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Ladders and Scaffolds

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Lndders and Scaffolds·

Th~r~ ~rn three types of defects for which a manula ctur·

er In ~ seller may be h~ld strictry liable: 1) manulacturing
dcf~cls: 2) de~J;n del~cts: and 3) ITI3ri1etfog delKls (f~l·
ur~ to warn or ln5\ru.;I). "II three types are common In lad·
der and aeal/old cases . In 3ddltlon, both necHgenee alld
Mea(h of warr,'lf1tl ~ctions may lie wllr!n injurie, are
cauled b)' defective taddc!<"s or sc3lfolds.
In bwntig3ting a Iar;kler or scaUoId n~. lhe " "o,,'It)'
s.IIould Inlo ..... the c~ont'''''1 wilnHJies to tile acclchmt,
300 the own~ of the ~quipment. The !add~, or sc~flold
must btl cMelully e..mined u soon ~Iter Ihe ,cc~t u
possible. Photo,faphs should be taken to record thl condi ·
lion of the ladder or scalfold before any disassembly or
leslinc: laku place, and Iho equipment should be stored
securely 10 prevenl rusting or olher deteriorallon.
Whether Ihe lallder was dofeclive at the time of ule Is
a question Ihat frequenlly :lrises In ladder cases. Another
common Issue is whelher a leg or olher p~rt of the laddllf'
broke belOfe o. ~lter the ;tCcidenl.
Mil..ne m:l)' be th e C3ur;e of a ladd er accident. fot' el am·
ple, if ill uftt)' feature i$ disengaged when it sloould bo on·
gaged, and the salel), 1031ure would hio.e pre.ented the ac·
cident. lhe marlllfacturer is generaRy not responsible,
The American Nulion~1 SI30dirrds Insliluttl (ANSI), the
NationBI Fire Protec lion Association (NFPA), Under-..rlters
Laboratories {ULj, ~nd the Occupational S~lely ~nd Health
AdministMtlon (OSHA) have all issued st~nd3rd$ Ihat
3pply to ladder$. Th ose should be carefully th~ckod by
counsalto determine II any apply 10 the case at Issue.

,~ ,
I'ROD. !.lAD. l'IIACrJC~; GUIOE ,.,
The major cauS8~ 01 folils Iro", ~f·~ppOrl~c1 latlders
are lack of sl~bllity and ~Iding. T~e m3jor CJIIS!!' 0\ lah
from non·seU·supporting portable ladders ire Llle ., 1 slid·
I<lg at the lop s"'P'POrt. o\llw:Jfd sliding al tile lower b~ se
sllpPOfl, .lIld tUlman slippage. In selecting the appropria te
Iildd<'!r, the length., lite \Oorking load, alldlhe freque ncy 01
use aro important considerations. Ladde.s sl>oolJt be prop·
erI, maintained. tra nsported. alld s to red. It It prlllle ni 10
In:.pe<:t lIl e 13dder ~fore ~ach use.
A scaffold Is an e/e.lIted or $uspellded pLlllorm and its
'-Upportin& structure. Scalfolds a re used In Hie constrllc'
tioll, m.lintenilnl:e, and/or demolition of buildings. tn somt'
stales, wQtklf$ 011 scalfQlds are proteetd by statute.
III a sullold case, the owner, seller, and manufOCIUter
of the suflold, as we" IS tile ma nufacturers of rllWmateri·
als or compMent p:atl s IISed illihe c_tflKlion of the s cal·
fold, may be s trictly Uablo to plalntill as selle n. QI a defoe·
tiff product. Under breac h of wa rra nt, theory, ~ n Injured
third part,. nol ln ",lvii" CM recover from the manufactur-
e r of a defective ~"old .
Standill'd~ that apply to scaffolds hhe been s et forth by
the American tulian'" S\~ndi)l'ds 'nstitute (ANSI), the Un·
derwriters l~bafatclies (Ul). and lhe Oc tu palien ill Hea lth
Md S, fety Admini , tration (OSHA).


J U.~I l.aol<l ....... $<0110101> ee..,rol ly

[ I) ' ·""'f R..,. ...... . !O
'_I SUifl Uobnily
(~I II~ <If Wamollt)·

I. j "'orJI~.
14\ r...ot~, 'n'_II<.
III Plitt("
I_r Ik'.oobttl,
[b) 1'1.IMIif.
1.1) l 'I"'lIn~.
,al t~, ,, 'I~>lIO A
l)J t:, /'O,IJ;
,_) ,,' .. u(0<0.,;.~ Ud<'<l c.,.

(bl 1.10.... 1M.. , C.",

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r~1 w., o.f.~ I.........' \\' ..... , lot 1.<uIod« ".1'1 ,bot M, ,,,,(acIO,,
I)HI ,be I...,do, 1I,<.k lido,. 0, M", Ih,' Md~."'7
I~I \'Iol.UJ"" or SWIobrd
l~l C".. ~II~ ... with SI ~od...1
UI CQ.....,. ~:'·Hl '"'l ..~, h ...1
I~I 1.. _ l:~ .... U. "'" ' Ot T.... I
[bl S ....."",", lk>1It" ("".,~c
[e l Sl.lu, Mtl&l>l.
[.1 I:' ........ T..,QnofI)'
PI t:,,, .. ~I.,. 0' 11<1«"
[~) ;\ll _
j./ I}to, ,"". . ..... \\'~''''''l:

[hi \\"<l ~h'"~ 1.<!<l.It,

I ~l, ...... <of 11.1-.
Idl ,\11...,."""
~ S6.0J I"oldor SIC .... "'\'
III """'~'d S~llooal S"....,.!< b,dlw~ u.s.~n
1: 1 Oc"~I"""'! s.r••y ...4 U""lIh ,\~ .. IIli>l'''I'''' '1)s1I.\I
[ll U••I<,,,d,cr> 1.1bo,",(\,I(" lUI.)
[4' Mi. ' ...", 1I«1."'wnt<"" ('" Sookl)
§ SIi,~ "'''''o~., \\'",,<1 '-"<It/""
[lJ tk.'~KlO"od
111 II. '"'-:tlc f d f s,.otIsrd
III 'n "lJIf"to lkln
[~I MOl"'...
[$1 T) ,," (I( u ........ - ' TI!ti. 1); _ _
[G) I'",lobl. SlOp •• dd,,,,
1,,1 Co."..,,1 R«t.;".........
IbJ In",",,,..1SI"'._
lei ( ',orn"",,,'.\ Sl< ..bd~."
[d] U_WS,,~
PI 1'",,"'10 lIu"ll 1.MoI""
1"1 (il...,:11 "'~.l,,""'.'"
[bj S;"dc: , ..........
(.1 ·r~ ... S«i.I(>O '::'''''''~n bt/lkt
1 ~1 ScOlI"".'I.&Id.k:,
"...~ .'"
I' ROI). 1.1411. I' Ro\Cna-: (;UlIII; ,~

,., ,,',., Tn... ,1r ""~ ~:., ...."" T'toIle l.:tiU«, Type I
S_i. I.I'"r..... 1-'IIl""'"
11."1,,,., [.:kld,r
Ib' I'alnlor', SI<plO<lder
,,' .\1 .."",'0 I""'d..
Sup St.. I.
[ III) 1)t)1.., " "lr~llM ·r .."
T....'~ F....... <
CIooo<Iac .... 1-"<1 ...... to ·r...

t;.....I I'rI.,!jolo.f f"lIr.~
I ... u.. I ..... T" . f'" SIc~Ie .... 1:,1.. 01 .. 1.Md,..
lI,rd,,",o T<";.g for ,: •• , • • 10. [-"<1<10"
to II"", ·r,·,1 for SlolII. , . d 1r.,"n,l.n l.odd...
FWI Slip T",.

"1t:>1 .... i . ~ FOI"'" 1',,. lo r 1:" . ..10. l-""tIt",

,._,........ T. ..
'" ,
1 _01 5 ... lf T... ~ .. S,.,.........

F._I S ..... lht TC'II

,.,,-,'" s r... SI.mRhy Tnt

Rnr StoblUh' TOM

,,.,., T_ion.1 Sr.bllIl)·l ..,

R"ckin~ To"
F••II\·!l41t .nd lI:1<k. l.• ~ I))·...... Dr.., TOIl
,.,.,1 Unll ,....""" .... Spr13<l" f b '
$1..,10""", .slIp T...
,~ \'o'tobk M ...I l ...w.n
..... ~ w-d
1" SI ........ ' k-f . 1.. 51..... '" f... W.... l.-Idt ...
Ibllonok lot Shrrd:u~
'""J''I 10,,,/,,<1>,1<>.
S_lr.n lk>o.

''I "._1, .1 Jndl.,ll ..

'" ,,.,""10
., (:. ....1 ['rio<ip"'"
T.... S1.IIM It> T""'" f~ . W...... u.w.r.
,,.,., ,oJ 1 "", U. .... , .. \ 1... l l.odo1er.
I~"""''''' T''''
1I"";...uol I""'~I. I

l><-tImr .. T....
[ ..... 01<><> ttold" R"R·Ik.dJoK SI1C"~I~ T."

56_5 t AIlI»: IIS ANII SCAF.'OI.l)S

['I Ih"~",,_Si<lo-R.~ ,,'lot... St'''Rl. 1'..,

[n R ""~ TD'~'"
Si4< SuyT..,
ILl SIIk- " oI' CanU,"cr " ..."II~ T .. t&.
1" SI"""It.IIII<"'io~ T ...
[o J SlOp 0' l'l.tforn, ncndinx '1',.,
[0' St'/I"IO-SloIt_R.1 Sh= S"'D~'. T""
RoD c...:Jo:'n I....!or~ T....
• "-00 [.. .... Ii~ ...........
])"n~" ~"d C, utl. n ~"'kl"W'
['I St,~""
1" F.,,_lan:and srocr ~ l .ad<lo",
[' I 50f«1 U.. h,," .... IOII ~brU.1:\
1" I'. od ' ot IIJI. Inform.dD' l>I.. kl n~

...... [0' [~lIn~ 'r.."

1.:oU'r Se\r<1I" ... C."',.""
.\I' j<>< t ....... of 1',11.

[~I f:,I""'IIOt ), Volu"
1'[ 1.:>doIt, So...,,,,.
[.,".Irs r." ...... U.
1.I..,rk<I t:..,
tll.,WnM . .... \\'.rkl,,~ 1..""11\1..,
A.~lt of ["N".,lon
['I J-OOII ... s..~
[, I To~ S",,)I<I<t
10 Siolt .",.dlnR
I~l (1",,~lo. LooId,,,,
[0' F.1tt" .... Ib,...!.
,,""" , .. Roo(
'U," L.drk, S ... p DIId Adj."m,.'
1" ["'''''''' uf 1:>"''''0" 1.3dok..
['I II""",
[m[ 5,ttiol u.. 1.MeI....
[" Ca", of Lukl ...
~ ~~,O~ s.orf<>IdJ. G...,.lIr
['I &,.,,,,, ._ ,I,1Io>n
P[ Slole b • • l'fol«'In~ W... k .... "" Srol(04<I.
1>, CO""""" I,,"", in S""U.Jd C....
[., h. ~J ..<lIOIl
[0, 1. _ . r...,1o. A..io- All ... Stll" ""'"
, , .'
I'ROD. 1.1 .1. II. I'JlM.T I C" GliIOE ,...
[. , .......... ofW·....'t
[" Di.. loI ...... of \\.~ ~ .. ,I'S
[. ,
F.n.r. In W~",
1'r<> 'I~ ~ l>O fO<l
[O[ I'rool",;'~ S•• ff(>ld or Port for T,rol
.:"Iodln~ Ol~'r I' ... I~I . Co " • .,.

'U," Ex""",
F...""".bl.l)w: o.Scolrold

[.,[.,'" A;,;u .. pll.,.. of RI.~

Dull Cl!).l<lty 01 1:"",1'1"
E.... pk. 0( I)o{I"(I>
J~m Rod .. Gomorl.. Sooflolol,
[' [ 0«00,. .._ $.ol" y 11M! II .. lth ,U.r. i",...d... IOSIlIl)
p, ...... ka :>IoUooul 51"" ....... 1...1iI.", I,\ I>-"S II
[. , II k1o>'r

[OJ ~
1.00.1 Ro,lolI"'
f .. ri o~ or .......... ; .-t
(; . .. ~r:tl!,
In sor,,)" ro"..
[., Sp<'In,~lIo .. for l.u .. b<r
[" O"".",~.., 10 I~.,form

['I M«"J' t o S<.ffol~

U, MOl ..... '
['I A,'-,'" " r....n,.. SIN<l.~
0 • .,......,. I.. ~« t h ..
[. [ O ..... ""~ l' lIoI<.
II·"'"" CoM""'."...
[o r ' 'r<JlCt,k>I> 01 SnfloW F..... Do.Oj;<
~ ~III sp«ir.. Tn .. . f S<2ff<JI<lf

[" [.,
I......... d I""',f.... ' ... ~: ... , I.. D, ihllo~ :>Isbr"'".....
,\~pJ l ... biIlL)" of S,.OIdlfd " ' :xi"l niL l'b,form,

[" ·r.. T)po' 0( I' ...." d 1'1 .11",..,
T)'pO 0( 0 '"01 ..d 1'.""
[0, T)lI' .' l'oM',,,d I'~.I I"'""
[., R., ul"",oo,, of S,ondor. SOl b elu." 'o
In 1'".,.,1.,.. AI;:,ln'\ ... d"".. Cli .. tt.
[., Wl ool
Co.otO<1 .. hh n.ll dJ.~

'" .... ! . ~
,., LAI)IllmS A"ID SC,u'FOI.DS

i'l Roof Cor

Ul T "ml"'rin~
1'1 r..-..d R. lln~
i'l S,IOI}' noh' .n~ /.If. Un.,
iml G•• "I",IL.
i.1 FI"",log ~f 'ho 1'1J1[Otm
1'1 H.Mln~ E~ulpnl.nl

1,1 B,.h.
i.1 Ek<lri<.1 Wiring .nd ~;q.rpmM(

1'1 Co.'rol.
1,1 E"'<r~."")' Con,rol De.ic.
1'1 p,oIOCIIo'. 0 ..1«.
i,l t:",<r~.".~· Stop Swltche'

i,I E,",,-~,".)' COnlnl""I<.lIoru

1.1 Tyl'< T I'.,."od PI.lfann.
i,1 I.,,,,,<lion,
1'1 M.bil. S•• fiold>
[oJ Mo"u.o.ll)'·I'"",.llod Mobil. LlHldor Sro.d. "nd S<:trr.ld.
[bl M •• u;tIi)',P'Oflclkd t:I""li"~ W<>rk 1'1011.,,,,,.
[.1 SoII·I'",,,,,llod EI"'li"~ Work l'lotform.
[d] [loom.Supporlod ~l.,..!iIl~ Work I'J.lfo,m.
[el FoLd.art<! Seorrot~ l'I,.k. nod Sl.~"
II ~6.11-~6.~9 H",.,w,]
§ 56.51 Sou" •• of [nlonn.tlon
[I] Con.,.m« I'rod." Sore,)' C""".I"I ..
(lJ Notion" Techolool lolo, .. olion &rtlo,
(3] Standar'" .nd T.,Un~ O'R."I.oIlD''''
[4] Tb" ATLA Ex<h"n~o
[5J E"~lnc.rl"~ I.lter'luro
[G] Compolito,,- D•• I~n.
{7J l'.t.nll.
l8J Rof,-r.n.o nook. for E'p.rt,
§ 56.S1 :oJ.""" ".d Add,",«, of E,port.
llJ !.odd...
[2J Sc.ffelds
[lJ Or~."I .. tI<>n.
§ 56.S! AppU."bl. St ..dord.
(I) l.odd,,,,
Ell Sooffold,
! 5'.53 (;10<:01<1101 of )ttot,d.1 nor"m
II',", " "
I'ROD. 1.1.111. I'R<lC I1CI> (;l!lIllO

~ 56.$4 [n'''IIIIlII'on ~,kl",

n 5(..55 ..."-911 11........ ,1
t :16.99 R_ h Go,"
§ 56.01 I,add er~ and SedfoJds Generully
T....... ..,'IW ... 'J... 01d, f«I. for _hl,1t U IIU",octoou or .d ...... ,
......... ~ IIlklly II, W", I) ",.. "focturln~ dof«I.:) ) dOl;"" d<l ..... : OIl<!
J) ", ",k'"n~ 'd.I<'<I' Ilallo .. 10 MO,. or 1." ",<1). All ,It,,,,
If ...·' ~ ..
......n I. 1aokI...IN! ..,((.14 ' - " I •• oIdll"", b,n lt MlIN~'( • • ,,;ond
..,...,It Q''',m'', ......... _ , II<' _" •• I......"" ... """ ... hy <ltl"",
It .., lookl", or "'offold>..

I. ""o.tJ~IIII .I. 1000 do, 0' .. 0[10101 •••• , 110< ou .....)' .""old I...,...",,..
Ill •• ' ....1. _,. "Im~ 10 1100 ........ , ••d , Il00 ownr, of tIor •• od~
...... TIot- IO<!...... at .....!fold ..., be .-.f.!~' u_loe<l ........ :If, ...
lhe 40<1*", n' ,...1101 ,. 1'''''lour'''''' ,h ... 1d "" ,.k.. 10 re . .... d ,100
<•• dWo" of lhe Lo.. <I<,., ....
rfold be l.... '")' .... ,..,.. bly .r I "'I"~
.. t .. pbr •• I . d II>< . ~ ...... , """"Id ~ ., .... 4 ........ '" ,n
pR ....
'''''''a• "'........ ~!Gn.
II .h. IAd~" I, n , ... . "'"' pr"".'" 'he C"","",,, l'm"oOl S.fU)'
C....." ... .., .... J.'lIdl...... ..d ... pnl''''''
,0.4 pf<l<lDn nr<1,.
'.r..... lI.n "" , .....U.
I" ... dl............ , """"' ... , ....... 1",,"'1*11 u..
"' ..... i<lI. 1". IIo. ol Sl1!>tbrd. To.d,ul •• I .... IAI'S I) on<! ,he U...... •
",h,,, I... ~')f.lo-ne.. I.,. [U ti, b•• ~ . ...1'" . ,.od ••d. ,d",loa In "d,
lie" ""d li<oH<>ld>.
1'1_ ...... ~ """W~<I«" "'.....,•.,. <'01»1ol. ollod"" ~."'"' ""
1.<1&< .. '"""" ........ ' 1",'lf)'I" ~ ,•• I. d!k, •• Ii< ."-Id ~ .., .... 1])'
"1UI'"ll~" bolk 10 hI. ~. ... rtl ... M Ii! hI, k.. ~I'd~•. s <orfoW <x'
OI~" It:t..t. ,. .... 10 b< .pnb.lI<l ... I'~ ""aflQldiOR .. pori·
peru, CI.ll th.
...," ""t... ,Ito _ _ ::01 c .pa1f.

[IJ I'rt>Of R cquircm~nls

[_}-Strict Lillbility. U"der a llrir:! liabilit y lboor)", I I~ tom·

merdn! tclk'1' oh rm"lu ct i~ liabk: for injuries C1! us...-d b)" IlI lr "d.rc<:I"
in that product, rcgardJ~s of whclh~r hi~ CIl II ~ucl Wa S ro:1,;onabJ~.'
N31urally, WI",1 CODSl ilul~~ a "dd'«l " has 1>..' (11 Ihe subject or e~ lcn,
si~.., >chol:lf l~' wri ling. ~"d thc d . finition will d .rcnd on rhc pan; .., ·
Jur JnllSlI agc or Ihe app li c.1b lo cao;,: In\>-' '>

, SN g<tt<..ury L. F........ ' '\O M. F,kd .... n. r ral .... ' IJobiliry.dd. ""Stric, U;ob;I"
W'l).b""",," Ik ..... ' 19H~).
'S.,· S"1"''' oh, 1, "r)'I'<' of D. f,,,, ,"
" . ,'"
Th ~ re arc lIi ree lypes of defc": I'; (I ) mall\lf~cl uri nt: d"fc": l ~; (2) de-
sit:n defw~; ~!,d (l) mnrkc!ing deft<: ls (nbsen! or in~d~q u~l e warn-
ings OT iIlSlrOClions).' I" I.,ddcr ~ nd 5(":,lToId .....-s, all I br~'C I>,.."
nr dcfc'I' l. ~r" c~mmo'I .·
Iil-:'<l :t n u f~elu rl nl: Dcl"~ts. :-'bnufn~lurin s d~fe\:l~ Me im-
ptrfmiom in:t lypiOl II}' ~m311 p.;rcc-.. f3J;C al prodUCI ~ of 3. gi"CtI de,
siSII.' Th. ilnpcrfl:<-'licll' ore c:\ma1 by h lln ~' 11 or ntech :miClll efror.
in Ih. malluf;,. wring procL~, such as im proper wnrkmnmhi p, m~­
c h inuy m~ lrUI!1;lion. or defecti,·" matcrinls.
To m",tpc wiM.1hc' lrn"rc is :I mmHl f:'Clur;ng d~cC1, cOIInK I
. hould ,
(1) D.;.n,ioc;md photogroph Ihe ladd . r hl\'oh·cd. nnd r.:co lll nil
lh~ infonnnlio" cOnl:,ino:tl on Itl t proouC1 ,bl ~ b bd onu Clittr 1~b<:Is.

(2) bamille and ph ologn'ph Ih e lI<!Ine model at a 510r• . Arel li crc

:my diIT.rc'flt~1
0) Cnll nod :...k Ih c m3Ilu f~C IUrc"f for an,' brochur~'5 mod phot ....
Graphs of Ihe model. Review (he phOl os ra pb ~ 10 ~c"( if lhere nrc filly
tlirr~r.:lIec< bc(I\""~" the model s. As~ wh~" \ h~ plIrti~u ~ .. lndMr with
Ihu l ~ria l number "':05 I11llllllfaCl Uroo, FitllJ 0\11 ... hCII il was wJd.
(of) S~"k wilh Ihe hlil;nt pUfcli;l., er. prior oW"~r(~), and Jl rio r
U!ll:i'(') 10 d"tnminc tnc ~ircnrnsl;' ncC!' or prior lI SC of Ihe ~,d d"", p~r­
Ikub. 1y if Ihu" WlIS any pre"iou~ dam~!e.
(~) Selecl :l qualified ~~pcrl, ' provide him w ith th e fa. I., ant! (\.~k
hi l!) HI rO!fld~r an opillt()[, on:

't.. I'rumo, k M. Fri"'d'n'n, r,.>do><1, U.bilny, oh..\ "Sln« L;.bil,II·; '

i ;m [~IIQ1i[ (~~" hc,," D<n~" 19! 6).
S,.. "I.., ."'p'" ~h. 7, "T1"1'" of I>cl"M.<" "

d" ~l,'[orm ",..,i,,,-,,,.

• S(C. ,'.I!- , ,~p~ ..... 2/., l.",bol" 1 c..... I1h,Of}·." ;",-01";", """""', M·

, s.~·&<""'Y~u, t.. F",~,,' &. M. r rictl."", ProoL"-~' Li.. bitil)·, ch.l, "S tn" u.bi li.
or:' t .J.O';[~lIfJ[I;;J (Iobnh.... Ikndor 19~6).
1&. 14"'! U.O! [S].
SL" 0'''' ch. 12. ·'I'NJLI<.1 Ihre'" _ l'loi.lm', \'io,, " 000 ell . I), "Prooll(1 E.,
rat' - 1lc[<1b< View."
S....• S'""",I/Y L f r.",,, &: M. 1',;..3 "" . , l'rOO,,"" Li.>lti1iol·, <h, 1, "M...ufoc,,"-
Cf\ Li.biiily In N'liigcr" ':' ~ 2.26[1J (M,IIho," n"" ~ <f 19~7 ); I I. KUl"'''i,in '"
,0.;, "',
! 56.01[1] 1'110]). J.lt.H. l'II,\CTICf: GUIl)E 51o-W

(n) the preaccid.nt condition of Iho ladder;

(b) tile condition of the ladder at the time of the salo;
(e) whother Ihe accident ""''' .·"us.d by wmc defect in the ladder,
the plaintitr~ improper Use o[ the ladder, or a prior uscr"s alter-
alion or misuse of the ladder;
(d) whether mi,us<: or other comparative negligence hy th. pbin-
tHT C<lIuributed to the accidelll.
(6) Arrange for t"'ling to determine whether the materials, hard-
ware, cle., conrormed to tile d~sig.1I drawings, material ~pcciflealion~,
and ANSI :<l:mdards.
(7) During dis<:o'·cry, 0, l.>cfordmnd if po"ible, obtain alld review
wilh an engineer lhe dc-sign dmwing~ or blueprints, and delcrmille
whelher the product in que>lion conformed to the design drawings.
(S) Oblain and review wilh ~n cliginccr the material specifications
and determine whether t he product conformed to t he malerial ,pt.-ci-
III order 10 prove a mallufaclllring dcrc..:t case, counsel ~hould ob·
tain t"slimon), from the piailltiff. owner of the bdder, ~IId c.'[>CrI
witn"" as follow",

(I) Idcll1ifi", ladder.
(2) He lwd alw;l),S u~c~l the ladder ill confon1HlIlce with lhe in_
stmctio"s "nd had read and hecded the warnings.
(3) Otbers he had seen lIsing the ladd.r complied with the im;tnlc-
lioll' :It](1 w:""in~s Qnd did not mi,mc or altcr Ihe bdder.
(4) Although he wns using the ladder properly at the lim. o[th.
l.ccidenl, ",m.thi"g about th. ladder c"",.d him to ["II. It is neCe'S-
Sl.ry to l.>c a, s[>Ccific '" p"',ibl., c.g., "The !add.r suddenly ~hook.
I fell il give wa), to the I~n, I fell," to prove tb~ rall wns c:tlls<:d by
a d.fectivc ladder leg. The de[cJ\~e will contend I hat plaintiff lost hi~

N. S,lIc". AII",,,o)"\ Guide In ];"~;, ...,,ri"3, d1. 2. "1lL< Fn«o.'io L'", or l:fI~ir"","··
1I","lor 1~~6): j D"""~,, ill Ton ,\cti"n,. ,Il. 41. ··E'p<rt T<<li"~",)"··
(M"")",,, !knd<r 19S1).
. ...

l 6-11 LAom;RS ... ~O SCAFfOI.OS I 56.01(1)

babnce and fell, ,~u!oing Ihe I3ddc r to r.,11 and bending t~ Its of
tho.: bd~ in tIN: p~.


(I) H~ I,~d purdl~ the ladde , frOll' Ihe dtfl!Tlibn].rclnilcl.

(2) Th~ ladder label at the t;me of liale ilkntilied the dcf""danl
. .
as Ih e m:mufa clu rer.
(3) tic had fell" ~nd complied wilh tlte inSlrllctiou~ 3nd wDming'!l
C"lIlKllrnill& ~ ro and usc: of Ih' IOOder.
(~) The I ~ddcr h~d nD I been modific-d. or mil;used .

(5) It was in the ,",me condilio n at the lime of the accident n.~ iI
wa~ at Ihe lime It " .'" purchased.

(I) He eX3mi n~d and Ic~t td Ihe Indd er :,!'tll' the Deeid ellt , com·
.- pa ral it wilh the dl..,i~n druwin,s ~nd material , pcdlication l fo r lite
IOOI.I( r mocicl, and compared it ....i1 h otm
identical I3ddcn.

. " .. (2) The bdder w~~ uo~l~blc btc~usc:, for ex~mplc, th e "I'C!$ were
1 000~e,the melal for the side rail wa~ thinner I han the de~i8 11 specifica·
l iens calk'C! fo r, the wood was cross'llr3iJx,d or dceay(d. thc groove
Of moni!.<." ... '" ';\11 tOO deer, or Ille lI"b and n""j',cs ' ..ere too thm.

(3) This wa. Ihe ronditioo oftbe I~ddcr ntthe time of the s.a!e and
at the time im mcdin tdy prio r 10 t hc acci den t.
(4) Thiscondit!oo "'a~ caused by the m.an \lr~eturer snd nQ t byanl'
intcf '·.;ni nll \lie or alteration.
(~) Thi! condil; on violnted cmllom and prncticc in t he indu m y
or AnlCriCan Nat i o,,~1 Stnnd ar~~ Institute (ANS I) or Undcrwriten;
Laborat!)rics, Inc. (U L) ~I andartl:s, M well as the defendant', own
dt'S;, ,, ~pl"t jrocatiollS.
(6) n,e condili on created PO 3vokbble ri sk. Absenl til.! risk, the
acdden! " 'ould no t have ha[l[le l1~d .
(7) 'rloc condWcn (o\lld h~.·c b..'Cn (Oll«too by followi,,& tile mon·
uracturer's own $(l'I."tific"tiom... the A:-JS I and UL otand,rus. ~nd cus-
tOIll ~I,,1 pru<:ti<;e in the i",lu.l t1)·.
PROD. !.IAII. PRACna,: (;lJUJE l6_ll

(8) The USc 10 which the plaintiff 1.."lifIed was proper. ,md the,e
was no prior m;,;u><: Ihm contributed 10 causing the accident.

COMMENT: The list of proof provided by the autoor does not

necessarify indicate that the pfaintiff must prove eacll and
every item listed. For e~amplc, number 5. proof of violation
of a standard, is helpful but not absolutely necessary in order
to prove a m~nufaclurin~ defec!. As longas lhe prodllCt is fIOt
made as the m<lrlUfaclurer ioler1dt'd, then a manufacturing or
porduclion defect may be ~hol'ln.

[1I}-Deslgo Defects. The courlS of 11I0S1 Slales have formu-

lal,--d Iheir own iansuage to defIne a dl'S;gn defecl.' Allhough the
language used m~y differ, Ihe c&scotinl proof is Ihe snme in each ca.,",
If the injury could h",'c been ""oided by a safer, feasible alterll.1livc
design, the proollcl is defective. ' Tile key issue i. whelher the alterna·
live design is safer, and whether it wa~ feasible at Ihe lime Ihe prod·
ucl was sold.
If the Indder or ~cnffold fails 10 COnfOrnl 10 a .Iandnrd which ap-
plies to Ihe product, Ihe jury may cOllclmle Ihlll the d~'5igll was \111-

, S,'" c.~.• Ibrkcr ", Lull En~i"«rin~ Co., 20 C,l. .1~ 41 J. 143 C,I. [(ptr. 22l. l73
1'.2d 44.1 (1978), I'l,inliil ,,,.., iniu,oo b), f,lIiLl ~ lumkr whil< op<"'ti,,~ , Lulllli~h.
Uf, Ln.,d"",,, «."'truction ,il., Th. S"p,"",. Coun nfC,!lifo,"io fouu,] for the
pbiotirr. lJoldins ,h .. tho ··"n«~,,,,,.Nl' d,ng""''''' dem,nl io '~e d,fioili"" of
• ",[«Ii,'" prodLICI ,hould nDt he 1'-'" ~fth" pl,in'ifj', bor.kn of proof in , prodLKI
IbhWl)" ""';"", A p""lue, "'~)" he found clef«l;' 0 in <I"i~n. ",hjec1in8 'ho m,ouf",,·
tUtor> '0 ,,,i,t U.,loili,)'. if 'ho ploi,"irr ",," rm"o 'hot il ("ilotl \(, [,<!forln ,,,fd),
ioS oHliu.,,,' "-'0, O! th" i, "'"' tho pro';"'''o c.'"", ofhi, injury. ,n" 'h, ",("".bn'
foil> 10 t<1,hli,h th" Ih, "neft" of ,h, {I .. i~n ool"'cigh tho "a,,~or!I,
S,·,· alro 1.. F'U01" & \1. Friodmon, I'roo"m U,hili'y. ch. 3. "'Striot U"loili')'."·
! J.OJ[411~[i"J ().J.,tth."" Iknd" 1986),

• S<c Kern, ,', Ens,lke. 76 !II. ~,! Il4. 3'l(l KE_2<1 ~,9 (1979), n, l,binliITkr;t ,n
<ye ""h,,, ","ok h)' ~ wiro. :orpJr<totl)' mod to hrn" temporarily in pi"", ,),< pow.,
tokcolT " .. m~l)' of 0 f"'"to .I"w.r whil, the hi"",,, "'0' ""in~ n~l\ 00_ The'o ~'''-'
1<"inKln), th>1 ",onomicol. pmotil·.,I. "ml .lTwi," cl<'i~ n' for IlOkli"; or so<U!i"~
'he PO"'-" 'nk.oil """mbly ""cr. f",ihlo 01 the time 11", hlow" "'''-, p"rch,..ro, Tho
courl promi"'" liobiti, )' on i" t,'K!i,,~ t1"" nOl only d;,llho OI';,k"." ,uppart ,ho
j"!},\ fl,ki;ng lh", "'fer, «onoo,bl. ,n" [o"ihle d<>i~ o "i,l.,t, bu, il ,1<0 , up·
port.-d ,I" <ondu,klO th~t ",f, u'" of the m,nuf""tu",', <lc.i~n w,,,
""ul'inS in "(u"..,.,.,hl, m;'u",_
S" " ~I", Ilrad)' v, Melool' 110""'. Mfr .• Si9 1'.2d 8%, 1"1 Ar;" 2SJ (1978),
WD/)£ns At;D S('Al'I'OWS , 56.o1{11

~Ilf~ ltlKl th~t

au a1t~rl1ali\'e must be feasible. If Ihe lad der or seaITold
bil~ 10 co rtrOlllllO a I'<!gu13tio l'l, ~uell ~ tile Occupational Safcl)" and
Health ACI (OSHA). which nppli .,,; 10 employc!'5 on ly. but n "~~ r!lte'
k~s in dic~ lc~ Ih" ~uSlom ~lId practlc-." or ~ lal1d Md, in the iOOu!.!!)",
the JUI)" n...~y find Iltat ~'q\l~ ny pen;~a~i~e.·
Be,ide. "IAllUards. \",,,ious f"l:IOI"5 lila)" be take •• illlo corrsitk r::IIion
b )< Ih~ jury jll tkt~"'lIl ining "'helh er a producl has oo:n defectively

[Al-The (;rnvily of th e D:.lIger. TIle ~c \'crily of til<.: polen·

lin l injury fmm a product is importunl. Jf Ih eR i:s" d:mteT 1b.,1 "
p¢NJlI co"I d be seriou.. ly injured from IISC of Ih~ product. the jury
lI'iII r''(luire thc 1l1.1nufacturcr to \ISC e.~tr:1 s.afcly Jl" "CJU1ion~ I.
A 'el~!i\'dy
remol" rill; o f ~C\"c ru injll r)' mn)" \\"arr~llt ",[elY pre·
10 minimize rhe .ir.!:. A ,enIDle riu of a minor ifljur)' "'oulll
ca\ll ioll~
not Cause a jury to rcqui~ ~ manufacturer 10 I~ h CAlr.l ~rcc~ 1I1ion!.
Thlti. the ~p"l:C ~hUll)e n1U~1 h~"e r.evera! lay.~ of rethmd~nl fail·
S., r" tkYiN;. ) illCC Ihe ri'"
i~ of a!.eVerc injury if somet hins is d.feo;:.
livc, Sinlilnr))", Ihe ,isk is of it vcry ~evere injury whcn n~illg it !.Caffo)d
Of lndUeT, ~ud thcr..rore c".ry pl"'."C:IUlion m il!>! he ml:o'l \ 10 render
Ih~ prod uct ~afc.

[Rl-Thc LikelIhood n DI Injury Would Orcur. Tlteju.)"

• s.., ' ....a Q)/)" K. I~"' ''' R. lIop,,- O«lItutign>l Sof<l)"and 1I<~ll hA~~.h. ll.
"'Th. LI<" or OSI LA in ""•. .,. I. ili~.,,;o.\" ().! ' flh,,,· !lel1d" 19Sn
CO"lpll."" ••;,h ,j""d;ord< or "~II"'Ii.n' ;. _kg.lly ",""I ~,;"·(. S« M,b","
~. OnIJo }'h.unu_tic.>I C"m{I.. ~'" Oc. I n. ~n I'.ld sn SJ.I..]! (19UJ. F.ilia"
I~ <""'pIJ'" ,1", M'" """do.,;" . S,,' Pod ... ,'. J.J. N,,,,·b<,~· Co .. ' H 1'.2J tll.6.
l l ~ (Irb CIT. 19'1). 'PI'\I';"8 ftll".1 ow Soo11o D.k"," I." .
Sa.all> L I'1~n":f .10 ;\\. I'ritIln,, ", I'rOo.lo ," 1.l.bilit)", .of,. l. -S tri" !.I.bi1 it)". "
f 1.041'1 (M'll n,"" B,""" Ij~OI.
10 SO( J- . v. Je-a ol l Ico",$bol'l'ins 5<"';.:<:. 16 m. App. .ld ).l'J. lll6 I'.E.:td
:I ll (I ~1.11. The rJ,in'itT. the p.,,"' or~ ,hild "ha !'",Oill "! ;njll~" When ,II. ""nk
, I.." ..... br~Ufht 0 pr<Xi""" I",billl~ :><t;"', 3piQII ,h. m. uuf."",,, of lb. ~1 .......
...... Jo.... t """" di,..,.", a •·...... ict 1'<1. II\<: '1'f'Oo"""
. IV! tho pl,;,"ilf TI ..
"f'I'cll,\< 00" " n:,·.,.",d tl .. ""i,iOll, hoMio~ 1"01 "Ih. d,~ r"" of ,M, to 1>0: 0..",1<<<1
II)" Ih. "' O"~r,,,,,, .... ;, plllj'>(>l1,,,,,01< 10 ,"" .rnmt'l>C<o of Ihe ..........."'U'o lIibictl
""'-I'" ":.
. '" ... ""'..'bI)' t~ "" ''''I:il'''' '" r'" n, . h 0 ,,,,t<!o (1 in ~ WlII:I n<f "' "'" th c
""","f... ",« mel Ih' ,,,od,," . llI)IJld hOI' 1",<" (k,ide" b)· tlt"jurl· """ "'" Iho
0""" ••• n •• l1.... Qr b ...·.
~ 56.o1PI I'ROD. 1.1,\11. l'I!'\e\"lC~: CUIDll

will con~i<.l"r Ihe nature of Ihe proouci an<.l Ihe abilily of the lls~r
10 avoi<.l injury by llsing reasmmble care. The ahilit)' 10 anlitl injury
ollen <.Iepen<.ls on Ihe <.Iegr.c of awareness t he user lws of Ihe polcllli:l!
Human factor.; studie, gather infomlalion concerning ,imibr acci-
<.Iellis or lIear accidcnl~. This <.Inta help, cs.tablish the likelihood of
injury. With ladder, an<.l s~,tfTol<.l~, the hi,toric~1 <.I:'t'l indicates Ihm
injuries cx.:cur "ery frc"<llI~ull)', so Ihi, fuctor militat", in famr of tilk-
jng every prc"Caution to render the product S-:lfc."

Beside'S ilccident hi,tory, Immllit faclor, c.~perts stu<.ly human be-

hllVior clmracleri,tics to del ermine the likelihood of injury. They also
~tudy the ,cn,or>' '"Id mOlor capaciti.s of people und their prope"si1y
for error in certaiu types of ~ituillions, e,g., repetitive Il"b or m~ks
r""(luiring conSlllilt balancing."

" s,..". ".~.• IlIwo!! I'_ll"'")' W",,<".I,,,,,, "SO:-/, E.lll MJ (l.b.,,_ 197~). II t9.),o>"
"ld hook"l" ria)'" "'",' injurc'(] whon bo 'h,"~' bint",lr ia r""'1 of.l pwok Ihal w",
l"iMg ,I"" b), a" ON'"'''"''' '11,0 P"" I"'nm,tcd, i"r in tho pl,i",ifi', holm" ,oJ
mll,~ II" hion .'\>'''-e Ihe ,i~hl "'. A," ,,,",uit lho[Oof. I", 1,loinli(f,u(f"od., r, ....·-
,",«I ,""II. TIle dofe",e of ""umpl;el] "r ,i.,k ,,'a, "';,,~, In ~i,,,,i,,i,,~ lh< ,1<1<"",.
lhe ","" ''''rod ,I",,, 'Th, pbin@''''I;['"l,hal h< di<l I"Ji l.,,~' "f",,)' ,l'''fe''
,h", be w'" <"JX",d to b), w<."i,,!, ,I" helm". 110 hdi"',,1 ' __ ,I"" il ",,,,,hi P''''W
hi, h<"d from ini"IY, no hoi"" )",<11,,,", "'rrl;',! w Iii", Ill"" P<'''-'I' wi,h ~'(""
kMwledfo amI <"I'aio",," in ),ndc)' , .. ~toJ i, ",a, ~h'"n 10 bim for 'ho P"'T"'-'<
;,npli,-,l, if ,wt c,'prc<,..ro. of p"",,,'in~ l,im,"
) lildcb"'ml I', Mill)",d. 16 ,\ri,. AN>, S~J. ~94 )',",) 132S (I 072), The plain'iff"'
d",,,,lell1 ~"" <Llbl 11'1"" the dol",oJ"",\ tr.-,,,to, ","<l.' k",ler thot tllO ",',od'''t
I.," 1=" wm,in~ (Ml. Tho <k~·"k"" )",,1 I'"kod l1T< lo"dor '" th." it r"""oJ,d in'o
tl", dtil';"~ "t",. "",k;"S il <linK"[! fm o(h" "hi<k, to P"'" 11,0 00"" of 'PI"-,,h
"~'"'I<<I ,I"
tri,,) '"""\j"dl:",<Ilj fur ,)" thof,,,",n, .n" "pi.>i,,<" 'h'" ,i,,," til.
pi>in,in' 'I"",~h' thoro M' ron", rOf (J,ber I'"hid," to r~". ho ",uk! ''''I h,,,o "'_
>"""d the ri.,l of inju,y.
" S.',' ,Ii",,,,,;,,,, nil 1"''''.110 I"",,,,,wpra in ch, 7. '"T),I'<' nr Dete"',"'
&.' aim g"Mraliy 1., Fn.Ill'or & M. F,kd,m", l',oJ"", l.bl>ili,)', 01,- Z. "M""o-
r,,,"ord, L",bi!i'), in :-/,~li~<llc,:' 1 ".07 (Manh,"' n"oJor 19.1)); I l. K<lpcr>-i,i"
& :-/, S,I,,,,. AU",n,),', Goide ", El1gin,odllS. ,h, \ I, "1'",",,,;, II"","" ""'"''
l'"~ill«fi,,g" (Molt),o~' 1I«"k, 19~"), Ie, ~1'C",,"id. I IT""",, I',"to" En~irJ<"in~
0,1 "I. I ~JO), D. I)"'~'u. SY"'"" An,I)',;, ,Old D",i~n for S"rN)' (1<)76); G, ),1.".
'"0[1, s"r<,)' E"~in",riMg (19E2): W. lI.u1Im"" l'roJuct s"r,t), ,,,,,I l!"~ir"-,,d"l;

" /d,
LAl)llllRS .\"1) SC~IH)U)S j 56.01[1]

The il\"ailablc data i, that JXol'lc frcqucmly nmkc mislakes on lad-

d.rs iUld scaffolds. whicb further ~ugg~--;t, that evcl")' fCiL,ibk pre"IlI-
(ioll should be tahn."
[CJ-ll", Fcn,itJility of II SMcr Alternnth'c Design. This
is the lIIost crtlci:tI i'~IIC ill :lIIy ca~c involving a significam injury.
The jury will have I<l tletermine tlwl nnOl hcr >lIggc'Stcu uesigll would
have bee', ~;lfcr."lllis requires two findins' b)' lhejury: firsl, thai
;l!lothcr tlesign wa, "fen sible'"; and sc,,:olld, that lhe other d~'Sign w~s
Wh.ther :molher (h:sign was "fcu,iblc" require, se"cml scpar;llc
factual t!nding,:
(I) First, il !!lU,t h",'c been tcdwologlcl1l1y pf!.<sible to rnanuf:'clllrc
Ihe ~lIggc'lcd safer d",ign. A ~lIbs'''lUC''1 dc~ig." by the same manu-
fact mer" i, the best proof of (lib. A competitor', de,ig" is nexl\><.'St.
If 1I0ilC arc n"~ilahlc, " pmtutype manufactured by the expert will
,uffiee. 'n'CIl, the exper( tnU~t lestify that th. ,uggcstcd (k~ign was
witllin Ille "~tate of the art" at the time Ihe product W,t, sold.
(2) Second. tile productlllu,l rcmninjrmcliollal with [he Sllgg~~tL'd
,,,fer design. Again. iI d.f.l1dalll·, (}r ,olllpetiIOr"S dc:;igll, or ~ proto-
type m:Ulufac11lrc~J by the expert, can be submitted '" proof.

, >.1<','. '.K" K,,,,, \', En~d'". 7(, III. 2<1t5-1."'Xl ~,E.2d 859 (t979). di",u".dwp'"
'H"< ~,

S," 01.0' ;"J'a ,-I" 7, '1\1"" ()f Dofoe":'

II i, "," """'''''''y tIL", tIL<," I",,, ;.1f" "11<",,,,;,,< ""'i~1l ;" "'>O'Y ,,,-,,, Someli",.,;.
" r'oJu" li,"I"), sl"'''h! ",,1 I>< "'>T""too " .11. o.",",,"w tho ",i1il)' of th" r'oJ""
tn ""iot)' ,h>:.~ "N jultili' IILo d"n~m ;Ilboronl ill i,. Pm inl1""' •• ",,,,br r<Ol"O,",
,"< illh<r<llll;- d'"l"mu" rnlt ,,,,,kl)' ,o""id." Ih"ir utilil)' 10 O"',..,i~h tl",i, ,<",oto
h"' ,"""'" ,bl1~"r. S""IL i., Tho 'W'': with "HI"), r'odu"" fro"" ""Id""d, 10 rlr<-
"."~<,,, With I"~d,,, 011<1 ,.·,rr"ld,. bo~ ,,'or, thi< i<luo f<",,,,lI)' ,1<>0< 10<>1 ,ri...,.
" C",,,cll \'. A""rill" Ilo,d"". Cn,. nt,
K'Hl, (,~t. ((l~ 1'.2~ 132(, (1~JO), TIl ,
r'uill'ilT .. ,,' inju,,,j who,," bd~<f 1« "'a, ' Ia",jjn~ nit coll.1p><<i. 'hro,,'i"~ him '0
,I" ,ro",,,1. '1'1" '~1LLtl "ft;""",) "" "~',,,<I S1.l,)00 ill ,,,tu, l d.m'g« .nd SIR,lOO
in !,""itil" 'h\I1"L~''S w1,<" Ih<<< "",""i.k<l<c 'h" 'hero .'oro prio, il1l1,",., or ,01-
b!". <>fll" """. ,,",,101 bdd" ," Ih, '"" ,,=I by Iho rioin'iffaoo th,t !h' d,f,",IMI
h.'IJ 11,",10 ,,,",c'ILlenl ,bir.n ,h.,"~", '0 mong,llOn tb. lodJo •.
S"c ~l," Bichler ". Whit< ~l<'al R,~li11g & St''''pin£ C"'p_,.'O Ill, "rr. 3d 435,
)}J ~,E.2d. ,It; (1<))l)_

(3) Third, the product must remaiu r,'Il.mllably priced. It must not
only be t~"Chllologic:llly pos~iblc to incorporate the 'Iafcr design, bUl
COllltncrciaHy possible :1, well." There should be proof thai U,c of
the safer design would not price the product out of the market. Tho
best proof of this i, proof thnt the ddemiant or a competitor now
actll~lJy sells a product with the suggC!;teti dc~igll.

A proJiwble corporation dOt.'S not ordinarily garn~r the ,ympathy

of ajury by demOllstrating the increased cost of a SOIfer desigu. COli'
sumcrs know that manufacturers ~t lime'S deliberately C1l1 costs by
c\iminating fC:llllres from I heir prodllct~. Often. a marketing ded,ion
i~ mud~ th~t part, which are not decmciJ to be "selling points" to
the consumer shOlI]d be eliminated. The co~t per itcm of the s"fety
device mny be minor. except wllell aggrega[cd OVe r thomand, of
prodUcts per year.
A manut~1clllrer ortcn deeide~ to eliminale n safety dcvice when
Ihe ri,k of injury is eon~idcred too romote to warr:lIl1 Ih. ndditionnl
c.xpenditurc. Th. ,afcty de"ice represem, a cost to the manufacturer.
but d~ nO! incre~se its sub. The cost of insurance may be much
le~~ tlmn the C051 of the ~Ilfct)· device.

Eliminating a 'Infety d. "ice m~y in fnet incren", the company ~"k<;,

,illcc it help, the manufacturer underprice <;ompclitors who do use
the sarcty de,·icc. The comp~titor mal' in turn eliminate the ,afely
dC"ice in order to compete. All m~J1l1f'IClllrcn; may do likewise, to
remain compelit;"dy priced.
Co,t,clll1ing by an entire illdustry OCClll"!.. and tllercfore the i,suo
is not just whether the increased cost ort he safet)" del'icc would make
the product more e)";pensive than other ~imil:lrl)" unsafe products, bill
whethcr the product would remain rcawnably priced ir it were im·
pro"cd. If the social utilit), of the product is outweighed by it, cost
to the public. the product become, \)nll1arket"ble. In that event, the
i,sue i~ wllcther the product ,hOllld be on the market at all, i.c.,
whettlcr fllc risks inherent in u,ing the producI ure outweighed hy
the ,OCilll utility of the product.

"l',,~il\' v. """'''''' Elwri, c<> .• 4," F. SUN>. 1.\47 (W.D. 1.,. t%OI .• ppl)·j"8
l.oui ...,", I>w. Liobilily ';i\, irnl"hcd in., <:L" in "hieh Ih, dcfo"donl 3,,"","
of <.,roly <I"k« un I)" markol "hi,h w"" .,,·.,it,hle w;lh"'ll Ull",,,-,",,blo "r
""u,u.,1 production problem,. ,",t "hklL "ore iILIO"ck,tID plc\·c"l. "r" I•.~" , ...
duo". 'ho d"'B'" of ki'kh"k from" ,h.i"", ....
Juries h",·c lillie patlcn cc wil h a nliU1Ur,\~(urcr Will) Sl!crifi c~~ ~., rc·
I)' by cUllin, corners 10 itl Cre,,'IC prollis. Th is cmpl~.s i~ of <,\:unorny
:u ' he: 'HICrm~"<l of So,fclY is a d~n @.erous afll.\un~,,' ror ~ m:lItUfllCu. r.:r
III m~kc, abs~~1t dnmWIK: L"\'i(kncc ofuillna rkembilily.
O"crall. II"" key '1Uo.'!' lion fot (he JU Ty is whell....r Ihe risles aTC n.~
dunY/ lo II..; 1f,f"CQ ICM ~XfCtlI pallibf<' while: r~l~ i"i n E III ... prodllt "s in_
h~r.;,\! u'cfull1 c" nl R!I :tL"'Ccpl:,bl c em!. "

[!Ii}-Failure In Wnrn. A t onmm ll i:s..<;u~ ill I ~dd~r rn.W'I i~ Ihe

C)'« ~ll 10 ...·bid , proper ''''rnill&~ ,,11lI insll ucliotls oould h" "'e a!Qisu:d
the uscr in ~"oitlit1 ~ injn ry. "
Tile 1,IW r~quir"" tJl~"'lf"c!urcr:t and IlIlter c"n1!n~rcill ;:.,lIc r~ of
a product 10 "'anl ClIloII)lners anll ""!f~ of d",,~ ~)o)OCi:ol<:(1 wi lh
11w II"! or their l>roclm'ls, Tlte)' !1I U ~ ! "I !>(l pr.cwidc in i'lrUL1io" s ~"(ll!­
c~ rn, nr: the p"'per 118e el f lite producl an d l it e datl S~rs of impro per

Proof, n p failu re 10 w;.rn ca~ i. fhe same. "'hclh~r it i. n subpa r!

of a negligencc cbim. or a sJ.ri el produc t. li , bility ~hl itt1. The on ly
UCCI'lioll i.~ Ibm Wnw jnrisdicliou~ do ,,01 r<:C luir~ .>roof IIM( lhc:
man uf;u;turef Ime"" or should 1I ~" e known of thl: d:ln~er :JMOo,:;atoo
with the p ICldllC I al th e time th~ p rodu ct W'l.' sold."

" V""~. Ill>c"l .t Il«h' Mfl'- C" " ~ )'I. \ ·.Jd 101• .1(;.' :>I.Y£.1.1 .l'l~. 4S11 N.l:.2d
:!O.\ n~s lJ. The rWRntT ..~> i"j~f..J . .. hi!c .Vn~ 3 d'''''hr ~~ ,.,,.. ~~ .... hi'
l"uKI "'OS 01" by I)" ."~IJ,,,k,1 r""jnll M" lite "hid< ",,<I
IIi , tIll"" " \""'"11 < ~· ..<ig,·d
t",,~<CI' tl>" blotk ,,"Li ,,"I''''''''0k
~u",d. H < rl"llIliff ,11<£<0 ~!I"t ~I", ,",~' "."'
.1,-1";li"d}· Il«l~n<tl bcc-..."" lhe ,""" . U""·<tI an .....,...;, . ' '''''''"' <!f ,lie l>bod.
to "" ~. Tho "'"Un m,,..mod ~h< j..Jr.n .... ! "booh di>n,;""" ,,,,, ..rict 1""'><1,"'"
Ii.;~ ;!,,)" cbi"'> "",I "",,,, od ,h. Co", ru, ~ '''''', nitl "" til" ;10" 0, Tho ~Ll1J" ",.
rla;",d II"" . m,,,,,f.><I,,,., "")' "Iabl ;'h th' , ~ 1'"><1,,, i, ,,
", r. c~" U)' ;11Ll"·i ll~
L~ >I "Ih< ri ....1 .t ~ ""","'ti lO Ibe l"'~t '" <llml ","";b!< " hil. ' ''',;RiPI lb. p,<>d.
,,,~'> ;.""<D! u.dutn"",.u ~" :><e<pI,bl, """.w IJ. a, WS .

.. F.,i lu," In "'-Jm ~II.< "''' <If til, d.i",. i" tl", ""i.II:~kku< ,,,k" ' C;''''' ,1i", ", ,,,,1
.'MI"~ ch. 11, " I'rrou,,, l.i..Lhi lil )' C..... II i"",)·:'
s.-., ~I", L I',"""" I< ,.t.
f , io.-.lm>n. 1'",,'''',.>.....Wily. <h 1. ",.1>". f"",",.,">
1.W,lfi' l in 1'..p1\l<dC<::· ~ U! ("b,,~ ...' l!<nol<, 19U 1,no! ch J. ·"';tnct l.I , hil'-
t ) '.w t J.()-'PII11I,'i! (M,lth. ~ 1]"',><.1« \9!6)
•• 1'01(1i;;:",.;"" ,,( t t", /'M ,i< uLv ""I"il<n><"" u" ~ .. t h< A ~ 51' I, ,""-',d.•".,"i'"
~, It..Ol and ~.ol rOO" bJd,,, :.tId n U,.OSll ]Jrl und !';.09 r." " atloId>.
" S," , ~-J>.• I.. ru.",,,.,..
S;la & !I""'~ C~, " Nunb<n, I'lnl""e 0", Co .. I\ ,D,1d ,S
I S. 427 N, Y ,S.2,1 11)(1') II ~I.D) ')1," "1<,,, , ,,1< or " r.li l"" ·to·.",.,, ,'"" b","~hl ill
t $6.0 1(1) I'Ron. u ... ,1. l' IMcna> Gl1IOI:

The mU1\ufaclUrcr Iwows Ih~ rauge of ~uitllbl~ uscs fo r hi s prod!! c!.

The man"fnclurcr a1j.() ~no" $ ,he .... ys ill .... h~h the product is atlU ·
any u~'d. H~ can "foresee" the uw; of his prod uct and I. rcquir~d
lO do ro . When it i~ fo r~""ublc that tlte u!.er .o\lld u"'" the product
ill It ri~k y m(lIIner, the manU raenu Cf must " 'MII him not to do 50.
~nd tell him why nOI.

Whether It ...·~rnin; ~hould h.we been ,i"cn iJ 01'1",. ~ ddlc.l te ' IUcr.-
lion, tu rning 011 what ...':Ili rc:\~o,, ~ble I.md ~r the ci rcumstalltes. Thu ••
the que,tion i ~ leO. to the ju ry in 1II05t instanco::$,
A oo lancio\: pnll;es& mm! 131.:C pia"",. Tile fao:;l finder must c:onsid-

" (1) Wh eth er the u~ ~ Ii", prodll"t II'"" i lll~ndcd or \101.

(2) Irit was nt'll an int~.... dro usc . .... hether Ihe liS<: "''l1S likely. ~nd.
if iO, how likely. Ihat i,•• whether Ihe u ~c wn~ forc,ccJblc (II "for~.,;"""_
ab!~ m;';\ISC"). Whether the II~ roulJ hlJ r~ b<'~" anli(;p"lw b)' the
m) uufa<:t u r~,. j,
"""'Cl imn n nllltlCl' fOf the roU11, bUI u~unlt)' a qu¢';o
t;on for th e jur),,"
(l) Tile ob" io llSn~s of the d:mter. !>i DSI coun~ do not oon~itkr
Ihi i a. dctenniMti\'~ f~Clor in ilself. wn rm "ti nS dismi ... nl the ~'n ire or
cau se "fJetion. Rather. it;, OJ\e f~clOr to be con ~idcrcd by ttlcjur),, /l
(~) The CU!.Iom in Ihe industry. ahhQlI!;h not dl1crmi nati.~. I>"
f:L~()I'. "

(3) Applicable !.Iatuta, regula tianl, :md !!:u,d3rds tkJ II,,& w;,h
"'n",iugs and i nMru~iolLs. Th _ would include: the A~ S I Mllnd;,rd.

'''lIli~.n," "" neo,ly ,h. ,;un< .. , . "il","""'....... _ ~,ouJh' ""<lor " ~ ,, liolOlI·
'I'. Cod" om" I;'hili",. ,lot pbj.rufl' ,,«11 no, ...."'. IIw 'he <ld'.." b n' knr .. 0<
.,,"ouJd Iu,·, I'_ ~ of1h . 1.. ,,,,f"1 ( b.,.." ". ~ f lb. p,O<Iu~' ,N.<nl a ..... rni" ~
>l Urn,.,.I ", ". Louiwili. 'lorn;", CO.. 64t P.ld l ?7 (l, h Ci,. t9~ IJ. ,~ pI)'ic¥ ,\l,.
bon'" I'..·.
" Sa I . n" .. ~ r;,., 1lI<,y ,~ 11'.,,,,' r~" I. 171: T ri.1t lo.... Q, I! (I '~$),
So', dw L. 1''''n'''' l< />I , Fr;"<1," ,. , ]" """,,, Li,bHi ly, . h, 2. "/>I ,n "f..,"",,,,',
Ll>billtt in S q:U,ctI«." i ~.2lI41 I M."h .... tlctIJn' 1'187).nd til. 1. "SIr"" L."'I·
i t1.~ J 3.OJ'~lIhl (~blt"'" IIrnoI« 19~6~
"5,'" L. I'", n,.r& M, Fri"dm.,,,. I'md u<l! I.i,bilit),. ,!t,,,. "Su k ' t.i, hilit)',"
! j .04i l l (MaulL ...... llt1)1lcr 1 9~6J.
1.,u)l)OIS A:"ill SCA I'I'OU l'> i SMI( I)

C()!I,:cl1l;ng "'''nt;n~, CluliOll'l, m,d jn~truclioll>. discus..<c<[ /"iro."

lind 1111; ,cJatro OS I'IA rcgu hl1 iol\~,l '

(6) III , omc ,t~t~'lI. I hcr~ m\l~t be proof that tl, e 1LI 0 nllr:octllr~r kll<~'"
of lite danger ~"d (;,;1<:<1 10 ""1 m of il." In ol her Sla ...-s. :L 'nanuractur.
~r i~ dee med 10 know I h~ dnn S~l> Jssociatcd with tIll; u>o: of h's prod_
IIet~nd assllluc the risk mn 'arl;cli"::l prod uct ",ilh ullkm""'11 d~n.
g~rs. "

A warnin g mUSI clearly ;niltru ct the u>c:r Whl! ili perm;~5iblc ~nd
..·..:01 is ,,0(. r u, inM~nc..·, IlL<: II ,.,' m~)' R'd I!lnt a w~rnlug 1 11 ~1 only
oll e pcr~o n at n lime mlly \l~C the ludd.r d..,.." llVt a pp ly ' f lhe ladder
's \Jc:i"S uSi:d wi lh [adder j acl.:s.. E.,~ .. if the jur)' wndudcs ;1 i!; nppli·
c~blc, the ju ry Inn)' well WIl c!udc tltal tlk! w'Irning 1\';I!I 1101 c.~ r'ieil

»s« ,"'''' II ~6.QJ . ,"1 S6.0t.("" hdd." _ad H ~.O;I(lllll"' ~ IG1l'l k". "'oU'
t< 5<-... ;.p" n !6.Ql . ..... '6.06 f..... I.od~."' .... n _<6.\l3flJlfJ ""d ,t;.O'I l'or "",r·
S« g<~c",/(. 1 II , 11o•• n.~ R. tlOj.. n, o..",, ~cioo.t S,.rd~ ... d 11<>111, ,\ CC. ~h,
&. "'n ", O'n" ,,1 R< ~uloti,,"',"~ ! ~ .O ". 6,04 (I ?~~) ,,"I ,b , II). " C,,,,,,,",,inn R'l!'
v ... t;"., .... ~ 10 II (.'.I:onl>:>o· IkoHk< I~~~l .

