion collection


<rich:comboBox value="#{bean.state}" suggestionValues="#{bean.suggestions}" />

• Using the <f:selectItem /> or <f:selectItems /> facets which considers only "value" attribute.


<rich:comboBox value="#{bean.state}" valueChangeListener="#{bean.selectionChanged}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Oregon"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Pennsylvania"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Rhode Island"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="South Carolina"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Popup list content loads at page render time. No additional requests could be performed on the
popup calling.

The "value" attribute stores value from input after submit.

The "directInputSuggestions" attribute defines, how the first value from the suggested one
appears in an input field. If it's "true" the first value appears with the suggested part highlighted.



This is a result:

Figure 6.17. <rich:comboBox> with "directInputSuggestions" attribute.

The "selectFirstOnUpdate" attribute defines if the first value from suggested is selected in a popup
list. If it's "false" nothing is selected in the list before a user hovers some item with the mouse.



This is a result:

Figure 6.18. <rich:comboBox> with "selectFirstOnUpdate" attribute.

Details of Usage

The "defaultLabel" attribute defines the default label of the input element. Simple example is
placed below.


<rich:comboBox value="#{bean.state}"
a city..." />

This is a result:

Figure 6.19. <rich:comboBox> with "defaultLabel" attribute.

With the help of the "disabled" attribute you can disable the whole <rich:comboBox>
component. See the following example.


<rich:comboBox value="#{bean.state}"
a city..." disabled="true" />

This is a result:

Figure 6.20. <rich:comboBox> with "disabled" attribute.

The "enableManualInput" attribute enables/disables input field, so when enableManualInput

= "false" , user can only pick the value manually and has no possibility to type in the value
(default value is "false").

The <rich:comboBox> component provides to use specific event attributes:

• "onlistcall" which is fired before the list opening and gives you a possibility to cancel list popup/

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• "onselect" which gives you a possibility to send AJAX request when item is selected

The <rich:comboBox> component allows to use sizes attributes:

• "listWidth" and "listHeight" attributes specify popup list sizes with values in pixels

• "width" attribute customizes the size of input element with values in pixels.

6.28.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.84. JavaScript API

Function Description
showList() Shows the popup list
hideList() Hides the popup list
enable() Enables the control for input
disable() Disables the control for input

6.28.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:comboBox> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:comboBox> component

6.28.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.85. Skin parameters redefinition for a popup list

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.86. Skin parameters redefinition for a button background, inactive

button background, button background in pressed and disabled state

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color

Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.87. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color
panelBorderColor border-left-color

Table 6.88. Skin parameters redefinition for an inactive button

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color
panelBorderColor border-left-color

Table 6.89. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled button

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color
panelBorderColor border-left-color

Table 6.90. Skin parameters redefinition for a hovered button

Skin parameters CSS properties

selectControlColor border-color

Table 6.91. Skin parameters redefinition for a font

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalTextColor color

Table 6.92. Skin parameters redefinition for a font in inactive state

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalTextColor color

Table 6.93. Skin parameters redefinition for a font in disabled state

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-size

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.94. Skin parameters redefinition for an input field

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.95. Skin parameters redefinition for an inactive input field

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.96. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled input field

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.97. Skin parameters redefinition for an item

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalTextColor color

Table 6.98. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected item

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color
generalTextColor color

6.28.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.21. Classes names

Figure 6.22. Classes names

Table 6.99. Classes names that define popup list representation

Class name Description

rich-combobox-shell Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a list
rich-combobox-list-position Defines position of a list
rich-combobox-list-decoration Defines styles for a list
rich-combobox-list-scroll Defines styles for a list scrolling

Table 6.100. Classes names that define font representation

Class name Description

rich-combobox-font Defines styles for a font
rich-combobox-font-inactive Defines styles for an inactive font
rich-combobox-font-disabled Defines styles for a disabled font

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.101. Classes names that define input field representation

Class name Description
rich-combobox-input Defines styles for an input field
rich-combobox-input-disabled Defines styles for an input field in disabled state
rich-combobox-input-inactive Defines styles for an inactive input field

Table 6.102. Classes names that define item representation

Class name Description
rich-combobox-item Defines styles for an item
rich-combobox-item-selected Defines styles for a selected item

Table 6.103. Classes names that define button representation

Class name Description
rich-combobox-button Defines styles for a button
rich-combobox-button-inactive Defines styles for an inactive button
rich-combobox-button-disabled Defines styles for a button in disabled state
rich-combobox-button-hovered Defines styles for a hovered button
rich-combobox-button-background Defines styles for a button background
rich-combobox-button-background-disabled Defines styles for a disabled button
rich-combobox-button-background-inactive Defines styles for an inactive button
rich-combobox-button-pressed-background Defines styles for a pressed button background
rich-combobox-button-icon Defines styles for a button icon
rich-combobox-button-icon-inactive Defines styles for an inactive button icon
rich-combobox-button-icon-disabled Defines styles for a disabled button icon

Table 6.104. Classes names that define shadow representation

Class name Description
rich-combobox-shadow Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a shadow
rich-combobox-shadow-tl Defines styles for a top-left element of a
rich-combobox-shadow-tr Defines styles for a top-right element of a
rich-combobox-shadow-bl Defines styles for a bottom-left element of a

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-combobox-shadow-br Defines styles for a bottom-right element of a

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:comboBox> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.23. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example background color for popup list was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:comboBox> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:comboBox> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "listClass" attribute for <rich:comboBox> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:comboBox ... listClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.24. Redefinition styles with own classes and "styleClass"


As it could be seen on the picture above, the font weight for items was changed.

6.28.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/comboBox.jsf?c=comboBox] you can
see an example of <rich:comboBox> usage and sources for the given example.

6.29. < rich:componentControl >

6.29.1. Description
The <rich:componentControl> allows to call JavaScript API functions on components after
defined events.

6.29.2. Key Features

• Management of components JavaScript API

• Customizable initialization variants

• Customizable activation events

• Possibility to pass parameters to the target component

Table 6.105. rich : componentControl attributes

Attribute Name Description
attachTiming Defines the page loading phase when
componentControl is attached to another
component. Default value is "onavailable"
attachTo Client identifier of the component or id of
the existing DOM element that is a source
for given event. If attachTo is defined, the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

event is attached on the client according to
the attachTiming attribute. If attachTo is not
defined, the event is attached on the server
to the closest in the component tree parent
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
disableDefault Disable default action for target event ( append
"return false;" to JavaScript )
event The Event that is used to trigger the operation
on the target component
for Client identifier of the target component.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
name The optional name of the function that might
be used to trigger the operation on the target
operation The function of JavaScript API that will be
invoked. The API method is attached to the
'component' property of the root DOM element
that represents the target component. The
function has two parameters - event and
params. See: 'params' attribute for details.
params The set of parameters passed to the function
of Javascript API that will be invoked. The
JSON syntax is used to define the parameters,
but without open and closed curve bracket.
As an alternative, the set of f:param can be
used to define the parameters passed to the
API function. If both way are used to define
the parameters, both set are concatenated. if
names are equals, the f:param has a priority.
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Table 6.106. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ComponentControl
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlComponentControl
component-family org.richfaces.ComponentControl

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
renderer-type org.richfaces.ComponentControlRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ComponentControlTag

6.29.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:



6.29.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlComponentControl;
HtmlComponentControl myComponentControl = new HtmlComponentControl();

6.29.5. Details of Usage

<rich:componentControl> is a command component, that allows to call JavaScript API function
on some defined event. Look at the example:


In other words it means "clicking on the component with ID 'doExpandCalendarID', expands the
component with ID 'ccCalendarID'". It can be said, that <rich:componentControl> connects
two components with the help of JavaScript API function.

Component ID, to wich the event, that invokes JavaScript API function is applied, is defined with
"attachTo" attribute (see the exapmle above). If "attachTo" attribute is not defined, the component
will be attached to the parent component.

Details of Usage


<h:commandButton value="Show Modal Panel">
<rich:componentControl for="ccModalPanelID" event="onclick" operation="show"/> <!--
attached to the commandButton-->

On the result page the component is rendered to JavaScript code. This means, that it is possible
to invoke the <rich:componentControl> handler operation as usual JavaScript function. This
function is called by name, specified in the component "name" attribute. The definition of "name"
attribute is shown on the example below:

<rich:componentControl name="func" event="onRowClick" for="menu" operation="show" />

The generated JavaScript function will look as shown below:

function func (event) {


An important <rich:componentControl> feature, is that it allows transferring parameters, with

the help of special attribute "params" .



The alternative way for parameters transferring uses <f:param> attribute. As the code above,
the following code will represent the same functionality.



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:componentControl event="onRowClick" for="menu" operation="show">

<f:param value="#{car.model}" name="model"/>

With the help of the "attachTiming" attribute you can define the page loading phase when
<rich:componentControl> is attached to source component. Possible values are:

• "immediate" - attached during execution of <rich:componentControl> script

• "onavailable" - attached after the target component is initialized

• "onload" - attached after the page is loaded

<rich:componentControl> interacts with such components as: <rich:contextMenu> ,

<rich:toolTip> , <rich:modalPanel > , <rich:listShuttle> , <rich:orderingList> ,

In order to use <rich:componentControl> with another component you should place the id of
this component into "for" attribute field. All operations with defined component you can find in
the JavaScript API section of defined component.


<br />
<rich:toolTip id="toolTipFor" followMouse="false" direction="top-
right" mode="ajax" value="This is
button" horizontalOffset="5" verticalOffset="5" layout="block" />
<h:commandButton id="ButtonID" value="Button">


This is a result:

Look-and-Feel Customization

Figure 6.25. <rich:toolTip> shows with the help of

<rich:componentControl> .

As it could be seen in the picture above, the <rich:toolTip> shows after you click the button.

6.29.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:componentControl> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component
isn't visual.

6.29.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/componentControl.jsf?
c=componentControl] you can see an example of <rich:componentControl> usage and sources
for the given example.

Here [http://java.sun.com/javaee/javaserverfaces/1.1_01/docs/tlddocs/f/param.html] you can

found some additional information about <f:param> component.

6.30. < rich:contextMenu >

6.30.1. Description
The <rich:contextMenu> component is used for creation multileveled context menus that are
activated after a user defines an event ( "onmouseover" , "onclick" , etc.) on any element on the

Figure 6.26. <rich:contextMenu> component

6.30.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• "oncontextmenu" event support

• Disablement support

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Pop-up appearance event customization

• Usage of shared instance of a menu on a page

Table 6.107. rich : contextMenu attributes

Attribute Name Description

attached If the value of the "attached" attribute is true,
the component is attached to the component,
specified in the "attachTo" attribute or to the
parent component, if "attachTo" is not defined.
Default value is "true".
attachTiming Defines the timing when the menu is attached
to the target element. Possible values "onload",
"immediate", "onavailable" (default). Default
value is "onavailable".
attachTo Client identifier of the component or id of
the existing DOM element that is a source
for a given event. If attachTo is defined, the
event is attached on the client according to
the AttachTiming attribute. If both attached and
attachTo attributes are defined, and attribute
attached has value 'false', it is considered to
have higher priority.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
disableDefaultMenu Forbids default handling for adjusted event.
Default value "true".
disabledItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to disabled item of this
disabledItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to disabled
item when this component is rendered.
event Defines an event on the parent element
to display the menu. Default value is
hideDelay Delay between losing focus and menu closing.
Default value is "800".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
itemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to item of this component

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

itemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to item when
this component is rendered.
oncollapse Event must occurs on menu closure
onexpand Event must occurs on menu opening
ongroupactivate HTML: script expression; some group was
onitemselect HTML: script expression; some item was
onmousemove HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseout HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseover HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
popupWidth Set minimal width for the all of the lists that will
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
selectItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to selected item of this
selectItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to selected
item when this component is rendered.
showDelay Delay between event and menu showing.
Default value is "50".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
submitMode Sets the submission mode for all menu items
of the menu except those where this attribute
redefined. Possible value are "ajax","server",
"none". Default value is "server".

Table 6.108. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ContextMenu
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.ContextMenu
component-family org.richfaces.ContextMenu

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
renderer-type org.richfaces.DropDownMenuRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ContextMenuTagHandler

6.30.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:contextMenu event="oncontextmenu" attached="true">

6.30.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.ContextMenu;
html.ContextMenu myContextMenu = new html.ContextMenu();

6.30.5. Details of Usage

<rich:contextMenu> is a support-like component. Context menu itself is an invisible panel that
appears after a particular client side event ( "onmouseover" , "onclick" , etc.) occurred on a parent
component. The event is defined with an "event" attribute. The component uses "oncontextmenu"
event by default to call a context menu by clicking on the right mouse button.

<rich:menuGroup> , <rich:menuItem> and <rich:menuSeparator> components are used as

nested elements for <rich:contextMenu> in the same way as for <rich:dropDownMenu> .

If "attached" value is "true" (default value), component is attached to the parent component or to
the component, which "id" is specified in the "attachTo" attribute. An example is placed below.


<rich:contextMenu event="oncontextmenu" attachTo="pic1" submitMode="none">
<rich:menuItem value="Zoom In" onclick="enlarge();" id="zin"/>
<rich:menuItem value="Zoom Out" onclick="decrease();" id="zout"/>

Details of Usage

<h:panelGrid columns="1" columnClasses="cent">
<h:panelGroup id="picture">
<h:graphicImage value="/richfaces/jQuery/images/pic1.png" id="pic"/>
<h:panelGrid columns="1" columnClasses="cent">
<h:panelGroup id="picture1">
<h:graphicImage value="/richfaces/jQuery/images/pic2.png" id="pic1"/>

The "enlarge()" and "decrease()" functions definition is placed below.

<script type="text/javascript">
function enlarge(){
function decrease(){

In the example a picture zooming possibility with <rich:contextMenu> component usage was
shown. The picture is placed on the <h:panelGroup> component. The <rich:contextMenu>
component is not nested to <h:panelGroup> and has a value of the "attachTo" attribute defined
as "pic1". Thus, the context menu is attached to the component, which "id" is "pic1". The
context menu has two items to zoom in (zoom out) a picture by "onclick" event. For earch item
corresponding JavaScript function is defined to provide necessary action as a result of the clicking
on it. For the menu is defined an "oncontextmenu" event to call the context menu on a right
click mouse event.

In the example the context menu is defined for the parent <h:panelGroup> component with a
value of "id" attribute equal to "picture" You should be careful with such definition, because
a client context menu is looked for a DOM element with a client Id of a parent component
on a server. If a parent component doesn't encode an Id on a client, it can't be found by the
<rich:contextMenu> and it's attached to its closest parent in a DOM tree.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

If the "attached" attribute has "false" value, component activates via JavaScript API with
assistance of <rich:componentControl> . An example is placed below.


<h:form id="form">
<rich:contextMenu attached="false" id="menu" submitMode="ajax">
<rich:menuItem ajaxSingle="true">
<b>{car} {model}</b> details

<a4j:actionParam name="det" assignTo="#{ddmenu.current}" value="{car} {model} details"/>

<rich:menuGroup value="Actions">
<rich:menuItem ajaxSingle="true">
Put <b>{car} {model}</b> To Basket

<a4j:actionParam name="bask" assignTo="#{ddmenu.current}" value="Put {car} {model} To

<rich:menuItem value="Read Comments" ajaxSingle="true">
<a4j:actionParam name="bask" assignTo="#{ddmenu.current}" value="Read
<rich:menuItem ajaxSingle="true">
Go to <b>{car}</b> site
<a4j:actionParam name="bask" assignTo="#{ddmenu.current}" value="Go
to {car} site"/>

<h:panelGrid columns="2">

<rich:dataTable value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.tenRandomCars}" var="car" id="table"

<f:facet name="header">Make</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{car.make}"/>
<f:facet name="header">Model</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{car.model}"/>

Details of Usage

<f:facet name="header">Price</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{car.price}" />

<rich:componentControl event="onRowClick" for="menu" operation="show">

<f:param value="#{car.model}" name="model"/>
<f:param value="#{car.make}" name="car"/>

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<f:facet name="header">Last Menu Action</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{ddmenu.current}"></h:outputText>

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.27. The "attached" attribute usage

In the example the context menu is activated (by clicking on the left mouse button) on the table
via JavaScript API with assistance of <rich:componentControl> . The attribute "for" contains a
value of the <rich:contextMenu> Id. For menu appearance Java Script API function "show()"
is used. It is defined with "operation" attribute for the <rich:componentControl> component.
Context menu is recreated after the every call on a client and new {car} and {model} values are
inserted in it. In the example for a menu customization macrosubstitutions were used.

The <rich:contextMenu> component can be defined once on a page and can be used as
shared for different components (this is the main difference from the <rich:dropDownMenu>
component). It's necessary to define it once on a page (as it was shown in the example
above [216]) and activate it on required components via JavaScript API with assistance of
<rich:componentControl> .

The <rich:contextMenu> "submitMode" attribute can be set to three possible parameters:

• Server (default)

Regular form submition request is used

• Ajax

Ajax submission is used for switching

JavaScript API

• None

The "action" and "actionListener" item's attributes are ignored. Menu items don't fire any submits
themselves. The behavior is fully defined by the components nested inside items.


As the <rich:contextMenu> component doesn't provide its own form, use it

between <h:form> and </h:form> tags.


When using <rich:contextMenu> component with <h:outputText> JSF

component, specify id for <h:outputText> or move <rich:contextMenu> out
from <h:outputText> to provide component's correct work.

6.30.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.109. JavaScript API

Function Description Apply to

hide() Hides component or group Component, group
show(event, context) Shows component or group Component, group

6.30.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:contextMenu> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:contextMenu> component

6.30.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.110. Skin parameters redefinition for a border

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.111. Skin parameters redefinition for a background

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor border-top-color
additionalBackgroundColor border-left-color
additionalBackgroundColor border-right-color

6.30.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.28. Style classes

Table 6.112. Classes names that define the contextMenu element

Class name Description

rich-menu-list-border Defines styles for borders
rich-menu-list-bg Defines styles for a general background list
rich-menu-list-strut Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
a strut of a popup list

Definition of Custom Style Classes

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:contextMenu> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.29. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for row items was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:contextMenu> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:contextMenu> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "rowClasses" attribute for <h:panelGrid> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<h:panelGrid ... rowClasses="myClass"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is a result:

Figure 6.30. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font weight for row items was changed.

6.30.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/contextMenu.jsf?c=contextMenu]
you can see an example of <rich:contextMenu> usage and sources for the given example.

6.31. < rich:dataFilterSlider >

6.31.1. Description
A slider-based action component is used for filtering table data.

Figure 6.31. <rich:dataFilterSlider> component

6.31.2. Key Features

• Filter any UIData based component in dependency on its child's values

• Fully skinnable control and input elements

Key Features

• Optional value text field with an attribute-managed position

• Optional disablement of the component on a page

• Optional toolTip to display the current value while a handle is dragged

• Dragged state is stable after the mouse moves

• Optional manual input possible if a text input field is present

• Validation of manual input

Table 6.113. rich : dataFilterSlider attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
clientErrorMessage An error message to use in client side
validation events
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
endRange A slider end point
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

fieldStyleClass The styleClass for input that displays the value :
manualInput must be "true"
filterBy A getter of an object member required to
compare a slider value to. This is a value that
is used in results filtering
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
for The component using UIData (datatable id)
forValRef This is a string which is used in a value attribute
of the datatable. It is used for resetting the
datatable back to the original list provided by a
backing bean
handleStyleClass The handleStyleClass for a handle
handleValue Current handle value
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
increment Amount to which a handle on each slide/move
should be incremented
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
manualInput False value for this attribute makes text field
"read-only" and "hidden". Hence, the value can
be changed only from a handle

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onchange Event occur on chage
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onerror HTML: a script expression; event fires
whenever an JavaScript error occurs
oninputkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
oninputkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
oninputkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onslide Event occur on sliding
onSlideSubmit DEPRECATED (use submitOnSlide). If the
slider value changes must submit a form.
Default value is "true".
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rangeStyleClass The rangeStyleClass for the background div
showing a full range
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
sliderListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after changing of
slider control position
startRange A slider begin point
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
storeResults Specifies if the component will store a UIData
object (your table rows) in session
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass The styleClass for the container div
surrounding the component
submitOnSlide If the slider value changes must submit a form.
Default value is "true".
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
trackStyleClass The trackStyleClass for a background div

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

trailer It shows or hides a trailer following a handle
trailerStyleClass The trailerStyleClass for a div following a
value The current value for this component
width Width of the slider control. Default value is

Table 6.114. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.dataFilterSlider
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataFilterSlider
component-family org.richfaces.DataFilterSlider
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataFilterSliderRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.dataFilterSliderTag

6.31.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:dataFilterSlider sliderListener="#{mybean.doSlide}" startRange="0"
endRange="50000" increment="10000" handleValue="1" />

6.31.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataFilterSlider;
HtmlDataFilterSlider mySlider = new HtmlDataFilterSlider();

6.31.5. Details of Usage

The dataFilterSlider component is bound to some UIData component using a "for" attribute
and filters data in a table.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:dataFilterSlider sliderListener="#{mybean.doSlide}"
<h:dataTable id="carIndex">

In this example other two attributes are used for filtering:

• "forValRef" is a string which is used in a value attribute of the target UIData component. It's
designed for resetting the UIData component back to the original list provided by a backing bean.

• "filterBy" is a getter of an object member that is to be compared to a slider value. It's a value
that is used in results filtering.

"handleValue" is an attribute for keeping the current handler position on the dataFilterSlider
component. Based on the current value, appropriate values obtained from a getter method defined
in "filterBy" are filtered.

One more important attribute is a "storeResults" one that allows the dataFilterSlider component
to keep UIData target object in session.

If it's necessary the component submits a form on event of a handler state changing, use the
"onSlide" attribute ( "onChange" is its alias). When the attribute definition = "true",
submission on this event is defined.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.31.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

The <rich:dataFilterSlider> component has no skin parameters and special style classes ,
as it consists of one element generated with a your method on the server. To define some style
properties such as an indent or a border, it's possible to use "style" and "styleClass" attributes
on the component.

Relevant Resources Links

6.31.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataFilterSlider.jsf?
c=dataFilterSlider] you can see the example of <rich:dataFilterSlider> usage and sources for
the given example.

6.32. < rich:datascroller >

6.32.1. Description
The component designed for providing the functionality of tables scrolling using Ajax requests.

Figure 6.32. <rich:datascroller> component

6.32.2. Key Features

• Provides table scrolling functionality

• Built-in Ajax processing

• Provides fast controls

• Skin support

Table 6.115. rich : datascroller attributes

Attribute Name Description
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle Boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only.
align This attribute specifies the position of the
table with relatively to the document. Possible
values are "left","center","right ". Default value
is "center".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
boundaryControls The attribute specifies the visibility
of boundaryControls. Possible values
are: "show" (controls are always
visible ). "hide" (controls are hidden.
"auto" (unnecessary controls are hidden).
Default value is "show".
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
fastControls The attribute specifies the visibility
of fastControls. Possible values
are: "show" (controls are always
visible ). "hide" (controls are hidden.
"auto" (unnecessary controls are hidden).
Default value is "show".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

fastStep The attribute indicates pages quantity to switch
onto when fast scrolling is used. Default value
is "0".
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
for ID of the table component whose data is
handleValue Current handle value
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
now. Default value is "true".
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inactiveStyle Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for the
inactive cell on scroller
inactiveStyleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute for the
inactive cell on scroller
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
maxPages Maximum quantity of pages. Default value is
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onpagechange JavaScript handler for call after the page is
page If page >= 1 then it's a page number to show
pageIndexVar Name of variable in request scope containing
index of active page
pagesVar Name of variable in request scope containing
number of pages
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
renderIfSinglePage If renderIfSinglePage is "true" then datascroller
is displayed on condition that the data hold on
one page. Default value is "true".
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
scrollerListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after scrolling
selectedStyle Corresponds to the HTML style attribute for the
selected cell on scroller
selectedStyleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute for the
selected cell on scroller
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
stepControls The attribute specifies the visibility
of stepControls. Possible values
are: "show" (controls are always
visible ). "hide" (controls are hidden.
"auto" (unnecessary controls are hidden).
Default value is "show".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tableStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to outside
table when this component is rendered
tableStyleClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to outside table of this
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.116. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Datascroller
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDatascroller
component-family org.richfaces.Datascroller
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataScrollerRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DatascrollerTag

6.32.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<h:dataTable id="table">
<rich:datascroller for="table"/>

6.32.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDatascroller;
HtmlDatascroller myScroll = new HtmlDatascroller();

6.32.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:datascroller> component provides table scrolling functionalitity the same as
TOMAHAWK scroller but with Ajax requests usage.

The component should be placed into footer of the parent table or be bound to it with the "for"
attribute. Note, that "for" is evaluated on view build, not on view render, that is why it will ignore
JSTL tags.

The table should also have the defined "rows" attribute limiting the quantity of inputted table rows.

Details of Usage

The scroller could limit the maximum quantity of rendered links on the table pages with the help
of the "maxPages" attribute.

Component provides two controllers groups for switching:

• Page numbers for switching onto a particular page

• The controls of fast switching: "first", "last", "next", "previous", "fastforward", "fastrewind"

The controls of fast switching are created adding the facets component with the corresponding


<rich:datascroller for="table" maxPages="10">
<f:facet name="first">
<h:outputText value="First"/>
<f:facet name="last">
<h:outputText value="Last"/>

Figure 6.33. <rich:datascroller> controls of fast switching

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The screenshot shows one controller from each group.

There are also facets used to create the disabled states: "first_disabled",
"last_disabled", "next_disabled", "previous_disabled", "fastforward_disabled",

For the "fastforward"/"fastrewind" controls customization the additional "fastStep" attribute

is used. The attribute indicates pages quantity to switch onto when fast scrolling is used.

The "page" is a value-binding attribute used to define and save current page number. The
example is placed below.


<h:form id="myForm">

<rich:dataTable id="carList" rows="7" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category">

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Make" />
<h:outputText value="Model" />
<h:outputText value="Price" />
<h:outputText value="#{category.make}" />
<h:outputText value="#{category.model}" />
<h:outputText value="#{category.price}" />


Details of Usage

<h:outputText value="Set current page number:" />
<h:inputText value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.scrollerPage}" id="sc1" size="1"/>
<h:commandButton value="Set" />

In the example above you can enter the page number you want and set it by clicking on the
<h:commandButton> . By the way, if you use <rich:datascroller> page links the input field
rerenders and current page number changes.

This is a result:

Figure 6.34. The "page" attribute usage

The "pageIndexVar" and "pagesVar" attributes define a request scope variables and provide
an ability to show the current page and the number of pages in the <rich:datascroller> .

These attributes are used for definition the names of variables, that is used in the facet with name
"pages" . An example can be found below:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}" />
<f:facet name="footer">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:datascroller pageIndexVar="pageIndex" pagesVar="pages">

<f:facet name="pages">
<h:outputText value="#{pageIndex} / #{pages}" />

It's possible to insert optional separators between controls. For this purpose use a
"controlSeparator" facet. An example is placed below.

<f:facet name="controlSeparator">
<h:graphicImage value="/image/sep.png"/>

Starting from 3.2.1 of RichFaces multiple <rich:datascroller> instances behavior and page
bindings are corrected. Incorrect page after model changes handling is added. Phase Listener
called before RenderResponce scans the page for the <rich:datascroller> and performs the
following operations:

• Checks if the <rich:datascroller> is rendered. (If the checking generates an exception, the
<rich:datascroller> is considered to be not rendered )

• If the <rich:datascroller> is rendered - the table to which the <rich:datascroller> is attached

gets the value of the page attribute of <rich:datascroller> .

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.


Make sure, that all <rich:datascroller> components, defined for a table, have
same values for "pages" attributes. The page, specified in the last "page" , will
be rendered in browser.

6.32.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

Skin Parameters Redefinition

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:datascroller> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:datascroller> component

6.32.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.117. Skin parameters redefinition for a wrapper element

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.118. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.119. Skin parameters redefinition for an active button

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor border-top-color
generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.120. Skin parameters redefinition for an inactive button

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor border-top-color
headerBackgroundColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

6.32.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.35. Style classes

Table 6.121. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-datascr Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a datascroller
rich-dtascroller-table Defines styles for a wrapper table element of a
rich-datascr-button Defines styles for a button
rich-datascr-ctrls-separator Defines styles for a separator between buttons

Table 6.122. Classes names that define a buttons appearance

Class name Description

rich-datascr-act Defines styles for an active button
rich-datascr-inact Defines styles for an inactive button
rich-datascr-button-dsbld Defines styles for a disabled button

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:datascroller> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table
above) and define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


color: #CD6600;

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.36. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example an input text font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:datascroller> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:datascroller> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #C6E2FF;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:datascroller> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:datascroller ... selectedStyleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.37. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color of the selected cell on scroller was

6.32.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTableScroller.jsf?
c=dataTableScroller] you can see the example of <rich:datascroller> usage and sources for
the given example.

The solution about how to do correct pagination using datascroller (load a part of data from
database) can be found on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?

How to use <rich:dataTable> and <rich:datascroller> in a context of Extended Data Model

see here [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=115636].

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.33. < rich:columns >

6.33.1. Description
The <rich:columns> is a component, that allows you to create a dynamic set of columns from
your model.

Figure 6.38. <rich:columns> component

6.33.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Dynamic tables creation

• Possibility to combine columns with the help of "colspan" and "breakBefore"

• Possibility to combine rows with the help of "rowspan"

• Sorting column values

• Filtering column values

Table 6.123. rich : columns attributes

Attribute Name Description
begin The first iteration item
breakBefore if "true" next column begins from the first row
colspan Corresponds to the HTML colspan attribute
columns Number of columns to be rendered
comparator Defines value binding to the comparator that is
used to compare the values

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
end The last iteration item
filterBy Defines iterable object property which is used
when filtering performed.
filterEvent Event for filter input that forces the filtration
(default value is "onchange")
filterExpression Attribute defines a bean property which is used
for filtering of a column
filterMethod This attribute is defined with method binding.
This method accepts on Object parameter and
return boolean value
filterValue Defines current filtering value
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any footer generated for
this table
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any header generated for
this table
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
index The current counter
label Column label for drag indicator. Usable only for
extendedDataTable component
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowspan Corresponds to the HTML rowspan attribute
selfSorted Manages if the header of the column is
clickable, icons rendered and sorting is fired
after click on the header. You need to
define this attribute inside <rich:dataTable>
sortable Boolean attribute. If "true" it's possible to sort
the column content after click on the header.
Default value is "true"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

sortBy Attribute defines a bean property which is used
for sorting of a column
sortExpression DEPRECATED(use sortBy)Attribute defines a
bean property which is used for sorting of a
sortIcon Defines sort icon
sortIconAscending Defines sort icon in ascending order
sortIconDescending Defines sort icon in descending order
sortOrder SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible
sort orderings.
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value for this component
var The current variable
visible The attribute is used to define whether the
component is visible or not. The default value
is "true".
width Attribute defines width of column.

Table 6.124. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Column
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ColumnsTagHandler

6.33.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap">
<rich:columns value="#{capitalsBean.labels}" var="col" index="index">
<h:outputText value="#{cap[index]}" />

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


6.33.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumns;
HtmlColumns myColumns = new HtmlColumns();

6.33.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:columns> component gets a list from data model and outputs corresponding set of
columns inside <rich:dataTable> on a page. It is possible to use "header" and "footer" facets
with <rich:columns> component.

The "value" and "var" attributes are used to access the values of collection.

The simple example is placed below.


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap">
<rich:columns value="#{capitalsBean.labels}" var="col" index="index">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{col.text}" />
<h:outputText value="#{cap[index]}" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText value="#{col.text}" />

The "columns" attribute defines the count of columns.

The "rows" attribute defines the number of rows to be displayed. If the value of this attribute is
zero, all remaining rows in the table are displayed on a page.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The "begin" attribute contains the first iteration item. Note, that iteration begins from zero.

The "end" attribute contains the last iteration item.

With the help of the attributes described below you can customize the output, i.e. define which
columns and how many rows appear on a page.


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap">

<rich:columns value="#{capitalsBean.labels}" var="col" index="index" rows="0" columns="3" begin="1" end="2"

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{col.text}" />
<h:outputText value="#{cap[index]}" />

In the example below, columns from first to second and all rows are shown in the
<rich:dataTable> .

The result is:

Figure 6.39. Generated <rich:columns> with columns from first to second

and all rows

The <rich:columns> component does not prevent to use <rich:column> . In the following
example one column renders in any way and another columns could be picked from the model.

Details of Usage


<rich:dataTable value="#{rowBean.rows}" var="row">
<h:outputText value ="#{row.columnValue}"/>
<rich:columns value="#{colBean.columns}" var="col">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{col.header}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{row.columnValue}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText value="#{col.footer}"/>

In order to group columns with text information into one row, use the "colspan" attribute, which
is similar to an HTML one. In the following example the third column contains 3 columns. In
addition, it's necessary to specify that the next column begins from the first row with the help of
the breakBefore = "true" .


<rich:dataTable value="#{columns.data1}" var="data">
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item1}" />
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item2}" />
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item3}" />
<rich:columns columns="3" colspan="3" breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{data.str0}" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The same way is used for columns grouping with the "rowspan" attribute that is similar to an
HTML. The only thing to add in the example is an instruction to move onto the next row for each
next after the second column.


<rich:dataTable value="#{columns.data1}" var="data">
<rich:columns columns="2" rowspan="3">
<h:outputText value="#{data.str0}" />
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item1}" />
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item2}" />
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{column.Item3}" />


The <rich:columns> tag is initialized during components tree building process.

This process precedes page rendering at "Render Response" JSF phase. To be
rendered properly the component needs all it variables to be initialized while the
components tree is being building. A javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException occurs
if <rich:columns> uses variables passed from other components, if these
variables are initialized during rendering. Thus, when <rich:columns> is asking
for such variables they do not already exist. Use <c:forEach> JSP standard tag as
workaround. Compare two examples below.

This code calls the exception:

<rich:dataTable value="#{bean.data}" var="var">
<rich:columns value="#{var.columns}">

Look-and-Feel Customization


This code works properly:

<c:forEach items="#{bean.data}" var="var">
<rich:columns value="#{var.columns}">

Information about sorting and filtering you can find here .

6.33.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:columns> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:columns> component

6.33.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters redefinition for <rich:columns> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>
component .

6.33.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Custom style classes for <rich:columns> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable> component

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:columns> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above ) and
define necessary properties in them.



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

color: #a0a0a0;

This is a result:

Figure 6.40. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example column header cells color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:columns> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:columns> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


.myClass {
font-style: oblique;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:columns> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:columns styleClass="myClass">

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.41. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for columns was changed.

6.33.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTable.jsf?c=columns] you can
found some additional information for <rich:columns> component usage.

6.34. < rich:dataTable >

6.34.1. Description
The component for tables rendering that allows choosing data from a model and obtains built-in
support of Ajax updates.

Figure 6.42. <rich:dataTable> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.34.2. Key Features

• A completely skinned table and child elements

• Possibility to insert the complex subcomponents "colGroup" and "subTable"

• Possibility to update a limited set of strings with AJAX

• Possibility to sort and to filter of columns

• Sorting column values

• Filtering column values

Table 6.125. rich : dataTable attributes

Attribute Name Description
ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
position of the table with respect to the
document. The possible values are "left",
"center" and "right". The default value is "left".
bgcolor Deprecated. This attribute sets the background
color for the document body or table cells.
This attribute sets the background color of
the canvas for the document body (the
BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR,
TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes
for specifying text color can be used with
the BODY element. This attribute has been
deprecated in favor of style sheets for
specifying background color information
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border This attributes specifies the width of the frame
around a component. Default value is "0".
captionClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to caption for this
captionStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to caption
when this component is rendered
cellpadding This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
Default value is "0".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

cellspacing This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
The attribute also specifies the amount of
space to leave between cells. Default value is
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored
columns Number of columns
columnsWidth Comma-separated list of width attribute for
every column. Specifies a default width for
each column in the table. In addition to
the standard pixel, percentage, and relative
values, this attribute allows the special form
"0*" (zero asterisk) which means that the width
of the each column in the group should be
the minimum width necessary to hold the
column's contents. This implies that a column's
entire contents must be known before its width
may be correctly computed. Authors should
be aware that specifying "0*" will prevent
visual user agents from rendering a table
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to footer for this component
frame This attribute specifies which sides of the frame
surrounding a table will be visible. Possible
values: "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs",
"rhs", "vsides", "box" and "border". The default
value is "void".
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to header for this
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onRowClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on row
onRowDblClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on row

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onRowMouseDown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on row
onRowMouseMove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
within of row
onRowMouseOut HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away of row
onRowMouseOver HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto of row
onRowMouseUp HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on row
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKeyConverter Converter for a RowKey object.
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
rules This attribute specifies which rules will appear
between cells within a table. The rendering
of rules is user agent dependent. Possible
values: * none: No rules. This is the default
value. * groups: Rules will appear between row
groups (see THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY)

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

and column groups (see COLGROUP and
COL) only. * rows: Rules will appear between
rows only. * cols: Rules will appear between
columns only. * all: Rules will appear between
all rows and columns
sortMode Defines mode of sorting. Possible values are
'single' for sorting of one column and 'multi' for
sortPriority Defines a set of columns ids in the sorting order
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when
width This attribute specifies the desired width of
the entire table and is intended for visual
user agents. When the value is percentage
value, the value is relative to the user agent's
available horizontal space. In the absence
of any width specification, table width is
determined by the user agent

Table 6.126. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DataTable
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataTable
component-family org.richfaces.DataTable
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataTableRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DataTableTag

6.34.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:

Creating the Component Dynamically from Java


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="capitals">

6.34.4. Creating the Component Dynamically from Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataTable;
HtmlDataTable myTable = new HtmlDataTable();

6.34.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dataTable> component is similar to the <h:dataTable> one, except Ajax support
and skinnability. Ajax support is possible, because the component was created basing on the
<a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys"
attribute allows to define row keys that is updated after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="capitals"
ajaxKeys="#{bean.ajaxSet}" binding="#{bean.table}" id="table">
<a4j:commandButton action="#{tableBean.action}" reRender="table" value="Submit"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:dataTable>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The component allows to use "header" , "footer" and "caption" facets for output. See an example


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5">
<f:facet name="caption"><h:outputText value="United States Capitals" /></f:facet>
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Capitals and States Table" /></f:facet>
<f:facet name="header">State Flag</f:facet>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">State Flag</f:facet>
<f:facet name="header">State Name</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">State Name</f:facet>
<rich:column >
<f:facet name="header">State Capital</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">State Capital</f:facet>
<f:facet name="header">Time Zone</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">Time Zone</f:facet>
<f:facet name="footer"><h:outputText value="Capitals and States Table" /></f:facet>

This is a result:

Look-and-Feel Customization

Figure 6.43. <rich:dataTable> component with facets

Information about sorting and filtering you can find here.

You can find information how to remove header's gradient here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/

6.34.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dataTable> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dataTable> component

6.34.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.127. Skin parameters redefinition for a table

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.128. Skin parameters redefinition for a header

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.129. Skin parameters redefinition for a footer

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableFooterBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.130. Skin parameters redefinition for a column header

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.131. Skin parameters redefinition for a column footer

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableSubfooterBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.132. Skin parameters redefinition for cells

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

6.34.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.44. <rich:dataTable> class names

Table 6.133. Classes names that define a whole component appearance

Class name Description

rich-table Defines styles for all table
rich-table-caption Defines styles for a "caption" facet element

Table 6.134. Classes names that define header and footer elements

Class name Description

rich-table-header Defines styles for a table header row
rich-table-header-continue Defines styles for all header lines after the first
rich-table-subheader Defines styles for a column header
rich-table-footer Defines styles for a footer row
rich-table-footer-continue Defines styles for all footer lines after the first
rich-table-subfooter Defines styles for a column footer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.135. Classes names that define rows and cells of a table

Class name Description

rich-table-headercell Defines styles for a header cell
rich-table-subheadercell Defines styles for a column header cell
rich-table-cell Defines styles for a table cell
rich-table-row Defines styles for a table row
rich-table-firstrow Defines styles for a table start row
rich-table-footercell Defines styles for a footer cell
rich-table-subfootercell Defines styles for a column footer cell

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dataTable> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.45. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font weight for table cell was changed.

Relevant Resources Links

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dataTable> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:dataTable> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "headerClass" attribute for <rich:dataTable> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:dataTable ... headerClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.46. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for header was changed.

Detailed information on how to set <rich:dataTable> border to "0px" you can find here [http://
wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesDataTableBorderTo0] .

6.34.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTable.jsf?c=dataTable] you can
see the example of <rich:dataTable> usage and sources for the given example.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The article about <rich:dataTable> flexibility can be found here [http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/


More information about using <rich:dataTable> and <rich:subTable>

could be found on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?

How to use <rich:dataTable> and <rich:datascroller> in a context of Extended Data Model

see here [http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=115636].

6.35. < rich:subTable >

6.35.1. Description

The component is used for inserting subtables into tables with opportunity to choose data from a
model and built-in Ajax updates support.

Figure 6.47. <rich:subTable> element

6.35.2. Key Features

• Completely skinned table rows and child elements

• Possibility to insert complex columnGroup subcomponents

• Possibility to combine rows and columns inside

• Possibility to update a limited set of rows with AJAX

Key Features

Table 6.136. rich : subTable attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
filterMethod This attribute is defined with method binding.
This method accepts on Object parameter and
return boolean value
filterValue Defines current filtering value
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any footer generated for
this table
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any header generated for
this table
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onRowClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on row
onRowDblClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on row
onRowMouseDown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on row
onRowMouseMove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
within of row
onRowMouseOut HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away of row
onRowMouseOver HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto of row
onRowMouseUp HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on row
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
selfSorted Manages if the header of the column is
clickable, icons rendered and sorting is fired
after click on the header. You need to
define this attribute inside <rich:dataTable>
component. Default value is "true".
sortExpression DEPRECATED(use sortBy)Attribute defines a
bean property which is used for sorting of a
sortMode Defines mode of sorting. Possible values are
'single' for sorting of one column and 'multi' for
sortOrder SortOrder is an enumeration of the
possible sort orderings. Default value is
sortPriority Defines a set of column ids in the order the
columns could be set
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Table 6.137. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.SubTable
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSubTable
component-family org.richfaces.SubTable
renderer-type org.richfaces.SubTableRenderer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.SubTableTag

6.35.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="capitals">
<rich:subTable value=#{capitals.details} var="detail">

6.35.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSubTable;
HtmlSubTable mySubTable = new HtmlSubTable();

6.35.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:subTable> component is similar to the <h:dataTable> one, except Ajax support
and skinnability. One more difference is that the component doesn't add the wrapping <table>
and <tbody> tags. Ajax support is possible, because the component was created basing on
the <a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys"
attribute allows to define row keys that is updated after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:


Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="capitals">

<rich:subTable value="#{capitals.details}" var="detail" ajaxKeys="#{bean.ajaxSet}" binding="#{bean.subtable}" id

<a4j:commandButton action="#{tableBean.action}" reRender="subtable"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:subTable>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

The component allows to use "header" and "footer" facets for output. See an example for
<rich:dataTable> component [258].

6.35.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:subTable> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:subTable> component

6.35.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters redefinition for <rich:subTable> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

6.35.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.138. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-subtable Defines styles for all subtable

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

rich-subtable-caption Defines styles for a "caption" facet element

Table 6.139. Classes names that define header and footer elements

Class name Description

rich-subtable-header Defines styles for a subtable header row
rich-subtable-header-continue Defines styles for all subtable header lines after
the first
rich-subtable-subheader Defines styles for a column header of subtable
rich-subtable-subfooter Defines styles for a column footer of subtable
rich-subtable-footer Defines styles for a subtable footer row
rich-subtable-footer-continue Defines styles for all subtable footer lines after
the first

Table 6.140. Classes names that define rows and cells

Class name Description

rich-subtable-headercell Defines styles for a subtable header cell
rich-subtable-subheadercell Defines styles for a column header cell of
rich-subtable-cell Defines styles for a subtable cell
rich-subtable-row Defines styles for a subtable row
rich-subtable-firstrow Defines styles for a subtable start row
rich-subtable-subfootercell Defines styles for a column footer cell of
rich-subtable-footercell Defines styles for a subtable footer cell

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.48. Style classes

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:subTable> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.


font-weight: bold;

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.49. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a footer font weight was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:subTable> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:subTable> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #fff5ec;

The "columnClasses" attribute for <rich:subTable> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:subTable ... columnClasses="myClass"/>

This is a result:

< rich:dataList >

Figure 6.50. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the background color for columns was changed.

