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First and Foremost the Improved Spell Capacity epic spellcasting system does not require a caster to possess the Epic Spellcasting feat. Any character capable of casting 10th level or higher spells using Improved Spell Capacity can develop epic spells using this system. 0. Design Concept Sketch out a rough idea of what you want your spell to do. 1. Choose a Base Spell Seed Now that you know what kind of spell effect you want, choose an existing spell(s) as the base seed. A spell seeds base DC is equal to the minimum caster level for the developers class to cast that spell + 13. Adding Seed DCs: When two or more spell seeds are combined in an epic spell, their base Spellcraft DCs are added together. Both contribute toward the spells final Spellcraft DC. Determining School: When combining two or more spell seeds to develop an epic spell, the school of the finished spell is decided by the caster from among the seeds that make up the epic spell. Combining Descriptors: When two or more spell seeds are combined in an epic spell, all the descriptors from each seed apply to the finished spell. Combining Components and Casting Times: Almost every epic spell has verbal and somatic components and a 1 action time, regardless of the number of epic seeds combined. Combining Range, Targets, Area, and Effect: One spell seed might have a range of Long, another seed might have a range of touch feet, and a third seed might not have a range at all. Likewise, some spell seeds have targets, while others have an effect or an area. To determine which spell seed takes precedence in the finished epic spell, the caster must decide which spell seed is the base seed. The seed most important to the spells overall purpose is the base seed, and it determines the casting time, range, target, and so on. The other spell seeds apply only their specific effects to the finished spell. It is occasionally difficult to determine a base seed by examining the spells effects. If no one seed is most important, simply pick one seed for the purposes of making this determination. Combining Durations: When using two or more seeds to develop an epic spell, the seed with the shortest duration determines the duration of the finished epic spell. If any spell seed of an epic spell is dismissible by the caster, the epic spell is dismissible. Saving Throws: Even if more than one seed has an associated saving throw, the final spell will have only a single saving throw. If two or more seeds have the same kind of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will), then obviously that will be used for the spells saving throw. If the spell seeds have different kinds of saving throws, simply choose the saving throw that seems most appropriate for the final spell. Spell Resistance: When combining two or more spell seeds to develop an epic spell, if even one seed is subject to spell resistance, the finished epic spell is subject to it as well. Combining Spells Seeds and Epic Seeds: Although this new epic spellcasting system now uses spells to form the basis of its spell seeds it does not completely ignore the existing epic spellcasting seeds. Many of the pre-existing epic seeds grant effects not found in published spells and in such cases it is permissible to use the epic seed as one of your spell seeds. These epic seeds use the revised general Spellcraft DC modifiers that follow rather the pre-existing ones, but the DC modifiers inherent to each seed, remain unchanged. 2. Factors Factors are not part of epic seeds, but they are the tools used to modify specific parameters of any given seed. Applying factors to the seeds of an epic spell can increase or decrease the final Spellcraft DC, increase the duration, change the area of a spell, and affect many other aspects of the spell. There are three kinds of factors: 1. Those that can affect a number of spell seeds. 2. Those that can only be used with specific spell seeds. 3. Those that reduce the Spellcraft DC rather than increasing it. These are referred to as mitigating factors. To calculate the final Spellcraft DC of an epic spell correctly, its important to determine the mitigating factors last, after all the factors that increase the DC have been accounted for. Development Is an Art: Many times developing a completely new epic spell requires some guesswork and rule stretching. As with making and pricing magic items, a sort of balancing act is required. Often the description of a spell will need to be stretched for a particular spell. If necessary, assess an ad hoc Spellcraft DC adjustment for any effect that cannot be extrapolated from the seeds and factors presented herethe example spells use ad hoc factors frequently. In all cases, the GM determines the actual Spellcraft DC of the new spell Table: Epic Spell Factors
Spellcraft DC Modifier

Casting Time +2 Reduce casting time by 1 minute (min. 1 minute) +2 Reduce casting time by 1 round (minimum 1 round) +2 Change full round to standard action casting time +28 Swift action (limit one swift action/round) 1 +26 Contingent on specific trigger (as contingency) Components +5 No verbal component +5 No somatic component 2 Duration +2 Increase duration by 100% Permanent duration (apply this factor after all other epic x5 spell factors but before mitigating factors) +2 Dismissible by caster (if not already) Range +2 Range Increase range by 100% (fixed range spells) +4 Increase range 1 step (close to medium, ect.) 3 Target +4 Add extra target within range +40 Change from single target to 1 target/level (max. 20) +4 Change from personal to melee touch +10 Change from personal to ranged touch (close) +4 Change from melee touch to ranged touch (close) Change from ranged touch to target +4 +4 Change from target to ranged touch +10 Change from target to Area (pick Area option below) 4 Area Change Area to bolt (5 ft. wide at medium range, or 10 ft. +2 wide with 1/2 medium range) +2 Change Area to cylinder (10-ft. radius, 30 ft. high) +2 Change Area to 40-ft. cone +2 Change Area to four 10-ft. cubes +2 Change Area to 20-ft. radius +4 Increase Area by 100% Damage +2 per die Add one die of damage to a fixed damage spell +1 per die Increase maximum damage dice by caster level +10 Increase damage die by one step (d12 maximum) Other Gain +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome +4 targets spell resistance +4 Gain +1 caster level to resist dispel effects Unless stated otherwise, the same factor can be applied more than once.

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).



Each contingent spell in use counts as a slot used from the casters daily Improved Spell Capacity spell slots.

continue to add days to the casting time, with a further modifier of 2 per day, up to the maximum of 100 days. Additional Participants: Epic spells can be developed that specifically require additional participants. These spells are called rituals. An epic spell developed as a ritual requires a specific number of additional participants, who each must use up one spell slot of a specified level for the day. During an epic spells development, the spells creator determines the number of additional participants and the level of the spell slots to be contributed. If the exact number of spellcasters does not partake in the casting, or if the casters do not each contribute the proper spell slot, the epic spell automatically fails. To participate, each participant readies an action to contribute his or her raw spell energy when the primary caster begins the epic spell. Additional participants in a ritual spell reduce the Spellcraft DC, as shown on Table: Additional Participants in Rituals. Each additional participant may only contribute one spell slot. It doesnt matter whether the additional participants are arcane or divine spellcasters; only the level of the spell slot contributed matters. A contributed spell slot is treated as if normally cast. A wizard may contribute either a prepared, uncast spell slot, or an open, unprepared slot. The Spellcraft DC adjustments for each additional participant stack. Special: A ritual epic spell that takes longer than 1 action to cast requires all extra participants to stand as if casting for the same amount of time. If an extra participant is attacked while contributing a spell slot, the participant must make a Concentration check as if casting a spell of the same level as the slot contributed. If the attack disrupts the participant in the ritual, the epic spell is not necessarily ruined. However, the Spellcraft DC reduction that would have been provided by that additional participant cannot be applied to the final Spellcraft DC of the epic spell. Thus the ritual epic spell will be harder for the primary spellcaster to cast. Table: Additional Participants in Rituals Spell Slot Level Spellcraft DC Contributed Reduction 1st 1 2nd 3 3rd 5 4th 7 5th 9 6th 11 7th 13 8th 15 9th 17 For each additional spell level above 9th the Spellcraft DC reduction increases by 2 points. Determine Costs: Sum all factors and mitigating factors together to determine the final Spellcraft DC. The spells research cost in gold pieces is equal to the final Spellcraft DC times 7000, and the spells experience point cost is equal to 1/25th the research cost. Determine Level: Divide the final spell DC by 10, round to the nearest whole number, and add +7. This is the level of the Improved Spell Capacity spell slot needed to cast the spell. This also sets the base save DC of the spell. Approval: This is the final step, and its critically important. The epic spell development work and reasoning must be shown to the GM and receive his or her approval. If the GM doesnt approve, then the epic spell cannot be developed. However, the GM should explain why the epic spell wasnt approved and possibly offer suggestions on how to create an epic spell that will be acceptable.