I> S,",,', g., I Ic'ei',,~'., Pi ",,'or 1I'~kCl"t\' , 1111 S.l". I", ,, 6'J<1 !' ",I lOy) (,\]",h
19;¥). Mobil< b""", b") ~", brnuY1l 3 >(ei", rft~h,,:" 1"lIdl,)' "",iIIu
~.;"" 111.0
Tn ,"",,, ,I,,,,, on.1« .. ik, ,,, '0<01'", ''' ' i.,jud ... " .,t,\'",,1 ("'''' <,,",,"V" ,,,1.,.,,,.1·
d,),)·d. fun ... p,.,;op, in ,I" q,obilc t.M~ TJ.< !Hop,.,n, ("" " ~ r Al o,"," hcld that
,h. lo,"'" ""Un ~ n' """" .. i" "d,"llll n~ ""kr><. '"
"",",",;n< un~_~\oi)i'rn ,11>1
eI" 10"".1""')'<10 'um• • ""~~I ,'U'" ","".MM lung d,U""~," I, il i, ;nll",,,i\>k ''' '
,]" nl-,m. r""u'<T 10 l ,.,..' '" If« ,b"gor. " ;, un.bk ' 0 <••1""1< it. .,,, n "M" l' '"
n"'~ ,]" ~,ooU'1 ",r.,.,
" ~. ".K.. U.. h,,\a •. ]ol",·.. M,n,·m" 1'1-"""",,, e m f'.. 90 "',J. 1')1 ..... 7 ",ld 'Y>
(1~~2), lliud,,,, , 000 '""'i, or; "r ~""O'.. ><'<l ,..,..."" ~'''''£bt 1"" ''''''\ inju,y 0,.1
" '''''~'''1 d~,'h Q<ri,,", .i»n." ,ho "'.nur.><1~"'" 0' w.."""" P""'''''''- Tho s,, -
~,.",< e"",, '" :-:....J "",), I"hl ' I"" ",tal.
"rtleo ",," ;, " ''''~liSOl''< <H cnlo '''~
""" POI ... ulonl ;n " ' "" ~."'My ...."" I" .1ri<11iabiti,)' ~~~ lhe pl;>i'lIllf d_
,,'" h..,,, t~ P""·. 'he "\""U r"~I",,:r ~"o ..· '" ' htJ1J kl b,,·. kn,,..'o ,!oo.u 'he cl.u'~,,,
01 '" I"cd"", Th.I k'_1N~c i_ i"'f u!<'d 10 ,I\... "",,,~r...1U''''
" F<g'''' ", I.)'" '' I."~d,, C\~. 3 ~1 0" , Apr , /00, )11 N. ~, ld 7!J (1 971), n'l'!""'
..If, b,,"'sbt,n ""'''''' fn • .......,...,1injuries .!?I'""
,b. '~'~~'''<lU'''' of. \. ,Ido:r
"'hkh b"", whll.I>c;,,~ u",<l l,)' , .. " 1"""" 1' ,,'II. " ]",M.. j><i;, Th. ,'n])' ",'."";0F'
[:"<n ..... ,n ..... ,'''"",,, >nsIe of ~1.atll':C" .,,~ "", '" "'.-<tl,ud ,"'; ' " """C t h>n
""" por><'", n ", ,0<1 '1 ,\If""I<11 I1,, jlwg",,'" f.... •h" l"""''''rrs. l><>Idi"~ ,"", 1I~
j~ did .. ~ <'ft i ~ ""ttn;tli"~ ,I"
jut}' ee, r",d
11",1 Ih. <lor. "d,,,,, ".~, " ,~ li ~'M
,..... ,,',
~ 56.01[11 I'ROD. LI,\IJ. I'RACTICE GUJD~ 54-20

Similarly, lhejury mal' agree tlmtthe plaintiff used the ladder im-
propt:rJy, in a way thm wcaken<-d or damnged the ladder, but then
conclude tlim the plaimiff would not have us~'<l lhe ladder in that
marmer had h. been wurned or instructed against doing so."
Failure to h~",d u specific warning may result in a defendant's '·er-
diet." For exnmplc, the warnings should SlUle to place the base (Icgs)
of tile sleplnddcr 011 a finn, ICI·d ~urf"ce and not on a soft surface."
If the plaintiff places the ladder (}Il a sort surface des.pitc the warning,
the courl Ilwy 1I0t charge thaI "n infcren<;c oro defeet can be found.
The jury may conclude Ihnt the ladder was used improperly, und
there was no dcf.."'l which <;aused the aceidelll.
[b}-flrcaeh of Worranty." In many instances, the proof re-
quired to establish n breach of warranty claim is the sam. as lhat
required to ~\!pport a strict liability aclion. l < Howcl'cr, Ihis docs not
necess"rily mc:m thul the br""ch of wurranly claim i~ ~upcrfl\lo\ls.
The ,lulute of limitations [or the two theories moy differ, some peCII-
linril}" of state law may give a plnintiff on ndditiolml remedy for
breach of warranty, or a parlicular stale mny not recognize a strict

in r"ilill~ lu ~i\, "'plici' ,,·,rning' "00"' ,",II 0 r"'",,,cblo and "n'ioip."od Ll<e of
i" bdd ....
" Jimi".>. \.. $,.m I\<l¢h",,~ &. Co .• 4 Cal. 3d 379. 93 Col. l\ptr. i69, 4~:: 1'.2<1 681
(1971). Tlto COUll Malal Ih." 'ho iu,), oauld ho,o ,o",lud<:<l Ihol "'"" or. I,~d<r
on. m!l~d)" floor mi~hl 11.'·0 ,,·e;>k ....."<llho bdd .... ""~ 111,[ "·.tnin~' or i",,'nmion,
,1"'!lld ha" bc<n pru\idod 'l"'ill\1 ,"<10 \1«.
" Eri,h,," , .. SO"". Rooi:>Jck & Co .• 240 C,1. App. 2d 793. 10 C,1. Rptf. 143
(1966). TIl< rI,il1@·IV" ini"rod whon 'ho woodon q,plodd" on wltiol1l1< " .•~,
1I.,n"ins "",ko. Th, "o"rt a "r
,0n,l",kJ '" m'tt" I.w 'ho< II" p[.,;ntin· f.ilal '0
Nnhli,lt Ap,'m" jg,", 'a.<O of>lrklli.1>ilit)". Th. bdd" conl.lined d;rc<t;on, ".,,,,.
;"S thot il .hould 11<>' be ""d
00 ",f< ,uri",,,, ~ od lh, pLi;n,iff hod beon u,in~ it
in tho gm~' "h<n Iho ,,,cid,nl ""cumd.
" Id.
S,·,· ~Iw inj'" IS S6.1){;[t] "",l 56.0ii[2].
"S,·,s,·,,,·raliy 1.. FIlImor &.~!. FriC<!m"". Prod"OI' !.i.Oilil)". on. 3. '·Sln" Li,bil·
il)·:· § 3.0l (~),tthe~· llonder t~~6) ",," ch. 6. ··lh,\lHity of \("',il,,, .nd Middlo.
n",,·· (.~t.,ttll<.,. n<mkr 19S7).

,. S,,· .,·,,,·ral/v L. FIlImcr&:\1. Fri,dmon.I'.",I",,, U.,bilil)", ell. 3, ··strkt r.;,\>il.

;').:.~! 3.01. 3.0! (M."hm Ikntlor 19S7).

, S6,OL)I]

liabil i. )' . hoory "r r\,(,()\·cry."

'rh ~rc arC \"ari(lLI S I}' poe; of br~;wb or wamml )". One n'~'r ,,]>]>1:.-
wh ~LI o lbers do 110]. T heM: ~re: (I) e~]>rC'\.' warr:lIIl)'; (2) i!!l~li ~d war·
tanl)' of filllC>Oi fur II pllrlicu la r ]> lIrpose; ~"d (3) Wnm"'L)' of 010'-
c:-hauI:,bi lil!'. "

E~J'r.,;, warmtLI y i~ e~cmpli r",d by a Il "w~pl!pcr ad\"Crt i~~",enl or

I' "~lc'l11a,, "mnni"8 I'~ ~ ["ellh:.1 the bd der h ;l ~ p.~r1icull r Ij\lnlilk~.
The 51 ~k", om~ 01 .. ,. amouIU 10 III' affin"~tiQn of facl , nol n'~r" Ir;We
talk IIr puffery."

The im plied warr:l1l1)' or fit "c~s for a pnrticular purpose tUT1\~ 011
Wh el h ~r 1he defendant's s,1k'! I1I Qll had e.\du~i,·t control ovtr Ihe sc-
lO:CIK!l1 uf Ihe ladtle:r or 11", pu rehnser a t k:tst reli...,! on the: S.1lesm:m's
judrJl10mt in !>e1L'('lin~ I"" ladlk r."
Th e wl'mmly of 111crclmnl;d ,ilit)" lurw; IlI nn:: si mply ()!1 whelher

.. $<-,' ~,,,,,",,,I(,· 1.. F, un"", I\: M. F,W'".a. r mducI< 1I.tOlil F. ell. J. "S,,;'" li. bol·
i'y:' ~ j.01111 t~b'll ..... Ilnul<, 198(,)
"S.v ~""c~ , '1y c.",,,), •. S¢;..'" R<><h,,~ ,~ t·" .. :lOO !'.: J .>OO(4,k Cir. !'I(,2). ;op.
Vj'fini , b ,,·. 11,. pi,;,,,il! ....,. i";.,,d wh ." .h. h,JIk, 10< pu"h... ,-d I",",
rl)·j ,, ~
Ii", ~.r.od, n' ,·,~L'r>«I .. hil. in ",,,. Th. ><ll..-\ """ 1,.."",1 ,hllr ' " tho buyer 10
f'W'."" ~ m..-d""'t:Ibk rn"'''''1 '04. , ullkirnt w fu",l, h ,h. pri'i' l ....."'''''l.....
,Itt ","" fi,r ~n impliN "'''..~nly lli 'n«<la"ubilil~ ""~ r... Wobilill" in '",1. " lop«"
QI 1S ", I,,~, ... 1><'''.«>1 .h• ..,10 , ,,,I ""11>p;< ~r ,..., b,Id .. ,,~. "'" . In<>c .uif><irnl
'" \'.If ","1\'<", ",,«I ,m 1..<.1010 of "". rr"n,)· Of no~I;~. n « .
" li" 1 ,\.~ ... bm"...... . . Sil1rllnl. ~, Sr.>. l,! 4)4 (1'1;.0. l'l~ll Th, pbinli ff b,,,"sht
,~i. "pb", th.:: .w"",un,. ",II<> """1 I", ~ bdd« .. I,i~b the)· "pmcon<d "'><
·... t""'F.~ " .... Id "'N 3 ~r.,; ..... w ",HI Iho ..... 0'"'" ..wid "'\e<ft .....""
it:· Tl><
•.""" , Ai'mcd d;,..,,'.... I"roo ,h. drf",od, ",'" mah,,", ho,~d,"~ 'hOI _h ,,,,.,,..,...
,"",10;: lot" ,mil ~,b""," ,,, ioJ"",,, "",.1,0'" did nO\ .",m,,,1 lo;on .,p,...... "..
' I' '" "·,,,1,1 off,,"1 .ILo h.,,,, f,or" ,,,il.
£"<"4/'" So~ri"w: ,'. 11"'''' 'i •• 10j '" 1).~ ~ ~~. 417 K Y_'I.l<I 'IOJ ( l<.! T)crI', 191-1).
•• t:. ,~<}· v. s"~,,, Ik..bu."t Co., .lO'l F.2d 3OO (~ I~ C\,. 1 ~b2I. a(lpl}'n~ Virgjn;"
I,,,'. ,\ ll~" " tIt< pL''''''T ....., "",..,in, "" ",lIof<""'l ~tld h......, injuml. n.. pbiD'
'ifT b"' LI . IIl " i, a~" i,,,, 1)", rlhtrib\J"" "n I~,." b " or.n c.' pro" ..·,,,,nLf. "n in,·
1,1;""1 ~ ",r"",>" or """''' r'J< " 1"'1",,1;, ru,p"". ,,,,J ,n im pii"\ WOl'"n,)' ,jf """.
,--fl "".~,I"r. Th. C"utl fC.<1K<I a )",\S'"'''' f.,.. tho IId",J, ,,t ,nJ "",,.ocd on
tlte I>.:(;lir."'«"~, TI<,' "''''' ~cld " " I , hue"", lID .....;, &... . 0 imrticd nIT""'t,·
,,( r.,n..... I,,, a r>"lcu'-'. PUrp<U 1>«;>.", ,br. d.l",od;",'" ",b1D>1l h:ul " ot b..""
"d"I"I)" rcl"d "" in rL,in!in', ..""riO" "'. !odd" ,~~"'k (,,' 10" ""'1"""'-
II ... • ''''
the ladder wa~ dcr.-.; ti,·c at the time it w~s suld."
ll}-('touf. [n Turner ,'. CCIJ/I'tIIIl(/r</~"rc Co.,'· the I'laiulirr
~~t~bli !h ed ~ c l a~~ic breach or cx[!n:-'~ and imp lkd warrant y, ,,~ well
~s warratlt)· 0( mcn;llImwbi1it)', by I'rnu f <If the fo llowing f'lCl ~:

( I) Ret nilC ( $ ;Id"er1 i'lCtncm w~.o _ n b)' pl"iuti fT in a tlCw51'~[!I:r.

(2) The ath(n ~U~~ll corot ainl<.! ~ ~I~tc:m<:m thaI ..,fel)" " ';1; ,I
prim. CU~iokr.lIlol1 in [1' 0000,,:;' ~tlch l~dd':Ts..
(3) 11'e l,d"crl i",,"~l1CI11 sl"red Ihm I h~ Inddctll ""en: rcinrOJc~"tI w
be "nlishl)" ~ trO!lg: and du rahle."
(4) The 111;limiIT referred 10 th e ~d" Cl li ~~rncnt III th e time or the

(5) TIll;" pln inliff info rmed the ret niler Ih~1 ~ he knew nothin:;. ."liloul
,,"Odd and wou ld reI)' <.on hili. judgme nt ill kkoct illg the Jad d,:f" 10 bu)·.
(6) Th~ rctaikr :ilalW thnl the I~ddcr would be &00<1 ior c1"" llinj:
wal1l'-~pl:r. "'-u "' I~~' ,;.be w:mlnl, " ':IS mnUc of n"1')" sood weod, :1110.1
W:I' tCSI<.-d 10 ml k ;l.ot 200 rOll nd~.
(1) !'In;1u)1T olTered l"" ti01011)' to the elT...:: t tll:lt Ihe I:tdd er hroke
n' n re:mlt of tIl<.." pr~"nce of cro~~'srnil1\:d woed.
111e.<;e nffirm,llivc reprC'icntatiotlS of fm:l by tlie rctniler crcatc<.i nl1
c.~[!f~'S~ "·~rrant )· of the .tronS1h "r the I,\tlder, "' weI! a, an c~pre~~
"'amonty a,,'\i ns! n dL-f...::t suc h as eIO$~·grohlCd wood. '11", n::li.:lI1 ~e
o n lite so.ltim;ln'S ~«:tioll cr",!.too II«: implied warr,mtr of fitn.:iS.
The J'fn.c.~I~C of n defect in lloe ladder ~ I Ihe lillie of SIl le "'3d~ I h~
proou<;I IU1nlcrcbnn'ab le and ,·;"bled the nl>rC!'~ and implictl war·

A rctail~r mar be liable il1 brea ch ofwn rrnltty . ln "'o:;t ill ~t:ln c~~,
the , . lI er kl\Ow~ the purpose fo r which II ktlldcr will be tI'cd. Tile
bll~'cr docs)lot have 10 Wlte the l'urflO,e. Whether the plain lilT re1i ~d
upon the ~kil1 3ml judS01cn! or ti,e s.cIl~.,.;." jury qU<.... ti on."

, . I:.(".C. I 1..1I~ (l%l ~

• • 3Sl :'<I ... 1 ISl, IUs.. W.ld 603 (I~lS).
., Khk\",S';""'-'Y D,"£51ol. (""'. n Ill. ,\ pp-ld ~ l~. li7 N. E-2d)Ol (t9(') ~ The
pt.,i"1itr p,"ch,\Cd ~ lo,!(\<, from 11K d,f,M,ttt ' M lbe l.d,l" ""Il.tf!'<'1. ,,,,,,ins
]ojU t)', ,\ '~;1 .", bro".hl r"r M<.l,h ~r ;ror1 ",1 ,,~""" '"" ~r fi l1oe<> r(l r """.fIt!
<I' ~ ' , . "
IIIJ-Clu'NItl~n. The Immeh of ",:orr:un}" 111\I~t be the cauS\)
of Ihe :tcd dclii. r or exumple. ir the .... ('"xI ll~ed in the l :ld d~r i~ "';I('
r~ntcd 10 be kil n ·drl~d hemluck. mill il1~I~'ld il i~ lir. lh~ dirreren~~
be\wwn the t\\'o .. o;)cb muSt be (If'''· ....1 ICI ha,'c caused the '''"'c;·
[c}-Scgligencc. In" ncs l;g~nce ca~c. the qut:~ti"'l i, nO! jll~1
whet her IIIe produc t i~
ddct:ti..-c. hut alii/) ,,'hether Ihm def''''1 ...a.~
CJu~1 b)' son'e nt'@.I«I br the defendant." Usuall~', proor or dof«1
creates .11' inference of IICfdi£<:11cC w the jllry. but il j, (jllite po.<siblu
for n lIIanufnclurcr 10 show hc did c " crylhi"~ he could 10 prcl'em
~ defC\:l. :md 11Icrci'0l'( Wil$ not "~liJ.!<:"I .

TIle mnn ufaclur" is \odd to ~ " c~pcrt'> .t:llldnrd of care. Mid II

expecl ed to kno .... ~!I(J liSe b~lIe r I. "in£ or dc,iB1l' if they nre a v,\j[ ,
able and would ciirnill,llc the dallscr,"
T he r:le to rs disc .. ~ 511pm § ~6,O I { l lIill "il lt rq;;trd 10 Strict lia ·
bility "r;: l)te "~mc r,,<;IOr> whi~h woul<.l he tnkcn imo c(lJI~i <.lcr~lion
in dCl ermin illf: wh~1 h~r there was" defect In the product. :' nd wheth ·
~ . Ihe del'e "d~m kn e'" or sho"l d h"H know" of Ihe dd'<'t't in lim~
10 ro,o.":l ;t.

"""il.""hll"y", ~·,II "" in ,,"~li~0I1 .<. TIl, """rl "" '"",,J "TIll """""I,d ,)" ,ri,1
'''"rI'' ~i''''I .d I <tllk' r"" 'he "'{<nIl>Ilt, Th" ,,'un ", ~l,inru ,ba, ,1" pU' f"'\< (or
... hi<b a " <rlo.w.. ;., ....... i, ;"'r/i<dlr ........ ~lI"... n , ~
Ih" ""II .. b)' i l. "''Y ""' ~,.
, nd II,. ",,",",ndj~& <1"~'m""oc<:< 01' ,,'" pu. eba". "Old ,I,", tl>< t.<>!or """" "'"
h..,,, to ;T~T" Iho 1"''1''<'>''. n .. co"tI "I.." ,",~ Il",,I" 'I""";"" "f 11,< pl';,IT;n·,
",I;"" ",, "" Ill< \~ ;ll ,,><I j.Hlgm,,,, o( tl", ",Ikr i, "no rel' tl", j",y.
u 1I~"'11i ", OI>nn<l Lum"'" l' ,~. ! j tU, SIfJXT.I.. ,~ A ,~d ~ ~ (I ,)~\). ,\ 1... 10.
n"'~Ur'<I"r.. "'<'d ' be 1"~,IO<t ,;on' I""I' ~na l"'~i"_ lol.,n,'If:o .... ' I::m<n' for ;,y~,
f lC~ ,0« ;''''' "'11<>1\. I,d')",. "~I,{W>J, Th< <oun ,1I;n"ru " N1\k,;;,1 <>f tho O<I;,~'.
1~>I"'n~ ,),,' ,I" e>;J,,,," ,I,,,, 'he !''''k<" ',lit w,,,,; 11. un" ,~~ I,'nlh", ~", ""I ored
... " ;'". 01,1.-", h> P''''''''' , ~< "'''' '"
,I " jury,
OJ S.~"'4r lUll}' L n .. " ... & ~I. " nrum,n. Prod"" .. I.1"";~,~ .ell, !. ·-M'D.'''''''' ,.
~ ..> I.;.bil ;' ~ in ~1;g.:oO('<~ (M'III.,... 1lc<Mk< 1'131),
"s." ......."l! ", S:ml. ') ~l. b",~""" C" .. ?6 Ill. A)~', _" \'\.1, 14 j, •.'7 S ,E.2d il~l.
7M (19M) ,

J 3M II lJ l'ROll. UAU. I ' RACTl C~: Cll ml,

COMMENT: Til\.> th. el thcoflM ml'fltioned. st.i" liability. wa r·
ranlies. "lie! IIeglig<!rKc. a re II0t 100 only th~o .ies :lVilil~bh) tn
a predLIC1S liability caso. hOYlever. th~y are too most comm on
! theori es used in litigation.

jd}-I' roof by InfC'CII«." The proof of ~ def":l b)' illr~fI:nre

i~ .;mi/u,. btu '101 Ibe so me as, •• ~ re.r p.u
'tX/uillt, i"rerenc(;. It pcr-
mi ls ~ pln inlifr to Il~ L to t h~ ju ry by show in; h" was properl)' usin g
th~ prooll cllU,d llmt n tlcf.."C 1 i ~ the mO~l likely ~'ll's\: oflhe !leddenl.
In some hl ~I:Ulccs. this mo:thoo of proof ,n:\y hc necc>~ary. It i.
oftcn ditrlCull 10 dctC'nn in.: ~lncll)' wh:u hnprcncl [n IalJd<.'f' ~n ~
K.~llold ,'lI>.\.~. tlICIIct:idenl usuall)' ll3pflC:IIS qUickly. II ma), be cl""r
10 lhe injured perSO" lhal sOlllelhing W<."lll ''''OIlS wil h Ih" lood~r o r
M:afTold. but he will nOI kll Ow II..., m ..'Ch~1\k'l\ of lhe mnlr"II Clion.
The h, dtler or ""affold mny have Ixen di~n~~e lllblcd or di !c:lfdcd
arler the :l~cklenl. [[ wuld he s.o altercd by Ih. at:ddelll llml ;1 i&
d ifficllh tn nsn"""in i,~ con<Ji,ioo inun;:d ilud), bc:fore II...: lICeidem .
It is tlln~ oflen " ..",css;.r), 10 I'IfO"C lhe e~islcncc of ~ pr=id~"1 ok-
f(cl by inference. " R"1lardk'S.~ o r lhe InnG t~1~c defining Ihe term "de:-
fect," if I h~ Jury cDn ciudc, I h~ l Ihe prodU CI did 1101 perfo rm as a
rc.1"oOII"blc 1"" f>[}11 would e,~l"'c l it 10, Ih e ju ry will co",;dor II dcrcc·
live. Thu>, if Iho leg of a Indd er buckled, or t l~ !'CaITo\d fd!. Ih.jur)·
may l'OlIcl u<Je rrom the tOlimon), Ihal t he likely c.~pl1n!ltion is (Iho:

., .'i«;c~''''11y L Fn,m" ,"< ~I , I'tinl m,m.l'rootIC" UJ~l~ 'r . <b . l. " M ouuf."",·
",', L"Lbility I" "' ... Ii~'",·o." t ;! ,l! (~,"lIh,w Iknd" 1 ~' 7J aoo oh, J.. "$" ",, Li,·
t>ili ' )'." I J.(I1[lj (M,"ho", Ikn~ .. 1916).
«s<"Ct>! ~ " .JoIon S. TIII'I'eu..) tIS M. " . no. HI !'(.E. Z~ ~ 4 1 (197$), Th. pl.in·
,df"""'tirl ....;0",. ~pi""l Ih. "","uc..",ut'<r "nd wholcultr d an 3lu",i~"n' I..... '.
\\,.,1. r lain,ifl' " ", . 1""dioq;.'1'1 il•• t.,:; of Ih. b.Id .......1 ift at a 4 '-dt;r,~ ~IIJI •.
d "h ",.",<oJ "iT!! 1<> r,lI ,od .UI1:.1n i~j~,;..., T h. '''1111 md",<d • j""'1'I>tfI, ror
,h. ,W."d.,nl 1" I,. ,nl.rN in ""h ..... ' Th< <our! h,],1 ,1" 1 ol'hO\Jgh the pl~l"t;IT
P'<",""d ,um,i,", , "id," ," ' n d",,,, 11,. I"r.",,,,o 'h" Iho coH,p"" ~f 'he ,. dd"
,,,,uJ'N r'M' IoOnl< ""slit"", ""r. he d<l "'" ,ufl',d."'l~ "dode I,;,. """ .." ion.;
' TAn' a ru _.w.: Iftf..-·
or:! ~ ."""'. Th • • <'Url e>.pl.;""d <11>1 lit< . \;<l<Rc< "'''''' . ••
.... C. III>, IhoM""'.... , ,a,h.. Ihoa ~nol bc<. i< _ oibl. for 1he ... ~ . ..·1>Ido
( ;>uo.cd lhe: .,ddont Wh, . 11M: ocdoloft, occC," .n.. 1100 dtfrnd"", h., ",rr<nd"N
,,,,,,,01 af lho ~oJ~". ,11. pio",' ;(I' 11.>., 'h' bur<kft or rt"' ;"~ hi, pror<f ul< <)f III<
"S,"'i~f"' i 56.0!{1]lnl.
, , ..

l.AUDERS ..I./'lll S("Ul' OLtlS

··pr~·po"lkl'd"CI: 0( the <;:\'idenc<:·· indk~I~) IluIl ;"\ d ~re.:1 C':lu5cll .111:

mJ!full ~tio!l.

Mam,f:ochning tomrol~. ~uclo J~ (Illalit)' cOlU ro l and I1I.101a,,"I11<.111.

p urclo.,iu g roomol an d h .. pc~.l lln', :11'<1 an im pllrHtnt c"!l,id~r·
ation." N~Slccl in tbe c,..,~tion or pcr{orn mncc or , ucb ~OI'trol~ mid
iUSfl«1iOl\$ ""u.~lIr estab lishes n~'G1i&e"t..: in II", n' lnUr;l<;\II"ng o f
Ib ~ produ ct.

In :II Mriel prodUC1S liabi lit y CiIS<:. il is nOt ".,.,<$<:11,· 10 prm'e ",hal
hum:lII error or machin. e rror , allSet! Ih ~ t!efcel in the product. AI·
t hout:h piu poinl iUG the c~u~e of I he defec t i~ IIOt rcquired. ju rors MC
:alw:tr~ intc"","l<.'d in 1o0w 1 1o~ prod uc! "'";IS nl JlI<;: ,,,,d why Ih~ dd~"C1
ocwrred . S"dl proo f is 1I(1f au c~<cnt ial c1emclI1 in ,I strict prooucts
liabilily CD!oC. Ihou gh. Rod Iherdore lens!ll)' &o;coI'ery i!; IlOt .......,<.$.
s;'ry 10 <:~I'bin why Ihe dd'C\:t hapl'Cf1~"'"
Oflen II mannfoctur~... wi ll :!sserl Ihat Ih~ d~fc~t <li<l nUl c~i'l In
the Plod~1 at th~ lime it " 'as ""ltI ami u:«: ciC'<:UII'ISI3"ri~1 ",ilk'itt
.. In pm,·" ii, II will ~tt"1H)lt In ~hnw Ibat tlt~ manufflc tnrins cnnliu ls
arc w gond 1)1~1 ~ def~""lil'c produ ci could not gCll hrcugh, In !.IIch
a ~illl:lliOll. dis<;o\'ct)' collecrni" G Ihe mllllllr:aClu ri ll S ~s j~ ",,<."S-
sal)', not In "'tabli ~h wh,,1 c.,act l)' did ",,,, ,,,, Ihe d cf""l, bU I In dCl e!'
mine wh.al e rrors could ha I'e occurr(d ",hich C'lIn'lCl! the u..{ l'Cl. I nfor·
m~ lion OOI,c.;,rning othe r ClcrCC1i,'( produ ~r ~ t h ,~, ho:omes i mplln~nl,
In show th,,1 dcfcct~ had pre"iall sl), ",-" ::,,,,,<1 d ~lcetion do rins til<:
," ~oufa~lII rin{: pl'O<''''~,

When t h"'e is proo f of:. mannfuclurin;; deteci. co ulIscl ~h Ollld nut

cn llfl~"" Ihe iss",", by cxlclI; i\'~ proo f ~lllJ"" illg, I hal the dcfc n.bll\ W~~
'1I.,;liscnl ill ils m., nuraclutiUt; I'ro.:~"Ss. II i. 001 m...,.,.,..1fY 10 , hrl'"
c~lIctly why Ibe defecl OI."curr~'d, ,)Illy Ih f'l Ihe dl..fccI W :L! prrscon al
.. the linl;: 111~ 1;l(kler nr S(;.ffold """ 'lOkI.
11,. d~ f~~.", m a "'''''I' f~ctllrillg
<l.fcCI C"se i ~ 1'"11,,11)' thaI the
prOO u"1 dlt! confonn 10 Ihe de; ig.t! und SIIl,'Cifi"aliou. at \h~ tim e Ihe
p,ucluo;l " '" . wId." nr. if il did nOI. rh ll Ih~ mll,ro"fo rmh)" ,.-as mil
the cuu~~ uf thc uecid~ I1I ,

" 5«0 1.. fru",.,,\ ).I. f ri<dn';w, ....00\1011; Uobiri,).c"," )1).41(\1.11\1<10; Ilm;t«
19~!) ,~, prod"", ",fet)' n""" .,",,,,,,,
"s.";.,;,,, I ~6.clPIl4

""' ''''
"ROO. 1.1 ... 11. "It.\cnc~: (;lilO~:

h"'mis~ til)ll inlO th e raCI~ m~y ~ IIow Ih31 Ihe injured pcr~ m3de
pri or .IU I ~mcms us 10 why Ihe m:cidtl1l OI:c urrcd, and tht hi~ lri~1
or depo! ili ol1 I c~limon}' was ~l"nlcd 10 fit th e defect. The pl ninlilT
may hnv~ 111 :ld~ ~ I"temcnts 10 wiln c.~~'S , [lC li ee, nmbulnll<:c per.;on·
nel. n\Hr.c.~. dO::lor" or fri~1Id~ IIIal Ihe 1000cidoni happcnl.'d in 110111(
way which l~ u " rc1~ lcd to lhe defect.
II}-~·ntl$. The followinG rnets h~',,: bam IIIII:d 10 esl~hlish
:til i"f<:(,;:II<:o1 of " tkf~'CI :

(I) 111<: lllddcr \,Ia. do:sigr,,:d HI hold :t milumum of BOO JIOIIIldr..

Tll e l~ddcr wn~ ownl'd for 1'1'0 monlh !! alloJ usoo on l~' ninc limes \l(.
fore Ihe ;1~~loJ.n l. The bddcr was nOI d,unused before Ihe nccidclI I.
II WIIS prol ,:>:lcd fmnl d"muge duduS 11 ~. mid Ihere wa~ 110 cpptlr\u.
nily 10 Imnp<: r wil h il. Under sitch r"CI ~, lite dcfcnd"nl·,,,mpnl1f~
p rco; id CH! :ld lni u ffi Ih" l h~ ladde r, lIS d~IS'llxl. would nQ1 rail. Thb
jl<."TllliIMI :In i"rtwO!;c I h~ 1 Iht Lldd..r f:lIl ...-.1 due 10 a mOIl Url>\llunll&
dd h1."
(2) Accordill!: 10 1~'Slimon}'. th~ !>ddtr h:ad been im;flCClcd for de-
f=s, 1~1 ~ ROI lio;(;n nUstl!>W 0<' damlSw, h ~d bttn u!iC<l for 1"'0 )·Il.l rs .
~nd w~~ bd nS lI ~d normally allll<: lime oflhe accident."
(3) Pl a!lI lifl· l~stifi.d thallh" ladder "'n~ new, llial il WaS u~.d "nly
in " \l ~u[! l. rea :;onablc manner. and Ih e ci rCU I11 SI:t!lces of Ihe l:tdder
breakins cx~ lu d~~1 all rC:lwn"ble infercn cc~ uecp l ~ dcr,:cl for Ill<:
Call'!<: uf Ih ~ br.:ak."
(4) The lad der owner :lIId lhe pla ;nl;ff I...-;Iificd Ihallhcy had done
,00Ih;"G 10 cnu!II: .h. !\CCidenl mid Ibal Ihe fo<c1 o r the ladder (ailed
!O Srip Ih e ~~phllh ~urf:u:e."

(S) The e"id.~'ec ~howlxliliallh .ladder rcll.ide"'~>'s . causing litO

plain Tiff to r~ll , Ihol Ihe ladd~r was nOI u$o:d obrmrnmlly, the!\: w~~
no rea,,, n,,bl c ~l'l!O lldar)' callSC, and Ih ,1! the alunlinum ladder's 3ide
mil wa5 benl nt Ihe firM rllllg ."

" :-;""'n ' . ~tur W ", C"- 11! III. AI'I'_2~ 19. 1.61 S.F..2~ lO9 (1910).
" C. I,,,"HC". \\'. W. Ilobca:k Cn.. 4 t~ S . I'~ 2d 59S(M""... App. Ct. 1'.1$0} .
." M<ca nhy • • f\<Jriob Udd.. Co., 19S 50. ~ d 'XI7 ( 1'1:1. 0 ;'1. Ct. App. 19'4),
.. I t~n v, COR><Ilo:h"d AI~~'; n" n~ I",., la? So. U J IJ (FLo. Oill. Ct. ,\~ p.
,. Gill"pi, .'. It !). Womer Co .. 71 III, l d 311. l 'J l-U:_2<1 I"~4 (1 ~1~).
, ~. '

'''' . f SS.JlIIII

Proof I] f misIIS<: b)' t~c pJ~il1(irr. I] T ,l3m:'~c .". miMlk by other

th ~ ladder prior to the "~~ idcnt, nmy negate :til inference
u, ... r:. of
uf defeet , For imt~ncc, the "" id enN m:,y il\dk~t~ that th e ladd er fe ll
......... ~ tlk! plaintiJT pb cal thc b ll"", 1]" 'III um,veu noor."
[il}- Hrpoth ct1cnl Question. A hypoth~ticnl 'l" "lltlon m~y b.:
put \0 th e defcnllanHl lntl ufaCllIrcr. asking hi m to assume the rc'Cited
(.lclS ill c\·idrocc." I k m ~y t hClI, for u31l1ple. "" :>skcd if. in hiJ. upin.
ion • •he right Tt':l r Ie; of lbe particular nlOlM I~dlkt. ;IS tksisncd.
would bend if ;I 285 '1'0llnd .Ilan ,,000 on lit", fUUT1h rU IIII. "

The dd~IKl~nt'~ ex""rl nm}' as. crt thllt a m~ n cOllld 1101 ~tand OIl
Ihe I~llllcr nPd eT~tc enoug li lo.lll . o bc'nd Ihe side r:.il." I-Ie rna)'
arCIl<: Ih:ol. therdore. ~'" oilier [or...., 1111151 have ...n "~ 'he ""till
of Ihe side tnil. 11le jury m:l)' conclude, a ll th~ olher hanll. that if
Ihe llId""r WaS made prop<:rly, t)", !.ide rail wou ld nOI h ."., benl, and
s ine<: it dill bcntl. il mllSl ,,0{ h.W( b.,'e R lI1:uk pfop:rly." Th o dcfell .
" alii m~y IC.'S liry \"'" I ...... ladder ~"Omplioo wi ll< nil al"~lic~blc Sill" ·
d:lrll~ and would na l rail un""r :I pa rticul a r load."

" D~'E'I' •. $.·""'cgllWl~ II,..... 0;,. , SUI'<" !oI lrttt .. 221 So. ! d I~ ~ ....·'" d, ...." .
lj.t u. 466. lZ) So. ld ~ 11 (0 . " rpo l\lli')).
Sc< al" V. Woll:"... i.,\;. cd .• 1936 Sool~ ~'n Mel """i" t:nil'."il)' 1"0<111<" LO.1bi~
il)' In"ilulO: lln'<r!ing Tr,nd. in 1',<><1 "'1 !.i."Hi'Y I.ili~.I ;o." ,I\. I I. J. V1T~(\,
"M""", _ Tho Mod.<,. Il. )· 1"'"""i~H IM. tllLeI" Ilt!.tkt 19~6~ .

.. F""" ."II ••Ih. bdd..·us.c. """'..., ofp!ia< uw••~,~ ""d lIJ>i~l~ " 0' ·
.~<, " .. h:on~""_dirk>o pri<>r r~ lh, .... I'!<-nl. and ,b. ~11 i",,,,,.,..,,, po,,;'..,I.,
(act< of ,h. ",ohl'HI. ,u,h ", ,I" [00 ""''';0., (or th" 1>o1,j" h,;,. tho "'P "r 'U"~
""'.I.ion of,b< uU,.. bi. n' O'·..",n"", , ,,, ti.". hi. hot:""·,, hi, "",.Ik>o "" tho 1IJ1' ,
(e.... """'0'.,1). <1<0" ....,..w .PII< iG
" :O<obrn , Sb., W g. C;>.. 125 m . AT',,!d 19.161 Kr~~d 20')(\910), '11.. pbi",i!T
brauglll,n ""ioo ' ioin" ,l\c ..11.,. "",I n",n"r'OI"«' ,>t. !:lOI!« to '"",W<f tl",,,~,,,,
/'" fo, ittj.,i .. h. , u'Jo ined wI,." I. ",,11'l"Iod, Th, "".n ~lto,.."" the p'OI'l<kn ' of Ih'
, d. r"nd .. t <oml" "I' to to':.!)' a\ on "1'<11 .. it.-<. lIil l ~\i "on)' l~ 'l If an< 01 the
Mmd.:!n'·, l.ddcr. cdtD('Oo«l ",m k1 115 pw ...... ,h... .,OK! ..... boon _ Inn,
~."",~ ,,·ilh h. '"Ired Ih. pl:.irtlilT'O~'" ,<1\Ii.,
i~ ~j, '.'·0'.
.. Collin! ". MOnl~" m<f~ \\·"d ,IoCo,.ll Ill. App.l<! to)?' J 1~ N. E, l~ ~70 {19 141.
nl< d,rO""'"I', <>PO" t ..dr,.... lhot the m.n on ,I" ... , «old coo ld!lC'! ,,,,,to "",ulh
r""", to _ a Iq;: ol tke t.<id" . - l ID 1UJlf'Of1 ,he ...'>Ifuld .
" Id
I. SU Q.lnn •. Sou,h ..,.. t Wood r,odu~", '", .. ~?' l '''~d IOl~ (Sth ClI. 1979)."11"
~I )in ~ T,"'.!: .... Th, <OUI! Ino""d . jodPlCn( [" . tbe ploin lin· ;n. p,od.' i< li .bjl·
;'1 """,a Iw.N en Ike d"'''' d<i',,, or . ..-'at 1Md.... The <Itf= In liflOl! 'hOI
"..... ,",
I ~.Olrll

{lJ 1'~nK!!;

(IL] Deffndnnls"
(ir-Selkr. r:.~ch ~(lm mcrdal5Clk:r of:. !~ddc r n' ~)" be lj~bJe
in ' Irict i"'roduct~ linbillt )· for" <l ~ f.."t irt Ill,,! ],,<ldcr." T hi. inch",1os
the fII~lL"r.1ClIlrcr, di;;t ribu lOf. r~11lil<:r. jobber. :u",1 :lIIy lither int er·
m..-dia ry in t he bu,ill1."s~ of !\\!lIiul! Ihc proou ..""!.
(H}- I.tUUl". A commcrcbl IC!<ro r of n product i ~ linblc fo r
l dcfcci in Ih. f'/"Oduc[. A c()mn"'rci~II<"»Or of a SC"~ffold is I ~~bh:,"
IL~ j, ~ le'~\l r of a bLcpbddcr," wh~rc the h.:Mc j, nOI n "a,lI;!l or il\()]nl '
~-d Irun)i:lcti o" . L~

llil l-Reiniler." " re[ailer j.; .t riedy li"blc fOf" rroduc[ he

,I,.lo&kf ,,,,,r..m.n! '" .1....<leo.... ..~nd..."" Th. pl.l1lIilJ ' h<t> f• •I<d '" ..."".
(I", , ll""'-'tb (li e bdLkr ,,,,,,pIi,d .d.~ otl ,<l.\.",,, OStiA , ,," iIl d.... ') 'l"" ~'nI>.
;( "'.,. "ill ,,"',,",,'nool)' ~."' ~"" "' ", Ih< ~"" bc-<,~", 0( il> <kfwi,'< d,,", ,, .
• , S"'I;<_,·",lfywp'" <b. t!. ··I'a.n(.. I I "ler....b n ' ~ H

., \'''''~o nl'"'\; ". Fnnl ~h'''''C",. ~I C,I, Arr, 2d 2-1S , j7 C.,I. Rpl'. M~ .l91 1'.::<1
11.$ (1'I(w).
OJ K"",l ••. 0 "" ... ~}(}S. W.l d 79-1 ( r •• . 1~}~). "Il1< pbi!l1irr ...... inj""" ,.·I>< .. be-
r,ll Ib,ou~h ,1" I~""d, "r" ,."n'lI<l "'hi'h """-, I,.",! to h..... ,(,1,,)'", h~ ,he " ,r.,,·
<1;\01,. Th, ..... lfold ,"'., ("" .... ,,> I>< <1<1..."\;"0 11«-. ,,>< it I""1l<>l d".. Ut''''''' "', II ..
_,d,. 11>0 •..,"' •• n;""n1 ~ j"dpn<l ~ 1M ,h.pl.>lnrirr. b<:>IdinF ' h>< ."'" ..I• • ....u.
'" "'~''''' r"~ILL'" ;"I,,)(\u'od '''(0 0'
th, ,·10,",,01.< ' OInn ",,,,. ;, uri,,])· J;,bJ. r."
.... ,'" """,,,,I b)· "",h pm"" ,!> i f tM )' or< ",,,,",",,,,,,,Iy "' ,,\;<[Ou,
Su al", C""•." y. l'oIIlk It "ldi n~ C""""i,,,,,,, ~I l "llo:.,1."- 7~ III. ld 10. lll)
N.E, l,! ',!l (I"n),
.. S.v. ~." j~J"II <h. 2oi. • ·I',od""'_,
u . llility C-.. .. II i '1<.'f').:' In ",h' " .moll ..... i",..
d.. phlfon~ ",6d<1,1 m wln,h "". '" (10< ckr<n.I;m,. l>""" II>< I",,,,,, ",. ' be ~m •.
" ~lcCI.11i" ", Ib)',IlUro 1:'Juil,m, ",II,ntul CO " 79 Cui, Itptr. ).) 1, 274 c.l . '\pr,
l d 4.tti ( 1~69J. n.. r!>in,iil"\ ........-..koI. mlt<d ~ foldilljl .',""-'<0
'''T'I..Jd« from
,h. dcf<"~,",. II' hllo u,;,,~ i" he f<11 1'~n, " "<I' ",,,r II>< 01 '''I' ,b.
he•.,.) •• IId ,Ii,d_ Th .\,I, i".irr bro"~ ht " w".,~ful ,[<Jl h " I;'", u,I<I" .
I",IJ.,. hi' h;,;
Ib.",)· 31. ;a<l.1x ,lok",h nl.Io-_. COII,tIO<linJ ,1»,
d .. L>dd<r .."" .·=ko:J ,"'hm
.1,. dcf,nd" n \.,'<11 n . ..... II,., Ih. ' Iof.... <au,"", i' ' ~«.>11 .,..,.. ·I"I> ....... n b. ld
Ih"\ " ,.", Ihe 1.-"" ~'", <"p~«1 ill the b","n ~" "r ,Ii"'ihu'i n~ .oo.l,
to (~< publio .
• 1Id ,bu, .1>< "",' in, "3' , .~ • ,,"," 01 ," il<,I>I,,1 tC.1Il....,.io<t. 11", I"~" " ... " moJ
ill ,"-11<;", '0 &J-" ,be J'Iain,ilT". r~ j,",uucriun ....«t<d '0 .." ic\ liobil;,)·.
.. s,.,~,'",wlly I., F"""" N. M. Ffi«Jn" ", p",d "", U.,bili , ~. '", ~, ··l.io.lli l l'~ "f
R...ik .... :ooJ :>'Iid;ll"""".·· ()I~lt b<w lko,d..- 1 ?1I(i~

I ..... ' ' ' '

! 56.01[:1

llell,," A rcl ail~r of ~ p rodu<:1 is nOI Ibble/vr 1I('K"'g~n~~ unlcs~ (I)

b~ <'OlllribulW 10 ~~~u""nG the do:f~";I, or (2) b~ should ha"c di!iro\'erw
Iloe d ~rco;l :md c(\m :ctro il ....
The fact that Ihe Mailer di~p l"yed the la dd~r. o r p.micip:ltcC.I in
Ihe sale. d~ not mean he i~ ~ ul o m :llicnnl' li nblc itl negligence if tll c
prodllCI is W:f~~1i ..c. The law of the jurir.diclio n nJ.a)· l' rO\'id~ Ih;11
" rommerc~,1 loCll" ~ ;rt,kf/y
liftbl.: for II ddec t in ~ product I", ~1Is.
bllt h e ill 11 01 li~blc in 'Irgligc .. re :,b!;cn t iOOIe shfJ\\ing ofbdc 0( d ue
[f a relnil cr'~ !lame i~ the OIl!}' no me on Ihe proouci. he is deemed
fot 1'-1:31 pur~ \0 L-c Ihe mlnufacmrct, ""e lf Iholl£h lIOIll<l Ol he!
';lIlily aclu;olly Inanur~C1u,C'd Ihe product!·
When n nonmanufJ ctorcr_rcllilcr ge •• Ih e product. he i ~ requ ired
to ""rfonn a renSOMble itl!~cl lo!l af it far vl~lblc defects. Fuilu rc
la discover ~uch visible defc'(: l ~ i ~ negligence!'
A "or,n",,,,,facmrer-rdaik t j~ It\l l "''1u ircd 10 perform m<.'(:h~lliC:l I

.. ~ ~rn ,"'I~' L ", ume<' .~ M. I'li,tt.,,, •. r,adllCl.l,"bmt)', ,h. b. "llah";t~ nr

It".iler> on<! :'\iaJl,.",,:· ~ 6.1~ (M,,, h.,,, 1k" ~'1 1956),
.. s« ~"""'~I'" I., I'rlJm<r &; ~I , I'rl. dm,n. I'roo.'I. t.I;,hitil)'. ell, ~. "Li"tpll i, )' ~f
R. i.ilers o.nd MiIlUIoO\,,,," H 6.0 I,6.CJ (~h llh,'" H.nll.,. 19U).
.. s.... ~If I.. FIUID"' .It. M. 1'ti<\ln.>R. 1'00011<1:1/;""'1,,),. , b. ~ .. t .,bih,) of
Row l"" >JId M;dllle",.. ,,~ U 6.01(111'\. [hI ( \101<1,.... llen"« ' 'II!6J.
' . M""IJ' ". 5oJI~ )I,l<bu,~ & Co" l2~ I' . SUI'!', SU 10. 0 • . 1911). 'rrl)i., O'M'
~1. I...,. ·n...id. f. il ,,r ~ l>do" ;.old II)' Ih, def<ll d.1Il hl~~ ' whil. in u<e ~f tho
rt,I. ,ill'. n , ,nUl. ,I.ui,d 'U nUUM )' ';'alg"".1 for 1l.. ,I,r,.<1"". 50"", 'hh<'ll~h
So." ,b in..d , Iwi bc<'"m.. i1 "i.l II<~ m, nw>(.u•• Ih. fJddcl "" ' '''" " ...·0"11l lie
Th. coull .~pblh<ll ll'" ...... a •••• 1I.. '<pI""""
1.",11 .<, k ,II< ",.... 1.<\" ,..
oh pod"'" 1»' nO. d...,I"';n; lb. '<:01""aur""t~<c<. it ;1 Il .. non! to "" II", .... n.r.....
lU''''' on<! i. ",bj<cl 10 d " "'''''' li1IIll"),,
Sf< al"'C>rn l~ v, Sun, Rocb. d '" Co .. JO':l F,!d K(l (41h Ci,. t%l). "1'I'1)'i"S
\'''Iio. i~ law,
" Ki,k v. S1i n'_'.)· I),"~S1<tr. Ce,. J l lt l. A~p . 2d ; IS. I ~; :O<.E.ld JD) o~n n,
r!, in,l\T "-,,, ,,'h....ho 1<11(",<II 1 _..... DW ,,,,>bddCl, 1"'''' .... ...1 rrom
; pj~"'"
' he d<"f./ldD..... , lOt<, ...·hidtcon.P>N ,,"'"' she "'."" on l!. ~ bmII~' a nq;l i&.....~
""-,;.,., .!.I"", lh. <ld""'H~ """' ...... "1 ,1m; 'bo todd" ''-4' mi" in; a ,..r.. ),<I,,.
boo~ ,,'I,k'fl <.y;cd I, '0 .,,\1. 1"<- nt< ' OUr' «'''""Ii<~ 'h r CO!< f~r r.rtller fJelfirul·
i'i, ),<>kil"g lh" n •• 11" i• •cq.;,.d te di"o,,,, '"'h ~.f..: .. '" "",)' l>< ~i .. c'"od
b)' ,,,,,,,,",bl, inlpa:tioo ,nd.o di"l""" '''''h .Jd.m to Ih. by)'er,
" ""',",',' " ,

I·HOO. 1.1.\11. 1·~ (..1 · IU : r.UIII ~:

!(':\IS. or tl S~ lrain ed c~perl ~ . 10 di""v~r a !aIel]( or ntbcrwi se undel·

~'CI~bk dcf~'CI."

To e.o l ~bl;'; h neg ligence. Ih c p b ill liITls Ibcrdor~ fe<Jlliml 10 prove

frOl1l whkh It can b.: flli , !y illf~rr(d Ih"l Ihe rClail~r fnilcd 10
pcrform a r..... 'on~blc ill"l ...... liml. 111i~ i~ lI!iU;,Uy dmlc b)' "Iooll'j fl!
Illa l Ihe (left:<:( "":05 <lb~;ou.~ , Ihcr~b)' hllpl~1 ng ~ hct o f i rl~I"'Clion ,
[lv}-Rep:lIrcr." A rcr:,ircr mny be li,,~l c only upon a sho\\,-
ing of ~I~~ of dlle care on h i.~ I':m . If he did "'''Id hlng ''''<!JIg durinS
Ih e ""opair. or ucgkc li,d to do s0fT1<1 hiul: he sllould ha"c d01l<:. h"
is liable. 11 01 lx'C"" >t: the pro<hlci h:l~ a defeci. but because hi, con-
dUel c"l\ tribnlcd III call :;in~ t haI dd,..:I,"
Wh~" 1\ O:l"'il<,( und cn a .....,. \<1 '<:1\';' a b dder or ,..;nITold . tho:«:
Inay b. a 11,11,1 ;1IId eu,I'''' II'''' pracl kc or i".!"'...: ti,,~ rd,Ucd p"rI ~
of the l:tdllcr Or scilfl'o ld . If Ihe repairer f~il , II) ~I)J\du.1 such an ill-
sl'l"Clioli. nr <l'"",Joot:-; .. " "f«l . he m~)' b.: liable 1>.:o.'''''s<: he l1q:lcctw
a d"f<:¢l . 'nl ~ .cp~ l r ... ow~'S m" onl)' :t ,[nly to [)I'rform the repair
requc, l"d pro[><:.ly. bm "Iso 1(' in,pl:C\ nlld le'l \h~ pnxh, e\ln accor_
l\a'l ce w;lh CU'\lOlIl ,,,,1\
inrorm Iho: ~licnl of "U}' dd~'Cl~ h~ should
dl'it"O\·t." ,
[b}-I'lainlirfs. [f il l"dder or ~<·;,lTol d fai1~. ;Uld Ihe u, e. or h ill
equip ment r"ll, dowli ~nd iuju.", " b>·~\~ t>d e r. Ih. bySI;lnder mil)'
h:au , a CIIU"" of " clio" In Mrkl I':abili tp)' 1...;:!IGo:ncc a!l"ln'" Ihe "'''n-
\lf~Clu r~ r. Ili~lribJ\1<lr. or mhcr ,eHcr Qf the la dder Iha \ fai led! '

'1 1101.&....' ' -. M o'n,.~ ~<ry u ' J"l ,\ t·.". 1... ~.~" .I ~~ (l Oll, Ci•. I~~9~ ,~plY" '~
~...., b .... Tho rbin"l f ,"",in", injurin .. k<n . h~ Lookl« h< .." . >I>ndi~s ""
bmko, IILm...;IIg him t" tILe ~",""d, h, "ffi m""~ the j"lg"'01 1l fn. tho ,I<f,,,""' ",.
11,0 ,~'"" ,,,,,«I th." Ih. ",Y"'t "'hl,h c.,,,''',, ' h•.'1<""1,,,1",.,.,Id I"", ..on di'<crn·
iW, _ Iy tO~" u P<" ufl<' J"11o""m~ ,,,,,-un(! Ib:o, il .."" """" ,.011.1>1. ,o o p«' ..
\1", no'''''.nuf,<t''' .... '<'''ik< kI ~ i,cm« ""h I,,,,,, d<i'«. ~
.'K ~~''''' l-'''' l~ _, Fl.",;,,, ,, W,,,d ,,,,,< C!),. 79 Nov, 2~t. J&1 P, l,! ~'I~ (1% )),

"SoN 1I< '''''~'!r L 1',"",,, & M. ~',W",,,,~ 1'"'<1,,,,,> L;'I.lit)·. ,b. ~ "!.i:.bilily ~ f
R" ';I", ""d Mid~r<",m. ~ t 6.0~( I ][c l (M' '' h. ... IkoN« 1~S6l-
"I(, .....~ ..." "_ y ,,,,,,I ,o 1' '''n''<ti~",,1 CM r .. I'rO<l. l.i.I" 1\<1" (cell ) ~ !~2'
1I).Il,C t 91 ~t
" John...... ~. Sl, .. b ,~ 110, ,,,,. I",i,,, Co..lH C~1. App. l d 331_ 79 c.t Rp... 19.
( I ....... ). 1 1K p\:J,utilT "'.. 'h" ...... ~ .... ~ra rI"'"',.,
" '00 dl",1 .. Ita, . ~. I• ...,.,.. h, ........
>l" "dj,,~ ,'" ",'" "r",~ ")'," 0,"'''';0" l"LlJ" ,I",'
,,,.xll•• ",<" km.n " '" ",i08'
SI", 1""1J ~1" u ""''''' ~I'ul ,I<ot " "", j,~, "pin" ,I, • • 1"," wILI<1l !o<lhl Ih , """"""" lad·
'~.' ''~
56-)1 l56.(l I[Jj

If a lho: household gUo;;>! i~ " ·o rkillg lI·ith Ih~ lao.\lk •• he i~ prol~~cd

by warr:tm i..... is'ucd 10 :, m.:mho:r of d' e household..··
(3)- I'I('~di"~" If II, ~ (3~1< lre III al l sUJll1On ;'·~. th ... pl;,;n ll11"
.• hmd d pl cOO oot h ~ <It"Sigl' dtfcrl ami a manu factllrin& d~f~el, ;u; well
as f:lil ll r~ 10 wnm . If Ihe IIcfclu.i;Hlt prm· .. 111:11 tile II<.""Sisn compli<:d
with "pplj""b)e !1:lIlll nrds" and did not hn'·c a dc~i!:n defect. the
I'lainlirr may uSc 1)1111 fnet 10 ra ise the inference ilw l lbe p~nklllllr
ladder in qll"'tion h:.i! II m anufacturing defeCI. or d sc il wOI,ld h:IYe
perfo rmed a~ well n. Ihe id.nti cnl unils."
T he defend :"'1 may If)" 10 ~I ablij h that the l~dder WM nOI ulo¢d
pro]l<!rfy . In Ihm ~Vl.1 11, Ill e fll ~in till· mu!1 ~how Ih~ t Ihe wMni ng.\
:md ;nsuuc lions w~rc nUl " , plk;t <'>lO\lsh 10 inform him :I.~ 10 lhe
prop.: r USl:.'·
:.Ici lb<"T of Iht:ie fllll-I>;'ck pnsitiolls nn ~ adopted unleM Ihe
plainl jfl· h;L\ pleaded Ilk: cl:iimji. For illslau C<:'. if Ih" pl"im iff e b ;n)s
a dl.'iign d d«r, :>n d Ih e f:OC i find<"T (."Of1dudcl; Ill;" the ~,d ~Cf u-
cCdled all OSI I". ,\ KSJ. ~!ld U L swnda r<ls, ~mlt hcr~rore CnllC lu dcs
llo"tlh~ Ikr"'l h(,d II) b<I in 'h e nlalcri:tf used. the plninlirr. ca$l: O1a~·
be di,,,,i,,,<"tl if h ~ !lId II l">ll'k·u!l n ma nufaclu ring derecI. II

<I". ·n," ,,,,,"t ),Ck! 11". tho rlgnl"", ....0< " m<",bcr of tl", ,),,, of tllN tll.'1 ml.~b'
fm 'o<Jj,lll>< i ,~"r~" . Tit, _')oJ"
"1 ,,, h,id '"'" til< ",II " 0,"", ~ I.~.I dU l)· te u by.
; I"no". on" " b) "",,,.j~r "'' I"
r""" .., Ul1O" , ",i" li, bilily Ih<Uf}· if i, ..... fe' ....
,blo ,)"" h. mlShl !>, ;"jurN.
, . I I" o;l,il_n ,·.111"" W".·i<t.lo..·.. !IX! R.I. 31?1i ~A..1d 2~ (l~1 1~ 11", pt:.[~.
,iO· .", """~ a I:Id,k •• 0 ........ "nd P"'<"',..] ~ . 001h". ' 0 1",.1 ~ _ ,.."."
,II< bdd<J <,,110 .... 01 ~nd ,.., .... ,hro>\·n ,,, ,be 8,ound. '111< "'u" _tJirmN • d .....1
of 'he .r..-fc-rxb.,\. """'m. ,;" a dilTClni verdi" "" ,h. pou .. ' of 1"<~ of " ",il)".
n .. """" belt! 'kI' ,be pb;h';n'. Q ,lIC>t '" tbe homo of ,h. ..... ,"" ,,[II .. bddtr.
,,~< 3 ba\di",:uy of "Or""rllt;<I """'Rl~ aJ>llli<;tlrI. 10 .h. \;odd .. . ...... ' ''''h loc:
h... a rW<' ,. 1>tin~ . d:'M ...~"'" for 1"-'1Cb or ........ ". )· ogoi",. ' he >ell•••
" ~," :f<'l""n:II, <h. ll . ··I~<t'.1 ..,,,,,, ()( P(oodinp.··
"~"·~j",""'S l"Ol{ IIl~I·
"S,·c''''pn. , 16.oI[tll<lj.
"S,·,· ' "P'Q ~ lM I [lll~l liiil: lrif'~ i ~ ! 6.06. 5&. 01 [JI [I] .
OJ Qtlinn , .. So ",lo"·(iI \I",>(OJ 1'""l u",. ("0 .• 19i F.2d IO U (5tlo C:ir. 1919) •• prJ)·.
illS Tn", 1;.... I1Jin,IIT b,,'ug h' ~ rf<xluClS li"hili'l " ti nn "B,in" .. m~n"'.. l"r<r
,nd '<lOil<1. ol.lm in~ Ih .......," • <I,,"~,, ,1,1«. in lho ..·oxod." j,dJ"lh.'l ~otl, poed
"",I." him. Th. fI,,,n ."·01>0<1 ,t,.
jo'Y ,·..~i'l 10' ,I" pl.innIT 0. tl" I't<I<tnJ or
i","m.;,", "';,k",.. TIL. ~1>I . ri l"f !,.ol (,ikd , ~,oo,.. ,h". ~"'f'I' . ,~. looJ,J".,
,... ,."
! 5 6.0I r ~ 1 1'(101). I.IAI1. 1'llilCl"I CP. fi l· H)I;

[4]-l nvcstiI:-1Iion." When comjucti ng t he illl·c,ti g:l li' ln in a b ~.

d~r ~IKi SoC.lfJohj c,.....·." COIIlI""" shouk! heWn by spe-~kin ~ wit h Ihe
dk~ lt nnd obilli ni ng dei ai l.. nbout th e :t~"t:i [lcll! "'HI t he pWd uct.
CnullM l d lollid :.1'1<) illk·h·ie\\" 'Ill)· witnCllSl"S who m'l)' h~w S« n the
:u.'ddel' l. Add iliDnall)". cou!lSCl.h Clt,ld sp,"ak wil II i,m;.\lipumi, ,1.,il
the ~cclle of Ih e ilccideut , la ke photnllr:oplc". ml d dOCtnll cnl Ihe mceh·
" "i, m of the ~ccidcnt. Cou" s.cl . hoold nOl ig" ...." Ihe fK"'.\ibilit )· of
c1amin il1!: t he lad der Qr sc~n"O I[1 wilhout r.:sort to prell;r!! db c,wcry.
If 1m: ladd.". o f s.c,tn'old i~ I.. the J:flr.se<oI-iOll o f Ihe plaintiff. ,·oun.wl
shoukl ~I()rc Ihe ladder or l>I:aO'okl in" s.:,n rc pillee. Pimdly, ~w"' "", 1
sil()nl d idClH if)· the m:onllfaelUre r. o.... ner. ~n,Vor retailer "nd oo t"ill
stnlcm,"IlIS from th . m if poSIoib lc. A COnt[lk1e ill '·OSl ig , lIon d tcocki isl
j~ ~ct out in § ~ 6.5J.

[5}- EEJKrlS." Mos, cn!;,nc-':F"S II'o ul,1 ~"t>!l"id~ I h~",><:"'cs ~apn'

b!c of bci llg e1!'erl, m\ lad de"" . G~I\cr,,1 e~Jlcrt~ uSllally hn'·c t~rcri ·
~"ce t~\tif)'i", in lad der ~sa;.. aJ(ln& ,,·il h m:..;hinory, :unmnohilc.
" 'HI mile. ca~ ...'. It is q uit e CC)llnllO" to r,nd a rIIl'<' hanicu l e" Hi n~er·~
resU l\Ie 10 conl ;.ill " ,,:feret..:e 10 1~lkkr Ul-":II ~.
It i., es~y 10 fi!ld" IMc..:h an\cal e ngine.' 10 I~~!; fy ~onccml l\ S Ih e
ptOSCllCC or ;11~~~'cc of:. der~'CI in " I~ddcr. h ,$
IM"r;: d,nicolt 10
fiIKl:HI engineer wilh 1\c lu al cxpcrknce ill de~iS l\i" g , produci ng. or
(¢l lillg lmlde~.
l"hu\, nn c~po; rl lc\ \ifyinS In a ladder C:l~e ,h O\lld be cn rcfu ll)· ,;.cru ·
liniR"t1 CQlt.cminjl, his knowJ~'tIge 000 ""IX" ;';". On en. c~pm~ ",ill
h:\\"c bfOl d £~ncr:d mcch.all ic"l .nsi!\eednll b~ckgroun d, wit h little
or nil actual CXpcriCII Cc wit h ladder:.. <>Iher than ~mlr( '()()m l'''i lim ...

1""" i1)· ft·"h ,11 ,,1"·>0 1 OS IIA "n<l ill d",tr)· '1. '1<J ,,<I,. il " ." "i ll """·,,,,,,,,,11
dons«"", ' 0 'h • .....,. 1>«>11'< ,,f it. <kf"'I;~' d.....~ ' ..
•, s.,,,,,,,,.,,,/I!, ' UP'" ~I,. 4. ··!""'<ti~.,tk~l."
. ' .\;.,. InF~ § 56.s.! ['IT ~ cbt.;kl:" of ","11<" ••-lIt..1'0 I"'·""tipl l~n .
.. s.,... 8<'I,,,,lIj 'U/W c~. 11 . -1'",<\"" Ii,,,,,,,, _ !'j,iOlirr, Vir... •• ,,,~I . h. 1.1.
"" I'"";h,,,r !;'J><'" - [)Of"" ", Vi .,,·:·
.~ ,,110 L """'= & M. F, i.;J"" .... 1'"""<,, I.iWili' ~·. ~h . l. ··,\b"~f...~.",,",·,
l.I.hilil )·!II ~·<.II ~""< . " I 2.2 b/2) (Ma"h.,,· Ik"<I,, 19S7), I I. K"r<,,,,j,, & N.
~Il<n, AII'''I,,"")··' G~id • •o lOnt;in...,ri~s . ~h . 2. ·' 10 < Fo'" .... U'" of F.n.unom;··
(M",, _ II"",... 19~t. S I)''''';j¢< i. 1"~rt I\oli~" .. cb. 41. ··I l.'!>c ~ l hll" ",,,y··
(M"IIl,,'" lkml., I%l )
l 6_l) LADm:RS AN]) SCAFFOI.OS ~ 56.01[51

II)' or l:tw)'cr (OIl!oUII:t!ioll. The (.\pert 1hould boo: subject to eolb teral
allacl: as l\ result.
Th~ expert will nl~o be subj~~t 10 'ross_c~aOlhl alion r~S;Lrding his
~po:cifie knowkd8~ or the dewi ]s of the ANSI ~lu n,.bnl s., CO Ll II1Clital"S'
d~igt>s, UL ~t :utd.l ...h. CI'5C in " cstiS"lion~ ~ntl "" lIly ot hel r:trtic-

Any le~ts performed by the c~pcrt on !l1 ~ i;ldder will \I(; cn rcrllily
!lCrutinizcd, and a Illinakc 011 Ilis part can r~llh in the di !>CrcdiJins
of hi$ fimJinS5."
In contrw;tto I~ Lkler expcrt~. K~rroid C.~P"rtli lend w bI: ~P'I-·ci.:oli!ru
wilh ~,affoldi"8 e.~ !,!, ricncc, rat h ~r than SCllcr:t1 cxpo:rt ~. T h ~rc arc
fcw~r ofthclll, but "' hen locatlld, their srx'l:i~1 ~.'po: rtisc i~ ;lppilr~l1t.