6.36. < rich:dataList >

6.36.1. Description
The component for unordered lists rendering that allows choosing data from a model and obtains
built-in support of Ajax updates.

Figure 6.51. <rich:dataList> component

6.36.2. Key Features

• A completely skinned list and child elements

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Possibility to update a limited set of rows with AJAX

• Possibility to receive values dynamically from a model

Table 6.141. rich : dataList attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKey RowKey is a representation of an identifier for
a specific data row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type Corresponds to the HTML DL type attribute
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Table 6.142. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DataList
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataList
component-family org.richfaces.DataList
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataListRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DataListTag

6.36.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of dataList on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:dataList var="car" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" >
<h:outputText value="#{car.model}"/>

6.36.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataList;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

HtmlDataList myList = new HtmlDataList();

6.36.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dataList> component allows to generate a list from a model.

The component has the "type" attribute, which corresponds to the "type" parameter for the
<UL> HTML element and defines a marker type. Possible values for "type" attribute are: "disc",
"circle", "square".

Here is an example:


<h:outputText value="#{car.make} #{car.model}"/><br/>
<h:outputText value="Price:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.price} "/><br/>
<h:outputText value="Mileage:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.mileage} "/><br/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.52. <rich:dataList> component with "type" attribute

Look-and-Feel Customization

In the example the "rows" attribute limits number of output elements of the list.

"first" attribute defines first element for output. "title" are used for popup title. See picture below:

Figure 6.53. <rich:dataList> component with "title" attribute

The component was created basing on the <a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could
be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys" attribute allows to define row keys that are updated
after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:


<rich:dataList value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car" ajaxKeys="#{listBean.list}"
binding="#{listBean.dataList}" id="list" rows="5" type="disc">
<a4j:commandButton action="#{listBean.action}" reRender="list" value="Submit"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:dataList>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

6.36.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dataList> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dataList> component

6.36.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.54. Style classes

Table 6.143. Classes names that define a list appearance

Class name Description

rich-datalist Defines styles for a html <ul> element
rich-list-item Defines styles for a html <li> element

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dataList> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



Definition of Custom Style Classes


This is a result:

Figure 6.55. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for list item text was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dataLIst> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:dataList> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:dataList> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:dataList ... styleClass="myClass"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is a result:

Figure 6.56. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color for <rich:dataList> was changed.

6.36.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataLists.jsf?c=dataList] you can see
the example of <rich:dataList> usage and sources for the given example.

6.37. < rich:dataOrderedList >

6.37.1. Description
The component for ordered lists rendering that allows choosing data from a model and obtains
built-in support of Ajax updates.

Figure 6.57. <rich:dataOderedList> component

6.37.2. Key Features

• A completely skinned list and child elements

Key Features

• Possibility to update a limited set of rows with AJAX

• Possibility to receive values dynamically from a model

Table 6.144. rich : dataOrderedList attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKey RowKey is a representation of an identifier for
a specific data row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a RowKey object.
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
type Corresponds to the HTML OL type attribute
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Table 6.145. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DataOrderedList
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataOrderedList
component-family org.richfaces.DataOrderedList
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataOrderedListRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DataOrderedListTag

6.37.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of dataOrderedList on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:dataOrderedList var="car" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" >
<h:outputText value="#{car.model}"/>

6.37.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataOrderedList;
HtmlDataOrderedList myList = new HtmlDataOrderedList();

Details of Usage

6.37.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dataOrderedList> component allows to generate an ordered list from a model.

The component has the "type" attribute, which corresponds to the "type" parameter for the
<OL> HTML element and defines a marker type. Possible values for "type" attribute are: "A",
"a", "I", "i", "1".

Here is an example:


<h:outputText value="#{car.make} #{car.model}"/><br/>
<h:outputText value="Price:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.price}" /><br/>
<h:outputText value="Mileage:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.mileage}" /><br/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.58. <rich:dataOrderedList> component with "type" attribute

In the example the "rows" attribute limits number of output elements of the list.

"first" attribute defines first element for output. "title" are used for popup title.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The component was created basing on the <a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could
be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys" attribute allows to define row keys that are updated
after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:



<rich:dataOrderedList value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car" ajaxKeys="#{listBean.list}"

binding="#{listBean.dataList}" id="list">
<a4j:commandButton action="#{listBean.action}" reRender="list" value="Submit"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:dataOrderedList>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

6.37.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dataOrderedList> components at

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dataOrderedList> component

6.37.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.59. Style classes

Table 6.146. Classes names that define a list appearance

Class name Description

rich-orderedlist Defines styles for an html <ol> element
rich-list-item Defines styles for an html <li> element

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dataOrderedList> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above ) and define necessary properties in them.


background-color: #ebf3fd;

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.60. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example background color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dataOrderedList> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:dataOrderedList>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;


<rich:dataOrderedList ... styleClass="myClass"/>

Relevant Resources Links

This is a result:

Figure 6.61. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style was changed.

6.37.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataLists.jsf?c=dataOrderedList]
you can see the example of <rich:dataOrderedList > usage and sources for the given example.

6.38. < rich:dataDefinitionList >

6.38.1. Description

The component for definition lists rendering that allows choosing data from a model and obtains
built-in support of Ajax updates.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.62. <rich:dataDefinitionList> component

6.38.2. Key Features

• Completely skinned table rows and child elements

• Possibility to update a limited set of rows with AJAX

• Possibility to receive values dynamically from a model

Table 6.147. rich : dataDefinitionList attributes

Attribute Name Description
ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKey RowKey is a representation of an identifier for
a specific data row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a RowKey object.
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.148. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DataDefinitionList
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataDefinitionList
component-family org.richfaces.DataDefinitionList
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataDefinitionListRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DataDefinitionListTag

6.38.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of dataDefinitionList on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:dataDefinitionList value="#{bean.capitals}" var="caps">
<f:facet name="term">Cars</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{car.model}"/>

6.38.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataDefinitionList;
HtmlDataDefinitionList myList = new HtmlDataDefinitionList();

6.38.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dataDefinitionList> component allows to generate an definition list from a model.

The component has the "term" facet, which corresponds to the "type" parameter for the <DT>
HTML element.

Here is an example:


Details of Usage

<rich:dataDefinitionList var="car" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" rows="5" first="4" title="Cars">

<f:facet name="term">
<h:outputText value="#{car.make} #{car.model}"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="Price:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.price}" /><br/>
<h:outputText value="Mileage:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.mileage}" /><br/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.63. <rich:dataDefinitionList> component with "term" facet

In the example the "rows" attribute limits number of output elements of the list.

"first" attribute defines first element for output. "title" are used for popup title.

The component was created basing on the <a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could
be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys" attribute allows to define row keys that are updated
after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:



<rich:dataDefinitionList value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car" ajaxKeys="#{listBean.list}"

binding="#{listBean.dataList}" id="list">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<a4j:commandButton action="#{listBean.action}" reRender="list" value="Submit"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:dataDefinitionList>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

6.38.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dataDefinitionList> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dataDefinitionList> component

6.38.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.64. Style classes

Table 6.149. Classes names that define a list appearance

Class name Description

rich-deflist Defines styles for an html <dl> element

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-definition Defines styles for an html <dd> element
rich-definition-term Defines styles for an html <dt> element

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dataDefinitionList> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.65. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a term font weight was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dataDefinitionList> component.

In this case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding
<rich:dataDefinitionList> styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

font-style: italic;


<rich:dataDefinitionList ... rowClasses="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.66. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for rows was changed.

6.38.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataLists.jsf?c=dataDefinitionList]
you can see the example of <rich:dataDefinitionList> usage and sources for the given example.

6.39. < rich:columnGroup >

6.39.1. Description
The component combines columns in one row to organize complex subparts of a table.

Key Features

Figure 6.67. <rich:columnGroup> component

6.39.2. Key Features

• Completely skinned table columns and child elements

• Possibility to combine columns and rows inside

• Possibility to update a limited set of strings with Ajax

Table 6.150. rich : columnGroup attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
filterMethod This attribute is defined with method binding.
This method accepts on Object parameter and
return boolean value
filterValue Defines current filtering value
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
selfSorted Manages if the header of the column is
clickable, icons rendered and sorting is fired
after click on the header. You need to
define this attribute inside <rich:dataTable>
sortOrder SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible
sort orderings.
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.151. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ColumnGroup
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumnGroup
component-family org.richfaces.ColumnGroup
renderer-type org.richfaces.ColumnGroupRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ColumnGroupTag

6.39.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of columnGroup on a page, use the following syntax:


<h:outputText value="Column1"/>
<h:outputText value="Column2"/>

6.39.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumnGroup;
HtmlColumnGroup myRow = new HtmlColumnGroup();

6.39.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:columnGroup> component combines columns set wrapping them into the <tr>
element and outputting them into one row. Columns are combined in a group the same way as
when the "breakBefore" attribute is used for columns to add a moving to the next rows, but the
first variant is clearer from a source code. Hence, the following simple examples are very same.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5" id="sublist">
<rich:column colspan="3">
<f:facet name="header">State Flag</f:facet>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column >
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<rich:column >
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>

And representation without a grouping:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5" id="sublist">
<rich:column colspan="3">
<f:facet name="header">State Flag</f:facet>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<rich:column >
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>

Details of Usage


The result is:

Figure 6.68. Generated <rich:columnGroup> component with

"breakBefore" attribute

It's also possible to use the component for output of complex headers in a table. For example
adding of a complex header to a facet for the whole table looks the following way:


<f:facet name="header">
<rich:column rowspan="2">
<h:outputText value="State Flag"/>
<rich:column colspan="3">
<h:outputText value="State Info"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="State Name"/>
<h:outputText value="State Capital"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:outputText value="Time Zone"/>

Generated on a page as:

Figure 6.69. <rich:columnGroup> with complex headers

6.39.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:columnGroup> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:columnGroup> component

6.39.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters redefinition for <rich:columnGroup> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

6.39.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Custom style classes for <rich:columnGroup> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

Definition of Custom Style Classes

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:columnGroup> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


color: #316ac5;

This is a result:

Figure 6.70. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example cells color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:columnGroup> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:columnGroup>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #c0c0c0;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The "columnClasses" attribute for <rich:columnGroup> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:columnGroup columnClasses="myClass">

This is a result:

Figure 6.71. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the background color for columns was changed.

6.39.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTable.jsf?c=columnGroup] you

can see the example of <rich:columnGroup> usage and sources for the given example.

6.40. < rich:column >

6.40.1. Description

The component for row rendering for a UIData component.

Key Features

Figure 6.72. <rich:column> component

6.40.2. Key Features

• Completely skinned table rows and child elements

• Possibility to combine columns with the help of "colspan"

• Possibility to combine rows with the help of "rowspan" and "breakBefore"

• Sorting column values

• Filtering column values

Table 6.152. rich : column attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
breakBefore if "true" next column begins from the first row
colspan Corresponds to the HTML colspan attribute
comparator Defines value binding to the comparator that is
used to compare the values
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
filterBy Defines iterable object property which is used
when filtering performed.
filterEvent Event for filter input that forces the filtration
(default value is "onchange")

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

filterExpression Attribute defines a bean property which is used
for filtering of a column
filterMethod This attribute is defined with method binding.
This method accepts on Object parameter and
return boolean value
filterValue Defines current filtering value
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any footer generated for
this table
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any header generated for
this table
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
label Column label for drag indicator. Usable only for
extendedDataTable component
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowspan Corresponds to the HTML rowspan attribute
selfSorted Manages if the header of the column is
clickable, icons rendered and sorting is fired
after click on the header. You need to
define this attribute inside <rich:dataTable>
sortable Boolean attribute. If "true" it's possible to sort
the column content after click on the header.
Default value is "true"
sortBy Attribute defines a bean property which is used
for sorting of a column
sortExpression DEPRECATED(use sortBy)Attribute defines a
bean property which is used for sorting of a
sortIcon Defines sort icon
sortIconAscending Defines sort icon in ascending order
sortIconDescending Defines sort icon in descending order
sortOrder SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible
sort orderings.

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
visible The attribute is used to define whether the
component is visible or not. The default value
is "true".
width Attribute defines width of column.

Table 6.153. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Column
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn
component-family org.richfaces.Column
renderer-type org.richfaces.ColumnRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ColumnTag

6.40.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of column on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:dataTable var="set">
<h:outputText value="#{set.property1}"/>
<!--Set of another columns and header/footer facets-->

6.40.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

HtmlColumn myColumn = new HtmlColumn();

6.40.5. Details of Usage

To output a simple table, the <rich:column> component is used the same way as the standard
<h:column> , i.e. the following code on a page is used:


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5">
<f:facet name="header">State Flag</f:facet>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<f:facet name="header">State Name</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column >
<f:facet name="header">State Capital</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<f:facet name="header">Time Zone</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>

The result is:

Details of Usage

Figure 6.73. Generated <rich:column> component

Now, in order to group columns with text information into one row in one column with a flag, use
the "colspan" attribute, which is similar to an HTML one, specifying that the first column contains
3 columns. In addition, it's necessary to specify that the next column begins from the first row with
the help of the breakBefore="true".


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5">
<rich:column colspan="3">
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column >
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>

As a result the following structure is rendered:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.74. <rich:column> modified with "colspan" and "breakbefore"


The same way is used for columns grouping with the "rowspan" attribute that is similar to an HTML
one responsible for rows quantity definition occupied with the current one. The only thing to add
in the example is an instruction to move onto the next row for each next after the second column.


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" rows="5">
<rich:column rowspan="3">
<f:facet name="header">State Flag</f:facet>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<f:facet name="header">State Info</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<rich:column breakBefore="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}"/>

Sorting and Filtering

As a result:

Figure 6.75. <rich:column> generated with "rowspan" attribute

Hence, additionally to a standard output of a particular row provided with the <h:column>
component, it becomes possible to group easily the rows with special HTML attribute.

The columns also could be grouped in a particular way with the help of the <h:columnGroup>
component that is described in the following chapter.

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/DynamicColumns] you can find additional information about

dynamic columns.

6.40.6. Sorting and Filtering Sorting

In order to sort the columns you should use "sortBy" attribute that indicates what values to be
sorted. In order to sort the column you should click on its header. See the following example.


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" width="300px">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Sorting Example"/>
<rich:column sortBy="#{cap.state}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State Name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column sortBy="#{cap.name}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State Capital"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>

This is result:

Figure 6.76. <rich:column> with "sortBy" attribute

The "selfSorted" attribute that would add the possibility of automatic sorting by clicking the column
header. Default value is "true". In the example below the second column is unavailable for sorting.


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap">
<f:facet name="header">

Sorting and Filtering

<h:outputText value="State Flag"/>

<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>
<rich:column sortBy="#{cap.state}" selfSorted="false">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State Name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>

"sortOrder" attribute is used for changing the sorting of columns by means of external controls.

Possible values are:

• "ASCENDING" - column is sorted in ascending

• "DESCENDING" - column is sorted in descending

• "UNSORTED" - column isn't sorted


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" width="300px">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Sorting Example"/>
<rich:column sortBy="#{cap.state}" sortOrder="ASCENDING">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State Name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column sortBy="#{cap.name}" sortOrder="DESCENDING">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State Capital"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


Below you can see the result:

Figure 6.77. <rich:column> with "sortOrder" attribute

In the example above the first column is sorted in descending order. But if recurring rows appear
in the table the relative second column are sorted in ascending order.

You can customize the sorting's icon element using "rich-sort-icon" class.

The "sortPriority" attribute defines a set of column ids in the order the columns could be set.

If the columns sort order changed externally sort priorities could be used to define which columns
will be sorted first.

The "sortable" attribute which is used with <rich:scrollableDataTable> component. In the

following example only the first column could be sorted.


<rich:scrollableDataTable rowKeyVar="rkv" frozenColCount="1"
id="carList" columnClasses="col" value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category"
sortMode="single" binding="#{dataTableScrollerBean.table}"
<rich:column id="make" sortable="true">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Make"/>
<h:outputText value="#{category.make}"/>
<rich:column id="model">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Model"/>
<h:outputText value="#{category.model}"/>

Sorting and Filtering

<rich:column id="price">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Price"/>
<h:outputText value="#{category.price}"/>

Figure 6.78. The "sortable" attribute usage

"sortExpression" attribute defines a bean property which is used for sorting of a column. Filtering
There are two ways to filter the column value:

• Using built-in filtering. It uses startsWith() function to make filtering. In this case you need
to define "filterBy" attribute at column you want to be filterable. This attribute defines iterable
object property which is used when filtering performed.

The "filterValue" attribute is used to get or change current filtering value. It could be defined with
initial filtering value on the page or as value binding to get/change it on server. If the "filterValue"
attribute isn't empty from the beginning table is filtered on the first rendering.

You can customize the input form using "rich-filter-input" CSS class.

In order to change filter event you could use "filterEvent" attribute on column, e.g.
"onblur"(default value).

Below you can see the example:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" width="500px">

<rich:column filterBy="#{cap.state}" filterValue="#{filterName.filterBean}" filterEvent="onkeyup">

<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}"/>
<rich:column filterBy="#{cap.name}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.79. Built-in filtering feature usage

• Using external filtering. In this case you need to write your custom filtering function or expression
and define controls.

The "filterExpression" attribute is used to define expression evaluated to boolean value. This
expression checks if the object satisfies filtering condition.

The "filterMethod" attribute is defined with method binding. This method accepts on Object
parameter and return boolean value. So, this method also could be used to check if the object
satisfies filtering condition. The usage of this attribute is the best way for implementing your
own complex business logic.

See the following example:



Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" id="table">

<rich:column filterMethod="#{filteringBean.filterStates}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:inputText value="#{filteringBean.filterValue}" id="input">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="table"
ignoreDupResponses="true" requestDelay="700" focus="input" />
<h:outputText value="#{cap.state}" />
<rich:column filterExpression="#{fn:containsIgnoreCase(cap.timeZone,
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{filteringBean.filterZone}">
<f:selectItems value="#{filteringBean.filterZones}" />
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="table" />
<h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}" />

6.40.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:column> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:column> component

6.40.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters redefinition for <rich:column> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

6.40.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Custom style classes for <rich:column> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable> component.

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:column> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


font-style: italic;

This is a result:

Figure 6.80. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example cells font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:column> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:column> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-weight: bolder;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:column> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:column styleClass="myClass">

Relevant Resources Links

This is a result:

Figure 6.81. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font weight for second column was changed.

6.40.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTable.jsf?c=column] you can see
the example of <rich:column> usage and sources for the given example.

6.41. < rich:dataGrid >

6.41.1. Description
The component to render data as a grid that allows choosing data from a model and obtains built-
in support of Ajax updates.

Figure 6.82. <rich:dataGrid> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.41.2. Key Features

• A completely skinned table and child elements

• Possibility to update a limited set of rows with AJAX

• Possibility to receive values dynamically from a model

Table 6.154. rich : dataGrid attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
position of the table with respect to the
document. The possible values are "left",
"center" and "right". The default value is "left".
bgcolor Deprecated. This attribute sets the background
color for the document body or table cells.
This attribute sets the background color of
the canvas for the document body (the
BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR,
TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes
for specifying text color can be used with
the BODY element. This attribute has been
deprecated in favor of style sheets for
specifying background color information
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border This attributes specifies the width of the frame
around a component. Default value is "0".
captionClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to caption for this
captionStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to caption
when this component is rendered
cellpadding This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
Default value is "0".
cellspacing This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
The attribute also specifies the amount of

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

space to leave between cells. Default value is
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored
columns Number of columns
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
elements Number of elements in grid
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to footer for this component
frame This attribute specifies which sides of the frame
surrounding a table will be visible. Possible
values: "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs",
"rhs", "vsides", "box" and "border". The default
value is "void".
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to header for this
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onRowClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on row
onRowDblClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on row
onRowMouseDown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on row
onRowMouseMove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
within of row
onRowMouseOut HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away of row
onRowMouseOver HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto of row
onRowMouseUp HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on row
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKey RowKey is a representation of an identifier for
a specific data row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar Request scoped variable for client access to
rules This attribute specifies which rules will appear
between cells within a table. The rendering
of rules is user agent dependent. Possible
values: * none: No rules. This is the default
value. * groups: Rules will appear between row
groups (see THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY)
and column groups (see COLGROUP and
COL) only. * rows: Rules will appear between
rows only. * cols: Rules will appear between
columns only. * all: Rules will appear between
all rows and columns
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
summary This attribute provides a summary of the
table's purpose and structure for user agents
rendering to non-visual media such as speech
and Braille
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

width This attribute specifies the desired width of
the entire table and is intended for visual
user agents. When the value is percentage
value, the value is relative to the user agent's
available horizontal space. In the absence
of any width specification, table width is
determined by the user agent

Table 6.155. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DataGrid
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataGrid
component-family org.richfaces.DataGrid
renderer-type org.richfaces.DataGridRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DataGridTag

6.41.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of dataGrid on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:dataGrid value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car">
<h:outputText value="#{car.model}"/>

6.41.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDataGrid;
HtmlDataGrid myList = new HtmlDataGrid();

Details of Usage

6.41.5. Details of Usage

The component takes a list from a model and outputs it the same way as with <h:panelGrid> for
inline data. To define grid properties and styles, use the same definitions as for <h:panelGrid>.

The component allows to:

• Use "header" and "footer" facets for output

• Limit number of output elements ( "elements" attribute) and define first element for output (
"first" attribute)

• Bind pages with <rich:datascroller> component

Here is an example:


<rich:panel style="width:150px;height:200px;">

<rich:dataGrid value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car" columns="2" elements="4" first="1">

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Car Store"></h:outputText>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{car.make} #{car.model}"></h:outputText>
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value="Price:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.price}"/>
<h:outputText value="Mileage:" styleClass="label"></h:outputText>
<h:outputText value="#{car.mileage}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.83. Component usage

The component was created basing on the <a4j:repeat> component and as a result it could
be partially updated with Ajax. "ajaxKeys" attribute allows to define row keys that are updated
after an Ajax request.

Here is an example:



<rich:dataGrid value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="car" ajaxKeys="#{listBean.list}"

binding="#{listBean.dataGrid}" id="grid" elements="4" columns="2">
<a4j:commandButton action="#{listBean.action}" reRender="grid" value="Submit"/>

In the example "reRender" attribute contains value of "id" attribute for <rich:dataGrid>
component. As a result the component is updated after an Ajax request.

6.41.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

Skin Parameters Redefinition

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dataGrid> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dataGrid> component

6.41.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters redefinition for <rich:dataGrid> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

6.41.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Custom style classes for <rich:dataGrid> are the same as for the <rich:dataTable>

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dataGrid> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes are the same as for the
<rich:dataTable> ) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.84. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example color of footercell was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dataGrid> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:dataGrid> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "columnClasses" attribute for <rich:dataGrid> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:dataGrid ... columnClasses="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.85. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for columns was changed.

6.41.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataGrid.jsf?c=dataGrid] you can see

the example of <rich:dataGrid> usage and sources for the given example.

6.42. < rich:dropSupport >

6.42.1. Description

This component transforms a parent component into a target zone for drag-and-drop operations.
When a draggable element is moved and dropped onto the area of the parent component, Ajax
request processing for this event is started.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.86. <rich:dropSupport> component

6.42.2. Key Features

• Encodes all necessary JavaScript to perform drop actions

• Can be used within any component type that provides the required properties for drop operations

• Built-in Ajax processing

• Supports drag-and-drop between different forms

Table 6.156. rich : dropSupport attributes

Attribute Name Description
acceptCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when acceptable draggable over dropzone
acceptedTypes A list of drag zones types, which elements are
accepted by a drop zone
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
cursorTypeMapping Mapping between drop types and acceptable
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disableDefault Disable default action for target event (append
"return false;" to JavaScript)
dropListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drop
dropValue Data to be processed after a drop event
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondragenter A JavaScript event handler called on enter
draggable object to zone
ondragexit A JavaScript event handler called after a drag
object leaves zone
ondrop A JavaScript event handler called after a drag
object is dropped to zone
ondropend A JavaScript handler for event fired on a drop
even the drop for a given type is not available
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rejectCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when rejectable draggable over dropzone
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
typeMapping Map between a draggable type and an
indicator name on zone. it's defined with the
pair (drag type:indicator name))
value The current value for this component

Table 6.157. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DropSupport
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDropSupport
component-family org.richfaces.DropSupport
renderer-type org.richfaces.DropSupportRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DropSupportTag

6.42.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

This simple example shows how to make a panel component a potential drop target for drag-and-
drop operations using "text" elements as the dragged items.


<rich:dropSupport acceptedTypes="text"/>

6.42.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDropSupport;
HtmlDropSupport myDragZone = new HtmlDropSupport();

6.42.5. Details of Usage

As shown in the example, the key attribute for <rich:dropSupport> is "acceptedTypes" . This
attribute defines the types of draggable items that can be dropped onto the designated drop zone.

The second most important attribute for <rich:dropSupport> is "typeMapping" . This

attribute maps a specific type among the acceptable types for draggable items to a specific
<rich:dndParam> child element under <rich:dropSupport> .


<rich:dropSupport acceptedTypes="[iconsDragged,
textDragged]" typeMapping="{iconsDragged: DropIcon}">
<rich:dndParam name="DropIcon">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/drop-icon.png"/>

In this example, dropping a draggable item of an "iconsDragged" type will trigger the use a
parameter named "DropIcon" in the event processing after a drop event. (Also, an Ajax request
is sent, and the action and dropListener defined for the component are called.)

Here is an example of moving records between tables. The example describes all the pieces
for drag-and-drop. (To get extra information on these components, read the sections for these

As draggable items, this table contains a list of such items designated as being of type "text" :


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="caps">
<f:facet name="caption">Capitals List</f:facet>
<rich:dragSupport dragIndicator=":form:ind" dragType="text">
<a4j:actionParam value="#{caps.name}" name="name"/>

Details of Usage

<h:outputText value="#{caps.name}"/>

As a drop zone, this panel will accept draggable items of type text and then rerender an element
with the ID of box :


<rich:panel style="width:100px;height:100px;">
<f:facet name="header">Drop Zone</f:facet>
<rich:dropSupport acceptedTypes="text" reRender="box"

As a part of the page that can be updated in a partial page update, this table has an ID of box :


<rich:dataTable value="#{capitalsBean.capitals2}" var="cap2" id="box">
<f:facet name="caption">Capitals chosen</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{cap2.name}"/>

And finally, as a listener, this listener will implement the dropped element:


public void addCapital2(DropEvent event) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Capital cap = new Capital();

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


Here is the result after a few drops of items from the first table:

Figure 6.87. Results of drop actions

In this example, items are dragged element-by-element from the rendered list in the first table and
dropped on a panel in the middle. After each drop, a drop event is generated and a common Ajax
request is performed that renders results in the third table.

As with every Ajax action component, <rich:dropSupport> has all the common attributes (
"timeout" , "limitToList" , "reRender" , etc.) for Ajax request customization.

Finally, the component has the following extra attributes for event processing on the client:

• "ondragenter"

• "ondragexit"

• "ondrop"

• "ondropend"

Developers can use their own custom JavaScript functions to handle these events.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here .

6.42.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dropSupport> has no skin parameters and custom style classes , as the component
isn't visual.

Relevant Resources Links

6.42.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?c=dropSupport] you
can see the example of <rich:dropSupport> usage and sources for the given example.

6.43. < rich:dndParam >

6.43.1. Description
This component is used for passing parameters during drag-and-drop operations.

Table 6.158. rich : dndParam attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
name A name of this parameter
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
type This attribute defines parameter functionality.
Possible values are "drag", "drop" and
"default". Default value is "default".
value The current value for this component

Table 6.159. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DndParam
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDndParam
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DndParamTag

6.43.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page, nested in one of the drag-and-drop


<rich:dragSupport dragType="file">
<rich:dndParam name="testDrag" value="testDragValue"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


6.43.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDndParam;
HtmlDndParam myDparam = new HtmlDndParam();

6.43.4. Details of Usage

dndParam is used during drag-and-drop operations to pass parameters to an indicator. At first,
a parameter type is defined with the type attribute (to specify parameter functionality), then a
parameter name could be defined with the name and value attribute. Although, it's possible to use
nested content defined inside dndParam for value definition, instead of the attribute.

Variants of usage:

• Parameters passing for a drag icon when an indicator is in drag.

In this case, dndParam is of a drag type and is defined in the following way:


<rich:dragSupport ...>
<rich:dndParam type="drag" name="dragging">
<h:graphicImage value="/img/product1_small.png"/>
<h:graphicImage value="product1.png"/>

Here dndParam defines an icon that is used by an indicator when a drag is on the place of a
default icon (e.g. a minimized image of a draggable element)

• Parameters passing for an indicator informational part during a drag.

Look-and-Feel Customization

In this case dndParam is of a drag type and is defined in the following way:


<rich:dragSupport ...>
<rich:dndParam type="drag" name="label" value="#{msg.subj}"/>

The parameter is transmitted into an indicator for usage in an informational part of the
dragIndicator component (inside an indicator a call to {label} happens)

• Parameters passing happens when dragged content is brought onto some zone with

In this case dndParam is of a drop type and is defined in the following way:


<rich:dropSupport ...>
<rich:dndParam type="drop" name="comp" >
<h:graphicImage height="16" width="16" value="/images/comp.png"/>
</rich:dropSupport >

Here, dndParam passes icons into an indicator, if dragged content of a comp type is above the
given drop zone that processes it on the next drop event.

6.43.5. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dndParam> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component isn't

6.43.6. Relevan Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?c=dndParam] you

can see the example of <rich:dndParam> usage and sources for the given example.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.44. < rich:dragIndicator >

6.44.1. Description
This is a component for defining what appears under the mouse cursor during drag-and-drop
operations. The displayed drag indicator can show information about the dragged elements.

Figure 6.88. <rich:dragIndicator> component

6.44.2. Key Features

• Customizable look and feel

• Customizable marker according to the type of dragable elements

Table 6.160. rich : dragIndicator attributes

Attribute Name Description

acceptClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute and
added to an indicator when a drop is accepted
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rejectClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute and
added to an indicator when a drop is rejected
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Table 6.161. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Draggable
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDragIndicator
component-family org.richfaces.DragIndicator
renderer-type org.richfaces.DragIndicatorRenderer

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Name Value
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DragIndicatorTag

6.44.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:dragIndicator id="indicator">
<f:facet name="single">
<b>Single item</b> {DragInfo}
<rich:dragSupport dragType="text" dragIndicator="indicator">

6.44.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDragIndicator;
HtmlDragIndicator myDragIndicator = new HtmlDragIndicator();

6.44.5. Details of Usage

In the simplest way the component could be defined empty - in that case a default indicator is
shown like this:

Figure 6.89. The simplest <rich:dragIndicator>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

For indicator customization you need to define one of the following facets:

• "single"

Indicator shown when dragging a single element.

• "multiple"

Indicator shown when dragging several components (for future components that will support
multiple selection).

Thus for specify a look-and-feel you have to define one of these facets and include into it a content
that should be shown in indicator. Macro definitions

To place some data from drag or drop zones into component you can use macro definitions. They
are being defining in the following way:

• <rich:dndParam> component with a specific name and value is being included into a drag/
drop support component (an image can be defined as placed inside <rich:dndParam> without
defining a value).

• in needed place a parameter value is included into the marking of indicator using syntax (name
of parameter)

For instance, this:

<rich:dndParam name="testDrop">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/file-manager.png" />

Is placed into indicator as follows:

<f:facet name="single">

Look-and-Feel Customization Predefined macro definitions

Indicator can accept two default macro definitions:

• marker

• label

Thus including one of these elements in the marking of indicator, in other words after setting up
appropriate parameters in DnD components and defining only default indicator - without specifying
facets - a developer gets these parameters values displayed in indicator in the order "marker -
label". Marker customization

The macro definition "marker" can be customized depending on what a draggable element is
located over. For that you should define one of these three parameters (specify a parameter with
one of three names):

• accept

Parameter will be set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned
over drop zone that accept this type of elements

• reject

Parameter is set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned over
drop zone that doesn't accept this type of elements

• default

Parameter is set instead of {marker} into indicator when a draggable element is positioned over
all the rest of page elements


If you use <rich:dragIndicator> inside a form do not forget to use id like

formId:indicatorID defined in <rich:dragSupport> indicator attribute.

6.44.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

The <rich:dragIndicator> component has no skin parameters and special style classes , as
it consists of one element generated with a your method on the server. To define some style

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

properties such as an indent or a border, it's possible to use "style" and "styleClass" attributes
on the component.

6.44.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?c=dragIndicator]
you can see the example of <rich:dragIndicator> usage and sources for the given example.

6.45. < rich:dragSupport >

6.45.1. Description
This component defines a subtree of the component tree as draggable for drag-and-drop
operations. Within such a "drag zone," you can click the mouse button on an item and drag it
to any component that supports drop operations (a "drop zone"). It encodes all the necessary
JavaScript for supporting drag-and-drop operations.

Figure 6.90. <rich:dragSupport> component

6.45.2. Key Features

• Encodes all necessary JavaScript to perform drag actions

• Can be used within any component type that provides the required properties for drag operations

• Supports drag-and-drop between different forms

Key Features

Table 6.162. rich : dragSupport attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disableDefault Disable default action for target event (append
"return false;" to JavaScript)
dragIndicator Id of a component that is used as drag pointer
during the drag operation
dragListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drag operation
dragType A drag zone type that is used for zone
definition, which elements can be accepted by
a drop zone
dragValue Data to be sent to a drop zone after a drop
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
grabbingCursors list of comma separated cursors that indicates
then the you has grabbed something
grabCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
then you can grab and drag an object
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondragend A JavaScript event handler called after a drag
ondragstart A JavaScript event handler called before drag
ondropout A JavaScript event handler called after a out
ondropover A JavaScript event handler called after a drop
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component

Table 6.163. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DragSupport
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDragSupport
component-family org.richfaces.DragSupport
renderer-type org.richfaces.DragSupportRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DragSupportTag

6.45.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:panelGrid id="drag1">
<rich:dragSupport dragType="item"/>
<!--Some content to be dragged-->

6.45.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDragSupport;
HtmlDragSupport myDragZone = new HtmlDragSupport();

6.45.5. Details of Usage

The dragSupport tag inside a component completely specifies the events and JavaScript required
to use the component and it's children for dragging as part of a drag-and-drop operation. In order
to work, though, dragSupport must be placed inside a wrapper component that outputs child
components and that has the right events defined on it. Thus, this example won't work, because
the <h:column> tag doesn't provide the necessary properties for redefining events on the client:


<rich:dragSupport dragIndicator=":form:iii" dragType="text">
<a4j:actionParam value="#{caps.name}" name="name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{caps.name}"/>

However, using a4j:outputPanel as a wrapper inside <h:column> , the following code could be
used successfully:



Details of Usage

<rich:dragSupport dragIndicator=":form:iii" dragType="text">
<a4j:actionParam value="#{caps.name}" name="name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{caps.name}"/>

This code makes all rows of this column draggable.

One of the main attributes for dragSupport is "dragType" , which associates a name with the
drag zone. Only drop zones with this name as an acceptable type can be used in drag-and-drop
operations. Here is an example:


<h:panelGrid id="drag1">
<rich:dragSupport dragType="singleItems" .../>
<!--Some content to be dragged-->
<h:panelGrid id="drag2">
<rich:dragSupport dragType="groups" .../>
<!--Some content to be dragged-->
<h:panelGrid id="drop1">
<rich:dropSupport acceptedTypes="singleItems" .../>
<!--Drop zone content-->

In this example, the drop1 panel grid is a drop zone that invokes drag-and-drop for drops of
items from the first drag1 panel grid, but not the second drag2 panel grid. In the section about
dropSupport , you will find an example that shows more detailed information about moving data
between tables with drag and drop.

The dragSupport component also has a "value" attribute for passing data into the processing
after a drop event.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

One more important attribute for <rich:dragSupport> is the "dragIndicator" attribute that point
to the component id of the <rich:dragIndicator> component to be used for dragged items from
this drag zone. If it isn't defined, a default indicator for drag operations is used.

Finally, the component has the following extra attributes for event processing on the client:

• "ondragstart"

• "ondragend"

You can use your own custom JavaScript functions to handle these events.


If you define width for a outputPanel, in Internet Explorer 6 you can perform a drag
and drop operation, placing the mouse cursor on the text in the outputPanel only.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here .

6.45.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dragSupport> has no skin parameters and custom style classes , as the component isn't

6.45.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?c=dragSupport] you
can see the example of <rich:dragSupport> usage and sources for the given example.

6.46. < rich:dropListener >

6.46.1. Description
The <rich:dropListener> represents an action listener method that is notified after a drop

6.46.2. Key Features

• Allows to define some drop listeners for the components with "Drag and Drop" support

Table 6.164. rich : dropListener attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.165. Component identification parameters

Name Value
listener-class org.richfaces.event.DropListener
event-class org.richfaces.event.DropEvent
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DropListenerTag

6.46.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:dropListener type="demo.Bean"/>

6.46.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


package demo;

public class ImplBean implements org.richfaces.event.DropListener{


import demo.ImplBean;
ImplBean myListener = new ImplBean();

6.46.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dropListener> is used as a nested tag with components like <rich:dropSupport>
, <rich:tree> and <rich:treeNode> .

Attribute "type" defines the fully qualified Java class name for the listener. This class should
implement org.richfaces.event.DropListener interface [http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/
default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/index.html] .

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The typical variant of using:

<rich:panel style="width:100px;height:100px;">
<f:facet name="header">Drop Zone</f:facet>
<rich:dropSupport acceptedTypes="text">
<rich:dropListener type="demo.ListenerBean"/>

Java bean source:

package demo;

import org.richfaces.event.DropEvent;

public class ListenerBean implements org.richfaces.event.DropListener{

public void processDrop(DropEvent arg0){
//Custom Developer Code

6.46.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dropListener> has no skin parameters and custom style classes , as the component isn't

6.47. < rich:dragListener >

6.47.1. Description

The <rich:dragListener> represents an action listener method that is notified after a drag

6.47.2. Key Features

• Allows to define some drag listeners for the components with "Drag and Drop" support

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.166. rich : dragListener attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Table 6.167. Component identification parameters

Name Value
listener-class org.richfaces.event.DragListener
event-class org.richfaces.event.DragEvent
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DragListenerTag

6.47.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:dragListener type="demo.Bean"/>

6.47.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


package demo;

public class ImplBean implements org.richfaces.event.DragListener{


import demo.ImplBean;
ImplBean myDragListener = new ImplBean();

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.47.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:dragListener> is used as a nested tag with components like <rich:dragSupport>

, <rich:tree> and <rich:treeNode> .

Attribute "type" defines the fully qualified Java class name for a listener. This class should
implement org.richfaces.event.DropListener interface [http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/
default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/index.html] .

The typical variant of using:

<h:panelGrid id="dragPanel">
<rich:dragSupport dragType="item">
<rich:dragListener type="demo.ListenerBean"/>
<!--Some content to be dragged-->

Java bean source:

package demo;

import org.richfaces.event.DragEvent;

public class ListenerBean implements org.richfaces.event.DragListener{

public void processDrag(DragEvent arg0){
//Custom Developer Code

6.47.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:dragListener> has no skin parameters and custom style classes , as the component isn't

< rich:dropDownMenu >

6.48. < rich:dropDownMenu >

6.48.1. Description
The <rich:dropDownMenu> component is used for creating multilevel drop-down menus.

Figure 6.91. <rich:dropDownMenu> component

6.48.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Pop-up appearance event customization

• Different submission modes

• Ability to define a complex representation for elements

• Support for disabling

• Smart user-defined positioning

Table 6.168. rich : dropDownMenu attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
direction Defines direction of the popup list to appear.
Possible values are "top-right", "top-right",
"top-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-left", "auto".
Default value is "auto".
disabled Attribute 'disabled' provides possibility to make
the whole menu disabled if its value equals to
disabledItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to disabled item of this

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to disabled
item when this component is rendered.
disabledLabelClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to disabled label of DD
event Defines the event on the representation
element that triggers the menu's appearance.
hideDelay Delay between losing focus and menu closing.
Default value is "800".
horizontalOffset Sets the horizontal offset between popup
list and label element. Default value is "0".
conjunction point
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
itemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to item of this component
itemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to item when
this component is rendered.
jointPoint Sets the corner of the label for the pop-up to
be connected with. Possible values are "tr", "tl",
"bl", "br", "bottom-left", "auto". Default value is
"auto". "tr" stands for top-right.
oncollapse Event must occurs on menu closure
onexpand Event must occurs on menu opening
ongroupactivate HTML: script expression; some group was
onitemselect HTML: script expression; some item was
onmousemove HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseout HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseover HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
popupWidth Sets minimal width for all lists that will appear.
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

selectedLabelClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to selected label of DD
selectItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to selected item of this
selectItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to selected
item when this component is rendered.
showDelay Delay between event and menu showing.
Default value is "50".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
submitMode Sets the submission mode for all menu
items of the menu except ones where
this attribute redefined. Possible values are
"ajax","server","none". Default value is "sever".
value Defines representation text for Label used for
menu calls.
verticalOffset Sets the vertical offset between popup list and
label element. Default value is "0". conjunction

Table 6.169. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.DropDownMenu
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDropDownMenu
component-family org.richfaces.DropDownMenu
renderer-type org.richfaces.DropDownMenuRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.DropDownMenuTag

6.48.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:dropDownMenu value="Item1">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<!--Nested menu components-->


6.48.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlDropDownMenu;
HtmlDropDownMenu myDropDownMenu = new HtmlDropDownMenu();

6.48.5. Details of Usage

All attributes except "value" are optional. The "value" attribute defines text to be represented.
If you can use the "label" facet, you can even not use the "value" attribute.

Here is an example:


<f:facet name="label">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/img1.png"/>

Use the "event" attribute to define an event for the represented element that triggers a menu
appearance. An example of a menu appearance on a click can be seen below.


<rich:dropDownMenu event="onclick" value="Item1">
<!--Nested menu components-->

The <rich:dropDownMenu> "submitMode" attribute can be set to three possible parameters:

• Server (default)

Details of Usage

Regular form submission request is used.

• Ajax

Ajax submission is used for switching.

• None

The "action" and "actionListener" item's attributes are ignored. Menu items don't fire any submits
themselves. The behavior is fully defined by the components nested into items.

As the <rich:dropDownMenu> component doesn't provide its own form, use it
between <h:form> and </h:form> tags.

The "direction" and "jointPoint" attributes are used for defining aspects of menu appearance.

Possible values for the "direction" attribute are:

• "top-left" - a menu drops to the top and left

• "top-right" - a menu drops to the top and right

• "bottom-left" - a menu drops to the bottom and left

• "bottom-right" - a menu drops to the bottom and right

• "auto" - smart positioning activation

Possible values for the "jointPoint" attribute are:

• "tr" - a menu is attached to the top-right point of the button element

• "tl" - a menu is attached to the top-left point of the button element

• "br" - a menu is attached to the bottom-right point of the button element

• "bl" - a menu is attached to the bottom-left point of the button element

• "auto" - smart positioning activation

By default, the "direction" and "jointPoint" attributes are set to "auto".

Here is an example:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:dropDownMenu value="File" direction="bottom-right" jointPoint="tr">

<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="New" action="#{ddmenu.doNew}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Open" action="#{ddmenu.doOpen}"/>
<rich:menuGroup value="Save As...">
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Text File" action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="PDF File" action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Close" action="#{ddmenu.doClose}"/>
<rich:menuSeparator id="menuSeparator11"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Exit" action="#{ddmenu.doExit}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.92. Using the "direction" and "joinPoint" attributes

You can correct an offset of the pop-up list relative to the label using the following attributes:
"horizontalOffset" and "verticalOffset" .

