Ladders and Scaffolds
Ladders and Scaffolds
Ladders and Scaffolds
,~ ,
I'ROD. !.lAD. l'IIACrJC~; GUIOE ,.,
The major cauS8~ 01 folils Iro", ~f·~ppOrl~c1 latlders
are lack of sl~bllity and ~Iding. T~e m3jor CJIIS!!' 0\ lah
from non·seU·supporting portable ladders ire Llle ., 1 slid·
I<lg at the lop s"'P'POrt. o\llw:Jfd sliding al tile lower b~ se
sllpPOfl, .lIld tUlman slippage. In selecting the appropria te
Iildd<'!r, the length., lite \Oorking load, alldlhe freque ncy 01
use aro important considerations. Ladde.s sl>oolJt be prop·
erI, maintained. tra nsported. alld s to red. It It prlllle ni 10<:t lIl e 13dder ~fore ~ach use.
A scaffold Is an e/e.lIted or $uspellded pLlllorm and its
'-Upportin& structure. Scalfolds a re used In Hie constrllc'
tioll, m.lintenilnl:e, and/or demolition of buildings. tn somt'
stales, wQtklf$ 011 scalfQlds are proteetd by statute.
III a sullold case, the owner, seller, and manufOCIUter
of the suflold, as we" IS tile ma nufacturers of rllWmateri·
als or compMent p:atl s IISed illihe c_tflKlion of the s cal·
fold, may be s trictly Uablo to plalntill as selle n. QI a defoe·
tiff product. Under breac h of wa rra nt, theory, ~ n Injured
third part,. nol ln ",lvii" CM recover from the manufactur-
e r of a defective ~"old .
Standill'd~ that apply to scaffolds hhe been s et forth by
the American tulian'" S\~ndi)l'ds 'nstitute (ANSI), the Un·
derwriters l~bafatclies (Ul). and lhe Oc tu palien ill Hea lth
Md S, fety Admini , tration (OSHA).
I. j "'orJI~.
14\ r...ot~, 'n'_II<.
III Plitt("
I_r Ik'.oobttl,
[b) 1'1.IMIif.
1.1) l 'I"'lIn~.
,al t~, ,, 'I~>lIO A
l)J t:, /'O,IJ;
,_) ,,' .. u(0<0.,;.~ Ud<'<l c.,.
,., ,,',., Tn... ,1r ""~ ~:., ...."" T'toIle l.:tiU«, Type I
S_i. I.I'"r..... 1-'IIl""'"
11."1,,,., [.:kld,r
Ib' I'alnlor', SI<plO<lder
,,' .\1 .."",'0 I""'d..
Sup St.. I.
[ III) 1)t)1.., " "lr~llM ·r .."
T....'~ F....... <
CIooo<Iac .... 1-"<1 ...... to ·r...
t;.....I I'rI.,!jolo.f f"lIr.~
I ... u.. I ..... T" . f'" SIc~Ie .... 1:,1.. 01 .. 1.Md,..
lI,rd,,",o T<";.g for ,: •• , • • 10. [-"<1<10"
to II"", ·r,·,1 for SlolII. , . d 1r.,"n,l.n l.odd...
FWI Slip T",.
'" ,,.,""10
., (:. ....1 ['rio<ip"'"
T.... S1.IIM It> T""'" f~ . W...... u.w.r.
,,.,., ,oJ 1 "", U. .... , .. \ 1... l l.odo1er.
I~"""''''' T''''
1I""; I""'~I. I
l><-tImr .. T....
[ ..... 01<><> ttold" R"R·Ik.dJoK SI1C"~I~ T."
56_5 t AIlI»: IIS ANII SCAF.'OI.l)S
[~I f:,I""'IIOt ), Volu"
1'[ 1.:>doIt, So...,,,,.
[.,".Irs r." ...... U.
1.I..,rk<I t:..,
tll.,WnM . .... \\'.rkl,,~ 1..""11\1..,
A.~lt of ["N".,lon
['I J-OOII ... s..~
[, I To~ S",,)I<I<t
10 Siolt .",.dlnR
I~l (1",,~lo. LooId,,,,
[0' F.1tt" .... Ib,...!.
,,""" , .. Roo(
'U," L.drk, S ... p DIId Adj."m,.'
1" ["'''''''' uf 1:>"''''0" 1.3dok..
['I II""",
[m[ 5,ttiol u.. 1.MeI....
[" Ca", of Lukl ...
~ ~~,O~ s.orf<>IdJ. G...,.lIr
['I &,.,,,,, ._ ,I,1Io>n
P[ Slole b • • l'fol«'In~ W... k .... "" Srol(04<I.
1>, CO""""" I,,"", in S""U.Jd C....
[., h. ~J ..<lIOIl
[0, 1. _ . r...,1o. All ... Stll" ""'"
, , .'
I'ROD. 1.1 .1. II. I'JlM.T I C" GliIOE ,...
[. , .......... ofW·....'t
[" Di.. loI ...... of \\.~ ~ .. ,I'S
[. ,
F.n.r. In W~",
1'r<> 'I~ ~ l>O fO<l
[O[ I'rool",;'~ S•• ff(>ld or Port for T,rol
.:"Iodln~ Ol~'r I' ... I~I . Co " • .,.
'U," Ex""",
F...""".bl.l)w: o.Scolrold
[OJ ~
1.00.1 Ro,lolI"'
f .. ri o~ or .......... ; .-t
(; . .. ~r:tl!,
In sor,,)" ro"..
[., Sp<'In,~lIo .. for l.u .. b<r
[" O"".",~.., 10 I~.,form
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I......... d I""',f.... ' ... ~: ... , I.. D, ihllo~ :>Isbr"'".....
,\~pJ l ... biIlL)" of S,.OIdlfd " ' :xi"l niL l'b,form,
[" ·r.. T)po' 0( I' ...." d 1'1 .11",..,
T)'pO 0( 0 '"01 ..d 1'.""
[0, T)lI' .' l'oM',,,d I'~.I I"'""
[., R., ul"",oo,, of S,ondor. SOl b elu." 'o
In 1'".,.,1.,.. AI;:,ln'\ ... d"".. Cli .. tt.
[., Wl ool
Co.otO<1 .. hh n.ll dJ.~
'" .... ! . ~
,., LAI)IllmS A"ID SC,u'FOI.DS
1,1 B,.h.
i.1 Ek<lri<.1 Wiring .nd ~;q.rpmM(
1'1 Co.'rol.
1,1 E"'<r~."")' Con,rol De.ic.
1'1 p,oIOCIIo'. 0 ..1«.
i,l t:",<r~.".~· Stop Swltche'
I. ""o.tJ~IIII .I. 1000 do, 0' .. 0[10101 •••• , 110< ou .....)' .""old I...,...",,..
Ill •• ' ....1. _,. "Im~ 10 1100 ........ , ••d , Il00 ownr, of tIor •• od~
...... TIot- IO<!...... at .....!fold ..., be .-.f.!~' u_loe<l ........ :If, ...
lhe 40<1*", n' ,...1101 ,. 1'''''lour'''''' ,h ... 1d "" ,.k.. 10 re . .... d ,100
<•• dWo" of lhe Lo.. <I<,., ....
rfold be l.... '")' .... ,..,.. bly .r I "'I"~
.. t .. pbr •• I . d II>< . ~ ...... , """"Id ~ ., .... 4 ........ '" ,n
pR ....
'''''''a• "'........ ~!Gn.
II .h. IAd~" I, n , ... . "'"' pr"".'" 'he C"","",,, l'm"oOl S.fU)'
C....." ... .., .... J.'lIdl...... ..d ... pnl''''''
,0.4 pf<l<lDn nr<1,.
'.r..... lI.n "" , .....U.
I" ... dl............ , """"' ... , ....... 1",,"'1*11 u..
"' ..... i<lI. 1". IIo. ol Sl1!>tbrd. To.d,ul •• I .... IAI'S I) on<! ,he U...... •
",h,,, I... ~')f.lo-ne.. I.,. [U ti, b•• ~ . ...1'" . ,.od ••d. ,d",loa In "d,
lie" ""d li<oH<>ld>.
1'1_ ...... ~ """W~<I«" "'.....,•.,. <'01»1ol. ollod"" ~."'"' ""
1.<1&< .. '"""" ........ ' 1",'lf)'I" ~ ,•• I. d!k, •• Ii< ."-Id ~ .., .... 1])'
"1UI'"ll~" bolk 10 hI. ~. ... rtl ... M Ii! hI, k.. ~I'd~•. s <orfoW <x'
OI~" It:t..t. ,. .... 10 b< .pnb.lI<l ... I'~ ""aflQldiOR .. pori·
peru, CI.ll th.
...," ""t... ,Ito _ _ ::01 c .pa1f.
, SN g<tt<..ury L. F........ ' '\O M. F,kd .... n. r ral .... ' IJobiliry.dd. ""Stric, U;ob;I"
W'l).b""",," Ik ..... ' 19H~).
'S.,· S"1"''' oh, 1, "r)'I'<' of D. f,,,, ,"
" . ,'"
Th ~ re arc lIi ree lypes of defc": I'; (I ) mall\lf~cl uri nt: d"fc": l ~; (2) de-
sit:n defw~; ~!,d (l) mnrkc!ing deft<: ls (nbsen! or in~d~q u~l e warn-
ings OT iIlSlrOClions).' I" I.,ddcr ~ nd 5(":,lToId .....-s, all I br~'C I>,.."
nr dcfc'I' l. ~r" c~mmo'I .·
Iil-:'<l :t n u f~elu rl nl: Dcl"~ts. :-'bnufn~lurin s d~fe\:l~ Me im-
ptrfmiom in:t lypiOl II}' ~m311 p.;rcc-.. f3J;C al prodUCI ~ of 3. gi"CtI de,
siSII.' Th. ilnpcrfl:<-'licll' ore c:\ma1 by h lln ~' 11 or ntech :miClll efror.
in Ih. malluf;,. wring procL~, such as im proper wnrkmnmhi p, m~
c h inuy m~ lrUI!1;lion. or defecti,·" matcrinls.
To m",tpc wiM.1hc' lrn"rc is :I mmHl f:'Clur;ng d~cC1, cOIInK I
. hould ,
(1) D.;.n,ioc;md photogroph Ihe ladd . r hl\'oh·cd. nnd r.:co lll nil
lh~ infonnnlio" cOnl:,ino:tl on Itl t proouC1 ,bl ~ b bd onu Clittr 1~b<:Is.
, s.~·&<""'Y~u, t.. F",~,,' &. M. r rictl."", ProoL"-~' Li.. bitil)·, ch.l, "S tn" li.
or:' t .J.O';[~lIfJ[I;;J (Iobnh.... Ikndor 19~6).
1&. 14"'! U.O! [S].
SL" 0'''' ch. 12. ·'I'NJLI<.1 Ihre'" _ l'loi.lm', \'io,, " 000 ell . I), "Prooll(1 E.,
rat' - 1lc[<1b< View."
S....• S'""",I/Y L f r.",,, &: M. 1',;..3 "" . , l'rOO,,"" Li.>lti1iol·, <h, 1, "M...ufoc,,"-
Cf\ Li.biiily In N'liigcr" ':' ~ 2.26[1J (M,IIho," n"" ~ <f 19~7 ); I I. KUl"'''i,in '"
,0.;, "',
! 56.01[1] 1'110]). l'II,\CTICf: GUIl)E 51o-W
(I) Idcll1ifi", ladder.
(2) He lwd alw;l),S u~c~l the ladder ill confon1HlIlce with lhe in_
stmctio"s "nd had read and hecded the warnings.
(3) Otbers he had seen lIsing the ladd.r complied with the im;tnlc-
lioll' :It](1 w:""in~s Qnd did not mi,mc or altcr Ihe bdder.
(4) Although he wns using the ladder properly at the lim. o[th.
l.ccidenl, ",m.thi"g about th. ladder c"",.d him to ["II. It is neCe'S-
Sl.ry to l.>c a, s[>Ccific '" p"',ibl., c.g., "The !add.r suddenly ~hook.
I fell il give wa), to the I~n, I fell," to prove tb~ rall wns c:tlls<:d by
a d.fectivc ladder leg. The de[cJ\~e will contend I hat plaintiff lost hi~
N. S,lIc". AII",,,o)"\ Guide In ];"~;, ...,,ri"3, d1. 2. "1lL< Fn«o.'io L'", or l:fI~ir"","··
1I","lor 1~~6): j D"""~,, ill Ton ,\cti"n,. ,Il. 41. ··E'p<rt T<<li"~",)"··
(M"")",,, !knd<r 19S1).
. ...
babnce and fell, ,~u!oing Ihe I3ddc r to r.,11 and bending t~ Its of
tho.: bd~ in tIN: p~.
(5) It was in the ,",me condilio n at the lime of the accident n.~ iI
wa~ at Ihe lime It " .'" purchased.
(I) He eX3mi n~d and Ic~t td Ihe Indd er :,!'tll' the Deeid ellt , com·
.- pa ral it wilh the dl..,i~n druwin,s ~nd material , pcdlication l fo r lite
IOOI.I( r mocicl, and compared it ....i1 h otm
identical I3ddcn.
. " .. (2) The bdder w~~ uo~l~blc btc~usc:, for ex~mplc, th e "I'C!$ were
1 000~e,the melal for the side rail wa~ thinner I han the de~i8 11 specifica·
l iens calk'C! fo r, the wood was cross'llr3iJx,d or dceay(d. thc groove
Of moni!.<." ... '" ';\11 tOO deer, or Ille lI"b and n""j',cs ' ..ere too thm.
(3) This wa. Ihe ronditioo oftbe I~ddcr ntthe time of the s.a!e and
at the time im mcdin tdy prio r 10 t hc acci den t.
(4) Thiscondit!oo "'a~ caused by the \lr~eturer snd nQ t byanl'
intcf '·.;ni nll \lie or alteration.
(~) Thi! condil; on violnted cmllom and prncticc in t he indu m y
or AnlCriCan Nat i o,,~1 Stnnd ar~~ Institute (ANS I) or Undcrwriten;
Laborat!)rics, Inc. (U L) ~I andartl:s, M well as the defendant', own
dt'S;, ,, ~pl"t jrocatiollS.
(6) n,e condili on created PO 3vokbble ri sk. Absenl til.! risk, the
acdden! " 'ould no t have ha[l[le l1~d .
(7) 'rloc condWcn (o\lld h~.·c b..'Cn (Oll«too by followi,,& tile mon·
uracturer's own $(l'I."tific"tiom... the A:-JS I and UL otand,rus. ~nd cus-
tOIll ~I,,1 pru<:ti<;e in the i",lu.l t1)·.
PROD. !.IAII. PRACna,: (;lJUJE l6_ll
(8) The USc 10 which the plaintiff 1.."lifIed was proper. ,md the,e
was no prior m;,;u><: Ihm contributed 10 causing the accident.
, S,'" c.~.• Ibrkcr ", Lull En~i"«rin~ Co., 20 C,l. .1~ 41 J. 143 C,I. [(ptr. 22l. l73
1'.2d 44.1 (1978), I'l,inliil ,,,.., iniu,oo b), f,lIiLl ~ lumkr whil< op<"'ti,,~ , Lulllli~h.
Uf, Ln.,d"",,, «."'truction ,il., Th. S"p,"",. Coun nfC,!lifo,"io fouu,] for the
pbiotirr. lJoldins ,h .. tho ··"n«~,,,,,.Nl' d,ng""''''' dem,nl io '~e d,fioili"" of
• ",[«Ii,'" prodLICI ,hould nDt he 1'-'" ~fth" pl,in'ifj', of proof in , prodLKI
IbhWl)" ""';"", A p""lue, "'~)" he found clef«l;' 0 in <I"i~n. ",hjec1in8 'ho m,ouf",,·
tUtor> '0 ,,,i,t U.,loili,)'. if 'ho ploi,"irr ",," rm"o 'hot il ("ilotl \(, [,<!forln ,,,fd),
ioS oHliu.,,,' "-'0, O! th" i, "'"' tho pro';"'''o c.'"", ofhi, injury. ,n" 'h, ",("".bn'
foil> 10 t<1,hli,h th" Ih, "neft" of ,h, {I .. i~n ool"'cigh tho "a,,~or!I,
S,·,· alro 1.. F'U01" & \1. Friodmon, I'roo"m U,hili'y. ch. 3. "'Striot U"loili')'."·
! J.OJ[411~[i"J ().J.,tth."" Iknd" 1986),
• S<c Kern, ,', Ens,lke. 76 !II. ~,! Il4. 3'l(l KE_2<1 ~,9 (1979), n, l,binliITkr;t ,n
<ye ""h,,, ","ok h)' ~ wiro. :orpJr<totl)' mod to hrn" temporarily in pi"", ,),< pow.,
tokcolT " .. m~l)' of 0 f"'"to .I"w.r whil, the hi"",,, "'0' ""in~ n~l\ 00_ The'o ~'''-'
1<"inKln), th>1 ",onomicol. pmotil·.,I. "ml .lTwi," cl<'i~ n' for IlOkli"; or so<U!i"~
'he PO"'-" 'nk.oil """mbly ""cr. f",ihlo 01 the time 11", hlow" "'''-, p"rch,, Tho
courl promi"'" liobiti, )' on i" t,'K!i,,~ t1"" nOl only d;,llho OI';,k"." ,uppart ,ho
j"!},\ fl,ki;ng lh", "'fer, «onoo,bl. ,n" [o"ihle d<>i~ o "i,l.,t, bu, il ,1<0 , up·
port.-d ,I" <ondu,klO th~t ",f, u'" of the m,nuf""tu",', <lc.i~n w,,,
""ul'inS in "(u"..,.,.,hl, m;'u",_
S" " ~I", Ilrad)' v, Melool' 110""'. Mfr .• Si9 1'.2d 8%, 1"1 Ar;" 2SJ (1978),
WD/)£ns At;D S('Al'I'OWS , 56.o1{11
• s.., ' ....a Q)/)" K. I~"' ''' R. lIop,,- O«lItutign>l Sof<l)"and 1I<~ll hA~~.h. ll.
"'Th. LI<" or OSI LA in ""•. .,. I. ili~.,,;o.\" ().! ' flh,,,· !lel1d" 19Sn
CO"lpll."" ••;,h ,j""d;ord< or "~II"'Ii.n' ;. _kg.lly ",""I ~,;"·(. S« M,b","
~. OnIJo }'h.unu_tic.>I C"m{I.. ~'" Oc. I n. ~n I'.ld sn SJ.I..]! (19UJ. F.ilia"
I~ <""'pIJ'" ,1", M'" """do.,;" . S,,' Pod ... ,'. J.J. N,,,,·b<,~· Co .. ' H 1'.2J tll.6.
l l ~ (Irb CIT. 19'1). 'PI'\I';"8 ftll".1 ow Soo11o D.k"," I." .
Sa.all> L I'1~n":f .10 ;\\. I'ritIln,, ", I'rOo.lo ," 1.l.bilit)", .of,. l. -S tri" !.I.bi1 it)". "
f 1.041'1 (M'll n,"" B,""" Ij~OI.
10 SO( J- . v. Je-a ol l Ico",$bol'l'ins 5<"';.:<:. 16 m. App. .ld ).l'J. lll6 I'.E.:td
:I ll (I ~1.11. The rJ,in'itT. the p.,,"' or~ ,hild "ha !'",Oill "! ;njll~" When ,II. ""nk
, I.." ..... br~Ufht 0 pr<Xi""" I",billl~ :><t;"', 3piQII ,h. m. uuf."",,, of lb. ~1 .......
...... Jo.... t """" di,..,.", a •·...... ict 1'<1. II\<: '1'f'Oo"""
. IV! tho pl,;,"ilf TI ..
"f'I'cll,\< 00" " n:,·.,.",d tl .. ""i,iOll, hoMio~ 1"01 "Ih. d,~ r"" of ,M, to 1>0: 0..",1<<<1
II)" Ih. "' O"~r,,,,,, .... ;, plllj'>(>l1,,,,,01< 10 ,"" .rnmt'l>C<o of Ihe ..........."'U'o lIibictl
""'-I'" ":.
. '" ... ""'..'bI)' t~ "" ''''I:il'''' '" r'" n, . h 0 ,,,,t<!o (1 in ~ WlII:I n<f "' "'" th c
""","f... ",« mel Ih' ,,,od,," . llI)IJld hOI' 1",<" (k,ide" b)· tlt"jurl· """ "'" Iho
0""" ••• n •• l1.... Qr b ...·.
~ 56.o1PI I'ROD. 1.1,\11. l'I!'\e\"lC~: CUIDll
will con~i<.l"r Ihe nature of Ihe proouci an<.l Ihe abilily of the lls~r
10 avoi<.l injury by llsing reasmmble care. The ahilit)' 10 anlitl injury
ollen <.Iepen<.ls on Ihe <.Iegr.c of awareness t he user lws of Ihe polcllli:l!
Human factor.; studie, gather infomlalion concerning ,imibr acci-
<.Iellis or lIear accidcnl~. This <.Inta help, cs.tablish the likelihood of
injury. With ladder, an<.l s~,tfTol<.l~, the hi,toric~1 <.I:'t'l indicates Ihm
injuries cx.:cur "ery frc"<llI~ull)', so Ihi, fuctor militat", in famr of tilk-
jng every prc"Caution to render the product S-:lfc."
" s,..". ".~.• IlIwo!! I'_ll"'")' W",,<".I,,,,,, "SO:-/, E.lll MJ (l.b.,,_ 197~). II t9.),o>"
"ld hook"l" ria)'" "'",' injurc'(] whon bo 'h,"~' bint",lr ia r""'1 of.l pwok Ihal w",
l"iMg ,I"" b), a" ON'"'''"''' '11,0 P"" I"'nm,tcd, i"r in tho pl,i",ifi', holm" ,oJ
mll,~ II" hion .'\>'''-e Ihe ,i~hl "'. A," ,,,",uit lho[Oof. I", 1,loinli(f,u(f"od., r, ....·-
,",«I ,""II. TIle dofe",e of ""umpl;el] "r ,i.,k ,,'a, "';,,~, In ~i,,,,i,,i,,~ lh< ,1<1<"",.
lhe ","" ''''rod ,I",,, 'Th, pbin@''''I;['"l,hal h< di<l I"Ji l.,,~' "f",,)' ,l'''fe''
,h", be w'" <"JX",d to b), w<."i,,!, ,I" helm". 110 hdi"',,1 ' __ ,I"" il ",,,,,hi P''''W
hi, h<"d from ini"IY, no hoi"" )",<11,,,", "'rrl;',! w Iii", Ill"" P<'''-'I' wi,h ~'(""
kMwledfo amI <"I'aio",," in ),ndc)' , .. ~toJ i, ",a, ~h'"n 10 bim for 'ho P"'T"'-'<
;,npli,-,l, if ,wt c,'prc<, of p"",,,'in~ l,im,"
) lildcb"'ml I', Mill)",d. 16 ,\ri,. AN>, S~J. ~94 )',",) 132S (I 072), The plain'iff"'
d",,,,lell1 ~"" <Llbl 11'1"" the dol",oJ"",\ tr.-,,,to, ","<l.' k",ler thot tllO ",',od'''t
I.," 1=" wm,in~ (Ml. Tho <k~·"k"" )",,1 I'"kod l1T< lo"dor '" th." it r"""oJ,d in'o
tl", dtil';"~ "t",. "",k;"S il <linK"[! fm o(h" "hi<k, to P"'" 11,0 00"" of 'PI"-,,h
"~'"'I<<I ,I"
tri,,) '"""\j"dl:",<Ilj fur ,)" thof,,,",n, .n" "pi.>i,,<" 'h'" ,i,,," til.
pi>in,in' 'I"",~h' thoro M' ron", rOf (J,ber I'"hid," to r~". ho ",uk! ''''I h,,,o "'_
>"""d the ri.,l of inju,y.
" S.',' ,Ii",,,,,;,,,, nil 1"''''.110 I"",,,,,wpra in ch, 7. '"T),I'<' nr Dete"',"'
&.' aim g"Mraliy 1., Fn.Ill'or & M. F,kd,m", l',oJ"",>ili,)', 01,- Z. "M""o-
r,,,"ord, L",bi!i'), in :-/,~li~<llc,:' 1 ".07 (Manh,"' n"oJor 19.1)); I l. K<lpcr>-i,i"
& :-/, S,I,,,,. AU",n,),', Goide ", El1gin,odllS. ,h, \ I, "1'",",,,;, II"","" ""'"''
l'"~ill«fi,,g" (Molt),o~' 1I«"k, 19~"), Ie, ~1'C",,"id. I IT""",, I',"to" En~irJ<"in~
0,1 "I. I ~JO), D. I)"'~'u. SY"'"" An,I)',;, ,Old D",i~n for S"rN)' (1<)76); G, ),1.".
'"0[1, s"r<,)' E"~in",riMg (19E2): W. lI.u1Im"" l'roJuct s"r,t), ,,,,,I l!"~ir"-,,d"l;
" /d,
LAl)llllRS .\"1) SC~IH)U)S j 56.01[1]
, >.1<','. '.K" K,,,,, \', En~d'". 7(, III. 2<1t5-1."'Xl ~,E.2d 859 (t979). di",u".dwp'"
'H"< ~,
(3) Third, the product must remaiu r,'Il.mllably priced. It must not
only be t~"Chllologic:llly pos~iblc to incorporate the 'Iafcr design, bUl
COllltncrciaHy possible :1, well." There should be proof thai U,c of
the safer design would not price the product out of the market. Tho
best proof of this i, proof thnt the ddemiant or a competitor now
actll~lJy sells a product with the suggC!;teti dc~igll.
"l',,~il\' v. """'''''' Elwri, c<> .• 4," F. SUN>. 1.\47 (W.D. 1.,. t%OI .• ppl)·j"8
l.oui ...,", I>w. Liobilily ';i\, irnl"hcd in., <:L" in "hieh Ih, dcfo"donl 3,,"","
of <.,roly <I"k« un I)" markol "hi,h w"" .,,·.,it,hle w;lh"'ll Ull",,,-,",,blo "r
""u,u.,1 production problem,. ,",t "hklL "ore iILIO"ck,tID plc\·c"l. "r" I•.~" , ...
duo". 'ho d"'B'" of ki'kh"k from" ,h.i"", ....
Juries h",·c lillie patlcn cc wil h a nliU1Ur,\~(urcr Will) Sl!crifi c~~ ~., rc·
I)' by cUllin, corners 10 itl Cre,,'IC prollis. Th is cmpl~.s i~ of <,\:unorny
:u ' he: 'HICrm~"<l of So,fclY is a d~n @.erous afll.\un~,,' ror ~ m:lItUfllCu. r.:r
III m~kc, abs~~1t dnmWIK: L"\'i(kncc ofuillna rkembilily.
O"crall. II"" key '1Uo.'!' lion fot (he JU Ty is whell....r Ihe risles aTC n.~
dunY/ lo II..; 1f,f"CQ ICM ~XfCtlI pallibf<' while: r~l~ i"i n E III ... prodllt "s in_
h~r.;,\! u'cfull1 c" nl R!I :tL"'Ccpl:,bl c em!. "
" V""~. Ill>c"l .t Il«h' Mfl'- C" " ~ )'I. \ ·.Jd 101• .1(;.' :>I.Y£.1.1 .l'l~. 4S11 N.l:.2d
:!O.\ n~s lJ. The rWRntT ..~> i"j~f..J . .. hi!c .Vn~ 3 d'''''hr ~~ ,.,,.. ~~ .... hi'
l"uKI "'OS 01" by I)" ."~IJ,,,k,1 r""jnll M" lite "hid< ",,<I
IIi , tIll"" " \""'"11 < ~· ..<ig,·d
t",,~<CI' tl>" blotk ,,"Li ,,"I''''''''0k
~u",d. H < rl"llIliff ,11<£<0 ~!I"t ~I", ,",~' "."'
.1,-1";li"d}· Il«l~n<tl bcc-..."" lhe ,""" . U""·<tI an .....,...;, . ' '''''''"' <!f ,lie l>bod.
to "" ~. Tho "'"Un m,,..mod ~h< j..Jr.n .... ! "booh di>n,;""" ,,,,, ..rict 1""'><1,"'"
Ii.;~ ;!,,)" cbi"'> "",I "",,,, od ,h. Co", ru, ~ '''''', nitl "" til" ;10" 0, Tho ~Ll1J" ",.
rla;",d II"" . m,,,,,f.><I,,,., "")' "Iabl ;'h th' , ~ 1'"><1,,, i, ,,
", r. c~" U)' ;11Ll"·i ll~
L~ >I "Ih< ri ....1 .t ~ ""","'ti lO Ibe l"'~t '" <llml ","";b!< " hil. ' ''',;RiPI lb. p,<>d.
,,,~'> ;.""<D! u.dutn"",.u ~" :><e<pI,bl, """.w IJ. a, WS .
.. F.,i lu," In "'-Jm ~II.< "''' <If til, d.i",. i" tl", ""i.II:~kku< ,,,k" ' C;''''' ,1i", ", ,,,,1
.'MI"~ ch. 11, " I'rrou,,, l.i..Lhi lil )' C..... II i"",)·:'
s.-., ~I", L I',"""" I< ,.t.
f , io.-.lm>n. 1'",,'''',.>.....Wily. <h 1. ",.1>". f"",",.,">
1.W,lfi' l in 1'..p1\l<dC<::· ~ U! ("b,,~ ...' l!<nol<, 19U 1,no! ch J. ·"';tnct l.I , hil'-
t ) '.w t J.()-'PII11I,'i! (M,lth. ~ 1]"',><.1« \9!6)
•• 1'01(1i;;:",.;"" ,,( t t", /'M ,i< uLv ""I"il<n><"" u" ~ .. t h< A ~ 51' I, ,""-',d.•".,"i'"
~, It..Ol and ~.ol rOO" bJd,,, :.tId n U,.OSll ]Jrl und !';.09 r." " atloId>.
" S," , ~-J>.• I.. ru.",,,.,..
S;la & !I""'~ C~, " Nunb<n, I'lnl""e 0", Co .. I\ ,D,1d ,S
I S. 427 N, Y ,S.2,1 11)(1') II ~I.D) ')1," "1<,,, , ,,1< or " l"" ·to·.",.,, ,'"" b","~hl ill
t $6.0 1(1) I'Ron. u ... ,1. l' IMcna> Gl1IOI:
Whether It ...·~rnin; ~hould h.we been ,i"cn iJ 01'1",. ~ ddlc.l te ' IUcr.-
lion, tu rning 011 what ...':Ili rc:\~o,, ~ble ~r the ci rcumstalltes. Thu ••
the que,tion i ~ leO. to the ju ry in 1II05t instanco::$,
A oo lancio\: pnll;es& mm! 131.:C pia"",. Tile fao:;l finder must c:onsid-
(3) Applicable !.Iatuta, regula tianl, :md !!:u,d3rds tkJ II,,& w;,h
"'n",iugs and i nMru~iolLs. Th _ would include: the A~ S I Mllnd;,rd.