Th~ SL:3reb fe r all 1:..' 1"'01 depends 10 ~ Grea! ,,-'1<911 01. the 1)"1'" of
def~t! 3nliciplll~-d Tile t ~1'C of c~pcn I~r)' for a dC$i~ def~t
caik mny differ front Ihn t nCCtiili'U'Y r"r a Innnll r"c luring derc.:1CUSe.
On ~ 11111)' rc:qui n: n d esign ~ns:il\~cr. Ihe "Ih ~r u tesling ~ nGi!!cer.··

(II}-MU"l>C I U 'ln~ Ikf«1 ClISe. There alc few in~ta!!cn whell

il is Il«CSUI)" 10 eJpound UPO" desis:n rnliOl."k in !l manuf~cturin&
der""t ca...:. An (ngin~er famili ar with tlJ(! prcxluctinn pro<:cs. for Ihe
product, includi ng Ijunliry cOlltr,,1 and teslin s_ l~ mOSI appropriat e."
'n/<: C~peTt'~ w51imony ill court will be prim,1rill' f"clu~l. /Ie COm·
P'I'CS lhe dc:;ign dr~wings. m;.! cri:.] spccif\clllions, and the ANS I
" ~n dardJ; wit h the JaWlI prod"ct . H~ $UUCS II'h ~th er tIl<'; item 00,,·
fomlli 10 Ihe int end~d dc~ign and !O the ANSI ","ndn rds.
Frequentl,·, th~1"( lire gray U l"(a~ of intc rp'cta!ioll. Th ~ require-
menl of cellain tCSIJ. !he in ! c r~r~talion of test ~ l! s. and the n-
!remel)' imporl:m ! question of e~us;llion aN nUlll ers of expert orin-
ion. Oppoo ing C.1pCrt. can Mri,·" M opposinS opininn~ 011 r~<:I unl
fin dinS " The skill or the en gin eering wiln Cli~ In p<:T>uudittg rhe jury
Ill at he;~ corrc~t will dete rntilt~ th e O<Llc"mc of 110." c;\S<:.
li)-Testinc l...:IboralOries. In II l"lSC in which Ihe UP"fI ...i ll

I! St<"i'll,a § %.04tloll~l .
.. s.,< 1 t. K"pmtoj" ,]: N. Soh.". All o''',y", Goi.l. IUEn~j n «,j" 5 .• lI. ~. -T)k:
t"u,",,\.ie U" '" .:,..,11«1'" (M• .,h...· llende, I~U).
'J j",,< ~Iy t.. F"' ...... &: M. I'riniftaJI_ .. "'....... , wh<li!)', cit<. )().01{~ht·
,,,,,,,' IItnd« 19i11 "" I"od . ... .....r..r ",. no$=onl.
t SMI[S] I'ROll. I.("n, I'llACnCf: GU lm:

u_",= object;". Ctil~ri" "",l r~'fI<lr l hi. find inGS t(l a jury, a I~'SI in s k,bo-
r:l10I')" ..... it h e.\p"r1"",,,,, in \afJd~r Ll-sting e;1II do ,II. j ob. Son~ laboro-
lori"" do " I(" ~ 1"';1;111( ofbdde l~ Ikon ot hers. S;n~-.: Ihe 10li llG criTeria
arc c~actillg, Ihe more c~l"'r;~I1Cc the InlxlralOr)' h:J.' wilh h.hkr I ~"I ­
ins, Ihe bell~r.

Au y lL<»>iblc n ll.si ~!lce bel \\'(....'1 Ihe Iubor~l or)' ~nd the dcfclldan\-
,";"'u faClt' r~r will h:t'-e It) be chock<:d. Wh il.: toborator1C'l "'hk h
" 'orl;: fer Ihe pnrticula r ....ofenda nl in 'I""Sl iOll r.Jw llld be " "oid.-d, D
l;obo r~lOry 5hould 1101 be ududcd merely ht..... U U 1~ il dOl" work for
manllfael u rcr~. Olherw; ~e. the onosl c~ !",ric"c.'d \('" experl. ,,"oll id
b<: exclild ed. In ndd ilion, bl)orn tories frcqucll ll y used by nmnufac-
Ill ron; l~Jn h." (Iuite PC,"Uru.if C ill roUr! ... ,,·el l :I.\ f(lr >ctllcm~nl pur-
Thc Yd low 1'3g\.'!; cOiltni n II Inrge !lll mber of l.:sl in g bl>QIm(lries
uuder th e l i ~lillg "L,bor~l o ri~~ - Tesling, " Urochlllcs from I h~ \'ori -
<ll~ labon 'l orif-s should bI.: obtninL-d.

l lte ..."u no~ o f Ihe p.'rtiell ~lr ~"'Iocrt ...t ,o wou ld be a<;<jgll<.~ 10 the
en"" " ,(>ult! be r~,iC\O.m_ The m:t1ibili ly of (h,n ~"'IK" i~ :.)1 impo.--
I~nl and C ~ "U O I be Icfl 10 11, e dcc;";",, () f lhe l~bm~l (l]'y. A ll)' I~bor,, ­
wry tll al req ui re. a relaine' or f~e befolc id eillifyin!; tir e c ... pcrl 10
hI! a"ignee! ~ r. ou]d be 'l\'oitke!,
After ;mer-'wwing Ihe "pen, Ihe Il!:'il~ II) Ix "" nl)rIlINl m 'lI! be
....,,·ic·wc:d ... T he Il-chn iqllt m u.~1 be ooru.;idc ..'<1 fr(Nll ,I k-j;., I !'<'f'5p«-
I;vc. Tile I)'pt: ~nd melli-oil or 1,"01. e::mnOi Ix Icfl 1(Il hc c~~rt. Th e
l:lwy~r .hould.upcr\,;,;c Ih e IcS(' , n nl~", Ihe 1C!i1 .~polrt is Iml)' Up"-
ricnccd in Ihe dl!lai]s of Ihe ANS I .la1\II;Ird~. The 1<)SlinS Jl.oc~dure
"'ill b<! scrulinir.oo «(I (he 1~ ! 1 delail Oil cnl!..<·.,ami" Miotl, ~nd Ihe
"'--"'11 11. ,-3" II.: coml'lctd)' ,1il;cI\,t1i lctl ir ""or)' d . 'ail is nOl perr<:Ct .
Ollen, (~flC ns do nOl :m' ieiplll ~ Ille e~lc"l () f Ihe er"'....
c~amirl:llioll Ihey "'ill be Whj.:cl 10 conccm h'iI Ih. dc lail s of Ih.ir
1,... 1,. Mos t tesling enginee.s I!nYC limited cXIlf:rkn.. in courl . T ho,e

.. ~',,, j~fro ~ M 0->11 oJ!. Jf.,. J j...-. " ;~n of tbe "":"' ..1)' of "",,,,,,ins ""Ii"" to
Ix- p<Tio,P..... h1 ,i>< "'1'<1' ~, od d •• •..:hpiq"" ,0 bo u><d. Thd~'"Y'" <a ... '" dd«
." 11>:: <.'1'<" . ";nf~ .he 1,,,)<, ~ nd .he <>p< rT p,oIuhl, h.~,-c a d;ff",.". "ft~.,,,.noI ·
ilL~ of I ...... ~ '''''''e.<."miJ,,'ior, ,." c.'I'<.,·,
In.,,,;, "" .ioL..,.
"",Iit>il;'l- 1~ '
s.:',' "l~, R, I J.,I>",11. Aft !'f Ad,·,,,,,,,>,, C"",· ",o",i"",i"n or Nop·),1,dk,1 !:x_
l" '" (M"" I",,, 11. ",k, \'J~71



Ii $4.01[51

lhm do have urcricnce ill co url ICOO 10 be l..-ss careful abl'lul ,be
d emil , of dlc~r lc"foti nS.
il\ ;,<ltlilirut 10 not r,o:tlizi"B lhe w:cc:ssity for alt.iu;n, pcrf,-a <;(1111-
pli:l" C<! .... ilh the technique'1 of the AN SI I~SI~, engineers
be awn rc of the cvidnnia ry i mpli~ liDlu of Ihdr acliOIl§. Th~ cI1uic~
m.,. nel

of ladde r!. and ~lTold ; 10 lesl i~ h ~clf" IImjnr polic)" dcci~ion in n

c~sc. The 1''''ls may b<: ucluJed m lrial lf lhc law)'cr does nOI en~nre
Ih l Ihe Cllgillccr's met hods co mport will! C"idcntinr}' foundation re-
quircmen l!. "
J'r. fcmbly, 1he nttorney should :l ctll~Jl r ~upcrvisc the leStlrlg. t ~~·
ing IIc t~ 011 Ihe n•• lhOllcIOS)' aJld results. to correc:I any rc~,,<)d
ddiciencic.,. and 10 prep~ rc him self for cfoss-exnmin ation of the 0]>-
~;lIg upen .
[ill-L'nlvcrslty ProfC$.\ors. Mo~t uni,·tl'!iilies 3mJ Cllllilll:er-
ins <;(Ilk1;c'S ha.·c t",lillg facllilie!. of oomc sort. ~I)';I . Ihol1Sh, would
not h~.·c CXj><:riCIlCC h~ling I~dde rs or i(:nffoJds.
Aelldemic e~fl=f'~ frtqLU:l\lly b el; c~I~!\si"e cAJl<!rinl Ce in i1l(11I81r1l.
prorc'llwrlI who wor~cd in ill dus t!)· befo r~ ent eri ug ac3demin Can be
found. or coorn:. !\ p~rlicl1br proreo»or "':lY hvc pcol'SOlI"l e~peri ·
CII CC wilh ladder or ~enflbld te~ting.
.0.. rille -'I'rof<.'Ssor~ cOI!'·e~.,; .. cerlai!! prCSl ige to a jur)', ns IOnS
a~ the pru rC~\()( i. nOI co Dd osecnding 10 Ihe jul)'. l'rOrcssorl an: nol
eco" omi.al1y dt.'\lClKkt!l u]1OtI pri"~tc cU~lon!crs.l'rores'iOn; hu". an
aurn of indcJx:ndenec ,lI1d ;Ie"dcmic im c,.ily.
J'rO rCSS(l1'S are required to ~impl iry complic.ltc'(] cn s ill~crillg prill-
~ipkli in ~ In nnnc,. \h~1 stUtlCllt~ 1::lt'I cOIIlpr<:hclI1l. 'They =l lhcn:for",
;:d uc~l c the JUT)' 11..' they eduo:::Ilc stUtlCIIIS. llldu~t ry e~perls 3re some-
tjlll~'S S<l deep i!)1 o thfiTs~ jahi" Ihu t t ll~Y c~ nllot liOOndOl1 t« hul-
cal ja~oll to commun k ate "';110 nOtI·cllg!...,CI'S. If the ensillccr enn·
1I0t expl;I;1I his ctlgin Olt:ring fitldin", mI d opinion 10 Ihe ~lIorney
clc~d~', ,,~ will \1(1\ bII ~b!e 10 pcn:ts:Ide the jurr.

Si"tc ~~pcrl5 In u "i'·~rsilio.:s do 1'1 0\ h~" " Ih~ ""trio",", or a bu~i­

llOoS. ~ n d ~an U~ un i,·en.ity facilit ies. thcir charse is often more r~a'
sun."bl~, They lend 10 be mor~ frup l Ih:m k!.lin& L1hor:otori"".

,,.... ''''
~l 6

To 100.'''' <: ~n u JXn ill ~ ulI,,-,,~il )" rounscl sllnukl ca ll Ihe EIISi-
II "c"fiIi S Dc)lanmciIt at d ie ItIO'\l r~pu lnblc ,;.el",o! in [he nrca and n ~k
Ihe DC[l,1rIItl crll C hairm:m wb orn he c~n re"''' ''' Ulcn rl. Mo:.l [lrme-s-
!IO'~ , ';IQ do rol~lI l1i,,& work ill thri. il r~I of C~JXrtiM:.

[U!J-ANS I C()m mittee M emkr$ a nd (.'on.\ ultun ts. Th~ 0I0S1

;m pr,"'s;"" uC'dc"Ii~ 1 rot
II b dll.: r or s.:a fl'old ~)\po:r[ i~ Ihal he !J:....r.l
011 [he Sub.:" m l1l i!l c~ which d r:.fled thl.: ,\ NSI $1:llIdaf(1 ~""cri n s t h~
bd der o r "alIold, Th~ most i111[ln'Mi"~ eX [)l:r l ~ a rc tll"rcforc I\> C.'C
" h" pla)'.:tl a m k in Ihe dmfli" 8 of I~ app!io:nblc ANSI A I ~ ~Hm­
d~rd, fll r kidder,., <1 , Ihe ANSI A 10 0, A 92 s l n lld"rd ~ fo r sca n·old.,

'Th ei r nan"", ~ "d affilialionls are liM.:.1in the Fo rew:m l 10 the SInn,
dard .,
X"/ ,,,' C<HlIl!o:l ,hoil id coUl aCl fIl cmbc ,~of I h~ Suh.:mllfll iucC'l, If
.h.:}' c nlllOI I""lify. II. ~~ nOi likely 10 be ~'!o'l1Ip:u1t cl ic 10 Ih" c au5C.
Ihey .hail le! be " , ked r,,{ lite n~fl\e> of ~x.p<:rl ' .... ho ,,~\ i ! l ~rl lh c Sub·
~'om"';u ~c. '>\I ch ,... by perf",,,,i!!!; tellS whi ch "'~'Te r~ l il."" "pOll b)'
Ihe Subo.vmmill«, Com n';IIca< tls!l.111 )' :lw~ ,d !;r.m l' 10 i rlllepclld e~ 1\
[<'Slill S 1;lbor~ tori.,. o r II!l;vc rsilic, 10 h ~ lp <:slIIbl;,h Ih ~ ~l~!I(I,'rJ,
r:r~qUO:Il1 Ly tm: "e~""fI '!I '"'LIC"" m 001 On Ih~ S" brom miu«. bUI
"'3' C<)oU:lc t<'(1 :11'" 'IM.-U by 11t ~ Subco mm itt ee,
O.j-Autll/lrs or nook, ".
A 'lid c~. If a .... ril ing is discoVl;fCd
Ihm SIIppcl.Is to.",..:r~ position. o r t h~1 d cmOlI'\l rdl"" C~JII'rt;,;e, Ih .
uUlhor ~h"u ld bo "(M I1 ~ ~tl"t.
(vJ- RelcrHln: lIoo"'~ l&r t:.p('"$. Th" (0 1l0>0'in8 booI:..~ a r"
for Ih . purpose of ",,;.1;11£ in identifyi nS e nginec"; ng e~l"ln s :
(I) T he Fon"' ~;c S<:n ·kc;. Di rcct ory:
(2 ) Dire..:t,,!'), "f EIII:; II ~Cr>. in l'ri\'''I~ Pract ice;

(3) n ire..: I",)' o r t he A meric:", COIL~u h ;l1!; EII~II"':f5 Cou nd L;

(4) ll\:«'i Sa!'e l)' Di r~ctory;

(5) I,;,wyers L)j,'l'k Re.fcrencc" (c'OlIl:';n~ 3 LUI o ( C!I ....'T'~ cJa.'I6llkd

LI)' "~ItJllry),
Mllr~ C(l lllpiclC ;!Iform nliuu rc&~ rdiIi S l he:..: bocr h ~ be fo ullrl
itifro § ~6.SOl6I,

I"'"OER.'> AM) SCA I' I'OLiIS f 56.(lI[5[

(ri}- t; Xp('.t Scurth Otfl:l~hatiolls, Thcr" arc oq;I\f\;ZiIli ons

which l()Ca(~ ~.' !lCrt" for aUOrIlCj's.
[wiil-OllIN Allorncy~. Mo:1hod ~ orJoc~tins other oHo meys
wilh ~imibr ~a><." bov~ b<-t:n <li<CIIIIS<.-d p,(,·;ous[y." O lhcr 3ttorOL')'~
are: <'X\'\"lk"l'U $OUre<.>; of the: lIi.mes of qll:ditk<l e~p.:m', but sh ould
11 ,)1 be rclk'd tlpo'l willKlll1 indcj><."Il d.111 "crilk:n ioll of tho: UllIIfI\

{~l-Dcslgn DerL'C1 c.'\S(', The: same: !oOurces IMI are: us.;d 10 " .. d
:UI c.~P<'rt in ,\ mUllllf:o<;lurillgll eftXl case ~all be u.'cd In a dCl ignllc,
f..'C1 c~,;..t. The dirf<'l"l:lIcc is Ilml in :1 ,t..'Sign <It:fl~ C':lSoI;, il II f\CCes5o;lry
10 eslablish Ih;1l UII ent ire model line is derective. II m~r even!:.: lice,
"'liar)" 1(> ,,,,tnWi.-.h lholt M elltire inou, lry. 0. 1110'>\ of all i"d u~u'Y.
hOI' o..-ell 5dlillg a <lcfecti\'c proouci.
T ho: jury will Ilwrcfo r" ~ ;05"~ 10 decide Ih~( pbin\ irr~ e~pert
right und tlall chi~ f eJl g; lIccr. <I f lII:ijor compallies arOl wnlng. Thus,
the (lCtr.u:W \'c :loot'I;..... of lit . ':~""r! ;Ire more ~rilka[ in it dl$ign de-
f':': l C'l~C.

II is so nl ~lim<:l< clifYicull to I tXllt~ an cxput " 'ith .;\tcnsi\·e design

C~I'<lril:IIC~ ill the I"lnicul". prod uCI, The nmlluf:lctllrcr c~" brio~
;11 it~ chief e"jlir<crf", The chief ~11 &in.cr kIlO"" other cligilicers, ~11
with <J esiSII cxp.:ric!I<c ... ilh Ih:11 product and ~imibr proUUCl'.
It is not I1cc,",'afr for Ihe "hlinlirr. expert 10 h~v~ ~J1Cdfk <l "",;gn
c~J1Crk"[c " 'il b Ih~ 1 roarlicul~ r 1~1X of producl, but it h.,P'i. Yet:t
career dL"5 ign cnsinccr for th"l parlicular p roduct lil a}' be bias<:<l to'
" 'll ltb "lan nfuO: lu lCI"i or !-lifTer rfllm "oc<;uf"'lioll;o.1 myopia" in 11 cn!.C
with broad implic;ttioll!, "

., !ky,",," J ~~.1I 1!~1·

" T..,.b.rid.., v. A"",i« Co. ofl' hil,-klpllia. l!'tl l'.~d 1i2S, m ( lJ Cir. 19'1).
,!,pt)inf P,nD'j'lt-.,ni" h'"" 1'1>< pl.;", ;lr ~.• , il1j,,,ed d,,, 111 Ih. d;,i""p'Ui"" or
ft "
" ;ril1dil1l' ~· t..-t:1 ,,'I';"), ~, ~ '; n i'- lie ",,,,,,gI,I ,,.;, . pi"" , ~ , n.... ~f.>t . ura
o( .he .. 11«1. 'n ", j~fy ~,Id ruroh ' rl, ;nti/l", ""d 110< dof,i1J,nl ,'rr=I<oI, d"i"""F.
!",., ali., Il'" II.. pI. il\liW, ",'ukr>... of ",~;g." ... ~," inod""" iW< b<G;, .... Ih.
pIlinritr. " P«' .. ,. MI quot' fi<tl M ''''if)' "'"h «>r«' t~ prKl;"'" in Ih, "broil!>',
"),,,01 ,,, ,1 ">1')'. n , e'I""" 'l'<"i,I 't "'" Ih< "",, ~d, or " ",.n "l" ",.1 n.. oI,r,n,
~.,,' <W,ned 110>1 I" h,.a no r""....•.. "1"'"""« in ,~< """'''''''In, ,,( ab",,,,'e
.. 1>«1.,. Th. rnu " l1dd Ih., I)' ~"'" w~'< "101"" f". 11>< utll L'oo,l, ,"d il could nol
"',)' 1"'1 il .1.>"",,\ ;1.>di«l<oiM in oIl .... i,,& tI", I..",,,,,"y, 'n" <DUn notcoJ ,bsl ",h:1c:
II " .. .,.~ ~ ilh,n ,t> r""'''''' '" d,'<f1"i", wh>1 ,"'" Ih, ''!'!t nl""' Jq;r •• .,( '1,,""i,l ,
§ S6.01[5[ I' IIOU. LI ... o. "RACflCH C;UUI:

Th~ l.:ngilll:cri"l: Dq>artmCfit of :o <'t)m[l<:titnr wit h the s ll l:E~!~1I

~:&-r11"';1:11 m:,y 1:>0.' C(m t"cll~!. C~ re ,)lfl11111 be \a ~cn 10 rc!twin r~ I ",
lively nllOllymou" ml1 ;1 it i, dClc rm ;n ~lIlb at COll!ISd call talk fn:.. ly,
:\f,my ~I1 Blnc~rs in " p:micuia r i"du ~ l ry hectlltlc frkml s. Ib rllugh
co/l\'cn1 ioll~. committe,,", eiC. 1t is n,lt 1"l co m",,,,, In cn~Ol1ll l ~r nil
e~r<'rl .... ho 1101 oll ly ~1l 0"'5 the dd.'1\1\;u,I'~ ~'1 ' 8i n l'Crs, but ",110,,1.0
has bo."II n c01Iu.lttd 011 Ihe ""nicu b r .':1><: in qu.~l ioll.
Ponn . r .'fIlplorecs of a com pel itOl' m:.y "",r'''" as e1~"', Will i
I b~' b .k in rourl,oom .Ioa""Y rna\' be OI'en:omc by I heir ~f1<:~:b l erc-
dcnlhl l, ~ nd 1l.1 i:;11 experience wi! h n rc~sibl c. ).l,fe r altern ative. Th ~y
may be nblc 10 Il"J lify \(1 accic\cm c.~pcrlcncc .... ilh the safer d l'~I r," .
In laclck, ens.:::;. the design cllgince. OI11't he knowkdll"'lb lc or
hunwn f:! clon. principiCll ,"
II shoul d "" "OI~-d Ihpl llI ~ny hll m~ u r"~IQ'" ~xf1C n~ are Jlf>l .'1, g;.
DC'l:rto. b.1I p:>yd,oIn~M!" a lthough the re On! tllgin<'Cn; " 'bo ;m:
lmined i" h\ll1l~ n factors oo",,;d<:r;l\i(lI1~.
Find illS die risln c.~(lerl i. Imlf I~~ COJ<'. Sp<"Kl ins da)'. 10(';11 itiS
an C" (lert i ~ 6()mclimL'" ncco:><,.".y, d~PClllli "r, eln Ihe complexily or
Iho is'lle amlthQ cr.deEl1;al, rC'lUi N.t . Tb~ lime ;, well ,penl, Illmlgh,
since the ~X(lerl pro,enls the ~uhst"llce Elf t he d:';m,

;"";.,,. ,n ,he ..a••,11k ""'ld. " .. . ,be ..iI/<. PO'''''''';'' '" ,,,-, ~ ""o1 , ,,,",,,,,1;,,
l1l:I11>: of j ...·~tl<lbl< ,""Uo= '" ' be I';,. ~r b ro; ,100 "''''''',. ' l'<"io6<1. ",. Ibe
other ... nd. " "'1 ... )""'1«1 10)' o<cup.mDfl.1 '''f<>pi.o.''
.. T he I run.,,, I''''' ...... 50.:,.. f Di",,~u,)' and h ••boo/.: "a md"ul <"." ~d; "'" ~f
f'OC"",;oI j,"",." foc"," <'r«'~ II c.,,, ",. ~b<>l.",,1 r,ORo;
lI un, ,,,, FIIOtn .. So" dc'f'
1',0. lie, 1M,?
S,"' ''' M""l c' , C"I, ?(WOO
s.,. "I,., ~i'c" "~"' "" hum"n f",,,,,.. "'I"" 01" " "Tn'" cf I),r",·","
5'<\' "I.", Xo'ff"'GIIy L ~r" '"'' '" ),1 . Frir.l "",,,. 1',"","", Uobil;ly. ,·h. l. -M "n~ '
'",u...." l! .bl l;'~ in ,..<tI;r<D<e.~ t u n I~la"b<oo u...1Ikr 1967)0 I I. K ~r< ...,d"
.t ,... "I~"' OC} -, Guide 10 &lVn,,";"!;. ~h. I I. - r ooms;c flu .... n F",,,,,,
Eol";"«ri"l· ( M,,,,_ u.:........ 1'I46l: I: l-l<Co,nllCk. Ilu"",n F"""" ' ;nsi,,"';ns
{M cd. 19'rot, D, 11n...,,_ S)~lcIIl> A ", I I~l, ""d I k\l~n,-.... Sor Ci}' ( 19l'(ot, O. ~b ,_
\lull. s..rel~ 1:"'; _ "'1: (19i2t. W. 11" " "'<1. 1'''><1 1/0.1 S, 'cly , Old En~ I""';"~
(1 900)_
I "'Jl I)[[l.~ ",,'1) SCAF~ ()I.IlS

TIo< (, .. dl,.," 0' .j, ~ lad..."., I~ ' ,I . . ,,' .. I. I. i", uo u' ",,,",.tiy
10 Iad .......-.. TIl , ..... brlg'" .lIl oh •• OId"'I ,1», 110< 10 ...... ~ ~.
dor..·" hc 31 1100, ,im . .. , ,ho: """ .....1 t... d nq' II ",.. dd<tO'" .. 1Ic~
"",I• • Ao'~""" "'tom .. ,«h"'.,.
h,ol<. Iotf... u... fl r, ,lot
,,"',"or. ,>01
lOll '" ",10« 0( ' 100 I"""'"
,.... ""O"i,," i, .. 10<110.. ,ho fo~
<:ou.".~ ~ r 'h, M.h. !f.•.• d,I".,h,1 ",'lor ,. ...,"". ,"" f.1I <ou",d
• ".,....-If "'""" /1<0" '" h.<:tIo •
.\l i......... ~. "" ,,.,,, <'Oil'" 0( . toold" orcl<l,n( . ... " .. om",,". If. J1{d)'
fo.,.,. It. di"'">::r!iod ,.1.". il Ih, .. I~ ~" .. bt-o. u::.~'d ... ,d 110 ...,lot)·
f":r ,u," .. ntold h~,< pr" •• ".~ Ih . " ,dtk .I.lh ... ~".r''''""r'' ~ ....,.
.J I,."'" . ...pr ... Uol •• II . ~ 1 .lil r d..... t\:>..N ..." •• I ~ _~ ,.. by
_ ... O~ III. I .. _I, p. b;' fW\!I l ~....., ..III . .... 1'1: hio; «<0"'" if II
00"",,11••,,,<\ I•••• ,;1I\I11oe oo"ik ... I. 1Hd... <:t«'<. ,h. dofon d... 1 f •• •
q • •• lIr ""'t,od, IIr,~ ,~. pb'.I;rr I." hi, ~"Inn' .. " .,',,~ Iho ladd"
'" ."I1 . ....,.od I~" II•• l""tIe, II•• • ,.fk ..d 'M ......J'io. In ,~ ~ f.'Il.

(11 Com",on I'-Ptlu~1 h ..... ~

(aJ-Wus Defect Pre_em When Ule I.ndder I.ert :\IIInufnclnrcr?
I" '''''ny i m l~lIc(1), Ih e Uln lluf"clu'cr ",iii c"nc~'dc Ihe I.. doler "',.. cl~ .
r~"l.·li'·" OIl II", lin,~ of l it" 'lCi:idcIII , hul deny it "'35 <Ief~"t1i\"C "" h~"fl
it was sold.' The burd~1l i'l 011 Ih.; I'!~ i" t;rr Il' I'mve Ilml lhe bdd ~r
wn. dcf.~tivc at Ih e !lme;1 Jefl t he defend:!"I' , h"nd ~. 1
Tltt co" dilion or lilt bcllk.,. ,., Ihe lime of the ""Ic ;~ diffic:ull 10

'.1<,., ",.~" M, r... "shli~ v. So.,,,,.

R"",,",'k l< C<> .• 111 S, H. 1~ $. l ~1 .\,1<1 $'1
( 1'111) , Tho phi n'iO' ,,,.,,,1, ..:, 1 '''j",i"" '" ,I" "-~"II 0( ,I " ,,~I.;P'" of" tuMo, h•
• ," ""n ~ ....'hkll •.• , ,,~",uf"" '",nI 11)' "". <Io(,n ol>lIl ~ "d ...,k1 ", ,10, pl>i,";'Y by
n o' ..... Th""",n ,,,,,.;"«1
ol« plaioliir, <'«ph"" ' " 11.",,"'01 of th. dd""d.nl ·'
",,,,iooo r" .. . on"",i. ,.M! ............. ~ _ ." hI. The"""" hdJ ' hat , h. ,..id"""" p,......
,,,,,oJ • qIJ N~~' (,,,- ,I" )"') ..'hC1h« II, . ,,,11'1"" M ul,,,l (W ", 1"",,,,,1" ,II", ,h,,,
""",,,m. 1 ","" T)r< \"(,., ,, " I.. , ,,",<d in ,,,<.I<, 10 iml" " li,,';l il y II, ~ 1,I., inlin· ""'..
<>I,bh," ,I;>I I~ ' >I"k.":>" "'"' <"u<alloy , <W"" p''''''''' m 11>" 1',.,;1 ...,. o. ,100" .i"",
, .. p.or,·h, ...
S,·,· ~I..., II'b;toftg ,'. ( 'b<\<bo ,o-Wbi,.",,,,, Cu,. ll>4 A.I>' " J~ . .\4i N,r,S,2d-l
II''>':! ),
> U'," ,'.,\",..ie"n I.::"jl!c' C,~. l ~S Wi, )01. llol N....... ll9 0'1\1). ,\ pa;,n«
bruugl" , n "";"" ~E,i",,' ,1« n.. nu ....... ut« ur a b ddd .Jo;,i&nru ,,, b.: ...... by ""in"
,'" fn, """",,,,1 injun"" "" .u,,";~rd ..1om tb" bd<k,', I<p< '1"00<1 ••."",.; "~ hin,
,~r,,11 Tho '''kkr .,,1 b,.,,,,
.,n" ",I ., I, .,,, r,.,o Ii",.. '''' '''''''"' II" 1;0" ;' "'n ,h .
ud<,,,"''',.,h" nd, "ml ,I" 11",< il "''''' ",,'0.
'm" rl.o;",Ifl" «lU lo " 01 '"' UI" "'j,,,,.,,
p,,>o( 'h" 110. l:>d.ie, ,.", okf,'<li,'< II),, " ,1 ~ pP<>l 1». Ih. m ' ~ "I."" .. ,.
I 56.D1( I) 1' 1100. I.IMI. l' Il,\.CTIC': I;UIDr.

"'L~blisl, wilh l·o:Tlaimy. The tlef. nlb" l will (lff~ r ",·iLlcIlI.'t: 1),:'1 I h~
kHldo:no (LIe in sp.:~lcll prior 10 r.alc, :L11 11 lhal Llle in sp.:eti"n incl nd l:!i
all eMHuinUlio n of the allegedly (k;f~cli " ~ pan and !CSIS OIL o:"np l~
unils. h ir. li k. I)· 111~1 the del'cud a" l sdls LII any ladders, :",d t h Cf\' fm e
nUL), 11<)1 be ;Ibl~ 10 ~hol'o' proof '" in~ [1C,tion of I he Indd~r in 'lu~"io n .
AI"", hi , .nlpl!"!)'",,;, UI.<I)· not rc""all ~uch nn inS)1<.",,1ion. The j~ry ",ill
k :l\.kcd 10 infcr lIIal, Ix=.u>c al l I:Ldllct$ are i"'1""-1<:<1. Illis b doo
" .... il1<p«:lro. :m'" !oint.'(" il m ",;1 ha"'; pa~s,:d the i1~~~lion. it 0l 11S1
nOI hll.~e be.:l1 t .... r=i' ·e.
The pbi lilin' ,,-) 11 afg u.lklt II..: dcfc ndanl's mult iple ~ ..\um plicns
o\·.:rloo],; :111 illlpo rWn( fact of lif~, ~~r.en lbl)·li nc ..... orkct$ :'rc fallible
nnd nlak~ uI I,;t"k~"! ,
Th~ only direct proof Ihal Ihc b ddcr Wa~ defective wh.u sohl
..... ould l>c W5I i'llOIl)' Iha, 'Onlconc irl ~JlI...:tt:d i, " nd observed Ihe d~·
fc",,1 al (he I inlc <lfsal~, HO'H,...·cr. t h ~ !'urd,a scr wa ultl ho.\'~ Ixc~r un·
.,tcll· Itl bll )' ""d Ill" retailer u nlitd)' 10 sell Ill« bilik .. if 1 1k;~' oh.
M'TYro a Il~f~...'\. Ndth.... Ihe rel:,;kr nor Ihe purchaser C. D bddcr
cxpcrl . I" ""WI ,;;,5\."" lhey l"c~ 110", ~kilJ 10 di""'nI a <.lef•.,;! ~l Ihe
lime or s ll e. (lhh'lugh a" nrgumel\\ C~ II bIl lII ade thaI !he Mailer
.JlOuld k'IOW ,,00111 !he producl he ~~I1!. noth the felaikr :md the
purdmser Jr~ oper.lli,,!! under Ih ~ ~an! ~ n'Nl ll1pti"", Ihall h ... mU ll,,·
f~CL\lrcr j, op.:r.lling Ulllier- the b~d~r ,,"mLid nol ha,'c Gotten
Ihml1t:h the m:umfactllrillg l>r""c,,~ jf II w~c dcf,'<:li,'".
Th<.'f"Cfore, p[aill ti trs I'roof Ill!ll ,he Ikf"':l \\";. j I'rc:><.~'1 at I he lilli e
of II.... l.1tc m il_II be cin:lun~l a .. ti:1!. 1r;"i"J; the b,iller ""dr.: tt> the
1Il311"r:OClllrc r ~ lltI s ho",;ng Ihal Ihe llo:f~"C't W:I.' nOl c~u""' b)' 3Uy
in!ervclling ~cL. No> 0 "" pcr~on ca n ~ccuun1 for e"cry """"n d o r Ihe
hodder's li k If the 1)"l'e of defect "'''rranl ~ ii, the p urdl :,,,,r, a ll }' !It·
tC[\'clli"l: o,," n~r:>, ~!ld Ihe \,Miou~ "~~rs or the ladder should be clll kd
In 'i.-;Iif}' rllu\thcy did not clwnge rhe ~onditio" "f Iho I:ld dcr. Th~
imll1cdial~ prior ~ s" ", and Illc I,binl iff, mllSI d~"<;crib~ lhe conditi on
of the rek "am po n ion of Ille lnddcf illllnedia tciy prinf to lh~ il~ci·

The ,·.[1Cfl m u" gi" c his 0 l'in;on th;,I . h;l~ o n his c'\;am;" ll i'" 1
of 1" 1.' ladder, his c~p.:ri,'I("1: wi L" bdll~rs. his kJOowkdgc of l he m~n·
nf~clu .i "g pro.:~ ~1\d Ihe 1"",;mOll }' of Ihe "Ihet wit nL"'....... 10 !he
flriur u"'" a nd ..."lIdili.lIl " r the la<kJ ~r, 1he ~llIder'. condiliotl h~d 11 m
~h:l1I g"d ~in~e il w,rJ wid by Ih e 1I1 ~l\ lIr:":LlIrcr Imd lhal il ,,'n., tk-r,-c·
j 56,O!l I)

lil'l: at the lime il "'''~ .wld. The jury C":UI II,C"I' r:tlllc!ullc Ih.. l lh" Ikf",-,
..-:IS (lI"doI:". m the lim ~ uf Ihe sale. '
TIlt: def", dnnl mil>! :1110111(>( 10 idcmify rom. chonge ill the 11Itk!: r
oillct: il~ li.ale n n ~ Iclale Ih ~1 change to Ihe cauli.e of I h~ ~cc!d<'!It.

[b}-Ilid the Lndd er Urenk lIefore or After t~ e Accidul7 111

many C<lICS, Ih e '1ucsli nll :lTist:S ~s [0 wholher n Jcs or o lh er pa ri of
[he ladder broh ~rorc Ihe accidenl Or after the accid~m . If lh" [lart
broke imrn,..Ji atclr ]""rorc th . ace;d~n1. the il1fcrcn c~ :iTis,Oj t ill!! th e
f~1I was c:lus.:d h)' lite brohn ""rI. BUI if lhe p.1rl bro k~ as Ih( L,ddcr
fe ll, or whcll II"II: p)~i "ljn' l!nlck Ihe L1udcr, il can l>\l l be inferred thai
Ihe brca~ eall:lO."tl Ille (;III; ;1151<";10 , ;1 is ~bl" Iha l Ille (;,l) CIIIISl"tl
Ibe bre;l~.

The mere ra<:1 Ih ll , h. b dtler w:It. do::fonned .. flo:r Ihe ~ecidell\ doo!s
IIUI gil" rise 10 no In fcrcuu .hl il wru; d.fonned before Ihe ,ea-
(km. ' If Ihe proof i. <'q\lu ll )" rons;"tc'l! ,lIal Ihe dd~t!i l'e roodi .io n
r<!';ulicll fro nl Ih ~ !':tn, n verdict for the plaintiff 111"Y ~ rC'·cllol..J.'

The qU~"Slio n Il ~u nll)" lurn , On tho lc'limon~' oft h. plaill1ilTin de-

scribing th e ncc;d~lII. n~)" erewilne., II"ho obson'. d lh ~ f(lll . aull/o r
an c.~pcrt lI"ilo :tI1.i!)'lcS Ih. e"ldcnee and Jliws hi5 op ini ou (I.! to what

' X<. <.K•• W/oi 'i" , _. Ch.""""'c·\\,hi,.",.n Co., It>l A.D. ~J~. J6 :':-" .S.2~ 4
injIo,," ..
(1'1-42 ). A " X>/"<, " ..I0Il h<-tI, )0<14« I>j, ,""lr ~'l"<T boup" I,,,,,, ~""<"!o.I' . I·'
di" ri~ "lor ~IG~ . ..·hij, "" " '" ~""; \1. Th. ""' .. 01>11 ..1 ,h,l.h< !tUfI~r"",~,<, onul.l
be h.ld liob!< If ~""')' " •• "'..., ,, in , h.I>d1l<: wborn il k l' ,/or. ''':1''','
~"d ,Ioi.
<kc.>y .. vukl bo •• bono Ji.,.;:o'W<"<! ",· •• """,n.bl. ",,,,,,,,tim a. ,h.1 un', .
• Ii.>,~ ' .. 11..0. W.." ., C .... ~ I'H'.ld 11lS{irlh Cir. t 9W).'I'I'I)i", Midli"n 13• .
A l.doIn" wtt.P""I and rd t .... I"" pWllulf .·b ~. lor. ",.~, in""nin .... 3n("" .... ""
,lor. roof or. h""... TI,. rWOliIl""H'...,.. ' .... tir..... th.( .wo.m.,..... In d,. I.>old • ••
"'hich "'Of< «>·<.10\1 "',.. ;, r,11. "''''( b••·• f'«o<dcl . nd " "<"<110M'" fQ, tho ""llJro<.
Th< ""uri held Ih" ,III. C,·I.Im: ••100 , ''''l\ in,.IT""""' r<>r lho: JU I)" '0 ~~d thOl
'ho f,1I r","II'~ ,,,'"' '''1 dd,;t In II" """U'OC,o", ... clo.;gn of Ih. l, d<k"1 ~>u\<"
;1 r.,iktl (0 pro"" ~'LI<JI " ~",,,,!i on 1><''''«0 ,u,h dorM .,I<!
,b. 0011.,...,.
> Hon" " ,'. milt. J4 ".D .2~ !Og, )$J N.Y.S.ld 51? (1~7J). Th< I'I' ;I\llirw ... in·
jU!<d;n "',,II fttl", "n 'lk~,,!ly 11,"«li ,·< 1. 1d<J". Th< 'l'pdl",< <Ji';";'H' " ,·.".eoJ
,I" 10"""' ,',,",I'. jlldJm"n! ;1\ (,,,or o{ I)", I'bin'iff ~" 'h, fro'Hod ,II,,, II" .,i<l.,,,,.
1'''><10",1 hy Ih< ftI.,i,mfl" ...," "'1",11)' ,,,,,",,.10'" wi, h "fi ndi ,, ~ ,hot II,. ... f.OI ;"
lhot la"<I<, ".'" <:.".. ,! h)' ,I,. r,1I ''';, ".., ,,·;,h. r"od;"~ Ihol (he d.f..,1 I" IhC la<Id. r
<.",,,1 'h, f.u.

l'nOIl. ).IAn. l'IIACrJ(; ~ (WIDll

c~me fi~,. the tkfoml~t ion or the fall,· ' nlc m;, "cr i~ then rc:soh'cll
by Ihe jllry.
rOf eumpk the pli,'ntiIT mal' t~~lify thnt he oo..os 110t \.:no,""
whet her he fell 0" Ihe ladder. or the leg of tile bllller lx:111 and then
he fell. Bill ht ~ r.x:.11 that he fdt m()\·tm~1I of the bddcr befOf'l:
li t fel l. The JUT)' c<>uJd tonc!mle from th •., 111:11 the leg buckled or
.lip"•.'d. or both, cau~ng the pl~i ll1irr to fall!
[c}-Violation of Sludard." The ,·;olalion of:\ n,nndato.y Til-
qU!r~ncnl of a ~1~ lI da.d permils the JUT)' to dct<:fm;nc t hat lhe ~ rod­
IIt t "-as dd·cctiV1:.' !'Dr cxnm plt, whc'" 1h" A,mricun Sl:lnd~ rd ~.1.rCly
Coo. for J'orlablc Wood Ladd ers rcqu irc"ll lhnt all bdder~ have
m~1:l.l spT¢:ldefS, Ibe o f a ...·ood ~ptt::ldcr ~mlillC'd 'he jury to con-
clude thai th., IItfcl1d~nl'~ I~ddcr lach-d ndcfjunle slrength.'·
Till: de;isn of m:m)· laddc'f!i fCCt.-i" do lhe c<:nific:llion of ~ ppm\"U1
ofth.: U"dcrwrittl'S Lnl>oral ory (UL), hl<l;c~!; !1$ !hn[llie bdd., r <Ie-
~8J1 com plic. Wil h Ihe UL M;I!1d:1rd!lo.
Any ~(Irr~"'pOl1dL'f1t:<: \)<.'IwC'C!! the UL oml the m;lIluf~~lUrc... ;.~

• s.~,c~. Uf,iu. , .• s.:.. .. R<><budl&("o..'72 S.\\".2d ~ IMo. C . "1'1'

191 II- "Tho
1KI)'(r ~f "" .,llIm i"OIn lod J.r brought .' pro<h,," I;.,\tilil~ , ,1.011 .,';IIS! Ih. <ell«
fo, ;nju,;" h. 'u,, ~i"od .. b<n !h, L">dd<r <otlopwd. Th_ CI>"' ! hold 1110, II>< , ..l;m".
D~ <>f the pI;oilOlifr., ~~r<n ,,,,"<>' tlu, .11" ",id.,,,,,, ....,
,Jul of . "t).f'k:d r"' I ~,<·
<>f.rumiM'''' "'''al.• r>d tho ~t.in 'i lT"' t •• n '''' IIII''n)' ""N''',nin£ 'he ,·<>IIdi,i.n onJ
u..., 'h, I"o<k' ....
of \0 .nn "lIlI r...
,It< i"')' '" ;"rc, '''''1 • .s,f«1 ,~" .. d II>< O«i.tkt>I.
·rh, 0'1'<"·> op'n'OII 1lI,,",1>< b;o."" ~PDII p'aN' .... f""1' :u\d .... coni«'tu,e.
, (""iii II.". M~ntgm"<t)' ....~r<l '" CO .• ~I Ill. AI'f', Jd IOn. ~ I' N .[;,2d 6;0{197~).
TIl, pt,in,itr ,u,",un,d i.j~tI ... ",1"," 1" f.1I from" \QlI"<>Id '"l'P"rwl ~ '''''' I.oldo<",
aO." ,It< 1_, b«u. Th. _n am.mala j ""~"""1 f<1< 11>< pl.intitT. Mtd;,,~ .lun ",lorn
tho .'.i<knc. ,o,..;,n.,J of "1'<"" """;"'''")' .,nd 'h" pl.li",i tT ,,,,,In.d
th,,' h. f,1I 1\
mn" """"1 I><f"" 10. r<ll. ,1I", "'", wO'".:",., ,,·iIk"".I<> ];0'" In. i~t)' '"I II .. ~
ti,·o dN;:n ,..~ ...
• S,·';;<n,rolly I.. I'", ,,,,,,,~ ,I.j, !',i.,J III. II. p,oJum Li"bil;t),. <h, •• "S,,, ,, tbbiti ·
' y." ~ J.(". ISj IM.111..... Ikn<l<t 1~!6) .
• II"", ' . I , R. Cl.", Co" ~~, Mi lltl, 1'9. 11 S.W.ld RI ~ (193 5), 11,< pt.;"'i rr "'"'
i"j",,4 "II<" " b,I "'! ,",; ,11" ,pr<.><J .. m>dc <>C f'I,"<I<"",", ri'I< ,.."tl.lp.. <l . TIl, Aln,,'
""'~ ~t.:I"d" ,d S:o£n,. CW. ,<qUI>al lb. 1 :til wood 1>i.Id<l' b><c m.'~1 'p.rDll. , .. 1M
<"<lUll 1,0101 lb'l ,I.. jolt)' ",,~14 ,",,",1"0' f"'", ,hi, ' !"I. if ,h. ,n'nuf""tol'<' ,,<0<]
,..""" \11<><'<1 ill Il,i, ill'f'I"'l,,"1 "'"". i, , 1Ioo1t! I>c ''''fI''milJt, f,,, In. <OI1<"Iu<n.:c.
if ,I' dm.n W~ r..~I, ,· ""d n•.pol conooillllc a d>ngn '0 Ihoo u.....
,.... "",
, N.02( I]

Dflcn ill fo rnmliw. For c~ lunpk. ill unc in ;,mnl"l:, Ih~ L' L i" fo rmed
Ihe dcrt"d:mt·ma "llf~C1l1rcr Ihal il ,,·ouk] ,,·;, hd rnw il ' ce rtiliC"lli'Nl
if" ~Cflilin dc\i~1l
dliUlgc were TlOt m ad c. The l·orn.,;pondcn~~ wa.,
immdu~cd in c,·i dell"~, rmd plUli lh·c d~m~g", V;t.TC ullilllatdy
;,wan kd " p illS( (he m~m,f:>chlT<:r. "
[d]-CoRlpl i(l nce with S tnndard." Evidence of cnmplian ce wilh
a >Inn d~rd b adJ1l ~,--.ii>lc W PflWC Iud: of nesli\.'t:llcc nnd Ihal Ille lad·
<.It ' ....~ not d&":liw. Hnwe'..... , Ill(: \I.·c');hl 10 be accorded Ihe ~"Ii ·
lienee or
(;(l illplia ln."c is for (lie jUI)·."
T he be l Ihal " b dd(f 'l1~e,s It..; :lp« iliC"lliQns of Illc AN.!) ] 01 V L
sianda rd. d Cl<:S nnl L"Slabll <h , "'., ma ile r ,lI" law. ,h ~ bddcr'~ ],ock
uf ddeel. or i, s lilncss or m Clch;11111lbilily.l'
When an ~I""rl ''''Iilies lhat Ille bdtkr wa~ dcf~"CIh..." a qU~"SI in ..
Ilf fa~t ~xl'l .. (,,""s pi le K"S limnuy (hal I In: la dder meciS Ihc app lic;lb lc
m ini mun ' &1:md"nJ~."

'I C~ lI " .1! , .. A",,,rilh, 110 ,.1 ..·,,,, C" .. 1:6 K"". ~"! . 001 P.l<! U ~& 11 ') ~ 9J. Tho
j ur y ,,",rd," ,I" rl:.j,,,Hf SI !.lOO ill p<Jni,i,·< <l"rtl,,~.,. n, ",,,,,1 ... ," "!~"~ I " n
~p l".1 l .

" s,,· ,rojns ~ ' ~.O}.

Il <:"lIin". ~J""I.<''' 1<ry "".,,!,'< ("0.. 11 III. Arr . .1.1 I OJ? ) l~ N.E.ld bJO(\ ?J4).
1'1",11' ill" bw<ov.,
all ... Iion .!(.llll" ,I," n,..."r""' Uf<' ~"d rd';l« '" ~ bJ~« h inju.
fk.. ho ""'"""'" I" ~ r~1I f","" "",OCld ..·IIkI, ,,~ . '~l'I"ft «l ~). t .. n "'; ..... , '"
II" 1,,,l<k l. Ild<mi.,,,,·, <.')1<11 ~ill"" t<"' llro,,1 tl", Ih, "", lL. " "'"" Ih< ,.,n",
,",,,Id "r I,M" ,lL~~·«I
'IL," il ~o "'rl""l ~ ill, ,b. UL C"k TI" '",,"" al ...... <tI ,h;'
:n aid<>t«" ,n "" ....;, .... .. .." ,he JUTf in ~"<fminin, w.... h<! ,"' Ilddn' d"';';"
".1, ~,rM i,·" <l<" '"~.

So·" ~!1>J ~'M<l.'lt"'" , .. Wh ile M"ol R~IIiL\tI I< S,.,,"t'; L1! C"'J'.. '$ 11"",,1,. 10 ~::9.
·ISJ 1'.:.1 61~ !19~).

" ' !.nOn"," , .. 1\1"" w"",·,,· ~. 1"0 .• I rot! JU. J I? 1' 5 ,\ . ~d 2(,1 (19 7 I). Tho plioi o·
lill" ~a, u,ln_., I,,,!.!,, ..·hid, "." ,...·,,,d ,""I p"""'",,,1 by ,,,,,,b.;,,~ !'lin' ~ I.,.,....
"00' ,bcl:d.l" ........ ,...-d . nd I,. "."" ,1,,,,",0 ,,, III< pOlllld. 1bc """" oil·"",,,,
,I", ju~ ~ ~ "", ro, 'he rI";l11 ilT " "" <1...;"1 tof II" M ,.don!", ",I~~~' (," • ,I,, "" t<~
" "IiOi. TI", "~,,, "'~,,! !I"" the r"" Ih ," ,I,. lao tic, "1<:1 all 1)'0 ' r<o;ir"·,,.wlS uf
' h, '\m";.. .... SI,n<l"d ~r.~y (;ude ~id ~"i r.t,bJi<J. '''" ",• 11 ... of b w , 1\.01 ' hc
I.tlder .... ,,, fur ' he onlin.<)' I"'<J"'><"'> fu, "./ticl, l.dtkt>. "'"< ~><d.
" Id.
s, .. ~l" (',..!tio,'. j.\n",p)mr,y W.,d.l: Co.. 1 1 11l. " PI' ~d IOl7. } IS :-I . F..2 ~
610 {197 '~

,.." ,,',
I'IIOU. 1.1.\11. 1'/t.\C/lC I: GU IIU:

Th e fne[ lhat the d~.,;i Bn of Ihe lad.J cr ilIel the o\:III<Janh , "lid lh lll
it ~h"J.I)d not r"i ) under 1)1l: C(lIIdilim)5 :IUe&od. I!\~Y be 115o;U 10 ~.... a'"
li.Ji Ihm Ihe bdd~'r in 'I1I<">lioll oon l~ ined a nl'IIlUf~clUri rl$. d . f<:<;I ,"

[2J Commun EYidrnli:lry Issn~s

[n)- Laddc!r Uan,.. ilabl" f", T,i ~1. If docrc i):l. d efeet in 110. Ind.
(kr whk h is visible, tilCjllry wil l W:lIl1. to..:c ii , The p)uin lifl'~hou l d
idcmifr the ladder Mid I, ~~; I 10 cxphti l1 his l~'limony, Tll ~ p];limirt's
Cllp<n ("~n III .., u.e the I~ddn 10 dcmm'~ml\c hi~ le'II iIIlOl' )' 10 .be
jury, COnll"'ri ro!\ o r Ihe 1;I\ld".,. in '1 ue4ioll ..... ilh au id~nli\;nl IlHxltl
nwy be n[lpmpriJle [0 , 1m..... a man\, rOCl uring ddcct. Cmnpariron nf
lb e d •." igll o f (h e ):~ ... in 'I 1I ''''lioll, or nl' ~n idcmic~l Illood, :1110.1
Ibe "IIfcr "lI erll'II;~C' da;ii'u n"'y be ~1'[lroJirble ' " uemo"~' ''dtc :I tIc-
'; SIl deli'CI ,
Somdimc'S Ihe laddcr ~a lln Ul be pr,,-s.ern-d OF ~rodll<!~'d by Ihc
plaintiff, It i~ no t CSS<"n 1;~ 1 th:ll a pl:t;mi fr o:hibil Ih., ladder 10 Ih",
jur~' al Ihe tri~l. l ·l1lcre mlly be tmlllY rc",;on ~ for iI. ~b$<.'l1 ee, l flh~
ladd~r h~. been de'l roycd, wn~ nol. oll'lIcd by Ih e pla int iff :md Ih e.-.:,
for~ ~uuld am be ' el:lincd, or WiI' IU flh."d o~c, hy Ibe ""',,c r 10 il~
;n, uf:nIC" rompall)', til e jlla;III;fl' C~lI not be r";l"ln,ibl~ for in ab,

[b }-Su ~utnl JkolIW' Ch."~-.:," T h e Itene. a l n')I1 ;~ \h:u c "j,

dellt" I" ~ I :t d cr.... ,d:ml-maIl Uraclur..-r clla nt:ed Ihe des,!;" u f Ille lad,

" 5.,' ' UP'" ~ lo_OIII JI_Jli),

II M ,C~ lthy~, f lurida L>dokr C... , l q, So M 701 , r'b , I)i"L CI, APr- 1!'l~ ). """
,. .
~"i~t;ff ., • • i~ju ,"'" ", a I«IlII "f,~ , U. !"< <If . IaM"r ""'Huf""I",c-d !.o!-' tbe ~<r"",
,brH, II)' Ih , tim, ,>( lri,d, II" I,,,,J,, i"'~h.cI in tl", ",',OJ,,,,
k Ld <ii;,rrc_"<\ "'hll'
" ul "pl:o"OIj,x), Th. ,~'" " w'<r«J '"mn"")' j u<IS""'" (,,,. )1", oItf.IId, "" I""din~
111:11 ah<.. "" PI.1r< lo.lI« .I,d nOl p,«11JJ ...... Ir.
.. N"bn '-, ~"f Mf.. Cn., l ~~ 111 , App, :d "r, ~&\ ",£,~ d !I»(\~:Or, lbe pl..li"lin
",,,ughl . n ""ion '8ai"'1 ,n,mouuf",,",<r LInd ",II., uf" la~ <I", which h. OWrLN
r"" "")p 'OOrr 1",,;00 "f lim" rn,
;nju,;"" I,. "")3i""I1>·I .." ;, ,-")bl"<\I. I'<>lk'.''''f
lb. ~;okDl, .II<- pbinrilJ lu...... I ' ... b:Id<r ",., 10 ~ f<1".,....'" 'i.~ "fhi. ;m •• """
«'rn ... rt~, Tk. «>un I"W tl,,' .....~ r h . '"~h ,h. 10M-.,. i,;dr ",.1(1 'K~ N: pro;lu,,,1.
llro 1<'11"''''')' <If ,I" ,kr'" "lanl """I "''')·', p""i<ku, "n " rh""'SIOp!h or ,b. 1,,1,1<1
'wr< ! "nl,i'" 1 ., ;'Ien« 10 .I~) ... Inc pl';I";f\' In r"~,,, ..,
It s.-"J:o'""",II, I~ I'N'~" .rr. ~ , FriNDI.q, ),,<>dum U,bil,lr,.IL 2. ...\-bl"'f.x,u,'
,,', " " bolil}' in N,~ I ;_,< ," f :'ZI.{4J (M ,,,h..., lk1\,l" I n7) ~,Id~!r. J, -S, n,.
Li"bil il r," t ),I)1I,'J (Muuh,w 1i. ".I" lno),
,'~ ''''
Iv\OllEItS ASI) SCAFFOLlIS I 56,02[2}

d~f afl~ r Ihe ~ccide .. t is nOl admi~iblc a. ~n :«huiM'ia "

Illat tlo~ prior
tlO!!;;g" wa~ tl~f..'Ctivc.:O
How.....'c r, tllo; C"'IIlS" may be mlmi"... bte for
ath er l'Iurpo<cs-pri!lwrily to show that Ihe new dC5ig n Wft~ n fClIsiblc
nliCrll al;". lIesign." For in~tallce, to pro"c th nt alum inum IIld~ r~i15
willi nlo:ml Y,.,th of l~U inch ,hi d: ~re de{«lil'c, th e plaintilT mllSl
pro,"" til:., :duminum sille roils of a tlirrcro"m desisn ;ore f~;blc. The
pbimil1' IIIay inl roi!u.:c proof th:11 the mmm[:LCI\lf.f SlIt>scq\lclllly
marketed similar bdd.,. with side ra ils of a dm'e rent deo;ign."
(c)_S"nillr "ccldent~, liv id':IICC of ~inliL'r ~r;o:; id~nts i ~ ~dm i.·
~ble!' I!" idc" "" orII Ixk of n:porl,'(J ~imj lar ac..i lknlS is :lobo oom~
~iblc. ..

Prior ~ imilar accidents arC admissible to eo; l ;ob li~h the pr(seile.: of
~ defect in Ihe d"";gll or m~nuf"ClilTc of the laddcr (lI1d to ,how tha t
Ihe dcl'cnda" l ...·3,; 0'1 no ticr of t he defect;,·" condition." Su~u enl

"S.~·, ".iI.. ,Im_ llov. 5, ... An", I IN,IS (l9i :!~ C~1tI R... ~to1. J lJ·ll-1Gl
ISuPf', )9~6),

" C.nl.oIl ". A",,,ill,, 11 ••d~'.rc Cn .• n' K:m, 63 1. r,o~ l'.2d I J:!I; "? 1 ~),
tirr . IN ...."" iDjurin ", 11.n the todd« he " 4' " 'iog io a r '''I'<f OCUl_ >Uddrnl)'

",,110»1«1. , h"",i~ 1M", 'n .h.

1100<. """"'.. ,bOl 11>0 ""'nur=~ ... chanp! il>
""'i~n in ~,01 ,,'~ ",,",,11.., Ihe uil, of 110. 1.M«" "'-" . "",""lk '0 ,h" ..- Ih"

d" " ,f, mb", ",,' jn ""kl... di"e~,d <>f Ih . pl.,inlifr, ,11'!.1> b)' nol u,;,,~ 'h< ne ...
<k~r;n .~tli«, ,\ , . """Ii,
, I" pl,i"'i fT "",. mli!I,,) '0 pun;Ii'."' ,",.11 "" ,,'uoi

. . ,~. ~ I<I y. Whit< ~1 <1" RoDinl &. Stompinj: Cort>-,lO m . API" 3d "H, )lJ
to." .E,2d ' l ~ 1 ] 'I7~~ i't..inlilT .viT<,«I mulliplo r"'''lv,,,, .. brn. """t:..Id.,
I><n"I!. 111",. In" p",d u~l> l;'lt~lit)' a ";~n ng,in\1 ,I>< ...,U.r "n~ n~,"" f"' l"r<r. , h.
c""" "'01«1 Ih,,' .....';.I<t"'~ ofd",ig"; orl.,.td. " .ub« q,,,,ntJ)' "'''",!''''
b)" II", 01,[",,·
,,",Ub " 'l> odnti>.>iblc. n", ,..,.,ilrililr of U""I~ ",cb d<';.n, .. ' he time '[, h. pl>in.
tiff". :u:oiokn\ i<a <I""" ;"" ""-"\' '''I: ,It< ,...pn 10 I>< l""~ .1>< .......11"'" "'" a <1""'-
,;"" Jd .. i n ~ 10 i,. :Wn,i,,,,,<Jj.y,
"5.,( ~'·'k',.II!, L, "run"".!.; ,>\, Fri,d"" •• ]·mducl. l.bt>i)j.),. ch .~. "Sn-icl U.l,.oi\·
it),."i }.0411]("1 (Moltl .. " I"",<k, t~~~l ,
" !jo"~II<'~,""II" 1..1'r~ ,... , .\ M. Fri..-.J",,,,,,. I'ro.l,,,,,, 1.(:jb; ~t1.C~. l . "Sui", Li,bi ~
"y.- t l .OlP J(b] f~"""- Ilcodcr 1~56).
" ('_""<11,-. ,1m,,,,,,,, lu Rl"·,,, Co.. 116 II , ,, U J. Wll',lol n1 6f]9~ t'l.m-
,iO' "",,,in"" i "juri,~ "'h'n ,I", 1:><Jd,,~. ",., u,,"~ in" P'''r<' ",.nnor ,ud"'.I)'
roll' f"<d. Ihm,..;"~ hin, 10 tho noor, The Sup«m< C("'" <>f K,,,,,,,, u~h.ht 'ho
jUf}" . S"'", nf PUlt ~i ,,~ ~ .n•."'~ "" 111< H" ~U{,"'Ur.-r f cd 1... 11 w. lOl" ,de<! ,h. pI,i,,·
rid·, ",h.. t>y C'QItrifUJ"', 10 ItlMkrl . 1K b,W" ",-m atkt it ..."" pot' on POI;';" of
,Ite d:tM,., 1>r .h. l·nd.r"'f~"" bbo.-"o,;"· ....... nd tQ' "",a:ti,e n.., \u,o>,.oo
~' .. loa" five "'h<r ';n,,\.>r ,><cltl,,,,,
,n, ~h jn~ bd,1c<-\ or
Ih' <am< ~>C."<ld,
~ 56.0 lIZ1 1'llOll. UAIl. 1'I(,\Cna; G\JIIJE

similu r <IC'cld",,,s ar.; ~dmi~ibk 10 pron: l loal llie b ddcr ....llli dd e.:·
t iv~.

A l:1~ k of reports or ,imibr accidents i~ lilroo Qdmissibl ~ under ap-

I"0l'nnle .;in:u m>lan~'eS." Tht abse nc~ of ~n)' similar :ll;t'ido:nl' it
imposfiblt: 10 pro'l<', a,1\! MY ~""idtm;c o-..eTling tl1m r.~tl [;).;ks proOO·
li" e rarc•. TI,e most that cn" usually be ~tal.'tI by a mOIlUr:lC LUn:r
is th~ 1 they ha\'~ !I01 T(.'cci"cd rcporl. of ~I\y ~imilar accidenls. It
would be sp.:<:ulallou to a,sert Ihu\ there hal'. not b..'1.~1 an)' similar

rdI-Ex(lCrl'~ TestimDn>',II Ladder e~flCrts arc u~ua [[y me·

clmukal cnsin L'C n;. " However, ~"c.~l"'rl dOl."S 1101 hal'C 10 be a m.-
eltauicai l."I1gin oer. An npen crnfr~man II'.'~ ""rmilled 10 I<:st if}',
bMed On hilllO y,'tIN. of " 'Of): wi. It ,,'oed, I h~ I .be mil of a wCKXJ..'I1
Iadd~r broke ","'C3U'. i. lI'as cO I1~ lrucu:d of lI"fit wood "nd 1111.1 n
groove was cut dC~l"'r lhall I"'rmil1Cd un der a ladder standard,"

H. Gol" ¥. J\"'OJ""",l:uWcr Co.. 16' Wi.. l1l7. 16 2 K W. ll9 (1917). ,\ JWnlc.

""I~I"'" ..."'., '»lu,"" "bon !hc l.d".. ~< "'''' ....', C<llbp>a1 K<>rJlh him. Th.
cou" '",'cr>«! the: jud!n><,n fO f 'h, I'blnti IT, TI", ctlun h,ld ,h.t ",;,hout proof d"'t
tllo ,,,old« ... ~, cl.r"I;'·. whon ,I,iN'<d b)' 'he m. nuf'CI""r. th" pl.i 'HlO' <.nnot
'''''0''' ~ rWe' ".Y dllOlY <:f ,II< I. .. ,.•11</ . dlllill"" jnl~ .,K1"",,, rho 1k,.,,,1. 01'.
, ...;",,,,,, lI» t 'hi . ..... ,"" 6<>-1 """"".n .... I,f>ucb a ~IIJ. .... in cif-In I·......
"St<>~1"" § .%O I I~I·
Se, Illso ch, 12. "Prod",( Dpcn . _ PI.inlin', Vi,,,," ~od " .... 1) , "1' ,,,,1,,,,, E,·
p<'h _ Dc"co", Vk ...."
S.V I<fI..vl/l L F""' .... k M. Fn"" ..... ". l'rodu.e" li.bHill'. ch. l. "M.nub,,!U<·
"'. Liobj~IJ in "'.gll, ... <.-.· ~ 1.11.[11 r ~h"h<w ikr>dc-r (987): I I. " " I'<"trin It.
N. S>11" .. J\ltOfTlC)·-.GlIilk 1" Enti" cMnr- " .... l. - nr,I;"",.,;< U... <>f " _gin..,,·
(M 'uh ..... Il<mk' ! 9M). ~ D.m.,", in Tml Action .. c:h. 41. "E.'ron T.. I;mon)'"
(\I'''h",," Iko,1o, 1911).
" 1. ~ 1. I( "r«'''''' II 1'. !;;tI1«., AtWM),·. Guilk,n U".!it>«'inr. ch. 2. "TIt<: 1'0-
. m lle: \:u<>f ""'i......... ~ ell . .10. MM.rn;". ~nM (M",!hcw 11<n~<1I~S6).
.. Wil<"n v. 1.0.'-,', AIhoOOro 1I"du, •. 1,,<.. ~j') S .C'. 6toO, 1 ~ 1 s' F..: d SOl
(1 '163), Tho pl,iolirf "" .., ,hrown ,~ !l>: 8,,,,,r\d ond i'\i UfN ,,1>«, ,h .I.dlk, h. ,,"'"
".,;o~ 10 10k< do~'o <On,. liJhl bulk, b",kc:. Tho Sur .. mo Cou rt 0' No"h Camlio;
hold 1"'1 l!-.e ",,"'Of ''''''' did 1101«, in :ul "'i";,,~ lho 1"'''''00)' "' . ' ... n .... o ,,·h o
I,od "'4'kcd priacuil1 _lIk]Hoe for ,Ito 1>." JIl y<> ... TIt.i. "',..,.. ""3'<\",Iirt<d 'tl
idc~l il\' ,, 11>1 'I I'" or ~ " -" p...... ,<t! ,,, kim and ,,,<>II',", "" opinioo. on it< ,013_
'he ""'"I,ll,

,~, !.A[lIlEIIS ... :-Ill SCAn"oJ.1JS i 56.02[3]

An cXp<.lrt in phy~ical chcmi,[ry "nd metallurgy may le,lif), as an

e~perl witne,~ an the properties of met'l! ladder,.'o
Court' hm·e. On particular f"~lS. cxcludc'tlthc testimon), of a me-
Ch:luical engineer, in pnrt became the engineer )tad no experience
in the (]("Sigll or llmnufacturc of ladders."
E"idcnce of te,ts dOlle by the eXp<.lrt arc admissible '" the basis
ofllis opinion. Evidence oftL'S!' by the expert showing how the acci-
den[ happened are lIdmis~iblc."