Here is an example:


<rich:dropDownMenu value="File" direction="bottom-
right" jointPoint="tr" horizontalOffset="-15" verticalOffset="0">
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="New" action="#{ddmenu.doNew}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Open" action="#{ddmenu.doOpen}"/>
<rich:menuGroup value="Save As...">
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Text File" action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="PDF File" action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Close" action="#{ddmenu.doClose}"/>
<rich:menuSeparator id="menuSeparator11"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Exit" action="#{ddmenu.doExit}"/>

Look-and-Feel Customization


This is the result:

Figure 6.93. Using the "horizontalOffset" and "verticalOffset" attributes

The "disabled" attribute is used for disabling whole <rich:dropDownMenu> component. In this
case it is necessary to define "disabled" attribute as "true". An example is placed below.


<rich:dropDownMenu value="File" disabled="true">

6.48.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:dropDownMenu> components at

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:dropDownMenu> component

6.48.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.170. Skin parameters redefinition for a label <div> element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.171. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected label

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color
controlBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColor background-colorcolor

Table 6.172. Skin parameters redefinition for a border

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color
additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.173. Skin parameters redefinition for a background

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor border-top-color
additionalBackgroundColor border-left-color
additionalBackgroundColor border-right-color

6.48.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.94. Classes names

Table 6.174. Classes names that define a label

Class name Description

rich-label-text-decor Defines text style for a representation element
rich-ddmenu-label Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a representation element

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-ddmenu-label-select Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a selected representation element
rich-ddmenu-label-unselect Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
an unselected representation element
rich-ddmenu-label-disabled Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a disabled representation element

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.95. Classes names

Table 6.175. Classes names that define a popup element

Class name Description

rich-menu-list-border Defines styles for borders
rich-menu-list-bg Defines styles for a general background list
rich-menu-list-strut Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
a strut of a popup list

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:dropDownMenu> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table
above) and define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


background-color: #fae6b0;
border-color: #e5973e;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is a result:

Figure 6.96. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a label select background color and border color were changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:dropDownMenu> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:dropDownMenu>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "itemClass" attribute for <rich:dropDownMenu> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:dropDownMenu ... itemClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.97. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for items was changed.

Relevant Resources Links

6.48.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dropDownMenu.jsf?
c=dropDownMenu] you can see the example of <rich:dropDownMenu> usage and sources for
the given example.

6.49. < rich:extendedDataTable >

6.49.1. Description

The component is in a preview state for 3.2.2 release because it was not fully tested
and reviewed by the RF team.

The component for tables extending standard component <rich:dataTable> .

Figure 6.98. <rich:extendedDataTable> component

6.49.2. Key Features

• Possibility to scroll data

• Possibility to add an attribute to set the kind of selection (none, single line or multiple lines)

• Possibility to change the sequence of the displayed columns by dragging the column-header
to another position

• Possibility to show or hide columns by selecting or deselecting them in a context menu

• Possibility to save the current settings (visible columns, column width, sequence of the columns)
to be reused the next time the page will be shown

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Possibility to combine rows to groups

Table 6.176. rich : extendedDataTable attributes

Attribute Name Description
activeClass CSS class for active row
activeRowKey Request scope attribute under which the
activeRowKey will be accessible
ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
position of the table with respect to the
document. The possible values are "left",
"center" and "right". The default value is "left".
bgcolor Deprecated. This attribute sets the background
color for the document body or table cells.
This attribute sets the background color of
the canvas for the document body (the
BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR,
TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes
for specifying text color can be used with
the BODY element. This attribute has been
deprecated in favor of style sheets for
specifying background color information
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border This attributes specifies the width of the frame
around a component
captionClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to caption for this
captionStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to caption
when this component is rendered
cellpadding This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents
cellspacing This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
The attribute also specifies the amount of
space to leave between cells
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to footer for this component
frame This attribute specifies which sides of the frame
surrounding a table will be visible. Possible
values: "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs",
"rhs", "vsides", "box" and "border". The default
value is "void".
groupingColumn The information in the table wiil be grouped
by the information in the column, which id is
provided with this attribute.
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to header for this
height Defines a height of the component. Default
value is 500px
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onRowClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on row
onRowDblClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on row
onRowMouseDown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on row
onRowMouseMove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
within of row
onRowMouseOut HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away of row
onRowMouseOver HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto of row
onRowMouseUp HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on row
onselectionchange HTML: script expression to invoke on changing
of rows selection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
rules This attribute specifies which rules will appear
between cells within a table. The rendering
of rules is user agent dependent. Possible
values: * none: No rules. This is the default
value. * groups: Rules will appear between row
groups (see THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY)
and column groups (see COLGROUP and
COL) only. * rows: Rules will appear between
rows only. * cols: Rules will appear between
columns only. * all: Rules will appear between
all rows and columns
selectedClass CSS class for selected rows
selection Value binding representing selected rows
selectionMode single [default]: Single row can be selected.
multi: Multiple rows can be selected. none: no
rows can be selected.
sortMode Defines mode of sorting. Possible values are
'single' for sorting of one column and 'multi' for
sortPriority Defines a set of column ids in the order the
columns could be set
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

tableState ValueBinding pointing at a property of a String
to hold table state
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when
width This attribute specifies the desired width of
the entire table and is intended for visual
user agents. When the value is percentage
value, the value is relative to the user agent's
available horizontal space. In the absence
of any width specification, table width is
determined by the user agent

Table 6.177. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ExtendedDataTable
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlExtendedDataTable
component-family org.richfaces.ExtendedDataTable
renderer-type org.richfaces.ExtendedDataTableRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ExtendedDataTableTag

6.49.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:extendedDataTable value="#{extendedDT.dataModel}" var="edt">

Creating the Component Dynamically from Java

6.49.4. Creating the Component Dynamically from Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlExtendedDataTable;
HtmlExtendedDataTable myTable = new HtmlExtendedDataTable();

6.49.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:extendedDataTable> component is similar to the <rich:dataTable> . The data in

component is scrollable. You can also set the type of selection ( "none", "single" or "multi" lines).
Selection of multiple lines is possible using Shift and Ctrl keys.

Here is an example:


<rich:extendedDataTable id="edt" value="#{extendedDT.dataModel}" var="edt" width="500px" height="500px" sel

<rich:column id="id" headerClass="dataTableHeader" width="50" label="Id" sortable="true" sortBy="#{edt.id}" s

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Id" />
<h:outputText value="#{edt.id}" />

<rich:column id="name" width="300" headerClass="dataTableHeader" label="Name" sortable="true" sortBy="#{

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Name" />
<h:outputText value="#{edt.name}" />

<rich:column id="date" width="100" headerClass="dataTableHeader" label="Date" sortable="true" comparator=

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Date" />
<h:outputText value="#{edt.date}"><f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:column id="group" width="50" headerClass="dataTableHeader" label="Group" sortable="true" sortBy="#{e

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Group" />
<h:outputText value="#{edt.group}" />

Figure 6.99. <rich:extendedDataTable> component with selected multiple


Information about sorting and filtering can be found here.

In the example "selection" attribute contains object with selected rows.


Attribute "height" is mandatory. The default value is "500px" .

Menu on the right side of the column header is used to perform action: sorting, grouping, hiding

This is an example:

Details of Usage

Figure 6.100. Column menu

After selecting a "Group by this column" option, you can see the data grouped. You can collapse
and expand groups by clicking on a group header.

This is an example:

Figure 6.101. <rich:extendedDataTable> component with grouped data

The "label" attribute in <rich:column> sets the name of the column, which is used when
dragging columns (in drag window) and in context menu, in "Columns" submenu.


<rich:column id="name" label="#{msg['name']}"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.102. <rich:extendedDataTable> component with Drag&Drop

column 'Name'

In the component <rich:extendedDataTable> columns can hidden:

Figure 6.103. <rich:extendedDataTable> component with hidden column

'Id' and 'Group'

"tableState" attribute can be used to bind state of the table (column width, column position, visible,
sequence, grouping...) to a backing-bean string property, for a later used. This state can be for
example saved to a database, and it is different form standard JSF state saving mechanisms.


<rich:extendedDataTable tableState="#{extendedDT.tableState}">

Look-and-Feel Customization


6.49.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:extendedDataTable> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:extendedDataTable> component

6.49.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.178. Skin parameters redefinition for a table

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.179. Skin parameters redefinition for a header

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.180. Skin parameters redefinition for a footer

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableFooterBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.181. Skin parameters redefinition for a column header

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.182. Skin parameters redefinition for a column footer

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableSubfooterBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.183. Skin parameters redefinition for cells

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

6.49.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.104. <rich:extendedDataTable> class names

Table 6.184. Classes names that define a whole component appearance

Class name Description
rich-extdt Defines styles for all table
rich-extdt-caption Defines styles for a "caption" facet element

Table 6.185. Classes names that define header and footer elements
Class name Description
rich-extdt-header Defines styles for a table header row
rich-extdt-header-continue Defines styles for all header lines after the first
rich-extdt-subheader Defines styles for a column header
rich-extdt-footer Defines styles for a footer row
rich-extdt-footer-continue Defines styles for all footer lines after the first

< rich:menuGroup >

Class name Description

rich-extdt-subfooter Defines styles for a column footer

Table 6.186. Classes names that define rows and cells of a table

Class name Description

rich-extdt-headercell Defines styles for a header cell
rich-extdt-subheadercell Defines styles for a column header cell
rich-extdt-cell Defines styles for a table cell
rich-extdt-row Defines styles for a table row
rich-extdt-firstrow Defines styles for a table start row
rich-extdt-footercell Defines styles for a footer cell
rich-extdt-subfootercell Defines styles for a column footer cell

An example of use the styles for component <rich:extendedDataTable> is similar to


6.50. < rich:menuGroup >

6.50.1. Description
The <rich:menuGroup> component is used to define an expandable group of items inside a
pop-up list or another group.

Figure 6.105. <rich:menuGroup> component

6.50.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Grouping of any menu's items

• Pop-up appearance event customization

• Support for disabling

• Smart user-defined positioning

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.187. rich : menuGroup attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
direction Defines direction of the popup sublist to appear
("right", "left", "auto"(Default), "left-down", "left-
up", "right-down", "right-up")
disabled If "true" sets state of the item to disabled state.
Default value is "false".
event Defines the event on the representation
element that triggers the menu's appearance.
Default value is "onmouseover".
icon Path to the icon to be displayed for the enabled
item state
iconClass Class to be applied to icon element
iconDisabled Path to the icon to be displayed for the disabled
item state
iconFolder Path to the folder icon to be displayed for the
enabled item state
iconFolderDisabled Path to the folder icon to be displayed for the
enabled item state
iconStyle CSS style rules to be applied to icon element
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
labelClass Class to be applied to label element
onclose HTML: script expression; group was closed
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onopen HTML: script expression; group was opened
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
selectClass Class to be applied to selected items
selectStyle CSS style rules to be applied to selected items

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

showDelay Delay between event and menu showing.
Default value is "300".
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
value Defines representation text for menuItem

Table 6.188. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.MenuGroup
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuGroup
component-family org.richfaces.DropDownMenu
renderer-type org.richfaces.MenuGroupRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.MenuGroupTag

6.50.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:dropDownMenu value="Active">
<rich:menuGroup value="Active">
<!--Nested menu components-->
</rich:dropDownMenu >

6.50.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuGroup;
HtmlMenuGroup myMenuGroup = new HtmlMenuGroup();

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


6.50.5. Details of Usage

The "value" attribute defines the text representation of a group element in the page.

The "icon" attribute defines an icon for the component. The "iconDisabled" attribute defines an
icon for when the group is disabled. Also you can use the "icon" and "iconDisabled" facets. If
the facets are defined, the corresponding "icon" and "iconDisabled" attributes are ignored and
the facets' contents are used as icons. This could be used for an item check box implementation.

Here is an example:

<f:facet name="icon">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.property}"/>

The "iconFolder" and "iconFolderDisabled" attributes are defined for using icons as folder
icons. The "iconFolder" and "iconFolderDisabled" facets use their contents as folder icon
representations in place of the attribute values.

The "direction" attribute is used to define which way to display the menu as shown in the example

Possible values are:

• "left - down" - a submenu is attached to the left side of the menu and is dropping down

• "left - up" - a submenu is attached to the left side of the menu and is dropping up

• "right - down" - a submenu is attached to the right side of the menu and is dropping down

• "right - up" - a submenu is attached to the right side of the menu and is dropping up

• "auto - smart" positioning activation

By default, the "direction" attribute is set to "auto".

Here is an example:

<rich:menuGroup value="Save As..." direction="left-down">
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Text
File" action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>

Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="PDF

File" action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>

This would be the result:

Figure 6.106. Using the "direction" attribute

The <rich:menuGroup> component was designed to be used only for pop-up
menu list creation.

6.50.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:menuGroup> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:menuGroup> component

6.50.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.189. Skin parameters redefinition for a group

Skin parameters CSS properties
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.190. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled group

Skin parameters CSS properties
tabDisabledTextColor color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.191. Skin parameters redefinition for a label

Skin parameters CSS properties
generalTextColor color

6.50.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.107. Classes names

Table 6.192. Classes names that define an appearance of group elements

Class name Description
rich-menu-group Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
a group
rich-menu-item-label Defines styles for a label of an item
rich-menu-item-icon Defines styles for the left icon of an item
rich-menu-item-folder Defines styles for the right icon of an item

Table 6.193. Classes names that define different states

Class name Description
rich-menu-item-label-disabled Defines styles for a label of a disabled item
rich-menu-item-icon-disabled Defines styles for the left icon of a disabled item
rich-menu-item-folder-disabled Defines styles for the right icon of a disabled
rich-menu-group-hover Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a hover group
rich-menu-item-icon-enabled Defines styles for the left icon of an enabled
rich-menu-item-icon-selected Defines styles for the left icon of a selected item

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:menuGroup> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.

Definition of Custom Style Classes


font-style: italic;

This is a result:

Figure 6.108. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a disabled label font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:menuGroup> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:menuGroup> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #acbece;
border: none;

The "selectClass" attribute for <rich:menuGroup> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:menuGroup value="Save As..." selectClass="myClass">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is a result:

Figure 6.109. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the background color for selected class was changed.
Also selected class has no border.

6.50.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dropDownMenu.jsf?c=menuGroup]
you can see the example of <rich:menuGroup> usage and sources for the given example.

6.51. < rich:menuItem >

6.51.1. Description
The <rich:menuItem> component is used for the definition of a single item inside a pop-up list.

Figure 6.110. <rich:menuItem> component

6.51.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Different submission modes

• Support for disabling

• Custom content support

Key Features

Table 6.194. rich : menuItem attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disabled If "true" sets state of the item to disabled state.
Default value is "false".
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
icon Path to the icon to be displayed for the enabled
item state
iconClass Class to be applied to icon element
iconDisabled Path to the icon to be displayed for the disabled
item state.
iconStyle CSS style rules to be applied to icon element
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
labelClass Class to be applied to label element
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some menu item
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
selectClass Class to be applied to selected items
selectStyle CSS style rules to be applied to selected items
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
submitMode Sets the submission mode. Possible values
are "ajax", "server", "none". Default value is
target Name of a frame where the resource retrieved
via this hyperlink is to be displayed
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component

Table 6.195. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.MenuItem

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuItem
component-family org.richfaces.DropDownMenu
renderer-type org.richfaces.MenuItemRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.MenuItemTag

6.51.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:menuItem value="Active"/>

6.51.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuItem;
HtmlMenuItem myMenuItem = new HtmlMenuItem();

6.51.5. Details of Usage

The "value" attribute defines the text representation for an item element.

There are two icon-related attributes. The "icon" attribute defines an icon. The "iconDisabled"
attribute defines an icon for a disabled item. Also you can use the "icon" and "iconDisabled"
facets. If the facets are defined, the corresponding "icon" and "iconDisabled" attributes are
ignored and the facets content is shown as an icon. It could be used for an item check box

Here is an example:


Details of Usage

<f:facet name="icon">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.property}"/>

The <rich:menuItem> "submitMode" attribute can be set to three possible parameters:

• Server (default)

Regular form submission request is used.

• Ajax

Ajax submission is used for switching.

• None

The "action" and "actionListener" item's attributes are ignored. Menu items don' fire any submits
themselves. The behavior is fully defined by the components nested into items.

For example, you can put any content into an item, but, in this case, you should set the "mode"
attribute as "none" .

Here is an example:

<rich:menuItem submitMode="none">
<h:outputLink value="www.jboss.org"/>

You can use the "disabled" attribute to set the item state.

Here is an example:

<rich:menuItem value="Disable" disabled="true"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...



The <rich:menuItem> component was designed to be used only for pop-up menu
list creation.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.51.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:menuItem> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:menuItem> component

6.51.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.196. Skin parameters redefinition for an item

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.197. Skin parameters redefinition for a hovered item

Skin parameters CSS properties

tipBorderColor border-color
tipBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.198. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled item

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabDisabledTextColor color

Table 6.199. Skin parameters redefinition for a label

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

6.51.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.111. Classes names

Table 6.200. Classes names that define an appearance of item elements

Class name Description
rich-menu-item Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
an item
rich-menu-item-label Defines styles for a label of an item
rich-menu-item-icon Defines styles for the left icon of an item

Table 6.201. Classes names that define different states

Class name Description
rich-menu-item-disabled Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
an item
rich-menu-item-enabled Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
an enabled item
rich-menu-item-hover Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a hover item
rich-menu-item-label-disabled Defines styles for a label of a disabled item
rich-menu-item-icon-disabled Defines styles for the left icon of a disabled item
rich-menu-item-label-enabled Defines styles for a label of an enabled item
rich-menu-item-icon-enabled Defines styles for the left icon of an enabled
rich-menu-item-label-selected Defines styles for a label of a selected item
rich-menu-item-icon-selected Defines styles for the left icon of a selected item

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:menuItem> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


font-style: italic;

This is a result:

Figure 6.112. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a disabled item font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:menuItem> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:menuItem> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


border-color: #bed6f8;
background-color: #ffffff;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:menuItem> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:menuItem ... selectStyle="myClass">

Relevant Resources Links

This is a result:

Figure 6.113. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the background color and border color for selected item
were changed.

6.51.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dropDownMenu.jsf?c=menuItem]
you can see the example of <rich:menuItem> usage and sources for the given example.

6.52. < rich:menuSeparator >

6.52.1. Description
The <rich:menuSeparator> component is used for the definition of a horizontal separator that
can be placed between groups or items.

Figure 6.114. <rich:menuSeparator> component

Table 6.202. rich : menuSeparator attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Table 6.203. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.MenuSeparator
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuSeparator
component-family org.richfaces.DropDownMenu
renderer-type org.richfaces.MenuSeparatorRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.MenuSeparatorTag

6.52.2. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:



6.52.3. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuSeparator;
HtmlMenuSeparator myMenuSeparator = new HtmlMenuSeparator();

6.52.4. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

Skin Parameters Redefinition

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:menuSeparator> components at

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:menuSeparator> component

6.52.5. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.204. Skin parameters redefinition for an item

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color

6.52.6. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.115. Classes names

Table 6.205. Classes names that define separator element appearance.

Class name Description

rich-menu-separator Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
a separator

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:menuSeparator> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


border-color: #acbece;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


This is a result:

Figure 6.116. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a menu separator border color was changed.

6.52.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dropDownMenu.jsf?
c=menuSeparator] you can see the example of <rich:menuSeparator> usage and sources for
the given example.

6.53. < rich:effect >

6.53.1. Description
The <rich:effect> utilizes a set of effects provided by the scriptaculous JavaScript library. It
allows to attach effects to JSF components and html tags.

6.53.2. Key Features

• No developers JavaScript writing needed to use it on pages

• Presents scriptaculous JavaScript library functionality

Table 6.206. rich : effect attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
disableDefault Disable default action for target event ( append
"return false;" to JavaScript ). Default value is

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

event Event on the component or html tag the effect
is attached to
for Id of the target component.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
name Generated JavaScript name.
params Parameters passed to the effect function.
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
targetId The id of the element the effect apply to. Might
be component id or client id of jsf component
or html tag. If targetId is not defined the value
of the attribute 'for' or the 'targetId' option effect
play its role
type Defines the type of effect. Possible values:
"Fade", "Blind", "Opacity".

Table 6.207. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Effect
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlEffect
component-family org.richfaces.Effect
renderer-type org.richfaces.EffectRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.EffectTag

6.53.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of <rich:effect> on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:effect for="componentId" type="Appear"/>

6.53.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRichEffect;
HtmlRichEffect myEffect = new HtmlRichEffect();

6.53.5. Details of Usage

It is possible to use <rich:effect> in two modes:

• attached to the JSF components or html tags and triggered by a particular event. Wiring effect
with JSF components might occur on the server or client. Wiring with html tag is possible only
on the client side

• invoking from the JavaScript code by an effect name. During the rendering, <rich:effect>
generates the JavaScript function with defined name. When the function is called, the effect
is applied

Those a the typical variants of using:

<!-- attaching by event -->
<rich:effect event="onmouseout" type="Opacity" params="duration:0.8,from:1.0,to:0.3" />
.... panel content ....

<!-- invoking from JavaScript -->

<div id="contentDiv">
..... div content ......

<input type="button" onclick="hideDiv({duration:0.7})" value="Hide" />

<input type="button" onclick="showDiv()" value="Show" />

<rich:effect name="hideDiv" for="contentDiv" type="Fade" />

<rich:effect name="showDiv" for="contentDiv" type="Appear" />

<!-- attaching to window on load and applying on particular page element -->

Details of Usage

Figure 6.117. Initial

Figure 6.118. When the mouse cursor is over

"name" attribute defines a name of the JavaScript function that is be generated on a page when the
component is rendered. You can invoke this function to activate the effect. The function accesses
one parameter. It is a set of effect options in JSON format.

"type" attribute defines the type of an effect. For example, "Fade", "Blind", "Opacity". Have a look
at scriptaculous documentation [http://script.aculo.us] for set of available effect.

"for" attribute defines the id of the component or html tag, the effect is attached to. RichFaces
converts the "for" attribute value to the client id of the component if such component is found.
If not, the value is left as is for possible wiring with on the DOM element's id on the client side.
By default, the target of the effect is the same element that effect pointed to. However, the target
element is might be overridden with "targetId" option passed with "params" attribute of with
function paramenter.

"params" attribute allows to define the set of options possible for particurar effect. For example,
'duration', 'delay', 'from', 'to'. Additionally to the options used by the effect itself, there are two
option that might override the <rich:effect> attribute. Those are:

• "targetId" allows to re-define the target of effect. The option is override the value of "for"

• "type" defines the effect type. The option is override the value of "type" attribute.

You can use a set of effects directly without defining the <rich:effect> component on a page if
it's convenient for you. For that, load the scriptaculous library to the page with the following code:


<a4j:loadScript src="resource://scriptaculous/effect.js" />

If you do use the <rich:effect> component, there is no need to include this library because it's
already here.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

For more information look at RichFaces Users Forum [http://jboss.com/index.html?


6.53.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:effect> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component isn't visual.

6.53.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/CreateABannerUsingEffectsAndPoll] you can get additional
information how to create an image banner using <rich:effect> and <a4j:poll> components and
here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/CreateAHTMLBannerUsingEffectsAndPoll] how to create a
HTML banner.

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesCookbook/SlideShow] you can find information

how to make a Slide Show with help of the <rich:effect> and <a4j:poll> components.

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/effect.jsf?c=effect] you can see the

example of <rich:effect> usage.

How to save <rich:effect> status see on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/

6.54. < rich:fileUpload >

6.54.1. Description
The <rich:fileUpload> component designed to perform Ajax-ed files upload to server.

Figure 6.119. <rich:fileUpload> component

6.54.2. Key Features

• ProgressBar shows the status of downloads

• Restriction on File type, file size and number of files to be uploaded

• Multiple files upload support

• Embedded Flash module

Key Features

• Possibility to cancel the request

• One request for every upload

• Automatic uploads

• Supports standard JSF internationalization

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Disablement support

Table 6.208. rich : fileUpload attributes

Attribute Name Description
acceptedTypes Files types allowed to upload
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
addButtonClass CSS style for add button
addButtonClassDisabled CSS style for add button disabled
addControlLabel Defines a label for an add button
ajaxSingle Boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only.
allowFlash Attribute which allow the component to use
the flash module that provides file upload
functionality [false, true, auto].
alt For a user agents that cannot display images,
forms, or applets, this attribute specifies
alternate text. The language of the alternate
text is specified by the lang attribute
autoclear If this attribute is "true" files will be immediately
removed from list after upload completed.
Default value is "false".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
cancelEntryControlLabel Defines a label for a cancel control
cleanButtonClass CSS style for clean button
cleanButtonClassDisabled CSS style for clean button disabled

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

clearAllControlLabel Defines a label for a clearAll button
clearControlLabel Defines a label for a clear control
disabled Attribute 'disabled' provides a possibility to
make the whole component disabled if its value
equals to "true". Default value is "false".
doneLabel Defines a label for a done label
fileEntryClass CSS style upload file entry
fileEntryClassDisabled CSS style upload file entry disabled
fileEntryControlClass CSS style for upload enrty control
fileEntryControlClassDisabled CSS style for upload enrty control disabled
fileUploadListener MethodExpression representing an action
listener method that will be notified after file
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
immediateUpload If this attribute is true files will be immediately
uploaded after they have been added in list.
Default value is "false".
listHeight Defines height of file list. Default value is
listWidth Defines width of file list. Default value is
locale Used for locale definition
maxFilesQuantity Defines max files count allowed for upload
(optional). Default value is "1".
noDuplicate Defines if component should allow to add files
that were already in list. Default value is "false".
onadd A JavaScript event handler called on an add
file operation
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclear A JavaScript event handler called when the file
entries were cleared
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onerror A JavaScript event handler called when the file
upload was interrupted according to any errors
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some text in a text field.
This attribute may be used with the INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements
onsizerejected A JavaScript event handler called when the file
uploading was rejected by fiel size overflow
ontyperejected A JavaScript event handler called when the
file type was rejected according to file types
onupload A JavaScript event handler called on an upload

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onuploadcanceled A JavaScript event handler called when upload
is cancelled
onuploadcomplete A JavaScript event handler called when upload
is completed
progressLabel Defines a label for a progress label
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
sizeErrorLabel Defines a label for a size error label
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
stopButtonClass CSS style for cancel button
stopButtonClassDisabled CSS style for cancel button disabled
stopControlLabel Defines a label for a stop button
stopEntryControlLabel Defines a label for a stop control
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
transferErrorLabel Defines a label for a transfer error label
uploadButtonClass CSS style for upload button
uploadButtonClassDisabled CSS style for upload button disabled
uploadControlLabel Defines a label for an upload button
uploadData Collection of files uploaded
uploadListClass CSS style for upload list
uploadListClassDisabled CSS style for upload list disabled
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator

Table 6.209. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.component.FileUpload
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlFileUpload
component-family org.richfaces.component.FileUpload
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.html.FileUploadRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.FileUploadTag

6.54.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:fileUpload />

6.54.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlFileUpload;
HtmlFileUpload myFileUpload = new HtmlFileUpload();

6.54.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:fileUpload> component consists of two parts:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• List of files which contains the list of currently chosen files to upload with possibility to manage
every file

• Component controls - the bar with controls for managing the whole component

There are two places where uploaded files are stored:

• In the temporary folder (depends on OS) if the value of the createTempFile parameter in
Ajax4jsf Filter section is "true" (by Default)


• In the RAM if the value of the createTempFile parameter in Ajax4jsf Filter section is "false".
This is a better way for storing small-sized files.

The "uploadData" attribute defines the collection of files uploaded. See the example below.


<rich:fileUpload uploadData="#{bean.data}"/>

The "fileUploadedListener" is called at server side after every file uploaded and used for the
saving files from temporary folder or RAM.


<rich:fileUpload uploadData="#{bean.data}" fileUploadListener="#{bean.listener}"/>

The following methods of processing the uploaded files are:

• isMultiUpload(). It returns "true" if several files have been uploaded

• getUploadItems(). It returns the list of the uploaded files. If one file was uploaded, the
getUploadItems() method will return the list consisting of one file

Details of Usage

• getUploadItem(). It returns the whole list in case of uploading one file only. If several files were
uploaded, the getUploadItem() method will return the first element of the uploaded files list.

Automatically files uploading could be performed by means of the "immediateUpload" attribute.

If the value of this attribute is "true" files are uploaded automatically once they have been added
into the list. All next files in the list are uploaded automatically one by one. If you cancel uploading
process next files aren't started to upload till you press the "Upload" button or clear the list.



The "autoclear" attribute is used to remove automatically files from the list after upload completed.
See the simple example below.


<rich:fileUpload uploadData="#{bean.data}" autoclear="true"/>

The <rich:fileUpload> component provides following restrictions:

• On file types, use "acceptedTypes" attribute to define file types accepted by component. In
the example below only files with "html" and "jpg" extensions are accepted to upload.


<rich:fileUpload acceptedTypes="html, jpg"/>

• On file size, use the maxRequestSize parameter(value in bytes) inside Ajax4jsf Filter section
in web.xml:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


• On max files quantity, use the "maxFilesQuantity" attribute to define max number of files
allowed to be uploaded. After a number of files in the list equals to the value of this attribute
"Add" button is disabled and nothing could be uploaded even if you clear the whole list. In order
to upload files again you should rerender the component. As it could be seen in the example
below, only 2 files are accepted for uploading.


<rich:fileUpload maxFilesQuantity="2"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.120. <rich:fileUpload> with "maxFilesQuantity" attribute

The <rich:fileUpload> component provides a number of specific event attributes:

• The "onadd" a event handler called on an add file operation

• The "onupload" which gives you a possibility to cancel the upload at client side

• The "onuploadcomplete" which is called after all files from the list are uploaded

• The "onuploadcanceled" which is called after upload has been canceled via cancel control

• The "onerror" which is called if the file upload was interrupted according to any errors

The <rich:fileUpload> component has an embedded Flash module that adds extra functionality
to the component. The module is enabled with "allowFlash" attribute set to "true".

Details of Usage

These are the additional features that the Flash module provides:

• Multiple files choosing;

• Permitted file types are specified in the "Open File" dialog window;

• A number of additional entry object properties are also available, which can be found here.

Apart from uploading files to the sever without using AJAX, the Flash module provides a number
of useful API functions that can be used to obtain information about the uploaded file.

There are 2 ways to obtain the data stored in the FileUploadEntry object.

• By means of JavaScript on the client side. Use the following syntax for that
entries[i].propertyName. For example entries[0].state will return the state of the file the
is being processed or has just been processed.

• The properties of FileUploadEntry object can be retrieved using the

entry.propertyName expression in the specificevent attributes. For example,
onupload="alert(event.memo.entry.fileName);" will display a message with the name
of the file at the very moment when upload operation starts. A full list of properties can be found

The given bellow code sample demonstrates how the properties can be used. Please study it

function _onaddHandler (e) {
var i = 0;
for (; i < e.memo.entries.lenght; i++) {
alert(e.memo.entries[i].creator); //Shows creators of the added files

function _onerrorhandle(e) {
alert(e.memo.entry.fileName + "file was not uploaded due transfer error");

Moreover, embedded Flash module provides a smoother representation of progress bar during
the uploading process: the polling is performed is not by AJAX, but my means of the flash module.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.121. Uploading using Flash module <rich:fileUpload>

However, the Flash module doens't perform any visual representation of the component.

In order to customize the information regarding the ongoing process you could use "label" facet
with the following macrosubstitution:

• {B}, {KB}, {MB} contains the size of file uploaded in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes respectively

• {_B}, {_KB}, {_MB} contains the remain file size to upload in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes

• {ss}, {mm}, {hh} contains elapsed time in seconds, minutes and hours respectively


<rich:fileUpload uploadData="#{bean.data}" fileUploadListener="#{bean.listener}">
<f:facet name="label">
<h:outputText value="{_KB}KB from {KB}KB uploaded --- {mm}:{ss}" />

This is the result:

Figure 6.122. <rich:fileUpload> with "label" facet

Details of Usage

You could define labels of the component controls with the help of "addControlLabel" ,
"clearAllControlLabel" , "clearControlLabel" , "stopEntryControlLabel" , "uploadControlLabel"
attributes. See the following example.


<rich:fileUpload addControlLabel="Add file..." clearAllControlLabel="Clear
all" clearControlLabel="Clear"
stopEntryControlLabel="Stop process" uploadControlLabel="Upload file"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.123. <rich:fileUpload> with labels

The <rich:fileUpload> component allows to use sizes attributes:

• "listHeight" attribute specify height for list of files in pixels

• "listWidth" attribute specify width for list of files in pixels

In order to disable the whole component you could use the "disabled" attribute. See the following


<rich:fileUpload disabled="true"/>

This is the result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.124. <rich:fileUpload> with "disabled" attribute

It's possible to handle events for fileUpload using JavaScript code. A simplest example of usage
JavaScript API is placed below:


<rich:fileUpload id="upload" disabled="false"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="${rich:component('upload')}.disable();" value="Disable" />

<rich:fileUpload> component also provides a number of JavaScript property, that can be

used to process uploaded files, file states etc. The given below example illustrates how the
entries[0].state property can be used to get access to the file state. Full list of JavaScript
properties can be found below.

<rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}"
reRender="table" id="upload"
acceptedTypes="jpg, gif, png, bmp">
<a4j:support event="onuploadcomplete" reRender="info" />
<h:commandButton onclick="if($('j_id232:upload').component.entries[0].state ==
FileUploadEntry.UPLOAD_SUCCESS) alert ('DONE');" value="Check file state"/>

The <rich:fileUpload> component allows to use internationalization method

to redefine and localize the labels. You could use application resource

JavaScript API


The <rich:fileUpload> component could work together with Seam framework.

Here [http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/devguide/
en/faq/faq.html#fileUploadConf] you can see how to configure filters for both of them in web.xml
file in order to handle <rich:fileUpload> requests.

6.54.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.210. JavaScript API

Function Description
enable() Enables the component
disable() Disables the component
stop() Stops the uploading process
clear() Removes all files from the list. The function
can also get the $('id').component.entries[i] as
a parameter to remove a particular file.
submitForm() Submits form to server. All added files will be
put to model and event.
beforeSubmit() Sets up necessary request parameters for
file uploading and submits form to server by
command button. This method should be used
together with commands

Table 6.211. Client side object properties

Property Description
entries Returns a array of all files in the list
entries.length Returns the number of files in the list
entries[i].fileName Returns the file name, that is retrieved by the
array index
entries[i].state Returns the file state. Possible states are

• "initialized" - the file is added, corresponds to

FileUploadEntry.INITIALIZED constant

• "progress" - the file is

being uploaded, corresponds to

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Property Description
• "ready" - uploading is in process,
corresponds to FileUploadEntry.READY
constant The file will be uploaded on queue

• "canceled" - uploading of the

file is canceled, corresponds
to FileUploadEntry.UPLOAD_CANCELED

• "done" - the file is uploaded successfully,

corresponds to

• "transfer_error" - a file transfer

error occurred, corresponds to

• "size_error" - the file exceeded

maximum size, corresponds to
entries[i].size Returns the size of the file. Available in flash
enabled version only
entries[i].Type Returns the mime type of the file. Available in
flash enabled version only
entries[i].creator Returns the name of the author of the file.
Available in flash enabled version only
entries[i].creationDate Returns the date when the file was created.
Available in flash enabled version only
entries[i].modificationDate Returns the date of the last file modification.
Available in flash enabled version only

Table 6.212. Client side object properties available with specific event
attributes [406]

Property Description
entry.state Returns the file state. Possible states are

JavaScript API

Property Description
• "initialized" - the file is added, corresponds to
FileUploadEntry.INITIALIZED constant

• "progress" - the file is

being uploaded, corresponds to

• "ready" - uploading is in process,

corresponds to FileUploadEntry.READY
constant The file will be uploaded on queue

• "canceled" - uploading of the

file is canceled, corresponds
to FileUploadEntry.UPLOAD_CANCELED

• "done" - the file is uploaded successfully,

corresponds to

• "transfer_error" - a file transfer

error occurred, corresponds to

• "size_error" - the file exceeded

maximum size, corresponds to
entry.fileName Returns the file's name. This property works
with all event handlers except for "onadd".
entry.size Returns the size of the file. Available in flash
enabled version only
entry.Type Returns the mime type of the file. Available in
flash enabled version only
entry.creator Returns the name of the author of the file.
Available in flash enabled version only

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Property Description
entry.creationDate Returns the date when the file was created.
Available in flash enabled version only
entry.modificationDate Returns the date of the last file modification.
Available in flash enabled version only

6.54.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:fileUpload> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:fileUpload> component

6.54.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.213. Skin parameters redefinition for a component

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color

Table 6.214. Skin parameters redefinition for a font

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.215. Skin parameters redefinition for a toolbar

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-bottom-color
tableBackgroundColor border-top-color
tableBackgroundColor border-left-color

Table 6.216. Skin parameters redefinition for items in the list

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor border-bottom-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.217. Skin parameters redefinition for a "Cancel", "Clear" links

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalLinkColor color

Table 6.218. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color

Table 6.219. Skin parameters redefinition for a button border

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor border-color

Table 6.220. Skin parameters redefinition for a highlighted button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
selectControlColor border-color

Table 6.221. Skin parameters redefinition for a pressed button

Skin parameters CSS properties

selectControlColor border-color
additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.222. Skin parameters redefinition for "Upload", "Clean" buttons

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color

Table 6.223. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled "Start" button icon

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor color

Table 6.224. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled "Clear" button icon

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor color

6.54.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

The following picture illustrates how CSS classes define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.125. Classes names

Figure 6.126. Classes names

Table 6.225. Classes names that define a component representation

Class name Description
rich-fileupload-list-decor Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a fileUpload
rich-fileupload-font Defines styles for a font of buttons and items
rich-fileupload-toolbar-decor Defines styles for a toolbar
rich-fileupload-list-overflow Defines styles for a list of files

Table 6.226. Classes names that define buttons representation

Class name Description
rich-fileupload-button Defines styles for a buttons
rich-fileupload-button-border Defines styles for a border of buttons
rich-fileupload-button-light Defines styles for a highlight of button

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-fileupload-button-press Defines styles for a pressed button
rich-fileupload-button-dis Defines styles for a disabled button
rich-fileupload-button-selection Defines styles for "Upload", "Clean" buttons

Table 6.227. Classes names that define the representation of the buttons'

Class name Description

rich-fileupload-ico Defines styles for an icon
rich-fileupload-ico-add Defines styles for a "Add" button icon
rich-fileupload-ico-start Defines styles for a "Upload" button icon
rich-fileupload-ico-stop Defines styles for a "Stop" button icon
rich-fileupload-ico-clear Defines styles for a "Clear" button icon
rich-fileupload-ico-add-dis Defines styles for a disabled "Add" button icon
rich-fileupload-ico-start-dis Defines styles for a disabled "Upload" button
rich-fileupload-ico-clear-dis Defines styles for a disabled "Clear" button icon

Table 6.228. Classes names that define list items representation

Class name Description

rich-fileupload-table-td Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element of a
list items
rich-fileupload-anc Defines styles for "Cancel", "Stop", "Clear"

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:fileUpload> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is the result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.127. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example above the font weight and text decoration for "Cancel" and "Clear" links are

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:fileUpload> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in the corresponding <rich:fileUpload> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "addButtonClass" attribute for <rich:fileUpload> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:fileUpload ... addButtonClass="myClass"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.128. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

Relevant Resources Links

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for "Add" button is changed.

6.54.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/fileUpload.jsf?c=fileUpload] you can

see an example of <rich:fileUpload> usage and sources for the given example.

6.55. < rich:gmap >

6.55.1. Description

Component that presents the Google map in the JSF applications.

Figure 6.129. <rich:gmap> component

6.55.2. Key Features

• Presents all the Google map functionality

• Highly customizable via attributes

• No developers JavaScript writing needed to use on a pages

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.229. rich : gmap attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
enableContinuousZoom Enables continuous smooth zooming for
selected browsers. Default value is "false".
enableDoubleClickZoom Enables zooming in by a double click. Default
value is "false".
enableDragging Enables a map dragging with the mouse.
Default value is "true".
enableInfoWindow Enables Info Window. Default value is "true".
gmapKey Google Map key. A single Map API key is valid
for a single "directory" on your web server.
Default value is "internal".
gmapVar The JavaScript variable that is used to access
the Google Map API. If you have more than one
Google Map components on the same page,
use individual key for each of them. The default
variable name is "map" (without quotes).
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lat Initial latitude coordinate in degrees, as a
number between -90 and +90. Default value is
lng Initial longitude coordinate in degrees, as a
number between -180 and +180. Default value
is "-122.0424842834".
locale Used for locale definition. Default value is
mapType Initial map type. The possible values are
"G_HYBRID_MAP". Default value is
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninit JavaScript code invoked just after the Google
Map object is initiated.

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
showGLargeMapControl Shows the GLarge control. Default value is
showGMapTypeControl Shows the Type switch control. Default value
is "true".
showGScaleControl It shows the scale control. Default value is
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
warningMessage The warning message that appears if a
browser is not compatible with Google Map.
Default value is "Your browser does not
support Google Maps".
zoom Initial zoom level as a number between 1 and
18. Default value is "17".

Table 6.230. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Gmap
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlGmap
component-family org.richfaces.Gmap

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
renderer-type org.richfaces.GmapRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.GmapTag

6.55.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:gmap gmapKey="..."/>

6.55.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlGmap;
HtmlGmap myMap = new HtmlGmap();

6.55.5. Details of Usage

To use Google Map in your application, generate a key on Google Map official resource [http://
google.com/apis/maps] . One key could be used for one directory on the server.

Here are the main settings of initial rendering performed with a component map that are accessible
with the following attributes:

• "zoom" defines an approximation size (boundary values 1-18)

• "lat" specifies an initial latitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -90 and +90

• "lng" specifies an initial longitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -180 and +180

• "mapType" specifies a type of a rendered map (G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP (DEFAULT),


For example, the city of Paris is shown after rendering with the following initial settings: lat =
"48.44" , lng = "2.24" and zoom = "5" .

Details of Usage

Figure 6.130. <rich:gmap> initial rendering

It's also possible to set accessible controls on the map with the help of the attributes:

• "showGMapTypeControl" determines whether the controls for a map type definition are
switched on

• "showGScaleControl" determines whether the controls for scaling are switched on

• "showGLargeMapControl" determines whether the control for map scale rendering is rendered

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.131. <rich:gmap> accessible controls

To set all these parameters and perform some activity (Zoom In/Out etc.) is possible with your
JavaScript, i.e. declare a name of an object on a map in the "gmapVar" attribute and then call
the object directly with API Google Map .

For example, to approximate a map for gmapVar = "map" declared inside the component, call
map.zoomIn() on an event.

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.


Google Map does not support XHTML format of the page. Thus, if you use Facelets
and JSF 1.2, do not forget to put the following tags somewhere on the page:

Look-and-Feel Customization

<f:view contentType="text/html">...</f:view>

6.55.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:gmap> component isn't tied to skin parameters, as there is no additional elements on it,
except the ones provided with Google Map .

6.55.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.231. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-gmap Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:gmap> components on a page using CSS, it's enough to
create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above ) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.132. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for buttons was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:gmap> component. In this case you should
create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:gmap> styleClass attributes. An
example is placed below:



Relevant Resources Links

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:gmap> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:gmap ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.133. Redefinition styles with own classes and "styleClass"


As it could be seen on the picture above, the font weight for buttons was changed.