'''lIli~.n," "" neo,ly ,h. ,;un< .. , . "il","""'....... _ ~,ouJh' ""<lor " ~ ,, liolOlI·
'I'. Cod" om" I;'hili",. ,lot pbj.rufl' ,,«11 no, ...."'. IIw 'he <ld'.." b n' knr .. 0<
.,,"ouJd Iu,·, I'_ ~ of1h . 1.. ,,,,f"1 ( b.,.." ". ~ f lb. p,O<Iu~' ,N.<nl a ..... rni" ~
>l Urn,.,.I ", ". Louiwili. 'lorn;", CO.. 64t P.ld l ?7 (l, h Ci,. t9~ IJ. ,~ pI)'ic¥ ,\l,.
bon'" I'..·.
" Sa I . n" .. ~ r;,., 1lI<,y ,~ 11'.,,,,' r~" I. 171: T ri.1t lo.... Q, I! (I '~$),
So', dw L. 1''''n'''' l< />I , Fr;"<1," ,. , ]" """,,, Li,bHi ly, . h, 2. "/>I ,n "f..,"",,,,',
Ll>billtt in S q:U,ctI«." i ~.2lI41 I M."h .... tlctIJn' 1'187).nd til. 1. "SIr"" L."'I·
i t1.~ J 3.OJ'~lIhl (~blt"'" IIrnoI« 19~6~
"5,'" L. I'", n,.r& M, Fri"dm.,,,. I'md u<l! I.i,bilit),. ,!t,,,. "Su k ' t.i, hilit)',"
! j .04i l l (MaulL ...... llt1)1lcr 1 9~6J.
1.,u)l)OIS A:"ill SCA I'I'OU l'> i SMI( I)
(6) III , omc ,t~t~'lI. I hcr~ m\l~t be proof that tl, e 1LI 0 nllr:octllr~r kll<~'"
of lite danger ~"d (;,;1<:<1 10 ""1 m of il." In ol her Sla ...-s. :L 'nanuractur.
~r i~ dee med 10 know I h~ dnn S~l> Jssociatcd with tIll; u>o: of h's prod_
IIet~nd assllluc the risk mn 'arl;cli"::l prod uct ",ilh ullkm""'11 d~n.
g~rs. "
A warnin g mUSI clearly ;niltru ct the u>c:r Whl! ili perm;~5iblc ~nd
..·..:01 is ,,0(. r u, inM~nc..·, IlL<: II ,.,' m~)' R'd I!lnt a w~rnlug 1 11 ~1 only
oll e pcr~o n at n lime mlly \l~C the ludd.r d..,.." llVt a pp ly ' f lhe ladder
's \Jc:i"S uSi:d wi lh [adder j acl.:s.. E.,~ .. if the jur)' wndudcs ;1 i!; nppli·
c~blc, the ju ry Inn)' well WIl c!udc tltal tlk! w'Irning 1\';I!I 1101 c.~ r'ieil
»s« ,"'''' II ~6.QJ . ,"1 S6.0t.("" hdd." _ad H ~.O;I(lllll"' ~ IG1l'l k". "'oU'
t< 5<-... ;.p" n !6.Ql . ..... '6.06 f..... I.od~."' .... n _<6.\l3flJlfJ ""d ,t;.O'I l'or "",r·
S« g<~c",/(. 1 II , 11o•• n.~ R. tlOj.. n, o..",, ~cioo.t S,.rd~ ... d 11<>111, ,\ CC. ~h,
&. "'n ", O'n" ,,1 R< ~uloti,,"',"~ ! ~ .O ". 6,04 (I ?~~) ,,"I ,b , II). " C,,,,,,,",,inn R'l!'
v ... t;"., .... ~ 10 II (.'.I:onl>:>o· IkoHk< I~~~l .
I> S,",,', g., I Ic'ei',,~'., Pi ",,'or 1I'~kCl"t\' , 1111 S.l". I", ,, 6'J<1 !' ",I lOy) (,\]",h
19;¥). Mobil< b""", b") ~", brnuY1l 3 >(ei", rft~h,,:" 1"lIdl,)' "",iIIu
~.;"" 111.0
Tn ,"",,, ,I,,,,, on.1« .. ik, ,,, '0<01'", ''' ' i.,jud ... " .,t,\'",,1 ("'''' <,,",,"V" ,,,1.,.,,,.1·
d,),)·d. fun ... p,.,;op, in ,I" q,obilc t.M~ TJ.< !Hop,.,n, ("" " ~ r Al o,"," hcld that
,h. lo,"'" ""Un ~ n' """" .. i" "d,"llll n~ ""kr><. '"
"",",",;n< un~_~\oi)i'rn ,11>1
eI" 10"".1""')'<10 'um• • ""~~I ,'U'" ","".MM lung d,U""~," I, il i, ;nll",,,i\>k ''' '
,]" nl-,m. r""u'<T 10 l ,.,..' '" If« ,b"gor. " ;, un.bk ' 0 <••1""1< it. .,,, n "M" l' '"
n"'~ ,]" ~,ooU'1 ",r.,.,
" ~. ".K.. U.. h,,\a •. ]ol",·.. M,n,·m" 1'1-"""",,, e m f'.. 90 "',J. 1')1 ..... 7 ",ld 'Y>
(1~~2), lliud,,,, , 000 '""'i, or; "r ~""O'.. ><'<l ,..,..."" ~'''''£bt 1"" ''''''\ inju,y 0,.1
" '''''~'''1 d~,'h Q<ri,,", .i»n." ,ho "'.nur.><1~"'" 0' w.."""" P""'''''''- Tho s,, -
~,.",< e"",, '" :-:....J "",), I"hl ' I"" ",tal.
"rtleo ",," ;, " ''''~liSOl''< <H cnlo '''~
""" POI ... ulonl ;n " ' "" ~."'My ...."" I" .1ri<11iabiti,)' ~~~ lhe pl;>i'lIllf d_
,,'" h..,,, t~ P""·. 'he "\""U r"~I",,:r ~"o ..· '" ' htJ1J kl b,,·. kn,,..'o ,!oo.u 'he cl.u'~,,,
01 '" I"cd"", Th.I k'_1N~c i_ i"'f u!<'d 10 ,I\... "",,,~r...1U''''
" F<g'''' ", I.)'" '' I."~d,, C\~. 3 ~1 0" , Apr , /00, )11 N. ~, ld 7!J (1 971), n'l'!""'
..If, b,,"'sbt,n ""'''''' fn • .......,...,1injuries .!?I'""
,b. '~'~~'''<lU'''' of. \. ,Ido:r
"'hkh b"", whll.I>c;,,~ u",<l l,)' , .. " 1"""" 1' ,,'II. " ]",M.. j><i;, Th. ,'n])' ",'."";0F'
[:"<n ..... ,n ..... ,'''"",,, >nsIe of ~1.atll':C" .,,~ "", '" "'.-<tl,ud ,"'; ' " """C t h>n
""" por><'", n ", ,0<1 '1 ,\If""I<11 I1,, jlwg",,'" f.... •h" l"""''''rrs. l><>Idi"~ ,"", 1I~
j~ did .. ~ <'ft i ~ ""ttn;tli"~ ,I"
jut}' ee, r",d
11",1 Ih. <lor. "d,,,,, ".~, " ,~ li ~'M
,..... ,,',
~ 56.01[11 I'ROD. LI,\IJ. I'RACTICE GUJD~ 54-20
Similarly, lhejury mal' agree tlmtthe plaintiff used the ladder im-
propt:rJy, in a way thm wcaken<-d or damnged the ladder, but then
conclude tlim the plaimiff would not have us~'<l lhe ladder in that
marmer had h. been wurned or instructed against doing so."
Failure to h~",d u specific warning may result in a defendant's '·er-
diet." For exnmplc, the warnings should SlUle to place the base (Icgs)
of tile sleplnddcr 011 a finn, ICI·d ~urf"ce and not on a soft surface."
If the plaintiff places the ladder (}Il a sort surface des.pitc the warning,
the courl Ilwy 1I0t charge thaI "n infcren<;c oro defeet can be found.
The jury may conclude Ihnt the ladder was used improperly, und
there was no dcf.."'l which <;aused the aceidelll.
[b}-flrcaeh of Worranty." In many instances, the proof re-
quired to establish n breach of warranty claim is the sam. as lhat
required to ~\!pport a strict liability aclion. l < Howcl'cr, Ihis docs not
necess"rily mc:m thul the br""ch of wurranly claim i~ ~upcrfl\lo\ls.
The ,lulute of limitations [or the two theories moy differ, some peCII-
linril}" of state law may give a plnintiff on ndditiolml remedy for
breach of warranty, or a parlicular stale mny not recognize a strict
in r"ilill~ lu ~i\, "'plici' ,,·,rning' "00"' ,",II 0 r"'",,,cblo and "n'ioip."od Ll<e of
i" bdd ....
" Jimi".>. \.. $,.m I\<l¢h",,~ &. Co .• 4 Cal. 3d 379. 93 Col. l\ptr. i69, 4~:: 1'.2<1 681
(1971). Tlto COUll Malal Ih." 'ho iu,), oauld ho,o ,o",lud<:<l Ihol "'"" or. I,~d<r
on. m!l~d)" floor mi~hl 11.'·0 ,,·e;>k ....."<llho bdd .... ""~ 111,[ "·.tnin~' or i",,'nmion,
,1"'!lld ha" bc<n pru\idod 'l"'ill\1 ,"<10 \1«.
" Eri,h,," , .. SO"". Rooi:>Jck & Co .• 240 C,1. App. 2d 793. 10 C,1. Rptf. 143
(1966). TIl< rI,il1@·IV" ini"rod whon 'ho woodon q,plodd" on wltiol1l1< " .•~,
1I.,n"ins "",ko. Th, "o"rt a "r
,0n,l",kJ '" m'tt" I.w 'ho< II" p[.,;ntin· f.ilal '0
Nnhli,lt Ap,'m" jg,", 'a.<O of>lrklli.1>ilit)". Th. bdd" conl.lined d;rc<t;on, ".,,,,.
;"S thot il .hould 11<>' be ""d
00 ",f< ,uri",,,, ~ od lh, pLi;n,iff hod beon u,in~ it
in tho gm~' "h<n Iho ,,,cid,nl ""cumd.
" Id.
S,·,· ~Iw inj'" IS S6.1){;[t] "",l 56.0ii[2].
"S,·,s,·,,,·raliy 1.. FIlImor &.~!. FriC<!m"". Prod"OI' !.i.Oilil)". on. 3. '·Sln" Li,bil·
il)·:· § 3.0l (~),tthe~· llonder t~~6) ",," ch. 6. ··lh,\lHity of \("',il,,, .nd Middlo.
n",,·· (.~t.,ttll<.,. n<mkr 19S7).
, S6,OL)I]
The im plied warr:l1l1)' or fit "c~s for a pnrticular purpose tUT1\~ 011
Wh el h ~r 1he defendant's s,1k'! I1I Qll had e.\du~i,·t control ovtr Ihe sc-
lO:CIK!l1 uf Ihe ladtle:r or 11", pu rehnser a t k:tst reli...,! on the: S.1lesm:m's
judrJl10mt in !>e1L'('lin~ I"" ladlk r."
Th e wl'mmly of 111crclmnl;d ,ilit)" lurw; IlI nn:: si mply ()!1 whelher
.. $<-,' ~,,,,,",,,I(,· 1.. F, un"", I\: M. F,W'".a. r mducI< 1I.tOlil F. ell. J. "S,,;'" li. bol·
i'y:' ~ j.01111 t~b'll ..... Ilnul<, 198(,)
"S.v ~""c~ , '1y c.",,,), •. S¢;..'" R<><h,,~ ,~ t·" .. :lOO !'.: J .>OO(4,k Cir. !'I(,2). ;op.
Vj'fini , b ,,·. 11,. pi,;,,,il! ....,. i";.,,d wh ." .h. h,JIk, 10< pu"h... ,-d I",",
rl)·j ,, ~
Ii", ~.r.od, n' ,·,~L'r>«I .. hil. in ",,,. Th. ><ll..-\ """ 1,.."",1 ,hllr ' " tho buyer 10
f'W'."" ~ m..-d""'t:Ibk rn"'''''1 '04. , ullkirnt w fu",l, h ,h. pri'i' l ....."'''''l.....
,Itt ","" fi,r ~n impliN "'''..~nly lli 'n«<la"ubilil~ ""~ r... Wobilill" in '",1. " lop«"
QI 1S ", I,,~, ... 1><'''.«>1 .h• ..,10 , ,,,I ""11>p;< ~r ,..., b,Id .. ,,~. "'" . In<>c .uif><irnl
'" \'.If ","1\'<", ",,«I ,m 1..<.1010 of "". rr"n,)· Of no~I;~. n « .
" li" 1 ,\.~ ... bm"...... . . Sil1rllnl. ~, Sr.>. l,! 4)4 (1'1;.0. l'l~ll Th, pbinli ff b,,,"sht
,~i. "pb", th.:: .w"",un,. ",II<> """1 I", ~ bdd« .. I,i~b the)· "pmcon<d "'><
·... t""'F.~ " .... Id "'N 3 ~r.,; ..... w ",HI Iho ..... 0'"'" ..wid "'\e<ft .....""
it:· Tl><
•.""" , Ai'mcd d;,..,,'.... I"roo ,h. drf",od, ",'" mah,,", ho,~d,"~ 'hOI _h ,,,,.,,..,...
,"",10;: lot" ,mil ~,b""," ,,, ioJ"",,, "",.1,0'" did nO\ .",m,,,1 lo;on .,p,...... "..
' I' '" "·,,,1,1 off,,"1 .ILo h.,,,, f,or" ,,,il.
£"<"4/'" So~ri"w: ,'. 11"'''' 'i •• 10j '" 1).~ ~ ~~. 417 K Y_'I.l<I 'IOJ ( l<.! T)crI', 191-1).
•• t:. ,~<}· v. s"~,,, Ik..bu."t Co., .lO'l F.2d 3OO (~ I~ C\,. 1 ~b2I. a(lpl}'n~ Virgjn;"
I,,,'. ,\ ll~" " tIt< pL''''''T ....., "",..,in, "" ",lIof<""'l ~tld h......, injuml. n.. pbiD'
'ifT b"' LI . IIl " i, a~" i,,,, 1)", rlhtrib\J"" "n I~,." b " or.n c.' pro" ..·,,,,nLf. "n in,·
1,1;""1 ~ ",r"",>" or """''' r'J< " 1"'1",,1;, ru,p"". ,,,,J ,n im pii"\ WOl'"n,)' ,jf """.
,--fl "".~,I"r. Th. C"utl fC.<1K<I a )",\S'"'''' f.,.. tho IId",J, ,,t ,nJ "",,.ocd on
tlte I>.:(;lir."'«"~, TI<,' "''''' ~cld " " I , hue"", lID .....;, &... . 0 imrticd nIT""'t,·
,,( r.,n..... I,,, a r>"lcu'-'. PUrp<U 1>«;>.", ,br. d.l",od;",'" ",b1D>1l h:ul " ot b..""
"d"I"I)" rcl"d "" in rL,in!in', ..""riO" "'. !odd" ,~~"'k (,,' 10" ""'1"""'-
II ... • ''''
the ladder wa~ dcr.-.; ti,·c at the time it w~s suld."
ll}-('touf. [n Turner ,'. CCIJ/I'tIIIl(/r</~"rc Co.,'· the I'laiulirr
~~t~bli !h ed ~ c l a~~ic breach or cx[!n:-'~ and imp lkd warrant y, ,,~ well
~s warratlt)· 0( mcn;llImwbi1it)', by I'rnu f <If the fo llowing f'lCl ~:
(2) The ath(n ~U~~ll corot ainl<.! ~ ~I~tc:m<:m thaI ..,fel)" " ';1; ,I
prim. CU~iokr.lIlol1 in [1' 0000,,:;' ~tlch l~dd':Ts..
(3) 11'e l,d"crl i",,"~l1CI11 sl"red Ihm I h~ Inddctll ""en: rcinrOJc~"tI w
be "nlishl)" ~ trO!lg: and du rahle."
(4) The 111;limiIT referred 10 th e ~d" Cl li ~~rncnt III th e time or the
(5) TIll;" pln inliff info rmed the ret niler Ih~1 ~ he knew nothin:;. ."liloul
,,"Odd and wou ld reI)' <.on hili. judgme nt ill kkoct illg the Jad d,:f" 10 bu)·.
(6) Th~ rctaikr :ilalW thnl the I~ddcr would be &00<1 ior c1"" llinj:
wal1l'-~pl:r. "'-u "' I~~' ,;.be w:mlnl, " ':IS mnUc of n"1')" sood weod, :1110.1
W:I' tCSI<.-d 10 ml k ;l.ot 200 rOll nd~.
(1) !'In;1u)1T olTered l"" ti01011)' to the elT...:: t tll:lt Ihe I:tdd er hroke
n' n re:mlt of tIl<.." pr~"nce of cro~~'srnil1\:d woed.
111e.<;e nffirm,llivc reprC'icntatiotlS of fm:l by tlie rctniler crcatc<.i nl1
c.~[!f~'S~ "·~rrant )· of the .tronS1h "r the I,\tlder, "' weI! a, an c~pre~~
"'amonty a,,'\i ns! n dL-f...::t suc h as eIO$~·grohlCd wood. '11", n::li.:lI1 ~e
o n lite so.ltim;ln'S ~«:tioll cr",!.too II«: implied warr,mtr of fitn.:iS.
The J'fn.c.~I~C of n defect in lloe ladder ~ I Ihe lillie of SIl le "'3d~ I h~
proou<;I IU1nlcrcbnn'ab le and ,·;"bled the nl>rC!'~ and implictl war·
A rctail~r mar be liable il1 brea ch ofwn rrnltty . ln "'o:;t ill ~t:ln c~~,
the , . lI er kl\Ow~ the purpose fo r which II ktlldcr will be tI'cd. Tile
bll~'cr docs)lot have 10 Wlte the l'urflO,e. Whether the plain lilT re1i ~d
upon the ~kil1 3ml judS01cn! or ti,e s.cIl~.,.;." jury qU<.... ti on."
"""il.""hll"y", ~·,II "" in ,,"~li~0I1 .<. TIl, """rl "" '"",,J "TIll """""I,d ,)" ,ri,1
'''"rI'' ~i''''I .d I <tllk' r"" 'he "'{<nIl>Ilt, Th" ,,'un ", ~l,inru ,ba, ,1" pU' f"'\< (or
... hi<b a " <rlo.w.. ;., ....... i, ;"'r/i<dlr ........ ~lI"... n , ~
Ih" ""II .. b)' i l. "''Y ""' ~,.
, nd II,. ",,",",ndj~& <1"~'m""oc<:< 01' ,,'" pu. eba". "Old ,I,", tl>< t.<>!or """" "'"
h..,,, to ;T~T" Iho 1"''1''<'>''. n .. co"tI "I.." ,",~ Il",,I" 'I""";"" "f 11,< pl';,IT;n·,
",I;"" ",, "" Ill< \~ ;ll ,,><I j.Hlgm,,,, o( tl", ",Ikr i, "no rel' tl", j",y.
u 1I~"'11i ", OI>nn<l Lum"'" l' ,~. ! j tU, SIfJXT.I.. ,~ A ,~d ~ ~ (I ,)~\). ,\ 1... 10.
n"'~Ur'<I"r.. "'<'d ' be 1"~,IO<t ,;on' I""I' ~na l"'~i"_ lol.,n,'If:o .... ' I::m<n' for ;,y~,
f lC~ ,0« ;''''' "'11<>1\. I,d')",. "~I,{W>J, Th< <oun ,1I;n"ru " N1\k,;;,1 <>f tho O<I;,~'.
1~>I"'n~ ,),,' ,I" e>;J,,,," ,I,,,, 'he !''''k<" ',lit w,,,,; 11. un" ,~~ I,'nlh", ~", ""I ored
... " ;'". 01,1.-", h> P''''''''' , ~< "'''' '"
,I " jury,
OJ S.~"'4r lUll}' L n .. " ... & ~I. " nrum,n. Prod"" .. I.1"";~,~ .ell, !. ·-M'D.'''''''' ,.
~ ..> I.;.bil ;' ~ in ~1;g.:oO('<~ (M'III.,... 1lc<Mk< 1'131),
"s." ......."l! ", S:ml. ') ~l. b",~""" C" .. ?6 Ill. A)~', _" \'\.1, 14 j, •.'7 S ,E.2d il~l.
7M (19M) ,
J 3M II lJ l'ROll. UAU. I ' RACTl C~: Cll ml,
COMMENT: Til\.> th. el thcoflM ml'fltioned. st.i" liability. wa r·
ranlies. "lie! IIeglig<!rKc. a re II0t 100 only th~o .ies :lVilil~bh) tn
a predLIC1S liability caso. hOYlever. th~y are too most comm on
! theori es used in litigation.
., .'i«;c~''''11y L Fn,m" ,"< ~I , I'tinl m,m.l'rootIC" UJ~l~ 'r . <b . l. " M ouuf."",·
",', L"Lbility I" "' ... Ii~'",·o." t ;! ,l! (~,"lIh,w Iknd" 1 ~' 7J aoo oh, J.. "$" ",, Li,·
t>ili ' )'." I J.(I1[lj (M,"ho", Ikn~ .. 1916).
«s<"Ct>! ~ " .JoIon S. TIII'I'eu..) tIS M. " . no. HI !'(.E. Z~ ~ 4 1 (197$), Th.·
,df"""'tirl ....;0",. ~pi""l Ih. "","uc..",ut'<r "nd wholcultr d an 3lu",i~"n' I..... '.
\\,.,1. r lain,ifl' " ", . 1""dioq;.'1'1 il•• t.,:; of Ih. b.Id .......1 ift at a 4 '-dt;r,~ ~IIJI •.
d "h ",.",<oJ "iT!! 1<> r,lI ,od .UI1:.1n i~j~,;..., T h. '''1111 md",<d • j""'1'I>tfI, ror
,h. ,W."d.,nl 1" I,. ,nl.rN in ""h ..... ' Th< <our! h,],1 ,1" 1 ol'hO\Jgh the pl~l"t;IT
P'<",""d ,um,i,", , "id," ," ' n d",,,, 11,. I"r.",,,,o 'h" Iho coH,p"" ~f 'he ,. dd"
,,,,uJ'N r'M' IoOnl< ""slit"", ""r. he d<l "'" ,ufl',d."'l~ "dode I,;,. """ .." ion.;
' TAn' a ru _.w.: Iftf..-·
or:! ~ ."""'. Th • • <'Url e>.pl.;""d <11>1 lit< . \;<l<Rc< "'''''' . ••
.... C. III>, IhoM""'.... , ,a,h.. Ihoa ~nol bc<. i< _ oibl. for 1he ... ~ . ..·1>Ido
( ;> lhe: .,ddont Wh, . 11M: ocdoloft, occC," .n.. 1100 dtfrnd"", h., ",rr<nd"N
,,,,,,,01 af lho ~oJ~". ,11. pio",' ;(I' 11.>., 'h' bur<kft or rt"' ;"~ hi, pror<f ul< <)f III<
"S,"'i~f"' i 56.0!{1]lnl.
, , ..
In :II Mriel prodUC1S liabi lit y CiIS<:. il is nOt ".,.,<$<:11,· 10 prm'e ",hal
hum:lII error or machin. e rror , allSet! Ih ~ t!efcel in the product. AI·
t hout:h piu poinl iUG the c~u~e of I he defec t i~ IIOt rcquired. ju rors MC
:alw:tr~ intc"","l<.'d in 1o0w 1 1o~ prod uc! "'";IS nl JlI<;: ,,,,d why Ih~ dd~"C1
ocwrred . S"dl proo f is 1I(1f au c~<cnt ial c1emclI1 in ,I strict prooucts
liabilily CD!oC. Ihou gh. Rod Iherdore lens!ll)' &o;coI'ery i!; IlOt .......,<.$.
s;'ry 10 <:~I'bin why Ihe dd'C\:t hapl'Cf1~"'"
Oflen II mannfoctur~... wi ll :!sserl Ihat Ih~ d~fc~t <li<l nUl c~i'l In
the Plod~1 at th~ lime it " 'as ""ltI ami u:«: ciC'<:UII'ISI3"ri~1 ",ilk'itt
.. In pm,·" ii, II will ~tt"1H)lt In ~hnw Ibat tlt~ manufflc tnrins cnnliu ls
arc w gond 1)1~1 ~ def~""lil'c produ ci could not gCll hrcugh, In !.IIch
a ~illl:lliOll. dis<;o\'ct)' collecrni" G Ihe mllllllr:aClu ri ll S ~s j~ ",,<."S-
sal)', not In "'tabli ~h wh,,1 c.,act l)' did ",,,, ,,,, Ihe d cf""l, bU I In dCl e!'
mine e rrors could ha I'e occurr(d ",hich C'lIn'lCl! the u..{ l'Cl. I nfor·
m~ lion OOI,c.;,rning othe r ClcrCC1i,'( produ ~r ~ t h ,~, ho:omes i mplln~nl,
In show th,,1 dcfcct~ had pre"iall sl), ",-" ::,,,,,<1 d ~lcetion do rins til<:
," ~oufa~lII rin{: pl'O<''''~,
" 5«0 1.. fru",.,,\ ).I. f ri<dn';w, ....00\1011; Uobiri,).c"," )1).41(\1.11\1<10; Ilm;t«
19~!) ,~, prod"", ",fet)' n""" .,",,,,,,,
"s.";.,;,,, I ~6.clPIl4
""' ''''
"ROO. 1.1 ... 11. "It.\cnc~: (;lilO~:
h"'mis~ til)ll inlO th e raCI~ m~y ~ IIow Ih31 Ihe injured pcr~ m3de
pri or .IU I ~mcms us 10 why Ihe m:cidtl1l OI:c urrcd, and tht hi~ lri~1
or depo! ili ol1 I c~limon}' was ~l"nlcd 10 fit th e defect. The pl ninlilT
may hnv~ 111 :ld~ ~ I"temcnts 10 wiln c.~~'S , [lC li ee, nmbulnll<:c per.;on·
nel. n\Hr.c.~. dO::lor" or fri~1Id~ IIIal Ihe 1000cidoni happcnl.'d in 110111(
way which l~ u " rc1~ lcd to lhe defect.
II}-~·ntl$. The followinG rnets h~',,: bam IIIII:d 10 esl~hlish
:til i"f<:(,;:II<:o1 of " tkf~'CI :
" :-;""'n ' . ~tur W ", C"- 11! III. AI'I'_2~ 19. 1.61 S.F..2~ lO9 (1910).
" C. I,,,"HC". \\'. W. Ilobca:k Cn.. 4 t~ S . I'~ 2d 59S(M""... App. Ct. 1'.1$0} .
." M<ca nhy • • f\<Jriob Udd.. Co., 19S 50. ~ d 'XI7 ( 1'1:1. 0 ;'1. Ct. App. 19'4),
.. I t~n v, COR><Ilo:h"d AI~~'; n" n~ I",., la? So. U J IJ (FLo. Oill. Ct. ,\~ p.
,. Gill"pi, .'. It !). Womer Co .. 71 III, l d 311. l 'J l-U:_2<1 I"~4 (1 ~1~).
, ~. '
'''' . f SS.JlIIII
The dd~IKl~nt'~ ex""rl nm}' as. crt thllt a m~ n cOllld 1101 ~tand OIl
Ihe I~llllcr nPd eT~tc enoug li lo.lll . o bc'nd Ihe side" I-Ie rna)'
arCIl<: Ih:ol. therdore. ~'" oilier [or...., 1111151 have ...n "~ 'he ""till
of Ihe side tnil. 11le jury m:l)' conclude, a ll th~ olher hanll. that if
Ihe llId""r WaS made prop<:rly, t)", !.ide rail wou ld nOI h ."., benl, and
s ine<: it dill bcntl. il mllSl ,,0{ h.W( b.,'e R lI1:uk pfop:rly." Th o dcfell .
" alii m~y IC.'S liry \"'" I ...... ladder ~"Omplioo wi ll< nil al"~lic~blc Sill" ·
d:lrll~ and would na l rail un""r :I pa rticul a r load."
" D~'E'I' •. $.·""'cgllWl~ II,..... 0;,. , SUI'<" !oI lrttt .. 221 So. ! d I~ ~ ....·'" d, ...." .
lj.t u. 466. lZ) So. ld ~ 11 (0 . " rpo l\lli')).
Sc< al" V. Woll:"... i.,\;. cd .• 1936 Sool~ ~'n Mel """i" t:nil'."il)' 1"0<111<" LO.1bi~
il)' In"ilulO: lln'<r!ing Tr,nd. in 1',<><1 "'1 !.i."Hi'Y I.ili~.I ;o." ,I\. I I. J. V1T~(\,
"M""", _ Tho Mod.<,. Il. )· 1"'"""i~H IM. tllLeI" Ilt!.tkt 19~6~ .
.. F""" ."II ••Ih. bdd..·us.c. """'..., ofp!ia< uw••~,~ ""d lIJ>i~l~ " 0' ·
.~<, " .. h:on~""_dirk>o pri<>r r~ lh, .... I'!<-nl. and ,b. ~11 i",,,,,.,..,,, po,,;'..,I.,
(act< of ,h. ",ohl'HI. ,u,h ", ,I" [00 ""''';0., (or th" 1>o1,j" h,;,. tho "'P "r 'U"~
""'.I.ion of,b< uU,.. bi. n' O'·..",n"", , ,,, ti.". hi. hot:""·,, hi, "",.Ik>o "" tho 1IJ1' ,
(e.... """'0'.,1). <1<0" ....,..w .PII< iG
" :O<obrn , Sb., W g. C;>.. 125 m . AT',,!d 19.161 Kr~~d 20')(\910), '11.. pbi",i!T
brauglll,n ""ioo ' ioin" ,l\c ..11.,. "",I n",n"r'OI"«' ,>t. !:lOI!« to '"",W<f tl",,,~,,,,
/'" fo, ittj.,i .. h. , u'Jo ined wI,." I. ",,11'l"Iod, Th, "".n ~lto,.."" the p'OI'l<kn ' of Ih'
, d. r"nd .. t <oml" "I' to to':.!)' a\ on "1'<11 .. it.-<. lIil l ~\i "on)' l~ 'l If an< 01 the
Mmd.:!n'·, l.ddcr. cdtD('Oo«l ",m k1 115 pw ...... ,h... .,OK! ..... boon _ Inn,
~."",~ ,,·ilh h. '"Ired Ih. pl:.irtlilT'O~'" ,<1\Ii.,
i~ ~j, '.'·0'.
.. Collin! ". MOnl~" m<f~ \\·"d ,IoCo,.ll Ill. App.l<! to)?' J 1~ N. E, l~ ~70 {19 141.
nl< d,rO""'"I', <>PO" t ..dr,.... lhot the m.n on ,I" ... , «old coo ld!lC'! ,,,,,to "",ulh
r""", to _ a Iq;: ol tke t.<id" . - l ID 1UJlf'Of1 ,he ...'>Ifuld .
" Id
I. SU Q.lnn •. Sou,h ..,.. t Wood r,odu~", '", .. ~?' l '''~d IOl~ (Sth ClI. 1979)."11"
~I )in ~ T,"'.!: .... Th, <OUI! Ino""d . jodPlCn( [" . tbe ploin lin· ;n. p,od.' i< li .bjl·
;'1 """,a Iw.N en Ike d"'''' d<i',,, or . ..-'at 1Md.... The <Itf= In liflOl! 'hOI
"..... ,",
I ~.Olrll
{lJ 1'~nK!!;
(IL] Deffndnnls"
(ir-Selkr. r:.~ch ~(lm mcrdal5Clk:r of:. !~ddc r n' ~)" be lj~bJe
in ' Irict i"'roduct~ linbillt )· for" <l ~ f.."t irt Ill,,! ],,<ldcr." T hi. inch",1os
the fII~lL"r.1ClIlrcr, di;;t ribu lOf. r~11lil<:r. jobber. :u",1 :lIIy lither int er·
m..-dia ry in t he bu,ill1."s~ of !\\!lIiul! Ihc proou ..""!.
