Bulmer, Solomos RACISM
Bulmer, Solomos RACISM
Bulmer, Solomos RACISM
Martin Bulmer is Foundation Fund Professor of Sociology at the University of Surrey
and Academic Director of the Question Bank in the ESRC Centre for Applied Social
Surveys, London. Previously he taught at the University of Southampton, the London
School of Economics, and the University of Durham and has been a visiting professor
at the University of Chicago, as well as briey a member of the Government Statistical
Service. Since sz he has been editor of the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies. His recent
works include Directory of Social Research Organisations, second edition (with Sykes and
Moorhouse, ss) and Citizenship Today: The Contemporary Relevance of T. H. Marshall
(editor with T. Rees, so).
John Solomos is Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sci-
ence at South Bank University. Before that he was Professor of Sociology and Social Pol-
icy at the University of Southampton, and he has previously worked at the Centre for
Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, and Birkbeck College, University
of London. Among his publications are Black Youth, Racism and the State (sss), Race and
Racism in Britain (s,), Race, Politics and Social Change (with Les Back, s,), and Racism
and Society (with Les Back, so).
Edited by Patrick Maynard and
Susan Feagin
Edited by Patrick Joyce
Classical Philosophy
Edited by Terence Irwin
Edited by Peter Singer
Edited by John Hutchinson and
Anthony D. Smith
Edited by Mark Ridley
Faith and Reason
Edited by Paul Helm
Edited by Roger Grifn
Edited by Sandra Kemp and
Judith Squires
The Mind
Edited by Daniel Robinson
Edited by John Hutchinson and
Anthony D. Smith
Political Thought
Edited by Michael Rosen and
Jonathan Wolff
Edited by Martin Bulmer and John
Edited by Robert A. Nye
Edited by Lawrence Freedman
The Oxford Readers series represents a unique resource which brings to-
gether extracts of texts from a wide variety of sources, primary and sec-
ondary, on a wide range of inderdisciplinary topics.
Edited by Paul Lawrence Rose
The British Empire
Edited by Jane Samson
Edited by Geoffrey Underwood
Edited by Neil Gregor
Edited by Jack Goldstone
Edited by Stanley Engermann,
Seymour Drescher, and Robert
Edited by Martin Bulmer and John Solomos
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Introductions, selection, and editorial matter Martin Bulmer and John Solomos s
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Racism/edited by Martin Bulmer and John Solomos.
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s. Racism. I. Bulmer, Martin. II. Solomos, John. III. Series.
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To Michael and Georgina
and Nikolas and Daniel
In putting together a major volume such as this one we have inevitably accu-
mulated a series of debts that we are pleased to acknowledge. We are particu-
larly grateful to George Miller at Oxford University Press for encouraging us to
produce this Reader and for keeping a kindly eye on our progress, including
being very understanding when the pressures of academic life delayed the pro-
ject at certain stages. The process of producing this volume was made much
more feasible by the efciency with which OUP handled the complex task of
getting all the necessary permissions for the various extracts used. The Li-
braries at the London School of Economics, the University of Warwick, and
the University of Southampton were helpful in allowing us to track down some
of the more obscure sources. We have also been helped in putting this volume
together by the support of our respective universities and departments, and by
Guida Crowley, Managing Editor of Ethnic and Racial Studies. We are also grate-
ful for the help, advice, and encouragement one or other of us received at vari-
ous stages of the project from colleagues across the globe, including Les Back,
Chetan Bhatt, Clive Harris, Michael Keith, John Rex, Liza Schuster, John Stone,
and Howard Winant, and the stimulation provided by editing together the jour-
nal Ethnic and Racial Studies. Finally, we are grateful to Shelley Cox at OUP for
seeing the book through production, and to Edwin Pritchard for his meticulous
Martin Bulmer, University of Surrey
John Solomos, South Bank University
General Introduction ,
I. Racist Ideas
Introduction ss
s. rrax sownt, Images and Attitudes zs
z. rniiir curri, The Africans Place in Nature ,s
,. xicnati taro, The Racializing of the World ,
. otorot xosst, Eighteenth-Century Foundations o
,. rtoiain norsxa, Superior and Inferior Races ,
o. xicnati tinniss, Gobineau and the Origins of European Racism
,. ito roiiaxov, Gobineau and His Contemporaries ,z
II. Institutional Forms of Racism: Slavery, Imperialism,
and Colonialism
Introduction ,,
s. navin trio navis, The Expansion of Islam and the Symbolism
of Race os
. wirnror n. jorna, First Impressions: Initial English
Confrontation with Africans oo
so. otorot rrtnricxso, Social Origins of American Racism ,o
ss. tuott otovtst, Class and Race s,
sz. oriano rarrtrso, Slavery as Human Parasitism s
s,. vicror xitra, Africa ,
s. x. o. sxirn, Ethnic and Cultural Pluralism in the British Caribbean
s,. rniiir xaso, Patterns of Dominance soo
so. rrarz rao, The Wretched of the Earth sso
III. Racism in the Twentieth Century
Introduction szs
s,. w. t. t. nu tois, Of Our Spiritual Strivings sz,
ss. raui roor, Politics and the Alien s,o
s. jaxts r. orossxa, Dont Have to Look up to the White Man s,o
zo. srtrnt cortii, The Transformations of the Tribe s,
zs. rrax nixorrtr, Group Denition and the Idea of Race in
Modern China (s,,s) s,s
zz. rottrr c. sxirn, Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era soo
z,. tarr rroa an ricnarn narcntr, Racism in Childrens
Lives sos
IV. Racist Movements
Introduction s,,
z. wiiiiax x. rurrit jr., Racial Violence in Chicago and the
Nation sso
z,. navin r. wtiixa, Toward a Sociology of White Racism ss
zo. xicnti witviorxa, Two Patterns of Racism so
z,. rarnati tztxiti, Klan Rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia zoo
zs. ritrrt-anrt raouitrr, The New Cultural Racism in France zoo
z. att i. rtrttr, Constructing Whiteness zs,
V. Anti-Racism
Introduction zz
,o. xarcus oarvt, Living for Something zz,
,s. ro xarri, Race First and Self-Reliance z,o
,z. xwaxt rurt an cnarits v. naxiiro, Black Power: Its Need
and Substance z,o
,,. raui oiiro, The End of Anti-Racism zz
,. ntrittrr anax an xooiia xoonit, Psychological Liberation z,o
,,. carnit iion, Universalism and Difference z,
,o. rniiir cont, Its Racism What Dunnit zo,
VI. Racism and the State
Introduction z,
,,. xicnati turition an woiroao wirrtrxa, The Racial
State z,,
,s. xicnati oxi an nowarn wiar, Racial Formation in the
United States zss
,. ntsxon xio, Separate and Unequal ,os
o. srtrnt casrits an tiiit vasra, Multicultural or Multi-racist
Australia? ,oo
s. aroio ouixarts, Racism and Anti-Racism in Brazil ,s
x cortrs
VII. Theories of Racism
Introduction ,z
z. rottrr rarx, The Nature of Race Relations ,,z
,. jon rtx, The Concept of Race in Sociological Theory ,,,
44. rottrr xiits, Racism as a Concept ,
,. coitrrt ouiiiauxi, The Changing Face of Race ,,,
o. navin rnto oointtro, The Semantics of Race ,oz
,. rarricia niii coiiis, Dening Black Feminist Thought ,,,
VIII. The Future of Racism
Introduction ,ss
s. rarricia wiiiiaxs, The Emperors New Clothes ,s
. raui sintrxa an tnwarn carxits, Tangled Politics ,
,o. jot rtaoi an xtivi r. sixts, Changing the Color Line:
The Future of U.S. Racism o,
,s. aittrro xtiucci, Difference and Otherness in a Global Society sz
Notes and References zo
Further Reading
Biographical Notes s
Acknowledgements ,,
Index ,
cortrs xi
White Comedy
I waz whitemailed
By a white witch,
Wid white magic
An white lies,
Branded a white sheep
I slaved as a whitesmith
Near a white spot
Where I suffered whitewater fever.
Whitelisted as a white leg
I waz in de white book
As a master of de white art,
It waz like white death.
People called me white jack
Some hailed me as white wog,
So I joined de white watch
Trained as a white guard
Lived off de white economy.
Caught an beaten by de whiteshirts
I waz condemned to a white mass.
Dont worry,
I shall be writing to de Black house.
Benjamin Zephaniah
General Introduction
he photographic image on the cover of this book and the verbal images
contained in Benjamin Zephaniahs poem White Comedy express in dif-
ferent ways the extent to which racial domination can permeate a society and
the social distance which can separate black people and white people. Almost al-
ways the white person or white group has been in a position of superiority, and
the black person or group in a situation of inferiority, lesser power or inuence,
and having to justify themselves. W. E. B. Du Bois wrote movingly of the re-
sulting sense of duality for black people:
Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger in mine own house? . . . the Negro is
a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American
world,a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see him-
self through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-
consciousness, this sense of always looking at ones self through the eyes of others, of
measuring ones soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity.
One ever feels his twoness,an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two un-
reconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone
keeps it from being torn asunder. (Du Bois ss [so,]: ,)
Such manifestations of racism are a depressing reminder of the continuing im-
portance of racism as a social and political issue in the contemporary global en-
vironment. The regrettable need for a book such as this is evident from the fact
that in recent times racism is very much a vibrant inuence on current social
and political movements and in some cases on state policies (Solomos and Back
so; Cornell and Hartmann ss). Whatever the expectations of social theo-
rists in the earlier part of this century may have been, the need for a book treat-
ing the phenomenon of racism analytically remains evident. Questions about
race, racism, and ethnicity have become important preoccupations of debate in
the social sciences and humanities at the end of one millennium and the begin-
ning of another, to a considerable degree displacing preoccupation with class
and other forms of social inequality (Goldberg so; Bulmer and Solomos
s). W. E. B. Du Bois prophetically observed in so, that the problem of the
twentieth century is the problem of the colour linethe relation of the darker
to the lighter races of men in Asia and Africa, in America and in the islands of
the sea (ss [so,]: Forethought). At the turn of the twenty-rst century, the
colour line remains important in various ways. Socially structured racial in-
equality and disadvantage persist. Developments in a number of countries have
highlighted the power of racial ideas in forging movements and political par-
ties, often with murderous consequences. The outcome of these mobilizations
have become clear in some situations, while in others they remain to be seen.
But as we reach the eve of the next century hardly anybody needs to be re-
minded of the virulence of racism as a social phenomenon, or indeed of the im-
portance of understanding the origins and contemporary role of racial ideas
and societies structured along racial lines.
Seeking to understand these phenomena means being clear about what is
subsumed under the term racism and its associated concept race. How has
the category of race come to play such an important role in shaping contempo-
rary social relations? This is a question that is at the heart of much of the grow-
ing body of literature in this eld, and it is the one that we have kept at the
forefront of our own thinking about how best to organize this volume. This is
not to say that there is agreement about how best to answer this question. On
the contrary, scholars and researchers show little sign of agreeing about what
we mean when we use notions such as race, racism, ethnicity, and related social
categories. Ethnicity is a somewhat different, though related, concept to that of
race and racism, and we are not concerned with ethnicity as such, which has a
separate volume in this series (Hutchinson and Smith so). Cornell and Hart-
mann highlight some of the conceptual dilemmas when they argue:
What about race? Are races ethnic groups? Consider Black Americans. Certainly many
people consider them a race or at least a part of one. How so? If they are a race, are they
not an ethnic group? Could they be both?
Before we can answer these questions, we have to wrestle with the denition of race.
As with ethnicity, it is common in contemporary society to talk about races, race rela-
tions, and racial conict as if we had a clear idea what constitutes a race and where the
boundary falls between one race and another. Race, however, is as slippery a concept as
ethnic group, and its slipperiness has a long history. (ss: zs)
Cornell and Hartmann are by no means the only scholars to raise questions
about the very status of categories such as race and racism (Miles ss; Gold-
berg s,). Many of the questions raised amount to the following: Is race a suit-
able social category? What do we mean when we talk of racism as shaping the
structure of particular societies? What role have race and racism played in dif-
ferent historical contexts? Is it possible to speak of racism in the singular or
racisms in the plural? These questions are at the heart of many of the theoreti-
cal and conceptual debates that dominate current debates, and yet what is in-
teresting about much of the literature about race and racism is the absence of
commonly agreed conceptual tools or even agreement about the general para-
meters of race and racism as elds of study.
A working denition of racism to be used as a starting point here is that
racism is an ideology of racial domination based on (i) beliefs that a designated
racial group is either biologically or culturally inferior and (ii) the use of such
beliefs to rationalize or prescribe the racial groups treatment in society, as well
as to explain its social position and accomplishment (Wilson s,,).
Although race and ethnicity are terms often used in conjunction or in parallel,
to refer to social groups which differ in terms of physical attributes accorded
ottrai irronucrio
social signicance in the case of race or in terms of language, culture, place of
origin, or common membership of a descent group without distinguishing
physical characteristics in the case of ethnicity, there is no equivalent term to
racism in relation to ethnicity. Perhaps ethnic conict is analogous, but this is
more of a descriptive term of certain consequences of the existence of different
ethnic groups which may or may not occur. Racism as a concept is much more
closely tied to the concept of race, and is a reminder that where members of so-
ciety make distinctions between different racial groups, at least some members
of that society are likely to behave in ways which give rise to racism as a behav-
ioural and ideational consequence of making racial distinctions in the rst
place. Unfortunately the opposite does not hold. A society which denied or did
not formally acknowledge the existence of different racial groups would not
necessarily thus rid itself of racism. Indeed the recent literature on racial and
ethnic classication in censuses, surveys, and administrative records shows that
the identication of members of a society in terms of the racial, ethnic, or na-
tional origin may be a prerequisite to taking action to counteract racism (Peter-
son s,; Petersen s,; Bulmer so).
The recent explosion of scholarship and research has, if anything, not only
highlighted a certain lack of consensus but has led to intense debate about the
very language that we use in talking about race and racism. In this environment
it may be seen as a foolhardy enterprise to attempt to put together in one vol-
ume a selection of texts, both historical and contemporary, that lays out the
broad contours of racism as a eld of scholarship. Yet this is precisely what we
have sought to do in putting together a reader on Racism. We have sought, more
specically, and in line with the concern of this series as a whole, to produce a
volume that allows students and general readers alike to reect both on the his-
tory of racism and on current trends and future developments. Our key con-
cern throughout has been to give voice to a range of scholars from a variety of
disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and geographical locations. It is difcult to
do justice to the richness of a eld of scholarship and research in one volume,
but our concern has been to allow readers an opportunity to think through the
key dimensions of racism and provide a guide to important arguments and de-
In selecting the readings that make up this volume we have exercised our
judgement about two things. First, what are the main themes that need to be
covered both in terms of past and current research agendas? Second, we have se-
lected the authors and the particular texts that we believe have helped to shape
this eld of study. We have borne in mind the need to balance including as wide
a range of authors as possible with including extracts substantive enough to
allow readers to get a feel for the arguments developed by particular authors.
We have included extracts that, while perhaps not always representative of the
whole corpus of an authors uvre, provide a particular insight into the issues
and debates that concern us in this volume.
ottrai irronucrio ,
We have organized the Reader into six interlinked parts for the purposes of
analytical clarity. Section I includes a range of selections that explore the origins
and evolution of racist ideas. The aim here is to illustrate the complex range of
ideas that have shaped the evolution of racist thinking and show how scholars
have interpreted the process of evolution and change. Section II moves on to
look at the institutionalized forms of social relationships and the role of partic-
ular social and economic institutions in the reproduction of racism. It has a par-
ticularly strong historical orientation. Key formative processes covered here
include the institution of slavery, particularly the Atlantic slave trade, the ex-
pansion of Europeans overseas, western imperialism and colonialism, and the
movement of ethnic groups within the imperial system. Drawing on these
broader historical narratives Section III moves on to look at a range of manifes-
tations of racism in the twentieth century. These range from the oppression of
black people in the United States, the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany,
racial divisions under apartheid in South Africa, to wider manifestations of in-
stitutionalized racism. Section IV focuses specically on racist movements and
mobilizations. The selections look at a range of forms of racist political move-
ments and organizations and the complex sets of ideas that shape their actions.
Section V links up with the concerns of the previous part by exploring a range
of responses to racism that attempt to develop an anti-racist perspective. The
selections included here range from various forms of black political mobiliza-
tion to broader forms of anti-racist mobilization. Section VI takes up a theme
that has been at the heart of much of the debate about racism, namely the role
of state institutions. The various selections in this part explore the role that state
and political institutions have played in specic historical and contemporary
contexts. The nal two parts of the Reader return to some of the wider con-
ceptual agendas touched upon at the beginning. Section VII includes a range of
theoretical perspectives that have sought to explain racism as a social phenom-
enon. The various extracts explore the role played by class, gender, and other
social relations in shaping ideas about racial and ethnic groups. Finally, Section
VIII brings together selections that reect in one way or another on the vexed
question of the future of racism.
Each of these parts functions in such a way as to provide an overview of
trends and debates within the sub-eld. That is why we have been careful to in-
clude scholars from a variety of perspectives in each part of the book. But we
see all parts as linked up to our over-arching concern to allow readers to gain an
insight into the history and development of racism as a social category. We shall
return to some of these linkages later on in the volume, but rst we would like
to take the opportunity offered to us as editors to reect on at least some of the
main themes that arise from the various selections that follow. We do this partly
to link up some of the threads of arguments that are dispersed through the vol-
ume as a whole, but also because we want to highlight some issues for reection
and contemplation.
o ottrai irronucrio
Ideas about Race
Let us take, rst of all, the issue of the origins and evolution of ideas about race.
One of the themes that runs throughout this volume is that the very notion of
race has no xed and unchanging meaning. From a historical view it is clear
from research on the usages of the notion of race over the past two centuries
that it has taken on various forms in different national contexts (Goldberg s,;
Gossett s,; Montagu s,). Although the notion of racism is of more recent
vintage it is also clear that its usage has varied enormously throughout most of
this century (Miles ss). Indeed it is no exaggeration to say that both race and
racism remain essentially contested concepts, whether it be in the academic or
the political spheres.
As we attempt to illustrate in this volume, however, the history and contem-
porary forms of racial ideologies have been the subject of a vast amount of
scholarship and debate in recent times. As the various extracts in Sections I and
II seek to show the history of ideas about race can be traced as far back as an-
cient times. But most scholars have focused their attention on the rise of racism
in the aftermath of European expansion into other parts of the globe. A num-
ber of writers have located the rise of modern racism within the processes of in-
tellectual and social transformation that characterized European societies in
the period of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Historians generally
agree that the idea of race came into common usage in the period from the mid-
to the late eighteenth century. This period is commonly seen as the high point
of the Enlightenment, and yet it is also during this era that doctrines about race
came to be articulated in a consistent manner. A clear statement of this peri-
odization is provided by George Mosse:
Racism has its foundations both in the Enlightenment and in the religious revival of the
eighteenth century. It was a product of the preoccupation with a rational universe, na-
ture, and aesthetics, as well as with the emphasis upon the eternal force of religious
emotion and mans soul. It was part, too, of the drive to dene mans place in nature and
of the hope for an ordered, healthy, and happy world. (Mosse ss,: ,)
It is certainly from the eighteenth century that we can trace the owering in a
number of European societies of writings about race, and the emergence of
what we now call racism. The idea that races existed involved the afrmation in
popular, scientic, and political discourses that humanity could be divided into
distinct groupings whose members possessed common physical characteristics.
In addition to this basic idea, however, the belief in the existence of races of hu-
mankind involved both the attribution of different origins to human groupings
and the attribution of cultural and social signicance to racial boundaries.
Michael Banton, among others, has shown in some detail how the usage of
the term race has changed over time, particularly in the context of British and
European society (Banton s,,, ss,; Banton and Harwood s,,). He agrees
ottrai irronucrio ,
with the periodization of the usage of the idea of race which locates the late
eighteenth century as the key period. But he also seeks to locate the growth in
the usage of race within a broader social context:
Physical differences between peoples have been observed throughout human history;
all over the world people have developed words for delineating them. Race is a concept
rooted in a particular culture and a particular period of history which brings with it sug-
gestions about how these differences are to be explained. (Banton sso: ,)
Bantons account provides valuable insights into the variety of usages of race
over the past zoo years or so. He shows how writers from Britain, France, and
Germany began to use the notion of race to refer to the existence of racial
types. If we accept the above argument it follows that we have to go beyond the
notion that race and racism are xed transhistorical categories.
In summary, it seems clear that the usage of the category of race to classify
various types of human being is relatively recent, and indeed that the wide-
spread usage of the language of race is a phenomenon of the post-Enlighten-
ment period. Whatever the longer-term history of images of the other in
various societies and historical periods it does seem clear that only in the late
eighteenth century and early nineteenth century does the term race come to
refer to supposedly discrete categories of people dened according to their
physical characteristics. In short, the concept as we understand it today came
into being relatively late in the development of modern capitalist societies. Al-
though usages of the term race have been traced somewhat earlier in a num-
ber of European languages, the development of racial doctrines and ideologies
begins to take shape in the late eighteenth century, and reached its high point
during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This is, of course, not to
say that the category of race was not used in earlier times. But it is clear that
from towards the end of the eighteenth century the meanings attached to the
notion of race began to change quite signicantly. Michael Biddiss notes that:
Before ssoo it [race] was used generally as a rough synonym for lineage. But over the
rst half of the nineteenth century race (and its equivalents in a number of other Eu-
ropean languages) assumed an additional sense that seemed, initially, tighter and more
scientic. This usage was evident, at its simplest, in the growing conviction that there
were a nite number of basic human types, each embodying a package of xed physi-
cal and mental traits whose permanence could only be eroded by mixture with other
stocks. (Biddiss s,: ss)
The attempt to classify humanity according to the idea that races embodied a
package of xed physical and mental traits was to become a key concept in the so-
cial and political debates of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Such ideas be-
came part of popular cultural images about racial groups, but they also became an
integral element of thinking in science and medicine and in embryonic social sci-
ences such as anthropology and sociology. Ideas about the specic attributes of
races became common currency among both dominant and subordinate groups.
s ottrai irronucrio
The continuing debates about the origins, evolution, and consequences of
ideas about race show no sign of disappearing. On the contrary, a new wave of
scholarship has started to explore the same broad terrain as earlier generations
of scholars, albeit within new terms of discourse (Kohn s,). We have tried to
reect some key aspects of these debates in Sections VII and VIII, which bring
together a range of views and perspectives about the theorization of race and
racism in the present political environment.
Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism
As will be clear from the way we have organized this volume we do not think it
possible to understand the full social signicance of racism without a detailed
analysis of institutionalized forms of social relationships and the role of partic-
ular social and economic institutions in the reproduction of racism. It is not our
intention here to reduce the contemporary situation to historical factors and
processes alone. But at the same time we want to warn against the dangers, all
too common in much of the recent social science literature in this eld, of ig-
noring the history of racism and seeing contemporary forms in almost com-
plete isolation from the past. This collection does not devote a great deal of
attention to migration as a separate process, but there is no doubt that the en-
slavement of tens of millions of people of African origin and their transporta-
tion to the Americas constitutes one of the most important historical roots of
contemporary racism in a country like the United States.
We hope that by looking at some central features of the historical back-
ground we shall be able to uncover the range of factors and processes that have
gone into the making of specic racist discourses, practices, and effects. This
will allow readers to explore in more detail the complex ways in which ideas
about race have been shaped by historically specic sets of social relations, e.g.
by slavery in its various forms, relations of domination in colonial and imperial
settings, by class, by gender, and other sets of power relations.
In Section II, and elsewhere, we have included extracts that explore the role
of particular social and economic institutions in the reproduction of racism.
While there is a danger of drifting into a reductive mode of analysis, we have in-
cluded these extracts in order to emphasize the impact of processes of Euro-
pean exploration, expansion, slavery, colonization, and imperial domination on
ideas about race. The interest in these processes is that they are seen as being at
the root of the emergence of racial ideas and values, e.g. in relation to the sup-
posed inferiority of black Africans. For example, in much of the contemporary
literature on race relations in the United States and Britain, the development of
racism is seen as related in one way or another to the historical experience of
slavery, colonialism, and other institutions of white supremacy (Fredrickson
This point, however, touches upon another theme which we have only
ottrai irronucrio
hinted at so far: namely, the intertwining between the emergence of the lan-
guage of race and the processes of economic expansion and capitalist develop-
ment which were going on at the same time (Curtin so; Jordan sos; Todorov
s,). How do ideas about the categorization of human beings into races link
up to the development of new patterns of economic and social exploitation? In
what sense can we see racial ideas as either the outcome or as integral elements
of wider economic and social transformations?
Thus, with the decline and eventual disappearance of the European slave
trade from Africa in the rst half of the nineteenth century, and the slower and
more gradual disappearance of slavery itself in the Americas, the ownership of
black slaves by white masters was succeeded by other forms of unfree labour
such as indentures, share cropping, and debt bondage. Hugh Tinkers (s,)
monograph on the export of Indian labourers within the British Empire is enti-
tled A New System of Slavery, and chronicles the ways in which the migrants
were kept subordinated and dependent upon those for whom they worked. Yet
this system had the most profound consequences in the long term. Just as per-
sons of African descent in the Americas are in great measure descendants of
slaves, Indian minorities in countries as various as Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad, and
Guyana are in part descendants of indentured labourers brought to work on
colonial plantations in the nineteenth century.
A recurrent theme in debates about the history of slavery is the issue of the
relationship between processes of capitalist economic expansion and exploita-
tion and the emergence of racism and racial ideologies. Arguments have waged
ercely between economic determinists such as Eric Williamss book on Capi-
talism and Slavery, originally published in s, which sought to locate slavery as
essentially an economic phenomenon which arose because of the need to ex-
ploit labour through coercion. For Williams racism was a consequence, not the
cause, of slavery: the product of the need to justify the institution of slavery and
the means of coercion on which it relied (Solow and Engerman ss,; Blackburn
Williamss approach can be contrasted to arguments that slavery, particularly
in the Americas, was essentially racial in origin, and based on beliefs about racial
inferiority. In this approach, racial difference rather than economic exploitation
is the key process, linked to the power held by the white dominant group, and
their ability to enforce their wishes upon the slave population. Chief among the
criticisms have been two fundamental points: (i) rst, it has been argued that it
is far too simple to see slavery as an economic phenomenon; (ii) second, eco-
nomic determinist approaches have been criticized for viewing the develop-
ment of racist ideologies in purely functionalist terms, i.e. as serving simply as
a justication for the exploitation of labour power. These criticisms have been
backed up by historical research which tends to question the usefulness of view-
ing either slavery or racist ideologies from a purely economic perspective. In-
terestingly enough this research has been produced by writers inuenced by
so ottrai irronucrio
Marxism as well as by non-Marxist historians. The argument about the rela-
tionship between slavery and the process of capitalist development is a contin-
uing one (see for example Engerman and Genovese s,,) and has been carried
on both in sociology and history.
The debate may be followed by comparing Oliver Coxs Caste, Class and Race
(ss), written from a Marxist perspective, with the approach of David Brion
Davis and George Fredrickson in this collection. Cox located the origins of race
prejudice from the period of European expansion at the end of the fteenth
and beginning of the sixteenth centuries. He argued that racism arose from the
need to exploit labour in the form of slave labour. Race prejudice constituted
a justication for the exploitation of the labour power of certain groups of
workers, and was a social attitude propagated among the public by an exploit-
ing class for the purpose of stigmatizing some group as inferior in that the ex-
ploitation of either the group itself or its resources or both may be justied
(s,o [ss]: ,,). Other scholars such as George Fredrickson accord much more
independent importance to racial difference, and a more differentiated Weber-
ian theoretical standpoint which distinguishes between the subordination of
black people as individuals and societal racism in which an entire colonial so-
ciety enforced subordinate status over black slaves. He accords independent im-
portance to the role of ideas, and the importance of selshness, greed, and the
pursuit of privilege in sustaining the institution.
What seems clear from these debates is that any rounded account of the ori-
gins and transformation of racism needs to be contextualized within a broader
historical analysis. A number of recent studies have highlighted the complex
role that race and ethnicity played in the process of European expansion and
domination. A good example of this mode of analysis is Eric Wolf s Europe and
the People without History (ssz). This is one of the most challenging attempts to
look at the extent to which the histories of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and
Asia were shaped from soo onwards by the experience of European expansion
and the economic, social, and political transformations that resulted. These
processes of transformation inevitably involved complex constructions of the
other that went hand in hand with the changing patterns of economic, social,
and political interchange. These can be set alongside accounts such as Victor
Kiernans analysis of European attitudes in The Lords of Human Kind (so) and
J. S. Furnivalls classic account of the so-called plural society as it developed in
South-East Asia in the early twentieth century, with three pillarized racial
groups, the white European rulers and merchants, the Chinese middlemen en-
gaged in commerce, and the indigenous population. Plural society theorists
such as M. G. Smith (so) and John Rex (s,o) have argued about whether such
societies were held together by the polity or the economyFurnivall argued
that members of such societies met only in the market placebut this has led
to fruitful debates about the relative roles of economic exploitation and politi-
cal control in certain types of late colonial societies.
ottrai irronucrio ss
A more specic account of the role of race in the process of European ex-
pansion is provided by Winthrop Jordans classic study White over Black (sos).
Jordans account is particularly interesting because of the way he manages to
capture in some detail the changing representations of Africans from the six-
teenth to the nineteenth centuries within the context of America. Rejecting the
view that there has been a uniform and unchanging view of Africans ever since
the sixteenth century, Jordan provides a systematic and richly detailed account
of the representations of Africans skin colour, religions, relation to other
human groups, and sexuality. His account shows in some detail that the rst im-
pressions articulated by Europeans of Africans in the sixteenth century were
transformed quite fundamentally by the experience of slavery and economic
domination, by changing political and ideological environments, and by cul-
tural changes.
