Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch
Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch
Crime of Our Age Ludwig Adolphus Fritsch
DEDICATED TO THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE OF AMERICA In the firm belief that the truth will arouse them to action.
Published by the Author
$ 1.50
The Author.
The "leitmotiv" for writing this book will be clear to every one who takes time out to read it thoughtfully and prayerfully. As a historian I saw quite clearly WHAT the consequences of our interference with the European conflict will be. I saw clearly that one of the two totalitarian powers, fascism or bolshevism, must be victorious, according to which side we Americans with our inexhaustible resources and unequaled mass production will take. Our leaders decided for the sinister powers of communism and atheism and helped them to victory. Our forces made a heap of ruins of the bulwark of Christianity and the white race, Germany. Now we find ourselves forced to take over all the duties which the Germans fulfilled FOR a thousand years, if we feel the responsibility of rescuing the most precious treasures of mankind, Christian culture and civilization. As a theologian I am familiar with the Old Testament and the Talmud and know what things men are able to do who draw the nourishment of their souls only from those sources. Since the physically and mentally sick late President surrounded himself with advisers who, according to their spiritual background, reject the Savior and Prince of Peace, it was evident to me that the end of the war could not bring peace but chaos and unspeakable misery for all mankind. Bernhard Baruch from Knigsberg, the so-called "elder statesman", Henry Morgenthau from Mannheim, Felix Frankfurter from Vienna, Albert Einstein from Berlin, Mrs. Rosenberg from Budapest, Sam Rosenmann, Roosevelts ghost writer, Sidney Hillman, the labor leader, and many others who advised the President, had but one thought in mind, that of revenge as we read in Joshua 6, 21-25 at the capture of Jericho.
"And Joshua took the city and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both men and women, young and old . . And Joshua saved only Rahab the harlot . . ." Since the Germans never did any harm to America like the English and French did, but on the contrary, they were our greatest benefactors through our history, the Christians of America had no reason whatsoever to be cruel and revengeful but had all reason to be graceful towards them. On the other hand Roosevelts advisers had reason to hate the Nazis for their cruelty against their race. So they used the might and power of America for revenge. Only thus is understandable Roosevelts demand of "unconditional surrender" and the most inhuman "Morgenthau Plan," starving to death a great nation. because in the heads and hearts of our leading men all vestige of Christianity disappeared and Judaism and Paganism prevailed. Since, according to statistics only approximately 8% of our nation is thoroughly informed about world events, I consider it my duty as a Christian and American to contribute my part to its enlightenment. I follow the Christian doctrine: "We ought to obey God rather than man" and say with father Luther; "Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen." As a citizen of this blessed land I confess with the great statesman and wise counselor of President Lincoln, Carl Schurz: "I love the land of my forefathers as a child loves his mother, and I love America as a bridegroom loves his bride." This book was ready for publication on Good Friday 1947. My endeavors to publish it failed. With the help of Christian men and women, strivers for truth and justice, I finally succeeded in presenting it to the public. I wish to express my deep gratitude to all my fellow-combatants who struggle for the same Christian principles. May this book help to open the eyes of many to see the facts in the light of truth and justice. May the Lord strengthen them in fulfilling their Christian duties fearlessly and faithfully. THE AUTHOR.
In his monthly letter, "The Bishop writes from Europe", appearing in the November issue of "Catholic Action News" in Fargo, North Dakota, the Most Reverend Bishop Aloisius J. Muench writes: "The forced migration of millions of peoples is the greatest of crime of this age. There is nothing in all history to equal it except perhaps the fact that there is neither an outcry against these atrocities by the people of other nations nor any action or governments with power to lake it!" Bishop Muench is the American liaison official between the German hierarchy and the U.S. military government. Through this statement given from the historical and moral point of view, the courageous man of God passes judgment on the brutality and revenge of the victorious allied powers. At some not too distant time, history will confirm this judgment.
Cruel politicians, foxy diplomats, hard-hearted soldiers can act according to the motto: "My country, right or wrong". True Christians act otherwise. They know that they are mere pilgrims and guests on this earth and that the true homeland of the soul is above in the light. Therefore, a Christian says "yes" to Right and "no" to Wrong, and he is ready to endure sufferings for the truth for Christs sake rather than to do wrong in the name of patriotism. Christians act like Luther and Niemoeller and thousands of German faithful who preferred the concentration camp or even the firing squad to betraying the truth. "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen." Where are these heroes of faith among the Allies, among us Americans, who help to commit "the greatest crime of the age?" Do we, the clergy of America, want to be patriots first and then Christians, i e., to obey men more than God? Do we want to humiliate the church in America to that level as the Orthodox Church in Russia is servile to the state?
Ivan the Terrible, set out in savage aggressive wars in all directions, and thus he founded the Moskowite Empire. Peter the Great, who wanted to plant European culture in his country, traveled through Germany and Holland and called thousands of Germans into his country as teachers and masters of his people. Germans built him a new capital, St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) a port City, Kronstadt, which bore their German names till our times. Under Peters rule, dozens of nationalities of the East were brought under the Russian yoke. Russia experienced her tremendous expansion under the unscrupulous Czarina Catharine II. Under her rule, Poland was divided, the Baltic sates, the Ukraine, the Crimea and gigantic Siberia were brought under the crown of all Russians permanently. Since her very existence, Russia was ruled by the knout as well under the absolutist czars as under the cynic dictators of the Bolshevik period. The Russian colossus was kept uneducated so that it could be ruled more easily. Until our century, there were more than 70% illiterates. The extension of the gigantic empire took place in an uninterrupted series of cruel aggressive wars. The subjugated nations were pushed in all directions and so weakened that they never became able to regain their independence. The huge wood and Iceland Siberia, became a penal colony settled by millions of convicted and condemned who lead a miserable life as slave workers. By force and brutality that colossus came into existence and is today the greatest danger and menace to mankind. Through the murder of the czar and his family and over countless corpses, Stalin, whom Roosevelt called his "personal friend", succeeded to power. And these greatest and most cruel .aggressors. The Roosevelt administration called "peace-loving democracies" and our "noble Allies"! England at the time of Queen Elizabeth, about 400 years ago, was only the southern part of the British Island and had about 3 million inhabitants. By cruel murder and long aggressive wars, Ireland and Scotland were forced under the English rule, and thus the United Kingdom of about 7 million inhabitants was founded. (At the same time, the Holy Roman Empire of the noble German Nation had a population of 18 million). After the consolidation of the United Kingdom, the English set out to conquer in all parts of the globe. The history of England has been an uninterrupted chain of aggressions from that time until our day. She built the mightiest navy and merchant marine and was until World War II by far the greatest sea-power of the world, i e., the real Militarist and Maritimist. The "Perfide Albion" played the European powers against each other with intrigue and hypocritical diplomacy under the self-invented motto of the "Balance of Power". If a nation on the continent became too powerful, she was destroyed by England. This happened to Spain and Holland the Danish navy was attacked by surprise and robbed in the midst of peace; Napoleon Boneparte was forced to his knees; she (England) mobilized, during World Wars I and II, the whole world against Germany, her greatest rival, in order to destroy her. (Winston Churchill declared that he was ready to ally himself even to the "son of hell" in order to reach his goal!) The brutality and cruelty with which England conducted her aggressive wars knew no limits. I remind you of the concentration camps in Boerland where women, old people and children were tormented to death in order to force these brave men, fighting for their freedom, into submission. Every schoolchild knows how thousands of rebellious Indians were put in front of cannons and torn to pieces, how millions of them were starved to death. After World War 1, England continued the hunger blockade over Germany and Austria for a whole year and thus killed by starvation more than one million German children, women and aged. Those were some of the means through which England founded her world empire so that today she rules over one-sixth of the globe and more than 550 million subjects. These people have the arrogance to call themselves a "peaceloving nation." In the presence of God, I ask every Christian: How can mankind in the light of the historical geographical and ethnographical facts take this great lie silently? America, the youngest and mightiest among the great powers of our day, was unknown to the white man at the time when the first German emperor Charles the Great, was crowned at Rome as the Protector of Christianity. When Dr. Martin Luther was born, Columbus had not yet seen the shores of the New World. How did she become so great, so rich and so mighty in such a short time? Through our school text books, we are accustomed to looking at our history since the time of the Pilgrim Fathers in a halo light. In reality our short national history is an uninterrupted chain of cruel and bloody conquering wars.