(H}- I.tUUl". A commcrcbl IC!<ro r of n product i ~ linblc fo r
l dcfcci in Ih. f'/"Oduc[. A c()mn"'rci~II<"»Or of a SC"~ffold is I ~~bh:,"
IL~ j, ~ le'~\l r of a bLcpbddcr," wh~rc the h.:Mc j, nOI n "a,lI;!l or il\()]nl '
~-d Irun)i:lcti o" . L~
,I,.lo&kf ,,,,,r..m.n! '" .1....<leo.... ..~nd..."" Th. pl.l1lIilJ ' h<t> f• •I<d '" ..."".
(I", , ll""'-'tb (li e bdLkr ,,,,,,pIi,d .d.~ otl ,<l.\.",,, OStiA , ,," iIl d.... ') 'l"" ~'nI>.
;( "'.,. "ill ,,"',,",,'nool)' ~."' ~"" "' ", Ih< ~"" bc-<,~", 0( il> <kfwi,'< d,,", ,, .
• , S"'I;<_,·",lfywp'" <b. t!. ··I'a.n(.. I I "ler....b n ' ~ H
., \'''''~o nl'"'\; ". Fnnl ~h'''''C",. ~I C,I, Arr, 2d 2-1S , j7 C.,I. Rpl'. M~ .l91 1'.::<1
11.$ (1'I(w).
OJ K"",l ••. 0 "" ... ~}(}S. W.l d 79-1 ( r •• . 1~}~). "Il1< pbi!l1irr ...... inj""" ,.·I>< .. be-
r,ll Ib,ou~h ,1" I~""d, "r" ,."n'lI<l "'hi'h """-, I,.",! to h..... ,(,1,,)'", h~ ,he " ,r.,,·
<1;\01,. Th, ..... lfold ,"'., ("" .... ,,> I>< <1<1..."\;"0 11«-. ,,>< it I""1l<>l d".. Ut''''''' "', II ..
_,d,. 11>0 •..,"' •• n;""n1 ~ j"dpn<l ~ 1M ,>lnrirr. b<:>IdinF ' h>< ."'" ..I• • ....u.
'" "'~''''' r"~ILL'" ;"I,,)(\u'od '''(0 0'
th, ,·10,",,01.< ' OInn ",,,,. ;, uri,,])· J;,bJ. r."
.... ,'" """,,,,I b)· "",h pm"" ,!> i f tM )' or< ",,,,",",,,,,,,Iy "' ,,\;<[Ou,
Su al", C""•." y. l'oIIlk It "ldi n~ C""""i,,,,,,, ~I l "llo:.,1."- 7~ III. ld 10. lll)
N.E, l,! ',!l (I"n),
.. S.v. ~." j~J"II <h. 2oi. • ·I',od""'_,
u . llility C-.. .. II i '1<.'f').:' In ",h' " .moll ..... i",..
d.. phlfon~ ",6d<1,1 m wln,h "". '" (10< ckr<n.I;m,. l>""" II>< I",,,,,, ",. ' be ~m •.
" ~lcCI.11i" ", Ib)',IlUro 1:'Juil,m, ",II,ntul CO " 79 Cui, Itptr. ).) 1, 274 c.l . '\pr,
l d 4.tti ( 1~69J. n.. r!>in,iil"\ ........-..koI. mlt<d ~ foldilljl .',""-'<0
'''T'I..Jd« from
,h. dcf<"~,",. II' hllo u,;,,~ i" he f<11 1'~n, " "<I' ",,,r II>< 01 '''I' ,b.
he•.,.) •• IId ,Ii,d_ Th .\,I, i".irr bro"~ ht " w".,~ful ,[<Jl h " I;'", u,I<I" .
I",IJ.,. hi' h;,;
Ib.",)· 31. ;a<l.1x ,lok",h nl.Io-_. COII,tIO<linJ ,1»,
d .. L>dd<r .."" .·=ko:J ,"'hm
.1,. dcf,nd" n \.,'<11 n . ..... II,., Ih. ' Iof.... <au,"", i' ' ~«.>11 .,..,.. ·I"I> ....... n b. ld
Ih"\ " ,.", Ihe 1.-"" ~'", <"p~«1 ill the b","n ~" "r ,Ii"'ihu'i n~ .oo.l,
to (~< publio .
• 1Id ,bu, .1>< "",' in, "3' , .~ • ,,"," 01 ," il<,I>I,,1 tC.1Il....,.io<t. 11", I"~" " ... " moJ
ill ,"-11<;", '0 &J-" ,be J'Iain,ilT". r~ j,",uucriun ....«t<d '0 .." ic\ liobil;,)·.
.. s,.,~,'",wlly I., F"""" N. M. Ffi«Jn" ", p",d "", U.,bili , ~. '", ~, ·· l l'~ "f
R...ik .... :ooJ :>'Iid;ll"""".·· ()I~lt b<w lko,d..- 1 ?1I(i~
'1 1101.&....' ' -. M o'n,.~ ~<ry u ' J"l ,\ t·.". 1... ~.~" .I ~~ (l Oll, Ci•. I~~9~ ,~plY" '~
~...., b .... Tho rbin"l f ,"",in", injurin .. k<n . h~ Lookl« h< .." . >I>ndi~s ""
bmko, IILm...;IIg him t" tILe ~",""d, h, "ffi m""~ the j"lg"'01 1l fn. tho ,I<f,,,""' ",.
11,0 ,~'"" ,,,,,«I th." Ih. ",Y"'t "'hl,h c.,,,''',, ' h•.'1<""1,,,1",.,.,Id I"", ..on di'<crn·
iW, _ Iy tO~" u P<" ufl<' J"11o""m~ ,,,,,-un(! Ib:o, il .."" """" ,.011.1>1. ,o o p«' ..
\1", no'''''.nuf,<t''' .... '<'''ik< kI ~ i,cm« ""h I,,,,,, d<i'«. ~
.'K ~~''''' l-'''' l~ _, Fl.",;,,, ,, W,,,d ,,,,,< C!),. 79 Nov, 2~t. J&1 P, l,! ~'I~ (1% )),
"SoN 1I< '''''~'!r L 1',"",,, & M. ~',W",,,,~ 1'"'<1,,,,,> L;'I.lit)·. ,b. ~ "!.i:.bilily ~ f
R" ';I", ""d Mid~r<",m. ~ t 6.0~( I ][c l (M' '' h. ... IkoN« 1~S6l-
"I(, .....~ ..." "_ y ,,,,,,I ,o 1' '''n''<ti~",,1 CM r .. I'rO<l. l.i.I" 1\<1" (cell ) ~ !~2'
1I).Il,C t 91 ~t
" John...... ~. Sl, .. b ,~ 110, ,,,,. I",i,,, Co..lH C~1. App. l d 331_ 79 c.t Rp... 19.
( I ....... ). 1 1K p\:J,utilT "'.. 'h" ...... ~ .... ~ra rI"'"',.,
" '00 dl",1 .. Ita, . ~. I• ...,.,.. h, ........
>l" "dj,,~ ,'" ",'" "r",~ ")'," 0,"'''';0" l"LlJ" ,I",'
,,,.xll•• ",<" km.n " '" ",i08'
SI", 1""1J ~1" u ""''''' ~I'ul ,I<ot " "", j,~, "pin" ,I, • • 1"," wILI<1l !o<lhl Ih , """"""" lad·
'~.' ''~
56-)1 l56.(l I[Jj
<I". ·n," ,,,,,"t ),Ck! 11". tho rlgnl"", ....0< " m<",bcr of tl", ,),,, of tllN tll.'1 ml.~b'
fm 'o<Jj,lll>< i ,~"r~" . Tit, _')oJ"
"1 ,,, h,id '"'" til< ",II " 0,"", ~ I.~.I dU l)· te u by.
; I"no". on" " b) "",,,.j~r "'' I"
r""" .., Ul1O" , ",i" li, bilily Ih<Uf}· if i, ..... fe' ....
,blo ,)"" h. mlShl !>, ;"jurN.
, . I I" o;l,il_n ,·.111"" W".·i<t.lo..·.. !IX! R.I. 31?1i ~A..1d 2~ (l~1 1~ 11", pt:.[~.
,iO· .", """~ a I:Id,k •• 0 ........ "nd P"'<"',..] ~ . 001h". ' 0 1",.1 ~ _ ,.."."
,II< bdd<J <,,110 .... 01 ~nd ,.., .... ,hro>\·n ,,, ,be 8,ound. '111< "'u" _tJirmN • d .....1
of 'he .r..-fc-rxb.,\. """'m. ,;" a dilTClni verdi" "" ,h. pou .. ' of 1"<~ of " ",il)".
n .. """" belt! 'kI' ,be pb;h';n'. Q ,lIC>t '" tbe homo of ,h. ..... ,"" ,,[II .. bddtr.
,,~< 3 ba\di",:uy of "Or""rllt;<I """'Rl~ aJ>llli<;tlrI. 10 .h. \;odd .. . ...... ' ''''h loc:
h... a rW<' ,. 1>tin~ . d:'M ...~"'" for 1"-'1Cb or ........ ". )· ogoi",. ' he >ell•••
" ~," :f<'l""n:II, <h. ll . ··I~<t'.1 ..,,,,,, ()( P(oodinp.··
"~"·~j",""'S l"Ol{ IIl~I·
"S,·c''''pn. , 16.oI[tll<lj.
"S,·,· ' "P'Q ~ lM I [lll~l liiil: lrif'~ i ~ ! 6.06. 5&. 01 [JI [I] .
OJ Qtlinn , .. So ",lo"·(iI \I",>(OJ 1'""l u",. ("0 .• 19i F.2d IO U (5tlo C:ir. 1919) •• prJ)·.
illS Tn", 1;.... I1Jin,IIT b,,'ug h' ~ rf<xluClS li"hili'l " ti nn "B,in" .. m~n"'.. l"r<r
,nd '<lOil<1. ol.lm in~ Ih .......," • <I,,"~,, ,1,1«. in lho ..·oxod." j,dJ"lh.'l ~otl, poed
"",I." him. Th. fI,,,n ."·01>0<1 ,t,.
jo'Y ,·..~i'l 10' ,I" pl.innIT 0. tl" I't<I<tnJ or
i","m.;,", "';,k",.. TIL. ~1>I . ri l"f !,.ol (,ikd , ~,oo,.. ,h". ~"'f'I' . ,~. looJ,J".,
,... ,."
! 5 6.0I r ~ 1 1'(101). I.IAI1. 1'llilCl"I CP. fi l· H)I;
1""" i1)· ft·"h ,11 ,,1"·>0 1 OS IIA "n<l ill d",tr)· '1. '1<J ,,<I,. il " ." "i ll """·,,,,,,,,,11
dons«"", ' 0 'h • .....,. 1>«>11'< ,,f it. <kf"'I;~' d.....~ ' ..
•, s.,,,,,,,,.,,,/I!, ' UP'" ~I,. 4. ··!""'<ti~.,tk~l."
. ' .\;.,. InF~ § 56.s.! ['IT ~ cbt.;kl:" of ","11<" ••-lIt..1'0 I"'·""tipl l~n .
.. s.,... 8<'I,,,,lIj 'U/W c~. 11 . -1'",<\"" Ii,,,,,,,, _ !'j,iOlirr, Vir... •• ,,,~I . h. 1.1.
"" I'"";h,,,r !;'J><'" - [)Of"" ", Vi .,,·:·
.~ ,,110 L """'= & M. F, i.;J"" .... 1'"""<,, I.iWili' ~·. ~h . l. ··,\b"~f...~.",,",·,
l.I.hilil )·!II ~·<.II ~""< . " I 2.2 b/2) (Ma"h.,,· Ik"<I,, 19S7), I I. K"r<,,,,j,, & N.
~Il<n, AII'''I,,"")··' G~id • •o lOnt;in...,ri~s . ~h . 2. ·' 10 < Fo'" .... U'" of F.n.unom;··
(M",, _ II"",... 19~t. S I)''''';j¢< i. 1"~rt I\oli~" .. cb. 41. ··I l.'!>c ~ l hll" ",,,y··
(M"IIl,,'" lkml., I%l )
l 6_l) LADm:RS AN]) SCAFFOI.OS ~ 56.01[51
II)' or l:tw)'cr (OIl!oUII:t!ioll. The (.\pert 1hould boo: subject to eolb teral
allacl: as l\ result.
Th~ expert will nl~o be subj~~t 10 'ross_c~aOlhl alion r~S;Lrding his
~po:cifie knowkd8~ or the dewi ]s of the ANSI ~lu n,.bnl s., CO Ll II1Clital"S'
d~igt>s, UL ~t :utd.l ...h. CI'5C in " cstiS"lion~ ~ntl "" lIly ot hel r:trtic-
Any le~ts performed by the c~pcrt on !l1 ~ i;ldder will \I(; cn rcrllily
!lCrutinizcd, and a Illinakc 011 Ilis part can r~llh in the di !>CrcdiJins
of hi$ fimJinS5."
In contrw;tto I~ Lkler expcrt~. K~rroid C.~P"rtli lend w bI: ~P'I-·ci.:oli!ru
wilh ~,affoldi"8 e.~ !,!, ricncc, rat h ~r than SCllcr:t1 cxpo:rt ~. T h ~rc arc
fcw~r ofthclll, but "' hen locatlld, their srx'l:i~1 ~.'po: rtisc i~ ;lppilr~l1t.
Th~ SL:3reb fe r all 1:..' 1"'01 depends 10 ~ Grea! ,,-'1<911 01. the 1)"1'" of
def~t! 3nliciplll~-d Tile t ~1'C of c~pcn I~r)' for a dC$i~ def~t
caik mny differ front Ihn t nCCtiili'U'Y r"r a Innnll r"c luring derc.:1CUSe.
On ~ 11111)' rc:qui n: n d esign ~ns:il\~cr. Ihe "Ih ~r u tesling ~ nGi!!cer.··
I! St<"i'll,a § %.04tloll~l .
.. s.,< 1 t. K"pmtoj" ,]: N. Soh.". All o''',y", Goi.l. IUEn~j n «,j" 5 .• lI. ~. -T)k:
t"u,",,\.ie U" '" .:,..,11«1'" (M• .,h...· llende, I~U).
'J j",,< ~Iy t.. F"' ...... &: M. I'riniftaJI_ .. "'....... , wh<li!)', cit<. )().01{~ht·
,,,,,,,' IItnd« 19i11 "" I"od . ... .....r..r ",. no$=onl.
t SMI[S] I'ROll. I.("n, I'llACnCf: GU lm:
u_",= object;". Ctil~ri" "",l r~'fI<lr l hi. find inGS t(l a jury, a I~'SI in s k,bo-
r:l10I')" ..... it h e.\p"r1"",,,,, in \afJd~r Ll-sting e;1II do ,II. j ob. Son~ laboro-
lori"" do " I(" ~ 1"';1;111( ofbdde l~ Ikon ot hers. S;n~-.: Ihe 10li llG criTeria
arc c~actillg, Ihe more c~l"'r;~I1Cc the InlxlralOr)' h:J.' wilh h.hkr I ~"I
ins, Ihe bell~r.
Au y lL<»>iblc n ~!lce bel \\'(....'1 Ihe Iubor~l or)' ~nd the dcfclldan\-
,";"'u faClt' r~r will h:t'-e It) be chock<:d. Wh il.: toborator1C'l "'hk h
" 'orl;: fer Ihe pnrticula r ....ofenda nl in 'I""Sl iOll r.Jw llld be " "oid.-d, D
l;obo r~lOry 5hould 1101 be ududcd merely ht..... U U 1~ il dOl" work for
manllfael u rcr~. Olherw; ~e. the onosl c~ !",ric"c.'d \('" experl. ,,"oll id
b<: exclild ed. In ndd ilion, bl)orn tories frcqucll ll y used by nmnufac-
Ill ron; l~Jn h." (Iuite PC,"Uru.if C ill roUr! ... ,,·el l :I.\ f(lr >ctllcm~nl pur-
Thc Yd low 1'3g\.'!; cOiltni n II Inrge !lll mber of l.:sl in g bl>QIm(lries
uuder th e l i ~lillg "L,bor~l o ri~~ - Tesling, " Urochlllcs from I h~ \'ori -
<ll~ labon 'l orif-s should bI.: obtninL-d.
l lte ..."u no~ o f Ihe p.'rtiell ~lr ~"'Iocrt ...t ,o wou ld be a<;<jgll<.~ 10 the
en"" " ,(>ult! be r~,iC\O.m_ The m:t1ibili ly of (h,n ~"'IK" i~ :.)1 impo.--
I~nl and C ~ "U O I be Icfl 10 11, e dcc;";",, () f lhe l~bm~l (l]'y. A ll)' I~bor,,
wry tll al req ui re. a relaine' or f~e befolc id eillifyin!; tir e c ... pcrl 10
hI! a"ignee! ~ r. ou]d be 'l\'oitke!,
After ;mer-'wwing Ihe "pen, Ihe Il!:'il~ II) Ix "" nl)rIlINl m 'lI! be
....,,·ic·wc:d ... T he Il-chn iqllt m u.~1 be ooru.;idc ..'<1 fr(Nll ,I k-j;., I !'<'f'5p«-
I;vc. Tile I)'pt: ~nd melli-oil or 1,"01. e::mnOi Ix Icfl 1(Il hc c~~rt. Th e
l:lwy~r .hould.upcr\,;,;c Ih e IcS(' , n nl~", Ihe 1C!i1 .~polrt is Iml)' Up"-
ricnccd in Ihe dl!lai]s of Ihe ANS I .la1\II;Ird~. The 1<)SlinS Jl.oc~dure
"'ill b<! scrulinir.oo «(I (he 1~ ! 1 delail Oil cnl!..<·.,ami" Miotl, ~nd Ihe
"'--"'11 11. ,-3" II.: coml'lctd)' ,1il;cI\,t1i lctl ir ""or)' d . 'ail is nOl perr<:Ct .
Ollen, (~flC ns do nOl :m' ieiplll ~ Ille e~lc"l () f Ihe er"'....
c~amirl:llioll Ihey "'ill be Whj.:cl 10 conccm h'iI Ih. dc lail s of
1,... 1,. Mos t tesling enginee.s I!nYC limited cXIlf:rkn.. in courl . T ho,e
.. ~',,, j~fro ~ M 0->11 oJ!. Jf.,. J j...-. " ;~n of tbe "":"' ..1)' of "",,,,,,ins ""Ii"" to
Ix- p<Tio,P..... h1 ,i>< "'1'<1' ~, od d •• •..:hpiq"" ,0 bo u><d. Thd~'"Y'" <a ... '" dd«
." 11>:: <.'1'<" . ";nf~ .he 1,,,)<, ~ nd .he <>p< rT p,oIuhl, h.~,-c a d;ff",.". "ft~.,,,.noI ·
ilL~ of I ...... ~ '''''''e.<."miJ,,'ior, ,." c.'I'<.,·,
In.,,,;, "" .ioL..,.
"",Iit>il;'l- 1~ '
s.:',' "l~, R, I J.,I>",11. Aft !'f Ad,·,,,,,,,>,, C"",· ",o",i"",i"n or Nop·),1,dk,1 !:x_
l" '" (M"" I",,, 11. ",k, \'J~71
Ii $4.01[51
lhm do have urcricnce ill co url ICOO 10 be l..-ss careful abl'lul ,be
d emil , of dlc~r lc"foti nS.
il\ ;,<ltlilirut 10 not r,o:tlizi"B lhe w:cc:ssity for alt.iu;n, pcrf,-a <;(1111-
pli:l" C<! .... ilh the technique'1 of the AN SI I~SI~, engineers
be awn rc of the cvidnnia ry i mpli~ liDlu of Ihdr acliOIl§. Th~ cI1uic~
m.,. nel
,,.... ''''
~l 6
To 100.'''' <: ~n u JXn ill ~ ulI,,-,,~il )" rounscl sllnukl ca ll Ihe EIISi-
II "c"fiIi S Dc)lanmciIt at d ie ItIO'\l r~pu lnblc ,;.el",o! in [he nrca and n ~k
Ihe DC[l,1rIItl crll C hairm:m wb orn he c~n re"''' ''' Ulcn rl. Mo:.l [lrme-s-
!IO'~ , ';IQ do rol~lI l1i,,& work ill thri. il r~I of C~JXrtiM:.
'Th ei r nan"", ~ "d affilialionls are liM.:.1in the Fo rew:m l 10 the SInn,
dard .,
X"/ ,,,' C<HlIl!o:l ,hoil id coUl aCl fIl cmbc ,~of I h~ Suh.:mllfll iucC'l, If
.h.:}' c nlllOI I""lify. II. ~~ nOi likely 10 be ~'!o'l1Ip:u1t cl ic 10 Ih" c au5C.
Ihey .hail le! be " , ked r,,{ lite n~fl\e> of ~x.p<:rl ' .... ho ,,~\ i ! l ~rl lh c Sub·
~'om"';u ~c. '>\I ch ,... by perf",,,,i!!!; tellS whi ch "'~'Te r~ l il."" "pOll b)'
Ihe Subo.vmmill«, Com n';IIca< tls!l.111 )' :lw~ ,d !;r.m l' 10 i rlllepclld e~ 1\
[<'Slill S 1;lbor~ tori.,. o r II!l;vc rsilic, 10 h ~ lp <:slIIbl;,h Ih ~ ~l~!I(I,'rJ,
r:r~qUO:Il1 Ly tm: "e~""fI '!I '"'LIC"" m 001 On Ih~ S" brom miu«. bUI
"'3' C<)oU:lc t<'(1 :11'" 'IM.-U by 11t ~ Subco mm itt ee,
O.j-Autll/lrs or nook, ".
A 'lid c~. If a .... ril ing is discoVl;fCd
Ihm SIIppcl.Is to.",..:r~ position. o r t h~1 d cmOlI'\l rdl"" C~JII'rt;,;e, Ih .
uUlhor ~h"u ld bo "(M I1 ~ ~tl"t.
(vJ- RelcrHln: lIoo"'~ l&r t:.p('"$. Th" (0 1l0>0'in8 booI:..~ a r"
for Ih . purpose of ",,;.1;11£ in identifyi nS e nginec"; ng e~l"ln s :
(I) T he Fon"' ~;c S<:n ·kc;. Di rcct ory:
(2 ) Dire..:t,,!'), "f EIII:; II ~Cr>. in l'ri\'''I~ Pract ice;
I"'"OER.'> AM) SCA I' I'OLiIS f 56.(lI[5[
{~l-Dcslgn DerL'C1 c.'\S(', The: same: !oOurces IMI are: us.;d 10 " .. d
:UI c.~P<'rt in ,\ mUllllf:o<;lurillgll eftXl case ~all be u.'cd In a dCl ignllc,
f..'C1 c~,;..t. The dirf<'l"l:lIcc is Ilml in :1 ,t..'Sign <It:fl~ C':lSoI;, il II f\CCes5o;lry
10 eslablish Ih;1l UII ent ire model line is derective. II m~r even!:.: lice,
"'liar)" 1(> ,,,,tnWi.-.h lholt M elltire inou, lry. 0. 1110'>\ of all i"d u~u'Y.
hOI' o..-ell 5dlillg a <lcfecti\'c proouci.
T ho: jury will Ilwrcfo r" ~ ;05"~ 10 decide Ih~( pbin\ irr~ e~pert
right und tlall chi~ f eJl g; lIccr. <I f lII:ijor compallies arOl wnlng. Thus,
the (lCtr.u:W \'c :loot'I;..... of lit . ':~""r! ;Ire more ~rilka[ in it dl$ign de-
f':': l C'l~C.
;"";.,,. ,n ,he ..a••,11k ""'ld. " .. . ,be ..iI/<. PO'''''''';'' '" ,,,-, ~ ""o1 , ,,,",,,,,1;,,
l1l:I11>: of j ...·~tl<lbl< ,""Uo= '" ' be I';,. ~r b ro; ,100 "''''''',. ' l'<"io6<1. ",. Ibe
other ... nd. " "'1 ... )""'1«1 10)' o<cup.mDfl.1 '''f<>pi.o.''
.. T he I run.,,, I''''' ...... 50.:,.. f Di",,~u,)' and h ••boo/.: "a md"ul <"." ~d; "'" ~f
f'OC"",;oI j,"",." foc"," <'r«'~ II c.,,, ",. ~b<>l.",,1 r,ORo;
lI un, ,,,, FIIOtn .. So" dc'f'
1',0. lie, 1M,?
S,"' ''' M""l c' , C"I, ?(WOO
s.,. "I,., ~i'c" "~"' "" hum"n f",,,,,.. "'I"" 01" " "Tn'" cf I),r",·","
5'<\' "I.", Xo'ff"'GIIy L ~r" '"'' '" ),1 . Frir.l "",,,. 1',"","", Uobil;ly. ,·h. l. -M "n~ '
'",u...." l! .bl l;'~ in ,..<tI;r<D<e.~ t u n I~la"b<oo u...1Ikr 1967)0 I I. K ~r< ...,d"
.t ,... "I~"' OC} -, Guide 10 &lVn,,";"!;. ~h. I I. - r ooms;c flu .... n F",,,,,,
Eol";"«ri"l· ( M,,,,_ u.:........ 1'I46l: I: l-l<Co,nllCk. Ilu"",n F"""" ' ;nsi,,"';ns
{M cd. 19'rot, D, 11n...,,_ S)~lcIIl> A ", I I~l, ""d I k\l~n,-.... Sor Ci}' ( 19l'(ot, O. ~b ,_
\lull. s..rel~ 1:"'; _ "'1: (19i2t. W. 11" " "'<1. 1'''><1 1/0.1 S, 'cly , Old En~ I""';"~
(1 900)_
I "'Jl I)[[l.~ ",,'1) SCAF~ ()I.IlS
TIo< (, .. dl,.," 0' .j, ~ lad..."., I~ ' ,I . . ,,' .. I. I. i", uo u' ",,,",.tiy
10 Iad .......-.. TIl , ..... brlg'" .lIl oh •• OId"'I ,1», 110< 10 ...... ~ ~.
dor..·" hc 31 1100, ,im . .. , ,ho: """ .....1 t... d nq' II ",.. dd<tO'" .. 1Ic~
"",I• • Ao'~""" "'tom .. ,«h"'.,.
h,ol<. Iotf... u... fl r, ,lot
,,"',"or. ,>01
lOll '" ",10« 0( ' 100 I"""'"
,.... ""O"i,," i, .. 10<110.. ,ho fo~
<:ou.".~ ~ r 'h, M.h. !f.•.• d,I".,h,1 ",'lor ,. ...,"". ,"" f.1I <ou",d
• ".,....-If "'""" /1<0" '" h.<:tIo •
.\l i......... ~. "" ,,.,,, <'Oil'" 0( . toold" orcl<l,n( . ... " .. om",,". If. J1{d)'
fo.,.,. It. di"'">::r!iod ,.1.". il Ih, .. I~ ~" .. bt-o. u::.~'d ... ,d 110 ...,lot)·
f":r ,u," .. ntold h~,< pr" •• ".~ Ih . " ,dtk .I.lh ... ~".r''''""r'' ~ ....,.
.J I,."'" . ... Uol •• II . ~ 1 .lil r d..... t\:>..N ..." •• I ~ _~ ,.. by
_ ... O~ III. I .. _I, p. b;' fW\!I l ~....., ..III . .... 1'1: hio; «<0"'" if II
00"",,11••,,,<\ I•••• ,;1I\I11oe oo"ik ... I. 1Hd... <:t«'<. ,h. dofon d... 1 f •• •
q • •• lIr ""'t,od, IIr,~ ,~. pb'.I;rr I." hi, ~"Inn' .. " .,',,~ Iho ladd"
'" ."I1 . ....,.od I~" II•• l""tIe, II•• • ,.fk ..d 'M ......J'io. In ,~ ~ f.'Il.
"'L~blisl, wilh l·o:Tlaimy. The tlef. nlb" l will (lff~ r ",·iLlcIlI.'t: 1),:'1 I h~
kHldo:no (LIe in sp.:~lcll prior 10 r.alc, :L11 11 lhal Llle in sp.:eti"n incl nd l:!i
all eMHuinUlio n of the allegedly (k;f~cli " ~ pan and !CSIS OIL o:"np l~
unils. h ir. li k. I)· 111~1 the del'cud a" l sdls LII any ladders, :",d t h Cf\' fm e
nUL), 11<)1 be ;Ibl~ 10 ~hol'o' proof '" in~ [1C,tion of I he Indd~r in 'lu~"io n .
AI"", hi , .nlpl!"!)'",,;, UI.<I)· not rc""all ~uch nn inS)1<.",,1ion. The j~ry ",ill
k :l\.kcd 10 infcr lIIal, Ix=.u>c al l I:Ldllct$ are i"'1""-1<:<1. Illis b doo
" .... il1<p«:lro. :m'" !oint.'(" il m ",;1 ha"'; pa~s,:d the i1~~~lion. it 0l 11S1
nOI hll.~e be.:l1 t .... r=i' ·e.
The pbi lilin' ,,-) 11 afg u.lklt II..: dcfc ndanl's mult iple ~ ..\um plicns
o\·.:rloo],; :111 illlpo rWn( fact of lif~, ~~r.en lbl)·li nc ..... orkct$ :'rc fallible
nnd nlak~ uI I,;t"k~"! ,
Th~ only direct proof Ihal Ihc b ddcr Wa~ defective wh.u sohl
..... ould l>c W5I i'llOIl)' Iha, 'Onlconc irl ~JlI...:tt:d i, " nd observed Ihe d~·
fc",,1 al (he I inlc <lfsal~, HO'H,...·cr. t h ~ !'urd,a scr wa ultl ho.\'~ Ixc~r un·
.,tcll· Itl bll )' ""d Ill" retailer u nlitd)' 10 sell Ill« bilik .. if 1 1k;~' oh.
M'TYro a Il~f~...'\. Ndth.... Ihe rel:,;kr nor Ihe purchaser C. D bddcr
cxpcrl . I" ""WI ,;;,5\."" lhey l"c~ 110", ~kilJ 10 di""'nI a <.lef•.,;! ~l Ihe
lime or s ll e. (lhh'lugh a" nrgumel\\ C~ II bIl lII ade thaI !he Mailer
.JlOuld k'IOW ,,00111 !he producl he ~~I1!. noth the felaikr :md the
purdmser Jr~ oper.lli,,!! under Ih ~ ~an! ~ n'Nl ll1pti"", Ihall h ... mU ll,,·
f~CL\lrcr j, op.:r.lling Ulllier- the b~d~r ,,"mLid nol ha,'c Gotten
Ihml1t:h the m:umfactllrillg l>r""c,,~ jf II w~c dcf,'<:li,'".