Slavery in its various historical forms, and specically the Atlantic slave trade,
did not have a purely economic rationale and its impact was as much on social
and power relations as on economic institutions (Patterson ssz). In relation to
the Atlantic slave trade there is a wealth of historical evidence about the impact
that the institution of slavery had on European images of Africans (Manning
so; Lovejoy ss,). As Jordan and others have persuasively argued these images
did not remain xed and unchanging across time and space. It seems quite clear
that during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the development of the
slave trade was an important part of the wider process leading to the develop-
ment of European images of Africans and other peoples.
In the crucible of these transformations, ideas about national identity
began to take a rm hold in European societies. In the case of Britain, for ex-
ample, the idea of a unied national identity was very much an invention of the
period from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century (Colley sz).
Indeed it is important to note that ideas about Englishness or Britishness
were never xed and unchanging, and that they had to be reworked and fash-
ioned around new values throughout the past two centuries (Samuel ss: vol-
umes ii and iii).
Contemporary Trends and Developments
We have, so far, emphasized two related themes. First, that ideas about race
emerged in specic social and political environments. Second, that the develop-
ment of racism needs to be situated within a historical perspective that takes ac-
count of time and place. What we have tried to show is that in order to place the
role of racism in the contemporary social context, we need to situate the diver-
gent historical processes that have shaped the understandings of race and racism
that are current in our societies. There is, as we are fully aware, a much broader
and deeper historical sociology of racism. As the work of a number of scholars
has shown, there have been a variety of both national and supra-national
sz ottrai irronucrio
processes at work in inuencing the development of racist ideas and move-
ments, and these cannot easily be subsumed under a monolithic category of
racism. This key theme links up to some of the central problems which have
arisen in recent attempts to contextualize racism within a historical perspective.
Whatever the merits of the account we have given of specic processes it seems
clear that it is important not to lose sight of the historical moments and the wider
context within which ideas about race emerge, develop, and take on social sig-
A number of interesting attempts have been made to provide a comparative
historical sociology of the workings of racism. The work of writers such as
George Fredrickson provides an interesting and valuable model of this type of
work (Fredrickson sss, sss). Fredricksons account in his classic study White
Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History (sss) seeks
to capture both the differences and similarities between these two societies
through a richly contextualized analysis of the role of patterns of settlement,
images of the natives, racial slavery, race mixture and the colour line, and the
changing social relationships of race in the twentieth century. He illustrates the
value of contextualizing the historical development of racial ideas and racial-
ized social relations not only in specic contexts, but the need to challenge some
common assumptions about the social history of both America and South
Africa. Additionally, his account provides a useful reminder of the role of state
institutions in shaping the constantly changing contours of the colour line. In
addition to Fredrickson a number of other researchers have illustrated the im-
portance of historically situated accounts of how ideas about race emerged and
took shape in particular societies.
There is by now a rich body of historical work which has analysed the ways
in which ideas about race have linked up with specic patterns of economic, so-
cial, and political transformation. But much of the contemporary social science
literature on race and racism remains largely uninformed by historical research
or by more contemporary studies of the wider processes that have shaped racial
institutions (Poliakov ssz). This has resulted in a lack of historical reexivity
about the historical background to the emergence of modern racism and a fail-
ure to come to terms with the transformations of racial ideologies and practices
over time and space. Yet what is also clear is that without an understanding of
the historical context it is unlikely that we shall be able to come fully to terms
with the question of how racial ideas have emerged out of and become an inte-
gral part of specic societies.
Part of the complexity of analysing the historical impact of racism is that it
is often intertwined with other social phenomena, and indeed it can only be
fully understood if we are able to see how it works in specic social settings.
Additionally, it is clear that racism is increasingly not an ideology which can be
easily reduced to biological arguments as such. Contemporary racial thought
invokes a range of markers of difference in order to construct the stereotypes
ottrai irronucrio s,
and images on which racism relies. On one level one can agree with Goldberg
when he argues that Racists are those who explicitly or implicitly ascribe racial
characteristics of others that they take to differ from their own and those they
take to be like them. These characteristics may be biological or social (Gold-
berg so: zo). But even this denition seems to be a bit narrow when we look
at the changing terms of racial discourses in contemporary societies. For what
has become clear through comparative research is that only through a deeply
contextualized account of the sources of racial ideas can we really grasp the
variety of racisms that have emerged in specic historical environments.
Racism and Anti-Racism
Much of the focus of this volume is on delineating the ideological and institu-
tional forms of racism. But it is undoubtedly the case, as Paul Gilroy notes in his
contribution to this volume, that both racism and anti-racism have also played
an important role in mobilizing racial categories in many societies. This is why
we devote a signicant part of the volume to exploring key facets of the ideas,
values, and mobilizations of racist movements, anti-racist organizations, and
minority political identities. Precisely because racial categories are not xed and
unchanging they have been the subject of continual contestation and rework-
ing. It is also the case that ideas about race have been shaped by different histor-
ical and social processes and in a complex variety of ways, including important
regional, religious, cultural, and political differentiations.
In this context it is important to remember that identities based on race and
ethnicity are not simply imposed, since they are also often the outcome of re-
sistance and political struggle in which racialized minorities play an important
and active role. For this reason some argue that it is more accurate to speak of a
racialized group rather than a racial group, since race can be a product of
racism as well as vice versa. As well as being in some cases institutionalized
structurally, racism can be an ideological defence of specic social and political
relations of domination, subordination, and privilege. Racism operates as other
ideologies do, by constituting new historical and ideological subjects. Race, and
also ethnicity, can be viewed in terms of the representation of difference.
This is why in this volume we have chosen to focus on the dynamics of the po-
litical mobilization of race and social change. The advantage of this approach is
that it allows us to go beyond abstract speculation and examine in some detail the
political institutions, mobilizations, and policies in a variety of nation states that
have helped to bring the present situation about. Many contemporary theorists
of race have largely been concerned with global and somewhat abstracted analy-
ses of racial and ethnic relations. Our focus is rather different: it is on the dy-
namics of racialized processes in the context of particular situations. This
approach also stands in marked contrast to the deep-seated tendency to view
race as a xed and unchanging category. Such a tendency is evident in the argu-
s ottrai irronucrio
ments of both radical researchers who work from a monolithic conception of
contemporary forms of racism and in the bulk of the mainstream research on
the politics of race, which takes as its starting point a narrow denition of polit-
ical institutions and forms of participation and mobilization.
It is important to remember that there is no single monolithic racism which
structures ideas and values in all societies, or which shapes social relations in all
specic environments. Rather there are quite distinct racisms that are con-
structed and reconstructed through time and space by social action. This helps
to explain the complex forms which the racisms that we see around us today
take, both in terms of their theoretical justications and the political mobiliza-
tions associated with them. It is only by understanding the full implications of
this rather simple point that we can begin to develop a better and relevant ap-
proach to the question of how it is that we can counter the dangers of contem-
porary racisms and construct alternative models of democracy that can allow
for the representation of difference.
Racism and the State
In the present socio-political environment it is perhaps more clear than it has
ever been that the analysis of racism and related phenomena, such as ethnic na-
tionalism, cannot ignore the need for systematic comparative research on the
role of the state and political institutions in shaping race and ethnic relations in
different societies. The importance of state institutions and political processes
in structuring racial and ethnic issues has been clear throughout most of the
twentieth century. As Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wippermann illustrate
in their magisterial analysis of the Nazi racial state, state power played an im-
portant role in perhaps the most concerted attempt to implement a pro-
gramme of constructing a racially pure society (see Section VI). More
importantly, however, it is also clear that attempts to use state power to enhance
the interests on one or other racial or ethnic grouping have been at the heart of
racial movements and ideologies throughout the past century. As Mosse has
shown the holocaust was very much the product of the combination of strong
state regulation and modern technology: The holocaust could not have taken
place without the application of modern technology, without the modern cen-
tralised state with its card les and communication systems, and without the
brutalisation of mens minds by the experience of the First World War (Mosse
ss,: z,z). This is of course not to say that the holocaust or other attempts at
genocide were the inevitable product of modernity and of modern state power.
But it is important to recognize that the events in the former Yugoslavia and
Rwanda during the sos need to be situated very much in relation to the state
and political mobilization and not constructed as some timeless expression of
ethnic and religious hatred.
There are other important examples of the use of state power to reinforce
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relations of domination. Perhaps the most important one is the history of the
apartheid system in South Africa, which involved a concerted attempt to use
state institutions as a basis for institutionalizing by force and by regulation a
system of racial segregation. Deborah Posels detailed study of the making of
the apartheid state from the sos to the soos is a good example of the kind of
detailed scholarly research that has helped to delineate the particular forms of
the relationship between the state and racial institutions (Posel ss).
Desmond King (s,) has shown how in the USA the federal government prior
to the Civil Rights era participated in the maintenance of segregated race rela-
tions throughout the country, not just in the South.
Beyond Racism?
Underlying much of the academic and public discussion about race and racism
at the present time there is a concern with an issue that has not received as much
attention as it deserves, namely: Is there a way in which we can think of a world
beyond racism? Whether this question is treated implicitly or expounded on ex-
plicitly it is at the heart of many of the political and moral dilemmas that con-
front scholars in this eld. It may be, of course, that Patricia Williams is right
when she points in her contribution to the lack of an imagination of what a
world beyond racism could look like. But as she goes on to argue this is not an
inevitable situation and there are possibilities for us to debate and envision ways
in which we can move beyond racism. The question that remains to be fully ad-
dressed is exactly how and why this process may or may not happen.
While we have not attempted to give a prescriptive feel to this volume, in the
concluding section of this Reader we look to the future. We include the views
of a number of scholars who have attempted to explore the social, cultural, and
political processes that may shape the future of racism and its institutional
As we look towards the next century and millennium, one of the main ques-
tions that has to be faced is the issue of how to deal with the challenges pre-
sented by the growth and pervasiveness of racism. Within both popular and
academic discourse there is growing evidence of concern about how questions
about race and ethnicity need to be reconceptualized in the mainstream of so-
cial thought. This has been achieved more successfully in the case of gender
than it has in societies where members of racial minorities are demographically
in a minority. The concept of the multicultural societies (Wieviorka ss) has
been used increasingly; indeed in contemporary European societies this can be
seen as in some sense the main question which governments of various kinds
are trying to come to terms with. Important elements of this debate include the
issue of the political rights of minorities, the status of minority religious and
cultural rights, and the changing boundaries of national identity. Underlying all
of these concerns is the much more thorny issue of what, if anything, can be
so ottrai irronucrio
done to protect the rights of minorities and develop more inclusive notions of
citizenship and democracy that bring in those minorities that are excluded on
racial, ethnic, or nationality criteria.
There are clearly quite divergent perspectives in the present social and polit-
ical environment about how best to deal with all of these concerns. There is, for
example, a wealth of discussion about what kind of measures are necessary to
tackle the inequalities and exclusions which confront minority groups. At the
same time there is clear evidence that existing initiatives are severely limited in
their impact, given the socially entrenched character of much racist behaviour.
A number of commentators have pointed to the limitations of legislation and
public policy interventions in bringing about a major improvement in the socio-
political position of minorities. And racism remains theoretically challenging, a
phenomenon demanding that we continue to hone our analytical tools as social
scientists to try to comprehend its continuing inuence:
Because racism changes and develops, because it is simultaneously a vast phenomenon
framed by epochal historical developments, and a moment-to-moment historical real-
ity, we can never expect to fully capture it theoretically. Nor can we expect that it will
ever be fully overcome. That does not mean, however, that we are free to desist from
trying. (Winant ss: ,o,)
We hope that in reading the texts included in this volume readers will be able to
situate the study of race and racism within its historical as well as contemporary
context. While these extracts are merely a sample of the research and scholar-
ship on these issues, we also hope that they will encourage both students and
general readers to immerse themselves more fully in the wealth of new schol-
arship about racism, some of which is reected in the suggestions for further
reading at the end. We are of course aware that some of the extracts included in
this volume put forward assumptions or claims that are antithetical to the argu-
ments developed in other extracts or in this Introduction. But it is precisely such
a diversity of views and perspectives that we wanted to reect.
ottrai irronucrio s,
Section I
Racist Ideas
Given recent developments across the globe few would disagree that one of the
key social and political issues faced by many societies is the question of racism
and the social and political conicts associated with its presence. Whether one
looks at Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, or Africa the
salience of race and racism as social issues is evident in a multiplicity of ways.
What is often less clear in the context of contemporary debates in both the pop-
ular media and in academic discourses is the question of whether racism is a rel-
atively new phenomenon or the product of ideas and processes with a much
longer historical provenance. In other words, how do we begin to make sense of
the relationship between contemporary trends and historical context. This key
concern in turn generates a number of questions: about the changing nature of
ideas about race; about the meaning attached to racism in historical and con-
temporary terms; and the interplay between racial ideas and wider economic,
social, and cultural processes.
It is with these questions that we begin this Reader, as the various extracts in-
cluded in this section are all concerned in one way or another with how we can
best begin to locate the history of ideas about race within a broadly historical
perspective. It is of course impossible to give a fully rounded picture of the
changing role of ideas about race across time and space, but we have sought to
bring together a series of extracts that help to locate racial ideas within specic
historical processes and at the same time provide a point of entry into debates
about the origins of racism and forms of racial domination. Frank Snowdens
opening piece can be seen as an attempt to situate the meanings and impact of
ideas about racial differentiation in the ancient world. This has proved to be an
important arena of intellectual debate, particularly on the issue of the differ-
ence between modern and ancient views about race and its social signicance.
Snowdens account provides an interesting overview of the central elements of
ancient views about blacks and it helps to illustrate that ideas about differences
on the basis of colour and phenotypical features were to be found in ancient so-
cieties, though they cannot by any means be compared to our modern notions
about what is now called race. What Snowdens account does illustrate, how-
ever, is that the attribution of social signicance to colour and ethnic differences
took on a variety of forms, not all of which are related to modern ideas.
Snowdens analysis provides an interesting contrast with the analysis to be
found in the extracts by Philip Curtin and Michael Banton, which focus more
specically on the changing ideas about race in the period of European capital-
ist expansion and conquest. Curtins account focuses on the linkages between
the emergence of the language of race and the processes of economic expan-
sion and capitalist development which were going on at the same time. While
Curtin eschews a narrow economic analysis of the origin of modern racial
thinking his account helpfully illustrates the linkages between patterns of Eu-
ropean expansion and the articulation of ideas about the attributes of Africans
and other races. His account is a pertinent reminder of the important role that
European expansion and trade played in inuencing ideas about other races
within societies such as Britain, and provides an interesting insight into both the
generation and the dissemination of racial ideas and images. Bantons analysis
takes as its starting point the need to place the racialisation of the world
against the background of the important transformations in social, economic
and cultural relations that have shaped societies over the past three centuries or
more. Insisting on the need not to lose sight of the variety of usages of race over
this period he shows how in societies as diverse as Britain, France, and Germany
the notion of race came to be used in both popular and scholarly discourses to
refer to the existence of distinct racial types. Banton is particularly concerned to
highlight the complex and often contradictory ideas that went into the making
of racial ideas and doctrines in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The next four extracts are all taken up in one way or another with the ques-
tion of the evolution and transformation of racist ideas and their impact on the
construction of ideologies of racial domination and exclusion. George Mosses
account of the origins of European racism seeks to argue for the centrality of
the eighteenth century as an important turning point in the development of
racial thinking. Mosses account links up with a theme that has preoccupied a
number of more recent commentators on the history of racial ideas, namely
the linkages between Enlightenment thought and the articulation of ideas
about the origins of racial diversity and the differences between the cultural and
intellectual attributes of different groups. Reginald Horsmans argument fo-
cuses specically on the development of ideas about superior and inferior
races. Focusing on intellectual trends and ideas in America and Europe he at-
tempts to show that the attribution of superiority to some racial groups was a
crucial element in the development of racial thinking in the nineteenth century.
The nal two extracts focus specically on the ideas of the author who is
often seen as the father of modern racism, namely Comte Arthur de Gob-
ineau. Michael Biddisss paper attempts to situate Gobineau in the context of in-
tellectual and social changes that were shaping France and other European
societies. Biddiss is in particular interested in the ways in which Gobineaus
ideas linked up to wider trends within European thought, as well as on the ways
in which his ideas were taken up by other racial thinkers. Biddiss provides a
valuable insight into Gobineaus preoccupation with racial degeneration
irronucrio s
through miscegenation, and his view of the origin of differences between dif-
ferent races. Such ideas were to prove an integral element of later racial think-
ing in a number of countries, including France and Germany. Leon Poliakov
continues this analysis through an assessment of the ways in which Gobineau
conceptualized the role of different races in the development of human his-
tory. Poliakovs account highlights the ways in which such themes as racial su-
periority, anti-Semitism, and the linking of civilization to particular racial types
were an important thread in the thinking of Gobineau and his contemporaries.
The themes touched upon in this rst part of the Reader are ones that we
shall return to in a number of the other parts, since they provide a backdrop
against which we can view key analytical questions that follow. In particular we
shall take up some of the central issues about the historical development of
racism from the nineteenth to the twentieth century in Sections II and III.
zo racisr intas
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Images and Attitudes
The Image of Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman World
In their observations on Ethiopia and Ethiopians, classical writers provided a
much more detailed and variegated picture of Nubians than any other Mediter-
ranean peoples. Not limiting their interest primarily to military coverage, the
Greeks and Romans in their accounts of the Ethiopians touched on a broad
range of subjects, including anthropology, sociology, history, mythology, and
From Homer to the fth century
Ethiopians appear for the rst time in Greek literature in the Homeric poems,
where they are remote peoples, the most distant of men, sundered in twain,
dwelling by the streams of Ocean, some where the sun rises, some where it sets.
Their only earthly visitor was Menelaus, who said that he came to their country
after wanderings in Cyprus, Phoenicia, and Egypt. Homers Olympian gods
were fond of visiting the blameless Ethiopians: Zeus, followed by all the other
gods, feasted for twelve days with them; Poseidon and Iris shared their sacri-
ces. Epaphus, according to Hesiod, was the child of the almighty son of Kro-
nos, and from him sprang the black Libyans and high-souled Ethiopians. These
early Ethiopians are shadowy individuals; their ethnic identity and precise loca-
tion, uncertain. By the time of Xenophanes, however, word had reached the
Greeks that Ethiopians were black-faced and at-nosed and, by the fth century,
that they lived in Africa south of Egypt.
The rst writer to enlarge upon Homers blameless and Xenophanes at-
nosed Ethiopians was Herodotus. African Ethiopians, according to Herodotus,
differed from the Ethiopians of the east only in speech and hair, the former
being the most woolly-haired people on earth and the latter having straight hair.
The capital of African Ethiopia was Mero, a great city whose inhabitants
greatly honored the gods Zeus (Amun) and Dionysus (Osiris). Ethiopia, ac-
cording to Herodotus, had been ruled by only one Egyptian king, though it had
contributed eighteen kings as rulers of Egypt. One of these was Sabacos, who
invaded Egypt with a great army of Ethiopians and ruled Egypt for fty years.
As king of Egypt, Sabacos never put wrongdoers to death but instead required
them, according to the severity of their offense, to contribute to civic improve-
ment by raising the embankments of their cities. Uneasy lest he commit sacri-
lege, Sabacos voluntarily retired from Egypt after he had been terried by a
dream that he would assemble Egyptian priests and put them to death.
Like Sabacos, the king of the Macrobian Ethiopians, called the tallest and
most handsome men on earth, had a high regard for justice. Having discerned
the deception of the spies whom the Persian king Cambyses (ca. ,,o,zz B.C.)
had sent when planning an Ethiopian expedition, the perspicacious Macrobian
king remarked that the Persian king was unjust, for no just man would covet a
land not his own. And, with a dramatic display of his dexterity in handling a
huge bow, he instructed Cambyses spies to inform the king that when the Per-
sians can draw a bow of this greatness as easily as I do, then to bring over-
whelming odds to attack the Macrobian Ethiopians; but till then, to thank the
gods who put it not in the minds of the sons of the Ethiopians to win more ter-
ritory than they have. Herodotus continues that Cambyses, receiving this re-
sponse, became angry and, acting like a mad man, embarked without adequate
preparation upon an Ethiopian campaign, which he was forced to abandon be-
cause of a shortage of supplies and cannibalism among his troops. Further,
Cambyses imposed no tribute on either the Ethiopians bordering Egypt whom
he had subdued on his ill-fated march to the Macrobians or on those living near
Nysa. These Ethiopians, according to Herodotus, brought gifts to the Persians
every other yearabout two quarts of gold, two hundred blocks of ebony, ve
boys, and twenty large elephant tusks. A striking conrmation of this statement
appears in a scene on a relief of the Audience Hall at Persepolis begun by Dar-
ius: among the gifts brought by a diplomatic delegation from Kush were an ele-
phant tusk, an okapi, and a vessel with a lid, perhaps containing gold.
The comparison between Ethiopian and Egyptian practices was a matter of
interest to Herodotus. Discussing two gures of Sesostris that the Egyptian
king had engraved on rocks to Ionia to celebrate a triumph, the historian noted
that the equipment and dress were both Egyptian and Ethiopian. He was not
certain whether the Egyptians adopted the very ancient custom of circumci-
sion from the Ethiopians or vice versa. In commenting on the Egyptian soldiers
who had settled in Ethiopia in the reign of Psamtik I, Herodotus observed that
Ethiopians learned Egyptian customs and became milder-mannered by inter-
mixture with Egyptians.
The Athenian dramatists of the fifth century B.C. played to an interest in a
distant people brought closer to home by recent experiences: Ethiopian con-
tingents in Xerxes army and their bows of palm-wood strips, four cubits long,
were a reality for some Greeks. Although the Greeks had encountered
Ethiopians as enemies in the Persian Wars, there was no specifically anti-black
sentiment in Greek drama. In the Suppliant Maidens of Aeschylus, the color of
the Danaids was not an issue to King Pelasgus and his Argives when they were
confronted with a decision on a question that they realized involved the pos-
sibility of war. Most un-Greek in appearance, black and smitten by the sun,
the Danaids, descendants of Io, received asylum in Argos. Exploiting a curios-
ity about a far-off country of a black race who lived by the fountains of the
sun, the dramatists turned to legends with African settings. The Memnon
story was treated in the Memnon and Psychostasia of Aeschylus and in the
Aithiopes of Sophocles. Both Sophocles and Euripides wrote an Andromeda;
zz racisr intas
the Busiris legend inspired comedies by Epicharmus, Ephippus, and Mnesi-
machus and a satyr play by Euripides. The titles and extant fragments of these
plays, all of which apparently included Ethiopians, reveal little about the pre-
cise treatment of the myths. The vase painters, however, with whom these
Ethiopian legends were also popular, provided some details as to setting and
costumes and, most important in developing the fifth-century concept of an
Ethiopian, left no doubt about the physical characteristics of Ethiopians:
some were pronouncedly Negroid; others were mulattoes.
In view of the interest in dramatic festivals and the size of the audiences, it is
not unlikely that the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides stimulated
more widespread discussion of Ethiopians in Greece than at any earlier period,
except perhaps when reports had rst come back from Greek mercenaries and
settlers in Egypt. Following performances of plays on Ethiopian themes, the-
atregoers may well have concerned themselves with related questions such as
the signicance of Ethiopian phialai mentioned among offerings to Athena or
the reason for the appearance of Ethiopians on the phiale that the statue of
Nemesis at Rhamnus (not far from Marathon) held in its right hand. Were these
Ethiopians related in any way to Homers blameless Ethiopians? Or what was
the identity of the Negro whose image was struck on the coins of Athens and
Delphi? Was he Delphos, the son of the Black Woman, and did his features re-
semble those of the Ethiopians in Xerxes army? These and similar questions
would not have escaped the attention of curious Greeks.
The Ptolemaic period
After the fth century very little new was added to the Greek image of the
Ethiopian until the Ptolemaic era. An indication of the kind of information cir-
culated after the activity of the Ptolemies in Ethiopia is found in extracts from
On the Erythraean Sea, a treatise by the second-century B.C. geographer and his-
torian Agatharchides, whose sources included accounts of merchants and eye-
witnesses as well as the royal archives in Alexandria. Excerpts from
Agatharchides, surviving in Diodorus and Photius, provided new anthropolog-
ical details: one group of Ethiopians was called Simi, because of their markedly
at noses; the Acridophagi (Locust Eaters) were described as exceedingly black.
Inland Ethiopian tribes, whom Agatharchides located imprecisely in the south,
were divided into four major categories: river tribes who planted sesame and
millet, lake dwellers who garnered reed and soft wood, nomads who lived on
meat and milk, and shore dwellers who shed. Basic Ethiopian diet was also
sometimes reected in the nomenclature of tribes such as the Struthophagi
(Ostrich Eaters), the Spermatophagi, who ate nuts and fruits of trees, and the
Elephantophagi (Elephant Eaters). In his account of the Ichthyophagi (Fish
Eaters) Agatharchides introduced certain elements of idealization, absent in
Herodotus earlier record of Ethiopians. Autochthonous people who wore no
clothes and had wives in common, the Ichthyophagi led a utopian existence,
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free from want, greed, and envy, which elicited from Agatharchides moralistic
conclusions about their way of life. Unlike Greeks, the Ichthyophagi were not
concerned with superuities but, rejecting useless things, strove for a divine
way of life. With no desire for power, Agatharchides continues, they were not
distressed by strife; nor did they imperil their lives by sailing the sea for the sake
of gain. Needing little, they suffered little; gaining possession of what was suf-
cient, they sought no more. And they were not governed by laws, for those who
are able to live uprightly without the sanction of written law need no ordi-
Agatharchides also mentions other Ethiopians, closer to the everyday reality
of the Hellenistic world and a source of concern to the Ptolemies. In prepara-
tion for an Ethiopian campaign an unnamed Ptolemy, perhaps Epiphanes
(zo,sso B.C.), has included among his mercenaries ve hundred horsemen
from Greece. It was no doubt the threat of Ethiopian warriors, skilled in the use
of their huge bows and deadly poisonous arrows, that induced an experienced
regent to offer this advice against undertaking an expedition into Ethiopia:
Why futilely announce an impossible task and pay attention to invisible hopes
rather than to manifest dangers?
The early empire
For a fuller image of the Ethiopian in Ptolemaic times. Diodorus, a historian of
the late rst century B.C., who used Agatharchides as one of his sources, is a use-
ful supplement for our understanding of the Ptolemaic image of Ethiopians.
Some of the primitive Ethiopians of Diodorus wore no clothes at all, some
covered only their loins, and others their bodies up to the waist. Some were
lthy and kept their nails long like beasts, and a few did not believe in any gods
at all. In general, says Diodorus, these Ethiopians cultivated none of the prac-
tices of civilized life found among the rest of mankind and their customs were
in striking contrast to Greco-Roman practicesdifferences that Diodorus ex-
plains in terms of environment. After describing the effects of the excessive cold
of the north on Scythia and its inhabitants, and of the torrid heat on the regions
beyond Egypt and the Trogodyte country, Diodorus concludes that it was not
surprising that both the fare and the manner of life and the bodies of the in-
habitants should differ very much from such as are found among us.
The fourth-century B.C. historian Ephorus had said that some write only
about the savage Scythians because they know that the terrible and marvelous
are startling, but had insisted that the opposite facts should also be noted.
Diodorus noted that some of his sources on both Egypt and Ethiopia had ac-
cepted false reports or invented tales to please their readers. Refusing to accept
such an approach, in the spirit of Ephorus, Diodorus was not blind to the
achievements of other Ethiopians whose reputation for wisdom was great, and
whose religious practices made them a kind of chosen people in the eyes of the
gods. The peoples who inhabited the island of Mero and the region adjoining
z racisr intas
Egypt, according to Diodorus sources, were considered to be the rst of all
men and the rst to honor the gods whose favor they enjoyed. It was largely be-
cause of Ethiopian piety, Diodorus continues, that the gods doomed to failure
the attempts of foreign rulers such as Cambyses to invade and occupy their
country. These Ethiopians were not only pioneers in religion but also origi-
nated many Egyptian customs. From these Ethiopians, in Diodorus account,
the Egyptians, who were colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, derived their be-
liefs concerning their burial practices and the role of priests, shapes of statues,
and forms of writing.
In the early Roman Empire lesser-known regions of both the distant south
and the far north were reported to be inhabited by imaginary creatures, perhaps
invented by writers such as those whom Diodorus rejected. Included among
the inhabitants of inner Africa, according to Pliny the Elder, were the Trogody-
tae, who had no voices but made squeaking noises; the Blemmyae, who had no
heads and their mouths and eyes attached to their chests; the Himantopodes
(Strapfoots) with feet resembling leather thongs, who crawled instead of walk-
ing; and noseless and mouthless tribes who through a single orice breathed,
ate, and drank by means of oat straws. Pliny acknowledges in another descrip-
tion of inner Africa that he was dealing with unreality by his prefatory state-
ment that he was coming to purely imaginary regionsthe land of the Nigroi,
whose king was said to have only one eye, the Pamphagi, who ate everything;
and the Anthropophagi, who ate human esh. Similarly, Pliny is apparently ex-
pressing his doubt about fabulous creatures of this type when he explains that
coastal Ethiopians, the Nisicathae and Nisitae, names meaning three- and four-
eyed men, were so designated not because they were physically bizarre but be-
cause they were unusually accurate in the use of bow and arrow.
Like other writers in the early empire, however, Pliny also followed Ephorus
caveat on inaccurate reporting and continued the old tradition of writing about
the more familiar Ethiopians, whose wisdom and priority of institutions came
to be important elements in the image of Ethiopians current in the empire.
Ethiopian wisdom, according to Pliny, was to be attributed to the mobility of
the southern climate in the same manner as the erceness of northerners was
to their harsh environment. Lucian informs us that Ethiopians rst gave the
doctrine of astrology to men and, being in all else wiser than other men, trans-
mitted their discoveries about the heavens to the Egyptians. In the Aethiopica of
Heliodorus, a high priest of Isis states that during a visit to the Ethiopian court
he had enriched his Egyptian knowledge with Ethiopian wisdom.
