Complete vs. Incomplete Information Games
Complete vs. Incomplete Information Games
Complete vs. Incomplete Information Games
1 C D
4,4 6,0
0,6 2,2
1 C D
4,6 6,2
0,4 2,0
Player 2 selfish
Player 2 nice
Recall that C=cooperate, D=defect. If player 2 is selfish then player 1 will want to choose D, but if player 2 is nice, player 1s best response is still to choose D, since D is a dominant strategy for player 1 in this incomplete information game.
1 C D
4,4 6,0
0,6 2,2
1 C D
6,6 4,2
2,4 0,0
Player 2 selfish
Player 2 nice
If 2 is selfish then player 1 will want to be selfish and choose D, but if player 2 is nice, player 1s best response is to play C! Be nicer to those who play nice, mean to those who play mean.
Analysis of Example 1b
Player 2 knows his type, and plays his dominant strategy: D if selfish, C if nice. Player 1s choice depends on her expectation concerning the unknown type of player 2.
If player 2 is selfish, player 1s best response is to play D. If player 2 is nice, player 1s best response is to play C.
Suppose player 1 attaches probability p to Player 2 being selfish, so 1-p is the probability that Player 2 is nice. Player 1s expected payoff from C is 0p+6(1-p). Player 1s expected payoff from D is 2p+4(1-p). 0p+6(1-p)= 2p+4(1-p), 6-6p=4-2p, 2=4p, p=1/2. Player 1s best response is to play C if p<1/2, D otherwise. In first version, p=1/3, play C; in second, p=2/3, play D.
Frat Party
Frat Party
Frat Party
2,1 0,0
0,0 1,2
Frat Party
2,0 0,1
0,2 1,0
Jerry is a loner
Bayes-Nash Equilibria
Bayes-Nash equilibria is generalization of Nash equilibrium for an incomplete information game. 1. First, convert the game into a game of imperfect information. 2. Second, use the Nash equilibria of this imperfect information game as the solution concept. Apply this technique to the Michelle and Jerry Game. Game
Michelles pure strategy choices are Dancing, D, or Party P. She can also play a mixed strategy, D with probability l. Jerrys strategy is a pair, one for each type of Jerry: the first component is for the Jerry who likes company (Jerry type 1) and the second component is for Jerry the loner (Jerry type 2). Pure strategies for Jerry are thus (D,D), (D,P), (P,D), and (P,P). Jerry also has a pair of mixed strategies g1 and g2 indicating the probability Jerry plays D if type 1or if type 2. Focus on pure strategies.
If p > 2/3, there are 2 pure-strategy Bayes-Nash equilibria
1. 2. Michelle plays D, the Jerrys play (D,P). Michelle plays P, the Jerrys play (P,D).
If 2/3 > p > 1/3 there is just 1 pure strategy Bayes Nash equilibrium, #1 above, where B N h ilib i b h Michelle plays D and the Jerrys play (D,P). In our example, p=1/2, so Michelle should play D and the two Jerrys play (D,P). If p < 1/3 there is no pure strategy Bayes-Nash equilibrium.
Incumbent does not know if he faces 1 entrant or a joint venture involving 2 entrants, as indicated by the dashed information sets
Analysis of Example 3
Three players, first entrant, second entrant, incumbent. Consider the subgames that arise conditional on the second entrants strategy: accept or decline the invitation by first entrant for a joint venture. Since the first entrant always moves first and the incumbent does not observe his moves, we can treat moves these subgames as 2 player, simultaneous-move games between the first entrant and the incumbent only. There are two such games: If the second entrant declines, and if the second entrant accepts.
Middle payoff of 0 is the second entrants payoff. Second entrant has no choice in this subgame. Evidently, the unique Nash equilibrium of this subgame is fight, stay out, yielding a payoff to the incumbant, second entrant, first entrant of (3,0,0).
The unique Nash equilibrium of this subgame is accommodate, propose joint venture, yielding a payoff to the incumbant, second entrant, first entrant of (0,4,4).