Th<.'f"Cfore, p[aill ti trs I'roof Ill!ll ,he Ikf"':l \\";. j I'rc:><.~'1 at I he lilli e
of II.... l.1tc m il_II be cin:lun~l a .. ti:1!. 1r;"i"J; the b,iller ""dr.: tt> the
1Il311"r:OClllrc r ~ lltI s ho",;ng Ihal Ihe llo:f~"C't W:I.' nOl c~u""' b)' 3Uy
in!ervclling ~cL. No> 0 "" pcr~on ca n ~ccuun1 for e"cry """"n d o r Ihe
hodder's li k If the 1)"l'e of defect "'''rranl ~ ii, the p urdl :,,,,r, a ll }' !It·
tC[\'clli"l: o,," n~r:>, ~!ld Ihe \,Miou~ "~~rs or the ladder should be clll kd
In 'i.-;Iif}' rllu\thcy did not clwnge rhe ~onditio" "f Iho I:ld dcr. Th~
imll1cdial~ prior ~ s" ", and Illc I,binl iff, mllSI d~"<;crib~ lhe conditi on
of the rek "am po n ion of Ille lnddcf illllnedia tciy prinf to lh~ il~ci·
The ,·.[1Cfl m u" gi" c his 0 l'in;on th;,I . h;l~ o n his c'\;am;" ll i'" 1
of 1" 1.' ladder, his c~p.:ri,'I("1: wi L" bdll~rs. his kJOowkdgc of l he m~n·
nf~clu .i "g pro.:~ ~1\d Ihe 1"",;mOll }' of Ihe "Ihet wit nL"'....... 10 !he
flriur u"'" a nd ..."lIdili.lIl " r the la<kJ ~r, 1he ~llIder'. condiliotl h~d 11 m
~h:l1I g"d ~in~e il w,rJ wid by Ih e 1I1 ~l\ lIr:":LlIrcr Imd lhal il ,,'n., tk-r,-c·
j 56,O!l I)
lil'l: at the lime il "'''~ .wld. The jury C":UI II,C"I' r:tlllc!ullc Ih.. l lh" Ikf",-,
..-:IS (lI"doI:". m the lim ~ uf Ihe sale. '
TIlt: def", dnnl mil>! :1110111(>( 10 idcmify rom. chonge ill the 11Itk!: r
oillct: il~ li.ale n n ~ Iclale Ih ~1 change to Ihe cauli.e of I h~ ~cc!d<'!It.
The mere ra<:1 Ih ll , h. b dtler w:It. do::fonned .. flo:r Ihe ~ecidell\ doo!s
IIUI gil" rise 10 no In fcrcuu .hl il wru; d.fonned before Ihe ,ea-
(km. ' If Ihe proof i. <'q\lu ll )" rons;"tc'l! ,lIal Ihe dd~t!i l'e roodi .io n
r<!';ulicll fro nl Ih ~ !':tn, n verdict for the plaintiff 111"Y ~ rC'·cllol..J.'
' X<. <.K•• W/oi 'i" , _. Ch.""""'c·\\,hi,.",.n Co., It>l A.D. ~J~. J6 :':-" .S.2~ 4
injIo,," ..
(1'1-42 ). A " X>/"<, " ..I0Il h<-tI, )0<14« I>j, ,""lr ~'l"<T boup" I,,,,,, ~""<"!o.I' . I·'
di" ri~ "lor ~IG~ . ..·hij, "" " '" ~""; \1. Th. ""' .. 01>11 ..1 ,h,l.h< !tUfI~r"",~,<, onul.l
be h.ld liob!< If ~""')' " •• "'..., ,, in , h.I>d1l<: wborn il k l' ,/or. ''':1''','
~"d ,Ioi.
<kc.>y .. vukl bo •• bono Ji.,.;:o'W<"<! ",· •• """, ",,,,,,,,tim a. ,h.1 un', .
• Ii.>,~ ' .. 11..0. W.." ., C .... ~ I'H'.ld 11lS{irlh Cir. t 9W).'I'I'I)i", Midli"n 13• .
A l.doIn" wtt.P""I and rd t .... I"" pWllulf .·b ~. lor. ",.~, in""nin .... 3n("" .... ""
,lor. roof or. h""... TI,. rWOliIl""H'...,.. ' .... tir..... th.( .wo.m.,..... In d,. I.>old • ••
"'hich "'Of< «>·<.10\1 "',.. ;, r,11. "''''( b••·• f'«o<dcl . nd " "<"<110M'" fQ, tho ""llJro<.
Th< ""uri held Ih" ,III. C,·I.Im: ••100 , ''''l\ in,.IT""""' r<>r lho: JU I)" '0 ~~d thOl
'ho f,1I r","II'~ ,,,'"' '''1 dd,;t In II" """U'OC,o", ... clo.;gn of Ih. l, d<k"1 ~>u\<"
;1 r.,iktl (0 pro"" ~'LI<JI " ~",,,,!i on 1><''''«0 ,u,h dorM .,I<!
,b. 0011.,...,.
> Hon" " ,'. milt. J4 ".D .2~ !Og, )$J N.Y.S.ld 51? (1~7J). Th< I'I' ;I\llirw ... in·
jU!<d;n "',,II fttl", "n 'lk~,,!ly 11,"«li ,·< 1. 1d<J". Th< 'l'pdl",< <Ji';";'H' " ,·.".eoJ
,I" 10"""' ,',,",I'. jlldJm"n! ;1\ (,,,or o{ I)", I'bin'iff ~" 'h, fro'Hod ,II,,, II" .,i<l.,,,,.
1'''><10",1 hy Ih< ftI.,i,mfl" ...," "'1",11)' ,,,,,",,.10'" wi, h "fi ndi ,, ~ ,hot II,. ... f.OI ;"
lhot la"<I<, ".'" <:.".. ,! h)' ,I,. r,1I ''';, ".., ,,·;,h. r"od;"~ Ihol (he d.f..,1 I" IhC la<Id. r
<.",,,1 'h, f.u.
l'nOIl. ).IAn. l'IIACrJ(; ~ (WIDll
c~me fi~,. the tkfoml~t ion or the fall,· ' nlc m;, "cr i~ then rc:soh'cll
by Ihe jllry.
rOf eumpk the pli,'ntiIT mal' t~~lify thnt he oo..os 110t \.:no,""
whet her he fell 0" Ihe ladder. or the leg of tile bllller lx:111 and then
he fell. Bill ht ~ r.x:.11 that he fdt m()\·tm~1I of the bddcr befOf'l:
li t fel l. The JUT)' c<>uJd tonc!mle from th •., 111:11 the leg buckled or
.lip"•.'d. or both, cau~ng the pl~i ll1irr to fall!
[c}-Violation of Sludard." The ,·;olalion of:\ n,nndato.y Til-
qU!r~ncnl of a ~1~ lI da.d permils the JUT)' to dct<:fm;nc t hat lhe ~ rod
IIt t "-as dd·cctiV1:.' !'Dr cxnm plt, whc'" 1h" A,mricun Sl:lnd~ rd ~.1.rCly
Coo. for J'orlablc Wood Ladd ers rcqu irc"ll lhnt all bdder~ have
m~1:l.l spT¢:ldefS, Ibe o f a ...·ood ~ptt::ldcr ~mlillC'd 'he jury to con-
clude thai th., IItfcl1d~nl'~ I~ddcr lach-d ndcfjunle slrength.'·
Till: de;isn of m:m)· laddc'f!i fCCt.-i" do lhe c<:nific:llion of ~ ppm\"U1
ofth.: U"dcrwrittl'S Lnl>oral ory (UL), hl<l;c~!; !1$ !hn[llie bdd., r <Ie-
~8J1 com plic. Wil h Ihe UL M;I!1d:1rd!lo.
Any ~(Irr~"'pOl1dL'f1t:<: \)<.'IwC'C!! the UL oml the m;lIluf~~lUrc... ;.~
Dflcn ill fo rnmliw. For c~ lunpk. ill unc in ;,mnl"l:, Ih~ L' L i" fo rmed
Ihe dcrt"d:mt·ma "llf~C1l1rcr Ihal il ,,·ouk] ,,·;, hd rnw il ' ce rtiliC"lli'Nl
if" ~Cflilin dc\i~1l
dliUlgc were TlOt m ad c. The l·orn.,;pondcn~~ wa.,
immdu~cd in c,·i dell"~, rmd plUli lh·c d~m~g", V;t.TC ullilllatdy
;,wan kd " p illS( (he m~m,f:>chlT<:r. "
[d]-CoRlpl i(l nce with S tnndard." Evidence of cnmplian ce wilh
a >Inn d~rd b adJ1l ~,--.ii>lc W PflWC Iud: of nesli\.'t:llcc nnd Ihal Ille lad·
<.It ' ....~ not d&":liw. Hnwe'..... , Ill(: \I.·c');hl 10 be accorded Ihe ~"Ii ·
lienee or
(;(l illplia ln."c is for (lie jUI)·."
T he be l Ihal " b dd(f 'l1~e,s It..; :lp« iliC"lliQns of Illc AN.!) ] 01 V L
sianda rd. d Cl<:S nnl L"Slabll <h , "'., ma ile r ,lI" law. ,h ~ bddcr'~ ],ock
uf ddeel. or i, s lilncss or m Clch;11111lbilily.l'
When an ~I""rl ''''Iilies lhat Ille bdtkr wa~ dcf~"CIh..." a qU~"SI in ..
Ilf fa~t ~xl'l .. (,,""s pi le K"S limnuy (hal I In: la dder meciS Ihc app lic;lb lc
m ini mun ' &1:md"nJ~."
'I C~ lI " .1! , .. A",,,rilh, 110 ,.1 ..·,,,, C" .. 1:6 K"". ~"! . 001 P.l<! U ~& 11 ') ~ 9J. Tho
j ur y ,,",rd," ,I" rl:.j,,,Hf SI !.lOO ill p<Jni,i,·< <l"rtl,,~.,. n, ",,,,,1 ... ," "!~"~ I " n
~p l".1 l .
Il <:"lIin". ~J""I.<''' 1<ry "".,,!,'< ("0.. 11 III. Arr . .1.1 I OJ? ) l~ N.E.ld bJO(\ ?J4).
1'1",11' ill" bw<ov.,
all ... Iion .!(.llll" ,I," n,..."r""' Uf<' ~"d rd';l« '" ~ bJ~« h inju.
fk.. ho ""'"""'" I" ~ r~1I f","" "",OCld ..·IIkI, ,,~ . '~l'I"ft «l ~). t .. n "'; ..... , '"
II" 1,,,l<k l. Ild<mi.,,,,·, <.')1<11 ~ill"" t<"' llro,,1 tl", Ih, "", lL. " "'"" Ih< ,.,n",
,",,,Id "r I,M" ,lL~~·«I
'IL," il ~o "'rl""l ~ ill, ,b. UL C"k TI" '",,"" al ...... <tI ,h;'
:n aid<>t«" ,n "" ....;, .... .. .." ,he JUTf in ~"<fminin, w.... h<! ,"' Ilddn' d"';';"
".1, ~,rM i,·" <l<" '"~.
So·" ~!1>J ~'M<l.'lt"'" , .. Wh ile M"ol R~IIiL\tI I< S,.,,"t'; L1! C"'J'.. '$ 11"",,1,. 10 ~::9.
·ISJ 1'.:.1 61~ !19~).
" ' !.nOn"," , .. 1\1"" w"",·,,· ~. 1"0 .• I rot! JU. J I? 1' 5 ,\ . ~d 2(,1 (19 7 I). Tho plioi o·
lill" ~a, u,ln_., I,,,!.!,, ..·hid, "." ,...·,,,d ,""I p"""'",,,1 by ,,,,,,b.;,,~ !'lin' ~ I.,.,....
"00' ,bcl:d.l" ........ ,...-d . nd I,. "."" ,1,,,,",0 ,,, III< pOlllld. 1bc """" oil·"",,,,
,I", ju~ ~ ~ "", ro, 'he rI";l11 ilT " "" <1...;"1 tof II" M ,.don!", ",I~~~' (," • ,I,, "" t<~
" "IiOi. TI", "~,,, "'~,,! !I"" the r"" Ih ," ,I,. lao tic, "1<:1 all 1)'0 ' r<o;ir"·,,.wlS uf
' h, '\m";.. .... SI,n<l"d ~r.~y (;ude ~id ~"i r.t,bJi<J. '''" ",• 11 ... of b w , 1\.01 ' hc
I.tlder .... ,,, fur ' he onlin.<)' I"'<J"'><"'> fu, "./ticl, l.dtkt>. "'"< ~><d.
" Id.
s, .. ~l" (',..!tio,'. j.\n",p)mr,y W.,d.l: Co.. 1 1 11l. " PI' ~d IOl7. } IS :-I . F..2 ~
610 {197 '~
,.." ,,',
I'IIOU. 1.1.\11. 1'/t.\C/lC I: GU IIU:
Th e fne[ lhat the d~.,;i Bn of Ihe lad.J cr ilIel the o\:III<Janh , "lid lh lll
it ~h"J.I)d not r"i ) under 1)1l: C(lIIdilim)5 :IUe&od. I!\~Y be 115o;U 10 ~.... a'"
li.Ji Ihm Ihe bdd~'r in 'I1I<">lioll oon l~ ined a nl'IIlUf~clUri rl$. d . f<:<;I ,"
[n)- Laddc!r Uan,.. ilabl" f", T,i ~1. If docrc i):l. d efeet in 110. Ind.
(kr whk h is visible, tilCjllry wil l W:lIl1. to..:c ii , The p)uin lifl'~hou l d
idcmifr the ladder Mid I, ~~; I 10 cxphti l1 his l~'limony, Tll ~ p];limirt's
Cllp<n ("~n III .., u.e the I~ddn 10 dcmm'~ml\c hi~ le'II iIIlOl' )' 10 .be
jury, COnll"'ri ro!\ o r Ihe 1;I\ld".,. in '1 ue4ioll ..... ilh au id~nli\;nl IlHxltl
nwy be n[lpmpriJle [0 , 1m..... a man\, rOCl uring ddcct. Cmnpariron nf
lb e d •." igll o f (h e ):~ ... in 'I 1I ''''lioll, or nl' ~n idcmic~l Illood, :1110.1
Ibe "IIfcr "lI erll'II;~C' da;ii'u n"'y be ~1'[lroJirble ' " uemo"~' ''dtc :I tIc-
'; SIl deli'CI ,
Somdimc'S Ihe laddcr ~a lln Ul be pr,,-s.ern-d OF ~rodll<!~'d by Ihc
plaintiff, It i~ no t CSS<"n 1;~ 1 th:ll a pl:t;mi fr o:hibil Ih., ladder 10 Ih",
jur~' al Ihe tri~l. l ·l1lcre mlly be tmlllY rc",;on ~ for iI. ~b$<.'l1 ee, l flh~
ladd~r h~. been de'l roycd, wn~ nol. oll'lIcd by Ih e pla int iff :md Ih e.-.:,
for~ ~uuld am be ' el:lincd, or WiI' IU flh."d o~c, hy Ibe ""',,c r 10 il~
;n, uf:nIC" rompall)', til e jlla;III;fl' C~lI not be r";l"ln,ibl~ for in ab,
Prior ~ imilar accidents arC admissible to eo; l ;ob li~h the pr(seile.: of
~ defect in Ihe d"";gll or m~nuf"ClilTc of the laddcr (lI1d to ,how tha t
Ihe dcl'cnda" l ...·3,; 0'1 no ticr of t he defect;,·" condition." Su~u enl
"S.~·, ".iI.. ,Im_ llov. 5, ... An", I IN,IS (l9i :!~ C~1tI R... ~to1. J lJ·ll-1Gl
ISuPf', )9~6),
" ". A",,,ill,, 11 ••d~'.rc Cn .• n' K:m, 63 1. r,o~ l'.2d I J:!I; "? 1 ~),
tirr . IN ...."" iDjurin ", 11.n the todd« he " 4' " 'iog io a r '''I'<f OCUl_ >Uddrnl)'
d" " ,f, mb", ",,' jn ""kl... di"e~,d <>f Ih . pl.,inlifr, ,11'!.1> b)' nol u,;,,~ 'h< ne ...
<k~r;n .~tli«, ,\ , . """Ii,
, I" pl,i"'i fT "",. mli!I,,) '0 pun;Ii'."' ,",.11 "" ,,'uoi
. . ,~. ~ I<I y. Whit< ~1 <1" RoDinl &. Stompinj: Cort>-,lO m . API" 3d "H, )lJ
to." .E,2d ' l ~ 1 ] 'I7~~ i't..inlilT .viT<,«I mulliplo r"'''lv,,,, .. brn. """t:..Id.,
I><n"I!. 111",. In" p",d u~l> l;'lt~lit)' a ";~n ng,in\1 ,I>< ...,U.r "n~ n~,"" f"' l"r<r. , h.
c""" "'01«1 Ih,,' .....';.I<t"'~ ofd",ig"; orl.,.td. " .ub« q,,,,ntJ)' "'''",!''''
b)" II", 01,[",,·
,,",Ub " 'l> odnti>.>iblc. n", ,..,.,ilrililr of U""I~ ",cb d<';.n, .. ' he time '[, h. pl>in.
tiff". :u:oiokn\ i<a <I""" ;"" ""-"\' '''I: ,It< , 10 I>< l""~ .1>< .......11"'" "'" a <1""'-
,;"" Jd .. i n ~ 10 i,. :Wn,i,,,,,<Jj.y,
"5.,( ~'·'k',.II!, L, "run"".!.; ,>\, Fri,d"" •• ]·mducl.>i)j.),. ch .~. "Sn-icl U.l,.oi\·
it),."i }.0411]("1 (Moltl .. " I"",<k, t~~~l ,
" !jo"~II<'~,""II" 1..1'r~ ,... , .\ M. Fri..-.J",,,,,,. I'ro.l,,,,,, 1.(:jb; ~t1.C~. l . "Sui", Li,bi ~
"y.- t l .OlP J(b] f~"""- Ilcodcr 1~56).
" ('_""<11,-. ,1m,,,,,,,, lu Rl"·,,, Co.. 116 II , ,, U J. Wll',lol n1 6f]9~ t'l.m-
,iO' "",,,in"" i "juri,~ "'h'n ,I", 1:><Jd,,~. ",., u,,"~ in" P'''r<' ",.nnor ,ud"'.I)'
roll' f"<d. Ihm,..;"~ hin, 10 tho noor, The Sup«m< C("'" <>f K,,,,,,,, 'ho
jUf}" . S"'", nf PUlt ~i ,,~ ~ .n•."'~ "" 111< H" ~U{,"'Ur.-r f cd 1... 11 w. lOl" ,de<! ,h. pI,i,,·
rid·, ",h.. t>y C'QItrifUJ"', 10 ItlMkrl . 1K b,W" ",-m atkt it ..."" pot' on POI;';" of
,Ite d:tM,., 1>r .h. l·nd.r"'f~"" bbo.-"o,;"· ....... nd tQ' "",a:ti,e n.., \u,o>,.oo
~' .. loa" five "'h<r ';n,,\.>r ,><cltl,,,,,
,n, ~h jn~ bd,1c<-\ or
Ih' <am< ~>C."<ld,
~ 56.0 lIZ1 1'llOll. UAIl. 1'I(,\Cna; G\JIIJE
similu r <IC'cld",,,s ar.; ~dmi~ibk 10 pron: l loal llie b ddcr ....llli dd e.:·
t iv~.
,~, !.A[lIlEIIS ... :-Ill SCAn"oJ.1JS i 56.02[3]
" r-;",,,,u,,,,, ,'. Whi« ~101U1 Rolli,,~& ~"",pi,,~ C'''p .. 75 W"h. 2d629.45ll'.2~
619 (1969).
Sc,' al", 2 1. Kupo:""in &. N. $,ilo,"" ,\1Iorn,)"', Guido '0
Ensinwint. <11. 40.
'"F"Huro Au,I)"" of M"l<ri3.l;'" ,nd oh. 41, '"F",ot"iJ",phio I,,",I)-,i,'" (Malth,,,,
llo,><Ier In,,).
"",,"0101" I', \loot!, 7 Mich. '\PI" ~3, 1~1 ~,W.2d 210 (1%7), The pt.,iotin·
b'''''gil' ,\1\ ""h", "pi"" tho nl<l"uf.'I<'uror .nd renTor of a h,I'I<' ror i"juri,,, he
'",,0"0.1 "'1,,,\ 1'0 fdl fro'" ii, TlIo Miohip.n COHn of "rp<>l. hold ,h"t tl,< to".,
<OLl'[ ,,-"' "'i'h;" it, <li«"t;on whOle it ,u,,,i",'<1 a" ,>Iljwion To the '1",li(".'io,,,
of rl,intifr, <'I""n. Thi, "il""'~", ",""",d ",. nooc\",ni'.,1 o,,~in«', b,II h,
\,.>d no "I"',i,",< ,h,
in <l<-~i~(\ or ",,,,,"f,,,,,u," of ladder>.
" Nonl\l,om ". Whit.Metal RoIlin~&. St'mpins C"'p .. 7~ Wo,h, ,d62~,4S3 1',2d
(,)9 (l9M)_ Th, pt.intin" n, injured ",)",n 'ho bdd" h. ~'" <li",hin~ colb»S<d,
Th, S"PTOnI< Com' "I W"!I;n~T(~' hd<l thot 1h< 1o"",, ,ourl "'", "ot in <mJr when
it "llow<d to>'i"IOI')' con'<Tning 'e>" I""rlo,,,,«\ by 1h, dero"d,,,,', 0'1"''' ,,-itno>',
Tlto PU'I'OI< ortl""" t~~t, w,,-, to ,I,",,' ho," 'he ,,;;oid,"T CGuhl h~'o h"p)',".oo, "cod
tho,' ~-"o ''''''1"t<"1\ ,,><I ,dOIl\"t ",id,",o.
II Cnlli", •. Mo"'~omof)' IVa,d.~ Co .. 21 111. App. ),\ !O37, ll~ N.E.ld 670(1974).
11", pl.tit(tiIT""toinru injuri", ~ h,,, he f<l\ (tOm" ,,,,noM ,uPf'o,,,d by ,~-" ladde",
.!t" ,I" kg b,,,,. Th, ,oort ,m,m<d ,judgmmT fo, 'h, ph\i"'iff. Tho d,f,"d,n",
0'1""" t<ltir"'<I,\t,,, 1", h,,1 t"'tod tho ''In'''
moooll"dder '''~\ fo","llllOl i, mo' tho
UI. ooor. Tl" ph,ittl;rr, "1><:T1" t,~timoo)' "'''"' ,)" ",ult "r "Ol<"-"';Ot" h< ,,,.<10
,,( the i:l<Jd" "",hor ,1'0" ,,,,,,.
" {d_
J> s., .. '"J'''' ch. 7, "]')'1"" of Ddo"","
"'~W: from po .. Uoy ,"',ieh eo .. ld bud;]" if n", fOOl was Im<kd wiTh
o lle,rOl,rlh the normal lO);ld "'~IS foo nod 10 hn'." . aused Ibe riglol kg
of a ladder to bucktc, T lli5 d<.'C~ion wa~ reach,'d C\'cn IIII",gh defen.
dant', ul"'rt leo; l;ri,'tlthat h~ ,,"Sled lh e nlOde! lndllcr and iT
mCllhc upplicable UL ~Iand"rll , mId pla in!il1'~ ex!"'rt had eMI1li1,,~1
the ladder but nat perrorm~d 311)' I~~l ~,"
In unotbcr case, a ri" ct Ihnt w.1!l largcr than the hole in which it
was in s~rt''{\ coulll have cnu!I<:d stress which c~c<!(!dcd the ten~ilc
strength of the metal ladder leg. res ult ing;n a fmct llre and cal.lapw
of th e t.'g :lIld bdder."
A ~ ri ,'d hole I;OlIl d C;'UIiC a I) dtlcr to colb~. "
A miSYillg safd )' cleal hook ha.~ 00" fo u"" to have co"" i buleU
10 /;odder failure and ;njnry."
A 8' Q()\:c o r inC " ;''''' may Ix: CUI d<1:I"" Ih.~" pcrmin ,'" by Ihe 130.1.
dcr 'I~ndard, C':\ming :, t nil of n wood eo hodder 10 brt'<lk."
If the nail. alld 5C rcw, which hokli lic hillg~'S comc oul, the ladder
i~ ddeet;ve, butlhc defeet ",lI; t bo.' LrMed to the tim. ofsak 10 hold
Ihe defendant liable in w ic! liobilhy."
[4j-)!tsusc." M i~u:;c may be Ih~ tame of an :Iccidcnt. A nli5use
" Collin' y. Maal,<:<>m<t'YWardk Co .. 2 LIll. "1'1" l<J Ion ~ I' KE.!~ 671)(1 'U),
" N"",l.:"'~ ". SlwcCo".. cI "',,"'"C>, ~1 1'.R.O. ~ ( fl. 1)0:\. 196'JJ. 'I,pt)'j" g I,...,.
".f<: Law.
Jt !.: ill ~. Sti ......-..r Dn>, $Tot" C(o" l$ ilL "1'1'- 2d U!I. 151 f".E.2d)O] (196-)).
' 0\\';1\00 v. L"., c', ,\:JotlooM 1I00d"",c. Inc., 2W :-I.C. b6Q. 131 S. P_l d ~I
" ~l ilL", v. St.;. r<kl. 174 "' ~p. 1)1• • ,\,~1. I ~? N.)· ,5. 100 ( 191 6).
S,·, ~I,,, ,'"P'" t 5{;,021111.].
S« g,,,,,,,lIy L. F,unocr k ~I, l'rird"'.II, I',odu", li,bHily. 'h, 2. "M.nur""\ ~ , ,
or', !.i"lJHity in N,~lig<rK<." it 2,l l I"j, 2, I~ IIII (~J.,ltlt<~' II,,,,,,,,, 1 ')~71,
., .~·....,"p,a cit. I l. "0,("",:; ,,1oJ II.'....
!k< at", V. wnLkow;.k. cd., 19S6 SoIlI L,.n, M<1h",!i", l:"i"''''I)' I'md'''b lb~il,
i1)' 1"\\; (" 10, Enl"Si "~ Tr<n~ ,' III 1',0.1"01 L" lIilily l.i l i ~"(""', , h, ! I. J. V>fS'\
",\Iiu"",, _ n. Mookm 0'1' I'h<l<nh" (M.llh ,,," Ikndcr "-*1,
or" ,,"
" .'
t.ADnnI.S .1 .\111 SC\I'Hll .IlS f 56.01141
is any u ninlo:t1tkd use. Th" nil"" for I:uldcr C:'Ire and me a ro: !il:t fonl.
ill th" "~S l . tan da rd,"
, 56.0J 1'1I0 /). wlln. PII ,\CTICf. GllIot:
COllrt 10 ch~ r£c 1 1~,t Ihe jury could i"(er Ihe cn:o:uron or 3
dcr~ct. "
"&;0\"," •. '><, .... R_ck" Co .. '40 COl, Apr, ld 79~. ~ ('~l. II p'r. t~J
(t9 66 ~
","""<~ " N:uiomol SIOIld. ", fOf bdtk<"l-J'i « ol_,'" r",\, 1\<'I "i """,", •. ANSI
" ""rico" ",,,lion.1 S,>!,",,,, 5,r,I)' R",ui".,,,.,,,, fbr I ob- M;><l. LotkkN. ,\;"51
"H.-'· I~J';
,\""r "'~" 1\"1;01\:11 Sl a!><lord for blkl<ts_I'<n' Dbl. lI.';nlormll'la"i<_ s,r<lY
1I."", ~irem<t>", ,\"'$1 A I ~,~·1 9Sl,
.... ""
10 hi~ ~"'dcr. Tht v<;Diu" orlh~ Siandard "·hie" ....lIS in dT«t al the
t;me I.... ~WdU<:L "1I~ [...,111 I,y I "~ m~nuf;'clu rer i~ I 'll! ot"f ~I;utda fd
which i~ (ldmissibl~ .l
Th ~ (11l.. lyr.i. belo ..... ~oncc rn. tke mo. ! COmmOn IJddc"f"S, port~ble
,,~KI<l :Ind md:il llImI~n... I-Iowcver. Ihe same IfPCS or t~. (,re ;'I1~li ·
cilbk 1U pof1~b)c r'~ 'l fmcc-..l I1I~~lic ladtk rs. ... ilh SOJl1oC v~ rin liotl'i in
dct ailllmi inlcrpr~ln li<l n. and lbe ~amc ly pc:'i of rul.." appl )' 10 rhc'<:l,
jub'M1nd~, ami fi re d~plrtmCIlt bdtkr~.
'&". ,'.11'•. l -''''' ,'. CDI ...~,. 01 S.\".!,I ,61. 41.1 SS.S.1d .l7~. ~61 ..... It. l<! ~"I
(190;.&,. , •• d "".;rt d Li""", <.",. ,It-: .-..),.1 ..1"" of ~",icl"" ,. of ~ ... "d3rd """,,,,11.1<'<1
,,,,. "''''''h ",",or <I<li,...ry c!tI,,, ,<h,c," .... t,dd 1<' .... , • • ·"",ibk CfI"'"•
• l~ C.F.II . H 1 9~6.-I~~ ~11191l"7).
Su ~<"."",lIf· 11.. II "f"" &. It. I k~"". ()" "polk."t S"("r "00 1I,,,llh Ml (M",·
lhc~'11"",1" 1• • 7).
, ~ 19:5 4lO(~)(.\11 1'm;1 fF<'rt.o bk ,,',.'<1
13<l<lrnI: § 19~6.4lO(a) (4) Cr-oAabl<
m<",l b dd ... ,): ~ 1~1 ... .;~.XS, ( 1!,!1I 1r.,«Il:uIdc, v. So.. § 19!6.~.<Olbl (19'7)
t.iob mad, 1..1deu).
PROIl. ].JAil. PR,ICTICE GU[[)f:
, The ,,,I "",do ('" A KS t A 1-1, 1· 1" ~ 1 1110)' "" d,w; "cd ~y ~'ri,;n 8 I)" s.,,,, ,0 d" r",
,h.' Sub.;;""",,ill«,
TI" AI11<ric-:,,, L"W" In";'u,<
III E:t" Wacke, Dri,,"'
Cb;l'"~O, Ill. ({I601
ed.' Tll ~ I)'PC or h:\ rdwar~' ~m1 ra'leIl C~' l~ aIM) ' JX'C lfJt"1l, wit h rI' ).:s
for applic:ttinn of the ra~tclI~r.;.
· /d.~U,
' JJ..tH.
' /J· tH.
' /J. f ,.S.
' !rl. t 6. 1. 1.
' 1d. 1 b.l.l .
'"rd. f ~.I.~. l,
" U. ~ tt. l .
"(J. j tt.l .U.
" IJ. § 6.~ . l.!,
" f, t
" IoI. t 6.1. ' .J.
" h1.
l.,\om:R.'i AI'iO 5011(-"01 .0 5
rung. "'U ~I be <lunched to th e ~ide rail ~ in a cert ain \\'ay." The rungs
m u~\ I>e made fr"lll n p:trtk~ \ar g.roup of wood.' :Ind \Ie a lllillil1l~n!
d i:uncl~r. Ucfl"nding on tbe k,lgtb o r. he fU"g.1>
., IJ. ~ 4.)_2 . ~.
"M.! G.J.3.1.
" 14.
,·/,t J ~_ LU .
., M. ~ oJ .J.7.
" /d. t 4.l.1.!.