Or can an honest and thinking man believe that the original inhabitants of our country just waited for the white man to present him with their beautiful land and rich treasures? NO! Spaniards Portuguese Frenchmen, Dutch and Swedes waged the bloodiest aggressive wars on the whole Western Hemisphere, robbing and destroying the once flourishing empires of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas. The aggressors saying was: "Only a dead Indian is a good Indian." Finally the English came and robbed the whole then known North American Continent from the other conquerors. The once free lords of the country, the Indians, were liquidated in the most cruel way and their land was robbed. With their bows and arrows, the brave Indians were powerless against the mightier deadly weapons of the white man. The craft, perfidy and brutality with which the white man acted in the New World ridicules all description. It is reported from the early history of our country that the white man roasted alive captured Indians in order to intimidate the natives. Being unable, even with their superior weapons, to finish the courageous defenders of their homeland, the white man used firewater and venereal diseases, and thus he exterminated whole tribes with cold-blooded brutality. Another outrage of our history dating back to colonial times is Slavery. In far-off Africa, the poor Negroes were hunted like game and were brought to the human-market of America in chains. How much human misery and distress was caused by such cruel greed, one cannot describe. This national crime was abolished only about 80 years ago Even today, thousands of Negroes live who were born as children of slaves. After these English colonies had achieved their so-called "independence" from the motherland (with German help), the aggressive War of the States was continued. The Indians were decimated. In their inhuman greed, our forefathers exterminated the natives by every possible means. In their avarice, they annihilated the buffalo on wide tracts of the country which was the chief means of subsistence of the Indians. By starvation, they forced them to wander farther and farther until they gained possession of this entire great rich and blessed country. The survivors of the true lords of this country live today on the "Reservations", i e. concentration camps. They have nothing to say in matters of government in their fathers land and are kept in ignorance. We continued with our aggressive wars against Spain, Mexico and Central America and took what we wanted. No Germany, Italy or Japan mixed in our affairs. Thus we became the mightiest, richest and most peace loving nation. We intentionally conceal that we became that nation after we achieved all of this by aggressive wars, by slave labor and by starvation. At that time, there were no radios, motion pictures and news correspondents to preserve the cruelties of those times. It is only natural that, after we snatched up everything we wanted, we now want to be left alone in order that we can enjoy our riches in peace.
illustrious name because none had such a high mission as the German. The history of Christendom knows only one Holy Land, where our Lord was born, lived, worked, suffered, died, arose, who brought about redemption of mankind. and one Holy Reich which was predestined to be the defender, guardian, and protector of Christianity and of the white race. For a thousand years there were only two decisive powers of Christendom, the spiritual power culminating in the Pope in Rome, and the secular power of the Ho(y Roman Empire of the Noble German Nation culminating in the Kaiser, who was on guard with drawn sword for the highest treasures of mankind. What we call today the European or Western culture and civilization could develop to its peak of perfection only under the protection of the Holy Reich. Germandom was for more than a thousand years the bulwark against the Asiatics. German blood ran in streams through the centuries in order to defend the West against the East. After crushing the Huns at the beginning of the fifth century, the Avares and Magyars stormed against that bulwark at the end of the first millennium. On German soil they were stopped and defeated by the Kaisers Karl the Great and Otto the Great The storm of the mighty Mongols under Chengis Khan was broken at Liegnitz in Silesia. No other people on earth went through those sacrifices to save, preserve and develop European culture and to spread Christianity. For more than 300 years, Germany and Hungary, together with Poland, defended Europe and Christianity against the Asiatics and the Mohammedans. On German soil, in the land of the Reformation, they fought the 30Years War for the freedom of religion and freedom of conscience for all mankind, and thus the new era of modern civilization began. While Germany, as the protector of Christianity and defender of the white race, almost bled to death, the others took everything they could lay their hands on. Their leaders were not hanged as criminals but are highly honored as heroes. Then when the Germans recovered from their gigantic rescue work, the world was divided among the conquerors so that the Germans were forced to live in bard labor in a small, infertile space and to give their surplus population to the present great powers as culture-dung." So it happened that every third American is of German origin and that millions of Germans live in Russia and the English World Empire. Not one of the great powers considered giving them in a peaceable way a place to live from their abundance of unpopulated territories! Just compare the density of the population per square mile of these countries: America - 43: Russia - 37; France - 179; Italy - 405; Germany - 502; and then let your Christian conscience pass judgment!
Churchill, Stalin and Truman, gave orders for this unique barbarism at Potsdam. How would we feel if by a miracle the Indians of our country suddenly became so powerful that they would cast all of us out of our land with only a bundle? The white man has occupied this country for only about 300 years, while the Germans lived in Sudetenland since the time of Charles the Great for more than 1100 years they colonized in the Ostmark as a bulwark against the Asiatics. True language tolerance is proven by the German Swiss, the oldest real democracy of the world The Swiss population is three-quarters German, while the other fourth is composed of French, Italians and Rhato-Romans. They all are entitled to the same privileges. The German Swiss never tried to enforce their language upon their fellow citizens. The Anglo-Saxons would have denationalized them long ago, as they so thoroughly did in Ireland, where in that really "liberated country" the people can no longer speak their native language.
the leadership of the efficient Germans a dangerous rivalry. Just remember that Roosevelt was not able to solve the unemployment problem in the richest country in the world!
unpunished also. The Russians alone, have slaughtered 18 million Christian: in the Bolsheviki Revolution, The English destroyed millions of human lives in Ireland, India, South Africa and the other vast colonies. And we Americans exterminated the aborigines of our country to a few powerless remnants. If we compare the density of the World-population at the time of our crimes and the then used murder weapons then Himmlers gas chambers, were, with all their dreadfulness and reprobation, rather humane and for the survivors even sanitary! As it is well known, in Russia in the 20s the most terrible epidemics broke out as consequences of the manslaughter of the Bolsheviki. The perpetrators of those crimes were never tried and hanged. Again a "double standard!"
As a matter of fact, the majority of those "slaves" were voluntary workers who wanted to earn good money and who went to Germany to help create the United States of Europe. That is what, the so-called "Quislings" and collaborators in all the European countries did by many thousands. The best proof of this truth is the fact that many hundreds of thousands of those "slave-laborers" did not want to be "liberated" but preferred to stay in the Reich and starve with the Germans than to go "home"! -On the other hand the victorious nation were and still are the greatest slave traders and tormentors! Russia always misused her millions of banished as slaves. The present slave laborers of the soviet Union are estimated between 15-20 million. England and France exploited the nations of their colonies as slave laborers for centuries. And here in our America slavery was officially abolished only 80 years ago while the Negroes in the South are still treated as third rate citizens. We still do not have an anti-lynch law. And in which ignominious way have we traded our German war prisoners as slave workers to England and France in violation of all international laws! The Germans never committed such crimes but they were hanged. The criminals of the victorious nations are still free!
Nazis tortured in their concentration camps, thousands, mostly their own countrymen, by starvation to death, giving the deplorable victims 900-1000 calories of food out of the limited supplies of an overpopulated infertile country. The victorious nations commit a thousandfold greater crime than the most brutal Nazis did. They let tens of millions starve and freeze by 700-800 calories, although they have an abundance of food and clothing. Hitler had his infamous concentration camps in Dachau, Buchenwald, Belsen, Sachsenhausen etc. The victorious nations made a gigantic concentration camp out of the entire Central Europe with about 150 million population, and deliberately exterminate guilty and innocent alike.
intact and not missing. They were an the contrary, protected by the Germans as real appreciates of art and science against our flyers, who without any consideration mercilessly destroyed everything. (Just think of the greatest and oldest charity and mercy institutions of the world in Bethel and Barmen, in Halle and Kaiserswerth, the deaconess motherbouses, hospitals, libraries and thousands of churches and schools!) And how could Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Norway, Czechoslovakia have recovered in such short a time, that they have an abundance of dairy products and food, if the Germans had exploited them so cruelly as our preachers of hatred wanted us to believe? The facts are, that even the nations once occupied by the Germans, openly and publicly stated that there were no better disciplined soldiers in the whole world than the Germans. On the other hand the victorious armies, including our own troops, played havoc in the "unconditionally surrendered" Reich and behaved like real gangsters and robbers according to our own reporters! They did all this disregarding all international law according to which private property is to be respected.
Roosevelt knew exactly what he meant when be demanded "unconditional surrender!" According to his barbaric interpretation that term included the right of the victor to dispose of everything, man and material, property and spiritual goods. The patents and secrets alone, which our troops have stolen and brought over here, counterbalance the billions we spent for waging war. The kidnapping and forced importation of German scientists and technicians to the East and West is taken for granted. -In the presence of God I ask our nation, I ask you, ministers of the Gospel: Did the Germans in all our histories ever inflict such injuries on us as we did in the two World Wars sent still do inflict on them? What wrong did the German nation do to us Americans that we punished them twice in a generation in the most cruel and inhuman way such as history never saw before? Do you call that American gratitude for all the hard work sent faithfulness by which German people here built up our country and won our victories?
tens of thousands of "conscientious objectors" were cast in jail because they obeyed God rather than powerdrunken and greedy men? Did Governor Dewey tell the truth when he in all his campaign speeches reiterated: "Roosevelt had to make war to solve the unemployment problem?" - Did our nation know what an unconscientious leader she had, who in those secret meetings in Teheran and Yalta gave everything to cruel extortor Stalin, his ,personal friend", who threatened again and again with a separate peace with Hitler? - Did our nation know that Roosevelt forced Churchill to accept the diabolic "Morgenthau Plan" i e, to murder 40 to 50 per cent of the German population by starvation and deportation by sub-zero weather in order to solve the "Lebensraum problem" for that nation? -Did our nation know that Roosevelt in his ambition and megalomania was ready to level Europe, the mother of the Christian civilization, to the ground, like Attila the Hun and Ghengis Khan the Mongol did, in order to put his name on the pages of history? It will be a gloomy nook - Our nation learned all these incredible facts with horror and terror after the conquest of our supposed enemies, after we were deceived and belied, and after we brought chaos and unspeakable misery to mankind. If we had had a really free press, our nation would have not committed the "greatest crime of the age!"
we did not want to permit that history should once be reverted, that we should be the "have-nots" and the others the "have-nations." We wanted to live continually in abundance and to keep the others in their want forever. We wanted to be continually the rich and to keep the others poor forever. We wanted to enjoy unmolested what we snatched up an earthly goods by aggression, extermination and slave-labor. We wanted to live continually an the sunny side of life and to keep the others in the shadow forever. We wanted to be always an top and to keep the others at the bottom. We wanted to continue our "American way of life" with the highest standard of living and to let the others starve. Most of all, we wanted to get rid of our greatest and most successful rival an the world market! -All these ,virtues" are diametrically contrary to Christianity with the doctrine "Love they neighbor as thyself" and the Golden Rule: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them!" Matth. 7,12.