Seeds that already have an instantaneous or permanent duration cannot be increased. When changing a targeted or Area seed to a touch or ranged attack, the seed no longer requires a save if it deals damage, instead requiring a successful attack roll. Seeds with a nondamaging effect still allow the target a save. Area spells changed to touch or ranged attacks now affect only the creature successfully attacked. When changing a touch or ranged attack seed to a targeted seed, the seed no longer requires an attack roll if it deals damage, instead requiring a saving throw from the target. On a failed saving throw, the target takes half damage. Area seeds changed to targeted seeds now only affect the target. The GM determines the most appropriate kind of saving throw for the epic spell. Table: Epic Spell Mitigating Factors
Spell DC Modifier
4 3

Backlash 1d6 points of damage (max d6 = final spell level 2 1 x2) 1 Burn 100 XP during casting (max 20,000 XP) Additional participants (ritual) Special Duration 10 Decrease duration from 1 hour/level to 10 min./level 10 Decrease duration from 10 min./level to 1 minute/level 10 Decrease duration from 1 minute/level to 1 round/level Area 4 Halve area (fixed area) 10 Decrease Area to single target Targets 4 Change target from ranged touch to melee touch 10 Change target from melee touch to personal 4 Change target from target to ranged touch 10 Change target from target to melee touch 14 Change target from target to personal Range 4 Halve fixed range 4 Decrease range one step (long to medium, ect) Casting Time 1 Increase casting time from standard to full-round action 2 1 Increase casting time by 1 round (max 1 minute) 2 2 Increase casting time by 1 minute (max 10 minutes) 2 2 Increase casting time by 1 day (max 100 days) Damage 5 Decrease damage die by one step (d4 minimum) Note: Mitigating factors are always applied lasr all other spell factors (see above) are accounted for. 1 A caster cannot avoid or make himself immune to backlash damage. Backlash damage is always considered lethal for creatures with regeneration and only heals naturally, magic and psionics are incapable of healing backlash. Creatures with fast healing heal backlash damage at value listed for their fast healing score every hour, not every round. Spells with durations longer than instantaneous, the backlash damage is only applied once. You cannot use backlash to mitigate the cost any spell with a permanent duration. If backlash damage kills a caster, no spell or method exists that will return the casters to life without costing the caster a levelnot even wish, true resurrection, miracle, or epic spells that return life to the deceased. Spells that normally penalize the recipient one level when they return him or her to life penalize a caster killed by backlash two levels. 2 When increasing the casting time of a spell in order to reduce the Spellcraft DC, a caster must first use up the maximum of 1 minute, then 10 minutes (for a total DC modifier of 28). After that, a caster can

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Under the previous epic spellcasting rules set there was no provision or seed for calling creatures. With the introduction the new spell seed rules, calling effects now use greater planar binding/ally as their base spell seed. When summoning creatures with greater than 18 HD the DC of the spell increases by +10 for each additional 3 Hit dice over eighteen.


If you wish to improve the enhancement bonus granted by an existing spell each +1 increase to the bonus granted by the spell to one of the scores listed below increases the Spellcraft DC of the final spell by +2. Any one ability score. Any one kind of saving throw, for all saves the Spellcraft DC is +4. Use this entry for all spells that grant resistance bonuses. Natural armor.

Epic level summon monster spells function differently that most spell seeds. Below is a general guideline as the maximum CR and combat ability a summoned monster should possess based on spell level. Seed: Summon Conjuration (Summoning) Spellcraft DC: variable, see table below Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: One summoned creature Duration: 1 round per caster level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes (see text) This seed can summon an outsider. It appears where the caster designates and acts immediately, on his or her turn. If the caster can communicate with the outsider, he or she can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. When a caster develops a spell with the summon seed that summons an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, the completed spell is also of that type. If the caster increases the Spellcraft DC by +10, he or she can summon a creature from another monster type or subtype. The summoned creature is assumed to have been plucked from some other plane (or somewhere on the same plane). The summoned creature attacks the casters opponents to the best of its ability; or, if the caster can communicate with it, it will perform other actions. However, the summoning ends if the creature is asked to perform a task inimical to its nature. Finally, by increasing the Spellcraft DC by +60, the caster can summon a unique individual he or she specifies from anywhere in the multiverse. The caster must know the targets name and some facts about its life, defeat any magical protection against discovery or other protection possessed by the target, and overcome the targets spell resistance, and it must fail a Will saving throw. The target is under no special compulsion to serve the caster. Suggested Summon Monster Seed Base CR Highest DC AC attack bonus 30 15-16 32 +27 40 17-18 35 +30 50 19-20 38 +33 60 21-22 41 +36 70 23-24 44 +40 80 25-26 47 +43 90 27-28 50 +46 100 29-30 53 +49 110 31-32 56 +52 120 33-34 59 +55 130 35-36 62 +58


If a spell grants a bonus to one of the above scores other than enhancement or resistance (i.e. luck, sacred, profance, ect) the DC increase is +6 per +1 increase. If you wish to change the bonus type granted by a spell from enhancement to a bonus of a different type the Spellcraft DC increases by +10. A spell that grants energy resistance for one energy type or temporary hit point can increase the resistance or hit points granted by +1 for each additional 2 points of Spellcraft DC. Spell Resistance: Each additional point of fixed spell resistance increases the Spellcraft DC by +4, each additional point of spell resistance per caster level increas (each 1 to spell resistance reduces the Spellcraft DC by 2). The fortify seed can also grant damage reduction 1/magic. For each additional point of damage reduction, increase the Spellcraft DC by +2. To increase the damage reduction value to epic, increase the Spellcraft DC by +15. e.x. Charrel Sinstral is researching an epic spell called might of the pitborn. He wants the spell to grant +8 to Strength and +4 to Charisma and Constitution, however he wants these bonuses to be profane bonuses rather enhancement. The base seed are bulls strength. This gives us a base DC 26 (16 + 10) to transform the bonus into an profane bonus, + 72 DC (12 additional points of profane bonuses to ability score) = DC 98 before mitigation.