" U J /0,3.3.4.
ins.· · 3nd there muSt Ix: 3t 1,",,5t tl>'O p.~in of gu ide iron~ where the
10!, and boUOIn sn:lion~ meet" L.ock~ all d ~uide irolls tn ust bot: nleta1
and mo ng C!lOll g!! to dC"eiGp th e rnn ~trcJlllt h of th.: 5idc mil , ." The
gul d ~ iro n ~ mU.l prc" em fh e uppe r M.'l:lion of thc ~Iddcr fro n1 1ippinG
or (;liling ou l whi k: Iht lad der i~ mist."d. JO\>'~rnl, or in IIS\"."
A rope and ,,1,]1<.,)' ona)' be u>Cd ","it h the c.~te il lio n l:uhkr, lJUt lh.
diam c1cr of the pulley ,," d t ll~ rope. ~"d th e minimum brcl king
st r~1I1l1h or the ropc:, must meet lht stan dard 's ' rccifK:"ll oni.··
"IJ. i ~.J.H
., 1oI.! 6..1.~.'.
" II. § 6.3.'.10.
u/d. ~ lo..\, ....
•J {,I. ! 6. ) .'.9 .
•• /d. t U .1.2.
" 'rI. §6·U .l .
"/Il l to.4.) . ~.
"I<!.! ".~. I.!.
"/J.§ 6.4. ~. t
56_bl !l SWlIIOJ
.. Id. j 6 . ~. :! .2.
'0 JJ. t
"Id. t ~ •..·,l.
"hi. ! 6. •..1..'.
" It£ j b ~ .J.4 .
"Id. t'-'·I.
" /d. I IU.1.
" 'J. t (,.'.,L.
11 1.1. ~ ~ . , . '
It ttl. ~1, . 1.
"/lNS! ," •. I.t~S2 j ' . 1.1.
/I" 'M !" ", "r II" I... " ",<r"m1 ~. Ihe " aurl:oro.! ;. !"(I"·ioI<d ;rt/rlJ
~ '6JJ.<IJOU·)·lr).
PRe)!). L),\II. I'R,\CrI (.·E Gum !';
Th~ ~ lnIH.I;Lrd ~1"l e' "[il l i. IWI in lcml<:d III :H 'k~i8n wrirlCill ie n
IC\IS !oha ll be ~.... rtt.h"u:d o n lad~~'f'1i lhal h ~v<: h,."'" ill " '" Qr s ubjt.-.ct
I" prior d:ml :lg~, lII i~u 'c, or abu~~. "" T h"rcrur~, if n d~",i gn defeci
b ~lail""d. Ihe ICIIIS fohoulll Ix JlIIrfonn~-d on ~ I-;lm pk lalkler 1h., 1
h,"l.!i not been u!iC<.l pr~\·iou ! ly . The Ic~t~ Call :"~o be cond ucted on
die b ddoer wllieh failnl. U\l'\),!vc:t, Ib" rden llli IClOt r,""uh s (or Ihe
pUrpoloCI! ofd elerm ining com plim'cc \\'ilh Ihe w llld ard ~rc Ille lei l
rc~ull ~ on Ih~ So.1 ml'k IInus.d Julk!."..
Th '~~, if Ih.: s:u 11 ple b ddcr p3-<.S<:S!i«: 1l,."iS" "criflealioll (."Sts, I!'"
I:tddcr !hal f:1;lcd as well :IS " s:,"ll'le lad der ,,~cd ill :m \.'(Iui"llklli
· ' /d.,1.U,
at TIl ..... 1<" 'OS<J II .. '"' "'.-II, . d ... net h<>ol of 1<'I"'J ~,~l , too MI. ",;I y and q...:tif",,,.
,..,... of ,toe ''''' - """'~I he "".. in«! d",i~~ dio<o< <.T)·,
t $I;»l{IOI 1'1101). 1.10\11, I'R,\CTICE GUIIH:
mUllllcr") '" Id limie r ~'qUiV;llcII I ci ro;:u nl r.l atl CC' ~ h ould be l':-; lro . Th e
I~St rC'\lh~ ~all ll"," he ~omp:lred . If lile re~ul l ~ for th e ladder that
r'li kd :Ire lI'Orse lh'1II Ihe resuh~ for the >amlJoi e kidder lI'i lll equiw·
knt U!iI:, the e,' pen c;on upLlin why thil> sItov.1I thc ladder th:ll f:lik<!
COlltllinro " /rullmf,lelUrinS defcct.
Alternal ivel)', rather thnn compare the Iml der to anoth er u>.cd Ind·
ll.r. lhe expert awl' 1 ~ljfy thai :lJrhough tile: Inddcr was us.:d, th e
1.'lI1 results :IT\: idenl;. <lI IO ",h:>1 " 'OIl W oo\'C ~tl oblai,,,..t.1 h~d Ihis
pfirticulnr I,alder \leell l~";lc<.l before 1I 1e. ThcrdQre. its fllilu~ to COlll-
ply ",it h the (J csign vl:1ilk:llion ICS!~, "' hilc olh er la(hJcr~ or the snmc
nHldcl do <:o'l1pl)', indiclI I"", IluI tile: Lld der has n nUlIluraClurins <.l~.
Ir the Ind(Jer cannot til: 1<.>:s!e(J conl pleldy, because or dnmnge to
Ihe 1:t(J(Jcr wllich occnrrc<.l in the 'Icciden t. t he ~.~p" rt may ~ I ill C.~"rn
illO: the onal~1i~ls 'JT v.'Oti;UI:lIIshi p. If Ihey are in!ldcqu':l1c, he m Ol)'
~~pr_ hi~ " !,inion t":u II' ey wOLlIII h~"" C'IIl~"t' It..: '~dd~r, "'''~n
new, 10 r"il It> comply with tlie r~'quirelllent 5 of Ihc ~ w" dard .
Ir nn n~Hlu f~ eturing or (JcsiS " d~f~Cl C~" be: fu uml by tc-sting o r
c:u mill.1lioo., I"~ np..'l'1 m~y be I!.Ul1l i,,.,u 31IriU ' lvn ...... noi"S lhe cir·
C Ulllstanc~':I ur the acc i tl~ "1 as ,.'"!;,ilicd 10 by I' I\! "b intiff ~ ' Id other
witnesses. "~sU1l1i"S Ih ~"li~ circum S lnnc~ til be true for Ille sake uf
hypoth<.... is, the expert mOly then e.~ p rcss his opinion that ,lie ladder
I" US! 103'"e corll:oilled n m;ou uf3CIu riIlS d efect Of il .... ou ld no t ha\"e
r~ ired under lh~ ci rClI1 "starl<.~,··
[c}-Gt ~rnl Prltldl'lc~ of Tes tln~, Th e rc~ults uf tlte de~igTl
nriflcaliCH' I I:Sj~ are l(1 ix: !lI ken fh .: min uies "fto,.. to.1d r~rnO\·~t"
Th~ I.~ loo<.l mUM be IlfJtllkd ~Iow'y, ,,,,aid I" !: ' III}· ion p3CI '""ding
during the l~St."
Thus, ir I h~ pbinlif!' cn uscd ;nopJ c.t loodi ng of Ih. ladd er in somc
IIla,mCT. ' ''ch :lS by jum p;"!; o n ii, or /flo"illg 0 11 il in ~,, ~. " ';1)' but
slowly, h~ .... oukl h:m, 110...." "beinit a d iffe rent IYpe of I<):I(J 011 l h~
!:odder lhall it was tC'Sl ed for. Thi s; lila)' m~k e n dijrcrw~~ ill wme
" 1b< ~n ..';)Uld luu ,,,,.,I«II!>e lodder fu< """'pori1<.'o1. /1;"",;"'011 lb. , 'M
b older. p,.e " ." «lui ••1ent .. ill ""<c 10 I""'tm.
•• 5 .... rr1r'" I )(0.011111"11'1 .
"'\NSt,\t4 , l'19~ 2~ 7. 1,' .
hfd.§ 1.U.
,..., LAI)j)~: RS "",n SCAFfO l.llS
Mluatioru<, but in "'0'11;1 would b: i r'clC\l~ ro •. Th~ (I\ll'Slion i~ whet ber
the lu!.klc r'~ <.i ..-siS Il w~s :l d!.'<I"at~ at th is Iuag ...
f<ll- In-Us<: 1"",,11 Tl"!>1 Sur Sincl~ lind 1t'<.Iens;"" l .ndd~ E.1ch
1)'pe or l;,lld!.~';~ ! ~t ed 10 hold;o "'orkin& load 0(:1 cerlll;" lIuml",:,..
or po\lll d~. A~ :I iII\(cty ra~lor. it j~ lc~t lvmlcd to hold lou, lim." it,
wnrlo ing rood.A Th" sl~ wJa rtl ~~ fo rth ,lie ml.'l hod of al)pl~ins the
lMot 10.1<.1, ;" dCl~i1. with lliagrams,"
(f}-Bnrd ... ,c Tcsllng ru. fox'ensi" n Lnddcrs.. Tht Icstint or
lIanlw"re used 0 11 exlcn~i(ln l add~~ f!.'<lui re'S I he U!C of a speci fic type
of rnachil1 c to operate di e runs lock tb rnuSh certain cy~I<:"-" K01
l...'crY "oU]"("n " ...i tl I~,,'c Ihis C<\uillrnC'lIl. j;O if Ihen: i. a lI:m lwa re
fl,i lu ... i,,"oll'ed in the ca,." colltlr..l i must be .I ure l h~t lh~ expert IH"
Ih e <quirtllent d~t.C ri b<:d in Ih e !.:!il.
V:lriO\l~ I c~. Ill;!)" Ix: !1I.'ffo rllll:d: n "yell e ru nS lock t<:SI ." a ,insl ~·
lod 10:1 <1 lest ." alld " lock tip Imd I",l.t) If any of Ihe kH:h or nil)'
of Ihe ro"lpon""I~ maifullc lion or fmcl"~. lhe d<'Sign f:.ils 10 m~
Ihe r""l~i r~mcnl~.
[fJ-Drop I I'S! for 51n~ a~d K"l ~nsion l .IIIidl'fs, T "~ ladd.:r
i~ placed ~i<l."':r)·s,
li floo 36 incho.-s off a CO<1"rcl~ [1oor, ~nd d roppc.-..l
-, ' -
to the fl oo r 011 cn~h mi l." If there is no visual Jlnnallc. it 1~IS'Cr..
IC}-I' IIol S Up T""'. Thill I",'" i~ 10 IIC: ,ure I h:1I Ihe (oot 0( Ih"
I" dd ~r due; not pc fmil l he ladd er to sli p. which i ~ a COIl IIIlO Il "aILS/:
iii' ladde r :lccklcIII ~.
A 16'[001 c~l~n~ion bdder is fll lly cXl cndcd "'i,1! ils fec'! r",lins
Oil plywood wltkh hns bc(11 Sllll dc-d. A wdSl!t is allach~d 10 Ih" th ird
" E'<t'" ~ ..''). duly I, In'" IA. 1,<",}' ~UI)' i, 1)'1'" I. n>«ll" n, duty;" 'Yr< II. ",,1
liFl l1 dnl y I, 1)'1'< III ,
.. A I U ·I~.i1 ~ 1.1. Tobk I S.
"1</, I 7.:
"'J.~ 1 ..'.l.
tL'd· t 7.J. 1.
., Id. ! 7..1.2.
" ldt 7.JJ.
" 'd, § 7,4,
""'., U .
~ ~ IOJ I' ROD. I.IAo. I' RM..T ln : CUIDE
high.,.;t 0)' fungo nlld:l hori 1.on!~1 pu llins for~. i, npplied. K [ ft hcr~
i~ any "ot ic~"b1c !lIo<'enlcnt acr"s.~ tho I~t ~urfnte, Ihe ladd er fall~
the tes l.
[b}-J·:"f~ndhtJ.: L~ ddcrs . T his t ~.,t"
I,'orce Test for F;"lcnslon
mcas ur~~ I lt~ <.IO)"·lll"llrd ror,"~ n .~es'l.1 1)'
10 em!\<: ve rt j~ol Cl1.tel1iio n
o f Ihe fl~ iII....'ion. A tO m»I"le c.~ I ~"1I..ion Indtkr is Sl.1 in a ,·crtic:l l
posilion . lind ~ m,'JSlIrI:tl tlol"nwa rtl fol\'1: I~ lIf1t>Iiro VCI1kJlly 10 Ihe
oollom fllII&ot llte lOp ~Iio" , o r the ro pe ~n'" pulk y if lilt l:KkIcr
Ita.. J tOll" :1m' pulley ~~'slcm in ll:,l k~.
Th" mn~; n1\nn foree no:<;c~~ary to ~~usc "crtica l exten,;;"" of the
fly 'cetio!1 of two rcet or more. .11 a rmc of one_hnlf 10 on e foo t per
~c"<:ond, ; ~ !11 c:!$\1 rcd. Th e overage nm.\;mUIl1 fo rce cannot e.\cc~d Iwo
limes tit. wcij.:ltl of Ule lad d.,.·, lop k(tion.
[ i}-CompressIa R "fl'!il. This Int J pJ)li,,. 10 slcpbt!der,;, T' ~'I '
form b dtlc", Il"($ilc b dden .. U lcr1.Sion Iml le ladders. m.d ~ep
s loo1l'. In .IN: leol," a Io:Jd is applkd 10 tlte L1ddo:t' Hlp ClIp o r pial '
form. or . tn Ike f;:U;C o f a I r~"il l e 1atl~t;1" ~ nd tlt e base wction of ~n
eAI~n si o n Il lilier, 10 both >ecIKJII' oftlw l~ddcT al th.e top cap of e~ ch.
=tioll. ' 11t~ Indde T mus t wi tbst a nd th ~ load without ICSI fa ilure.
[jl-lJu~k~1 S helf Test for S lcplndd~rs. The bucket shdf IInt SI
s uppo rt II lo:KI of 100 pou nd s for aT 10:.1 .1 une nlinute lI'i ll1ou t f~iI.
ure. "
[ kJ-':ronl S lnbilily T l'SI. TIlis I<.'S I' appliej 10 !.Icp bddm. pI~I'
for m ladtkrs.. lr<.'Sill! b dtkrs. f;lIICIISio'l !Tot le laddtlli, ~ntl St\"P
stools. A In:td is l Pplicd 10 the s«oIld hi SIt .,.t ~'ep or fUll!;. o r the:
pbtf,,",l - Ihc high .,;t propcr !.Iamj;"; k\"d. A horizontal pulling
force, fm nt ...,:.r(ls, i~ then exerted m a f>:,niculn r PlITt of lhe I;,dder,
depen ding on the I ~'PC of ladder bei ng tC~I ...... The ladd er must Ml l
tip fl'W front 11 IIInd lC!'s lban Se' fo rth ;11 Ihe l1a ndnrd .'
I Iii. f 7.!{l,
'hI. ~ 7,tO,'r,hl<1 9.
" .. !.I,
[I}-Sid!! StahiliEr Test. This ICf>I' :11'1'11<.'5 10 sl;:I,Iadd~n;, " bl-
(o rm I ~d dcrs , In:5 tl " In d d~rj . c.~lc llsion trestle I~ ddcrs. :lIId ~ICp
stool ... A l03d i~ ~ I'rllo:d to,he !oOi:ond hithcsl !.Ie" Of runs. or . he
pl:l. l(or1ll. A hori7.0!1I ~J pull ing for~c. ,I dc",,,rd s. is ;l pp1ic~ !(l a p:.r·
Ii\:"br pari of the b~d"r. Th" ladder mll~1 ItOt Ii" o~~r (ro m a 1o.1t.I
I~~ than thn t ~I fo rth ;n Ille st andard.'
[nl-TorsJon ~1 SlnbilJly 'fesl. 'nll s te' t' ;l ppli ..1< ' 0 'I cp lad dcrs,
plalf~ rm l:Wden, IId l ie b dlkn.. and t!U",,,,iOl' t resllt ladders (nol
!O ~Iep ,tool.). A lon d 1.1 apll li ed 10 Ihe J:lddcr lOp Clip, pl atfo rm . or
lOp , 10,1' wln,n 110 lop cap ;~ used. A hornDnlnl force, ~. rw3 rd, i,
~Illlljcd at n p~lti c1!lnr part of Iile Ind d~r. !f Ihere i~ nIL)' rcL1111'c
tnIWCIIlCII( in ",,(es~ or one inch, (If lilly <I:.m3&Co r viloibI" ...... 3k"lIioS
of the Inducr ~lru Ct11 r~, thu j,lddcr f!lil ~ thi_, tc-S l.
{o)--Ra ckhlll T e.\!. Th l~ I"'t· :Lpplks til 5Icllladdm,. pintform
bdder,;, 1tcslic bdd..:r~, :md c.\I Cll Sioll IrCSlle bddc..-s (not 10 !\lep
~loo"). to. lo.1d is ~ppl ied to Ihe bottom mjl. to. "crt icnl pli llins fon:c
is ;tpp li ed, lift ing j usl [he reM fc ..1 of III .. L,dd~r lh r~t' inch •.,. o IT Ihe
Ooor. to. force &allgch ll~ 10 >lt1pl)' n si.'·pOllll d lUlCra\ pulli ng for.:e
:'1 Ihe bollom of one fea r ruil. T he bler:,1 disp~.ccmtllt of lhe re:lf
rail i~ tnt::l 5Ured. The nt~ximum luteral di ~placcnlcnt carm,n ex c( ..'<1
Ihe vn luc ~c t fort h in the ~ ID ndnTd .'
'{d, § 7.11.
' IJ.l 1. I I . T,b\et~.
'Id, ~ 7,lJ.
' ''L ~ 1, 1 ~.
'Id. t ?14. T,bklo.
1'1I 01l. LI .l.lI. I'RA<:nCf: "U IHV,
··,,1. ~ 7. 1~.
II Id I 7.1 t..
"Id. ~ 7.1 7.
, $.~. ,~"'" ~ ~ ... ~(Ij.
,. ~, ,,, ,
'So.·,·,'upru§ lo.l)-llJ]
PROIl , tJAlI. 1·ll.H.'TICt: Gum':
·o\," S I AIU. I ?~ l ~ S,
. tJ. 1 j,1.
'/d iJ.l,
, hi. { S.l .
• /d. ~ l . ~,
~M. ~ ~ . J .
,. i<I. I ,-" ,
lIM f P .
"ht I 6.\.1.
11M. t (d, ! ,
"'d. j ~U.
"/d, ! ~. I.4.
"fd. f &,1.>.
"'.t. j; 6.1 ."-
" Id.~ (.,\.7,
,. fJ. J 6. 1.1l
n /d.t 6 ,1.~,
" Id. t (0.2. 1 (...:,,* ~.""~ j "-~,~ ( •., " """" 10<1<1,,),
" ItI. I (,,13 " ;"sk J>dd<t). § 6.~.4 Iul""';"" !add .."
" fJ. I ~, 2,j,
:U\1i,l ip ~kvi,",""." ,,,,d ( l id C;\l'~ ,,,,d ~nd c)OSI, rl'li" :Ire '~I .
The :;.arne tyre' of spec irlCations :,re SI:I fonlo for !resile a nd t"lU ..-n-
$"',n Ir,:,;tlc I;o dd~'f"5," " ialrom l l:,l.kl c";.," wmbiuar iOlI Iadd<'N,II ~nd
~t." w'(l l ~."
[1J T~.,.~
>1M. ~ 6.1.9•
.. 111. ~ 6.: .IQ.
"/d. § 6.1.
"hi. ~ ~ ..;.
) , hi. t /d.
" /J. ~ 1t.6
"'J.~ H(..mlbdik,,).
".,><". '"JI'" H ~~.O~ [IOjI4[,J.
" ~.,.,. '"f"" j~ 56.t):(WIl,l)·[fj .
I')l.ot). )JAB. l'IMe l"le ): (;UII)I::
The: foUouc;"S t~'SI~ ~ r" COI11111011 10 both wooden "" d mel:>1 \;Ill·
denl , lUld crosNcfcr"n..:~"S nrc pro,·id"d 10 I h~ ,,(><!<len !~d""r ~I Dn
d~rd :
s...- "'1'''' ~
SlJ.O.I( 10110.
"ld~ 7.1.!!l (n.. ,~ll><!d ...).
A:o<SI AI 4. 1-1912 ~ 1 . ~ (~,,,,,llo d,!.,,).
' . Id. l 7.1. 11 (mc'~l blden).
:;'·< '"PI"O ~ 3~(lo.IIJQII~I·
" Id. { 7.1 {...... at ia<ld""I.
s.... "'P'" ~ 5(;.O-l{lolll'l·
" Id. f 7.1.1 1f" 'I.1 bd~"~l.
S« "'po. ~ !I6.OoIIIOjf,].
"III. f 7 .J.~ (m'l,lI h,dd.r>;).
S« ,rlP__ ~ 5(;.00I11!l]1il·
"III. f 7.M l.n,<utl,tkI",j.
·...·<'"P'~ i !I6·fU\!!lIlQ ·
'....., ,
or Ih c~r :Igcnl ~." Many of 1he i n-scrvk~ I"'I~ n r~ <ldl"i'or)', 1101 m"l1-
<lalor>.. "
le)-lIuriwnt:d Uc~d illl:. In this 10;1 fo r sin s!e, c.'\ ~I. slo n, anti
combi ll:uioll laddcu," th u J"ddcr is pbcc'(l ill :l flu l, hun zo" I,,! ~i·
I;orl, lo.,d~d in :l~co1(lal\cc whh T:lble 5, 3nd 111(11 un lo.llI~t1. A Ik-
llec\iOl' ICSI 10<1\1 is Ihell ;,pplied 10 bolh ~id ~ r.lils in a ~lI«ific loc;;1.
Iio n, ",)(1 \'c n i~al 111"'lsur~ llI~n ls nrc Wkcn of bo lh rai!.l, bl;forc and
durin GiO:l ding "lid " Ihe load i. r.:nt ovOO. The m,ll);inlU!ll n"crag~
dclk<1 ioll ofbol h side mil~ ~ 1l,,01 uc.:a.I:1 '-:l llIe 5<.1 r"nh ill T:tbk
6 of the 1il ~lId~ nl .
An ;llcrca""d load c'!,,-,.I (o lit. ul1im:l!c IOS1 1001d. in :lcco rd:II1~~
",;Ih T:,bk 5. i~ Ihell 3p(1l":d 10 l ite L1dd~'T. 31 1bitt diff~'1'Cnl sp.:cifie
'Utls loc, liom. ' 1,e ladd"r ", u~t suslai n the 10:11.1 willlolll fuilurc."
[~nencelloll l'~st. Thi. h:st" i ~ dt:~ig tl ~d 10 be ~ s.:d bot h M
a ..k~j;" "",rific;lIio" lesl, ror the m~l1Il r:lClU"''T. ~ rn.I an i"'~i""icc 1"'1,
Fo r the u ~ r. The ludder i ~ prdoaded wil li <I 30,('OuI1d Iw d, ~nd th en
lhe tCj!1 load i ~ app lied to lit e I"d der. ill acc"rd~ncc willt FiS lirc 2
i" Ih~ .'nl>lbrd. 111~ Ic:<;l "",,u lls an: '''''oukd 01' a d~ '!l ~Io:t:\.
A deflc'Clion I~ 0 "crl ical dj.t an,-~ from the eX 1TCme cul~kl o cdgO!i
or lh o widest ",'(lion of bol h rail, 10 the floor. bo th before loading
~ml ..... hilc Ihc r,,1I 1,"'1 1();It! is ;11'111i.:d . The I.1ddcr nl llSl p.'~s 1m: II:St
",ilhoUI Cl.C«dinS Ihe (kfl,.,;liQ" a"d MliCk o f IWiolt "'1 for1h in Tabl~
8 or I h~ ~tn!1dilnl .
I!.:)-Jo:':':I,....'ilOII (-"dde. Ru ng·lkndi.1: S IrCf1!:!)1 TtSI_ In Ihis
lesl,'" 3 dowl1wa N diS(rib1u<od l<md i. 31'1,liOO , in ac,:o ldauce wi lh
"['"bl c I I of th( s iu lidard , ;lIId after lelllo"al of Ihe load. Ih o perin a·
llenl d cform:n ion ("'1) i~ !l1~~$u rc'tl. The a Il O\\,;I~I. perm.lll cnl d.roT.
malio" ,";I.n no1Clic~'Cd a C('tu in figure, e31cub'~"'" from Ih" M" nd,n l'.
fo rmu ltl,
OJ {~. ~ : .1.1.
" rd.
"M. I '.2,1.
""1 %' .2.1 .2-
" rd. t 1.l .2.
.. It/, t '. l ,S.
I'ROU, U ,\H. I' MM ; n CI : cumt: 5/>-16 .
r.oil ..':mlile"w bi:1l(linS IC'5 ls,"" 'Th . pu r-pos.: is 10 du:<; k ir Ihe b;.se
of Ihe ladd~r will be nd when a In.~d i ~ upplicd 10 ii,
In Ih~ ,1:lI le side, r"il camiic,'cr h.nd!nIlIC~I." ~ l:1ddcr is pbc~d
on ils edge wi lli Ih~ rungs \'crtic~1. Th ~ lower gidc mil is U"sUpfIOrI-
cd. from Ih e 11<1410 111 end to the midpooiut o rlhe lowe~t runs, A tC$1
hllld is al'l'ii<!d ItJ Ih" e~1 r",.ne 11011001 <~H1 of i he upper side r~;I , itll'"
arter.....;r,d'" 10 ihe "",IMII<: bollOIli t lld 0( Iloe Io\\'cr sid.: mil. ill "
specifi ..>d m3'mer, Nl'ithcr side r.lil C:Ill suffer over Yo inch of penna_
n.. <lcrorll)~lion,
'rh ~ s..'(.~Ml(1 t..OSI , Ihe , ide-",il c"ntil",·c' drop ""'I," i'l !lmil:!. 10
Ihe S.11r1C l e >l performed on wood ell laddct! ,"
[Il--S i~ e·ltnil Bcn~ing Tc~t, 'I'Iri ~ leSt" rcqllir ..", placin g a 10ld,
in ;lcenrci ancc wilh Table II ol'th" "Iand a rd, o n ~ ~tx'Citic 'fIO l Oil
Ille middle ~ I Cp ~dj:l,:cnl 10 one side 0( lh<: m il of Ille lalklcr. 'nl"
m:At lIigh<.T st<1) ;~ th"" tc:!;, ..-d. The bdlkr mUS{ Wi! M!lllld Ihe 10.,<1
wi! houl (pilu . ....
[ml-St~fl llI' l'h'Clorm Ik'fldilll: Ten Til" I<-Sl'" ~v~lu.1l~ lit<:
~H~lI gl h I)f Ih ~ i l~p or pbtfmm .....: Iioll by ;'ppl,'ing ,tlmd over lit e
full ",-,dill u f th~ ",ep m [ll:\l form ,u,d Oil II.., <:c1llcT of lhe 101lS"'1
or bo tton, ~IC p, 11 Ihen i.!; u[lpli..-d to Ihe longest like SICP will,o ul
hr;lc<'s, '" w~11 'I~ 10 .te[ls or [lIUlforms of different d ..-.;ign, or >!",clfi-
cation .. The luad h; Ihen :lPf'liod to Ih ~ lUI" C~[I of a , tel' >100 1. If
there is t<ost (,,' Iu r,', or I"'rrnml~lI[ d<{O rm~l i ()n ",,,r !lIOOlh o r Ihe
len glh <If Ihe sle p O' [lla tform or lop e:lp. Ih<: b dd<:r fail . the h;S4.
[nj-Sltp'lo-Side- RlljJ Shu. Stn:nl(lb Tffi. This test" c~:du
Jood r; 3pp lictl
,110 Iht Mw 'gt h of Ihe ~ICp-lo,~;t"'~I'lI; 1 joi n!. A lCS1
((J Ihe 101\;0$1 bmeed ulld "nbr~co:d !'Cept >li th Ille k,r;l r""",,;ulI.
<I S "'ell :IS IU ~lcpS uf different design S or m~teri ~]'; , The 10.1d Ii :1[1'
plie<1 '" near the ~id c ,'ail a'i pos, ibl e, nnd to Ih e lop enp or a ~ Iep
Th, '1""~"'~ ru, 1...... I Io~ MI.," •• 1:Hld<",",'" lhe >l~",.,d rOt b ~II"~
mot.1 I.'~" ,,, ",. Ih....... 110<'0 ,.... 'h"", [)-p...... / W.. l. or "'"'klni:<,
I'd",u,· ~".~rd ··rt.,,~,,·· ,d .. ·'""u,''"'" ..
",kl,,!!, ,".'11>< ~"tOhl ,· ""J
(",",.,,1 lie ~I.'«~ I."n "b","" Io<otf.. ". [h. l, d4.ot. ",. ",.
>I,,,,,,i ... ",~ I"", ,hoo '" ' '''W 10<1"", ..,10<11"", 100r-"1",n, ><'" 1'0
<l tmltO"!l ..wi . ", . oJ ~ .... . ... . I.".xo. 1'",<1"", li.:tl-a 111("''''' 11<)0
"" 'k iof;\ _""" ... 111,1111/, I'" o.I,~ .,01 ~ .. , ,,'1"1(. tM _ .1
""_ ~ .......... ,........... r.. "..... I"" .t. 1~ . r oyooJOI1\I" . _'0.
T.." 'Of Ihc '""toI-r~' b"'· 1 ~""lr~I""' I ...h"k ,t." . <IIonl.. I~'l •
•IIt :I<r.II. . ....." . on .... , ......"'... ...- ....... '''I. and ,lit .....
rq:io~ ' ''''.
1Iot h th" ,;t"",Ll ld (or \\".."" k;, L-.ddet"ll ~t1 <l tit. ~' a "d~ rd for n>CIOlI
I",Jd Cf":' " ru>ide the i/.1nl Cr':< lui ,em en l ~ For bald.r lallcli,,~ MIll mar\;.
in£.. The MatllJiII"" ~ I S fMth n tl umber uf Inbeli ng and m~ r~jn~ rr;-.
". ''''
t S6JI6I IJ 1'11(1). UAlt I·H,\(.TIO: GUIDI;
1 A ~SI ,\ I~ , 1·1 9~l oh , 9 ("'""," bdli, ,,~ A:>oiS I A H,~, t9il <II. 9 Im",,1bll~),
A~S I ,\ H.S·l~~ ..... tu 1pb<iK' t:. ~I1.... ~
• ,w "'r-a i y",O!11Ji' lIiii\.
So< al"" L F"'"l<C £< .... , F, u,.ln'~II, I' ''',J" ~I ' Li, bilil)', oll. 2. HM ' "..r",,~, ...,
U . loili' I' u. s rati",,«." f 1-n t.~b""""- 1I.,,1it< ]951) a nd <I,. l. "Strict I.lohlli·
.1·... f ),Ol\oI\O\<il (M. " hcw tknd<, 1906),
, ,\ NSI Z.1 ', I·l?7!.
. ,\ SS I ,\ I ~. 1.19S!: 9.1.l..l.
) tJ,{9.1.1.
I /,lj 9.1.l,
, to! § 9.1.