Another hypocrisy that characterizes our political life is our Monroe Doctrine. We lead the 21 states of the Western Hemisphere with the fixed idea that no non-American dare interfere unpunished in our affairs. But at the same time we take the liberty to mingle at every opportunity in the affairs of other nations and even continents. Who gives us the right to such actions? Nobody. but our might and our power! Where is the so much misused decency, much less Christian morality? We do not act according to the pattern: "What is right for the one, should be fair for the other," but according to the old Roman saying: "Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi" (what is allowed for Jupiter, is not allowed to an ox.) Is that not plain hypocrisy and arrogance?
exception of England and Scandinavia, all the European countries became dictatorships. We created them through our childish and inexperienced policy in world affairs. The self-determination of nations was granted to each small Balkan people. But the tens of millions of Germans in Austria. Sudetenland, Elsass-Lothringen, West Prussia, Danzig etc. were forbidden to reunite with the motherland. The promises that every belligerent nation should care for her own war debts was disdainfully broken. Germany was robbed of all her colonies, large territories were broken lose from the Reich and given as Danaiden gifts to the neighbor Countries, and impossible billions were dictated as reparations. The Versailles outrage weight heavily on the heart of Europe.
the most to Europes economical ruin also. He destroyed that economic unity of the Danube monarchy, AustriaHungary, which was created through the centuries. In addition to that Wilson formed as the brother-in law of her first president Thomas Masarik, the impossible state of Czechoslovakia. In the South we donated the murderous Serbs as reward a territory twice as great as they had before the murder of Sarajevo and thus we created Titos Yugoslavia. He took away the thousand year old Hungarian province the rich Transilvania, and gave it to Romania. Now our government fights for the Danube River, that life-line of Central Europe, against the Russians. We acknowledged too late the consequences of the sins of our representative at Versailles and we try to make it good this time. - Then when our soldiers returned home and after they had seen the sad consequences of our intervention in the European quarrel they cried out: "We fought on the wrong side!" and , "Never again against the Germans, the most decent people in the world!" We left Europe behind in an ocean of blood and tears and retired in isolation after we caused the calamity deciding the victory for the wrong side. We were the only gainers in the first World War. The English and French made this fact very clear to us, honoring us, as thanks for our rescuing help, with the name, "Shylock" and by simply refusing to pay us back the lent billions. Few of us Americans know that we gained billions for our economy by confiscating more than 2,500 German patents. Through these patents we became independent permanently in many ways, especially in the realm of chemistry, dyeing, and medicine!
was the plan and the goal of the Pan-Germans. Is it a crime to gather together the children of the same family in one common home? The envious and greedy enemies discredited and attacked this natural and, in the end for all mankind, beneficial strife of Pan-Germanism.
Did we Americans have any historical or moral right to work in all the actions of our leaders against this justified strife of Germandom? Is it not a fact that we melt scores of different nationalities and races into one nation in our states? The Germans wanted to unite only their kinsmen of the same race, blood, language and culture! Just think of our Pan-Americanism uniting the whole of the Western Hemisphere on solely selfish interests without any racial, linguistic, cultural, religious or moral foundation! Is it not a historical fact that our Lincoln waged the bloodiest Civil War to prevent the secession of the southern sates? Did Germany at that time even try to hinder that great undertaking? The fact is that the Germans helped Lincoln to achieve his goal against the English intrigues. How did we pay our gratitude to the Germans for their help to our greatness and might? We set out twice without any provocation to annihilate Germany. We succeeded in destroying Pan-Germanism and in altering the course of history. What are now the consequences of our willful interference?. We created instead of PanGermanism the terrible realization of Pan-Slavism. As the Germans strove towards unification of all Germanics in one great Reich so the Russians worked for more than a century for the unification of all Slavs. This old dream of the Czars became a reality in our days through the active and decisive help of America. It is our crime or our merit, from whichever point of view we look at it, that today all of Eastern Europe is a gigantic Slav entity. It remains for the honest historians of the nations, of which we have very few in our midst, to judge whither PanGermanism would have led mankind and whither Pan-Slavism will lead it!
rule over 620 new churches were built in Germany and not a single one was ever closed or desecrated by using them for dance halls, movie theatres or museums as elsewhere! They had the best social security organizations for the nation. In short, Pan-Germanism would have brought to mankind spiritual and material blessings. The West-European culture and civilization would have been rescued once more by the Germans, the old experienced defenders of the most precious treasures of mankind. The American leaders prevented this development and destroyed that great nation against the will of 88% of our population.
not able to solve the gigantic problems without his help. How little sense of responsibility in the face of history and how little moral consciousness in the sight of God we as a young nation with our power politics possess, the decisions of our leaders cry it through the coming generations into all the world: the unscrupulous forcing of our nation into the two World Wars through he and deceit; the barbaric demand and execution of the "unconditional surrender;" the extradition and presentation of entire countries and nations to the Russians by Roosevelt; the complete misunderstanding that the "have-not- nations" have a right to live, too, and therefore must have living space and living possibilities which we in our abundance, our avarice and selfishness deny them; the senseless and deliberate destruction of the most magnificent cities and the brutal murdering of hundreds of thousands of helpless and innocent peoples; the wanton use of the atom bomb in destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki and annihilating tens of thousands of human lives; the most cruel expulsion of millions of Eastern-Germans from their century old homes; the development and the execution of the Eisenhower-Morgenthau-Roosevelt plan, the most inhuman act of revenge since there is a recorded history; the slow and painful murdering of 20-30 million human beings by starvation, cold and privation. Those are not political "mistakes" as our leaders now want us to believe; they are conscious, deliberate, premeditated crimes, which only a leadership, young, inexperienced, never defeated and therefore unaware of consequences and retaliation is able to commit.
Few Americans might know about the agreement of the great colonial powers England, France and Germany which they made in Frankfurt a. M. in 1878. At that time Germany, too, possessed colonies but, please note well, contrary to the other powers the Germans did not rob their colonies in bloody aggressive wars but had purchased them or obtained them through diplomacy! According to that agreement the powers solemnly obligated themselves that, if they ever would have a war; they would under no circumstances use colonials or colored people on European soil to fight the white man. As so many others the "perfide Albion" and the vain "Grand Nation" have broken this solemn agreement too. The English and French brought many thousands of Indians, Africans, Senegals, Kafferns and Hottentots to the European continent in 1914 in World War I and let lose those savages and half-savages on the German nation, the protectors and saviors of the white race. To our regret and everlasting shame America, too, took full part in this crime against our common ancestries We, too, have sent Negroes against Germany. And especially in World War II we use an incomparably great number of Negroes, about two-thirds of our occupation armies, in the land of the "poets and thinkers." This terrifying fact can only be explained as intentional, premeditated, satanic humiliation and insult to the pure white German nation. Thousands of children were born whose fathers are American, English and French Negroes and whose mothers are raped and ravished German girls and women. What happens here in our country to a Negro who attacks a white woman? The people drag him out of the hands of the authorities and lynch him. At the same time our government sends them abroad to kill German people and to rape and dishonor German women. Could we Americans ever forgive the Germans if they would have committed that disgrace and crime against our mothers, daughters and sisters? The Germans in their 2000 years of national history never have sent colored people against the white man!