Epic Spells and Metamagic Ad Hocs Astute readers will undoubtly by now realized that metamagic spell level adjustments translate smoothing in ad hoc epic modifiers, with one spell level adjustment translates into +7 DC. The benefits of building metamagic effects inherently to a spell such as the increased save DC is offset by the increased research and development costs and/or mitigating factors. Like any good rule, there are exceptions given to the metamagic guidelines given above. Any metamagic feat that increases damage dice, such as Empower Spell, and epic feats, such as Intensify Spell, break the damage advancement of spells when used as epic ad hoc modifiers, and thus are not allowed to applied to epic spells as ad hoc modifiers.

Max spell castable 8th 9th 10th 10th 11th 11th 12th 12th 13th 13th 14th

Max spelllike ability 9th 10th 10th 11th 11th 12th 12th 13th 13th 14th 14th

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Each time a spontaneous spellcaster takes Improved Spell Capacity he gains a number of spell points equal to the number of spell points required to cast his highest spell level +2 and the ability to cast (metamagicked) spells of one level higher. Each additional time a spontaneous caster takes this feat the number of bonus spell points granted increases by +2 and the highest level (metamagicked) spell effect he can create increases by 1. A spontaneous spellcaster who gains the ability to cast 10th level or higher metamagicked effects also gains the ability to learn and cast epic spells of the equivalent level or lower. A spontaneous spellcaster is limited to a total number of epic spells known equal to his ranks in Knowledge (arcana)/3, round up. A spontaneous spellcaster cannot know more higher level epic spells than he does lower level ones.


The first time a spellcaster who prepares their spells takes Improved Spell Capacity he gains a number of spell points equal to the highest spell level he can cast +2 and two spell slots of the next highest level. Each additional time this feat is take the caster gains two spell slots of the next highest level and the number of bonus spell points granted by this feat increases by +2. When a spellcaster who prepares his spells each day gains access to 10th level and higher spell slots he also gains ability to learn and cast epic spells of the equivalent level or lower. A spellcaster who prepares their spells each may use these slots to prepare metamagicked versions of spells or epic spells as he prefers.


The sheer effort involved in casting an epic spell requires the caster expend twice the normal number of spell points he normally would for a spell of that level. Thus casting a casting an 10th level epic spell would require 38 spell points rather than 19.

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Abjuration Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 This spell functions like greater dispel magic, except that the maximum caster level on your dispel check is +35 instead of +20. Additionally, true dispel magic can dispel any non-instantaneous magical effect, including antimagic field, forcecage, and a wall of force. Finally, the caster may select his targets when using the area dispel option, choosing to exclude his allies from the effect if so desired. Original Source: Fanro from Dicefreaks. uncontrolled being acts as it pleases, making the calling of such creatures rather dangerous. An uncontrolled being may return to its home plane at any time. A controlled creature can be commanded to perform a service for you. Such services fall into two categories: immediate tasks and contractual service. Fighting for you in a single battle or taking any other actions that can be accomplished within 1 round per caster level counts as an immediate task; you need not make any agreement or pay any reward for the creatures help. The creature departs at the end of the spell. If you choose to exact a longer or more involved form of service from a called creature, you must offer some fair trade in return for that service. The service exacted must be reasonable with respect to the promised favor or reward; see the lesser planar ally spell for appropriate rewards. (Some creatures may want their payment in livestock rather than in coin, which could involve complications.) Immediately upon completion of the service, the being is transported to your vicinity, and you must then and there turn over the promised reward. After this is done, the creature is instantly freed to return to its own plane. Failure to fulfill the promise to the letter results in your being subjected to service by the creature or by its liege and master, at the very least. At worst, the creature or its kin may attack you. Note: When you use a calling spell such as gate to call an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it becomes a spell of that type. XP Cost: 1,000 XP (only for the calling creatures function).

Conjuration (Creation or Calling) Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Components: V, S, XP; see text Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect: See text Duration: Instantaneous or concentration (up to 1 round/level); see text Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Casting a gate spell has two effects. First, it creates an interdimensional connection between your plane of existence and a plane you specify, allowing travel between those two planes in either direction. Alternately you may call a particular individual or kind of being through the gate. The gate itself is a circular hoop or disk from 5 to 20 feet in diameter (casters choice), oriented in the direction you desire when it comes into existence (typically vertical and facing you). It is a two-dimensional window looking into the plane you specified when casting the spell, and anyone or anything that moves through is shunted instantly to the other side. A gate has a front and a back. Creatures moving through the gate from the front are transported to the other plane; creatures moving through it from the back are not. Planar Travel: As a mode of planar travel, a gate spell functions much like a plane shift spell, except that the gate opens precisely at the point you desire (a creation effect). Deities and other beings who rule a planar realm can prevent a gate from opening in their presence or personal demesnes if they so desire. Travelers need not join hands with youanyone who chooses to step through the portal is transported. A gate cannot be opened to another point on the same plane; the spell works only for interplanar travel. You may hold the gate open only for a brief time (no more than 1 round per caster level), and you must concentrate on doing so, or else the interplanar connection is severed. Calling Creatures: The second effect of the gate spell is to call an extraplanar creature to your aid (a calling effect). By naming a particular being or kind of being as you cast the spell, you cause the gate to open in the immediate vicinity of the desired creature and pull the subject through, willing or unwilling. Deities and unique beings are under no compulsion to come through the gate, although they may choose to do so of their own accord. This use of the spell creates a gate that remains open just long enough to transport the called creatures. This use of the spell has an XP cost (see below). If you choose to call a kind of creature instead of a known individual you may call either a single creature or several creatures. If you choose to call a single creature you can control it so long as its HD do not exceed your caster level +4 (maximum of 34HD at 30th level). Alternately you can summon multiple creatures whose total HD do not exceed twice your caster level (maximum of 60 HD) and whose individual HD do not exceed two-thirds your caster level. Deities and unique beings called via gate cannot be controlled in any event. An


Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 8 This spell functions like lesser globe of invulnerability, except that it also excludes 5th-level spells and spell-like effects and moves with the caster.


Abjuration Level: Cleric 9 This spell functions like glyph of warding, except that a master blast glyph deals 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum of 25d8), and an master spell glyph can store a spell of 9th level or lower. Material Component: You trace the master glyph with incense, which first must be sprinkled with powdered diamond worth at least 800 gp.

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Eclipse Forge Destiny Let go of me Nailed to the sky Peripety Reaper's spite Ruin Soul scry Unweaving the Art Wizard's grace (ritual)

Blessing of the celestial dragon (ritual) Call winterwight Epic unbinding Eternal freedom Kinetic control Rage of the north wind Reap the living

Epic spell reflection (ritual)

Alabaster perfection Animus blast Apostate's shield Axiom's seal Dragon knight Epic mage armor Mass frog Mummy dust Safe time Spell worm Summon atropal scion Summon behemoth Verdigris Wellspring of life Witch queen's wrath

Savary's scorn Verdigris tsunami

Dire winter

Endless winter of heaven For the hero there is no death Spell immunity (ritual)


Anticipation Cast into the void Contingent true resurrection Damnation Ebb of battle Greater spell resistance Nether heart Origin of the species: achaierai (ritual) Rain of fire Raise island Summon midnight hound Virtue of statis Warriors of heaven

Vengful gaze of god

Crown of vermin Dragon strike Enslave (ritual) Ghul frost Hellball Pestilence (ritual) Soul dominion Whispers of the hungry dead

Animus blizzard Demise unseen Epic repulsion Gift of centuries Lord of nightmares Momento Mori Spurn above and below Superb dispelling Time duplicate Wings of the celestial pheonix

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Evocation [Cold] Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. level) Area: 30-ft.-radius hemisphere spread Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 280,000 gp; 7 days; 11,600 XP. Seeds: fireball (DC 18), animate dead (DC 20). Factors: Increase area by 50% (+2 DC). When this spell is cast, enemies within range are dealt 10d6 points of cold damage. The following round up to double the casters level in Hit Dice of victims that perish as a result of this blast are re-animated as skeletons the following round. These skeletons serve the caster indefinitely. The caster cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the caster to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with animus blast. restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. However, the subject loses one level (or 1 point of Constitution if the subject was 1st level). Contingent true resurrection does not work on a creature that has died of old age. Note that while this breaks normal rules for determining an epic spells level, contingent resurrection would be an 10th level spell.