6.55.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/gmap.jsf?c=gmap] you can see the
example of <rich:gmap> usage and sources for the given example.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.56. < rich:virtualEarth >

6.56.1. Description
The component presents the Microsoft Virtual Earth map in the JSF applications.

Figure 6.134. <rich:virtualEarth> component

6.56.2. Key Features

• Presents the Microsoft Virtual Earth map functionality

• Highly customizable via attributes

• No developers JavaScript writing is needed to use it on a pages

Table 6.232. rich : virtualEarth attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
dashboardSize Initial map type. The possible values are
"Normal", "Small", "Tiny". Default value is
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lat Initial latitude coordinate in degrees, as a
number between -90 and +90. Default value is
lng Initial longitude coordinate in degrees, as a
number between -180 and +180. Default value
is "-122.04248428346".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

mapStyle Navigation control size. Possible values are
"Road", "Aerial", "Hybrid", "Birdseye". Default
value is Road
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onLoadMap JavaScript code invoked just after the Virtual
Earth object is initiated.
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
var The JavaScript variable that is used to access
the Virtual Earth API. If you have more than one
Virtual Earth components on the same page,
use individual key for each of them. Default
value name is "map".
version Virtual earth version, Default value is "6".
zoom Initial zoom level as a number between 1 and
18. Default value is "17".

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.233. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.VirtualEarth
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlVirtualEarth
component-family org.richfaces.VirtualEarth
renderer-type org.richfaces.VirtualEarthRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.VirtualEarthTag

6.56.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:virtualEarth lat="..." lng="..."/>

6.56.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlVirtualEarth;
HtmlVirtualEarth myMap = new HtmlVirtualEarth();

6.56.5. Details of Usage

Here are the main settings of initial rendering performed with a component map that are accessible
with the following attributes:

• "zoom" defines an approximation size (boundary values 1-18)

• "lat" specifies an initial latitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -90 and +90

• "lng" specifies an initial longitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -180 and +180

• "dashboardSize" specifies a type of a rendered map (Normal, Small, Tiny)

For example, the city of Paris is shown after rendering with the following initial settings: lat =
"48.833" , lng = "2.40" and zoom = "11" .

Details of Usage

Figure 6.135. <rich:virtualEarth> initial rendering

Code for this example is placed below:


<rich:virtualEarth style="width:800px;" id="vm" lat="48.833" lng="2.40"
dashboardSize="Normal" zoom="11" mapStyle="Hybrid" var="map" />

To set all these parameters and perform some activity (Zoom In/Out etc.) is possible with your
JavaScript, i.e. declare a name of an object on a map in the "var" attribute and then call the
object directly with API Microsoft Virtual Earth map .

For example, to approximate a map for var = "map" declared inside the component, call
map.ZoomIn() on an event.

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

Virtual Earth does not support XHTML format of the page. Thus, if you use Facelets
and JSF 1.2, do not forget to put the following tags somewhere on the page:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<f:view contentType="text/html">...</f:view>

6.56.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:virtualEarth> component isn't tied to skin parameters, as there is no additional elements
on it, except the ones provided with Virtual Earth map .

6.56.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.234. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-virtualEarth Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:virtualEarth> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create class with the same name and define necessary properties in it.

To change styles of particular <rich:virtualEarth> components, define your own style class in
the corresponding <rich:virtualEarth> attribute.

6.56.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb429619.aspx] you can found additional
information about Microsoft Virtual Earth map .

6.57. < rich:hotKey >

6.57.1. Description
The <rich:hotKey> component allows to register hot keys for the page or particular elements
and to define client side processing functions for these keys.

6.57.2. Key Features

• Includes all features of the Javascript jQuery Hotkeys Plugin [http://code.google.com/p/js-


• Hot key registration by request through JavaScript API

• Possibility to attach <rich:hotKey> to a whole page or to a particular element using "selector"


Key Features

• Hot key registration timing

• Enabling/disabling the <rich:hotKey> using JavaScript API

Table 6.235. rich : hotKey attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
checkParent Defines the hotkey handling of events
generated by child components nested into the
parent component to which the <rich:hotKey>
is attached.
disableInInput Disables the hotkeys activated on input
elements when the value of this attribute is
disableInInputTypes Defines the types of the inputs not to be
influenced with hotKey component. Possible
values: buttons, texts and all (default). By
default it is empty and this means ALL the
handler Defines the JavaScript function name which is
called on hotkey activation
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
key Defines the hotkey itself
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
selector Defines a selector for query
timing Defines the time when the hotkey is registered.
Possible values are "immediate" (by default),
"onload", and "onregistercall".
type Defines the type of a keyboard event (onkeyup,
onkeypress, etc.)

Table 6.236. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.HotKey
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlHotKey
component-family org.richfaces.HotKey
renderer-type org.richfaces.HotKeyRenderer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.57.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:hotKey key="alt+a" handler="alert('alt+A is pressed')" />

6.57.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlHotKey;
HtmlHotKey myHotKey = new HtmlHotKey();

6.57.5. Details of Usage

There are two ways to register <rich:hotKey> :

• just place it anywhere on the page. In this case the <rich:hotKey> component is attached to
the whole page (html[0] element). This is default scenario.

• attach it with "selector" attribute to all the elements defined using this selector. This attribute
uses defined by w3c consortium [http://www.w3.org] syntax for CSS rule selector with some
jQuery extensions.

The "key" attribute defines the hot key itself which is processed by the component.

After the hot key has been registered and defined you could set the "handler" attribute which
determines a JavaScript function to be called every time when corresponding keys are pressed.


<rich:listShuttle var="cap" sourceValue="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" id="ls">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State flag"/>
<h:graphicImage value="#{cap.stateFlag}"/>

Details of Usage

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="State name"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cap.name}"/>
<rich:hotKey selector="#ls" key="right" handler="#{rich:component('ls')}.copy()"/>
<rich:hotKey selector="#ls" key="left" handler="#{rich:component('ls')}.remove()"/>
<rich:hotKey selector="#ls" key="end" handler="#{rich:component('ls')}.copyAll()"/>
<rich:hotKey selector="#ls" key="home" handler="#{rich:component('ls')}.removeAll()"/>

In the example above the "selector" attribute is used. So the keys work only if <rich:listShuttle>
component is focused.

You could press Right or Left keys in order to move some selected items between lists. You could
press Home or End buttons in order to move all items between lists.

With the help of the "timing" attribute you could manage <rich:hotKey> registration timing.
There are three possible values of this attribute:

• "immediate" - the component is rendered in browser immediately (by default)

• "onload" - the component is rendered after the page is fully loaded

• "onregistercall" - the component is rendered only after JavaScript API for the key registration
is used.

The "type" attribute defines the type of keyboard event. Possible values are: "onkeyup",
"onkeypress" and "onkeydown".

The "disableInInput" attribute disables the <rich:hotKey> if it is activated on input elements

and the value of this attribute is "true".

The "checkParent" attribute defines the hotkey handling of events generated by child components
nested into the parent component to which the <rich:hotKey> is attached.

The <rich:hotKey> component also provides a number of JavaScript API functions. There is
an example below.


<h:form id="myForm">
<rich:hotKey id="myKey" key="ctrl+g" handler="alert('Ctrl+G is pressed')" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<button onclick="${rich:component('myKey')}.enable(); return false;">Turn Ctrl+G On</button>

<button onclick="${rich:component('myKey')}.disable(); return false;">Turn Ctrl+G Off</button>

In the example above the Ctrl+G is registered as a global hotkey, so if you press this key
combination the alert window with the "Ctrl+G is pressed" text appears. With the help of enable(),
disable() JavaScript API fucntions you could enable or disable registered hotkey.

6.57.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.237. JavaScript API

Function Description
add(selector, key, handler) Adds the hotkey(from key param) for elements
targeted by selector. it assigns a handler
function to the key
remove() Removes hotkey registration
enable() Enables registered hotkey
disable() Disables registered hotkey

6.57.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:hotKey> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component isn't visual.

6.57.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/hotKey.jsf?c=hotKey] you can see an
example of <rich:hotKey> usage and sources for the given example.

6.58. < rich:inplaceInput >

6.58.1. Description
The <rich:inplaceInput> is an input component used for displaying and editing data inputted.

Figure 6.136. <rich:inplaceInput> component

Key Features

6.58.2. Key Features

• View/changed/edit states highly customizable representations

• Changing state event customization

• Possibility to call custom JavaScript function on state changes

• Optional "inline" or "block" element rendering on a page

• Edit mode activation when the component gets focus with the "Tab"

• Sizes synchronizations between modes

• Controls customization

Table 6.238. rich : inplaceInput attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
cancelControlIcon Defines custom cancel icon
changedClass CSS style class for changed state
changedHoverClass CSS style class for hovered text in changed
controlClass CSS style class for controls
controlHoverClass CSS style class for hovered control
controlPressedClass CSS style class for pressed press controls
controlsHorizontalPosition Positions the controls horizontally. Possible
values are "left", "center", "right". Default value
is "right".
controlsVerticalPosition Positions the controls vertically. Possible
values are "bottom", "top"
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
defaultLabel The attribute is used to display text while value
is undefined
editClass CSS style class for edit state

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

Provides an option to assign an JavaScript
action that initiates the change of the state.
Default value is "onclick".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inputWidth Sets width of the input field
layout Defines how the component is displayed in the
layout. Possible values are "block", "inline". .
Default value is "inline".
maxInputWidth Sets the maximum width of the input field.
Default value is "500px".
minInputWidth Sets the minimum width of the input field.
Default value is "40px".
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oneditactivated Provides a possibility to assign JavaScript to
be executed when edit state is activated
oneditactivation Provides a possibility to assign JavaScript on
edit state activation
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
oninputclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

oninputkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
oninputkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
oninputmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
oninputmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; the onselect event
occurs when you select some menu item
onviewactivated Provides a possibility to assign JavaScript to
be executed when view state is activated
onviewactivation Provides a possibility to assign JavaScript on
view state activation
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
saveControlIcon Defines custom save icon
selectOnEdit Makes the input field select when switched to
edit state. Default value is "false"
showControls Serves to display "save" and "cancel" controls.
Default value is "false".
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex Serves to define the tabbing order
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
viewClass CSS style class for view state
viewHoverClass CSS style class for hovered text in view state

Table 6.239. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.inplaceInput
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInplaceInput
component-family org.richfaces.inplaceInput
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.inplaceInputRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.inplaceInputTag

6.58.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example of how the component can be used on a page:


Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}"/>

6.58.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.inplaceInput;
HtmlInpaceInput myInplaceInput = new InplaceInput();

6.58.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:inplaceInput> component was designed to facilitate displaying and inputting(editing)
some data.

The "value" attribute is a value-binding expression for the current value of the component.

The component has three functional states:

• View state displays default label with the value taken from "value" or "defaultLabel" attributes.

If the initial value of the "value" attribute is "null" or empty string the "defaultLabel" attribute
is used to define default label.


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" defaultLabel="click to edit"/>

In the example above the "value" attribute is not initialized therefore "click to edit" text,
that "defaultLabel" , contains is displayed.

This is the result:

Figure 6.137. View state

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Edit state - input representation to allow value edit

Figure 6.138. Edit state

• Changed state - value representation after it was changed

Figure 6.139. Changed state

The "editEvent" attribute provides an option to assign a JavaScript action to initiate the change
of the state from view/changed to edit. The default value is "onclick".


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" editEvent="ondblclick"/>

The <rich:inplaceInput> component provides specific event attributes:

• "oneditactivation" which is fired on edit state activation

• "oneditactivated" which is fired when edit state is activated

• "onviewactivation" which is fired on view state activation

• "onviewactivated" which is fired after the component is changed to representation state


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" oneditactivation="if (!confirm('Are you sure you want
to change the value?')){return false;}" />

The given code illustrates how "oneditactivation" attribute works, namely when the state is being
changed from view to edit, a confirmation window with a message "Are you sure you want
to change value?" comes up.

Details of Usage

Using the boolean "selectOnEdit" attribute set to true, the text in the input field will be selected
when the change from view/changed state to edit occurs.

This is the result:

Figure 6.140. Usage of the "selectOnEdit" attribute

If the <rich:inplaceInput> loses focus, input data is saved automatically and the component
displays a new value. Additionally, the data is saved when "Enter" is pressed. Nevertheless, you
can use the "showControls" attribute, which makes "Save" and "Cancel" buttons appear next
to the input field. If the controls are used, data is not saved automatically when the form loses
focus: user has to confirm that he/she wants to save/discard the data explicitly. In both cases(with
controls or without them) the input data can be discarded by pressing "Esc" key.


<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" showControls="true"/>

Figure 6.141. Usage "showControls" attribute

You can also position the controls relatively to the input field, by means of

• The "controlsHorizontalPosition" attribute with "left", "right" and "center" definitions

• The "controlsVerticalPosition " attribute with "bottom", "center" and "top" definitions



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is the result:

Figure 6.142. Positioning of "Save" and "Cancel" buttons

It is also possible to use "controls" facet in order to replace the default controls with facets content.
See the example below.


<rich:inplaceInput defaultLabel="Click here to
edit" showControls="true" controlsHorizontalPosition="left" controlsVerticalPosition="bottom" id="inplaceInpu
<f:facet name="controls">
<button onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceInput')}.save();" type="button">Save</button>
<button onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceInput')}.cancel();" type="button">Cancel</

This is the result:

Figure 6.143. "controls" facet usage


The "controls" facet also implies using "showControls" attribute and it has to be
defined as "true".

Redefinition of the "save" and "cancel" icons can be performed using "saveControlIcon" and
"cancelControlIcon" attributes. You need to define the path to where your images are located.



JavaScript API

<rich:inplaceInput value="#{bean.value}" defaultLabel='click to edit'


Figure 6.144. Redefining of "save" and "cancel" buttons

The <rich:inplaceInput> component could be rendered with <span> or <div> elements to

display its value. In order to change default <span> output, use "layout" attribute with "block"

The <rich:inplaceInput> component supports standard "tabindex" attribute. When the

component gets focus the edit mode is activated.

The "inputWidth" , "minInputWidth" , "maxInputWidth" attributes are provided to specify the

width, minimal width and maximal width for the input element respectively.

Table 6.240. Keyboard usage

Keys and combinations Description

ENTER Saves the input data, and changes the state
from edit to changed
ESC Changes the state from edit to view or
changed, value is not affected
TAB Switches between the components

6.58.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.241. JavaScript API

Function Description
edit() Changes the state to edit
cancel() Changes its state to the previous one before
editing (changed or view)
save() Changes its state to changed with a new value
getValue() Gets the current value

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Function Description
setValue(newValue) Sets the current value (to be implemented)

6.58.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:inplaceInput> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:inplaceInput> component

6.58.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.242. Skin parameters redefinition for "save" and "cancel" controls

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.243. Skin parameters redefinition for view state

Skin parameters CSS properties

editorBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.244. Skin parameters redefinition for "Changed" state

Skin parameters CSS properties

editorBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColo border-bottom-color

Table 6.245. Classes names that define input field look and feel in edit state

Skin parameters CSS properties

editBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

6.58.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.145. Classes names

Table 6.246. Class name for the view state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-view Defines styles for the view state
rich-inplace-input-view-hover Defines styles for hovered text in the view state

Table 6.247. Class name for the input field in edit state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-field Defines styles for input field look and feel in edit

Table 6.248. Class name for the "Changed" state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-changed Defines styles for the "Changed" state
rich-inplace-input-changed-hover Defines styles for the hovered text in the
"Changed" state

Table 6.249. Classes names "save" and "cancel" controls in Edit state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-control Defines styles for the controls
rich-inplace-control-press Defines styles for the controls when either of
the buttons is pressed
rich-inplace-shadow-size Defines size of the shadow

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

rich-inplace-shadow-tl Defines styles for the shadow in the top left
rich-inplace-shadow-tr Defines styles for the shadow in the top right
rich-inplace-shadow-bl Defines styles for the shadow in the bottom left
rich-inplace-shadow-br Defines styles for the shadow in the bottom
right corner

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:inplaceInput> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


.rich-inplace-field {
font-style: italic;


This is the result:

Figure 6.146. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the shown example the font in edit state is changed to bold.

It's aslo possible to change styles of a particular <rich:inplaceInput> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:inplaceInput> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


.myClass {
color: #008cca;

Relevant Resources Links


The "viewClass" attribute for the <rich:inplaceInput> is defined as it's shown in the example


...<rich:inplaceInput value="click to edit" styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.147. Modificaton of a look and feel with own classes and styleClass

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font color of the text on the component was changed.

6.58.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/inplaceInput.jsf?c=inplaceInput] you
can see the example of <rich:inplaceIput> usage and sources for the given example.

6.59. < rich:inplaceSelect >

6.59.1. Description
The <rich:inplaceSelect> is used for creation select based inputs: it shows the value as text in
one state and enables editing the value, providing a list of options in another state

Figure 6.148. Three states of <rich:inplaceSelect> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.59.2. Key Features

• View/changed/edit states highly customizable representations

• Optional "inline" or "block" element rendering on a page

• Changing state event customization

• Possibility to call custom JavaScript function on state changes

• Edit mode activation when the component got focus with the "Tab"

• Sizes synchronizations between modes

• Highly customizable look and feel

Table 6.250. rich : inplaceSelect attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
cancelControlIcon Defines custom cancel icon
changedClass CSS style class for changed state
controlClass CSS style class for controls
controlHoverClass CSS style class for hovered control
controlPressClass CSS style class for controls pressed
controlsHorizontalPosition The attribute positions the controls horizontally.
Possible values are "right","center","left".
Default value is "right".
controlsVerticalPosition The attribute positions the controls vertically.
Possible values are "bottom","top"
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
defaultLabel The attribute is used to display text while value
is undefined
editClass CSS style class for edit state
editEvent The attribute provides an option to assign an
JavaScript action that initiates the change of
the state. Default value is "onclick".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
layout Defines how the component is displayed in
the layout. Possible values are "block", "inline".
Default value is "inline".
listHeight The attribute defines the height of option list.
Default value is "200px".
listWidth The attribute defines the width of option list.
Default value is "200px".
maxSelectWidth Sets the maximum width of the select element.
Default value is "200px".
minSelectWidth Sets the minimum width of the select element.
Default value is "100px".
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oneditactivated The attributes provide a possibility to assign
JavaScript to be executed when edit state is
oneditactivation The attributes provide a possibility to assign
JavaScript on edit state activation
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
oninputblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
oninputclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

oninputdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
oninputkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
oninputkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
oninputkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
oninputmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
oninputmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; the onselect event
occurs when you select some menu item

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onviewactivated The attributes provide a possibility to assign
JavaScript to be executed when view state is
onviewactivation The attributes provide a possibility to assign
JavaScript on view state activation
openOnEdit The attribute opens the list once edit activated.
Default value is "true".
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
saveControlIcon Defines custom save icon
selectWidth Sets width of the select element
showControls The attribute serves to display "save" and
"cancel" controls. Default value is "false".
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex The attribute serves to define the tabbing order
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
viewClass Style class for view state
viewHoverClass CSS style class for hovered text in view state

Table 6.251. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.InplaceSelect
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInplaceSelect

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
component-family org.richfaces.InplaceSelect
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.InplaceSelectRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.InplaceSelectTag

6.59.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example of how the component can be used on a page:


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="1" itemLabel="factory"/>

6.59.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.inplaceSelect;
HtmlInpaceSelect myInplaceSelect = new InplaceSelect();

6.59.5. Details of Usage

The "value" attribute is a value-binding expression for the current value of the component.

The <rich:inplaceSelect> component has three functional states:

• View state displays default label with the value taken from "value" or "defaultLabel" attributes.

If the initial value of the "value" attribute is "null" or empty string the "defaultLabel" attribute
is used to define default label.


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.value}" defaultLabel="click to edit">

Details of Usage

<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}" />


In the example above the "value" attribute is not initialized therefore "click to edit" text,
that "defaultLabel" , contains is displayed.

This is the result:

Figure 6.149. View state

• Edit state - select representation to allow value edit

Figure 6.150. Edit state

• Changed state - value representation after it was changed

Figure 6.151. Changed state

You can form the list of the options using <f:selectItem/> and <f:selectItems/> facets.

Please, see the example below.


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" defaultLabel="click to edit">

<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="1" itemLabel="factory"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="2" itemLabel="newspaper"/>

In the example above the value of the selected item is available via "value" attribute.

The "editEvent" attribute provides an option to assign an JavaScript action that initiates the
change of the state from view to edit. The default value is "onclick".


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" defaultLabel="Double Click to
edit" editEvent="ondblclick">
<f:selectItems value="#{demo.selectItems}" />

The <rich:inplaceSelect> component provides specific event attributes:

• "oneditactivation" fired on edit state activation

• "oneditactivated" fired when edit state is activated

• "onviewactivation" fired on view state activation

• "onviewactivated" fired after the component is changed to representation state


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" oneditactivation="if (!confirm('Are you sure you
want to change the value?')){return false;}">
<f:selectItems value="#{demo.selectItems}" />

The given code illustrates how "oneditactivation" attribute works, namely when the state is being
changed from view to edit, a confirmation window with a message "Are you sure you want
to change value?" comes up.

Details of Usage

To prevent opening the drop-down list by default, once edit state is activated, set the "openOnEdit"
attribute to "false". The default value is "true".


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" showControls="true" openOnEdit="false">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.152. The "openOnEdit" attribute usage

Nowever, if you want to confirm the data saving explicitly you can use the "showControls"
attribute, which makes "Save" and "Cancel" buttons (displayed as icons) appear next to the input
field. Edit state can be deactivated by pressing "Esc" key. An option in the drop-drown list can be
also selected by pressing "Enter".


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" showControls="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.153. The "showControls" attribute usage

You can also position the controls relatively to the input field, by means of

• The "controlsHorizontalPosition" attribute with "left", "right" and "center" definitions

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• The "controlsVerticalPosition " attribute with "bottom" and "top" definitions


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" controlsHorizontalPosition="left" controlsVerticalPosition="cen
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.154. Controls positioning

It is also possible to use "controls" facet in order to replace the default controls with facets content.
See the example below.

Please, see the example.


<rich:inplaceSelect value="#{bean.inputValue}" showControls="true">
<f:facet name="controls">
<button onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceSelect')}.save();" type="button">Save</button>
<button onclick="#{rich:component('inplaceSelect')}.cancel();" type="button">Cancel</
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.selectItems}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.155. "controls" facet usage

JavaScript API


The "controls" facet also implies using "showControls" attribute and it has to be
defined as "true".

The <rich:inplaceSelect> component could be rendered with <span> or <div> elements

to display its value. In order to change default <span> output, use the "layout" attribute with
"block" value.

The <rich:inplaceSelect> component supports standard "tabindex" attribute. When the

component gets focus the edit mode is activated and drop-down list is opened.

The "selectWidth" , "minSelectWidth" and "maxSelectWidth" attributes are provided to specify

the width, minimal width and maximal width for the input element respectively.

In order to specify the height and width parameters for the list items of the component, you can
use "listHeight" and " listWidth" attributes.

6.59.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.252. JavaScript API

Function Description
edit() Changes the state to edit
cancel() Changes its state to the previous one before
editing (changed or view)
save() Changes its state to changed with a new value
getValue() Gets the current value
setValue(newValue) Sets the current value (to be implemented)

6.59.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:inplaceSelect> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:inplaceSelect> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.59.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.253. Skin parameters redefinition for view state

Skin parameters CSS properties

editorBackgroundColor background-color
generaTextColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.254. Skin parameters redefinition for input field in edit state

Skin parameters CSS properties

editBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.255. Skin parameters redefinition for control

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.256. Skin parameters redefinition for pressed control

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.257. Skin parameters redefinition for list

Skin parameters CSS properties

editBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.258. Skin parameters redefinition for selected item

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerTextColor color
headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color

6.59.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.156. Classes names

Table 6.259. Class name for the view state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-view Defines styles for the select view

Table 6.260. Class name for the input field in edit state

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-field Defines styles for the select field

Table 6.261. Class name for the control

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-control Defines styles for the select control
rich-inplace-select-control-press Defines styles for the pressed select control

Table 6.262. Class name for the list

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-list-decoration Defines styles for a wrapper <table> element
of an inplaceSelect

Table 6.263. Classes names for the selected item

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-selected-item Defines styles for the selected item

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.264. Classes names for the shadow

Class name Description

rich-inplace-select-shadow-tl Defines styles for the top-left shadow
rich-inplace-select-shadow-tr Defines styles for the top-right shadow
rich-inplace-select-shadow-bl Defines styles for the bottom-left shadow
rich-inplace-select-shadow-br Defines styles for the bottom-right shadow

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:inplaceSelect> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


background-color: #ecf4fe;


This is the result:

Figure 6.157. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the shown example the background color for list is changed.

It's aslo possible to change styles of a particular <rich:inplaceSelect> component. In this

case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:inplaceSelect>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


.myClass {

Relevant Resources Links


The "viewClass" attribute for <rich:inplaceSelect> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:inplaceSelect value="click to edit" viewClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.158. Modificaton of a look and feel with own classes and styleClass

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style and background color in view state is

6.59.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/inplaceSelect.jsf?c=inplaceSelect]
you can see the example of <rich:inplaceSelect> usage and sources for the given example.

6.60. < rich:inputNumberSlider >

6.60.1. Description
A component that lets selecting a number from a numeric region. It's a horizontal aligned scroll-
like control with its own input field (optional) present. The keyboard input in a field is possible
(optional). Also it's possible to see the current value in the toolTip above a dragged handle control.

Figure 6.159. <rich:inputNumberSlider> component

6.60.2. Key Features

• Fully skinnable control and input elements

• Optional value text field with an attribute-managed position

• Optional disablement of the component on a page

• Optional toolTip to display the current value while a handle is dragged

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Dragged state is stable after the mouse moves

• Optional manual input possible if a text input field is present

• Validation of manual input

Table 6.265. rich : inputNumberSlider attributes

Attribute Name Description

accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
barClass A name of CSS class for the bar element
barStyle Style for a slider control line
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
clientErrorMessage an error message to use in client side validation
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
disabled When set for a form control, this boolean
attribute disables the control for your input
enableManualInput If set to "false" this attribute makes the text field
"read-only", so the value can be changed only
from a handle. Default value is "true".
handleClass A name of CSS class for a control handle
handleSelectedClass A name of CSS class for a selected control
handle element
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inputClass Style Class attribute for a text field
inputPosition If "right" the InputText Box would be rendered
on the right side of the ruler
inputSize Similar to the "Size" attribute of h:inputText.
Default value is "3".
inputStyle Style attribute for text field
label A localized user presentable name for this
maxlength When the type attribute has the value "text"
or "password", this attribute specifies the
maximum number of characters you may enter.
This number may exceed the specified size,
in which case the user agent should offer a
scrolling mechanism. The default value for this
attribute is an unlimited number
maxValue Attribute to set an "end" value. Default value is
minValue Attribute to set the "start" value. Default value
is "0".
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onerror This error is called when a non-number value
or a number value that is out of the range is
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
oninputclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

oninputkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
oninputkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
oninputkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
oninputmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
oninputmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some text in a text field.
This attribute may be used with the INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements
onslide Event occur on slide
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

showBoundaryValues If the min/max values are shown on the right/
left borders of a control. . Default value is "true".
showInput False value for this attribute makes text a field
invisible. Default value is "true".
showToolTip If "true"the current value is shown in the tooltip
when a handle control is in a "dragged" state.
Default value is "true".
step Parameter that determines a step between the
nearest values while using a handle. Default
value is "1".
style Styles for main div element of the slider control
styleClass Name of a CSS class
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
tipClass A name of CSS class for the tool tip element
tipStyle A style for the tool tip element
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
width The width of a slider control. Default value is

Table 6.266. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.inputNumberSlider
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInputNumberSlider
component-family org.richfaces.inputNumberSlider
renderer-type org.richfaces.InputNumberSliderRenderer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.InputNumberSliderTag

6.60.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:inputNumberSlider minValue="0" maxValue="100" step="1"/>

6.60.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInputNumberSlider;
HtmlInputNumberSlider mySlider = new HtmlInputNumberSlider();

6.60.5. Details of Usage

<rich:inputNumberSlider> is used to facilitate your data input with rich UI Controls.

Here is the simplest variant of a slider definition with "minValue" , "maxValue" and "step" (on
default is "1") attributes, which define the beginning and the end of a numerical area and a slider
property step.



It generates on a page:

Figure 6.160. Generated <rich:inputNumberSlider>

Using "showInput" (default is "true") and "enableManualInput" (default value is "true") attributes,
it's possible to output the input area near the slider, and make it read-only or editable.

Look-and-Feel Customization

To remove input area use showInput = "false" :


<rich:inputNumberSlider minValue="1" maxValue="100" showInput="false"/>

It looks at page like:

Figure 6.161. <rich:inputNumberSlider> without input field

It's also possible to switch off displaying of "boundary values" and a toolTip showing on a
handle drawing. This could be performed with the help of the component defined attributes:
"showBoundaryValues" which is responsible for "boundary values" displaying (default is true) and
"showToolTip" which is responsible for tooltTip displaying (default is "true").

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

• "onchange"

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onfocus"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM" , {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT" .

6.60.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:inputNumberSlider> components
at once:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:imputNumberSlider> component

6.60.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.267. Skin parameters redefinition for a bar

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.268. Skin parameters redefinition for numbers

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
panelBorderColor border-color
generalSizeFont line-height

Table 6.269. Skin parameters redefinition for a text field

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size
controlTextColor color
panelBorderColor border-color
subBorderColor border-bottom-color
subBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.270. Skin parameters redefinition for a hint

Skin parameters CSS properties

tipBackgroundColor background-color
tipBorderColor border-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

6.60.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.162. Style classes

Table 6.271. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-slider Defines styles for a wrapper table element of a
rich-inslider-track Defines styles for a bar
rich-inslider-handler Defines styles for a slider handler
rich-inslider-handler-selected Defines styles for a selected handler
rich-inslider-field Defines styles for a text field
rich-inslider-right-num Defines styles for the right number
rich-inslider-left-num Defines styles for the left number
rich-inslider-tip Defines styles for a hint

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:inputNumberSlider> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table
above ) and define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


background-color: #FFDAB9;
font-family: Arial Black;

This is a result:

Figure 6.163. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In the example a tip background color and font family was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:inputNumberSlider> component.

In this case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding
<rich:inputNumberSlider> styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "inputClass" attribute for <rich:inputNumberSlider> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich: inputNumberSlider ... inputClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.164. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass


As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for input text was changed.

6.60.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/inputNumberSlider.jsf?
c=inputNumberSlider] you can see the example of <rich:inputNumberSlider> usage and
sources for the given example.

6.61. < rich:inputNumberSpinner >

6.61.1. Description
A single line input field that lets selecting a number using controls near a text field. It's possible
to change a value using "Up/Down" keyboard keys. The keyboard input in a field is possible if it

Key Features

isn't locked by the "manualInput" attribute. When arrow controls are pressed, the cursor can be
moved in any way without losing a dragged state.

Figure 6.165. <rich:inputNumberSpinner> component

6.61.2. Key Features

• Fully skinnable control and input elements

• 3D look and feel with an easily customizable appearance

• Attribute-managed positions of the controls (inside/outside of the input field)

• Keyboard controls support

• Optional disablement of the component on a page

• Optional "cycled" mode of scrolling values

• Optional manual/controls-only input into a value text field

• Validation of manual input

Table 6.272. rich : inputNumberSpinner attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
clientErrorMessage An error message to use in client side
validation events
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
cycled If "true" after the current value reaches the
border value it is reversed to another border
value after next increasing/decreasing. In

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

other case possibilities of next increasing (or
decreasing) will be locked. Default value is "
true ".
disableBrowserAutoComplete Disable browser's auto completion
disabled When set for a form control, this boolean
attribute disables the control for your input
enableManualInput if "false" your's input to the text field using
keyboard will be locked. Default value is "true"
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inputClass Class attribute for text field
inputSize Attribute specifies the initial length of input in
characters. Default value is "10".
inputStyle Style attribute for text field
label A localized user presentable name for this
maxValue Maximum value. . Default value is "100".
minValue Minimum value. Default value is "0".
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondownclick HTML: a script expression; a button "Down" is
onerror HTML: a script expression; event fires
whenever an JavaScript error occurs
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

oninputclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oninputkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
oninputkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
oninputkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
oninputmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
oninputmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
oninputmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some text in a text field.
This attribute may be used with the INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements
onupclick HTML: a script expression; a button "Up" is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
step Parameter that determines the step between
nearest values while using controls. Default
value is "1"
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes

Table 6.273. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.inputNumberSpinner
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInputNumberSpinner
component-family org.richfaces.inputNumberSpinner
renderer-type org.richfaces.InputNumberSpinnerRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.InputNumberSpinnerTag

6.61.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<rich:inputNumberSpinner minValue="0" maxValue="100" step="1"/>

6.61.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlInputNumberSpinner;
HtmlInputNumberSpinner mySpinner = new HtmlInputNumberSpinner ();

6.61.5. Details of Usage

<rich:inputNumberSpinner> is used to facilitate your data input with rich UI Controls.

Here is the simplest variant of spinner definition with "minValue" , "maxValue" and "step" (on
default is "1") attributes, which define the beginning and the end of numerical area and a spinner


<rich:inputNumberSpinner minValue="1" maxValue="100"/>

It generates on a page:

Figure 6.166. Generated <rich:inputNumberSpinner>

There are also several attributes to define functionality peculiarities:

• "cycled" if the attribute is "true" after the current value reaches the border value it's be reversed
to another border value after next increasing/decreasing. In other case possibilities of next
increasing/decreasing are locked

• "disabled" is an attribute that defines whether a component is active on a page

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• "manualInput" is an attribute that defines whether a keyboard input is possible or only UI

controls could be used

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used

• "onchange"

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onfocus"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM" , {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT" .

6.61.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:inputNumberSpinner> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:inputNumberSpinner> component

6.61.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.274. Skin parameters redefinition for a container

Skin parameters CSS properties

controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color
subBorderColor border-bottom-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Skin parameters CSS properties

subBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.275. Skin parameters redefinition for an input field

Skin parameters CSS properties

buttonSizeFont font-size
buttonFamilyFont font-family

6.61.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.167. Style classes

Table 6.276. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-spinner-c Defines styles for a wrapper table element of a
rich-spinner-input-container Defines styles for a container
rich-spinner-input Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
input fields
rich-spinner-button Defines styles for a button
rich-spinner-buttons Defines styles for all buttons

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:inputNumberSpinner> components on a page using

CSS, it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the
table above ) and define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


This is a result:

Figure 6.168. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example an input text font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:inputNumberSpinner> component.

In this case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding
<rich:inputNumberSpinner> styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


font-family: Arial Black;

The "inputClass" attribute for <rich:inputNumberSpinner> is defined as it's shown in the

example below:


<rich: inputNumberSpinner ... inputClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.169. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass


As it could be seen on the picture above, the font family for input text was changed.

6.61.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/inputNumberSpinner.jsf?
c=inputNumberSpinner] you can see the example of <rich:inputNumberSpinner> usage and
sources for the given example.

< rich:insert >

6.62. < rich:insert >

6.62.1. Description

The <rich:insert> component is used for highlighting, source code inserting and, optionally,
format the file from the application context into the page.

6.62.2. Key Features

• Source code highlighting

• Variety of formats for source code highlighting

Table 6.277. rich : insert attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
content Defines the String, inserted with this
component. This attribute is alternative to "src"
encoding Attribute defines encoding for inserted content
errorContent Attribute defines the alternative content that
will be shown in case component cannot
read the resource defined with 'src' attribute.
If "errorContent" attribute is not defined, the
component shown the actual error message in
the place where the content is expected
highlight Defines a type of code
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
src Defines the path to the file with source code

Table 6.278. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ui.Insert
component-class org.richfaces.ui.component.html.HtmlInsert
component-family org.richfaces.ui.Insert

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
renderer-type org.richfaces.ui.InsertRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.ui.taglib.InsertTag

6.62.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:insert src="/pages/sourcePage.xhtml" highlight="xhtml"/>

6.62.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.ui.component.html.HtmlInsert;
HtmlInsert myInsert = new HtmlInsert();

6.62.5. Details of Usage

The are two basic attributes. The "src" attribute defines the path to the file with source code. The
"highlight" attribute defines the type of a syntax highlighting.

If "highlight" attribute is defined and JHighlight [https://jhighlight.dev.java.net/] open source library

is in the classpath, the text from the file is formated and colorized.

An example is placed below.


<rich:insert src="/pages/sourcePage.xhtml" highlight="xhtml"/>

The result of using <rich:insert> component is shown on the picture:

Look-and-Feel Customization

Figure 6.170. Source code highlighting

The <rich:insert> component provides the same functionality as JHighlight [https://

jhighlight.dev.java.net/]. Thus, all names of highlight style classes for source code of particular
language could be changed to your names, which are used by the JHighlight [https://
jhighlight.dev.java.net/] library.

6.62.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:insert> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component doesn't have
own visual representation.

6.62.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/insert.jsf?c=insert] you can found
some additional information for <rich:insert> component usage.

6.63. < rich:jQuery >

6.63.1. Description
The <rich:jQuery> allows to apply styles and behaviour to DOM objects.

6.63.2. Key Features

• Presents jQuery JavaScript framework functionality

• Able to apply onto JSF components and other DOM objects.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Works without conflicts with prototype.js library

Table 6.279. rich : jQuery attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
name The name of a function that will be generated
to execute a query. The "name" attribute
is required if "timing" attribute equals to
query The query string that is executed for a given
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
selector Selector for query. The "selector" attribute uses
defined by w3c consortium syntax for CSS rule
selector with some jQuery extensions.
timing The attribute that defines when to
perform the query. The possible values
are "immediate","onload" and "onJScall".
"immediate" performs the query right away.
"onload" adds the task to the time when a
document is loaded (the DOM tree is created).
"onJScall" allows to invoke the query by
Javascipt function name defined with "name"
attribute. The default value is "immediate".

Table 6.280. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.JQuery
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlJQuery
component-family org.richfaces.JQuery
renderer-type org.richfaces.JQueryRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.JQueryTag

6.63.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page, use the following syntax:


Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<rich:jQuery selector="#customList tr:odd" timing="onload" query="addClass(odd)" />

6.63.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlJQuery;
HtmlJQuery myJQuery = new HtmlJQuery();

6.63.5. Details of Usage

<rich:jQuery> can be used in two main modes:

• as a one-time query applied immediately or on a document ready event

• as a JavaScript function that can be invoked from the JavaScript code

The mode is chosen with "timing" attribute that has the following options:

• "immediate" - applying a query immediately

• "onload" - applying a query when a document is loaded

• onJScall - applying a query by invoked JavaScript function defined with the "name" attribute

Definition of the "name" attribute is mandatory when the value of "timing" attribute is "onJScall".
If the "name" attribute is defined when "timing" value equals to "immediate" or "onload", the query
is applied according to this value, but you still have an opportunity to invoke it by a function name.

The "selector" attribute defines an object or a list of objects. The query is defined with the "query"

Here is an example of how to highlight odd rows in a table:


.odd {
background-color: #FFC;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:table id="customList" ...>
<rich:jQuery selector="#customList tr:odd" timing="onload" query="addClass(odd)" />

The "selector" attribute uses defined by w3c consortium syntax for CSS rule selector [http://
www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html] with some jQuery extensions

Those are typical examples of using selector in the <rich:jQuery> component.

Table 6.281. Examples of using selector

Selector Comment
"p[a]" In a document all "p" tags with "a" tag inside
are selected
"ul/li" All "li" elements of unordered "ul" lists are
"p.foo[a]" All "p" tags with "foo" class and inserted "a" tag
are selected
"input[@name=bar]" All "input" tags with "name" attribute which
value is "bar" are selected
"input[@type=radio][@checked]" All "input" tags with attribute "type"="radio" and
attribute value = "chekced" are selected
"p,span,td" All tag elements "p" or"span" or "td" are
"p#secret" "p" paragraph element with "id" identification =
"secret" is selected
"p span" "span" tag is a (direct or non-direct) child of "p"
tag. If it's necessary, use "p > span" or "p/span"
is selected
"p[@foo^=bar]" "p" tag containing "foo" attribute with textual
value beginning with "bar" word is selected
"p[@foo$=bar] " "p" tag containing "foo" attribute with textual
value ending with "bar" word is selected

Details of Usage

Selector Comment
"p[@foo*=bar] " "p" tag with "foo" attribute containing substring
"bar" in any place is selected
"p//span " "span" tag that is a (direct or non-direct) child
of "p" tag is selected
"p/../span " "span" tag that is a grandchild of "p" tag is

In addition, RichFaces allows using either a component id or client id if you apply the query to a
JSF component. When you define a selector, RichFaces examines its content and tries to replace
the defined in the selector id with a component id if it's found.

For example, you have the following code:

<h:form id="form">
<h:panelGrid id="menu">
<h:graphicImage ... />
<h:graphicImage ... />

The actual id of the <h:panelGrid> table in the browser DOM is "form:menu". However, you
still can reference to images inside this table using the following selector:

<rich:jQuery selector="#menu img" query="..." />

You can define the exact id in the selector if you want. The following code reference to the same
set of a DOM object:

<rich:jQuery selector="#form\\:menu img" query="..." />

Pay attention to double slashes that escape a colon in the id.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In case when the "name" attribute is defined, <rich:jQuery> generates a JavaScript function
that might be used from any place of JavaScript code on a page.

There is an example of how to enlarge the picture smoothly on a mouse over event and return
back to the normal size on mouse out:

<h:graphicImage onmouseover="enlargePic(this)" width="50" value="/images/price.png"
onmouseover="enlargePic(this, {pwidth:'60px'})" onmouseover="releasePic(this)" />
<h:graphicImage onmouseover="enlargePic(this)" width="50" value="/images/discount.png"
onmouseover="enlargePic(this, {pwidth:'100px'})" onmouseover="releasePic(this)" />
<rich:jQuery name="enlargePic" timing="onJScall" query="animate({width:param.pwidth})" />
<rich:jQuery name="releasePic" timing="onJScall" query="animate({width:'50px'})"/>

The JavaScript could use two parameters. The first parameter is a replacement for the selector
attribute. Thus, you can share the same query, applying it to the different DOM objects. You can
use a literal value or a direct reference for an existing DOM object. The second parameter can
be used to path the specific value inside the query. The JSON syntax is used for the second
parameter. The "param." namespace is used for referencing data inside the parameter value.

<rich:jQuery> adds styles and behavior to the DOM object dynamically. This means if you replace
something on a page during an Ajax response, the applied artifacts is overwritten. But you are
allowed to apply them again after the Ajax response is complete.

Usually, it could be done with reRendering the <rich:jQuery> components in the same Ajax
interaction with the components these queries are applied to. Note, that queries with "timing"
attribute set to "onload" are not invoked even if the query is reRendered, because a DOM
document is not fully reloaded during the Ajax interaction. If you need to re-applies query with
"onload" value of "timing" attribute, define the "name" attribute and invoke the query by name
in the "oncomplete" attribute of the Ajax component.

RichFaces includes jQuery JavaScript framework. You can use the futures of jQuery directly
without defining the <rich:jQuery> component on a page if it is convenient for you. To start using
the jQuery feature on the page, include the library into a page with the following code:

<a4j:loadScript src="resource://jquery.js"/>

Refer to the jQuery documentation [http://docs.jquery.com/] for the right syntax. Remember to use
jQuery() function instead of $(), as soon as jQuery works without conflicts with prototype.js.

Look-and-Feel Customization

6.63.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:jQuery> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component isn't visual.

6.63.7. Relevant Resources Links

More information about jQuery framework and its features you can read here [http://jquery.com/].

How to use jQuery with other libraries see here [http://docs.jquery.com/


6.64. < rich:listShuttle >

6.64.1. Description
The <rich:listShuttle> component is used for moving chosen items from one list into another
with their optional reordering there.