SOl11clinH:l;, the defendant's experl will tc,tify thm he [O!';lecl the

Same modd ladder am] it met the applicable UL standard, and plain-
tifrs expert will le,[ify th~l he had c.~amincd the ladder bill did not
perform :lily tests!' Thi, does !lot preclude the [llairllifl's expert from
toslirying to n <ksign or manuracturing defect."
[3}-lixnmples of DcfQCt~." In on. c,,~c, n Ihin wcll and Onngc'

" r-;",,,,u,,,,, ,'. Whi« ~101U1 Rolli,,~& ~"",pi,,~ C'''p .. 75 W"h. 2d629.45ll'.2~
619 (1969).
Sc,' al", 2 1. Kupo:""in &. N. $,ilo,"" ,\1Iorn,)"', Guido '0
Ensinwint. <11. 40.
'"F"Huro Au,I)"" of M"l<ri3.l;'" ,nd oh. 41, '"F",ot"iJ",phio I,,",I)-,i,'" (Malth,,,,
llo,><Ier In,,).
"",,"0101" I', \loot!, 7 Mich. '\PI" ~3, 1~1 ~,W.2d 210 (1%7), The pt.,iotin·
b'''''gil' ,\1\ ""h", "pi"" tho nl<l"uf.'I<'uror .nd renTor of a h,I'I<' ror i"juri,,, he
'",,0"0.1 "'1,,,\ 1'0 fdl fro'" ii, TlIo Miohip.n COHn of "rp<>l. hold ,h"t tl,< to".,
<OLl'[ ,,-"' "'i'h;" it, <li«"t;on whOle it ,u,,,i",'<1 a" ,>Iljwion To the '1",li(".'io,,,
of rl,intifr, <'I""n. Thi, "il""'~", ",""",d ",. nooc\",ni'.,1 o,,~in«', b,II h,
\,.>d no "I"',i,",< ,h,
in <l<-~i~(\ or ",,,,,"f,,,,,u," of ladder>.

" Nonl\l,om ". Whit.Metal RoIlin~&. St'mpins C"'p .. 7~ Wo,h, ,d62~,4S3 1',2d
(,)9 (l9M)_ Th, pt.intin" n, injured ",)",n 'ho bdd" h. ~'" <li",hin~ colb»S<d,
Th, S"PTOnI< Com' "I W"!I;n~T(~' hd<l thot 1h< 1o"",, ,ourl "'", "ot in <mJr when
it "llow<d to>'i"IOI')' con'<Tning 'e>" I""rlo,,,,«\ by 1h, dero"d,,,,', 0'1"''' ,,-itno>',
Tlto PU'I'OI< ortl""" t~~t, w,,-, to ,I,",,' ho," 'he ,,;;oid,"T CGuhl h~'o h"p)',".oo, "cod
tho,' ~-"o ''''''1"t<"1\ ,,><I ,dOIl\"t ",id,",o.
II Cnlli", •. Mo"'~omof)' IVa,d.~ Co .. 21 111. App. ),\ !O37, ll~ N.E.ld 670(1974).
11", pl.tit(tiIT""toinru injuri", ~ h,,, he f<l\ (tOm" ,,,,noM ,uPf'o,,,d by ,~-" ladde",
.!t" ,I" kg b,,,,. Th, ,oort ,m,m<d ,judgmmT fo, 'h, ph\i"'iff. Tho d,f,"d,n",
0'1""" t<ltir"'<I,\t,,, 1", h,,1 t"'tod tho ''In'''
moooll"dder '''~\ fo","llllOl i, mo' tho
UI. ooor. Tl" ph,ittl;rr, "1><:T1" t,~timoo)' "'''"' ,)" ",ult "r "Ol<"-"';Ot" h< ,,,.<10
,,( the i:l<Jd" "",hor ,1'0" ,,,,,,.
" {d_
J> s., .. '"J'''' ch. 7, "]')'1"" of Ddo"","
"'~W: from po .. Uoy ,"',ieh eo .. ld bud;]" if n", fOOl was Im<kd wiTh
o lle,rOl,rlh the normal lO);ld "'~IS foo nod 10 hn'." . aused Ibe riglol kg
of a ladder to bucktc, T lli5 d<.'C~ion wa~ reach,'d C\'cn IIII",gh defen.
dant', ul"'rt leo; l;ri,'tlthat h~ ,,"Sled lh e iI:l.mc nlOde! lndllcr and iT
mCllhc upplicable UL ~Iand"rll , mId pla in!il1'~ ex!"'rt had eMI1li1,,~1
the ladder but nat perrorm~d 311)' I~~l ~,"
In unotbcr case, a ri" ct Ihnt w.1!l largcr than the hole in which it
was in s~rt''{\ coulll have cnu!I<:d stress which c~c<!(!dcd the ten~ilc
strength of the metal ladder leg. res ult ing;n a fmct llre and cal.lapw
of th e t.'g :lIld bdder."
A ~ ri ,'d hole I;OlIl d C;'UIiC a I) dtlcr to colb~. "

A miSYillg safd )' cleal hook ha.~ 00" fo u"" to have co"" i buleU
10 /;odder failure and ;njnry."
A 8' Q()\:c o r inC " ;''''' may Ix: CUI d<1:I"" Ih.~" pcrmin ,'" by Ihe 130.1.
dcr 'I~ndard, C':\ming :, t nil of n wood eo hodder 10 brt'<lk."
If the nail. alld 5C rcw, which hokli lic hillg~'S comc oul, the ladder
i~ ddeet;ve, butlhc defeet ",lI; t bo.' LrMed to the tim. ofsak 10 hold
Ihe defendant liable in w ic! liobilhy."
[4j-)!tsusc." M i~u:;c may be Ih~ tame of an :Iccidcnt. A nli5use

" Collin' y. Maal,<:<>m<t'YWardk Co .. 2 LIll. "1'1" l<J Ion ~ I' KE.!~ 671)(1 'U),
" N"",l.:"'~ ". SlwcCo".. cI "',,"'"C>, ~1 1'.R.O. ~ ( fl. 1)0:\. 196'JJ. 'I,pt)'j" g I,...,.
".f<: Law.
Jt !.: ill ~. Sti ......-..r Dn>, $Tot" C(o" l$ ilL "1'1'- 2d U!I. 151 f".E.2d)O] (196-)).
' 0\\';1\00 v. L"., c', ,\:JotlooM 1I00d"",c. Inc., 2W :-I.C. b6Q. 131 S. P_l d ~I
" ~l ilL", v. St.;. r<kl. 174 "' ~p. 1)1• • ,\,~1. I ~? N.)· ,5. 100 ( 191 6).
S,·, ~I,,, ,'"P'" t 5{;,021111.].
S« g,,,,,,,lIy L. F,unocr k ~I, l'rird"'.II, I',odu", li,bHily. 'h, 2. "M.nur""\ ~ , ,
or', !.i"lJHity in N,~lig<rK<." it 2,l l I"j, 2, I~ IIII (~J.,ltlt<~' II,,,,,,,,, 1 ')~71,
., .~·....,"p,a cit. I l. "0,("",:; ,,1oJ II.'....
!k< at", V. wnLkow;.k. cd., 19S6 SoIlI L,.n, M<1h",!i", l:"i"''''I)' I'md'''b lb~il,
i1)' 1"\\; (" 10, Enl"Si "~ Tr<n~ ,' III 1',0.1"01 L" lIilily l.i l i ~"(""', , h, ! I. J. V>fS'\
",\Iiu"",, _ n. Mookm 0'1' I'h<l<nh" (M.llh ,,," Ikndcr "-*1,
or" ,,"

" .'
t.ADnnI.S .1 .\111 SC\I'Hll .IlS f 56.01141

is any u ninlo:t1tkd use. Th" nil"" for I:uldcr C:'Ire and me a ro: !il:t fonl.
ill th" "~S l . tan da rd,"

------ - --- --- -----

CO MMENT: Mi,use. as .. le8al <Jo fini\""'. I! ~ny unlD.eseeable
- -
use. Unim'mdCd u\.!'! ;" 1". IC/O na. row a dchniticn lor misu$O.
f or elIampre. a :;crc\W'Ciri...... m ~nufactu~r (an hooesllr state
I~a l tn~ i nten ~ ed use 01 a strowd river is 10 pl~ce scr cw~ inlO
wood or rT'K!lal pnd this interld~d uSe only includes D twisting
rM.~n""'t to ttMl ~,cwd riyer lII!ah . Thus. Ine manu facture'
could dMign thC m"lal in the $hall to ...i th$land t",jsti", or
torque b~ not OOnding. 1/ lhe screwdriver ;$ then used to open
~ p~lnt c~n , and tr.e sh alt s pli nters injuring Ihe lIscr. the man·
ulaetu'er, Ilnd e. 1ft\> unintended usc d afinltlon. could a ll ege
ml)Usc . Howevar. INe . yo oo knD\"~ lllat oponing paint CJn5
wilh a screwd ,;V/lr Is lore"'l(lJbIC. Ihu~, under Ihe IO'I!S~3b1o
dclini.icn. Ihc, ,, woo,.1d be no misusc.

If:. ~nf"ty k,tu tc i ~ di"'nf'.'Ig~d ..... lien it sli(\" ld be cnga~~d, ~ud

th e ~,r~l~' re:o!ur~ would h:ovc p",.cn tcd the lIcc idcnt . th e m., ,, ubc·
IP ret l~ g.ener:III~· nOi reo;pon. ibk!· Simi"'rl)', if Ihe ladder {cll hr....
call."': Ih e pI ~int iO' p~"\C"~"d Ihe lad<kr .m ~n "nC"ell Ooor, rnl her limn
b<:C;"' ~C of" <ldect. th e c:osc m"~' be di"ni"wd." or ;on advcn;c wrdi ct
f<'I'd.'~d, tcnnin g bterally on a lighlwci g)1l !"("~ide!l1iaJ ladde r llIay
call"'" the ludde . h) ,,'uhblc ~ud fall, ~l\d has .,...,,, hcltll o be a W<I:
of Ihc hKlder "'hich "-d~ tl(l\ inlcndnl."

" S""/'l/w ~ ~"_O) .

•• :0.: ....,",,'. Sf'",)",I ' ''' l6~ F.2d :!~~ (l, t, Ci,. 1%0). "I"1'lli", tIIi Mi, blo" . I'loin·
liff. a r,r<f"h, ... d imh<d OM ;0,;'1 fit~ tJ.j,J" un. lite u \lok wi,boo, It>o:lci ,,~ ,II<
Ily I,,,l.... otlll ,,"a< inj .... d .' • ,,,,~lt.
" D,'I"" ". Sch..,"!'"","" 0"",_vb " :;"'r>« M"h1" : ll So, ~d ~l. (1 .. , '\!>p, C,.
\ ~b~).rm. {/c~i,'I, :!j~ I,,", 4f>:•. Zl.1 s..,. ~d ~1\ (1%0), 1'1.>1",if( hr" "p.!" "" "","",
" ~,, in" ,h. ",," ,,r."""iCT . ..-h"\<",I,,. "Jld ,<'aik, "r" I ,~dor ,"'!Lid, ,,~l.rr>'<d 3'ol
,I",..., "",">ljlT'" ,I" nc,<>'. j LLj"r; "~ h,,,,. TIL< 1.t>I>i,im", C""" of '\rl'''''' .rr.m>nI
,II< kwI.., ","n', diwrk->t 0( lh. " ' _ to,al "" ,h. "'.(""""""1" ""( ,h..1'hcy
...."' ...... po,lty u( an} ""l,tll"'"' '0< ,,-hl<h """ ";\>LL,,,,l ,., tI," ,ccioto.,. n... 1lo<l<k<
~.u1 I",,, rlu«t ,., • noc', ,,'I,;';'h ,tor.~ It, tho H , """ 1",,1 "'l'pl c<l in ,I", J rr.'< liM
wl"'JL \1", "',, iolin dj,,,'~,1 t" tho '"P I~,(~i":;. "'" iLl 1,,\1> h.'llLh "J~' :.pplie<l ILI,,,-
""< ..
",~- ,d, '1 L< .j ~I' 1
• • kl<h.,J '-. SinF' tUlnl"" ("o,. l61 $, 2J 9~3 ( I i C"1 Ar p. 19 ;5~ 110c ('hintiff
fcl) rrom 3 I.dtl.... h< • ....,. ~... ~ to '''''~II " >i~n:tnd ,..\I~',ru inj .. "". Th. court
.rr",,,,,1 JoJ ~",,",,1 f'l< ' h' " of<"<1,,, r, r. ",I;n;: t\ 1h< f>l.>i,,,jll', "'" d a Ii1'1" .. <i~ b I
,t" ""
'In , ~ , ,,
'f'! 0<
" o.:MI W! I'Z"3 .t.: I ~, ',,1 I't lIdV 'IIr stl ''':> 'JII~ j"'1'> " u"I"t.: ""'.' W:\' • •
'(~;;.Il ~ r~ pr,,..·,, I t '~~l '1l1'!'~ ,tl ....:> "'"I.) 'II'I .., "'!>II ••
·to"~; ~ "'fNI"'~~ ,.
'J'OIH"IH' )00
'" ~ I! ~'!'I" 'OJ "'" ~ .. ~ "~'" '''lll~''~' '1l""I"1 '~l ' ''''1'" '>I'ln'II'!I<»P"';"
'~ I~ 'O~l~ "11 uo
J ~lU~~ JJO ilUlpm'l~ ',h;3 O(ll JO d~l~ dOl ~\{\ lKl :lmjllllll; ';!"!U"~l .r.
4 ~n ~ '~)\ltjrq ~!'I ""')1 ll ll10,,. ~ 'I '~Ill ~'!J c j~)IC,U~ 11'!'I "" )3" ~ '" ""
SII!<'j'I U! I"'",".s,~ 5.).\\ .mln!'ltd ~ 41 J! ,u.:mll1 ~m SUWI~ .' ll UP:i<l ..., li e s!
S!IIL 'II"J :>41 II! UO!I~IIIJ<1J"'V IP'~lIl1s 11.")41 J31'1'~1 ~41 1 ~41 (I.re '~[~I
"100 01 J"IIJ'C[ :>ql :I"!,,....l '.'>.l uCI'''l si'l JSO[JJ!lu!,![d " 411')'[1~1''''' ' LIf'''
.(IIM ItI"'..j "'",,II.")}o"») ·~4 1 "I'-""'~" "' I'JYC'[ "I '~ulII. 1I JO "'''1-(;0]
,,'ptOI pllm><.l -'~l' J~jlllll ~Jn I! uJ ~,l~]lP~ 1 ~IJI Ul llJJ ~l'l~~ I~P P UJO
~3\1 .'J".J I\! ut! J"'II"'1'\\ \l\l!l '!UIJ~ I "l' tI! "l!~"d,,~ ]1'111"1' ]!uttlKl-ooS Jl]l
01 J ~J~J ll!'" ~]Jno~ J'II '~I'Il1H)d QOi: Ie P~Ir.J ~l J~PP" I ~ J! '~m!.1
....'I!~CUU~ 1 "'~1 ~t!l 01
J~pj '';~'I.l '!I.~'i()Jq ~."al 1Il\l PI"tll IS J~PP~I "'II j",]1~ II ." Sll!"!Ull~1
-~l) II! ;; IP~"tlI'-1I""e. "41 lt~ 11001 10" op SUIlOO 'stltll 'J~PP~I "'I' ......
III<" <1'"",,,1 OOl , J ,\O ""0 011 1"4 ' P'>l(~.:l '~Il~nlJ" lIu ~ -~ ....,nod om:
m II ~11lJ ':>! lqnd "'I I " ' I "''' )oJ .r:>ppq ~ 11"" 0 1 "Iqm.os~u" '<! 'I
I "'~I IJ.1J!nb,'J ~ Ill )011 )n q ',(!P~'d~ .' 1"'1\11 ~'11 'I~"J~~ 1\"'(Ip.,~ ~'ll J"
~ 'U\I J ill I" PPP'il ;)lllil D P"t1 1 ~I(I 1"']1 ~JIlJ"') U ~IJO II ·"I1~"'!r.~ p~ll~J
~l) S~\II!I 1110] JO '!"!1\Qi! OOS PI D'l 0) 1'~'l1\kJ pu~ PJI~," ~ I ~p lln<Xl
oot JQ1I!8!J,\\ c 1'1011 ()I p,'leJ J~PPt! 1 V 'Jappq 110 l'I~I ~.\\-[1]]
. .. .\lnfll! U,,,O
SIll )OJ .... IJ~"![ IOU S! :lll ('li e IU:>p!(l..)C J I{I J O X lUU " jijW I"OJIl " lOll S!
M ...,SIIs':") s/4 ' I"'(!"J '<"I'P~1 :'11]1 I)"~I~"! Inq ':Y.I"~l o;q ~!II :'1001 1011 PII'
pu~ IJI1pII1 J Il ' JO d~I' ,10 1 J Il L 110 j U!.... , ~)S SIl,, , lI!IUI,,[d :'>\jI JI - "~'I'
,!:o., u ~II I SII!SlII:.HIl ""'Lnq!11I1OO I) J! ,\1'10 .\J~M~= ' !'I ""~ "I~lJ :lJu.T.i!1
'~~II ,mll lnq '1,,~jj!l~"'lI i ! :XI'~JI'J dOl J\ll UO:;11!J1 1111)S ,<q .1111Jm 'SII!
_lIl'I,,, ~ ",,'pJIlS"J'!P .u!luttlld ~ 'I l JI 'l!U!UJC,\\ PJIIJI'II;)J~r(I-[IJ
',"01"1\ pa"(l!"'~1II ~J~ !>.' llhUP.l<a uOlUUIOJ ~lU OS ' ~~tJ J~P Pl1l
,'J~,'J .~ WillIS!,\ "! >';!Jli Ill'" ~~ Il~!IU pa:t~H'1 :>Uk"" jill\] ·~' n s ! m JO ~';lIaJ
_~P 1) JOJ Sp UnOJ;; , nUJ,tunu ~p!.\t1j" ,.~:lU>"II JJpP" JOJ !;:I!,U ~II.L
0;-9. " <II ,l ~ ) lOl.l.")\' IM 11\'1"1 "(10H,I [t lro-,s ~
!6-ll I,Allm:RS ANI) SCA~l'OI.l JS

The bo.'5l ilVidCfl~c 10 <)"eN:om~ [his argunH,~1t is t~'SIi tllO!1~' of an

cyewiln cu [hnl plaintiff did not ln~e his b" l ~!!ce," Such IC~limoJly
~m! c"cn o"crcomc the fJ<:t Illal I he pllinl ilT \\'~~ disr~saf(Jilig :I spe-
cific hal~n« "",rning. such ~ ~ wan.,,,C agllinsl manding on Ihc top
SlCp Of' top rnp."
The mere f:let tllnt Ih~ dcfcJKl anl-n"~nuraC1U r(r prim.ro ~ warning
11031 the ladde r ICll ,,'ould bend inwa rd if Ihe user CIIus.,-d Ihe Io.w
10 be 011' bJ lancc doa; nO( nb.olvc lhe dcfrll dant. TIl e questiO!I il
whether Illc ladder should hnvc btnt undcr Ih e c ircum~t :II\C!O'l proven
10 cx ist 3\ thc lime of the fall. TII~ (;ICI lI"~llhe dcfclld~!1I w~rncd
1I.al 3n ofl'..o:.Lance Io.,d could bend the let don not mc..n Iklt the
plainlitr~ conduct ~au~d Ihe leg. HI bend, It dOl:. not IlI ("J Il the p!~in­
[Iff wa s oIT bnhmcc,"
If a no rm,,1 elf·b.llancc lo.'l<I wilt c:au:sc Ihe b dolcr Ic& to lnu;kle
or bclld, the IMldcr nI~r be dcf<.'elh'c for I h~ t rcason,
E\'id~ncc (Iml the plul ntiIT violnlcd n stalld:lrd in hi. U!<! of (Ite
bdder i. admiss ible. hUI ~Ol concl usive, 3S 10 \.'h.the r he con lribUI ~d
to hi~ 0"''' ~ccidl'llt," TIL<: plaintirrs c:JIjX:rt nllly IClIlif)'lhlll the vio lp-
1'011 by [he plain [i rr did !!(II cmlS, the r.,II, For '"MmtCe, in I/olldn'gllll
", Apex "'amick, IlIe.. " lite pl~ iLLtirr pl aceli Ihe bme of the lnd der
cithl to I.... rttl from lite ",,,II, w~rI!"J' " Sl:mlia,d iuliio;:ll.-d Ihal
placement slmuld bo; approx'nullcly four fC(( from the W:tll. l'l~ill­
I'rr. c,~pctl tL"; lilied tlm l Ihe difference in pl:l c~nl.nl would nol h ~"e
tau~c'{) I he acc ident. l'h~ conn held lhat th e stnndnrd, whil e admi ... j_
blc, W:iS.no( eODel usive evidence of ab non"aJ U~ of lit(: b dder.
(dJ-Al terotIDfU, If the ladder was allered, Ihe nlt ~rnt i on could
have afl'c et.:d the jX:rrormance or Ihe dc~i g n , causing Ihe ladder t(l
ma lfun ction. For cxmL1pl~, in 3 t':I!.e in whic h Ihe p)'linllfT n~il,-d
'I"pII of wood 00 Ihe 1.' 3r :md flOnl Ie&" o f 3 ",<JOI.kJt ladder, (Ii<;

"II,;',. ", 1, R, CI,,,~ ..

c:~ 2 ~~ MiIL01. 119, 11 'l,W,l~ !I~ (19$$),
U /d,
.. Lilril>' ". Man. J{""bu,".t Co.. III S,W2d ~5 1M" CL API', 1971).
"Ilond npn ", Apn \\'~"";'k , [a"" 101 R.I , 319, 27 j A.ltl 162 (197 1),

, 56.0J 1'1I0 /). wlln. PII ,\CTICf. GllIot:

COllrt rcru.ro 10 ch~ r£c 1 1~,t Ihe jury could i"(er Ihe cn:o:uron or 3
dcr~ct. "

§ 56,03 l.addtr Stundards

11,. '\m "i..n S;t1nlW Sl:Irutsn:!. I",,'il". (,\ .- .sll. ,"" ~I"",", nf•
•" " .. <1;"" II •..tollen 1::>11'1',\ 1. (;"",,",",11.,. I..>."" .. t<>ric:< tIIL),.1III
,b. O",,",. U...) Sartly 00Id Er.. lth Ad .. IoIo I,.,1I1or! (OStiAl ..,... as
.......:t ,\>ou ,">lh . opp1.· I" I. ~ •. I.odd<rs II, .. C',,"plj' .. III, ASS I
,,""d.. ~. "III ...,., Uy ol.......,r_ 10 VI . •1O......ct... n • • ~lnld .
0511.\ , _lOll... It. ,.m '" tort:< ~:'" r" ... ,Ito ,\:-iSI 'I""d,..~ ••
(tl-AIlICI"icnn NII,lo,",! St.Rdords )nsllt_te {A:";"SI). Thi.~ ~Cl i(lt!
will :maly?c Ihe ANSI sl"'ld~rd.! ill w,,1~i l. It i, ull lik~ly I b~t a h dder
'1\;11 cuu\ply wilh Ihe npplil;":lblc Af';"SJ ~t undnn! an d 1\01 "'i,h Ihe Ul
~ 'nl1dMd.

The Amcric"'l Nntion.,1 St:lndJtd~ Institute (ANSI)' fl3ss.:d IMir

original Arncrio~n Nnliom,1 SI:lndurd SnfelY Cooe for COIISIrOe licll.
Cnr(, and Usc or b ddcr:« in 1923. ANSI ', Conllnill"" on S~rdy In
th e Cou stru ctiml. Care, nud Y.<e of l 3ddcrs, t he A I4 Comll1il1~'<:,
pt"(pan-u th~ initi.,t ~1~l1dard jll 192] , ~!UI il ~ rcvi.k:m~, up lIlIti! 1948.
lk'<;lIosc or the ,'3, 1ollll 1)'1""" of b dtkrs lh;u b«nme :\\"si!nbk, Ii"e
Su !)comnliU ~C!i were ultimately Cr(nlc"<i, <kalinG ..... ith J'orl;.bk Wood
..... udcn, l'ort3bl e Mct~l ladder.l, Fi~c-d LIIddcrs, J(lb·Madc lad·
deN, ~lld Portable Reinforced Plastic Wtk.!o. E.3c h Suocommillec
ha~ prcpnrcd ~ st nnd:trd 10 d~n l with il s p~rlicLi lar Lypc of I ~ddcr.'

ScI'<:!"l1! Nlvilio n.' of ""e h of th~ ~ lalld"rd. h~ve occurr.d. so lh .

~Il c nlt:)· m u~lli rsl Ukntif)' which \,.,IloIOOl of which ""'.lId,,,d :lppli~..

"&;0\"," •. '><, .... R_ck" Co .. '40 COl, Apr, ld 79~. ~ ('~l. II p'r. t~J
(t9 66 ~

• An"""'" S ot;n".1S<oIOd.t••h In"ilu, •. 1~JO Il,,,,d"".'j". " ow Ym' . N...., \'~,k

,\n,,,;".,,, " ..ioo.>l Sl J!><I..d for lool"""_ I'wtoliL. Wood-s,(<ty It«t";~
""'".. ,\::>ISt ,\l U·I~!l:
J\,>I<ri<~" N"ion.>l Sl, t>Ibf(l fat L>dd<...-I'o<l.ObI.: M"..' -S,j<l,' iI."'l "i",·
m,,,,,.... r--SJ "!~. l· 19U

","""<~ " N:uiomol SIOIld. ", fOf bdtk<"l-J'i « ol_,'" r",\, 1\<'I "i """,", •. ANSI

" ""rico" ",,,lion.1 S,>!,",,,, 5,r,I)' R",ui".,,,.,,,, fbr I ob- M;><l. LotkkN. ,\;"51
"H.-'· I~J';
,\""r "'~" 1\"1;01\:11 Sl a!><lord for blkl<ts_I'<n' Dbl. lI.';nlormll'la"i<_ s,r<lY
1I."", ~irem<t>", ,\"'$1 A I ~,~·1 9Sl,
.... ""

10 hi~ ~"'dcr. Tht v<;Diu" orlh~ Siandard "·hie" ....lIS in dT«t al the
t;me I.... ~WdU<:L "1I~ [...,111 I,y I "~ m~nuf;'clu rer i~ I 'll! ot"f ~I;utda fd
which i~ (ldmissibl~ .l

Th ~ (11l.. lyr.i. belo ..... ~oncc rn. tke mo. ! COmmOn IJddc"f"S, port~ble
,,~KI<l :Ind md:il llImI~n... I-Iowcver. Ihe same IfPCS or t~. (,re ;'I1~li ·
cilbk 1U pof1~b)c r'~ 'l fmcc-..l I1I~~lic ladtk rs. ... ilh SOJl1oC v~ rin liotl'i in
dct ailllmi inlcrpr~ln li<l n. and lbe ~amc ly pc:'i of rul.." appl )' 10 rhc'<:l,
jub'M1nd~, ami fi re d~plrtmCIlt bdtkr~.

Fron, rt:tUing II,is th~l'wr. The ~ lIorney shOl"d be 3ble 10 ~

whi~h typ;.: of Il'l>l would have di <l:on"T,.. llhe lIe(,",,1 !\USpI.""led in the
ladd er in "".."Iioll. I"o r Ihe nCllIal pcrfnrma"c¢ of Ihe tesH. il l~ n ec~'
"'ry to rd'cr 10 Ih e dolnils !oct forth in Ih ~ >landnrd illidf.
Fi' M. coull!ocl n'UM ideo tify tbe type or laddn . (I) W~S il made
"" IIIC job'! If so. the job'lnmlc '~d,\cr ~13nl\:Lrd 5honW be COll5nltro.
(2) If it \\"a~ not ni nde on lite job, j, il por lable? If mH. Ihe fixed-
ladder ,.a ndnrd appJ("" (3) If it is port~ble. i~ it made of ..... 00..1,
mel:l l, Or pl",,1i<:? Onl)' Ihl: "1'l'1ic:lbl<: Sianda rd sloo..old bC' nm~id"n:d.

[21 -acc "p~ti/)MI SafelY a"d Heal lh Adl!1lnislralion (OS HA),

Th e OS IIA Rcsulati,',,~ for Llllden a nd Sc.1lrold,· are lakell ln rgcly
from t h ~ AI'S 1 >l.a"ll:i rd~. The a SH A Regil lalion~ ~p<.""ificall)· incor-
porate by rcl"I:rellec Ihe ANS I , taud:< rd. ~nd .....,IIire ~II e lllploy"rs
10 , uppty t~dd."" ~nd Sl:arrold~ 10 too, CM1l'tO),'''''S whieh C<lnoply
..... ilh t1t~ A NSI ~!~nda rd,.>

os r tA ,eglll.li <J< '.~ l~hni"~n)' Ut'l1l), 10 the employer, nOI Ih e man-

uf~c ... r~r.
The; ' <1'r,""",,1 Ihe CU~lom m,d I1l":lcticc in lloe ind""t.}",
. .. and ~ ,c nd no;,"-;hk=. lot k;l~1 o n ~ II cgtjg(nc~ \·;.us.: oJ f a Clion. for t lla!

'&". ,'.11'•. l -''''' ,'. CDI ...~,. 01 S.\".!,I ,61. 41.1 SS.S.1d .l7~. ~61 ..... It. l<! ~"I
(190;.&,. , •• d "".;rt d Li""", <.",. ,It-: .-..),.1 ..1"" of ~",icl"" ,. of ~ ... "d3rd """,,,,11.1<'<1
,,,,. "''''''h ",",or <I<li,...ry c!tI,,, ,<h,c," .... t,dd 1<' .... , • • ·"",ibk CfI"'"•
• l~ C.F.II . H 1 9~6.-I~~ ~11191l"7).

Su ~<"."",lIf· 11.. II "f"" &. It. I k~"". ()" "polk."t S"("r "00 1I,,,llh Ml (M",·
lhc~'11"",1" 1• • 7).
, ~ 19:5 4lO(~)(.\11 1'm;1 fF<'rt.o bk ,,',.'<1
13<l<lrnI: § 19~6.4lO(a) (4) Cr-oAabl<
m<",l b dd ... ,): ~ 1~1 ... .;~.XS, ( 1!,!1I 1r.,«Il:uIdc, v. So.. § 19!6.~.<Olbl (19'7)
t.iob mad, 1..1deu).

PROIl. ].JAil. PR,ICTICE GU[[)f:

rcason." Tiley al.o ,hould be u'«'d by lbcuperl", one nflhe ground~

for hi~ opillioll.

[3}-UllIicrll"rilcrs Laborntories (UU. Tile rul.:., and t<:81, in Ihe

l]L 'tandard, alld III~ rlIic'; in the OSHA regulations, are ,imiJar to
tho~e in Ihe ANSI ,Iailliard,.

[oI}-r.linimum Rcquircmcnt~ f"r Safely. The ANSI siamiards e~­

pr""ly CSlnhlil;h only millimum TC"{I"ircmenl'; for ';lfet~·. Till", com·
plial1ce d"", l10t mean thaI a ladder i, nlll def(."Clive. The ,tandard
b not detcnnin~]i\·. ofth"l i"ue, ~ince pwduct, liabililY aClion~ arc
of]en "onccrrled ",illl more Ihan millimulll safuly.

§ 56.04 Portable \\'O(Id L:idders

.\t';S] AI4.l-19X2 I, 11", Am"i,"" ""1"'001 SI."dord, [,,<111.10
(,\t';S]) 'Ia"~"rd fur po:>rlolJ'" ~,"><I 1000dtrs. Sh.", tllerc "'" ,·",Ic..,
InK." u, ["dd", .nd diff.reot con~i'i< .. < nndor ~hi.h ,1"')'",0 ",«I,
Ihe <tood"d ,h.. ld bo llbe"ny .."-,,,ncd. 1 ho Il"f'C ,I .."od Iha' c,"
!>< ,,,.d fo, ~"rt;,"la, I"dd" po'" I. 101 fo,lh in th< >I.od,,,d ".d i,
'I"-·,mc .... II",II,·~. 'n" 1)'pC or ~""I,..,... 0",1 ("-",",,, ;, .1,,, 'I"-'cl-
r..,d ~'llh ,.1". lor "ppll.. llon.-.r !hc 100'1<"'ro, I·:..,h l><llk' I. ,.Ied.
I",", T)'f'C lA 1<_,lm·be,,)'·d.,)· indo,I,I.II."Nld" ~ilh 300·~.od dull"
mtjn~llo T)'po I [] lIi~h'·d.'~· ho.",h"ld I.dde, ~';Ih a 200'1","00 dnl~'
mtin~ ,or Il~ht h<,",,',"nlll ""'. Thc 'l,",~,rd C""lnj".lIe"'II"~ ,~""m·
c.II .., ~"'Ct.I"~ 110" dl"", •• I"", ,lid """'tn"';",, of 1""1""10 ,'''pI."Nl'
ol,'r>, 1""1''''' rn"n [.,ollk,.,.. ')'IOci.,I-pu,,,,,,, 1",10, .. , ",1<1 "op <1",,1,.
1..0<1,,,,,, m." P""" "D",i~n vo,m,,,liI.. '[c·,I," '" rn;t~, ""e Ihe)' ",m'
ply ~llh III< rtq.l"m,"" III th, "n.olArd. In ""lIo1potlnn nl <",,,.
on .. )•• ,I,,". "tt(),oe)". f(), b,-,(I, .10," ,),,",101 ,'n,"" Ihollhol' O."orlS'
""t ""'lh<~l, ood ~,,'''k'<lRe 0, It..' te;! <I,I"II,"ro .,«'11<:01. $In'" II
I. ~cn<f"lIy dirn,,"11 I" ~""n' ~h<lh" 110,' <~" """'''"''f",·I.rI"~ 0,
d,,[~" ~ef<" '''0 "",il 'he t.,ddl" h~, ""cn tom'd. 110", l,tId"" ,1",,10
I", t<Sloli 1,"li"II~' to, ""~,, l~j. lIe],',ml"OIh .. , lIon ",,",«I 1;,1,,<,: 2,
tho I",~I", II .. , /.lI,·<1: ~nd 3) a l><llk' ~'I'I<:~ ho, m'on In ''<I.I,ulon, ''' ••
,\ """,11<, or 1.... (, "," l;c I"-·rlor...,d, "'d.<lln~ I().J I •.>!'. h,,,ln''',"
",t>;, drop 10'ts, noJ 'l.bllll)' .. <I'.
[lJ-Baekgro~Md. The ~lalld;ml fur p-or[;lb1c wood );(ddcr~, li~e
Iho other,;. wm; dcri"cd from Ih~ original Amer;o;lll :>ialiolH') St~1\­
dard Saf~lj" C()(]~ fur COllstnlctioll, Care, and U,c of I.:lddcn;, A \4,

•."" R_ Ifng'" &.1<_ 11,>\,.,,,. O,oul""i",,,1 S,fd), ",,<I

lk\lth ,\01. ch, 12. "Tho U"
,,[OSIIA ill I'ri,,,,, l.iti(;,,,io,,;· i 1;:,OI(2) (~1a"I"w II.:"d" 1"~2)
~','" g<',,<'wlly 1, [),,"', f;,ld"IJIi"'J' 1/", <1 OSIlA /I.<·.~,d","m .., 171!- T";ll I.",,",
Q_ (19~l)_


tiNt appro"ed in 1923. It wa< re,'i~d in 1935 and 1948. [n 1948,

a '.pamte American Natiollal Stalldard C(}(lc cO"oring wood lad-
deN. A [4. [, Wil, created. It wa~ revised asain in 1952. to cover ju<t
porl:lblc wo(}(lladdcrs. :lIl(ithen re"i",d in 1959. 1968. 1975. lll1d
E~tcmi"e upgrnlling of t ll~ port:\bl~ ladd~rs standard< wok plilc~
ill 1975. in rcspomc [() a COII,umcr Prod",t Safety Commission elml-
icngc, A Testing T;[~k Force. with over 100 ladders expert~ pro,'iding
technical expertise. held mcelillgs and performed t<:sIS, for over two
)'~ilr<. ANS[ AI4.1-19S2 I,,:came effi.'Clire 011 October 4, 1982.

[21-lhlionul~ (ur Stundord. Th~ official r,dionalc for a <tandard

pmvidL"i excellent di,cu>sion and sholild be referred to by the e~pcrt
in hi~ w,tlmany cOllccming thc ~Ialldnrd, It Cilll b. ll~ed clfecti\'cly
on cro,,·cx:uninmioll. Often the opposing expert and hi< attornq
will not bave obtainod this import:!nt dOClllllcnt. ~illcC il i~ not MIld
Wilh th e standard itsdf.'
[J}-lnlcrprelalirJll. The ANSl Committe.., will not imcrprctthc
~tandard. Di~pllte< in interpretation lIre referred 10 lhc Americun
L:~Jdcr [m,ti1Ute,

Th~rc lIrC man)' dilTercnt tyl"" of ladde,.... und different conditions

IImler which 1hcy arc '''cd. Therefore. the ,tandard should be libcr.ll-
Whcn it i, impractical to m<ct the lit"r~l reqllircll1cnts Oflhc It:ln-
dard. exception, Cll!! b. made. but only if equivalem safely is ~­
[4}-:'I-blcrinls. A wood lnddcr i~ ollly a~ strong as the materials
from which it is madc. The type of wood that can be lI~d for particu·
lar I:,(idcr part' is set fonh in the st:mdnrd and j. 'I,,--.:;ific and limit-

, The ,,,I "",do ('" A KS t A 1-1, 1· 1" ~ 1 1110)' "" d,w; "cd ~y ~'ri,;n 8 I)" s.,,,, ,0 d" r",
,h.' Sub.;;""",,ill«,
TI" AI11<ric-:,,, L"W" In";'u,<
III E:t" Wacke, Dri,,"'
Cb;l'"~O, Ill. ({I601

'AKSI A14, 1·19!1 ~ 1,.1.


ed.' Tll ~ I)'PC or h:\ rdwar~' ~m1 ra'leIl C~' l~ aIM) ' JX'C lfJt"1l, wit h rI' ).:s
for applic:ttinn of the ra~tclI~r.;.

A comr><lllcnl part made of ~om e w()od part not ,pcci r. edi u t h~

~ 1:lJ1 dnrd ntUSt meet
the r~'q\!ircm ent . of the Ma ndan! for ,trcng.th.
st itrn~~ . du ' abili l),. pIlrfo rman ce. UIUJ wtathL..-ins dl ar:tctcri.,iL".'
{S}-l·t·~ (If J.nddCf'!i ~ n d n cir ))f", c,, ~oo .... "ad, l :uld~r i~
I"lIll1l, from 'f ypc; fA (cs'r:t·!Jc:I'<}"·d uty industrial b dder ...1111 .\00.
po.",d dUly tilting) 10 Type III fli.{l.h l·d ul)· ....mso:hold b dder ... ill!
II 2QO'fI"Iu,d d UlY Tali nG fo r lisht hou!Io:h••ld u,,<,).'
A fom , ul~ del~nnilll"s the "e<:e'~'I)' !.lirnen "'; "n s of p:m i.;" b r spe,
ck", of ladde r ma te ri al,.' Th e pu rpc>!iC of th e formula is ttl c~ su rc
n , ui lnbic IODd 'e:\rry ilig C<lpncit l' uf pa n s o f the ladder. "
A limitatio n is plnced m. the l ~nGt h~ nf rach I)'PC of 1'(H labk ~tcp'
I:ulder. ror ins!aIIl.X'. the I;ght ·!.l ut~· househuld ~ t<ldcr ="'ot
long 3~ Ih o: intlu.<trial l:Kklcr."

(6J PorillMe St.."l:o.dtlm..

(R}-(;ctHlrnl Rcqulrcmenl5. T he s)op(; of ~ t~p I",J!.lcr.; i5 lin 'il '
ed." Sp~c ~~ 1!<:lwc..,n thc ~tc~ i, limite!.l." The ,t~p~ hal' c 1l,) he
lel'cI," The ~id.:: r~iI ! mll't be al le:\.';1 IL~etl ~i " width ap~r, nt the
top or th e I ~ ddcr" and 111\"1 'pr~"d UII! III ~ ' erlain C.Xlc!\! rrOn\ 10p
t('l bruto m.'·

· /d.~U,

' JJ..tH.
' /J· tH.
' /J. f ,.S.
' !rl. t 6. 1. 1.
' 1d. 1 b.l.l .
'"rd. f ~.I.~. l,
" U. ~ tt. l .
"(J. j tt.l .U.
" IJ. § 6.~ . l.!,
" f, t
" IoI. t 6.1. ' .J.
" h1.
l.,\om:R.'i AI'iO 5011(-"01 .0 5

The Sle~ m u." be ;'''~"hcd in a "erI~ ill man ll"r." Slelll~lkIclS

mu~t h;we ~ lOp ("ap. ,,·hich allo,,"S fl"l.'C s"·j,,sin&o f tl.e back So."(lioll
,,·jlhoUI cu,,:s,<i,-c pl~y or w~ar ~I Ihe juims. "l" t nUlIlbo; r o f rh·"I~
~nd the sp;"IciUI:l \:M:1"CCfl Ih e rh·clfo, i. p ,e;crihl.' lI."

T he spn:adcr ",Ur.! bo: of ~\lmcien l ~i1c and ~lrenSlh.'·

[h}-l. duslr;'l ] Stt p1;odw" . T he dim c n , io n~ of Ihe l'.1rt~ u,;cd
in Type IA al\d T)·pc I ~t ~pl:!ddcr~ are pn" cribt:d." The ~ I CpS" :1111.1
bracins" are ~ peclflcd.
[t)-Co nlln~ rdDI St~pl mkh.·rs.
Th e dimcm.io!ls or the rllt1S,"
th~ ~IC)l>." and br ~ cing" arc nil prcscrib.-d.

I d}-Ho,~.old Slepbddcrs . Tho:: dinl<:w;io"s of 1he P.1Ilf.," Ih.

st<:ps,'" ~ nd tI.., brncin," ~rc pr~'SCnbcd for hOll~h,,1d Mepb dd("f"S.
35 wcll
17}-1'or13bk Rllnl: Uiddcrs. TIICf': a ' e fOil' Iy","-s (If portable
, un£ b ddcn: ( I) r.insJe lOOd" r: (2) ,,,·,... ,,,,,,,illn c., lension b ddcr: (3)
"t"<;t irlll,,1 ladlk r; ;lIlt! (4) 1,,"!.lle and cxtcII~iOJl IT"",, )..; l~ddc ,. Each
has it ~ o,,·n ~p.:dn ] r~'(lllirelHclih.
[nJ- Gcncl"Ill Rcqu lrements. Tho ladder. m n~· ha\'~ '·Mi(luS
Iypes (lr b,,;e~.'· UUlllls mil S! Ix: lc,'d and properly ~ruco:d." Th~

"1tI. ! 6.:. 1.~ .

'" fI!. ~ 6.;:.1 .).

>0 Id. ~
" Id. j 6.1.~. J.
,. J:I. f
"/J. n 6.1.1.l.. 6.l.M .
,. M. j 6.1.!.1.
"101. ~ ~ . 1. .1 . :.

"/d. II 6.~ .l ..I· 6.l.H.

"iii. i
'"I</. I
,. M. t 6.: .•. 3.
"M~ b.l. I.\.
"1<1. ~ ~. l.U.
"'100. I.IAn. PRAcn CIl (lUIOIl

rung. "'U ~I be <lunched to th e ~ide rail ~ in a cert ain \\'ay." The rungs
m u~\ I>e made fr"lll n p:trtk~ \ar g.roup of wood.' :Ind \Ie a lllillil1l~n!
d i:uncl~r. Ucfl"nding on tbe k,lgtb o r. he fU"g.1>

Sh ~~ or allti ; li p devic~~ nrc optiona l equi[lnJ~nt." The ~la lld~rd

d~ n OI require thoi. ills!~ Uatioo.

[hl-5in~k Lmlder. TIIerc Me fou r lyfl"S 0( iinglc bddcrs, ""'itll

maximUIll 1cngth ~ for each t)"[le." Side- wil dimension s nrc ~[lCci­
lied." 'Ind t lte ...i d th bet ...·«n t he :;ide l'3iis al tlte b.l><:" i, specifh:d.
[eJ-Twn-SeCllolI f;x tc:Mion L:'Idd.::r. n,eN Me fnur t)'flC'I and
$il(!l; 0( t\\'o-~ect ion cxtcI15ion laddcrr.. " There ;ore maximum sizL-;,
for instan~c. 60 feet for Tyfl" I ;md IA • .w r~~t for n'[le II. and 2t
f""l for Type 111. " Minimum sidc·r:ti l dimc!l~ions nrc _t1.'o S",~lkr
' klc railti :lTC ncccpi"blc. if the r~il . llr~ rcinforc~d pro!",tl)' and arc
cqui,-:t k nt in ... rentth. " There is" ntin im um diM"'OCe bcl\\'~'Cn lite
~idc rnit~ of the "Qucm s«ttCIl."

There must he u minimu m overl~p bclwec-n the twO '~Cli(ln~, de.

pend;ng on tbt IJlfl'I of CAI~$jon b d<lcr... Th~ <:.~I~I .. ion J:tdd ~r mw.!
"'" cOllStr\l~l cd lIOlhm the l:t<ld~r C"lInnOi he W\t:u " i lh t~~ limn t h ~
minilnmn overbp ."
Tbcre ml1!>t b.: .'I minimum d~t:lllce bet""....... " tbe pui" tS of bi:.'If.

"Id· t ~.~. I.~.

"f4. ~ 6..l. t.~ .

" hl.f /d .U.

"!d. I ~..I.:!.l.
.. J,l j ~ . l . ~ _~ .

., IJ. ~ 4.)_2 . ~.

"M.! G.J.3.1.
" 14.
,·/,t J ~_ LU .
., M. ~ oJ .J.7.
" /d. t 4.l.1.!.
" U J /0,3.3.4.

ins.· · 3nd there muSt Ix: 3t 1,",,5t tl>'O p.~in of gu ide iron~ where the
10!, and boUOIn sn:lion~ meet" L.ock~ all d ~uide irolls tn ust bot: nleta1
and mo ng C!lOll g!! to dC"eiGp th e rnn ~trcJlllt h of th.: 5idc mil , ." The
gul d ~ iro n ~ mU.l prc" em fh e uppe r M.'l:lion of thc ~Iddcr fro n1 1ippinG
or (;liling ou l whi k: Iht lad der i~ mist."d. JO\>'~rnl, or in IIS\"."
A rope and ,,1,]1<.,)' ona)' be u>Cd ","it h the c.~te il lio n l:uhkr, lJUt lh.
diam c1cr of the pulley ,," d t ll~ rope. ~"d th e minimum brcl king
st r~1I1l1h or the ropc:, must meet lht stan dard 's ' rccifK:"ll oni.··

Id}-S«lionaJ L'Kklcr. The slaudanJ .<d.~ forth n~I~ imum

le"Sl h~ or seaionlo.· · minin ..." " d i m.'~''':I!IS of lh. side r~iI~" an d
mi nitnlllll width dim en, ion s." Die ,;ectioll~ hll\'C to be ~onrll'C l,,'d in
3 p:l . ti cular m ~lInc r."

le}- Trc.~I !c lid I::xt~ uinll Trtl.'ltk Luddl:1", Type. I . Th.".. is 11

"'MinIUm k:tl&t h and ';~.e." mi"i nluon di m~,~'~"'s ofth" ~idc rai l:;.,"
mi nimum sl'rcud of th . l'e,! I~ al Ih" bon oill." and millinlUm wi dth
between ,id~ rail ~. " The eX! Cll si(1tl seclion mll!l D"eria" Ihe b:\,c sc~ ·
li on b~' n prcsc ribl:d Itumtu" , Or r~C1."
The mclal hing" joinl :It t he 10" or lh" side r:liJ~ mUM " ,e\'(111
'f'r~~,j ill g. ··
Tlw met al s p =d~r or locking d ~ ,'i cc m U~1 be of slIm-
ci em ~i7.e and 51n:nllw to ,;.ccol el~· IlOld Ih e rrOn! and back ~CCtiollS

" IJ. ~ 6.J.}. ~ .

•, IJ.I 6.J.1.1>.
.. I J. f 6,J.U .
" /II.
. jIll , lo.3.J. IO.
.. fJ.' 6.J.~, I .
.. M. f &, H ,!.
~, /d.

"IJ. i ~.J.H

" IJ. ~ 6..1. ~.I .

"hi. ~ Id .U.
"/rl. f 6,].l ..t
" /... t 6.J.l.4.
"(4. j; 6..1.H .
"Id. ~ 6.J.Hi,
".,. ''''
f $6JIl[8) I'IWI). r.lAu. 1·1I.~C1rCE GUIIlI:

ill th~ open po1i!Km."lh e C.\ICl1~on l00;:king d,-",i n: mm! ~ of a dc·

~ Ign nlu] ~lrCr\glh which Il cvclops lh ~ rull mC\\Sl h Grlhe ~idc rails."
Ru nS" "'''lnOI be mor~ II~~n 18 inch<:s .1parl . nor 1= llt.,n 8 inches
~p~rt. 011 tll~ e~tclisia ll ke lian, HUI S.' ~h3n Ix: s/U=I:II knt 6 ineb·
~b apMl and 110\ mOrC [lmn 12 inch~'S apftrt. "

E..lclIsion l rat!c In<ldL'flIi m UJ;! b.: ronmuc!~'<l w tb.1! Ihe I.ddl!l"

C311 00[ 00 IISI.-d " ;111 an O'W ld!) of b s lhan Ihe min imum prescribed
b)' the slmld ard ."

[~}-Plntfor .. l .Jlddc r. A pl atform InddcT i ~ like a portnble lld·

d ~r. c.\ccpt it h~, a worklns plnlform ncnr Ihe lOp. Requir~ mcnt ~
for eOll!otruction arc ~im il ~r to [h~ fCW" slcpladdcn. 'I'het"~ ar~ s!'<-'Cif·
ie '\'qllir~menl ~ for Ihe slope of lite hick = I;,;,n.... Ihe minimnm
wldl lt bclWl'Cl\ ~idc r;,i l~ at the platform ." and the method by which
Ih. b:tck lcS~ nnd ,i<Jc rnil, arc conncelcd."
TIle platform mUSI be 11l:'ldc so llt"-I it " 'ill not f:til ordcfotm under
a loud of 1200 Ibs. fo r t )·pe IA: 1000 1b5 .. type I: a nd 900 Ib~ .. I)-'pc
JJ .fl
Ib}-I'lIlnICr'S S lt'fIhlddcr. l'!lime",' Mcp];I<kIc,,., Type II . c"n·
nO! "" lonlle r titan 12 feci. mea,u rcd frem Ihe fronc rniln l01l8 10 the
top of the tOP SICp." They llil"c 10 lII eet cllc Tcquj r.mcJ1l~ fo r slcplnd·
tkrs. CXCCflI :
(~) The top ..~ p can iii: climin:'I(d:

., 1oI.! 6..1.~.'.
" II. § 6.3.'.10.
u/d. ~ lo..\, ....
•J {,I. ! 6. ) .'.9 .
•• /d. t U .1.2.
" 'rI. §6·U .l .
"/Il l to.4.) . ~.
"I<!.! ".~. I.!.
"/J.§ 6.4. ~. t
56_bl !l SWlIIOJ

(b) A m Il<: spre;ld~r may l~ \I~l'<l instcalf o f n m~l:d ~l'rcml~r.··

[~}-M:lwn's r.... ddn. A n1~son's bdd~r Is" 'pccial 1)"pc of sin-

gle \;oUd~ , for lise in hn'·y c'>Jl~ruclion WOII.:. It COI"'lol bt: lon:;.:r
than .w r~~t.'o Ther.: i~ n milli mtlln ~i ze for slde mil.,," minimUIll
width between the sllf~ mi ls!' 11m! specifk:lliom for Ih e runs phl c~·

(9)-5ltp S ioois.. Sll1' , tooh (; ... 001 be longer I h~n ilKhcs." n

Thl~ r sltlfN nmy nOI be k." Ih ~n 4 inch<::'i in the fr011l nml 2Y, inc!!~"l
in Ihe b;l~k ~cctio"." T here mll~l b. at Iea.t lOY, illche~ bt:t wccn side
rail , nt th ~ lOp >lep. TIle sprc:ld must incrlM~ IX il1che!< per fOOl .
frum wI' 10 boUo m." Ther.: mll, l be 1\ ~urrlCienl l}' Mrtlnll meta l
jflf"e:Jdcr ur IllCkins dc,·ke 10 Ioc;k the front IIml bae): pos ition s in
open ro,;ilioll." The lOp c"l' 1)HI ~ 1 be at IC:l:ll II fOOl wi de. SX in ches
de"", arId X·ille!! th ic~.
[IO}-I>ctJ1l11 \'~rifi(":II;OfIl"tsI&. I....:!d dcn n,u~1 p3 ~' IC:SI~ to rna!.:e
.u r~ th~)" Ct"II,r"ml to the rcqu iremelll, of tb~ st:llldnrd . Tile prderrvd
"D.... ign Verificati<ln Tcs t~" un;: tle,;crilxd In Ihe ~1:lI1d Ufd." Othcr
Il.,.t, rn a)· b.: Il""d iUlL~~d, Out if tiKlre i.. "
diITer.:",",,,, in r.,.u lls, tl..:
pld·e'lT~ tests shall d~l<:rmi"c ...ha h". the ladd er coororm~ wjlh the
l\'atur3l!y, whcn rlf: rr",,"illll a \<::'i t or i1l1c'prdin!,: rC5 ulls, . erc.·
<"lIce mUM l~ made 10 Ihe ~lanlbTd ilsclf. 1101 10 the O\ll iinc o f Ihe
!ila" d;"d pm..·idc"d in Ihis clmple •. Th" <)II!Ji!\<; io t his ch~)ltef" is il' •

.. Id. j 6 . ~. :! .2.

'0 JJ. t
"Id. t ~ •..·,l.
"hi. ! 6. •..1..'.
" It£ j b ~ .J.4 .

"Id. t'-'·I.
" /d. I IU.1.
" 'J. t (,.'.,L.
11 1.1. ~ ~ . , . '­

It ttl. ~1, . 1.
"/lNS! ," •. I.t~S2 j ' . 1.1.
/I" 'M !" ", "r II" I... " ",<r"m1 ~. Ihe " aurl:oro.! ;. !"(I"·ioI<d ;rt/rlJ
~ '6JJ.<IJOU·)·lr).
PRe)!). L),\II. I'R,\CrI (.·E Gum !';

1 '~ldal 10 hiShlis bt :1Ic:l~ .. f iuqui r)' and IUO"id" a n

11110' fIOtem ia l
c '·crvi c,,· of l li~ p\l rposc~ an d procedurc!i of th e te,t s.
[a}-Yl'.\ti _1t ElTon;. 'fhc ~I~ nd~td st~lC!1 I b~1 " (sJubtle ,':Ina·
liom in t('l;[ [c-c litl iqu"ll may inml<Juc~ ~ i~nilien m ["'Iinl.! ~rrol1l tlt~[
bi1llthc le~ling p rogram." It sla tes th~l th e PC!!;"'" cOIloiLlctjlll,! lhe
tc;lins sllou'" h,: c:ncr,,1 to fuU\lw ~II <!l:I:oils of Ibe 1""1'" "'--ing <:I;pc.
cia!!y e~ rcfu l if lk"j' ar e inexpe rienced lit ladd~ r tc,ti nC' "
111;, Jl,u" jd"" a r... liI~ arel of c rQ\j,·eM minal;on in a ny IlMkIt r
a.s<:. !lot h coun,",~ ' ! e~pert and the "1'[lI)llent'., ~~r"'rt 11':1)' Ix: <juc~­
li oncd (0 determi ne wt.<:thcr 1hey kilo,., tIl e dcta;]~ of l he t~'S.t in ;; j t:Oll'
wrds. Ifl hey tJo not Imo"- Ihc ddails (Ill the witnei10 sl~nd. Ih c jury
may cOllcl ud c t)tnt Ih~y didn'l r" uow the del ail . in til e field ,
Tbu~ .he la...')'~ r shOl.]d do ' '''0 . hingl- Fir~l. he nm~t ma"" .~ur"
Ihat hi ~ c~l"'rt'~ I"'H int, metltoo . :lnd kn " ,,'1cdgc arc lJoCy,lIld ntt ~ .·k .
He shou ld obs..r.'c Ihe lCj lins to mnke ~"r~ Iii~ ~.'p<r l f" lImn ~vcr~'
tk tail or Ihe ~.tldc r I""";n~ md hoch !oet forth in Ih", Sl3ndnru , Ik
mUSI use the prd~rr.d teSI. ", I forth in Ihe .l uIl!brd. Ol hcrwi~e, if
Ih cop jXIllcm \lSl:5 lhe ! t;lrld~rd'~ l..-st" pU I'l>~ mll lQ § 7. 1.1. Ih~ 0 11P!)-
n''1lf~ 101 ra.u lts wi ll ikl(.'rm inc wh"th<lT Ihe b ddcr COnll,)i l.'d ,."th
the slnlldard. TIle lawyer IHII ~I thc!) i1l1crroga lc tbe c.~ l"'rt , b~fllrc
trial, to nl:lk c sure Ilml he Ca n n:cil e Ihe dc t~i ls of lhe I~'SIS he pc:r-
form l.'d ,
s/',OIIO, fhe I ~wj'cr ~ho\lld h:l"~ Ihe tle l~il, ~ f Ill" lI:!!t, li st,..I for
r ....ddy r~rere"cc d uring «"""",~anl;nati\lll <Jf hh oPflOn~IIl's I:Al)<.' ft.
He sho uld COIlduc t a Ir;\'i:1 tc~t with the '''ppOuonl's c~pcrt. rr the
cXj'lCrt nl3hs a nli,tah, elle l:t",)'cr !.iIO!!]tI refer H' § 1. 1.-1 ,,"t1(.,':ld
lh.:ol "diliGL'llt c rr<lrt a nd cia><: 311cnlion 10 <lIt d... t"iI~- i~ nC<:<."Ios;n y.
o r "" c " ~ ubllc lC$ting errors in Le.t tcchlliqu", mn)' imm d uce ~ig/IJF'
ru lll 1\"'ling crm r~ Lhal \)illS Ille 1~'Sl i"g I' fogral ll."

[b}-Ch""s tn~ tll ~ ]~1 1Itlcr to T~s l. It is u.<u;lII)' iml""'ibk to

de lerm ine whcl!ler tlte c,,~ i, Il l1I ~lluf~~ tl lri"g tierce l {a';o: III " d.::<ig.u
<kfC'Cl ~.~ unlil le'Slin!, o f the b drl..r has OC~lIrr~"". T"~rdurc. inilial.
Iy, th rcc rndd ~ ~ ~hou ld Ix: t<."il~d , 1) lit] "nus<..... I:l<lder: 2) th~ ladde r
lhm f~;kd, and J) & kIdder " 'hieh had ~ " in U!>I' in ~II c'ln'va k nl

" /d. ~ 7.1.4.


Th~ ~ lnIH.I;Lrd ~1"l e' "[il l i. IWI in lcml<:d III :H 'k~i8n wrirlCill ie n
IC\IS !oha ll be ~.... rtt.h"u:d o n lad~~'f'1i lhal h ~v<: h,."'" ill " '" Qr s ubjt.-.ct
I" prior d:ml :lg~, lII i~u 'c, or abu~~. "" T h"rcrur~, if n d~",i gn defeci
b ~lail""d. Ihe ICIIIS fohoulll Ix JlIIrfonn~-d on ~ I-;lm pk lalkler 1h., 1
h,"l.!i not been u!iC<.l pr~\·iou ! ly . The Ic~t~ Call :"~o be cond ucted on
die b ddoer wllieh failnl. U\l'\),!vc:t, Ib" rden llli IClOt r,""uh s (or Ihe
pUrpoloCI! ofd elerm ining com plim'cc \\'ilh Ihe w llld ard ~rc Ille lei l
rc~ull ~ on Ih~ So.1 ml'k IInus.d Julk!."..

In n dc"SiS lIllcfccl cme, Ih e m:lll ufacmrcr will brillS in experl. who

will le>"lify 11m' lru:y t.,",,( O lilt m odel b ddcr In qUCSlion " " d Iha l
r"l'r~"";"I~li"~ .ampll'5 .1 11 compli ,'<l wil h Ihe ANSI slIlIId aru •. The
ma nn f:'clllrcr will otTe r Irsl rcsu ll.~ rWIII Ihe ,.:sts pcrfornl.-d during
lit e desisu ph~!oe or pmdu Cl iCl I. "
If liu: m:lllllf:lc!nrcr tCSl w an III1U!>tti !o.,mpk nud the plaintiff t~~I ­
ro 1\ used L,d dcr, it C~ II be nrgu .d Ihat Ihe plai ntiffs tt,t rdul ls a rt:
a r81~lbl>' jrrde"nnt ror Ih e I'urpo<e of d~ltnnini n::; coml,]j;mre "illl
111,-, It ~nd~rd. filll':C Ihe "I~ndard ~flCCifi c'l!JJ)' ~)'p1ic"S to IInll sed lad-
Th . desi!; 11 \'~ri!ie~lion If;.<ots arc srl<!cilic:!l ly grarcd mwanl. t~ ljnG
the <I<... ign. N~c...ll.\Ss 10 ~y _in l! ~~M: guill &10 tn.,l, the 1 "~nllf,1clU l~r
"'in 1I[...:t~"i claim Ih ll tlte 1:..:I de.- ~0"'1'1 ...-t! with t he A t\'SI Si:II'II:mr,
The m:lnufactu rcr wi ll prob.1bly have condllcll"J k:;11 un ~lI11J1!e Ltd-
Ilc.~ t o"ductro dll rin S tbe " I:ulllf:,ctu ring pha..e and "'ilt ; nt rodm.~
the tesl r~'Su i1~ at trinl,
The m:tlluf~ctllrer tn.'y be corrffi ill conlendin:; Ihnt t ile dcsigll
i~ 1101 oerL'Cliv~, bUI this p:l rlicular ladder m~y comain ~ m~nllractu r_
iuC d.,{~..,t. A p;trtiCll lar (,lddcr'~ faihll"l: to comply willt Ih .. lI.,;iS"
"e rifl catiml teSI' nm~' i'l dic~ lc th at thc ladder h~~ a nmnufnclllring
dd"" l. ~'!.pC:<.-ilt Il)' if ~n Inc other modcls of Ih" .!olIn,. 1l~"Ioi&n Ill! in f:tct
~(!mpl)' wi th Ihe d~;Gn veri fica! ion I,'SIS.

