Shepherding Notes Booklet
Shepherding Notes Booklet
Shepherding Notes Booklet
It is important to note that these lessons are relevant topics wrapped up in Scripture. The Bible is the authority, therefore Scripture is used extensively. Suggested uses of these Lessons:
The lessons can be used to prepare a group of new Believers to become a church A church may use this booklet to equip Saints for service. Suggested ways to study these Lessons:
Study one lesson each week. Allow one hour for each lesson. Permit class members to participate in reading, either by paragraphs or pages. For the review or discussion period, let class members read the questions and search for answers. (The answers can be found in the lesson.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Why Salvation? Benefits of Salvation The New life in Christ and its responsibilities The Holy Spirit and Life in the Spirit Serving and Worshiping God The Church and its Divine Order RMI our ways in the Lord Our vision Christians and Wealth The Rapture
LESSON 1: WHY SALVATION? Salvation deals with health, deliverance, safety, help, and rescue, preservation from darkness, danger and calamity. As human beings we have natural life (Biosis). However, we need to be saved and receive God kind of life (Zoe); life that comes from above. You need God because you were born without the life of God to this world. Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3: 3, that means born from above, born of the spirit and born of God. THE PROBLEM - People are born under SIN (i. falling short of Gods standard, ii. missing the mark, iii. disobedience, error or fault). There is a JUDGMENT coming (Heb 9: 27; Revelations 20: 11-15), there is DEATH & OPPRESSION by Satan. Romans 3: 23; Romans 6: 23. CONSEQUENCES OF SIN Sin separates us from God (Isa 59:2); Makes us feel guilty (Ps 38:4); Brings death (Ro 6:23); Brings accusation from Satan (Rev 12:10); Makes us estranged from God (Ps 58:3); Brings enslavement (Jn 8:34), etc. SOLUTION God provided in His Son Christ the ONLY WAY to be saved and freed from SIN, OPPRESSION, DEATH, and ETERNAL DAMNATION. Ro 5: 8; Isa 53: 4-6; Jn 14:6; 3: 8, Ac 4: 12; Luk 15: 11-24; Jn 3: 3. WHAT MUST I DO? A sinner dies unto sin and is born anew unto RIGHTEOUSNESS (Ro 10: 9-13; Ac 2: 37-39: 3: 17-20; Isa 55: 6-7). You are ASSURED of your salvation by Faith (Eph 2: 8-9; 1 Jn 5: 11-13; 6: 37; Tit 1: 2).
LESSON 2: BENEFITS OF SALVATION You are BORN AGAIN of the Spirit when you receive Jesus as Savior (Jn 3: 5-6; 14: 16-17; Ro 8: 14-16) You were ADOPTED, you have a new identity as a child of God (Jn 1: 12). You were FORGIVEN all your sins (Isa 1: 18; He 8: 12; Jn 1: 9; 5: 24). You received Christs RIGTHEOUSNESS (2 Co 5: 21; Php 3: 9; Ro 5: 1; 8: 1). You received ETERNAL LIFE, the life of God (Ro 6: 23; Jn 3: 16; Eph 2: 1-22; 2 Co 5: 17; Eze 36: 26-27; 1 Jn 5: 12-13).
You were REDEEMED from all Satans powers sin, sickness, oppression, poverty, darkness, etc. (1Pe 1: 18-19; Gal 3: 13-14; Isa 53: 1-6; 1 Pe 2: 24; 2 Co 8: 9; Col 1: 13-14). COMMUNION or the Lords Supper was instituted by Christ (Mt 26: 17-29; Mk14: 12-25). It is about celebrating PASSOVER (Ex 12: 1-14). By accepting Jesus, we signify that the death angel has passed over our houses. Christs death saved us from spiritual death (1 Co 10: 16-17; 11: 23-26). Keep the Festival because, salvation is solely through the broken body and the shed blood of Christ. (Jn 6: 47-63; 1 Co 5: 7, 8; 2Co 6: 14-18; Jas 4: 4; 1 Jn 2: 15-17; 1 Co 10: 16-17). Men must accept by faith what Christ has done for him and live by obedience to Him without sin so the penalty will not have to be paid again (1 Co 11:23-32). Bodily HEALING in the atonement (Isa Mt 8: 16-17; Ga 3:13-14; 1Pe 2: 24). Participants must be saved, and their lives must be consistent with the mission of Christ.