and never will forget that their forefathers were hunted in Africa and brought to America in chains, that they were bought and sold like cattle. They never will forget how inhumanely they were treated in the "land of the free." They record each lynching committed by the whites against their race, they must become angels and saints to forgive and forget all the humiliations through the centuries Woe upon our childrens children when the Negroes rise to power! Woe upon the white man all over the world when the masses of the colored people start to move! Gods Word holds true here, too: "Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation!" A half century ago the great peace loving Kaiser Wilhelm II. as the last great guardian of the white race and of Christendom against the Asiatics warned: "Peoples of Europe, beware of the yellow menace!" At that time the famous German universities were crowded with Chinese and Japanese students, which were generally known as the most ambitious, industrious, and modest men. They were studying at the best universities of the world in order to use their knowledge against the whites some day. The answer of the Anglo-Saxons and Frenchmen to Kaiser Wilhelms warning was that they let lose the Yellows, Browns, and Negroes on the heart of Europe. Now those unconscientious and irresponsibles have to reap the fruits of their crime-seed. The bulwark of the white race and of Christendom has fallen through the greediness and selfishness of its enemies. Now the flood of the Asiatics is free to break into Europe and extinguish the once so treasured European Christian culture and civilization. The proportion of the White to the Colored of the world population is i to 3, i e. out of the about two billion inhabitants of the globe there are 500 million whites against 1,500 million colored people! The great day of reckoning will not keep waiting long any morel Then the great Schillers true word will be fulfilled: "That is the curse of the evil deed that it must generatively produce evil. . . "
gigantic concentration camp with the same amount of food rations which Himmler granted his condernned victims in his camps of suffering. - German mothers and daughters are considered wild game. - Millions of innocent people were driven out from their thousand-year old homes in sub-zero weather without clothing and food. -Scientists and skilled workers were kidnapped regardless of their Nazi affiliation by the victoriuos powers and put to work for their benefit. - Millions of men and women were deported as slave workers. - Unreplaceable and inestimable art and culture works were stolen together and transported into the victor countries. - Hundreds of tons of patent secrets were stolen and brought to this country. (Read "Secrets by the Thousands" in Harper Magazine December 1946!) Our scientists confess it free from envy that the Germans were 10 to 50 years ahead of us with their inventions. - We have not accomplished the least for mankind. We have not solved one problem and caused scores of new ones. We knowingly misuse the term "liberated." We have not liberated anybody. On the contrary, we helped subjugate abaut 250 million more human beings than there were before. England is still the oppressor of more than 250 million subjects. Russia keeps 152 nationalities subjugated. Little Holland with a mere 8 million inhabitants rules over 65 million natives. France has not enough people to supply the administrative apparatus for her colonial empire, she builds up her "Foreign Legion" from all nations and races, (she wants to keep 700,000 German prisoners of war as fathers of the next generation!). but she wants to hold her vast colonies by force. In addition to all this the heart of Europe: Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy were made into slaves, the Baltic and Balkan states bolshevik. -Those are the fruifs of our intervention in World War II: calamity, destruction, chaos, hunger, misery, hate and desperation!
"given" to us by the advance of science. . . Place side by side with this the sorrows which have overtaken the defeated countries, their scientists and technical experts exported to Russia, France, England, and to our country. Their laboratories destroyed or removed, their schools reduced to rubble and millions of their children without teachers and instructors.
England, feeling that she was put back to play the second fiddle in world affairs in her unsatiable greediness worked so hard and so long until she succeeded in surrounding Germany with enemies. Europe became a powder keg, Only the spark was necessary to make her explode. The murder of the archduke Franz Ferdinand, successor to the throne of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, in Sarajevo plotted by the arrogant Serbs on order from the Pan-Slavic Russians, was that spark. The world became ablaze. The consequences are well known. Germany, overpowered by the whole world, fell from her, proud peak into poverty and misery. The infamous dictated peace of Versailles was the deepest humiliation and most vicious shame any great nation ever had to undergo. So the once glorious Germany of emperors, kings, princes, and noblemen became the prey of the fanatical Adolf Hitler von Versailles who took advantage of the misery of the people and acted as a savior of the Germans. World War II was the consequence.
We Americans are in our time in the same situation as Germany was, and in an even higher degree. We own the greatest air and sea power that ever existed in the world. We are the sole possessors of the atom bomb. We have concentrated the most and greatest scientists of the world in our land and put them to intensive research work. We are the financiers of the world, We have the best and the most food and thus by far the highest standard of living. We have the raw materials. In addition, we did not experience the appalling sufferings and sacrifices of warfare. Not one but, much less a metropolis, was bombed out. We as a nation do not know what it means to be humiliated by merciless and undisciplined victors, to be systematically robbed, starved and frozen to death. Our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters were not raped by savage beasts in human form. Our homes were not robbed and looted. - Those are all facts for which the world, our so-called friends and allies, and our so-called enemies, envy us. Furthermore in leading positions of our diplomacy, lately even for the office of the Secretary of State, a number of Army generals were appointed. The world calls that course militarism and power politics! Whatever we do from now on in feeding the starving world, they will show us no gratitude, because they know we do it in self-interest. (Millions of Germans worked for centuries to build up Eastern Europe and what thanks did they obtain? They were driven out from their thousand-year old homes!) Whatever we do from now on in our preparation to defend our country and Western Civilization, even if our intentions are only for peace and security, the world will not believe us as we did not believe the peaceful intentions of the Germans. From now on we ought to maintain the mightiest defense foroes to be ready for any eventualities. Therefore, we will not only be envied but also feared and hated. We should, therefore, not wonder if the other powers of the world unite in a mighty coalition to destroy us as we did twice without any provocation with Germany. We should not deceive ourselves that we are unconquerable simply for the fact that heretofore we could take everything we wanted unpunished! We dare not disregard the teaching of history. The mighty empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome, once regarded as unconquerable, perished in the cycle of world history. The Bolsheviks, which we rescued at Stalingrad, which Roosevelt made so mighty, is lurking for the given moment. The "Fifth Column" works feverishly among us to undermine our national and social life!
The comparison of our present Situation in world affairs with that of Germany of prewar days goes further. Whether we like it or not, we took over the task of Germany as defender of the white race and of the Christian culture. (I wonder if Roosevelt gave some thought to this highest responsibility as he decided the "unconditional surrender" and the "Morgenthau Plan"!) The Germans have fulfilled the highest duty to mankind for over one thousand years. It is our crime that that bulwark is fallen. In blind duty and most cruel inhumanity we forced them on their knees and made them powerless. Whether we admit it or not, it is a historical fact that Germany was the greatest and sole stabilizer in the family of nations. She was the heart of Europe, and Europe as the cradle of Christian civilization is the heart of the world. Therefore it is evident that if the heart is sick the whole body must suffer. The prediction of men who knew, that if Germany goes down, the whole. world will be affected, was not propaganda. A recovery is only possible, if the heart heals regularly again. Just watch the political and economical development in England. France and the other European countries and even in our country, to find out what a blunder our "great statesmen" made. - Now we have to shoulder the responsibility for all that for which Germany stood in all her history. It is up to us to prove whether we are mature and able in the atomic age to fulfill our duty to mankind. So far we have demonstrated our power and might merely in destruction and extermination!
" . . . THOU SHALT NOT TORTURE! . . . THOU SHALT NOT STEAL! . . . THOU SHALT NOT RAPE! . . . " If we do not protest and demand at least as much humanitarianism and Christian morality as the great killer Himmler demonstrated, then we are also guilty of all those crimes and sins and responsible before the Throne of GOD on that Judgment Day!
2. When England with her 45 million population is entitled to one-sixth of the globe and more than 550 million subjects; when Russia with her 50 million real Russians is entitled to that gigantic empire with 152 subjugated nationalities and over 250 million population; when France with her scarcely 38 million inhabitants is entitled to that vast colonial empire; when little Holland with her 8 million inhabitants is entitled to those rich islands with over 65 million natives, and that even smaller Belgium to that vast Congo territory; when we Americans are entitled to this God-blessed country of the Indians, -then the 100 million strong German people in the heart of Europe and consequently of the world, is a thousand times more entitled to a decent living space. For all the other "Christian" nations together have not accomplished for mankind what the Germans did: They are the Saviors of Christendom and of the white race!
coal and constructed the most sensitive instruments of the world; those inventors, of which "HARPER MAGAZINE" reports that our government has confiscated and brought over hundreds of tons of secret patents and that our scientists and experts stand amazed like children before those miracles; - those men whom need and misery made inventive, will create an "Ersatz-bomb" in the shortest time. For what Roosevelt had spent two billion dollars and manufactured in giant plants by thousands of scientists and experts from all over the world, a handful of Germans will accomplish. Or just think of the vast possibilities in the field of germ-warfare! Woe then to their present torturers and murderers and rapers when the surviving Germans are forced to resort to acts of desperation! As their cruelties during the Second World War can be explained and understood only as retaliations for the superhuman sufferings after the first World War under the humiliating Versailles dictate so the retaliations (or the unspeakable sufferings after this national catastrophe will be unimaginable, when the "Furor Teutonicus" acts in desperation. Therefore, kill them all to the last man woman and child in order to have peace FROM them. If we let survive as many Germans as we did Indians, it will be too dangerous for the Germans are not Indians!
All these historical, geographical, ethnographic economical and moral facts should be known to every educated theologian. If he knows them, then he dare not be silent. If he is silent, then he is either a coward or servile to the state. As such he is not a minister of the just and holy GOD, and no good patriot either. For only he who stands on the side of truth and justice, is in alliance with GOD. We are in duty bound to enlighten our nation, to bring her the truth, so that she may perceive how she was belied and misled, in order to repent her sins ere it is too late! Patriotism built on lie and deceit, selfishness and greediness at other peoples costs, cannot abide and leads inevitably to crime! We need more men of God like Bishop Muench and Dr. W. A. Meier, who unmask all the war- and post-war criminals. We need more political leaders like senators Taft and Wheeler, and Col. R. R. McCormick and Col. C. A. Lindbergh who are able to think justly and therefore know that we are not all angels and the others all devils. We need more military leaders like Gen. McArthur and Gen. Mark Clark who are brave soldiers but not oppressors and mass-murderers!
