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Scope and Sequence of Math Curriculum

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Scope and sequence of Math curriculum

Different math curricula utilize different scope and sequence, plus the state math standards vary a lot too. If you're piecing together your math curriculum from several sources, or for some reason not following any curriculum exactly to the T, it is helpful to have a general idea of a "basic" mathematics scope and sequence. So I made the following chart as a very ROUGH guideline about when and in which order approximately one should study mathematics topics. Don't read too much into it. For example, it is not intending to tell you in which order to study the topics during any grade. And it doesn't include every single topic by far. The aim of the chart is to show that major mathematics topics are at a focus on certain grade(s) and then can 'fade away' into the status of occasional review only. As explained in my coherent curriculum article, you do not need to study basic arithmetic topics on each and every grade till 8th. It's better to focus, aim for mastery, and then move on. Note also that most curricula would start algebra only on 9th grade, having "pre-algebra" on 8th grade. This chart is assuming algebra starting on 8th grade. It doesn't necessarily have to be; children and situations are different - BUT it's a nice goal to have. When to start algebra is up to you. Check also your state standards and all local laws/rules.

Mathematics scope and sequence chart

Explanations: The red 'strand' is addition, subtraction, and place value. These tie together. On first grade, the child starts with addition concept, place value (till 100 or 1000), memorizing basic addition facts, and on to subtraction. Next the common multi-digit addition and subtraction algorithms are studied. Mental addition and subtraction are important, too. As years pass, place value is studied till bigger and bigger numbers. After about fourth grade, a child should master addition and subtraction of natural numbers so that it is no longer the center of study. Little later, topics such as integers, exponents, scientific notation, square roots and irrational numbers expand the student's concept of 'number'.The yellow 'strand' is multiplication and division of whole numbers. Usually multiplication as a concept is introduced in late 2nd grade, and hit hard during 3rd grade. Division comes along soon after that. Fourth grade sees usually a lot of multiplication and division topics. After studying factorizing and primes, it's time to fade all this away as the focus switches...... to fractions, which are studied extensively on fifth grade. Also, study of decimals begins, and decimals are the next focus after fractions.Percent ties in with decimals, and also with ratio & proportion. All these are good topics for 7th grade with lots of tie-ins with real world. Geometry and measuring are important with their practical applications from first grade on, tieing in with several elementary math concepts such as multiplication (area) and fractions & decimals (measuring). Data analysis and probability are more recently added to the US math standards. You probably will find some topics even on 1st grade; however I personally do not find it necessary to start studying it so early. But your state standards and/or compulsory testing in those areas might dictate otherwise. (The figure on the chart should probably be slimmer - you don't need 'much' of statistics studies on any grade.)Hope this helps. Remember, it's just a rough guideline. You do not need to follow this suggestion for math scope and sequence. Study other books and the state standards, and then decide what you need to do in your home school.

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