SEMESTER 6 Computer Science and Enginerring MG University Syllabus
SEMESTER 6 Computer Science and Enginerring MG University Syllabus
SEMESTER 6 Computer Science and Enginerring MG University Syllabus
Course Code A B C D E F G H Course No. R 601 RT602 R 603 RT604 RT605 R 606 R 607 R 608 Subject L PC & PC based Systems Software Engineering Project Management and Quality Assurance Computer Networks Network Computing Algorithm Analysis and Design System Software Lab Mini Project Total 3 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 16 Teaching Periods T 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6
Prac./ Proj.
Marks Sessional 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 Theory 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Practical 100 100 200 Total 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1200
4 4 8
Module 1 Introduction to PC Hardware components study of motherboards Different types of ports, slots and connectors-Add-on cards-Power supply SMPS- function & operations. Module 2 Storage Devices Floppy Floppy Disk Controller - Disk Physical specification & operations Disk magnetic properties Cylinders Clusters Hard disks Hard disk drive operation Magnetic data storage - Sectors Disk formatting partitioning Hard disk features Hard disk data transfer modes Programmed I/O Direct memory access Ultra DMA Data addressing Standard CHS addressing Extended CHS addressing Logical Block Addressing. Module 3 Optical Storage CD ROM, CD Technology, Sector layout, CD-R, CD-RW, CDROM, drive specifications- data transfer rate Access time Constant linear velocity constant angular velocity - Buffers Interface Magneto optical drives WORM devices DVD- RAID Holographic storage. Module 4 Memory Management in PC Parity ECC Static & Dynamic RAM Memory Addressing Segmented addressing - 64 KB Limits 640 KB barrier Logical, segmented, virtual, linear and physical memory addresses Extended and Expanded memory Cache memory Video memory HMA - Flat memory model Advanced memory technologies. Module 5 Bus Structures ISA, PCI, PCMCIA, AGP, USB, Hard Disk Interfaces IDE, EIDE, ATA Communication ports Serial Parallel port Keyboard / Mouse Interface connectors. References 1. PC Hardware Complete Reference - Craig Zacker & John Rourke, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Inside the PC (8th Edition) - Peter Norton,BPB 3. The Indispensable PC Hardware Book - Messmer, Pearson Education 4. Troubleshooting and Repairing Your PC - Corey Candler, Wiley 5. Upgrading and repairing PCs (4th edition) - Scott Mueller, Pearson Education 6. IBM PC Assembly Language Programming - Abel, PHI 7. PC Upgrading Maintenance & Trouble shooting guide - Dr. S. K. Chauhan, Kataria
RT 602 2+1+0 Module 1 Introduction to Software engineering Introduction Software and software Engg.- Phases in software developmentSoftware development process models-Role of Management in software development Role of Matrics and measurement Software requirement specification(SRS) - Problem Analysis - validation . Module 2 Project Planning Cost Estimation Uncertainties models COCOMO model Project scheduling average duration estimation Project scheduling and milestones staffing and personal plan Rayleigh curve personnel plan team structure software configuration management plans quality assurance plans verification and validation inspections and reviews - project monitoring plans - time sheets reviews cost schedule milestone graph risk management. Module 3 System Design Design Principles Problem partitioning and hierarchy abstraction modularity top down and bottom_up strategies module level concepts - coupling cohesion structured design methodology - verification - matrics. Module 4 Coding Top-down and Bottom-up - Structured Programming - Information Hiding Programming style - Internal Documentation Verification - Code Reading Static Analysis - Symbolic execution - Proving Correctness - Code inspections Unit testing. Module 5 Testing Testing fundamentals - Functional and Structured Testing - Testing Process Comparison of Verification and Validation Techniques - Reliability assessment Programmer Productivity - Error removal efficiency. Text Book 1. An integrated approach to Software Engineering - Pankaj Jalote, Narosa Publication References 1. Software Engineering - Roger S. Pressman, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Software Engineering - Ian Sommervilla, Pearson Education 3. Software Engineering Theory and Practice - Shari Lawrence, Pearson Education Asia 4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering Rajib Mall, PHI 5. Fundamentals of Software Engineering Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, PHI