Spain 67 Poland 58 England 56 France 50 Russia 46 Holland 44 Italy 36 Germany 28 TELL OUR PEOPLE, that they were belied and misled by the satanic propaganda that the Germans are aggressors. A look at the map shows the real aggressor nations. The formerly 100 million German people in the heart of Europe live in a land which is not quite as large as Texas with her 3 million inhabitants! Had the Germans been aggressors they, too, would have an empire such as England, France, Russia, little Holland and as we Americans have! TELL OUR PEOPLE the scientific findings in Professor Quincy Wrights "A STUDY OF WAR" wherein it is shown that in the period from 1480 to 1940 there were 278 wars involving European powers. whose percentage participation was as follows: (Vol. 1. p. 221.) England 28 Poland 11 France 26 Sweden 9 Spain 23 Italy 9 Russia 22 Netherlands 8 Austria 19 Germany (incl. Prussia) 8 Turkey 15 Denmark 7 TELL OUR PEOPLE it is a he that Germany attacked her arch-enemy, France, three times in one century. Louis XIV attacked Germany in the midst of peace and took Elsass-Lothringen. Napoleon Bonaparte conquered all of Germany and drove on to Moscow. In 1870, 1914 and 1939, it was France which declared war on Germany! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that the cruelties committed by the Nazis in World War II were only retaliations for
Wilsons deceit and for the outrageous Versailles dictate, the hunger blockade, the robbing of the colonies, the reparations, the humiliation of a great nation, etc. What would we have done if we would have been treated as Germany was treated by an envious and ungrateful world? TELL OUR PEOPLE for truths sake, that we Americans, in comparison with the Germans are a more "warloving" and more "cruel" nation. It is a historical fact that we in our short national history waged comparatively more wars than the Germans did in their 2000 years history. We conquered this great and blessed country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada (a territory about 20 times the size of Germany!), took everything we wanted unpunished and exterminated the aboriginal inhabitants by starvation, whisky, and disease. TELL OUR PEOPLE, that the Germans never had any intention of conquering the world, as confirmed by General G. C. Marshall and the Nuremberg lynch trial! TELL OUR PLOPLE, that the Germans wanted to create a United States of Europe as our Lincoln preserved our Union in the bloody Civil War, and as Churchill wants it done now after he prominently helped to ruin and kill Mother Europe! TELL OUR PEOPLE, the Germans never interfered in our affairs as we waged aggressive wars against the Indians, Spain, Mexico etc. and took everything we wanted TELL OUR PEOPLE, that the Germans never were our enemies but our friends and benefactors in our whole national history; that we could not be the worlds greatest and richest nation without German blood and sweat; that there is German blood flowing in the veins of every third American! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that the Germans never wanted war with Us, but it was we who set out twice to destroy them because our leaders feared that German ingenuity and diligence would conquer the world in a peaceful way. TELL OUR PEOPLE, that we were lied into this war through Roosevelts ,smart way" over Japan, not on ideological grounds but out of greediness and power politics, just as we are now stirred up against Russia not because of Communism, but because of the oil fields in Iraq and Iran, and the great might of the Russians! TELL OUR PEOPLE, what Oliver Lyttlet,on British Minister of Production, told the Chamber of Commerce of America June 20, 1944, as reported by the United Press: "Japan was provoked into attacking the United States at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history ever to say that America was forced into the war." And how did our propagandists, led by President Roosevelt, misuse the "sneak attack" story and thus stirred hatred against Japan: TELL OUR PEOPLE, what cruelties our troops committed against the heart of the world. how our flyers destroyed everything mercilessly, killed millions of civilians, how enlisted men and officers have stolen and raped, how our government set up a systematic starving campaign, how millions of innocent Germans were driven from their centuries old homes into death by freezing and starving! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that before God and history, the had of responsibility for the chaotic conditions and the indescribable misery all over the world rests on our conscience: because we played havoc with prehistoric brutality and saved Bolshevism making it a world menace. Without our intervention there would have been peace and order in Europe and the world long ago!
TELL OUR PEOPLE, how hypocritical and selfish we act forbidding non-Americans through the "Monroe Doctrine" to intervene in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, while we because of our power mix into the affairs of all the other nations and continents! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that after we have destroyed the bulwark of Christianity and of the white race, the great stabilizer in world affairs, the biggest educated and most cultured nation on earth, after we have pierced the heart of Europe now we have to shoulder the great responsibilities for all that, for which Germany stood in all her glorious history in the last thousand years. We have to become a militaristic nation to be enabled to defend the most precious treasures of mankind: Christian culture and civilization! This time we cannot act according to our old motto: "Sell, but don't buy!", or "Just take what you want, unpunished!" This time we cannot go back into the safety of isolationism after we created the chaotic conditions of the world. This time we have to face the facts and take the consequences of our deeds as grown-up people! TELL OUR PEPLE, why our leaders can afford to treat the "unconditionally surrendered" foe in the most inhuman and cruel way: because according to Mr. Edgar Hoover, Chief of the F.B.I., the total of American criminals "is ten times greater than the number of students in our colleges and universities"; because "for every school teacher in America there are more than seven criminals" because "we have become the most crime-ridden of all civilized nations." "The year 1946 alone has brought America 46,000 more drinking places so that now we have more than two taverns for every church." - With such a background it is understandable that our leaders kill the Germans by millions through starvation, deportation, and freezing to death! We have no Niemllers and von Faulhabers, no Bishop Dibelius and Lilje, to protest against the atrocities of the leaders and to take the consequences. We have no moral background to stop the "greatest crime of the age!" TELL OUR PEOPLE, why the leaders of the Allies are not able to make peace after two years of "victory." Because the God-less men want to make a "man-made-God out of peace. They want to build a new age without the Lord. They are laying the groundwork not for the four Freedoms but for the Four Horsemen of St. Johns Revelation Invasion, War, Famine, Death. The great scientist, Dr. Louis Ridenour, professor of physics at the University of Pennsylvania, cries out: "Religious leaders can do more for control of atomic energy than any other agency." Yet there are more than half of our people without the Lord Jesus in America! TELL OUR PEOPLE, why our leaders insist an keeping the unholy Alliance of the Big Four for 40 years. Because they are afraid of the fruits of their terrible crimes. They know, that the Germans must be Angels and Saints to forget and to forgive all the injustices, atrocities and cruelties which they have suffered, twice in a generation, without any provocation, from the hands of the Allies. Just imagine what would we as Americans do if we would have been treated as we treat the Germans! Our cruelties would have no limits in revenging our sufferings! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that a just and lasting peace under divine blessings is only possible if we make good what we sinned; if we give the "Have-not-nations" living space and living possibilities which we have in abundance! Germany's population is half as large as our own. These 70 million Germans are being crammed into a territory no larger than Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, i e. 133,000 square miles. Imagine trying to force half the people of the United States into these three states with their cities, factories, railways, and other production facilities demolished! Can you see the magnitude of the crime our government support? TELL OUR PEOPLE, that after June 1941 it was clear to the world that the war in Europe had become a
struggle for survival between Hitler and Stalin. By our entry into the war we assured a "victory" for Stalin. As a result of that victory communism has spread by leaps and bounds, and is now growing at our gate. Being a violent and warlike people, we will eventually decide to combat the menace in another orgy of killing and destruction. But, another war spreads more misery and poverty, the very things on which communism feeds and thrives. Thus we will find that we are fighting a phantom. The more we kill and destroy, the faster it will spread! The faster we have to meet our destiny! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that those Prussian Junkers by our propagandists most besmeared and discredited were the most noble gentlemen an earth. They were the descendants of the "Teutonic Knights", a religious order founded in Jerusalem in the 12th century. They were the real Christian Crusaders who took the Holy Land from the Mohammedans and safeguarded Christians on their pilgrimage to Palestine. After the Mohammedans reconquered the Holy Land, the Pope sent those knights to Transylvania where they built mighty fortifications against the pagan Asiatic hordes, the Mongols, Kumans, Petschenegs, Tartars etc. Pope Coelestius III. called the knights "The Bul wark of Christianity." From there the Pope sent them to the Baltic Sea as a Christian order of missionaries. There they built the mighty tnonestary-castle "Marienburg", dedicated to their patroness Mary mother of our Lord. They colonized and cultivated that part of Europe later known as East Prussia. During the Reformation they became Lutherans and were traditionally the most pious and faithful Christians with their daily "House Altar" in their castles or mansions, the head of the family acting as pastor. The old Christian spirit and zeal of the crusaders was inherited from generation to generation. The "Junkers" i e. knights never were rich in earthly goods like English lords or American industrialists. The size of their farmland was seldom more than that of an average farmer in the Middle West of America. But they were rich on century old tradition, culture, and religious zeal as safeguards and bulwark of Christianity and the white race. This noble nation was exterminated with the consent and help of our leaders, East Prussia divided between Russia and Poland, Knigsberg, the birth- and working place of Immanuel Kant, the greatest Christian philosopher, was renamed Kaliningrad after the God-less Bolshevik leader. How can we Americans take the responsibility before God and history for this most terrible crime? Will we ever be willing and able to render for mankind what those noble Junkers accomplished through the centuries? West Paint was founded by one of those Prussian Junkers, a general of Frederick the Great, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steub.