5(0-1" L\ ',JmRS ,\SIl SCMHlLllS
S""d fi, ,,'io,,. (or In(oc m;,Liomll Signs Compl ~m~nlar)- 10 ,\NSI
z.l~, 1-1 972 ~nd A~'CidCtI' 1" "'-"II'u", Signs, "KSI Z3S...... ' 973. 1m:
nH"'\lfll~ UI,cr'~ l~bel doo lIot h~\'~ I() comply wi,h 'h= labcl ~ ve rb:!-
lil11. '
111.; Sl~,,,h rd splXir"", the kx':tl ion o f ,ho ",:o , ki,,&,' ~nd S<'1 i lo"h
,I!.: ill(Offl,-"ioll lh( •• 'N: "" relt uS/; i"~'ruc:lio:ns ~hould i ..cI" dc.'o
G"'k:rally, ins"u c lkm~ should ~ovc, pWI"" "" /celion o f " l;,<ldcr,
i"" ""etlon, ~ct\lp, climbi ng nnd II ~., and cnre (. nd ~to,agc. Tile in-
s,ru . , ions ""I fort h ill the ANSI (I~rx:lwix :.ore . po:cilic :lnd c~l cn,i\'e.
Thc~ nle I1 UflkrouS "r;:ca Ul io~ 10 I~ ke in ush.S lll(kl~rs. 'rn ...'Y me
dnn&~u!>, (md I he CUilomcr slmuld bI! a!>l>ri!<l'll of 'he dangen; and
h"w W u\'oid them .
If ,,, ~ cli",,1 u><.~1 the ladder in n m(1Il1ler il1c{l t~~ i,t<:f11 wilh ~ wJcty
u.... ins. ruc,io" co" .)inro i" Ihe A I'<SI a"""ndh. and if lho; !;,lId.".
W>l~ nOl accomr>:ll1ied br 11tal roafcl)' uSC ins.n'~ 1io ". mtd if Ihe cli~'Jl1
t c'lir.~s h~ wc,uld tt Ol haw lI<ttl rhe l;"lder it\ lh~t HI'It\ner if h~ had
\)<,"':1\ itt ~ 'rtt"led liN 10 ~"d Ihat h e llid ,cad the ~af" 'y usc imlrltCliom
aocaml'.ln )·ing lhe bdd.r. lh.·re i~ liabi lity fo r failure 10 "To .-ide
pI" per jllslrUc:lio"",
Sil\~c III~IIY ladd er 'lcci(k1l1 ~ ~re the r~(t h of imrrop.: r ladth:r
(t~a!.!~. Ih o warnill S~ :tI1d it1>tnl clion~ ~hould be cur.fully C~ ltmined
itt evc r)' c:ts~. Th t l'laillti!T nlll . t III;: queslimt~d ~om:ernin s c~eh in·
. lmcliQn, Eac" \'io~1I ion or an c.' pr<'$S safe')' us.: inst rucrion will in-
cr~-:l":: hi~ .wJlp.u (,li.·" n~lige"ce. II m~}' n~s.1 'c any d cfco; . in ,Ioe
ladder, if !lIe defect ..'(mid 11m be climill(lled by Ihe IlHtlmfacl ur ..... ~Ild
a " raper wurnin,: or InSt mclio" Wllilid h'!\'~ r r( """led Ihe "(',idon1.
[31_ 1'.oou<:1 Olin I nfom'Ulfioo Mark;"!..... The S(;u t(l.,,1 r«iuir~...
•h~1 :t tI(lOd (1",,1of infon mllion III: (Ollmil1w on a " rod un dJI~ infor-
malio n luhd." Th e i tlf<.>rm~liol\ I;. impm ' ~nl 10 ,h e UllO nte)' fa r a
numh~r of rea"ltt ~ .
T11(' ht~~l~ ~il~ ~ lId du,y ra1 ins ;IIC ",;""",bl to ~Ictermin ~ which
"m,~"rd crileria ~p"ly 10 Ibe 1ad~ct. T1", nl«l~l l1~"'e und number
toO /J. f ~ . 1. 1 .
am! the rmme 01' the miUlllfacturcr arc of COUl"">e cssenliaJ iteml of
il\form~tio!\.The mOll1h and ycar of manufacture will help lIeter-
mine Ihe applicabk "amlanb. (N<llc that the d~le of sak bv tile man·
ufacturer. rather Ihan the dale of n1l!rlllfnctur~. fix~, Ihe (ll'l'licJble
The manufacturer's claim thm tlte IUllder complic, witll the ANSI
:;tandnrds may be ~et forth On the Inbe!. The warranty nwy abo be
~ct forth on Iho product dilia label.
The oven aging te<;t" r~quires the labds to "dltere to the ladder
surface arid rcm:lin Iq,ibl. aftcr being placed in an ""en ,et at ISS
degre'!s tor 240 hOUN.
Tlnr.,. the bbel ,holll<1 rmt comc ofT the ladder. absent extruordi-
liar)" circmnst:mcc'S.
"!d. ~ 7.1~.!. t.
" A \ "ibole Ii,,", Ho< Am"ri,,,,, S<><;"l' I... , T "tjll~ "ml Malon"I_. 1911. t(,>«
St,«,. I'ltil,,,ldpl,i,,. ),,,. l'JlO.l.
"1I14.t_1%2~ 7.1H.!,1.
" , '" """"," '
.- ", ..,."
10 lh .. lc" tlh rcqnirw _ the worl:.i nll ioad lhal will be 00' Ihe ladd.,,-.
lind l h~ llInounl or uS\: Ih .. L,d dt:r will m:ci\"c.
Th. worki n~ 1<l.1d rcf~r> 10 the maximum It:>ad lhal ,",',II be .. bee<!
011 I)I~ I.d<ier. inclu dins t h ~ u·( of tli, user. I)I~ m 3t~rinl~ ~l\(1
Itllll', all(! anYlhi ng cI ~~ Iii, Ia<.lder is rcqui"."\! 10 ~ ll t>J1'O rt.
C(1II1I:lCIO",. induStry. 1"'<.1 Ulilit i~, tc"d f{) II S~ ~.,[r" h ~~ ,'Y duty
;\lI d hCaI'y duly la dder!. 1'4inlcr~, om,~.,-,. ~nd lill)l1 n,~it\lctJa1\CC
cr~w~ u'<\: m.~li lllU <lttI)". LiSlll d uty Indtkn. arc usu;,lIy r=,,·.>J for
hot.I.Whold usc.'
To ,;e!e.:1 :1.11 c~t~".i(",
bdd~r. tile COnSumer "'U~I kilO'" Ihe heiShl
of the 101' ,upparl poi " l. If II j,; lL roof "'''·c. thc ladtkr " 'ill lIa,'c 10
~.'t~n d o ne to (lire.: f<ct beYl)Illl the <:a'·c. TI,~ Sian dn rd ...1~ forth
~ lab]e.' .... hich eorru]al.-S the c~l ellsi ,," ladder ,il.~ u'it ll Ihe
1(1 the roof eave ,lI1(1 hiGht to the lop suppml Oil Ih e .... a ll. ""hicl,
s l, ould be referred to ill orll er to delcrminc whel her ;111 c~ lc" ,ion lad-
der ",':1.' the right .ize fnr till,: job.
111 ~ll"C1ing a ~1C ~bdd~'1". il .1",,,1<1 .,., noted t l~,( ~ath k"t1 h o r
I:Wdcr \l:o;. ;, high..,,;. sl~ndillg 1",,~1. 1'", inM~n'c. fnr ~n tight-fool
1:....... ,,(. lh" loiS,"o.l SI~ll(I,"g k\"eJ is Ii,-"
fcrl. ni,,~ in':! ..... ·r" d ••1CC"-
minc Ih~ m:uimum ,",ork lIeighl of II "~l'ticu l u ladder, atld III. II scr's
heighl nutl "lIf~ r.ach 10 Ihe lI iS ht:!ol ~tn!l(.Ii n~ Ic'·e.I af Ih~ ladtkr.'
All ~.~ IC!!himl ladder may be tOO hlS h far the work to b~ d"'l e. If
a 28·ftxlt ladd ~ r is used, no work ca ll be IICrformed lxlow ,I ccrtaiu
pOi l\1.,, ~~ tile worhr will be 100 fur nUl 1I""1IYfrom the bui ldill(:
10 r..... . ~h il s:lfcly. Thu,;, ~ 2S-fam o:.\ lClIsion b ader C~l11K>t 1>Ill,·id.
a .." ch 10 I, ll I""d s bell>"" 2S fcel.
A ,",ork~r ~a" u'u ~II}' =,'11 fmm I h~ ; (ound up la a h cij!:ht of
"""~l rC~1 or >0, A ! S·foot eJ.len';OIl I:ld d ~r can be clooed to 14 f~"t,
bUl On a 2~ .fC)()t ladder, il is a prob lem tn wo rk l>elow 10 f,'l:1, So
b"IWtc n seve .. [cetluld 10 fcct. there i~ 1\0 fCllc h. Thcrcr()r~, [I dillh·
ent ,i7.~ I:ltld er will IJ:I"~ to be ,tiCClcd to reach thn,c heiGht s.
T h us. I ;uld~r id~Cliol1 cnn b<: problcnl mic. Uw uf "" ineorr~'CII)' ~"Id<'f call crC'JlC a d"n~crou~ ,;IU:ui"lI, weh;l.~ a wc rkw h~v.
inG Ie I"", a nd '<'Jell OJI rhe IaddL'f in an u tI.'<:I f" "'''Y.
T he work si1 e mll~' l imif the I' ''al h of !he lad<kr. If, for i nM~n".
" 2S·foot c.\ ltI,sion IJdder <:a1l1l0t Ix (11.1.1)' ex!end""" II"" wwker 111:\y
bave to cr."'l it nt nn improper a l1 ~lc ofi ll dinn lion. The corrCet lu' Sk
of iucii natiu!1 is 7SY, d~greL"' " If fbe laduer i. set "I' m an improper
augle 01' incliuati on. the bottom mar slide. A ~ho rter bdd.r th . refe r"
mml Ix ('IrMlded.
T he oollOn ' 3" ti lop ~u ppon for I he b tldcr m"y .u.1 cn n inc wh~l hcr
a Slcplatklc' or an c~ leusion I~d ..",r j~ pr"fcr:.bk. For in~lanCl:, 011
"" U"t'''" slope:. lhe four Ic&~ of ~ lI"pbddc r ma )' oot be able 10 Ix
suppor!w 0 11 a lL-vd . In SlIch ~iItMlion .... if th",~ U. ad.-qu~tc lOp SliP-
port fllr ittl ~;tl,," , i!ln bddcr, il may Ix m ore npproprial" t" uie un
eXlc"~ion l.1tlder,·
'iri. f 1.1.I.U .
• /d. t U .2,
LA[)llliRS A"I1l SCAFFOLDS ~ 5'-07[4]
the ]abellllll't 'ay ~0.1O (f tbe bdder doc:; not 'lnte il wa' d.sigll.d
for marc than one pel"<on, only one periiOll at n time ,hould be on
(b]--Climbing ood Working I.oclltion. The pe<>on'$ body
shoukl b!: lIear 1he middle of tl", 'tel' or rung." Othcrwi'e, the imbal·
ance of weigh I on the lodder mal' cause the ladder to tip.
The pe<>on should nol go on a stcp or rung which is highcr tlwn
t he highest ~1:lIlding level." The highest standing level should be in·
dicated on the product ,bta label as well as all a "Danger" mark-
I'or mo~t ladders, the USer m",t !lot step On the ladder top cap,
or top step, or pail shelf." He Illust not step 00 the rear bmce~ of
a 'tepladder, UllleSS the mnnuf:lcturer approves doing iiO.
[c)-Angle of Indlnation, A common Came of accident' on
nOli-self-supporting bddcrs, or ladder, that lean 'lgninst a wall, is
thut the ladder', feet ,lide along thc grOlmd outward from whalc,'cr
the ladder is le;miJlg asains!. The top of the ladder then com~"'S ofT
the top ~nppon, and thc ladder, with pu-,"cnger, falls to the ground.
On the oth~r hand, if the !Ingle ofindinntion (or "pitch"') is too
'teep, the uscr ha, a greater ri~k of slipping. Al,o, the ladder is mOre
prone to fall backwnrds from the lOp. The typic~l comedy scene of
a young nUI11 011 a ladder perched at a yOU!lg girl's IIpstaiN window,
mtd the would-be suitor losing hb babnce and the ladder falling
backwards, is accurate. (n real life. bowever, instead or gaining en-
trance 10 the Ilirl', room, the hero cnds up in a bospital room.
Tbese two COmmOn improper placements are usually the fault of
"hi. ~ U ..1,
II JJ. § U.l,
" !d.
" !J. § '1,1.1, t 9,1.1,1. Appel,,!i, A-
,. !d. § U.', Ifllo, 1"I>OIop i,,,'lo,," 18 j"C~" ""Io~' Ih, '''p ""P. ,hi, mlo d""
O<.M OWl)'.
D" Ih, to"""" '0' " '''P SI,p ,,,,,weigl, 111, dMgor ,11", ., UI<. wilt '''' il '0 <tarO<!
(On? 11 ,n,,,,,k, or an invited mi,""". ""rile Ihe .;,,,,ing;, M,,,l' u"''' wilt ",,,-,on
'lnll i, m"" "" "f, '0 'tor (]Il or it woutd no' "" th,,,.
f SU7l41 1' 1101).... " ... I'RACnCI!: Cl"IO!; ,....
th U!lCr, ~lJhough 5\,ch a fall w mctim ts i. cau i\l:Uby a defc:ctive bd-
der, ~uch as one with jm.... l"<!uaie J~o.Idcr fomillg.1>
To gct optimum r~sistallcc \0 sliding. non·'elr·mpporli l1g lnduer~
sltOl,lW be Cl"«tw al ;\ an~ of jllclinaliO Il (or " pitch") of 7SY, Iksrccs
from the II ori zol1t~'. The "qu.1ncr kl1l!lb rnle" provides for $...:11 nn
llllSlt:. Aecorui ng to the quarter length tule, th~ ladder should he ~d
up!.O IhJ I Ihe ~ Is 3"""Y from th~ wall "di~;\nce of onc-<juatler
,', c cffreTi,'c wor~ins Icngl h of IhI: !nddet. TIle cffl'<:lh'e W01~ing
ICIIGt h me.ln~ the distnncc of the .ide mils, from the boU()ffi of The
$ide roils, 10 Ihe lOp ~ lIpjl<H"' poim Gllhe ladder. "
[d}-Footinll Suppo rt. "the fcct Me un supported, or if OOe (001
i~ umupportcd, the ladder will be un~ l~b1c. Locy fricliOll at th. b.1se
C"oIU$Cd by lad: of (OOii ,,!; ~uPfJOtt Clln n~ Ih~ laddcr 10 slip, Low
friClion c-aJ1 be c~ur.o:d by ]xk of footi us support, icc, (,/\ow, W3ter.
ele. Sofc, UnC,'cn, ullslable, ~ I c pcd, or 5Iippe!)' surfaces e;1Il make the
ladder ucu.l~ble.
[fthe b ddcr d~ not Ila\'c (cc!, h~~ ,,"om, m~ing or ~ Iippel)' f<'>l.:!,
or h~& an i01prop<:. !ype offOO! for the . urfx(, the ladd~r mn)' ~Iidc
O\I t"':lrd~ from Ille b..w, l fdl': fccl!lre unsupported or um lnb!c, the
bllder may ~Iip laterally. Proper fOOl ing for 1"'= !we Or the l."ldd~r
will help a"gid oUlII'ald and l ~leral 5\iding of the fcc! ~nd enhallce
The rules ror foot ln&su pport arc :leI rort h In the .r~ndard ." Tlte
I~dder b" ~ should be: 011 a firm, je"eI ~urface . It m~)' be llccess~!)'
10 use "lalkler lcvclen" TOgel cqu:l1 rai l sappan on IIl1t ,'cn ~u tf~cc:!i.
Slip reo;;slUIICe of the fccl enn be enhanced b)' shoc~, spun, sp;k.:~,
Mmibr devieeos, an d combin)tionr. thereof. Whcn nee.;s,sary, the)'
l' Set. t., .. Phillip. ,'. Hord.·",. Whol"'. I..... In •. , 7~ ll'. 1~46(E<h Ci•. 199,~ II"
rl)'I~ \Ii.~;&> n 1.1.'. n,., plaintifT,..", iI1,i1l"d ... hon thol.>d<l" UI'OR ..·hkh h, W""
... noIiog .Jit>\W <JII' (,om """ac h hi" •. Tho pt.iAtiff !NOlI,,"' Ill! " lion aJ!tgiI1g ' nrt
'h. "pod," "" ,h.bGI, OIl. o>f, h, bd~" nr< ......... iv< 1>< ....... . h< d ....", and RI>,tri-
.1 ~·<foi".d.q ".'o to p..... nt the bdd.rfrmn . Iipping on ~' 'U,rQ ~". no judi'
.".,,1 ror til< »IaiDtHT ... " ail"OIrd.
Sit tWo To,.",.,. Y. 1I~~otd Lo.cId .. Co.. l&O N.W.ld 10) ( Min ... 1966): Sporb
,'. Con<o\id .,,~ Alomin iom Co .. 619 s.w.~~ J4! (Mo. 19 S~).
should III: illSI~ llw, A fool b dder boord o r !.imilllr devi~e AlD)' be
u!II!d jrlllt b dda d~ '101 b~w safel)' sbQC:5o, spih"l. 01' :1 , imHnr d.,..
If the bddcr is lIJI:d 011 i c~, ""0W, or slippe ry ~ llrf:IC\:S, :I IUi !ab l ~
meam must be pro"id ~d to [lr~.'clH ~li rpin s.
[e}-Top Su ~Porl, A mm·.elf·supporting Indder ntUSt be laid
'lsai"'t a wall, tlce, Cit " at the top. The top can ~ Iip latel'lIlI)' ~nd
either fall , or eausu the \I~tr \0 I<l'c his balance and filII . Th lOp ca n
tip backwnld~ if the u;."r· ~ weig ht i~ not balanced pcrrccll~·.
Tho IWO side rnils sllOu ld be phlced so th~t they lre sUpf>Orled
<'quail)' 0\ Ihe lOp. " Some b~ lk" Iw\'e a single support a II Jd,m"m
for u.., >I'hen the ~l ]lport is n pol<:, buil ding corner, o r Irtc. 11", ~I·
1:1<:10"""" shoukl be larse ~nd sub:!.ulllli.u ooough to " 'P(IOrt the I"d·
det Dnd I""d.
If Ihe L.... d., b.u 10 be pllCW "pinst ~ window, it $Ioould II/we
~ devic:e 3c ros, III.: b....:k of the '~dder. which eXlends ncl1)5.~ ~ he " 'In-
dow, 10 pro"ide rinu support ~S'linM the build ing "'nll~ or window
" Id.
PROll. UAn. PRACn Cl-: GULOf. --- "
der w be IInb.1l nn~cd. If IhQl~dd~r lilM- il ( :In fall. Of' il ( :111 l"3US<:
Ih o USCr 10!me his bahtn ~ and r~ ll. ::
The 8Lnnd:nd Ihneforc "'~1""" 11"'1 ... h~" ditnbins th ~ laoJd~..., the
user ~ holli ll r.1Ce t he Inllll er ~ lI d h ...:p a Ji rm hoill. He mll_'\ ll<l l d imb
(In fre .n t he 5i"", frem Oil" Indder 10 a nolhcr, Of frolll n swjl\g~a&C
10 11 ladd er, \JI1I ~'!\~ th e lndd er is securc>d l'Gnin l ! sid~wa)-". mOlion or
b~ bo..'O:Il linil0 the !oITuctur~. The U!iCI" shoo ld 1101 dimb :I brokcn
or be'l! la uder, or whcre nny stru ctural damnsc exiSIS.
[h }-t::l ccl ric~1 HD1,.1\rd 5, Elect ric pOwer linOl and oth er c!~": l ri·
e:1! circui t! m lL~ 1 be :.voldro. If a tn d al la.wc r. or a "'000 b ddcr "'illo
sid e·flli! 11I(1 ~! ~i nfo l1:c n'C n l u·jr..'S, rom..,~ int o conta~1 wilh ~~po'icd
<n..:Ty iled cle<:\ rIc ""i r~'!>, all cl,":lriC<li shoc k or Sholl ci rcuil could
occu r. Workcn ha w Men 'leriously bu rnoo a.~ n r""lIlt of:l Jnd d ~'r
tomln& into <:a ulae l wi lh a n e k:c trical wir •• The user uc:cd 1101 cvell
be 0 " the !:uld er, bUI I,,~...dy movi ng il. when the !~dd" r 10 1lch ~ It
po"'C, lin e.
There Me lad dcrN ~l'eeiJi~3 11~' d..,;ll:':ncd for u !~ !\~ar electri c power
lin~. With th~ t c;\C"Cption, L"ldden ~hould be k<:Jl! ~Wl'I)- from . 1<...:1 ri.
power lillc~.
. M"",p"" <rY "" ' ''I ,~ c~ .. 115 lII. Apl'- .'<I ~ :I?_ 46(,~ .1l.2~ ~?3
u So.... ~.~.. ~j'" .,
( 19 ~), n , pi> i.,iIT hod rl" n1 0 J'!;,IIk bot"·",,, ''''n
lodoI", In ~'" :oJ a = 1'Md
" b ile p:iliI'in~ ut.ti ....d l. 11< o6ml><d ur ....."" "<"phIdd... ,,, "''''''' a ~ .... .. ,d
"II< ' '<r m! 1»<. ""~·n Ctfl 'o tho r l., nk. d'e I,JMr ml l.' I"" d. "",,"';n, I,h" I~ foil
do~ ... 11", .1."" ""'"' >I'''' ~i, ",.d. Tho rW",;fT ~ubo<q....,' lf brousb' • 1""00\1(1,
l .... ilill ><\ ..... . ~"" , be ...11 " , n.! ",.., ~fO<1ur<' ~r . b. l>dd". T"e ..,u rl 10<1<1
.1"" the OI·;U," ", rtQ" idod ~..~, ,"nkkn' ro'. flr idi n~ ill r",,,, nr , ~ , p\>in,jlr.
.. A.I~. ' ·1 9~ ~ f U7.
" /d. i $"UO.
""' ,,',
"Si:". ,\~., Tut ~,"l, ". R,D. 11'0"'", Co., 1"0., H(' ilL App. 3d toJ>. 40S N.E,ld
4n (t9,Dj, I" ""wing f,~",.1 bdd" to the H~lf "f ,I" tr,ilor "['<,,, which it w"
killing, ,I" pbio@-r,,,tTtlo,,dhi,han,t,",,d'-""'to tho t,~, ,h,n "j « d hi; kf'
f"", hd';11<1I,;"" It Wel, at thi' J"lir,"1.,,( ,~, Io<l,k, ,uIL,p",,! 1:><",,,11. lh< ri"in'iif
"",I he r<11 w ,I" l'OI"'~, '"";lilli"l; ""~,,,\ i"juri". Tho ,,,UrI "fllrmru tho jLod~.
nl<nt for tl", pi>in'itT, h"tdin~ til" the "'iLk",-,. wbi,b ;nd",kd ''''timon), ~f "to
<'1'''' ''I,d It" pi.1in'iif lL;mldf. "'''' ,ul1,;;iol1' to >l,"mil tho to th" jLor)' on tl>o
'1",,,ti,,,, "r 1""';01"0 """,""
" At',1.19~2* ~.3.D,
"h!,~ S.lD.t.
"/d, ! 8.,,1.\:,
»/J. § >:.,1, tX.
,,, , ,.. >
<ler •. cXICII ~io ll 1n:>1 1c 1:"ld ........ C{lIlIbil1~li01\ Inddel1l, ~nd 1.10111>1" Sh:p.
lauders, nr e <lcsigncd 1<1 IUlld IWO m~1I nl n li me.
(5J---C'.I1't nt l.u<ldlfl. n ,c sland:lfd sct!; fou h a nunlOO of rulr.'S
tor I~ddet' cao: and n~liln CllanC<'. [or CX~ IIIPl.::
(I) 111 >('ICcI lire buder, "preferably" before each lise ."
(l ) If .h" Ja<klc' is brol;cn o r w n1. or if ~")' problem is lI<)lic..'!i
wil h :111)' w(l' ki ,,~ p.1tIS, ,ulIS"o-!oid" rnil C'()II11~'Clio,~. side r:Jils or
ru1\g~ (cr:l\:k~ or 'plit~), h;lrdw~rc cOIlI1""lio!t~. ri"cls, or Ilny o tlr~r
cmnpoJlclll ~. or if oil, f,tl.'<l'C, or .ti~ l>cry mat('rial lIa. J;IIU~n on th e
la dd.".. wk" t h" larl dcr OUI of S<.'1'Vk" IIl1tiltbe p rob\l'1tl i~ cnrrC't'tl-d
b}' " qu., ljr" ..d m<"Ch~oic. "
0) If the 1~(ldcr I",s il<:ClI ".~!lO!cd 10 eXC<$.,i,'c h"'lt. it must I>c
lc~ledfor d"nc'Clioll ""d ~t,el1S1h h... ro,e rell >in8 il."
(.I) Ir ~cid. or :1Ik:,li~ haw gOl1tll on Ihe l~.ldcf. eo" " ,11 lht n"'''u,
r"c lllr~" ~ illce il 11"")' ral llec the wor~i!!S It>1t1 of tl'" ~uldcr."
or if the
' .<\ UDHRS A:-I I) SC....TOLDS
~I""" "" flold =., lno .... ""..,fO<t.ri.~ d of~d .. "'hI'h COlI . rb.
"'pll< ."" ...,t lr)' "U parlin, r. Ih.. Ih. t ,kfl .. .,. ............ 41 ..... •
....... re oaI,' ,~"""'" mtI " "'IJIi<uII«Il<!)l, r.~~ I. ~ .,,10.. . '"
1,,,,,,,,.11,' br""r.hl J. '", II.J~ , .,.,. SIlK< "",rr"ld •• r< • • d."~"o ...
• ..... f.<1o'" Il; "'~"I "'. to I.~o .. " .....
.,.,.,..., .. «<lolOd .. I!~ ,II< ...,.llooId!o
<'<"""_ to ....IIt. '~OI .."
.-_01...... "',1> ' 0 ,100 ..,.
<II......... , ..........
"/d. i 8.4 ,~ ,
It Id.
AS~;Il, "' ...... be imaginnl, Lite dl.,illS brok<:. lite ~blro,m, broke.
the worhr.; fell ,wer Ihe side rQi l ~. ~nd lite l.!rnkc sys lem failed under
Ihe ~Ir~in of Ihe ~po."\:ding, fre~·ra1liIlg ~corro ld.
' $(-,' J~pn> eh. ~6, " l ....,.)I>Cl_ Liability e:,,,, lIi,I(IO"),," ...·hk h ' '''..,. . .... . n....,,1
""'~ ),.1<1" rlal f""" . " ...~den"
, ANSI A 10.8·1 ~J7 f 1 (Defio;';"",I.
, '''1. ' H'" ,of 1(.lTuid I. , hi! iM.t...,I I. >e<i!kl", ~n "","""",I ", " ..I.... "><I .~ ..
• s,." "2-. 1( 1;'.. v. I< . Il. W~m", C .... In<... 95 W...h.. :!<l ll 6. 6j4 1'.2<19J (l9tl!J.
n ,. r);m,i!l\ 'D""'...,j nurn","'. inju. ic>, i""'..t;,'l' f,>O!y,,,, , ......... d ""n", 0""
kK< "r"n ~IT". "'hen on oi"mi""m ' ....,[foidi", ri,"k "" 11,,,,,"". ,I"<""i"l': .ll<m JO
r<tl ru 'h< ~TntLn<l. The oour< mooifi.d Iho i"dg'''''''' ro, 'ho pl,in'i lT, rn ,.n"", 'h<
(ull .",• .", d rho d,n,o£< ,,,,.,d..
·)o,h h.1d 00<., ,,<lu,od "J"'<' • d" .Tmino'ioa
t"'-, ,~. rbinrifr' 118<1 . " ... >«1 n I'<...:<~t of lhe ri,k of , hd< i~J~ri .. ru r';~nl
10 i"'"f'"l ~nd dil.<o\(f 'IK dd".... .. Tho "'w'
II<td II .. ,.be
"" tJlhl"l<>oI nllt..: ri>It
fi l><li,! n, "", ,ur!""""" by ""I' "",-".
)6-93 1,,\ IJDI(RS ,~~]) SCMH)1.11S ~ 56.tIS[J]
,afety de"ic~, fnil. Safely d~,'ice' for worker>. such a> h"rn~ss !xlts,
go unworn.
[2}-Stntc Lnw, l'rotccting Workmen Oa Sc:tffolds. Slate laws
mny pro"id~ eXIra prolccliol1 for workers 011 scatTold,. For in>laJice.
New York lm~ u law sp~cific:llly s~lIillg forth broad prOicclion and
right~ for worker> On >,:affold~,' The owner of Ih. building !xing
worked on, ~rld the gell~ral contractor for the work, are botll "abw-
IUlelr liable" for any "ioilltion of thc provi<;iolls of 1he ""affolding
scclion, rcganlk",~ of whet her 1hey crcnled I he condilion, owned lhe
scanDld, or "therwi~~ dir<"Cled, supervised. or had anything 10 do
with the work. Tim" thc worhr"s compensation bar agnin~t a work-
er suing hi, cmploy~r i, avoid.d, since the \\'orhr can sue the oWlicr
and general cOJl1racwr. e\'~n if his own company nWllcd the scanDld,
">sembled and urrnng~d the 'caffnld, ilnd ,up"',-,,·i,.,d it> \I>~. Cont rib-
utory ncgligence i, 1101 a dcfclI\c to a ,-iolntioll uflh" , tatuto,)' pro"i-
,ioll, rcquiring proper '<:(,ffoldillg,
[3J-Commoll IMUCS in Scnf("ld C",~,. The cummOJl i,-,ue> dis-
cussed ""pm< with regard to lndd . " "ppll' in Inrge m~a,urc tu ,caf-
folds as well. There arc. howel'er. wrne particular issues that tend
to urise in ,c~ffold ca'C5,
raj-impleading. Thcrc is nftcn a trail ()rr~~pon~ibiJity, leading
from tllc oWlicr of Ille scaffold, to Ihe ~clter of the ~cnffold, 10 the
lI1anUfactllrer of the ,caffoJd, to the lI1illlllfllctllrer of cnmponcnt
'·\""""Pfd~ ~1;'D1111,111·
part, of ,he !.Clifford, 10 lh~ 1>131lufacwrer of !aw mal,'fial$ used in
Ihe componellt l~'rt ! rn Ibe ~nffo l<.r. E~~ h ", lIily i~ 1~lbl~ 10 lite pla;n·
liff, und~r ' INcI p rod llCI ~ Ha bil;I)', uS a »cll er of (I dcfl...: li ve proollcl.'
11 ' ~"f"Cro rc. dcfcnd nnl s, wl,ell , ,, ~"tl , mu,! co,~ L" r impl,'adi,,!: "
" umt,,:,. of pM!i"", :
( I) 111e OW"".,. impk:l cl . Ille seller for r.cllillg " def""':1 i,'c !'Cailokl.
(2) 'llI e own., and [b e scll c' illlpl c~d IIIoC nlulwf,to:lurC! fOf m., l;illj;
:, , llf,"CI;I'e pl"l"l<hlCl.
(3) The mnn ufncill rcr idc!l1if1"'l II pllfficular paT! [hal fa ik'! :mil
implo:ads 111< mallu n,ctIJ re r of thaI pari .