Th '~~, if Ih.: s:u 11 ple b ddcr p3-<.S<:S!i«: 1l,."iS" "criflealioll (."Sts, I!'"
I:tddcr !hal f:1;lcd as well :IS " s:,"ll'le lad der ,,~cd ill :m \.'(Iui"llklli

· ' /d.,1.U,
at TIl ..... 1<" 'OS<J II .. '"' "'.-II, . d ... net h<>ol of 1<'I"'J ~,~l , too MI. ",;I y and q...:tif",,,.
,..,... of ,toe ''''' - """'~I he "".. in«! d",i~~ dio<o< <.T)·,
t $I;»l{IOI 1'1101). 1.10\11, I'R,\CTICE GUIIH:

mUllllcr") '" Id limie r ~'qUiV;llcII I ci ro;:u nl r.l atl CC' ~ h ould be l':-; lro . Th e
I~St rC'\lh~ ~all ll"," he ~omp:lred . If lile re~ul l ~ for th e ladder that
r'li kd :Ire lI'Orse lh'1II Ihe resuh~ for the >amlJoi e kidder lI'i lll equiw·
knt U!iI:, the e,' pen c;on upLlin why thil> sItov.1I thc ladder th:ll f:lik<!
COlltllinro " /rullmf,lelUrinS defcct.
Alternal ivel)', rather thnn compare the Iml der to anoth er u>.cd Ind·
ll.r. lhe expert awl' 1 ~ljfy thai :lJrhough tile: Inddcr was us.:d, th e
1.'lI1 results :IT\: idenl;. <lI IO ",h:>1 " 'OIl W oo\'C ~tl oblai,,,..t.1 h~d Ihis
pfirticulnr I,alder \leell l~";lc<.l before 1I 1e. ThcrdQre. its fllilu~ to COlll-
ply ",it h the (J csign vl:1ilk:llion ICS!~, "' hilc olh er la(hJcr~ or the snmc
nHldcl do <:o'l1pl)', indiclI I"", IluI tile: Lld der has n nUlIluraClurins <.l~.
Ir the Ind(Jer cannot til: 1<.>:s!e(J conl pleldy, because or dnmnge to
Ihe 1:t(J(Jcr wllich occnrrc<.l in the 'Icciden t. t he ~.~p" rt may ~ I ill C.~"rn­
illO: the onal~1i~ls 'JT v.'Oti;UI:lIIshi p. If Ihey are in!ldcqu':l1c, he m Ol)'
~~pr_ hi~ " !,inion t":u II' ey wOLlIII h~"" C'IIl~"t' It..: '~dd~r, "'''~n
new, 10 r"il It> comply with tlie r~'quirelllent 5 of Ihc ~ w" dard .
Ir nn n~Hlu f~ eturing or (JcsiS " d~f~Cl C~" be: fu uml by tc-sting o r
c:u mill.1lioo., I"~ np..'l'1 m~y be I!.Ul1l i,,.,u 31IriU ' lvn ...... noi"S lhe cir·
C Ulllstanc~':I ur the acc i tl~ "1 as ,.'"!;,ilicd 10 by I' I\! "b intiff ~ ' Id other
witnesses. "~sU1l1i"S Ih ~"li~ circum S lnnc~ til be true for Ille sake uf
hypoth<.... is, the expert mOly then e.~ p rcss his opinion that ,lie ladder
I" US! 103'"e corll:oilled n m;ou uf3CIu riIlS d efect Of il .... ou ld no t ha\"e
r~ ired under lh~ ci rClI1 "starl<.~,··
[c}-Gt ~rnl Prltldl'lc~ of Tes tln~, Th e rc~ults uf tlte de~igTl
nriflcaliCH' I I:Sj~ are l(1 ix: !lI ken fh .: min uies "fto,.. to.1d r~rnO\·~t"
Th~ I.~ loo<.l mUM be IlfJtllkd ~Iow'y, ,,,,aid I" !: ' III}· ion p3CI '""ding
during the l~St."
Thus, ir I h~ pbinlif!' cn uscd ;nopJ c.t loodi ng of Ih. ladd er in somc
IIla,mCT. ' ''ch :lS by jum p;"!; o n ii, or /flo"illg 0 11 il in ~,, ~. " ';1)' but
slowly, h~ .... oukl h:m, 110...." "beinit a d iffe rent IYpe of I<):I(J 011 l h~
!:odder lhall it was tC'Sl ed for. Thi s; lila)' m~k e n dijrcrw~~ ill wme

" 1b< ~n ..';)Uld luu ,,,,.,I«II!>e lodder fu< """'pori1<.'o1. /1;"",;"'011 lb. , 'M
b older. p,.e " ." «lui ••1ent .. ill ""<c 10 I""'tm.
•• 5 .... rr1r'" I )(0.011111"11'1 .
"'\NSt,\t4 , l'19~ 2~ 7. 1,' .

hfd.§ 1.U.

,..., LAI)j)~: RS "",n SCAFfO l.llS
Mluatioru<, but in "'0'11;1 would b: i r'clC\l~ ro •. Th~ (I\ll'Slion i~ whet ber
the lu!.klc r'~ <.i ..-siS Il w~s :l d!.'<I"at~ at th is Iuag ...
f<ll- In-Us<: 1"",,11 Tl"!>1 Sur Sincl~ lind 1t'<.Iens;"" l .ndd~ E.1ch
1)'pe or l;,lld!.~';~ ! ~t ed 10 hold;o "'orkin& load 0(:1 cerlll;" lIuml",:,..
or po\lll d~. A~ :I iII\(cty ra~lor. it j~ lc~t lvmlcd to hold lou, lim." it,
wnrlo ing rood.A Th" sl~ wJa rtl ~~ fo rth ,lie ml.'l hod of al)pl~ins the
lMot 10.1<.1, ;" dCl~i1. with lliagrams,"
(f}-Bnrd ... ,c Tcsllng ru. fox'ensi" n Lnddcrs.. Tht Icstint or
lIanlw"re used 0 11 exlcn~i(ln l add~~ f!.'<lui re'S I he U!C of a speci fic type
of rnachil1 c to operate di e runs lock tb rnuSh certain cy~I<:"-" K01
l...'crY "oU]"("n " ...i tl I~,,'c Ihis C<\uillrnC'lIl. j;O if Ihen: i. a lI:m lwa re
fl,i lu ... i,,"oll'ed in the ca,." colltlr..l i must be .I ure l h~t lh~ expert IH"
Ih e <quirtllent d~t.C ri b<:d in Ih e !.:!il.
V:lriO\l~ I c~. Ill;!)" Ix: !1I.'ffo rllll:d: n "yell e ru nS lock t<:SI ." a ,insl ~·
lod 10:1 <1 lest ." alld " lock tip Imd I",l.t) If any of Ihe kH:h or nil)'
of Ihe ro"lpon""I~ maifullc lion or fmcl"~. lhe d<'Sign f:.ils 10 m~
Ihe r""l~i r~mcnl~.
[fJ-Drop I I'S! for 51n~ a~d K"l ~nsion l .IIIidl'fs, T "~ ladd.:r
i~ placed ~i<l."':r)·s,
li floo 36 incho.-s off a CO<1"rcl~ [1oor, ~nd d roppc.-..l
-, ' -
to the fl oo r 011 cn~h mi l." If there is no visual Jlnnallc. it 1~IS'Cr..
IC}-I' IIol S Up T""'. Thill I",'" i~ 10 IIC: ,ure I h:1I Ihe (oot 0( Ih"
I" dd ~r due; not pc fmil l he ladd er to sli p. which i ~ a COIl IIIlO Il "aILS/:
iii' ladde r :lccklcIII ~.
A 16'[001 c~l~n~ion bdder is fll lly cXl cndcd "'i,1! ils fec'! r",lins
Oil plywood wltkh hns bc(11 Sllll dc-d. A wdSl!t is allach~d 10 Ih" th ird

" E'<t'" ~ ..''). duly I, In'" IA. 1,<",}' ~UI)' i, 1)'1'" I. n>«ll" n, duty;" 'Yr< II. ",,1
liFl l1 dnl y I, 1)'1'< III ,
.. A I U ·I~.i1 ~ 1.1. Tobk I S.
"1</, I 7.:
"'J.~ 1 ..'.l.

tL'd· t 7.J. 1.
., Id. ! 7..1.2.
" ldt 7.JJ.
" 'd, § 7,4,
""'., U .
~ ~ IOJ I' ROD. I.IAo. I' RM..T ln : CUIDE

high.,.;t 0)' fungo nlld:l hori 1.on!~1 pu llins for~. i, npplied. K [ ft hcr~
i~ any "ot ic~"b1c !lIo<'enlcnt acr"s.~ tho I~t ~urfnte, Ihe ladd er fall~
the tes l.
[b}-J·:"f~ndhtJ.: L~ ddcrs . T his t ~.,t"
I,'orce Test for F;"lcnslon
mcas ur~~ I lt~ <.IO)"·lll"llrd ror,"~ n .~es'l.1 1)'
10 em!\<: ve rt j~ol Cl1.tel1iio n
o f Ihe fl~ iII....'ion. A tO m»I"le c.~ I ~"1I..ion Indtkr is Sl.1 in a ,·crtic:l l
posilion . lind ~ m,'JSlIrI:tl tlol"nwa rtl fol\'1: I~ lIf1t>Iiro VCI1kJlly 10 Ihe
oollom fllII&ot llte lOp ~Iio" , o r the ro pe ~n'" pulk y if lilt l:KkIcr
Ita.. J tOll" :1m' pulley ~~'slcm in ll:,l k~.
Th" mn~; n1\nn foree no:<;c~~ary to ~~usc "crtica l exten,;;"" of the
fly 'cetio!1 of two rcet or more. .11 a rmc of one_hnlf 10 on e foo t per
~c"<:ond, ; ~ !11 c:!$\1 rcd. Th e overage nm.\;mUIl1 fo rce cannot e.\cc~d Iwo
limes tit. wcij.:ltl of Ule lad d.,.·, lop k(tion.
[ i}-CompressIa R "fl'!il. This Int J pJ)li,,. 10 slcpbt!der,;, T' ~'I '
form b dtlc", Il"($ilc b dden .. U lcr1.Sion Iml le ladders. m.d ~ep
s loo1l'. In .IN: leol," a Io:Jd is applkd 10 tlte L1ddo:t' Hlp ClIp o r pial '
form. or . tn Ike f;:U;C o f a I r~"il l e 1atl~t;1" ~ nd tlt e base wction of ~n
eAI~n si o n Il lilier, 10 both >ecIKJII' oftlw l~ddcT al th.e top cap of e~ ch.
=tioll. ' 11t~ Indde T mus t wi tbst a nd th ~ load without ICSI fa ilure.
[jl-lJu~k~1 S helf Test for S lcplndd~rs. The bucket shdf IInt SI
s uppo rt II lo:KI of 100 pou nd s for aT 10:.1 .1 une nlinute lI'i ll1ou t f~iI.
ure. "
[ kJ-':ronl S lnbilily T l'SI. TIlis I<.'S I' appliej 10 !.Icp bddm. pI~I'
for m ladtkrs.. lr<.'Sill! b dtkrs. f;lIICIISio'l !Tot le laddtlli, ~ntl St\"P
stools. A In:td is l Pplicd 10 the s«oIld hi SIt .,.t ~'ep or fUll!;. o r the:
pbtf,,",l - Ihc high .,;t propcr !.Iamj;"; k\"d. A horizontal pulling
force, fm nt ...,:.r(ls, i~ then exerted m a f>:,niculn r PlITt of lhe I;,dder,
depen ding on the I ~'PC of ladder bei ng tC~I ...... The ladd er must Ml l
tip fl'W front 11 IIInd lC!'s lban Se' fo rth ;11 Ihe l1a ndnrd .'

"/,l J 1.(, ' r~hIe l ~.

• , III. § 1.1.
" Id.§ 7.11.

I Iii. f 7.!{l,

'hI. ~ 7,tO,'r,hl<1 9.
" .. !.I,
[I}-Sid!! StahiliEr Test. This ICf>I' :11'1'11<.'5 10 sl;:I,Iadd~n;, " bl-
(o rm I ~d dcrs , In:5 tl " In d d~rj . c.~lc llsion trestle I~ ddcrs. :lIId ~ICp
stool ... A l03d i~ ~ I'rllo:d to,he !oOi:ond hithcsl !.Ie" Of runs. or . he
pl:l. l(or1ll. A hori7.0!1I ~J pull ing for~c. ,I dc",,,rd s. is ;l pp1ic~ !(l a p:.r·
Ii\:"br pari of the b~d"r. Th" ladder mll~1 ItOt Ii" o~~r (ro m a 1o.1t.I
I~~ than thn t ~I fo rth ;n Ille st andard.'

(I1IJ-Rcnf StltbHh.· Test. Th l) lesl' a ppJi<.'!; to "cpludd cn;, p l ~l ­

form In dders, H~'!i tl e kid ders, e.~I(nsion I rc~ll e L1d<lcrs. :111<1 SICp
~Iooh. A tMd i~ applkd 10 the = nd higho:!ll Slep or runs, or the
pl atform . A horl'.ontal pulling fo rce. rcarw;lrd. i.. ~ppli<1! 10 a p,m ie·
IIb r pan of ' he IAddl:f'. Th~ lndder nUlS-! not li p O'W from a lo;Kl
less Ih ~11 .hal Si:! fort h in Ihe ~ :u!d.1rd. 1

[nl-TorsJon ~1 SlnbilJly 'fesl. 'nll s te' t' ;l ppli ..1< ' 0 'I cp lad dcrs,
plalf~ rm l:Wden, IId l ie b dlkn.. and t!U",,,,iOl' t resllt ladders (nol
!O ~Iep ,tool.). A lon d 1.1 apll li ed 10 Ihe J:lddcr lOp Clip, pl atfo rm . or
lOp , 10,1' wln,n 110 lop cap ;~ used. A hornDnlnl force, ~. rw3 rd, i,
~Illlljcd at n p~lti c1!lnr part of Iile Ind d~r. !f Ihere i~ nIL)' rcL1111'c
tnIWCIIlCII( in ",,(es~ or one inch, (If lilly <I:.m3&Co r viloibI" ...... 3k"lIioS
of the Inducr ~lru Ct11 r~, thu j,lddcr f!lil ~ thi_, tc-S l.
{o)--Ra ckhlll T e.\!. Th l~ I"'t· :Lpplks til 5Icllladdm,. pintform
bdder,;, 1tcslic bdd..:r~, :md c.\I Cll Sioll IrCSlle bddc..-s (not 10 !\lep
~loo"). to. lo.1d is ~ppl ied to Ihe bottom mjl. to. "crt icnl pli llins fon:c
is ;tpp li ed, lift ing j usl [he reM fc ..1 of III .. L,dd~r lh r~t' inch •.,. o IT Ihe
Ooor. to. force &allgch ll~ 10 >lt1pl)' n si.'·pOllll d lUlCra\ pulli ng for.:e
:'1 Ihe bollom of one fea r ruil. T he bler:,1 disp~.ccmtllt of lhe re:lf
rail i~ tnt::l 5Ured. The nt~ximum luteral di ~placcnlcnt carm,n ex c( ..'<1
Ihe vn luc ~c t fort h in the ~ ID ndnTd .'

'{d, § 7.11.
' IJ.l 1. I I . T,b\et~.

' Id, ~ 7.12.

• fiI. ~ 7, 1~ . hbt. [~.

'Id, ~ 7,lJ.
' ''L ~ 1, 1 ~.
'Id. t ?14. T,bklo.
1'1I 01l. LI .l.lI. I'RA<:nCf: "U IHV,

[p]-Front-R ailnnd Bm:k-I..fG Dynpmlc Drop TC~I. T hi ~ IC5t "

~ppl;"'" 10 ~1~"pJulkllfi, pl~lro"" ladders. 1 f"C"l11 ~ l~dlkrfo, Cl(ll"fls.iOU
Ir~~I 1c lad<ie r~, and st ep siooh . The ladde r i~ lifi~"<I bide"-~)·! 24 ;'I~hes
off il co"~r~..c 000' . T h" I.tlder i'l d l !lppt.'Ii. T he p<:rm:"'~1ll dcfo nn~­
II-on 01" Iht wil or k g e:mn<ll ~~cCt:d Yo inth.
{q}--Ibil TOni;o" ~!l d Spn.>adcr T.... I. Tit;,; tc.'ll" applies to ~ Iep­
bddeN. ~I O\tr<lnl1 lad<icNo, trl'!.tic ladd"r.;. ilull e~IC""o" 1• .,.;11... lad·
den (nol 5!C/l51001. ). The I ~ddcr i~ p\acl~1 open. o n Ih e floor. with
II, e !lpr<':ltlcr.; ~l. A lood is ~!~...w 011 . he lop c:tp, a nd a hori~Alnl~1
for~c. re;'Tward. is "1'1'11,,(1 nl IIIC proper 1000:ltioll. The Ind d.r must
wi lhl'l:",d ~ 5opCcir,..... fo rce ",il hou l l he 5pr~adt.~ unlocki" s or sus-
Ininlns :my da1H ~HC or . iHnifkant vis ible ['I:nn."ln"u d<.forll1 ~l ion.
[r}-SIcplmldtr SUp Te<o!. 111is I<SI n checks the ~ id resist:,,,,,,,
or MopLldders. A lo:td i. pl:Ii;~d on Ihe scc(lmJ highl'!;t 'lop of n si~­
fOOl sl.,pl;IIId~.... A hori ~JJI' I.11 r"-'UinS force or H (KMUld\ ilo applied
to the bollom of ll1e bdder. If the 1:K1dcr mews mort Ihm' Yo ind'
:!Cross the .llrf~~o. it fail~ the Ic~t .

§ 56.05 l'url:l~lc r>leM L~ddcrs

,\t"~ ! ,U4.:_11I!I.l "" ,bo! ., . .. """ N ..I ....! su ........ In"iI"~

I,\:-;!.' \) " .. ,d,.d for po.tab l. ",,·,.1 1><I1k". In ... n)· I. 'I~~ .. H.~
l'<o.. i>t- "" poJ<1ab\e ..... oIl:001.kn. d",U<. ", I~. "."" ....... fW »0<1 • •
Wo .",.tIMd,rs. 1"" . ""hl"".! ,.... ,... , ~plr '"_,.. b ....... ",I.'~
prl •• , I1}· t. b,odl'll "ml "n'n~ lb. no. m<lnt l "dd" ;I "nd.,~ 1.,.0'
""'"" 1.......1... I..... _Ilk!>. .,~ ..... s:o-«!IG e •• Ieu" ,II<> ~,kJto .1
,100 lIf<Od"u" MIo.lotM .'loW f,d.....'. k •.
{I}--Ihtkwoud. l·ne llacksroullli flll" till: IUCf~ l lad<kr 51n!)" ~rd
is tbe "nTle ~s for tll~ pcn"blc ,,000 ladlkr.· Tht M<1.1I Ladder Mall'
Uf:l.l:lllfCT"I A~socintioll illit bt~d Ihe Mund ~rd on metal hlddc lli ami
'ubmin~d p dr:lfl to the S l,md~ .ds Commillc:t: A 14. Suocon' m illcc
A 1-1.2 \\",,~ crc:lh.-d ttl r~,·ic\\" Ih e document. After ~omc rC~i5inn, th e .....
d rJfI \\11>. 'len! 10 m-~ .Ir :!OO .. r"oui~ation' lUld j"d jl'Klual:i rn~ r~,·it'''·
anti "omment. ·fI,e r~.. ult ili S ~IISgeltiol" were considereu in pn:l"'r-
ins tile lin~l d("n , .... hich ... " ~ ~pl'rO\"t,,1 ill !956 by Ihe SI:mdard.

··,,1. ~ 7. 1~.

II Id I 7.1 t..
"Id. ~ 7.1 7.
, $.~. ,~"'" ~ ~ ... ~(Ij.
,. ~, ,,, ,

Committee, The !972 edition was also developed by Suocontmillce

The ~ta!t(Jard wa~ upgraded in 197~. in r~"po!l~e to:l Consumer
Product Safety Commi"ion "ch(lilenge." a"cr 100 imown ladder e.'-
pem provid.d technical expertise, in O,'cr 50 mecTing" with ovcr 400
test document', o"er n period of two yc,m;.
Tesl procedure; for de,is" "crific:llion, qualit}, cOnlrol, ~!ld in_
.ervice t,,~;[illg were d~,'c1oped. Design verification would tnke phlcc
during the original (ksign dCI'clopmcnt of the product. Quality can·
trol would be cnndncted Oil Ull ongoing lm~i~. In·sen·ice to!';I~ wOlild
be collducted by the u~cr all a periodic basis.
ANSI AI4.2-1981 wa~ approved March -t, 1980, to become cm.c-
tive June 4, 1982, Certuin modilkatio", were required, '0 the efT~'e­
tive date W1l> changed 10 OClober 4, 1982.
[2J-SimilnrJtic~ wllh St~ndllrd for Wood L~ddcrs. The pro,';-
,ions for I'onable Metal Laddc~ arc the ,ame as for l'or\:lblc Wood
Ladden; in many instance,. 1'hi, section will therefore not reitcrate
lhe provi,ion, and t~><;l" ""I fonh for wood Iudders.
°Ole Selection, Care, U~C, and Labeling pro"isions arc tile same
for all lite A NS( otandard •. The only difTerence is in chnplcr number.
For instance. the selection prm'isions are in chapter 8 of the wood
and metal ladder st:mdards, while in chapler 9 for lh. reinforced
plaslic standard. The bbeling provisions are in chapter 9 of th e stan_
dard_, for wood lnddern and mctnlladders, bill ill cllapter 10 for rein-
forced pi:'slic Indders. Otherwise, tile section numbers arc the same.
Therefore, ciWlion 10 ,c\eclioll, care, lise, and labeling provisions will
be only 10 Ihe applicable ','elion of tile st;lIIdard for wood ladders.
[3}-Rationulc for Standard. The rational. for Ihe slandnrd for
porlubk metal standards is on file wilh the Secrelariat of the Sub-
commillcc A14.2!
[4}-lntcrprctulion. Interpretnlion rilles for the slandard for
metal ladder. arc lho ""me as the rules for wood ladders.'

'An",;,.1" L.>dd" lfllti,u,"

It I E,,,, \\'",k<r Dri"c
Chi,'"~o, 1Il. 60Wt

'So.·,·,'upru§ lo.l)-llJ]
PROIl , tJAlI. 1·ll.H.'TICt: Gum':

[5j -Sfl'ufiudOlIs- The brief ",alerial specification>:lre.>el {ofl b

in Ihe gt llcral r~'(luir.m ~III"· T!I~..,~ irl clud" rC(jllircmcnls fo r flarc,'
sid. ruils,' rung ;Iud ",cp ~r~"ills,' ruu g .o lln ~~ l io n'.· Tungs.. ~I~~
nnd pl~ lf",m~' hmdw:uc,'o "nd 'lI/ITS. boll ';' o\'as. :md ,,·clo:k."
Th .r~ ilre .hort Sp""irlCal i on ~ for s.lcpladder ~11.c. " . Iope, " .... Idth
~nd spr,'lld." SIC!"'. J> $ICI' ",ielt h," buckd slod l'cs." blCk seclion,"
feci ," nlld ' prcndcn; ."
Fur sin:;t.: :lud CXlcl1)ion l~ddtfS, IlIm:: aN specificatioo. for
width, " ~i7.t,» o"erla p I.:nglh," o" crbp co1l1rol." and for the c.• tell'
~iul1 l<xkinS d~\·kc."
Sp,."cifl,·;uillJlS fur tloc tope and pulk"}· ... . hQ,,:s, ~PUfS, ~"d ot her

·o\," S I AIU. I ?~ l ~ S,
. tJ. 1 j,1.
'/d iJ.l,
, hi. { S.l .
• /d. ~ l . ~,

~M. ~ ~ . J .
,. i<I. I ,-" ,
lIM f P .
"ht I 6.\.1.
11M. t (d, ! ,
"'d. j ~U.
"/d, ! ~. I.4.

"fd. f &,1.>.
"'.t. j; 6.1 ."-
" Id.~ (.,\.7,
,. fJ. J 6. 1.1l
n /d.t 6 ,1.~,

" Id. t (0.2. 1 (...:,,* ~.""~ j "-~,~ ( •., " """" 10<1<1,,),
" ItI. I (,,13 " ;"sk J>dd<t). § 6.~.4 Iul""';"" !add .."
" fJ. I ~, 2,j,

" hi. j • .~ ,6.

" Id. ~ b.1.7,
" IJ. J (.1.S.
UDDf:IlS ,\"' 1) SCAFFOI .IlS ~ U .O!Pl

:U\1i,l ip ~kvi,",""." ,,,,d ( l id C;\l'~ ,,,,d ~nd c)OSI, rl'li" :Ire '~I .
The :;.arne tyre' of spec irlCations :,re SI:I fonlo for !resile a nd t"lU ..-n-
$"',n Ir,:,;tlc I;o dd~'f"5," " ialrom l l:,l.kl c";.," wmbiuar iOlI Iadd<'N,II ~nd
~t." w'(l l ~."

[6 }-'\tI~k: IJ( Indinnlloo. The ~ I><:cifkd :Ingle of illclillmioll ili lh"

.:,m( for mClall:"td c r~ as for ,,·,nt hid den;. 75Y, ele&rccs. Jl A lIlooifi·
t alioll ill l~ulli" I't1 for rnmbin:'ltion ladder.. uset! ,n Illcir cxt~1,sioll­
ladd er ""!Up. '0 Ihe CXle,,1 II t:<'C'!:II)· to ""rmil Ihe Iread porlion or
rh . Slcl" III b<: ho riwllml or Ie,·e!.

[1J T~.,.~

(,))--GtlMlll,Il',inc iplcs. Th~ Io'Im c gc m: r.1I principles of t<:Sling

~rc al'l,licabk 1(> both Ihe ,,·aod~... Iw der :mel nld:l\ b dllu ir~n ·
,brd ~."

[b]-Tem S imilar {(J Those for Wonden J.nddcr~. ~fan)' of tll<.'

100000 rs in Ille ~1 :Uld:t rd fo r wooden 1:"ld(rs rlrc also u...-d in Ihe slall<Jard
ror me ra l ladd~ r .." Unwe-o....,. the di",, =-.ioll r~la li"e to 1"""$ on
woodtllladdc" IJoc< no t ~ l"·;o}"s ~pply 10 I..... l~ OIl metal l:ukkn... Fo r
inwu"-,,,- a fail ure in a Ie,. or a lWl(I(\en ladder 01'!ct1 I. " no ,i~ual
11:t lllolgC." wh~r"a~ for mCl al l ad(l ~r$. tho b~lder mal' pa" n. lfms i!$
Ihe p..!rm"""" r ddormation d~! nOI c.,ce<.><i ~ ~ccir, oo "mOlllrt. In
Ulh" r ill~lan,,~-s , " prcc<.1.iurc S<!I femh for wood"" la<ldcn. mllf be
",oo.Iifll.1.i for 11\,1111 I:Iddl:T'l.
A~ s!a,,-d e:. rli er in cO""'<.'110n wit h II"tI<l<l<.,1 b ddcn, ....11<;/\ p:r-
fo rmillS;l. !c-s r ur inlc rpr<.1in l> rl"lou its, ref~r"n~. mUSI be Imide 10 Ihe
,,:nrdard it,df. II,l! to rhe o"tli"" of Ih. stnnd~rd rmwidcd in this
c h apl~r.

>1M. ~ 6.1.9•
.. 111. ~ 6.: .IQ.
"/d. § 6.1.
"hi. ~ ~ ..;.
) , hi. t /d.
" /J. ~ 1t.6
"'J.~ H(..mlbdik,,).
".,><". '"JI'" H ~~.O~ [IOjI4[,J.
" ~.,.,. '"f"" j~ 56.t):(WIl,l)·[fj .

I')l.ot). )JAB. l'IMe l"le ): (;UII)I::

The: foUouc;"S t~'SI~ ~ r" COI11111011 10 both wooden "" d mel:>1 \;Ill·
denl , lUld crosNcfcr"n..:~"S nrc pro,·id"d 10 I h~ ,,(><!<len !~d""r ~I Dn­
d~rd :

(1) [n-U~c Lond T~ l.'·

(2) tlard ... ~ r.; TCSI~I'

(3) Drop Tc~t."

(4) T"·;~l TO::<I."

(S) 1'001 Sli!, T.-st.'·

(6) Mulliscclion Ext enuing Force Tl'!ot."
(7) Comprc,uion T Clot. "

(8) Uu.k cl Shelf T~'!<I .·]

(9) Frolll Sinbi lity'"

'" A~SI "H.!-I9lI! ~ 1. ~.1 (",,,tol L...w",.) •

.s.~. '.p'U ! !~.().IllOJ ldl.
"Id. § 7.,.4,"",,,,1l.dO ",).
s..~ """" § !6.().1[lOn~J.
11 it/. I 1.2 . ~.2 (m01"II ,<I<I< ... ).

s...- "'1'''' ~
SlJ.O.I( 10110.
"ld~ 7.1.!!l (n.. ,~ll><!d ...).
A:o<SI AI 4. 1-1912 ~ 1 . ~ (~,,,,,llo d,!.,,).
' . Id. l 7.1. 11 (mc'~l blden).
:;'·< '"PI"O ~ 3~(lo.IIJQII~I·
" Id. { 7.1 {...... at ia<ld""I.
s.... "'P'" ~ 5(;.O-l{lolll'l·
" Id. f 7.1.1 1f" 'I.1 bd~"~l.
S« "'po. ~ !I6.OoIIIOjf,].
"III. f 7 .J.~ (m'l,lI h,dd.r>;).
S« ,rlP__ ~ 5(;.00I11!l]1il·
"III. f 7.M l.n,<utl,tkI",j.
·...·<'"P'~ i !I6·fU\!!lIlQ ·
'....., ,

(10) Side Stabi!it},."

(11) Rear Stability."
(2) Tor~ionl!J Stability."
(13) Racking Te~t."

(14) Front ami Rco]r Rail Drop Test."

(15) Rail Torsion and Spreader Test.'"
(16) Stepladder Slip Tc~t."

(17) L1beling Tests."

[e}-Tests Unique to Metal I,adders. TC'Jt~

for met:d ladder:;
Ihat are in addition to Ihose for wooden ludders relnle primarily to
bending and ~trenSlh.
[d}-In-Service Tests. Tlte metal ladder slMIdard il11rodllc~"!.
sp..'Cific "in-service" t",I~, which arc not spccificxl :lS ~nch in the
wooden ladder staminrd.ln-sen·ice teslS arc desisned to cvahmtc the
condition of the prodnct following actnal field ,"n'icc. The}' arc to
be condnct(."{[ illltle field by the rnarillfaclllrer, the owner, the "s.cr,

"/d. § 7.11 (n1".1 bddm).

S(C >UP'" § 56,04110111].
"/d. ~ 7.3,~ (m..,~t 1.140"').
S,-,' sUp'''- § S6.()4110Jltnj,
., /d. i 7.3,9 (mo"II><1d",).
S", supra § 56,04[lOlIn].
" ld. ~ 7.3,10 (m<lall>MO"j .
•,;<, '"P'" § 5(,,04[10][01,
., ld. ~ (0'01,11"<1<1",,),
$", '"pr~ § 56,O.1[lOlIpJ.
"ld.§ 7.3.I:!(m<,,,It.14dmj.
S,'c '"pr~ ! ~6.04IIOJ['Ij .
., la. § 7.4 (rn,lalloo!k"j,
S,," ,<upra ! S6,~1101[r],

"!d. ~ 7.6 (rn'«III,&k"j,

S,-,· inf", j ~6.06.
1'1l0U. 1..1,\11. l'k'\CIICf. (lli U)1:

or Ih c~r :Igcnl ~." Many of 1he i n-scrvk~ I"'I~ n r~ <ldl"i'or)', 1101 m"l1-
<lalor>.. "
le)-lIuriwnt:d Uc~d illl:. In this 10;1 fo r sin s!e, c.'\ ~I. slo n, anti
combi ll:uioll laddcu," th u J"ddcr is pbcc'(l ill :l flu l, hun zo" I,,! ~i·
I;orl, lo.,d~d in :l~co1(lal\cc whh T:lble 5, 3nd 111(11 un lo.llI~t1. A Ik-
llec\iOl' ICSI 10<1\1 is Ihell ;,pplied 10 bolh ~id ~ r.lils in a ~lI«ific loc;;1.
Iio n, ",)(1 \'c n i~al 111"'lsur~ llI~n ls nrc Wkcn of bo lh rai!.l, bl;forc and
durin GiO:l ding "lid "f.cr Ihe load i. r.:nt ovOO. The m,ll);inlU!ll n"crag~
dclk<1 ioll ofbol h side mil~ ~ 1l,,01 uc.:a.I:1 '-:l llIe 5<.1 r"nh ill T:tbk
6 of the 1il ~lId~ nl .
An ;llcrca""d load c'!,,-,.I (o lit. ul1im:l!c IOS1 1001d. in :lcco rd:II1~~
",;Ih T:,bk 5. i~ Ihell 3p(1l":d 10 l ite L1dd~'T. 31 1bitt diff~'1'Cnl sp.:cifie
'Utls loc, liom. ' 1,e ladd"r ", u~t suslai n the 10:11.1 willlolll fuilurc."
[~nencelloll l'~st. Thi. h:st" i ~ dt:~ig tl ~d 10 be ~ s.:d bot h M
a ..k~j;" "",rific;lIio" lesl, ror the m~l1Il r:lClU"''T. ~ rn.I an i"'~i""icc 1"'1,
Fo r the u ~ r. The ludder i ~ prdoaded wil li <I 30,('OuI1d Iw d, ~nd th en
lhe tCj!1 load i ~ app lied to lit e I"d der. ill acc"rd~ncc willt FiS lirc 2
i" Ih~ .'nl>lbrd. 111~ Ic:<;l "",,u lls an: '''''oukd 01' a d~ '!l ~Io:t:\.
A deflc'Clion I~ 0 "crl ical dj.t an,-~ from the eX 1TCme cul~kl o cdgO!i
or lh o widest ",'(lion of bol h rail, 10 the floor. bo th before loading
~ml ..... hilc Ihc r,,1I 1,"'1 1();It! is ;11'111i.:d . The I.1ddcr nl llSl p.'~s 1m: II:St
",ilhoUI Cl.C«dinS Ihe (kfl,.,;liQ" a"d MliCk o f IWiolt "'1 for1h in Tabl~
8 or I h~ ~tn!1dilnl .
I!.:)-Jo:':':I,....'ilOII (-"dde. Ru ng·lkndi.1: S IrCf1!:!)1 TtSI_ In Ihis
lesl,'" 3 dowl1wa N diS(rib1u<od l<md i. 31'1,liOO , in ac,:o ldauce wi lh
"['"bl c I I of th( s iu lidard , ;lIId after lelllo"al of Ihe load. Ih o perin a·
llenl d cform:n ion ("'1) i~ !l1~~$u rc'tl. The a Il O\\,;I~I. perm.lll cnl d.roT.
malio" ,";I.n no1Clic~'Cd a C('tu in figure, e31cub'~"'" from Ih" M" nd,n l'.
fo rmu ltl,

OJ {~. ~ : .1.1.
" rd.
"M. I '.2,1.
""1 %' .2.1 .2-
" rd. t 1.l .2.
.. It/, t '. l ,S.

I'ROU, U ,\H. I' MM ; n CI : cumt: 5/>-16 .
r.oil ..':mlile"w bi:1l(linS IC'5 ls,"" 'Th . pu r-pos.: is 10 du:<; k ir Ihe b;.se
of Ihe ladd~r will be nd when a In.~d i ~ upplicd 10 ii,
In Ih~ ,1:lI le side, r"il camiic,'cr h.nd!nIlIC~I." ~ l:1ddcr is pbc~d
on ils edge wi lli Ih~ rungs \'crtic~1. Th ~ lower gidc mil is U"sUpfIOrI-
cd. from Ih e 11<1410 111 end to the midpooiut o rlhe lowe~t runs, A tC$1
hllld is al'l'ii<!d ItJ Ih" e~1 r",.ne 11011001 <~H1 of i he upper side r~;I , itll'"
arter.....;r,d'" 10 ihe "",IMII<: bollOIli t lld 0( Iloe Io\\'cr sid.: mil. ill "
specifi ..>d m3'mer, Nl'ithcr side r.lil C:Ill suffer over Yo inch of penna_
n.. <lcrorll)~lion,

'rh ~ s..'(.~Ml(1 t..OSI , Ihe , ide-",il c"ntil",·c' drop ""'I," i'l !lmil:!. 10
Ihe S.11r1C l e >l performed on wood ell laddct! ,"
[Il--S i~ e·ltnil Bcn~ing Tc~t, 'I'Iri ~ leSt" rcqllir ..", placin g a 10ld,
in ;lcenrci ancc wilh Table II ol'th" "Iand a rd, o n ~ ~tx'Citic 'fIO l Oil
Ille middle ~ I Cp ~dj:l,:cnl 10 one side 0( lh<: m il of Ille lalklcr. 'nl"
m:At lIigh<.T st<1) ;~ th"" tc:!;, ..-d. The bdlkr mUS{ Wi! M!lllld Ihe 10.,<1
wi! houl (pilu . ....
[ml-St~fl llI' l'h'Clorm Ik'fldilll: Ten Til" I<-Sl'" ~v~lu.1l~ lit<:
~H~lI gl h I)f Ih ~ i l~p or pbtfmm .....: Iioll by ;'ppl,'ing ,tlmd over lit e
full ",-,dill u f th~ ",ep m [ll:\l form ,u,d Oil II.., <:c1llcT of lhe 101lS"'1
or bo tton, ~IC p, 11 Ihen i.!; u[lpli..-d to Ihe longest like SICP will,o ul
hr;lc<'s, '" w~11 'I~ 10 .te[ls or [lIUlforms of different d ..-.;ign, or >!",clfi-
cation .. The luad h; Ihen :lPf'liod to Ih ~ lUI" C~[I of a , tel' >100 1. If
there is t<ost (,,' Iu r,', or I"'rrnml~lI[ d<{O rm~l i ()n ",,,r !lIOOlh o r Ihe
len glh <If Ihe sle p O' [lla tform or lop e:lp. Ih<: b dd<:r fail . the h;S4.
[nj-Sltp'lo-Side- RlljJ Shu. Stn:nl(lb Tffi. This test" c~:du ­
Jood r; 3pp lictl
,110 Iht Mw 'gt h of Ihe ~ICp-lo,~;t"'~I'lI; 1 joi n!. A lCS1
((J Ihe 101\;0$1 bmeed ulld "nbr~co:d !'Cept >li th Ille k,r;l r""",,;ulI.
<I S "'ell :IS IU ~lcpS uf different design S or m~teri ~]'; , The 10.1d Ii :1[1'
plie<1 '" near the ~id c ,'ail a'i pos, ibl e, nnd to Ih e lop enp or a ~ Iep

., iii, ~ ' ,M,

.. M § 7.1.g ,L
. r /J. t 1 , !.~ . 1.

.. S,,.. ....JI'II _ ~~.()I(IO llfl _

. , ,\NSI i\H ,l J i,D,

, . l it ~ ' ,).3,
"Jd. i 7..U ,
stool. Whell the 103(1 i, ,,'mol"W , there must be 110 indi(':\tion o f lal
f3lm,!! in II", faSl eni,,!: tu~~rlS IInaching the st ep \0 lit.: side 1';,11, or
Il'S' fai luN or ~IW COlllPO~n!.

[,,}-R~H C~n l[ Ic .'er lk~d(u~ Trsl>;, This h:"" m.",u,,'i rhe

hcndmg slrcns il, o rl h~ frOnl .nil" and the rc.:', ,,,i l," II 1~1 . 1xllh
Ih. "in" tow :tr<Js the c,'lI ler bending nnd Ille "nu\" ~w~)' from Ihe
ccnter bending " f th e r;lil~.
Inlhe rf(l1\l 'r~n bend irl S lest, the ladd"r i~ suspended on its si(lc,
' ,, '
~Jld a load is "pp li cd to tIle hOllnm end of a fm lll .ide r:,il ~I Ihe
l o\\'~r end. T h~ ~111'1C Ihili S is drill" 10 the lOp mil. Jf l lw; r~ is morc
I han Yo in~h p.: rlfil"' CIIl ddorm31ion of ~irhcr rJil. Ih . l,d dl'r fail ,.
'Che billie. i. Ihen r~"'WSl.~I. so r l>~1 IhI: boUOIn ""I i~ !lOll' the t Op
r:lil. Tho: J", kl~ r ij h~l''!I the 'i:11Il~ "':ly.
n" ' (';I f rai l bl.1Id illt:. Lcst is ~'OrIll"~led in Ih" Smne m:lnllcr. A
f.onl ;).".1 tea ••.1il dyu"mi~ d" .... ICSI" also is u~I' o ~,·,' lu:>,.: ,he
~Ircnglh of tlt~ r:.i~.'·

§ 56.06 1.11bc]jtl~ L:ldd~rs

Th, '1""~"'~ ru, 1...... I Io~ MI.," •• 1:Hld<",",'" lhe >l~",.,d rOt b ~II"~
mot.1 I.'~" ,,, ",. Ih....... 110<'0 ,.... 'h"", [)-p...... / W.. l. or "'"'klni:<,
I'd",u,· ~".~rd ··rt.,,~,,·· ,d .. ·'""u,''"'" ..
",kl,,!!, ,".'11>< ~"tOhl ,· ""J
(",",.,,1 lie ~I.'«~ I."n "b","" Io<otf.. ". [h. l, d4.ot. Sol.ly ",. ",.
>I,,,,,,i ... ",~ I"", ,hoo '" ' '''W 10<1"", ..,10<11"", 100r-"1",n, ><'" 1'0
<l tmltO"!l ..wi . ", . oJ ~ .... . ... . I.".xo. 1'",<1"", li.:tl-a 111("''''' 11<)0
"" 'k iof;\ _""" ... 111,1111/, I'" t..hkt o.I,~ .,01 ~ .. , ,,'1"1(. tM _ .1
""_ ~ .......... ,........... r.. "..... I"" .t. 1~ . r oyooJOI1\I" . _'0.
T.." 'Of Ihc '""toI-r~' b"'· 1 ~""lr~I""' I ...h"k ,t." . <IIonl.. I~'l •
•IIt :I<r.II. . ....." . on .... , ......"'... ...- ....... '''I. and ,lit .....
rq:io~ ' ''''.
1Iot h th" ,;t"",Ll ld (or \\".."" k;, L-.ddet"ll ~t1 <l tit. ~' a "d~ rd for n>CIOlI
I",Jd Cf":' " ru>ide the i/.1nl Cr':< lui ,em en l ~ For bald.r lallcli,,~ MIll mar\;.
in£.. The MatllJiII"" ~ I S fMth n tl umber uf Inbeli ng and m~ r~jn~ rr;-.

" M.} 1..<. I I.

"Id. H 1..1. 11.1 , ; ,3 .11. .1.
,. 11.', H ; ,J.I U . ',.1. 1I..t ,
"/J, ), J.IU.
" s..... "'f'~ ~ ~,(l-IIIOlipJ.

". ''''
t S6JI6I IJ 1'11(1). UAlt I·H,\(.TIO: GUIDI;

q u jrcmC!l1 ~. 1 A prad u"l ,,'hiell i ~ Impm[!<:rly or i !la,k-qua1~I]'

Ihe st 311d:'r.... i. tkfcctiw. Ir Ih" I~,k
m;lfk~-d. Of f~i ls 10 COIll(lI)' "..it b
of it Ilrnp<:r w~rnint or inwueti on Inl><:1 ~onl riblued 10 t 1-: ;tcc;dt7lt ,
lh e ucfcll,lull l ;, li .lbk'
Ih~.c nrc thrcc dirrer,nt IH)C'; o f bbo;:!. or n~"k;n:;Jo: ( I) I'rim;try
l'lulnrd "Dange r" nlld "C3uticlI\" markings; (2) 5afcl~' Usc InsUlle-
ti oll Markill!!,; "lid (3) I'rt>dlK:l D~ I " Inform,,,;on MM~;n g....
{JJ-DaRl;Cf aad Cn l iun Mnfkial,."i, !>nnwr}' h3Zl1nl unng".... M

and "cnulio n" markins~ mu ~ 1 conform 10 Ih~ uo:>;;gll principle! elf

tile Americall N ation.,151311tbrti Sp«'I'i'':> IK>1l!\ r(lr A ccide nt 1" ""<'11'
lion Sigll$,l t3!<llmpl~-s o f prop.:r m ar!;h,&, for buders :I r e ,et fo rtll
in Ap[>Cndh A of AS SI A 14,1 - 1982. The marki ngs mUll be durable.
a nd (,lImot be pla~c:d in ~ n obs<:urc l(I(':u ilJn 011 Ihe )~tltlcr.·
[ll}-Slep!addcn;, Tlm:c ca lltion/dunger label> ar~ r~quircd ror
stcp laddel1l, nnd Ih"i.!ocat;OII is speci fi ed in th c ~I:md:,rtl.· The !:t-
bel~ 011 the Iftdokr ;n~()lvnl in t l~ !;,,,'s uit s hould be ca r" fully , on,·
Jl~ r.-d wil ll ihe req~ir~mcnl~ of lh ~ \l:mdard .

[b J-Exleruion ;ml SiJlI# l.add ~u. Pour t;,u tion/dnngcr 1;lbo:)~

'Ire w luir.-d ror :lingle and c" tt:nsiol1 13tkltn..· U""''C'o-.:r, tk-pc,ItIi l1s
011 1heir [l1~~C mCJ1I, the liSe of lhree la bc:l. nmy 1 "m~-e Il1ldcr th.., ~t :l1\'
(l)....s.'ct)' L'u lnw uct ion M n,kiJl!:i, All \I eI'. "~l (n~i 04', ~ntl
.irlgle l"dd,1'> l1lust be nmrked wilh i:>{Cly USc i",tnlclio" , ! AN SI
A I';. 1- 19S2, AI'pcrl di~ A, figu re A3 , ~"IS fll r!h S.1 r..:I}' u<c instruc-
tion In:lrkitl&\ ",tlich l"OlT1 [lI)' " 'jllo A mcrk,m N atiunal SmmJ;,rd

1 A ~SI ,\ I~ , 1·1 9~l oh , 9 ("'""," bdli, ,,~ A:>oiS I A H,~, t9il <II. 9 Im",,1bll~),
A~S I ,\ H.S·l~~ ..... tu 1pb<iK' t:. ~I1.... ~
• ,w "'r-a i y",O!11Ji' lIiii\.
So< al"" L F"'"l<C £< .... , F, u,.ln'~II, I' ''',J" ~I ' Li, bilil)', oll. 2. HM ' "..r",,~, ...,
U . loili' I' u. s rati",,«." f 1-n t.~b""""- 1I.,,1it< ]951) a nd <I,. l. "Strict I.lohlli·
.1·... f ),Ol\oI\O\<il (M. " hcw tknd<, 1906),
, ,\ NSI Z.1 ', I·l?7!.
. ,\ SS I ,\ I ~. 1.19S!: 9.1.l..l.
) tJ,{9.1.1.
I /,lj 9.1.l,
, to! § 9.1.
5(0-1" L\ ',JmRS ,\SIl SCMHlLllS

S""d fi, ,,'io,,. (or In(oc m;,Liomll Signs Compl ~m~nlar)- 10 ,\NSI
z.l~, 1-1 972 ~nd A~'CidCtI' 1" "'-"II'u", Signs, "KSI Z3S...... ' 973. 1m:
nH"'\lfll~ UI,cr'~ l~bel doo lIot h~\'~ I() comply wi,h 'h= labcl ~ ve rb:!-
lil11. '
111.; Sl~,,,h rd splXir"", the kx':tl ion o f ,ho ",:o , ki,,&,' ~nd S<'1 i lo"h
,I!.: ill(Offl,-"ioll lh( •• 'N: "" relt uS/; i"~'ruc:lio:ns ~hould i ..cI" dc.'o
G"'k:rally, ins"u c lkm~ should ~ovc, pWI"" "" /celion o f " l;,<ldcr,
i"" ""etlon, ~ct\lp, climbi ng nnd II ~., and cnre (. nd ~to,agc. Tile in-
s,ru . , ions ""I fort h ill the ANSI (I~rx:lwix :.ore . po:cilic :lnd c~l cn,i\'e.
Thc~ nle I1 UflkrouS "r;:ca Ul io~ 10 I~ ke in ush.S lll(kl~rs. 'rn ...'Y me
dnn&~u!>, (md I he CUilomcr slmuld bI! a!>l>ri!<l'll of 'he dangen; and
h"w W u\'oid them .
If ,,, ~ cli",,1 u><.~1 the ladder in n m(1Il1ler il1c{l t~~ i,t<:f11 wilh ~ wJcty
u.... ins. ruc,io" co" .)inro i" Ihe A I'<SI a"""ndh. and if lho; !;,lId.".
W>l~ nOl accomr>:ll1ied br 11tal roafcl)' uSC ins.n'~ 1io ". mtd if Ihe cli~'Jl1
t c'lir.~s h~ wc,uld tt Ol haw lI<ttl rhe l;"lder it\ lh~t HI'It\ner if h~ had
\)<,"':1\ itt ~ 'rtt"led liN 10 ~"d Ihat h e llid ,cad the ~af" 'y usc imlrltCliom
aocaml'.ln )·ing lhe bdd.r. lh.·re i~ liabi lity fo r failure 10 "To .-ide
pI" per jllslrUc:lio"",
Sil\~c III~IIY ladd er 'lcci(k1l1 ~ ~re the r~(t h of imrrop.: r ladth:r
(t~a!.!~. Ih o warnill S~ :tI1d it1>tnl clion~ ~hould be cur.fully C~ ltmined
itt evc r)' c:ts~. Th t l'laillti!T nlll . t III;: queslimt~d ~om:ernin s c~eh in·
. lmcliQn, Eac" \'io~1I ion or an c.' pr<'$S safe')' us.: inst rucrion will in-
cr~-:l":: hi~ .wJlp.u (,li.·" n~lige"ce. II m~}' n~s.1 'c any d cfco; . in ,Ioe
ladder, if !lIe defect ..'(mid 11m be climill(lled by Ihe IlHtlmfacl ur ..... ~Ild
a " raper wurnin,: or InSt mclio" Wllilid h'!\'~ r r( """led Ihe "(',idon1.
[31_ 1'.oou<:1 Olin I nfom'Ulfioo Mark;"!..... The S(;u t(l.,,1 r«iuir~...
•h~1 :t tI(lOd (1",,1of infon mllion III: (Ollmil1w on a " rod un dJI~ infor-
malio n luhd." Th e i tlf<.>rm~liol\ I;. impm ' ~nl 10 ,h e UllO nte)' fa r a
numh~r of rea"ltt ~ .

T11(' ht~~l~ ~il~ ~ lId du,y ra1 ins ;IIC ",;""",bl to ~Ictermin ~ which
"m,~"rd crileria ~p"ly 10 Ibe 1ad~ct. T1", nl«l~l l1~"'e und number

'Id.~ 9,1. 1.1,

",/. ~ '1 ,2. 1.~_

toO /J. f ~ . 1. 1 .

" I't~~ .."

".... ''',
PJ(()J). LlAn. I'Jl-\CTlCE GUJlJE l6-S0

am! the rmme 01' the miUlllfacturcr arc of COUl"">e cssenliaJ iteml of
il\form~tio!\.The mOll1h and ycar of manufacture will help lIeter-
mine Ihe applicabk "amlanb. (N<llc that the d~le of sak bv tile man·
ufacturer. rather Ihan the dale of n1l!rlllfnctur~. fix~, Ihe (ll'l'licJble
The manufacturer's claim thm tlte IUllder complic, witll the ANSI
:;tandnrds may be ~et forth On the Inbe!. The warranty nwy abo be
~ct forth on Iho product dilia label.

[~}-L'bcling TC5tS. Once "pplie-II. tlte primary hazard, safety usc

instruction. Ilnd product dma labels alll! m"rkilrg~ mmt a!.Hlcrc. The
stand~rd ,CI' forth tcst, to emure lIlat the bbcliug application pro-
ce~s b ade1Jllate.

The adhe,ioll test" incorptlnrt., ASTM D903.49." which i, a lest

for p<.'el or stripping 'tr~llgth of ~dhe,ive bond,. A minimum force
of 30 Ounc,," mll~t he rcguirc1J to rcmo,'e the label.
The Icrntch resistance te,t 1< r~quirtlS tlte label to r";i~t def:!c.ment
or remo"al when a n"t mel"l blade i, scruped aero,,, the lnbc!. The
test i, .1111 011 the label both before and artcr conducting the water
imrncNioEl tes1.
The water immersion te,t " requires the bbd~ to adhere to the
ladder "'rface and remain Ic~ible :iller being itlllllCf1ie1J in wmer for
~8 hOllrs ut 7S desrce~ F.

The oven aging te<;t" r~quires the labds to "dltere to the ladder
surface arid rcm:lin Iq,ibl. aftcr being placed in an ""en ,et at ISS
degre'!s tor 240 hOUN.
Tlnr.,. the bbel ,holll<1 rmt comc ofT the ladder. absent extruordi-
liar)" circmnst:mcc'S.

"!d. ~ 7.1~.!. t.
" A \ "ibole Ii,,", Ho< Am"ri,,,,, S<><;"l' I... , T "tjll~ "ml Malon"I_. 1911. t(,>«
St,«,. I'ltil,,,ldpl,i,,. ),,,. l'JlO.l.
"1I14.t_1%2~ 7.1H.!,1.
" , '" """"," '


§ 56.07 l.nddtr Selec tion, Cllrt, lind UliC

Tile _jor ... """otr't" f.......lr..., """ncollMdcrs .. ~ r..;t of.roWt.

II~' """ 111"01:. 1.".. _ )cf na;n.r foil, r",,.. _ ...!f'"'l'jIOI'H"" .....
lollr. l>oIolors or. I.t..... lldl"g . t tI•• lop 'lI1'(lO<f, O\llw.n! olIdl"" 0\
III< 10." b.l..: ' .,..,or l•• nd "" .... ol iFp:I~'. I~ .. It<t",~ th o .,.,.,.prio
.to I'~""". 110<: ",.~t'" 110<: .. o ,kl.~ 10001, OJ1d Iho ..ro.nl <.of . 1...",,1'1'11
or. I",porloot ..... Id....I."-•.

.\10' 1 lodd,,, n. r ~C.ll;II<d for""" ~y o.ly ,n, p."O". Th. p, ,,.n'.

bod)" .1"oId be """Ih, .. loIdle 01 Ih, <top or , ... g. ro.·on.><:lf.•• p,.....,I.~
1,,"1Ie.... !Hook! be pI.. N!"t"n '""IOi"'I.1< ."~k of indin.d ... IQ.he
ulil. onlC' 1<, ....« .. 110<: l~tWtor ',ruor .Jldl"~ to til< ~""'nd Or ,.111011
bo<b o,dJ. :"oVO-.. lf•....,lI<>fll"" t..d ..... .,." ..... ~I< fOOl .....
' ' 'JI(>fI.•:......
pot! .... IOJ!
1,1, Of . I,:In1 """"d lot •• ~ iolnl. A boI ....... Id II< _ IN!
boI,...". n.. 1._ ,lit 01". Tb. IarI .... ",..I lie ~<pI •••,. " - .I«ni.
f. _
1>.01... h>o<ii"lt 1110<: ....... ""~ I"" I. ,ho

pow, . I.......... htr ~J""flnl d .... ' ..

L>M«. _ . , . ........ ',. .....alMd, '''''.'''''1<4, ... . ",,,,,,. It I,
......... , 10
1'01 i ...
IJoe ltoId"Iod'........ h u.... 1f ..)"mmankol
IX II ol~lI<'fr ... "rlol _ .. oi l I. on I"" 1._.p"""110<:
l.t<lilo< rIoo!IkI h" t. b" ... t 01 ..... .,•. 1I ..d....... 11,,10\\0• • " ~ ...........
rl<. 0/1",,14 lot tlo<:tkl1l (,_<lilly.
[l}-J\llljor Copses or 11:1115. The ANSl .!andnrd ~tat~'1 !h~t t1t~
lluljor cnu ~~~ or r~ lI s from self-, upported I~ddcrs are (J) lack o f ~ I"·
bility. am] (2) ~Iid!ng.

The maj~r C;IlI~'!i of fn l l~ from 'lo!Hdf-~upporting pO.tolll<: lad.

dm, "re: (I) )"tcral ~lidillS at the top ~uprorl; (2) cutwMd ~ lkJi n&
at tm: lower b:I,;e ~uPiX'rt; :tnd (.J) hllman !Jipp.~&~.
TIo" . t:",da ld cont JiT~~ a "SummaOJ' of Signifw,lIIt ,,~~u..'f\t
Cau"",,"'" lllcsc "c;J. u!;o,.'!io." ho ...·.,.,'U, reb ,c only 10 :t<;ciWms ;n,'OI....
ing oon-dcr~'C:ti"" I3dd~rs wm:n lhe uscr is :11 faul t.
(21-El'id~tfarr V:ll u ~. T he ANSI stJtu:brd iCt' fon h Ihe ilflfll'Oo
p.iulc procedu rtS fOlthe Care ;Iud U!>C: of l addc r~. TI,es.: >hOllld be
reviewed and cO nl pJrcd wi lh plainlilT'~ aelioll!. El'idcnlbry Ufoe of
lh~ porti on of the Sia nd ard, to imply that the pbimiff' i ;I~I ~ pr~'C:lpl.
t:ltOO the fnll. is Imp'o!"'. nb~ 111 a showing that plaillt ifl' aCllI ally
did ~I1C orth~ ilet,. prohibited by the ~Iandnrd. I JO\\'e\'er. if the pbin.
liff tc~tirll.'S t h"t he did irl fncr d t! one of the pr~cipilnlins ~m, wit h.

J AI'.1-19t, j ~. I ,J. T~I>I<: Zl.

.- ", ..,."

out knowing it wa~ n cnu~e of the fnll, he will be ,on~idercd comparn-

tively negligent at the len,t.'
Thi, portion of the ,tandard is mcfnl in other, amrnmtivc wny •.
In some ~tat~'S, such as New York, ~pcciallaws protect construction
workers using ladder,.' In such a situation, proof tlmt Ihe ladder II'US
in a dcfL-ctive condilion, eVen if the defect was caused by the plain-
lifl's employer, will hold Ihe general conlractor and building owner
liable. Similarly, proof that the plainliIT WIIS using the ladder in an
improper manner, even if lie himself set up the ludder, will hold the
general contmctor and building owner liable.'
In caf>CS in which the ladder was prol'idcd by a third party who
can be sued, ~uch 'I~ a general contractor or building owner, this por-

, .'1<:< g""",ally '"pra <h. Il. "[}Cfm"" '00 IJ.,,,:·

S,"~I", I.. F'um".~ M, Fri,dmon, P,odu'l' Li.1bitil)'. cl,. 2. § 2.27 ··M."uf",,·
,ure,', Liob;l;ty;n No! l;g'nc," (.~!alth,,,' Iknd" 1987), l Dan"se, in T<Xt Ac-
t;on,. ch. 48. '"Compo,.ti," N'JI;S<r>::'" (~l.1tl,<w Bend« 19i~); 1 CM,p,fOIi.'.
~<gl;~.n.e. <I .. 9. '"Comp'"'';''' l'rinoipl" in l'rod""" I.;ob;l;t)" l.ili~'ti",,·· (M.t-
tho,,' Il<n<l<' 1914).
'~,Y. Looor I.o,",'~! 2~O. 241 (McKinney 1987).
For !li",u"io". "" Zin,,"" v. Ch<n,""s CO""')' l'"fMmil\~ Ar1-', I",., 6~
N,Y.ld SD. 49) N.Y,S.2d 102, 4S2 KE,2d sn (1n5), Hoim"" \", NC""' York Td<-
phot><, ~6 '"',Y.:!J 132, 412 ~.Y.S.~d 861. 385 N.E,2d 601 (197.); Uboo •. ),J.n,,"
oh<ri,o, 9) AD.2d 639. 462 N.Y,S,2d 181 (1;1 IXp'tI9SJ),
'S,,·. <.8.• H.im", '., N,,"' York Tot, Co, 46 ~,Y.2d 132.412 N.Y,S.2!1 56l. lBl
N.Kld IIlI (19n), TI",de""",,,' "'"' ~mbn~ IS f,,' 000", the ~round 00 hi, G"'n
bdd". p.1inl;n~ " bu;lding "",nro by lh. d"fembnt-tdophonc e»mp.'tI)'. Th' I"kkr
~'" n'" ,,,,,u«d ..., ""Iu;rro by 'h, N.", Y",k lh1Td of SIOOO'''''-' noo AN'''''''
12 ~,Y.C.R,R. 2.1·1.2l(b}(4), Th< d<f'nd~nt·""'''<r of th, I>oiklin~ did 0'" c~",i",
",,,,rot or ' "I"T\';,iOl' O"OT tho I"rformo"" of th" d.,,,,d,,n\", l',inlinE<_ The Itiol
""''' d;>mL<-"d th, ,01iOl,.IIO' I'1"<'0f. TI, •• PI"I"', d;"i ,ion 'O","ro ~oo ~r"ntro
jUliR""nl fo, 'ho I'bintiif. Tit. ,nun o[ "I'pelt- .m,m,d. holding thot boo, Low
~ 240 ;mp"'ro ab,olul< li.bili,)' 011 til< o"""r o[lho b"ildi"~. C"'" lltou~h tit" ~'o,k
W"' ""'f,,oll,d b)' a ,,,It'<mrlo)'od ;nde[>«>dont oonlr",tor,
I..,\>." I",w § 2.JO (M,Kil1l1o)' 1987) roqu;ro, ,onlraoto,,". own"'. and ,h<;,
0~""1' '0 pro"ili< 1,.1"", for lh. p"i"\i,,~ of" "undi"~ "r ,truotur. whi,h i, "" 000'
",u<lro. pl""cd. ,nd "I""",d "' '" Si"< pro"", pfot<xtion to ~ p",,"on '"' <mplol'oJ,
Th, Rub ol'tl", lJo,ro ,>1" St,"d~r,h ond API'",I, ,equi« 'h," ",hen wo,k ;, 1",.
I'u'm,d un ,u"~' hi~I"f thall 10 f,", ,l",.'o th. l,!ldor foot. tho uPl'" <nd of the
hlll<1" n""j l>o: ,<cu"d ,,~"i,"" ,jo, ,lip. o"d 'IL, 10,"'0' ond of th" loddor muM be
hold ill pt". b)' ~ 1"''''". Of ti,d to ",,,,uro anchor.lg' o""fe')' fool. 12~, Y.C.R, R.
2J·1.21(b}(4)(i.) (1971).
!t>-IIl I.,\1I0l>"S ,\:<':11 SC-\tl'OI .1lS

lio ~ of t h~ .",,,,d,,,,:1 kn inJl. !on h !"<lder !>.""1fc1}" r>rill~lrl~-; ""'}" be

t)~d. nm aS~;tt~t tlt~ m:mufnc lurcr. but 10 ~how tha ll hc Jl.~ n e r~ 1 con·
t rnctnr [}r bui l(liull [}wn ~r fu;k-d to perform propc:r ,:,,'e ,,,,d ma;ll1e·
nan,e of the buuer or pcrmi llcd unsafe practi~~s on Ih e job.
(3}--I~tddcr ~I~diun. T here arc sc"em l fac tors ill'"oll'l....t in .clcC I-
hlg Ihe correct ladd~r for a job.
-n,~r<: ,....: four d m )' cJ3~~ific;oliol1~ fOT l"ldeD:

""'o, kins I.'o.ld

l!\tr. no,,,')" dilly

", '00
IIc,n'y dUly
M ~diurn d",y
I.i ~)n ,IUl)"
H '"
In ", k cling Ihe "PI'm"r~llt l~dd~'1". con~idcmlicn s hnuld be &ivon

10 lh .. lc" tlh rcqnirw _ the worl:.i nll ioad lhal will be 00' Ihe ladd.,,-.
lind l h~ llInounl or uS\: Ih .. L,d dt:r will m:ci\"c.
Th. worki n~ 1<l.1d rcf~r> 10 the maximum It:>ad lhal ,",',II be .. bee<!
011 I)I~ I.d<ier. inclu dins t h ~ u·(iJl.ht of tli, user. I)I~ m 3t~rinl~ ~l\(1
Itllll', all(! anYlhi ng cI ~~ Iii, Ia<.lder is rcqui"."\! 10 ~ ll t>J1'O rt.
C(1II1I:lCIO",. induStry. 1"'<.1 Ulilit i~, tc"d f{) II S~ ~.,[r" h ~~ ,'Y duty
;\lI d hCaI'y duly la dder!. 1'4inlcr~, om,~.,-,. ~nd lill)l1 n,~it\lctJa1\CC
cr~w~ u'<\: m.~li lllU <lttI)". LiSlll d uty Indtkn. arc usu;,lIy r=,,·.>J for
hot.I.Whold usc.'
To ,;e!e.:1 :1.11 c~t~".i(",
bdd~r. tile COnSumer "'U~I kilO'" Ihe heiShl
of the 101' ,upparl poi " l. If II j,; lL roof "'''·c. thc ladtkr " 'ill lIa,'c 10
~.'t~n d o ne to (lire.: f<ct beYl)Illl the <:a'·c. TI,~ Sian dn rd ...1~ forth
~ lab]e.' .... hich eorru]al.-S the c~l ellsi ,," ladder ,il.~ u'it ll Ihe heiJl.ht
1(1 the roof eave ,lI1(1 hiGht to the lop suppml Oil Ih e .... a ll. ""hicl,
s l, ould be referred to ill orll er to delcrminc whel her ;111 c~ lc" ,ion lad-
der ",':1.' the right .ize fnr till,: job.
111 ~ll"C1ing a ~1C ~bdd~'1". il .1",,,1<1 .,., noted t l~,( ~ath k"t1 h o r
I:Wdcr \l:o;. ;, high..,,;. sl~ndillg 1",,~1. 1'", inM~n'c. fnr ~n tight-fool
1:....... ,,(. lh" loiS,"o.l SI~ll(I,"g k\"eJ is Ii,-"
fcrl. ni,,~ in':! ..... ·r" d ••1CC"-

. "I ~ .I . t~nt u.u.