Conjuration (Summoning) Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 60 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 round Range: Personal Effect: Aura of insects that surrounds you in a 10-ft.-radius spread Duration: 1 round/caster level (D) Saving Throw: None (see text) Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 420,000 gp; 9 days; 16,800 XP. Seeds: summon swarm (DC 16). Factors: increase area to 10 ft. radius spread centered on caster (ad hoc +4 DC), change duration from concentration to 1/round caster level (DC +4), change swarm to locusts (+2 DC), increase swarm damage five steps to 12d6 (+40 DC) perfect control of vermin (ad hoc +2 DC). Mitigating factor: change range to personal (2 DC), burn 800xp (DC -8). After casting crown of vermin, thousands of angry buzzing locusts erupt from the very air around the caster. This swarm forms a living aura around the caster to a radius of 10 feet. The caster is immune to his or her own crown of vermin. The swarm goes where the caster goes at his or her speed, even if the caster takes to the air or water (though water drowns the vermin after 1 full round of immersion, unless the spell is cast underwater, in which case aquatic or marine vermin answer the call and cannot leave the water). Any creature in the area of effect automatically takes the swarms damage (12d6). The vermin have damage reduction 1/epic, so the vermins natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The caster has utter control over the vermin in his or her aura, and can force them into areas that would normally deter common vermin. The caster can completely suppress his or her vermin aura as a free action so that no vermin are visible at all. The time that vermin are suppressed does not count toward the spells duration. Alternatively, the caster can roughly shape and move the vermin in any fashion he or she desires within the limits of the 10-foot-radius spread as a moveequivalent action. The vermin cannot be wrested from the casters control through any means. A crown of vermin has five hit points per caster level, and the vermin make all saving throws to avoid damaging effects using the casters base saving throw bonuses. They gain the casters spell resistance, if any, and they get saving throws against spells that would otherwise automatically slay vermin. A caster can see through his or her crown of vermin without difficulty, but gains one-half concealment against enemy attacks launched both outside and within the casters crown of vermin.

Evocation [Cold] Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 72 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft. level) Area: 20-ft.-radius hemisphere spread Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 508,000 gp; 11 days; 20,320 XP. Seeds: fireball (DC 18), create undead (DC 24). Factors: increase damage to 1d6 per caster level, max 40d6 (+30 DC). When this spell is cast, enemies within range are dealt 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 40d6 (Reflex half). The following round up to double the casters level in Hit Dice of victims that perish as a result of this blast are re-animated as wights the following round. These wights serve the caster indefinitely. The caster cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the caster to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with animus blizzard.


Conjuration (Healing) Level: 12 Spellcraft DC: 54 Components: V, S , DF Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: You or creature touched Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous Saving Throw: None (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) To Develop: 378,000 gp; 8 days; 15,120 XP. Seed: contingency (26), true resurrection (DC 30). Mitigating Factors: 1d6 backlash (-2 DC). Contingent true resurrection returns the subject to life if he or she is slain. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met (but each day it remains untriggered, it uses up an 12th level spell slot, even if the caster cast it on another creature). Once triggered, the spell is expended. If the subject is killed (the trigger), he or she receives the benefits of a true resurrection spell. A shaft of light shines down from the heavens, illuminating the subject and everything within 20 feet. The creature is

Transmutation (Compulsion) [Teleportation] [Mind-Affecting] Level: 12 Spellcraft DC: 50 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous (1/day level for compulsion) Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 350,000 gp; 7 days; 14,000 XP. Seeds: plane shift (DC 24), dominate monster (DC 30). Factors: unwilling target (+4 DC). Mitigating factor: burn 800 XP (8 DC).

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


The caster sends his or her foe to hell. If the caster succeeds at a melee touch attack, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw. If he or she fails this saving throw, he or she is sent straight to a layer of a lawful evil plane (or a chaotic evil plane, at the casters option) swarming with fiends. The subject will not willingly leave the plane for 1 day per caster level, believing that his or her predicament is a just reward for an ill-spent life. Even after the compulsion fades, he or she must devise his or her own escape from the plane. Unless the GM devises a specific location and scenario in the Nine Hells, the subject encounters a group of 1d4 pit fiends (or balors, if in a chaotic evil plane) every hour he or she spends in hell. XP Cost: 800 XP.

Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire] Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close Effect: One summoned adult red dragon Duration: 1 round per caster level (D) Saving Throw: None (see text) Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 378,000 gp; 7 days; 15,120 XP. Seed: summon monster /X, (DC 30, CR 15). Factors: summon creature other than outsider (+10 DC). This spell summons an adult red dragon. It appears where the caster designates and acts immediately. It attacks the casters opponents to the best of its abilities (on the first round, it prefers to breathe fire on an enemy, if possible). The caster can direct the dragon not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

Necromancy (Death, Evil), Illusion (Figment) Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 70 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fort partial Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 490,000 gp; 10 days; 19,200 XP. Seeds: finger of death (DC 24), create undead (DC 22), disguise self (DC 14). Factors: apply figment elements to all 5 senses (+10 DC). The caster instantly slays a single target that fails it saving throw and at the same moment animate the body so that it appears that nothing has happened to the creature. The targets companions (if any) do not immediately realize what has transpired. The target receives a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save succeeds the target takes 3d6+25 points of damage and realized he was attack by a spell. If the save fails or the target is reduced to 0 hp or less by the spells damage, the target remains in its exact position with no apparent ill effects. In reality, it is now a ghoul under the casters control. The targets companions notice nothing unusual about the state of the target until they interact with it, at which time each companion receives a Will saving throw to notice discrepancies. The ghoul serves the caster indefinitely. The caster cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the caster to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with demise unseen.

Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire] Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 59 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close Effect: Five summoned adult red dragon Duration: 3 rounds per caster level (D) Saving Throw: None (see text) Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 413,000 gp; 9 days; 16,520 XP. Seed: summon monster IX (DC 30). Factors: summon creature other than outsider (+10 DC), Increase number of creatures summoned to 1d4+1 (+20 DC), increase duration by 100% (+8 DC), maximize results (ad hoc +21 DC). Mitigating factor: two additional casters contributing 8th-level spell slots (30 DC). This spell summons five adult red dragons. They appear where the caster designates and act immediately. They attack the casters opponents to the best of their abilities (on the first round, they all prefer to simultaneously breathe fire on an enemy, if possible). The caster can direct the dragons not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. This is a ritual spell requiring two other spellcasters, each of which must contribute an unused 8th-level spell slot to the casting.