Echoes of the glory of the Twenty-fth Dynasty were still heard in the early
empire and were reported with apparent admiration. Strabo included Tearco
(Taharqa) the Ethiopian among the worlds great conquerors, with Sesostris,
Psamtik, and the Persians from Cyrus to Xerxes, and cites Megasthenes as his
source for the statement that Taharqa advanced as far as Europe. The Sabacos
of Diodorus resembles very closely that of Herodotus with one exception:
rrax sownt z,
Diodorus adds that in piety and uprightness Sabacos far surpassed his predeces-
sors, and contrasts Ethiopian justice with the harshness, injustice, and arro-
gance of the Egyptian Amasis. Freedom-loving Ethiopians, according to
Seneca, who had talked with centurions after their return from the Ethiopian
mission under Neros auspices, rejected Cambyses threat of slavery and, in-
stead of accepting servitude with outstretched arms, sent envoys and replied in
words betting the free and insulting to kings.
The importance, if only propagandistic, that Augustus attached to Petron-
ius Ethiopian campaigns is perhaps suggested by the inclusion of his Ethiopian
victories in the ofcial record of his administration and achievements known as
the Res Gestae Divi Augusti (Deeds of the Deied Augustus). Copies of this doc-
ument, originally engraved on bronze tablets outside the emperors mau-
soleum in Rome, and set up in some if not all the provinces, were constant
reminders to the Roman world of the Merotic threat to Egypts southern
boundary. The many terracotta gurines of Negro warriors from the Roman
period found in Egypt provide vivid illustrations of Romes Ethiopian adver-
saries mentioned by authors of the early Roman Empire. In spite of Augustus
difculties with African blacks, Vergil did not hesitate to pay tribute to the assis-
tance that Ethiopians had given to Romes ancestors in the Trojan War. Aeneas,
as he gazed with deep emotion at scenes depicted on the outer walls of Didos
temple at Carthage, recognized himself and the armor of his black ally, Mem-
non. In his account of Augustus Ethiopian campaign, Pliny pointed out that
Ethiopia had not been made a desert by the armies of Rome, but that the re-
gion, a powerful and famous country down to the Trojan War, once ruler of
Syria and the Mediterranean coasts, had been exhausted by a series of wars with
Another important source for the image of Ethiopians projected during the
early empire was Josephus, whose Jewish Antiquities included several episodes
highlighting Ethiopias prominence as an independent state of considerable
military power. Enlarging upon the reference to Moses Kushite wife in the Old
Testament, Josephus added a story of the love of an Ethiopian princess for her
fathers enemy in time of war. The Ethiopians, according to Josephus, invaded
Egypt, repulsed an Egyptian counterattack, and marched as far north as Mem-
phis and the sea, conquering as they went. Only after the Egyptians, in response
to word from God, appointed Moses as their general were the Ethiopians driven
back to their capital and forced to abandon hope of subduing Egypt. As Moses
was besieging the Ethiopian capital, Josephus continues, Tharbis, daughter of
the Ethiopian king, fell madly in love with Moses and sent him a proposal of
marriage, which he accepted upon condition that she surrender the city. Moses
fullled his promise to marry the princess once the city was captured, cele-
brated the nuptials, and led the victorious army back to Egypt.
With slight variations, Josephus describes several other martial events in-
volving Ethiopians mentioned in the Old Testament. Among these are two
zo racisr intas
Ethiopian campaigns in Palestine: the sack of Jerusalem by Isokos (Shishak),
with many tens of thousands of troops and oo,ooo infantrymen, most of
whom were Libyans and Ethiopians; and the invasion by Zaraios (Zerah), king
of the Ethiopians, at the head of an army of oo,ooo foot soldiers, soo,ooo horse-
men, and ,oo chariots, and his defeat by Asa. Sennacherib, the Assyrian king,
failed in Egypt, according to Josephus, because as he was about to attack Pelu-
sium he received word that Tharsikes (Taharqa), king of the Ethiopians, was
coming to aid the Egyptians, and he decided to withdraw.
Other scriptural Ethiopians appear in Jewish Antiquities. The Queen of
Sheba becomes the Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia, thoroughly trained in wis-
dom and admirable in other things, and an Ethiopian servant of Zedekiah is re-
sponsible for saving Jeremiah by convincing the king whose favor he enjoyed
that the prophet had been wronged. Josephus retold Ethiopian history at a time
when blacks were well-known anthropological types and brought to the atten-
tion of the early empire some themes that Christian exegetes were to use fre-
quently in interpreting the mystery of the Churchthe marriage of Moses to
the Ethiopian woman; Ebed-melech, the rescuer of the prophet Jeremiah; and
the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon. At the same time, Jewish Antiquities
reinforced the recurrent image of black warriors and their widely respected
kingdom, and may have reminded the historians contemporaries of events
closer to their own era: the Ethiopian attack on the Romans in Egypt at the time
of Augustus had been foreshadowed by the ancient Ethiopian invasion of
Egypt; and the wise Queen of Sheba had a later counterpart in the Ethiopian
queen, whose ambassadors were diplomatically so skillful as to gain from Au-
gustus all their requests.
Late impressions of Ethiopians
One of the last works in classical literature to treat at some length an Ethiopian
theme is the Aethiopica of Heliodorus. Hydaspes, the king of the Ethiopians in
the third- or fourth-century romance, is a model of wisdom and justice; he
prefers not to put men to death; in the tradition of Piye, he instructs his warriors
to refrain from slaughter and to take the enemy alive. When his foe pleads for
survival, Hydaspes grants mercy. In the same charitable spirit he proclaims, as
he glances at the bleeding Oroondates, the viceroy of the king of Persia: A
noble thing it is to surpass an enemy in battle when he is standing, but in gen-
erosity when he has fallena sentiment Vergilian in spirit and reminiscent of
Anchises words, Spare the humble and subdue the proud. In gratitude for the
Ethiopians decision to allow him to return to his province, Oroondates renders
obeisance to Hydaspes, an honor that Persians reserved for their king, and calls
the Ethiopian ruler the most just of mortals for having granted him life and free-
dom instead of death or slavery. Like the Macrobian king who did not covet the
land of others, Hydaspes is content with the natural boundaries of the
Cataracts and, having accomplished his mission, returns to Ethiopia. Though
rrax sownt z,
on the point of following a tradition of sacricing foreign prisoners to the gods,
Hydaspes, convinced by the chief of his advisers (called Gymnosophists) of the
inappropriateness of such a practice, persuades his people to renounce human
In the fourth century, the epic poet Quintus of Smyrna revived the glorious
exploits of Memnon and his black soldiers. The arrival of a countless host of
Ethiopians brings joy to the beleaguered Trojans, who ock to the streets to see
them; hope is rekindled that the Ethiopians might burn the Greek ships. The
Ethiopians of Quintus are foremost in battle, killing many a warrior. Nor are
they forgotten by heaven after Memnons death because a god speeds them off
from the battleeld, and as they mourn the death of their king, Dawn changes
them into birds, afterwards called the Memnons, who continue to utter wail-
ing cries as they y about Memnons tomb.
The classical image of blacks in retrospect
Certain lines of the Greek and Roman prole of Ethiopians remained basically
unchanged from Homer to the end of classical literatureand the image was
essentially favorable. Following Ptolemaic exploration of Nubia, reports
reached the Greeks about hitherto lesser-known Ethiopians, far to the south of
Egypt. The extant excerpts of Agatharchides, the rst to describe these south-
ern tribes in detail, show that there was no tendency, even upon rst discovery,
to barbarize these Ethiopians. On the contrary, Agatharchides idealized some of
them in a kind of philosophical treatise on primitives. Diodorus, whose pic-
ture of Ethiopians was one of the most comprehensive in classical literature,
adopted a balanced method of reporting, without generalizing about nudity or
community of wives and without giving undue emphasis to the exceptional.
While not omitting practices of primitive Ethiopians that were strikingly un-
usual from the Greco-Roman point of view, Diodorus also included an account
of those Ethiopians whom his sources regarded as the rst of all men and as the
originators of divine rituals most pleasing to the gods. Even after the Greeks
and Romans had encountered Ethiopians as enemies, classical writers contin-
ued to treat without rancor ancient Ethiopian themesmilitary power, love of
freedom and justice, piety, and wisdom.
Throughout the history of classical literature, elements of idealization and
unreality appear in some descriptions of distant peoples, especially those in the
far north and south. The distant regions of Scythia and Ethiopia, for example,
were at times the homes of fabulous creatures or wild and ferocious tribes; at
other times the inhabitants were characterized as paragons of justice. But the
view that most of the Ethiopians of classical literature were unrelated to reality
needs reconsideration. Even Homers blameless Ethiopians may have stemmed
from reports of Ethiopian piety, and the poets black, woolly-haired Eurybates
may have reected an awareness of a black power on the southern edge of the
Greek universe. Nubia, as far south as Mero, was a region often as well known
zs racisr intas
in the Greco-Roman world as it had been to the Egyptians. In fact, Africanists
have found many observations of classical writers of considerable value in the
reconstruction of the Napatan-Merotic Kingdom of Kush.
From the time of Herodotus onward, classical authors, despite some unreli-
able reporting and occasional fanciful creations, were often dealing with
African realities and were much more knowledgeable than has been realized.
Herodotus was the rst of several writers to reect an awareness of the
Ethiopian Dynasty. The historians account of Sabacos piety is reminiscent of
the Napatans victorious Piye and is corroborated to some extent by Shabakas
interest in restoring religious texts of the Old Kingdom, attested by inscrip-
tional evidence. Herodotus mention of Ethiopians in the population of Cyprus
may have been based on knowledge of an Ethiopian presence dating back at
least to Amasis conquest of the island in the Twenty-sixth Dynasty. In his de-
scription of Cambyses plans for an Ethiopian campaign, Herodotus describes a
table of the sun, said to have been a meadow outside the city where boiled
meat was placed by magistrates for whoever wanted to partake of it. The histo-
rian in this passage, according to specialists on Mero, has provided an apt de-
scription of the site of the Sun Temple, located outside the city of Mero in an
area that can be described appropriately as a meadow because vegetation still
grows there more readily than in the surrounding plain. Herodotus account of
Macrobian expertise in archery and his description of the bows of Xerxes
Ethiopian auxiliarieslike Heliodorus later description of the Ethiopians un-
erring skill in hitting their target, their adversaries eyespoint to an ancient
military tradition in the south: the bow had been the typical weapon of the Nu-
bians since the days of the black archers at Gebelein and Assiut, and as late as the
seventh century A.D. Nubian bowmen, known to the Arab invaders as pupil
smiters, were respected for their skill in blinding their opponents.
Lucians statement that Ethiopians invented astrology may have stemmed in
part from the reports of travelers who had visited Mero. Astronomical equip-
ment and grafti representing actual sketches of astronomical calculations, dat-
ing from the second century B.C., have been found at Mero. Remains of
Merotic temples show that astronomical orientation was an important factor
in the layout of these structures. It is tempting to suggest that Greek and Roman
visitors to Mero, impressed by their discoveries at the southern periphery of
the world, circulated the belief that astrology was an Ethiopian gift to mankind
and gave rise to further speculation that a number of Egyptian institutions had
an Ethiopian origin.
Much of what has sometimes been classied as an idealization of Ethiopi-
ans, when not actually a reection of facts, may have been based on reports of
what Herodotus heard at Elephantine or of informants such as the Ethiopian
ambassadors with whom Diodorus spoke. Ethiopian partisans would certainly
have emphasized the justice of the southerners cause and their efforts to pro-
tect their country from foreign exploitation. Sympathetic references to
rrax sownt z
Ethiopian justice and resistance to foreign aggression such as those of
Herodotus, Diodorus, and Seneca, therefore, should perhaps be regarded as a
tribute to the objectivity of classical writers in recording the Ethiopian point of
view rather than as the idealization of an unknown, distant people. Finally, the
Greco-Roman image of blacks, even if at times idealized or not always based on
historical fact, must have had an enormous impact on the day-to-day attitudes
toward blacks. What is signicant is not the objective truth of ancient reports,
but the frame of mind that made them possible. Perceptions are often inuen-
tial in shaping social attitudes and are important factors to be considered in as-
sessing the Mediterranean view of blacks.
Nubia was perceived by its contemporaries as an independent country, rich
in coveted resources, inhabited to a large extent by dark-skinned and Negroid
peoples, who from time to time played a signicant role in the international pol-
itics of the day. Nubia as a military power on the periphery of the Mediter-
ranean world was by far the most prominent feature of the ancient prole of
blacks. The ability of Nubia, a nation of skilled archers, to defend itself from
foreign exploitation gained the respect of its enemies, even of Egyptians and
Assyrians in spite of the often exaggerated and contemptuous claims of their
ofcial accounts. The services of Ethiopian warriors undoubtedly won the
gratitude of others for whose causes they fought in various parts of the
Mediterranean world. The Twenty-fth Dynasty was not only known among
contemporaries, but its accomplishments were considered worthy of note and
admiration by later chroniclers. The requests of Baal of Tyre and Hezekiah of
Judah for Napatan assistance illustrate Asiatic awareness of the dynastys inu-
ence. The Book of Nahum recalled the glory of the Napatan kingdom long
after its fall at the hands of Assyrians. That Taharqa was still regarded as a great
military leader six hundred years after his death is evident from Strabos list of
famed world conquerors.
It is important to emphasize that the overall, but especially the more detailed
Greco-Roman, view of blacks was highly positive. Initial, favorable impressions
were not altered, in spite of later accounts of wild tribes in the far south and
even after encounters with blacks had become more frequent. There was clear-
cut respect among Mediterranean peoples for Ethiopians and their way of life.
And, above all, the ancients did not stereotype all blacks as primitives defective
in religion and culture.
[From Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, ss,), o,.]
,o racisr intas
rniiir curri
The Africans Place in Nature
In its early stages, with little background in conscious or rationalized theory,
British consideration of African race and African culture was highly dispersed.
It was not a central problem discussed as such, but a peripheral question that
had to be taken into account by several groups of writers. The Negros place in
nature naturally had a role in whatever reporting came from Africa or the West
Indies. It was discussed from another point of view by biologists, who were just
then concerned with the problem of explaining human varieties. In quite an-
other context, men of letters used the convention of the noble savage for their
own purposes. Finally, the anti-slavery writers of a dominantly Christian and
humanitarian turn of mind were forced into a discussion of race by their efforts
to reform imperial policy.
Of these four groups, only the travel writers had adequate access to empiri-
cal data. Their information, therefore, had to serve the others as a store from
which they could draw as it suited their needs and interests. Travel reports con-
tained something for everyone, with accounts varying from the most bitter
condemnation of Africans and their way of life to an equally broad-minded tol-
erance. If there was a principal thread running through the whole body of in-
formation, it was one of moderate xenophobia. Slave traders, ofcials, and
planters were all men sent out to live in dangerous tropical conditions. They
were there to do a job, and one that necessarily brought them into contact with
alien peoples whose culture they did not understand. Their resentments were
those of foreign visitors in any country. In Africa they often thought they were
cheated, and they disliked the strangeness of African customs. In America they
took the slaves to be obstinate, rebellious, thievish, and lazywhich they prob-
ably were: these are the expected attributes of slaves in any society.
But for all their xenophobia, the travellers were unusually free of racial an-
tagonism. Most men connected with the slave trade, and even the West Indian
planters (to say nothing of the enlightened travellers with their ethnographic
and humane interests), were less inclined to emphasize racial factors than those
who stayed in England. This was especially true of their accounts of day-to-day
dealings with the Africans. In s,s, for example, sixteen recent visitors to West
Africa reported to a Privy Council Committee on the African trade. While most
of them had been concerned in one way or another with the slave trade, none
mentioned an assumed African racial inferiority as a bar to future development.
They had little respect for the African way of life, but those who belonged to the
Company of Merchants Trading to Africa had in Philip Quaque, their ofcial
Chaplain at Cape Coast, an African who was later the most highly paid man on
their staff, except the Governor himself.
The travellers often condemned individual Africans as bad menor all
Africans as savage menbut they left the clear impression that Africans were
men. The African way of doing things might be curious or unpleasant, but in-
dividual Africans were shown with abilities, faults, and virtues in much the
same proportion as Europeans. Merchants on the African coast (in contrast to
planters in the West Indies) dealt with Africans as partners in tradenot, per-
haps, equal partners, or the partners an Englishman might choose, but never-
theless men of substance whose views could not safely be ignored. Thus the
image of Africans in America was radically different from the stereotype of the
servile Africans of the Americas.
Moderate xenophobia, with emphasis on the fact of moderation, was repro-
duced in the popular attitude toward Africans in England, especially among those
in day-to-day contact. Negro servants who came to England from the colonies
were popular with their masters and were often valued by the aristocracy in pref-
erence to white servants. They were also popular with their European fellow-
servants, and with members of the English working class who came to know
them. Some racial tension was present, but it came from the normal distrust of
strangers, from sexual competition or the belief that Negroes took away employ-
ment from Englishmen. However wrong-headed these attitudes might be, either
on the Coast or in England, they arose from the practical concerns of one people
dealing with another. As such, they were in touch with social reality. Race as such
was a mark identifying the groupnot a cause of the groups other characteristics.
A different kind of attitude emerged when the travellers abstracted from
qualities of individuals and began to talk about the groupnot individual men
but the collective Negro. Reporting of this kind became increasingly common
in the s,sos, as the Africa interest felt itself threatened by the rise of the anti-
slave-trade movement. Several writers began to project a double image, rela-
tively friendly to individual Africans but unfriendly to the collective African.
Individuals in Norris Memoirs of the Reign of Bossa Ahadee, for example, are
clearly living portraits of men not especially different from men elsewhere,
while the African in his collective image is an inhuman savage.
As the element of political purpose made its appearance, so did a certain de-
gree of circularity between the works of travellers to Africa and those of theo-
rists in Britain. Lt. John Matthews, the pro-slavery author of an account of the
Coast in s,s,s,s,, wrote from what were ostensibly his own observations.
Some parts of his works were in the matter-of-fact tradition of earlier reports,
but some were clearly derived from Edward Long, an early scientic racist res-
ident in Jamaica, who had never visited Africa. Longs low assessment of the
Negros place in nature thus found its way into Matthews book, where it could
later be picked up as a piece of rst-hand evidence from Africa.
The tendency to write about the abstract and collective Negro was strongest
among biological writers, whose business it was to deal with abstractions of
,z racisr intas
this kind. Where the travellers set out to report what they saw, without the ne-
cessity of building their evidence into a system, the eighteenth-century biolo-
gists began with a system and used empiricism to make it as accurate as they
could. Their principal aim was to examine, classify, and arrange the whole order
of nature in a rational pattern.
This emphasis on the creation of a large-scale system tended to distract at-
tention from the systematic study of man. The rst concern of naturalists like
Linnaeus and Banks was the world-wide collection of specimens to build up a
picture of botany and the zoology of the lower animals, which made up the
largest part of the whole order of nature. No individual or group of scholars
was concerned with anthropology, dened a century later as that science
which deals with all phenomena exhibited by collective man, and by him alone,
which is capable of being reduced to law.
The physical structure of man be-
longed institutionally to anatomical studies, as a branch of medicine. Data
about human culture and society outside of Europe was collected by whatever
travellers happened to have the interest to write down what they saw. Analysis
of these data was mainly left to a rather vague and still-undifferentiated social
science, most often under the rubric of moral philosophy. The scientic study
of human varieties therefore fell by default to the biologists, as a kind of ap-
pendix to their general systems of nature.
The major eighteenth-century classications of nature began with Linnaeus
Systema Naturae, rst published in s,,,, and later revised with additions. This
work and its successors formed the basic framework of modern biological clas-
sication, and they were decidedly set in the eighteenth-century modes of
thought. One of the important items of intellectual lumber common to edu-
cated men was the ancient belief that God (or Nature, according to taste) had so
organized the world that all creation was arranged in a Great Chain of Being
that all living things could be classied and tted into a hierarchy extending
from man down to the smallest reptile, whose existence can be discovered only
by the microscope.
Since man had a place as the highest term on the scale, the varieties of
mankind had also to be taken into account, and the biologists assumed from the
beginning that they too could be arranged in hierarchic order. Linnaeus himself
included a racial classication, which changed slightly in different editions of his
work. Initially it was a simple system based on skin color, with a white, red, yel-
low, and black race, each of them placed on one of the four major continents. In
s,,s he divided genus homo into two species to make room for orang-outangs
and certain rumored wild men without speech. This later division seemed to be
called for by another assumption implicit in the Great Chain of Being: since
God in His perfection must have created a perfect hierarchy of living things, the
gap between any two creatures was not expected to be very greatnot, cer-
tainly, so great as that between man and the higher apes.
Other authorities used a four-fold classication like that of Linnaeus, or else
rniiir curri ,,
dropped back to the ancient and familiar Biblical distinction between the de-
scendents of Ham, Shem, and Japhet, and thus to a three-fold division. Or, the
three-fold division could be extended to ve by introducing mixed races. J. F.
Blumenbach of Gttingen worked with three primary races, the Caucasian,
Ethiopian, and Mongolian. American Indians were taken to be a mixture of
Caucasian and Mongolian, and a Malay race was supposedly a mixture of Mon-
golian and Ethiopian. Blumenbachs term Caucasian for the European variety
lasted into the twentieth century, but later authorities using the ve-fold system
adopted their own variants. Thus, John Hunter in England took the European,
American, and African to be three primary varieties, with two other mixed
races to ll out the scheme. By any of these systems of classication, the African
variety was always considered a primary stock, if only because of its skin color,
so strikingly different from that of Europeans.
Whatever the number of races, the second problem was to arrange them in
order of quality. Since there is no strictly scientic or biological justication for
stating that one race is higher than another, the criteria of ranking had to come
from non-scientic assumptions. All of the biologists gave some order of classi-
cation, but few of them stated their basis for doing so. Their unstated assump-
tions, however, were clear enough, even when they were not explicit. All of
them began by putting the European variety at the top of the scale. This was
natural enough, if only as an unthinking reection of cultural chauvinism. It
could be held to follow from their assessment of European achievements in art
and science, or even from the fact that God had given the One True Religion
to the whites. It was taken for granted that historical achievement was inti-
mately connected with physical formin short, that race and culture were
closely related.
[From The Image of Africa: British Ideas and Action 17801850 (London: Macmillan, so,),
xicnati taro
The Racializing of the World
A great many writers in France, Germany, Britain, and the United States, the-
ologians, anatomists, physiologists, ethnologists, poets, and travellers con-
tributed to the vigorous and confused debate about race and the historical
examination of it is still far from complete. Because race meant different
things to different writers, and was the source of much of the confusion, it is
more helpful to use the concept of type as a clue that leads through the maze.
In the sense that is relevant here, the concept of type originates with Cuvier in
the early years of the nineteenth century. It comes into English through one of
the major gures in the study of race, James Cowles Prichard, and quickly
, racisr intas
spreads, especially in the United States where it is built into the new doctrine
systematized in Nott and Gliddons book Types of Mankind, published in ss,.
Whether Gobineau should be seen as an expositor of this doctrine is less
straightforward. In his Essai sur lIngalit des Races humaines he made some use
of the doctrine of type, and in many books his essay on the inequality of races
is interpreted from this standpoint; but his essay has also been interpreted as ex-
tending the romantic conception of the complementarity of race in the course
of expounding a pessimistic political philosophy.
The notion of type was a convenient one because it was not tied to any par-
ticular classicatory level in zoology, so that it was easy to refer to the physical
types characteristic of particular nations, to types of cranial conformation, or
to say that a skull approximates to the Negro type without having to establish
just what that type was. This was appreciated at the time, for W. F. Edwards in
his important essay of ssz observed
In identifying a combination of well dened characters as a typea word which has the
same sense in ordinary speech and in natural historyI avoid all discussion about the
rank which a group so characterized will occupy in a general classication, since it suits
equally well the distinctions between variety, race, family, species, genus, and other cat-
egories yet more general. (ssz: sz,)
As the evidence about the diversity of human forms accumulated, more and
more writers tended to refer to various kinds of type, and, indeed, the con-
struction of typologies of various kinds became a characteristic of nineteenth-
century scholarship. The conception of racial types is more central to the
debate about race than is the attempt to classify the peoples of varying regions.
It contrasts sharply with the conceptual apparatus that Darwin made necessary,
and it remains at the core of a now discredited ideology of racial determinism
which looks like retaining some political signicance for the remainder of the
twentieth century.
At the beginning of the controversy the word race does not appear at all. In
the eighteenth century there had been a strong tendency to rank all the things in
the worldmineral objects, vegetables, and animals from the lowest to the high-
estas constituting a great chain of being. It was argued that each form shaded
imperceptibly into the next one so that it was arbitrary and misleading to sepa-
rate them into distinctive categories. The Swedish botanist Linnaeus, however,
produced a classication which won very general acceptance. Plants and birds
were identied rst as members of classes, then orders, then genera, and nally
species (though there might be varieties within species). Linnaeus introduced
the practice of naming species by two words of which the rst is the name of the
genus. Each genus and each species has only one correct name. Many scientists
of his day thought that a more systematic understanding of Gods creation took
them one step nearer to the Creator. Knowledge was growing rapidly and there
was a desire for synthesis that reached its height in the middle of the nineteenth
xicnati taro ,,
century. Medical studies of the anatomy and physiology of Europeans were be-
coming more systematic. Better reports were coming in about the physical char-
acter and the culture of men in distant parts of the world, and scientists were
beginning to make sense of the previously confusing evidence about the higher
apes and the reputedly lower varieties of Homo sapiens. [. . .]
Where did the theory of racial types come from? Evidence has been pre-
sented to suggest that the principal source lay in the complex of ideas about the
prehistory of the world and the origin of species, but it was inuenced by the
current state of very partial knowledge about peoples living outside Europe, by
the contemporary feeling almost of intoxication about the rate of material
progress in Europe and the context of racial contacts overseas in which most of
the authorities had made their observations of non-European peoples. There
are grounds for believing that the criticism of the slave trade stimulated West
Indian planters to develop doctrines of the racial inferiority of blacks in the clos-
ing years of the eighteenth century. The works of the egregious Edward Long
are regularly quoted in support of such an interpretation. But the evidence is
still far from satisfactory and it appears as if the theory of racial typology may
well have been more important to the spread of beliefs about natural inferiority.
James Cowles Prichard, who was a very sober observer indeed, commented in
sszo that in England black men from the West Indies were able to nd English
wives which is a proof, not only of their own good taste in this respect, but also
that our countrywomen, the lower orders of them at least have no invincible re-
pugnance to the negro race. Yet it is more interesting to note that when he went
on to ask whether the faculties of the mind . . . are less perfect in the Negro he
should have written
as far as I have had opportunities of collecting information on the subject, from the
most judicious observers, the result has been a most decided assurance that Negroes are
not by any means inferior in intellect to Europeans; at least that, in the sphere of action
in which they are placed, no such inferiority is displayed. This has been the almost uni-
form testimony of many intelligent planters and medical practitioners from the West
Indies, with whom I have conversed. Among the former, though this class of men has
often been accused of a sinister bias, their prejudices and interest leading them, as it is
said, to undervalue the Africans, I have not met with an individual out of a great num-
ber, who has not given a most positive testimony as to the natural equality of the
African Negro and the European. (Prichard, sszo: sz, s,,,s)
It would seem, therefore, that controversies about the slave trade may have had
only a limited effect upon the growth of racial doctrines in England and that the
more powerful developments came later in the nineteenth century.
The theory of racial typology which gathered together some of the specu-
lations of the earlier part of that century contained what can now be seen as
rather obvious mistakes. The mistaken theories in the eld of embryology
were fairly quickly rectied, as was the doctrine of the permanence of types in
its biological context and certain of the theories about hybridity. But theories
,o racisr intas
claiming that Negroes had a more limited brain capacity than whites, and that
the progress of civilizations was determined by underlying racial types, have
lasted longer and cause many readers to ask: who were these scholars? Was
there anything in their personal backgrounds which has a place in an explana-
tion of their errors?
The personal background to the theory of Joseph Arthur de Gobineau
(sssosssz) is certainly relevant. He was born into a bourgeois family with aris-
tocratic pretensions that had been devoted to the Bourbon dynasty and com-
pletely opposed to the aspirations of the French Revolution. His experiences of
family life, with both his mother and his wife, included much that was unhappy.
Gobineau attracted attention in a Parisian salon and earned a living from jour-
nalism until the Revolution of sss, after which he obtained a succession of
diplomatic appointments up to ss,,. The writer who has most carefully exam-
ined his racial theory, Michael Biddiss, believes that the dominant theme in his
work is that of pessimism. The human world was degenerating and its decline
could no longer be halted. The events of sss were compelling evidence of the
lengths to which the process had gone. The blood of the creative races had lost
its purity and therefore its power. Colonial expansion would only hasten the
self-destruction. Personal relations with non-Europeans seem not to have
played an important part in the theme of the Essay which he wrote without ever
having left Europe. In ss,,, when he rst came in contact with a black people, he
wrote home about the Somalis saying that never before had he seen creatures
so beautiful and perfect. Gobineaus own philosophy implied the negation of
meaningful political action and during his lifetime it was without inuence.
The reader who takes up Gobineaus four volumes expecting to nd there a doc-
trine suited to the claims of either the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie of his gen-
eration must be struck by its utter uselessness for such purposes.
