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Sense of Sight

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#2 Sense of Sight (30 minutes)

Grade Level:



Prepared By: Kelsey Graff


Overview & Purpose: 1. The students will be introduced to the sense of sight through discovery. 2. The students will learn about the different parts of the eye. 3. The students will learn that you need light in order for your sense of sight to work. PGG goal(s) addressed: 6.4 Plans and develops engaging and authentic lessons that demonstrate knowledge and confidence in subject matter: This lesson is fully engaging the students by allowing them to discover their sense of sight. It is a hands-on experience with the subject matter. 1.3 - Uses constructivist principles to guide student learning: I am building upon the students experiences with their eyes. Teacher SE1.1 Investigate characteristics of the five senses in humans and other animals. SE1.2 Explore how humans and animals use their senses to interact with their environment.

Broad Areas of Learning: Cross Curricular Competencies: - Developing Thinking: Students are asked to inquire about what is being presented to them.


Students Indicator: a. Identify each of the senses and associate those senses with parts of humans or animals. b. Identify characteristics used to describe the range of observations related to each sense. c. Pose questions that lead to exploration and investigation of senses in humans. 1. The students will go to the gym to take part in the activity. Materials Needed: - My Five Senses Booklets

Procedures: 1. Motivational Set: Take the students into the gym and shut off the lights. - Make sure that it is very dark so that the students cannot see what

you are holding (warn the students before darkening the room so that they do not get scared). 2. Show the students pictures in the dark. - I am holding a picture in my hand, what is it a picture of? - What do you mean you cannot see it? Its right here! 3. Bring out a flashlight and hold it up to the picture. - Can you tell me what the picture is now? - Then bring out a lamp and hold it up to the picture. - Bring out a candle. - Bring out a lantern. - What does all of this tell us about our sense of sight? - What do our eyes need in order to see? - Our eyes are very important because they give us lots of information about our surroundings. For example: street lights/signs, reading, labels (poisons), etc 4. Talk about pupils. Tell them that our eyes have pupils, which get bigger in the dark to let more light in, and smaller in the light to let less light in. - Turn the lights back on. Ask the 2. The students will realize that they cannot see the picture in the dark. They may say that they need some light to see the picture. - Pictures of different things.

3. The students will discover that their eyes need light in order to see. There are many types of light sources that allow our eyes to see.

Flashlight Lamp Candle Lighter Lantern

4. The students will discuss why they think their eyes hurt when they turn on a bright light after being in the dark.

student why they think it hurts your eyes when you turn on a bright light after being in the dark. - It is because our pupils got bigger in the dark, and when you suddenly turn the lights back on it takes time for them to get small again and they are letting in too much light. 5. Read the students a story about our sense of sight called Seeing. (If there is no time for the story it can be read at another time during the day) 6. Go over eye diagram to show the different parts of the eye. Have the students echo each different part. Then have them try it on their own. 7. The students can start working on the second page of their My Five Senses booklet. - Today we are going to do the second page of our booklets where it says Sight. - Read over what it says and give examples of what you like to see. 5. The students will listen to the story and answer the questions posed to them. Gordon, Sharon. (2001). Seeing. New York: Childrens Press Inc.

6. The students will echo each part of the eye after I have gone over them and then try saying each part on their own. 7. The students will draw and then color in their booklets.

- Eye diagram

- My Five Senses Booklet




Assessment (Steps to check for student understanding must assess outcomes.) -

I will listen to the students answers to the questions posed to find out what they already know about their sense of sight.

The students should give meaningful thought to the questions posed to them.

Other Resources

Closure (Reinforce the lesson)

Quickly review: What sense were we using today in order for us to see the pictures I was holding up? What did we need in order for our eyes to see what I was holding up? What different types of light sources did I use?

- The students will answer the questions posed to them.

Reflections (What went well; what could be improved)

- The students got a lot out of this lesson. None of them had ever heard of what their pupils were and were fascinated by the fact that they changed in size. They were also very engaged with what I was doing in the gym with all of the different light sources.

Additional Notes

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