Evocation [Cold] Level: 18 Spellcraft DC: 112 Components: V, S , X P Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 500 ft. Area: 500-ft.-radius emanation Duration: 20 hours Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: None To Develop: 784,000 gp; 21 days; 29,920 XP. Seed: energy (emanate 2d6 cold in 10-ft. radius) (DC 19). Factor: increase damage by 8d6 (+16 DC), iincrease in area by 4900% (+196 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time to 10 minutes (-19 DC), burn 10,000 XP (100 DC). The creature or object targeted emanates bitter cold to a radius of 500 feet for 20 hours. The emanated cold deals 10d6 points of damage per round against unprotected creatures (the target is susceptible if not magically protected or otherwise resistant to the energy). The intense cold freezes water out of the air, causing constant snowfall and wind. The snow and wind produce a blizzard effect within the area. XP Cost: 10,000 XP.

Replaced by 8th level spell in the Manual of the Planes.

Conjuration (Creation) Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 34 Components: V, S, XP Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 200 miles Area: 5-mile radius, centered on you Duration: 5 minutes/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 238,000 gp; 5 days; 9,520 XP. Seeds: minor creation (DC 20), levitate (DC 16). Factors: increase volume by 1,000% (+40 DC), spread mass into paper-thin disk (ad hoc +2 DC), increase duration to 5 minutes per caster level (+8 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 9 minutes (28 DC), burn 2,400 XP (24 DC).

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


With this spell, the caster can create a limited eclipse, as though a heavenly body moves between the sun and the earth. The landscape within a five-mile radius of the casters location experiences the dimming of the sun as a disk the caster creates passes in front of it, culminating in a complete blackout and accompanying coronal ring. The eclipse follows the caster across the landscape for up to 8 hours, or until the sun goes down, or until the caster dismisses the eclipse. The caster does not need to concentrate on the eclipse while it lasts. XP Cost: 2,400 XP. An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of epic mage armor, providing a +20 armor bonus to Armor Class. Unlike mundane armor, epic mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Because epic mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures cant bypass it the way they do normal armor.

Abjuration Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 72 Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch Target: Object or creature touched Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 504,000 gp; 11 days; 20,160 XP. Seed: repulsion (DC 24). Factor: permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 9 minutes (28 DC), only protects against a specific creature type (-10 DC), decrease area to 10 ft. (-10 DC). The caster can create a permanent ward against a specific creature type. Any creature of the specified type cannot attack or touch the warded creature or object. The protection ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or intentionally moves to within 5 feet of a specified creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 61 Components: V, M, X P Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 549,000 gp; 11 days; 21,960 XP. Seed: dominate monster (DC 30). Factors: stricter compulsion of any creature (ad hoc +11 DC), permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time to 10 minutes (-19 DC), three other participants contributing 8th level spell slots (DC -45), burn 2,000 XP per caster (80 DC). The caster makes a permanent thrall of any living creature. The caster establishes a telepathic link with the subjects mind. If the creature has a language, the caster can generally force the subject to perform as he or she desires, within the limits of its abilities. If the creature has no language, the caster can communicate only basic commands. The caster knows what the subject is experiencing, but does not receive direct sensory input from it. A subject forced to take an action against its nature receives a saving throw with a penalty of 10 to resist taking that particular action, but if it succeeds, it still remains the casters thrall despite its minor mutiny. Once a subject makes a successful saving throw to resist a specific order, it makes all future saving throws to resist taking that specific action without a penalty. A protection from evil or a similar spell can prevent the caster from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so protected, but it does not prevent the establishment of enslave or dispel it. Note that due to the casting time involved the target must be restrained or otherwise subdued to prevent it disrupting the ritual. XP Cost: 2,000 XP.


Abjuration Level: 16 (ritual) Spellcraft DC: 90 Components: V, S , X P Casting Time: 91 days, 11 minutes Range: Touch Target: Object or creature touched Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 630,000 gp; 13 days; 25,200 XP. Seed: reflect (DC 27). Factors: reflect up to 9th-level spells (+160 DC), change range to touch (+2 DC), permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes (20 DC), increase casting time by 90 days (180 DC), nine additional casters contributing one 10th-level spell slot (171 DC), burn 4,860 XP per caster (486 DC). The caster can create a permanent ward against all spells of 1st through 9th level that target the subject. These spells are reflected back on the caster. Spells that affect an area are not affected by this spell. XP Cost: 4860 per caster.

Removed. This is identical to readying Superb Dispelling.


Conjuration (Creation) [Force] Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 41 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 2 hours per caster level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) To Develop: 369,000 gp; 8 days; 14,760 XP. Seed: mage armor (DC 14). Factor: +16 additional armor bonus (+32 DC), increase duration 100% (+4 DC). Mitigating Factors: increase casting time 9 rounds (-9 DC).

Abjuration Level: 15 Spellcraft DC: 80 Components: V, S, Ritual, XP Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: Touched creature or object of 2,000 lb. or less Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 560,000 gp; 12 days; 22,400 XP. Seed: freedom of movement (DC 20). Factors: specific protections hold monster (+10 DC), hold person (+4 DC), imprisonment (+16 DC), petrification (ad hoc +6 DC), sleep (+0 DC), stunning (ad hoc +6 DC), and temporal

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


stasis (+16 DC); permanent (x5 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time to 10 minutes (-19 DC), nine additional casters contributing 9th-level spell slots (153 DC), each caster burns 1,300 XP (130 DC). The subject gains the permanently benefits of a freedom of movement spell as well as immunity to the following specific spells, effects, and spell-like abilities: hold, imprisonment, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, and temporal stasis. This is a ritual spell requiring nine other spellcasters, each of whom must contribute an unused 9th-level spell slot to the casting. XP Cost: 1,300 per caster. Duration: 10 minutes per caster level or until discharged To Develop: 553,000 gp; 12 days; 22,120 XP. Seeds: stoneskin (DC 20). Factors: additional 10 points of protection (+20 DC), change from 10/adamantine to 10/ (DC +20), increase maximum damage absorbed to 10/caster level max 250hp (DC +10), store absorbed damage for redirection later (ad hoc +10 DC), convert stored damage to an attack (ad hoc +20 DC). Mitigating Factors: reduce range to Personal (-2 DC), discharge all absorbed damage if it exceeds absorption max (ad hoc -10 DC), increase casting time to 1 minute (-9 DC). Once a caster has cast this spell, he or she can absorb, store, and redirect the energy contained in any physical (melee or ranged) attack. The caster absorbs 20 points of each separate slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing attack made against him or her, saving it for later. A caster can absorb up to 10 points of damage per caster level (max 250 hp) in this fashion; however, if the stored damage is not discharged prior to reaching full capacity (based on caster level), the spell automatically discharges, dealing all absorbed damage to the caster. The caster keeps track of the number of points of damage he or she has absorbed (the caster doesnt have to keep track of the type of damage). At any time during the spells duration, the caster can make a touch attack against another creature or object. If successful, the caster deals the target some or all (casters choice) of the points of damage he or she has stored. The damage delivered is considered bludgeoning damage. A caster can absorb and discharge damage any number of times during the spells duration, so long as the caster doesnt absorb more than the maximum of this spell. When the spell expires, any stored damage the caster has not redirected is discharged harmlessly.