• /J, j !U , I .j , I . "',bl, 2l.
1'11011. 1.11111. 1' R.\c nCJ; m : lJ)J;

minc Ih~ m:uimum ,",ork lIeighl of II "~l'ticu l u ladder, atld III. II scr's
heighl nutl "lIf~ r.ach 10 Ihe lI iS ht:!ol ~tn!l(.Ii n~ Ic'·e.I af Ih~ ladtkr.'
All ~.~ IC!!himl ladder may be tOO hlS h far the work to b~ d"'l e. If
a 28·ftxlt ladd ~ r is used, no work ca ll be IICrformed lxlow ,I ccrtaiu
pOi l\1. u.cu,, ~~ tile worhr will be 100 fur nUl 1I""1IYfrom the bui ldill(:
10 r..... . ~h il s:lfcly. Thu,;, ~ 2S-fam o:.\ lClIsion b ader C~l11K>t 1>Ill,·id.
a .." ch 10 I, ll I""d s bell>"" 2S fcel.
A ,",ork~r ~a" u'u ~II}' =,'11 fmm I h~ ; (ound up la a h cij!:ht of
"""~l rC~1 or >0, A ! S·foot eJ.len';OIl I:ld d ~r can be clooed to 14 f~"t,
bUl On a 2~ .fC)()t ladder, il is a prob lem tn wo rk l>elow 10 f,'l:1, So
b"IWtc n seve .. [cetluld 10 fcct. there i~ 1\0 fCllc h. Thcrcr()r~, [I dillh·
ent ,i7.~ I:ltld er will IJ:I"~ to be ,tiCClcd to reach thn,c heiGht s.
T h us. I ;uld~r id~Cliol1 cnn b<: problcnl mic. Uw uf "" ineorr~'CII)'
sil.nl ~"Id<'f call crC'JlC a d"n~crou~ ,;IU:ui"lI, weh;l.~ a wc rkw h~v.
inG Ie I"", a nd '<'Jell OJI rhe IaddL'f in an u tI.'<:I f" "'''Y.
T he work si1 e mll~' l imif the I' ''al h of !he lad<kr. If, for i nM~n".
" 2S·foot c.\ ltI,sion IJdder <:a1l1l0t Ix (11.1.1)' ex!end""" II"" wwker 111:\y
bave to cr."'l it nt nn improper a l1 ~lc ofi ll dinn lion. The corrCet lu' Sk
of iucii natiu!1 is 7SY, d~greL"' " If fbe laduer i. set "I' m an improper
augle 01' incliuati on. the bottom mar slide. A ~ho rter bdd.r th . refe r"
mml Ix ('IrMlded.

T he oollOn ' 3" ti lop ~u ppon for I he b tldcr m"y .u.1 cn n inc wh~l hcr
a Slcplatklc' or an c~ leusion I~d ..",r j~ pr"fcr:.bk. For in~lanCl:, 011
"" U"t'''" slope:. lhe four Ic&~ of ~ lI"pbddc r ma )' oot be able 10 Ix
suppor!w 0 11 a lL-vd . In SlIch ~iItMlion .... if th",~ U. ad.-qu~tc lOp SliP-
port fllr ittl ~;tl,," , i!ln bddcr, il may Ix m ore npproprial" t" uie un
eXlc"~ion l.1tlder,·

[4J Rules {(IT L:tddu Use

[u}-Imcnded Usc. Mm\ ludclefS MC de~ign~d for Ill': by ollly

o ne penon , If a 13dlle, is 11"";&,,«1 for usc " 'il b more l bJn Olle p<:n»I'I.

' I.t:~ ~ . 1.I.).~ .

'iri. f 1.1.I.U .
• /d. t U .2,

LA[)llliRS A"I1l SCAFFOLDS ~ 5'-07[4]

the ]abellllll't 'ay ~0.1O (f tbe bdder doc:; not 'lnte il wa' d.sigll.d
for marc than one pel"<on, only one periiOll at n time ,hould be on
(b]--Climbing ood Working I.oclltion. The pe<>on'$ body
shoukl b!: lIear 1he middle of tl", 'tel' or rung." Othcrwi'e, the imbal·
ance of weigh I on the lodder mal' cause the ladder to tip.
The pe<>on should nol go on a stcp or rung which is highcr tlwn
t he highest ~1:lIlding level." The highest standing level should be in·
dicated on the product ,bta label as well as all a "Danger" mark-
I'or mo~t ladders, the USer m",t !lot step On the ladder top cap,
or top step, or pail shelf." He Illust not step 00 the rear bmce~ of
a 'tepladder, UllleSS the mnnuf:lcturer approves doing iiO.
[c)-Angle of Indlnation, A common Came of accident' on
nOli-self-supporting bddcrs, or ladder, that lean 'lgninst a wall, is
thut the ladder', feet ,lide along thc grOlmd outward from whalc,'cr
the ladder is le;miJlg asains!. The top of the ladder then com~"'S ofT
the top ~nppon, and thc ladder, with pu-,"cnger, falls to the ground.
On the oth~r hand, if the !Ingle ofindinntion (or "pitch"') is too
'teep, the uscr ha, a greater ri~k of slipping. Al,o, the ladder is mOre
prone to fall backwnrds from the lOp. The typic~l comedy scene of
a young nUI11 011 a ladder perched at a yOU!lg girl's IIpstaiN window,
mtd the would-be suitor losing hb babnce and the ladder falling
backwards, is accurate. (n real life. bowever, instead or gaining en-
trance 10 the Ilirl', room, the hero cnds up in a bospital room.
Tbese two COmmOn improper placements are usually the fault of

"hi. ~ U ..1,
II JJ. § U.l,

" !d.
" !J. § '1,1.1, t 9,1.1,1. Appel,,!i, A-
,. !d. § U.', Ifllo, 1"I>OIop i,,,'lo,," 18 j"C~" ""Io~' Ih, '''p ""P. ,hi, mlo d""
O<.M OWl)'.

D" Ih, to"""" '0' " '''P SI,p ,,,,,weigl, 111, dMgor ,11", ., UI<. wilt '''' il '0 <tarO<!
(On? 11 ,n,,,,,k, or an invited mi,""". ""rile Ihe .;,,,,ing;, M,,,l' u"''' wilt ",,,-,on
'lnll i, m"" "" "f, '0 'tor (]Il or it woutd no' "" th,,,.

f SU7l41 1' 1101).... " ... I'RACnCI!: Cl"IO!; ,....
th U!lCr, ~lJhough 5\,ch a fall w mctim ts i. cau i\l:Uby a defc:ctive bd-
der, ~uch as one with jm.... l"<!uaie J~o.Idcr fomillg.1>
To gct optimum r~sistallcc \0 sliding. non·'elr·mpporli l1g lnduer~
sltOl,lW be Cl"«tw al ;\ an~ of jllclinaliO Il (or " pitch") of 7SY, Iksrccs
from the II ori zol1t~'. The "qu.1ncr kl1l!lb rnle" provides for $...:11 nn
llllSlt:. Aecorui ng to the quarter length tule, th~ ladder should he ~d
up!.O IhJ I Ihe ~ Is 3"""Y from th~ wall "di~;\nce of onc-<juatler
,', c cffreTi,'c wor~ins Icngl h of IhI: !nddet. TIle cffl'<:lh'e W01~ing
ICIIGt h me.ln~ the distnncc of the .ide mils, from the boU()ffi of The
$ide roils, 10 Ihe lOp ~ lIpjl<H"' poim Gllhe ladder. "
[d}-Footinll Suppo rt. "the fcct Me un supported, or if OOe (001
i~ umupportcd, the ladder will be un~ l~b1c. Locy fricliOll at th. b.1se
C"oIU$Cd by lad: of (OOii ,,!; ~uPfJOtt Clln n~ Ih~ laddcr 10 slip, Low
friClion c-aJ1 be c~ur.o:d by ]xk of footi us support, icc, (,/\ow, W3ter.
ele. Sofc, UnC,'cn, ullslable, ~ I c pcd, or 5Iippe!)' surfaces e;1Il make the
ladder ucu.l~ble.

[fthe b ddcr d~ not Ila\'c (cc!, h~~ ,,"om, m~ing or ~ Iippel)' f<'>l.:!,
or h~& an i01prop<:. !ype offOO! for the . urfx(, the ladd~r mn)' ~Iidc
O\I t"':lrd~ from Ille b..w, l fdl': fccl!lre unsupported or um lnb!c, the
bllder may ~Iip laterally. Proper fOOl ing for 1"'= !we Or the l."ldd~r
will help a"gid oUlII'ald and l ~leral 5\iding of the fcc! ~nd enhallce
The rules ror foot ln&su pport arc :leI rort h In the .r~ndard ." Tlte
I~dder b" ~ should be: 011 a firm, je"eI ~urface . It m~)' be llccess~!)'
10 use "lalkler lcvclen" TOgel cqu:l1 rai l sappan on IIl1t ,'cn ~u tf~cc:!i.
Slip reo;;slUIICe of the fccl enn be enhanced b)' shoc~, spun, sp;k.:~,
Mmibr devieeos, an d combin)tionr. thereof. Whcn nee.;s,sary, the)'

l' Set. t., .. Phillip. ,'. Hord.·",. Whol"'. I..... In •. , 7~ ll'. 1~46(E<h Ci•. 199,~ II"
rl)'I~ \Ii.~;&> n 1.1.'. n,., plaintifT,..", iI1,i1l"d ... hon thol.>d<l" UI'OR ..·hkh h, W""
... noIiog .Jit>\W <JII' (,om """ac h hi" •. Tho pt.iAtiff !NOlI,,"' Ill! " lion aJ!tgiI1g ' nrt
'h. "pod," "" ,h.bGI, OIl. o>f, h, bd~" nr< ......... iv< 1>< ....... . h< d ....", and RI>,tri-
.1 ~·<foi".d.q ".'o to p..... nt the bdd.rfrmn . Iipping on ~'fI.in 'U,rQ ~". no judi'
.".,,1 ror til< »IaiDtHT ... " ail"OIrd.
Sit tWo To,.",.,. Y. 1I~~otd Lo.cId .. Co.. l&O N.W.ld 10) ( Min ... 1966): Sporb
,'. Con<o\id .,,~ Alomin iom Co .. 619 s.w.~~ J4! (Mo. 19 S~).

",>d~. I' 191l~

" 1<1. f I ..U .
,...... ,",

should III: illSI~ llw, A fool b dder boord o r !.imilllr devi~e AlD)' be
u!II!d jrlllt b dda d~ '101 b~w safel)' sbQC:5o, spih"l. 01' :1 , imHnr d.,..
If the bddcr is lIJI:d 011 i c~, ""0W, or slippe ry ~ llrf:IC\:S, :I IUi !ab l ~
meam must be pro"id ~d to [lr~.'clH ~li rpin s.
[e}-Top Su ~Porl, A mm·.elf·supporting Indder ntUSt be laid
'lsai"'t a wall, tlce, Cit " at the top. The top can ~ Iip latel'lIlI)' ~nd
either fall , or eausu the \I~tr \0 I<l'c his balance and filII . Th lOp ca n
tip backwnld~ if the u;."r· ~ weig ht i~ not balanced pcrrccll~·.
Tho IWO side rnils sllOu ld be phlced so th~t they lre sUpf>Orled
<'quail)' 0\ Ihe lOp. " Some b~ lk" Iw\'e a single support a II Jd,m"m
for u.., >I'hen the ~l ]lport is n pol<:, buil ding corner, o r Irtc. 11", ~I·
1:1<:10"""" shoukl be larse ~nd sub:!.ulllli.u ooough to " 'P(IOrt the I"d·
det Dnd I""d.
If Ihe L.... d., b.u 10 be pllCW "pinst ~ window, it $Ioould II/we
~ devic:e 3c ros, III.: b....:k of the '~dder. which eXlends ncl1)5.~ ~ he " 'In-
dow, 10 pro"ide rinu support ~S'linM the build ing "'nll~ or window

[I}--..<;irlll LO:Idln~. Side l o~ding occurs when a lI~er rc~cho;i 10

~heleft or ri)Jht. E~cesslvc side lo~ding make'S the I:tddcr 1U15Ia bi c
nnd cnn cau.e It to ~lide nt t he bn.., and at the 10!'. Thj~ Iypi~all y
O<."'CII[& when a "'or k~r W~ll1~ 10 "void climbin s dow!! and r~fIO'Ji l lon·
ing the ladder c1,,~r to the work." The ihndard SlatC:9 Ilt M ~Ide
10... lill& mu,1 Ix ~"oidro '" nnd tlml the Ind,ler musl hi: h'f\l cl(OSC
t() the: .....ork. "

[I\l-Climblnl; Wdtrs. II ladder ~houJd Ix moumro f.om l ilt

bot lo m. nOi f,om the side. Climbing o n from Ih~ side C3U§I;S the Inti •
' .'d.~ 8.l.'.
,. 5 ,'" <.,..
lti~l."d ' -. Sin" , L"",\>a Co., 11 .... , 161 M ld 9" U~. CI. "PI'. 1971)_
Piainlifl-. a ,i~n ~'''S(f ...."oitlt<! ;oiu,i<' in 0 foil (,em, 1,Ll<lor... It",h oeculfod
,,1L. '''''h<d <'1<11 .l'I',~dft"'<I)' 00< roo, I" 10; , ti~hl I~ li~hlon 0 bol ,. Th.I,I".1
fore< pu,j,;ns ab';lullh< r;!hl ,;,\<0( 1b< lodd" ",'hile li~ht<n;". ,I" tootl ('~I<d
Ihe I"dd",~ ~ot'h". 'I" ~ court onhm«l jU"Bm<t11 fnr 'ho d,fcnd,. I. hOldi"; ,Iw
the pI,;"!;I\' f' iled IQ »,0'. 11L'1 ],e ~ iil",ut fault "hen I,i< u", 01" IISh!"-.la!>1
,0:;;<101,,;.1 I.dd.r ., .. 1'01 In ~ "'''''''.'' ~r fur a P"'I'<"< in,.",Ord.
"'A!4. 1·193! , ~.l.6 .

" Id.

PROll. UAn. PRACn Cl-: GULOf. --- "

der w be IInb.1l nn~cd. If IhQl~dd~r lilM- il ( :In fall. Of' il ( :111 l"3US<:
Ih o USCr 10!me his bahtn ~ and r~ ll. ::

The 8Lnnd:nd Ihneforc "'~1""" 11"'1 ... h~" ditnbins th ~ laoJd~..., the
user ~ holli ll r.1Ce t he Inllll er ~ lI d h ...:p a Ji rm hoill. He mll_'\ ll<l l d imb
(In fre .n t he 5i"", frem Oil" Indder 10 a nolhcr, Of frolll n swjl\g~a&C
10 11 ladd er, \JI1I ~'!\~ th e lndd er is securc>d l'Gnin l ! sid~wa)-". mOlion or
b~ bo..'O:Il linil0 the !oITuctur~. The U!iCI" shoo ld 1101 dimb :I brokcn
or be'l! la uder, or whcre nny stru ctural damnsc exiSIS.
[h }-t::l ccl ric~1 HD1,.1\rd 5, Elect ric pOwer linOl and oth er c!~": l ri·
e:1! circui t! m lL~ 1 be :.voldro. If a tn d al la.wc r. or a "'000 b ddcr "'illo
sid e·flli! 11I(1 ~! ~i nfo l1:c n'C n l u·jr..'S, rom..,~ int o conta~1 wilh ~~po'icd
<n..:Ty iled cle<:\ rIc ""i r~'!>, all cl,":lriC<li shoc k or Sholl ci rcuil could
occu r. Workcn ha w Men 'leriously bu rnoo a.~ n r""lIlt of:l Jnd d ~'r
tomln& into <:a ulae l wi lh a n e k:c trical wir •• The user uc:cd 1101 cvell
be 0 " the !:uld er, bUI I,,~...dy movi ng il. when the !~dd" r 10 1lch ~ It
po"'C, lin e.
There Me lad dcrN ~l'eeiJi~3 11~' d..,;ll:':ncd for u !~ !\~ar electri c power
lin~. With th~ t c;\C"Cption, L"ldden ~hould be k<:Jl! ~Wl'I)- from . 1<...:1 ri.
power lillc~.

(I}-AC"e1.'M In Roo f. Whel1 ,1 I ~d!ler is u!ot.>d to gCI 011 " roof,

th ~top of the In<l<Jer shll ul d e.' lcnd at I ~a>l oue fOOL, ~nd JlO mor~
thall th m: f ..'Ct , ~b<:I,'C the poi nt uf sl1pport nt Ihe eave! , ~uu er, or
roof lin e!'
The I ~dde r ~houl!l b.: Ikd !lllwn 10 prewn! il from slippinG_ When
the uwr MCfIS from th.; l3!ldcr til the mol. tbe,,: is a dllng<'f" that he
may tip tlt e la dd~r, or cuu s<: it to slide, and ~pccial care .lIo uld \Ie

. M"",p"" <rY "" ' ''I ,~ c~ .. 115 lII. Apl'- .'<I ~ :I?_ 46(,~ .1l.2~ ~?3
u So.... ~.~.. ~j'" .,
( 19 ~), n , pi> i.,iIT hod rl" n1 0 J'!;,IIk bot"·",,, ''''n
lodoI", In ~'" :oJ a = 1'Md
" b ile p:iliI'in~ ut.ti ....d l. 11< o6ml><d ur ....."" "<"phIdd... ,,, "''''''' a ~ .... .. ,d
"II< ' '<r m! 1»<. ""~·n Ctfl 'o tho r l., nk. d'e I,JMr ml l.' I"" d. "",,"';n, I,h" I~ foil
do~ ... 11", .1."" ""'"' >I'''' ~i, ",.d. Tho rW",;fT ~ubo<q....,' lf brousb' • 1""00\1(1,
l .... ilill ><\ ..... . ~"" , be ...11 " , n.! ",.., ~fO<1ur<' ~r . b. l>dd". T"e ..,u rl 10<1<1
.1"" the OI·;U," ", rtQ" idod ~..~, ,"nkkn' ro'. flr idi n~ ill r",,,, nr , ~ , p\>in,jlr.
.. A.I~. ' ·1 9~ ~ f U7.
" /d. i $"UO.
""' ,,',

laken at thai point"

[j] Larlder SCUlll :l"d Adjuslment

[i]-llxtcnsinn COld de.". Exlcnsion Inddcl'l ,hould only be ad·

ju,wd wh.n the user is 'tnnding:ll the hilse ..rtlle kidder." The USer
111u,t ch~"k thai the locks arc propcrly engaged. that the rope is
tracking correctly in the pulley, and tlmt both llppcr and lower lad·
der ~upport points are contllCting firm wpport ~urface.;.
The uscr Illllst not adjt~t the ladder fWIlI the top of the ladder
or while anyone i~ standing on the I"dd~r." A l;IJder c:mnot be
n,,]\'ed while :In)'otte is 011 it!'
(iil-StCllll1dder~. The IIscr must be :;urc the ,tepladder i~
fully opened, with spr."dcr; locked. nlld all feel 011 n firm, b'd SlIr·
[k]-Ercctjnn or KxtCIl.,ion !.udders. An c~tclision ladder )m~
two ,.ction,," top "''Ction. called the "ny" ,cetiun, :lmllhc bottom
scclion. "albl the "bao;c" ,~'Cti()Il.
Extension Indders mu~t be sct up \0 tllnt the lOp S<.'Ction i~ nbovc,
and re~tiTlg on. the bollom ,.ctiull. Th~ rUIlg leeh ntll.'l be CIlS;lgc'd.
[lj-lIooks. Hoo"" lII:!y he allachcd to tIle top of the ladder,
lo gi"e it ndded sUpp<lrt."
[m]-Spccial U~e tnddcrs. Some bdder.. such as trestle lad·

"Si:". ,\~., Tut ~,"l, ". R,D. 11'0"'", Co., 1"0., H(' ilL App. 3d toJ>. 40S N.E,ld
4n (t9,Dj, I" ""wing f,~",.1 bdd" to the H~lf "f ,I" tr,ilor "['<,,, which it w"
killing, ,I" pbio@-r,,,tTtlo,,dhi,han,t,",,d'-""'to tho t,~, ,h,n "j « d hi; kf'
f"", hd';11<1I,;"" It Wel, at thi' J"lir,"1.,,( ,~, Io<l,k, ,uIL,p",,! 1:><",,,11. lh< ri"in'iif
"",I he r<11 w ,I" l'OI"'~, '"";lilli"l; ""~,,,\ i"juri". Tho ,,,UrI "fllrmru tho jLod~.
nl<nt for tl", pi>in'itT, h"tdin~ til" the "'iLk",-,. wbi,b ;nd",kd ''''timon), ~f "to
<'1'''' ''I,d It" pi.1in'iif lL;mldf. "'''' ,ul1,;;iol1' to >l,"mil tho to th" jLor)' on tl>o
'1",,,ti,,,, "r 1""';01"0 """,""
" At',1.19~2* ~.3.D,

"h!,~ S.lD.t.

"/d, ! 8.,,1.\:,
»/J. § >:.,1, tX.
,,, , ,.. >
<ler •. cXICII ~io ll 1n:>1 1c 1:"ld ........ C{lIlIbil1~li01\ Inddel1l, ~nd 1.10111>1" Sh:p.
lauders, nr e <lcsigncd 1<1 IUlld IWO m~1I nl n li me.
(5J---C'.I1't nt l.u<ldlfl. n ,c sland:lfd sct!; fou h a nunlOO of rulr.'S
tor I~ddet' cao: and n~liln CllanC<'. [or CX~ IIIPl.::

(I) 111 >('ICcI lire buder, "preferably" before each lise ."
(l ) If .h" Ja<klc' is brol;cn o r w n1. or if ~")' problem is lI<)lic..'!i
wil h :111)' w(l' ki ,,~ p.1tIS, ,ulIS"o-!oid" rnil C'()II11~'Clio,~. side r:Jils or
ru1\g~ (cr:l\:k~ or 'plit~), h;lrdw~rc cOIlI1""lio!t~. ri"cls, or Ilny o tlr~r
cmnpoJlclll ~. or if oil, f,tl.'<l'C, or .ti~ l>cry mat('rial lIa. J;IIU~n on th e
la dd.".. wk" t h" larl dcr OUI of S<.'1'Vk" IIl1tiltbe p rob\l'1tl i~ cnrrC't'tl-d
b}' " qu., ljr" ..d m<"Ch~oic. "
0) If the 1~(ldcr I",s il<:ClI ".~!lO!cd 10 eXC<$.,i,'c h"'lt. it must I>c
lc~ledfor d"nc'Clioll ""d ~t,el1S1h h... ro,e rell >in8 il."
(.I) Ir ~cid. or :1Ik:,li~ haw gOl1tll on Ihe l~.ldcf. eo" " ,11 lht n"'''u,
r"c lllr~" ~ illce il 11"")' ral llec the wor~i!!S It>1t1 of tl'" ~uldcr."

(5) Whe" tr:H\~lXltIiIlS the b lilier. provitl c propcr .upporl 10 Ie_

du".., dllfi ll~ ml<l ro.m <1 ,0<:1.:." All)' lrucl.: l:lel.: for the la ducr ~ho" kl
be d~'Si{:n<~llo iii lire !'llllieu':'1 Wd~r." Olh",·isc. ro:od shock ~nd.
,-ib,:l1;'''' !WI)' ~:IU'C e~~~'Ssi"e we~r 1(1 [he lmld~r. r~uhi,'S in prem~·
lI"e deterio ralion ami rcd lle.d ~cr" icc life. or (Imnage to side nlil "
fillip, f,'1:'.
anti 01 11 . ( I~~rtl;..
(6) b ddcn . hnuM ""' s", ...-d ml JIf<l r><t racks, " lid 'ml ...·med
... oodell lad<lc" ,Imuld 1101 be 'tured in damp pl:lC"'; ~il1CC it will
Slrllrt"" lir e "" ,vice li f~.11
('I) F(('tjn<~'t d,eck,. of hard ... art. fiui ng~ and :It'CC'>SU,i~ ~I'C' fe'
qui""L l'i V!lI:lble conllc'Clions and "",g· lock <':(m slIl;:.e,,,, ,;!IOll!d be
lubri~a(cd frequc!I1I)·. Bults alld ri"cl~ ~ltoul d be 5ccurC. Thc "'dder
.lroold lie 1:lken out nf i~r"icc irlh~,c Ilrc all)' 1>011. or ri"ct~ ll1i,~in G

., 1.1. H _,4.1 . S.';" I .~. U ,l .

" Id. H ~, ~ .I .M_1.1,

"1<1.) s.~ . I.l.

.. JJ. § ~ .• I.l.
,. M ~ !,~ .4,

" {d. ~ ~.',~ . I,

"tJ. ~ U _<.
".... ,",

or if the
' .<\ UDHRS A:-I I) SC....TOLDS

join l ~ \K:l\\'~~n the '( .p~/run~s und the sid~

rai ll arc not
(8) If the !.:Iftl)" shO!.:S or padded f~o:( bcrolli C e.~ =~ivc!y worn,
th e Illdder shou ld be taken OUl llr~crvice."
(9) The I~dd"t ma)" bo: Coaled " ';Ih :l lT~rnll"'renl. noru:oruiuclivc:
finish, r.\Jch as ....~rnish. sh.II~~. or "dear pr~'SCrvalive. bUI it nnJil
not be couled wi th :tll)' opnquc cO"cri nS c.'\C~pl for id~IHlrlCali o n or
""awing. and thut only on ODe ~d~ of the side raill.'o
(10) Dkt, dust, grQ$C, grime, car\:ormo.:oos subs!nnci$, lind Giil."!"
conduct ive ITlnlcri~1 may p ro\'id ~ n path for electrical ClIrrClliS 10
Ira,'ct 11,e l!lddcr 0111-11 boo kC/lI clean. 4)

§ 56.08 S<;:DITolds Gucrnlly

A ""oft<>lol u 011 ."'''Ild or ....... .....,~ , Iolto,," aool III , u_nillc
" ' ",W •• • • ~ I . ...... '" ,lot ................. 1.I~u" • ..." ..........1-
, ..... of ""114l"l'<- ,. _ .. "'... " 'G.k<t-$ "" ... rrof lk .r< ,..tmod
t • • k~('(.ld ..... ,100 ...... , .. Ik ...... ..... Iao'''' .. . 1 , b ~ ... lfokl,
~ .. til •• ,be lIUtIuf" '''rn' . 1.... "'. ' ....10 or ~_,. , ~ort> ......
100 ,Ioe 00II. ,,,,,,1i<>o ., ... on.f1'old. ",~,' be 1I.1Il, ,. the "b,"llll. " ......
,,,1<1 prod",,!> It.bllil, •• 0.. 1I,n .r. dof"'llI. plOd "'I. nil". o(Ollok!
"DOl.tI, II.blUly 1I1 ~ .. h."" Irr~."llr .""'pI.... Atllooto r.r 1""""'01·
Ilt:ool.., all<' ><Ilk _ ' .. lib ' 100 pIol. ,m .", ~_ •• ..-011.
Uodt'r. bt, ...... o l· ~orro'''r th,.,." ... l.jur t<ll~I,d ""1.
"'11 I. ,,".1·
t)· ..... ,..:G'O( 1,011, I~ ~ ",•• ufO(turet"", doIWI • • ,,,,rr"d. r-.·,i;lI·
.... .. ><,IM<. """ ..... "'. ooc . -,..n ... k h dll1'lnlh '<>aM't11oo 1>O!t.
M&OII'" , •• 'I<",,".~ m",.f_m-, """"', proOf of .. deol~ .. feci Of
. 10I.,i<>. ()(. >t Olldot ~ ,

~I""" "" flold =., lno .... ""..,fO<t.ri.~ d of~d .. "'hI'h COlI . rb.
"'pll< ."" ...,t lr)' "U parlin, r. Ih.. Ih. t ,kfl .. .,. ............ 41 ..... •
....... re oaI,' ,~"""'" mtI " "'IJIi<uII«Il<!)l, r.~~ I. ~ .,,10.. . '"
1,,,,,,,,.11,' br""r.hl J. '", II.J~ , .,.,. SIlK< "",rr"ld •• r< • • d."~"o ...
• ..... f.<1o'" Il; "'~"I "'. to I.~o .. " .....
.,.,.,..., .. «<lolOd .. I!~ ,II< ...,.llooId!o
<'<"""_ to ....IIt. '~OI .."
.-_01...... "',1> ' 0 ,100 ..,.
<II......... , ..........

"/d. i 8.4 ,~ ,
It Id.

"'4 f S.H .l.

., 'D. I ~.O.

i 56.oS(1) I'RO!), L1Ali . I'R,\CTICE GUIlIt:

(I Kfneml Descriplilin. ScalTold~ ~ ri: llso:d in Ihe C()1~IM.l<;l ion.

nl=intell3llCe (~.I!. ' "'in dow "'llstling ami p:)inl illjt)' :tIld dt'molilic ro
of build ing' and OIller Slr\lClUrc~. 1A scnFlh ld i~ "any temp()r~ry clc-
,'nrcd or ~uspend c!.l platforn1 lind it~ SUP flCrii nS ~lrucmr~ u'ed for
snppOrting WOrkn\ell or malcrlnh. or bot lt. '"
1\ !impk IiC'IIrrokl m~}' Ill: (ompri~ ofju~I;1 plnltk ~ullponcd on
tllc 5id~'S by two IMlders. The ~a rl}' movnblc ~arr<llds cOII ~i~l ed of
:I wood plnnk. att ached nlthe sides to ropes, The rO[>l'5 were :'lluch,:d
to JlIIllc)'s allovQ :\I\d pulled hI' olber wnrke l'li. To IOWL"!" lh e !.Caffokl,
the lOpe \\'OUW bI: Jet WI; to !':lise the 5C:IITold. the rap¢ ....,ould Ix
pu lll!tJ up.'
A5 call be nl"le'ed. on occn~i on, workers let go of the ro l'<-'" and
the plnlform fell. Ropes broke. planks brol:~, ilud wDrL:cTS tripped
01T Ih . sid e 0( Ih.: .\ellffokl .
MOJors rcpbc(d m~Ilp<l\\"cr. 10 r~i5\: a~ d 10ll"er lhe mpcs. Rop.....
were r~p la,"d b)' dlai ns, planks by mcl~\ ~I alf" rm' wilh ~\de rnil!;.
A bmking ~y"Jcm wa~ dr.,,;ignOO 10 >101' Ihe ~ rro\d if it wenl be)'ond
~ CCI! ~ill sp«d, such a. in iI rree M l.

AS~;Il, "' ...... be imaginnl, Lite dl.,illS brok<:. lite ~blro,m, broke.
the worhr.; fell ,wer Ihe side rQi l ~. ~nd lite l.!rnkc sys lem failed under
Ihe ~Ir~in of Ihe ~po."\:ding, fre~·ra1liIlg ~corro ld.

!k'(:.1U5\: 0( Ihe ho rrib le injulio::l Ihal lIa'· . occu rred in .""~lToklinS

acdu..'f1I!>,· Ihci, d<:!\;~, ronSTrUCI;OII. nnd U~ hJS bn:n Ihe fiubjccl
of c~lcl1!oive Jc~;'I"lio" and regu lation. Such r<:su lalion b s nol eli mi.
n:ll cd defective ftClffold •. Con , lruction crews still fnshion Ih . ir oll"n
rorm~ or scarrold~. Pam On Well·designed ~ntTo ld. br",,~ . n,lckup

' $(-,' J~pn> eh. ~6, " l ....,.)I>Cl_ Liability e:,,,, lIi,I(IO"),," ...·hk h ' '''..,. . .... . n....,,1
""'~ ),.1<1" rlal f""" . " ...~den"
, ANSI A 10.8·1 ~J7 f 1 (Defio;';"",I.
, '''1. ' H'" ,of 1(.lTuid I. , hi! iM.t...,I I. >e<i!kl", ~n "","""",I ", " ..I.... "><I .~ ..
• s,." "2-. 1( 1;'.. v. I< . Il. W~m", C .... In<... 95 W...h.. :!<l ll 6. 6j4 1'.2<19J (l9tl!J.
n ,. r);m,i!l\ 'D""'...,j nurn","'. inju. ic>, i""'..t;,'l' f,>O!y,,,, , ......... d ""n", 0""
kK< "r"n ~IT". "'hen on oi"mi""m ' ....,[foidi", ri,"k "" 11,,,,,"". ,I"<""i"l': .ll<m JO
r<tl ru 'h< ~TntLn<l. The oour< mooifi.d Iho i"dg'''''''' ro, 'ho pl,in'i lT, rn ,.n"", 'h<
(ull .",• .", d rho d,n,o£< ,,,,.,d..
·)o,h h.1d 00<., ,,<lu,od "J"'<' • d" .Tmino'ioa
t"'-, ,~. rbinrifr' 118<1 . " ... >«1 n I'<...:<~t of lhe ri,k of , hd< i~J~ri .. ru r';~nl
10 i"'"f'"l ~nd dil.<o\(f 'IK dd".... .. Tho "'w'
II<td II .. ,.be
"" tJlhl"l<>oI nllt..: ri>It
fi l><li,! n, "", ,ur!""""" by ""I' "",-".
)6-93 1,,\ IJDI(RS ,~~]) SCMH)1.11S ~ 56.tIS[J]

,afety de"ic~, fnil. Safely d~,'ice' for worker>. such a> h"rn~ss !xlts,
go unworn.
[2}-Stntc Lnw, l'rotccting Workmen Oa Sc:tffolds. Slate laws
mny pro"id~ eXIra prolccliol1 for workers 011 scatTold,. For in>laJice.
New York lm~ u law sp~cific:llly s~lIillg forth broad prOicclion and
right~ for worker> On >,:affold~,' The owner of Ih. building !xing
worked on, ~rld the gell~ral contractor for the work, are botll "abw-
IUlelr liable" for any "ioilltion of thc provi<;iolls of 1he ""affolding
scclion, rcganlk",~ of whet her 1hey crcnled I he condilion, owned lhe
scanDld, or "therwi~~ dir<"Cled, supervised. or had anything 10 do
with the work. Tim" thc worhr"s compensation bar agnin~t a work-
er suing hi, cmploy~r i, avoid.d, since the \\'orhr can sue the oWlicr
and general cOJl1racwr. e\'~n if his own company nWllcd the scanDld,
">sembled and urrnng~d the 'caffnld, ilnd ,up"',-,,·i,.,d it> \I>~. Cont rib-
utory ncgligence i, 1101 a dcfclI\c to a ,-iolntioll uflh" , tatuto,)' pro"i-
,ioll, rcquiring proper '<:(,ffoldillg,
[3J-Commoll IMUCS in Scnf("ld C",~,. The cummOJl i,-,ue> dis-
cussed ""pm< with regard to lndd . " "ppll' in Inrge m~a,urc tu ,caf-
folds as well. There arc. howel'er. wrne particular issues that tend
to urise in ,c~ffold ca'C5,
raj-impleading. Thcrc is nftcn a trail ()rr~~pon~ibiJity, leading
from tllc oWlicr of Ille scaffold, to Ihe ~clter of the ~cnffold, 10 the
lI1anUfactllrer of the ,caffoJd, to the lI1illlllfllctllrer of cnmponcnt

• S/:,. ~,Y. 1",1>or La~- ~ 2~O (M,Xi "",), 1%7),

Thi, "",jut> I,., 1""" ;"1<'Prcteci by th< Kew Vorl '0""' "'
pbdng "~l)(l"'~'ili()'
fe' ~,r,,)' ,1 <"""r"<I;"" jol:><. "n "~m " and ~'n'r"l ,,,"<r,ol,,,,,. r<~o, dlc<, of
,,'ll<thc' the)' ,,,u.,lIy directed m ",'",wlled on)' "1"'''or the work or owned the
",.,[fold, Thl". Iho 0"" ><' ,ml g""or~1 ","".1OtOr ,,,, ,,;d to "" ",b",lutdy tiohl,"
for" Li , r.-", in ,,·.ffolditLg, S" , Z;mmer \-. CI ..,,,utLg COULLty l'orf,,,,,,itlS Am. Inc ..
6l N,Y.2<1 ~D. 4~3 N,Y.S,ld 1O:!. 4~1 N.E,:!d ~O); (]9SS): Lo"~ ". Fur,"_
F<hll"ber. 5~ 1'.Y.2d 15~. 4018 ~,Y.S_2d 132.43:> N,E.2d 11~ (19S1): All,,, ,',
CL""t;" Cn",M_ C",l'" +I NY1,I 2'X1. 405 K '{_S,2,! 610. 3)(, N, E_ld 1276 (! 978).
Tliul. in Now y,,,l;, 'he "OIker\ '()fllp<n~" i '''1 hI>' d,,,,, not m"all), pr",'O,,"I .,
1""' "'' injLlrro Oil . ",.,fi"old from idontif)'inr " I'iable dd onLIo,,1. rho i""" i, "h<ll",
tho 1->1.,. 1-"", pro,hi,,,, \1'", "i oillt<"Li. "ot who'h " lboro '"'' t",~li !", n,", \,inL!OII)'
.111)' ("il",c of., ,.".,[fold ,-iol:1[" the >cOli",]. If the ",,,io," w."
,iohuctl. "omp",ti,'.
I",~i!,<,,," i, not" "cfm"" Th«<f"", in No~' Yn,l;, """t ""[f,,ld c<!"" "'0 'UIll","_
f)' j"d ~ "",,' ,.• ,,-~ @ 11" i" Lto or Ii;,bilit)',

'·\""""Pfd~ ~1;'D1111,111·
part, of ,he !.Clifford, 10 lh~ 1>131lufacwrer of !aw mal,'fial$ used in
Ihe componellt l~'rt ! rn Ibe ~nffo l<.r. E~~ h ", lIily i~ 1~lbl~ 10 lite pla;n·
liff, und~r ' INcI p rod llCI ~ Ha bil;I)', uS a »cll er of (I dcfl...: li ve proollcl.'
11 ' ~"f"Cro rc. dcfcnd nnl s, wl,ell , ,, ~"tl , mu,! co,~ L" r impl,'adi,,!: "
" umt,,:,. of pM!i"", :

( I) 111e OW"".,. impk:l cl . Ille seller for r.cllillg " def""':1 i,'c !'Cailokl.
(2) 'llI e own., and [b e scll c' illlpl c~d IIIoC nlulwf,to:lurC! fOf m., l;illj;
:, , llf,"CI;I'e pl"l"l<hlCl.

(3) The mnn ufncill rcr idc!l1if1"'l II pllfficular paT! [hal fa ik'! :mil
implo:ads 111< mallu n,ctIJ re r of thaI pari .
(4) 'n,," I'Mt m :' nu f"c!u!cr cl aim.' he w,~, ..old d~rccl; V" , (lW m~I(·
onl"- from " 'hkh h~ <:"OtlMrucl,'<I the p.1rt. AI Ih e ~:u!1c fimt. he
cI "inl5 Ibu l Ihe m."mufacatt~r's h.-.clmp ... rdy (Je"i .....-s werc in nde-
Gll al c or faikd.
(~) All Ib e dcfcnd."lrl1S ",..: Ih~ I'lai ,,'irr~ c"l"l~'cr rm r";I\,,c tu
ad<tJII~ldy mn;!Ji J in. in'llCcI , ""d r~p:,;r 1111: p"Jrt ,,,,d for f~i lurc 10
~d"'lIl"ld)" u'"in a nd pm ,i de s;, fc[y CqlliPIllClI\ [0 Ihe plaintifT.
ElIch lh t "-hove ~laim. llIay \Ie viable. d ~pc!"liJl& (I" Ih~ cir~ uon'
o.lJ1K"e< oJ !he tld«t. ThllS ..... hat Jlmy "",n ~s ~ ~Irnigb ! rorw"rd ,'.,!it:
for I h~ pJ" illl ifl' ~J Il nm,;hrOOIll j"IO" (on 'pI .. ~ plodUCI~ l i~bilily cas(,
" 0' ov"r wh etl, . , Ih e pl a inliff ...·ill rcc(i~<: COIn (l<.'l,;alioll hul 0 ...;(
who will p,'y."
E,w y enorl alld \Iral~~Y In m ove lhe ~aw !llol1&'''U~I be c "lpiO)"Cd
by III<: pl"inliff. sin ce. s~n Cr;! !ly ~11C~kin s , Ihe o Ilier IY.ln i'"lI will 11 01
hll"C Ihe illCcllli.·c 10 dQ "'.
s..1I1~"II,cnl di'\Cn,,~ion~ an: " ftc n prolr:'cl cd by Ihe comple.,h )" of
I he Ir~, I. · A n il;..<.u" "'hk h ill clear 10 Ih" pl" nt iff, an d wh idl shOt, I,!

> .I« '~P'" clo. S. ~ t 'n1."';' lI M. n d . " .... "

I .I."I>·g<,...,.,II./· L " n'OIIeek M. I',l<d" .. ". 1'",.Jum!' j,,~ lI j'J · . ,, ~. 1$. "r,,,,,",,,;,y"
(.\ I,ul1<W Ik",'" I ')~ ;) .

• Scr "'p'O ,·n. 1.1 . "" .~mi.ol j"t ~ s...IIk'Hco":·

s..., ~'%"fOJII~ , n.,n" t ... jo T.", "", i"" ,- ,·h. ~ I. " S« ,k m,m T....hH..I""'·· (M. I'
Ih.....· Ik"dcr I~~)." It. )om ..., . " " <or ,,~ •. "'""")., s...~ 'I.""," 1 IM"II" ,,· ",,"" "
I ~. 7 )

1.II.UIlI\ II S ,\:>lll SCAVFOI.llS ~ 56.05[3J

be rcso),cd rupidly. bccolll<;'l prol rac(cd nmlmurky ill Ih" se mmbl.:

10 ",.a IlOCate blal"" .
It i!o nOI rcemn mC71l1ed l1ial pl ;lintilf~ a110m er dday procecdin s
"'i lh lite ClI"<l in :onticip:lIivn of a ~fJ«dY !'\.11 k:1~'1 . The dlfe nd.111t 's
liability may he ob\"io W', I)ut (lie ;mp!c3d~r cl ai ms nre u~\1al1)' qpit~
m mpkx. " wily de("nd :IIII ""i ll 1101 ...1 1),; ,,-jIll the pbibliiT p"IiI hi J
pOlcm inl clai'lI ~ for impleader II n\'" bWIl ~ellkd a~ wdl.
{bJ-lndOl,"ni'i~Iio" Adion ,\ncr Seillemelil . ,\dions ~fler
'"'ttlen l~nl wi tll the I'lainliff. for ;ndenlll ificat iOIl for amount~ pnid ,
arc 1.""0:11111 10" .10 alt hough MT:llcg;"·,dly koss :u\'lI nt:IgWu~ (or Ihe p;trt ~
ieekins im!en1l\;r,cat;oll."
"or cMm pk . " Ihird ·",,")· c,,~ mil)" be l!fo ught b)' Ihe wo rker's
co m l"'l1 ~lIioll i ll~ural\ce c"nlpnn}, to rcc,wer for workcr'~ compcll ~a·
IKln bo:l1dil~ p.1id 1(> ~n employ«."
Ralh er lhall rely 0 11 it ~~par:l\ e
act;"n to recuVcr olonie>; paid in
""Ulem~llI." d.f~~,d.~ 'l1 in 1I ICaffulo.l ta~ !ih"" ld im pL..':ld rhe m:lII'"
fnctur~r a. e~rly a, f>O,-,ibl c, 1<1 ell'llT. nsniml ~ 11 ~rral ic ,·..d l<;l Oil
Ih" indcmni(K'aIKln cI:tim. 0 " II1~ IIy ~s. ju rie; It~"e loI."COOO .
j,\lIl",'.,oj Ih~ '~ Il1cm CIII, eith e, on liabilit y or d~mngl!"il . With out tht
strout. inlerc:"t~'" t.'SIimoll)" of the ;njllrw plailllifT, ~ ju ry m ~ )' COli ·
el ude III :lt the :lIl1ount or the N::lltcmCII! ""l~ too high and n" ·,, nJ a
1.",'oCt" .'\tIm on the in d. nmi r.catloll d ,lilil.

to .1',·" •..~.. T """~l. 1< .... .. MoO«w ttL",""r (" ~ .. I I 7 til. '\N" 2d 3ll, ~! ~ r'-1;.~d
~... fI~l>'Jj. T",".,. "."1"",, d ,im b)' ~ "''''~~''' n "" 00 r.1I frrua a ..>ffold ..·1.....
11>< 1'1>l\t l~~h. T.",~ , ~ ... ""' Bh' iftlk,m1ifltJ' ;.oo h om d,.I. mk , """",,_y
whklL "",'pli ,,( 'h' ""ffol<l i,, ~. The .....·01'110. p'o"j Ut Ih ut 110< "n"" jn ,I,. ",.ff"hl·
' 0&: J'Ll"k pnn>.J...,I 1»' ''''' ~tl.on' .",,~ ,ke en"" of ,II< acd.I<", ... '" ..,Ilki.."
'n ~'"''' T<.,,,~'. <\, i", fo, in,ktllnir"",,100 .,0.1...
II>Mry .., ",I.;, Ji~i!I' )·.
"S"·~"·r.N""J· L F'~tttcr.~ M. fr ied", ,,,,. I'""h"' '' t.I ~bilil!·. ch. I!. '"h,MJtllli.
'I""' l~t ,"1,.,.. lund« 1?s7~
" A1>.;loo l« ' . R",U" ", 1101, k ~1<d C". J Ig 111 . II.pp. S(,.I . 4~ S .E.2tl 4l S (1943).
Thi, ~ f""'<. '''''''w. '~""J<?t,ly b«"~u", ...... k.,.·. mo>tp<nuri"" r~rri<o, . ,~ con·
" ,,1«' I)" , II" " "I,l<lIco ...ill 11"" bri" ~ t\ p,,,,,~,,t ioin,)' ,"(I "~"i".. lh, ",.."ufx .
' uf"«•• h. "",nuf.., u« , "ill int~ 11", "",pI<oj <t. """ <I", «I' l'f<>j.<t "ill be h,l~
Ib~l, r", "'''ol " In", d..".r,<> 11_ m• ...." k .." """f"""...non 11<,,-
s...~ 1:<'0,,,,,1/,' A. I"' '''ITI. The I... ~· of lI"ork," , n', C""'\'1<",.I;"". d,. 14. "Th;,~
l'any Ar"on. " IM.n l",,· lin""" t982).

[cJ-Urcacl! of Warranty." The "a,,.IUII on Illc cil:ldcl" of pri,'-

ill' was manned in pari by scaffolding <;asel. whi<;h prc,~nted the
mo,1 <;ompdling insl~nce, in which a lhird party. not in privily.
should nC"crtheles, be permitted 10 rl'<:O\,U from the manufaclurer
of a defectil'e s<;affold. J<
Traditionally, the pllrchaser was rtXluirod to det~rmin~ whelh~r
a scnffold rope wa~ suitable for its purpose, TIlliS. the purchaser wa~
required to delermine whether the rope waS ~uilablc 10 support a
scaffold. and the rule of CGl'eW emptor ilpplicd,"
Irlhe purchaser made il known to the ~cllcr that he uccd(."<i a rope
10 hold up n ~c~ffold. and rciic"<i upon the ,eller's skill and judgm~nl
to !dcclthc correct rope. a warranty of filne" for a particlilar pur-
po,c arose, "
[d}---Ilisdaimcrs Wnrranttc8. Manufacturer>; may allempl
as the re,ult of tbu II~C of
10 di,clnim liabilily for ilijuri~'S received
a seaffold. Howe,'er, when Ih" injured p""on i, not the purclu~,cr,
a disclaimer is rlOI \"Ilid a, agai"'1 Ihe injured I"'"on,"

"Se" '"pro § 56.01[llIbj,

S,',· at," ~"""ra//y L. r,u"'er.'< M. I',i,d",",,, P"xl'''I; I.iahilily. do. .1. "S"i"
Li.bilily,"· ~ .1.01 (M"uh,w lktod" In6) .nd d,. 6. "U,b;lity of R",,,ilcrs "",J
~l;ddl,me,," ().J,tthow I""od" 1917).
" Set, ".g.• o.:,.]io., Smi,],. 89 ~,Y. 470 (I ~32),
" Ph"", ", S,ooi. I.umbor Co .• (," ~,M. 90. 305 P.1J .\67 (1957). 1hcploi"tifi'w,,",
injIJ,od wi""," ,opc. "hi,b b,d bc.." ,url""ti,,~ ~ ,,·.. i,,~i,,~ ;0;,1101,1. urnko. 111 "f·
Hml;ng d;'m;,~,1of tho conlpi"in'. tho <ourt no'od II", ~-hon 'h, bu)-or p;oh 0",'
'h, rope ~,od 1'")" for it him""lf, ",,,.'"' ,''''j1IO; "rrli".,",I 'hore i; "0 impl;"',1 ~"",­
" C"mnl;n~' v, ~l"'g""·" Ino" N[l, J~·108 (D,S,C, Jon, 10. t917). A \-"die' ~''''
«ndo'«1 ,~"i"" "«<oil "lIer or., now manib mpc. '0 Ix u""d io "I><);"",'.i,,',
ohair rnr" poilUO<, 0<1 II" ~'n"nd, 'h"l 0]" «,.il<:r "<aligCltll), """'<1"",,,,k"ll "'
i;.i,,,,h 'ore. ;n"ood or, ;;·in,h ,ope, whkh had ""rI), I"k< 'ho ",,,,ki"f ""'''£IIl,
I'loin'iff inIrO<iu,,"<l ANSI '1.,nJ" ... l, "'hkh '''l"i"d u« of" ;'·in,h r<>r<: ill bv,,·
"".,in·, eh"i,,_
" Vel,,_ v, C",ho< &; Cla,k I.u,,,l,,,, COIl'" 13 K. '{.2'1 117. )~Q ~,Y-S_2d 6\7, 3DS
N, E.2d 7!() (1973), 11.in@'.aC':lrp<ntor.,nd.,lobo,,,.were inj"'oo ~ hon the wood
pi,"" thot their jot> '"I'<,,-,,<>r nrd"e<.l ~"'I<c in h.,lf while the)' ~ ". ;l<u1<li,,£ on
,hom. Tho dofo,odan,·lumbor ,,,mF''''Y ;"elud,d" di",I.,imor or h.l bih'r "" i" in·
'oko ror II" pionh. 'n,e ~<w Y~r~ Court of Appc,L, h,ld I)", 'be l"m\>;:' '''''''1'"'')'
<o"hl b<: hdJ Ii.hl. ror tho ;<1ju,k; 10 'h< ploinlirr,_ Th. dT,"t "r the di",hli",",
, .' !.,I. .mUts ,\:oiD SCA}')'OU /S

(eJ-l"eJ;li~~IIO;C." II ;~ lIlll1:ll1y dimcu" to pinpoi m <I*ific ....'S.

Iiscncc ~t"iOl$t the m.1nUr3 1;Il.lf~T of:l scaffold . u" l.;ss tlll:rc i~ J>rt)O(
of ~ vio l31ion o f /I ' talld ard o . 1I Iksign <kf~c(. M:tn), e~st'!o ;n'"(I"'o" .I;
sca llold~ n.iw ~ !I a rCi'; ulr of:\ malluf3etllrin:; d efect. Und II "' illlufac-
lU ring d l;rC~ 1 mal' O\:l;Uf d~ [li(c tile c.\~rci ,;e of duc c:lr~ b)' :,Il I'J r.
li c"" This i~ es!,<,c ial1y true in n scaffol ding cas., where Ih e dcfc"C l
in th e part tim! rniled UIDY hm'c bC~1I disco\'~rabl e oil ly th roug.11 mel·
alturgic',,1 IcSLi llG,lO
, .
The refore, ~ lriCI Ii:lbilil~' llnd ~ta lluory prm o:.;: lio n lll'\: ust",Il)' re-
li<:d upon by lh t p ~1 1r11;1T, wi th II cllligcn;:c :l1l :l1l{;m"mirI8 r~~lor. I'or
insla IICl:.;1 mn)' bt; $11 0"'11 l h:l1:;1 ~":lrrold boo a 11( («,;\'" !I<.'(\)IIdD . "
b l~kc. TI,i. i~ ~umcjem In m a hli'>h liabi li.y. If it is :!ohowlI rUrllo~~
lloat Ihe dcf,mdllm r~I "':d to perfoml l l!"~1 r}' periodic rocltl l~l$
On t h~ MXon.b ry Il~n k.:, lhe jury Rl3Y "',"1I
to " Imim th. do;fcudrull.
Sin, i'3rly, if "rio~ failures h ~d oocurred wit h t he sa.... mll3f)· hrake,
the jury nl~)' punis h ' he dcfendJn t [<>, n<>, tnkill g cllrr«livc 3CI'O li
befm " the ;\~~ i!l.nt .
[f}-I'nilutt ' 0 "'" rn," Si nc e , caITollls arc SO d n!\l/.~ rml~. " ml
the rCl ullS of m i~tl~C 10 horrible, a m:uwfacturcr i, r.:qui rcd to tuke
c.' t r" prccnuI] OU! to be ~ u rc th"1 :my d anger a ssoci,lt.od with Ui;C nf
Ihe !'c"IToi d iii comn llulica tcd rIOt onl)' 10 th e put~h:.~cr blU to the
uscr :I.~ well. U Fo r i."tlllle;.:. a w:trlling. cOIlHli ncd in ;I 1.'dmic~ 1 m.'I1·
u.al. """iIL~l ~l1~chi \\g 3 ~" rCl)' belt 10 a supporJ rod w,~ hdd i"s.i<:-

...." ,,01 eol""""'.n r blr" jff. >ilK. IhO)' ,.;... ~ ctImpl<1c "" ,ft!:fl" '" .~. C"''' ~.'''''
"hd PC''''' "" • •10" j .. ,'Ii«.

," t . S''''~''M,~I/J' L I'N""" A "'. I'ricdm,a. 1'"••,."" t i.bit;'r. ~h. ~ •·...b"u~"""•.

c<', I.i'bit;,y in ~ ._11 ......·," (.\ \.:0"...".. 11«1<4« ('157).
'·S,'··fl>JWf ,~.o t[l[['I[iI.

,.. .1'0" 2 I, K "f'<"',';n &':>1, MI,.. ", A"orn o>",' Gui"" 10 !",~~",cn" ..
,b, j ~, " r ,ii.
"" ",,"i}'''' to!' M"~IL11'" ""~ <ll , ~ t. "Fm"h1t " pI,i o An"l )"i," (~b l ,i "," tl<n~<r
" S''''Kcn",>I~' L1',""",1'< M, Fri,d""",.!,,,,,,,.,,, Li,,"ility. "', l . " M ,,,,,,(;,,lllf.
,r', !.i,bilily in N.~ tlr~" ' •." ~ ~,l! (\!""h.~' tk,,<lo' 1~ K 7) on" , It , ). "S tn,1 l.i.,.
oi li 'y," i .1,O)I"III1I" il (M"uho" · Bo,lde' 19~") ,
"S.". "~,, :lei..... , S)'","",COI1,-.12 t :'ol,W.2d ~(t'o'.l)' WH~

".... ,."
J K08{ ) ] I'ROIJ. lJAII, PRA(.T](.'l: GUlDt: %_95

qll:ne as ~ mll iler or lnw 10 31'prnc a uS(: r of l11<: <.Iange r of doilis so."
The coun Slal~d that III ~ C!u~"Jtion;~ whether th e warning provided
~deq\lllic "","UI.1nCc Ih.,l the inform.'l iOfl 1I'0uI<./ nctua lly r~:x:h thos.e
"'hOfc s:t rc:t r depcnd~ Oil Illli r h~ vin~ il.
Th us, any lir~~a\'inJ; w:lrnins sh cli id be pl~ec<.l ill a locHli Ofl w ho:r~
II Il lcr will ~Cc it, mlher Ihnn lucked nw~y ill so me technic~ 1 n~ ,mml
in In.: owner', file c:lbinct.
ASS<.'TIlbly iliMruclio!l ~ m u, l be ekllr an d e.1S)' 10 foll(lw, since
mi nor mij,lake, in a~>.mb l ~· c:m h :lv~ d;snstrou ~ r~~\llt • .'·
{1ll--Pro,lm: Delu l. Th. ~im pksl m~... hocl of ,,(O\'ing til<: <:xi<;-
1e!ICC (If ~ m anur.. cturins dcl'cC1 i~ 10 hll"c "';I"C$~ Iesl ifr 110) 1 they
s.,w the brokell pan ~nd d~'S\: ribl: What the)' r.aw, This is usually in·
~urr[(: icnt in hsc1rto es lab li sh the preSC llce of ~ d~rCC1, but In some
;n llan re<o, it nla f CliI.1bli~h Ih" faci! rrom whic:h II jury m:l.)' ~ pennit -
lru to infer Ih" rrcsen~ (If a derl,:l. For inil!\llec. ill Sp(>t: ~. Up·
Rig/u. ffl f .. " Ih . clnw dam[l end o r ~ cross brace rod 5eparnlcd from
I)I~ rod, a)l tl"'i nS ~ I S-yca r·old alu mi num ~cnrrllld 10 COll:1 )l!i~. A fd-
],)w <'nlpJoy\'C o f Ih ~ [lbi nlifT aud Ihe job ~\Ircri n":ndcnt bot II lot i-
fi\'d th.~llhcyobsc",N1l heel~... d~mp 3 oo tM rod:ofter ,ile:,cd drnl.
Ih al "orne weld hud bmk~n so!!lcwl~rc, and that it ~ppcJr~d there
hnd been II r"ilu re 10 w~l<.llhc claw 10 the rod. The court held !lIut
fhl~ rre-;.,:nlcd ~u fficic"l rael ~ from which the jur)' cou l(1 concludc
thlll Ihen: Wl\~ II defeclive ... dd unioo t.:f"·U Il Ihe ebw clllm p anti
Ihe b mcc rod,
I! i~ 11111 r~uml1lcnd('<./ 1h l nn)' p~ ny attcll1pt 10 [lto" C B defect
th rough b y Ie-timon), alOlIe. In ~lIrroldi "S eases, nn upcn i~ 3...·lIyll
wll frBn l~"CI lind ,,~..:cs.'!o"y.

Stnffold or Purt for Trilli. Pari;..,. nr. often erit-

[h}-Produ dn~
ici ~.nI for r~il urc
to prod uce Ih~ ~lIeB~"CIly dcfcC1i"c pari :>t lrinl.
D3malling elv..ing lIl'gu n'enl 'l :ond " 'ot iOlls ror diR"d ni verdicls may

:. loIiocli ". Up-R~M. In.:., ;</0. L4 1006-Ii (N.L iJlId",n C'"''''r ~ . pc"""
C",," May !I. 1''11). Q' ••7-""f<d;.. 2l A TI.A L. !Up. " :4-'lSo (t9Sn. TlI< ~ l.m_
.HTf.i1, d 'O>3, .. mbl< ,It< "",,"<lid ..i,b , ~ . 'ON"", l>oiih1-)",t-.", d; ..... "l..", ,,,,",,.
I"S in i"o<":qu", , '"hili')' "nd pl"i n,in', foil , A !J,"O.OOO '·<t~i CI ""." "",,",,,1
r", ' h, pi,inliiT,
.. j til .\1'(1. 3d 1 Q6~. 150 N.£.ld!.l (19}ll-

rou " fronl bilu r.: 10 prod uce lJoe re3l cvidenc~ in Ibe ~':1!.e, II..: ;tltes-
~I)' ct....tXti<-.: JI.l rt. It h<ls tN...." held, hl)ll.'e"cr, t h~I il is nol /I,'u;uary
10 inlrodu,-c into <,~den« I be part thai f;tikd," N<:\"ff! b~l m, ~i"~e
failun: to prOOll'. I he bro ke" pMt "~n be eriticiud in t h~ oppOn'~ll'l
dosinG nrgumcnt, it i~ the be Ller rr~clicc 10 nmke .,'cl')' .:0'011 to in-
troduce in to C"i d"nCe Ihe nc lunt part th"l f"itcd, a~ \\"~lt ns ude'lun lc
photoSraphi c ~vldcnce of the enlire pit'Cc of equipment thnt con-
1aill'1.l Ihe pnrl,!"
[i)-ExcludIng Other Possible Cnuses," Once n defec I hn~ been
idem i~<..J, II i5 nOI tt<'C<'S:\:I'y for 3 plnimiffto uclu de ul! ol her ~i­
b1c cau!>eI fOf lite brc:1 k''' g of 3 sc" rrold." The jury ut a~' conclude
Ih31 lho: .. lk'S('d Ikf''''1 m or<.: likely I b~n lKlI the C:lU!./: of lite inri·
delli . II i~ 1101 " n·cs....~f}" Ihal I,...,. probable r:;IUs.:s I", dirui"~I<~I."
When n 1l13i"Ijrr 11lltm rn~ 10 l.""'tabli~" .. oon'pecilie d.:f\'CI. b)" ill'
f,'fling 11m Ih . $("~ffold "'Quit!. nOl h3W O(h"""is<: fnilcd, the p~~inli R'
mUll .~cl"dc olh ..... <'/luall)' prolK1blc <::I.u..... ,,( rhe fail ure, A ~ Ion:;
a. rhe plnilHirr~!W~bli 5hCl< rhat the fnilurc probab ly oc~lIrmt :\~, re-
sult of ~ d~rcci. Ih ~ j)ln;nlifT hn. mel hi ~ burden or proof, Tile fact
Ihat rh~ dcfelldm!l CUlt conceive of other poSl'ibk ~;,u."" doc~ tlnl
O,'C'COn1 e Ihe pl :LiIl IHr~ proof.
[j]-r.~lIcrlS. A p,or=o. who is nil c~pcricll c"d m~chnllic~! ell-
gineer ;LIl d :lIt ~.I ~" '" the field of metallurgy may t<"!.tif)· " 'illt regard

" T•.um, h .... <, Mo:G, ... I.uft'h<t C'''- I II III. A!'P_~d Jl I, lj..t N.r"ld l!l-l
fl%9~ f'J>in,iIr, <tnpir»'tc ...", inju.<d ;" ~ WI '",... . ,,",«~ kI .. h;"b "'....m.I
when ~ pbnk u",", .:hi(h h...," . undiog !noJ;. in '.-0.
T"" pbi,n;rr bfOUtl~ "'''
. !;OIin" ,b, ".!'Pl .. , t>f ,h. "".rrokLi", Th. COPn affirm'" ~ JI>\I,~,.", """
Ih" pbln.
!ill; boldin& ,I,.t it . ~, nn, """"'.... 'Y KI r rodlOCe the okktti,~ pllnt ,a,,, .... kPo<
0''''''''' ,,(
n, ....... ,I>< d. rM i•• fU rt .."", .... lrtclalt.
s..., dho Sroo<' ". l:p ,I< I~". I"". ~ III. AW' jJ 10M. 1.W :>1.I!. ld : ) ( I9l!).
" S,... K''''''",I/), l . 7 I) ... ",~ .. ;n Tm' A,"fi.:>!ts. cl1, ~l. f.. I""""."'
(19~J); <h, i1. ""1).11"",,,,,11;,'•• ltd JMoO"'""!or)" r;,id,,,« ,,"I FI ""l l'rcp,,""io"""
(Matthew Iknl., I ;~ l ),
" S<"~,'nm,/I}" 1,. 1',,,",,,& M, [In''cimo,,. !',,,,IL...;, L;"bi lj,),. ,I>,:l, ""M" our.,,,u,.
«'< Li'hilil)' i" N.!liF<n<o:· i ~,:!$ (~b")"w Ik"d" 19~7).
" SI"'I' ", l1p.Ri8111, ("0 .. J ill. AI'P, ),) l(lO~. 1$0 N .~.l,! 2) (197l1: To,,,,,,,, trIO,
' .. ~loG"'" !."m\>c, en, 111 III. At'l'· 1d 3l1, l!4 N.F. ,lJ ~i.-I (19M),
"s"., ~,'.,""11,y "'P'~ ~ !6.01 [<I).
' ,",
I' RO O. U"IL I'R,\CfICl: GUlli!:: ~6- IDO

to a dcrc~t in a plO,l usc'tl 10 ~ upport ~c~ffoldi ns."