(4) 'n,," I'Mt m :' nu f"c!u!cr cl aim.' he w,~, ..old d~rccl; V" , (lW m~I(·
onl"- from " 'hkh h~ <:"OtlMrucl,'<I the p.1rt. AI Ih e ~:u!1c fimt. he
cI "inl5 Ibu l Ihe m."mufacatt~r's h.-.clmp ... rdy (Je"i .....-s werc in nde-
Gll al c or faikd.
(~) All Ib e dcfcnd."lrl1S ",..: Ih~ I'lai ,,'irr~ c"l"l~'cr rm r";I\,,c tu
ad<tJII~ldy mn;!Ji J in. in'llCcI , ""d r~p:,;r 1111: p"Jrt ,,,,d for f~i lurc 10
~d"'lIl"ld)" u'"in a nd pm ,i de s;, fc[y CqlliPIllClI\ [0 Ihe plaintifT.
ElIch lh t "-hove ~laim. llIay \Ie viable. d ~pc!"liJl& (I" Ih~ cir~ uon'
o.lJ1K"e< oJ !he tld«t. ThllS ..... hat Jlmy "",n ~s ~ ~Irnigb ! rorw"rd ,'.,!it:
for I h~ pJ" illl ifl' ~J Il nm,;hrOOIll j"IO" (on 'pI .. ~ plodUCI~ l i~bilily cas(,
" 0' ov"r wh etl, . , Ih e pl a inliff ...·ill rcc(i~<: COIn (l<.'l,;alioll hul 0 ...;(
who will p,'y."
E,w y enorl alld \Iral~~Y In m ove lhe ~aw !llol1&'''U~I be c "lpiO)"Cd
by III<: pl"inliff. sin ce. s~n Cr;! !ly ~11C~kin s , Ihe o Ilier IY.ln i'"lI will 11 01
hll"C Ihe illCcllli.·c 10 dQ "'.
s..1I1~"II,cnl di'\Cn,,~ion~ an: " ftc n prolr:'cl cd by Ihe comple.,h )" of
I he Ir~, I. · A n il;..<.u" "'hk h ill clear 10 Ih" pl" nt iff, an d wh idl shOt, I,!
1.II.UIlI\ II S ,\:>lll SCAVFOI.llS ~ 56.05[3J
to .1',·" •..~.. T """~l. 1< .... .. MoO«w ttL",""r (" ~ .. I I 7 til. '\N" 2d 3ll, ~! ~ r'-1;.~d
~... fI~l>'Jj. T",".,. "."1"",, d ,im b)' ~ "''''~~''' n "" 00 r.1I frrua a ..>ffold ..·1.....
11>< 1'1>l\t l~~h. T.",~ , ~ ... ""' Bh' iftlk,m1ifltJ' ;.oo h om d,.I. mk , """",,_y
whklL "",'pli ,,( 'h' ""ffol<l i,, ~. The .....·01'110. p'o"j Ut Ih ut 110< "n"" jn ,I,. ",.ff"hl·
' 0&: J'Ll"k pnn>.J...,I 1»' ''''' ~tl.on' .",,~ ,ke en"" of ,II< acd.I<", ... '" ..,Ilki.."
'n ~'"''' T<.,,,~'. <\, i", fo, in,ktllnir"",,100 .,0.1...
II>Mry .., ",I.;, Ji~i!I' )·.
"S"·~"·r.N""J· L F'~tttcr.~ M. fr ied", ,,,,. I'""h"' '' t.I ~bilil!·. ch. I!. '"h,MJtllli.
'I""' l~t ,"1,.,.. lund« 1?s7~
" A1>.;loo l« ' . R",U" ", 1101, k ~1<d C". J Ig 111 . II.pp. S(,.I . 4~ S .E.2tl 4l S (1943).
Thi, ~ f""'<. '''''''w. '~""J<?t,ly b«"~u", ...... k.,.·. mo>tp<nuri"" r~rri<o, . ,~ con·
" ,,1«' I)" , II" " "I,l<lIco ...ill 11"" bri" ~ t\ p,,,,,~,,t ioin,)' ,"(I "~"i".. lh, ",.."ufx .
' uf"«•• h. "",nuf.., u« , "ill int~ 11", "",pI<oj <t. """ <I", «I' l'f<>j.<t "ill be h,l~
Ib~l, r", "'''ol " In", d..".r,<> 11_ m• ...." k .." """f"""...non 11<,,-
s...~ 1:<'0,,,,,1/,' A. I"' '''ITI. The I... ~· of lI"ork," , n', C""'\'1<",.I;"". d,. 14. "Th;,~
l'any Ar"on. " IM.n l",,· lin""" t982).
...." ,,01 eol""""'.n r blr" jff. >ilK. IhO)' ,.;... ~ ctImpl<1c "" ,ft!:fl" '" .~. C"''' ~.'''''
"hd PC''''' "" • •10" j .. ,'Ii«.
,.. .1'0" 2 I, K "f'<"',';n &':>1, MI,.. ", A"orn o>",' Gui"" 10 !",~~",cn" ..
,b, j ~, " r ,ii.
"" ",,"i}'''' to!' M"~IL11'" ""~ <ll , ~ t. "Fm"h1t " pI,i o An"l )"i," (~b l ,i "," tl<n~<r
" S''''Kcn",>I~' L1',""",1'< M, Fri,d""",.!,,,,,,,.,,, Li,,"ility. "', l . " M ,,,,,,(;,,lllf.
,r', !.i,bilily in N.~ tlr~" ' •." ~ ~,l! (\!""h.~' tk,,<lo' 1~ K 7) on" , It , ). "S tn,1 l.i.,.
oi li 'y," i .1,O)I"III1I" il (M"uho" · Bo,lde' 19~") ,
"S.". "~,, :lei..... , S)'","",COI1,-.12 t :'ol,W.2d ~(t'o'.l)' WH~
".... ,."
J K08{ ) ] I'ROIJ. lJAII, PRA(.T](.'l: GUlDt: %_95
qll:ne as ~ mll iler or lnw 10 31'prnc a uS(: r of l11<: <.Iange r of doilis so."
The coun Slal~d that III ~ C!u~"Jtion;~ whether th e warning provided
~deq\lllic "","UI.1nCc Ih.,l the inform.'l iOfl 1I'0uI<./ nctua lly r~:x:h thos.e
"'hOfc s:t rc:t r depcnd~ Oil Illli r h~ vin~ il.
Th us, any lir~~a\'inJ; w:lrnins sh cli id be pl~ec<.l ill a locHli Ofl w ho:r~
II Il lcr will ~Cc it, mlher Ihnn lucked nw~y ill so me technic~ 1 n~ ,mml
in In.: owner', file c:lbinct.
ASS<.'TIlbly iliMruclio!l ~ m u, l be ekllr an d e.1S)' 10 foll(lw, since
mi nor mij,lake, in a~>.mb l ~· c:m h :lv~ d;snstrou ~ r~~\llt • .'·
{1ll--Pro,lm: Delu l. Th. ~im pksl m~... hocl of ,,(O\'ing til<: <:xi<;-
1e!ICC (If ~ m anur.. cturins dcl'cC1 i~ 10 hll"c "';I"C$~ Iesl ifr 110) 1 they
s.,w the brokell pan ~nd d~'S\: ribl: What the)', This is usually in·
~urr[(: icnt in hsc1rto es lab li sh the preSC llce of ~ d~rCC1, but In some
;n llan re<o, it nla f CliI.1bli~h Ih" faci! rrom whic:h II jury m:l.)' ~ pennit -
lru to infer Ih" rrcsen~ (If a derl,:l. For inil!\llec. ill Sp(>t: ~. Up·
Rig/u. ffl f .. " Ih . clnw dam[l end o r ~ cross brace rod 5eparnlcd from
I)I~ rod, a)l tl"'i nS ~ I S-yca r·old alu mi num ~cnrrllld 10 COll:1 )l!i~. A fd-
],)w <'nlpJoy\'C o f Ih ~ [lbi nlifT aud Ihe job ~\Ircri n":ndcnt bot II lot i-
fi\'d th.~llhcyobsc",N1l heel~... d~mp 3 oo tM rod:ofter ,ile:,cd drnl.
Ih al "orne weld hud bmk~n so!!lcwl~rc, and that it ~ppcJr~d there
hnd been II r"ilu re 10 w~l<.llhc claw 10 the rod. The court held !lIut
fhl~ rre-;.,:nlcd ~u fficic"l rael ~ from which the jur)' cou l(1 concludc
thlll Ihen: Wl\~ II defeclive ... dd unioo t.:f"·U Il Ihe ebw clllm p anti
Ihe b mcc rod,
I! i~ 11111 r~uml1lcnd('<./ 1h l nn)' p~ ny attcll1pt 10 [lto" C B defect
th rough b y Ie-timon), alOlIe. In ~lIrroldi "S eases, nn upcn i~ 3...·lIyll
wll frBn l~"CI lind ,,~..:cs.'!o"y.
:. loIiocli ". Up-R~M. In.:., ;</0. L4 1006-Ii (N.L iJlId",n C'"''''r ~ . pc"""
C",," May !I. 1''11). Q' ••7-""f<d;.. 2l A TI.A L. !Up. " :4-'lSo (t9Sn. TlI< ~ l.m_
.HTf.i1, d 'O>3, .. mbl< ,It< "",,"<lid ..i,b , ~ . 'ON"", l>oiih1-)",t-.", d; ..... "l..", ,,,,",,.
I"S in i"o<":qu", , '"hili')' "nd pl"i n,in', foil , A !J,"O.OOO '·<t~i CI ""." "",,",,,1
r", ' h, pi,inliiT,
.. j til .\1'(1. 3d 1 Q6~. 150 N.£.ld!.l (19}ll-
rou " fronl bilu r.: 10 prod uce lJoe re3l cvidenc~ in Ibe ~':1!.e, II..: ;tltes-
~I)' ct....tXti<-.: JI.l rt. It h<ls tN...." held, hl)ll.'e"cr, t h~I il is nol /I,'u;uary
10 inlrodu,-c into <,~den« I be part thai f;tikd," N<:\"ff! b~l m, ~i"~e
failun: to prOOll'. I he bro ke" pMt "~n be eriticiud in t h~ oppOn'~ll'l
dosinG nrgumcnt, it i~ the be Ller rr~clicc 10 nmke .,'cl')' .:0'011 to in-
troduce in to C"i d"nCe Ihe nc lunt part th"l f"itcd, a~ \\"~lt ns ude'lun lc
photoSraphi c ~vldcnce of the enlire pit'Cc of equipment thnt con-
1aill'1.l Ihe pnrl,!"
[i)-ExcludIng Other Possible Cnuses," Once n defec I hn~ been
idem i~<..J, II i5 nOI tt<'C<'S:\:I'y for 3 plnimiffto uclu de ul! ol her ~i
b1c cau!>eI fOf lite brc:1 k''' g of 3 sc" rrold." The jury ut a~' conclude
Ih31 lho: .. lk'S('d Ikf''''1 m or<.: likely I b~n lKlI the C:lU!./: of lite inri·
delli . II i~ 1101 " n·cs....~f}" Ihal I,...,. probable r:;IUs.:s I", dirui"~I<~I."
When n 1l13i"Ijrr 11lltm rn~ 10 l.""'tabli~" .. oon'pecilie d.:f\'CI. b)" ill'
f,'fling 11m Ih . $("~ffold "'Quit!. nOl h3W O(h"""is<: fnilcd, the p~~inli R'
mUll .~cl"dc olh ..... <'/luall)' prolK1blc <::I.u..... ,,( rhe fail ure, A ~ Ion:;
a. rhe plnilHirr~!W~bli 5hCl< rhat the fnilurc probab ly oc~lIrmt :\~, re-
sult of ~ d~rcci. Ih ~ j)ln;nlifT hn. mel hi ~ burden or proof, Tile fact
Ihat rh~ dcfelldm!l CUlt conceive of other poSl'ibk ~;,u."" doc~ tlnl
O,'C'COn1 e Ihe pl :LiIl IHr~ proof.
[j]-r.~lIcrlS. A p,or=o. who is nil c~pcricll c"d m~chnllic~! ell-
gineer ;LIl d :lIt ~.I ~" '" the field of metallurgy may t<"!.tif)· " 'illt regard
" T•.um, h .... <, Mo:G, ... I.uft'h<t C'''- I II III. A!'P_~d Jl I, lj..t N.r"ld l!l-l
fl%9~ f'J>in,iIr, <tnpir»'tc ...", inju.<d ;" ~ WI '",... . ,,",«~ kI .. h;"b "'....m.I
when ~ pbnk u",", .:hi(h h...," . undiog !noJ;. in '.-0.
T"" pbi,n;rr bfOUtl~ "'''
. !;OIin" ,b, ".!'Pl .. , t>f ,h. "".rrokLi", Th. COPn affirm'" ~ JI>\I,~,.", """
Ih" pbln.
!ill; boldin& ,I,.t it . ~, nn, """"'.... 'Y KI r rodlOCe the okktti,~ pllnt ,a,,, .... kPo<
0''''''''' ,,(
n, ....... ,I>< d. rM i•• fU rt .."", .... lrtclalt.
s..., dho Sroo<' ". l:p ,I< I~". I"". ~ III. AW' jJ 10M. 1.W :>1.I!. ld : ) ( I9l!).
" S,... K''''''",I/), l . 7 I) ... ",~ .. ;n Tm' A,"fi.:>!ts. cl1, ~l. f.. I""""."'
(19~J); <h, i1. ""1).11"",,,,,11;,'•• ltd JMoO"'""!or)" r;,id,,,« ,,"I FI ""l l'rcp,,""io"""
(Matthew Iknl., I ;~ l ),
" S<"~,'nm,/I}" 1,. 1',,,",,,& M, [In''cimo,,. !',,,,IL...;, L;"bi lj,),. ,I>,:l, ""M" our.,,,u,.
«'< Li'hilil)' i" N.!liF<n<o:· i ~,:!$ (~b")"w Ik"d" 19~7).
" SI"'I' ", l1p.Ri8111, ("0 .. J ill. AI'P, ),) l(lO~. 1$0 N .~.l,! 2) (197l1: To,,,,,,,, trIO,
' .. ~loG"'" !."m\>c, en, 111 III. At'l'· 1d 3l1, l!4 N.F. ,lJ ~i.-I (19M),
"s"., ~,'.,""11,y "'P'~ ~ !6.01 [<I).
' ,",
I' RO O. U"IL I'R,\CfICl: GUlli!:: ~6- IDO
" G." . , k s.m.'. [no, " . ll,,,,,~, I?? &0. 2~ 29 I (FI>, Di.I, CI. A[>p. 1967),
s..... ~I'" ~"J'! I. KUp<nloin " K 531",.. ,\I_f. Gu;'1< to ~ -nns..
dL "II. ~ F"'t u .. lI.oul,.io '" M,,"~,uh" and do. lI , ~F"'<!",,,~1tio: " "'1)";''' (M".
lboo.' tknJ" 1 9S~).
" 1l".1L ". It. Il. Ilabert_ C" .. No, 10 Itlll (N. D. Ind, .\bn;:h 19; 6"", ,,,1"''''''
Irr 19 An .... L R<j>. I 19-10<. (t~J6"
" K' "~I"'" " . E<I.. "" l lli"<> loo.,ber Cu., 16 lit. "'pp. )~ J6l, 306 N,E.ld 6~ (,
(1 974) .
.. !Mo'. ' .,t .. O)'m. ~, .. v. 0 "..." lS2 1_3 1066, 1000l".W.l d .l46 (1%1 ).
.. 50,01,,, 0'. K>t"",.bOO T.nll!. Silo Cu. 105 Micl<. 3)9. I II N.W. ~2J (1919).
S,'" alS!' H'P'" d" 1$, "Def,"" •• "d t~"". "
,r.. .. "
" ,' .
WlIo; wo rki ng m I h ~ lin1 ~ oflha aed Ucnl , Ihe plailllirrnmy l><: ~ lIIill cu
10 Sn~ hi~ .... lIl'lorcr unlkr Ih~ du;ll cal"'~it)' Uoctrin e."
[1I~E ~~ nlplts of Ucfl.'Cl s. [n une (:.<e, :1 "br~~ k-b;ld, lie," used
10 l'UpflOr! a se~fl<)ld, broke, The m ~nufrlclur~r was held li"bk. ba.~~d
ill I"lrl 011 Ih e '"'llliDlOlIY o r ~ mcl:lUUr~!.I ."
The presellcc ofkn[)\ , in a plnn~ , ill violnlioll OfSl;llldMru for [u m..
b<:r IISCII ill !I(;lfrold;lIg, wa, found to be t be c"u~ or n plank break-
ing." The pr~~l]cc of ,h~ ~J10 1" WII< I'T()\'Cn by ph Ologr~phs. rather
Ihan b)' illlro•.lu.::lion of Ih" plank il self,
Th~ cln .. ' C1:o0l p CIIU of ~ crot..~ br.u:.; roo.! i\(par~IN from Ihe rod,
allowing n !5 ·ye~ r_old ohun illlun <ca rro ld 10 coll nps., A d~rccli"c
w~ld ullinn bci"'w lllilcciaw cbm p and 111-0 b = roo "'11~ hlenlified
~s Ihe ucf~CI ,I' Til e dcf.-c i "'U~ esw bli sitl'(l by 1'-'lllnlOU)' of a fclJ"w
cmplo,'tc " r lhe pbiu lm' :Uld t ho; Job superinl.:t1 dClu lhal Ih;:y ob-
,~" 'C(! Ihe ci:.1I' ci:unp and 11r~ rod "ncr Ihe uc~idcrn , Ih :\1 ""me weld
Imd bmk.",",,"er(', :lAd Ihat il 3~:'rt:tl l hcft h ad ~!1 ~ failll'Q
W weld the claw 10 Ih e rod .
.. s,.... ".g.. j)ou~I." \', E. ,,><I J. 0. 11" WI""y, 69 C,1. _'I'I' . l<l IOJ, Il7 (.'.l. R" ...
J~ l nonn.
" G,,,,~ & 5,"", I,"" ", U,c.:'. I'>9 ~, ld 2ql m.•. !)i". Ct. At'fl. 1%7).
.. 'f.",,,,. t nc. ~ . ~ kGr <w I.~ ",t;.., f C,'" t 17 1If. "1'1" Id l ~1. !~ 4 N.I:. ld 5 S~
(1 9M)
"~. ~. t.'p.Rirll<, In ,., .1 lit. ,\ rr . .\d IO,;~, Iro l\' ,E,N :~ (1 972),
•• I"', r ". Soli.." ... 16. f','<b. ~7S, " !II....... ld 1O"l (l 9S'1~
., II"",. ", 0" ,,,, 0,"1 s.""" 111< .. 1')<) S<'. ~<12 91 (1'1" DiM. Ct. AI'!'. )%7~
" R,,",""' " (h,,~. ~JDS. ...... ~ d 79~ IT...... l on~ ).
I'j.lOll, I./,\U, l'IIAcne\-: (:\jlllJ!
!>__ ....... , .... . ",Ir ' . ...~rI'_ h... ""'n 0<1 ,."h ..,. , .... " '"<rl"'"
S>.lio...t St:" ubnb J.. t~uI . IA.... Stl. ''''' U.d, ,,,,IL ... , ... lI<l nol<l.1toL
lUI.), ~0.1 ,h. O«"~ .tkl".t 1l<~ II~ ..d s.r~ tr ,'dmi ";'lr~ li".
IOSII ,\). OS ll A r<""I~llo ", ~",,,"," " I .. ltI<,,.no! ..."ffolo1.< or, •• ~."
i:orl:d)' ( m ....... " NSI .",,1I:I<4S.
l10e A ~l ,\"" .... J _ ilk>
. I0:Il .. ~ r<>l4, _ r k ...... _ Iy " .... I ....
""'r~ • ..,..,t . .
""rr... , ~ d ",roly f,. ", tho f.."., .... 'ro,"
<lr ",11 ~ . ...
m",,'''''''no. ..."d.. ~ I""",ldo, r", hl':L'I·dul)·, m (~ l u ..·d"'I·, ~,'"
U~"'.t!"1 .. .. IAAdltU;. !kolroM, "' . .. ~ ... . ~" '"l'I"''' •• ""'....
• 00k ud.", ' '"'l'''mI II, _ . ,Iu u ((IU, ........... _ d _ ... J'''rnd·
.4 ~ . s.-~(f.hh "'''' ' ......... r<d , . ......... """'" " """ ...", . 001 1,",""",
" ... h.,d p,OI«t!oo .
.. C.,."u;" ~. I'. t..u ScJffitldill,!! Coo. C, •. 1'" 1~·~ 1 (\j. S_O. ~ .C .. 0 .. ' ..... ""
1)0.'.. 0<.1. I, l G7l>~ U' "f'D'kd;f< 20 AT I.A I.. 11<1' 1 10·1 13. ( I"''''',
.. Dd.',"' ,'. SpiLl" SI.;;" _ Cc. . ~o_ Sll\~1~ (KX s,'r. C1. . Kin!" C,, "",)', ",,"'..
n. 19n), a.' 1."1"""-.1 iI. n AT LA L. ((, " ~ 22·R6 (1')1'1).
.. IlLla ' . 1010 IlIood ~·~)". So. n li'JllIl (N. Y. SuI' CI" K '". eo..~ ,~ S ..... 19. 1).
"... ,,,,
.. j~_ I OJ i.AII1lI':IIS ANII SCM'row s
1 Sa- R_ II..g.,n l< M_II"""". 0«"1",;"",,1 s..r"')· ", "I I~,nk " c<, <t.. 6. "'11I<G.n-
".. I 1("",1.,,;""',.," i 6.0! (~l"I!I",~' lkt,,,,,," 1'ltO),
, 19 C . ~ , M . H 191Ml()'I'J!M ': (1 '1S1).
' fd. ~ 19 ~6. m(.) {I ~ t7~
" lel
" Id.
" IJ. § l.!.
For n" ..~!1c lIca m,. noats. oonIS"'aiN's ch~irs. carell my (suspen d,'<l
by cJ~1in.) r.c3rrekl~. ,,,,d h .Mcr joe"'. lifclin....~ ft l1t1 sarel Y bell!i are
Il."<juired if 11l ~)" 'lfe \0 r~. Of" nKlre oil", he gl"Ou,I<.I .)O The.dore, Gunr-
dru il ~ . midrnil ,. "nd loo:bnn rd~ arc not requin:d."
The Man<1nrd !.CIS fen h I he nCC<l!>SOIf}' des ign of Ihe sunrd l~i ls. The
!;uMtl",il mUM be 36-42 incha; hip!. ",;tlt midr~iI ~"\IrflOrtS:l.l loosl
~vcry 10 fC~I . There mu>! be a l00:bcard whkh extend, ~t ka~t JY,
i!lel\c> "bo~~ Ih. 'urf~c~. The slnnd nrd !i.C(~ fert h spccifi~ ntatc",,]
spct irleul iont. fur Ibe !oi7.e nr angle iron. w:lil S(a.-l lubinc- "":111 all",.i_
num ,ubin:;. Qr lumber 10 be tW!d in COI"lnlet; ns tile gu~rdr:lil!..
Wh~1l IhCT ~ nrc urea " below the :scaffold w)lcr~ ['Caple a~ required
10 ..... or~ . the ~':Iff" fd nlUSt h~ve a sc ,,,,,,, be' ..... .:;:n lho: ,,,,,bo:u d and
t l'~ lIuardraii. l1~ins " 0. 19 gauge U.S. St.mtli!rd Wire. K·in. mesh,
or Ihe equh·al,-nt." TIll" pre"c!l1~ 111:1lcr;ul from railing "ff Ih. """f_
fold onto jlI:l]IO lT> below.
(fJ-.-Snru)· 1'''':IOr. Se:l.ffeld~ and thei r cob'fIOnenlS arc lI:quired
I' I<!.
" Id J l .J..
I ' 1<1.. ~ :uc n
.. hi.
"/d. i l ..1{ll.
" IlL ~ l .lI.
,. ".~
10 hold;\t Je~~t rOOf times t h~ m:lli nlUIll illlcnd~'(\ 1 1X,~.1> All rop.i
u~cd for i u , petl~i olll~ rcqui~d to hold 3t 1~:I$t ~i.lti mcj the imcn d.<d
lood . ••
1 ~-SpccmCllliollS fOf Lum~~r, T1, ~ ~landard sflCdfi<.'li th.:
minim um ;.tn.,;, grllde .,r lumber u~cd for !\Cuffold frum; ns ." II also
spcc i fie~ lhe S i l~ of planking for ~c:lrrol() pl nll k~ :Iud l h~ maximum
!f>II11~ for p:tnic ular worki ng lrod"- 4>
"fd. ~ 3.4.
• ~ 1.1. t J.n
'1 Id. I U (I ~ oo Ib./;".' "''''"''"'110" ~r'~c 1,,,,1><,).
"Iri. I ). g (1. ", pI.""I", .·oh n,.';,,,,m pomu.>ib!c '1',0> Cor ~ ;n. ~ 10
itI. (DOmiIl>l)"" 2 m. ~ ? IQ. ' ''''''p I pIo. •• , '" IOf•. ((II" ,,""'i'll IooiI oC ~ lb.i11. ' :
2 ia . x 8 1R. a ,.-orI<in, lNIIof ~lbJf'I.': :md 2 itI. " 7 in. fora "''''kin~ \o>d.ot"
1• .11'1. ',
·'Id. t .1.12.
· ~/4.t l.ll.
" M.I l.ll.
"Jri. t ),lO.
" Id. t .I.l7.
! U.IO ,'1101). I.I M~ J' RACrllT. (OUlUVo
. , (oJ. l'O,
., ~
"/,I. ! )_ ~ 1.
"/d. § l .H.
" /,t ~ nt.
II.." ,."
l 6- l09 I.AI)DllRS A~IJ SC,\FFOI.D5
;IfPIT '" oil .... 1101<1.. II.......... ,Io«e • •• 10 ' I'll<' .1 oc:dMol> ...... .
n«l . Md~, In'C "'" 001""" N .... NII""",11Ol: '"'''',1>.111''' ..... ~ ••
,IWI •••«1",". ,.. ..« ..1•• ..,cl '" r.... th. A ."'!'I"'.
" "'''rd !:'I''''''
u' . ur p,,~.,,'4 p1.,fo"". lor (~,«"" lHolldlnr. ""'",.",n<4l. r~<, •
• • 1" .. ",Is, <of •• ""r . 0. """. ,1"ro ..... 0-'\ .....1.H "1",,,,11 , I•
.. 10110.........1:. _ .. poIioIIlo l:. .... ullJlIj;. a'" ~ I nlorl.....It.·
1"1: ..... "'''''''''~ .nd """,1...
.\ "•.,Iot.,,( "."~'''I' .ppll,a "",WI< ".fMdl. ~1 •• uoIlH.",,..llod
...l>I l. I.",,<• • ,•• .1, OJld .<"~rr.hll fQIOOC in ..:riou. dto>iI(n.> bu, t."""·
,ulll ...<is, 0( . . ..... ,l'4I U l ~ , 111[",. on .. ~ «k ~ . --.t..~ )t ...·
... IIN''''''''I.... cl.ntllll/ u , ~ pb, .... _ Of<: . 1<0 . .... l'4I """_IAlly
on .. t.ocl, Or to ....... o.-d on: ,·«tf<>I~· .il,io" .W , "-, ... 11 • .!kll·
",upoIl<d 01" 011"" """' pl .. r", ... ... po .... o,oc.oted..... 110< piOi'
r...... ~. bo . '.'~1.4 .•" ... ~(~ "'"i."ololly. 0' ........ II",,,,
__ 'I,-d .I "",I .~ .. ork ,I,lfo ... ' .... o""lIO<lod by a !>oem .. b k~
01110« kl .......... ... ~ "" .. W<I<h ' 0 ~" ... p t f _ .... ...d ,~.
look ........,. .... I'... I""I<oI ... IIOW . 10..1;, . .. " _ llOCI.,.. ,UIl<
pI .. I. .... ' .. 4 dU1lI.!.,.. pt .. l..s.
· Id· t~ ·
'Id. j~.
"hi. j 1'.
"IJ· tl"-
"IJ. t II.
"h!. j IS.
" "L ~ l~.
,. IJ. f 10.
"M. §~ 1.
16- ttt LA I)DEI!S ,,:-':1) SCA~l'Ol.llS j 56..1Q1tJ
" 1<1. ~ n.
"U. ~2 l .
.. Am<ri.;.n ;-:>llo n'\ SI,md....d. S.'fc<~ thqu;r<JnrnlO fvf I'o•.-"O\! r l.,fon,,, r.,
E..,,;or !l";I~j,,! M>;n"n , ,.,,,, AI'S ! AllO.I ·1?10.
" Jd. j lO. ~.
,..... ,",
t ~ U' [J "MOil, UMt. [' RACTIC' ; (;U tllt:
to m~ l h~ p~Morm , or un ..... ind s Ute ..... ire fC\l'e to lo The pb lfu nn,
If tbe mOIO, [(li ]r., ;1 ..... ill nOl bold tb e druOl ill place. and tb e ..... ei~ht
oflllC pl:nfoml will CauSe the drum to turn. allowing tbe wire '''pII
to unwill d. A~ Ih e platfonn SlarlS tll fall, a ~ccoml:iry hwke llI.;cliu·
nism iI; dcsiS'h:d 10 be aU lomat ical1)' 3Cli" ;1l ~d by the incrc:ls.t:d 111m·
ins: Sjl<....'<.1 o r Ihe drum. Whcn Ihe M'C'ont111)' brake engages, il ii ill'
1~'11"'--d to lock II\(: d m m, 1'f"C\'C1uing Ill<: "i !'<.' lOpe from 1ll1will diullo
(IllY further.
ll1e1c m~)' IX om: wire rope for C:l~h ~id.;, ...·h~ h ~ad. rnbo: and
lower th e pl~l(o rm . There n"~y b: IWO rOJ!<':< for ..... eh side, :111 of
which rai:\e or lo\\w Ill<: pbl for",. Th~rc llM)' IX O1lc on eaeh sid<:
for lowering Ih. plalfllTm ami o ne for r:lising il on ""eh . ilk.
Elich !.ide hll.~ Olle mOlor 10 rai se and Inll'cr Ihe wire rope for Ih,11
side. T he 111010r is Itlmet! b}' i' number of scars ami shfl •. If th~
Sr:.:mI .hc~r. or oll<: of the ~h.,fl' " .."k, ", hlch Ihc)' can d,~ there wUl
be nmhing holding the dru m in ft The d rUlIl ....iII
!prn r'OIIi II'e " 'eighT oft loe I'b irorAI, eau. i"s Ihe plalfon" 10 (;,11.
no. II", ~iok "; 110 Till: :lrr«I~-d mOIOT, Tl>c Side " 'here ,".we is All bro·
ken p:l11 ",ill Iiny in place.
As the phn form falls, it re.1Ch ~" 'i P<'cd whic h ~utomaticany IriS'
ger. 3!\ cllwrll~ lI~y or ",~'Cond"ry " brnke, T he loat! generalcd h)' Ih e
de~cc!\di n s pbl form may b~ sum cient 10 soullc the rIlClid di<cs ,,'hi~h
co",!,os. Ih~ ~ecmular)' bn,k", cnll , in w Ih~ :iccout!ar), brake nlccll~'
ni ..11 10 r~i l .