Transmutation Level: 12 Spellcraft DC: 53 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 minute per caster level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) To Develop: 371,000 gp; 8 days; 14,480 XP. Seed: spell resistance (DC 22). Factor: Grant SR 12 +1 per caster level, max 52 (+40 DC). Mitigating factor: increase casting time to 1 minute (-9 DC). The caster grants the subject touched a spell resistance of 12 + your caster level (max 52) until the duration expires. The spell resistance granted does not stack, but overlaps with, any previous spell resistance.

Transmutation Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 33 Components: None Casting Time: 1 swift action Range: Touch (see text) Target: One creature or force grappling you Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 231,000 gp; 5 days; 9,240 XP. Seed: disintregrate (DC 24). Factors: quickened (+28 DC), no verbal or somatic components (+14 DC). Mitigating factors: limited circumstance (ad hoc 1/2 DC). The caster deals 2d6 points of damage per caster level to any creature grappling him or her (maximum 40d6). The damage dealt is untyped a purely destructive impulse. This spell automatically destroys any force effect grappling you.

Not relavent with the changes to seeds and the new version of ruin.

Evocation [Acid, Fire, Electricity, Sonic] Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 64 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Area: 40-ft.-radius spread Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 490,000 gp; 10 days; 19,200 XP. Seed: fireball (10d6 each of acid, fire, electricity, & sonic) (DC 72). Factors: double area (+4 DC). Mitigating factors: 6d6 backlash (12 DC). A hellball deals 10d6 points of acid damage, 10d6 points of fire damage, 10d6 points of electricity damage, and 10d6 points of sonic damage to all creatures within the Area. Unattended objects also take this damage. The caster takes 6d6 points of backlash damage upon casting. The caster points his or her finger and determine the range (distance and height) at which the hellball is to detonate. A sun-bright, fist-sized globe of energy streaks forth and, unless it impacts a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the indicated range, expands into its full area.

Abjuration Level: 15 Spellcraft DC: 79 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Personal; touch Target: You; creature or object touched

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Conjuration (Summoning) Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 70 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Effect: One summoned dream larvae Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 490,000 gp; 10 days; 19,200 XP. Seed: summon monster (DC 110). Factors: None. Mitigating factors: 10d6 backlash (20 DC), allow creature to possess body and act at its own discretion (ad hoc 20 DC). The caster is possessed by a dream larva. For the duration of the spell, the dream larvas body physically replaces the casters, though the dream larva has the casters equipment. The dream larva is free to call on all its own powers and abilities, or use the casters equipment. The casters consciousness and physical form are suppressed for the duration of the possession. The caster has no way to dismiss the spell, communicate, or otherwise maintain awareness once possession has commenced. The dream larva, temporarily freed from its imprisonment in some distant nightmare, will attempt to slay and incapacitate any creature it can see or find, whether it is a friend or foe of the caster. Casting lord of nightmares entails some risk for the caster, since its unknown what a dream larva might do over the course of the spells duration. The larva will dispatch all enemies it can find before turning to its own concerns. Sometimes a dream larva will attempt to place itself in a dangerous or precarious situation prior to the end of the spell, leaving the caster to extricate him or herself. If the dream larva is slain during the duration of the spell, the casters consciousness is instantly restored to aware-ness within his or her own body. The casters condition remains what it was when he or she completed casting lord of nightmares, regardless of what damage the dream larva received. However, magic item charges used, potions consumed, and other physical resources used up by the dream larva are permanent. components (+14 DC), increase damage by +7d6 (+14 DC). Mitigating Factors: 5d6 backlash (-10 DC). As a swift action, the caster wills the target dead without a word or gesture. The target is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, the creature instead takes 10d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +25). The subject might die from damage even if it succeeds on its saving throw.

Necromancy [Evil] Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 41 Components: V, S ,M, XP Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Effect: See text Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 287,000 gp; 6 days; 11,480 XP. Seed: create undead (DC 24). Factors: 1 round casting time (+32 DC), increase maxmimum HD animated to twice caster level, max 60HD (+10 DC). Mitigating factors: 10d6 backlash (20 DC), rare material component (ad hoc 5 DC). When the caster sprinkles the material component (ground mummy remains and obsidian) in conjunction with casting this spell, he can create up to 2HD worth of mummies per caster level (max 60HD). The caster can assign this pool of HD however he chooses but each mummy created must have a minimum of 8HD. The mummies follow the casters every command according to their abilities, until they are destroyed or the caster loses control of them. No matter how many times the caster uses this spell, however, he can control only 4 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level, including other undead creatures created through animate dead or other spells. Material Component: The bones and bandages of at least two mummies ground to dust combined with powdered obsidian weighing 5 pounds and costing 25,000 gp.

Transmutation Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: 60-ft.-radius hemisphere Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Will partial Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 280,000 gp; 6 days; 11,200 XP. Seed: baleful polymorph (DC 22). Factors: change target to area: 20-ft. hemisphere (+10 DC), increase Area by 200% (+8 DC). This spell duplicates the effects of a baleful polymoph spell, changing all creatures in the area of effect into frogs.


Transmutation [Teleportation] Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 30 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Any one creature, or objects weighing up to 50 lbs per caster level. Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 270,000 gp; 6 days; 10,800 XP. Seed: teleport (DC 22). Factors: unwilling target (+4 DC), increase range from touch to close (+4 DC). Nailed to the sky teleports the target so far from the surface of the world and at such a speed that it keeps missing the surface as it falls back, so it enters an eternal orbit. Unless the target can magically fly or has some other form of non-physical propulsion available, the target is stuck until someone else rescues it. Even if the target can fly, the surface is 2 to 4 hours away, assuming a fly spell, which allows a maximum speed of 720 feet per round while descending. The target may not survive that long. Depending on the world where nailed to the sky is cast, conditions so far from its surface may be deadly. Deleterious effects include scorching heat, cold, and vacuum. Targets subject to these conditions take 2d6 points of damage each from heat

Necromancy [Death] Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 72 Components: None Casting Time: 1 swift action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 657,000 gp; 16 days; 26,280 XP. Seed: finger of death (DC 26). Factors: Quickened (+28 DC), no verbal or somatic

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


or cold and 1d4 points of damage from the vacuum each round. The target immediately begins to suffocate. Each day that a victim fails a Fortitude save, it takes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. If the victim then fails a second save, 1 point of that damage is permanent drain. If the victim succeeds at the first saving throw of the day on consecutive days, he or she has recovered from the disease. This magical form of the disease is not contagious and will not spread beyond those initially infected. Fruits and vegetables infected with slimy doom are unfit for consumption, as are disease-ridden livestock. This is a ritual spell requiring two other spellcasters, each of whom must expend an unused epic spell slot for the casting. XP Cost: 3,200 XP per catser.