[k J-.·"res«1Jh~ U~ u Satffohl. The M OO of wrn.1 h.:r II prooJ·

net WIl.Oinul1dcd for II"'! ~~ scaffoldi " ; is uw~ny ror Ih e jurI'. Ftl r
in~t~"c~, " floor d....;: king nmn ufncturcr cI~imed that il did nOi imend,
nor could it f(l !.O nably h ~\'c for"'SI:Iln. thaI con, tfllclion wcrkcn
" vuW 11\.1: its do:..:kins: for :\<:n1Toklin!;- 11",)' cl.!timcd that Ihe Walk,"'
II "! of thc deckins to ~urport thc'm while doioS weldins wo rk in ~
, hnftway wn~ a m;!ltSc. Tb cju ry Ilei d to lhe cOIItrnry, nnd the mann·
r'II:lUI ..'t fdt!«I prior 10 lrial on tLlmases. "
Th. mn llu f:~clu r~r ~hould WlIrn osnill'! n fOI'<ls<:eublc use th aI
would rellder hi s producl danGerous. Failure 10 \I':lm ngainM nn lilt·
suila~ lc us<: limy result ill 1i3\1ili ly."

[IJ-Ass~lI1ptlon of Ri sk. A ccrt3ill amou nl of risk ii inherenl

ill suspclldinJl oneself above Ihe ground on a 5I; nffold. Howc"c r, th e
IJW 410.,,, IIOt cOMidel Ibi~ lin :i!S\lm plion of ri~k, since Ibe person
.diClt upon im plktllln<l cXpr~ n~>u r:mceo; of \.lfel}' \I"b c1t s l~ppins
on tb o ~ca fl"Old. the same" ~ Olle relio:s. UPOIl such assurance~ when
bo~ fdill a J plan t OT t~ kins J r>r~~rifl1ion dr\l&."

Wh en the plaintiff rai" 10 foUow di ,,'Cliom; for :tsscmblin g a sc:tr·

fo ld, nnd instcJ d r~lies on his OWn iu dsm cn!, lin d he kn ow~ t!tnt hi~
method of ""'<cmbH"K the r.calTold ClIUIo¢!i its brac<:s ~nd Sl tutS 10 be nd
:m d 5p,ill$o Ihen 11«: 1I11imiff asw:mblu II:IS :lSSumro the risk of u!>i ng
the scafl"o ld as M;~!!Ibled .'·

[m}-l>ual Cflp~d t}· or

If the plai nliff's employet
Em plo)·~.
also d\$igned or mll nur."lClur«ilbe scaffold upon ""hieh Ihe \I"Olkcr

" G." . , k s.m.'. [no, " . ll,,,,,~, I?? &0. 2~ 29 I (FI>, Di.I, CI. A[>p. 1967),
s..... ~I'" ~"J'! I. KUp<nloin " K 531",.. ,\I_f. Gu;'1< to ~ -nns..
dL "II. ~ F"'t u .. lI.oul,.io '" M,,"~,uh" and do. lI , ~F"'<!",,,~1tio: " "'1)";''' (M".
lboo.' tknJ" 1 9S~).
" 1l".1L ". It. Il. Ilabert_ C" .. No, 10 Itlll (N. D. Ind, .\bn;:h 19; 6"", ,,,1"''''''
Irr 19 An .... L R<j>. I 19-10<. (t~J6"
" K' "~I"'" " . E<I.. "" l lli"<> loo.,ber Cu., 16 lit. "'pp. )~ J6l, 306 N,E.ld 6~ (,
(1 974) .
.. !Mo'. ' .,t .. O)'m. ~, .. v. 0 "..." lS2 1_3 1066, 1000l".W.l d .l46 (1%1 ).
.. 50,01,,, 0'. K>t"",.bOO T.nll!. Silo Cu. 105 Micl<. 3)9. I II N.W. ~2J (1919).
S,'" alS!' H'P'" d" 1$, "Def,"" •• "d t~"". "
,r.. .. "
" ,' .

LAI IJJlW S A'll) SC.uHII.I)S , !M8[3]

WlIo; wo rki ng m I h ~ lin1 ~ oflha aed Ucnl , Ihe plailllirrnmy l><: ~ lIIill cu
10 Sn~ hi~ .... lIl'lorcr unlkr Ih~ du;ll cal"'~it)' Uoctrin e."
[1I~E ~~ nlplts of Ucfl.'Cl s. [n une (:.<e, :1 "br~~ k-b;ld, lie," used
10 l'UpflOr! a se~fl<)ld, broke, The m ~nufrlclur~r was held li"bk. ba.~~d
ill I"lrl 011 Ih e '"'llliDlOlIY o r ~ mcl:lUUr~!.I ."
The presellcc ofkn[)\ , in a plnn~ , ill violnlioll OfSl;llldMru for [u m..
b<:r IISCII ill !I(;lfrold;lIg, wa, found to be t be c"u~ or n plank break-
ing." The pr~~l]cc of ,h~ ~J10 1" WII< I'T()\'Cn by ph Ologr~phs. rather
Ihan b)' illlro•.lu.::lion of Ih" plank il self,
Th~ cln .. ' C1:o0l p CIIU of ~ crot..~ br.u:.; roo.! i\(par~IN from Ihe rod,
allowing n !5 ·ye~ r_old ohun illlun <ca rro ld 10 coll nps., A d~rccli"c
w~ld ullinn bci"'w lllilcciaw cbm p and 111-0 b = roo "'11~ hlenlified
~s Ihe ucf~CI ,I' Til e dcf.-c i "'U~ esw bli sitl'(l by 1'-'lllnlOU)' of a fclJ"w
cmplo,'tc " r lhe pbiu lm' :Uld t ho; Job superinl.:t1 dClu lhal Ih;:y ob-
,~" 'C(! Ihe ci:.1I' ci:unp and 11r~ rod "ncr Ihe uc~idcrn , Ih :\1 ""me weld
Imd bmk.", ..onl~",,"er(', :lAd Ihat il 3~:'rt:tl l hcft h ad ~!1 ~ failll'Q
W weld the claw 10 Ih e rod .

Wh"n a !,J~n1; 1Ipt:IKl.d, cnusillg th e pi:li milT to fall, n violulio n

"r Nd,rJskn '~ ScajTold S., rclr Act W"s h~ld w be IIc&lis~ncepcr "-',"
A phlin li lT ,,,,,,,"c, .., 1 judsm~ll1 for R rm~lur~d ~ pit)l; :",1.1 lnjurnl
feet :",1.1 :m~b " ,11 <:11 a d cf"":liw ~n"l1 lie. u~d 10 hans ~ ~arrold
bracht "1:;1 in );l a ~~re ~,,"eMc w:,U, cau....xi t [>e "'~ rrold 10 Ml fom
floo",-. ,
·Ih. n\"IloCn..oe of cl\!at-\ilc Ik"~ to hold pl:tnl:inll in place wa.. held
10 comlillit e u defect , ari d ~n award to u worker, ..... ho hau been i1\-
ju FLxi whcn t h" bo:I rds slipp..-d and ht: MI l"rouSh Ihe c.nt~r or the
sCr!rr"ld, was "ffiI1!1C(!.'1

.. s,.... ".g.. j)ou~I." \', E. ,,><I J. 0. 11" WI""y, 69 C,1. _'I'I' . l<l IOJ, Il7 (.'.l. R" ...
J~ l nonn.
" G,,,,~ & 5,"", I,"" ", U,c.:'. I'>9 ~, ld 2ql m.•. !)i". Ct. At'fl. 1%7).
.. 'f.",,,,. t nc. ~ . ~ kGr <w I.~ ",t;.., f C,'" t 17 1If. "1'1" Id l ~1. !~ 4 N.I:. ld 5 S~
(1 9M)
"~. ~. t.'p.Rirll<, In ,., .1 lit. ,\ rr . .\d IO,;~, Iro l\' ,E,N :~ (1 972),
•• I"', r ". Soli.." ... 16. f','<b. ~7S, " !II....... ld 1O"l (l 9S'1~
., II"",. ", 0" ,,,, 0,"1 s.""" 111< .. 1')<) S<'. ~<12 91 (1'1" DiM. Ct. AI'!'. )%7~
" R,,",""' " (h,,~. ~JDS. ...... ~ d 79~ IT...... l on~ ).
I'j.lOll, I./,\U, l'IIAcne\-: (:\jlllJ!

A !\C Llk.~lI'm l ,..n.,

'""c hed fm ~ ~1 ~in1i lf ki ll~lI "'1,,:11 he fell fro m
II con~lruction sc"ffold, ~Ilesedly a~ n res ult of a ll eye brnc k~l ,..hich
A ~749.000 Sc:Iticmcol1 ,,'ilS rn,ched in Th" rou nl! ...."Oi.:k of I ri~1 011
bl:h alf o./"Ih c f~mily of a deceMcd worker wh o rel15 4 nOOf~ a fter the
[lOwered r.cnffold for all [)ffice buildi ns col1:1pscd. Th~ ev idence
5110 "'00 Ihat IIIe defendanl "C\.~.... k .\!ed ir.; c"quillUlCf\t un ~~ r a~lU;tl
U!\C oondiliM, 10 determine how il~ roTubiliTy "'3~ affec ted by weight.
wind \"cl<xlty, and other facton."
A SI,600,OOO.cuknm ll for the Il'mngfu ! d~nlh of .. wi ndow c\C(ln-
o:r " 'il5 ~:tch,..d ill an action c1.1im jll& a dd'~"CI ill :t po".~'To:d plat -
forlll." i'l:oi,nlff dai m~1II h.1t the pinion ~II Jn fo r lite 1II0lo r fmc·
l urc~, cnu,inll lhc pri mu,), brake to r'liI, :lnd lh ut the ~ccondilry brake
,,'IIS dcf~"CI ;"e, ""CaUl<) il rniku 10 hal t the d O$C~nt of Ihe i~ .. f1·old.
I'~,illliff disco"em! anOl ller si mibr ~ccidclll, ",lIkl! oc.;uroo prior
10 Ih e windO", ck.":mcr·s d~-:ll h. \I~L\ i'1>"oh ·et! ~ !oI." ';ou, " UU f )", 11M:
manufact urer da ;nll'd in tllrn lh ~t the ~haf\ "'~ malluf~c\urcd from
der,,": lh'c r~w nmtcri~!s, pro"id ..", by a secon d d. fcmlnllt. ~ 1\d th(ll
the pbin/iff was conTributorily n.."lig~'ll for f:kilurc 10 \10'",,, a safety

Ii 56.09 Rwk~ G(wernlng Scarrolll~

!>__ ....... , .... . ",Ir ' . ...~rI'_ h... ""'n 0<1 ,."h ..,. , .... " '"<rl"'"
S>.lio...t St:" ubnb J.. t~uI . IA.... Stl. ''''' U.d, ,,,,IL ... , ... lI<l nol<l.1toL
lUI.), ~0.1 ,h. O«"~ .tkl".t 1l<~ II~ ..d s.r~ tr ,'dmi ";'lr~ li".
IOSII ,\). OS ll A r<""I~llo ", ~",,,"," " I .. ltI<,,.no! ..."ffolo1.< or, •• ~."
i:orl:d)' ( m ....... " NSI .",,1I:I<4S.
l10e A ~l ,\"" .... J _ ilk>
. I0:Il .. ~ r<>l4, _ r k ...... _ Iy " .... I ....
""'r~ • ..,..,t . .
""rr... , ~ d ",roly f,. ", tho f.."., .... 'ro,"
<lr ",11 ~ . ...
m",,'''''''no. ..."d.. ~ I""",ldo, r", hl':L'I·dul)·, m (~ l u ..·d"'I·, ~,'"
U~"'.t!"1 .. .. IAAdltU;. !kolroM, "' . .. ~ ... . ~" '"l'I"''' •• ""'....
• 00k ud.", ' '"'l'''mI II, _ . ,Iu u ((IU, ........... _ d _ ... J'''rnd·
.4 ~ . s.-~(f.hh "'''' ' ......... r<d , . ......... """'" " """ ...", . 001 1,",""",
" ... h.,d p,OI«t!oo .

.. C.,."u;" ~. I'. t..u ScJffitldill,!! Coo. C, •. 1'" 1~·~ 1 (\j. S_O. ~ .C .. 0 .. ' ..... ""
1)0.'.. 0<.1. I, l G7l>~ U' "f'D'kd;f< 20 AT I.A I.. 11<1' 1 10·1 13. ( I"''''',
.. Dd.',"' ,'. SpiLl" SI.;;" _ Cc. . ~o_ Sll\~1~ (KX s,'r. C1. . Kin!" C,, "",)', ",,"'..
n. 19n), a.' 1."1"""-.1 iI. n AT LA L. ((, " ~ 22·R6 (1')1'1).
.. IlLla ' . 1010 IlIood ~·~)". So. n li'JllIl (N. Y. SuI' CI" K '". eo..~ ,~ S ..... 19. 1).
"... ,,,,
.. j~_ I OJ i.AII1lI':IIS ANII SCM'row s

The ~1~lIId~fll$ I h~1 apply 10 SI:,,/Toldins t:a!.Clt a rc:

(tl-Oec upat lonal Sarety ~lId Health Adminl~Ir.llion (OSHAl.'

T he OSUA R"lIubliolls for Ladd~'tS a"d Scaffolds' are ml:.cn b rSd)'
(,mil Ihe ANS[ j\land~nb . A, in [he ANSI ~Imldards, tile ""ri(\\I~
Iype; or t.c:~n'old.~ receive !'CJmmlc Ir,"~1 melli, Wilh:1!l umbe r of g4~I(T'
011 rrincipks applying 10 1111 sca(fol..k The fol1ol";"& 'u~:~~ arc WI",
crcd by OS HA:
(I) Gcncr:tl R~'qpir"II1~"t...·

(2) Wood ['01" Sca!fCllds. '

(3) Tube ,md Coupl.,r Scnffold..'
(.\) Tubular Welded fm me Scafl'ohl .. '
(~) Manually J'ropcl l ~'ll .\{(lbU. ScalTold..,'
(6) I!b'minS and Rlll"li,,& Work Plal ronu~'

(7) Olllri~cr Scnffolds.'

(8) Mao;ons' AdjllSlablt: Muhi plc .• 'oim SU!opiI" , ion s.:"rrolds. ,0
(9) Tw,,·I'oinl Suspensi on (Swi ligin Sl ScafliJ ld ~. "

(10) SI U1IC!l<'tl e.~· Adjustable Mllhiple-Po i"l SUIlpc!l$iOll Sc-:lf-


1 Sa- R_ II..g.,n l< M_II"""". 0«"1",;"",,1 s..r"')· ", "I I~,nk " c<, <t.. 6. "'11I<G.n-
".. I 1("",1.,,;""',.," i 6.0! (~l"I!I",~' lkt,,,,,," 1'ltO),
, 19 C . ~ , M . H 191Ml()'I'J!M ': (1 '1S1).
' fd. ~ 19 ~6. m(.) {I ~ t7~

'!J.t I q26.4~l(~)(1 % 7J.

\ Id. ~ 19~6.Hl(.) (19 1H).
• frl. J l?:!bA51(~) (19~7) .

'/d. t I 9!M~ I( o) (l 9a7J .

• M. ~ 192 ' , ;'I( I') ( I ~8 1 ).

' '''.~ l~lM5t(~)(1~8 7~

'. ,d. ~ 19! M} l th) (l'IJn
II M. ~ 1')2oAjll , )(l9~7).

"Id J 1~21>..j$ I(j)(!'Mn

' " • - _ . _ , -<-

I 56,l)9{lJ I'RO]}, LlAU. J'R,\CTlCE Gumt:

(I I) Single-J'o int A djusl~bJc Sllsp<.:l1~ion Se~fl"o ld! . u

(12) Bo.ll",·"in -s CI, ~ ill!, "
(13) C:trpc"icrs- n racket s.:"rrold•. "
(1 4) 8.ickby~..,;- S'I\f ~.e Soffold s, '·
(l5) Ho rse s....fToldll,u
( IG) Kcrolc llc.1n1 Sc.1fToloJs.' •
( 17) 1'1~~I ~1"t:rS' , Dccor,lI or"_ ~I\d u.rg£ Area Sc:ofl"o!ds.'·
(I S) Imerior Hung Sca rlQlds.'·
(1 9) Wi nd o\\' Jack ScuflQl d,."
(20) RoofinG Il r,lCkcl~.n

(21) Cra,,-lill G Ikr.uds Of Chicken l.aOd eMl."

(22 ) rloal or Slti" Sc~ fTolds}'

(23) Form ScaflO lds."

(24) Pump h ek S<,,,rrol d.... ll
Th<-'!.. follow th e -"nn ~ forillat as I h~ ANS I ~ r,,,,d nrd.~ ,..,1 fo rrh
Uld. ~ 1~~"'~' I ( U (i~87J .
,. f<J. § 1926.4'1(1) 11%7}.
II /rI. i 11)!6,4S l(nI) ( In 7).
'· IJ.J 19l",.mel (I~8n

" /d. § 19l/c4, Ho) (l9 ~7 ~

'"/<I. ~ 19!(),4S I(p) (I og1),
' ~ /J. ~ 1 ~16." H~I (1~ 8 7 ) .

" f<J. § 1 91.M ' I (r) CI 9 _~n

"I". J 1 9!~"1( t ) (In)).

" IJ. § 192b.4S1(u)OQH1}.
" M ~ l?2o.4S1 (vj{I9S7j .
.. 1</. ~ t9 Y,,' ~ 1 (.- J 1 1 ~ n J.

" IJ. § t91./c' , lh Hl 9i7t

u hi. ~ 1~ 26_' S t ()' )(J9~ 7 j .
, '~ " ,!
1.A[)llIlIIS II:-m SCAFrOl .llS

[2} Aln crirnn :\alloaal Slandards fnlftutc (ANSI)

[nJ-Hlstor)·. The Amcri c~l\ Kationnl S!andl'rd S~f~ ty Code for

Buildins Com;lruclio" . ANS I A 10.2-1'.1+1. i niliatl~· c(lm~ i"ru Ih.:
'W""'3rt! ~rO" i'liom ronccrning Sfo/Tc ld!o. In th.: r:ln )' r95Ch, il was
recomm ended that the Code r(lr Bu ilding Co nlotrucli(ln be divi ded
:It\d i"Ycd a~ ~pnr:tl~ sandnrd •. A subcommittee of the A 10 Com_
",itt~~ 011 fJuildi" il C<mstruction was formo.-d to cr"" le :I . 13udnrd
.. for scnnOiding. II ";'IS nol IInl il 1969. though. '"l'
l Sl.: f!.~ratc ~'~ U·
dnrd for ~c~/Toldin!l- wns npprm·cd." That vCl1!ion was rC"ir.cd. trent·
lng the c"rrem ..:mdn rd. ANSI AlO.8- 1977. wllich W:lS appro\'cd
on SepI~lI1""r 22. 1977.
[b)-U~c. Scarrold~ may b<: 11 5~..J 0111)' where .he wor k c:\1\11(I1
be performed ~ilfcly from the g.ro und or from 'olid cOns tructi on,'"
[cl-Lolld RlIllngs. The ~I:md:ml I'mlides for hn"~·-dIlIY. "
m,..ti"m_du ly. - :l nd lisht-duty" sc~/ToWinl'
He'lV~··<J\lty "",,/Totdins j. d ~'Si~nc'(lto ~:lrr~' n workin g lond of 75
lb./fl.·. Heavr ..:l utr $C'3fToid itiS is ured, for u~m pl~. itl ~ I O,"' nmMllI·
r }' wot~ . wh....e nl"t.:rin t will II<: ~( OfW on the: pblfonn.

M~dill rn·d llty !;CnlToldi ng i.. d.::.igncd

carry a working lond nr
SO Ib./f!.l. ~lcdiunl_duly >c~rroltJing i~ u.ctJ. ror exam ple. ill bri ck·
laying 01' pL.... leri ng. ill which malerial,,:lt\: ~epl OIl (b~ ",,,froid.
Light-du ty !oCnfTolding is d~'!i iSllcd 10 ",. rry " wotkill S 100.d of 25
Ih./ft.'. Thi~ i~ m;cd.o hold wo r~me" onl~·. wilh nO materi~ls ",o"tJ
on the X'affokJ ot!t.:r I""n tool>.
(dJ--Fll<llhlS: or An~hotlllK'. The supJ'U11 for (he ~ffold i. im-
portalll. The ~tn"d urd r«luir05 foo l ins whiCh is ""'lind . rigid nnd
"ap.ablc o f tnrryin~ t h~ maximum ill1,"ld,-d land ",i[ho\1l ~"tllillg or

" ANSI A I O.~· t9 6?

"A~SI,\IIH_t')H ! J.1.
,. III. t ~ It>cli .,; tio", ~ .

" lel
" Id.
" IJ. § l.!.

C~iNg ct)l1~r~t~ b!oc~~, OOxes., 1005<1 brich, b;mcls, or ~in,ilar ob-

ject. 10 'lIppon " >c<lffold i ~ prollibitcd. Tile ~ur[JOrt must hi: I t~blc,
mc,,,,ing it "" il! no! llla' ·C."
fcl-Gu ndl1lils. An~ l'!atrorm o~cr 10 r~cl high must rotli l in
Sl1ardmil~, midrnils, and tocboard il." The st:llld urd doc~ 1I0lpemlit
~n>' , uch oc~ffo kl to h;l'"~ ,m opcn (,1<.1 e r .ilk, whcre ~ wor~er C~n
f~ 1I off.
There ",.." ~O ll1e excerljon~. A ,caffold ;n.,idc 3 building doc~ not
Il;l'"c 10 h,,~c SUJrdraiJ~, if the ocllffold cevers the cntire noc r of a
room amilloo.-s nOJ hH CMY o(lCn ~ides.. It I;iIlII,Olloave any openinp
~uch a. hei~I ""a}· .. eI~'~lor ~ hn s, Dr stair ...."ClI ~. I.

For n" ..~!1c lIca m,. noats. oonIS"'aiN's ch~irs. carell my (suspen d,'<l
by cJ~1in.) r.c3rrekl~. ,,,,d h .Mcr joe"'. lifclin....~ ft l1t1 sarel Y bell!i are
Il."<juired if 11l ~)" 'lfe \0 r~. Of" nKlre oil", he gl"Ou,I<.I .)O The.dore, Gunr-
dru il ~ . midrnil ,. "nd loo:bnn rd~ arc not requin:d."

The Man<1nrd !.CIS fen h I he nCC<l!>SOIf}' des ign of Ihe sunrd l~i ls. The
!;uMtl",il mUM be 36-42 incha; hip!. ",;tlt midr~iI ~"\IrflOrtS:l.l loosl
~vcry 10 fC~I . There mu>! be a l00:bcard whkh extend, ~t ka~t JY,
i!lel\c> "bo~~ Ih. 'urf~c~. The slnnd nrd !i.C(~ fert h spccifi~ ntatc",,]
spct irleul iont. fur Ibe !oi7.e nr angle iron. w:lil S(a.-l lubinc- "":111 all",.i_
num ,ubin:;. Qr lumber 10 be tW!d in COI"lnlet; ns tile gu~rdr:lil!..
Wh~1l IhCT ~ nrc urea " below the :scaffold w)lcr~ ['Caple a~ required
10 ..... or~ . the ~':Iff" fd nlUSt h~ve a sc ,,,,,,, be' ..... .:;:n lho: ,,,,,bo:u d and
t l'~ lIuardraii. l1~ins " 0. 19 gauge U.S. St.mtli!rd Wire. K·in. mesh,
or Ihe equh·al,-nt." TIll" pre"c!l1~ 111:1lcr;ul from railing "ff Ih. """f_
fold onto jlI:l]IO lT> below.
(fJ-.-Snru)· 1'''':IOr. Se:l.ffeld~ and thei r cob'fIOnenlS arc lI:quired
I' I<!.
" Id J l .J..
I ' 1<1.. ~ :uc n
.. hi.
"/d. i l ..1{ll.
" IlL ~ l .lI.
,. ".~

10 hold;\t Je~~t rOOf times t h~ m:lli nlUIll illlcnd~'(\ 1 1X,~.1> All rop.i
u~cd for i u , petl~i olll~ rcqui~d to hold 3t 1~:I$t ~i.lti mcj the imcn d.<d
lood . ••
1 ~-SpccmCllliollS fOf Lum~~r, T1, ~ ~landard sflCdfi<.'li th.:
minim um ;.tn.,;, grllde .,r lumber u~cd for !\Cuffold frum; ns ." II also
spcc i fie~ lhe S i l~ of planking for ~c:lrrol() pl nll k~ :Iud l h~ maximum
!f>II11~ for p:tnic ular worki ng lrod"- 4>

(h,rOJ)Cl1ing$ In Platform, 1'0 op<." ins. more th:", onc in ch i.

)lCrrnil1 ell bctw<:<:n adjacent pl anks or be lWee n <cnffold mem bers.
(I}-,\eces.s 10 Searrokl. Sa fe acco:M 10 l h~ 'II::lffoid ""t.t b;: pro·
vWed. and Ihe l:Kklt r mUSl bt: rCIMa ineo,l from mfl\~.1t1. "

[j}-MoI'ement. All plan ks mU,1 be ~c~u rcd from mo\,cJI1cm:'

as Iml Sl all pia{fom', :\IId l:iddcrs leudinll to the plntforms." Thc
poles. lc~ or uprigh ts of lIC:ln"oldl. mw,1 bt: plumb and rigidly br~co:d
to prc" cnl any oWlt)'l ng ~"d dispbt'C"'cnl.'4
To " ",,'em tippi nS. s uys or ollicr m can ~ !!I U!{ be u ~~d to re, trllin
;my ffl:':.~ landjng !.C'~ffold lOw~r with a h~j"' l or mote lhml fom
ti"":5 the kIlgt" of its b."\Se."
[k,rAttochm NlI to Pcnn3n~n t Str UClu res. Sc,fT(lld, m "~t be
~curc:d 10 perm nllCIl! $lrUC1Utc~. The ~talld~rd states Ibn t ~Ulchor
bolts.. rc .·cul (j,m'o) bolt!.. or cquivalom\ m.:lI tIS lil ly be 11'1<.11 to do
w.. It sll'.'cilicallr I'rohibits ~ or ...i ndow c":a nds ~ ncllor boilS to
secU IC the K"nffold 10 lhe ~tru~tll rc. "

"fd. ~ 3.4.
• ~ 1.1. t J.n
'1 Id. I U (I ~ oo Ib./;".' "''''"''"'110" ~r'~c 1,,,,1><,).
"Iri. I ). g (1. ", pI.""I", .·oh n,.';,,,,m pomu.>ib!c '1',0> Cor ~ ;n. ~ 10
itI. (DOmiIl>l)"" 2 m. ~ ? IQ. ' ''''''p I pIo. •• , '" IOf•. ((II" ,,""'i'll IooiI oC ~ lb.i11. ' :
2 ia . x 8 1R. a ,.-orI<in, lNIIof ~lbJf'I.': :md 2 itI. " 7 in. fora "''''kin~ \o>d.ot"
1• .11'1. ',

·'Id. t .1.12.
· ~/4.t l.ll.
" M.I l.ll.
"Jri. t ),lO.
" Id. t .I.l7.

! U.IO ,'1101). I.I M~ J' RACrllT. (OUlUVo

To "rcvcm I i,,"; I1;. J; lI)'~ or 01 her !ll~~JlI mu>! be u>ed 10 r~""Sl.r~iu

:m y rrcC-<;I~ I"ling sc:llTllI<.II O"·~fS ,..ilh ~ hciglIHO' b,"l'!(l 1":11;0 o r mot"
than fo ur to one."
lI}-O "~rhmd 1" OlCdio • • In COII>I rudiOl' , ic ,-:; ~n<.I olher "'otk
iilll iLli'~ls., prOl~"C!iol1
from IO<\ I~, m" l~ri~ r., or ,kbris (:.Iling fmm
abov~ is C'i~cn tiu l. Th ~ stand ard requ irLojj Ilmt ov~rhend protection
be: l'fU\·w..-d to ",ortCf~ expI.lscd 10 o~crhcnd h:v:>nh."
[~t}--O.·trlall\1ln~ I'lank~. All pbuks or pilrfotlH' itt a continn.
0\" run hn\'e 10 eit her btl SL"1:llrL-d from mo>'c!tle1l1 or <"'~ rlapp<:d a
1II;11;1II"m of 12 indl\.'S." U" IL'S:i they :11.,; rc:slmi" ro:l' both I:IIlII.
Ihe)' nlLl~1 t~M,d o,'cr their e"d Slll'porl ~ at re"sl six in ches, bul 1\01
mm e th"u )8 ;nche'S.II
fu}-WuTk Comdillons on SrnfY"old. Worht$ a rc not l"-"mI illL"d
10 .... ork all SC;tffold~ duri ng . Iorms or high \1'illtiS," ifl hc scnffold
i.l; L'(lver<l<l "'hn ie"" ur ~ 'm\l"." or if ul()l~ mat~ri"I<. or d(;bri. ha,'~
"Ct:uoII"l-iI<-d 011 the So.'~lToId.n

[<>}-I'rOlcetiou or Senffold Ilrum Oom'l~e. The senffold n1Ll ~L

be PfOlc.:'~-d frou, . " b$tallCC>. which can "'ClIkcn or d ~,,,uge il. A~Id:l
aml ~orrmi \'~ ~ubsl~I\L"'''' In"Y \"lI USI: d"lIlage. wil hOlJl beinS Imtic......
and lhcrcror~ the)' clln be LLSCti with scu ffold. Dilly if II," scaffo ld
n"lIufaeiorcr :IUt1l 0" 7<'S and :lW ro ....'$ su ch u>-e."
"ikr or ~)· "t hcli c rOpe!; mnM Ix: Uenlo:d or Jl nllt"C I<.... if wort ",ill
b.: df"'" inl'Qlv;ng corro, ;I'c snbo;.t anc~'1I or chcmi cals."

. , (oJ. l'O,
., ~

" 'i/,j J.n ,

., I ,t ~ 3.12.
"/11. ~ 11 4,
"Id, ~ ).1') •
•• ,,1. t 3 . ~.

"/,I. ! )_ ~ 1.

"/d. § l .H.
" /,t ~ nt.
II.." ,."
l 6- l09 I.AI)DllRS A~IJ SC,\FFOI.D5

;IfPIT '" oil .... 1101<1.. II.......... ,Io«e • •• 10 ' I'll<' .1 oc:dMol> ...... .
n«l . Md~, In'C "'" 001""" N .... NII""",11Ol: '"'''',1>.111''' ..... ~ ••
,IWI •••«1",". ,.. ..« ..1•• ..,cl '" r.... th. A ."'!'I"'.
" "'''rd !:'I''''''
u' . ur p,,~.,,'4 p1.,fo"". lor (~,«"" lHolldlnr. ""'",.",n<4l. r~<, •
• • 1" .. ",Is, <of •• ""r . 0. """. ,1"ro ..... 0-'\ .....1.H "1",,,,11 , I•
.. 10110.........1:. _ .. poIioIIlo l:. .... ullJlIj;. a'" ~ I nlorl.....It.·
1"1: ..... "'''''''''~ .nd """,1...
.\ "•.,Iot.,,( "."~'''I' .ppll,a "",WI< ".fMdl. ~1 •• uoIlH.",,..llod
...l>I l. I.",,<• • ,•• .1, OJld .<"~rr.hll fQIOOC in ..:riou. dto>iI(n.> bu, t."""·
,ulll ...<is, 0( . . ..... ,l'4I U l ~ , 111[",. on .. ~ «k ~ . --.t..~ )t ...·
... IIN''''''''I.... cl.ntllll/ u , ~ pb, .... _ Of<: . 1<0 . .... l'4I """_IAlly
on .. t.ocl, Or to ....... o.-d on: ,·«tf<>I~· .il,io" .W , "-, ... 11 • .!kll·
",upoIl<d 01" 011"" """' pl .. r", ... ... po .... o,oc.oted..... 110< piOi'
r...... ~. bo . '.'~1.4 .•" ... ~(~ "'"i."ololly. 0' ........ II",,,,
__ 'I,-d .I "",I .~ .. ork ,I,lfo ... ' .... o""lIO<lod by a !>oem .. b k~
01110« kl .......... ... ~ "" .. W<I<h ' 0 ~" ... p t f _ .... ...d ,~.
look ........,. .... I'... I""I<oI ... IIOW . 10..1;, . .. " _ llOCI.,.. ,UIl<
pI .. I. .... ' .. 4 dU1lI.!.,.. pt .. l..s.

Th~rc :Ire \'"ri ou ~ Iypes of s~n1To ld ~. The ANSI siandard u!tcmpt~

10 PI\.'S( ';be "'p:mH~ rule~ for <'.:Ich Iype. 0111)' ,hose ocaITo ki typo.'S
ru,med in t lie ~t:",d:l.ld llU)' be us.:d ,' a llhoush Ihe -cnfo ran c. ;"',
tllo'; t)·" In ay Gr~"1 In e~cept ion rnr new dC"c!Ol'mcnl~ wbi ch pm..
vide eq uivalenl pro tection,' or when pracli cal difficullics or unnc'C~'S·
SlIr}" Illtrd,hi!" rc~u!t and C'IUi":l lcnl proleCtiOn Cnn be p rovided
",ilOOU I adhering 10 Ihe ti,cra l rcquircmcnl ~ Ihe st;mdMd.
The I)'(":!' of s.;;,fr(lld~ spocifi t:\l in the "an ~~rd nTe;
(I) Wood Pole ScafTolds.'
(2) Tube an~ Coupler .s..:~fTollh,'
0) Fabrie~ l«1 Thbubr l'f~ n'~ Sc:dToWt,·
(4) Manually·Propelled Mobile Sc"nbld~.'

I ANS! A lIU·l~l1 i 3.3!.

'lit t I .l.
, 1</, I 4.
'hif l .
• 'd. ~ 6-
'IJ.~ 7 .

i suo 1' 1l01I. I.I.I.lL I'R.\(.,'ICI : Gu m "

(5) OUlrigll~r SC~lrrokl.~ .'

(6) ~1a",,1IS' ;\djuSl:lbl~ Mulliplc·I'oinl SIlSI\l'l~iou SCan"olcl... •

(7) Tw[')·I',HII1 Sm[lC,,~iorl S~nITohJ~ (Swi nging ScnITol<l s),'·

(8) Slone Sc:1I~rs' AcljU~lablc Muhiplc· I'oi ni SU~I\~iol1 St;;,(-

folds. "

(9) Siur:lc·l'oim AdjlJ ~lnblc SU~ [lI!rl ~io" Sc;lITolclr.."

(10) Il<>al~wai ,,'s Chairs,1I
(I I) C:(!rp"m ~I'l" Ilr"C~~1 S";lITold_~. "

( I:!) Urit"klar crs' SqU3TC Sc"lTol~, '~

(13) i[()r"Se Scnn"o lds. "

(1 -1) >I~.'~dk Hc;om '&alTold ... "

( 15) Interior IIulig &nil'okJ,.'"
(16) I ~,ddcr Jilek Sc" ,rold!'. '~

(17) Wj,,<lo,,' J ~ck SC:llTuld .•.'"

(18) Flmll or Ship &rurQ I<J ~. "

· Id· t~ ·
'Id. j~.

' Old. ~ ID.

" Id.t I I.
"M. J \ ~ .
D ld, l.'.
" Id. t t~.

"hi. j 1'.
"IJ· tl"-
"IJ. t II.
"h!. j IS.
" "L ~ l~.
,. IJ. f 10.
"M. §~ 1.
16- ttt LA I)DEI!S ,,:-':1) SCA~l'Ol.llS j 56..1Q1tJ

(l9) CmCllaff Sl:Jffold !."

(20) Pump ) ;<,k ScaffoJob!'
TIIC general pro>ision. "1'1 forth ~lIpm § $6.09 ~pply 10 all K;,r-
fold~ . To go fllnlier. it is neCCS>!lrr ror the e~p~n 10 detcml il1( rhe
lype of 0.<:,,0'0)(.1 iH I'ol\"<~L E~c)1 IHI<: <'If ~catTold ha. u nique r\ll(~ con-
~erni"t: pcr mill6ihlc U'C'I, d '"IIi~n. c....-clio!!. n1 alm~l !>, p116eh l1l~m 10
MruclUre, ele. 11,C'W prori~U"'~ pro"ide ~tkI; liol1:l1 prota:tioll. be·
)"0 ..... Itmt ~ffonkd b}<lh ~ jl.'1. ~rul rules, ru; n~-aJ w for panil;ubr ap-
plkat ioll!i.
( Il-l'nl\'cr~d I'J~t(l}rms fur EX lerlor nundrn~ Muintenan ce. A
M.,,()an'tc sw,l(j llrd i. ~(kJrC!lscd 10 Ihe ul<: of 1'O"'cf~d p)~ lform~ (or
~.' t<'TiOf buildin\: maimenaru,-.;!· ~ lIhol!S h sw; h " pial form ili a ~J('
f()kJ f()r lopl purposes. The ''<j uipf1l<'11t co\..,rw br t hi~ M~nda(d j"
u<;a! prirtlarily ill wi udow Ck~lli llg, m~1al I'Ol i~hing. crtulki ns. a nd
I!-c ncrul ~.~terior bu ilding 11l:o illl~n n llcc and rcpai r ~.
101'''1 m<><l~rn hir.h-risc Slru~ (ur~ have larsc ","n nb!d-li ~e d~~i,~.,.
),)l:n' t:ll 011 101' of Ihe huiWi,Ij;_ u!>l-..J for d .::minilihe "imlm'"S of tire
building. .. ~ ,,'ell!IS for o llocr gClr.:'-J.1 m~inh:nolle,". Sintt Ihe build -
'nS' mn)' be d('ll.c:n.~ oi slOrie~ hig h. the sc~flbld-Ji~c unit nlll~1 be de-
~is ncd into the bu ilding. Power.'!! pla tforms are devices that ar~ per-
m:lIIcnlly i" Sl ~lkd a n the buil,\in!; or struc!\, re. I'
The unil ca" shl~ of n ,oof ~ar nml ~ p1n.fon n. II ill dri"en b)' a n
.:leelric onOl a r. The roof ca . nm~ Oil t racks whick nrc pcm'3n~lly
(.t.ached 1(1 11," la p o f 1h~ huilding. "Tllc roof COlf is d r;vcnlo the loes-
li<)11 next 10 the , Ide of the bui ld hl~ w here I h~ mnill tCMnIlCC is 10 ,ake
plnce. The plelronn is hoi"eo OIW the ,ide Ofl110 building uno Ihen
1(Wo·c n .... im o [lO'itlon. The plutforrn is l h~" itl!ol;rlCd inll1 g'oa vl'$
('"Inullia ns" or ~T /'iii"'",), ... hich ~ fC pomnallCll1 ly 3111M;hcd in II>.:
building. 10 P'C\·.~rI tho: plalfo, m from ~wDyill; or moving from ~i<k
to silk o r backwanls.
A moto, tu rn , II drum. which wind~ wire rope nround the drum

" 1<1. ~ n.
"U. ~2 l .
.. Am<ri.;.n ;-:>llo n'\ SI,md....d. S.'fc<~ thqu;r<JnrnlO fvf I'o•.-"O\! r l.,fon,,, r.,
E..,,;or !l";I~j,,! M>;n"n , ,.,,,, AI'S ! AllO.I ·1?10.
" Jd. j lO. ~.
,..... ,",
t ~ U' [J "MOil, UMt. [' RACTIC' ; (;U tllt:

to m~ l h~ p~Morm , or un ..... ind s Ute ..... ire fC\l'e to lo .....er The pb lfu nn,
If tbe mOIO, [(li ]r., ;1 ..... ill nOl bold tb e druOl ill place. and tb e ..... ei~ht
oflllC pl:nfoml will CauSe the drum to turn. allowing tbe wire '''pII
to unwill d. A~ Ih e platfonn SlarlS tll fall, a ~ccoml:iry hwke llI.;cliu·
nism iI; dcsiS'h:d 10 be aU lomat ical1)' 3Cli" ;1l ~d by the incrc:ls.t:d 111m·
ins: Sjl<....'<.1 o r Ihe drum. Whcn Ihe M'C'ont111)' brake engages, il ii ill'
1~'11"'--d to lock II\(: d m m, 1'f"C\'C1uing Ill<: "i !'<.' lOpe from 1ll1will diullo
(IllY further.
ll1e1c m~)' IX om: wire rope for C:l~h ~id.;, ...·h~ h ~ad. rnbo: and
lower th e pl~l(o rm . There n"~y b: IWO rOJ!<':< for ..... eh side, :111 of
which rai:\e or lo\\w Ill<: pbl for",. Th~rc llM)' IX O1lc on eaeh sid<:
for lowering Ih. plalfllTm ami o ne for r:lising il on ""eh . ilk.
Elich !.ide hll.~ Olle mOlor 10 rai se and Inll'cr Ihe wire rope for Ih,11
side. T he 111010r is Itlmet! b}' i' number of scars ami shfl •. If th~
Sr:.:mI .hc~r. or oll<: of the ~h.,fl' " .."k, ", hlch Ihc)' can d,~ there wUl
be nmhing holding the dru m in ft The d rUlIl ....iII
!prn r'OIIi II'e " 'eighT oft loe I'b irorAI, eau. i"s Ihe plalfon" 10 (;,11.
no. II", ~iok "; 110 Till: :lrr«I~-d mOIOT, Tl>c Side " 'here ,".we is All bro·
ken p:l11 ",ill Iiny in place.
As the phn form falls, it re.1Ch ~" 'i P<'cd whic h ~utomaticany IriS'
ger. 3!\ cllwrll~ lI~y or ",~'Cond"ry " brnke, T he loat! generalcd h)' Ih e
de~cc!\di n s pbl form may b~ sum cient 10 soullc the rIlClid di<cs ,,'hi~h
co",!,os. Ih~ ~ecmular)' bn,k", cnll , in w Ih~ :iccout!ar), brake nlccll~'
ni ..11 10 r~i l .
Thus. the pbtfonn faits OtICC. I h~'1 ~IOPS fo r " "I:eolld ",h. " Ihe
So.'t'OIIt!a ry Im .ke ellg;.gcs, [hcli r.'I1~ ~J:.,in " ·h. ,, Ihe So.'Cl'I,da ry b",ke
III oll e i !lsl ~t\t." on ~uch ~ SC':lfTo ld OIl the 55th floor of~ bui lding.
Ihe first ", jlldo'" wa,h er was cat3pllit ed ofT the ~caffolt! 1O hi s deo lh
"'hen thc ~cafTold', right sid~ t! rofll'cd, while he ",a, ~tandill S on the
left side." The ~" rrold'~ socont!arr l>rnk c f"il~t!, and tbe Ican'old ~\lf·
feret! :' rurt]><:T rn:" ran all the ,lfT,-';IW ;.ide, TC1iu liing in th e I':cond
window w;l!'hcT d nnsii ng from rhe bot!<lm or the "'~IRi>ld . until l ~'

,. Ikll. , ~. HO 11,,,.... ,,)-, No. 8 8""~ H!'I , \' , ~ r. l'I .. N.Y. eo,,"l), No., 1'>117).
"Thi' ~1"1."fl'. <_ w.... ><Illn1 f'" 51.6 1t1iIlluo.
" no; rt,j",I !T, ~"' ,,"., ,,!tIro {o, 51 ",ilh "".
", ~, ""
56-1 \3 I.ADDERS M'll SCM1'Ol.llS ~ 56.10(1]

The failure was a broken pinion shaft in the motor. The scan'old
mmlllfacturer had designed the ~hnft and had forged it from raw
steel. The manufncllIrer claimed that the st,:d wM dd.Clive and im·
plc~dcd the raw material supplier. Ullimntcly. the owner. mainwin.
er. manufacturer. en'" nmtcrial manufact ur~r, and plnintiffs employ-
er werc all defcndnllls ofonc ~orl or anolher,
[a}-Appllcnhilit~, or Stondllrd to E~i5Iinlll'lnlforms. The slan_
dard applies only to powcr~"C! plmfonns inMallcd aftcr March 2, 1970.
the approval dute oflhe stnndard, It docs 110t apply to powered plat-
form. installed prior to the adoption of the standard. althollsh local
law may make the stundllrrl applicable to prior imtnllati011S."
[b}-Two Types or Powered PlatForm,. There arc t\\'o ba,ic
tyJlCs. Type F and TyJlC T. Pan II of the standard appli~~ to TyJlC
F powered platforms, Part III applies to Tyl'" T."
A T)'I'" F po\\'cfc"<1 plntForm i5 sU'pended by al len't fOllr wire
rope'. nnd dcs;guc'd so that failure of any On. wire rope willllOl "Ib-
SI:lntiall), niter the normnl position of the working platform."
A TyJlC T powerod platForm is sU'JlCnded by ut Iea~t two wire
ropes, mid failure of one of the wire ropes may IIps~t tIle normal pos;·
tion of the plntform, Worker.; on TyJlC T poII'~rc..J plalform. art re-
quired to wear safety bcHs tbat are aU:lched 10 eilher the platform
or the building structure."
[e}-Type of Drl,m and I'owcr. Thi, stand:lrd :Ipplks only to
powercd p1atform~ hnvins lI'inding-drum-type ho;,t,. although other
tyl"'s of drums" may be pcrmittc"<1 by local autlmriti.;. If the)' urc
permitted by local authorities, powered platform, wilh ~uch drums
~rc governed by th~ sl~ndard." It lIpplic' only to electrically pow-
ered platforms."

" ,\NSr,\tZO,t.19JO~ 3.1.

"ld.§ J.l,t,
"!d.~ ),2.1.1.
"ld.~ ).2.t,2.
"The ><a[KJ"d 'r«;flL'"II)' m,,,";on, '''"'';'''' drum lL"i"i,,~ """i1i"", "iT IXlw,
<ted "'''''hin'', hydr:luli, JK1"wod "",hiM"'. 0",1 ;"10"1'\ <om",,"i,," lIHi,hi"""
" Al-lSt A120, 1-1970 ~ .1,",2,".
"IJ. ? ),2_2,3,
,t,. ,,,,
t ~IO{I J I'IWII. U,\IL I'II.\(.,. .CI: G U III~; 16- I H

Id~Tr(l<) F I'owered I'lotforms. TIle ma!~rin ls us~d to con -

" ruc t suc h plalform~ nlllS' c\lnlply will< !oIn!lli:ord~ for .'~d :md ;Ilu·
minu m. 3l> .he c~se may boI.»'
[e}-RcqllirCmelits (If Stnndnrd Not Exciu ll·a. The $ta!\d~rd
~ lnt~'S Ih:Jl the 'I ~isner !IiOl,]d incorporate ;'Il}' fC3lu r~'S pos.~ibJc 10
minimilc hnz;ords :lnd p l(wldc rc;.sonable :":lfe' Y. rC!:iltd less of
whet her II." fC;tlure i. call ttl fur by lI< e wmdnrd."
[f}-l'rccnutlnn Agains t Adl"tr.>C CJim~tc. M"n~' 1H~'cri;LI~ ar~
aITc"....d by 00111 we:Ll hcr or h)' wl'3.t hn d.3lLs,t$. ~bn llfao.'ur"R muS!
tak" thi . inm C<ln~idcr-J.l ion. 11 i~ n"l ;' d"fen~ 10 a 1·;"ll11ion of the
sland ard thai lh~ product ... as bein g used IInder adver!~ ClimtlCli c
conoiilir.lII:1 :11 IIi e time of 'he failllr,,!'
[It}-Wind. I'ow.red pbt fonm mu,1 be de1.igned tel with~tn!l<l
illt~n ~ wind pr("!o~Llre. Th e sta"dard ~el . forth I'ulues Ihal "Hlst b;:
exc<:I:<kd, to comply "'illi 11.< Willd ;nl~m,ily '«Iui re mc""."
Ih }-Co.t~ct With IhJ1di"l:. TIle I"'" 'crcd I'lnlform i, ~upposcd
10 bc in cO lllim.,.,u, conla,,1 with Ihe building or Slruclure." Thi~
nbsorb<. ""iud forc~'S 'mrl h ()ti~_onlal rno'·COlen ' .
An>" bUildi"~ hi~er than I 30 f~1 n,u.;t h:t\·c T rails, in ~"'l ed mul·
lions, or o'luil'"km Guides, built int o lI<e f;lce "r the building.
The ",·",kin& 1,1;liform " "I:<l baH guide rollen 01 &ui..Ir: shoo:s,
which ron :dOl'S .h" build i,,!: ~nd COll'penMI. ror "arhl ioO!; in th e
bnildillS wall."
The guide .I<Cli.'S 01 . u lkrs mllst posilively cILSD£~ Ihe 1" r~ ils o r
mu llioll< mlh.: b uilding." The j;llid" ~tLOCS o r Mil er.. 1nUl;\ ~Ul(Ntutt i·
ca lly C'II\er tho l>llitdin~ suiclc,. The ",orl.:cr ~~111,,)1 be Ml"i rc'd 10
""",unlly phlCc tll~ guide shu<>< u r rollcr. ililo th e building guides."

"/d. j 10.l.
"hi n In.l. ltlA.
"'d. J 1!I.~_ t .
"Id. ~ \1.2.
"/J. J Il_~ . l.

" h(f 12.5. 1.

"ld.j I ~.S .1.
§ 56..10(1J

If I h~ build ing d00; nO( h~,"11 buildi ng ~ u id~'S, sudl i~~ T mils or
nlulli on!. lhc pkllrOlm 111I1.t h :,v~ rollc", dl:'!lir,nc'<! to exe rt a mini·
mum pr~ure of .10 pounds ngn ins.l the ~d~ of the bI, ilding. umkr
~ II colldit i,);us of Joodi,,&-" If wOl kers an, plOYidtd wilh s.~fcty bdb
and life lil\<."S. the pr~\.Ur c 11m)' be on ly 10 t>O uud r.. instc"d of 30."
[i]_ Roof Cnr. To nlO"C th~ working platform from one ,ide
of rhe bai kling 10 mlOlhcr, a roof C3. is 1I."<~ry"· The " 'or kinS
plalr"""1 is itlipCndoo from 'h e roof car.
'. " The roof car camlOI go [asler tha n so feet [l<:1 millut~" mid m\l~t
n>ecl lhc HPJl lio:~bk tl (;>ign crilCT;n for pl;i lfOl ms.'· Crit~ria for m o,'C·
ml'tl' 'md (IO>oi,ion ing of the roof car ale :lC1 forth! '
There n1l1~1 be int erloc ks 10 IbD t the roof eM will not operate 1111'
ks. th e workin g p);"form ;.; in i t ~ " up " positi on and 1t01 in C'On1~CI
wil l! the face of Ihc bllildi,,&o lind a ll plol« ,I\,c dC\"iccs a nd il.lel locks
:ot. in <;'Orr",,! po!Ijlion ....
Th e roof e:lr mU ; 1 be determ ined 10 Ix: ab le to wilit!IUlid 12~ per·
C( 1lI of il~ Tlll.'<! l03c1, ~I us m:uimum d~:od h:>:<d ,,,,d II!.; Pfescrib<:Q
",,"d 10;111.118."
[j]-Tnmperil'lI. A pro"ision In prc" cnl the l'ubli~ from tnm p<:r-
illg with th e roof ,..a f II1U~t Ix: 1!l<ltl t. such "~" Sll~rtJr~ , lCc or clo.\inS
off dlC roof "rca to Ih.: public. U · 11.i~ IlIle is lI$Crnl ",he.. dClenni" i,.s
wlk!lh~r the roof enr ~nd aSMl<.~ aa-d ,oq uipm elu Me in the ~~rn., C'omli·
!jotl as whell nmnufuctu rcd.

11I]- I.<N1d Rml .~ Ead. wor\:'ng Vlmfonn mUM IlOSl " " oncot·

, . Id. i \~,U .

"1rJ.~ I ~ .1.

.. 1<1, t ! ~,!.

, . S"""l'fd t Sf" o,).

" I<l J ! :.. ~ .
'./rI.~ IH ., .
., I.', f ! : ,~ . A difT<I'nI r",n, ubti<l n " pro .,;,s.,t . JIL th ••1"",,';,-0, Th o'O\! ~ hi, h
i, f'""" .huuid \>0 'ppli od.
" IJ. ~ 1•.1.
,..... , ,

i H .IOI II 1'N01l. ll.\ll. 1'11,\(."(1(."1: (;U IIJ~:

ro.li .·" pl il1 ~ itl II con ~pl~"ou~ jXlIoil ion Il:u ing ll~ nHl~i mllm po.:rmll.~i·
ble r:,.~-d IlXId."
[1}-Snfe IY Bc1t~ and Lifo !.illes. Safe lY ""11 ~ ure 1101 necc~'''r)'
wb~" uiling ~ Type F 1lO",·cr..>d pl:ufo ml."'usl.-:ld. a Type: F ro"·~"fet.l
pblr()rm mu, ' ha~.., (our wirt: ropes ~nd be do:si&n ed Ml ,11:11 if one
wit, rope f;, i l~. lhe pb lfornJ will ''''! f;,I1. Since Ihe plnlfo rrn will mit
rn"" ~ .i!:"irIC"". ly if II", wire rope l>rc,, ~ s. the $t~ ..<.brd d o.s lI()t ,~.
qllire IIIi: "" orkro; 10 "'car,, s" fCly bell on the pl ~. rom,. Sl 31e Ia .. ~
"",)' ! uPfll ~ n) clll the ANS I ' Inrt dard nn!.! requ ire Its. of ;, S~f.ly lId t
011 ;or,y scaflil ld. .'
(mJ--<; u3rdt:.lils. Tn " SlInrdraii wl l:li Me SI", elured !D provide
the worker " 'i, h th e " hility III rcuch t he ....·all ;rn d do hi ~ ... ork . whil e
be ing. ~ rol"'; 'l-d 011 hi., sides :tnd behind hi m. On Ihe "'or~ins si!.!e
of lit.. pb tforrn . SU3rt!r:lil!; ' h~t an: at k "-" 36 i'ICh", high. m el nOl
Ill ort: lhan "2 in ches hilt!!, mu ~t be pruvid ed. " O n the "at a nd >i de
or Ihe p ~otrflrm. ,he !l""rdmils m os. he:11 I"", . 42 i"ch~ hiGh.
,\ midd l ~ I)' imcrm edialC rai lins m" ~ be rl:I~~..J betwc~n Inc lOp
rai l ~,\d Ihc btl!1 mn tnc\xmrd" 10 prcvcm lhe worker fro m raili ng
ill b.:1 ,,"~"lI " l lot railing.....
0 " t he wnrki ng sick or l h ~ pblfo rm, a m ~l rlll ic me5h IllU.l bt;
pi a(.· .-d in 1m: ~I"'Ce'i lx:IW~"" ' lho: ", i dd l~ l:"ardraiJ ~nd Ihe lo,,:bo;,rd.
0 " . ht OIhCT s id...,. of 'hc' 1'1" '(orm . I h~ mct:dli c o.esh "'till be rrolll
the lOp rai l 10 Ih e ' Ol.'bi.,ard .
(n}-f-l'lllring "f the I'bt form . T he n OOn!!!; ml)!;1 be tOll" nlel·
ed of rwruokirl material :l nd ""'« nUl lr Jve hoi"" l ~rgcr Illn n 9/ 16th
i nc lr~"S in d i",lI cle,. "

In)- U"i~lilllt ....... ui pmtll •• 1 lie roof t":l.1 u r " vrl:.ing I'btfo fltl
,m,'" h,'c ~ flO" w drh'en (!fum(,). wit h wire r<) pc~ lea dinll rrom l h ~
d ru m(5). over ~lK:avc •• 10 su ~p.:n~ioll or Ilnc homj)c poiJll~. iiIll hal lhc

"/J. ~ Il l.
.. III j 1.'.).J .
.. III. § 1M.! .
.. /II. ~ 1.1.6.! (A ","," . I,>t\.,·,,,d n",' \>< ph,,'''') . t",,~ ,,11 ~~ "' " f <I,. pl>tr".m ).
" /J. ~ IJ.il.I.
",d. ~ H .•.
...., ""
56_117 i.,olnlEHS ,11'1l SC.WFOU>S I S6.ICI{I I

rl atl<Jrlll cnn I><l both linN lll1d 10I\"er. d," The nmchiw nJUr.! be
properly l ub,il':tl~-.J." The drun,(s) cannot be ( Qn'lI:Ctw 10 Ihe Ol~ in
dr" 'ing mcclmnis m by bell or cllai, ,.,Jril'CIl ", ~chifld or tllt>S<' wilh
fric tion d~'\·h.-.:s I)' cI\llo;hC'i.~' E~~iw SI ...in in dll: ~h;ut~ n.u. 1 be
rrc\"~mc..:l, and connection ! ~u bj.:ct to torque 11I U1t hn\'e fiUc'(] k cy~
or !>plill""-"
[Q-Drurrt5 ~nd Sh~:tyl.'S. On ly :'prTo1'cd m~leria)s C;1lI be
. ". uso:tl for druOlS,U On))' {IllC Ia~r of mp<: can be pc rmit\r:d on the
drum,. The slMldard set. fflrth tll ~ Iyp<:, dbme\e r, nnd pilch of the
grooves 01' the drum Ihm huld the wire ro""."
[Ili-Gt,rs. Tile A'"C ric~l1 G ear Munuf:.u:lu rcrs AS$OciatiQlI
setS [flnh MKlld;,rd! for gears. which Ih . gcar. fin Ih~ powered pial-
f01"l1l mu'lm ~e(. " Suilable IIInter~~1 is "'quiT"d." Good gc.,r 1«lh"
:Jl1d 3d~1I31e Iu\".icatio,," mU ll b.: provillcd.
[mJ- l lIs~c1fIl" P.l:Ut.o;. The maUlifaclllrcr "'1151 p l(lVidc n
"">;"'" of i11spt.-c1iug th.: gcnr ~••m:h as pl.1tcs or rltlgs which pro\'itle
~ method of vi.uaJ i" r.rcClio1\ o f Ihe full ... ith h of the Opet:1 lillg S~.,. r
(I"J-lIuhli~ Milt",,;. Th~ hoiIil ilig motor mUM ~:ilij" ' 0
lill 125 pClcenl of the mtc-d IDad a l ,my place the plnlro m, (':III 1m"·
d ! ' If 100 &"-"1 a load is pl~eed Oil the hoist 1" 0101. it mll.~1 be tk-
~iEntd ttl ~t ~!I !1
"/01. ~ 1~.1.

" JJ. f t~ . $.

"/01. § 1 ~ ,6

"M ~ 1~ . 7 .

oj lU .L
"/J. !i 1·1.11.4 .
" /ri. 1 I ~.~ . I.
"'/J. ~ 1' . ~3.

"!d. ~ 1 ~ . 9.4.

"/d. J I~ . ~ .].

"' IJ. !< I~.lo. "

" M. , I~. I O .~ .

.._, .. '.
*~'or I J "Imu, U ,\.l I'ItACI1CK C:lill m

{\'}-HIlI~i ng I{opc~ ~nll RIl(I~ Cmlnl':lioo~. Th e wire rup.."l

mU~1 Ix of a !;'trw;n d:'SSi Jic:llio n" and gr:llj(·!' A m~la' .bm I ~g
mU;l b..: nllactl c(J to on~ of tho wire mill: r:l~tcniJ1g', whi ch conUt; n,
infofJJl;llion ",i, h r<:!IP;:C' /0 the dJ:unelcr, cI:u;,;i fi~alio" , " r:\dc, m,m"
ufactu rer, mted br.,.Jkilll! s!rC li sth , a il e! in.w llalioll!' Tho:rc nlUSI bt.:
~ mini mum faclor of " ,fell' of len." The mel hod of att;lchins the
"oi~lins ro~ II) !h" d rum 31\d IIII' Iypell or " 'in: ro p<: f.1slcnill!;.< ;In:
~pc:cili cd/'

IpJ-lI mk~ Th..'Te mUSl be I \VO i l"bpo:n<l<.~11 brokd.. e:>ch lIbl"

10 slop and h old Ihe plnlform wllell km(Jttl wil h 125 perce1\! ori\>
rn1<."<1 l ()~ ~ ; " prim:u}' brake nlld ~ =ol\(l:tr~' brake."
The l1ri mal)' b",h i~ nh\1IY' ap plied. I>nIL'S/i llO'I...or i~ nrfllied 10
Ihe drive motor.'a The second~ r)' br:lk~ lUust \),: nppli cd ",hen e>'cr
I"e prim..·uy br~lr;" h:L~ be\,n appli<-d 3nd ~ I1Orrt ~l' ~IOf'pi"g rime ha~
dapsc(J. The secondar}' brake mu, t ~1'-O Ir~ prn,-;dcd with an raw -
~p'-'I!d d~'ic ~ and 111U", be: "ppli..d wh c~c"c r Ih.: bPC<'iI n r Ihe tlrum
or rlalf"nn r"'l<:llCS n nl;L,imunl or 1010 JlC rC<..~11 of the r~lro ,,,,'Cd.
The o\-~rspcetl d~>-icc' must nlso ~h(ll oIT Jl()wcr to Ille dri"illg mOhlr.
Undor ~u<.:h circll u,_,mM6, Ihe pl~tforlll ~houl d nl)( \f3,-.1 ovcr ,hr~e
r~~t bo:fon: Itl c , ccolltlnry bmke ClIS"SC<;'" Th~"1C " lIl"l be m. arr~lIJ;L~
mClIl for le,tins the ,;cco nd:lIY brake. " There :I re ~C" trul dirr~r~nl
Iypes or
5CnIl1d;~r)< bra l.:..'S. "'hi~h 3re di\O<:~ in ,h • .~~ IId:lld , "

[q}-lilcclrkul Wl rin): anti Equiprnenl. Til e ~ Iamlard ."1\ forlh

rul os for decuk-J I ....iri na lll\d ~'([uipn..,u ." Elecuic" l P:lfl ~ III U51 be

"M j '~. I.

"III.. 15.1.1.
"M. , I ~_ ).
"Id~ IH.
' ·Id n l H. t " .7.
" Id. t 1,u1.1.
, . Id.. f l ~ . II . l.

,. /d. t 14 .11. l_
ao {II.
. , '''. f J.JI.~ .

