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Israel Should Be Moved To Arizona

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They should move Israel to Arizona.

Humm, is this just a to take tax dollars' excuse to build a city out of desert? THIS IS AN ACTUAL IDEA ... from the world's top globalists..., including Henry K issinger! Even Nick Rockefeller said it too.... I'm not kidding! They thought it would be a lot easier to profit from, and the climate would be s imilar. They should move Israel to Arizona and let them concentrate on peace ra ther than keeping everything stirred up in the middle east. Could this bibilically happen? That is, Israel should actually move to Arizona? Could there actually be a place in America that would fulfill the prophecy of th e chosen 144,000 to stay at??? Why not Arizona? Arizona is desert? Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger has been quoted as calling for Gazans to be t ransferred to the Sinai Peninsula, to a Palestinian state which he said could be constructed for them in the desert. In an interview in English with the British weekly The Jewish News, the chief ra bbi also said that while peaceable Muslims should be allowed to pray in Jerusale m mosques, they should recognize that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews. Muslims hav e Mecca and Medina, he was quoted as saying, adding that "you don't need a third place." Metzger called for Britain, the European Union and the United States to assist i n the construction of a Palestinian state in Egypt's Sinai Desert. According to Metzger, the plan would be to "take all the poor people from Gaza t o move them to a wonderful new modern country with trains buses cars, like in Ar izona - we are now in a generation where you can take a desert and build a city. This will be a solution for the poor people - they will have a nice county, and we shall have our country and we shall live in peace." Metzger was quoted as telling the paper that the plan was new and he had not pre sented it to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. "I have thought about it with some wise people only in the last two weeks, and I think it is a great idea - nobody spoke about it before." He expressed his inte nt to discuss the matter with Olmert and anticipated that the idea would find po pularity among Israelis. He prefaced his comments by pointing out that he could not advise on political matters as he is a religious leader in Israel, noting th at according to the law he "cannot be involved in political situations." http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/948907.html

Think on it for a second. Where it is now, Israel is surrounded by Egypt, Jordan , Lebanon and Syria four places not noted for their fondness of Hebrews. Arizona , by contrast, abuts Mexico, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California.

Other than Brigham Young s tribe of polygamous weirdos to the north, that makes Ar izona a pretty safe place for Israel. Here are a few more selling points. Just like Israel, Arizona is a dry, barren, rocky, ugly moonscape. Just like Israel, there is no oil in Arizona. Just like I srael, Arizona didn t really exist until some white people stole it from the brown people who lived there and built golf courses. And one more thing about Arizona just like Israel, most Americans don t really want to go there. Sure enough, it would be quite a trick to convince a whole nation to pull up sta kes and move halfway around the globe. You no doubt saw what a mess it caused wh en Ariel Sharon (who they tell me is still resting) told a passel of settlers th ey had to get out of the West Bank. So I suggest we enlist the rabbis. Have a cl eric tell the Israelis that some new scrolls have been discovered that are encod ed with Jehovah s own ancient words. Whereas the old translation read the land of t he Red Sea, what the Torah actually says is the land of the Red People. Dead Sea sc rolls nope, they re the Death Valley scrolls. Land of milk and honey? Easy. Longho rns and beehives. As for the lack of a Wailing Wall and a Temple Mount, give me a break. Three wor ds Universal Studios Florida. If you don t think today s set-builders can pull off a convincing replica of Jerusalem, rent a movie. Have you seen Las Vegas lately? And even if you can t sell them on the prophecy angle, there are lots more reasons that Arizona is a way better place than Israel. For starters Arizona is nearly six times as big. You can build all the kibutz you like out around Gila Bend. Th ere s also a plentiful source of cheap labor in Arizona. Israelis are accustomed t o exploiting folks and unlike Palestinians, Mexicans almost never blow up sidewa lk cafs. Affluent Israelizonians can live in Scottsdale. The working class can live in Tu cson and pressure their sons to go to the U of A and study medicine. On long wee kends (because God knows those people have a shit load of holidays) they can go to Sedona. If we re lucky, a good portion of New York City might make the move. You might be wondering, Yes Tony, but if Israel leaves, what will become of the M iddle East. I hate to answer a question with a question, but who gives a shit? Le t s face it. There are precisely two reasons we re in the Middle East at all: one Is rael, two oil. With Israel gone, that just leaves oil and do you know what? Last I heard there were no Al Quaeda cells in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez better watch hi s ass. Despite my friend's desire for anonymity, I will call this version of a Middle E ast Peace Plan the Jack Initiative. I ll be sending a draft version of the plan to Tel Aviv later this week, once I can figure out how to write backwards and leav e out all the vowels. The above article was found here: http://tonyphillips.blogspot.com/2007/05/move-israel-to-arizona-fromt-he-fifth.h tml Watch this Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8KR3dIAjM4&feature=player_embedded