Conjuration (Creation, Healing) Level: 12 (ritual) Spellcraft DC: 50 Components: V, S, XP Casting Time: 18 days, 10 minutes Range: 0 ft. Effect: One archaierai Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 350,000 gp; 7 days; 14,000 XP. Seeds: true creation (DC 28), raise dead (DC 22). Factors: +4 CR (DC +16), imbue new life (ad hoc x5). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 25 days (50 DC), burn 1,200 XP per caster (120 DC), nine additional casters contributing a 8th level spell slot (DC -135). When this spell is completed an adult archaierai comes to life. A created achaierai does not possess the treasure, culture, or specific knowledge of a normal achaierai. If released to be among its own kind, it quickly picks up achaierai traits and alignment. XP Cost: 1,200 XP per caster.

Transmutation [Fire] Level: 12 Spellcraft DC: 46 Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes; see text Range: 2 miles Area: 4-mile-radius circle, centered on you; see text Duration: 4d12 hours; see text Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text) Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 322,000 gp; 7 days; 12,880 XP. Seed: control weather (DC 26). Factors: change rain to wisps of energy that inflicts 1 point of fire damage (ad hoc +10 DC), increase damage die 1 step (+10 DC). This spell summons a swirling thunderstorm that rains fire rather than raindrops down on the caster and everything within a two-mile radius of him or her. Everything caught unprotected or unsheltered in the flaming deluge takes 1d2 point of fire damage each round. A successful Reflex save results in no damage, but the save must be repeated each round. Unless the ground is exceedingly damp, all vegetation is eventually blackened and destroyed, leaving behind a barren wasteland similar to the aftermath of a grass or forest fire. The fiery storm is stationary and persists even if the caster leaves.

Abjuration Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 31 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 24 hours To Develop: 217,000 gp; 6 days; 8,680 XP. Seed: reflect (DC 27). Factors: increase number of attacks reflected by +5 (+20 DC), increase duration by 100% (+2 DC). Mitigating Factors: Increase casting time to 10 minutes (-18 DC). Ranged attacks targeted against the caster rebound on the original attacker. Any time during the duration, ten attacks are automatically reflected back on the original attacker; the caster decides which attacks before damage is rolled. The reflected attack rebounds on the attacker using the same attack roll. Once five attacks are so reflected, the spell ends.

Conjuration (Creation) Level: 12 Spellcraft DC: 53 Components: V, S Casting Time: 18 days Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft. level) Area: 750 ft. by 750 ft. rocky island. Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 360,000 gp; 8 days; 14,400 XP. Seed: move earth (DC 24). Factors: increase length by +900% (+36 DC), increase width by +900% (+36 DC), allow spell to affect rock (ad hoc +12 DC). Mitigating factors: five other spellcasters contributing 6th level spell slots (-55 DC). The caster can literally raise a new island from out of the sea, bringing to the surface a sandy or rocky but otherwise barren protrusion that is solid, stable, and permanently established. The island is 750 feet by 750 feet but the caster can shape the area as desired. Raise island only works if the ocean is less than 1,000 feet deep where the spell is cast. If cast on land this spell instead can create a hill or sheer plateau, depending on the casterss desire.

Necromancy Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 62 Components: V, S, Ritual, XP Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 0 ft. Area: 1,000-ft.-radius hemisphere Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 434,000 gp; 9 days; 17,360 XP. Seed: contaigon (DC 18). Factors: affects plants (+10 DC), change target to area (+10 DC), change 20-ft. radius to 1,000-ft. radius (+198 DC). Mitigating factors: casting time increased by 9 minutes (28 DC), two additional casters contributing 13th level spell slots (50 DC), burn 3,200 XP per caster (96 DC). When pestilence is successfully cast, a wave of illness radites outward from the site of the ritual, instantly infecting every living thing in the area with the debilitating disease known as slimy doom. Within 24 hours, everything in the area begins to show signs of rot and decay.

Transmutation Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 34 Components: V, S

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature, or up to a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude half Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 306,000 gp; 7 days; 12,400 XP. Seed: disintegrate (DC 24). Factors: increase damage to d10s (+20 DC). Mitigating factor: backlash 10d6 (10 DC). The caster deals 2d10 points of damage per caster level to a single target within range and line of sight, max 40d10. If the target is reduced to 10 hit points or less (or a construct, object, or undead is reduced to 0 hit points), it is utterly destroyed as if disintegrated. Only a trace of fine dust remains. dismisses the spell or its duration ends, the target resumes control of its body, fully aware of all events that occurred, having been a helpless witness trapped inside its own body. The target knows the name and general nature of its possessor if it succeeds at an additional Will saving throw. A caster cannot control undead or incorporeal creatures with soul dominion.

Divination Level: 10 Spellcraft DC: 34 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: See text Target: One other living creature Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 238,000 gp; 5 days; 9,520 XP. Seeds: nondetection (DC 16), greater scrying (DC 17). Factors: receive sensory input (+10 DC). Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 9 rounds (9 DC). When a caster casts this spell, he or she is temporarily able to tap the consciousness of another sentient creature with whom the caster is familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject), experiencing everything he or she does with all five senses. The target receives a Will save, and if successful, prevents the caster from making the telepathic connection. Whether the saving throw is successful or not, the target is unaware of the attempted intrusion. Once the subject is tapped, the caster is able to hear, see, feel, smell, and taste everything the subject senses. The caster cannot control the subject, however. The caster can only see what the subject chooses to look at, and the caster tastes something only if the subject eats or drinks it during the spells duration. During this time, the casters own body remains in a trance-like state. If the subject takes damage, the caster senses the injuries, although his or her own body does not actually suffer any ill effects. If the subject is knocked unconscious or killed, the spell immediately ends.

Transmutation Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 44 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Target: You or creature touched Duration: Contingent until expended, then 1 round of safe time Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 308,000 gp; 10 days; 12,320 XP. Seed: contingency (DC 26), time stop (DC 30). Factors: 1-round duration (ad hoc -8 DC). Safe time can move the caster (or the target) out of harms way by shunting him or her into a static time stream. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met. Each day it remains untriggered, it uses up an epic spell slot, even if you cast it on another creature. Once triggered, the spell is expended normally. When the caster would otherwise be subject to any instantaneous effect that would deal him or her 50 or more points of damage, he or she is instead transported to a static time stream where time ceases to flow. The casters condition becomes fixedno force or effect can harm him or her until 1 round of real time has passed. Thus, the caster avoids the damage he or she would otherwise receive, but the caster also misses out on one round of activity. To the caster, no time passes at all, but to onlookers who are part of real time, the caster stands frozen and fixed in space for 1 full round.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 42 Components: V, M Casting Time: 1 swift action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 294,000 gp; 9 days; 11,200 XP. Seed: dominate monster (DC 30). Factors: Quickened action (+28 DC). Mitigating Factors: reduce duration to 1 round/level (-16 DC). On a failed save, the subject must spend a standard action each round abandoning his or her highest-level spell (or losing his or her highestlevel unused spell slot). Each round, the subject eliminates another spell or spell slot, moving to lower-level spells once all the higher-level spells are gone. In the case of prepared spells, the subject decides which spells to abandon at each level. If the subject has more than one standard action allowed in the round, he or she may spend those actions as he or she desires. The subject doesnt realize the spells or spell slots are gone until he or she tries to cast a spell and finds it unavailable. Abandoning a spell slot or losing a spell is standard action, but it does not draw an attack of opportunity. It is a purely mental exercise not obvious to observers.