., /d. i
'" "'.., ..,,
56_119 L,\])DERS AI\D SG,WFOWS § 56.10(1]

gll~nkd. prokeling Ihem against accidell1nl e011lucl." Adc"qllll1e

grounding mu,1 cm;urc llial 1\ single ground or ~horl eircuil doc. not
prc"cnl the normal and filial stopping dcvicc, from working proper-
[r]-Conlrols. All roof-poII'cred platform, on's( h",'c ~omrol­
leP,; by which th~ poII'~re<J plalform i~ opcratc<J. The controller re-
'Iuires the ()pcr:l1or 10 follow ~el procedurc' to run the platform."
TIle cO!\1rol1cr i~ lIs<:d 10 lift and lower the plarfoml. a, wol l a, oper-
ate the roof car. The com roller :11,0 ~ef\'es Ihe function of mrning
off the powcr. if Ih~re i~ a malfunction."
The control" 011 the working platform mu,l be dc'isned <£) thnl
Ihoy do !lot work unlc'iS :111 eI,clri~~1 protective dC"ices and inter-
lock, nre in position and the roof car is nt un e,tnbli~hed operating
Iflhc rclays that lift and drop the plntform ~hould malflJnction.
the conlrollcr nm,t be designed 10 either pre"ell! further operation,
pre"em trawl of the reof car. or \isn'll the existence of a malfunc-
[~]-Emergcncy CUillrol D~,·icc. If the platform is powered
from Ihe roof. Ihere mu~t be ao emergency control ncar the hoisting
machine to 11>'. in <-asc the normnl control:; r;tiL The cl11crgcucy ~On­
Iwl must be in " lucked compartment. :Imithe key mounted in a
bre:lk·glass rceeplacie ne.~rby."
The mnin drive for Ihc machine should be desisned so Ihat it can
he manually cranked in an emergency."
[t}-I'rotcctive Dcvkcs. A number of ekc!ricnl protective de-
vice, n1\>o;t be designed into t hc powered pbllform, The operating d<'-
., /d. , I fl.J.
• • /d. , 16A,W)
., 1d. ~ 11l_~, 1.
" /d.
O>!d. ~ 13.11
" hL ~ lo_~,1(3),

" hL ~ 1J.1J.
"In. ~ I J. t4,
"',, "',
§ S6.tO[tj t'ROD. l.l,\ll. I'RACnn: GUlIJE l&-tlO

vice'S for the working platform mu't not operntc ulIl~, (hc roof c~r
i, iocatc'<.l ill the corm:l po,ition." COlwcrsdy, when the I'ower.d
platform is being op<:fatcd, the roof car control, mu't remuin inorer·
ati,'c, so the roof car call1,,,1 move while the plalform i, workin!':."
I f th~ tension ill the travcling c:lbJe c.xcccd~ safe limits, the down
direction rclay must 1:" d"'Sign~d to open."
If the hoi~lillg rol"" become o\·crload.d, an automiltic O\'erio:Ld
devioe must cut off I'nwcr to the mowr in the up"mrd direction."
If :lIIy hoi,;ting rope bccom"'S slack, an automatic device mnst CUI
otT power to the motor in the downward direction und apply th~
Limit device<: mUia prevent the working platform from going
higher or lower than it sbould." If the nomml limit of tftlvd is
rcache"l, a limit device mu~t preyclI! furl her molion ill lhat direc'
Directionul limit "wilche, must di,cnIll1<:Ct the power ~nd npply
the primary ami secondary brak.s if the driving mceh"ni~m fails."
l'i11:11 terminal stopping dO"ices must pre\"~n[ the pbtfaml from
ovcrtravcling a( lhe tcrmi!li,l •. " The dC"icc is located ju~t beyn!1d
the lIomlai terminal landing. and will not function if lhe plalform
,top, nO"11:III)", but will uctivate to stop the trave! of the platform
n~ SOOn liS it passe; Ihe nom",l posilion. The j;llal terminal ,lopping
device di~connec(s the power from (he hoi,[ and applie'S bmh th~ pri·
"WI)' :lI1d ~eeQl1dary brah"5.'

., /d. j to,<>,2 .
., !d. i l~,?,!(l),

OJ /d, j 16,9,3•
• • /d. j t6,'I.4.
"!d. i 16.9,~_

"/d. j 16_'1.6_
., /d. i 16 ,9,6(2).
"!d. ! 1~,9,(,(l),

.. "'- j 1(,,9,7(1).
I fri. § 1".~,1_

"... "',
IAm)EIlS ,,"s n SC\ Ftl)l.D!I t 56.10(11

(ul-Eme'~lI(y Slop S"'11Ch~ E.:l~h op':f~lint dt~i~<! mll~

h~"c all emerGency slop switch. Emergetlcy sla p s"' jlclH,~ arc roo
bullons ur h.1ndk5., Marko;<! ''S~op. - ",hich o.re m:l1Iu~ ")' Opemlcd.
Upon opemlin'l, Ih ey di sc:onn.'(:t til e powcr to rhe hoi~t a"d apply
bol" lloe primal)' ~nd ~ndary b~kcs" Appl}4ns 1he cnlergcoo:y
~top ~whch al~n must Ill"' ofT II", tr~ ver.;.) m~hine of lbe roof , ar
:md :l.l'ply il$ brakes.
[v}-t:..n fI"gCflCY CommualcaUons. Commun ication tquirmem
i. s!,<'(:ilicd' which mllst be providcd wilh c.1ch powered plntform.'
Bcl"mc 1II1}> .'flll'fgCIIC)· oroeration of lhe pL11rorm c:l.n occur, lwr.. ..·ay
conHllunicmion mu~ tlx: e>tabll~hcd between tlt e roorpcTsonnei and
l he (lblform pcrsonlld .
[ ..}-Type T I'owercli 1'llIl f(llms, Ttt.: . .,m.: rub """I)' 10 T)'I~
T po""crcd pbtfomlS, wil li minor except ion,. DcC;I.\I.C T)'f~ T pow-
cr~d I)JUlfor",~ only h~,'c Iwo ....i re ropes, (:.;llIrc o f o n.. of 11o~ rOflCS
c~n callie serio us nud d~lIgerOIlS movement of the plIufonn . Thefe-
(ot~, \IIo.ken on Ih<: "'or~i"S pblfo rm "IUS! b: provided ....i th ~p­
prol'.,j ~:!f. ty bcl1~, \IIi[1t aPP,o"cd rncan~ of :llwchillS Jif~ lill cs 10
Ihc roof or III( "-orki,,S platrorm.-

[xJ TII5pt'C'fiOll!
[JJ-,\cccpCOftC~ I llSpcclIQQ. Aftcr insmlllll;oll;\nd tldo •.: u#,
the (IO,,·~rc-d pIMf,,(Jn O1 \I~t be put 1l1rou/:h:l11 ncceptntlce [eM in the
licld, \0 dC\~tlllinc Ih31 aU ""TI ~ Confornl 10 Ihe M:lntbnl ami IIt:l.I
all ""rely ond Opcr:llinS C{j llipnltnl functions pro per!)'.'
Each limo; 0 major IIIteration to ,he i".13IL,I;0 l1 ;, ~rfo nn od, ~
n~\Ii So, el f a~C(pl:1f1Ce I~~ S mu:;! bc pcrfomlcd.

/IIJ-Annun! Inspection. u.ch il1>(nll"tioll mu st then be 1.:s [-

N :111.:1.._1""ct)' 11 mOllllll ill ille flll.1.<.~.tC orlb<; cnforcing OP11"'"1>",
I/J.t I6.U,
'M, t 1'.2
' IJ. I n.l.
lid. ' .s.
· Id. t 30.1.
t 5~.lotll PROD. 1.1,\11. 1'J!ACfJC~: GUIIlI;

~n owner's .q>r~IIL" i\'C, or Pl1 ' nsurane<: wmp:U\)' n:"r~o:;cuI:llin:!

AI I h~ mmo!!1 jllSroectioll. al l f1o,ru mUM b<: insptClro and . ... h .., "L~­
c~s~ry. ''''' led to d~tl...-nli!\c tlm1 'hc~' !lrc in proper workillg o rder.
J>~tl ~ subjec1 '0
"'e~r' muS! b.: l(:Stcd 10 make ~urc they h:,,'c 1101
wo m 10 the poi1\l,h ~l lhq j ccpardize Ihe ~f~ Oper~I;OII or,lle t'tluip-
[Hl}-Spcclll In$llIlello~ Ilf Gl;>ycrllnrs nnd SCCl>n dnry
llrnk c.o;. At le'.' t Oll ce a year. in~pcc ti(}n an d tc~(ing of Ih~ governor
:md St.'C:olldary bt"~l.:ins sy~l elll mll5t be P'lrromlcd.' The inil~Lti!ls
n,a: h:",is.m for Ihc on T.ip..:ed device mmt be ~ht..... kc:d 10 mah ~u n:
it work~ :It thc PfOf"Ol' oVenpe,-d . If n~I:'.'I.'ry to cmu:lUCI thc Icsts,
t he initi~tillg dC"i ce :Uld the hoi~li ng machin e mll!t be removed from
Ihe buil ding nnd sellt 10 " ~hop eq uippI.'d for ~uch ":SI~.I'

Ij~}-M nllllcn~lIct l . sJK'C1k1n nllll T esl$. ["cr)' 30 d3)'S., l":ICh

ioul1IlIation UlU SI u ndergo a m3 inte nnncc j"~l ion and 1<S1. Re-
q~jrcd main1<:lm!!~U i"c!udcs rcp]acemenl of broken or \\'0'" paris,
ch~c kins nil clcctric~l conntct ion~ nnd u]] parl~ " f the equipment to
ma k~ ~u'e they ure " 'crking ~rl)per]y. and performin s lIeccss:lry
ma i.. t,;11:1'1C~ o n s e:l.I's, S1031h . bG:uiO!;'l. b rakc:s. :md l h~ loaiMin c
dnun. The pnm IIlU$( be e~al11 i n~'(\ 10 dctenT11nc the do;S"~ of wear.
T he controll er con tncto .. " lId rdays mull Ix kept d .~ II . ,~, mll ! t
~ II (l lher !,:lf1 ~ ,It.
fu n.r.:lioning o f which ( o u]d be an«t~-d by dirt
Of OI h~'" eOl1la m,,,u nt"''' P'Ins ~hOll kl be lub ritato:d in UC«llobnc~
Wll h tile l1l1I"Ur:U:IIJ ~ I'S r<.'C(lmmC.'f1dation~. r~ces~i\'c II"' of tubri-
C:IIII> ~honld Ix avoided ." The hoisti"g ropo..os should be: resh~ckl"d
at le""1 every N nlPnth", find tlte damaged ~nd fatigued po llioollO re-
rnO"(d,u 'The T·r~ ils. mullio",,- or other 'uW~ in the fM~ or th e
building mL61 b<: k<:pt in pro,..:r wOlki"S order."

'lti. ; .\0.1.
• Id. (1)1'" ';'''' ;''& ,"" b I"'" '" '"pc>. \><"i llfS. ' ''''... I'!,,,,mo ,," " "01.1 \.(\ fMh"}
• Jd. $ lIlA.
" /d. t xu .
'lid.! l!.l.
" J<1. 1 ll..l .
II IlL I l l.4.
"IJ., l U .
---- .... --

"'~ UUIIl-:RS ,,:-; 0 SC.\ I' HJI.OS

i~l-ntphltelll""'l or Wire Ropes. 111~": i~ a r~l'r:t«ment

~b t'(ju!~ for wire rop<.'lI. wilh rcpl;, e~ Ol ~ "t fmm IS "lOnt b5 to 36
months, lI~pcnlli,,& 0 11 Ihe d rum diantcl.er a mi ro pe lIinmt'C"\" of Ihe
~~lIipmcm . " In allllilio". whene,"er Ilter~ <Ire s;., or more broken
,,·in... ill ~ IIy U"t: b )' of fOt>C. Ihe ,,~n: ro po: m U~l be rcph ~.
(.·i}-I.og or Inspcdions. A Jog lIIlI, 1 b.: kepI o r ~I! malm~­
n"l1 ~ "nd t!!'llS allli of ~1"'Cia l in~pcCl iCliIS of SO'WII O/"S ,11111 s.'Colld:u-y
br~kl!'l . "
.. [21-Mobile &11f(oltl5. The ANSI A9~ COOI Oli ll.'" prcp~r~d :1
nlln,k r of m:lltd~rd~ lhal 3i'Ply to I1\Obik scaffokk l 11c ComOl iltrt'
lI'as for111~d in 1948. Inil;" I]y. Ihe _ttlmJard o l1ly ilppl ioo 10 Mnnu :llly
l' lopdl.:d M(lb;ie L:nlllcr !Mol"llh :11.d Sc;lnolds (Towe",), ANSI
A 92 .1 - 1977. J11 1961. I'clticl c· nlOll1llcd d ~ ""t!nt\ nml r<llnritl£ work
p~tlfonn~ .\"Crt: '"eluded.
T he Sceld:,,;;'t for th ~ A92 Comlllhu:e i~ Ihe "11~",cc of ""II:l i-
C~1t InsureK
("~M ullall~· l}'upellcd Mobi l" l.3t1der g~nd~ I nd !Xo{(oltl5.
Mobil~ J",Jd~r ~1~llds and b dder !c:lrrol d~ are l~dd~r~ or ~carroI~
IlII ",·hL'("I!>,. whic h <"OIm, ;'1 ~'arioos do;sn... bul the kl.")· ingrcd;o.;n{s
arc nn ~ Icvmed wo rk pkl1fnrm n!ld wbccl ~ o r eMlcro; 10 mm'c Ih" plat·
fo",•. The M:vttfunl" do..'S nol sp«ir)· d<:s;~ ~nd <:OI ,slru CI;Ol1 r~_
""'remclt l_. oc'CauJic of Ih e wi d ~ variety o.f Illaler;;,), mill d"'i l~n possi-
bilities..· t ·n.c~:lJlIt:.nl $1"1..... hOl" ........... Ih at tit" mobi le b llckr si .. " d
<Ir scafio ld mu,t bt: dcsi s ned iii) tllat i1 ~a relr sn, ta'rI S Ih... ~"""irlCd
The ,;t a'I<I,,,,J th ~ " d~ IJS..""'jj ilCIl~ """h:ll< l();1d l a tillp ." Alllltri·
:tIs,'" f~~(ClI C",," l11 a~i m unt wa tt lc"d:i r~IKliw (0 b~~c dim ensi on ."

.. Ill. 1 l!.\>.
,. M. f .10.3.
""N~I Ml ,I · I~n.
"/.J. i .'.1 .1.
" ld. ~ J.U ,
i .1.1.1.
"hi. t J.lA ,
"h!. ~ ~ ..1.1 .
... " II,
' ... '
t>R()j). I.IAII. 1'It/I.CI1CE fIlJII": ....
Ml p!!O'!$," usc of . !ip. rc,i sr,tnl ""ttcriai, on :;t ~ps arrd p!:otrorm,"
Gu~ .d r~ iL~.'" tocbQ.:ards!' arid ~\"CeS.S 10 ami ("1:,..... (rom the plal -
fo n,r."
,\d"'"lu~re whwl., or wirh n fa cro r of rour safet)' rn;,,!!in,
all d :' method to hx k the whcd s, Me ro:tluir~d," Tubular ("bril':ncd
fr.rmc sc:r.fTo!r.l., ," [ubu b r rubri ~;l! e(1 ~~~ri ou:'l fo!dilll~ 'lcam~ d ,.'·
lulk! and n .upler ~anblw.." :lIIti mobile I,'dder ~t ,,,,ds" " " di....
I'ropo;r uso: of ladder ~!aml., i, WI [onh. For insl~ucc,
~ml sc~ m.!(b
wo rkeN :[r~ proliiUiI.d from ridin!: (] n the units ...·hile the)' an: IIc:irr;;
mu,-ed, unk!.~ ~ dl'Quatc guardrail " mKJrail~, nml [ocbQ.ml , lire uiied .
IIle rorc~ n....:'~~1)' 10 mo"e Ih" :;c:rn"old i~ appli.:d 1'1$ close 10 th e
ba~c a~ practicable. an(! I'ro\"i.<io 'l~ arc m.l Ue 10 ,tablli~c tire lO .... cr
d uring mo"cmc"t,"
L.~d<k:r~ c~m}(J 1 be pbeed 01. lOp (]r the !>C~rro'r.ls to gain ,"'!liliana!
h<:igh!. ·· A Ilur" tx. r of udd ilionnl ruJ~~ a"" ~Ol r,lrlh. mo't of wh ich
nr~ roJnlll OIl ~'I se.

l.ab.:llog rcqui r~ ll1 c "ls in clude p r~"a\lli,nl:rrr /:rt:.:l~ w:rrnillS of

",,111 mOL' Im~~rrth . TI l<: slan dard lloes lIot ~. ( fo nh Ih e );,beling re-
quircll><:m, ill 'kl~il. D~ Ibe !:\dd\:, st31ubrdi do. bill " ,••c1)' s,,~.... l~
arC;\ji "for cumid cral ien," , ueh a~ impcclioll. proper r,ckel ion. SCUll'.
di, I]bing iMtrUC\ioJ\~ slor~S" :md ""r.:. "and oL her ;ll>( ructio,,~:o.,
dC<:ll1cx! ncccs.<nry:'"

»hI. ~ ~.u .
.. t tl. i ). l ..l

"14. ~ J.l .1.

>0 hi. f J .~.! .

"ttLJ :0.2.10.
" 1.1. t J .l .
"' M. ~ 4.
"fd. t~
" M. § 6.
'1 1tl. ~ S.

" /0. i 9 .~.

]' /d. f '! .I O.
"/d. I UU .
~ 56.IO!ZI

fb]--i\lonu:tlly·I'ropcll cd Elc\,"tin!: Work l·hll r\) 'JII~. The

Com mittee on Mobil e ScntTo ld ~. Tower,. an d l'blrO m,;. A'i2. has
n Subcommittee on Ele,mlnS Wo.k l'lmforms. Th~r I'Cvised ANSl
C92.3- 1973. i'~uins ~ml (,pproving ANS[ A92. 3-19BO on ':\fnrch 19.
Tile s.tandard for man ually.ptopdlro ch:..·:,ciuS work p1a l rorm~ i~
lin';lro 10 maou~ II)·· propo.:lkd . ..."nically-~dju~lablc wo rk pialro rmi
uK'(! 10 posit ion "-..nhrs 1I11d their nlOlcrials abo....: Ih ~ d ~vi= l/; Th e
5111 11 dard ooven dC'~IIIII S work pbcfo mlS u!iCd ;n pl~n ' ~ , O\'e. !eve!
Mnnunlly·propelled cl~Y:ldng work platform! aN diller [o .... ed. or
lI",nuall), movcd, bori zonl~lIy 011 wheels or ca, tcr5. 'flt<: wo rkers cnn
11I 0llni th e pinlform w;lh Ih~ir matcri3 ~. and be lif,ed up to Ihe rosi·
lion where Ihe \Oicr k is no:dro.
n ,e ~'~utblll CO\'ers weh COIlCCnlS as m:ltcrillls.'· w,lding st:u: •
•,b rdi. " mi"imum nuw work 1o.1d.... Mruc[uml S3ftty factor." s.ta·
billly." pla tform rC(julrcm ~n' ~ ," ~~fdy f~clol"li i ll Ik!.isn of Ihe clc·
",,,inS ~.""mbly," and bll l'Sting slrenstli of h)'dmu!ie p,trn'"
Rcquirc-d ,)'slelll~ prot~'Cllon
includes pNventing the platrorm
from de-;ccndi ng in the event of n [lOwer failure'" r~il ur~ or:l
lie 0. PIlCUtn2!iC linc." or fDilure of" wire rope: or clt:,ln."

..... ~S I ... ~!-3·19Wi !. I.I,

.. 14. f Z .I. ~

~1J.j 4. U.
1111£ i 4. 1.4.
"M. i ~,l. l ,
., Jr!. ~ ~,!.l,

"!J.t l,
. , IJ. I ~ f,u",d,";13"~ I""b<ur~ , r«!t>i,ro ~

•• /d. i •. 1. I"""')" (""Of or",,,. ,~"" o"h.i",of s." I)'

"/J. i '.t.:!.
··/J. ji 7.l.1 .
.. /d, fT.! .:!.
"hI.~ 1,n,
,,,-, ,,,,
~ J6. IO( Zj 1'11011, U"Il, !'!lAU It:t: GUIIII:

Any ,;iogl~ m!ltfu!lClion of Iii .. COIluolsyMcnl noll""- no! f~'SUh in

pl!l lform mD\'eJl\I:I1l.··
Th eTe must be au cmcrS~11C')'lo\\'ering dcvkc," adt..-qu!ll~ mainte.
nance" ~nd (r<li nin g," and l!:Iil)' vi~\I!I 1 in spection and fundilln
1~'StS. "

[c}--Self'Propelled Etc_lItl,,!,! Work Platrorm~. Work On Ihi s

Slllllda rd" began in 1916, nnd i, WII S;Ipprovcd on hnuary 13, 1979,
It ~JlJl lics to ~clf.prCJl"lI.d, vcrtlcll1y·adjll5t!lbk work plalforms used
to poliilioll perwnncl nnd !hdr IOOl:l nlKl m ntcri~l, at overhClld work
Self·propelled ",orl: pblfol'l'Tls !lTe plW>.... O(lCr!ll.:d. wilh COIlIrol.
ror the no.tehi"" funCli,",. on Ille pblform. The platrorm no,y be "I.".
v:'Ito.:d, "xtended horiZ0I113 11y, or rotaled."
Tile requi rcm~"'l~ or I~ C ~Hnod ~ rd ~rc \"C ry ~llIilor 10 IlL .. r~'<tuin:.
me1l1S of IILe m!lnu!llIy propelled eIC"ft1!l1J:: work plalform ,"
[d)_Boom·Supported EIe.mlnl: Work Pbt(orms, 111i~ st~n·
dard" was nppro\'cd on Inly 17, 1980, and cOVerS work pbtfoml~
Ihallire ~uppor1cd by a boo", which cil h~r \do:scopcs, rotat~'S, or CA·
ICIl!l~ 10 position flCr.<O!!!lcl "lid th~i r l00b and mn!criak They n r~
power opcrntcd, with the primary fun~ lio n !l controll<:d from Ihe IIbt.
fo rm, The)' C~II be dlhcr O1 I"'U~!ly or ~ Ir.pmpdled .

Th" sI ~lIdard cO\II~ins III( common provisions of t h~ mit ... SIan·

" "'1<0'51 "' ~2 . j.f '1:l0 ~ 1.: .6.

Mid. t 7.3.
" fd. § H .B .
"Iri. ~ f).H .
"lrl. ~ lLI.l .
.. Arn<,;"", 1''';0""1 s""",,,j (~r Scli'!'mpdlod Et<"lin~ II'OI\: l'I.1l(o""",
,\~S l A92o.·1979.
"Id,! Ll .
.. s..""~pra~ 50_Hl{l W'].
.. "n",,,,,,, NOIim.l S,."d.lr~ For ikx><n.S"l'f"'I1od Ek'''";l1~ Work I'I>If"""",
AI'SI M 2 . 5· t~ro.


§ 56.50 Sources of Illformalion

There are a number of wun;cs of infornmlion on ladders and SC:l['
[l}-Consumcr Product Snfety Commission. If Ihe ladder is a COil·
sumer product, it is under Ihejurisdiction of the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC). Thc CPSC has a loll·free number 10
provide information on rec.11Is, product :;.;Ifety, and to ~cccpt reports
of product·relnted accidents. Thcre arc regionul CJ>SC offiees which
C~l1 be COtliaCled.

I'ublicntimts of the Consnmcr Product Safcly CQIIlmis,ion can be

oblainc'd from:
The Superintond.nl of Documenls
U.S. Priming Office
W,,-,hington, D.C. 20402
The CPSC has issued Hazard Analyses :l1Id other documents con·
ceruing h,dders. The U.S. Government Prinlins Office sells 1he
CI'SC documems. The CI'SC j"ue' documents which include Gen·
eral l'lIbiications, Laws. Orders, NElSS Data Higllli<:hts, Hand·
books, Manuals and Guides. Fact Sheets, Alert Sheets, Ilibliogm·
phie,; and lisTs of publication~, n monthly CPSC memo, Ha~_1rd
Annlysi~ Report" Sp<.'Cinl Reports, Product Safety Education Unit
Series, Annt,al R~pom, Consumer Deputy Programs, atlt! COIlSUIl1'
cr Compluint Contact System Annual Report •.
The Consumer Product Safety Act requires the Commi.<sion to
maintain a National Injury Information Clearinghouse to colJt.'Ct nnd
dissemilmle data concerning the cause, and prc"enlion of injuri'"
nssociatcd with eo",;umer products. The Clearinghouse responds to
over 6000 requests for illformmion a year. Mo,t reque'ts ure un·
swore<! without charge within len working days under the Frc'Cdom
of lnfornWlion Act, but th~re may be a charg~ for costs in e~cess
of $25.
Accident inwstir,atioll rcporl~ af: ",·aibble. Computer printout,
ofdnlu from original rcporls may be mailed upon request. Hamrd
nnal>'<;e, nnd ,]>Cci,,1 reports contain 'lImmarks of accident invCSlip.
lions and other rdated information. These case summaries arc av"il·
able for ladders. Microfilm or paper copies of the orisinal rcpom
51>-129 i SUD[ I}

~~ tt be m:,iled upon f~qUC>l uuder tile Fr~~dom of Infur.mll ion Act

,'OId COIl~\lm...r l'rOOlicl S;,f~iy Ac!.

If the lIl~nuf~cturcr is i<k: lllificd in Ih ~ repOrt. Ih e mU1IUf" CIUrCf

m UM be given :o.. OIlI1O"lInil)' 10 o:omm~'11 bcfor.: Ih" repon c:tn be
disd vscd 10 Ille pllblfc. Tlt i ~ pro~edurc call la~c lime, ill k :'M 30
d:l)'" and wll1~limrs '110l1l "~.
To l\'qIIL"l1 ncd denl inl'cjli, 'lIion reporls, Dal il Sunurtari~$, com·
l'Ul er printouts o f daill. H3:l'ord A UIII)'>Cii ,IIId Sp':Ci3\ Rq)(m~ Oil lad .
1k1'S. ~V\UI ..d ~lIould write or ca n;

N~ lio",.1Inj"ry l" forll1:>.Iion Ck:oonllhou51:

U.s. e'm'UTlle' ]'rucluct Snfer)' C("'l!n i 5~ ion
HOI Wl"Slbard A '·c nuc. Ih)om 625
Wa, h' nGlon. D.C. 20207
A liM or ~" a!tDblc lillt:s. ~a" be OOI"ilWd by ""o.in& tI.e C1driDC'
The lIl:l.jc r l'OUfC"eS d "Ia g:UhCR"d b y Iloc Clca ringhome inc lude
Ih e Nali onal £ !.-<:Iron ic Jujn r)' Snrv";lIallc~ S)'Slcm (NEISS), Acci·
d~nl 11l,·"" lil\allu"., Ot:a lh C~ rtilk~ ll"" mid COlISl>nM!f ConlflL1 inl~
aud o lher iojlll; I"ql('IrlS. s uch "" Ihmul'-h media.
The :"b li<lIlai E k~ !r(",ic Inj ury Sur\"~iII:\Il(~ SySl"" 1 (NE.ISS) i~
" ")lio,,~ 1 (~lIacoll ocli<on .)·~(<:m ,I'';;jln.-d 10 d~lermj ,,~ Ihe ma~nj·
tilde ~1\d scop~ of COll s"m~r producl~ ""f~ l y p rohlcn,.. rt G"lhcni d~l a
from ~'3'i'l itlJb 5Ck'CIt"d h~piH\I emd&,-",.eJ TOO"'O 100100
Ihmllghout th e co unl ry. from wh ic h .t:ll l.. li call), "alid L~ lil1l'lI.'" of
prodll CI·rd3 lcd injUlics IrO::OlOO :II (m(r,~nl"Y dCp:ulrlW!IlIN C"I) be
nl ldc. TclCfype lennill;lls in lite O,"lnCrt etlcy d~p~ rulM!n lS 1rI"I~mil
d~ 1l110 a cClllr~ 1 com pu ter. Each injury is c:t lC£Ori~l'll lu one or mon:
o f Ihe "I'pro~ mat el}' 1000:"1 [ ISS pfllduc t e<>o:k.., O~,,, abo\." th e "lc-
lit u an d the inj ury ar~ TC'Cor.Icd. SUll n"a riL"; of lJI~c d am ar~ nv~il·
able tll ro"gh sp':cial reporl~ m>d Ih~ qu;,rle.ly ,"'.... 'fY.lf\"r. NI.:.·JSS
Ditta IliIi'tli.~/UJ.
." cdd~ "1 itl"cslig;ltions inch' tle OIl-5il ( Of Id cphon.: interviews
wit lt the \'; ct im~ or wilno:s,'L"; con~crn;ng nil ~ccidcll1 . the wn~'$ in
whk h Ihe ]>rod UCl ,"',\\ u!.t<.l. l h ~ c;ro;u mSIl"'~Cl', ~ Ic. l'olH."C. li r~ (Ie-
p;l nmeH\, and roro1M!f1" "'flOriS m:l)' be It ~t!d as 1OU 1'1')~mcnl:1l lint:! .
1\ 11 ill\"e~ ligaliu,,~ h,wc lx,,,,, likd ill the C lr:a ringhou~ by )'~~lr and
NEISS I'ro(hlCl ~"OIk. CPSC an,.l)"Sei of ha~.llrd I"'!h:rns ~xhib; led
co", ""
" 11011. ..."'.. '·'MCrle.: GU IIIV.

by the ",-.;it!~nt in"',.lig;llio"" are u", i)al>lo: fo r s.kch,tl ~rod Il C ' ~,

such a~ laddc,~.
The Ch:arins holl sc co]kct < Dealh C~rl;licllt ,,,, in which con.unl cr
p rod\lct ~:1,<: likely to I>c invol,·cd. The C.r1ificaK'S lhc111 ...1ws ~re
not di'S<.1J\;naled. but compute.i"od sunltlwri<:>; of indil'idu:ll ~Cfl iii·
cntcs :Irc ~ v~i!.1bk:.
A fiI~ of consume r COml"winls .ect:ivw by k11tfli 0 ' \dcphollt calls
10 Ihe CI'SC i~ ;,1,;0 m~inl:lillcd. T he ,'Oml"bin'~ :••e ioocxc.,J by
;../EISS produ ct ~ooc. The file "II>(> rollt3iJIlI IlCw.pnpcr aecoullt ~ of
prooucHeI;l\ed n~ddem",
Th e Cl'SC llils 8a1hcr,~1 all impr<'S;;vc muoun t of informali oll 00
!:tdder nccidcms. A c~lI to the hOl lilO c will determine wh et her there
h3S been any reca ll 0, cm ' et: ti vc aetiOI\ wit h rcs~.d to a rarticllhlr
moo d. ,\ fe"i el\' of e.ach yc"r'~ cumu!3 tl,·C illlk.~ from th e MIl1Il hl y
CaI310111l'' of the Unitod Siale; GQ'<t"' nl ~' t I' ublk:tliools. fnr s,,1c
by II,,, Snp;rin,e,l\Jcrll nf l>nc"mcm~ U.S. I'rinti ng Office, W~shi"J:'
lon, D.C. 20W2. ",ill iml ic:tlc " 'h31 CI'se tIocumcll's are ~" "il~bl"
for J'lUn:h:l~. A kilo. 1<1 Ihe :-IaliOllftl Injury 1,,(0..111;11;011 Clo::Lri nS'
h ~u~c Si><:elfyi ns the type of prooll\:t ;1I" ol~ed (~ldde.), Ihe Mill" 01'
lit . ma nu r" CUil\:r. :lIl d the moocl nu lll bo; r will r~ult in sp<:c illc infor·
mnl inn conc"rning Ihat produd.
The ClOSe Annual R~ ]l{)ft h:l> an nppl:ndi.~ l i~liug all pTodllel~
which h" c b«n . ccaJ lcd or which h~" e been , h. liubj,-.;t or corr()l; lin
action. :-I ElSS D~tn Highligh ts provid e a ~\ln .m;lr~· 01' t he slall"Ic.ll
i"fom~"io" fron, liLe s}'Slem. Fael sl ...~Is ('OJ""i" infom1:u iou co,,·
CO!noing O:I1;o. ln products, wei. 3.~ ladders.. I-Inr.ard ~n;.lr~i!i ro!pOn~,
sp:cinl TeflOrls. tl~!~ ~umm;.rio:s, ~rod~'1u i...."",ig:,tiOlIS, ill·tl epll, ill'
,·~ti&-"ion~. COll5l'nler co mp\aillts. and ~Ulnmari"" of <I.",h cerrill ·
cnl~S all eXI, ! for ]"dd. n"

[2}-Nnlinwnl Tcchnital Intunnm;on ~r ~ice. The N,lIioIH.l Tech·

!lienl [ !lforU1~liol\ S~ r\'kc (NT IS) i. ,h ~ cell l.,,1",urce fo r all s',,"crn'
men! l ~hlli ,~IIlCll;lIll1,~'I !1. It f"lbl i~] ...'S a~lrnc!'!O of tc"ChtlH:~1 ' cpol1 i
."ire a month (or;, modest :umu:ol ~ullscri p\ iw, ra!e. T ..... :'Iddr~,

U.S. IXpnt1lnClll of Commerce
S2SS I'ort Itoy,,1 Road

Springfield, Va. 22! 61

The Id~n t i ficalion
Department will help idcntif)' documen ts 10
~:lreh for inform~ I ion 0/1 ladders. Tll~ Cu~\Om Scan;" Ikpa rtmenl
wi!! perform a se:ITch through t he Dblog COlllp uler ~)'i!em for n f~t
of S125 nod provide up 10 100 ~b\.t T:lel~ of ~n&il\~rin, nrticlts deal.
in g with tlw ~ub~C'! reque:. led . A f~ of525 iJ req uired for e.lch addi·
lion:tI 100 lIils lrJC Is.
[J}-Sl nndards nnd Tcsll nll OrSnn[za t!o ns. There Ire scver;1l or·
r.:llli Zaliom thaI have pa~ ~ln.ndnrd~ rd:u inS 10 b ddrn; . oo flCJf·
rold~. They Jlavc condu clcd c~ten siye research nnll lC5Ll ng on Jalld ~l1
~Ild !.CafTolds am! po5SCU II "'1:;tlt h of infomllliion. in addition 10 Ih~
Mandanl .• Ih~"Il1scl'·es.
T he primJty S13ndnnh orl3ni7.lll lo n in Ihe U" hed Sima. for lad·
der~ lInd scnrrol(l~ is;
An'crica" Natio!'",1 Slnndud!; InMit ult, Inc.
1430 BroDdw,,),
New York, N.Y. 10011
An otller Or.llani7.:uioll wilh sl :md ard~ on b.wc ,~ Dnd !.CDrroldl; i~;

Umfcrwrit~rs LDooralorio:s. l oc.

J33 Pfin,!lcn Rood
Northbr""~ , III. 60062

All inlcn lalioo.al or&""iozatioro wbich hn~ inform:llion relllvant 10

Jadd en. ",,(I
scafl"o ld.' I,;
Int ernm ion:ll ~uJl:l!ional Snf"I)' :md HC1Ilt h
Inform alion Cen tre
Inlern" tiOIl:tl Labour Offic~
en 1211
Ot... va 22. Swit ....... land
R~b tcd mutcrlal nMy b.: ob1 ain ed from;
American Soc;"I}' ror T~~llng ~n d M ~lcri a!s
19 16 R:tec Slreet
l'hibdc1phi.1, Pa. 19 103
[4j-Th~ ATl.A EIclllnl;~. T he ATLA E.xchonl:~ bns an elIll'tl~i l'<:

, I. s..... '·.R•. ILO(l"'<TIl.:ulon ol I._lour OrJ:l" iz:"ion)pu ~l"",lionCIS. I~. L:uld<1s.

I'RO]), LIAI! , !'RACTICE GrJlI)f:

lImou", of in forn1:u ion 01' bddcT and :;c:Itrold 1;[;&:lI ion, Tho: 8;-
dIBIlS" s"r"~ JlL';m itrs'la\l')'C:~ by providing Tq>O rl~ ml ,u"l'pontd
~nd I'lIportcd "crdic" and settlements; urlkl cs Oil the ~ nb~ct ; the
'dentit)' of plaintlrr~' ntt orney~ Who ha"" ~ubmitK'd . in,ilar search
roqu~\S; ro:gulatol')' chron ol"f,it1. nnd rccalb: computcri7.ro k.1rclles
ming tnginCl.:.ing. S"f~1y, 11-'[1'''1, Sllm:l.uds, Ki~n[mc, ~ Iod industt)'
d~[ftb:l'l<'!i; ~nd com rlllicrilcd lC.1n:~CS fot frtkral ami S[~tC ilppcl!~[e
l'\(julrie. must be w bmiu oo in ...·riling and bc ~c<:omp~nied by 1m
E1CbM&t' . esea rcb ' Cllncs[ form and a check in [hcamouni of SIOO.
Th. add r~"S.. ,,,
The ATLA Exclmnsc
AS$Ocullion 0( TM" ' L:!.\\'ycrs of Amaka
1050 J IM Slr~'(l , N.W.
WIL~"inSIO!l,D.C. 2(X)()7
The ktter mUSI s[lCcify th e type of product (I<ldde"), Ihe !lame
of th" mm mbc tur~r, the moocl llnmc or nllmber, a bri ef ~tntemet1l
of [he fatli. tru: ;nju.io:s, and an)' «:t..lI:d il.sucs for roc:Ireh.
ATLA pnl\"idcs ~ lIS<.: r ", ~nUlll for Ihe ~rvi(~ 1I1Xln T.qUCSt. Bro-
chu....,s on the leg!)1 mil! background re<cJrch ~cr\'ice< of Ihe Ex-
change ~m! the !\~'Cc~s("Y seJrch r~"qnest form' can be nrdered b}'
The names lind ;IlJdTCSkS of IIllCOICYS who h) v" sllb mintd si mila r
""Mell rcqu~"!It~ i~ impo rtatll. TIK: list refers to the mod~l IlfIxlnct
th ey were inv~'StI Bnli ns. From the hundreds of n~me> lisl~'U, mnny
may npflCIIr with the same ",odel I~ddcr or s.e~ITo!d. C<1 nt~cl with
["OS\: ~1I0111t}"S "all TdoUlt ill ~ n exdl:uJgc of infom,arion-lrial lron -
'lCripts, d,~iticll"" diKOYery rdlXlDSC!o, ,.a~ of CllperlS, evidence,
~nd r.;'50;1rch. f'r"qncmly, it 13 lXl~siblc In locate nnoth<:r attorney
han dlinG nn nlnto!! ident icnl c~s~ agai! .. t lh ~ §,unc dcr. lld ~l1t. The
altornc), nw}' be }."....... down the line in his ell$<: lind ha"" fini.hl'U
hii j" "I,.."Iligalioll :ond d isco""t)'. ATLA mcmbe.~ s bl!"e tllcit inro r-
mat inn willi oth~r ATLA nl>:mbers. for th e cOS! of III~ copyins.
ThUJ;. nweh of tb e work on ml ~Ltomcy's CMe mny have nl rcad)" been
,nnlplClcd by >onl0011C else.
Alk r idcn[ifying Ihe anot"llcys who i~1V<: s"bmiu~-d ttqut'St~ 011
the !<lime or 8 5;milM bdder. " 1~11cr C;ln b.: k'nt 1(1 ~~dl ~lI omey,
1,A[)IH:RS AI'J) SCAFFOI.1)S i 56.5lll5j

with it brid q"e:'I,iollnn irc roncerllinE his cn:o;~, hi~ (1pc rl~, and so
rC flh. Fellow·up rcquC~I~ for m or~ nt~n si"C in fofmalioll c~n tlK:n
Ix: !1l~d~.
A T LA ~M al'ID 'Il"'~ rch tbe ensincerlllE d~t ub.1~ discu!oSed suprQ
§ S6.0 1[3l!!].
[5}-E~l,;l n tc ri" g Lltcrn lur~ . A search of ~ nlli1\cc ri nB litemture
may"" in order. Til., rmdlN'{ StI/fIY ...·'...T ii a "alued eompcndiunl
of abMl'llct ~ of anicl~ primed in tnllinccrins, mnlital. !c~l, aud
~'fcty j ouI'l t~I~ , It i~ pub lisbed b)':

T lte i ll~lilutc for l'tOduct S1fc ly, Inc.

1410 Duke Uni\·er..it)· Ro."KI
Durhnm. N ,C. 27101
It al~c conllli ll s currelll n ~ ws rel ease. from wrlou~ go.'com,c nt .. gen·
( iC!o a.ud pri. :uc Org3ni:talioll~ rdltin g to teC':llls. co((c'(:lh'c attion s.
mod other »fcty·,cllll,'(] is.u.s.
Th~ sou rce used b)' cnlli1\ccr~ 10 \oc~tc nrl!clc~ is HI,' F.lIg" lIc~rin"
.. " 'ml,·x. 1t i~ pub\ish<.'il by Ihe [In\t(.'(] Enginecri ng Cenl er discu'>Clt
"ifni. The Engineeri ng I..dt·;. i~ loXlII<:<I in UIl; '"CT"'l it l' and cllgin""ri..s
tib,."rl<." AmI is a m:.",i .'~ itKIc\ ohll ar. ic\~ d~~, !ing ... i,h ~~lgino:erins
~ ubjcCl!. The El1g;"ccriIlR /",h'.l II ~~ \)c,;:n computeri ~~d si lK:c 1970
under lit e Mmc " ConlJlCTldex."
The ' luickC'i' WllY to ~vnduel " M'OIrch j~ 10 d o il by comput er. The
Library will «mlh le! :l compuler s....:If~h for iuformalio" &c'1"lCtlIh:d
uftc r 1970. an d" "' ,11111"\ ,.arch, if r.qll c'll~1. for inform alion in.
dexed Ix{me 1970, 111 ~ Engin ... rlng S.",iell·It ~. " lru l), cQ mprehcn.
si"e Lib.~ ,)". ... il h ~n on_line rompulcr information relrio.'V3l ')'SIcm.
u~i"g lh~ Dialog sy~IC "'. TIle Libl".lry c~n rClricvc dQ(1lnR~' ts or 3
bib\iog rnp lt ~· concerning any subjc'C t or product. The libr~ry will
lurr\f phouxopies of urtid c:5 rC1lnclitoo. T he Library's ~dd rc>o; i5:
Unit.'(} Ens i" eerins Ccnt~'f Libmry
3~~ E:161 47th Sln.:el
~e\\' Yorl: . N,Y , lCO H

Thcr.: ue man)' m lier d.o.tab.~ II~ b)' the cornpul cr .."..,.\«'

at Ihe Ens1rIC<.-.,-j,,~ Society Libro .y. SlOth 3~ the N~liolWll Tedmjt~l
infnrm alillll Sen'icc (~.rr lS). The Engine.rius C""lc r Lihrnry elm
Mo.uch Ihe Federal Res;.ler ab, lraCt •• Ihe CO II G r ~~kl1tn l Record , nnd
O"~r 200 Olh"r d!ll ~b:~....-s. inc\udi ll g the U.S. I':r l~nt omC<lII:lI~~.

i 5'-50{'1 I'llIlO. 1.1,\11. t'RM.'TI O : (Ovllm

((iJ--Col:lpelll~' [)eslcas- hi a daoiS" dd"C(1 casc, Ihe ex~!("CC

of a fca~ib!c ahcrnntive tk">;ign i-s 1m: ( CUlm! i~sll~ . If:1 C\J"'l"'lhor'~
product ClllI 00 located which u"'"" the ~ u Sgf!>;lcd s"rcr alt ~rnath'c d ~·
'iSn, il ~ "Jr ...",~Jy persua";vc.. 0 .. tlr" Olher lr~ nd" t ~ (1l,I,le tk'·,15-
L:lring 10 plaimirr~ ca~c whell p lain!ifr ~ " ., (!Crl i~ ~ ~k cd, "A nd Il(m·
man~ n~IlIUra C lll rCTh of ludck n; ~r~ lIme. sir? nOli" mnny of thes..:
uSC th,s ~ugsntetl dC!iSn1:' 3nll h,§ rei'll)" is, " lllon'l kilO,,"." "Yo u
don't knOll" or QII)' th:!t USc th:'1 dL"li sn1 " "Not amlnll d, b\ll th.y
could usc it." Titus, tl~ 5Carch fOf rompetilOrr;' procl u ct~ is olk-rl a
m~joT :t$po.-.;-I of I he illVL"SliSDlicn of ~ prodUCTS l,atHli!)' ~u i1 .

The fi rst I~;J.; i. 10 Kl~nliry the manurnctu rcr. or ~;milnr product •.

Will! ~mc lallde..., litO. ma}' Ix:rs <'M~' :rs goinS 10 ~nle h:ul.l wi1J"c
~ lorL"l. SU cil UIIlclhod i~ more r;IIl.·eOlIIi\lmi'lg nne! 1'''$ comprdlcn·
~l.'c th.~n wrili'l£ Ihe lI'lje.- ns~iati(ln~ dealin s wilh buder llI11nU-
racturcr:o allll rC!luest ing ;I li~1 of J;,d<.I~r "'~n""It"IUf"ts.. 11,"; r ~d·
drl:S~C!I nrc:

Th. ,\",eric,1!! I..o!d~~f I n~[itut.:

I I I ITal'l Wu~kct Ori.·~
Chicago, Ill, 60601
The M~1~1 LadlkT M :lnur~cl llr~rs A ~\(JI:bljoo
1',0. Ilox SSO
Gre'O:twilc. I'!I. 1612$
nl~ N~tiorlal ·Trad. nlld t'rofCl'o"immt A",od ~t j,,"" or , h~ Unlll'd
Slale" (NTP A) I.ubli!it c" an allllllnl dir~ctory wh;'; h id ~ "lilic~ ill (\u,,-
tr)" 3SSOC~~ljOlI$ 0( m.1n" r~cI" rers.

Once manufaClu re," .\te idclltificd. a lett er can be In:lilcd 10 ~:'ch

ttqlU.'SIinS salC!l li ll'l"JtUtc 0([ lI! e ~j l.c :lnd typo.: of I~ddcr involvc:tl in
plainlirrs ".sc. After b1"()<; hurL"l a oo ..al.." lil cr"I"t~ mrvc I>«ll ;.1111-
cr<:d, ph O logmph~ and ~jl<:ciliclltions can be COlli pared. Th. inr"rma·
!ion e:ltI [""n be: n.ed in ""'"eml ....:I}."
(L) M"' I im !,Clrtallt l~·, the hTochur~~ may b.: ~U [h Clllica lcd 11). n
Nntiu 10 Admil and "ITeroo a!:I c,' Klclicc at the Iri31 to pro" c the r~a·
,,;bilil,- of Iho: 'UU"'M(d a ll er/L~ti,"" dCloiSII, rr."CII if they "r" beld imlll-
mb>iblc for 'mtl~ rc~,;()Ij, they Call he ui<:d on cr05.,-e'lIl11 ill3t iol1 of
Ih" opponl" t's ~pert '"Hi ,"- ltOU'C exp:rI <'
(2) The lIIal crin l enu It.:.: u,;cd l() ""UC~IC all CXpc:T1 as 10 ,IIIC tJl:lfivc
lkg iS"~ ill uetu:I I usc.
... . .."

._-- ......
(3) E~po;ru I'rl.."\(nlly or formerly affilinlccl wilh I h ~ Cll mpetitor
may he willing 10 extol Ihe "irlll~~ of th e ah crtl mivo Ues ign.
(4) The COSI of Iho \'onlpeli lOr'~ prod Uct C:III be comp3.n! wilh
Ih ~ produ", in qU<!'i,ion.

[7}-l'nlcnts.' Tho l'a tC11l numlwr may b<: loc~h.'tI on Ih e identifi-

calion ~I ale of Ihe ~ ,oduc l. TM m:onufaClIlTet' may have malle Slnt'"
n't llts in I,is pm~....t ~fll'lic:ot ion which !Ire u5(ful on dir~'(:1 or emss-
e:o:aminat ioll.
J>mcnl ~ :ITc a S(ll1rcc or altcrrulli,'c dllSign!l. r"lenl s wit h improved
designs n,;).}' be loc::otro, which " tWale the SIlk (If the offendi ng proo-
tiC'!. 10 <"lwhli,h Ih !line or the ~n at the lime of Ihe ~nlc.

Th. palcll1§ Ii" "prior nrC' similft r 10 Ih e p-1lcnlw device nTKI ideo-
lif~' po.TIOn~ wilh kno.."'~'lIse of Ihe ~rodllCt who can so:rvc as consul·
I"'", Or c~flCrt •.

The U.S. 1'~Ilcnl omee will cClllfy pholIXo pic. ofP.11~m § as beln!;
nUlh(I";c I\: l"oductioo!o. Th e U.s. ['nlenl Otrl(t n:qui fo;, up t(l IS
<1"~'l; 10 jK'T(orm the rcqlll."lied cdlifinlions. :,lt ho llgh in ;:an em<:rt;<.,,-
ey the)' m ~~' be able to do,;n faller. Send the reqU<.'S1 wilh the palen!
n"mber to be certifi ed. with $1.00 per p~t cnt for photoco pying ~II U
$3.50 for ec"iliealiOf!. 1o,
Comm j~l;o n of 1'., len ls and TrnoIrmark!
Wa~hinst on, D.C. 20231
P:o ll111~ ('III be 'l~a 'eho:d 3t ~ p:!lcnt libmL'y o r ~ny largo: library
" ';Ilt a f1~\t"l d('flO!OilOfY. The pl'OC'CS!l is IiOIn<'Wlmt anluous for the
nnjlliti~t<:d, but il ecrtlli"ly can' be done.

A p:,lc nt sc:Irch org~ lIi ~.,tion e~ n 5ClU'ch mI d nbt.,in ecnirl<:d Jllto·

locopie!. nco re rCJtlilr , A p.11cnl !\<'art'h 0 'l;lltt;7.lUion whkh charges
r~"SI"' abl~ fres nnd p ruvK:ks e.,ed lent sen'icc i~,

Patenl Sc~rdl lnt t rualional

2133 Ddcn~ liiPl'I::OY
Cmftrn l, ~d . 211! ~

'Sf' I. F'U"'<r & \1. I'" , <J","", I'"",""" li'o;~,y. o/!.l , "M".url ~tY I ..." l.i;ol>iJi.
IJ' 1O N'Slism<<." § 2.~6(6J (Minh ... II<ftIkt 1!lS7).
~ 56.51l[8J PROt). I.lAll. t'UAcnCE GUlllE

[8] Relerence Books lor E~pcrb

Th~ Forensic Ser... icc~ Dire<::tory

Forensic Services Directory, Inc.
P. O. Box 3161
Princeton. N.J. 08540
Directory 01 Engineers in Private Practice
National Society of ProfC'!siotwl Enginee~
2029 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Directory of the American Consuhing Engineer~ Council
American Con~uhing Engincer~ Council
1015 15th Street, N.W., Suite 802
Wm;hinSlOn, D.C. 20005
Dest's SafelY DireelOry
A.M. Best Company
Oldwick, N.J. 08858

§ 56,51 Nomes nnd Addresses of Experts

Following arc the names and nddre,~es or some engineer, who
c10im to h,'c ludder or scafTold cxpcrtisc. The jisting of th<'S~ ".'rerls
in and of itself dn~ not constitute a r<'Commendation.

[1] I~1ddcrs

Richard M. Jacob~ / II

Consulta11l Service' Inslitute, Inc. 1.0"'1'
23 Rumwn Road )
UvingslOll, N.J. 07039 ,"
lohn O. Omw3tcr
62 O"crlake l'ark
Durlington, VI. 05401
D.L. RichllrdwlI &. A~,ocialC" LId.
N34 W22155 Cnpi!ol Drive
Pewauke<::, Wis. 53072
Williom J. Kitzes, J.D .. CI'SM
Consumor Safety Associates
6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 100
I.... DD£RS A/'iD SCAH'OLIIS t SO I[l l

Rod,,·ilk Md. 208S2

l'aul G husow
160 Easl Hnwlho rll<: Ave.
V~lIcr Slrr:Ml, N.Y. IlS&O

Ern""" A. Niles & A~~i:l1es

4 Ilrookwoou Ro~d
Towneo, N .J. 07082
Swnler J. Kl~in
2 Ston~r Clo"~r L.,nc
pitl srord, N .Y. 14SJ4
Gorde" H. Sihw
P.O. 80.. 2 1
Newtoo,·ilk. Ma. 02 160

(2J ~rrokfs

John C. Weld (lll

" "
360 W. M~in Street
\k:rgenfidd, N.J. 07621
David E. 1I0bl;rll. 1'.£.
21~7 Orch~rd Ave. No.
Minnca[lOlii. Mn . SS421
L~wrcncc R. St:ITord
S Gmccmcr~ SU\:.: t _
A lbo ny. N.Y. 1220J
Cha l"'~R. H~ineo;
825 Wl>«lwrigll1 Dr.
M~nc" .. t~"T. Mo. 6 3021

Mlch""l Grunreld
lS2S JlypcriCltl A\" J1u~
Los AngelM, Cl. 90027
Charles A. "~sbert
Bo.~ 215
Middletown. Wis. 53562
David V, MacCoilum
I~I~ Hu mmi nsbird Ln~
t SUI[)] I'IIOD. Ll,l.U. Plt,l.cncr. GUIDE

Sienl' Vi!\l;" Az. 85635

[3 I-Orgnizat lons. T here are m~ny orgalli v.:o tions \\"h M<: slafT in·
clu des enginccrs quite capable (If providing expert tes timony (In sub·
jl'Cls .~ uelo a.o; bddm l nd scarroills:
Triodyne, lne.
59$0 Wes t TOIl!!Y Ave nn e
Niles. Ill. 6064 8
TIll; In !\lillU~ for Saf.,t~· An:Il YSIll
Suil': 6 10
451 Hungerford Dri,·v
Rock"i lle, Md . 20B50
Lueius I'ilkin, Il1c.
50 t ludroon St.
N~w Yc rk. K.Y. 100]3

Co n!ultant Sen'lees Instilule, Inc.

23 RUnl5.Oi1 Rd.
U vi n~Dn. NJ. 070n

Americall Stall(b rus T~~linll Bureau, In<.

40 Waler St. .
New York, N.Y. 10004 ."
Mxrotcd •• Ind. ".
17 Camphill It....
Pom olla, N .Y. ]0970
(a "nln!er," with
no engineerins .UJ fT
0( its own).

§ 56.5 2 Appliclbie Sta ndards

[I} l.nddcrs
( I) A lt\C"ri~(J.n N~lioIlI" Smndard for udders · Portable Wood
S"fCl r R~'qlli n: m e nl5, ANSI AI". I-\ 982.
(2) American Nalio nal Standn rd for Lad ders · Port able Metal
Safety Require!!lents. ANSI A 14.2_19B 2.
(3) Ammcan N:llionlll SI:md3rd for Ladders · Ponable Rl~n'
fmew r la, lie ' s"rC\)· R~"ljuircmcnts. ANSI AI4.$-! 9Sl.
"... ""
S6-IJ9 ' ''''OilERS ASI) SCAHQUlS t SUZllJ

(4) Amcricnn f'nlj on~1 St:mllnrd for L"dllcrs - FixCll-Snfcly R.:-

qnircmCMl ~,
ANSl A14.3-1984 .
(5) Amen ..1Il N~ljona ' SI"nd~ nl SIIfel)' Roquin: mcnI$ for Job·
M:ulc bddm. ANS I "'4.4-1979.
(6) :-I FI'A 1932 Usc, Mninlen nncc, and Scr .. icc Tesling of Fire Dc-
po.rtmerli Gmund L~ddm; (1984 cd.) (N~lioll., 1 Fire 1'101<.'<:1100 AI'
socialion, IbUerym8rch !'ark. Quincy. Ma . 02269).
(7) NFI'A 1931 Dc!;sn, mid Dc~is n Vcrilkolion Tc~IS fo r Fire Dc·
p~rtmcm Gro und L:lddcrs (1984 ed.)
(8) Und~'riler I...3bor~lorict, 333 PfinS!iI~'l Rood, Northbrook,
llI. IiOO6l has is'i\lcd ladder r.t:l1Id:trd •.
(9) OSTIA Rcgu lntiolls, 29 C.F.R. §§ 1926.45(}.4'2 (1987)-

(2] Scnffohl:i

(I) American Nolional Slaml:lrd, Safety R.quircm~ lu~ for Scnf·

folding. ANSI AIO.8_1977.
(2) Amcrio::ln N~tional SlllIl d~rd, SIIfely Roquimnent s for Po\\"·
ered l'blforms for Extc'rior nni1dins Mainlenance, AN SI
(3) America" N:lIIoMI Starnbrd for Man ua lly P ropelled Mobile
I..:Iddcr Sund~ and ScalTold. (1"OIO,'CI1;), ANSI A92.1 _1 977.
(4) American Nntional St andard for s.:lr-l'ro~lled Elc"uling
Wmk I'L11f(lm-.s. ANSI A92.6- 1919.
(5) Amcric~n N~lional St'lm'~ rd for Doom-Supported ElevalinG
Work I'lalfoml~, ANSI A92.~-1980.
(6) Americ;m Nntiol~1l S1~nd3rcl for Mnnu~lIr Propelled EIt"al'
ins Wo rk "btfo rrns, ANSI A92.l- I'JSQ.
(7) Anwrican Nationa l Swnd:lrd for COl1 51 ruc1ion and Demolit ion
Opcmtiolls - Work l'l ntrorms Su~po:TKlcd fro'll Crall'" ar Derricb
$;,r.... )· ll;~uj"'mC"l'Is. ANSI A IO.28- 1983.
(8) Am~ricnn l\'~t !ona l
SlandMd, R<"qlliT~mcnt~ for S"fctr nclt~,
Hamc~'e", Lanynrd s, Lifelill~~. mid Drop UII~""s for COI'~tructia1\
mid IndU:O;l rial Usc, ANS[ A. 10 . 14-1975.
, ,,,,,
(9) Underwrit ers L.nbor~tori,,", Stm>dard ror Safety, F"bri ca t~d
~,rrokl PI:mb and Slases, ANSIIU L U22-1984.'
(10) OS HA Rell\llalio n~.·

§ 56.53 alcekJhit or Mntcrlnl D(r~ets

The (ollo"'m& jg :0 (httkl;~1 of possible malerinl dtl"eC(s:

(1) No dcre.::l s in quality ofl he wood:
(~) No $hak c or sepa rati ons along with grain.
(b) No "~,"e (IxIrk o r b ek of,..00;1 o n the eomer of Ihe piece).
(e) No comprc~jon r"ilu rc~, which is d cfonn~lion or buckling of
Ihe "'ood lib«s. Thi~ 013)" appo;ar lIL'l " wrinkle "cross Ih e , urf3CC".
or there mny be itwl.lible "fiber breakage" on the end gmin 'ur·
Cd) :So do:,;;:l)' ("rot" or ··dotc"). which i.. d!~jn tcgra tion of th e
wood due 10 t h e 3clilln of wood,dnlroying funti,
(el No low density wood, wh ich i" wood that i~ cxccpliollali r light
in wdghl and uSlIally dcfi~icnl in ~1 n:n,l h propmics. I" !oOI"lwood,
i1 i~ fr~qu~~lI l r in dftatcU b~' cxc~p tiollally ....ide or I.arrow ring~
and u ~ uaJJy Illls" lo\\" proponion of 1;1((\\'00II (,umn)enulO(l). In
Imnlwood. il is unuJJy ,,,di<::ltC"!i b}' tXc~'!.>i ,·clr n,, 'row ""tlu~l
rings In which rhe o.lrlywood (sp ringwood) portion I'rcdOl!lln~les.
(I) Wood m\t~ bc ~aso",.-d .!1O lh ~t it, moi&!ur~ COnICl I! i~ no ntore
than IS (,<,r,cnt.
(2) Compf1:s~i oo wood oftcn hl~ . eriollS adverse p.oper1 i.,; which
must be con sid ered blJfo re utilizing it.'
(3) Uf,.e of er(lS!, grain i, lin,ired.'
• Th"" ",.,<b' 4"",~ ..;W.ld"",,,
An",';",," SOl;",,,,, S,."~ .. ~, In.tlMo
1'1",' yo,~ . )11.\' . loon
• J~ C.I'.R. H 19.1"'~ l l ..1S2 (1917).
I td. t ~ . 1. U{_ ;n .. 00<1 f" m ). f ~.l .U.r.ide, .jJ, . Nl ~"k kg.). t ~. U . 7{~OI
,,<[><. " nl >. and <>Ih" j' ~~<f I'M' !)'
f td. ~ ' . I. D.
~(>-141 LAillJIlRS A:"l1J SCAn-OI-US ! 56.5-1

(4) The g"neral ,lope of the cros~ grain in sillc mils, buck 1c!;'i,
rungs, and in pari' olher thun rungs is rc'Stricted.'
(5) The pre,ence and size of knots i, limited.'
(6) The prc'Scncc and ~ile of pitch nnd bmk pockels is limited.'
(7) Th" ~i,_e of elw::h is limited. '
(S) Th e ~i,.., of splits is limiled.'

§ 56.54 Invcstigntion 01I'Cklist

(1) Speak with the elien!. Obtain delnil, abonl the accidenlund
the product.
(2) Obtain Ihe polkc report and COfllact Ille officer who prcpared
il for amplification, [I, needed.
(3) Ifllcrvicw any wilncss(''S and gel statements. The teslimony of
wilne,s,:, :~, to llOw 1110 accident happen<:d fr.qucntly makes or
breab a casco The i'1\'r;S tigator or attomcy who speah with them
first haj an advantage.
(4) Obtain records of uny ~ntil~· or person who inwstigatcd the
accident. Speak with investigators, a, ncc"dcd.
(5) Go to the scene, if possible with an invcstigator and expcrl.
Ta~c pholOgr~ph " make measuremcnt •. and documelll the mecha·
nism of the accident as prccisely as possible. Read the ANSI stall-
dard, and OSHA regulations to detcrmillC lite issues Ihat will arise.
Slope. pitch (lmgle orindinat ion), distances, and base, term~ of nr!
employed by the Al':SI standard, are examples of the faclors which

' IJ. * (,iei, ,,,il, a'HI b,ok I<~,). § (IlIn~'). ~ (p, n. 0,11«
,II,,, n"'~<)_

'II!. ~ l .l.l.2 ("d, ",ii, ",Id b. ,. 1<;;,). ~ l. I.J.) m"t mp\ ,u"g~ ""d oth<f lod·
II" rm'i .
• Id ! ~_l_D (in ,W, "ii, ~OO h", I,p). 1 ~.1.3.4 (i n nal Meps. 'ling'. and olh<:,
bdder pa,") .
• {d. ~ ~. U.4(in sider"it,"",t h.,o' 10S<), § ~ .1.3.j(n" "'p'. runs •• ,ndolh" 1."1<1·
d" p.'''')_
, {d. ~ 5.1.2.l (;id" mil. "nd b"ol: 10£"), I J. !.J.6 (fia' " of". 'U"r-'. and 0,11« I",]·
doc p"").
"" .'''J
wou ld f""Iu"mLy nOl be; C0J\5io.ktnl i>y 3 gcnemLu p:n whell " ..mn·
il1;"8 a r~LL .

(6) tx.;,minc _h" b<Jdo:r or staffo1<.l ill minu!.<: detail as seon .. fl.:r
.he ~~cillcnl as po>.<iblc. If Ih e produ cI i.. 1101 ;11 Ihe comr"l of lLw:
p1~i nliff. Mk Ih" cmpLoyer or olhcr ~'l1i. )· for ",~ . o Ihe prollw;t.
If access i~ tI~llicd . nn)"" for prC'Mlio" tll scoNry.
(1) rhotoSrdpll~ muse be ta ken 10 r~,<:ord tile eond ilion or, lle lad ,
tlcr before "'ly "'i;;'ssc",i>linll or tCSlilljl; .akes pl nec.
(8) Loca le any r,IlCIl!!i"n" ad diti on.' . modific;otioi1S. ~tC .• ;III d ob·
Il1in c~plat1Jtio,, !.
(9) Storc the h, dder or r.calTold in n ~eC\ll e place. COVCIC .... to rcla ro
rusting ~nd oth er do:lc ,ioral;Ol\..
(10) ldentify the man u!hCt UICr. Someti mes. thi.! jus. invo!>'cl r.~d,
'ng Ihe L1bo;I On a I3dtlcr. AI Olht ! Ij D~ det~'fmi n;"s Ihe id.:111ity
of til e nmnufnCIW'cr can be the mo~t difficult part of Ih e C.1~. \Vrite
or ~j!-it a '-lore all d ro:quc)::11 a cal;,iog ;lnd 5al'" inoo: hUTC 01' lI,e nlOxl.;l
prod uct in CjtleSli oll.
If ,he s.;riaJ IlluII\'lo:-r of Ihe product is 1."0""" , :lSk .ltt nt:ln.. r:lCt\l r~r
...·hell it w:t~ nu,uufacmr.,<J. A prdext enH i~ usu;ol l)· thc cusi~s t Illclh·
ad. Do nOi lu:silalc to t peak ",ill. Ihe m:l.lll,faciurcr 10 !\d a~ 'nuch
,nfo rmario" about thc prod uci ns (1<llI~i hJe Ixfore the 11l...·~ lli1 kegin s.
TI'e OWDcr of Ihe L-.dd.,.. or sca.ffoltl ~hou!d bI: in.crviewW
(J L)
and a ilat Ctllent oiJ taim:tl if possibl~. The oWllcr nlay iI""c Il1 ll<lilicd
the produc t him~ Lf for .0111C purpose. TIoo: '>'lId ill~oi"" ~nd the
narll~'i of the rct ~ik:r nlld any " rc\'j(, us (,""II"" ~houlll be oblained.

( 12) '11oc r"'niler m~y be ill tervi.; ...·.,<J if thLTC i~ 3.n~· qU <"ition of
"hc rn lions.
n S6.S5-S6.9H Rcsc n~



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