Thus. the pbtfonn faits OtICC. I h~'1 ~IOPS fo r " "I:eolld ",h. " Ihe
So.'t'OIIt!a ry Im .ke ellg;.gcs, [hcli r.'I1~ ~J:.,in " ·h. ,, Ihe So.'Cl'I,da ry b",ke
III oll e i !lsl ~t\t." on ~uch ~ SC':lfTo ld OIl the 55th floor of~ bui lding.
Ihe first ", jlldo'" wa,h er was cat3pllit ed ofT the ~caffolt! 1O hi s deo lh
"'hen thc ~cafTold', right sid~ t! rofll'cd, while he ",a, ~tandill S on the
left side." The ~" rrold'~ socont!arr l>rnk c f"il~t!, and tbe Ican'old ~\lf·
feret! :' rurt]><:T rn:" ran all the ,lfT,-';IW ;.ide, TC1iu liing in th e I':cond
window w;l!'hcT d nnsii ng from rhe bot!<lm or the "'~IRi>ld . until l ~'
,. Ikll. , ~. HO 11,,,.... ,,)-, No. 8 8""~ H!'I , \' , ~ r. l'I .. N.Y. eo,,"l), No., 1'>117).
"Thi' ~1"1."fl'. <_ w.... ><Illn1 f'" 51.6 1t1iIlluo.
" no; rt,j",I !T, ~"' ,,"., ,,!tIro {o, 51 ",ilh "".
", ~, ""
56-1 \3 I.ADDERS M'll SCM1'Ol.llS ~ 56.10(1]
The failure was a broken pinion shaft in the motor. The scan'old
mmlllfacturer had designed the ~hnft and had forged it from raw
steel. The manufncllIrer claimed that the st,:d wM dd.Clive and im·
plc~dcd the raw material supplier. Ullimntcly. the owner. mainwin.
er. manufacturer. en'" nmtcrial manufact ur~r, and plnintiffs employ-
er werc all defcndnllls ofonc ~orl or anolher,
[a}-Appllcnhilit~, or Stondllrd to E~i5Iinlll'lnlforms. The slan_
dard applies only to powcr~"C! plmfonns inMallcd aftcr March 2, 1970.
the approval dute oflhe stnndard, It docs 110t apply to powered plat-
form. installed prior to the adoption of the standard. althollsh local
law may make the stundllrrl applicable to prior imtnllati011S."
[b}-Two Types or Powered PlatForm,. There arc t\\'o ba,ic
tyJlCs. Type F and TyJlC T. Pan II of the standard appli~~ to TyJlC
F powered platforms, Part III applies to Tyl'" T."
A T)'I'" F po\\'cfc"<1 plntForm i5 sU'pended by al len't fOllr wire
rope'. nnd dcs;guc'd so that failure of any On. wire rope willllOl "Ib-
SI:lntiall), niter the normnl position of the working platform."
A TyJlC T powerod platForm is sU'JlCnded by ut Iea~t two wire
ropes, mid failure of one of the wire ropes may IIps~t tIle normal pos;·
tion of the plntform, Worker.; on TyJlC T poII'~rc..J plalform. art re-
quired to wear safety bcHs tbat are aU:lched 10 eilher the platform
or the building structure."
[e}-Type of Drl,m and I'owcr. Thi, stand:lrd :Ipplks only to
powercd p1atform~ hnvins lI'inding-drum-type ho;,t,. although other
tyl"'s of drums" may be pcrmittc"<1 by local autlmriti.;. If the)' urc
permitted by local authorities, powered platform, wilh ~uch drums
~rc governed by th~ sl~ndard." It lIpplic' only to electrically pow-
ered platforms."
"/d. j 10.l.
"hi n In.l. ltlA.
"'d. J 1!I.~_ t .
"Id. ~ \1.2.
"/J. J Il_~ . l.
If I h~ build ing d00; nO( h~,"11 buildi ng ~ u id~'S, sudl i~~ T mils or
nlulli on!. lhc pkllrOlm 111I1.t h :,v~ rollc", dl:'!lir,nc'<! to exe rt a mini·
mum pr~ure of .10 pounds ngn ins.l the ~d~ of the bI, ilding. umkr
~ II colldit i,);us of Joodi,,&-" If wOl kers an, plOYidtd wilh s.~fcty bdb
and life lil\<."S. the pr~\.Ur c 11m)' be on ly 10 t>O uud r.. instc"d of 30."
[i]_ Roof Cnr. To nlO"C th~ working platform from one ,ide
of rhe bai kling 10 mlOlhcr, a roof C3. is 1I."<~ry"· The " 'or kinS
plalr"""1 is itlipCndoo from 'h e roof car.
'. " The roof car camlOI go [asler tha n so feet [l<:1 millut~" mid m\l~t
n>ecl lhc HPJl lio:~bk tl (;>ign crilCT;n for pl;i lfOl ms.'· Crit~ria for m o,'C·
ml'tl' 'md (IO>oi,ion ing of the roof car ale :lC1 forth! '
There n1l1~1 be int erloc ks 10 IbD t the roof eM will not operate 1111'
ks. th e workin g p);"form ;.; in i t ~ " up " positi on and 1t01 in C'On1~CI
wil l! the face of Ihc bllildi,,&o lind a ll plol« ,I\,c dC\"iccs a nd il.lel locks
:ot. in <;'Orr",,! po!Ijlion ....
Th e roof e:lr mU ; 1 be determ ined 10 Ix: ab le to wilit!IUlid 12~ per·
C( 1lI of il~ Tlll.'<! l03c1, ~I us m:uimum d~:od h:>:<d ,,,,d II!.; Pfescrib<:Q
",,"d 10;111.118."
[j]-Tnmperil'lI. A pro"ision In prc" cnl the l'ubli~ from tnm p<:r-
illg with th e roof ,..a f II1U~t Ix: 1!l<ltl t. such "~" Sll~rtJr~ , lCc or clo.\inS
off dlC roof "rca to Ih.: public. U · 11.i~ IlIle is lI$Crnl ",he.. dClenni" i,.s
wlk!lh~r the roof enr ~nd aSMl<.~ aa-d ,oq uipm elu Me in the ~~rn., C'omli·
!jotl as whell nmnufuctu rcd.
11I]- I.<N1d Rml .~ Ead. wor\:'ng Vlmfonn mUM IlOSl " " oncot·
, . Id. i \~,U .
"1rJ.~ I ~ .1.
.. 1<1, t ! ~,!.
i H .IOI II 1'N01l. ll.\ll. 1'11,\(."(1(."1: (;U IIJ~: .·" pl il1 ~ itl II con ~pl~"ou~ jXlIoil ion Il:u ing ll~ nHl~i mllm po.:rmll.~i·
ble r:,.~-d IlXId."
[1}-Snfe IY Bc1t~ and Lifo !.illes. Safe lY ""11 ~ ure 1101 necc~'''r)'
wb~" uiling ~ Type F 1lO",·cr..>d pl:ufo ml."'usl.-:ld. a Type: F ro"·~"fet.l
pblr()rm mu, ' ha~.., (our wirt: ropes ~nd be do:si&n ed Ml ,11:11 if one
wit, rope f;, i l~. lhe pb lfornJ will ''''! f;,I1. Since Ihe plnlfo rrn will mit
rn"" ~ .i!:"irIC"". ly if II", wire rope l>rc,, ~ s. the $t~ ..<.brd d o.s lI()t ,~.
qllire IIIi: "" orkro; 10 "'car,, s" fCly bell on the pl ~. rom,. Sl 31e Ia .. ~
"",)' ! uPfll ~ n) clll the ANS I ' Inrt dard nn!.! requ ire Its. of ;, lId t
011 ;or,y scaflil ld. .'
(mJ--<; u3rdt:.lils. Tn " SlInrdraii wl l:li Me SI", elured !D provide
the worker " 'i, h th e " hility III rcuch t he ....·all ;rn d do hi ~ ... ork . whil e
be ing. ~ rol"'; 'l-d 011 hi., sides :tnd behind hi m. On Ihe "'or~ins si!.!e
of lit.. pb tforrn . SU3rt!r:lil!; ' h~t an: at k "-" 36 i'ICh", high. m el nOl
Ill ort: lhan "2 in ches hilt!!, mu ~t be pruvid ed. " O n the "at a nd >i de
or Ihe p ~otrflrm. ,he !l""rdmils m os. he:11 I"", . 42 i"ch~ hiGh.
,\ midd l ~ I)' imcrm edialC rai lins m" ~ be rl:I~~..J betwc~n Inc lOp
rai l ~,\d Ihc btl!1 mn tnc\xmrd" 10 prcvcm lhe worker fro m raili ng
ill b.:1 ,,"~"lI " l lot railing.....
0 " t he wnrki ng sick or l h ~ pblfo rm, a m ~l rlll ic me5h IllU.l bt;
pi a(.· .-d in 1m: ~I"'Ce'i lx:IW~"" ' lho: ", i dd l~ l:"ardraiJ ~nd Ihe lo,,:bo;,rd.
0 " . ht OIhCT s id...,. of 'hc' 1'1" '(orm . I h~ mct:dli c o.esh "'till be rrolll
the lOp rai l 10 Ih e ' Ol.'bi.,ard .
(n}-f-l'lllring "f the I'bt form . T he n OOn!!!; ml)!;1 be tOll" nlel·
ed of rwruokirl material :l nd ""'« nUl lr Jve hoi"" l ~rgcr Illn n 9/ 16th
i nc lr~"S in d i",lI cle,. "
In)- U"i~lilllt ....... ui pmtll •• 1 lie roof t":l.1 u r " I'btfo fltl
,m,'" h,'c ~ flO" w drh'en (!fum(,). wit h wire r<) pc~ lea dinll rrom l h ~
d ru m(5). over ~lK:avc •• 10 su ~p.:n~ioll or Ilnc homj)c poiJll~. iiIll hal lhc
"/J. ~ Il l.
.. III j 1.'.).J .
.. III. § 1M.! .
.. /II. ~ 1.1.6.! (A ","," . I,>t\.,·,,,d n",' \>< ph,,'''') . t",,~ ,,11 ~~ "' " f <I,. pl>tr".m ).
" /J. ~
",d. ~ H .•.
...., ""
56_117 i.,olnlEHS ,11'1l SC.WFOU>S I S6.ICI{I I
rl atl<Jrlll cnn I><l both linN lll1d 10I\"er. d," The nmchiw nJUr.! be
properly l ub,il':tl~-.J." The drun,(s) cannot be ( Qn'lI:Ctw 10 Ihe Ol~ in
dr" 'ing mcclmnis m by bell or cllai, ,.,Jril'CIl ", ~chifld or tllt>S<' wilh
fric tion d~'\·h.-.:s I)' cI\llo;hC'i.~' E~~iw SI in dll: ~h;ut~ n.u. 1 be
rrc\"~mc..:l, and connection ! ~u bj.:ct to torque 11I U1t hn\'e fiUc'(] k cy~
or !>plill""-"
[Q-Drurrt5 ~nd Sh~:tyl.'S. On ly :'prTo1'cd m~leria)s C;1lI be
. ". uso:tl for druOlS,U On))' {IllC Ia~r of mp<: can be pc rmit\r:d on the
drum,. The slMldard set. fflrth tll ~ Iyp<:, dbme\e r, nnd pilch of the
grooves 01' the drum Ihm huld the wire ro""."
[Ili-Gt,rs. Tile A'"C ric~l1 G ear Munuf:.u:lu rcrs AS$OciatiQlI
setS [flnh MKlld;,rd! for gears. which Ih . gcar. fin Ih~ powered pial-
f01"l1l mu'lm ~e(. " Suilable IIInter~~1 is "'quiT"d." Good gc.,r 1«lh"
:Jl1d 3d~1I31e Iu\".icatio,," mU ll b.: provillcd.
[mJ- l lIs~c1fIl" P.l:Ut.o;. The maUlifaclllrcr "'1151 p l(lVidc n
"">;"'" of i11spt.-c1iug th.: gcnr ~••m:h as pl.1tcs or rltlgs which pro\'itle
~ method of vi.uaJ i" r.rcClio1\ o f Ihe full ... ith h of the Opet:1 lillg S~.,. r
(I"J-lIuhli~ Milt",,;. Th~ hoiIil ilig motor mUM ~:ilij" ' 0
lill 125 pClcenl of the mtc-d IDad a l ,my place the plnlro m, (':III 1m"·
d ! ' If 100 &"-"1 a load is pl~eed Oil the hoist 1" 0101. it mll.~1 be tk-
~iEntd ttl ~t ~!I !1
"/01. ~ 1~.1.
" JJ. f t~ . $.
"/01. § 1 ~ ,6
"M ~ 1~ . 7 .
oj lU .L
"/J. !i 1·1.11.4 .
" /ri. 1 I ~.~ . I.
"'/J. ~ 1' . ~3.
"!d. ~ 1 ~ . 9.4.
"/d. J I~ . ~ .].
" M. , I~. I O .~ .
.._, .. '.
*~'or I J "Imu, U ,\.l I'ItACI1CK C:lill m
"M j '~. I.
"III.. 15.1.1.
"M. , I ~_ ).
"Id~ IH.
' ·Id n l H. t " .7.
" Id. t 1,u1.1.
, . Id.. f l ~ . II . l.
,. /d. t 14 .11. l_
ao {II.
. , '''. f J.JI.~ .
., /d. i
'" "'.., ..,,
56_119 L,\])DERS AI\D SG,WFOWS § 56.10(1]
" hL ~ 1J.1J.
"In. ~ I J. t4,
"',, "',
§ S6.tO[tj t'ROD. l.l,\ll. I'RACnn: GUlIJE l&-tlO
vice'S for the working platform mu't not operntc ulIl~, (hc roof c~r
i, iocatc'<.l ill the corm:l po,ition." COlwcrsdy, when the I'ower.d
platform is being op<:fatcd, the roof car control, mu't remuin inorer·
ati,'c, so the roof car call1,,,1 move while the plalform i, workin!':."
I f th~ tension ill the travcling c:lbJe c.xcccd~ safe limits, the down
direction rclay must 1:" d"'Sign~d to open."
If the hoi~lillg rol"" become o\·crload.d, an automiltic O\'erio:Ld
devioe must cut off I'nwcr to the mowr in the up"mrd direction."
If :lIIy hoi,;ting rope bccom"'S slack, an automatic device mnst CUI
otT power to the motor in the downward direction und apply th~
Limit device<: mUia prevent the working platform from going
higher or lower than it sbould." If the nomml limit of tftlvd is
rcache"l, a limit device mu~t preyclI! furl her molion ill lhat direc'
Directionul limit "wilche, must di,cnIll1<:Ct the power ~nd npply
the primary ami secondary brak.s if the driving mceh"ni~m fails."
l'i11:11 terminal stopping dO"ices must pre\"~n[ the pbtfaml from
ovcrtravcling a( lhe tcrmi!li,l •. " The dC"icc is located ju~t beyn!1d
the lIomlai terminal landing. and will not function if lhe plalform
,top, nO"11:III)", but will uctivate to stop the trave! of the platform
n~ SOOn liS it passe; Ihe nom",l posilion. The j;llal terminal ,lopping
device di~connec(s the power from (he hoi,[ and applie'S bmh th~ pri·
"WI)' :lI1d ~eeQl1dary brah"5.'
., /d. j to,<>,2 .
., !d. i l~,?,!(l),
OJ /d, j 16,9,3•
• • /d. j t6,'I.4.
"!d. i 16.9,~_
"/d. j 16_'1.6_
., /d. i 16 ,9,6(2).
"!d. ! 1~,9,(,(l),
.. "'- j 1(,,9,7(1).
I fri. § 1".~,1_
"... "',
IAm)EIlS ,,"s n SC\ Ftl)l.D!I t 56.10(11
[xJ TII5pt'C'fiOll!
[JJ-,\cccpCOftC~ I llSpcclIQQ. Aftcr insmlllll;oll;\nd tldo •.: u#,
the (IO,,·~rc-d pIMf,,(Jn O1 \I~t be put 1l1rou/:h:l11 ncceptntlce [eM in the
licld, \0 dC\~tlllinc Ih31 aU ""TI ~ Confornl 10 Ihe M:lntbnl ami IIt:l.I
all ""rely ond Opcr:llinS C{j llipnltnl functions pro per!)'.'
Each limo; 0 major IIIteration to ,he i".13IL,I;0 l1 ;, ~rfo nn od, ~
n~\Ii So, el f a~C(pl:1f1Ce I~~ S mu:;! bc pcrfomlcd.
'lti. ; .\0.1.
• Id. (1)1'" ';'''' ;''& ,"" b I"'" '" '"pc>. \><"i llfS. ' ''''... I'!,,,,mo ,," " "01.1 \.(\ fMh"}
• Jd. $ lIlA.
" /d. t xu .
'lid.! l!.l.
" J<1. 1 ll..l .
II IlL I l l.4.
"IJ., l U .
---- .... --
.. Ill. 1 l!.\>.
,. M. f .10.3.
""N~I Ml ,I · I~n.
"/.J. i .'.1 .1.
" ld. ~ J.U ,
i .1.1.1.
"hi. t J.lA ,
"h!. ~ ~ ..1.1 .
... " II,
' ... '
t>R()j). I.IAII. 1'It/I.CI1CE fIlJII": ....
Ml p!!O'!$," usc of . !ip. rc,i sr,tnl ""ttcriai, on :;t ~ps arrd p!:otrorm,"
Gu~ .d r~ iL~.'" tocbQ.:ards!' arid ~\"CeS.S 10 ami ("1:,..... (rom the plal -
fo n,r."
,\d"'"lu~re whwl., or wirh n fa cro r of rour safet)' rn;,,!!in,
all d :' method to hx k the whcd s, Me ro:tluir~d," Tubular ("bril':ncd
fr.rmc sc:r.fTo!r.l., ," [ubu b r rubri ~;l! e(1 ~~~ri ou:'l fo!dilll~ 'lcam~ d ,.'·
lulk! and n .upler ~anblw.." :lIIti mobile I,'dder ~t ,,,,ds" " " di....
I'ropo;r uso: of ladder ~!aml., i, WI [onh. For insl~ucc,
~ml sc~ m.!(b
wo rkeN :[r~ proliiUiI.d from ridin!: (] n the units ...·hile the)' an: IIc:irr;;
mu,-ed, unk!.~ ~ dl'Quatc guardrail " mKJrail~, nml [ , lire uiied .
IIle rorc~ n....:'~~1)' 10 mo"e Ih" :;c:rn"old i~ appli.:d 1'1$ close 10 th e
ba~c a~ practicable. an(! I'ro\"i.<io 'l~ arc m.l Ue 10 ,tablli~c tire lO .... cr
d uring mo"cmc"t,"
L.~d<k:r~ c~m}(J 1 be pbeed 01. lOp (]r the !>C~rro' to gain ,"'!liliana!
h<:igh!. ·· A Ilur" tx. r of udd ilionnl ruJ~~ a"" ~Ol r,lrlh. mo't of wh ich
nr~ roJnlll OIl ~'I se.
»hI. ~ ~.u .
.. t tl. i ). l ..l
"ttLJ :0.2.10.
" 1.1. t J .l .
"' M. ~ 4.
"fd. t~
" M. § 6.
'1 1tl. ~ S.
~1J.j 4. U.
1111£ i 4. 1.4.
"M. i ~,l. l ,
., Jr!. ~ ~,!.l,
"!J.t l,
. , IJ. I ~ f,u",d,";13"~ I""b<ur~ , r«!t>i,ro ~
U.S. IXpnt1lnClll of Commerce
S2SS I'ort Itoy,,1 Road
lImou", of in forn1:u ion 01' bddcT and :;c:Itrold 1;[;&:lI ion, Tho: 8;-
dIBIlS" s"r"~ JlL';m itrs'la\l')'C:~ by providing Tq>O rl~ ml ,u"l'pontd
~nd I'lIportcd "crdic" and settlements; urlkl cs Oil the ~ nb~ct ; the
'dentit)' of plaintlrr~' ntt orney~ Who ha"" ~ubmitK'd . in,ilar search
roqu~\S; ro:gulatol')' chron ol"f,it1. nnd rccalb: k.1rclles
ming S"f~1y, 11-'[1'''1, Sllm:l.uds, Ki~n[mc, ~ Iod industt)'
d~[ftb:l'l<'!i; ~nd com rlllicrilcd lC.1n:~CS fot frtkral ami S[~tC ilppcl!~[e
l'\(julrie. must be w bmiu oo in ...·riling and bc ~c<:omp~nied by 1m
E1CbM&t' . esea rcb ' Cllncs[ form and a check in [hcamouni of SIOO.
Th. add r~"S.. ,,,
The ATLA Exclmnsc
AS$Ocullion 0( TM" ' L:!.\\'ycrs of Amaka
1050 J IM Slr~'(l , N.W.
WIL~"inSIO!l,D.C. 2(X)()7
The ktter mUSI s[lCcify th e type of product (I<ldde"), Ihe !lame
of th" mm mbc tur~r, the moocl llnmc or nllmber, a bri ef ~tntemet1l
of [he fatli. tru: ;, and an)' «:t..lI:d il.sucs for roc:Ireh.
ATLA pnl\"idcs ~ lIS<.: r ", ~nUlll for Ihe ~rvi(~ 1I1Xln T.qUCSt. Bro-
chu....,s on the leg!)1 mil! background re<cJrch ~cr\'ice< of Ihe Ex-
change ~m! the !\~'Cc~s("Y seJrch r~"qnest form' can be nrdered b}'
The names lind ;IlJdTCSkS of IIllCOICYS who h) v" sllb mintd si mila r
""Mell rcqu~"!It~ i~ impo rtatll. TIK: list refers to the mod~l IlfIxlnct
th ey were inv~'StI Bnli ns. From the hundreds of n~me> lisl~'U, mnny
may npflCIIr with the same ",odel I~ddcr or s.e~ITo!d. C<1 nt~cl with
["OS\: ~1I0111t}"S "all TdoUlt ill ~ n exdl:uJgc of infom,arion-lrial lron -
'lCripts, d,~iticll"" diKOYery rdlXlDSC!o, ,.a~ of CllperlS, evidence,
~nd r.;'50;1rch. f'r"qncmly, it 13 lXl~siblc In locate nnoth<:r attorney
han dlinG nn nlnto!! ident icnl c~s~ agai! .. t lh ~ §,unc dcr. lld ~l1t. The
altornc), nw}' be }."....... down the line in his ell$<: lind ha"" fini.hl'U
hii j" "I,.."Iligalioll :ond d isco""t)'. ATLA mcmbe.~ s bl!"e tllcit inro r-
mat inn willi oth~r ATLA nl>:mbers. for th e cOS! of III~ copyins.
ThUJ;. nweh of tb e work on ml ~Ltomcy's CMe mny have nl rcad)" been
,nnlplClcd by >onl0011C else.
Alk r idcn[ifying Ihe anot"llcys who i~1V<: s"bmiu~-d ttqut'St~ 011
the !<lime or 8 5;milM bdder. " 1~11cr C;ln b.: k'nt 1(1 ~~dl ~lI omey,
1,A[)IH:RS AI'J) SCAFFOI.1)S i 56.5lll5j
with it brid q"e:'I,iollnn irc roncerllinE his cn:o;~, hi~ (1pc rl~, and so
rC flh. Fellow·up rcquC~I~ for m or~ nt~n si"C in fofmalioll c~n tlK:n
Ix: !1l~d~.
A T LA ~M al'ID 'Il"'~ rch tbe ensincerlllE d~t ub.1~ discu!oSed suprQ
§ S6.0 1[3l!!].
[5}-E~l,;l n tc ri" g Lltcrn lur~ . A search of ~ nlli1\cc ri nB litemture
may"" in order. Til., rmdlN'{ StI/fIY ...·'...T ii a "alued eompcndiunl
of abMl'llct ~ of anicl~ primed in tnllinccrins, mnlital. !c~l, aud
~'fcty j ouI'l t~I~ , It i~ pub lisbed b)':
i 5'-50{'1 I'llIlO. 1.1,\11. t'RM.'TI O : (Ovllm
._-- ......
(3) E~po;ru I'rl.."\(nlly or formerly affilinlccl wilh I h ~ Cll mpetitor
may he willing 10 extol Ihe "irlll~~ of th e ah crtl mivo Ues ign.
(4) The COSI of Iho \'onlpeli lOr'~ prod Uct C:III be comp3.n! wilh
Ih ~ produ", in qU<!'i,ion.
Th. palcll1§ Ii" "prior nrC' similft r 10 Ih e p-1lcnlw device nTKI ideo-
lif~' po.TIOn~ wilh kno.."'~'lIse of Ihe ~rodllCt who can so:rvc as consul·
I"'", Or c~flCrt •.
The U.S. 1'~Ilcnl omee will cClllfy pholIXo pic. ofP.11~m § as beln!;
nUlh(I";c I\: l"oductioo!o. Th e U.s. ['nlenl Otrl(t n:qui fo;, up t(l IS
<1"~'l; 10 jK'T(orm the rcqlll."lied cdlifinlions. :,lt ho llgh in ;:an em<:rt;<.,,-
ey the)' m ~~' be able to do,;n faller. Send the reqU<.'S1 wilh the palen!
n"mber to be certifi ed. with $1.00 per p~t cnt for photoco pying ~II U
$3.50 for ec"iliealiOf!. 1o,
Comm j~l;o n of 1'., len ls and TrnoIrmark!
Wa~hinst on, D.C. 20231
P:o ll111~ ('III be 'l~a 'eho:d 3t ~ p:!lcnt libmL'y o r ~ny largo: library
" ';Ilt a f1~\t"l d('flO!OilOfY. The pl'OC'CS!l is IiOIn<'Wlmt anluous for the
nnjlliti~t<:d, but il ecrtlli"ly can' be done.
'Sf' I. F'U"'<r & \1. I'" , <J","", I'"",""" li'o;~,y. o/!.l , "M".url ~tY I ..." l.i;ol>iJi.
IJ' 1O N'Slism<<." § 2.~6(6J (Minh ... II<ftIkt 1!lS7).
~ 56.51l[8J PROt). I.lAll. t'UAcnCE GUlllE
[1] I~1ddcrs
Richard M. Jacob~ / II
Consulta11l Service' Inslitute, Inc. 1.0"'1'
23 Rumwn Road )
UvingslOll, N.J. 07039 ,"
lohn O. Omw3tcr
62 O"crlake l'ark
Durlington, VI. 05401
D.L. RichllrdwlI &. A~,ocialC" LId.
N34 W22155 Cnpi!ol Drive
Pewauke<::, Wis. 53072
Williom J. Kitzes, J.D .. CI'SM
Consumor Safety Associates
6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 100
I.... DD£RS A/'iD SCAH'OLIIS t SO I[l l
(2J ~rrokfs
Mlch""l Grunreld
lS2S JlypcriCltl A\" J1u~
Los AngelM, Cl. 90027
Charles A. "~sbert
Bo.~ 215
Middletown. Wis. 53562
David V, MacCoilum
I~I~ Hu mmi nsbird Ln~
t SUI[)] I'IIOD. Ll,l.U. Plt,l.cncr. GUIDE
(2] Scnffohl:i
(4) The g"neral ,lope of the cros~ grain in sillc mils, buck 1c!;'i,
rungs, and in pari' olher thun rungs is rc'Stricted.'
(5) The pre,ence and size of knots i, limited.'
(6) The prc'Scncc and ~ile of pitch nnd bmk pockels is limited.'
(7) Th" ~i,_e of elw::h is limited. '
(S) Th e ~i,.., of splits is limiled.'
' IJ. * (,iei, ,,,il, a'HI b,ok I<~,). § (IlIn~'). ~ (p, n. 0,11«
,II,,, n"'~<)_
'II!. ~ l .l.l.2 ("d, ",ii, ",Id b. ,. 1<;;,). ~ l. I.J.) m"t mp\ ,u"g~ ""d oth<f lod·
II" rm'i .
• Id ! ~_l_D (in ,W, "ii, ~OO h", I,p). 1 ~.1.3.4 (i n nal Meps. 'ling'. and olh<:,
bdder pa,") .
• {d. ~ ~. U.4(in sider"it,"",t h.,o' 10S<), § ~ .1.3.j(n" "'p'. runs •• ,ndolh" 1."1<1·
d" p.'''')_
, {d. ~ 5.1.2.l (;id" mil. "nd b"ol: 10£"), I J. !.J.6 (fia' " of". 'U"r-'. and 0,11« I",]·
doc p"").
"" .'''J
wou ld f""Iu"mLy nOl be; C0J\5io.ktnl i>y 3 gcnemLu p:n whell "·
il1;"8 a r~LL .
(6) tx.;,minc _h" b<Jdo:r or staffo1<.l ill minu!.<: detail as seon .. fl.:r
.he ~~cillcnl as po>.<iblc. If Ih e produ cI i.. 1101 ;11 Ihe comr"l of lLw:
p1~i nliff. Mk Ih" cmpLoyer or olhcr ~'l1i. )· for ",~ . o Ihe prollw;t.
If access i~ tI~llicd . nn)"" for prC'Mlio" tll scoNry.
(1) rhotoSrdpll~ muse be ta ken 10 r~,<:ord tile eond ilion or, lle lad ,
tlcr before "'ly "'i;;'ssc",i>linll or tCSlilljl; .akes pl nec.
(8) Loca le any r,IlCIl!!i"n" ad diti on.' . modific;otioi1S. ~tC .• ;III d ob·
Il1in c~plat1Jtio,, !.
(9) Storc the h, dder or r.calTold in n ~eC\ll e place. COVCIC .... to rcla ro
rusting ~nd oth er do:lc ,ioral;Ol\..
(10) ldentify the man u!hCt UICr. Someti mes. thi.! jus. invo!>'cl r.~d,
'ng Ihe L1bo;I On a I3dtlcr. AI Olht ! Ij D~ det~'fmi n;"s Ihe id.:111ity
of til e nmnufnCIW'cr can be the mo~t difficult part of Ih e C.1~. \Vrite
or ~j!-it a '-lore all d ro:quc)::11 a cal;,iog ;lnd 5al'" inoo: hUTC 01' lI,e nlOxl.;l
prod uct in CjtleSli oll.
If ,he s.;riaJ IlluII\'lo:-r of Ihe product is 1."0""" , :lSk .ltt nt:ln.. r:lCt\l r~r
...·hell it w:t~ nu,uufacmr.,<J. A prdext enH i~ usu;ol l)· thc cusi~s t Illclh·
ad. Do nOi lu:silalc to t peak ",ill. Ihe m:l.lll,faciurcr 10 !\d a~ 'nuch
,nfo rmario" about thc prod uci ns (1<llI~i hJe Ixfore the 11l...·~ lli1 kegin s.
TI'e OWDcr of Ihe L-.dd.,.. or sca.ffoltl ~hou!d bI: in.crviewW
(J L)
and a ilat Ctllent oiJ taim:tl if possibl~. The oWllcr nlay iI""c Il1 ll<lilicd
the produc t him~ Lf for .0111C purpose. TIoo: '>'lId ill~oi"" ~nd the
narll~'i of the rct ~ik:r nlld any " rc\'j(, us (,""II"" ~houlll be oblained.
( 12) '11oc r"'niler m~y be ill tervi.; ...·.,<J if thLTC i~ 3.n~· qU <"ition of
"hc rn lions.
n S6.S5-S6.9H Rcsc n~