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Qaverage Phase-1 Phase-2 Qpeak Phase-1 Phase-2 m3/d m3/d m3/hr m3/hr M3/sec M3/sec

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Qaverage m3/d m3/hr m3/sec

Phase-1 Phase-2 18000 36000 750 1500 0.208 0.42 Influent Effluent 500 400 10 10

Qpeak m3/d m3/hr m3/sec

Phase-1 Phase-2 37000 74000 1542 3083 0.43 0.86

BOD5 , mg/lit TSS, mg/lit Screen Channel Channel Sizes Width Height Water depth Velocity in

0.7 1.75 1 Channels Phase-1 Phase-2 2 3 Vel at Qa, m/s 0.149 0.198 Vel at Qp, m/s 0.31 0.408 *Tender says for phase-2 ,3 w+1stand by *very low velocities in the screen chamber Grit Channel Size of channels Width Height depth of water Length Ph -1 In use 2 Horizontal flow velocity Qa, m/s 0.036 Qp,m/s 0.075 Hydraulic Retention Time Qa, min 10.98 Qp, min 5.34 Settling Velocity , Vh Qa, m/min 0.13 m/hr 7.81 Qp,m/min 0.27 m/hr 16.06

Primary Sedimentation Tank, Each PST dia, m 16 Side depth, m 4.6 Water Depth, m 4 Surface Area,m2 201.0 Volume, m3 803.8 Weir length 50.3 Total Clarifiers 4 in use 2 Hydraulic Retention Time at Qa, hrs 2.14 at Qp, hrs 1.04 Over flow Rate Qa, m3/m2/d m3/m2/hr Qp, m3/m2/d m3/m2/hr Weir Loading Qa, m3/m/d m3/m/hr Qp, m3/m/d m3/m/hr

4 2.14 1.04

2 2.13 1.43 24 Ph-2 4 0.036 0.075 10.98 5.34 0.13 7.81 0.27 16.06

44.79 1.866 92.06 3.836

44.79 1.866 92.06 3.836

179.03 7.46 368.00 15.33

179.03 7.46 368.00 15.33




Page 2

Qaverage m3/d m3/hr m3/sec Qpeak m3/d m3/hr m3/sec Aeration Tanks

Phase-1 Phase-2 18000 36000 750 1500 0.208 0.42 Phase-1 Phase-2 37000 74000 1542 3083 0.43 0.86

BOD5 , mg/lit TSS, mg/lit Sludge Recycle Ratio , at Qa, m3/hr , at Qp, m3/hr

Influent Effluent 500 20 400 30 Phase-1 Phase-2 750.0 1500.0 1541.7 3083.3

Phase-1 No of Tanks Size of each Length,m Width, m Depth, m water depth, m Vol, m3 per tank BOD5r PST, % BOD5 influent ,mg/l BOD5 load , kg/d BOD5 rate, kg/m3/d Hyd. Retention time, hrs at Qa at Qp F/M , d-1 MLSS, kg/m3 hence F/M 2 54 15 5 4 3240 20% 400 Phase-1 7200 Phase-1 1.111 Phase-1 8.64 4.20 Phase-1 3.5 0.32

Phase-2 4 54 15 5 4 3240

Secondary Sedimentation Tank Each SST dia, m Side depth, m Water Depth, m Surface Area,m2 Volume, m3 Weir length Clarifiers in use Hyd Ret.Time, Hrs at Q a, hrs at Qp, hrs Over flow Rate Qa, m3/m2/d m3/m2/hr Qp, m3/m2/d m3/m2/hr Weir Loading Qa, m3/m/d m3/m/hr Qp, m3/m/d m3/m/hr Solids Loading Rate Qa, kg/m2/hr Qp, kg/m2/hr

36 4.5 3.5 1017.36 3560.76 113.112 Phase-1 Phase-2 2 9.50 4.62 8.85 0.369 18.18 0.758 79.57 3.32 163.55 6.815 2.58 5.30