Robert Knox (s,sssoz) was the son of an Edinburgh school teacher who
for some years pursued a promising medical career. He served as an army sur-
geon in Belgium and for three years in South Africa, afterwards establishing
himself as a very successful lecturer on anatomy in Edinburgh. His ideas about
race may well have been formed during the early sszos but in sszs there was a
mishap which cast a blight upon the remainder of his life. Medical teachers had
to obtain cadavers from some disreputable sources. Two men, Burke and
Hare, who were convicted of murder, had sold the body of one of the deceased
to an agent acting on behalf of Dr Knox and though he was formally cleared of
liability his position in Edinburgh became untenable. Thereafter he held only
occasional medical appointments and maintained himself for some periods by
writing and lecturing. The unhappiness he must have experienced may well ex-
plain the disjointed and dogmatic nature of his pronunciations upon race
when they appeared in book form. Though the opposite of a romantic, Knox
was politically a radical who implies that had the revolutionaries of sss pos-
sessed his insight, they could have moulded these events to their greater
xicnati taro ,,
advantage. But his book is muddled and certainly expounds no philosophy of
political action. He warns his readers that the future is not theirs to control ask
yourselves what climatic changes destroyed the mammoth, the ane-
plotherium, the dinotherium, the sivatherium? the shes of the ancient world?
the sourians? Man destroyed them not; yet their race is run. Why dies out, al-
most before our eyes, the apteryx? . . . The destroying angel walks abroad un-
seen, striking even at the races of men. He pours scorn on the delusions that
beset races when formed into powerful nations, in which hubris is so promi-
nent, sarcastically quoting a London sermon as evidence that Condorcets the-
ory of the advance of mankind towards perfection must be inapplicable to the
English since they are already perfect (ssoo: o,, ,,). The only sensible policy
it seems, in Knoxs eyes, was for each race to keep to itself within its natural
borders. [. . .]
Nor were racial theories used only to disparage coloured peoples. In India the
Aryan theory pointed to common ties between the British and the native popu-
lation rather than to a division between them, yet neither the British nor the In-
dians responded to it in any uniform manner. When Max Muller, the Oxford
professor of Sanskrit, used the Aryan theory to praise the culture of ancient
India and to emphasize the common descent of Englishman and Bengali, this
probably evoked no hesitations in Chelsea drawing rooms, for it seemed to
prove the providential nature of British rule in India. Englishmen in India were
less attracted to it, though Sir Henry Maine, who was at one time Law Member
of the Government of India (and himself a scholar who made little use of racial
ideas), remarked I myself believe that the government of India by the English
has been rendered appreciably easier by the discoveries which have brought
home to the educated of both races the common Aryan parentage of English-
man and Hindoo.
The message that the Englishman was an elder brother who had been sepa-
rated from some other members of his family and had now returned to help
them learn the skills he had acquired in his more extensive travels, was wel-
comed by some Indians, but the Brahmins had reason to fear its implications for
the claims to privilege within Hindu culture. Many Indian nationalists stressed
the superior political organization and spirituality of the Aryans. They used the
expression Aryan in a moral rather than a geographical sense, and without
much historical content. Some employed it as a rallying cry. In such ways its sig-
nicance was diluted, probably on account of its unacceptable presuppositions.
The Aryan theory would have denied equality to Indian non-Aryans, including
out-caste Dravidians, tribal people, Muslims and Jews. Though some national-
ists were not averse from this, the reformers may have been more impressed by
the desirability of claiming equal rights for all Asians and have opposed the
Aryan theory because it distracted attention from the true obstacles to unity.
Nor did the British nd that the racial aspect of the theory suited their political
ends very closely. To insist on the primacy of racial heredity was to imply that
,s racisr intas
British attempts at reform in India would be useless unless the racial character
of the population was changed. The myth of the Aryan past was more service-
able, for it tted with the mid-Victorian belief in progress and could represent
the British as the most progressive branch of the most progressive race. That
same myth also validated the claim that British rule in India was merely a fam-
ily reunion, justifying it to Hindu audiences. But it is just as important to note
that, for one reason or another, British ofcialdom made almost no use of the
Aryan theory with respect to India in the period ss,o,o and that thereafter it at-
tracted relatively little ofcial attention.
The study of the processes by which racial categories were developed and
applied should also comprehend the intellectual response of black people
which is early evident in works such as James Africanus Beale Hortons West
African Peoples and Countries of ssos. In this volume by an Edinburgh-trained
doctor from Sierra Leone, one chapter is devoted to the false theories of mod-
ern anthropologists. It presents evidence in conict with the theories of Knox,
Vogt, and contemporary typologists. Soon afterwards a West Indian-born
scholar who entered the diplomatic service of Liberia, Edward Wilmot Bly-
den, brought together some of his essays in Christianity, Islam and the Negro
Race (sss,), an impressive volume expounding arguments which can best be
seen as reactions to racial typology. Blyden wrote: each of the races of
mankind has a specic character and a specic work. The science of Sociology
is the science of race. Nations were forming along racial lines, and Negroes,
though equal to whites, would never resemble them (sss,: , szz, z,,). Across
the Atlantic a similar response can be seen in Froudacity, the book in which a
black Trinidadian, J. J. Thomas, attacked J. A. Froudes account of the English
in the West Indies. He asked: What is it in the nature of things that will oust
the African race from the right to participate, in times to come, in the high des-
tinies that have been assigned in times past to so many races that have not been
in anywise superior to us in the qualications, physical, moral and intellectual,
that mark out a race for prominence amongst other races? (sss: ssoss).
Replies such as these did not challenge the assumption that every man pos-
sessed racial attributes. They accepted it, but maintained that Europeans had
been in error in their application of the theory. Nor did they draw upon the
ideas that went into racial theories in order to build a political programme. In
Sierra Leone and Trinidad this was scarcely necessary, for political change could
easily take place within the structures fashioned under colonialism. Africans
could respond to their political subordination by creating movements that
brought together into nations congeries of peoples which might previously
have been distant but were already conscious of their separately belonging to-
gether as peoples. As nationalism was so respectable an ideology in European
political philosophy, there was rarely anything to be gained by appealing to
race. In the United States the picture was more complex; but from the sssos the
theme of race pride was increasingly stressed by black leaders and the belief
xicnati taro ,
that Negroes like every other race, had distinctive but complementary qualities
was voiced by them and by some of their white sympathizers.
[From The Idea of Race (London: Tavistock, s,,), z,, ,,, ooz.]
otorot xosst
Eighteenth-Century Foundations
Eighteenth-century Europe was the cradle of modern racism. The major cul-
tural trends of that century vitally affected the foundations of racist thought.
This was the age of Enlightenment, during which an intellectual lite at-
tempted to substitute an emphasis upon mans inherent reason and virtue for
the ancient superstitions of the past. The Enlightenment was a revolution in
aesthetic and intellectual tastes and conventions, but it found a specic focus in
the revolt against Christianity. Christianity was regarded as synonymous with
ancient superstitions, and Voltaires cry, crasons linfme, was echoed by
many other writers. The enlightened turned to the classics for inspiration and
support in their revolt. But while they sharpened their critical minds on Greek
and Roman models, Christianity proved to be alive and well for the mass of the
The eighteenth century was also a time of religious fervor and revival.
Pietism on the continent of Europe and evangelism in England spanned the
eighteenth century, running parallel to the Enlightenment. These movements
stressed the need for an emotional Christian commitment, and displayed the
yearning for true community in the notion of fellowship and a religion of the
heart. The tension between the Enlightenment and this underlying Christian-
ity characterized much of the century during which modern racism was born
and nurtured. European racism was fed by both trends, despite their conict.
The Enlightenment and the Pietistic and moralistic atmosphere would impress
their stamp equally on racist thought.
The Enlightenment was also characterized by a radical attempt to dene
mans place in nature. Nature and the classics were thought vital for a new un-
derstanding of mans position in Gods universe and were therefore taken as set-
ting new standards of virtue and beauty. Thus from the outset of this sweeping
inquiry into the nature of man and the universe, natural science and the moral
and aesthetic ideals of the ancients joined hands. Indeed, these two crucial com-
ponents were so bound together that it is impossible to separate the inquiries of
the Enlightenment philosophes into nature from their examination of morality
and human character.
Science and aesthetics inuenced one another reciprocally. In large measure,
the scientic endeavor was directed toward a classication of the human races
according to their place in nature and the effect of the environment. The be-
o racisr intas
ginning of the new science of anthropology during the second half of the cen-
tury was based upon the attempt to determine mans exact place in nature
through observation, measurements, and comparisons between groups of
men and animals. Moreover, the quest for unity and harmony in the affairs of
man and the cosmos led to belief in the unity of body and mind. This, in turn,
was supposed to express itself in a tangible, physical way, which could be mea-
sured and observed. Both phrenology (reading the skull) and physiognomy
(reading the face) had their origins in the last decade of the century.
But these observations, measurements, and comparisons that were basic to
the new eighteenth-century sciences were combined with value judgments fol-
lowing aesthetic criteria derived from ancient Greece. The Enlightenment pas-
sion for the new sciences and the reliance upon the classics as authority were
fused in this manner. Whatever the physical measurements or comparisons
made, in the last resort the resemblance to ancient beauty and proportions de-
termined the value of man. This continuous transition from science to aesthet-
ics is a cardinal feature of modern racism. Human nature came to be dened in
aesthetic terms, with signicant stress on the outward physical signs of inner ra-
tionality and harmony. Scientic classication was based upon the subjective
ideals of the Enlightenment.
As it grew up, racism would also make contact with evangelism and pietism,
which combined to form the second fundamental trend of the century. Here the
need for an authentic and signicant experience of God found an outlet in a Chris-
tianity marked by the call to give oneself to Christ. This was also bound up with
the ideal of living a Christian life of love for ones neighbor as part of a renewed
sense of community. Through printed tracts and preaching, an emotive atmos-
phere was created, very different from the rationalist Enlightenment of the intel-
lectuals. From our point of view, this meant an emphasis upon the instincts, upon
intuition, and upon the emotional life of the inner man which would eventually
lead to racial judgments about mans soul. A longing for coherence, for commu-
nity, and for an ideal in the face of a changing world was always to the forefront.
In short, racism had its foundations both in the Enlightenment and in the re-
ligious revival of the eighteenth century. It was a product of the preoccupation
with a rational universe, nature, and aesthetics, as well as with the emphasis
upon the eternal force of religious emotion and mans soul. It was part, too, of
the drive to dene mans place in nature and of the hope for an ordered, healthy,
and happy world. Eventually, the racist outlook fused mans outward appear-
ance with his place in nature and the proper functioning of his soul. Thus, reli-
gious emotion became integrated in racism as part of the racial soul.
Nevertheless, at rst the Enlightenment concept of God and of the unity of
human nature played a dominant role in the emergence of racism. We must
therefore undertake a deeper examination of the Enlightenment before return-
ing to the Pietistic contributions. [. . .]
The foundations of racism were strengthened by two additional factorsthe
otorot xosst s
growing contact between white and black, and the introduction into Europe of
the Jews as a newly emancipated minority. As a result of travel, knowledge
about Africa and the West Indies had increased; moreover, a number of blacks
had lived in England for some time. Jews, of course, had always lived in Europe,
but since the sixteenth century they had been herded into ghettos and separated
from the rest of the population. Indeed, the Jewish nation (as it was commonly
and revealingly called, with its different dress, customs, religion, and language,
was the only sizable group of a foreign people in Christian Europe. But toward
the turn of the nineteenth century, thanks to the Enlightenment and the French
Revolution, many ghetto walls fell and Jews entered into European life, while at
the same time the contact with blacks became more frequent.
The growing intensity of contact with other peoples was what mattered.
Those strangers who were rare in Europe and whose home was barely known
were regarded with benign curiosity. Thus, a Chinese partook of the character
of a sagean image popularized by the Jesuits. Chinese in Europe were a nov-
elty, much honored wherever they went. Moreover, they benetted from the
Chinese vogue in the mid-eighteenth century: Chinese gardens, Chinese porce-
lain, even mock Chinese villages. The Chinese seemed to complement and ex-
tend the roccoco and baroque world of illusion. The noble savage had also for
a period fullled this function, but familiarity and greater contact bred con-
tempt and fear of ever present Negroes and Jews. Eventually, the Chinese too
were drawn into the racist picture. Comte Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, one of
the most famous racial theoreticians of the mid-nineteenth century, was to set
the tone for a hostile view of the yellow races, but by that time there had been a
vastly extended contact between Europe and the Orient. Thus, it is untrue that
sentiments about black inferiority could have existed without contact with
blacks, or that anti-Jewish feelings could have persisted even where there was no
knowledge of Jews. The reverse was actually the case. People needed to see the
frightening stranger, so supposedly different from themselves, with their own
There was, for example, a direct connection between the ways Englishmen
regarded their blacks at home and abroad in the Empire. The number of blacks
in London increased during the eighteenth century, and the fears about inter-
marriage and violence at home reected the vision of blacks in Africa or the
West Indies. They were regarded less as exotic than as objects for education and
discipline. Attempts were made to inculcate in them the proper morality and to
imbue them with the gospel of work. If, at times, the English at home reduced
the black to the level of an ignorant beast and even held some as slaves, the view
of the slave as a chattel in Africa or the West Indies was modied by efforts at
their conversion to Christianity. Nevertheless, there were clear signs of a crys-
talization of racial feeling, and the fear that English blood might be tainted
through intermarriage became increasingly widespread.
Similar views of the Negro prevailed among anthropologists conversant
z racisr intas
with travel reports. Thus Blumenbach, writing from Germany, accused Ne-
groes of extremism, lack of a sense of proportion, and lack of culture. But he
still believed that the Negro, like everyone else, was created in the image of God
and therefore should not be treated brutally.
Christian missionaries shared such
compassion. The racial attitude toward the black was not yet clear-cut, though
he consistently ranked low whenever men were classied.
The Jews were either ignored by anthropologists during most of the eigh-
teenth century or considered part of the Caucasian race, and still believed cap-
able of assimilation into European life. Even a champion of their emancipation
such as Wilhelm Christian Dohm thought that Jews were Asiatic by origin. But
in s,ss Dohm declared that Jews were capable of enlightenment and should be
assimilated. Ideas of cosmopolitanism, equality, and toleration operated for the
Jew as they could not for the Negro; after all, the Jew was white. Typically for
the age, Johann Kaspar Lavater, in classifying human faces toward the end of
the eighteenth century, gave the Jews aquiline noses and pointed chins; even so,
he admitted that he did not know how to classify them properly, and in the end
gave up.
Indeed, only after the mid-nineteenth century was racism applied to
Jews with any consistency.
No one seemed to feel such ambiguity toward blacks. Blacks, unlike Jews,
had a xed lowly position in the great chain of being. No longer were they the
noble savages with virtue fraught. More often they were considered close to
the animal world. It was thought no coincidence that the gorilla had its home in
Africa side by side with the black; travelers had popularized the notion that
there must be a close relationship between apes and blacks. Anthropologists
chimed in, especially when aesthetic judgments came to the fore. Peter
Camper, writing in s,z, was not the only anthropologist to compare the skulls
of apes and Negroes. But here the great chain of being also intruded: was the
black the missing link between animal and man? The chain must be kept com-
plete. If there was a gap, lower creatures must be promoted one step in order to
ll the void. Thus, for example, apes might become the lowest type of man, so
providing the missing link: Inferior orders in succession rise to ll the void
The English anthropologist Edward Tyson had posited the Pygmies as this
link in so. He criticized the ancients for seeing Pygmies as human when in fact
they were more akin to animals. Signicantly Tyson, a physician and a fellow of
the Royal Society, based his arguments on classical mythology.
The concept of
the man-beast had never vanished from Europe. It was widely believed that apes
were, in fact, not a totally different species but a lower species of man, who re-
fused to speak in order not to become slaves. For Tyson, Pygmies were apes be-
cause of their at noses and their small stature. This latter point was repeated
by others as proof of the animal nature of these blacks, even when such schol-
ars as Camper and Buffon attempted to demonstrate that apes were a different
species from man. But in spite of basic differences between man and ape,
otorot xosst ,
Camper still believed the Negro to be closer to monkeys than the rest of the
human race. He cited as his reason the Negros appearance, as well as skull mea-
surements, but in reality the aesthetic criterion was paramount, as it was for
Tyson. Most anthropologists equated small stature with racial inferiority: Size
is the characteristic of Caucasian nobility, wrote Christian Meiners.
shape was also a determinant for the black, whose at nose was taken, once
again, as proving closeness to the animal world, while the so-called hooked Jew-
ish nose likewise became an outward sign of the absence of inward grace.
The reconstruction of the chain of being was an exercise in which many
eighteenth-century anthropologists joined. Thus, Meiners posited a hierarchy
from the lowliest creatures, through apes, through the legendary Negro of the
forest, to Hottentots, Bush-Negroes, and aborigines, and further to the yel-
low races and Slavs, until he arrived at the white race which was the master of
the world. That he believed in the inevitable decline of the superior race
through miscegenation makes him, in fact, a forerunner of Gobineau. Always
the outward beauty of form was adduced as one of the most important ways of
classifying the species within the hierarchy of the universe.
Characteristically, as these examples show, diverse notions were combined in
such classications: the natural order, ancient mythology, travelers tales, and
aesthetic prejudice. At the same time, the cosmopolitanism of the Enlighten-
ment and its pull toward environmental theories of human behavior tended to
counteract idealist and Romantic prejudice. Man was a part of nature, and the
laws of nature themselves must produce the observable differences between
groups of men. If, as Locke thought, all ideas were acquired and not inherited,
racial differences were chance variations. Because nature, man, and indeed all
the world are formed in the image of God, and are pregnant with possibilities,
the Negro could not be doomed or regarded as inferior. Blumenbach was not
the only early anthropologist who stated such a belief, for Lamarck and Buffon
also lent their weight to this view.
Despite the ambivalence of these scientists, and because of the equally
strong pull toward subjective judgments of permanent superiority and inferi-
ority, for a time science and aesthetic presuppositions existed side by side. The
world of ideal-types, of myth and symbol, was given its dynamic through con-
cepts basically opposed to the Enlightenment: pietism, evangelism, and pre-
romanticism. The link between the Enlightenment and such a world view was
forged by anthropologists who in their racial classications would pass from sci-
ence to art.
[From Toward the Final Solution: A History of European Racism(Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, ss,), s,, szso.]
racisr intas
rtoiain norsxa
Superior and Inferior Races
Although American intellectuals in sss, generally accepted the environmental
view of racial differences which they had inherited from the European Enlight-
enment, there were already signs that informed American opinion was ready to
provide a scientic rationale for what was believed by many of those in direct
contact with blacks and Indians. In providing this rationale American scientists
were clearly participating in a general interest in racial differences that domi-
nated western thought by the ss,os; but they were also responding to needs
within American society itself. By the ssos the American theorists on race were
providing a mass of material defending innate differences between races; these
ideas were sweeping all before them in America and were being used in Europe
by those who were challenging the long-established views on the unity of the
human race.
As early as ssos Dr John Augustine Smith attacked Samuel Stanhope Smiths
environmentalism in college lectures in New York city, but the rst well-
publicized onslaught was that of Dr Charles Caldwell. Caldwell was an opin-
ionated and argumentative physician, who from ssss to the middle of the
century consistently and loudly defended the cause of innate racial differences.
He published a great deal on a variety of subjects and lectured extensively
throughout the country. A North Carolinian who had received his medical edu-
cation at the University of Pennsylvania, Caldwell was professor of natural his-
tory at that university before moving to Kentucky in sss. There he became a
prominent member of the medical profession, rst at Transylvania University
and from ss,, on at a new medical school he founded in Louisville.
Caldwell rst attacked Smiths views in ssss and was unrelenting in his on-
slaught on environmentalism. He later called Smiths Essay one of the most fal-
lacious productions I have ever perused. The crux of Caldwells objection was
that races could not be altered by environment, and he quickly found himself
the center of controversy as the religious orthodox claimed he was attacking
the idea of the original unity of the human race, which meant, of course, a chal-
lenge to Genesis. In later articles Caldwell denied attacking religion, simply
stating that climate could not account for the distinction between races; divine
involvement had been needed. During the next forty years most American sci-
entists who argued for innate, irreversible differences between races tried to
avoid a direct attack on the Bible. Often they argued that because God had orig-
inally created Adam and Eve he could also have interposed at a later date to cre-
ate racial diversity. This usually did not satisfy the religious orthodox, who
correctly surmised that any attack on the unity of the human race would ulti-
mately bring a direct challenge to Genesis. Many of Samuel Stanhope Smiths
friends and supporters never forgave Caldwell for his attack on the environ-
mental theory, for they connected Smiths death in sss with his distress at the
attack. [. . .]
The most inuential American scientic writing defending innate racial dif-
ferences was not to appear until after ss,, but public assertions of the existence
of superior and inferior races increased rapidly in the ss,os. At rst the main sci-
entic evidence was advanced by those interested in phrenology, which in the
ss,os had an intellectual as well as popular vogue in the United States. When
Spurzheim traveled to the United States in ss,z, he was received enthusiastically
by many of the eastern intellectual elite, and when the visit ended in his unex-
pected death, his Boston funeral was a major public occasion. The intellectual
interest continued until the extensive American lecture tour of George Combe
at the end of the decade. Only in the ssos did scholarly opinion begin to move
away from phrenology as the practical phrenologists emphasized the com-
mercial and fortune-telling aspects of the readings of heads and bumps.
Like their European contemporaries, the American phrenologists were opti-
mistic about the possibilities of improvement for those who had a sound basic
structure of the brain; but they also argued that nonwhite races had structures
that were fundamentally decient, and that they could not be developed to the
level of the white brain. Most phrenologists ignored the problem of the origi-
nal unity or multiplicity of races and simply asserted that physical comparison
of the head or skull of the different races revealed basic differences. In the sszos
and ss,os the phrenologists were in the vanguard of those who perceived innate
physical differences between the races, and although their specic analysis of
the brain was eventually rejected by American scientists, they at rst exerted
considerable inuence by their supposed empirical comparison of physical
structure. Until the ssos many Americans of impeccable scientic reputation
thought that phrenology was a valid approach to the physical comparison of in-
dividuals and races.
One of the rst general American works of phrenology was that of George
Calvert in ss,z. Calvert carefully listed thirty-ve faculties, represented in dif-
ferent parts of the brain, that controlled a variety of human thoughts, desires,
and emotions. He emphasized that the general phrenological doctrine was that
a small brain could not manifest a powerful mind; the mind could be developed
by education, but its effects were limited by the original organization: No skill
or education or control of outward circumstances could ever enlarge to excel-
lence the intellectual capacity of an individual with a brain like that of the New
Hollander; nor depress to inferiority that of an individual with one like Gthe.
The accusation of inferior basic organization was typical of the analyses of the
phrenologists and affected writings that were not specically phrenological in
type. In a general work on the connection between religion and health,
Amariah Brigham pointed out in ss,, that the dark colored races (he included
the American Indian) had been unreceptive to the missionaries because their
o racisr intas
physical organization was unsuitable. A basic element in this decient organi-
zation was the organ of the mind. In the dark races of man, the anterior and su-
perior portions of the head were depressed. Accordingly, although
improvement, and even great improvement, was possible, this would take gen-
erations and even centuries.
It was neither circumstances nor environment but
specic, inherent physical differences that accounted for the failure of the non-
Caucasian races to achieve Christianity and civilization. Phrenologists helped
convince many other scientists as well as laymen that there were specic differ-
ences between races.
The intellectual defense of innate racial differences received a further boost
in the ss,os by the widespread southern defense of slavery. Southern apologists
of the institution developed an array of arguments to demonstrate specic and
permanent Negro inferiority. The tacit assumptions of Negro difference and
inferiority which had permeated the colonial period now for the rst time were
shaped into a coherent racial theory. It is a commonplace to point out that the
catalyst for this southern defense of its institution was the launching of a north-
ern abolitionist attack in the ss,os, and this certainly stimulated vigorous south-
ern rebuttals; but in a larger sense the Southerners were sharing in, and taking
advantage of, the general shift toward racialist thinking in Europe and the
United States. This racialist thinking was used to justify far more than the south-
ern institution of slavery. It served to defend the subordination or even exter-
mination of non-European peoples throughout the world and was believed by
Europeans to explain the ever-increasing gulf in power and progress that sepa-
rated them from the peoples they were overrunning. The overt intellectual ar-
gument for innate black inferiority was being developed in America before the
full surge of abolitionism, it was not restricted to the South in the ss,os and
ssos, and it was not peculiar to those who wished to defend slavery. [. . .]
As Southerners in the ss,os became increasingly sensitive on the subject of
slavery, they were able to take comfort in the variety of writings in both Europe
and the United States that were challenging the belief in innate human equality.
When in ss,, Richard H. Colfax put out a pamphlet to combat the views of the
abolitionists, he went to a number of European authoritiesincluding Lord
Kames, Voltaire, and Sir William Lawrencewho had emphasized the sharp
differences among the races of mankind, and he expressed his disagreement
with both Blumenbach and Dr Samuel Stanhope Smith. The essence of Col-
faxs argument was that as the Negroes were of a distinct species no change in
their circumstances could make them equal to the whites. There never existed
a tribe of whites, he wrote, who were characterized by as much grossness of
intellect, listless apathy, sluggishness, and want of national and personal pride,
as even the most rened Africans.
European racial arguments attracted con-
siderable interest in the South, and in ss,, J. H. Guenebault to South Carolina
selected those portions of J. J. Vireys Histoire naturelle that related to blacks and
reissued them as the Natural History of the Negro Race. [. . .]
rtoiain norsxa ,
By the late ssos the racial question was at the heart of scholarly discussion in
the United States, and a variety of writers tried their hand at reconciling racial
diversity and religion. The concept of racial inequality had clearly carried the
day, but some scholars and many clergymen and laymen were still anxious that
the new theories should somehow be reconciled with the account in Genesis.
The most general disagreement with Nott and Morton was not that they had di-
vided the world into superior and inferior races, but that in adopting polygene-
sis as the original reason for racial differences, they had challenged the Mosaic
account of Creation. When Charleston minister and naturalist John Bachman
presented a comprehensive defense of the unity of the human species in the
early ss,os, he had no intention of arguing for Negro equality; he simply main-
tained that the obvious differences between the races had been brought about
by a process of variation that had become permanent.
For early Christians, Ethiopia represented the most remote and dramatically
o isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
other nation of the known world. In the New Testament the rst baptism of a
non-Jew occurs when Philip the deacon, traveling south through the Gaza
desert, encounters an Ethiopian eunuch riding in a chariot. The eunuch, who
held great authority under Ethiopias Queen Candace and was in charge of her
treasure, had been to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. Philips conversion
and baptism of the Ethiopian became an enduring symbol for Christianizing
the world. The theme appeared in Christian iconography from the third cen-
tury on and was especially popular in northwestern Europe in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries. The mixture of races in early Christian Egypt probably
reinforced the appeal of universal evangelism. For example, Saint Menas, the
patron saint of Alexandria, was sometimes depicted with Negroid features on
the ampullae sold to pilgrims; in the Nubian states, which became Christianized
during the seventh and eighth centuries, Menas appeared for a time as a black
warrior-protector, similar to Saint George. By the end of the fourth century,
Ethiopian Christians were making pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Ethiopian
Christians also captured indel white slaves in the Arabian Peninsula and sup-
plied black slaves to the labor markets of the Lower Nile. By the seventh cen-
tury, when Islam began expanding beyond Arabia, the presence of numerous
black slaves in Egypt and the Mideast by no means suggested that bondage was
becoming a racial institution. And for Muhammad and his early Arab followers,
some of whom referred to themselves as black, all human beings were poten-
tial converts and brethren; skin color could not signify either a sinful or a pious
It is probable that color symbolism derived in part from astrology, alchemy,
Gnosticism, or various forms of Manichaeism inuenced Christian and Muslim
attitudes toward black people. Until far more research has been done on this
subject, one must be extremely cautious in relating black demonology to any
changes in the actual enslavement or treatment of Africans. It is clear that pa-
tristic writers equated Ethiopians with the cosmic forces of sin and darkness
and hence with the human struggle for redemption and salvation. Origen, the
head of the catechetical school in Alexandria in the early third century, intro-
duced into patristic literature the allegorical themes of Egyptian blackness and
spiritual light. Didymus the Blind, who in the fourth century held the same po-
sition in Alexandria that Origen had previously occupied, asserted that those
who fall beneath the stroke of Gods sword are the Ethiopians, because they all
share in the malice and sin of the Devil, from whose blackness they take their
name. He also spoke of the necessity of wounding the Ethiopians for their
own good and pictured their loss of sonship with the Devil as a cleansing and
washing that would make them whiter than snow. Jean Marie Courts and
Jean Devisse have documented the prevalence in early Christian symbolism of
Ethiopian demons and tempters, often described as ugly and evil smelling, who
represented the spirit of vanity, idolatry, or fornication. The fact that Nubian
and Ethiopian Christians adhered to the Monophysite doctrine that Christ has a
navin trio navis o,
single nature strengthened the image of heresy in Byzantine and Roman eyes,
an image later conrmed by Africas association with Islam. As Devisse puts it:
The linking together of the four ideasblack, other, sinner, dangerousruns
throughout all the manifestations of medieval Western Christian thought. The
Saracen, the enemy in the epic poems, and the bird that distracts the saint at
prayer are black. Gernot Rotter has also shown that Arab writers, sometimes
drawing on astrological theories, depicted terrifying demons with Negroid
traits and described gigantic Africans as black as Satan.
But the association of blackness with death, danger, evil, and grief has been
common to many cultures, and it is simplistic to assume that such symbolism
accounts for the growing Muslim and Christian conviction that black Africans
were in some way made to be slaves. The rst objection, as we have already
seen, is that Slavs and other light-skinned peoples were said to have all the slav-
ish characteristics later attributed to black Africans. The second objection is that
color symbolism is usually abstract, ambiguous, and reversible. The black dev-
ils and demons of early Christian iconography were usually pure fantasies, as
devoid of ethnic traits as the medieval Black Madonnas; yet in medieval Europe,
which Islam had largely sealed off from Africa, specically Negroid blacks
were depicted among the resurrected saints on the Day of Judgment and as
camel drivers or attendants in scenes of the Adoration. [. . .]
Color symbolism, like the garbled interpretations of the biblical curse of
Canaan, provided additional justication for new patterns of enslavement
shaped by the Islamization of the trans-Saharan caravan trade. For devout Mus-
lims the crucial and troublesome question was who could legally be enslaved.
Apart from Christian enemies who might be ransomed by their brethren, the
answer increasingly focused on pagan Africans or on blacks of presumably
pagan origin. Ironically, by enslaving or converting so many blacks and by im-
posing a barrier to Europes direct knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa. Muslims
contributed to Christian ignorance, mythology, and the tendency to identify
blacks with Christianitys mortal and indel enemy.