Figure 6.171. <rich:ListShuttle> component

6.64.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Reordering possibility for lists items

• Multiple selection of lists items

• Keyboard support

Table 6.282. rich : listShuttle attributes

Attribute Name Description
activeItem Stores active item
ajaxKeys Defines row keys that are updated after an Ajax
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bottomControlClass CSS class for bottom control

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

bottomControlLabel Defines a label for a bottom control
columnClasses Comma-separated list of CSS classes for
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
controlsType Defines type of a control: button or none.
Default value is "button".
controlsVerticalAlign Customizes vertically a position of move/
copy and order controls relatively to lists
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
copyAllControlClass CSS class for copy all control
copyAllControlLabel Defines a label for a copyAll control
copyControlClass CSS class for copy control
copyControlLabel Defines a label for a copy control
disabledControlClass CSS class for a disabled control
downControlClass CSS class for down control
downControlLabel Defines a label for a down control
fastMoveControlsVisible If "false", 'Copy All' and 'Remove All' controls
aren't displayed. Default value is "true".
fastOrderControlsVisible If "false", 'Top' and 'Bottom' controls aren't
displayed. Default value is "true".
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
listClass CSS class for a list
listsHeight Defines height of the list. Default value is "140".
moveControlsVisible If "false", 'Copy' and 'Remove' controls aren't
displayed. Default value is "true".
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onbottomclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Bottom"
is clicked
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncopyallclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Copy All"
is clicked
oncopyclick HTML: a script expression; a button "Copy" is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondownclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Down" is
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onlistchanged A JavaScript event handler called on a list
change operation
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onorderchanged HTML: script expression; called after ordering
onremoveallclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Remove
All" is clicked
onremoveclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Remove"
is clicked
ontopclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Top" is
onupclick HTML: a script expression; a button "Up" is
orderControlsVisible If "false", 'Up' and 'Down' controls aren't
displayed. Default value is "true".
removeAllControlClass CSS class for remove all control
removeAllControlLabel Defines a label for a removeAll control
removeControlClass CSS class for remove control

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

removeControlLabel Defines a label for a remove control
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
rowClasses CSS class for a row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
showButtonLabels Shows a label for a button. Default value is
sourceCaptionLabel Defines source list caption representation text
sourceListWidth Defines width of a source list. Default value is
sourceRequired Defines the case when source value is being
validated. If the value is "true", there should be
at least one item in the source list
sourceSelection Manages selection in a source list from the
server side
sourceValue Defines a List or Array of items to be shown in
a source list
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchByClick If "true", dragging between lists realized by
targetCaptionLabel Defines target list caption representation text
targetListWidth Defines width of a target list. Default value is
targetRequired Defines the case when target value is being
validated. If the value is "true", there should be
at least one item in the target list
targetSelection Manages selection in a target list from the
server side
targetValue Defines a List or Array of items to be shown in
a target list

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

topControlClass CSS class for top control
topControlLabel Defines a label for a "Top" control
upControlClass CSS class for up control
upControlLabel Defines a label for an "Up" control
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
var Defines a list on the page

6.64.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:listShuttle var="item" sourceValue="#{bean.source}" targetValue="#{bean.target}" converter="listShuttlecon
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Cars" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

6.64.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlListShuttle;
HtmlListShuttle myListShuttle = new HtmlListShuttle();

6.64.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:listShuttle> component consists of the following parts:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• two item lists (source and target). List consists of items. Each item has three different
representations: common, selected, active

• optional caption element

• optional ordering controls set is a set of controls that performs reordering

• move controls set is a set of controls, which performs moving items between lists

The "sourceValue" attribute defines a List or Array of items to be shown in the source list.

The "targetValue" attribute defines a List or Array of items to be shown in the target list.

The "var" attribute could be shared between both Lists or Arrays to define lists on the page.

The "sourceRequired" and "targetRequired" attributes define the case when source and target
values are being validated. If the value of both attributes is "true" there should be at least one item
in source and target lists. Otherwise validation fails.


<h:form id="myForm">
<f:facet name="errorMarker">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/ajax/error.gif" />

<rich:listShuttle id="myListShuttle" sourceValue="#{toolBar.freeItems}" targetValue="#{toolBar.items}"

sourceRequired = "true" targetRequired = "true" var="items" converter="listShuttleconverter"
sourceCaptionLabel="Source List" targetCaptionLabel="Target List">
<h:graphicImage value="#{items.iconURI}" />
<h:outputText value="#{items.label}" />
<a4j:commandButton value="Submit" />

In the example above the source list is empty. If you submit the form validation fails and error
message appears on a page.

This is the result:

Details of Usage

Figure 6.172. Style classes

The "converter" attribute is used to convert component data to a particular component's value.
For example, when you select items in a list, a converter is used to format a set of objects to a
strings to be displayed.


It is necessary to override the "equals" and "hashCode" methods in your own


The "sourceSelection" attribute stores the collection of items selected by you in the source list.
The "targetSelection" attribute stores the collection of items selected by you in the target list.

Captions could be added to a list only after it was defined as a "sourceCaption" and
"targetCaption" named facets inside the component or defined with the "sourceCaptionLabel"
and "targetCaptionLabel" attribute.

<rich:listShuttle var="item" sourceValue="#{bean.source}" targetValue="#{bean.target}" sourceSelection="#{bean
targetSelection="#{bean.targetSelection}" converter="listShuttleconverter">
<f:facet name="sourceCaption">
<h:outputText value="Cars Store #1" />
<f:facet name="targetCaption">
<h:outputText value="Cars Store #2" />
<h:outputText value="#{items.name}" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The <rich:listShuttle> component provides the possibility to use ordering controls set, which
performs reordering in the target item list. Every control has possibility to be disabled.

An ordering controls set could be defined with "topControlLabel" , "bottomControlLabel" ,

"upControlLabel" , "downControlLabel" attributes.

It is also possible to use "topControl" , "topControlDisabled" , "bottomControl"

, "bottomControlDisabled" , "upControl" , "upControlDisabled" , "downControl" ,
"downControlDisabled" facets in order to replace the default controls with facets content.


<rich:listShuttle var="item" sourceValue="#{bean.source}" targetValue="#{bean.target}" converter="listShuttlecon
<f:facet name="topControl">
<h:outputText value="Move to top" />
<f:facet name="upControl">
<h:outputText value="Move up" />
<f:facet name="downControl">
<h:outputText value="Move down" />
<f:facet name="bottomControl">
<h:outputText value="Move to bottom" />

The <rich:listShuttle> component also provides 4 predefined controls in move controls set for
moving items between source and target lists. Every control has possibility to be disabled.

A move controls set could be defined with "copyControlLabel" , "removeControlLabel" ,

"copyAllControlLabel" , "removeAllControlLabel" attributes.

It is also possible to use "copyControl" , "removeControl" , "copyAllControl" , "removeAllControl"

facets in order to replace the default controls with facets content.

<rich:listShuttle var="item" sourceValue="#{bean.source}" targetValue="#{bean.target}" converter="listShuttlecon
copyControlLabel="Copy" removeControlLabel="Remove"

Details of Usage

copyAllControlLabel="Copy all" removeAllControlLabel="Remove all">

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Cars" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

Controls rendering is based on the "controlsType" attribute. Possible types are button and none.

Currently the button controls type is based on <div> element.

The <rich:listShuttle> component allows to use internationalization

method to redefine and localize the labels. You could
use application resourcebundle and define RICH_SHUTTLES_TOP_LABEL,

You could also pack org.richfaces.renderkit.listShuttle resource bundle with your JARs
defining the same properties.

Table 6.283. Keyboard usage for elements selection

Keys and combinations Description

CTRL+click Inverts selection for an item
SHIFT+click Selects all rows from active one to a clicked row
if they differ, else select the actve row. All other
selections are cleared
CTRL+A Selects all elements inside the list if some
active element is already present in a list
Up, Down arrows Changes the active element to the next or
previous in a list and make it the only selected.
Scroll follows the selection to keep it visible

Table 6.284. Keyboard usage for elements reordering

Keys and combinations Description

Home Moves selected set to the top of a list

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Keys and combinations Description

End Moves selected set to the bottomof a list
CTRL+Up arrow Moves selected item to one position upper
CTRL+Down arrow Moves selected item to one position lower

6.64.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.285. JavaScript API

Function Description
enable() Enables ordering control (to be implemented)
disable() Disables ordering control (to be implemented)
isEnabled() Checks if current control is enabled (to be
up() Moves up selected item in the list (to be
down() Moves down selected item in the list (to be
top() Moves top selected item in the list (to be
bottom() Moves bottom selected item in the list (to be
copy() Copies selected item from the source list to the
target list
remove() Removes selected item from the target list to
the source list
copyAll() Copies all items from the source list to the
target list
removeAll() Removes all items from the target list to the
source list
getSelection() Returns currently selected item (to be
getItems() Returns the collection of all items (to be

6.64.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:listShuttle> components at once:

Skin Parameters Redefinition

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:listShuttle> component

6.64.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.286. Skin parameters redefinition for items in the source and target

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Table 6.287. Skin parameters redefinition for caption in the source and
target lists

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
headerWeightFont font-weight

Table 6.288. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected rows in the source
and target lists

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.289. Skin parameters redefinition for a header cell

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
tableBorderWidth border-width
subBorderColor border-top-color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.290. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected cell

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.291. Skin parameters redefinition for an active cell

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.292. Skin parameters redefinition for controls

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor border-color

Table 6.293. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.294. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
tabDisabledTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.295. Skin parameters redefinition for a button highlight

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
selectControlColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color

Table 6.296. Skin parameters redefinition for a pressed button

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color

Table 6.297. Skin parameters redefinition for a button content

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.298. Skin parameters redefinition for a button selection

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color

6.64.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.173. Style classes

Table 6.299. Classes names that define a list representation

Class name Description
rich-list-shuttle Defines styles for a wrapper table element of a
rich-list-shuttle-caption Defines styles for a list caption
rich-shuttle-body Defines styles for a list body
rich-shuttle-list-content Defines styles for a list content
rich-shuttle-source-items Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
source list
rich-shuttle-target-items Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
target list
rich-shuttle-list-header Defines styles for a lists header
rich-shuttle-header-tab-cell Defines styles for a header cell

Table 6.300. Classes names that define a caption representations in a

source and target lists
Class name Description
rich-shuttle-source-caption Defines styles for a caption in a source list
rich-shuttle-target-caption Defines styles for a caption in a target list

Table 6.301. Classes names that define a rows representations in a source

Class name Description
rich-shuttle-source-row Defines styles for a row in a source list
rich-shuttle-source-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row in a source list
rich-shuttle-source-row-active Defines styles for an active row in a source list

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.302. Classes names that define a rows representations in a target

Class name Description
rich-shuttle-target-row Defines styles for a row in a target list
rich-shuttle-target-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row in a target list
rich-shuttle-target-row-active Defines styles for an active row in a target list

Table 6.303. Classes names that define a cells representations in a source

Class name Description
rich-shuttle-source-cell Defines styles for a cell in a source list
rich-shuttle-source-cell-selected Defines styles for a selected cell in a source list
rich-shuttle-source-cell-active Defines styles for an active cell in a source list

Table 6.304. Classes names that define a cells representations in a target list
Class name Description
rich-shuttle-target-cell Defines styles for a cell in a target list
rich-shuttle-target-cell-selected Defines styles for a selected cell in a target list
rich-shuttle-target-cell-active Defines styles for an active cell in a target list

Table 6.305. Classes names that define controls representations

Class name Description
rich-shuttle-controls Defines styles for a controls group
rich-shuttle-top Defines styles for a "Top" control
rich-shuttle-bottom Defines styles for a "Bottom" control
rich-shuttle-up Defines styles for a "Up" control
rich-shuttle-down Defines styles for a "Down" control
rich-shuttle-copy Defines styles for a "Copy" control
rich-shuttle-remove Defines styles for a "Remove" control
rich-shuttle-copyAll Defines styles for a "copyAll" control
rich-shuttle-removeAll Defines styles for a "removeAll" control
rich-shuttle-control-disabled Defines styles for a control in a disabled state

Table 6.306. Classes names that define a button representation

Class name Description
rich-list-shuttle-button Defines styles for a button

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

rich-list-shuttle-button-disabled Defines styles for a disabled button
rich-list-shuttle-button-light Defines styles for a button highlight
rich-list-shuttle-button-press Defines styles for a pressed button
rich-list-shuttle-button-content Defines styles for a button content
rich-list-shuttle-button-selection Defines styles for a button selection

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:listShuttle> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.174. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example an active row background color in the source list was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:listShuttle> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:listShuttle> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



Relevant Resources Links


The "rowClasses" attribute for <rich:listShuttle> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:listShuttle ... rowClasses="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.175. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, font style for row items was changed.

6.64.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/listShuttle.jsf?c=listShuttle] you can
see an example of <rich:listShuttle> usage and sources for the given example.

6.65. < rich:message >

6.65.1. Description
The component is used for rendering a single message for a specific component.

Figure 6.176. <rich:message> component

6.65.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Tracking both traditional and Ajax based requests

• Optional toolTip to display the detail portion of the message

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Additionally customizable with attributes and facets

• Additionally provides two parts to be optionally defined: marker and label

Table 6.307. rich : message attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxRendered Define, must be (or not) content of this
component will be included in AJAX response
created by parent AJAX Container, even if not
forced by reRender list of ajax action. Ignored
if component marked to output by some Ajax
action component.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
errorClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "ERROR"
errorLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "ERROR"
errorMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "ERROR"
fatalClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "FATAL"
fatalLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "FATAL"
fatalMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "FATAL"
for Client identifier of the component for which to
display messages
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
infoClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "INFO"
infoLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "INFO"
infoMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "INFO"
keepTransient Flag for mark all child components to non-
transient. If "true", all children components will
be set to non-transient state and keep in saved
components tree. For output in self-renderer

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

region all content (By default, all content in
<f:verbatim> tags and non-jsf elements in
facelets, marked as transient - since, self-
rendered ajax regions don't plain output for
ajax processing).
labelClass CSS style class to apply to label
level A comma-separated list of messages
categories which should be displayed. Default
value is "ALL".
markerClass CSS style class to apply to marker
markerStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to marker
when this component is rendered
passedLabel Attribute should define the label to be displayed
when no message appears
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
showDetail Flag indicating whether the summary portion
of displayed messages should be included.
Default value is "true".
showSummary Flag indicating whether the summary portion
of displayed messages should be included.
Default value is "false".
style The CSS style for message
styleClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to
be applied when this element is rendered. This
value must be passed through as the "class"
attribute on generated markup
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
tooltip Flag indicating whether the detail portion of
the message should be displayed as a tooltip.
Default value is "false".
warnClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "WARN"
warnLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "WARN"
warnMarkerClass CSS style class to apply any message marker
with a severity class of "WARN"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.308. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.component.RichMessage
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRichMessage
component-family org.richfaces.component.RichMessage
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.html.RichMessagesHtmlBaseRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.RichMessageTag

6.65.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of message on a page, use the following syntax:


<rich:message for="id"/>

6.65.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRichMessage;
HtmlRichMessage myMessage = new HtmlRichMessage();

6.65.5. Details of Usage

The component has the same behavior as standard <h:message> component except next two

• It's ajaxRendered. It means that the component is reRendered after Ajax request automatically
without outputPanel usage

• The component optionally provides "passed" state which will be shown if no message is

• Provides possibility to add some marker to message. By default a marker element isn't shown

A set of facets which can be used for marker defining:

Look-and-Feel Customization

• "passedMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to display if there is no message

• "errorMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to display if there is a message
with a severity class of "ERROR"

• "fatalMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to display if there is a message
with a severity class of "FATAL"

• "infoMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to display if there is a message
with a severity class of "INFO"

• "warnMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to display if there is a message
with a severity class of "WARN"

The following example shows different variants for component customization. The attribute
"passedLabel" is used for definition of the label to display when no message appears. But the
message component doesn't appear before the form submission even when state is defined
as passed (on initial rendering). Boolean attribute "showSummary" defines possibility to display
summary portion of displayed messages. The facets "errorMarker" and "passedMarker" set
corresponding images for markers.


<rich:message for="id" passedLabel="No errors' showSummary="true">
<f:facet name="errorMarker">
<h:graphicImage url="/image/error.png"/>
<f:facet name="passedMarker">
<h:graphicImage url="/image/passed.png"/>

6.65.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method.

There are no skin parameters and default predefined values. To redefine the appearance of all
<rich:message> components at once, you should only add to your style sheets style classes
used by a <rich:message> component.

6.65.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.177. Classes names

Table 6.309. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-message Defines styles for a wrapper element
rich-message-marker Defines styles for a marker
rich-message-label Defines styles for a label

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:message> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.178. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for message was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:message> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:message> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:message> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:message ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.179. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font weight for message was changed.

6.65.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/message.jsf?c=message] you can

see the example of <rich:message> usage and sources for the given example.

6.66. < rich:messages >

6.66.1. Description

The <rich:messages> component is similar to <rich:message> component but used for

rendering all messages for the components.

Figure 6.180. <rich:messages> component

6.66.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Track both traditional and Ajax based requests

• Optional ToolTip to display a detailed part of the messages

• Additionally customizable via attributes and facets

• Additionally provides of three parts to be optionally defined: marker, label and header

Key Features

Table 6.310. rich : messages attributes

Attribute Name Description

ajaxRendered Define, must be (or not) content of this
component will be included in AJAX response
created by parent AJAX Container, even if not
forced by reRender list of ajax action. Ignored
if component marked to output by some Ajax
action component.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
errorClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "ERROR"
errorLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "ERROR"
errorMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "ERROR"
fatalClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "FATAL"
fatalLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "FATAL"
fatalMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "FATAL"
for Client identifier of the component for which to
display messages
globalOnly Flag indicating that only global messages (that
is, messages not associated with any client
identifier) are to be displayed. Default value is
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
infoClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "INFO"
infoLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "INFO"
infoMarkerClass CSS style class to apply to any message
marker with a severity class of "INFO"
keepTransient Flag for mark all child components to non-
transient. If "true", all children components will
be set to non-transient state and keep in saved

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

components tree. For output in self-renderer
region all content (By default, all content in
<f:verbatim> tags and non-jsf elements in
facelets, marked as transient - since, self-
rendered ajax regions don't plain output for
ajax processing).
labelClass CSS style class to apply to label
layout The type of layout markup to use when
rendering error messages. Possible values are
"table" (an HTML table), "list" (an HTML list)
and iterator. If not specified, the default value
is "list".
level A comma-separated list of messages
categories which should be displayed. Default
value is "ALL".
markerClass CSS style class to apply to marker
markerStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to marker
when this component is rendered
passedLabel Attribute should define the label to be displayed
when no message appears
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
showDetail Flag indicating whether the summary portion
of displayed messages should be included.
Default value is "true"
showSummary Flag indicating whether the summary portion
of displayed messages should be included.
Default value is "false"
style The CSS style for message
styleClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to
be applied when this element is rendered. This
value must be passed through as the "class"
attribute on generated markup
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
tooltip Flag indicating whether the detail portion of
the message should be displayed as a tooltip.
Default value is "false".
warnClass CSS style class to apply to any message with
a severity class of "WARN"

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

warnLabelClass CSS style class to apply to any message label
with a severity class of "WARN"
warnMarkerClass CSS style class to apply any message marker
with a severity class of "WARN"

Table 6.311. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.component.RichMessages
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRichMessages
component-family org.richfaces.component.RichMessages
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.html.HtmlRichMessagesRendere
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.RichMessagesTag

6.66.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of message on a page, use the following syntax:



6.66.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRichMessages;
HtmlRichMessages myMessages = new HtmlRichMessages();

6.66.5. Details of Usage

The component has the same behavior as standard <h:message> component except next

• It's ajaxRendered. It means that the component is reRendered after Ajax request automatically
without outputPanel usage.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• The component optionally provides "passed" state which will be shown if no message to be

• Provides possibility to add some marker to message. By default, a marker element isn't shown.

The component provides two parts to be optionally defined: marker and informational label before
the marker for every message.

Set of facet which can be used for a marker defining:

• "passedMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to be displayed if there is no


• "errorMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to be displayed if there is a

message with a severity class of "ERROR".

• "fatalMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to be displayed if there is a

message with a severity class of "FATAL".

• "infoMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to be displayed if there is a

message with a severity class of "INFO".

• "warnMarker" . This facet is provided to allow setting a marker to be displayed if there is an

message with a severity class of "WARN".

The following example shows different variants of customization of the component.



<rich:messages layout="table"
Errors" var="messages">
<f:facet name="errorMarker">
<h:graphicImage url="/image/error.png"/>
<f:facet name="infoMarker">
<h:graphicImage url="/image/info.png"/>
<f:facet name="passedMarker">
<h:graphicImage url="/image/passed.png"/>

6.66.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

There are no skin parameters and default predefined values. To redefine the appearance of all
<rich:messages> components at once, you should only add to your style sheets style classes
used by a <rich:messages> component.

6.66.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.181. Classes names

Table 6.312. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-messages Defines styles for a wrapper element
rich-messages-marker Defines styles for a marker
rich-messages-label Defines styles for a label

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:messages> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.182. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for messages was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:messages> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:messages> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:




The "errorClass" attribute for <rich:messages> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:messages ... errorClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.183. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, color of messages was changed.

6.66.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/messsages.jsf?c=messages] you

can see the example of <rich:messages> usage and sources for the given example.

6.67. < rich:modalPanel >

6.67.1. Description

The component implements a modal dialog window. All operations in the main application window
are locked out while this window is active. Opening and closing the window is done through client
JavaScript code.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.184. <rich:modalPanel> component

6.67.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Support of draggable operations and size changes by you

• Easy positioning for the modal dialog window

• Possibility to restore of the previous component state on a page (including position on the
screen) after submitting and reloading

Table 6.313. rich : modalPanel attributes

Attribute Name Description
autosized If "true" modalPanel should be autosizeable.
Default value is "false".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
controlsClass CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to component
controls when this component is rendered
headerClass CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to component
header when this component is rendered
height Attribute defines height of component. Default
value is "200".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
keepVisualState If "true" modalPanel should save state after
submission. Default value is "false".
label A localized user presentable name for this
left Attribute defines X position of component left-
top corner. Default value is "auto".
minHeight Attribute defines min height of component.
Default value is "10". If the value is less then
10, a "IllegalArgumentException" exception is
minWidth Attribute defines min width of component.
Default value is "10". If the value is less then
10, a "IllegalArgumentException" exception is
moveable if "true" there is possibility to move component.
Default value is "true".
onbeforehide Event must occurs before panel is hiding
onbeforeshow Event must occurs before panel is opening
onhide Event must occurs after panel closed
onmaskclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked outside modalPanel
onmaskcontextmenu JavaScript handler to be called on right click
outside modalPanel
onmaskdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked outside modalPanel
onmaskmousedown HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down outside modalPanel
onmaskmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
moved outside modalPanel
onmaskmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
moved away modalPanel
onmaskmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
moved onto modalPanel
onmaskmouseup HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
released outside modalPanel
onmove Event must occurs before panel is moving

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onresize Event must occurs than panel is resizing
onshow Event must occurs after panel opened
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
resizeable if "true" there is possibility to change
component size. Default value is "true".
shadowDepth Pop-up shadow depth for suggestion content
shadowOpacity HTML CSS class attribute of element for pop-
up suggestion content
showWhenRendered If "true" value for this attribute makes a modal
panel opened as default.
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
top Attribute defines Y position of component left-
top corner. Default value is "auto".
tridentIVEngineSelectBehavior How to handle HTML SELECT-based controls
in IE 6? - "disable" - default, handle as usual,
use disabled="true" to hide SELECT controls -
"hide" - use visibility="hidden" to hide SELECT
trimOverlayedElements Defines whether to trim or not elements inside
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
visualOptions Defines options that were specified on the
client side
width Attribute defines width of component. Default
value is "300".
zindex Attribute is similar to the standard HTML
attribute and can specify window. Default value
is "100". placement relative to the content

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.314. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ModalPanel
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlModalPanel
component-family org.richfaces.ModalPanel
renderer-type org.richfaces.ModalPanelRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ModalPanelTag

6.67.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:modalPanel id="panel">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="header" />
<!--Any Content inside-->
<a onclick="Richfaces.hideModalPanel('modalPanelID');" href="#">Hide</a>
<a onclick="Richfaces.showModalPanel('modalPanelID');" href="#">Show</a>

6.67.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlModalPanel;
HtmlModalPanel myPanel = new HtmlModalPanel();

6.67.5. Details of Usage

The component is defined as a panel with some content inside that displays its content as a modal
dialog. To call it and to close it, the client API for the window is used.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.315. Functions description

Function Description
RichFaces.showModalPanel (client Id) Opens a window with a specified client Id
RichFaces.hideModalPanel (client Id) Closes a window with a specified client Id


In order to avoid a bug in IE, the root node of the dialog is moved on the top of
a DOM tree. However, you should have a separate form inside the modal panel
if you want to perform submits from this panel (so, no form should be around the
modal panel in this case).

It's possible to add a "header" facet to the component to set the content for the header.


<rich:modalPanel id="panel" width="400" height="300">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Modal Panel"/>
<h:graphicImage value="/pages/california_large.png"/>
<a href="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('form:panel')">Close</a>
<a href="javascript:Richfaces.showModalPanel('form:panel');">Open</a>

This defines a window with a particular size and ID. It includes one "Open" link. Clicking on this
link makes the modal window content appear.

Details of Usage

Figure 6.185. <rich:modalPanel> with links

A facet named "controls" can be added to the component to place control elements on a header.


<rich:modalPanel id="mp">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Modal Panel"/>
<f:facet name="controls">
<h:graphicImage value="/pages/
close.png" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="Richfaces.hideModalPanel('mp')" />
<h:graphicImage value="/pages/california_large.png"/>

The result is displayed here:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.186. <rich:modalPanel> with control element

To manage the placement of inserted windows, use the "zindex" attribute that is similar to the
standard HTML attribute and can specify window placement relative to the content.

To manage window placement relative to the component, there are "left" and "top" attributes
defining a window shifting relative to the top-left corner of the window.

Modal windows can also support resize and move operations on the client side. To allow or
disallow these operations, set the "resizeable" and "moveable" attributes to "true" or "false"
values. Window resizing is also limited by "minWidth" and "minHeight" attributes specifying the
minimal window sizes.

You can pass your parameters during modalPanel opening or closing. This passing could be
performed in the following way:


Richfaces.showModalPanel('panelId', {left: auto}, {param1: value1});

Thus, except the standard modalPanel parameters you can pass any of your own parameters.

Also modalPanel allows to handle its own opening and closing events on the client side. The
"onshow" and "onclose" attributes are used in this case.

The following example shows how on the client side to define opening and closing event handling
in such a way that your own parameters could also be obtained:


Details of Usage


Here, during modalPanel opening the value of a passing parameter is output.

More information about this problem could be found on the RichFaces Development Forum [http://

There is a possibility to restore of the previous component state on a page (including position
on the screen) after submitting and reloading. The modalPanel has some special attributes like
"showWhenRendered" and "keepVisualState" .

"showWhenRendered" - This boolean attribute is used if modalPanel should be rendered after

first page loading.

"keepVisualState" - Used if modalPanel should save state after submission. If

keepVisualState="true" then parameters which modalPanel has during opening should be
submitted and passed to new page.


<a href="javascript:Richfaces.showModalPanel('_panel', {top:'10px', left:'10px',

Here, if you open modal dialog window using current link and after submits data then modalPanel
destination and height on new loaded page is restored.

if you need the content of the modalPanel to be submitted - you need to remember two important

• modalPanel must have its own form if it has form elements (input or/and command components)
inside (as it was shown in the example above)

• modalPanel must not be included into the form (on any level up) if it has the form inside.

Simple example of using commandButton within modalPanel is placed below.


<f:facet name="header">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:outputText value="Test" />

<f:facet name="controls">

<h:commandButton value="Test" action="#{TESTCONTROLLER.test}" />
<!--Some other Page content-->

See also discussion about this problem on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://www.jboss.com/

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/auth/wiki/RichFacesCookbook/DetailModalPanelFromTable] there is

information for those of you who would like to click on a details link in table and have it show a
modal panel with information loaded from the server.

6.67.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.316. JavaScript API

Function Description
show() Opens the corresponding modalPanel
hide() Closes the corresponding modalPanel

6.67.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:modalPanel> components at once:

Skin Parameters Redefinition

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:modalPanel> component

6.67.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.317. Skin parameters for a component

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.318. Skin parameters redefinition for a header element

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color

Table 6.319. Skin parameters redefinition for a header content

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerSizeFont background-color
headerTextColor font-size
headerWeightFont color
headerFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.320. Skin parameters redefinition for a body element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.67.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.187. <rich:modalPanel> class name

The screenshot shows the classes names for defining different elements.

Table 6.321. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-modalpanel Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a modalpanel
rich-mpnl_panel Defines styles for a modalpanel
rich-mpnl-mask-div Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a mask
rich-mpnl-resizer Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a resizing element
rich-mpnl-shadow Defines styles for a modalpanel shadow
rich-mpnl-header Defines styles for a modalpanel header
rich-mpnl-header-cell Defines styles for a header cell
rich-mpnl-text Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a header text
rich-mpnl-body Defines styles for a content inside a

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-mpnl-controls Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a modalpanel control

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:modalPanel> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.188. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the background color for mask was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:modalPanel> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:modalPanel> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The "headerClass" attribute for <rich:modalPanel> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:modalPanel ... headerClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.189. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above,the font style for header was changed.

6.67.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/modalPanel.jsf?c=modalPanel] you

can see the example of <rich:modalPanel> usage and sources for the given example.

< rich:orderingList >

Information about wizards using the <rich:modalPanel> component could be

found in the Wiki article [http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/ModalPanelWizards] and in the
FAQ [http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/devguide/
en/faq/faq.html#Organizewizards] chapter of the guide.

Examples of validation in <rich:modalPanel> could be found in the Wiki article

[http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/ModalPanelValidation] and on the RichFaces Users Forum [http://

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesPleaseWaitBox] you can find information on how to

show a "Please Wait" box and block the input while the Ajax request is processed using
combination of <a4j:status> and <rich:modalPanel> components .

6.68. < rich:orderingList >

6.68.1. Description
The <rich:orderingList> is a component for ordering items in a list. This component provides
possibilities to reorder a list and sort it on the client side.

Figure 6.190. <rich:orderingList> component

6.68.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Reordering possibility for list items

• Multiple selection of list items

• Keyboard support

Table 6.322. rich : orderingList attributes

Attribute Name Description
activeItem Stores active item
ajaxKeys Defines row keys that are updated after an Ajax
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

bottomControlLabel Defines a label for a 'Bottom' control
captionLabel Defines caption representation text
columnClasses CSS class for a column
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
controlsHorizontalAlign Controls horizontal rendering. Possible values:
"left" - controls should be rendered to the
left side of a list. "right"- controls should be
rendered to the right side of a list. Default value
is "right".
controlsType Defines type of a control: button or none.
Default value is "button".
controlsVerticalAlign Controls vertical rendering. Possible values:
"top" - controls should be rendered aligned to
top side of a list. "bottom" - controls should
be rendered aligned to bottom side of a list.
"middle" (default) - controls should be rendered
centered relatively to a list.
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
downControlLabel Defines a label for a 'Down' control
fastOrderControlsVisible If "false", 'Top' and 'Bottom' controls aren't
displayed. Default value is "true".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
listHeight Defines height of a list. Default value is "140".
listWidth Defines width of a list. Default value is "140".
onbottomclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Bottom"
is clicked
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

ondownclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Down" is
onheaderclick A JavaScript event handler; a header is clicked
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onorderchanged A JavaScript event handler called on an order
ontopclick A JavaScript event handler; a button "Top" is
onupclick HTML: a script expression; a button "Up" is
orderControlsVisible If "false", 'Up' and 'Down' controls aren't
displayed. Default value is "true".
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
rowClasses CSS class for a row
rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the list
selection Collection which stores a set of selected items
showButtonLabels If "true", shows a label for a button
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
topControlLabel Defines a label for a 'Top' control
upControlLabel Defines a label for a 'Up' control
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

value Defines a List or Array of items to be shown in
a list
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
var Defines a list on the page

Table 6.323. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.OrderingList
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlOrderingList
component-family org.richfaces.OrderingList
renderer-type org.richfaces.OrderingListRenderer

6.68.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:orderingList value="#{bean.list}" var="list">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Name" />
<h:inputText value="#{list.name}" />

6.68.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlOrderingList;
HtmlOrderingList myOrderingList = new HtmlOrderingList();

Details of Usage

6.68.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:orderingList> component consists of

• Item list element that displays a list of items. It has three different representations for a single
element: common, selected, active. Combination of these states is possible.

• Ordering controls set

The "value" and "var" attributes are used to access the values of a list.

Controls rendering is based on the "controlsType" attribute. Possible types are button or none.


Currently the button controls type is based on <div> element.

The "selection" attribute stores the collection of items selected by you. In the example below
after submitting the form the current collection is placed in the object's property and then
<rich:dataTable> with selected items is shown.



<rich:orderingList value="#{bean.simpleItems}" var="item" selection="#{bean.selection}" controlsType="button">

<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Cars" />
<h:outputText value="#{item}" />
<rich:dataTable id="infoPanelID" value="#{bean.info}" var="info" rendered="true">
<h:outputText value="#{info}" />
<a4j:commandButton value="reRender" reRender="infoPanelID" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The <rich:orderingList> component allows to use "caption" facet. A caption could be also
defined with "captionLabel" attribute.

Simple example is placed below.


<rich:orderingList value="#{bean.simpleItems}" var="item" controlsType="button" selection="#{bean.selection}">
<f:facet name="caption">
<h:outputText value="Caption Facet" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Cars" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Price" />
<h:outputText value="#{item.price}" />

The <rich:orderingList> component provides the possibility to use ordering controls set, which
performs reordering. Every control has possibility to be disabled.

An ordering controls set could be defined with "topControlLabel" , "bottomControlLabel" ,

"upControlLabel" , "downControlLabel" attributes.

It is also possible to use "topControl" , "topControlDisabled" , "bottomControl"

, "bottomControlDisabled" , "upControl" , "upControlDisabled" , "downControl" ,
"downControlDisabled" facets in order to replace the default controls with facets content.


<rich:orderingList value="#{bean.simpleItems}" var="item" controlsType="button" selection="#{bean.selection}">
<f:facet name="topControl">
<h:outputText value="Move to top" />

Details of Usage

<f:facet name="upControl">
<h:outputText value="Move up" />
<f:facet name="downControl">
<h:outputText value="Move down" />
<f:facet name="bottomControl">
<h:outputText value="Move to bottom" />

The position of the controls relatively to a list could be customized with:

• "controlsHorizontalAlign" attribute. Possible values:

• "left" - controls render to the left side of a list

• "right" (default) - controls render to the right side of a list

• "center" - controls is centered

• "controlsVerticalAlign" attribute. Possible values:

• "top" - controls render aligned to the top side of a list

• "bottom" - controls render aligned to the bottom side of a list

• "center" (default) - controls is centered relatively to a list

The <rich:orderingList> component has a possibility to hide any of the controls by pairs using
following attributes:

• "orderControlsVisible" attribute has two values: "true" or "false". If false Up and Down controls
are not displayed.

• "fastOrderControlsVisible" attribute has two values: "true" or "false". If false Top and Bottom
controls are not displayed.

The <rich:orderingList> component allows to use internationalization method to

redefine and localize the labels. You could use application resource bundle and

You could also pack org.richfaces.renderkit.orderingList resource bundle with your JARs
defining the same properties.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.324. Keyboard usage for elements selection

Keys and combinations Description

CTRL+click Inverts selection for an item
SHIFT+click Selects all rows from active one to a clicked
row if they differ, else select the active row. All
other selections are cleared
CTRL+A Selects all elements inside the list if some
active element is already present in a list
Up, Down arrows Changes the active and selected elements to
the next or previous in a list

Table 6.325. Keyboard usage for elements reordering

Keys and combinations Description

Page Up Moves selected set to the top of a list
Page Down Moves selected set to the bottomof a list
CTRL+Up arrow Moves selected item to one position upper
CTRL+Down arrow Moves selected item to one position lower

6.68.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.326. JavaScript API

Function Description
hide() Hides ordering control (to be implemented)
show() Shows ordering control (to be implemented)
isShown() Checks if current control is shown (to be
enable() Enables ordering control (to be implemented)
disable() Disables ordering control (to be implemented)
isEnabled() Checks if current control is enabled (to be
Up() Moves up selected item in the list
Down() Moves down selected item in the list
Top() Moves top selected item in the list
Bottom() Moves bottom selected item in the list
getSelection() Returns currently selected item
getItems() Returns the collection of all items

Look-and-Feel Customization

6.68.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:orderingList> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:orderingList> component

6.68.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.327. Skin parameters redefinition for a wrapper <div> element of a


Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color

Table 6.328. Skin parameters redefinition for a header cell of a list

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
tableBorderWidth border-right-width
tableBorderWidth border-bottom-width
tableBorderColor border-right-color
tableBorderColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.329. Skin parameters redefinition for caption element

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
headerWeightFont font-weight

Table 6.330. Skin parameters redefinition for row element

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerGradientColor background-color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.331. Skin parameters redefinition for selected row element

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.332. Skin parameters redefinition for cell element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.333. Skin parameters redefinition for selected cell element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.334. Skin parameters redefinition for active cell element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.335. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.336. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled button

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
tabDisabledTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.337. Skin parameters redefinition for a button highlight

Skin parameters CSS properties

trimColor background-color
selectControlColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color

Table 6.338. Skin parameters redefinition for a pressed button

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color

Table 6.339. Skin parameters redefinition for a button content

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.340. Skin parameters redefinition for a button selection

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color

Table 6.341. Skin parameters redefinition for top, bottom, up, down controls
and for controls in disabled state

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color

6.68.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.191. Classes names

Table 6.342. Classes names that define a list representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-list-body Defines styles for a wrapper table element of
an orderingList
rich-ordering-list-output Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a list
rich-ordering-list-items Defines styles for a wrapper table element of
items in the list
rich-ordering-list-content Defines styles for a list content
rich-ordering-list-header Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for
a list header
rich-ordering-list-table-header Defines styles for a wrapper <tr> element for a
list header
rich-ordering-list-table-header-cell Defines styles for a header cell

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.343. Classes names that define a caption representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-list-caption Defines styles for a caption
rich-ordering-list-caption-disabled Defines styles for a caption in disabled state
rich-ordering-list-caption-active Defines styles for a caption in active state

Table 6.344. Classes names that define rows representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-list-row Defines styles for a row
rich-ordering-list-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row
rich-ordering-list-row-active Defines styles for an active row
rich-ordering-list-row-disabled Defines styles for a disabled row

Table 6.345. Classes names that define cells representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-list-cell Defines styles for a cell
rich-ordering-list-cell-selected Defines styles for a selected cell
rich-ordering-list-cell-active Defines styles for an active cell
rich-ordering-list-cell-disabled Defines styles for a disabled cell

Table 6.346. Classes names that define a button representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-list-button Defines styles for a button
rich-ordering-list-button-disabled Defines styles for a disabled button
rich-ordering-list-button-light Defines styles for a button highlight
rich-ordering-list-button-press Defines styles for a pressed button
rich-ordering-list-button-content Defines styles for a button content
rich-ordering-list-button-selection Defines styles for a button selection
rich-ordering-list-button-valign Defines styles for a wrapper <td> element for
buttons vertical align
rich-ordering-list-button-layout Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
buttons layout

Table 6.347. Classes names that define controls representation

Class name Description

rich-ordering-controls Defines styles for a controls group

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

rich-ordering-control-top Defines styles for a "top" control
rich-ordering-control-bottom Defines styles for a "bottom" control
rich-ordering-control-up Defines styles for a "up" control
rich-ordering-control-down Defines styles for a "down" control
rich-ordering-control-disabled Defines styles for controls in disabled state

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:orderingList> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.192. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font weight for header text was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:orderingList> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:orderingList> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



Relevant Resources Links


The "rowClasses" attribute for <rich:orderingList> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:orderingList ... rowClasses="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.193. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for rows was changed.

6.68.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/orderingList.jsf?c=orderingList] you
can see an example of <rich:orderingList> usage and sources for the given example.

6.69. < rich:paint2D >

6.69.1. Description
Create image by painting from a managed bean method, same as "paint" (Graphics2D) in
"SWING" components.

Figure 6.194. <rich:paint2D> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.69.2. Key Features

• Simple Graphics2D - painting style directly on the Web page

• Supports client/server caching for generated images

• Fully supports "JPEG" (24-bit, default), "GIF" (8-bit with transparency), and "PNG" (32-bit
with transparency) formats for sending generated images

• Easily customizable borders and white space to wrap the image

• Dynamically settable paint parameters using tag attributes

Table 6.348. rich : paint2D attributes

Attribute Name Description
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
position of an IMG, OBJECT, or APPLET with
respect to its context. The possible values are
"bottom", "middle", "top", "left" and "right". The
default value is "middle".
bgcolor Background color of painted image. Default
value is 'transparent' which means no
background fill. Hex colors can be used, as well
as common color names. Invalid values are
treated as transparent. Note, that JPEG format
doesn't support transparency, and transparent
background is painted black. Also note, that
several browsers (e.g. IE6) do not support PNG
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border Deprecated. This attribute specifies the width
of an IMG or OBJECT border, in pixels. The
default value for this attribute depends on the
user agent
cacheable Supported (or not) client/server caching
for generated images. Caching on client
supported by properly sending and processing
of HTTP headers (Last-Modified, Expires, If-
Modified-Since, etc.) Server-side caching is
supported by application-scope object cache.
For build of cache key use "value" attribute,
serialized to URI

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

Value calculated at render time and stored in
Image URI (as part of cache Key), at paint time
passed to a paint method. It can be used for
updating cache at change of image generating
conditions, and for creating paint beans as
"Lightweight" pattern components (request
scope). IMPORTANT: Since serialized data
stored in URI, avoid using big objects
format format Name of format for sending a generated
image. It currently supports "jpeg" (24 bit,
default), "gif" (8 bit with transparency),
"png" (32 bit with transparency)
height Height in pixels of image (for paint canvas and
HTML attribute). Default value is "10".
hspace Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
amount of white space to be inserted to the left
and right of an IMG, APPLET, or OBJECT. The
default value is not specified, but is generally a
small, non-zero length
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
paint The method calls expression to paint Image
on prepared Buffered image. It must have two
parameters with a type of java.awt.Graphics2D
(graphics to paint) and Object (restored from
URI "data" property). For painting used 32-
bit RGBA color model (for 8-bit images used
Diffusion filtration before sending)
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value The current value of this component
vspace Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
amount of white space to be inserted above

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

and below an IMG, APPLET, or OBJECT. The
default value is not specified, but is generally a
small, non-zero length
width Width in pixels of image (for paint canvas and
HTML attribute). Default value is "10".

Table 6.349. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Paint2D
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPaint2D
component-family javax.faces.Output
renderer-type org.richfaces.Paint2DRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.Paint2DTag

6.69.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:paint2D paint="#{paint2D.paint}" data="#{paint2DModel}"/>

Here "paint" specifies the method performing drawing and "data" specifies Managed Bean
property keeping the data used by the method.

6.69.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPaint2D;
HtmlPaint2D myImage = new HtmlPaint2D();

6.69.5. Details of Usage

The example shows two main attributes of the component:

Details of Usage

• "paint"

Specify a method receiving an object specified in data as a parameter and sending graphical
information into the stream

• "data"

Specifies a bean class keeping your data for rendering


Data object should implement serializable interface

The "format" attribute of the component defines a format of visual data passing to the server.

Generated data can be used as a cacheable or non-cacheable resource. It's defined with
"cacheable" attribute. If cache support is turned on, a key is created in URI with a mix of size
(width/height), "paint" method, "format" and "data" attributes.



public void paint(Graphics2D g2, Object obj) {

// code that gets data from the data Bean (PaintData)
PaintData data = (PaintData) obj;
// a code drawing a rectangle
g2.drawRect(0, 0, data.Width, data.Height);
// some more code placing graphical data into g2 stream below


public class PaintData implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Integer Width=100;
Integer Height=50;

<rich:paint2D paint="#{paint2D.paint}" data="#{paint2DModel.data}"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


6.69.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

Paint2D has no skin parameters and special style classes, as it consists of one element generated
with a your method on the server.

To define some style properties such as an indent or a border, it's possible to use "style" and
"styleClass" attributes on the component.