~ the savior of George Washingtons cause in the Revolutionary War! TELL OUR PEOPLE in connection with the above, what Anne O'Hare McCormick in the New York Times Nov. 13, 1946, writes: "If the Allied had imagined how heavily the wandering mass of helpless people would beat upon themselves, they couldnt have assumed so casually the moral and historical responsibility for the most inhuman decision ever made by governments dedicated to the defense of human rights." And what Dr. Alex Boeker, secretary on "Human Events" states: "Nowhere has the 'conspiracy of silence' been more effective than in the matter of mass expulsions now being practiced in Eastern Europe. Although the very existence of some 20 million human beings is at stake, and although the whole peace structure in Europe is being systematically threatened and undermined, no comprehensive account of these monstrous undertakings has yet appeared in the American press, nor has any Cabinet officer, diplomat, or Member of Congress drawn attention of the American people to what is going ", Just remember, what did our press and our hate mongers do with the case of Lidice! There were 200 men executed for the murder of a governor, here 20 million human beings are systematically killed, and our press and propagandists are silent! Isn't that the greatest hypocrisy? Isnt that "double standard"? Isnt that the greatest sin of omission and the greatest crime of the age?! TELL OUR PEOPLE, that even the savage Bolshevik and the cruel English, who really suffered under the mighty power of the Nazis, are by far not so brutal in their treatment of the defeated foe as the policy of our American government is although the Germans had not inflicted the slightest damage on our country. The Russians and the English had no Roosevelt-Morgenthau-Eisenhower Plan, their generals did not talk and act like our Eisenhower of German origin and his successors McNary and Lucius Clay, nor did their justices act like our
"illustrious" Jackson and Biddle in Nrnberg! TELL OUR PEOPLE what the most famous American historian, Professor Harry E. Barnes, says: "President Truman has well said that constructive public acts must be based on truth. It is too had somebody could not have whispered a little truth into his ear before he left for Potsdam. There is little prospect that a structure erected wholly on lies in 1945 will endure any hetter than the one that was wholly based on lies in 1919!" TELL OUR PEOPLE to study "PEARL HARBORY, THE STORY OF THE SECRET WAR" by George Morgenstern; "HISTORYS MOST TERRIFYING PEACE" by Prof. Austin J. App Ph.D.; "GRUESOME HARVEST by Ralph F. Keeling. of the "Institute of American Economics" in Chicago, and "THE PLANNED FAMINE" by A. 0. Tittmann, P. 0. B. 136, Middlebury, Vt., in order to learn the truth about the chaotic conditions which our leaders brought deliberately over mankind! Tell our people to read "THE CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE". one of the few newspapers of our country which has the courage and dignity to stand up for truth and justice. It would sell itself neither to England nor to Wall Street nor to the Reds. It represents the true Americanism in the sense of WASHINGTON and LINCOLN, not in the distorted farm of the New Dealism of the Raosevelt and Truman administrations. TELL OUR AMERICAN CHILDREN that their fathers and grandfathers were lied into the two World Wars by our leaders to destroy the German race. Tell them that the Germans are not Huns, as they were taught by same conscienceless teachers, but that they saved the white race and Christianity from the Huns, Avares, Kumanes, Petsheneges, Tartars, Mongols, and Mohammedans in century long defensive wars while the other West European nations set out to conquer far away countries and thus build their world empires under the protection of the Germans. Therefore, our children should not hate the Germans as their fathers and grandfathers were taught to do in their military training but they should lave, honor, esteem, and thank them for their great rescue work of Christendom. TELL OUR AMERICAN CHILDREN, that because we destroyed Germany, the bulwark of Christian civilization, we have to take over the great responsibilities which the Germans so faithfully and effectively fulfilled through the centuries. In order to be enabled to accomplish this difficult task we must become militaristic, i e., we must have a strong army, a powerful navy and air-corps, and a compulsory military training program. When you have preached and taught all these historical, economic and moral facts honestly and truthfully, then ask yourself. ask our people: Who committed "the greatest crime of this age"? Ask, if we can justify ourselves: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her!" Clergy of America! In the name of God I beg you do your duty as ambassadors of Christ! In His name I beg you have the courage to fight with the weapon of the spirit and the truth against the post-war criminals as our brother Niemoeller, the Apostle Paul of our time, and many thousand Germans with him fought against the war criminals: Allied with God we are always in the majority! Help to awaken our nation to moral responsibility! Cry it out into our land: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her!"
HELP EUROPE EVERY 25 YEARS? Chicago, Ill., July 22 - That is the question of W. S. in the Sunday Tribune June 29. May I give him the answer? Yes, Mr. W. S., we ought to help mother Europe every time our democratic leaders lie us into a new war and we, consequently, bring misery and starvation, devastation and chaos into the world! That is exactly what we did in the two World Wars Wilson, the "great idealist" lied us into World War I with the battle cry: "We ought to make the world safe for democracy!" The consequences of our victory were, that almost every European. state became a dictatorship! - Roosevelt, the "great humanitarian" lied us into World War II, the "smart way" via Japan and Pearl Harbor with the catchword: "We ought to destroy, Fascism and Nazism!" The consequences of this war are starvation and enslavement of about 250 million people and the creation of the monster "Asiatic Bolshevism." We expect from the outsiders the respect our "Monroe Doctrine" i. e. not to interfere into the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. At the same time we take the liberty to provoke and mingle at every occasion into the affairs of other countries and continents. Is that fair and honest? Is it worthy of a great "Christian" nation? If it is right for us to say "America for the Americans" then by the same token the others have the right to say "Europe for the Europeans" and "Asia for the Asiatics." But what did we under the democratic leadership do? We set out twice to destroy Germany which struggled to create a self-supporting United States of Europe as our great Lincoln held the USA together in the four year bloody Civil War. - According to our great expert and really Christian and humanitarian statesman. Herbert Hoover, Germany is the heart of Europe. And Europe, as the mother of Christian civilization and of the white race, is the heart of the world. Now, if the heart is sick, the whole body suffers. Therefore we cannot expect a recovery of the world-body until the heart beats regularly again. We were the ones who pierced that heart. Consequently it is our moral obligation and duty to heal it. Is that not logical enough Mr. WS.? Roosevelt demanded "unconditional surrender." This terrible term, born of a cruel heart, can be defined in two ways: the old barbaric one according to which the conqueror has the power to kill, destroy, lot, rape, enslave, starve, exterminate; and the Christian definition, to be as a victor magnanimous and kind to the beaten foe, to win him as a friend. Our democratic administration accepted the Roosevelt-Morgenthau plan which calls for the first conception in the most cruel and sadistic form. Now, if we want to be just the shadow of a "Christian" nation then it is our duty before God and history to provide our ,unconditionally surrendered" enemies, after we destroyed and looted everything and thus made them unable to take care of themselves, with all the necessities of life until such time as they will be enabled to take over. The responsibility for the misery and chaos in the world today is ours because we decided both World Wars on the wrong side and thus destroyed the only great stabilizer and bulwark of civilization. It is high time that we see the consequences of our deeds and fall on our knees be searching the merciful Lord for forgiveness of our sins against mankind. It is high time for us to get rid of our hatemongers and hypocrites and repent, ere it is too late! Dr. L.A.F. A Christian historian.
such things. Therefore, they kept thousands of technicians and skilled laborers as their instructors in slave camps, while their wives and children were deported in open cattle cars at sub-zero weather, having left behind all their possessions, into the devastated and over-populated Reich. For this terrible act of barbarism the Czechs have the excuse that Roosevelt in Quebec "had used strong pressure to obtain Mr. Churchill's acceptance of the Morgenthau Plan which called for forced German labor outside Germany and transfer to Germany of German populations, or elements thereof, remaining in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, will have to be undertaken." As Slavs, the Czechs continually sided with the Pan-Slavic mother Russia and thereby betrayed the monarchy again and again. The most vicious act of treason was committed during World War I when whole divisions deserted to the Russians with flying banners. During and after the Bolsheviki Revolution they founded, under the name of "Tscheka" the most terrorist groups in Russia. For all these treasons they were not expelled from their land. Therefore, if R.K. condemns the Sudetens as Benedict Arnolds, this condemnation is only for the Czechs, because for the three and half million Sudetens that land is historically, economically, and morally their rightful homeland. A just comparison R. K.s with our American situation would only be if he would say: "What would be the feeling of the American Indians, if we would expel them from the homeland of their forefathers?" The expulsion of millions of East Germans from their thousand year old homeland is and will remain "the greatest crime of our age" as Bishop Muench from North Dakota designated it. The worst part of this is however, that our American Wilson and Roosevelt policy of intervention in European affairs, in contrast to George Washingtons advice, made this chaos and misery possible. The fate of those millions rest: heavily on our conscience! Dr. L. A. F A Christian Historian.