[From Slavery and Human Progress (New York: Oxford University Press, ss), ,z.]
wirnror n. jorna
First Impressions: Initial English Confrontation with Africans
When the Atlantic nations of Europe began expanding overseas in the sixteenth
century, Portugal led the way to Africa and to the east while Spain founded a
great empire in America. It was not until the reign of Queen Elizabeth that Eng-
lishmen came to realize that overseas exploration and plantations could bring
home wealth, power, glory, and fascinating information. By the early years of
the seventeenth century Englishmen had developed a taste for empire and for
oo isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
tales of adventure and discovery. More than is usual in human affairs, one man,
the great chronicler Richard Hakluyt, had roused enthusiasm for western
planting and had stirred the nation with his monumental compilation, The Prin-
cipal Navigations, Voyages, Trafques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Here
was a work to widen a peoples horizons. Its exhilarating accounts of voyages to
all quarters of the globe constituted a national hymn, a scientic treatise, a ser-
mon, and an adventure story.
English voyagers did not touch upon the shores of West Africa until after
s,,o, nearly a century after Prince Henry the Navigator had mounted the sus-
tained Portuguese thrust southward for a water passage to the Orient. Usually
Englishmen came to Africa to trade goods with the natives. The earliest English
descriptions of West Africa were written by adventurous traders, men who had
no special interest in converting the natives or, except for the famous Hawkins
voyages in the s,oos, in otherwise laying hands on them. Extensive English par-
ticipation in the slave trade did not develop until well into the seventeenth cen-
tury. Initially English contact with Africans did not take place primarily in a
context which prejudged the Negro as a slave, at least not as a slave of English-
men. Rather, Englishmen met Africans merely as another sort of men.
Englishmen found the peoples of Africa very different from themselves. Ne-
groes looked different to Englishmen; their religion was un-Christian; their
manner of living was anything but English; they seemed to be a particularly li-
bidinous sort of people. All these clusters of perceptions were related to each
other, though they may be spread apart for inspection, and they were related
also to the circumstances of contact in Africa, to previously accumulated tradi-
tions concerning that strange and distant continent, and to certain special qual-
ities of English society on the eve of its expansion into the New World.
The Blackness Without
For Englishmen, the most arresting characteristic of the newly discovered
African was his color. Travelers rarely failed to comment upon it; indeed when de-
scribing Africans they frequently began with complexion and then moved on to
dress (or, as they saw, lack of it) and manners. At Cape Verde, These people are all
blacke, and are called Negroes, without any apparell, saving before their privities.
Robert Bakers narrative poem recounting his two voyages to the West African
coast in s,oz and s,o, introduced the people he saw with these engaging lines:
And entering in [a river], we see
a number of blacke soules,
Whose likelinesse seemd men to be,
but all as blacke as coles.
Their Captain comes to me
as naked as my naile,
Not having witte or honestie
to cover once his taile.
wirnror n. jorna o,
Englishmen actually described Negroes as blackan exaggerated term
which in itself suggests that the Negros complexion had powerful impact upon
their perceptions. Even the peoples of northern Africa seemed so dark that Eng-
lishmen tended to call them black and let further renements go by the board.
In Shakespeares day, the Moors, including Othello, were commonly portrayed
as pitchy black and the terms Moor and Negro were used almost interchangeably.
With curious inconsistency, however, Englishmen recognized that Africans
south of the Sahara were not at all the same people as the much more familiar
Moors. Sometimes they referred to West Africans as black Moors to distin-
guish them from the peoples of North Africa.
The powerful impact which the Negros color made upon Englishmen must
have been partly owing to suddenness of contact. Though the Bible as well as
the arts and literature of antiquity and the Middle Ages offered some slight in-
troduction to the Ethiope, Englands immediate acquaintance with black-
skinned peoples came with relative rapidity. People much darker than
Englishmen were not entirely unfamiliar, but really black men were virtually
unknown except as vaguely referred to in the hazy literature about the sub-
Sahara which ltered down from antiquity. Native West Africans probably rst
appeared in London in s,,; in that year ve Negroes, as one trader reported,
were taken to England, kept till they could speake the language, and then
brought back again to be a helpe to Englishmen who were engaged in trade
with Africans on the coast. Hakluyts later discussion of these Africans suggests
that these blacke Moores were a novelty to Englishmen. In this respect the
English experience was markedly different from that of the Spanish and Por-
tuguese who for centuries had been in close contact with North Africa and had
actually been invaded and subjected by people both darker and more highly
civilized than themselves. The impact of the Negros colour was the more
powerful upon Englishmen, moreover, because Englands principal contact
with Africans came in West Africa and the Congo, which meant that one of the
lightest-skinned of the earths peoples suddenly came face to face with one of
the darkest.
In England perhaps more than in southern Europe, the concept of blackness
was loaded with intense meaning. Long before they found that some men were
black, Englishmen found in the idea of blackness a way of expressing some of
their most ingrained values. No other color except white conveyed so much
emotional impact. As described by the Oxford English Dictionary, the meaning of
black before the sixteenth century included, Deeply stained with dirt; soiled,
dirty, foul. . . . Having dark or deadly purposes, malignant; pertaining to or
involving death, deadly; baneful, disastrous, sinister. ... Foul, iniquitous, atro-
cious, horrible, wicked. ... Indicating disgrace, censure, liability to punishment,
etc. Black was an emotionally partisan color, the handmaid and symbol of
baseness and evil, a sign of danger and repulsion.
Embedded in the concept of blackness was its direct oppositewhiteness.
os isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
No other colors so clearly implied opposition, beinge coloures utterlye con-
Every white will have its blacke,
And everye sweete its sowre.
White and black connnoted purity and lthiness, virginity and sin, virtue and
baseness, beauty and ugliness, benecence and evil, God and the devil. White-
ness, moreover, carried a special signicance for Elizabethan Englishmen: it
was, particularly when complemented by red, the color of perfect human
beauty, especially female beauty. This ideal was already centuries old in Eliza-
beths time, and their fair Queen was its very embodiment: her cheeks were
roses in a bed of lillies. (Elizabeth was naturally pale but like many ladies then
and since she freshened her lillies at the cosmetic table.) An adoring nation
knew precisely what a beautiful Queen looked like.
Her cheeke, her chinne, her neck, her nose,
This was a lillye, that was a rose;
Her bosome, sleeke as Paris plaster,
Held upp twoo bowles of Alabaster.
By contrast, the Negro was ugly, by reason of his color and also his horrid
Curles and disgured lips and nose. A century later blackness still required
apology: one of the earliest attempts to delineate the West African as a heroic
character, the popular story Oroonoko (soss), presented Negroes as capable of
blushing and turning pale. It was important, if incalculably so, that English dis-
covery of black Africans came at a time when the accepted English standard of
ideal beauty was a fair complexion of rose and white. Negroes seemed the very
picture of perverse negation.
From the rst, however, many English observers displayed a certain sophisti-
cation about the Negros color. Despite an ethnocentric tendency to nd black-
ness repulsive, many writers were fully aware that Africans themselves might
have different tastes. As early as sozs one writer told of the Jetty coloured Ne-
groes, Who in their native beauty most delight,/And in contempt doe paint the
Divell white; this assertion became almost a commonplace. Many accounts of
Africa reported explicitly that the Negros preference in colors was inverse to
the Europeans. Even the Negros features were conceded to be appealing to
[From The White Mans Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States (New York:
Oxford University Press, s,), ,,.]
wirnror n. jorna o
otorot rrtnricxso
Social Origins of American Racism
The term racism has become a source of considerable confusion. In its limited,
precise, and original sense, racism is the doctrine that a mans behavior is de-
termined by stable inherited characters deriving from separate racial stocks and
usually considered to stand to one another in relations of superiority and inferi-
Racism, according to this denition, is a matter of conscious belief and
ideology and can be distinguished from prejudice, which is a matter of attitude
or feeling, and discrimination, which is a description of behavior. In recent pop-
ular discussion, however, racism has tended to lose this original meaning and to
become synonymous with patterns of action that serve to create or preserve
unequal relationships between racial groups. This, for example, is the sense in
which the expression white racism is now commonly used. One way to bridge
the gap between the academic and the popular meanings of the term racism is
to distinguish between the explicit and rationalized racism that can be dis-
cerned in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century thought and ideology and
the implicit or societal racism that can be inferred from actual social relation-
ships. If one racial group acts as if another is inherently inferior, this is racism in
the second sense, even if the group may not have developed or preserved a con-
scious and consistent rationale for its behavior. As will be plain from the histor-
ical survey to follow, implicit racism can exist without explicit racism; indeed,
events in the twentieth century suggest that societal racism can continue to
thrive long after ideological racism has been discredited in the educated circles
of a dominant group. Nevertheless, explicit or ideological racism is of some
historical importance and merits attention. By giving legitimacy to pre-existing
patterns of racial subordination, it strengthens a system and enables it to
counter serious ideological challenges, such as those which emanated from the
democratic revolutions of the eighteenth century and from the rise of bour-
geois democracy.
This dual denition of racism is broad, but not so broad as to make it impos-
sible to distinguish between genuinely racist societies and other inegalitarian
societies that may be manifestations of racial prejudice and discrimination but
that nevertheless cannot be described as racist in their basic character. Most
members of one racial group in a certain kind of biracial or multiracial society
may be in a de facto subordinate situation, even in slavery, and unfavorable
stereotypes about this group may be part of the dominant races mythology. Yet
such a society is not racist in the full sense of the word if the resulting status dif-
ferences can readily be justied on nonracial groundsas part of a generalized
belief in social hierarchy, for exampleand if the discrimination for reasons of
color is not consistently and universally applied to individual members of what
is, in a statistical sense, the socially inferior group. If some members of this
group can, despite their physical characteristics, achieve high status because of
such attributes as wealth, education, and aristocratic culture, there is evidence
of the overriding importance of nonracial status criteria. In such a situation,
race becomes only one factor in determining status, an attribute which can be
outweighed or neutralized by other factors. Students of comparative race rela-
tions will readily recognize that the pattern just described is one many ob-
servers have found to be characteristic of the biracial or multiracial societies of
Latin America. The Brazilian phrase money whitens sums up the values of a
society for which race is far from irrelevant as a basis of social classication but
which nevertheless does not draw a rigid color line or sanction behavior that
could be justied only on the grounds that blacks or mulattoes are innately infe-
rior to whites.
Unlike Brazil and other Latin American countries, the United States has been
a genuinely racist society. On the whole it has treated blacks as if they were in-
herently inferior, and for at least a century of its history this pattern of rigid
racial stratication was buttressed and strengthened by a widely accepted racist
ideology. Although few would deny that explicit or ideological racismthe for-
mal doctrine of inherent biological inferioritybecame popular at a relatively
late date in American history, recent historians have tended to see implicit or so-
cietal racism as having sprung up very early, partly because of certain pre-
existing European attitudes toward blacks which gave a special character to the
natural antipathy of English settlers toward any people who were obviously
strange and different. In this essay, I examine this proposition critically with an
eye to shedding some light on the following question: To what extent was
America really born racist as a result of pre-existing attitudes and to what extent
did it become so as a result of social, economic, and political developments that
took place well after the colonists initial contacts with Africans?
It is clear that among Englishmen there was indeed a vague prejudice against
blacks even before the rst colonists set foot in North America. As a result of
early contacts with Africa, Englishmen tended to associate blackness with sav-
agery, heathenism, and general failure to conform to European standards of civ-
ilization and propriety. Contributing to this predisposition to look upon Negroes
with disfavor were the conscious and unconscious connotations of the color
black. The association of black with evil was of course deeply rooted in Western
and Christian mythology; it was natural to think of Satan as the Prince of Dark-
ness and of witchcraft as black magic. On the unconscious level, twentieth-
century psychoanalysts have suggested, blackness or darkness can be associated
with suppressed libidinous impulses. Carl Gustav Jung has even argued that the
Negro became for European whites a symbol of the unconscious itselfof what
he calls the shadowthe whole suppressed or rejected side of the human psy-
che. The rudiments of such a complex may have manifested themselves in Eliz-
abethan England. A tendency to project upon blacks the kind of libidinous
sexuality that whites tried to suppress in themselves would certainly have been
otorot rrtnricxso ,s
helped along by a hazy and inaccurate knowledge of African sexual practices and
by a smirking consideration of what was implied by the fact that many Africans
went around completely or virtually naked. In Shakespeares Othello, Iago pur-
sues his vicious campaign against the Moor by skillfully playing on associations
of blackness with bestial sexuality, as well as on a sense of the unnaturalness of
interracial union. He tells Desdemonas father, for example, that an old black
ram/Is tupping your white ewe and that his daughter is covered with a Barbary
There is no question, then, that sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English-
men were predisposed to accept an unfavourable stereotype of the black char-
acter. But how signicant is this as an explanation for the development of
societal racism in the colonies? Recent sociological investigations suggest that
there is no simple cause-and-effect relationship between stereotyped opinions
about a given group and discriminatory actions or policies. It is quite possible
for individuals to have a generalized notion about members of another race or
nationality that bears almost no relation to how they actually behave when con-
fronted with them.
To provide a contemporary example, many Americans
who lived through World War II developed an extremely unfavourable set of
stereotyped opinions about Germans and Japanese, and as long as the war
lasted, these opinions were salient and action oriented. These stereotypes did
not dissipate immediately at the end of the war, but they ceased almost imme-
diately to be a reliable index of behavior. Individual Germans and Japanese
could now be encountered without great tension or embarrassment, and sup-
port could readily be aroused for ties with Germany and Japan that seemed to
benet the United States. What had changed was that Americans had ceased to
feel threatened by Germans and Japanese.
If a reduction of fear leads to greater tolerance, its increase promotes hostil-
ity. Phillip Mason, the British authority on race relations who rst discerned the
racial implications of Othello, has contended that fear may . . . act as a catalytic
agent in the creation of racial feeling, changing the nature of factors previ-
ously not actively malignant, such as the association of the metaphor of the
ideas of white and black with good and evil.
It seems likely that the stereotypes
about blacks and blackness held by some Englishmen on the eve of colonization
were opinions casually heldbeliefs that were not actively malignant and that
would not, under all circumstances, have led directly to societal racism. Good
evidence that this was indeed the case comes from a study of domestic servi-
tude in Great Britain in the eighteenth century. Although servants from the con-
tinent were the object of widespread hostility, blacks were popular with the
British lower classes and beneted from an almost complete lack of racial
The most obvious explanation for this state of affairs would seem to be
that there was no sense of a threat from the blacks, whereas the continental ser-
vants were associated with countries of origin that were international rivals of
Great Britain.
,z isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
The story of whiteblack relations in seventeenth-century America is the
story of an evolution toward societal racism. This development was not simply
the consequence of a priori attitudes or stereotypes, for here as elsewhere a cat-
alytic agent was required, and as usual the catalyst was fear, a fear that can be de-
scribed in social terms.
In order to comprehend what occurred, it is necessary to confront the vexed
question of the relationship between slavery and racism and to take account of
the chicken-and-egg debate among historians over which came rst in the
southern colonies, slavery or racial prejudice. The basic facts, as near as they can
be determined, would seem to be these: between sos and the soos, a small
number of blacks were introduced into Virginia as servants. Some, and per-
haps most, of these early arrivals were freed after a limited term of service,
somewhat in the manner of indentured servants (indigent white immigrants
who were bound to service for a limited period in payment for their passage to
the New World). By the soos, two trends had become evident: some blacks, but
no whites, were in fact being held in servitude for life; and fragmentary evi-
dence suggests that discriminatory practices seemed to set black servants off
from whites of similar statusfor example, Negro women, unlike white
women, were apparently used for eld work, and a Virginia statute of soo en-
joined masters to provide arms for all their servants except Negroes. By the
sooos, the status of slavery for some blacks was recognized in law and the rst
legislation was passed bearing on the subject of interracial marriage and sex re-
It is extremely difcult to say which came rst, whether slavery preceded
rudimentary forms of racial discrimination in Virginia or vice versa. Winthrop
Jordan has probably drawn the safest conclusion that can readily be deduced
from such data by arguing that slavery and race prejudice may have been
equally cause and effect, continuously reacting upon each other, dynamically
joining hands to hustle the Negro down the road to complete degradation.
perhaps the entire debate, in which Jordan provides what is clearly the last word,
is based on dubious premises. It has been assumed that the early development
of black slavery among English colonists in Virginia requires special explana-
tion because slavery in a strict sense no longer existed in Great Britain at the
time of settlement. But a comparison with other early seventeenth-century
British colonies suggests that the remarkable thing about Virginia was that all
immigrants were not regarded as slaves from the beginning. It seems likely that
the ten blacks who arrived in Barbados with the rst shipload of white settlers
in soz, were enslaved. In any case, the governor and the council of the island
proclaimed in so,o, when there were still only a relatively small number of
blacks, that all Negroes would serve for life unless they had specic contracts of
indenture. Similarly, the rst blacks to arrive in the Massachusetts Bay Colony
in so,s seem to have been regarded as slaves, although at that time, as we have
seen, there was still some ambiguity about the status of blacks in Virginia.
otorot rrtnricxso ,,
How can we explain this tendency of other colonies to assume from the be-
ginning that Negroes were slaves, despite the lack of positive law afrming such
a condition? First of all, it must be recognized that although slavery was not sanc-
tioned in the domestic law of Great Britain and did not in fact exist as a social con-
dition, neither was it expressly prohibited. As late as s,, a law had been passed
in England enslaving vagabonds. It had proved unworkable and was repealed
purely on economic grounds, because other forms of labor were cheaper. There
is no reason to assume that if slavery, even white slavery, had appeared protable
in seventeenth-century England, it would not have been introduced. It actually
took a series of judicial decisions in the changed ideological context of the eigh-
teenth century to establish that slavery was contrary to English common law. Be-
fore that time, there was no general bias against slavery as a condition; it was
widely assumed that, by one means or another, most men must be compelled to
work, and that coercion was the mainspring of any economic system. Further-
more, international law in the seventeenth century regarded slavery as licit and
as a proper condition for those who could be dened as captives of war, particu-
larly if they happened to be heathens. This was the legal basis of the participa-
tion of countries like Great Britain and the Netherlands in the international slave
trade, which was justied as a legitimate commerce in those captured in African
wars. It is no mystery, then, that when blacks arrived in most colonies, even those
of countries that no longer had slavery at home, they were readily seen as en-
slavable because of their origin in the international trade in heathen captives. To
explain what happened, we do not, therefore, have to assume that whites were
driven by intense racial prejudice. That blacks were physically vulnerable to en-
slavement, that there was no deep-seated bias against the institution, and that
there was an actual or anticipated need for labor could be explanation enough for
the development of black slavery in the colonies of European nations such as
Britain, the Netherlands, and France, each of which, unlike Spain and Portugal,
no longer practiced slavery at home.
Hence there would seem to be no obvious reason why the rst blacks who ar-
rived in Virginia were not automatically and universally regarded as slaves and
held lifetime servitude. They were products of the international slave trade
and, unlike most white immigrants, had neither a free background nor con-
tracts of indenture. Possible explanations for the fact that many were freed after
a limited term of service might include simple ignorance of their international
status or the lack as yet of any plans for general dependence on unfree black
labor. Conversion to Christianity may have been the path to freedom for some
Africans, since it was not denitely determined until later that converts could be
enslaved. In any case, it would appear that what really needs to be explained is
not that some blacks, of those who arrived before soo, were held to lifetime
servitude, but that some acquired free status despite their background and the
presence of selsh economic motives tempting white masters to take advan-
tage of their de facto vulnerability.
, isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
It would, of course, be absurd to argue that ethnic prejudice played no role in
the gradual degradation of blacks that took place in Virginia. Ethnocentrism
the tendency to discriminate against the stranger, the alien, the physically dif-
ferentis a virtually universal phenomenon in group contacts, and it is not
surprising that there were some early examples of this in Virginia. But Marvin
Harris is probably close to the mark when he contends that the Negroes were
not enslaved because the British colonists specically despised dark-skinned
peoples and regarded them alone as properly suited to slavery; the Negroes
came to be the object of virulent prejudices because they alone could be en-
In seventeenth-century Virginia, the vulnerability of blacks, as well as
international precedent, probably made them seem the logical candidates for
enslavement, even before there was any large-scale dependence on their labor
(Virginia did not in fact become a slave plantation society until the end of the
century). And a case can still be made for the thesis that virulent prejudices, as
compared to milder forms of ethnocentrism and stereotyping, followed in the
wake of enslavement and probably did not take full possession of the white
mind until slavery had become fully established as the basis of the economic
and social order. Earlier examples of what some historians have taken as indica-
tions of virulent prejudice are in fact ambiguous. Although Virginia passed a
law in sooz imposing a special ne for interracial fornication, it did not get
around to banning interracial marriages until sos. In Maryland, where slavery
and discrimination developed along nearly the same lines as Virginia, a law was
passed in soo that Winthrop Jordan has described as having banned interracial
Actually it only banned marriages between Negro slaves and
freeborne English women. It said nothing about marriages between whites
and free blacks, and it was explicitly motivated by a desire to prevent the off-
spring of unions between indentured servant women and male slaves from fol-
lowing the condition of the mother, as prescribed by law, and eventually
becoming free.
Indeed most evidence of full-throated indignation against miscegenation
before the soos can be explained in large part as a manifestation of the tradi-
tional desire to prevent intermarriage between people of different social sta-
tions, something that could be very inconvenient to masters of slaves and
servants. The resulting legislation was also a clear indication that marriage with
Negroes, even Negro slaves, was not deeply repugnant to freeborne English
women. If it had been, no law against it would have been necessary. Actually,
the tangled and complex history of Marylands efforts to regulate interracial
marriage from soo to s,s, provides some strong indications that a deep-seated
repugnance to intermarriage on grounds of race alone was slow to develop.
The act of soo sought to prevent the marriage of white women and Negro
slaves because of the legal complications developing from such unions, but the
law did not clearly state that such marriages could not take place; it merely pre-
scribed that the women involved, and their children, should henceforth be
otorot rrtnricxso ,,
slaves themselves. Far from preventing interracial liaisons, the law actually en-
couraged them, because it now became advantageous to masters to use their in-
uence to bring about such unions. Hence, reports a historian of the Negro in
Maryland, the terms of [white] servant women were brought up and the
women themselves were married to slaves apparently with a view to invoking
on them the penalties just recited.
Here then were southern slaveowners who
were willing for their own economic advantage to connive for the marriage of
white women and black men and, what was more, for the reducing of free-
borne whites to slavery in a way that was incompatible with the notion that
slavery was based strictly on race. In soss another law was passed, designed not
so much to prevent interracial marriages as to save white servant women from
being reduced to slavery. This law merely exempted such women from the pre-
scribed penalty for marrying a Negro slave when it could be demonstrated that
the marriage had been contracted at the instigation of the master. But interra-
cial marriages between white servant women and black slaves apparently con-
tinued to occur in Maryland until the early eighteenth century.
Another kind of evidence for the delayed development of societal racism in
the Chesapeake colonies can be deduced from what we know about the status
of free blacks. If free blacks and mulattoes are treated in a way that is not a-
grantly discriminatory, then it is clear that actual status and not race per se is the
basic determinant of social position. Such appears to have been generally the
case in seventeenth-century America. As might be expected, the most unequiv-
ocal evidence of such a state of affairs can be found in northern colonies that
were not evolving toward a slave-based economy. One study of the Negro in
seventeenth-century Massachusetts indicates that free blacks were accorded the
same basic rights as whites and were the victims of no signicant, discernible
social or economic discrimination. Even slaves enjoyed a semblance of equal
rights before the law.
One might, like Harmannus Hoetink, read the record differently and argue for
the centrality of somatic-norm imagesfor the importance of the aesthetic
s isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
dimension, as determined by the relative degree of pigmentation in different
European peoples.
For a class interpretation of the history of slavery, such a
reading could be assimilated with one qualication: prejudice, even if seen as
deriving from biological and aesthetic factors, would have to be linked to dis-
crimination and the genesis of racist ideology by some such mechanism as
Prado describes.
The specic patterns of race relations in the former slaveholding societies of
the New World represent the totality of each particular historical and ecologi-
cal experience. During the slave period three main patterns emerged: that of
the Southern United States, that of the Anglo-French Caribbean, and that of
Brazil (see chart below). These differences in pattern, presented here schemati-
cally and with deliberate simplication in order to dramatize a few main points,
can only be accounted for by a combination of historical and ecological inu-
ences. Only hopeless romantics think that Brazil is or has ever been free of racial
discrimination, but it does present a striking contrast to the United States. Some
tuott otovtst s,
Southern United States Anglo-French Caribbean Brazil
Caste system
Two-caste system of whites Three-caste system of whites, Fluid racial system: so many
and Negroes, the latter blacks, and coloreds (those of categories of mixture among
dened as anyone with some mixed blood). three races that only the
(amounts varied) Negro pure were clearly
blood.* delineated.
Class structure
Negro = slave. Free Negroes Roughly, coloreds formed a Small producers, artisans,
generally a pariah people with free middle class of traders, tradesmen, overseers, etc.,
limited social functions. artisans, small farmers, etc. generally drawn from a wide
In fact, some were slaves and range of mixed bloods.
many others planters,
bourgeois, and professionals
who were divided from whites
by caste, not class; others
shared class position of poorer
Race relations
Virulent racism, probably Strong race prejudice, softened Prowhite bias but minimum
weaker among slaveholders by distinction made by whites race prejudice. Acceptance,
than other sections of the between colored and blacks. with qualications, of blacks
whites. and various coloreds
according to class position:
Money whitens the skin.
* I use the term blood, of course, only as a conventional device.
recent scholars, most forcefully Harris,
have pointed out that the position of
the Brazilian whites as a small portion of the population forced them to build up
a colored middle stratum in society to ll roles that, in the Southern United
States, could be lled by nonslaveholding whites. This important insight does
not sufce to explain the range of responses, for the same might be said of the
Anglo-French Caribbean, in which rigid lines were drawn on a three-caste
rather than a two-caste basis. The religious, ideological, institutional, and psy-
chological inheritance, stressed excessively by Tannenbaum, Freyre, and
Elkins, makes strong claims at this point. This inheritance included Roman
Catholic universalism and institutional prerogatives, long contact with Africa
and Moorish occupation, and a living slaveholding tradition in law and custom.
The conjunction of historical and immediate socioeconomic factors in the
determination of the Brazilian pattern is summed up by Roger Bastide:
Present-day Brazil offers the world a classic example of racial democracy; but, to under-
stand it, the roots of that democracy must be sought in Brazils past history as a slavestate.
The affective relationships which have grown up between whites and Negroes are the out-
come of: (a) the ethos of the Portuguese colonists, who belonged to a population which
had already intermingled with the Moors in the home-country, and who came, at least at
the outset, without white women . . .; (b) the colonys social and economic system (rural
patriarchy, latifundia and single-crop agriculture) which brought about the dispersal of
the whites over vast stretches of territory and, by obliging them to live among slaves,
tended to create a certain solidarity, at least between the master and his negro nurse, his
servants in the Casa Grande, and his coloured mistresses. These two factors, taken to-
gether with Portuguese Catholicism . . . provide all the material needed for an under-
standing of Brazils racial democracy. But this paternalistic rural solidarity began to
change in the second half of the eighteenth century when the masters moved to the
coastal towns. These towns, instead of bringing the races together, set them further apart.
. . . However, miscegenation had already gone too far, and the inuence of Catholicism
had become too strong, for the vertical mobility of the mulatto to be ended. . . .
We might le a number of objections immediately. The signicance of the Por-
tuguese ethos must be evaluated in the light of the impressive evidence of bru-
tality toward blacks in Angola and Mozambique, and the signicance of the role
of the Church must be evaluated against the undeniable power of the senhores
de engenho over the local clergy. Wherever we nd slaveholding classes with
bourgeois rather than seigneurial origins, we generally nd a tendency toward
more intense racism. It is a happy coincidence for Hoetinks thesis that Protes-
tantism and capitalism rst emerged in the Anglo-Saxon countries, in which the
somatic-norm image has been furthest removed from black. Coincidence or no,
we need not deny some validity to the assertion of a biological-aesthetic di-
mension to racism to insist on the greater force of other factors. Even in Brazil
a correlation appears between greater race prejudice and capitalist develop-
ment: the patriarchal Northeast generally displayed greater racial integration
than the South. During the abolition crisis of the sssos, the proslavery party,
so isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
rooted in the coffee-growing South, unleashed an unprecedented barrage of
racist propaganda and appeals to color prejudice. As capitalist industrialization
and urbanization advance in Brazil, more evidence of racial discrimination ap-
pears. Perhaps the uncovering of evidence increases, rather than the discrimi-
nation, but there is enough evidence of deterioration to cause worry.
We therefore nd ourselves buffeted between two views. The rst stresses the
historical background and institutional-moral inheritance and interprets Brazil-
ian discrimination as essentially the result of class rather than racial bias; the
other stresses the economic and demographic setting and considers discrimina-
tion simultaneously and inextricably a matter of class and race. Undoubtedly,
much work needs to be done, but it ought to be apparent already that both his-
torical and immediate factors had to be ltered through the institutions appro-
priate to specic ruling classes if they were to have force. Color prejudice, blood
pride, and other forms of ethnocentricity preceded slavery and prepared the way
for racism, understood as an ideology of oppression and subordination. The
transition from the former to the latter occurred by means of such institutional-
ized mechanisms of discrimination as the slave codes, the plantation regime, and
the organized caste restrictions against freedmen. But whereas in some societies
these discriminations lost some or much of their force after general abolition, in
the United States abolition reinforced them. All slave societies displayed racist
tendencies, the specic strength of which varied in response to both historical
and ecological inuences. The strength of the Tannenbaum interpretation, rel-
ative to that of Harris, lies in its exibility, for the former can absorb the latter,
whereas the latter rejects historical inuences on principle. The extent and depth
of racism under slavery depended primarily on the degree to which the slave-
holding class acquired a pure or seigneurial character, in contradistinction to a
bourgeois character. This character, in turn, grew out of both historical and im-
mediate conditions. The Portuguese background, for example, had its role, but
it developed one way in the patriarchal Brazilian Northeast, where it had room
to expand, and quite another way in Angola, where a system of capitalist ex-
ploitation distorted and limited it from an early date.