Would this sacred city be built around Superstition Mountain in Arizona? Superstition Mountain, is the most painted and photographed landmark in Arizona

after the Grand Canyon, Superstition Mountain is a 3,000-foot-tall fault bound v olcanic plug that speaks with the deep rumbling thunder of both ancient and mode rn sacred beliefs. This Circlestone, is a pre-historic Native American site esti mated to have been built around 1200 AD. Originally thought to be a form of stoc k coral upon its discovery, later investigations point to religious use. Or would the final resting place be at Havasu Falls? Havasu Falls might be Ariz ona's most scenic and most hidden spot. These locations are a peaceful place to worship your creator and to connect with your spiritual self. Would this sacred city be built around Area 51? Maybe the Antichrist will hand over Area 51, since it is already developed and t heir HOARDED technology will be handed over to the public to further advance the public after they've taken the "mark". Would this sacred city be built around Boynton Canyon? Boynton Canyon can be initially off-putting because of the huge commercial devel opment across the road. One early morning hike was disturbed by the sound of man y large trucks coming and going from the luxury resort. Risha Henrique, who visi ted the canyon recently, reported that it is a mysterious twilight zone or in-be tween place where Spirit is sometimes revealed. Others call it a "gateway to a v ast unconscious realm." Important to Apache and Taos people, the canyon is said to be the home of a mysterious presence. Some hikers have seen "the spirit of an old man with long white hair in a braid, having a kind but serious face," Henri que wrote. He is a guardian who tells people, "Don't desecrate this area." In hi s book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Mark Amaru Pinkham described a psyc hic vision he experienced in Boynton Canyon. He hiked to a ledge, where he sat a nd meditated, and then saw elaborate temples and a silver pyramid -- echoes of w hen Sedona was a colony of the ancient land of Mu, or Lemuria--or did he see ech oes of the future? Why is Sedona such a powerhouse of transformational energy? In his book Star Tem ples in the Stones, Raymond Mardyks says that the rock formations in Sedona are all aligned with matching stars or constellations. Snoopy Rock and Twin Butte, f or example, are aligned with Sirius, the dog star and Gemini, the twins. Mardyks believes Sedona is one of many sacred sites on the Earth that are "connected wi th the stars and other dimensions of time and space. When approached with the pr oper motivation and preparation, many of these sites offer the opportunity to ex perience very expanded levels of consciousness." A very different explanation is offered by Marty Wolf of Earth Wisdom tours. Sed ona's red sandstone rocks get their color from a high concentration of iron, a m etal that stores MAGNETIC ENERGY! Sandstone itself is rich in QUARTZ, the minera l from which computer chips are made. Added to this high concentration of geolog ical energy, Marty says, is the fact that Sedona was settled by four aboriginal groups who came from the four sacred directions: Athabascans from the North, Apa che from the East, the ancestors of the Hopi from the South, and Yavapai from th e West. Isarel is THE international leader how Computer Chips are made!! Bernyce Barlow, author of Sacred Sites of the West, says that underground rivers , geological cracks, fissures and fault lines, along with high amounts of iron a nd magnesium in the soil, give Sedona "a personality all its own." The vortexes "interact with so many other kinds of earth energies that the vortex experience can become a mental barbell workout." Barlow says "before the Spanish arrived...

pilgrimages were made to Sedona from as far north as CANADA and as far south as Central America. The tremendous energies of the canyons were renowned...No one l ived in the canyons; that would be sacrilege. They were reserved as a holy place for spiritual growth and knowledge." Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFyi8U9pIyQ&feature=player_embedded Humm, David lives in Cananda! Whom from this group lives in Central America? Wisevirgin

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