Module 1 PROJECT PLANNING Overview Capital expenditure - Phases of capital budgeting Project development cycle 7-s of project management Requirements of a project manager Forms of project organization. Module 2 PROJECT ANALYSIS Market Analysis Technical Analysis - Financial Analysis Risk Analysis Social cost Benefit Analysis. Module 3 CONTROL OF PROJECT Control Systems Control of major constraints Project management software & information systems. REVIEW: Performance of Evaluation Abaudonment Analysis Behavioral issues in Project Management Module 4 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality systems ISO 9000 series ISI Benchmarking Quality Function development (QFD) Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) ISO 14000. Module 5 CONCEPTS IN SAMPLING Sampling designs and schemes Errors in sampling Simple random sample stratified random sample Cluster sample. Sample size destination Estimating population mean Estimating population proportion. References 1. Projects preparation, Apprisal, Budgeting & Implementation Prasanna Chandra Tata McGraw Hill 2. Projects Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation & Review - Prasanna Chandra Tata McGraw Hill 3. Project Management - Harvey Maylor - Pearson Education 4. Total Quality Management Dale H. Besterfield Pearson Education 5. Quality control and Improvement Amitava Mitra Pearson Education 6. Quality assurance and TQM Jain & Chitale Khanna Publishers
RT 604
Module 1 Introduction: ISO-OSI Reference Model TCP/IP Reference Model Comparison Network hardware-Repeaters, Routers, Bridges, Gateways, Hub, Cable Modem. Physical Layer: Transmission Media ISDN system Architecture Communication Satellites geostationary satellites - Medium Earth Orbit Satellites- Low earth orbit satellites Satellite v/s Fiber Module 2 Data Link Layer: Design issues-Error Detection and correction Elementary Data link protocols- Sliding window protocols. . LAN Protocols: Static & Dynamic channel allocation in LANs and WANs, Multiple access protocols ALOHA Pure ALOHA Slotted ALOHA Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocols persistent and non-persistent CSMA CSMA with collision detection IEEE 802.3 standards for LAN Module 3 Network layer: Virtual Circuits, Datagrams, Routing Algorithm Optimality principle - Flooding - Flow Based Routing - Link state routing Distance vector routing Multicasting Link state multicasting Distance vector multicasting Congestion Control Algorithms General principles Packet discarding Choke packets - Congestion prevention policies Traffic shaping Leaky bucket algorithm Flow specifications jitter control Module 4 Transport Layer: - Transport Service - Elements of transport protocols Internet Transfer Protocols UDP and TCP ATM Principle characteristics. Module 5 Application Layer: Domain name system DNS name space Resource records Name servers operation of DNS - Electronic Mail MIME Mobile networks: Mobile telephone systems, Bluetooth - Components Error correction Network topology Piconet and scatternet L2CAP layers Communication in Bluetooth networks References 1. Computer Networks (Fourth Edition): Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Pearson Education Asia/ PHI 2. An Introduction to computer networking: Kenneth C. Mansfield Jr., James L. Antonakos, Prentice-Hall India 3. Communication Network: Leon, Garcia, Widjaja Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Computer Networks (Second Edition): Larry L Peterson & Bruce S Davie, (Harcourt India) 5. Computer Networking: James F Kurose & Keith W Ross, Pearson Education 6. Introduction to Data Communications and Networking: Behrouz, Forouzan, McGraw Hill
RT 605 3+1+0 Module 1 HTML Documents Basic Tags for Font & Paragraph Formatting Lists, Tables, Frames, image Maps Cascading Style Sheets Style Element, Inline style sheets, Embedded style sheets, External Style sheets, CLASS Attribute, Absolute and relative positioning of elements, DIV & SPAN Tags. Module 2 Dynamic HTML Pages Client side scripting - Java Script variables, Arithmetic operations message boxes, Arrays, control statements, functions, event handling, document object model. Dynamic updating of pages with JAVA Script. Embedding ActiveX controls - using the structured graphics ActiveX Control. Module 3 Java programming Features of Java, Creating & using classes in Java Static classes Inheritance Final methods, variables and classes Interfaces - Nested classes Inner classes Anonymous Inner classes Exception handling Creating & using exceptions, Multithreaded programs and thread synchronization, creating and using packages. Creating GUI with AWT and Swing -JDK1.1 event model Module 4 Network Programming with Java - Features of Java Applets & Application Life cycle of applets - Security features for applets - Inter applet communication Threads & Thread synchronization TCP/IP Programming with Java Iterative & Concurrent servers. Datagrams, IP multicasting, RMI (Structure and Working of a simple RMI Program only) Module 5 HTTP Protocol working HTTP methods, GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, HEAD Server side scripting HTML Forms & CGI GET & POST, Basic working of a CGI supported web server Simple CGI program in C to validate user name & Password. Email: Working of SMTP and POP protocols (Overview only).