During the slave period in all countries intensication of racial antipathy fol-
lowed commercialization and the ascendancy of bourgeois slaveholding
classes. Hubert H. S. Aimes refers to the time honored policy of Spain which
had for its end the assimilation of blacks into the white race,
Slaves were the rst persons to nd themselves in a situation where it was vital to
refer to what they wanted in this way. And slaveholders, quick to recognize this
new value, were the rst class of parasitic oppressors to exploit it. In the vast ma-
jority of slaveholding societies they regularly took advantage of the slaves discov-
ery of freedom. Only under special circumstances in a few kin-based societies, and
a minority of the most advanced modern ones, did slaveholders deem it outside
their best interests to exploit their slaves yearning for freedom as a preferred form
of incentive. In these rare exceptions the masters resorted to either compensatory
emphasis on material incentives or brutal employment of the whip or both.
In all but a small minority of slaveholding societies, then, manumission be-
came an intrinsic part of the process of slavery. In analyzing its meaning and di-
alectical relation to slavery, I have not only explored how the tension inherent in
the relationship was resolved, but have moved, of necessity, from its purely in-
tersubjective to its institutional aspects. Slavery, we have seen, was an institu-
tional process moving through three phases: enslavement, institutionalized
liminality, and disenslavement.
oriano rarrtrso ,
Regarding enslavement, we have seen that demand and supply factors rein-
forced each other in all slaveholding societies. Similarly, while we normally
think of manumission as being the result of the negation of slavery, it is also
true that manumission, by providing one of the major incentives for slaves, re-
inforced the masterslave relationship. In material terms, no slaveholding class
ever lost in the process of disenslavement or manumission: either the material
compensation more than made up for the replacement cost of the slaves or,
more frequently, the slave was made over into another, even more loyal and ef-
cient retaineror the master gained in both instances. There was also a direct
two-way link between enslavement and manumission. The rate of the latter
was frequently dependent on the volume and elasticity of the former; at the
same time, on the demand side, the volume of manumission partly determined
the number of persons to be enslaved.
Nor did the slaveholder lose ideologically. Indeed, in institutional terms the
entire process was represented as an elaborate cycle of gift exchange, in which
the slaveholders found it necessary to draw upon the social and cultural re-
sources of their community. Thus as direct, personal parasitism on the slave
was secured and legitimized, the slave relation was transformed into an institu-
tional process in parasitic involvement with the socioeconomic and cultural
components of the total social system.
An examination of the nature of the parasitism on the systemic level is out-
side the scope of this work. I can only hint at its range and complexity. Social and
cultural systems always paid a price for becoming involved with slavery, but that
price could range from the insignicant to the totally destructive. Up to a cer-
tain point it was possible for slavery to ourish without marked social or cul-
tural consequences; this was the case, for example, in tenth- and early
eleventh-century England and Han China. Beyond that point, however, no so-
cial system could survive without major changes.
The particular conguration of socioeconomic and cultural parasitism de-
termined the kind of slave society that emerged. There was no simple, uniform
process. This is not to say, however, that there were no patterns beneath these
seemingly random congurations, or that we cannot explain why given slave-
holding societies developed specic systemic patterns. Understanding what
they were and how they came to be is a goal for future research, in which the na-
ture and dynamics of slave societies will be explored on a broader scale than the
interpersonal level I have examined here.
It has been my objective in this book to come to a denitive statement of the
fundamental processes of slavery, to grasp its internal structure and the insti-
tutional patterns that support it. Throughout this work, however, the ghost of
another concept has haunted my analysis, and in this nal chapter I have tried
to exorcise it. That is the problem of freedom. Beyond the sociohistorical nd-
ings is the unsettling discovery that an ideal cherished in the West beyond all
others emerged as a necessary consequence of the degradation of slavery and
o isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
the effort to negate it. The rst men and women to struggle for freedom, the
rst to think of themselves as free in the only meaningful sense of the term,
were freedmen. And without slavery there would have been no freedmen.
We arrive then at a strange and bewildering enigma: are we to esteem slavery
for what it has wrought, or must we challenge our conception of freedom and
the value we place upon it?
[From Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, ssz), ,,,z.]
vicror xitra
The Slave Trade and its Suppression
The Negroes whose toil laid the foundations of the New World came mostly
from two regions of western Africa, the Portuguese settlement of Angola and
the Slave Coast or southern rim of the great westerly bulge. Along this coast
Europeans, without being in occupation of it, could easily come by all the slaves
they required on a basis of fair exchange, rum and gunpowder for men and
women. African simplicity was not that of a garden of Eden: many of its inhab-
itants were as willing to sell one another for a bottle as ancient Britons or Rus-
sians once were. War-captives, or offenders condemned for crime or witchcraft,
were brought down to the coast and disposed of by the chiefs there to the for-
eign dealers. It is a question worth asking whether this turmoil of man-hunting
was the result of the foreign demand, or whether the prime cause was over-
population, supply stimulating demand. In either case the merchant from Liv-
erpool or Glasgow was no robber, not always even a receiver of stolen goods,
and had a clear conscience. It was left to low Spanish, Portuguese, or half-caste
slavers to go about catching their wares themselves. Reputable dealers were
often on excellent terms with the coastal chiefs, arranged for their sons to go to
school in England, and accepted temporary wives from them.
Behind this cordiality the true reaction of Europe and Africa to each other
was different. The Natives are cheated . . . in every possible way, wrote the for-
mer slave-trader John Newton after his religious conversion, and the more con-
tact they had with the white man the more jealous, insidious and revengeful
they grew. Each race looked on the other as consummate villains, and a Negro
taxed with dishonesty would sometimes retort: What! do you think I am a
White Man?
Baron Munchausen, some of whose most surprising adventures
befell him in Africathat prodigious eld of discovery
once met a party of
Negroes who had seized European shipping and started a trade in white slaves
for work on plantations in cold latitudes. They had contracted a barbarous prej-
udice . . . that the white people have no souls!
vicror xitra ,
That black people had only second-rate souls, and that they were better off as
slaves, even in Turkey, than in their own land, was a conviction that faded very
slowly from the European mind. Albert Smith strolling about the slave-market at
Constantinople felt it must be a blessing to these poor degraded creatures to be
provided with a master and regular work.
All this could make for self-righteousness, and a belief, not quite
extinct today, in Britannias right to police the seas anywhere. It gave John Bull
a sort of treasury of merit, which he felt able to draw on whenever assailed by
qualms about items like opium or misgivings about his moral supereminence.
As late as ssss The Times alleged that slave-running still ourished along east-
ern Africa and across the Indian Ocean, under French as well as Arab auspices.
s isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
All round Africa the hunt for the slaver led to closer acquaintance with the con-
tinent; it also paved the way for occupation of parts of it. Formerly the argu-
ment in defence of the trade, that removal from Africa was the Negros only
chance of redemption, had been repeated by men as prominent as Nelson: now
that he was no longer to be carried off to civilization, it might be right that civi-
lization should be carried to him. Sympathy, which he now received, seldom im-
plied respect. Progress was Europes watchword, and Africa far more even than
Asia appeared incapable of it. Its stagnation at a low material level was a fact,
which can be tentatively explained in terms of a slow drift of population from
north to south, away from the Mediterranean and its culture, over an unwel-
coming land-mass where it was too thinly spread to develop a technology equal
to some of its arts.
These arts found few to appreciate them among Europeans
in Africa, one of whom spoke for nearly all when he dismissed its music as
those unearthly noises which in Africa pass current for song.
Only late in the
nineteenth century did artistic Europe begin to discover Africa, its sculpture
rst and foremost.
Meanwhile African backwardness was accounted for in sundry ways. One was
to think of the black man as descended from Ham, the black son of Noah; Euro-
peans were still reading their Old Testaments, and deriving from that ancient
oriental source notions as bizarre as any they met with in Dahomey or Swazi-
land. Missionaries were often advocates of annexation. They were sometimes
mixed up with trade; but what weighed more was the desire to see the weak pro-
tected against the strong, above all against the slave-raider. They showed best
when denouncing the evil done by lawless European enterprise. Once European
government was established, and with it a more orderly exploitation, they usu-
ally felt obliged as in India to acquiesce in whatever its policies might be.
[From The Lords of Human Kind: European Attitudes towards the Outside World in the Imperial
Age (Harmondsworth: Penguin, s,z), zsos,.]
x. o. sxirn
Ethnic and Cultural Pluralism in the British Caribbean
The British Caribbean consists of Jamaica, the Leeward Islands (St Kitts, Nevis,
Antigua, Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands), the Windward Islands (St
Vincent, St Lucia, Dominica, Grenada), Barbados, Trinidad, and Tobago,
British Honduras in North America and British Guiana in South America. Ex-
cept for these last two colonies, the remaining British Caribbean possessions are
islands of the Antillean archipelago. Jamaica is over a thousand miles from
Trinidad, and more than ,oo miles east of British Honduras; British Guiana is
larger in area than all the remaining units put together. Jamaica, with a popula-
tion of one-and-a-half million, accounts for about , per cent of the total British
x. o. sxirn
Caribbean population. Despite such differences and distances, these colonies
have much in common, historically and at present. They also differ among
themselves in various ways.
The islands are overpopulated, while the two mainland territories contain
large unsettled areas. All these territories depend on agriculture, and their
urban ratios are relatively low. Industrialization is just beginning in Jamaica and
Trinidad, nationalism has been slow to develop, and separatism is as pro-
nounced within the colonies as between them. These territories are all depress-
ingly poor, and despite their long histories of capital investment, they are still
typical underdeveloped countries.
These societies are all multiracial. Except in the mainland territories, they
contain no signicant indigenous elements. Their present populations are de-
scended from immigrants from the Old World: Europeans, Africans, Chinese,
Indians, Lebanese, and others. Most of Caribbean history consists in the devel-
opment of these areas by competing European nations through the exploita-
tion of African labor, initially imported as slaves. Negro-white associations have
produced a large hybrid group which is culturally, as well as biologically, mixed.
The approximate racial compositions of the various colonial populations in
so are given in table s.
These percentages are based on the West Indian census of so and reveal
some of the ambiguities inherent in racial classication. Seventy-four per cent
of the Dominican population, ,, per cent of the St Lucian population, and ,s
per cent of the British Hondurian population are classied as coloured. The
soo isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
Table 1
Approximate Racial Compositions of Various Colonial Populations, 1946
(Unit = per cent)
East- Amer-
Territory White Black Colored Indian indian Chinese Other
Jamaica 1 78 17.5 2 1 0.5
Barbados 5 77 18
Br. Guiana 3 38.1 10 43.5 4.3 1
Br. Honduras 3.9 38 31.8 2.3 17 7*
Antigua 2 85 13
Montserrat 0.5 93 6.4
St Kitts 2 86.5 11
Virgin Is. 0.5 87.2 12.3
Trinidad 2.7 46.8 14.1 35.1 1
Dominica 0.3 24.9 74.6
Grenada 0.9 73.6 20.4 4.8
St Lucia 0.5 58.1 37.6 3.8
St Vincent 3.1 73.1 20.5 3
* Black Caribs.
reported racial composition of these colonies differs from that in the remain-
ing territories; but to the best of our knowledge such gures do not connote
genuine differences in the composition of these populations.
On the other hand, the East Indian ratios set out above do reect genuine and
very signicant differences. It is commonly believed that East Indians now form
about ,o per cent of the British Guianese population, and that they are rapidly
approaching numerical parity with the Negroid groups of Trinidad. Some
people see the recent political split between Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mr L. F. Burn-
ham of British Guiana as essentially racial in character; both men were minis-
ters in the short-lived government of the Peoples Progressive Party, the rst
government to be returned in British Guiana on a basis of universal suffrage.
Jagans strength lies with his East Indians, Burnhams with the black and colored
groups. In Trinidad also, the East Indian population tends to have its own polit-
ical organization, but the religious split between Hindus and Muslims has de-
prived it of unanimity. The refusal of British Guiana to join the British
Caribbean Federation, and past hesitancy of Trinidad on this issue, together
with the restrictions on immigration to Trinidad from the other colonies, have
both been interpreted in other colonies as being due to East Indian political
pressure. The division between East Indians and Negro-colored elements in the
populations of British Guiana and Trinidad is deeper and sharper than divisions
between the Negro, white, and colored populations elsewhere. This may in part
be associated with the lack of Indian-Negro miscegenation and the absence of
any interstitial group.
The heavy concentration of East Indians in British Guiana and Trinidad is an
effect of the large-scale importations of indentured Indian labor to these
colonies after the abolition of slavery in ss,s. This in turn reected the labor
shortage suffered by planters in Trinidad and British Guiana at that time. In its
turn, this labor shortage was an effect of the prohibition of the Atlantic slave
trade and of intra-Caribbean slave movements by Britain shortly after she had
acquired these fertile territories with their great sugar-producing capacities.
Older colonies with played-out land, less protable sugar production, and
larger populations, neither needed nor were able to afford such large-scale labor
imports as British Guiana and Trinidad; but as an effect of their differing histor-
ical situations, the contemporary social structures of the British West Indian
colonies differ signicantly as regards their East Indian components. Indian-
organized schools now receive government aid in Trinidad, and the Hindu and
Mohammedan religions are being increasingly recognized, for example, in mat-
ters of marriage. Little research has yet been done on these substantial East In-
dian populations, but it is known that Hindustani is spoken among them, and
that the majority of these East Indians remain loyal to Indian culture and Indian
nationalism. These loyalties are related to the slow growth of a Caribbean na-
tional sentiment.
The colonial ruling classes and traditions are also diverse. Trinidad, St Lucia,
x. o. sxirn sos
Grenada, and Dominica have Catholic afliations as evidence of past associa-
tion with France and Spain. In these four colonies a French dialect, known as pa-
tois, is commonly used among the folk. In areas of continuous British rule, the
dialect is based on English. The Roman-Dutch law of British Guiana is a relic of
that countrys old Dutch connection; in Trinidad, the European cultural section
contains Spanish, French, and British elements, and the dominant white culture
is a composite of these three traditions. Where Protestantism has been histori-
cally dominant, as in Jamaica, Barbados, St Kitts, St Vincent, and Antigua, aes-
thetically rich religious syncretisms such as Shango are absent; and Revivalism
or Shakerism (Shouting Baptists) is the characteristic folk ritual form.
Small groups of Chinese, Portuguese, Syrians, and Jews are to be found in
several of these territories, where they act as specialized occupational groups.
Generally, they compete with one another for different sections of the retail and
wholesale trade, and in Jamaica, Jews have long been prominent in the legal pro-
fession. Where East Indians are found in small numbers, they are assimilated to
the black lower class and do not form a separate ethnic group. The Amerindians
of British Guiana, British Honduras, and Dominica are not yet signicant parts
of these colonial populations, but are mainly administered on reservations.
In Trinidad and British Guiana, the East Indian segment is clearly differen-
tiated from the remaining population. In the remaining colonies the whites,
Negroes, and colored form a standard combination. This association of
white, Negro, and colored groups is the historically primary and structurally
dominant grouping in the British Caribbean. Despite the racial and cultural
polarities within this Negro-white amalgam, miscegenation, acculturation,
and assimilation have established a single continuum in racial, cultural, and
social terms. The work of Professor Melville Herskovits and his colleagues in
the study of Afro-American acculturation provides ample evidence of this
cultural continuity; the racial distributions reported by the so West Indian
census indicate the extent of racial mixture; and the absence of any race or
caste regulations indicates the permissive local attitude toward assimilation.
Nonetheless, there are signicant cultural and social differences within this
Negro-white combination. Jurors tend to be drawn from the propertied
groups, and these tend to be of lighter pigmentation. Primary schools cater to
the laboring classes, and these in turn tend to be mainly black. Family forms and
mating patterns of the lower class differ remarkably from those of the white or
colored elites, and so do lower-class religion, property forms, material culture,
occupations, and economic organization.
People born within the West Indies are called Creoles; but East Indians are
usually excluded from this reference. Thus Creoles are really persons of Negro,
white, or mixed Negro-white ancestry who are natives of the Caribbean. Per-
sons of Indian descent are described as East Indian (sic) or coolies. Minorities
such as the Chinese, that maintain their exclusive identity, are likewise distin-
guished from the Creole group, and are referred to in national terms.
soz isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
It is possible to interpret the historical association between Africans and Eu-
ropeans in the West Indies as an instance of symbiosis, but between West Indi-
ans of African or mixed stock and those of Indian ancestry, competition rather
than symbiosis has hitherto prevailed.
To recapitulate, all these British Caribbean territories have a common
Negro-white racial and cultural basis. In Trinidad and British Guiana an Indian
segment is also present, and in some of the colonies there are also minorities of
Jews, Syrians, or Chinese. Comparative treatment of these different social and
cultural amalgams directs attention to the differences between ethnic and cul-
tural pluralism. Ethnicity has a number of overlapping but different references,
namely, racial origin, nationality, language, and culture. These references invest
the idea of ethnic pluralism with an initial ambiguity. In contrast, the idea of
cultural pluralism is quite clear. I shall therefore discuss the idea of cultural plu-
rality before returning to the concept of ethnicity as such.
By cultural plurality I understand a condition in which two or more different
cultural traditions characterize the population of a given society. To discover
whether or not this heterogeneity obtains, we must make a detailed study of
the institutions of the population in which we are interested to discover their
form, variety, and distribution. In a culturally homogeneous society, such insti-
tutions as marriage, the family, religion, property, and the like, are common to
the total population. Where cultural plurality obtains, different sections of the
total population practice different forms of these common institutions; and, be-
cause institutions involve patterned activities, social relations, and idea-
systems, in a condition of cultural plurality, the culturally differentiated sec-
tions will differ in their internal social organization, their institutional activities,
and their system of belief and value. Where this condition of cultural plurality
is found, the societies are plural societies. Where cultural homogeneity obtains,
the societies are homogeneous units.
By virtue of their cultural and social constitution, plural societies are only
units in a political sense. Each is a political unit simply because it has a single
government. But the task of government can only be discharged consistently
within culturally diverse populations if one or other of these sections domi-
nates the political structure, or if some form of federalism is adopted. In either
case, the political structure of plural societies consists largely of the relations
between their component cultural sections, and changes in this system of in-
tersectional relations occur together with changes in the political constitution
of the unit as a whole. Democratic governmental forms appropriate to plural
societies are usually federal. Autocratic governmental forms reserve the ulti-
mate political functions for one or other of the constituent cultural sections,
even where some sections are separated territoriallyfor instance on reserva-
tionsand are allowed some internal autonomy. But some uniformity of laws
and government is essential if the society is to remain a political unit at all. Ex-
cluding government and law, the institutional differences that indicate cultural
x. o. sxirn so,
plurality relate to marriage, family, education, property, religion, economic in-
stitutions, language, and folklore. In all these particulars, there are differences
within the Negro-white Caribbean community which indicate a condition of
cultural plurality. Between the East Indian and Negro-white Creole segment,
the cultural difference is still greater.
The idea of ethnic difference is less precise than that of cultural plurality. In
some usages of the term, ethnicity refers to race, in others to culture, and in yet
others to nationality. The rst thing to note is that persons or groups of differ-
ent races may share a common culture, as in the Mohammedan Hausa-Fulani
societies of Northern Nigeria. Conversely, people of the same race may prac-
tice different cultures, as in the London of Disraeli, Dickens, and Mayhew, or in
the many villages of India. Another important point is that as a rule, the social
denition of race differs from the biological denition; moreover different soci-
eties may dene the same racial groups differently. Thus the population of
Guatemala distinguishes between its Spanish, mixed (Ladino), and Indian ele-
ments; but to some students these Ladino and Indian groups are racially similar.
Similarly, the elite of Haiti reserve the term Negre for the subordinate popula-
tion; but to the Americans, Haitians are Negro by race.
In the United States for instance, ethnicity connotes cultural differences
that are quite compatible with the inclusive social order, either because they
are differences within a common idiom or a permitted range, or because the
groups which practice these variant cultures are numerically weak, and are
dependent portions of the larger society. Insofar as nationality is the criterion
of ethnicity, some cultural or linguistic difference is often implicit; but once
again these differences may be minor variations on general cultural patterns,
as for instance family organization, marriage rituals, language, and food
habits among the Irish or Italians of New York. Bilingualism and accultura-
tion of these groups is indicated by such terms as Irish-American, Italian-
American, and the like. These cultural variations are thus neither inconsistent
with one another nor with the wider American society and culture.
If compatibility of institutional norms characterizes ethnic pluralism, their
incompatibility may be taken to distinguish cultural pluralism.
Societies depend for integration primarily on the consistency and interde-
pendence of their institutional systems. Hence special problems face a society
that contains groups with incompatible institutional allegiances. These prob-
lems are most acute when a small ruling group has one cultural tradition and
the mass of the population has another. This is the type-situation of British
Caribbean history.
In discussing population composition I think race and nationality are appro-
priate terms. In discussing the cultural homogeneity or plurality of a given pop-
ulation, I think culture is the appropriate term. Where linguistic differences are
under study, we can speak of linguistic groups. By isolating these variables and
by referring to them directly, we avoid the need for ambiguous concepts, such
so isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
as ethnicity, and can study the processes and forms of acculturation and assimi-
lation as they occur.
In societies such as those of the British Caribbean which have long histories
of acculturation, assimilation, and miscegenation, the concept of ethnicity has
doubtful utility, even with regard to such minorities as Jews, Syrians, Por-
tuguese, or Chinese. These are national minorities, and their further classica-
tion in terms of race or culture depends unambiguously on our denition of
these terms. In analyzing the Negro-white Creole amalgam, we must deal di-
rectly with race, culture, and social relations, and seek to determine their co-
variation or independence. Relations between the East Indian and Creole
segments of Trinidad and British Guiana can also be analyzed in these terms.
Essentially we are concerned to understand the cultural character and social
structure of multiracial populations, which may or may not contain national
minorities also. It is difcult to conduct precise studies of these problems with
such ambiguous concepts as ethnicity.
Government and the economic system are the two principal sources of social
order in the Caribbean. Government acts to limit the chances of conict, and to
limit, maintain, or increase the opportunities for acculturation; the economic
system embraces the entire population, although in different degrees and ways.
In the rst place, the peasantry practices a mixed economy of subsistence and
exchange; the townsfolk are mainly involved in the exchange system. In the sec-
ond place there is division of labor by race and cultural group. By and large East
Indians form the bulk of the eld-labor force on sugar plantations in Trinidad
and British Guiana, Negroes in other colonies. Colored people are heavily rep-
resented in clerical occupations, whites in management and executive roles.
The professions and the higher ranks of the local civil service now contain
members of all racial groups. In occupational distributions, it is the fact of cul-
tural performance and skill that is decisive rather than racial status; and the his-
toric and continuing inequality of opportunities primarily attaches to cultural
sections rather than to racial groups as such. Although most eld hands are
black, many are brown, and some are white. Although most executives are
white, many are brown, and some are pure Negro. For analytic purposes the ra-
tios of different racial groups in the same or different occupations do not tell the
whole story, since none of these racial segments is culturally homogeneous.
One major preoccupation of plural societies is the choice between eliminat-
ing or maintaining their internal differences; and the social and cultural inte-
gration of such units is often mooted in terms of this choice. In the history of
the British Caribbean possessions, drastic attempts to solve this riddle of inte-
gration have been made on three occasions.
In ss,s the abolition of slavery freed a race, but failed to create a society. The
numerically minute but politically dominant white planter class which then op-
posed Abolition, despite its experience that slave production of sugar was no
longer economic, feared that social chaos would follow emancipation. With the
x. o. sxirn so,
aid of restrictive property franchises, this white cultural section retained con-
trol of the colonial governments for another thirty years, until the sense of their
own weakness inuenced them to surrender the reins of authority to the
Crown and its ofcers. In Jamaica, this abrogation of the ancient representative
constitution took place in sso,, and was openly heralded as the only alternative
to a breakdown in the social structure.
Since s, this system of Crown Colony rule has been replaced by responsible
government based on adult suffrage and operating through ministerial systems.
Political parties and trade unions are now recognized institutions, and have our-
ished under the new regime. At the same time, the idea of a British Caribbean
Federation has been actively publicized, and, with the exception of British
Guiana, British Honduras, and the British Virgin Islands, these colonies have
committed themselves to federation. Yet the chances are that such a federal struc-
ture will slow down the rate of change within each of its constituent territories,
rather than accelerate it.
[From The Plural Society in the British West Indies (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, so,), sos,.]
rniiir xaso
Patterns of Dominance
A First Attempt at Classication: Numerical Proportion
We are thinking of situations in which there is contact between two groups of
people who regard each other as different. We shall not expect to find a
smooth chain of types of situation between which one can trace an uninter-
rupted curve, leading from the barest kind of marginal contact to the ex-
tremely complex relationships of modern cities. Nature seldom presents such
regularity. Nor shall we expect to find a similar progress in time, a regular suc-
cession of certain types of relationship invariably developing in the same
order. Various cycles of race relations have, it is true, been described with au-
thority and they have some degree of validity but always, I believe, within a
limited field. That is to say, one could, on the basis of such theories, predict
what would be the probable sequence of events and relationships if a new mi-
nority was introduced into California, provided it was of not more than a cer-
tain size and not more than usually exotic in behaviour and appearance. But
that cycle or sequence of relationships will not cover past events in other parts
of the world.
One cycle which has most illustrious backing
predicts that contact will be
followed by competition, and there will then be two more phases, accommo-
dation and assimilation. This is not, of course, really a cycle, because no one
suggests that the whole process would then start again with contact following
soo isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
assimilation. It is an expected sequence of events. But apart from this verbal
point, it does not seem illuminating to apply such a scheme to South Africa,
where the succession was contactwardomination; still less to Tasmania,
where it was even simplercontact followed by extermination. Even in the
United States, for which the cycle was designed, it is doubtful whether the
Negro American is more assimilated than he was twenty years ago. The con-
cept assumes smooth unbroken progress towards harmony but to-day the
world-wide revolt against hierarchy and xed status is everywhere producing
movements in the reverse direction.
Much more detailed sequences have been devised, but the more complex and
detailed they are, the more closely they t one pattern, usually American. So we
shall be suspicious of any idea that cycles can be universal, though we shall rec-
ognize that the sequence of events in one situation may tell us something about
the probable sequence of events in a similar situation. There may be a sequence
of relationshipsthough not a cycle which repeats itselfwhich is frequent in
colonial situations; there may also be a sequence of relationships affecting im-
migrants to an industrial society.
This suggests that there is an overriding difference between situations where
the dominant group is indigenous or already established and another set of sit-
uations where the indigenous are subordinate. But again there is a complica-
tion. The British in India in the seventeenth century were by no means
dominant; they were suppliants at the Court of the Moghal Emperors. But by
the nineteenth century they were a dominant minority. The same change took
place in the case of the Tutsi in Ruanda and the Fulani in Nigeria. And the his-
torical dimension adds a relationship to world thought and to world events. Im-
migrants to England will behave differently in the twentieth century from
immigrants in the eighteenth; there may be similarities in the reactions of the
indigenous English but the pattern of world thought is different.
What we shall try to establish is a series of certain broad types of relationship
which throw some light on as many situations as possible. But there will be bor-
derline cases which will not t very neatly into these categories, and, even
within one category, events will not always succeed each other in the same
order in the same kind of way in every situation. And a situation will move from
one category to another in the course of history. It is exactly the difference be-
tween two situations that resemble each other within the same category that is
illuminating. We shall group these broad categories together and compare
them and distinguish and note how one melts into another.
Take for instance the plural societies of South-East AsiaChinese, Malays,
and Indians in Malaysia, as one example. At one time, these lived side by side
with little communication except that they were part of the same economic
framework, and held together (as a rule) within a common but alien political
rule. But, with modern forms of education, inequality began to develop and the
process was made more acute when the imperial power withdrew. This is quite
rniiir xaso so,
a different history from the patterns of conquest and diplomatic triumph which
established dominance elsewhere and forms a third grouping of categories, the
rst two being the subordinate immigrant grouping and the dominant colonial
There is no end to the complexities. There is a criss-crossing pattern; certain
factors are present in varying degrees in every situation and they run right
across any grouping of situations into broad categories. But again, they do not
behave tidily. One factor is numerical proportion, but we shall not nd, for ex-
ample, that the smaller the dominant minority the more harshly it behaves, nor
the reverse. Nor shall we nd that there is a critical proportionwhen for ex-
ample a minority increases from , per cent to so per centat which there is in-
variably a change in political or social behaviour. Still looking at that one factor
of numbers or proportion, we may, however, be able to establish certain limits
and certain correspondences within which it is possible for a certain kind of sit-
uation to develop. But these correspondences are difcult to represent in the
form of a chart or graph.
We need not spend long on considering forms of contact which are so pe-
ripheral that they really do not much affect the culture of either people. The
classical example is silent trade; Herodotus reports silent trade between
Carthaginians and natives of the West Coast of Africa; the Carthaginians would
leave a pile of goods on the beach, retire to their ships, and send up smoke, when
the natives would emerge from hiding and put down a pile of gold which they
offered in exchange. They would then go inland and the Carthaginians would
take the gold if they thought it enough, but leave both piles and go back to the
ships if they did not. The same kind of practice is reported from other parts of
the world; it argues a considerable degree of commercial condence, in spite of
personal distrust, and it is not easy to see how the parties rst arrive at the bar-
gaining convention. But though the economy of the natives would clearly be in-
uenced by this kind of contract, it is not the kind of relationship we are
thinking of, in which two peoples live in the same territory, or compete for parts
of it. It may perhaps have been on these lines that Chinese and Indian ships rst
traded with the East Coast of Africa; all we know is that beads and fragments of
pottery are found buried beneath the dry-stone fortresses of Rhodesia and that
there was a minimum of cultural inuence from these ancient civilizations on
the empire of the Monomotapa.