Divination, Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: 13 Spellcraft DC: 62 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 minute Range: See text Target: One other living creature Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 434,000 gp; 9 days; 17,360 XP. Seeds: scrying (DC 20), dominate monster (DC 30). Factors: receive sensory input (+10 DC), stricter compulsion of any creature (ad hoc +11 DC). Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 9 rounds (9 DC). When a caster casts this spell, he or she is temporarily able to take control of another sentient creature the caster can or can successfully scry (as per the scry spell). The target receives a Will save, and if successful, prevents the caster from making the telepathic connection. The target is aware of the attempted takeover as a strange, momentary tingling. If the Will save fails, the caster is able to control the subjects body as if it were his or her own, hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting everything the target senses. Once the caster

Conjuration (Summoning) Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 40

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: Summoned creature Duration: 1 round per caster level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 280,000 gp; 6 days; 11,200 XP. Seed: summon monster (DC 40). Factors: summon CR 18 creature (DC +10). The caster can summon a behemoth eagle or a behemoth gorilla to attack his or her enemies. It appears where the caster designates and acts immediately, on the casters turn. It attacks the casters opponents to the best of its ability. If the caster can communicate with the creature, he or she can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions. Summoned creatures act normally on the last round of the spell and disappear at the end of their turn. occur during this round. Because the future self is still part of the time stream, the round it spends with the caster is a round it misses in its own future. Because the chracters future duplicate is also the caster, the caster misses the next round as well. He or she simply isnt there. Tampering with the time stream is a tricky business. Here is a roundby-round summary. Round One: The caster casts time duplicate, the future self from round two arrives, and both act normally. Round Two: The future selfthe castergets snatched back in time to help the past self. During this round, there are no versions of the caster present. Round Three: The caster rejoins the time stream. The caster arrives in the same location and condition that the future self ended with at the end of the first round. Any resources (spells, damage, staff charges) the future self used up in round one are gone for real. Record them now. Using this spell to snatch a single future self stretches time and probability to its limit; more powerful versions of time duplicate are not possible. A caster cannot bring more than a single future version of him or her self back at one time, nor can a caster snatch a version of him or her from farther in the future. Note: To develop an arcane or divine version of this epic power the DC increases by 10 (by 5 if a conjuration specialist).

Abjuration Level: 14 Spellcraft DC: 71 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 immediate action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target or Area: One spellcaster, creature, or object; or 20-ft.-radius burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 497,000 gp; 10 days; 19,880 XP. Seed: true dispelling (DC 30). Factors: increase dispel check to +1/level max +45 (+5 DC), immediate action (+56 DC). Mitigating Factors: 10d6 backlash (-20 DC) As true dispel magic, except that the maximum bonus on the dispel check is +45 and you may cast superb dispelling as a swift action. Alternately you may use superb dispelling as an immediate action to counter a spell being cast at you even if you have not readied an action to do so.


Transmutation Level: 23 Spellcraft DC: 158 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action Range: Extreme (1000 ft + 100 ft./level) Target: One creature, or up to a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter in line of sight Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes To Develop: 1,620,000 gp; 27 days; 64,800 XP. Seed: disintegrate (DC 24). Factor: increae base damage by 50d6 (+100 DC), increase level based damage to a max. of 100d6 (+60 DC), increase each d6 damage die to d12 (+30 DC ea), +10 bonus to overcome spell resistance (+40 DC), increase range to extreme (+4 DC), ignore immunity to disintegration (+40 DC). Mitigating factor: Backlash 85d6 (170 DC). The target of this spell is subject to 50d12 points of damage plus 2d12 points of damage per caster level (maximum 100d12), or 55d12 points of damage if it makes a successful saving throw. If the target is reduced to 10 hit points or less (or a construct, object, or undead is reduced to 0 hit points), it is utterly destroyed as if disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. Creatures normally immune to disintegration suffer damage from vengful gaze of god as if they did not possess their immunity. The caster is likewise dealt 90d6 points of backlash damage as the spells energies ravage the casters frame.

Psychoportation Level: 14 Psicraft DC: 68 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 swift Effect: You Duration: 1 round (see text) To Develop: 657,000 gp; 14 days; 26,280 XP. Seed: time regression (to move future you back in time 1 round) (DC 30). Factors: stay in current time stream (ad hoc +10 DC), bring future self to current timestream (ad hoc +10 DC), quickened (+28 DC). Mitigating Factors: Backlash 5d6 (-10 DC). The caster snatches him or her self from 1 round in the future, depositing this future self in an adjacent space as a free action that counts as a quickened spell. The casters future self is technically only a possible future self (the time stream is a maelstrom of multiple probabilities), but snatching that future self from 1 round in the future collapses probability, and the possible future becomes the definite future. The caster and his or her future self are both free to act normally this round (the caster has already used up the limit of one quickened spell per round, but his or her duplicate hasnt). The future self has all the resources the caster has at the moment he or she finishes casting time duplicate. Because the future self was previously only a possibility, his or her resources are not depleted as a result of whatever might occur this round (even if the caster dies this round). Likewise, he or she doesnt have any special knowledge of what might

Transmutation Level: 11 Spellcraft DC: 40 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: long range (400 feet + 40 feet per caster level) Area: 100-ft.-radius circle Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 360,000 gp; 14 days; 10,400 XP. Seed: plant growth (DC 20). Factors: deal 10d6 damage during growth (ad hoc +20 DC).

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).


This spell creates a tsunami of grass, shrubs, and trees that overgrows the area like a tidal wave. The plant growth creeps and curls across everything in the area, ensnaring it and coiling around it as if it had been growing there for a century or more. Creatures in the area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the fast-moving growth, which otherwise deals 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the crushing press. Buildings are engulfed and they likewise take 10d6 points of damage. Those destroyed by the damage have their foundations uprooted and walls crumbled. Speed drops to 5 feet, or 10 feet for Large or larger creatures. The area must have brush and trees in it for this spell to take effect. You may designate places within the area that are not affected.

Transmutation Level: 17 Spellcraft DC: 110 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Extreme (1000 feet + 1000 feet per caster level) Area: 1500-ft.-radius circle Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: No To Develop: 990,000 gp; 20 days; 39,600 XP. Seed: plant growth (DC 20). Factors: deal 10d6 bludgeoning and 10d6 peircing damage during growth (ad hoc +40 DC), increase damage die to d8 (+10 DC), increase range to extreme (+4 DC), increase area of effect by +1400% (+56 DC). Mitigating Factors: Backlash 10d6 (-10 DC), increase casting time to 1 minute (-10 DC). This spell duplicates the effects of a verdigris spell, except where noted. This spell inflicts 10d8 points of bludgeoning and 10d8 points of peircing damage to all creatures and structures caught in the area of effect.

By J.Karpan Fanro (noldor@danbrijbag.com) and A. Silva-Miramon Mercucio (sangrieos@aim.com).

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