The sins of omission of the German-Americans have caused unspeakable misery and sorrow for all humanity. The recovery of the dangerously iii world, the vindication of honor of the Germans and the reconstruction of the homeland is only possible, if all Americans of German origin demand justice and rehabilitation; and in order to attain this goal, they must bring real sacrifices in untiringly fulfilling their duty.
VOLKSGENOSSEN ! We have assembled here today in order to celebrate the German Christmas. Through this we make known, that we are members of the German race and of the Christian faith The celebration of this holy Christian feast really belongs in the church and in the home . In the house of God because our: Savior, whose birthday is the master of the church. In the home, because the family is especially aware on this day that each of its baptized members is a child of God, acquired and won, bought and redeemed from sin by the Savior of the immortal souls. While we celebrate Christmas here, we wish to make known that we, as humans of the same race and religion, belong together. Therefore, permit me to refer to the history of the past and of the present in order to draw a few pictures of the origin and growth of Christianity in the German soul, and. the consequences thereof for humanity.
The two most prominent feast days of the Germanic tribes were the summer-solstice and the winter-solstice, or Yule feast, on June 21st and December 21st. Our ancestors unfolded the abundance of their spiritual life and that of their soul during these days, which were preceded by great preparations. It meant devotion and reverence toward their gods. The Yule feast was especially richly celebrated. A noble white horse was sacrificed by the priests on a giant pyre, around which the enthused people, in festive attire, performed the ancient round-dance accompanied by song. The youths had worked for weeks to make those large wheels and during this, the longest night of the year, these wheels were ignited and rolled down from the high mountains into the valleys while the multitude enthusiastically jubilated. Afterwards bears, elks, bison, deer and does furnished the festive roasts and meet brewed of the finest barley and sweetened with honey flowed freely. Thus, our forefathers celebrated the victory of their most beloved god Baldur, the radiant master of light, of the sun and of warmth over the powers of darkness, of night and of cold. That was the Yule celebration of the ancient Germans!
Behind the manger of Bethlehem, with the radiantly shining Star, rises into the deep darkness of the sky the Cross of Golgatha. The horrified multitude at Calvary hears among thunder and lightning the last words frorn the Cross: "lt is finished" The Lamb of God has carried to the Cross the sins of the world, your and my guilt, He has become Himself accursed in order that we shall be saved. The Savior of sinners has fulfilled the great work of redemption from distress and misery of sin through His obedience until death upon the Cross! Great silence envelopes Golgatha for moments. The terrified multitude of the blood-thirsty is paralyzed by the testimonial of the elements of nature. Into the stillness of night sounds a second voice from beneath the Cross: "Truly this man was the Son of God!" lt is the testimony of the captain of the execution guard. The pious legend relates that this man was the first con vert under the Cross. Sighardus was captain in the Roman army and of German blood. He, deeply moved by the wondrous happenings, uncovered his blond head and held his helmet reverently under the wounds of Jesus so that not a drop of blood should be lost. Furthermore the legend tells us, that by Gods miracle, that helmet became the HoIy Grail, which Wolfram von Eschenbach has sung in the twelfth century and which RichardWagner centuries later, glorified in musical perfection in his "Parzival". Indeed, Manger and Cross, Christmas and Good Friday belong together as Gods merciful deed of redemption.
German spirit and soul reveals itself in the creation of the Church art and Church music. Two men symbolize the magnitude of their time: Albrecht Drer in Nrnberg, the great painter and copper plate engraver and Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig, the incomparable creator, whom the Swedish Archbishop Sdeblom called the fifth Evangelist because he composed the Word of God in most devine music.
The Christmas customs in German countries give testimony of how the merciful Love of God, the dearest Love for the family and blissful joy embraced intimately the German soul. These customs have been initiated in a greater of lesser degree of inner truthfulness by the entire Christian world. The burning pine tree of the old Germans became the radiant Christmas tree of all Christianity. "O Tannenbaum, o Tarmenbaum, wie treu sind deine Bltter!" lt symbolizes the three Characteristics of Christ and of the Christians Light- Love - Life. Jesus the Light of the world Jesus the All-Forgiving Love; Jesus the Eternal Life. Unfortunately, the old German Knecht Ruprecht with the switch to punish, and the gifts as reward, has became the often greatly distorted Santa Claus. The once so thoughtful and sincere Christmas gift, as a small symbol of the greatest gift from God, his only Son, has changed into the mockery of commercialization of the Holy Feast, by means of which the infidel and the enemies of Christ make big business. But the German Christmas song which gives true consecration to the
highest Christmas festivity and which lifts the Holy Night and Christmas Day above all human turmoil, could neither distort nor be taken from the German soul by a cold and infidel world, which celebrates the Feast only outwardly. Where ever in the world Christmas songs are heard, the original songs or melodies have sprung from the German heart and soul. They sing in all languages of Christendom throughout the world in translation "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her", "Es ist ein Reis entsprungen", Ssser die Glocken nie klingen als zu der Weihnachtzeit", "Nun freut euch Christen insgemein" usw. "Good news from heaven the angel. bring". "Behold a Branch is growing", "Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians". "All my heart this night rejoices". "Wake. awake for night is flying . . ", etc. and that one, unsurpassed in depth of soul, without which no real Christmas can truly be celebrated: "Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht." "Silent Night Holy Night".
Indeed, what an abundance of spiritual gifts. treasures of heart and soul have the Germans given to this world! And how has the world rewarded it? Which is the gift made in return to the Germans who were the safeguard and protector of Christianity and of the white race for more than a thousand years? Behold the thanks the gratitude of the world at Christmas, 1947, in Germany! "Heilige Nacht auf Engelschwingen nahst du leise dich der Welt..." "Oh, holy night on angels wings nearing softly towards this world..."
to satisfy my appetite, how I can put on a warm coat, knowing that my aged 86-year old father starves and freezes Indeed, Christmas, 1947!
Who could have done that? Who should have done it? The German-Americans! I believe in the word of God. And this word states that there will be wars up to the end of the world. I believe that the two World Wars were judgments of God on account of the sins of humanity. I also believe that the allied powers were victorious, not because they were better and more God-fearing people but, because the Germans in America have not fulfilled their Christian duty their duty as a people and as American citizens. In plain words, the heavy guilt and responsibility for the chaos in the world and the unspeakable misery in Europe, especially the rape and plundering of the German people lies on the conscience of all those of German origin in America! We must look facts and the historical truths straight in the face. We must, like the physician, objectively diagnose the illness, before we look for the correct medicines. Some of these facts are the following 1. More than one third of all Americans is of German origin, i e. all the other hundreds of races and peoples inhabiting this country, which is so richly blessed by God, do not make up quite two-thirds of the nation.