6.69.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/paint2D.jsf?c=paint2d] you can see
the example of <rich:paint2D> usage and sources for the given example.

6.70. < rich:panel >

6.70.1. Description
A skinnable panel that is rendered as a bordered rectangle with or without a header.

Figure 6.195. <rich:panel> component

6.70.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Support for any content inside

• Header adding feature

Table 6.350. rich : panel attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bodyClass A class that defines a style for a panel content
header Label text appears on a panel header

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

headerClass A class that defines a style for a panel header
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Table 6.351. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.panel
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanel
component-family org.richfaces.panel
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelTag

6.70.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:panel header="Panel Header">
<!--Any Content inside-->

6.70.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanel;
HtmlPanel myPanel = new HtmlPanel();

6.70.5. Details of Usage

The "header" attribute defines text to be represented. If you can use the "header" facet, you
can even not use the "header" attribute.


<f:facet name="header">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/img1.png"/>
<!--Any Content inside-->

<rich:panel> components are used to group page content pieces on similarly formatted
rectangular panels.


Details of Usage


It's generating on a page in the following way:

Figure 6.196. <rich:panel> without header

The example shows that similar rectangular areas are formed with a particular style.

When creating a panel with a header element, one more <div> element is added with content
defined for a header.


<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Olympus EVOLT E-500 "/>

It's displayed on a page in the following way:

Figure 6.197. <rich:panel> with header

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

As it has been mentioned above, the component is mostly used for a page style definition, hence
the main attributes are style ones.

• "styleClass"

• "headerClass"

• "bodyClass"

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

6.70.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:panel> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:panel> component

6.70.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.352. Skin parameters redefinition for a whole component

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.353. Skin parameters redefinition for a header element

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color
headerSizeFont font-size
headerTextColor color
headerWeightFont font-weight
headerFamilyFont font-family

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.354. Skin parameters redefinition for a body element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

6.70.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.198. Style classes

Table 6.355. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Class description

rich-panel Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component
rich-panel-header Defines styles for a header element
rich-panel-body Defines styles for a body element

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panel> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table above) and
define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


background-color: #ebf3fd;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


This is a result:

Figure 6.199. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a body background color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panel> component. In this case you should
create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panel> styleClass attributes.
An example is placed below:


text-align: justify;

The "bodyClass" attribute for <rich:panel> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<h:panel... bodyClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.200. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, text align of body was changed.

Relevant Resources Links

6.70.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/panel.jsf?c=panel] you can see the
example of <rich:panel> usage and sources for the given example.

6.71. < rich:panelBar >

6.71.1. Description
panelBar is used for grouping any content which is loaded on the client side and appears as
groups divided on child panels after the header is clicked.

Figure 6.201. <rich:panelBar> with content inside

6.71.2. Key Features

• Skinnable slide panel and child items

• Groups any content inside each panel

Table 6.356. rich : panelBar attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
contentClass The component content style class
contentStyle The component content style
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

headerClass The component header style class
headerClassActive The component header style class active
headerStyle The component header style
headerStyleActive The component header style active
height The height of the slide panel. Might be defined
as pixels or as percentage. Default value is
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
label A localized user presentable name for this
onclick JavaScript code for call before header onclick
onitemchange Event must occurs on than item has been
onmousemove Event must occurs on than item has been
onmouseout Event must occurs on than item has been
onmouseover Event must occurs on than item has been
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used.
selectedPanel Attribure defines name of selected item
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator.
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
width The width of the slide panel. Might be defined
as pixels or as percentage. Default value is

Table 6.357. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PanelBar
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelBar
component-family org.richfaces.PanelBar
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelBarRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelBarTag

6.71.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<!--//... -->
<rich:panelBarItem label="Canon">
<rich:panelBarItem label="Nikon">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.71.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelBar;
HtmlPanelBar myBar = new HtmlPanelBar();

6.71.5. Details of Usage

As it was mentioned above, panelBar is used for grouping any content on the client, thus its
customization deals only with specification of sizes and styles for rendering.

"width" and "height" (both are 100% on default) attributes stand apart.

Style attributes are described further.

panelBar could contain any number of child panelBarItem components inside, which content is
uploaded onto the client and headers are controls to open the corresponding child element.

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

6.71.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:panelBar> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:panelBar> component

6.71.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.358. Skin parameter redefinition for a whole component

Skin parameter CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor border-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

6.71.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

There is one predefined class for the <rich:panelBar> , which is applicable to a whole component,
specifying padding, borders, and etc.

Figure 6.202. Style classes

Table 6.359. Class name that define a component appearance

Class name Class description
rich-panelbar Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component

Other classes responsible for elements rendering are described for child <rich:panelBarItem>
elements and could be found in the components chapters.

Table 6.360. Style component classes

A class attribute A component element defined by an
styleClass Applicable to a whole component (together
with headers)
headerClass Applicable to a header element
contentClass Applicable to a content

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panelBar> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

font-style: italic;

This is a result:

Figure 6.203. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example header and content font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panelBar> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panelBar> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-family: Tahoma;

The "contentClass" attribute for <rich:panelBar> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:panelBar ... contentClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.204. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font family for content were changed.

6.71.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/panelBar.jsf?c=panelBar] you can
see the example of <rich:panelBar> usage and sources for the given example.

6.72. < rich:panelBarItem >

6.72.1. Description
panelBarItem is used for grouping any content inside within one panelBar which is loaded on client
side and appears as groups divided on child panels after header is clicked.

Figure 6.205. <rich:panelBarItem> component

6.72.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Groups any content inside each Panels

Table 6.361. rich : panelBarItem attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
contentClass The component content style class
contentStyle The component content style
headerClass The component header style class
headerClassActive The component header style class active
headerStyle The component header style
headerStyleActive The component header style active
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
label Label text appears on a panel item header
name Attribute defines item name. Default value is
onenter Event must occurs on than item has been
onleave Event must occurs on than item has been
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered

Table 6.362. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PanelBarItem
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelBarItem
component-family org.richfaces.PanelBarItem
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelBarItemRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelBarItemTag

6.72.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:



Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<rich:panelBarItem label="Canon">
<rich:panelBarItem label="Nikon">

6.72.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelBarItem;
HtmlPanelBarItem myBarItem = new HtmlPanelBarItem();

6.72.5. Details of Usage

The "label" attribute defines text to be represented. If you can use the "label" facet, you can
even not use the "label" attribute.


<f:facet name="label">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/img1.png"/>
<!--Any Content inside-->

As it was mentioned above, panelBarItem is used for grouping any content inside within one
panelBar, thus its customization deals only with specification of sizes and styles for rendering.

panelBar could contain any number of child panelBarItem components inside, which content is
uploaded onto the client and headers are controls to open the corresponding child element.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.72.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:panelBarItem> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:panelBarItem> component

6.72.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.363. Skin parameters redefinition for a content

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
preferableDataSizeFont font-size
preferableDataFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.364. Skin parameters redefinition for a header element (active or


Skin parameters CSS properties

headerTextColor color
headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerSizeFont font-size
headerWeightFont font-weight
headerFamilyFont font-family

6.72.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.206. Style classes

Table 6.365. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Class description

rich-panelbar-header Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a header element
rich-panelbar-header-act Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
an active header element
rich-panelbar-content Defines styles for a content

Table 6.366. Style component classes

A class attribute A component element defined by an

headerClass Applicable to a header element
contentClass Applicable to a content

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panelBarItem> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

background-color: #ecf4fe;

This is a result:

Figure 6.207. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a content background color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panelBarItem> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panelBarItem> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-family: monospace;

The "headerClass" attribute for <rich:panelBarItem> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:panelBarItem ... headerClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

< rich:panelMenu >

Figure 6.208. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font family for header of active item was changed.

6.73. < rich:panelMenu >

6.73.1. Description
The <rich:panelMenu> component is used to define an in line vertical menu on a page.

Figure 6.209. <rich:panelMenu> component

6.73.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Different submission modes

• Collapsing/expanding sublevels with optional request sending

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Custom and predefined icons support

• Disablement support

Table 6.367. rich : panelMenu attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
disabled If true sets state of the item to disabled state.
Default value is "false".
disabledGroupClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to disabled group of this
disabledGroupStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to disabled
group when this component is rendered
disabledItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to disabled item of this
disabledItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to disabled
item when this component is rendered.
event Defines the event on the representation
element that triggers the submenu's expand/
collapse. Default value is "onclick".
expandMode Set the submission mode for all panel menu
groups after expand/collapse except ones
where this attribute redefined. Possible values
are "ajax", "server", "none". Default value is
expandSingle Whether only one panel menu node on top
level can be opened at a time. If the value
of this attribute is true, the previously opened
node on the top level is closed. If the value is
false, the node is left opened. Default value is

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to group of this component
groupStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to group when
this component is rendered
hoveredGroupClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to hovered group of this
hoveredGroupStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to hovered
group when this component is rendered
hoveredItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to hovered item of this
hoveredItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to hovered
item when this component is rendered
iconCollapsedGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
collapsed Group state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconCollapsedTopGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
collapsed top group state.\ You can also
use predefined icons, setting the attribute
to one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconDisabledGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
disabled group state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconDisabledItem Path to the icon to be displayed for the
disabled item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconExpandedGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
expanded Group state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconExpandedTopGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
expanded top group state. You can also
use predefined icons, setting the attribute
to one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconGroupPosition Position of the icon for the group icon. Possible
values are "left","right","none". Default value is
iconGroupTopPosition Position of the icon for the top group
icon. Possible values are "left","right","none".
Default value is "left".
iconItem Path to the icon to be displayed for the
enabled item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconItemPosition Position of the icon for the item icon. Possible
values are "left","right","none". Default value is
iconItemTopPosition Position of the icon for the top item
icon. Possible values are "left","right","none".
Default value is "left".
iconTopDisabledItem Path to the icon to be displayed for the
disabled top item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconTopDisableGroup Path to the icon to be displayed for the
disabled top Group state. You can also
use predefined icons, setting the attribute
to one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconTopItem Path to the icon to be displayed for the
enabled top item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
itemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to item of this component
itemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to item when
this component is rendered.
label A localized user presentable name for this
mode Set the submission mode for all panel menu
items on the panel menu except ones where
this attribute redefined. Possible values are
"ajax", "server", "none". Default value is
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ongroupcollapse HTML: script expression; some group was

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

ongroupexpand HTML: script expression; some group was
onitemhover HTML: script expression; some item was
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseout HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseover HTML: script expression; a pointer was moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
selectedChild contain the name or the clientId of any of the
item or group, the child defined in this attribute
should be highlighted on PanelMenu rendering
style The CSS style for the panel menu.
styleClass The CSS class for the panel menu.
topGroupClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to top group of this
topGroupStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to top group
when this component is rendered

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

topItemClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to top item of this
topItemStyle CSS style(s) is/are to be applied to top item
when this component is rendered
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
width Set minimal width for the menu. Default value
is "100%".

Table 6.368. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PanelMenu
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenu
component-family org.richfaces.PanelMenu
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelMenuRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelMenuTag

6.73.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:panelMenu event="onmouseover">
<!--Nested panelMenu components-->

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.73.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenu;
HtmlPanelMenu myPanelMenu = new HtmlPanelMenu();

6.73.5. Details of Usage

All attributes are not required.

Use "event" attribute to define an event for appearance of collapsing/expanding sublevels. Default
value is "onclick". An example could be seen below.


<rich:panelMenu event="onmouseover">
<!--Nested panelMenu components-->

Switching mode could be chosen with the "mode" attribute for all panelMenu items except ones
where this attribute was redefined. By default all items send traditional request.

The "expandMode" attribute defines the submission modes for all collapsing/expanding
panelMenu groups except ones where this attribute was redefined.

The "mode" and "expandMode" attributes could be used with three possible parameters. The
"mode" attribute defines parameters for all included <rich:panelMenuItem> elements.

• Server (default)

The common submission of the form is performed and a page is completely refreshed.


<rich:panelMenu mode="server">
<rich:panelMenuGroup label="test Group" action="#{bean.action}">
<rich:panelMenuItem label="test" action="#{capitalsBean.action}">
<f:param value="test value" name="test"/>

Details of Usage


• Ajax

An Ajax form submission is performed, and additionally specified elements in the "reRender"
attribute are reRendered.


<rich:panelMenu mode="ajax">
<rich:panelMenuGroup label="test Group" action="#{bean.action}">
<rich:panelMenuItem label="test" reRender="test" action="#{capitalsBean.action}">
<f:param value="test value" name="test"/>

• None

"Action" and "ActionListener" item's attributes are ignored. Items don't fire any submits itself.
Behavior is fully defined by the components nested into items.


<rich:panelMenu event="onclick" submitMode="none">
<rich:panelMenuItem label="Link to external page">
<h:outputLink ... >

As the <rich:panelMenu> component doesn't provide its own form, use it
between <h:form> and </h:form> tags.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The "expandSingle" attribute is defined for expanding more than one submenu on the same
level. The default value is "false" . If it's true the previously opened group on the top level closes
before opening another one. See the picture below.

Figure 6.210. Using the "expandSingle" attribute

The "selectedChild" attribute is used for defining the name of the selected group or item. An
example for group is placed below:

Here is an example:


<rich:panelMenu selectedChild="thisChild">
<rich:panelMenuGroup label="Group1" name="thisChild">
<!--Nested panelMenu components-->

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

6.73.6. JavaScript API

In Java Script code for expanding/collapsing group element creation it's necessary to use
expand()/collapse() function.

Look-and-Feel Customization

Table 6.369. JavaScript API

Function Description
expand() Expands group element
collapse() Collapses group element

6.73.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method.

There are no skin parameters. To redefine the appearance of all <rich:panelMenu> components
at once, you should add to your style sheets the style class used by a <rich:panelMenu>

6.73.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.370. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Class description

rich-pmenu Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component
rich-pmenu-top-group Defines styles for a top group element of a

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panelMenu> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.211. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panelMenu> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panelMenu> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #ecf4fe;

The "hoveredItemClass" attribute for <rich:panelMenu> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:panelMenu ... hoveredItemClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.212. Redefinition styles with own classes and "styleClass"


As it could be seen on the picture above,background color for hovered item was changed.

6.73.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/panelMenu.jsf?c=panelMenu] you
can see the example of <rich:panelMenu> usage and sources for the given example.

6.74. < rich:panelMenuGroup >

6.74.1. Description
The <rich:panelMenuGroup> component is used to define an expandable group of items inside
the panel menu or other group.

Figure 6.213. <rich:panelMenuGroup> component

6.74.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Different submission modes inside every group

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Optional submissions on expand collapse groups

• Custom and predefined icons supported

• Support for disabling

Table 6.371. rich : panelMenuGroup attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey This attribute assigns an access key to an
element. An access key is a single character
from the document character set. Note:
Authors should consider the input method
of the expected reader when specifying an
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
align Deprecated. This attribute specifies the
horizontal alignment of its element with respect
to the surrounding context. The possible values
are "left", "center", "right" and "justify". The
default depends on the base text direction. For
left to right text, the default is align="left", while
for right to left text, the default is align="right".
alt For a user agents that cannot display images,
forms, or applets, this attribute specifies
alternate text. The language of the alternate
text is specified by the lang attribute
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disabled When set for a form control, this boolean
attribute disables the control for your input
disabledClass Class to be applied to disabled items.
disabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to disabled items.
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
expanded If true group will be displayed expanded
initially. Default value is "false".
expandMode Set the submission mode for all panel menu
groups after expand/collapse except ones
where this attribute redefined. Possible value
are "ajax", "server", "none". Default value is
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
hoverClass Class to be applied to hovered items.
hoverStyle CSS style rules to be applied to hovered items.
iconClass Class to be applied to icon element.
iconCollapsed Path to the icon to be displayed for the
collapsed item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconDisabled Path to the icon to be displayed for the disabled
item state.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

iconExpanded Path to the icon to be displayed for the
expanded item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconStyle CSS style rules to be applied
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
label Displayed node's text
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
maxlength When the type attribute has the value "text"
or "password", this attribute specifies the
maximum number of characters you may enter.
This number may exceed the specified size,
in which case the user agent should offer a
scrolling mechanism. The default value for this
attribute is an unlimited number
name Refers to group/item with the same name.
Default value is "getId()".
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onchange HTML: script expression; the element value
was changed
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncollapse HTML: script expression; group was closed
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onexpand HTML: script expression; group was opened
onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselect HTML: script expression; The onselect event
occurs when you select some text in a text field.
This attribute may be used with the INPUT and
TEXTAREA elements
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
size This attribute tells the user agent the initial
width of the control. The width is given in pixels
except when type attribute has the value "text"
or "password". In that case, its value refers to
the (integer) number of characters
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) to be applied when this
component is rendered.
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.
tabindex This attribute specifies the position of the
current element in the tabbing order for the
current document. This value must be a
number between 0 and 32767. User agents
should ignore leading zeros
target Target frame for action to execute.

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value for this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes

Table 6.372. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PanelMenuGroup
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenuGroup
component-family org.richfaces.PanelMenuGroup
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelMenuGroupRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelMenuGroupTag

6.74.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:panelMenuGroup label="Group1">
<!--Nested panelMenu components-->

6.74.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenuGroup;
HtmlPanelMenuGroup myPanelMenuGroup = new HtmlPanelMenuGroup();

6.74.5. Details of Usage

All attributes except "label" are optional. The "label" attribute defines text to be represented.

Switching mode could be chosen with the "expandMode" attribute for the concrete panelMenu

The "expandMode" attribute could be used with three possible parameters:

• ServerM (default)

Regular form submission request is used.

• Ajax

Ajax submission is used for switching.

• None

"Action" and "actionListener" attributes are ignored. Items don't fire any submits itself. Behavior
is fully defined by the components nested into items.

There are three icon-related attributes. The "iconExpanded" attribute defines an icon for an
expanded state. The "iconCollapsed" attribute defines an icon for a collapsed state. The
"iconDisabled" attribute defines an icon for a disabled state.

Default icons are shown on the picture below:

Figure 6.214. Default icons

Here is an example:

Details of Usage


<rich:panelMenuGroup label="Group1" iconExpanded="disc" iconCollapsed="chevron">
<!--Nested panelMenu components-->

As the result the pictures are shown below. The first one represents the collapsed state, the
second one - expanded state:

Figure 6.215. Collapsed state

Figure 6.216. Expanded state

It's also possible to define a path to the icon. Simple code is placed below.

<rich:panelMenuGroup label="Group1" iconExpanded="\images
\img1.png" iconCollapsed="\images\img2.png">
<!--Nested menu components-->

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.74.6. JavaScript API

In Java Script code for expanding/collapsing group element creation it's necessary to use
expand()/collapse() function.

Table 6.373. JavaScript API

Function Description
expand() Expand group element
collapse() Collapse group element

6.74.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:panelMenuGroup> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:panelMenuGroup> component

6.74.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.374. Skin parameters redefinition for a table element of the first level
Skin parameters CSS properties
headerWeightFont font-weight
generalFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
headerTextColor color
headerBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.375. Skin parameters redefinition for a table element of second and
next level groups
Skin parameters CSS properties
headerWeightFont font-weight
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
tableBorderColor border-top-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.376. Skin parameters redefinition for wrapper div element of the first
level group

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.377. Skin parameters redefinition for a hovered group element

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.378. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled group element

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabDisabledTextColor color

6.74.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.217. Classes names

Figure 6.218. Classes names

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.379. Classes names that define an upper level groups

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-top-group-self-icon Defines styles for a top group icon
rich-pmenu-top-group-self-label Defines styles for a top group label

Table 6.380. Classes names that define a second and lower level groups

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-group Defines styles for a group
rich-pmenu-group-self-icon Defines styles for a group icon
rich-pmenu-group-self-label Defines styles for a group label

Table 6.381. Classes names that define a group state

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-hovered-element Defines styles for a hovered group element
rich-pmenu-disabled-element Defines styles for a disabled group element

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panelMenuGroup> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


color: #87b9ff;

This is a result:

Figure 6.219. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

Relevant resources links

In the example a disabled element font style and color were changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panelMenuGroup> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panelMenuGroup>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #ecf4fe;

The "hoverClass" attribute for <rich:panelMenuGroup> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:panelMenuGroup ... hoverClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.220. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the background color for hovered item was changed.

6.74.10. Relevant resources links

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.75. < rich:panelMenuItem >

6.75.1. Description
The <rich:panelMenuItem> component is used to define a single item inside popup list.

Figure 6.221. <rich:panelMenuItem> component

6.75.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Different submission modes

• Optionally supports any content inside

• Custom and predefined icons supported

• Support for disabling

Table 6.382. rich : panelMenuItem attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disabled If true sets state of the item to disabled state.
Default value is "false".
disabledClass Class to be applied to disabled items.
disabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to disabled items.
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
hoverClass Class to be applied to hovered items.
hoverStyle CSS style rules to be applied to hovered items.
icon Path to the icon or the default one name to be
displayed for the enabled item state. You can
also use predefined icons, setting the attribute
to one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".
iconClass Class to be applied to icon element.
iconDisabled Path to the icon to be displayed for the
disabled item state. You can also use
predefined icons, setting the attribute to
one of these possible values: "triangle",
"triangleUp", "triangleDown", "disc", "chevron",
"chevronUp", "chevronDown", "grid". Default
value is "grid".

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

iconStyle CSS style rules to be applied
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
label Defines representation text for menuItem.
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
mode Set the submission mode. Possible values are
"ajax", "server", "none". Default value is "none".
name 'selectedChild' attribute of PanelMenu refers to
group/item with the same name. Default value
is "getId()".
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
target Target frame for action to execute.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component

Table 6.383. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PanelMenuItem
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenuItem
component-family org.richfaces.PanelMenuItem
renderer-type org.richfaces.PanelMenuItemRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PanelMenuItemTag

6.75.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:panelMenuItem value="Item1"/>

6.75.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPanelMenuItem;
HtmlPanelMenuItem myPanelMenuItem = new HtmlPanelMenuItem();

6.75.5. Details of Usage

All attributes except "label" are optional. The "label" attribute defines text to be represented.

Details of Usage

The "mode" attribute could be used with three possible parameters:

• Server (default)

Regular form submission request is used.

• Ajax

Ajax submission is used for switching.

• None

"Action" and "actionListener" attributes are ignored. Items don't fire any submits itself. Behavior
is fully defined by the components nested into items.

Here is an example for value "none":


<rich:panelMenuItem submitMode="none" onclick="document.location.href='http://
<h:outputLink value="http://labs.jboss.com/jbossrichfaces/">
<h:outputText value="RichFaces Home Page"></h:outputText>

There are two icon-related attributes. The "icon" attribute defines an icon. The "iconDisabled"
attribute defines an icon for a disabled item.

Default icons are shown on the picture below:

Figure 6.222. Default icons

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Here is an example:


<rich:panelMenuItem ="Item 1.1" icon="chevronUp" />

As the result the picture is shown below:

Figure 6.223. Using an "icon" attribute

It's also possible to define a path to the icon. Simple code is placed below.

<rich:panelMenuItem ="Item 1.1" icon="\images\img1.png" />

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.75.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:panelMenuItem> components at

Skin Parameters Redefinition

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:panelMenuItem> component

6.75.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.384. Skin parameters redefinition for a table element of the first level

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalFamilyFont font-family
generalWeightFont font-weight
generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
panelBorderColor border-top-color

Table 6.385. Skin parameter redefinition for a disabled item

Parameter for disabled item CSS properties

tabDisabledTextColor color

6.75.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.224. Classes names

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.225. Classes names

Table 6.386. Classes names that define the first level items

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-top-item Defines styles for a top panel menu item
rich-pmenu-top-item-icon Defines styles for a top panel menu item icon
rich-pmenu-top-item-label Defines styles for a top panel menu item label

Table 6.387. Classes names that define the second and lower level items

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-item Defines styles for a panel menu item
rich-pmenu-item-icon Defines styles for a panel menu item icon
rich-pmenu-item-label Defines styles for a panel menu item label

Table 6.388. Classes names that define items state

Class name Description

rich-pmenu-item-selected Defines styles for a panel menu selected item
rich-pmenu-disabled-element Defines styles for a disabled panel menu item
rich-pmenu-hovered-element Defines styles for a hovered panel menu item

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:panelMenuItem> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


.rich-pmenu-hovered-element {
background-color: #ff7800;

Definition of Custom Style Classes


This is a result:

Figure 6.226. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a hovered element background color was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:panelMenuItem> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:panelMenuItem>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


.myClass {
color: #a0a0a0;

The "disabledClass" attribute for <rich:panelMenuItem> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:panelMenuItem ... disabledClass="myClass"/>

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

This is a result:

Figure 6.227. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the text color for disabled item was changed.

6.75.9. Relevant resources links

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://

6.76. < rich:pickList >

6.76.1. Description

The <rich:pickList> component is used for moving selected item(s) from one list into another.

Figure 6.228. <rich:pickList> component

6.76.2. Key Features

• Multiple selection of list items

• Keyboard support

• Supports standard JSF internationalization

• Highly customizable look and feel

Key Features

Table 6.389. rich : pickList attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
controlClass CSS class for a list
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
copyAllControlLabel Defines a label for a copyAll control
copyControlLabel Defines a label for a copy control
disabled If "true", disable this component on page.
disabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to disabled
disabledStyleClass The disabledStyleClass for disabled controls
enabledStyle CSS style rules to be applied to enabled
enabledStyleClass The enabledStyleClass for enabled controls
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
listClass CSS class for a list
listsHeight Defines height of the list
moveControlsVerticalAlign Customizes vertically a position of move/copy
controls relatively to lists. Default value is
onblur HTML: script expression; the element lost the
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onfocus HTML: script expression; the element got the
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onlistchanged A JavaScript event handler called on a list
change operation
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
removeAllControlLabel Defines a label for a removeAll control
removeControlLabel Defines a label for a remove control
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
showButtonsLabel Shows a label for a button
sourceListWidth Defines width of a source list
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchByClick If "true", dragging between lists realized by
targetListWidth Defines width of a target list

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes

Table 6.390. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.PickList
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPickList
component-family org.richfaces.PickList
renderer-type org.richfaces.PickListRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.PickListTag

6.76.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:pickList value="#{pickBean.targetValues}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="Bentley" itemLabel="Bentley"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{pickBean.sourceValues}"/>

6.76.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlPickList;

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

HtmlPickList myPickList = new HtmlPickList();

6.76.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:pickList> component consists of

• 2 item lists. Every item has three different representations: common, selected, active.
Combination of these states is possible.

• Move controls set is a set of controls, which performs moving items between lists.

The "value" attribute is the initial value of this component.

The <f:selectItem /> or <f:selectItems /> facets are used to define the values of a source list.


<rich:pickList value="#{pickBean.listValues}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="Bentley" itemLabel="Bentley"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Audi" itemLabel="Audi"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{pickBean.sourceList}"/>

The "switchByClick" attribute provides an option to copy and remove items between lists by one
click. Default value of this attribute is "false", so you need a double click to copy, remove items
from one list to another.

Lables of the move controls can be defined with "copyAllControlLabel" , "copyControlLabel" ,

"removeControlLabel" , "removeAllControlLabel" attributes.


<rich:pickList copyAllControlLabel = "#{pickBean.copyAllLabel}" copyControlLabel = "#{pickBean.copyLabel}" re
removeAllControlLabel ="#{pickBean.removeAllLabel}" value="#{pickBean.listValues}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="Bentley" itemLabel="Bentley"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Audi" itemLabel="Audi"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{pickBean.sourceList}"/>

Details of Usage

If you don't want to display labels on the buttons you need to set "showButtonsLabel" to "false".

Figure 6.229. Move control buttons without labels

With the help of "moveControlsVerticalAlign" attribute you can align move controls vertically.

The possible value for "moveControlsVerticalAlign" are "top", "bottom" and "center" (default

The <rich:pickList> component provides resizing of lists by using such attributes as:

• "listsHeight" defines height of the lists.

• "sourceListWidth" defines width of a source list.

• "targetListWidth" defines width of a target list.


<rich:pickList listsHeight="#{pickBean.listsHeight}" sourceListWidth="#{pickBean.sourceListWidth}" targetListWid
<f:selectItem itemValue="Bentley" itemLabel="Bentley"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="Audi" itemLabel="Audi"/>
<f:selectItems value="#{pickBean.sourceList}"/>

The <rich:pickList> component allows to use internationalization method

to redefine and localize the labels. You could use application resource

Table 6.391. Keyboard usage for elements selection

Keys and combinations Description

CTRL+click Inverts selection for an item
SHIFT+click Selects all rows from active one to a clicked
row if they differ, else select the active row. All
other selections are cleared

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Keys and combinations Description

CTRL+A Selects all elements inside the list if some
active element is already present in a list
Up, Down arrows Changes the active and selected elements to
the next or previous in a list

6.76.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:pickList> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:pickList> component

6.76.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.392. Skin parameters redefinition for a list

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.393. Skin parameters redefinition for a button

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColorr background-color
generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.394. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled button

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
tabDisabledTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.395. Skin parameters redefinition for a pressed button

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color

Skin Parameters Redefinition

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Table 6.396. Skin parameters redefinition for a highlighted button

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColor color
headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFon font-size
selectControlColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Table 6.397. Skin parameters redefinition for a button selection

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color

Table 6.398. Skin parameters redefinition for a button content

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerFamilyFont font-family
headerSizeFont font-size

Table 6.399. Skin parameters redefinition for a source and target items

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Table 6.400. Skin parameters redefinition for a source and target cell

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.401. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected source and target

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalTextColor color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.402. Skin parameters redefinition for an active source and target cell

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalTextColor border-top-color
generalTextColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.403. Skin parameters redefinition for a selected source and target

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

Table 6.404. Skin parameters redefinition for a controls

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor border-color

6.76.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

The following pictures illustrate how CSS classes define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.230. Classes names

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.231. Classes names

Table 6.405. Classes names that define a list representation

Class name Description

rich-picklist-list Defines styles for a wrapper <table> element
of a pickList

Table 6.406. Classes names that define a source and target items

Class name Description

rich-picklist-source-items Defines styles for an item in a source list
rich-picklist-target-items Defines styles for an item in a target list

Table 6.407. Classes names that define a source cell representation

Class name Description

rich-picklist-source-cell Defines styles for a cell in a source list
rich-picklist-source-cell-selected Defines styles for a selected cell in a source list
rich-picklist-source-cell-active Defines styles for an active cell in a source list

Table 6.408. Classes names that define a target cell representation

Class name Description

rich-picklist-target-cell Defines styles for a cell in a source list
rich-picklist-target-cell-selected Defines styles for a selected cell in a target list
rich-picklist-target-cell-active Defines styles for an active cell in a target list

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.409. Classes names that define a selected source and target rows

Class name Description

rich-picklist-source-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row in a source list
rich-picklist-target-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row in a target list

Table 6.410. Classes names that define a control representation

Class name Description

rich-picklist-control-disabled Defines styles for a control in a disabled state
rich-picklist-control-copyall Defines styles for a "copyAll" control
rich-picklist-control-copy Defines styles for a "Copy" control
rich-picklist-control-remove Defines styles for a "Remove" control
rich-picklist-control-removeall Defines styles for a "removeAll" control

Table 6.411. Classes names that define a button representation

Class name Description

rich-list-picklist-button Defines styles for a button
rich-list-picklist-button-disabled Defines styles for a disabled button
rich-list-picklist-button-press Defines styles for a pressed button
rich-list-picklist-button-light Defines styles for a button highlight
rich-list-picklist-button-selection Defines styles for a button selection
rich-list-picklist-button-content Defines styles for a button content

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:pickList> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.232. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the background color for lists is changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:pickList> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in the corresponding <rich:pickList> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:pickList> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:pickList ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.233. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style for buttons is changed.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.76.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/pickList.jsf?c=pickList] you can see
an example of <rich:pickList> usage and sources for the given example.

6.77. < rich:progressBar >

6.77.1. Description
The <rich:progressBar> component is designed for displaying a progress bar which shows the
current status of the process.

Figure 6.234. <rich:progressBar> component

6.77.2. Key Features

• Ajax or Client modes

• Option to control rerendering frequency

• Customizable status information label

• Highly customizable look and feel

Table 6.412. rich : progressBar attributes

Attribute Name Description
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
completeClass CSS class that defines style for progress line
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

enabled Enables/disables polling. Default value is
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
finishClass CSS class that defines style for complete state
of the component
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
initialClass CSS class that defines style for initial state of
the component
interval Interval (in ms) for call poll requests. Default
value 1000 ms (1 sec)
label Attribute defines a simple label instead of
rendering children component
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
maxValue Max value, after which complete state should
be rendered. Default value is "100".

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

minValue Min value when initial state should be
rendered. Default value is "0".
mode Attributes defines AJAX or CLIENT modes for
component. Possible values are "ajax", "client".
Default value is "client".
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onsubmit JavaScript code for call before submission of
ajax event
parameters Parameters for macrosubstitution in the label
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

progressVar Provides access to value of the component on
the client
remainClass CSS class that defines style for remained part
of progress bar
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
reRenderAfterComplete Set of componets to rerender after completion
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass CSS class that defines style for progress bar
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
value Sets the current value of the progress

Table 6.413. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ProgressBar
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlProgressBar
component-family org.richfaces.ProgressBar
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.ProgressBarRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ProgressBarTag

6.77.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example of how the component can be used on a page:


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}"/>

6.77.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.progressBar;
HtmlProgressBar myProgressBar = new progressBar();

6.77.5. Details of Usage

As it was mentioned above, the <rich:progressBar> component displays the status of the
ongoing process.

The <rich:progressBar> component can run in two modes: Ajax (default) and Client.

• Ajax - In this mode the component works the same way as <a4j:poll/> which gets the current
progress value from the sever, repeating after a set time interval.

• Client - The current progress value in Client mode is set using JavaScript API

In order to define the mode you need to use "mode" attribute.

One of the key attributes of the component is "interval" which defines the frequency of status
polling and rerenders the component when the value is updated.

Polling is active while the "enabled" attribute is "true".


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" id="progrs" interval="900" enabled="true"/>

With the help of "timeout" attribute you can define the waiting time on a particular request. If a
response is not received during this time the request is aborted.

Status of the process is calculated basing on values of the following attributes:

• "value" is a value binding to the current progress value

Details of Usage

• "minValue" (default value is "0") sets minimal progress value

• "maxValue" (default value is "100") sets maximum progress value


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" minValue="50" maxValue="400"/>

This is the result

Figure 6.235. Progress bar

There are two ways to display information on a progress bar:

• Using "label" attribute


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" id="progrs" label="#{bean.incValue}"/>

• Using any child(nested) components. One of the components that can be used is
<h:outputText />


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.incValue} %"/>

The "progressVar" attribute defines request scoped variable that could be used for substitution
purpose. This variable contains the data taken from "value" attribute. Please, study carefully the
following example.



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}" enabled="#{bean.enabled1}" id="progrs1" progressVar="progress">

<h:outputText value="{progress}%"/>

In the shown example "progressVar" attribute defines a variable "progress" with the value taken
from "value" attribute of the <rich:progressBar> component. The "progress" variable performs
substitution passing the current progress value to the "value" attribute of the <h:outputText> .
This is how the current value of a progress appears on the label of <rich:progressBar> .

The <rich:progressBar> component provides 3 predefined macrosubstitution parameters:

• {value} contains the current value

• {minValue} contains min value

• {maxValue} contains max value

You can use them as follows:


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}" minValue="400" maxValue="900">
<h:outputText value="Min value is {minValue}, current value is {value}, max value
is {maxValue}"/>

This is the result:

Figure 6.236. Macrosubstitution

The "parameters" is also a special attribute which defines parameters that can be to get additional
data from server (e.g. additional info about process status). All you need is to define the value
of your own parameter (e.g parameters="param:'#{bean.incValue1}'") and you can use it to
pass the data.


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" parameters="param:'#{bean.dwnlSpeed}'">
<h:outputText value="download speed {param} KB/s"/>

JavaScript API


This is the result

Figure 6.237. Usage of parameters

The component can also employ "initial" and "complete" facets to display the states of the
process: "initial" facet is displayed when the progress value is less or equal to "minValue" , and
the "complete" facet is shown when the value is greater or equal to "maxValue" . Please see
an example below.


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}">
<f:facet name="initial">
<h:outputText value="Process not started"/>
<f:facet name="complete">
<h:outputText value="Process completed"/>

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.77.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.414. JavaScript API

Function Description
enable() Begins polling for ajax mode
disable() Stops polling for ajax mode
setValue(value) Updates the progress of the process
setLabel(label) Update the label for the process

6.77.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:progressBar> components at once:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:progressBar> component

6.77.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.415. Skin parameters redefinition for the progressBar without a label
Skin parameters CSS properties
controlBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.416. Skin parameters redefinition for the completed progress area
of the progressBar without a label
Skin parameters CSS properties
selectControlColor background-color

Table 6.417. Skin parameters redefinition for the progressBar with a label
Skin parameters CSS properties
panelBorderColor border-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size
controlTextColor color

Table 6.418. Skin parameters redefinition for the label of the progressBar
Skin parameters CSS properties
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.419. Skin parameters redefinition for the completed progress area
of the progressBar with a label
Skin parameters CSS properties
selectControlColor background-color
controlBackgroundColor color

Table 6.420. Skin parameters redefinition for the remained progress area of
the progressBar with a label
Skin parameters CSS properties
controlBackgroundColor background-color
controlTextColor color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

6.77.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.238. Classes names

Table 6.421. Classes names for the progressBar without a label

Class name Description

rich-progress-bar-shell Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a progressBar
rich-progress-bar-uploaded Defines styles for the completed progress area
rich-progress-bar-height Defines height for a progressBar
rich-progress-bar-width Defines width for a progressBar

Table 6.422. Classes names for the progressBar with a label

Class name Description

rich-progress-bar-shell-dig Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a progressBar
rich-progress-bar-uploaded-dig Defines styles for the label
rich-progress-bar-remained Defines styles for the remained progress area
rich-progress-bar-completed Defines styles for the completed progress area
rich-progress-bar-height-dig Defines height for a progressBar
rich-progress-bar-width Defines width for a progressBar


It's necessary to define width of the component in pixels only.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:progressBar> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


background-color: #ebf3fd;

This is the result:

Figure 6.239. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example above background color of the remained part of progress area was changed.

It's aslo possible to change styles of a particular <rich:progressBar> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:progressBar> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


background-color: #ebf3fd;

The "remainClass" attribute for <rich:progressBar> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}" styleClass="remainClass"/>

This is the result:

Relevant Resources Links

Figure 6.240. Modificaton of a look and feel with own classes and styleClass

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color of the remained part of progress area
was changed.

6.77.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/progressBar.jsf?c=progressBar] you

can see the example of <rich:progressBar> usage and sources for the given example.

6.78. < rich:scrollableDataTable >

6.78.1. Description

The <rich:scrollableDataTable> component is used for the table-like component creation.

The component just adds the set of additional features described below in comparison with the
standard table.

Figure 6.241. <rich:scrollableDataTable> component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.78.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Variable content of the table cells

• Dynamically fetching the rows from the server when the table is scrolled up and down

• Resizing columns by mouse dragging the column bar

• Sorting column by clicking the header

• Fixed one or more left columns when table is scrolled horizontally

• One and multi-selection rows mode

• Built-it drag-n-drop support

• Sorting column values

Table 6.423. rich : scrollableDataTable attributes

Attribute Name Description
activeClass A CSS class to be applied to an active row
activeRowKey Request scope attribute under which the
activeRowKey will be accessible
ajaxKeys This attribute defines row keys that are updated
after an AJAX request
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
columnClasses Comma-delimited list of CSS style classes that
are be applied to the columns of this table.
A space separated list of classes may also
be specified for any individual column. If the
number of elements in this list is less than the
number of columns specified in the "columns"
attribute, no "class" attribute is output for each
column greater than the number of elements in
the list. If the number of elements in the list is
greater than the number of columns specified
in the "columns" attribute, the elements at
the position in the list after the value of the
"columns" attribute are ignored

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
footerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any footer generated for
this table
frozenColCount Defines the number of the fixed columns from
the left side that will not be scrolled via
horizontal scroll. Default value is "0".
headerClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es)
that are be applied to any header generated for
this table
height Defines a height of the component. Default
value is "500px".
hideWhenScrolling If "true" data will be hidden during scrolling.
Can be used for increase performance. Default
value is "false".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
onRowClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on row

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onRowDblClick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on row
onRowMouseDown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on row
onRowMouseUp HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on row
onselectionchange HTML: script expression to invoke on changing
of rows selection
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach
the end, and then we start at the beginning

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

rowKeyConverter Converter for a row key object
rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
rows A number of rows to display, or zero for all
remaining rows in the table
scriptVar Name of JavaScript variable corresponding to
selectedClass Name of the CSS class for a selected row
selection Value binding representing selected rows
sortMode Defines mode of sorting. Possible values are
'single' for sorting of one column and 'multi' for
sortOrder ValueBinding pointing at a property of a class
to manage rows sorting
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when
width Defines a width of the component. Default
value is "700px".

Table 6.424. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.component.ScrollableDataTable
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlScrollableDataTable
component-family org.richfaces.component.ScrollableDataTable

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ScrollableDataTableRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ScrollableDataTableTag

6.78.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:


<rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category">
<!--...//Set of columns and header/footer facets-->

6.78.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlScrollableDataTable;
HtmlScrollableDataTable myScrollableDataTable = new HtmlScrollableDataTable();

6.78.5. Details of Usage

The component represents on a page as a scrollable table with some fixed (non-scrollable) rows
( with header and footer) and columns. Like other tables <rich:scrollableDataTable> also has
optional footer and header that could be implemented using the corresponding facets. Columns of
the table are optionally resizable. Resizing is available using "drag and drop" of the column vertical
borders. There is possibility to expand or collapse the columns through JS API on the client side.
You can define the number of the fixed columns from the left side using attribute "frozenColCount"
that is not scrolled via horizontal scroll.

There is possibility to increase component performance using attribute "hideWhenScrolling" . If

attribute value is "true" data is hidden during scrolling.

It's possible to select the whole row with onclick on the row or some set of rows. Selection is
optional and availability of such feature is defined on the component. There are two ways to select
a few rows:

• Just clicking the columns one by one.

Details of Usage

• Clicking some row with the SHIFT button hold. In this case all the rows starting from last selected
up to clicked should be selected.

The columns provides the possibility of expanding/collapsing on the client side through the next

• collapse(columnId) - Performs the collapse action for the column with the corresponding id
It's possible to sort the table content after clicks on the header. The feature is optional. Every
column should be pointed to the comparator method that is used for sorting the table. In case the
<rich:scrollableDataTable> is already sorted by some column and the header of this column
has been clicked again - the sorting is reversed.

After sorting selection that was made before is reset

The typical variant of using:

<rich:scrollableDataTable value="#{modelBuilder.model}" var="issues"
<rich:column width="100px">
<f:facet name="header" >
<h:outputText value="State"/>
<h:outputText value="#{issues.cell1}"/>
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:outputText value="State"/>
<!--...//Set of columns and header/footer facets-->

The "selection" attribute allows to get the row data when using one and multi-selection rows

This attribute is a reference to object to the instace of

org.richfaces.model.selection.Selection interface, containing current collection of objects
selected by you.

In the following example when you submit the form, current collection of the selected objects is
placed in the object's property. Then on complete action the <rich:modalPanel> with selected
data is shown.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:spacer height="30" />
<rich:scrollableDataTable rowKeyVar="rkv" frozenColCount="1" height="200px"
width="300px" id="carList" rows="40" columnClasses="col"
value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.allCars}" var="category" sortMode="single"
<rich:column id="make">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Make" /
<h:outputText value="#{category.make}" />
<rich:column id="model">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Model" /
<h:outputText value="#{category.model}" />
<rich:column id="price">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="Price" /
<h:outputText value="#{category.price}" />
<rich:spacer height="20px"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Show Current Selection" reRender="table"
<rich:modalPanel id="panel" autosized="true">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Selected Rows"/>
<f:facet name="controls">

<span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('panel')">X</

<rich:dataTable value="#{dataTableScrollerBean.selectedCars}" var="sel" id="table">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Make" /></f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{sel.make}" />

Details of Usage

<rich:column id="model">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Model" /></f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{sel.model}" />
<rich:column id="price">
<f:facet name="header"><h:outputText value="Price" /></f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{sel.price}" />

This is a result:

Figure 6.242. The "selection" attribute usage

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesCookbook/ScrollableDataTableSelectionUsage] you

can find fuller example of use of this attribute with example bean.

