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Ve'H (O5.U H + Q ": Frlitf (TFF Califi ,,'R? Q L (O?O

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Fofin {8at l',lorembr 20051 Doril en{o{theTrerry HE nd

If,I-O rr -at

Rdquestfor Taxpayer ldentificationNumberand Certification

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Give form to the requester. Do not send to the lR$.

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vE'H[o5.U;H;+ Q
Name {as shown on yor ingrne i?x retrn) Budness narne, lf differgntfrorn abow P en\n.s h lA porkl-f,f .. .

il crpor*on f] prrn-s,ttip fl otrx >
I u Exempt frorn backup willrtrolding
Flequesteds nama and qddros* {odiornl


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Addre* (numbor, streqt, and apt" or.suite no.)

C' a 9.

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ldentification Humber
Enter your TIN in tha appropriate bon The TIN provided must matclr the name glven on Une 1 to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social sacurity number (SSN). Howenrer,for a residei'rt allen, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity. see the Part I lmtsuctiorrs on page 3- For cffrer entiHes, it is your employer identification number (EN). lf you do not ha're a number, see fforr b gof a 'l.lAl on page 3. llote- lf the accoont is in more than one na$n. see the cJrart on pag 4 for guidelirns on lvhose numbs to s$er$ocial sgcuribt nwnber

| llp+

Undorp'enafties pe{ury, I ertiff ihat: of l. The number shownon this form is my correct taxpayer identificaUon number(or I am waitingfor a numbarto be iszuedto me),and (a) 2, l am not subiect to backupwithholdingbecause: | am aeemptfiom backupwithholding, (b) I have not beennotifiedby the lnternal or RevenueSsvtce fiRS)tha'tI am sublectio backupwtttrhddingas a resultof a failureto reportall interestor dividends,or (ci the tBS has notified rne lJ:d I am no longersubfeclto backupwithholdrng, and 3. I am a U.S. pereon$ndudirg a U.S.resldentden]. Grtificslion insilructions.Ysu must cro6sout itsrn 2 aboveif lotr hale beennotifiedby the lR$ that you are a.rrrenEy srblect to backup utilhholdingbecarse you havefaled to report allintsrd and divklendson yourtax returrr. real estatetmsactkxa, ibrn 2 doesnot apply. For ForrnortgagBht93st paftl, acquidtim or abandonment securedproperty,cancellalimof de$, conhilwtions to m individlralretirement of (lRA},and gqlleral|y,paymentsdrer than Interqst anangernewt you and dhddends. ara not rqultedto slgn the Gedification, you rnust but provlde your conectTIN. {$eeT1ifr,"lon5,rp naOel} \ \

Sign Here

r An lndividual who ls a cftizen or resident of the United

Purpose ol Form

A personwho b requiredto file an infornation retumwith the lFlS,mus'tobtain your conect taxpayeridentilicatiofl number [fiN] to rcport, ior example,incomepaid to yor, realestata you transactions, interest paid, acqulsltlon mortgage or of abandonment securedproperty,cancellation debt, or of you contributions madeto an lFlA person Use Form W-9 only ff you area U.S.person U.S. fincludinga resldentafien),to provideyour conectTlN to the porsonrcquestingit {the reqmste{ and, whenapplhable,to: 1, Certify that the TIN yar are giving is conect {oryou are waitingfor a numberto be issue{, 2. Certifythd you are not subjectto backup wlthholding, or 3, Claim exemption frombackupwllhholding you are a if U.S.exempt payee. ln 3 above, if applicabla,)ou are also certifying that as a U.S.person, your allocabbshareaf any partnership income frorna U.S. trade or businessfs not subfectto the wifrholding tax on foreign partners'share of effectively connected income. givesyou a form otherthanFormW-9 to Note. lf a reque5ter your TlN,you mustuse the requester's request formif it is substantially similarto this FormW'9. you Forfederal ta( purposes. are considered per$on you a if

r A partnerthip, corporatbn, company, or association created or organlzed in the United States or under the laws of the United $tates, or . Any estiat(other than a foreign estate) or trust Se Regulationssections 301.77fi-6{a} and 7{4 for additionat information. Special nrles for partnerships, Parherships that conduct a trade or business in the United States are generally required to pay a wihholdlng tax on any foreign parbrers' share of income from sucfr business. Further, [n certain cases where a Form W-9 has not been received, a partnership is requird to presumethat a parher ls a foreign psson, and pay the withholding tax Therefore, if yor.rare a U.S. person that is a parher in a parhership conduc-ting a fade or business in the United States, provide Form W-9 to the parhership to esbblish your U.S. stafus and airoid withholding on your share of parhershlp incorneThe person who gives Form W to the partnershlp for purpo$s of establishing its U.S. status and avoiding withholding on its allocable share of nat incoma from the parhership conducting a tade or buslnss in the United $tates is in the following cases: r The U.S. owner of a disregarded entity and not the entity,
form W-9 (Rsir.11-2m51

Cat No. lt]z.3lx

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