References Module 1,2,5 1. Internet and World Wide Web How to program - Deitel,Deitel & Nieto, Pearson Education Asia 2. HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl, CGI - Evan Bayross, BPB Module 3,4,5 3. Java 2 Complete reference - Herbert, Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Java 2, AWT, Swing, XML and JavaBeans Programming Black Book Steven Holzner, Wiley Dreamtech 5. The Java Programming Language 3rd Edition - Arnold, Gosling, Holmes, Pearson Education Asia 6. Using Java 2 Platform - Joseph Weber, PHI 7. Computer Networks - Tenanbaum, PHI/ Pearson Education Asia Additional References 8. Unix Network Programming - Stevens W Richard, PHI 9. TCP/IP Protocol suite, 2/e -Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH ALGORITHM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
Module 1 Introduction and Complexity What is an algorithm Properties of an Algorithm, Difference between Algorithm, Computational Procedure and Program, Study of Algorithms; Pseudocode Conventions; Recursive Algorithms Space and Time Complexity Asymptotic Notations Oh , Omega , Theta , Common Complexity Functions; Recurrence Relations and Recurrence Trees for Complexity Calculations; Profiling. Deterministic and non - deterministic algorithms. Module 2 Divide and Conquer Control Abstraction, Finding Maximum and Minimum, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer Matrix Multiplication, Stressen s Matrix Multiplication, Merge Sort, Quick Sort. Module 3 Greedy Strategy Control Abstraction, General Knapsack Problem, Optimal Storage on Tapes, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees Prim s Algorithm, Kruskal s Algorithm Job sequencing with deadlines. Module 4 Dynamic Programming Principle of Optimality, Multi-stage Graph, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Travelling Salesman Problem.
Lower Bound Theory - Comparison Trees for Searching and Sorting, Oracles and Adversary Arguments Merging, Insertion & Selection Sort; Selection of k th Smallest Element. Module 5 Backtracking Control Abstraction - Bounding Functions, Control Abstraction, N-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets, Knapsack problem. Branch and Bound Techniques FIFO, LIFO, and LC Control Abstractions, 15-puzzle, Travelling Salesman Problem. Text Book 1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - Horowitz and Sahni, Galgotia References 1. Computer Algorithms Introduction to Design and Analysis - Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder, Pearson Education 2. Data Structures algorithms and applications - Sahni, Tata McGrHill 3. Foundations of Algorithms - Richard Neapolitan, Kumarss N., DC Hearth & Company 4. Introduction to algorithm- Thomas Coremen, Charles, Ronald Rivest -PHI SYSTEM SOFTWARE LAB
R607 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Symbol table construction Single pass and two pass assembler. Macro processor module binder (with limited Instruction set) Lexical analyzer. Bottom Up and Top Down Parser. Code generation. Generation of code for linkers & loaders. Working of device drivers, process scheduling methods.
Any experiment according to the syllabus of RT505 can be substituted. MINI PROJECT
The aim of the mini project is to prepare the students for the final year project. The topic for the mini project should be simple as compared to the main project, but should cover all the aspects of a complete project.