LESSON 3: RESPONSIBILITIES OF A NEW CREATURE When you received Christ, you started a NEW LIFE. This is a God kind of life. There are RESPONSIBILITIES. Repent and be BAPTIZED every one (Isa 53: 12; 1 Pe 3: 18-21) of you in the name of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Ac 2:38). It is your responsibility to be baptized. Demonstrate to the world your new life. This is an act of obedience, belonging and discipleship. Be immersed into water. Show the world that you are burying the past and that you now belong to Christ. You are saved by grace from eternal death (Ro 6:3-4); you received salvation without cost (Eph 2: 8-9); you died, buried and are resurrected together with Christ (Ro 6:1-14) through baptism. Study the WORD of God; this is a command, (Jos 1:8; Mt 28: 20; Ro 12: 1-2). It is the Word of God, the gospel that saved you (He 4: 12; 1 Cor 1:17-18; Eph 5: 25-26; 1 Pe 1: 23-25). You need to thirst and hunger after the Word of God (Isa 55: 1-7; Rev 21: 5-6; Jn 4: 5-14). Man shall not live by bread alone (Mt 4: 4; Ja 1: 22). SEPARATE yourself from the old life of sin and live a HOLY life (Ro 12: 1-2). Separate yourself from influences and friendships that may lead you back to sin (Ro 6: 1-13; Jas 4: 4-10). Get rid of Satans rule in your life, e.g. burn things of witchcraft (disobedient) and false religion (Ac 19: 18-20; He 12: 14).
Develop a personal relationship with God, PRAY (Ps 34: 15-17; 145: 18-19; Pr 15: 8; Mt 6: 6-13; 7: 7-11; Jn 14: 13-14) privately and READ and STUDY Gods WORD (He 11: 6; 1 Th 5: 12-25; 2 Ti 2: 15; 3: 16-17; He 4: 12; Ps 119: 7). CONFESSING Gods Word means saying the same thing as Gods Word says it (1 Ti 6: 12; He 3: 1). Jesus throughout his ministry confessed/professed the Word (Mt 4: 4). Jesus as our High Priest of our confession, brings to pass whatever we confess (Nu 23: 19; Ps 89: 34; Isa 55: 10-11). For example, Strengthen yourself with Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 Jn 4: 4).
LESSON 4: BAPTISM IN THE SPIRIT The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power (1Cor 2:1-5; 4:20). The purpose of being baptized in the Spirit is to be endued with power for God's service. (Luke 24:49; Jn 16:7-15; Ac 1:4-8). Warfare in God's service is spiritual (2Cor 10:3-5; Eph 6:11-18). It is about power, boldness, fruitfulness and proclamation of the word effectively. Demonstration of the Spirit awakens unbelievers to a consciousness of the presence and the power of God which raises their faith in Jesus and they get saved (Ac 3: 1-26; Jn 16: 7-15). Holy Spirit EMPOWERS believers; the earthen vessels are weak and fragile (2 Co 4: 7; Ro 6: 5-8; Ga 2: 20; 2 Co 3: 17-18). The baptism in the Spirit is also the DOORWAY TO THE TREASURES God has laid up in store for His Church: the gifts of the Spirit (1Cor 12:7-11). The believers can be baptized in the Spirit upon receiving Christ (Ac 19: 1-6) or by laying on of hands (Ac 8: 9-21). EVIDENCE of being Baptized in the Spirit is speaking in tongues (Joel 2: 2829; Ac 2: 14-18; Jn 14: 12, etc.). Spirit filled believers have the same empowering that Jesus had to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons, tread on serpents and scorpions (Ac 1: 4-8; Mk 16: 15-20; Jn 10: 36-38; Ro 15: 18-21) Fathers DESIRE (Ga 3: 13-14; Eph 1: 10-14) Pray likewise:
"Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus' name believing with all my heart that I only have to ask, and you will give unto me as your word promises, the baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Faith Mk 11: 22-23) I ask you now dear Lord to baptize me and fill me with your Holy Spirit. (Ask, seek & knock Mk 11: 24; Luk 11: 9-13) I believe that I have now received the baptism in the Spirit and I thank you for it Lord. I now expect to speak in tongues in accordance with your word as the Holy Spirit gives me the utterance." (Believe Mk 11:24) When we speak in tongues we are communicating directly with God Himself, and without interpretation neither we nor anyone else can understand what is being spoken. We are speaking mysteries only God understands (1Cor 14:2). When we pray in tongues we are praying from the Spirit, not from the mind (1 Co 14: 14).