Professor Banton
has written of peoples who live side by side in what is de-
scribed as symbiosis, neither despising the other nor acting aggressively. One
fully described example is that of the Mbuti pygmies in the Congo and neigh-
bouring Negro groups. The pygmies live in the forest as hunters and food-
gatherers, but periodically decide to come to the agricultural, village world of
the Negroes, perhaps for a change of diet or because the hunting is not good.
They leave behind their whole set of values, particularly their ideas of what is
sacred, and behave as the Negroes wish them to, but go back eventually to the
sos isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
forest and resume their old ways and beliefs. This is certainly one step beyond
silent trade, but it does not sound like an equal relationship; the Negroes do not
reverse the practice and accept the gods of the pygmies. It is perhaps intermedi-
ate between parasitism and symbiosis. If the Negro population grew and began
to extend cultivation into the forest, the pygmies would nd themselves threat-
ened and might eventually be forced into the position of the Twa in Ruanda.
Other examples quoted by Professor Banton are between Eskimo Tungus
and Cossacks in North-Western Manchuria, between Lapps and Scandinavian
peasants, and between Ladinos and Indians in Guatemala. There is some evi-
dence that neither of the latter two relationships are as free from tension as has
been suggested; the Tungus are a group of about one hundred and fty no-
madic reindeer herders occupying some seven thousand square miles of terri-
tory, while the Cossacks, who speak Great Russian, are literate and
agriculturalists, are only one hundred and fty persons, and live outside the
Tungu territory; it seems obvious that these are conditions in which there is no
great pressure on resources, and no great need for hostility. It is hardly typical.
I believe that we need not be concerned with these marginal cases and that
the term symbiosis is better used of such people as the Parsis in India and the
Syrians in West Africa, perhaps of Indians and Burmese under British rule in
Burma, or of Malays and Chinese in Malaysia. This is more in accord with the
words original botanical application to organisms which not merely live to-
gether and use complementary elements from the soil but actively help each
other or even depend on each other, because one performs functions which the
other cannot. These peaceful minorities do throw light on our subject; their po-
sition may change abruptlyindeed usually has changed abruptly.
Professor Banton does not spend long on the Tungus and their reindeer but
goes on to draw up a scheme of typical situations between races. Having ex-
cluded silent trade on the same grounds as I do, he goes on to suggest six or-
ders of race relations. He distinguishes in the rst place between peripheral
contact, in which cultural inuence is negligible, and institutionalized contact, in
which there is a group who are specialized intermediaries between two soci-
eties. This is his rst order. I can supply rst-hand evidence of exactly such a
group of intermediariesthough again a marginal onethe Marchchas of
Garhwal in the Central Himalayas. These people had their headquarters in vil-
lages in passes between India and Tibet, at heights of s,ooo to ss,ooo feet; here
they would sow a crop of barley and a special short quick-growing millet as
soon as the snow melted in May or June. In August they would move over the
passes, usually about s,,ooo feet above sea level, into Tibet, where they would
trade sugar and iron for salt, borax, skins, and wool; they came back to their vil-
lages in September, cut their barley, and a few weeks later left their villages,
which would soon be buried deep in snow, and moved with their ocks to the
plains to complete their trade cycle. They were regarded by the Hindu
peasantry of the foothills as untouchable, because they were reputed to eat
rniiir xaso so
yak-meat in Tibetand a yak is a kind of cowand further as an economic
threat, because as they moved down in winter they encroached on the grazing
and cut wood for fuel; both grass and wood were increasingly scarce as one
moved towards the plains. But they did to some extent combine the Hindu and
Tibetan cultures. This was possible because the relationship between the two
governments was relaxed. Neither wanted the territory or goods of the other;
on the other hand, there were no illusions as to which was the more powerful.
But surely we should disregard fascinations of this kind. In Professor Ban-
tons scheme, institutionalized contact means a situation in which the overlap-
ping is only limited and exchange between the two cultures is approximately
equal. His next order is acculturation, in which one of the cultures is so much
stronger that it replaces the weaker; since the weaker group adopt the culture
of the stronger, they cease to be distinguishable and this will normally lead to
the fth order which is integration. But in Bantons scheme institutionalized con-
tact more often leads either to complete domination by one group over the other
or to paternalism. These two are alternatives. Domination is likely to lead to plu-
ralism of an unequal kind, while paternalism is likely to lead to integration. He
displays his system in a diagram of which the following is a simplication:
I am not sure that I perfectly follow this division into orders. The test comes
when one tries to t in examples and consider the sequences. Muslim rule in India
was, I suppose, domination merging into pluralism, but what about British rule
in India? This was, rst, institutionalized contactwith the servants of the East
India Company acting as specialized go-betweens; later, it was paternalismper-
haps the most perfect example of paternalism there has ever been. But it ended
sso isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
Institutionalized Contact
Simplication of Bantons Scheme of Typical Situations between Races
not in integration but in withdrawal. Again, in Rhodesia, in the Cape Colony,
Mexico, and Peru, there was rst some control by the home government and I
think Banton would regard these as coming in the paternalist order; but inde-
pendence from the home government meant a situation much nearer domina-
tion. In South Africa and Rhodesia it has surely become complete domination. In
Mexico, the relationship between Spanish and Indian in the early nineteenth cen-
tury was surely what Banton would regard as dominance. To-day, in most of
Mexico, peasants of predominantly Amerindian physical type speak only Spanish
and are presumably to be regarded as integratedthough as this is the triumph
of one culture over another, it is hard to see how it differs from acculturation. It
seems to me that the denitions break down as soon as one begins to trace a
progress from one to another.
It might, I suppose, be argued that the arrival of West Indians, Pakistanis, and
Indians in Britain produced a situation in which acculturation was taking place,
with some doubt as to whether it would turn to integration or unequal plural-
ism. And there are the Maoris, the North American Indians, and the Australian
aborigines; the Australians were almost exterminated, but there have been sev-
eral changes in policy towards them. It was once hoped to assimilate the Amer-
ican Indian; now the policy is a tolerant pluralism alternating with integration
and perhaps with a seventh orderneglect. The changing factors have been
world opinion, the conscience of the dominant group and their condence
about their own culture. The tides, it seems to me, ow in a much more shifting
and intricate pattern than Banton suggests. But any schematic arrangement
faces this kind of difculty; the examples will not quite t the pigeon-holes and
the sequences are far more uid, delicate, and shifting than any diagram can
represent. All the same, every conscientious attempt to classify these types of
situation does illuminate them. Bantons is for me a valuable starting-point, but
it needs elaboration.
A rather different approach by Professor P. L. van den Berghe
suggests that a
situation can be usefully placed in a scale between two extremes. It is confusing
that van den Berghe uses the label paternalistic for the system Banton calls
domination; but, whatever it is labelled, both would include under this head
the plantation system of the Deep South or the countryside in the Transvaal,
where race is the overriding sign of social position, where there is little chance
of escape from xed status, where elaborate codes of behaviour govern any
contact between the dominant and subordinate groups and where the conse-
quences of belonging to a racial group are dened by law.
At the other extreme of van den Berghes scale is a more fluid situation,
which he calls competitive, in which there is probably an industrial economy
and much more opportunity of movement in the social scale. In this type of
situation there is some degree of overlapping, in that the best off in the sub-
ordinate group may be higher in the scale of profession and earnings than the
lowest of those in the dominant group; manners are more fluid and there is
rniiir xaso sss
ostensibly democratic government involving some conflict of values about
the whole system. Perhaps New Zealand would be at this end of the scale, but,
in spite of van den Berghes insistence on the importance of wide compar-
isons, his schematic outline looks very like the Old Deep South at one end of
the scale and the modern North of the United States at the other. Brazil, Mex-
ico, and South Africa, as well as the U.S.A., are examples which van den
Berghe has studied thoroughly; of each, he provides a brilliant and perceptive
account which is of great value. It is only his model that I find unsatisfactory.
All have presented, in the past, a kind of paternalist model not too different
from the Deep South, all have, in some respects, moved to something more
like his competitive model. He does not, it must be said, suggest that there
must necessarily be movement in time from one end of this scale towards the
other. If he did, he would clearly exclude South Africa, which in many respects
has moved backward. He ignores the distinction, which seems to me real, be-
tween dominant and paternalist; it seems to me that South Africa, at least in
the Cape Province, once showed signs of paternalism but has clearly moved
to dominance with competitive elements. Van den Berghe does specifically
limit the application of his model to the four examples, United States, Brazil,
Mexico, and South Africa. But he does sometimes write as though it could be
used with a wider application, to place a given society at a given moment and
also to throw light on its historical development. And this seems a little unreal
in the case of societies that never had anything like the agricultural slave soci-
ety which he puts at one end of his scale.
But there is, it seems to me, a more fundamental objection. Van den Berghes
two models are opposed in respect of a number of variable factors, which he
lists. Thus the paternalistic type of situation is agricultural in its economy,
while the competitive type is more likely to be manufacturing; the former will
have an integrated value system and the latter an ideological conict. All
thisindeed, with one exception, his whole list of variablesseems to me valid
as between the Deep South and the North. But the usefulness of this as a model
for other societies is limited by the factwhich van den Berghe acknow-
ledgesthat his variable factors operate independently.
Take, for example, three of his variable factors: numerical proportion, de-
gree of industrialization, and social stratication. Of numerical proportion, he
says that in the paternalistic type the dominant group is a small minority, while
in the competitive type the dominant group is a majority. But as soon as one
tries to put a society into place in this scale, anomalies appear. If South Africa is
contrasted with Colonial West Africa, the South African Republic is surely far
more advanced in the organization of labour and in industrial complexity yet
far more rigid, and therefore according to the model more backward, in social
structure. And the numerical proportions are the reverse of what the scale sug-
gests. The white group in colonial Nigeria was in a much smaller minority.
In fact, the numerical variable really does not work at all in the way suggested;
ssz isrirurioai rorxs or racisx
the British in India were numerically the extreme example of a dominant mi-
nority but the social structures of British and Indian were divided by almost ver-
tical lines and great deference was paid by British ofcials to Maharajas. If we
contrast colonial Kenya and Rhodesia, we nd Rhodesia more advanced indus-
trially and with a higher proportion of whites, but more rigid socially. Neither in
Brazil nor the Deep South was the dominant group a small minority. Perhaps
van den Berghe was thinking of the local situation on the plantation, not the gen-
eral national or regional situation, when he made this point. We shall come back
to this question of numbers and look at it in more detail.
In short, as soon as a wider range of examples is set against this model, it be-
comes apparent that it would be quite mistaken to think of an advanced and a
backward society, between which any given society will nd a ranking in the
scale which will hold good in respect of every factor. One society will develop
industrially but may recede socially, as has happened in South Africa. And in-
deed, all the factors are more complex than this scheme allows. For example, in
the paternalistic type of race relations, there is said to be: Accommodation:
everyone in his place; everyone knows his place: paternalism: benevolent
despotism, while on the other side of the scale, opposed to this in the compet-
itive type of society, there is antagonism; suspicion, hatred; competitiveness.
But the antithesis is nothing like so simple. Despotism in the Deep South was
not uniformly benevolent nor is antagonism a monopoly of the industrial
North. Again, the stereotype of the lower caste in the paternalistic type is:
Childish, immature, exuberant, uninhibited, lazy, impulsive, fun-loving, good-
humoured; inferior but lovable. This is a picture which the Southern American
tried to persuade the Northerner, and perhaps himself, that he held of the
Negro: but was it really his picture at any period? In Rhodesia and South Africa
(of which I know more), there was never a stage at which such words as dan-
gerous, treacherous, and unaccountable should not have been added to the list.
I suspect this or something like it was present in Southern minds too. And the
Peruvian owner of a hacienda did not usually think of his peons as exuberant
or fun-loving.
To revert to numerical proportion, the operation of this important factor is
complicated by a number of subsidiary aspects of the situation. It depends on
habit and custom; on a sense of permanence in the social system; on outside
threat or the possibility of outside help for either party. For example, the South
African whites had in most of the nineteenth century to think of a formidable
body of warlike tribesmen as well as their African or coloured servants and
labourers; on the other hand, there was the possibility of hostility in some cir-
cumstances, and help in others, from Great Britain. This was a more compli-
cated set of possibilities than those which confronted the Virginian, who by
the mind-nineteenth century had only the slaves and the Northerners to con-
sider. Texas again was more complex, with Indians and Mexicans added to the
equation. Quite obviously, the numerical proportion becomes a factor of vital
rniiir xaso ss,
importance in certain societies once the idea of change is introduced. The
British in India, as soon as Reforms began in ss, were in a completely differ-
ent relationship from before.
Finallyin my list of objectionsthere are variables which affect the social
structure but do not proceed from it. One of the points we shall have to consider
is the difference in social structure between Mexico and Peru; one factor, surely,
was climate and terrain. In Mexico, the Spaniards centred their rule on the old
capital; there was continuity, no abrupt break. But in Peru, they did not want to
live at a height of s,,ooo feet and started a new capital on the coast. This must be
taken into account in any explanation of the harsher division in Peru between
the Spanish and the traditional cultures. There were similar factors at work in
Considering these attempts at classication, I nd myself, in general, prefer-
ring scales with extreme examples at either end to any system of orders into
which actual situations have to be tted. But we need, I think, a complex set of
scales in respect of various factors and a set of groupings, against which to dis-
play them. It will sometimes help to group our various situations in broad cate-
gories from a particular point of view, but not permanently. Let us take, for
example, three categories, two of Bantons orders, domination and paternal-
ism, adding as a third van den Berghes competitive society. Let us, under these
three columns, jot down, almost at random, certain situations. Some of these
will be described in more detail later, but they are sufciently familiar to illus-
trate the meaning of the categories, which we will not at this stage try to dene.
Then let us consider one factor, numerical proportion, and note the approxi-
mate numerical proportion of dominant to subordinate against each situation.
It will be seen that a suggestive hypothesis emerges from this arrangement.
It looks rather as though there was a broad range of proportions within
which each of the three categories of subordination can occur. There is no over-
lapping. Paternalism in my sense is limited to ruling minorities which are very
small. The three East African territories (in colonial times) are particularly in-
teresting; an American observer
There were other outcomes as well. Consolidation was not everywhere the
case, and for some groups the processes of conict and connement led to dis-
integration. The Mississippi Choctaws and the Eastern Cherokees in North
Carolina are remnant bands of the Choctaws and Cherokees who were forced
to move to the Indian Territory in the ss,os. When the Great Sioux Reservation
was broken up into ve parts in sss, the various Teton groups were mixed and
scattered to varying degrees among the new reserves. By the mid-nineteenth
century the Potawatomis, driven from most of their western Great Lakes
homelands, were dispersed in locations from Ontario to Oklahoma, while the
Senecas of the League of the Iroquois were divided ultimately into ve parts,
three in New Yorktwo of them functioning today under a single govern-
menta Canadian group, and a segment removed to the Indian Territory.
Despite this diversity, however, the trend overall was toward increasingly in-
clusive political organization and tribal identities. The reservation gave physical
reality to tribal boundaries once primarily culturally dened or helped create
such boundaries where they had not previously existed. These boundaries now
separated not so much Indian from Indian as Indian from White, but did so on
the basis of the tribal unit. Federal administration paid little attention to sub-
tribal divisions except where they could be exploited for purposes of control.
What rights Indians retained were attached to them now through treaties usu-
ally made on a tribal basis; their legal standing was derived from tribal identi-
cations or more generally from Indianness. Relations with the rest of the world,
once largely the concern of bands, villages, or lineages, were now tribally de-
ned. Those relations went on largely outside Native American control;
nonetheless, to the extent that they left any room at all for expressions of group
sentiment or group action, they encouraged tribalism. Administratively treated
as tribes, Indians found it made sense to respond the same way.
Thus tribal identication received circumstantial support from the external
framework of relations within which the tribe was situated, even as the internal
supports of tribal community and consciousness came under attack. Of course
the atomistic thrust of Indian policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries threatened even such remnant communalism as the reservations
managed to preserve, particularly as the Indian land base was eaten away
through allotment, sale, and fraud, and as a destitute dependency replaced na-
tive maintenance activities. The tribe was surviving as an administrative unit,
but, however slowly, the community or communities it embraced were being
broken down.
Moreover, while tribalization was sustained by administrative practice, this
very fact testied to its impotence. Tribal identications were reinforced, but
s,o racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
the tribe remained powerless, both victim and by-product of the structure of
[From The Return of the Native: American Indian Political Resurgence (New York: Oxford
University Press, ss), ,sz, ,s.]
rrax nixorrtr
Group Denition and the Idea of Race in Modern China
Much historical research has been produced in the past three or four decades on
the problem of racial prejudice. Two main observations emerge from this cor-
pus of studies.
Firstly, it appears that prevailing opinion views racial prejudice as the cause,
rather than the consequence of intergroup competition. Slavery, to take an ex-
ample that has been most abundantly researched, is readily associated with the
African trade of s,o to ssso. It is apparently less appreciated that slavery is a
human phenomenon that has been observed from the most ancient times and
still exists today in dozens of nations. Moreover, the large majority of slave
movements in history were primarily of an endo-ethnic nature, with slavers and
slaves belonging to the same ethnic group.
Secondly, it appears that the stress on the causal nature of racial prejudice in
interethnic conicts has led to the overemphasis of Western-related facts. It is
too often assumed that racial prejudice can only be a white phenomenon
under which other people, lumped together under the heading coloured, had
to suffer. The narrow focus of such historical research, which can be partially
explained by a vivid sense of guilt of post-colonial Western society and by a still
dominant feeling of Euro-centrism, has distorted our comprehension of racial
matters in non-Western countries.
Precious little attention has been paid in Western historiography to racial
ideas in non-western countries. In the Chinese case, the idea of race (zhong,
seed, species, race) started to dominate the intellectual scene at the end of
the nineteenth century and continued to be considered a vital problem by many
intellectuals until the end of the sos. The emergence of a social cosmology
guided by a racial interpretation of foreign people represented a radical depar-
ture from the cultural universalism which characterized traditional China. This
article examines the transition from cultural exclusiveness to racial exclusiveness
in modern China. The transition started in the middle of the last century and
was completed in the szos. Even a cursory survey of this historical development
is of more than academic interest, as it contributes to a better understanding of
how a quarter of mankind came to formulate its vision of the world.
rrax nixorrtr s,s
The Emergence of a Racial Consciousness (17931895)
Thought in ancient China was oriented towards the world, or tianxia, all under
heaven. The world was perceived as one homogeneous unity named great
community (datong). The Middle Kingdom, dominated by the assumption of
its cultural superiority, measured outgroups according to a yardstick by which
those who did not follow the Chinese ways were considered barbarians. A
theory of using the Chinese ways to transform the barbarian (yong xia bian yi)
was strongly advocated. It was believed that the barbarian could be culturally
assimilated (laihua, come and be transformed, or hanhua, become Chinese).
In the Age of Great Peace, the barbarians would ow in and be transformed: the
world would be one.
Western incursions from the end of the eighteenth century onwards bla-
tantly contradicted this traditional conceptual framework: Westerners were
unwilling to pay homage to the Chinese court (the Macartney mission of s,,):
they rejected the tribute system which had traditionally regulated contracts
with barbarians; they refused to be culturally assimilated; and, mysteriously,
they failed to turn into Chinese.
The most dramatic consequence of this new historical development was that
the sheer physical presence of Westerners in the beginning of the nineteenth
century demonstrated the relativity of Chinas own world-view. Chinese
literati increasingly discovered that the well-established symbolic universe in
which they operated was neither total nor absolute.
The Westerner was often negated by being perceived as a devil, a ghost, an
evil and unreal goblin hovering on the border of humanity. Many texts of the
rst half of the nineteenth century referred to the English as foreign devils
(yangguizi), devil slaves (guinu), barbarian devils (fangui), island barbarians
(daoyi), blue-eyed barbarian slaves (biyan yinu), or red-haired barbarians
Racial stereotypes, grafted upon the barbarian imagery that the Chinese had
developed since the incipient stage of their civilization, contributed to the cul-
tural defence of the menaced symbolic universe. The traditional social percep-
tion of skin colour was central to this process of stereotyping: The Chinese call
the barbarians devils, and differentiate them according to their skin colour,
wrote Xu Shidong (sssss,,). The white ones are cold and dull as the ashes of
frogs, the black ones are ugly and dirty as coal, explained Jin He (ssssss,).
The hairy appearance of the foreigner was frequently underlined. For one ob-
server, the white ones are really ghosts; the sounds of their speech are similar
to birds, their shins and chest are covered with hair, their green eyes suffer when
they look in the distance.
The repulsive physical features of the foreigner were interpreted as the out-
ward manifestation of an innate inadequacy. In the absence of anatomical
knowledge, speculations about the inner physical organization of the barbar-
ians body could conrm his non-humanity. Yu Zhengxie (s,,,sso), a major
s,z racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
scholar remembered for his strong interest in research and his liberal ideas, be-
lieved that foreigners had only four chambers in the heart, whereas the Chinese
had seven. He also thought that Westerners had four testicles.
Absence of familiarity with physically dissimilar people contributed to the
gradual appearance of a racial consciousness in China after the middle of the
last century. Racial consciousness often rst appears among those who have ex-
tended contact with a phenotypically different outgroup. The Canton area in
particular and the coastal regions generally rst developed a sense of racial
identity that was to spread gradually to most of the country. Familiarity with
outgroups led both to an increased relativization of the ingroups cosmological
position and to an increased specication of the ingroups identity.
Intellectuals directly exposed to foreigners were vital in the activation of a
racial consciousness. After the ssos, scholar-ofcials involved in foreign affairs
became increasingly aware of the need for a less Sino-centric perspective. Of-
cials like Lin Zexu (s,s,ss,o), Xu Jiyu (s,,ss,,) on Wei Yuan (s,ss,o) com-
piled world geographies concerned with more practical valuations of the
outside world. By a process of positive differentiation between themselves and
other non-Western people, they enhanced their own identity. Xu Jiyus inuen-
tial account presented Africa as a desperately chaotic continent, inhabited by
retrograde black barbarians. It is scorching, miasmatic, and pestilential. Its cli-
mate and its people are the worst of the four continents . Others compared
Africa to the hundun, or Chaos, the primeval state of the Universe according to
Chinese folklore. It was precisely those who attempted to make China adopt a
more practical vision who were the most eager to denigrate coloured people.
The relativization of the ingroup commanded the conceptual debasement of
specic outgroups. Africans functioned as a negative identity for those who at-
tempted to depart from the culturalistic assumptions of the traditional Chinese
universe. Stereotypes and misperceptions largely facilitated the emergence of a
racial identity, which was vital in the process of relativization and adaptation.
The Reformers and the Idea of Race (18951902)
The decisive phase in the process of gradual erosion of Chinas Sinocentric
view of the world was its defeat in the Sino-Japanese war of ss. The Japanese
victory led to an outpouring of patriotic agitation in the country. In a general at-
mosphere of intellectual ferment, study societies created by the scholar class to
discuss political issues sprang up in most parts of the country. Journals and
newspapers published by concerned scholar-literati spread ideas of reform.
The main concern was the survival of China as a racial unit and as a sovereign
state in the face of foreign aggression.
Yan Fu (ss,,szs) was perhaps the most outspoken and inuential propo-
nent of a new world-view based on racial differences:
There are four main races on the earth: the yellow, the white, the brown and the black.
The yellow races territory is contiguous with the north of Siberia, extending to the
rrax nixorrtr s,,
South China Sea, bordered by the Pacic and up to the Kunlun mountains in the west.
They have prominent cheek-bones, a shallow nose, long eyes and straight hair. The
white race dwells west of the salted lakes of the Ural, on the territory conquered by
ancient Rome. They have blue eyes and curly hair, a prominent forehead and deep-set
sockets. On the many islands south of Vietnam, west of Luzon and east of India is the
brown race. The black race is the lowest. They live in Africa and in the territories around
the tropics. They are the so-called black slaves.
Yan Fus vision was articulated on the notion of race: it drew a dividing line
between the western barbarians and the traditional barbarians. He undertook a
transfer of Chinas sense of identity from a cultural unity, traditionally opposed
to various barbarians that can eventually be annihilated through a process of ab-
sorption, to a racial unity, faced with aggressive alien races in an international
context of struggle for survival. In the context of racial struggle, Yan warned
against the Western sway over the yellow breed or, worse, the weeding out of
the entire yellow race: They will enslave us and hinder the development of our
spirit and body . . . The brown and black races constantly waver between life and
death, why not the four hundred million of yellows.
Yan Fus racial bias was clear in his brief presentation of Darwin, which fo-
cused exclusively on the theory of struggle for survival. Instead of conveying
the individualistic approach of Darwin, Yan pictured evolution as a process of
constant struggle between races. Group cohesion, Yan Fu believed, was the
principle by which the race is strong and the group can stand.
The inauspicious spectre of interracial war, along with the threat of racial ex-
tinction, overshadowing Chinas future, conveyed a heightened sense of ur-
gency to the intellectuals discussions of the countrys shortcomings in its
confrontation with the West. The problem of the survival of the Chinese as a
racial unit was the paramount concern shared by the majority of writers of that
decade. Liang Qichao (ss,,sz), whose writings exerted a lasting inuence on
two generations of intellectuals, borrowed Yan Fus ideas of racial identity and
racial struggle, but added the American Indians to his classication of races. He
divided mankind into ve main races: the white, the yellow, the red, the brown
and the black races.
This association, which prevailed until s, was the pure product of the Chi-
nese inclination for well-ordered symmetrical patterns. Chinese literati pre-
ferred to view the world in well-dened colours corresponding to clear-cut
continents, similar to the ancient custom of associating the barbarians of the
four quarters with different colours: the red or black Di, the white or black Man,
the pitch-dark Lang, all surrounding the Imperial Centre, symbolized by the
colour yellow.
Ethnocentric reactions of the reformers were mainly directed against the
Westerners. Though the coloured people were evidently absent from the so-
cial unit with which China was physically confronted, they too were continu-
ously approached in the intellectuals writings. Ranking appears to be the key
s, racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
phenomenon underlying the Chinese interest in darker people. By downgrad-
ing the coloured races, collective self-esteem was enhanced. The Chinese neg-
ative perception of Africans was largely a phenomenon of compensation.
In the universe of the reformers, the dominating white and yellow races were
opposed to the darker races, doomed to racial extinction by hereditary inade-
quacy. Liang Qichao perpetuated traditional Confucian ideas about hierarchy
by continuously dividing his ve races into dichotomous couples like noble
(guizhong) and low (jianzhong), superior (youzhong) and inferior (liezhong),
historical and ahistorical. Tang Caichang (sso,soo) opposed ne
(liangzhong) to mean (jianzhong) races, projecting the social hierarchy that
characterized traditional China upon the outside world: in the hierarchy of the
Qing dynasty, citizens were divided into common people (liangmin) and mean
people (jianmin). Tang constructed antithetical couplets with the four races
that Yan Fus essays had introduced: Yellow and white are wise, red and black
are stupid; yellow and white are rulers, red and black are slaves; yellow and
white are united, red and black are scattered. He particularly loathed Aus-
tralian aborigines, who are pitch black, have emaciated limbs, resemble
macaques and are more repulsive than the oran-utang one can see in Malaysia.
Liang Qichao persistently denied any sense of equality to the coloured
peoples. India did not ourish because of the limitations of her race. All the
black, red, and brown races, by the microbes in their blood vessels and their
cerebral angle, are inferior to the whites. Only the yellows are not very dissimi-
lar to the whites. For Liang, blacks and browns were simply lazy and stupid.
The reformer Kang Youwei (ss,ssz,), perhaps the most acclaimed Chinese
philosopher of the last hundred years, expounded a utopian vision of the world
in a work called Datongshu, or One World. Kang wanted to eliminate the
darker races in order to achieve universal harmony. Darker races were inferior
and should be eradicated. He proposed to whiten the darker races by dietary
change, intermarriage, and migration; those who resisted should be eliminated
by sterilization.
Racial identity remained the prerogative of reform-minded scholars until the
beginning of this century. From the conservatives point of view, discussions on
racial matters were taboo, and they implied a degree of relativization that un-
dermined the bases of their Sino-centric universe. This point is best illustrated
by a document entitled the Scholars Covenant, drawn up in sss by a group of
scholars critical of the reformers. The sixth point of the covenant lambasted the
vitiated language of the reformers, and denounced the use of terms like yellow
race (huangzhong) or white race (baizhong). The concept of race introduced a
comparative perspective that constituted a menace to the Confucian distinction
between civilized Chinese and foreign barbarians.
The general image that emerges from the reformers writings is that of a yel-
low race engaged in a merciless war for world supremacy with the white race.
This outlook was mainly dictated by Chinas traditional dichotomous view of a
rrax nixorrtr s,,
world divided between Chinese and barbarians. The lack of any pluralistic
world-view predisposed China to perceive mankind in antithetical terms of
dominating and dominated races.
Race, however, was only one form of group denition that the reformers
embraced. Group denition is a notion that can only exist in a relational context
with other groups. The complexity of this network of relations can persuade a
group to adopt more than one self-denition, and some of these may have a cer-
tain degree of overlap. These denitions possess a high degree of exibility, and
may vary considerably as a result of the changes in the perceptions and the val-
uations that the ingroup has about outgroups. In the case of the reformers of
the last decade of the nineteenth century, Confucianism still exerted a lasting
inuence as a religio-moral faith. Kang Youweis movement for the preserva-
tion of the faith, for instance, tried to promote Confucianism as a national reli-
gion by giving it an institutional legitimation. Despite the many attacks of the
reformers on the traditional culturalist world-view, Confucianism remained a
powerful form of ethico-spiritual identity.