The <rich:scrollableDataTable> component has the following extra attributes for event
processing on the client:

• "onselectionchange"

• "oncomplete"

• "onRowClick"

• "onRowDblClick"

• "onRowMouseUp"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• "onRowMouseDown"

Information about sorting and filtering you can find here.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.78.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.425. JavaScript API

Function Description
collapse(columnId) Performs a collapse action for column with
corresponding Id

6.78.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:scrollableDataTable> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:scrollableDataTable> component

6.78.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.426. Skin parameters for all table

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBackgroundColor background-color
tableBorderColor border-color
tableBorderWidth border-width

Table 6.427. Skin parameters for header rows and cells

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderWidth border-bottom-width
tableBorderColor border-bottom-color
tableBorderWidth border-right-width
tableBorderColor border-right-color

Table 6.428. Skin parameters for footer rows and cells

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableSubfooterBackgroundColor background-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size
tableBorderColor border-right-color
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalSizeFont font-size

Table 6.429. Skin parameters for column cells

Skin parameters CSS properties

tableBorderColor border-right-color
tableBorderColor border-bottom-color

Table 6.430. Skin parameters for active rows

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabDisabledTextColor color

Table 6.431. Skin parameters for selected rows

Skin parameters CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color

6.78.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.243. Classes names

Table 6.432. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description
rich-sdt Defines styles for a component appearance

Table 6.433. Classes names that define footer and header elements
Class name Description
rich-sdt-header-cell Defines styles for header cells
rich-sdt-header-row Defines styles for a header raw
rich-sdt-column-cell Defines styles for column cells
rich-sdt-footer-cell Defines styles for footer cells
rich-sdt-footer-row Defines styles for a footer raw
rich-sdt-hsep Defines styles for header separators

Table 6.434. Classes names that define different states

Class name Description
rich-sdt-row-active Defines styles for an active row

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-sdt-row-selected Defines styles for a selected row
rich-sdt-column-sort-up Defines styles for ascending sorted column
rich-sdt-column-sort-down Defines styles for descending sorted column

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:scrollableDataTable> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.244. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for header cell was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:scrollableDataTable> component.

In this case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding
<rich:scrollableDataTable> styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:



Relevant Resources Links

The "selectedClass" attribute for <rich:scrollableDataTable> is defined as it's shown in the

example below:


<rich:scrollableDataTable ... selectedClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.245. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color for selected item was changed.

6.78.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/scrollableDataTable.jsf?
c=scrollableDataTable] you can see the example of <rich:scrollableDataTable> usage.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.79. < rich:separator >

6.79.1. Description
A horizontal line to use as a separator in a layout. The line type can be customized with the
"lineType" parameter.

Figure 6.246. <rich:separator> component

6.79.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Leveraging layout elements creation

Table 6.435. rich : separator attributes

Attribute Name Description
align This attribute specifies a position of the
separator according to the document. The
possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
Default value is "left".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
height The separator height. Default value is "6px".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
lineType A line type. The possible values are
"beveled" (default), "dotted", "dashed",
"double", "solid" and "none".
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title HTML: An advisory title for this element. Often
displayed as a tooltip
width The separator width that can be defined in
pixels or in percents. Default value is "100%".

Table 6.436. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.separator
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSeparator
component-family org.richfaces.separator
renderer-type org.richfaces.SeparatorRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.SeparatorTag

6.79.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used on a page:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.79.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSeparator;
HtmlSeparator mySeparator = new HtmlSeparator();

6.79.5. Details of Usage

<rich:separator> is a simple layout component, which represents a separator stylized as a skin.
Thus, the main attributes that define its style are "style" and "styleClass". In addition there
are "width" and "height" attributes that should be specified in pixels. On the HTML page the
component is transposed into HTML <div> tag.

The line type can be customized with the "lineType" parameter. For example, different
line types are shown after rendering with the following initial settings lineType="double"and

Figure 6.247. Different line types of <rich:separator>

Except style attributes, there are also event definition attributes:

• "onmouseover"

• "onclick"

• "onmouseout"

Look-and-Feel Customization

• etc.

6.79.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method.

To redefine the appearance of all <rich:separator> components at once, you should add to your
style sheets the style class used by a <rich:separator> component.

6.79.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.437. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description
rich-separator Defines styles for a component appearance

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:separator> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.248. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example background color for separator was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:separator> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:separator> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:separator> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:separator ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.249. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above,background color for separator was changed.

6.79.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/separator.jsf?c=separator] you can
see the example of <rich:separator> usage and sources for the given example.

6.80. < rich:simpleTogglePanel >

6.80.1. Description
A collapsible panel, which content shows/hides after activating a header control.

Figure 6.250. <rich:simpleTogglePanel> component

6.80.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

Key Features

• Support for any content inside

• Collapsing expanding content

• Three modes of collapsing/expanding

• Server

• Client

• Ajax

Table 6.438. rich : simpleTogglePanel attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bodyClass A class that defines a style for a panel content
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

headerClass Class that defines the style for panel header
height Height of a simple toggle panel content area
might be defined as pixels or in percents. By
default height is not defined
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
label Marker to be rendered on a panel header
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncollapse Event must occurs on befor panel collapsed
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onexpand Event must occurs on befor panel expanded
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
opened A "false" value for this attribute makes the
panel closed by default. Default value is "true".
openedSet openedSet
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

switchType Facets switch algorithm: "client",
"server"(default), "ajax"
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
value The current value for this component
width Width of a simple toggle panel might be defined
as pixels or in percents. By default width is not

Table 6.439. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.SimpleTogglePanel
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSimpleTogglePanel
component-family org.richfaces.SimpleTogglePanel
renderer-type org.richfaces.SimpleTogglePanelRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.SimpleTogglePanelTag

6.80.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:



6.80.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSimpleTogglePanel;
HtmlSimpleTogglePanel myPanel = new HtmlSimpleTogglePanel();

Details of Usage

6.80.5. Details of Usage

The component is a simplified version of toggle panel that initially has a defined layout as a panel
with a header playing a role of a mode switching control. On a component header element, it's
possible to define a label using an attribute with the same name.

Switching mode could be defined with the "switchType" attribute with three possible parameters.

• Server (DEFAULT)

The common submission is performed around simpleTogglePanel and a page is completely

rendered on a called panel. Only one at a time panel is uploaded onto the client side.

• Ajax

AJAX form submission is performed around the panel, content of the called panel is uploaded
on Ajax request and additionally specified elements in the "reRender" attribute are rendered.
Only one at a time panel is uploaded on the client side.

• Client

All panels are uploaded on the client side. Switching from the active to the hidden panel is
performed with client JavaScript.

The <rich:simpleTogglePanel> component also has an "opened" attribute responsible for

keeping a panel state. It gives an opportunity to manage state of the component from a model. If
the value of this attribute is"true" the component is expanded.

• "onmouseover "

• "onclick "

• "onmouseout "

• etc.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.251. <rich:simpleTogglePanel> states

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.80.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:simpleTooglePanel> components
at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:simpleTooglePanel> component

6.80.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.440. Skin parameters for a whole component

Skin parameters CSS properties
generalBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.441. Skin parameters for a header element

Skin parameters CSS properties
headerBackgroundColor background-color
headerBackgroundColor border-color
headerSizeFont font-size
headTextColor color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerWeightFont font-weight
headerFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.442. Skin parameters for a body element

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
generalSizeFont font-size
panelTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

6.80.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.252. Style classes

Table 6.443. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Class description

rich-stglpanel Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a component
rich-stglpanel-header Defines styles for header element of a
rich-stglpnl-marker Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a marker
rich-stglpanel-body Defines styles for a component content

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.444. Style component classes

Class name Class description
styleClass The class defines panel common style. It's
used in the outside <div> element
bodyClass applicable to panels body elements
headerClass applicable to header elements

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:simpleTogglePanel> components on a page using CSS,
it's enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.253. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for header was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:simpleTogglePanel> component.

In this case you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding
<rich:simpleTogglePanel> styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:



Relevant Resources Links

The "bodyClass" attribute for <rich:simpleTogglePanel> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:simpleTogglePanel ... bodyClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.254. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above,background color for body was changed.

6.80.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/simpleTogglePanel.jsf?
c=simpleTogglePanel] you can see the example of <rich:simpleTogglePanel> usage and
sources for the given example.

6.81. < rich:spacer >

6.81.1. Description
A spacer that is used in layout and rendered as a transparent image.

Figure 6.255. <rich:spacer> component

6.81.2. Key Features

• Easily used as a transparent layout spacer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Horizontal or vertical spacing is managed by an attribute

• Easily customizable sizes parameters

Table 6.445. rich : spacer attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
height The height of the spacer defined in pixels.
Default value is "1px".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
title HTML: An advisory title for this element. Often
used by the user agent as a tooltip
width The width of the spacer defined in pixels.
Default value is "1px".

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.446. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.spacer
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSpacer
component-family org.richfaces.spacer
renderer-type org.richfaces.SpacerRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.SpacerTag

6.81.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax::



6.81.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSpacer;
HtmlSpacer mySpacer = new HtmlSpacer();

6.81.5. Details of Usage

<rich:spacer> is a simple layout component which represents a transparent spacer. Thus, the
main attributes that define its style are "style" and "styleClass".

In addition, the attributes are responsible for the component size: "width" and "height".

Moreover, to add e.g. some JavaScript effects, events defined on it are used.

• "onmouseover "

• "onclick "

• "onmouseout "

• etc.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.81.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

On the component generation, the framework presents a default rich-spacer class in "styleClass"
of a generated component, i.e. in order to redefine appearance of all spacers at once, it's
necessary to redefine this class in your own CSS (replacing in the result properties defined in a
skin with your own).

To define appearance of the particular spacer, it's possible to write your own CSS classes and
properties in the component style attributes ( "style", "styleClass" ) modifying component property.

6.81.7. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/spacer.jsf?c=spacer] you can see the
example of <rich:spacer> usage and sources for the given example.

6.82. < rich:suggestionbox >

6.82.1. Description
The component adds on-keypress suggestions capabilities to any input text component (like
<h:inputText> ). When a key is pressed in the field Ajax request is sent to the server. When the
suggestion action returns a list of possible values, it pop ups them inside the <div> element
bellow the input.

Figure 6.256. <rich:suggestionBox> component

6.82.2. Key Features

• Fully skinnable component

• Adds "onkeypress" suggestions capabilities to any input text component

• Performs suggestion via Ajax requests without any line of JavaScript code written by you

• Possible to render table as a popup suggestion

• Can be pointed to any Ajax request status indicator of the page

• Easily customizable size of suggestion popup

• Setting rules that appear between cells within a table of popup values

Key Features

• "Event queue" and "request delay" attributes present to divide frequently requests

• Managing area of components submitted on Ajax request

• Flexible list of components to update after Ajax request managed by attributes

• Setting restriction to Ajax request generation

• Easily setting action to collect suggestion data

• Keyboard navigation support

Table 6.447. rich : suggestionbox attributes

Attribute Name Description
ajaxSingle Boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only.
bgcolor Deprecated. This attribute sets the background
color for the document body or table cells.
This attribute sets the background color of
the canvas for the document body (the
BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR,
TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes
for specifying text color can be used with
the BODY element. This attribute has been
deprecated in favor of style sheets for
specifying background color information
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
border This attributes specifies the width (in pixels
only) of the frame around a table
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
cellpadding This attribute specifies the amount of space
between the border of the cell and its contents.
If the value of this attribute is a pixel length,
all four margins should be this distance from
the contents. If the value of the attribute is
percentage length, the top and bottom margins
should be equally separated from the content
based on percentage of the available vertical
space, and the left and right margins should be

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

equally separated from the content based on
percentage of the available horizontal space
cellspacing This attribute specifies how much space the
user agent should leave between the table and
the column on all four sides. The attribute also
specifies the amount of space to leave between
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
entryClass Name of the CSS class for a suggestion entry
element. (table row)
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
fetchValue A value to set in the target input element on
a choice suggestion that isn't shown in the
suggestion table. It can be used for descriptive
output comments or suggestions. If not set, all
text in the suggestion row is set as a value
first A zero-relative row number of the first row to
for id (or full path of id's) of target components,
for which this element must provide
support. If a target component inside of
the same <code>NamingContainer</code>
(UIForm, UIData in base implementations),
can be simple value of the "id"
attribute. For other cases must include
id's of <code>NamingContainer</code>
components, separated by ':'. For search from
the root of components, must be started with ':'.
frame This attribute specifies which sides of the frame
surrounding a table will be visible. Possible
values: "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs",
"rhs", "vsides", "box" and "border". The default
value is "void".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

frequency Delay (in seconds) before activating the
suggestion pop-up
height Height of the pop-up window in pixels. Default
value is "200".
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
minChars Minimal number of chars in input to activate
suggestion pop-up
nothingLabel "nothingLabel" is inserted to popup list if
the autocomplete returns empty list. It isn't
selectable and list is closed as always after
click on it and nothing is put to input.
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
onobjectchange JavaScript code for call when selected objects
are changed
onselect JavaScript code for call on select suggestion,
after update value of target element

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onsubmit JavaScript code for call before submission of
ajax event
param Name the HTTP request parameter with the
value of input element token. If not set, it be
will sent as an input element name. In this
case, input will perform validation and update
the value. Default value is "inputvalue".
popupClass HTML CSS class attribute of element for pop-
up suggestion content
popupStyle HTML CSS style attribute of element for pop-
up suggestion content
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
rowClasses A comma-delimited list of CSS style classes
that is applied to popup table rows. A space
separated list of classes may also be specified
for any individual row. The styles are applied,
in turn, to each row in the table. For example,
if the list has two elements, the first style class
in the list is applied to the first row, the second
to the second row, the first to the third row, the
second to the fourth row, etc. In other words,
we keep iterating through the list until we reach

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

the end, and then we start at the beginning
rules This attribute specifies which rules will appear
between cells within a table. The rendering
of rules is user agent dependent. Possible
values: * none: No rules. This is the default
value. * groups: Rules will appear between row
groups (see THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY)
and column groups (see COLGROUP and
COL) only. * rows: Rules will appear between
rows only. * cols: Rules will appear between
columns only. * all: Rules will appear between
all rows and columns
selectedClass Name of the CSS class for a selected
suggestion entry element (table row)
selectValueClass Name of the CSS class for a selected
suggestion entry element (table cell)
selfRendered If "true", forces active Ajax region render
response directly from stored components tree,
bypasses page processing. Can be used for
increase performance. Also, must be set to
'true' inside iteration components, such as
shadowDepth Pop-up shadow depth for suggestion content
shadowOpacity Attribute defines shadow opacity for
suggestion content
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
suggestionAction Method calls an expression to get a collection
of suggestion data on request. It must have one
parameter with a type of Object with content
of input component and must return any type
allowed for <h:datatable>
summary This attribute provides a summary of the
table's purpose and structure for user agents

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

rendering to non-visual media such as speech
and Braille
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
tokens The list (or single value) of symbols which can
be used for division chosen of suggestion pop-
up values in a target element. After input of
a symbol from the list suggestion pop-up it is
caused again
usingSuggestObjects if true, a suggested object list will be created
and will be updated every time when an input
value is changed. Default value is "false".
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current row will be used when
width Width of the pop-up window in pixels. Default
value is "200".
zindex Attribute is similar to the standard HTML
attribute and can specify window placement
relative to the content. Default value is "200".

Table 6.448. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.SuggestionBox
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSuggestionBox
component-family org.richfaces.SuggestionBox
renderer-type org.richfaces.SuggestionBoxRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.SuggestionBoxTag

6.82.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:



Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<h:inputText value="#{bean.property}" id="suggest"/>

<rich:suggestionbox for="suggest" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="suggest">

<h:outputText value="#{suggest.text}"/>

Here is the bean.autocomplete method that returns the collection to pop up:


public List autocomplete(Object event) {

String pref = event.toString();
//collecting some data that begins with "pref" letters.
return result;

6.82.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSuggestionBox;
HtmlSuggestionBox myList = new HtmlSuggestionBox();

6.82.5. Details of Usage

As it is shown in the example above, the main component attribute are:

• "for"

The attribute where there is an input component which activation causes a suggestion activation

• "suggestionAction"

is an accepting parameter of a suggestionEvent type that returns as a result a collection for

rendering in a tool tip window.

• "var"

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

a collection name that provides access for inputting into a table in a popup

There are also two size attributes ( "width" and "height" ) that are obligatory for the suggestion
component. The attributes have initial Defaults but should be specified manually in order to be

The suggestionBox component, as it is shown on the screenshot, could get any collection for an
output and outputs it in a ToolTip window the same as a custom dataTable (in several columns)


<rich:suggestionbox for="test" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="cit" fetchValue="#{cit.text}">

<h:outputText value="#{cit.label}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cit.text}"/>

It looks on a page in the following way:

Figure 6.257. <rich:suggestionBox> with ToolTip window

When some string is chosen input receives the corresponding value from the second column
containing #{cit.text}

There is also one more important attribute named "tokens" that specifies separators after which
a set of some characters sequence is defined as a new prefix beginning from this separator and
not from the string beginning.



Details of Usage

<rich:suggestionbox for="test" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="cit" selfRendered="true" tokens=

<h:outputText value="#{cit.text}"/>

This example shows that when a city is chosen and a comma and first letter character are input,
Ajax request is called again, but it submits a value starting from the last token:

Figure 6.258. <rich:suggestionBox> with chosen word

For a multiple definition use either ",.; " syntax as a value for tokens or link a parameter to some
bean property transmitting separators collection.

The component also encompasses "layout" and "style" attributes corresponding to dataTable
ones for a table appearing in popup (for additional information, read JSF Reference) and custom
attribute managing AJAX requests sending (for additional information, see Ajax4JSF Project

In addition to these attributes common for Ajax action components and limiting requests quantity
and frequency, suggestionBox has one more its own attribute limiting requests (the "minChars"
attribute). The attribute defines characters quantity inputted into a field after which Ajax requests
are called to perform suggestion.

There is possibility to define what be shown if the autocomplete returns empty list. Attribute
"nothingLabel" or facet with the same name could be used for it.



<rich:suggestionbox nothingLabel="Empty" for="test" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="cit">


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<h:outputText value="#{cit.text}"/>


<rich:suggestionbox for="test" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="cit">
<f:facet name="nothingLabel">
<h:outputText value="Empty"/>
<h:outputText value="#{cit.text}"/>

It looks on a page in the following way:

Figure 6.259. <rich:suggestionBox> with empty list

There is such feature in <rich:suggestionBox> component as object selection. If you want

that selected item has been represented as object, you could set to "true" the value for
"usingSuggestObjects" attribute, "false" value means that selected item represents as string.


<rich:suggestionbox for="test" suggestionAction="#{bean.autocomplete}" var="cit" usingSuggestObjects="true">
<h:outputText value="#{cit.text}"/>

JavaScript API


Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

Here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesSuggestionGettingAdditionalProperties] you can find

example of getting additional properties.

6.82.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.449. JavaScript API

Function Description
callSuggestion() Calls the suggestion. If the "ignoreMinChars"
value is "true" then the number of symbols
to send a query is no longer actual for
getSelectedItems() Returns the array of objects

6.82.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:suggestionBox> components at

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:suggestionBox> component

6.82.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.450. General skin parameters redefinition for popup list

Parameters for popup list CSS properties

additionalBackgroundColor background-color
panelBorderColor border-color

Table 6.451. Skin parameters redefinition for shadow element of the list

Parameters for shadow element of the list CSS properties

shadowBackgroundColor background-color
shadowBackgroundColor border-color

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Parameters for shadow element of the list CSS properties

shadowOpacity opacity

Table 6.452. Skin parameters redefinition for popup table rows

Parameters for popup table rows CSS properties
generalSizeFont font-size
generalTextColor color
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.453. Skin parameters redefinition for selected row

Parameters for selected row CSS properties
headerBackgroundColor background-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
headerTextColor color

6.82.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.260. Classes names

On the screenshot, there are classes names defining specified elements.

Table 6.454. Classes names that define a suggestionBox

Class name Description
rich-sb-common-container Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a suggestion container
rich-sb-ext-decor-1 Defines styles for the first wrapper <div>
element of a suggestion box exterior

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Class name Description

rich-sb-ext-decor-2 Defines styles for the second wrapper <div>
element of a suggestion box exterior
rich-sb-ext-decor-3 Defines styles for the third wrapper <div>
element of a suggestion box exterior
rich-sb-overflow Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element
rich-sb-int-decor-table Defines styles for a suggestion box table
rich-sb-int Defines the styles for a suggestion box table
rows (tr)
rich-sb-cell-padding Defines the styles for suggestion box table cells
rich-sb-int-sel Defines styles for a selected row
rich-sb-shadow Defines styles for a suggestion boxshadow

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:suggestionBox> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.261. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font weight for rows was changed.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:suggestionBox> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:suggestionBox>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:



The "selectedClass" attribute for <rich:suggestionBox> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:suggestionbox ... selectedClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.262. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above,background color for selected item was changed.

6.82.10. Relevant Resources Links

Additional information on how to build <rich:HtmlSuggestionBox> dynamically you can read
here [http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesCookBookCreatingSuggestionBoxDynamically] .

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/suggestionBox.jsf?c=suggestionBox]
you can see the example of <rich:suggestionBox> usage and sources for the given example.

< rich:tabPanel >

6.83. < rich:tabPanel >

6.83.1. Description
A tab panel displaying tabs for grouping content of the panel.

Figure 6.263. <rich:tabPanel> component

6.83.2. Key Features

• Skinnable tab panel and child items

• Disabled/enabled tab options

• Customizable headers

• Group any content inside a tab

• Each tab has a unique name for direct access (e.g. for switching between tabs)

• Switch methods can be easily customized with attribute to:

• Server

• Client


• Switch methods can be selected for the whole tab panel and for the each tab separately

Table 6.455. rich : tabPanel attributes

Attribute Name Description
activeTabClass A CSS class to be applied to an active tab
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
contentClass A CSS class for content of a tab panel
contentStyle A CSS style is for the content of a tab panel

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a
converterMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Valid values are "LTR" (left-to-
right) and "RTL" (right-to-left)
disabledTabClass A CSS class to be applied to a disabled tab
headerAlignment Sets tab headers alignment. It can be "left" or
"right". Default value is "left".
headerClass A CSS style is for the header of a tab panel.
headerSpacing Sets tab headers spacing. It should be a valid
size unit expression. Default value is "1px".
height Height of a tab panel defined in pixels or in
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
inactiveTabClass CSS class to be applied to an inactive (but not
disabled) tab
label A localized user presentable name for this
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
ontabchange HTML: a script expression; a tab has been
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the
validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
selectedTab Attribute defines name of selected tab
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchType Tab switch algorithm: "client", "server"(default),
tabClass A CSS class to be applied to all tabs
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

valueChangeListener Listener for value changes
width Width of a tab panel defined in pixels or in
percents. The default value is 100%

Table 6.456. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.tabPanel
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmltabPanel
component-family org.richfaces.tabPanel
renderer-type org.richfaces.tabPanelRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.tabPanelTag

6.83.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<!--//Set of Tabs inside-->

6.83.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmltabPanel;
HtmltabPanel mytabPanel = new HtmltabPanel();

Details of Usage

6.83.5. Details of Usage

As it was mentioned above, tabPanel groups content on panels and performs switching from one
to another. Hence, modes of switching between panels are described first of all.


All tabPanels should be wrapped into a form element so as content is correctly

submitted inside. If a form is placed into each tab, the Action elements of Tab
controls appear to be out of the form and content submission inside the panels
could be performed only for Action components inside tabs.

Switching mode could be chosen with the tabPanel attribute "mode" with three possible

• Server (DEFAULT)

The common submission is performed around tabPanel and a page is completely rendered on
a called panel. Only one at a time tabPanel is uploaded onto the client side.

• Ajax

AJAX form submission is performed around the tabPanel, content of the called tabPanel is
uploaded on Ajax request and additionally specified elements in the "reRender" attribute are
rendered. Only one at a time tabPanel is uploaded on the client.

• Client

All tabPanels are uploaded on the client side. The switching from the active to the hidden panel
is performed with client JavaScript.

As a result, the tabPanel is switched to the second tab according to the action returning outcome
for moving onto another page and switching from the second to the first tab is performed.

There is also the "selectedTab" attribute. The attribute keeps an active tab name; therefore, an
active tabPanel could be changed with setting a name of the necessary tab to this attribute.

There is also the "headerAlignment" attribute responsible for rendering of tabPanel components.
The attribute has several values: "left" (Default), "right", "center", which specify Tabs components
location on the top of the tabPanel.


<rich:tabPanel width="40%" headerAlignment="right">
<rich:tab label="Canon">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:tab label="Nikon">
<rich:tab label="Olympus">

Figure 6.264. <rich:tabPanel> with right aligned tabs

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

Except the specific attributes, the component has all necessary attributes for JavaScript events

• "onmouseover"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

6.83.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:tabPanel> components at once:

Skin Parameters Redefinition

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:tabPanel> component

6.83.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.457. Skin parameters redefinition for a header

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-top-color

Table 6.458. Skin parameters redefinition for an internal content

Skin parameters CSS properties

generalBackgroundColor background-color
generalTextColor color
panelBorderColor border-bottom-color
panelBorderColor border-right-color
panelBorderColor border-left-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

6.83.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.265. Style classes

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.459. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-tabpanel Defines styles for all tabPanel
rich-tabpanel-content Defines styles for an internal content
rich-tabpanel-content-position Defines styles for a wrapper element of a
tabPanel content. It should define a shift equal
to borders width in order to overlap panel tabs
rich-tabhdr-side-border Defines styles for side elements of a tabPanel
rich-tabhdr-side-cell Defines styles for a header internal element
rich-tab-bottom-line Defines styles for a tab bottom line element of
a tabPanel

Table 6.460. Classes names that define different tab header states
(corresponds to rich-tabhdr-side-cell)

Class name Description

rich-tabhdr-cell-active Defines styles for an internal element of an
active header
rich-tabhdr-cell-inactive Defines styles for an internal element of an
inactive label
rich-tabhdr-cell-disabled Defines styles for an internal element of a
disabled label

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:tabPanel> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table above) and
define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


font-weight: bold;

This is a result:

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.266. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a tab active font weight and text color were changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:tabPanel> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:tabPanel> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:tabPanel> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:tabPanel ... activeTabClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.267. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, font style on inactive tab was changed.

6.83.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/tabPanel.jsf?c=tabPanel] you can
see the example of <rich:tabPanel> usage and sources for the given example.

6.84. < rich:tab >

6.84.1. Description
A tab section within a tab panel.

Figure 6.268. <rich:tab> component

6.84.2. Key Features

• Fully skinnable tabs content

Key Features

• Disabled/enabled tab options

• Groups any content inside a tab

• Each tab has a unique name for a direct access (e.g. for switching between tabs)

• Switch methods can be easily customized for every tab separately with attribute to:

• Server

• Client


Table 6.461. rich : tab attributes

Attribute Name Description
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
disabled Disables a tab in a tab panel
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
label Text for the actual "tab" in a tab section
labelWidth Length for the actual "tab" in a tab section
defined in pixels. If it is not defined, the length
is calculated basing on a tab label text length
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
name Attribute defines tab name. Default value is
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onlabelclick A JavaScript event handler; a label of the tab
is clicked
onlabeldblclick A JavaScript event handler; a pointer within
label is double-clicked
onlabelkeydown A JavaScript event handler; a key within label
is pressed down
onlabelkeypress A JavaScript event handler; a key within label
is pressed and released
onlabelkeyup A JavaScript event handler; a key within label
is released
onlabelmousedown A JavaScript event handler; a pointer within
label is pressed down
onlabelmousemove A JavaScript event handler; a pointer is moved
within label
onlabelmouseup A JavaScript event handler; a pointer within
label is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
ontabenter Event must occur on the tab which has been
ontableave Event must occurs on the tab which has been
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchType Tab switch algorithm. Possible values are
"client", "server", "ajax", "page".
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
title HTML: An advisory title for this element. Often
displayed as a tooltip

Table 6.462. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Tab
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTab
component-family org.richfaces.Tab
renderer-type org.richfaces.TabRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.TabTag

6.84.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<!--Set of Tabs inside-->

6.84.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTab;
HtmlTab myTab = new HtmlTab();

6.84.5. Details of Usage

The main component function is to define a content group that is rendered and processed when
the tab is active, i.e. click on a tab causes switching onto a tab containing content corresponded
to this tab.

The "label" attribute defines text to be represented. If you can use the "label" facet, you can
even not use the "label" attribute.


<f:facet name="label">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/img1.png"/>
<!--Any Content inside-->

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

A marker on a tab header defined with the "label" attribute. Moreover, each tab could be disabled
(switching on this tab is impossible) with the "disable" attribute.


<rich:tabPanel width="20%">
<tabs:tab label="Canon">
<h:outputText value="Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT" />
<tabs:tab label="Nikon">
<h:outputText value="Nikon D70s" />
<tabs:tab label="Olympus">
<h:outputText value="Olympus EVOLT E-500" />
<tabs:tab disabled="true" name="disabled" label="Disabled"/>

With this example it's possible to generate the tab panel with the last disabled and three active
tabs (see the picture).

Details of Usage

Figure 6.269. <rich:tabPanel> with disabled <rich:tab>

Switching mode could be defined not only for the whole panel tab, but also for each particular tab,
i.e. switching onto one tab could be performed right on the client with the corresponding JavaScript
and onto another tab with an Ajax request on the server. Tab switching modes are the same as
tabPanel ones.

Each tab also has an attribute name (alias for "id" attribute). Using this attribute value it's possible
e.g. to set an active tab on a model level specifying this name in the corresponding attribute of
the whole tab.

Except the specific component attributes it has all necessary attributes for JavaScript event

• "onmouseover"

• "onmouseout"

• etc.

Some event could be performed on the tab which has been entered/left using "ontabenter" /
"ontableave" attributes. See the example below.


<rich:tab label="Tab1" ontabenter="alert()">

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


The following example shows how on the client side to get the names of entered/left tabs.


Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.84.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

A panel appearance and content is defined with a tab panel i.e. on the tab level it's
possible to define only an appearance of this tab header.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:tab> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:tab> component

6.84.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.463. Skin parameters redefinition for a tab header

Skin parameters CSS properties
generalTextColor color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.464. Skin parameters redefinition for an active tab

Skin parameters CSS properties
generalTextColor color
subBorderColor border-color
generalBackgroundColor background-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.465. Skin parameters redefinition for an inactive tab

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
subBorderColor border-color

Table 6.466. Skin parameters redefinition for a disabled tab

Skin parameters CSS properties

tabBackgroundColor background-color
subBorderColor border-color
tabDisabledTextColor color

6.84.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Figure 6.270. Classes names

Table 6.467. Classes names that define a tab

Class name Description

rich-tab-header Defines styles for a tab header
rich-tab-label Defines styles for a tab label

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.468. Classes names that define a tab states

Class name Description

rich-tab-active Defines styles for an active tab
rich-tab-inactive Defines styles for an inactive tab
rich-tab-disabled Defines styles for a disabled tab

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:tab> components on a page using CSS, it's enough to
create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.


font-weight: bold;

This is a result:

Figure 6.271. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a header font weight was changed.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:tab> component. In this case you should
create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:tab> styleClass attributes. An
example is placed below:


border-color: #5d9ffc;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:tab> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:tab ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.272. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the border color was changed.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.85. < rich:togglePanel >

6.85.1. Description
A wrapper component with named facets, where every facet is shown after activation of the
corresponding toggleControl (the other is hidden).

Figure 6.273. <rich:togglePanel> component

6.85.2. Key Features

• Support for any content inside

• Three modes of facets switching

• Server

• Client

• Ajax

• Controls for togglePanel can be everywhere in layout

Table 6.469. rich : togglePanel attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
converter Id of Converter to be used or reference to a

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the converter
message, replacing any message that comes
from the converter
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(that is, during Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
initialState It contains a name of the first active facet
label A localized user presentable name for this
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
required If "true", this component is checked for non-
empty input
requiredMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

validation message for the "required" facility, if
the "required" facility is used
stateOrder Names of the facets in the switching order.
If ToggleControl doesn't contain information
about a next facet to be shown it is switched
corresponding to this attribute
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchType Facets switch algorithm: "client",
"server"(default), "ajax".
validator MethodBinding pointing at a method that is
called during Process Validations phase of the
request processing lifecycle, to validate the
current value of this component
validatorMessage A ValueExpression enabled attribute that, if
present, will be used as the text of the validator
message, replacing any message that comes
from the validator
value The current value of this component
valueChangeListener Listener for value changes

Table 6.470. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.TogglePanel
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTogglePanel
component-family org.richfaces.TogglePanel
renderer-type org.richfaces.TogglePanelRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.Taglib.togglePanelTag

6.85.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it could be used in a page:


<f:facet name="first">

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

<f:facet name="second">
<!--//Set of the toggleControls somewhere on a page.-->

6.85.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmltogglePanel;
HtmltogglePanel myPanel = new HtmltogglePanel();

6.85.5. Details of Usage

As it was mentioned above, togglePanel splits content into named facets that become rendered
and processed when a click performed on controls linked to this togglePanel (either switched on
the client or send requests on the server for switching).

The initial component state is defined with "initialState" attribute, where a facet name that is
shown at first is defined.


It's also possible to define an "empty" facet to implement the functionality as drop-
down panels have and make the facet active when no content is required to be

Switching mode could be defined with the "switchType" attribute with three possible parameters:

• Server (DEFAULT)

The common submission is performed around togglePanel and a page is completely rendered
on a called panel. Only one at a time the panel is uploaded onto the client side.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

• Ajax

AJAX form submission is performed around the panel, content of the called panel is uploaded on
an Ajax request and additionally specified elements in the "reRender" attribute are rendered.
Only one at a time the panel is uploaded on the client side.

• Client

All panels are uploaded on the client side. The switching from the active to the hidden panel
is performed with client JavaScript.

"Facets" switching order could be defined on the side of <rich:toggleControl> component or

on the panel. On the side of the togglePanel it's possible to define facets switching order with the
"stateOrder" attribute. The facets names are enumerated in such an order that they are rendered
when a control is clicked, as it's not defined where to switch beforehand.


<rich:togglePanel id="panel" initialState="panelB" switchType="client"
<f:facet name="panelA">
<f:facet name="panelB">
<f:facet name="panelC">
<rich:toggleControl for="panel" value="Switch"/>

The example shows a togglePanel initial state when the second facet (panelB) is rendered and
successive switching from the first to the second happens.

The "label" attribute is a generic attribute. The "label" attribute provides an association between
a component, and the message that the component (indirectly) produced. This attribute defines
the parameters of localized error and informational messages that occur as a result of conversion,
validation, or other application actions during the request processing lifecycle. With the help of
this attribute you can replace the last parameter substitution token shown in the messages. For
example, {1} for "DoubleRangeValidator.MAXIMUM", {2} for "ShortConverter.SHORT".

Look-and-Feel Customization

6.85.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

The component doesn't have its own representation rendering only content of its facets, thus all
look and feel is set only for content.

6.85.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.471. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description
rich-toggle-panel Defines styles for all component
rich-tglctrl Defines styles for a toggle control

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:togglePanel> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.274. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example the font style for output text was changed.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:togglePanel> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:togglePanel> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:togglePanel> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:togglePanel ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.275. Redefinition styles with own classes and "styleClass"

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color for panel was changed.

6.85.8. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/togglePanel.jsf?c=togglePanel] you
can see the example of <rich:togglePanel> usage and sources for the given example.

< rich:toggleControl >

6.86. < rich:toggleControl >

6.86.1. Description
A link type control for switching between togglePanel facets. Target Panel is specified with
"for" attribute. It can be located inside or outside the togglePanel. As the result of switching
between facets previous facet is hidden and another one (specified with "switchToState" or panel
"stateOrder" attributes) is shown.

Figure 6.276. <rich:toggleControl> component

6.86.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Can be located anywhere in a page layout

• Switching is provided in the three modes

• Server

• Client

• Ajax

Table 6.472. rich : toggleControl attributes

Attribute Name Description
accesskey Access key that, when pressed, transfers focus
to this element
action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle Boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only.
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase
skip updates of model beans an force
render response. Can be used for validate
components input
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
dir Direction indication for text that does not inherit
directionality. Possible values are "LTR" (left-
to-right) and "RTL" (right-to-left).
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move, etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
for String, which contains id (in the format of
a UIComponent.findComponent() call) of the
target Toggle Panel.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
lang Code describing the language used in the
generated markup for this component
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. if
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onblur JavaScript code executed when this element
loses focus
onclick JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is clicked over this element
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is double clicked over this element
onfocus JavaScript code executed when this element
receives focus
onkeydown JavaScript code executed when a key is
pressed down over this element
onkeypress JavaScript code executed when a key is
pressed and released over this element
onkeyup JavaScript code executed when a key is
released over this element
onmousedown JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is pressed down over this element
onmousemove JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is moved within this element
onmouseout JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is moved away from this element

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onmouseover JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is moved onto this element
onmouseup JavaScript code executed when a pointer
button is released over this element
panelId Attribute defines Id for corresponding panel
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to
be applied when this element is rendered. This
value must be passed through as the "class"
attribute on generated markup
switchToState Contains one of the facets names where target
togglePanel is switched to
tabindex Position of this element in the tabbing order for
the current document. This value must be an
integer between 0 and 32767
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
title Advisory title information about markup
elements generated for this component

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Attribute Name Description

value Initial value to set when rendered for the first

Table 6.473. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ToggleControl
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToggleControl
component-family org.richfaces.ToggleControl
renderer-type org.richfaces.ToggleControlRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ToggleControlTag

6.86.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:toggleControl for="panel"/>
<rich:togglePanel id="panel" stateOrder="[facets order to be switched]">
<!--//Set of Facets-->

6.86.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToggleControl;
HtmlToggleControl myControl = new HtmlToggleControl();

6.86.5. Details of Usage

As it was mentioned above, the control could be in any place in layout and linked to a switching
panel that is managed with "for" attribute (in the "for" attribute the full component "id" is specified
according to naming containers).

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The togglePanel could be also switched from the side of the control instead of being strictly defined
in "switchOrder" attribute of <rich:togglePanel>.


<rich:togglePanel id="panel" initialState="empty" switchType="client">
<f:facet name="first">
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value="Empty" switchToState="empty"/>
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value=" Second" switchToState="second"/>
...//Some Content
<f:facet name="second">
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value="Empty" switchToState="empty"/>
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value=" first" switchToState="first"/>
...//Some Content
<f:facet name="empty">
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value="first" switchToState="first"/>
<rich:toggleControl for="helloForm:panel" value=" second" switchToState="second"/>

In this example the switching is performed on facets specified in the "switchToState" attribute.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.86.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method.

To redefine the appearance of all <rich:toggleControl> components at once, you should add
to your style sheets style class used by a <rich:toggleControl> component.

Definition of Custom Style Classes

6.86.7. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.474. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-tglctrl Defines styles for a toggle control

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:toggleControl> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables
above) and define necessary properties in them.


.rich-tglctrl {
font-family: monospace;

This is a result:

Figure 6.277. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example font family was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:toggleControl> component. In this case
you should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:toggleControl>
styleClass attributes. An example is placed below:


.myClass {
font-style: italic;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:toggleControl> is defined as it's shown in the example


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:toggleControl ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.278. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, the font style was changed.

6.87. < rich:toolBar >

6.87.1. Description
A horizontal bar with Action items on it that accepts any JSF components as children.

Figure 6.279. <rich:toolBar> with action items

6.87.2. Key Features

• Skinnable menu panel and child items

• Standard top menu bar that can be used in accordance with a menu component

• Grouping bar content

• Easily place content on any side of a menu bar using predefined group layout

• Predefined separators for menu items and groups

• Any content inside

Table 6.475. rich : toolBar attributes

Attribute Name Description
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
contentClass A CSS style is to be applied to each element of
tool bar content. Use this style, for example, to
setup parameters of the font.
contentStyle A CSS style is to be applied to each element
of tool bar content.

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

A height of a bar in pixels. If a height is
not defined, a bar height depends of the
"headerFontSize" skin parameter.
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
itemSeparator A separator between items on a bar. Possible
values are "none", "line", "square", "disc" and
"grid". Default value is "none".
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onitemclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on an item
onitemdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on an item
onitemkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
down on an item
onitemkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released on an item
onitemkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
on an item
onitemmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on an item
onitemmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
on an item
onitemmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away from an item
onitemmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto an item
onitemmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on an item
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
separatorClass A CSS class to be applied to tool bar
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
width A width of a bar that can be defined in pixels or
as percentage. Default value is "100%".

Table 6.476. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ToolBar
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToolBar
component-family org.richfaces.ToolBar
renderer-type org.richfaces.ToolBarRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ToolBarTag

6.87.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<!--//...Set of action or other JSF components-->

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java

6.87.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToolBar;
HtmlToolBar myToolBar = new HtmlToolBar();

6.87.5. Details of Usage

A toolBar is a wrapper component that facilitates creation of menu and tool bars. All components
defined inside are located on a stylized bar with possibility to group, arrange on the both bar sides,
and place predefined separators between them.

Grouping and an input side definition is described for toolBarGroup that defines this functionality.

Separators are located between components with the help of the "itemSeparator" attribute with
four predefined values:

• "none"

• "line"

• "square"

• "disc"

For example, when setting a separator of a disc type, the following result is produced:

Figure 6.280. <rich:toolBar> with a "disc" separator

Moreover, for toolBar style "width" and "height" attributes are placed above all.

A custom separator can be added with the help of "itemSeparator" facet.


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<f:facet name="itemSeparator">
<rich:separator width="2" height="14" />

Custom separator can be also specified by URL to the separator image in the attribute
"itemSeparator" of the <rich:toolBar> .


<rich:toolBar id="toolBar" width="#{bean.width}" height="#{bean.height}" itemSeparator="/

This is a result:

Figure 6.281. <rich:toolBar> with "itemSeparator" attribute.

As it could be seen in the picture above, the image for itemSeparator was changed.

6.87.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:toolBar> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:toolBar> component

6.87.7. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.477. Skin parameters redefinition for a component exterior

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelBorderColor border-color
headerBackgroundColor background-color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.478. Skin parameters redefinition for a component item

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerSizeFont font-size
headerTextColor color
headerWeightFont font-weight
headerFamilyFont font-family

6.87.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.479. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-toolbar Defines styles for a toolbar element
rich-toolbar-item Defines styles for a toolbar item

Figure 6.282. Classes names

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:toolBar> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the tables above) and
define necessary properties in them.



This is a result:

Figure 6.283. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In the example font weight for items was changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:toolBar> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:toolBar> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:



The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:toolBar> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:toolBar ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.284. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above,the font style and the font weight for items was changed.

The component also has the standard attributes "style" and "styleClass" that could redefine an
appearance of a particular component variants.

6.87.9. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/toolBar.jsf?c=toolBar] you can see

the example of <rich:toolBar> usage and sources for the given example.

6.88. < rich:toolBarGroup >

6.88.1. Description

A group of items inside a tool bar.