LESSON 5: HOLY SPIRIT and your LIFE in the SPIRIT Our God is a TRINITY (Mt 3:16-17; 2 Cor 13:14). You belong to the FATHER, Christ died for you, and the HOLY SPIRIT works in your life and God wants to fill you with the HOLY SPIRIT for the purpose of giving you power to live and to serve Him: Tit 3:5; Ac 1:8; 2: 14, 38-39; Ro 8: 26-27; Jn 14: 15-18; 16: 7-14; Jude 20; Luk 11: 9-13. The HOLY SPIRIT comes into your life as a HELPER, LEADER and FRIEND: Zec 4: 6; Ro 8: 14, 26; 1 Cor 12; 2 Cor 13 14. We can only maintain the state of HOLINESS by the empowering of the HOLY SPIRIT. Hence, yield to the Holy Spirits leading (Ro 8: 5-17). Grieving the Holy Spirit leads to resisting Him (Ac 7: 51); this in turn leads to quenching the Spirit (1 Th 5:19), and finally despising Him (He 10:26-31), which will lead to eternal damnation (Mt 12: 31).
LESSON 6: SERVING AND WORSHIPING GOD Our slogan, SAVED TO RESTORE (Luke 4: 18-19) Witnessing (Eze 47: 1-12; Mt 28: 18-20) It is the responsibility of every believer in the New Testament Church to win souls to Christ. It is not an option, but a command that has to be obeyed, Mt 28: 18-20; Mk 16: 15, 16; Acts 1: 6-8; 10: 42-43, Ps 119: 9; John 14:15; 1 Cor 7:19; Rev 22:14; Acts 8:4. The principle of sowing Col 1: 3-6. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a reproductive organism whose seed is in itself. The Gospel, faithfully proclaimed, will never fail to produce fruit, Rom 10: 13-17; Gal 6: 7-9. There is no neutrality in Christianity Mt 12: 30; Jn 15:5-6; Rom 2:7-11, Gal 6:7-8, Jas 1:22-25; 2:14-26. There is a value on souls, Jn 12:23-27, 1Pe 3:18. Christ died for all sinners. Now is the time for salvation, 2 Cor 6:2; 2 Ti 4:2. The sinner must be confronted with the Gospel for their salvation, Eze 33: 9; Ro 1: 16; 1 Pe 1: 23. The Gospel places urgency in winning souls, Eph 2:1-2. God has saved us to serve Him; to restore lives Jn 15:16; God rewards soul winning, 1 Cor 3:8-15; Rev 22: 12: Da 12:3. Tithes and Offerings (Mal 3: 6-12; Lev 27: 30-33; Num 18: 26; Deu 12: 17; Mt 27: 27 Luk 11: 42) God is the CREATOR, the OWNER and the GIVER of all things. What we give back to God is only a part of what He has given to us in the first place (Ge 1:1; Ex 19:5; 1 Cor 2: 9-16; Psa 24:1-2; Hag 2:8; Jn 1: 1-3; Jas 1:17: Job 1:21; 2 Pe 1:3. Our stewardship is a valid test of our relationship with God, Mt 25:14-30. Give according as you have purpose in your heart, so give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver 2 Cor 9:7. Helping We must extend our hand to the helpless and powerless, poor in health, weak and gaunt (Psa 41:1-3; Pr 19:17; Ecc 11:1-6; 2 Cor 9:1-15). Gods law of sowing and reaping applies to every aspect of our Christian walk - to the giving of ourselves, our finances and our time to others; our financial support to ministry; our moral behavior and our Christian service. Prayer
God promises to answer the prayers of believers and fulfill His promises in their lives (Psa 34:15-17; Mt 7:7-11; Mk 11:22-24; Eph3:20; He 11:6; Jas 5:14-18; 1Jn 3:21-22; 5: 14-15.