4 9.50 4.62

Phase-2 14400 Phase-2 1.111 Phase-2 8.64 4.20 Phase-2 3.5 0.32

8.85 0.369 18.18 0.758 79.57 3.32 163.55 6.815 2.58 5.30




Page 3

Influent Effluent BOD5 , mg/lit 250 2 TSS, mg/lit 250 1 NH3+N 1.0 TKN 50 1 Y, g TVSS/g/BOD5 0.65 Y, g TVSS/g/NH4-N 0.15 Oc,d^-1 24.0 Kd /d for BOD5 0.05 Kd /d for Nitrification 0.05 MLVSS/MLSS 0.75 Kd/d for denitri 0.00 Yobs for BOD kg/kg BOD5 0.30 Yobs for Nitrification kg/kgNH4r 0.068 Yobs forDeNit kg/kgNO3 0.00 Soluble BOD5 in effluent BOD5 of TSS in effluent 2.0 hence soluble BOD5, mg/lit 1.3 effluent BOD5 0.7 Solids increase,all BOD5r,kg/d 1325.6 Solids increase,all nitrif,kg/d 60.1 Total increase kg/d, TVSS 1385.7 Total increase kg/d, TSS 1847.6 Px BOD5, mg/l 73.6 org N biomass, mg/l 5.4 PxDN, VSS/L 0.0 BOD consumed due to DENITRI BODr due to Deoxygenation,mg/lit Px cell mass conc increase due to BOD5 Px BOD5 ,mg/lit Px cell mass conc increase due to nitri Px Nitri , mg/lit 0.00 0.00 73.6 2.9

Outside Air temperature Oxygen content by wt Elevation TOTAL increase in cell mass TVSS, mg/l Px TVSS Total cell mass increase TVSS, Kg/d Total increase in Cellmass TSS, Kg/d Total mass cosndeiring inerts THOR for BOD5r THOR fir Nitirification,mg/lit Total Total Oxygen demand ,kg/d 1 AERATION EQUIPMENT SIZING 2 Thor SOR. at Field conditions Type "1" for selected equipment Where Alpha ,0.6-1.2 Salinity fact,0.7-0.98, beta, b O2 sol.Correc.factor, elevation, Fa Temp.factor at site deg C, T Min. DO in A Tank,mg/lit,C O2 sol..at field temp,mg/l,C'sw O2 sol.tap water, 20 deg C,mg/l,Csw SOR. at Field conditions,kg/hr, SOR Effeciency,kg O2/Kw/hr Kw reqd HP required Factor of safety HP required no of Aerators HP PER AERATOR kw per aerator

20 21% 2400.00

1385.72 1847.63

272.74 199.45 472.19 8499.39 8499.4 0 1 Aerators 0.90 0.98 0.75 1.00 2.00

9.08 770.27 1.95 395.01 526.68 1.00 526.68 8.00 65.84 49.38




Qa m3/d m3/hr m3/sec BOD5 , mg/lit TSS, mg/lit Filter Design Filtration rate,m/hr Filtration Area,m2 at Qa No of Filters No of operating Filters Filter Area , m2/bed Adopted area m2/bed Filt.rate,at new size,m3/hr Filtration rate,m/hr, Qp Provide stand by backwashing Total filter beds Media Ht Gravel, m Sand, m allow for bed expansion, m Free board
Filter Storage Cap,m3 Effluent solids (S/C), mg/lit Effluent solids (after Filter ), mg/lit Total storage, kg SS Duty Total trapped SS/bed kg/m2 Running time before saturation,hr

Ph -1



18000 36000 750 1500 0.2083 0.4167 Influent Effluent 500 20 400 30
Phase-1 Phase-2 14.40 14.40 52.08 2.00 2.00 26.04 48.00 7.81 16.06 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.60 2.70 30.00 10.00 360.00 2.00 3.750 24.00 52.08 4.00 3.00 17.36 48.00 10.42 21.41 1.00 0.00 4.00 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.60 2.70 30.00 10.00 360.00 4.00 1.875 24.00

Ph -1 Ph-2 m3/d 37000 74000 m3/hr 1541.67 3083 m3/sec 0.43 0.86

Filter Backwashing Water , m3/m2/hr Filter area one cell Flow required,m3/hr Provide duty Pumps Stand by Pumps Cap each m3/hr Air, m3/m2/hr Filter area one cell Flow required Provide duty blower Stand by blower Cap each m3/hr Bakwash Water Losses Bakwash per day B/W duration, min B/W qty per day/cell Total B/Wqty,m3/d B/W % of incoming

Based on Filtration 50.00 50 48.00 2400.00 2.00 1.00 1200.00 50.00 48.00 2400.00 1.00 1.00 2400.00 48.00 2400 2 1 1200.00 50 48.00 2400 1 1 2400.00

1.00 15.00 400.00 800.00 4.44

1 15.0 400.00 1600 8.9

Chlorine Contact Tank Size of each Length,m Width,m Tank depth,m Water Depth,m Volume, m3 Ph -1 in use Hydarulic Retention at Qa, minutes at Qp, minutes

12 14.5 2.8 2 348 Ph-2 2 55.68 27.09 4 55.68 27.09

Degasifier(S/C dist. Box) -1 Ph Ph-2 Length,m 6 Width,m 4 Area,m2 24 in use 1 2 OFR, with recycle 100 %,m3/m2/hr Qa, 62.50 62.5 Qp 128.47 128.5 OFR without recycle, m3/m2/hr Qa 31.25 31.25 Qp 64.24 64.24