Key Features

Figure 6.285. <rich:toolbarGroup> with items on it

6.88.2. Key Features

• Fully skinnable with its child items

• Grouping bar content

• Easily place content on either side of tool bar using a predefined group layout

• Predefined separators for menu items and groups

• Any content inside

Table 6.480. rich : toolBarGroup attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
itemSeparator A separator for the items in a group. Possible
values are "none", "line", "square", "disc" and
"grid" Default value is "none".
location A location of a group on a tool bar. Possible
values are "left" and "right". Default value is
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onitemclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
clicked on an item
onitemdblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
double-clicked on an item

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
down on an item
onitemkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released on an item
onitemkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
on an item
onitemmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down on an item
onitemmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
on an item
onitemmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
away from an item
onitemmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onto an item
onitemmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
released on an item
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
separatorClass A CSS class to be applied to tool bar group
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Table 6.481. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.ToolBarGroup
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToolBarGroup
component-family org.richfaces.ToolBarGroup
renderer-type org.richfaces.ToolBarGroupRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ToolBarGroupTag

6.88.4. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<!--...Set of action or other JSF components-->
<!--...Set of action or other JSF components-->

6.88.5. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlToolBarGroup;
HtmlToolBarGroup myToolBarGroup = new HtmlToolBarGroup();

6.88.6. Details of Usage

A toolBarGroup is a wrapper component that groups toolBar content and facilitates creation of
menu and tool bars. All components defined inside are located on a stylized bar with a possibility
to group, arrange on the both bar sides, and place predefined separators between them.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Separators are located between components with the help of the "itemSeparator" attribute with
four predefined values:

• "none"

• "line"

• "square"

• "disc"

To control the group location inside, use the "location" attribute with "left" (DEFAULT) and "right"


<rich:toolBar itemSeparator="disc" width="500">
<rich:toolBarGroup itemSeparator="line">
<h:commandLink value="Command 1.1"/>
<h:commandLink value="Command 2.1"/>
<rich:toolBarGroup itemSeparator="line" location="right">
<h:commandLink value="Command 1.2"/>
<h:commandLink value="Command 2.2"/>

The code result is the following:

Figure 6.286. Stylized <rich:toolbarGroup> with "location" ,

"itemSeparator" attributes

6.88.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:toolBarGroup> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

Definition of Custom Style Classes

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:toolBarGroup> component

6.88.8. Definition of Custom Style Classes

It's possible to change styles of particular <rich:toolBarGroup> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:toolBarGroup> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:toolBarGroup> is defined as it's shown in the example


<rich:toolBarGroup ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.287. Redefinition styles with own classes and "styleClass"


As it could be seen on the picture above,font style for first toolBarGroup was changed.

6.88.9. Relevant resources links

Some additional information about usage of component can be found here [http://

6.89. < rich:toolTip >

6.89.1. Description
The <rich:toolTip> component is used for creation of event-triggered non modal popup, that
contains information regarding the page element, that event was applied to.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.288. <rich:toolTip> component

6.89.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look and feel

• Different ways of data loading to toolTip

• Disablement support

Table 6.482. rich : toolTip attributes

Attribute Name Description

action MethodBinding pointing at the application
action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is
activated by you, during the Apply Request
Values or Invoke Application phase of the
request processing lifecycle, depending on the
value of the immediate property
actionListener MethodBinding pointing at method accepting
an ActionEvent with return type void
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which sends the request only.
attached If the value of the "attached" attribute is
"true", a component is attached to the parent
component; if "false", component does not
listen to activating browser events, but could be
activated externally. Default value is "true"
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
direction Defines direction of the popup list to appear.
Possible values are "top-right", "top-left",
"bottom-right", "bottom-left", "auto". Default
value is "bottom-right"
disabled If false the components is rendered on the
client but JavaScript for calling disabled.
Default value is "false"

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

event DEPRECATED. Use showEvent instead.
Default value is "mouseover"
followMouse If "true" tooltip should follow the mouse while it
moves over the parent element. Default value
is "false"
for Id of the target component
hideDelay Delay in milliseconds before tooltip will be
hidden. Default value is "0"
hideEvent Event that triggers the tooltip disappearance.
Default value is "none" (so, the component
does not disappears)
horizontalOffset Sets the horizontal offset between pop-up list
and mouse pointer. Default value is "10"
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
immediate True means, that the default ActionListener
should be executed immediately (i.e. during
Apply Request Values phase of the request
processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until
the Invoke Application phase
layout Block/inline mode flag. Possible value
are: "inline" or "block". Default value is
"inline". Tooltip will contain div/span elements
mode Controls the way of data loading to a tooltip.
May have following values: "client" (default)
and "ajax"
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after the tooltip shown
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
onhide JavaScript code for call after the tooltip hidden
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onshow JavaScript code for call after the tooltip
called (some element overed) but before its
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
showDelay Delay in milliseconds before tooltip will be
displayed. Default value is "0"
showEvent Event that triggers the tooltip. Default value is
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
value The current value for this component
verticalOffset Sets the vertical offset between pop-up list and
mouse pointer. Default value is "10"
zorder The same as CSS z-index for toolTip. Default
value is "99"

Table 6.483. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.component.toolTip
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmltoolTip
component-family org.richfaces.component.toolTip
renderer-type org.richfaces.renderkit.html.toolTipRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.HtmltoolTipTag

6.89.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant of <rich:toolTip> component on a page, use the following syntax:

Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


<rich:toolTip value="toolTip content"/>

6.89.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmltoolTip;
HtmltoolTip mytoolTip = new HtmltoolTip();

6.89.5. Details of Usage

To specify text information, labeled on a <rich:toolTip> , use "value" attribute. Images, links,
buttons and other RichFaces components also may be put and composed inside <rich:toolTip>
. Text, specified between tooltip's start and end tags will be rendered in browser as simple text.
<rich:toolTip> borders stretch to enclose it contents.

There are three ways to attach a <rich:toolTip> to a page element. One of them uses nesting
(this way is shown on example above). In such cases <rich:toolTip> is attached to the parent
component by default.

It is recommended to specify "id" for parent page element to ensure tooltip's
correct work.

If parent component contains more than one child, it is recommended to define
<rich:toolTip> as the last one.

<rich:toolTip> may be attached to a page element by the use of "for" attribute. In this case a
<rich:toolTip> may be defined separately from a page element it is applied to. "id" for page
element is necessary (see the example below).

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:panel id="panelId">
<rich:toolTip value="This is a tooltip content" for="panelId"/>

Because HTML elements are not presented in components tree built by facelets, use the attribute
"for" with HTML elements as shown in example below.


<div id="elementId">
<rich:toolTip for="elementId">Using a toolTip</rich:toolTip>
<p>The first simple example</p>
<div id="elementId">
<p>The second simple example</p>
<rich:toolTip for="elementId">Using a toolTip</rich:toolTip>

<rich:toolTip> may also be invoked by JS API function. List of JS API functions available
for <rich:toolTip> is listed below. JS API functions are defined for a page element, the
<rich:toolTip> is applied to. Thus, <rich:toolTip> can be defined separately from that page
element. It is necessary to specify "ids" for both and set <rich:toolTip> "attached" attribute's
value to "false" (see the example below).

<rich:panel id="paneld" onclick="#{rich:component("tooltipId")}.show();">
<rich:toolTip id="tooltipId" attached="false" value="This is a tooltip content"/>

The "mode" attribute is provided you to control the way of data loading to <rich:toolTip> . The
component works properly in client and Ajax modes. In client mode <rich:toolTip> content is

Details of Usage

rendered once on the server and could be rerendered only via external submit. In Ajax mode
<rich:toolTip> content is requested from server for every activation. For Ajax mode there is
possibility to define a facet "defaultContent" , which provides default <rich:toolTip> content to
be displayed, while main content is loading into the <rich:toolTip> (see the example below).


<h:commandLink value="Simple Link" id="link">
<rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-
right" mode="ajax" value="#{bean.toolTipContent}" horizontalOffset="5"
verticalOffset="5" layout="block">
<f:facet name="defaultContent">
<f:verbatim>DEFAULT TOOLTIP CONTENT</f:verbatim>

This is the result:

Figure 6.289. <rich:toolTip> component with default content

And after <rich:toolTip> loaded it is changed to next one:

Figure 6.290. <rich:toolTip> component with loaded content

<rich:toolTip> appears attached to the corner dependent on the "direction" attribute. By default
it is positioned bottom-right. <rich:toolTip> activation occurs after an event, defined on the
parent component, takes into consideration the "delay" attribute or after calling JS API function
show(). "hideEvent" attribute defines the way how <rich:toolTip> disappears. It default value
is "none", so the <rich:toolTip> does not disappears. Deactivation may be set for example on
mouseout event on the parent component (excepting the situation when the mouse is hovered
onto the <rich:toolTip> itself) or after calling JS API function hide().

By default, <rich:toolTip> appears smart positioned. But as you can see from the previous
example, you can define an appearance direction via the corresponding attribute "direction" . And
also it's possible to define vertical and horizontal offsets relatively to a mouse position.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Disabled <rich:toolTip> is rendered to a page as usual but JS that responds for its activation
is disabled until enable() is called.

Moreover, to add some JavaScript effects, client events defined on it are used:


• "onclick"

• "ondblclick"

• "onmouseout"

• "onmousemove"

• "onmouseover"


• "onshow" - Called after the tooltip is called (some element hovered) but before its request

• "oncomplete" - Called just after the tooltip is shown

• "onhide" - Called after the tooltip is hidden

6.89.6. JavaScript API

Table 6.484. JavaScript API

Function Description
show() Shows the corresponding toolTip
hide() Hides the corresponding toolTip
enable() Enables the corresponding toolTip
disable() Disables the corresponding toolTip

6.89.7. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:toolTip> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:toolTip> component

Skin Parameters Redefinition

6.89.8. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.485. Skin parameters redefinition for a component

Skin parameters CSS properties

tipBackgroundColor background-color
tipBorderColor border-color
generalSizeFont font-size
generalFamilyFont font-family
generalFontColor color

6.89.9. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.486. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description

rich-tool-tip Defines styles for a wrapper <span> or <div>
element of a toolTip

It depends on <rich:toolTip> layout what a wrapper element <span> or <div> to choose.

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:toolTipl> components on a page using CSS, it's enough
to create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table above) and
define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:


background-color: #eef2f8;
border-color: #7196c8;


This is a result:

Figure 6.291. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

In the example a tool tip background color, border color and font style were changed.

Also it's possible to change styles of particular <rich:toolTipl> component. In this case you
should create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:toolTip> styleClass
attributes. An example is placed below:


font-style: italic;

The "styleClass" attribute for <rich:toolTip> is defined as it's shown in the example below:


<rich:toolTip ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.292. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it could be seen on the picture above, background color and border color of tool tip were

6.89.10. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/toolTip.jsf?c=toolTip] you can see the

example of <rich:toolTip> usage and sources for the given example.

6.90. < rich:treeNode >

6.90.1. Description

The <rich:treeNode> component is designed for creating sets of tree elements within a
<rich:tree> component.

Key Features

Figure 6.293. <rich:treeNode> component

6.90.2. Key Features

• Possibility to assign different icon images for each node within a tree

• Drag and Drop support

• Look-and-Feel customization

Table 6.487. rich : treeNode attributes

Attribute Name Description
acceptCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when acceptable draggable over dropzone
acceptedTypes A list of drag zones types, which elements are
accepted by a drop zone
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
ajaxSubmitSelection An algorithm of AJAX request submission.
Possible values are "inherit", "true", "false".
Default value is "inherit".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

render response. It can be used for validating
components input
changeExpandListener Listener called on expand/collapse event on
the node
cursorTypeMapping Mapping between drop types and acceptable
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
dragIndicator Id of a component that is used as drag pointer
during the drag operation
dragListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drag operation
dragType A drag zone type that is used for zone
definition, which elements can be accepted by
a drop zone
dragValue Data to be sent to the drop zone
after a drop event. Default value is
dropListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drop operation
dropValue Data to be processed after a drop event.
Default value is "getUITree().getDropValue()".
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
grabbingCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when you has grabbed something
grabCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when you can grab and drag an object
highlightedClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.
Applied to highlighted node
icon The icon for node
iconCollapsed The icon for collapsed node

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

iconExpanded The icon for expanded node
iconLeaf An icon for component leaves
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If
"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
nodeClass Name of node CSS class
nodeSelectListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after selection of
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncollapse HTML: script expression to invoke on node
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
oncontextmenu JavaScript handler to be called on right
click. Returning false prevents default browser
context menu from being displayed
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondragend A JavaScript event handler called after
a drag operation. Default value is
ondragenter A JavaScript event handler called on enter
draggable object to zone. Default value is

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

ondragexit A JavaScript event handler called after a
drag object leaves zone. Default value is
ondragstart A JavaScript event handler called
before drag object. Default value is
ondrop It's an event that is called when something
is dropped on a drop zone. Default value is
ondropend A JavaScript handler for event fired on a drop
even the drop for a given type is not available.
Default value is "getDefaultOndropend()".
ondropout A JavaScript event handler called after a out
ondropover A JavaScript event handler called after a drop
onexpand HTML: script expression to invoke on node
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released
onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselected HTML: script expression to invoke on node
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rejectCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when rejectable draggable over dropzone
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection. Default value is
selectedClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.
Applied to selected node
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
timeout Gets timeout in ms. Default value is
type A node type
typeMapping Map between a draggable type and an
indicator name on zone. it's defined with the
pair (drag type:indicator name))

Table 6.488. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.TreeNode
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTreeNode
component-family org.richfaces.TreeNode
renderer-type org.richfaces.TreeNodeRenderer

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Name Value
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.TreeNodeTag

6.90.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Here is a simple example as it can be used on a page:


<rich:tree ... faceNode="simpleNode">
<rich:treeNode type="simpleNode">
<!--Tree node data displaying template-->

6.90.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTreeNode;
HtmlTreeNode myPanel = new HtmlTreeNode();

6.90.5. Details of Usage

The "icon" , "iconCollapsed" , "iconExpanded" , "iconLeaf" attributes define icons for the
component. Also you can define icons using facets with the same names. If the facets are defined,
the corresponding attributes are ignored and facets contents are used as icons. The width of a
rendered facet area is 16px.

<rich:tree ...>
<rich:treeNode ...>
<f:facet name="icon">
<outputText value="A"/>
<f:facet name="iconCollapsed">

Details of Usage

<outputText value="B"/>
<f:facet name="iconExpanded">
<outputText value="C"/>
<f:facet name="iconLeaf">
<outputText value="D"/>

As it has been mentioned above, <rich:treeNode> defines a template for nodes rendering in a
tree. Thus, during XML document rendering (a web.xml application) as a tree, the following nodes
output (passed via var="data" on a tree) happens:


<rich:tree ... faceNode="simpleNode" ... value="#{bean.data}" var="data">
<rich:treeNode type="simpleNode">
<h:outputText value="context-param:"/>
<h:inputText value="#{data.name}"/>
</rich:tree >

Figure 6.294. Nodes output

Hence, <h:outputText /> tag outputs the "context-param" string and then the <h:inputText /
> outputs the data.name element of this node.

Different nodes for rendering could be defined depending on some conditions on the tree
level. Each condition represents some rendering template. To get more information on various
treeNodesAdaptorAdaptor definition for nodes, see the tree component chapter.

Switching between expanded/collapsed modes is also managed on the tree level and defined in
the corresponding section.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Default nodes of the tree level as well as the ones defined with the treeNodesAdaptorAdaptor
component could send Ajax requests when selected with the mouse, it's managed with the
"ajaxSubmitSelection" attribute (true/false).

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.

6.90.6. Built-in Drag and Drop

The main information on Drag and Drop operations is given in the corresponding paragraph of
the tree component chapter. It's only necessary to mention that each node could also be a Drag
element as well as a Drop container, i.e. the container and the element have all attributes, listeners
and ways of behavior similar to the ones of the <rich:draggable> and <rich:dropZone>
components simultaneously.

6.90.7. Events Handling

Just as Drag and Drop operations it corresponds to the one described on the tree component
level for a default Node.

6.90.8. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:treeNode> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:treeNode> component

6.90.9. Skin Parameters Redefinition

Table 6.489. Skin parameters for a node element

Skin parameters CSS properties

panelTextColor color
preferableDataSizeFont font-size
preferableDataFamilyFont font-family

Table 6.490. Skin parameters for a selected element

Skin parameters CSS properties

headerBackgroundColor border-color
panelTextColor color

Definition of Custom Style Classes

Skin parameters CSS properties

selectControlColor color

Table 6.491. Skin parameters for a mouseovered element

Skin parameters CSS properties

selectControlColor color

6.90.10. Definition of Custom Style Classes

On the screenshot there are classes names that define styles for component elements.

Figure 6.295. Classes names

Table 6.492. Classes names that define a node element

Class name Description

rich-tree-node Defines styles for a tree node

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

rich-tree-node-handleicon Defines styles for a tree node handleicon
rich-tree-node-children Defines styles for all tree node subnodes
rich-tree-node-text Defines styles for a tree node text
rich-tree-node-icon Defines styles for a tree node icon
rich-tree-node-icon-leaf Defines styles for a tree node icon leaf

Table 6.493. Classes names that define states for a node element

Class name Description

rich-tree-node-selected Defines styles for a selected tree node
rich-tree-node-highlighted Defines styles for a highlighted tree node
rich-tree-node-handleicon-collapsed Defines styles for a collapsed tree node
rich-tree-node-handleicon-expanded Defines styles for a expanded tree node

In order to redefine the style for all <rich:treeNode> components on a page using CSS, it's
enough to create classes with the same names and define the necessary properties in them.

To change the style of particular <rich:treeNode> components define your own style classes in
the corresponding <rich:treeNode> attributes.

It is also possible to change look and feel of specific <rich:treeNode> with the help of defining
for them "selectedClass" and "highlightedClass" attributes by their specific classes.

6.90.11. Relevant Resources Links

How to Expand/Collapse Tree Nodes from code see here [http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/


6.91. < rich:tree >

6.91.1. Description

The component is designed for hierarchical data presentation and is applied for building a tree
structure with a drag-and-drop capability.

Key Features

Figure 6.296. Expanded <rich:tree> with child elements

6.91.2. Key Features

• Highly customizable look-and-feel

• Built-in drag and drop capability, than enable relocating tree nodes within the tree

• Built-in Ajax processing

• Possibility to define a visual representation by node type

• Support of several root elements in a tree

Table 6.494. rich : tree attributes

Attribute Name Description

acceptCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when acceptable draggable over dropzone
acceptedTypes A list of drag zones types, which elements are
accepted by a drop zone
adviseNodeOpened MethodBinding pointing at a method
accepting an org.richfaces.component.UITree
with return of java.lang.Boolean type.
If returned value is: java.lang.Boolean.
TRUE, a particular treeNode is expanded;
java.lang.Boolean.FALSE, a particular
treeNode is collapsed; null, a particular
treeNode saves the current state

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

adviseNodeSelected MethodBinding pointing at a method
accepting an org.richfaces.component.UITree
with return of java.lang.Boolean type.
If returned value is: java.lang.Boolean.
TRUE, a particular treeNode is selected;
java.lang.Boolean.FALSE, a particular
treeNode is unselected; null, a particular
treeNode saves the current state
ajaxSingle boolean attribute which provides possibility
to limit JSF tree processing(decoding,
conversion/validation, value applying) to the
component which send the request only
ajaxSubmitSelection If "true", an Ajax request to be submit when
selecting node. Default value is "false".
binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
bypassUpdates If "true", after process validations phase it
skips updates of model beans on a force
render response. It can be used for validating
components input
changeExpandListener Listener called on expand/collapse event on
the node
componentState It defines EL-binding for a component state for
saving or redefinition
cursorTypeMapping Mapping between drop types and acceptable
data Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed
on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
It's accessible via "data.foo" syntax
dragIndicator Id of a component that is used as drag pointer
during the drag operation
dragListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drag operation
dragType A drag zone type that is used for zone
definition, which elements can be accepted by
a drop zone
dragValue Data to be sent to the drop zone after a drop
event. Default value is "getRowKey()".

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

dropListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after drop operation
dropValue Data to be processed after a drop event.
Default value is "getRowKey()".
eventsQueue Name of requests queue to avoid send next
request before complete other from same
event. Can be used to reduce number of
requests of frequently events (key press,
mouse move etc.)
focus id of element to set focus after request
completed on client side
grabbingCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when you has grabbed something
grabCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when you can grab and drag an object
highlightedClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.
Applied to highlighted node
icon The icon for node
iconCollapsed The icon for collapsed node
iconExpanded The icon for expanded node
iconLeaf An icon for component leaves
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
ignoreDupResponses Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response
produced by a request if the newest
'similar' request is in a queue already.
ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel
the request while it is processed on the server,
but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates
on the client side if the response isn't actual
immediate A flag indicating that this component value
must be converted and validated immediately
(during an Apply Request Values phase),
rather than waiting until a Process Validations
limitToList If "true", updates on client side ONLY
elements from this 'reRender' property. If

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

"false" (default) updates all rendered by ajax
region components
nodeFace Node face facet name
nodeSelectListener MethodBinding representing an action listener
method that will be notified after selection of
onbeforedomupdate JavaScript code for call before DOM has been
updated on client side
onclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
oncollapse HTML: script expression to invoke on node
oncomplete JavaScript code for call after request
completed on client side
ondblclick HTML: a script expression; a pointer button is
ondragend A JavaScript event handler called after a drag
ondragenter A JavaScript event handler called on enter
draggable object to zone
ondragexit A JavaScript event handler called after a drag
object leaves zone
ondragstart A JavaScript event handler called before drag
ondrop It's an event that is called when something is
dropped on a drop zone
ondropend A JavaScript handler for event fired on a drop
even the drop for a given type is not available
ondropout A JavaScript event handler called after a out
ondropover A JavaScript event handler called after a drop
onexpand HTML: script expression to invoke on node
onkeydown HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
onkeypress HTML: a script expression; a key is pressed
and released

Key Features

Attribute Name Description

onkeyup HTML: a script expression; a key is released
onmousedown HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
pressed down
onmousemove HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseout HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseover HTML: a script expression; a pointer is moved
onmouseup HTML: script expression; a pointer button is
onselected HTML: script expression to invoke on node
preserveDataInRequest If "true", data is preserved in a request. Default
value is "true".
preserveModel Possible values are "state", "request", "none".
Default value is "request"
process Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, processed at the phases 2-5
in case of AjaxRequest caused by this
component. Can be single id, comma-
separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with
array or Collection
rejectCursors List of comma separated cursors that indicates
when rejectable draggable over dropzone
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
requestDelay Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the
request will be wait in the queue before it is
ready to send. When the delay time is over, the
request will be sent to the server or removed
if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue
reRender Id['s] (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of
components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest
caused by this component. Can be single id,
comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression
with array or Collection

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

rowKeyVar The attribute provides access to a row key in a
Request scope
selectedClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute.
Applied to selected node
showConnectingLines If "true", connecting lines are show
stateAdvisor ValueBinding pointing at instance of class
stateVar The attribute provides access to a component
state on the client side
status ID (in format of call
UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request
status component
style CSS style(s) is/are to be applied when this
component is rendered
styleClass Corresponds to the HTML class attribute
switchType Tree switch algorithm: "client", "server", "ajax"
timeout Response waiting time on a particular request.
If a response is not received during this time,
the request is aborted
toggleOnClick If "false" do not toggle node state on click. If
"true", than node will be toggles on click on
ether node content, or node icon. Default value
is "false".
treeNodeVar The attribute provides access to a TreeNode
instance in a Request scope
typeMapping Map between a draggable type and an
indicator name on zone. it's defined with the
pair (drag type:indicator name))
value The current value for this component
var Attribute contains a name providing an access
to data defined with value

Table 6.495. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.Tree
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTree

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Name Value
component-family org.richfaces.Tree
renderer-type org.richfaces.TreeRenderer
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.TreeTag

6.91.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

There are two ways to set up a tree: 1) with <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> or
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor> 2) and without them. The first method allows to omit "value" and
"var" attributes definition as follows:




The second way requires defining some attributes, as it's shown in the example:


<rich:tree value="#{library.data}" var="item" >
<rich:treeNode icon="/images/tree/singer.png" >
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

6.91.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTree;
HtmlTree myTree = new HtmlTree();

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


6.91.5. Details of Usage

As it has been mentioned above the <rich:tree> component allows rendering any tree-like data

The component interacts with data model via "TreeNode"

interface (org.richfaces.model.TreeNode [http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/
jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/model/TreeNode.html]) that is
used for tree nodes representation. The "value" attribute of the <rich:tree> component contains
a nodes structure defined in a bean property. The property keeps a structure of objects that
implements "TreeNode" interface.

<rich:treeNode> has a property "data" (see org.richfaces.model.TreeNode [http://

org/richfaces/model/TreeNode.html]). Data contained in the property is placed in a request scope
variable, which name is defined with "var" attribute for the <rich:tree> component.

You can develop and use your own pattern of the "TreeNode" interface
or use a default implementation, which is defined with a default class
"TreeNodeImpl" (org.richfaces.model.TreeNodeImpl [http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/

There is a "XmlTreeDataBuilder" class (org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlTreeDataBuilder

richfaces/component/xml/XmlTreeDataBuilder.html]) that allows transforming XML into structures
of objects containing "XmlNodeData" (org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlNodeData [http://
org/richfaces/component/xml/XmlNodeData.html]) instances as data, which could be represented
by the <rich:tree> component.

It's possible to define a visual representation of a node data model (to define a node icon) and
its behavior in correspondence with the data contained in this node (with a value of the "var"
attribute). The node behavior is defined by the components nested into the <rich:treeNode>
(e.g. links or buttons). For these purposes you should use "nodeFace" attribute. For each tree
node a value of "nodeFace" attribute is evaluated and <rich:treeNode> with a value of "type"
attribute equal to a value of "nodeFace" is used for node representation. See an example below.


<rich:tree style="width:300px" value="#{library.data}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}">

Details of Usage

<rich:treeNode type="artist" iconLeaf="/images/tree/singer.png" icon="/images/tree/

<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
<rich:treeNode type="album" iconLeaf="/images/tree/disc.png" icon="/images/tree/
<h:outputText value="#{item.title}" />
<rich:treeNode type="song" iconLeaf="/images/tree/song.png" icon="/images/tree/
<h:outputText value="#{item.title}" />

This is a result:

Figure 6.297. The "nodeFace" attribute usage

In the example above, when each node of data model is processed, data contained in the "data"
property of "TreeNode" interface is assigned to a request scope variable, which name is defined
with "var" attribute. The value of the "nodeFace" attribute is evaluated in correspondence with
the data assigned to the "var" attribute. The corresponding <rich:treeNode> component (with
a value of "type" attribute equal to a value of "nodeFace" ) is used for the node representation.
For example, during data model processing, an object with a name "Chris Rea" was inserted in
the "var" attribute. Then the value of "nodeFace" attribute was evaluated as "artist". Thus,
for the node representation the <rich:treeNode> with "type" equal to "artist" was used.

You can also assign an EL-expression as value of the "nodeFace" attribute. See an example


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

nodeFace="#{data.name != 'param-value' ? 'artist' : 'album'}"

There are some essential points in a "nodeFace" attribute usage: you need to define notions for
typeless and a default nodes.

The typeless node is the first <rich:treeNode> component (from all children nodes nested to the
<rich:tree> component) with not defined "type" attribute and defined "rendered" attribute. The
typeless node is used for representation when "nodeFace" attribute is null.

Default node has the following interior presentation:


<h:outputText value="#{varAttributeName}">

"varAttributeName" is a value for "var" attribute.

Default node is used in the following cases:

• "nodeFace" attribute is defined, but its value isn't equal to any "type" attribute value from all
children nodes;

• "nodeFace" attribute is defined and its value is equal to a value of some "type" attribute from
all children nodes, but the value of "rendered" attribute for this node is "false".

There is also one thing that has to be remembered using "type" and "rendered" attributes: it's
possible to define several <rich:treeNode> components with equal values of "type" attribute and
different values of "rendered" attribute. It provides a possibility to define different representation
styles for the same node types. In the example with artists and their albums (see above [748])
it's possible to represent albums that are available for sale and albums that are not available.
Please study the example below:


<rich:tree style="width:300px" value="#{library.data}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}">
<rich:treeNode type="album" iconLeaf="/images/tree/album.gif" icon="/images/tree/

Details of Usage

<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

<rich:treeNode type="album" iconLeaf="/images/tree/album_absent.gif" icon="/images/
rendered="#{not item.exist}">
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />

This is a result of the code:

Figure 6.298. The "type" and the "rendered" attributes usage

In the example the <rich:treeNode> components has equal values of the "type" attribute.
Depending on value of the "rendered" attribute the corresponding <rich:treeNode> component
is selected for node representation. If an album is available for sale the value of the "rendered"
for the first <rich:treeNode> component is "true", for the second one is "false". Thus, the first
<rich:treeNode> is selected for node representation.

Tree node can be run in tree modes. Modes can be specified with "switchType" attribute for
<rich:tree> component.

• Ajax (default value) - Ajax submission is used performing the functionality. Note, that for
collapse/expand operations an Ajax request is sent to the server and it can cause a short delay.

• Server - regular form of submission request is used.

• Client – all operations are performed totally on the client; no interaction with a server is
involved. Full page content is reloaded after every action.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

The "icon" , "iconCollapsed" , "iconExpanded" , "iconLeaf" attributes set the icons' images for
the component. You can also define icons using facets with the same names. If the facets are
defined, the corresponding attributes are ignored and facets' content is used as icons. By default
the width of a rendered facet area is 16px.


<rich:tree value="#{library.data}" var="item">
<f:facet name="icon">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/tree/singer.png "/>
<f:facet name="iconCollapsed">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/tree/singer.png" />
<f:facet name="iconExpanded">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/tree/singer.png" />
<f:facet name="iconLeaf">
<h:graphicImage value="/images/tree/song.png" />

The <rich: tree> component can be used together with <rich: treeNodeAdaptor> . In this
case there is no need to specify the attributes "value" and "var" . Besides, visual representation
shouldn't be defined right in the tree. In this case a <rich: tree> tag is applied mainly for defining
common attributes such as "ajaxSubmitSelection" etc.

Information about the "process" attribute usage you can find here.


"rowKeyConverter" support for the <rich:tree> is pending!

6.91.6. Built-In Drag and Drop

Words "built-in" in this context mean, that <rich:tree> component has its own attributes, that
provide drag-and-drop capability. These attributes can be divided into two groups: those ones
which provide drag and those which provide drop operations (see the tables below).

Built-In Drag and Drop

Table 6.496. Drag group

Attribute Name Description

dragValue Element value drag passed into processing
after a Drop event
dragListener A listener that processes a Drag event
dragIndicator Id of a component that is used as a drag pointer
during the drag operation
dragType Defines a drag zone type that is used for
definition of a dragged element, which can be
accepted by a drop zone

Table 6.497. Drop group

Attribute Name Description

dropValue Element value drop passed into processing
after Drop events
dropListener A listener that processes a Drop event.
acceptedTypes Drag zone names are allowed to be processed
with a Drop zone
typeMapping Drag zones names mapping on the
corresponding drop zone parameters

Consider drag-and-drop inside a tree. All zones, which are assumed to be dragged, must be
marked. In terms of <rich:tree> these zones completely correspond to tree nodes. So, all
dragging nodes should be marked with "dragType" attribute. Then, to mark zone(-s), where the
dragging node could be dropped, pass the type of dragging node to the "acceptedTypes" attribute
of the drop zone. It would be good to itemize, that each tree node in the <rich:tree> component’s
structure has its own key. Depending on how the component is used, these keys can be generated
by the component itself or can be taken from the component’s data model. Keys help to identify
each node in a tree; key is what exactly being passing from one node to another in drag-and-
drop operations. Finally, the method binding, that will process drag-and-drop operation, should be
pointed via "dropListener" attribute of the <rich:tree> .

Chapters "6.40 <dragIndicator>" and "6.39 <dndParam>" describes how to apply visual element,
that show some additional information (e.g. dragging item name) while operating with drag-and-

Page code, that describes a tree with built in drag-and-drop in the way it is considered, is shown



Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...


<rich:tree style="width:300px" value="#{libraryAjaxTree.data}" nodeFace="#{item.type}" var="item" dragIndicato

<rich:treeNode type="artist" icon="/images/tree/group.png" iconLeaf="/images/tree/
group.png" acceptedTypes="album">
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
<rich:treeNode type="album" icon="/images/tree/cd.png" iconLeaf="/images/tree/
cd.png" dragType="album" acceptedTypes="song">
<h:outputText value="#{item.title}" />
<rich:dndParam name="label" type="drag" value="Album: #{item.title}" />
<rich:treeNode type="song" icon="/images/tree/music.png" iconLeaf="/images/tree/
music.png" dragType="song">
<h:outputText value="#{item.title}" />
<rich:dndParam name="label" type="drag" value="Song: #{item.title}" />

This code renders following tree:

Figure 6.299. Drag-and-drop operations

6.91.7. Events handling

Listeners classes that process events on the server side are defined with the help of:

• changeExpandListener processes expand/collapse event of a treeNode

• dropListener processes a Drop event

• dragListener processes a Drag event

• nodeSelectListener is called during request sending on a node selecting event (if request
sending on this event is defined)

Look-and-Feel Customization

Listener methods can be defined using the following attributes or using nested tags.

Client event attributes are:

• "onexpand" is a script expression to invoke when a node is expanded

• "oncollapse" is a script expression to invoke when a node is collapsed

• "ondragexit" is a script expression to invoke when an element passing out from a tree zone

• "ondragstart" is a script expression to invoke when dragging starts

• "ondragend" is a script expression to invoke when dragging ends (a drop event)

• "ondragenter" is a script expression to invoke when a dragged element appears on a tree

They can be used to add some JavaScript effects.

Standart HTML event attributes like "onclick" , "onmousedown" , "onmouseover" etc. can be also
used. Event handlers of a <rich:tree> component capture events occured on any tree part. But
event handlers of treeNode capture events occured on treeNode only, except for children events.

6.91.8. Look-and-Feel Customization

For skinnability implementation, the components use a style class redefinition method. Default
style classes are mapped on skin parameters.

There are two ways to redefine the appearance of all <rich:tree> components at once:

• Redefine the corresponding skin parameters

• Add to your style sheets style classes used by a <rich:tree> component

6.91.9. Skin Parameters Redefinition:

There is only one skin parameter for <rich:tree> . As it's a wrapper component for
<rich:treeNode> components, look and feel customization is described in the corresponding

Table 6.498. Skin parameters for a wrapper element

Skin parameters CSS properties

overAllBackground background-color

6.91.10. Definition of Custom Style Classes

Table 6.499. Classes names that define a component appearance

Class name Description


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Class name Description

Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of
a tree

In order to redefine styles for all <rich:tree> components on a page using CSS, it's enough to
create classes with the same names (possible classes could be found in the table above) and
define necessary properties in them. An example is placed below:



This is a result:

Figure 6.300. Redefinition styles with predefined classes

In the example a tree font weight was changed to bold.

Also it's possible to change styles of a particular <rich:tree> component. In this case you should
create own style classes and use them in corresponding <rich:tree> styleClass attributes. An
example is placed below:



The "highlightedClass" attribute for <rich:tree> is defined as it's shown in the example below:

Relevant Resources Links


<rich:tree ... styleClass="myClass"/>

This is a result:

Figure 6.301. Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes

As it's shown on the picture above, font weight of highlighted text node of a tree was changed
to bold.

6.91.11. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/tree.jsf?c=tree] you can see the
example of <rich:tree> usage and sources for the given example.

How to Expand/Collapse Tree Nodes from code, see here [http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/


6.92. < rich:changeExpandListener >

6.92.1. Description
The <rich:changeExpandListener> represents an action listener method that is notified on an
expand/collapse event on the node.

6.92.2. Key Features

• Allows to define some "changeExpand" listeners for the component

Table 6.500. rich : changeExpandListener attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Table 6.501. Component identification parameters

Name Value
listener-class org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener
event-class org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedEvent
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.ChangeExpandListenerTag

6.92.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:changeExpandListener type="demo.Bean"/>

6.92.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


package demo;
public class ImplBean implements org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener{

import demo.ImplBean;
ImplBean myListener = new ImplBean();

6.92.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:changeExpandListener> is used as a nested tag with <rich:tree> and
<rich:treeNode> components.

Attribute "type" defines the fully qualified Java class name for the listener. This class should
implement org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener interface [http://labs.jboss.com/file-

The typical variant of using:

Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:tree switchType="server" value="#{project.data}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}">
<rich:changeExpandListener type="demo.ListenerBean"/>
<!-- Tree nodes -->

Java bean source:

package demo;
import org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedEvent;
public class ListenerBean implements org.richfaces.event.NodeExpandedListener{
public void processExpansion(NodeExpandedEvent arg0){
//Custom Developer Code

6.92.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:changeExpandListener> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the
component isn't visual.

6.93. < rich:nodeSelectListener >

6.93.1. Description
The <rich:nodeSelectListener> represents an action listener method that is notified after
selection of a node.

6.93.2. Key Features

• Allows to define some "nodeSelect" listeners for the component

Table 6.502. rich : nodeSelectListener attributes

Attribute Name Description


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean

Table 6.503. Component identification parameters

Name Value
listener-class org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectedListener
event-class org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectedEvent
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.NodeSelectListenerTag

6.93.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag

To create the simplest variant on a page use the following syntax:


<rich:nodeSelectListener type="demo.Bean"/>

6.93.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


package demo;
public class ImplBean implements org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectListener{

import demo.ImplBean;
ImplBean myListener = new ImplBean();

6.93.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:nodeSelectListener> is used as a nested tag with <rich:tree> and <rich:treeNode>

Look-and-Feel Customization

Attribute "type" defines the fully qualified Java class name for listener. This class should
implement org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectedListener interface [http://labs.jboss.com/file-

The typical variant of using:

<rich:tree switchType="server" value="#{project.data}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}">
<rich:nodeSelectListener type="demo.ListenerBean"/>
<!-- Tree nodes -->

Java bean source:

package demo;
import org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectedEvent;
public class ListenerBean implements org.richfaces.event.NodeSelectedListener{
public void processSelection(NodeSelectedEvent arg0){
//Custom Developer Code

6.93.6. Look-and-Feel Customization

<rich:nodeSelectListener> has no skin parameters and custom style classes, as the component
isn't visual.

6.94. < rich:treeNodesAdaptor >

6.94.1. Description

The <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> provides the possibility to define data models and create
representations for them.

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Figure 6.302. Expanded tree with <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>

6.94.2. Key Features

• Allows to define combined data models

• Possibility to define nodes for processing via attributes

Table 6.504. rich : treeNodesAdaptor attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
includedNode This boolean expression is used to define
which elements are processed. Default value
is "true".
nodes Defines collection to use at the other (non-top)
levels of iteration
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current collection element will be
used when iterating

Table 6.505. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.TreeNodesAdaptor
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTreeNodesAdaptor

Creating the Component with a Page Tag

Name Value
component-family org.richfaces.TreeNodesAdaptor
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.TreeNodesAdaptorTag

6.94.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag


<rich:treeNodesAdaptor var="issue" nodes="#{model.issues}">
<h:commandLink action="#{project.click}" value="Project: #{project.name}" />
<!-- Others nodes -->

6.94.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlTreeNodesAdaptor;
HtmlTreeNodesAdaptor myTreeNodesAdaptor = new HtmlTreeNodesAdaptor();

6.94.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component has a "nodes" attribute that defines a collection of

elements to iterate through.

Collections are allowed to include lists, arrays, maps, XML NodeList and NamedNodeMap either
as a single object.

The "var" attribute is used to access to the current collection element.

The <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component can be nested without any limitations. See the
following example.


Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

<rich:tree adviseNodeOpened="#{treeModelBean.adviseNodeOpened}" switchType="client">
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="project" nodes="#{loaderBean.projects}" var="project">
<h:commandLink action="#{project.click}" value="Project: #{project.name}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="srcDir" var="srcDir" nodes="#{project.srcDirs}">
<h:commandLink action="#{srcDir.click}" value="Source directory: #{srcDir.name}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="pkg" var="pkg" nodes="#{srcDir.packages}">
<h:commandLink action="#{pkg.click}" value="Package: #{pkg.name}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="class" var="class" nodes="#{pkg.classes}">
<h:commandLink action="#{class.click}" value="Class: #{class.name}" />

6.94.6. Relevant Resources Links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/treeNodesAdaptor.jsf?
c=treeNodesAdaptor] you can see the example of <rich:treeNodesAdaptor > usage and
sources for the given example.

6.95. < rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor >

6.95.1. Description

The <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> is an extension of a <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>

component that provides the possibility to define data models and process nodes recursively.

Key Features

Figure 6.303. Expanded tree with <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor>

6.95.2. Key Features

• Allows to define combined data models

• Possibility to define nodes for processing via attributes

• Allows to process nodes recursively

Table 6.506. rich : recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor attributes

Attribute Name Description

binding The attribute takes a value-binding expression
for a component property of a backing bean
id Every component may have a unique id that is
automatically created if omitted
included This boolean expression is used to define
which elements of both collections are
processed. Default value is "true".
includedNode This boolean expression is used to define
which elements are processed. Default value
is "true".
includedRoot This boolean expression is used to define
which elements are processed applying to
"roots" collection. Default value is "true".
nodes Defines collection to use at the other (non-top)
levels of iteration
rendered If "false", this component is not rendered
roots Defines collection to use at the top of iteration

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

Attribute Name Description

var A request-scope attribute via which the data
object for the current collection element will be
used when iterating

Table 6.507. Component identification parameters

Name Value
component-type org.richfaces.RecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor
component-class org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor
component-family org.richfaces.RecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor
tag-class org.richfaces.taglib.RecursiveTreeNodesAdaptorTag

6.95.3. Creating the Component with a Page Tag


<rich:tree switchType="ajax" stateAdvisor="#{treeDemoStateAdvisor}">


6.95.4. Creating the Component Dynamically Using Java


import org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor;
HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor myRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor = new HtmlRecursiveTreeNodesAdaptor();

6.95.5. Details of Usage

The <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> component has a "roots" attribute that defines
collection to use at the top of recursion.

The "nodes" attribute defines collection to use on another recursion levels.

The "var" attribute is used to access to the current collection element.

Details of Usage

The <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> component can be nested without any limitations.

See the following example.


<rich:tree adviseNodeOpened="#{treeModelBean.adviseNodeOpened}" switchType="client">
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="project" nodes="#{loaderBean.projects}" var="project">
<h:commandLink action="#{project.click}" value="Project: #{project.name}" />

<rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor id="dir" var="dir" root="#{project.dirs}" nodes="#{dir.directories}">

<h:commandLink action="#{dir.click}" value="Directory: #{dir.name}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="file" var="file" nodes="#{dir.files}">
<h:commandLink action="#{file.click}" value="File: #{file.name}" />
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor id="file1" var="file" nodes="#{dir.files}">
<h:commandLink action="#{file.click}" value="File1: #{file.name}" />
<rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor id="archiveEntry" var="archiveEntry"
roots="#{dir.files}" nodes="#{archiveEntry.archiveEntries}"
includedRoot="#{archiveEntry.class.simpleName == 'ArchiveFile'}"
includedNode="#{archiveEntry.class.simpleName == 'ArchiveEntry'}">
<rich:treeNode id="archiveEntryNode">
<h:commandLink action="#{archiveEntry.click}" value="Archive entry:
#{archiveEntry.name}" />

Chapter 6. The RichFaces Comp...

6.95.6. Relevant resources links

Here [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/treeNodesAdaptor.jsf?
c=recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor] you can see the example of
<rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> usage.

Chapter 7.

IDE Support
RichFaces support is implemented in JBoss Developer Studio 1.0.0 GA [http://www.redhat.com/
developers/rhds/index.html] and in Jboss Tools [http://www.jboss.org/tools/index.html]. JBoss
Developer Studio is a fully packaged IDE that provides full support for Java Server Faces,
RichFaces, Facelets, Struts and other Web technologies. In addition to this, it seamlessly
combines visual and source-oriented development approaches. One of the special support feature
for RichFaces is that it is available as project "capabilitiy" which can be added to any existing JSF
project by adding libraries and modifying configuration files as required."

Chapter 8.

Links to information resources

Table 8.1. Web Resources

Resources Links
JBoss RichFaces JBoss RichFaces [http://labs.jboss.com/portal/
JBoss Forum JBoss Forums [http://jboss.com/index.html?
RichFaces Wiki RichFaces Wiki [http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/
RichFaces Blog RichFaces Blog [http://jroller.com/page/a4j]


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