LESSON 7: RMI - OUR WAY OF SERVICE (a) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor. Luk 4: 18, 19. (b) We carry the light of HOPE in Africa and abroad (Mt 28: 18-20) (c) R stands for RESTORATION and RECONCILIATION (2 Cor 5:11-21, Isa 8: 11-11; desolate places shall be inhabited) (d) M stands for Ministering Gods love (2 Co 5: 18-21) (e) I stands for IMPROVE peoples lives (f) As you seek to worship and serve God in the RMI; be involved in the following: i. CHURCH SERVICES Sunday ii. MIDWEEK MEETINGS - (Act 20:20). We meet to pray and be taught the WORD of God. iii. YOUTH MEETING - if you are a young person (in the spirit) seek to belong to the young peoples groupings. iv. If you are a lady seek to join the WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE Groupings. If you are a man, seek to belong to the MENS NETWORKING Groupings v. If you feel so led or interested in worship, seek to serve God in the choir 2 Cor 5: 12 vi. Our slogan is SAVED TO RESTORE, Luk 4: 18-19.
LESSON 8: OUR VISION Go in and possess the land; the land of the ites. (Joshua 3: 1-11; Deut 8: 1) 1. Take over the Media (Hittites). Proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (Luk 4: 19; Ex 17: 15; Isa 5: 26; 11: 10; 52: 7)
2. Take over Governance (Girgashites) Rise up as Josephs (preservers of truth), as Daniels (no compromise), as Davids (rulership/kingship) and as Levites (priests). 3. Take over Education (Amorites) Write books, start schools, daycare centres, etc. that proclaim godliness. 4. Take over Economy (Canaanites) Greed brings a lot of sorrows. Wrong people in positions of wealth. No child of God is ordained for poverty. Start businesses, partnerships, etc. Time to dare. 5. Take over Entertainment (Hivites) raise the standards of praise and worship. Start drama groups, make godly movies, music, dvds, puppet shows, etc. 6. Defeat Religion (Perizzites) Holiness is not a human struggle. Soundness, deliverance and salvation through the Holy Spirit. God is the source of all life. By GRACE are ye saved (Eph 2: 8, 9). Go into full time ministry, evangelism and demonstration of Gods power. 7. Recover your Family back (Jebusites) After consulting God, David returned his family.
LESSON 9: THE RAPTURE The doctrine of the rapture perfectly defines the scriptural fact of the event that will take place when Jesus comes back to take the Church up to heaven with Him at the end of this dispensation 1Th 4:17. The rapture signifies the end of the Church age as well as the end of this dispensation. The word rapture is derived from a Latin word, raptus, which means being caught away or caught up; being bodily translated from one place to another (Gen 5: 21-24; He 11: 5; 2 Ki 2:1-12; Ac 8: 39-40). Being translated from the earth, while still living, is no new thing with God. Many Christians confuse the scriptures referring to the rapture (Jn 14: 1-3; Tit 2: 13; Phil 3: 20-21; 1 Cor 15: 23; 51-58; 1 Th 2: 19; 3: 13; 4: 13-17; 5: 23) with the scriptures referring to Christ's second coming. They are two distinct and separate events in time (CP Isa 63:1-6, Dan 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 18, 27; Joel 3:1-21; Zech 14:1-5, 9, 16-21; Mt 24:27-44; 25:31; Mk 13:24-27) The rapture is when Christ comes in the air, for the Saints, to take them to heaven. There will be at least seven years between this event and His second coming (Luk 21: 25-26). Jesus said, "Because I live ye shall live also." We live,
not in anticipation of physical death as unbelievers do, but in anticipation of Jesus coming again for us, and whether we be living or dead at that time we shall rise together with Him in glory. The ultimate purpose of the Lord coming back for His Saints is so they will be with Him in all eternity, and taking them to heaven is simply the first step in His purpose (1Cor15:12-23, 32, 42-44, 50-58; 1Th 4:1318). The rapture is a purifying hope - the source of inspiration and consecration for all sincere Christians, and a comfort to those being persecuted for Jesus' sake (Eph 5:25-27; Col 3:1-6; 1Th 3:12-13; 5:23; 2Th 3:5; Jas 5:7-9; 1Pe 5:4; 1Jn 2:28; 3:1-3; Jude 24). Rapture will take place before the Great Tribulation. The events that come to pass after the rapture are - the emergence of Antichrist, the Tribulation, Christ's second coming, the battle of Armageddon, and Christ's millennial kingdom, etc. Watch and pray !!!!! (Gal 5: 16Luk 21: 25-26, 36, Rev 3: 15; 1 Th 4: 13-18)