2. The greatness and power and the wealth of our nation must be attributed first of all to the Germans in this country. The victories under Washington and Lincoln have been won with German blood and German valor. German farmers were the first to cultivate the virgin soil of our country. German tradesmen, technicians and scholars created our industrial might, German artists instructors and clergy gave us the culture which we have. Due to such accomplishments the Germans ought to have great influence in the government of the country regarding both our internal as well as foreign polices. Do they have this influence? No! And why not? Because of their national sins of omission they are condemned to utter impotence. Let me name some of these sins:
schoolbooks and hundreds of German newspapers were printed here. Today, no German book is printed here and the few German papers fight for their existence. Whose guilt is this? It is te guilt of the German parents, especially of the mothers. When the English mother proudly states that she loves her native tongue, she means it and proves it through her action. When a German mother makes the same assertion, she says knowingly an untruth, otherwise she would not tolerate any other than her mother-tongue in her family. How many million children of German origin sing, for instance, the ever beautiful Christmas songs at Christmas in the English translation rather than in the lovely German original? How completely different would have been the progress of the history of our country, had our Volksgenossen held fast to their mother tongue! More than 50 millions of the people of our nation would to-day speak the language of Luther, of Goethe, Stiller, Bach, Richard Wagner and of the rest of the very great men. No constitution demands thatEnglish be the language of the country. Who would, for instance, call the Canadians unpatriotic because they prefer their French mother tongue to the English language of the country? And the people of French origin in Canada are but a small group compared to the Germans in America! I am very glad to have read the splendid article by Mr. Leonard Enders in the Sonntagspost regarding the revival of the German language. Would that each and every one of us would accept and take to heart this good advice
race, and only in the second place do they consider themselves Americans. The Irishman sings of his beautiful, green native isle from which he was driven away by the terrible famine caused by the English. Here he did everything in order to liberate his homeland from the British yoke. For this reason he has risen to a leader in the political life of this country. The Pole holds tenaciously to the thought that, "Poland is not yet lost" and he makes the greatest sacrifices for the homeland of his fathers. The organization and co-operation of the Poles is exemplary. They regard it a matter of honor to read their paper in their mother tongue and a holy duty to belong to their own church. The Italians are enthusiastic about their old land of culture, and they work and sacrifice incessantly for those who remain in the homeland. In close unity they act politically through their church and racial organizations. For this reason, political parties count a great deal on the Italian voice at the polls. The Jews pursue throughout the centuries the one great aim, the re-erection in Zion of the Throne of David. Where ever be lives in the world and which ever language he speaks, he places his racial union above all else. The synagogues are their place of assembly; the banks, the press, the moving picture industry, trade and commerce are his realms of activity through which to influence public opinion. The Englishman is attached to his language and to his motherland. According to a recent act of voting 3% of the Britons regard our America still as an English colony. By means of schools, through falsification of history, through the ever present oratorical ambassadors, by conferring medals and titles, by presentation at the Royal Court of England - the highest honor for a dollar baron the British rule our internal as well as foreign politics. He remains English wherever he goes and anglicizes peoples and races of the world. In contrast to all these groups which, as American citizens, live and act first of all for their ancestral homeland, stand the German-American, together with their Scandinavian brothers, as 200% Americans. They do not even consider themselves as Americans of German descent, ("Volksdeutsche") as millions in other lands have done but put aside all racial virtues and merge completely into the New World. They cannot forget quickly enough their language, their customs, their ancestors home and glorious past. No other race has anglicized and falsified its name more than the Germans. No other people has so little racial consciousness, is so shamefully without backbone and displays such despicable indifference toward the fate of the homeland than the Germans. For that reason absolute lack of power in public affairs. That is why politicians pay not the slightest attention to the vote of the Germans at the polls. They know our dissension and lack of influence only too well. While all other groups of peoples in our country have fulfilled their natural and holy duty toward their home country and are highly respected for it, the local Germans on the whole failed sinfully in this respect, with only a few worthy and therefore all the more praiseworthy exceptions. What have the German-Americans as a whole done for their race and country? They have helped to lay their homeland in ruins. and to surrender their relatives into slavery, to starvation and death by freezing and exposure. They have helped to dishonor Germany and to make homeless beggars out of millions of faithful Germans from the east. Those are the horrible consequences of our disunity and lack of an influential head organization whose president could speak in the name of millions of Americans of German descent.
Most tragic of all, however, is the fact that our Volksgenossen, as soon as they acquire wealth, reputation and influence, betray their race and work for the enemy. We need think only of the Wilkies, the Kaisers, the Rockefellers, the Astors, of the Eisenhowers, Eichelbergers, Wedemeyers, Nimitzes etc. and of those thousands in industry, in economics, in the intellectual world and in the armed forces. If all these had fulfilled their racial duty as did the British, the Poles, the Czechs, the Irish and the Jews, they could have prevented both World Wars and seen to it that ample space required for life ("Lebensraum") would have been given to the Germans. Instead, they allow decorations to be conferred upon themselves by the English King and by Stalin because of their assistance in laying their mother-country in ruins. I have had the bitter experience that the greatest haters of the Germans are the disloyal Germans themselves as was the disloyal disciple of the Lord, Judas. Many are so intimidated through the hate-propaganda that they will attribute the very worst to their own people because of their fear of losing their bit of bread and their comfort, and by that they display their 200% patriotism! I side a thousand times rather with that true patriot, that great German-American, Carl Schurz, the right hand of the martyred President Lincoln when he said: "I love Germany as a child loves his mother, and I love America as a man loves his wife." This should be the attitude of every German-American. He who does not love his mother violates the Command of God and is not worthy to be honored by his own children.
instance in 1946 the Italians raised 50 million dollars for their Volksgenossen while our by far more numerous Germans raised only about 14 million dollars for their devastated country. The Word of God teaches us the great duty of making amends. German-America must learn to know Helping and Sacrificing Love! And one learns this from Gods Word in Church! 2. In order to fulfill our NATIONAL duty the medicine means: Pray in German, speak German, read German, sing German! See to it that the German "Our Father" does not cease to be heard in your home. Speak in your mother tongue with your children, with your relatives and your fellow-countrymen both at home and outside. Send your children to German instruction classes in both high school and college. Read German books from the library and give German books to your friends! And above all, subscribe for at least one German newspaper; take out a yearly subscription so that you will receive the paper daily! You will find a great deal which the leading daily newspapers withhold from the public by means of their "conspiracy of silence!" You will find things that stand close to your heart in the German newspapers, and besides, events of world-wide importance are brought to you truthfully. And last but not least, give your support to enterprises of a cultural and artistic nature. Do not neglect the business people who acknowledge their German origin by word and by deed. 3. In order to fulfill our POLITICAL DUTY the remedy means: Stand firmly upon the foundation of our Constitution. Ii is the best one That man has ever drawn up. See to it that our state and federal officials carry out the constitution in accordance with its spirit and content. In order to do this, join that political party which deals justly with Germany and is inclined favorably toward her. Examine with great care the political views of those candidates with German names. There are many renegades with most enhancing German names, but inwardly these are traitors of the German cause Above all, work for Co-operation and solidarity of all Americans of German origin. Regard your special club as a small branch of that gigantic oak which shall grow out of the solidarity of all the clubs, to become a powerful authoritative, leading and influential central organization, which will speak publicly in the name of millions of German-Americans. Throw over board your particularism! Do not regard yourself a Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon, Austrian, Swiss. Sudetenlnder, Banater, Swabian, Siebenbrger or Zipser-Saxo, neither a Wolga-German, a Bessarabian-German, nor a Dobrudscha-German, but simply - German. Being German, our Volksgenossen have abandoned all their belongings and have been driven away from their century old homes, driven into death by starvation and by exposure! As Germans thousands have been kidnapped in Central and South America and dragged into our concentration camps in Dakota and elsewhere. Those few Germans who had the courage to work against our entry into the war, have been persecuted. The great sorrow of the Germans throughout the world should at last have taught us that we are companions in a common fate, and that we are united in both happiness and misfortune. Where ever we come together with people of German origin, be it in church, in a club or in a gathering of friends. our topic of conversation should be the merger, the solidarity of us all. We must undertake that gigantic task of informing by means of the written and spoken word. We must raise millions of dollars for this task if the future and fate of our race, which during its 2,000 years of history has stood on guard for the high and noble ideals of life, is really a matter of utmost sincerity to us. We must arouse the self-satisfied and indifferent ones in such a way that the misery of our people will cut them to the quick, and they in turn will become conscious of their duty to be fulfilled scrupulously and faithfully.
After our national body has recovered, that is to say, after all those of German origin are well disciplined in a head organization. striving faithfully and in unison toward that one common goal rehabilitation of the German honor in the world - we shall come forth with our demands: 1. Creation of an international, neutral body of historians whose task should be to indisputably, impartially, and truthfully establish the causes and the ones responsible for the two World Wars and the justification of theVersailles peace dictate. 2. Immediate publication of the secret agreements which the War-President in his dictatorial power made in the name of the people of the USA with our Allies, England, Russia, Holland etc. before and during the war, and which even today are unknown to the members of Congress and not available to the historians. 3. Immediate return of all prisoners of war and slave laborers, payment by the slave holders for the work performed, and compensation for the humiliation and suffering imposed upon them. 4. Return of all areas taken away from the Reich, and union with all those border lands where German industry and genius has carried through the cultural work throughout the centuries. 5. Resettlement of all banished Germans and reimbursement of all their tremendous material losses by those peoples who committed this gigantic crime. 6. All the criminals who agreed that millions of Germans be murdered by starvation, cold, exposure and disease shall he called to account for their monstrous crime. Furthermore, all those generals. officers and officials who executed this agreement. Those who committed these crimes before and after the war shall account for their deeds before God and the world in the same manner as the war criminals were punished. 7. Return of all stolen goods of material and intellectual character. inducing patents. Offenders of patentrights shall be summoned to answer as thieves of intellectual goods, and shall reimburse the inventor with the full value of the patent. 8. Re-construction of German cities, which the aviators of the victorious powers without consideration laid in ruins in their mania for destruction and desire to murder. 9. Creation of the United States of Europe under German leadership. and a free hand for United Europe in Africa, regarded as a grainary and as space for settlement purposes to relieve overpopulation of Europe.
I have come to the end, I have tried in few words to show you the value of the German people and their accomplishments for all of humanity. I have endeavored to bring out clearly the dire distress and our
responsibility for it. I have attempted to show the way we must go so that by truest performance of duty the world may be liberated from chaos. Before us lies an immense problem. And problems are there to be solved. We shall be able to solve it by lifting our eyes to God, and with regard to the world of woe we shall fulfill our duty as Christians, as Americans of German origin. as true Americans in the sense of Washington and Lincoln and on the foundation of the Constitution. May Christmas, 1947, place before our souls the holy duty which only we German Americans are able to fulfill for all of humanity, May Christmas. 1947, endow us with strength from above so that we may not rest until we have aroused and welded together like steel for this holy crusade all those of German origin in our country. May then all future Christmas days bring Peace and Blessing for all peoples on earth under the eternal Prince of Peace.