Qa m3/d m3/hr m3/sec Qp m3/d m3/hr m3/sec

Ph -1 18000 750 0.2083 37000 1542 0.4282

Ph-2 36000 1500 0.4167 74000 3083 0.8565

BOD5 , mg/lit TSS, mg/lit

Influent Effluent 500 20 400 30

Sludge handling Amount of sludge generated PST Phase-1 Phase-2 solid capture= 70% 70% solids captured,kg/d 5040.0 10080.0 solid conc , % 4.5% 4.5% Vol of sludge, m3/d 108.74 217.48 Secondary Sedimentation Tank kgTSS/kgBODr 0.48 0.48 solids produced,kg/d 3283.2 6566.4 solid conc , % 0.80% 0.80% solids escaping 540.00 1080.00 Net solids kg/d* 3200.40 6400.80 Vol of sludge, m3/d 388.40 776.80 Total sludge ,kg/d 8240.40 16480.8 Total sludge, m3/d 497.14 994.27 Conc of mixed sludge 1.61% 1.61% Tender calls for predewatering reactor Sludge , kg/d 8240.40 16480.8 conc after dewat reactor 3.0% 3.0% Vol of sludge, m3/d 266.68 533.36 Filtrate to L/S,m3/d 230.46 460.91 BFP operation hrs/d 10 10 Total flow to BFP's kg/hr 824.04 1648.08 m3/hr 26.67 53.34 Belt Filter sizing Medium Pressure Solids loadRate,kg/m/hr 260 260 No of operating BFP 2 3 Load to each BFP kg/hr 412.02 549.36 m3/hr 13.33 17.78 Design belt width,m 1.58 2.11 Adopt Belt width , m 2.0 2.0 Hyd. loading , m3/m/hr 6.67 8.89



Design data Parameter Average Daily Flow Peak factor Peak flow rate BOD COD TSS Org-N NH4-N NO3-N TN TP Akalinity Sewage Temp,min Sewage Temp,max Elevation Step A

unit m3/d 2.5 m3/hr mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l deg C deg C m

Influent 42000 4375 200 350 155 15 20 0 35 6 200 15 24


10 50 10 0 1 9 10 1

BOD5 , mg/lit 250 TSS, mg/lit 250 NH3+N TKN 50 Y, g TVSS/g/BOD5 Y, g TVSS/g/NH4-N Oc,d^-1

2 1 1.0 1 0.65 0.15 24.0

ANAEROBIC Reactor HRT and Volume Ratio of COD/TP 58.33333 Effluent P <1 HRT hrs 1.5 Vanerobic,m3 2625 ANOXIC Reactor SRT,Sludge Growth ,HRT, reactor Volume 1 SRT for denitrification cDN a. Calculate max specific growth rate UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS

Step B a.


NOTES: FOLLOWING ARE THE ONLY UNITS WE HAVE CHECKED 1 SCREEN a The velocity at Qa and Qp are too low. The size of the channels should be reduced in such a way that we get at least 0.3 m/s velocity at average flow 2 GRIT SYSTEM No comments 3 PRIMARY CLARIFIER a The size of the tank is too small. For us to guarantee the process dia of each clarifier is to be 20 m for phase-1 and phase-2 4 AERATION TANK No comments 5 SECONDARY CLARIFIER a The size can be optimised to 30 m dia each for phase-1 and phase-2 6 CHLORINATION : FROM CSD 7 FILTRATION a For us to guarantee BOD =10 mg/lit / TSS=10 mg/lit ,we propose 1. Two nos dual media filters ( Sand + Anthracite) . Both on duty - Phase-1 2. Total 4 nos dual media filters ( Sand + Anthracite) . All on duty - Phase-2 3. There will be no backwash during peak hour flow rate 8 SLUDGE HANDLING a HEATING SYSTEM : This is totally new to us. Please seek information from the vendor b SLUDGE DEWATERING 1. The quantity of sludge from Primary clarifiers for Phase-1 = 4730 kg/d Sludge concentration is 4.5 % , volume works out to be 103 m3/d 2. The quantity of sludge from Secondary Clarifiers for Phase-1 = 3200 kg/d Sludge concentration is 0.8 % , volume works out to be 370 m3/d TOTAL SLUDGE = 7930 Kg/d , Vol = 473 m3/d, avg conc. = 1.62 % 3. Based on assumed concentration of sludge after Predewatring Reactor of 3 % , we have worked out the BELT width for each filter press = 2 m each based on 2 working for phase-1 no stand by and 3 working and 1 stand by for phase-2 However please send the quantities of each sludge ( Primary and Secondary ) to the vendor to get his confirmation or his sizing.



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