The Revolutionaries and the Nation-Race (19021915)
Race was only consecrated as the ultimate form of group denition by the gen-
eration of revolutionaries at the beginning of this century. Whereas the re-
formers perceived race as a biological extension of the lineage (zu),
encompassing all people dwelling on the soil of the Yellow Emperor, the revo-
lutionaries excluded the minorities from their denition of race, which was nar-
rowed down to the Han, the countrys main ethnic group. Nationalism was
perceived as a key to racial survival (baozhong) for the radical Chinese students
studying in Japan during the rst decade of this century. The concept of na-
tionalism was couched in terms borrowed from the Japanese. Minzuzhuyi, from
the Japanese minzokushugi, exerted the most lasting inuence upon the political
terminology of the Chinese students. The term literally meant racism, and ex-
pressed a nationalist vision based on a common race. The overlap of meaning
of the term minzu, signifying both race and nation, contributed to the emer-
gence of a concept of nationalism characterized by a vivid racial consciousness.
The constant juxtaposition of guo, country, to zhong, race, in set phrases like
love the race love the country (aizhongaiguo), or national boundaries and
racial boundaries (guojiezhongjie) also contributed to the infusion of racialist
ideas into the Chinese nationalist vision.
The myth of blood was realized by elevating the gure of the Yellow Em-
peror to a national symbol. Hailed as the rst ancestor (shizu) of the Han race,
his portrait served as the frontispiece in many nationalist publications. From the
middle of so, onwards, the radical journals established by students studying in
Japan started using dates based on the supposed birthday of the Yellow Em-
peror, initiator of the Chinese race. Liu Shipei (sssss) advocated a calendar
in which the foundation year corresponded to the birth of the Yellow Emperor:
s,o racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
The reformers see the preservation of the religion as a handle, so they use the
birth of Confucius as the starting date of the calendar; the purpose of our gen-
eration is the preservation of the race, so we use the birth of the Yellow Em-
peror as a founding date.
The Yellow Emperor remained a powerful gure for many decades. Despite
the historian Gu Jiegangs criticism of the mythical foundations of the gure of
the Yellow Emperor in the szos, he was still ofcially revered in ss as the
founder of the nation and the initiator of the race.
The main feature of Chinese intellectual thought since the ssos was the pre-
occupation with the idea of group. The revolutionary nationalists completed
the transition from group to race. Zhang Binglin (ssos,o), like many other
nationalists, expanded the racial basis of Yan Fus writings and explicitly associ-
ated the principle of qun (group, ock) with racial strength. In his article On
bacteria (ss), he explained how racial power was proportional to the ability
to group (hequn): the inferior black, brown, and red races prostrated before the
yellow race because they had failed to group. On the other hand, the yellow race
was dominated by the white race. The whites had vanquished the yellows be-
cause of their greater ability to group.
Traditional values reinforced the concept of racial grouping. Confucian val-
ues of lial piety and ancestor worship paved the way for the cult of the Yellow
Emperor. Racial loyalty came to be perceived as an extension of family loyalty.
The family, often corresponding to the clan in China, was seen as the unit by
which the race was composed. The revolutionary Chen Tianhua (ss,,so,) ac-
tively integrated traditional values into a pattern of racial solidarity in his inu-
ential writings:
As the saying goes, a man is not close to people of another family [xing, surname].
When two families ght each other, one surely assists ones own family, one denitely
does not help the foreign [wai, exterior] family. Common families all descend from one
original family: the Han race is one big family. The Yellow Emperor is a great ancestor,
all those who are not of the Han race are not the descendants of the Yellow Emperor,
they are exterior families. One should denitely not assist them; if one assists them, one
lacks a sense of ancestry.
Kin terms were infused into a racial rhetoric that called for the emotional dis-
positions usually reserved for close relatives: The racial feeling comes from the
birth onwards. For the members of ones own race, there is surely mutual inti-
macy and love; for the members of a foreign race, there is surely mutual sav-
agery and killing. Kin terms fostered the much needed bonds of association
and group loyalty.
Contrary to the reformers, who had expressed their ideas of sociopolitical re-
newal in a frame still dominated by a reference to the past, the nationalists suc-
cessfully broke away from the culturalist tradition. They elaborated a new
sense of identity that narrowly focused on the Han race, pictured as a perennial
biological unit descended from a mythological ancestor. Until ss,, however,
rrax nixorrtr s,,
the nationalist vision of blood and soil remained chiey conned to the politi-
cal arena. The idea of race would only reach a much wider audience with the
New Culture Movement.
Race after the New Culture Movement (19151949)
The New Culture Movement started in ss, and lasted for several years. It was
characterized by a totalistic and iconoclastic attack on the traditional cultural
heritage. Many new scholars, often educated in either Japan or the West, were
determined to integrate foreign science and culture into the intellectual revolu-
tion of their country. They invited the youth to part with the stagnant elements
of traditional culture and to accept foreign democracy, science and culture as
the founding elements of a new order.
Spurred by this intellectual revolution, the idea of race made rapid progress,
inltrating most domains of intellectual activity. The successive attacks un-
leashed against the traditional heritage since the middle of the nineteenth cen-
tury had dramatically undermined the bases of a well-established collective
identity and had led to the articial separation of race and culture. Racial exclu-
siveness was the warrant for successful cultural iconoclasm. With the New Cul-
ture Movement, Western social sciences became an instrument to debunk the
traditional culture and to boost racial identity. Science and age-old stereotypes
constantly intermingled to accommodate ethnocentric feelings of biological
The concept of the evolution of species led to the idea of original purity. Vi-
sions of a pure and vibrant race were projected into an idealized past to com-
pensate for the nations degraded position in the new world order created by the
West. Science and myth wove a fabric on which the frustrated mind could visu-
alize its fantasies. Wei Juxian, to take but one example, published an article in-
quiring into the origins of the Han race that was entirely based on mythology.
Wei saw the Xia as the genuine descendants of the Yellow Emperor. The Yin, the
author believed, descended from the Emperor Yan and had intermarried with
the Xia to generate the actual Han race. Wei situated the Xias place of origin on
the Caucasus: they were a pure and white race. The Yin, however, were merely
red-skinned barbarians from a part of China now known as Sichuan province.
White and red had given birth to the yellow Hans. Wei Juxian maintained the
myth of purity by locating the source of pollution in an alien group.
Archaeology was in search for evidence of human beginnings in China. Lin
Yan, for instance, carefully examined all the theories that traced the origins of
the Chinese race down to alien migrations, but rejected them for lack of sci-
entic proof. Like many of his contemporaries, he cited the Peking Man dis-
covered at Zhoukoudian to prove that the Chinese race had existed on the soil
of the Middle Kingdom since the very beginning. He concluded that the coun-
try had been inhabited by the most ancient original mankind on earth. Mod-
ern archaeology had to corroborate Chinas traditional ethnocentric theories.
s,s racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
Science was infused in age-old myths to revitalize Sino-centric beliefs that could
provide a sense of biological continuity so essential in an age of anxiety.
The transition from cultural universalism to racial nationalism took place in
an age dominated by Western racial theories. The tension accumulated by the
superiority-inferiority complex of the Chinese vis--vis Western racial arro-
gance was often released in depreciative descriptions of the coloured people. In
physical anthropology, Africans were simply referred to as the black slave race
until the end of the szos. Gu Shoubai, perhaps the most popular writer on
physical anthropology in the szos, divided blacks into a little black slave race
(xiao heinu zhongzu) and a standard black slave race (zhun heinu zhongzu). Gong
Tingzhang, another inuential pseudo-scientist, reproduced a picture of a
black in suit and tie; the caption read: Black slave from Africa. Gong believed
that blacks and Australians had small brains and had only attained the level of
civilization of Chinese stupid peasants (yunong), a remark that reveals how eas-
ily native prejudice was projected on newly discovered peoples. Professor Chen
Yinghuang believed that the purpose of anthropology was to study all the races,
from the Chinese and the English down to the black slaves and the dwarf
slaves, an age-old derogatory term for the Japanese.
Doubts about the biological foundations of the race led to the ourishing of
eugenics, the pseudo-science of race improvement. The pressure of the superi-
ority-inferiority complex felt by many educated Chinese was relieved by di-
chotomization: intellectuals were designated as the superior elements of the
race, whereas the lower classes were branded inferior. By transferring the myth
of superiority from race to class, the intellectuals set themselves up as a privi-
leged social group, holder of racial purity. The task of the eugenists was to elim-
inate the inferior classes or to raise them up to the level of the superior class: in
both cases, the nations purity would be recovered and its superiority regained.
The popularity of eugenics among the educated classes thus reected both
their concern with national revival and their sense of racial identity.
It was only after s that the concepts of race and class would merge, giving
the country a new sense of identity. Racial discrimination was expressly forbid-
den by the Chinese Communist Party after s. Widespread propaganda
under the supervision of reformed anthropologists attempted to rectify racial
thinking; it also fostered the idea that only Westerners could indulge in racism,
as the Chinese were now the leaders of the victimized coloured people in the
historical struggle against white imperialism.
The idea of racial exclusiveness became taboo, but the underlying ideas that
had led to its expression failed to disappear. The messianic idea of a universal
mission of unication (the datong, or One World ideal) was now expressed in
a phraseology based on the concept of class struggle, whereas the articial di-
chotomization between Chinese and Westerners in biological terms of race
rrax nixorrtr s,
was merely reformulated in social terms of class. Moreover, racial prejudice in
China has tended to reappear during periods of internal and external tension.
During the Sino-Soviet rift, race made an ofcial reappearance when the Com-
munist party increasingly harped on the theme of biological differences be-
tween Soviets and Chinese. With the gradual rapprochement of the two
superpowers nowadays, the idea of racial identity could prove to be danger-
ously tempting in an isolated China.
[From Group Denition and the Idea of Race in Modern China (s,,s), Ethnic and
Racial Studies, s,/, (so), zo,s.]
rottrr c. sxirn
Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era
The Behavioral Dimension
Given that there is no necessary relationship between racist attitudes and racist
behavior, we know next to nothing about the trend lines of racist actions by in-
dividuals in the post-civil rights era. There is no systematic data on individual
racismwhen individual whites take race into consideration in order to inict
injury, harm, or in other ways take actions calculated to subordinate blacks.
Such data simply are not systematically collected. In so the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare recognized this problem in Toward a Social Re-
port, in which it stated, The nation has no comprehensive set of statistics re-
ecting social progress or retrogression. There is no government procedure for
periodic stocktaking of the social health of the nation. The report recom-
mended the development by the federal government of a comprehensive social
report with emphasis on the development of social indicators that would mea-
sure social change and facilitate the establishment of national social policy
goals. Although some progress has been made since the soos in the develop-
ment of social indicators in the areas of health, the environment, educational
attainment, and income poverty, little has been done in the area of measuring
racism. The so report alluded to the problem of racism and racial conict,
however, the distinguished group of social scientists (headed by Daniel Bell and
Alice Rivlin) who prepared the report failed to call for the development of indi-
cators of racism. As a result while we can speak with some condence about the
nations progress in health, education, and the environment since the soos, in
the area of racism, arguably the nations most pressing domestic problem, we
are left to rely on sporadic data collected by private individuals or groups or,
more frequently, simply anecdotal material reported in the press.
In recent years some attention has been given to the systematic collection of
data on individual racism as it is manifested in acts of violence or harassment by
whites against blacks and other minorities. This interest was sparked by certain
soo racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
well-publicized incidents of individual racism, such as the murder of young
black men in the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn, which gave rise to a sense
that racism was on the increase in the ssos. In a ss, paper Howard University
Professor Ronald Walters pulled together the scattered data on individual acts
of racial violence and harassment in the post-civil rights era. Reports of human
relations commissions in California, New York City, Montgomery County,
Maryland, and from the Justice Departments Community Relations Service
show a steady increase in incidents of racially motivated harassment and vio-
lence since the late s,os. During this same period, there have been reports of
increased incidents of individual racist harassment and violence on the nations
college and university campuses. Many observers see the rise of individual
racist violence in the ssos as an aberrationan interruption of a previous pat-
tern of decline in such acts in the post-civil rights era as a result of a climate of
intolerance or resurgent white nationalism fostered by the Reagan adminis-
tration. Others suggest that the gures may reect not an increase in such inci-
dents but rather an increase in the reporting of such incidents or simply better
data collection efforts. In conclusion, we are back to where we started, we sim-
ply do not know the extent to which individual acts of racially motivated vio-
lence have increased, decreased, or simply stayed the same in the post-civil
rights era. All we may properly infer from the available information is that
racism of this type has not been completely eliminated in the post-civil rights
era, which suggests once again the need for more systematic data collection.
Other forms of individual racism are just as difcult to make sense of empir-
ically. For example, in the area of employment blacks have a widespread per-
ception of racism on the part of individual employers. But we are hard-pressed
to know the extent to which this perception is correct except for when the oc-
casional case reaches the courts or is otherwise reported in the press. This is so
in part because more than half the persons who perceive employment discrim-
ination do not report it. Second, as Brooks points out:
discrimination does not exist, at least not in a legal sense, until a court (and, really the
Supreme Court) says so. A judicial nding of discrimination, however, has an uncertain
quality about it. The nding is empirical (a question of fact), analytical (a question of
law applied to the facts), and policy driven (a question of who bears the burden of
proof ). In addition, a lower courts nding of discrimination is subject to reversal on di-
rect appeal or years later when and if the issue comes before the court again in another
case. Thus, a careful review of judicial determinations (the best evidence available) is
inconclusive evidence of the existence of even a legally controlled concept of discrimi-
Given these difficulties in judicial determination of racism, Brooks and his
colleagues relied in their research not on judicial proof of racism but the fil-
ing of claims of job discrimination in court or with government agencies,
whether proved or not, as well as personal perceptions of discrimination.
Brooks concludes that these sources offer compelling evidence that complex
rottrr c. sxirn sos
racial discrimination faced by middle class African Americans [who are more
likely that the lower class to report their perceptions of discrimination] is
more than an intermittent phenomenon. They provide at least prima facia
proof that such discrimination is regular and systemic in places of middle
class employment
. Brookss juri-statistical research on racism in employ-
ment is further substantiated by the occasional egregious case study
reported in the press. The two cases discussed below were widely reported in
both the national print and electronic media. They are useful to discuss
because they illustrate not only cases of individual racism but also how these
individual acts become so embedded in systemic practices that it becomes all
but impossible to disentangle the individual from the institutional type of
The rst is the seven-year ordeal of Donald Rachon, an African-American
FBI agent. Since the FBI is the governments principal agency for the investiga-
tion of racism, especially the manifestly unlawful individual type, the Rachon
case is a quite compelling example of the persistence of racism in the post-civil
rights era. While assigned to the FBIs Chicago and Omaha ofces in the early
ssos, Rachon reported a consistent pattern of racial harassment by his white
colleagues, and after the incidents were reported, a systematic effort by Bureau
supervisors to cover them up. In charges that were upheld in administrative in-
quiries by the Justice Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, Rachon indicated, among other things, that his wife (who was
white) received obscene, threatening telephone calls that often included lurid
references to interracial sex; photographs were placed on his desk with an ape
pasted over his sons head and in his mailbox with the image of a badly bruised
black man. Another incident included a forged death and dismemberment
policy taken out in his name by one of his colleagues. As a result of incidents of
this sort, Rachon reports that he became physically ill and the emotional toll
eventually broke up his marriage. In an out-of-court settlement, the FBI agreed
to pay Rachon $s million, his wife $s,o,ooo, and his lawyers a half million dol-
lars, although the Bureau refused to concede any wrongdoing. Rachon, who as
part of the settlement agreed to resign from the Bureau, claims his case was not,
as the director said, an isolated case, but represented a systematic pattern of in-
ternal discrimination, harassment, and intimidation of black agents by their
white colleagues. As with most instances of individual racism that come to light
in court or the press, the analyst has little basis for making a judgment but the
perception of systematically sanctioned racism by individuals in the nations
principal law enforcement agency is, on the basis of the Rachon case, not un-
The second case of individual racism involves four New York City employ-
ment agencies where employees under the direction of their managers system-
atically discriminated against blacks seeking jobs as low-level white-collar
receptionists and secretaries in corporate ofces. The case, reported on the CBS
soz racisx i rnt rwtritrn ctrur
news program oo Minutes and in the New York Times, showed that the agencies
routinely asked their corporate clients their racial preferences for employees
and then used code words like All American, front ofce appearance, and
corporate image to alert would-be employers to the fact that the prospective
employee was white. Once this situation came to light and suit was led by the
New York attorney general, the agencies responded with the now expected
post-civil rights rejoinder that this was an aberration that did not reect insti-
tutional policies or practices. The analyst has no way of knowing but, again, if
this kind of discrimination can be documented for such low-level white-collar
jobs as receptionist, then this reinforces Brookss argument that perceptions
matter and that discrimination in white-collar employment may be wide-
These two modes of social production of racism bring us back to the opposi-
tion we have already established between differentialist and inegalitarian
racism, though the two sets of terms do not overlap exactly. They are, however,
ss racisr xovtxtrs
sufciently close for us to link partial racism with the predominantly inegalitar-
ian variant, on the one hand, and total racism with the predominantly differen-
tialist form, on the other. In some instances, these occur in succession, as
though it were the case, in particular, that the exhaustion or impossibility of
partial racism culminated in transition to a total racism. For example, the skin-
heads rst made their appearance as a manifestation of the British labour
movement in its decomposition, as a form without social content, disconnected
from any class conict, still bearing the stamp of a certain working-class culture
and carrying a charge of anger which soon went beyond partial anti-black or,
more commonly anti-Asian racismso frequently encountered among white
workersto develop, in a space which had extended to Europe, into a total neo-
Nazi-inspired racism unconnected with any form of working-class action or
with strategies on the labour or housing markets. In other cases, it would be
more exact to speak of an intermediate zone, where the attempt to maintain a
social order in which partial racism has its place combines with tendencies to
move towards a total racism. This is, more or less, the territory of the poor
white, whether we are speaking of the barbaric violence of popular lynchings
in the USA, which went on into the szos, or, to take contemporary France, of
that infra-racist populism in which the actor oscillates between a desire to keep
the immigrants in a state of subordination and inferiority and a hate-lled call
for their deportation.
This brings us to one nal comment: the two modes of social production of
racism just presented, which correspond to analytic categories, should not be
confused with historical phenomena. Taken overall, such phenomena may
very well involve one or other of these categories to a greater or lesser extent,
but they may also involve both, and considerable degrees of variation over time
and space may also occur. Though anti-black racism has most often been asso-
ciated historically with practices of domination and with an inegalitarian or
partial logicas we have just seen with the example of the poor whitesit
also comprises a differentialist dimension which is not far removed from a total
racism. By the same token, anti-semitism should not be seen as alwaysobey-
ing the logic of total racism. Thus, in a robustly argued piece, Jacob Katz takes
to task three types of explanationthe socio-political, the psychoanalytic
and the ideologicalwhich have in common a neglect of the real conicts be-
tween Jews and non-Jews.
There are, explains Katz, three ways of detaching
anti-semitism from its connection with real, concrete Jews: the rst consists in
seeing it as a displacement of social protests onto a group which provided an
easier target than the real culprits; the second, exemplied by Sal Friedlnders
book on Nazi anti-semitism, reduces the phenomenon to a collective psy-
the third puts the emphasis on the strength of racial ideology, leaving
out of account the actual existence of Jews. It is true that anti-semitism, ctive
as it may seem, generally develops in situations where there is a certain genuine
Jewish presence, where Jews form more or less visible communities, and where
xicnti witviorxa s
some of them occupy economic, social, political or cultural positions. It is also
true than anti-semitism without Jews is an extreme case and one which is his-
torically exceptional, being met hardly anywhere but in Communist or post-
Communist central Europe or, on a much smaller scale, in contemporary
Japan. It is certainly true that, in some cases, anti-semitism falls under the head-
ing of what, keeping to our terminology, we must call partial racism, as is very
well illustrated by Victor Karady and Istvan Kmny in the case of inter-war
Hungary, where the rise of anti-semitism occurred against a backdrop of com-
petition with Jews on the labour and education markets.
But in very many
cases, one would be missing the essential point if one were not sensitive to the
imaginary and symbolic function performed by the Jews and the differentialist
logic which rejects all conict, and even all market competition with them, and
calls for them to be set apart and destroyed. In its historical forms, anti-semitism
frequently combines the two basic logics of racism; but if it occupies a central
place in history, this assuredly has more to do with the expulsions and frenzied
massacres which have been associated with it than with the inegalitarian rela-
tions it has very often been seen to accompany or used to rationalize.
[From The Arena of Racism(London: Sage, s,; sst pub. ss), zsos.]
rarnati tztxiti
Klan Rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia
Three years after I had begun interviewing members of a neo-Nazi group in
Detroit, I began the work with national leaders through conversations with the
late Robert Miles at his farm in Cahoctah, Michigan. Miles had once headed the
Klan in Michigan and now held unity meetings for far-ung racist groups at his
farm twice a year, as well as publishing a monthly newsletter. His phone rang in-
cessantly when we talked. The calls came from across the country; he was one
of the main gures holding the white racist movement together and supplying
it with ideas.
As we were talking one afternoon in July, he suggested that I go down to the
Labor Day rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia, if I really wanted to know what
the Klan was about. He gave me the names of several leaders who lived in At-
lanta so that I could make arrangements. Late in August I decided this was a
good idea. Other than Miles, I had never known anyone who openly discussed
any connection to the Klan. I could observe a large group of Klansmen; it would
be a good way to start this leg of the work. I called several people whom Miles
had suggested; they were noncommittal but said to call them if I came down.
I ew down with misgivings. It was a long, long time since my boyhood in
Texas. I had spent two years as a draftee in Georgia during the Korean War; in
the s,os I had once driven through North Carolina to the ocean. Other than
zoo racisr xovtxtrs
that, I had not been in the South since s. But I had ideas: The South was
where they killed people.
At the airport terminal in Detroit, I heard Southern accents. This is nuts, an
inner voice said. But I did need to meet the South again, and, more, I needed to
walk as a human among some Klanspeople and gain a sense of them as humans.
A friend had suggested that for my safety I should let the FBI know what I was
planning and where I was going to be. I had turned the suggestion down. My
work has always depended on building an atmosphere of trust; I want respon-
dents to be open with me, and I have to earn that openness by treating the re-
spondents with honesty. I also thought it would be dangerous to have a police
contact that I was trying to hide, and I have avoided contact with police agencies
throughout this work. It looked like a very lonely three days coming up, and I
had managed to contact an old student of mine who lived in Atlanta, and we
hoped to see each other while I was down there.
The Atlanta terminal was a shock. The gleaming metals and sophisticated
lighting in the hallways screamed the distance that this cosmopolitan center of
the New South had moved since the mid-fties. Much more impressive, and sig-
nicant, were the self-condent faces, the brisk walls, the expensive, lustrous
shoes, the crisp suit jackets, the narrow ties of the small army of African-
American professionals and businessmen who marched through the terminal,
with equally well-dressed and condent black women at their sides. Memories
welled up: the misery of black life in my hometown, the rags and the dust. Ob-
viously Atlanta must include the same poverty-lled stretches that Detroit did
and the towns of my youth, but I was excited to see evidence of a healthy black
middle class that was not minuscule. I looked with awe.
I phoned several of the people I had previously talked to long-distance; the
rst was evasive, but the second, an elderly leader named James Venable, told
me to come on over. I bought maps and went looking for him. The village of
Stone Mountain showed up okay, some ten miles east of Atlanta and at the foot
of a massive block of granite rising abruptly from the plainStone Mountain
itself. Finding Venables house took a great deal longer; his directions didnt cor-
respond to landmarks I could nd, but after exploration I found the street and
the right number. An old gray wooden farmhouse stood far in the back of a
huge lot. No one answered the door; no one seemed to be about. I waited an
hour in the silent, empty yard beneath the huge pecan trees, the quiet afternoon
Then, morose and lonely, I drove to the little motel at the edge of Atlanta.
I called Judy, my old student, and we arranged to have breakfast in the morn-
After a depressed supper, I drove back to Venables house. I was getting
nowhere; it was probably a waste of time to drive back out, but what else was
there to do? The miles of ticky-tack did not cheer me up, nor the deepening
rarnati tztxiti zos
Venable was in. He led me from the door into a kitchen lled with steam.
Four great cauldrons were bubbling on the stove. He was preparing soup for the
rally, he told me.
Venable and the house were both old. The house recalled those of my home
town: an aging country home, with stacks of old newspapers, old paper bags,
scraps of this and that against the ancient wood. Cats wandered about.
Venable talked at length. He didnt especially understand who I was, but he
wanted to teach me Klan lore. He gave me old newspapers from his branch of
the Klan; he had been its national leader for many years. He went upstairs and
got me a copy of the handbook with rules for initiation to the rst degree
there seemed to be successive degrees, as in Freemasonry. The handbook was
known as the Kloran. The Kloran listed the Klans labels: The local cell is called a
Klavern; its head is the Exalted Cyclops; ofcers below the Cyclops included the
Klaliff, the Klokard, the Kludd, the Kligrapp, the Kladd, the Kliabee, the Klexter,
and the Klarogo. The national head of a Klan, Venable told me, is known as an
Imperial Wizard; a state director is a Grand Dragon.
Venable talked about how things had been in the olden days. Great crowds
used to come to rallies, he said, great numbers to paradesthere used to be ten
thousand at the Labor Day rally, he said. There was much secret lore and special
ways. You could always nd another Klansman: When you pulled up to a gas
station in a strange town, you would ask the attendant, Do you know Mr Ayak?
Ayak stood for Are You A Klansman? The attendant would answer, Well, I know
Mr Akia. And Akia stood for A Klansman I Am.
Venables stories went on and on. He talked about huge cavalcades of Klan
cars roaring through the black sections (niggertown) to keep the black people
(niggers) in line. He talked about internal Klan politics; he talked about cere-
monies, rituals, and fellowshipsthe Klan as a fraternal order. He seemed close
to senility.
It was getting dark, and I wondered how I was going to nd the rally ground the
next day. Where should I park? Venable said we should drive down right then, so
he could show me the way.
We drove through town toward the mountain, to a huge meadow at its foot.
I saw little knots of men by small res. We walked to a re and met Dave Hol-
land, a young leader who was organizing the rally, and two of his lieutenants. I
walked across to four young men who leaned on a truck. They were hesitant
and careful, but soon got interested in talking. I talked at length with two of
them. They were friends, trying to keep a North Carolina Klan alive after the ar-
rest of its leader, worried about how to do that work without seeming to try to
take over the group. Both were twenty-two years old; both came from blue-
collar families. They believed in the Aryan Jesus, the Aryan Israelites.
Men were setting up their sleeping bags around the res. People had driven
in from a distance. It felt like a camping trip, a kids gang.
zoz racisr xovtxtrs
Later I talked more with Venable at the house, wrote some eld notes in my
motel room, and slept.
Saturday morning was cold with light rain. I had breakfasted with my former
student, who wanted to join me in a brief morning reconnaissance. Raised in
Chicago, Jewish, very thoughtful and very bright, Judy has lived in the South for
some time, and I value her reactions. Back at the rally eld we saw ags snap-
ping in the wind: Masses of Reb ags lined the great stage that had been erected
at the far edge of the meadow; ags ew from many of the dozens of vans and
trucks that had by now accumulatedthere were rattlesnake DONT TREAD ON
ME ags, Nazi battle ags with swastikas, and many more Reb ags.
We walked through the meadow. Additional vehicles arrived steadily. At four
or ve places, wooden booths set up beneath tents held books, buttons, and
FOR AIDS. Judy chatted with an older women who talked of her own childhood
in Michigans Upper Peninsula. I listened to the conversations; I looked at the
mass of Confederate ags up at the speaker standthe racists had taken over
the handsome symbol. I listened to the lively country-western music coming
over the loudspeaker. I started to be able to understand the words in the lyrics:
Again and again the lyrics used the word nigger. They had their own music,
their own songs, and they were getting joy by being able to say nigger out loud.
I drove Judy back to the city. She talked about her work in nearby towns with
country people. They are independent, she said; they are warm when they have
accepted you; they are cautious, defensive, and secretive, afraid of being pa-
tronized by city people. This crowd at the rally ground had seemed familiar to
her. My own mood was dark. I was getting a headache and feeling the strain: It
is important for my goal to let a real sense of the stranger come into me, not to
block it or distort it. At the same time I need to keep my own sense of myself. It
would be less effort just to reject the stranger. But I would gain no understand-
I thanked Judy and ate lunch. Wool socks made my feet warmer and I was
happier. I returned to the rally eld. The rain was lightening. Knots of men
spread across the meadow; I walked past conversations:
. . . What I cant understandany white woman, I can look at any white
woman, no matter how ugly-looking she is, and I can nd something to admire.
But what I cant understand, how anyone can take some bush monkey, some
ape, and crown her Miss Mississippi. (The man talking was a squat creature
from Galveston.)
. . . What is the worst, to see a coupleto see some white woman and some
black manugh! It just turns my stomach!
. . . They dont tell you about the sixty-six million white Christians the Rus-
sians killed. The Bolshevik Jews created the Russian Revolution.
. . . They dont tell you, Trotsky, his real name was Bernstein, he was a New
York Jew. They dont tell you, the three men who made the Russian Revolution,
rarnati tztxiti zo,
they were in New York, they were trained in sabotage and revolution by a team
of Rabbis.
. . . The Jew is the seed of Cain. The Canaanite Jews are the children of the
. . . Talmud is their holy book. And I dont even have to tell you about the Kol
Nidre. As I understand it, a man could go out and lie and cheat all the rest of the
So the comments went, so the conversations owed. The good folk took
comfort, as they do at these meetings, passing tidbits on to one another, having
their wisdom conrmed.
I soon found myself alongside a cluster engaged in picture taking, another fa-
vored pastimesouvenir photos of oneself in uniform or robe at the gathering.
A tall fellow aimed his camera at two of the security guards, young men posed
side by side in black T-shirts and black boots, Klan logo on the T-shirts, arms
raised in Hitler salute.
The guard nearest me, a young man with short hair and blue eyes, asked me
to be in the picture with him. I thought useful conversation might result and
went to stand next to him.
He leaned close to me and said, Hey, are you kosherish?
I was surprised. What? I asked. Excuse me?
You wouldnt happen to be Jewish, would you? he asked.
Well, yes, I said, I do happen to be Jewish.
Out! he cried. Out the gate! Lets go!
Are you serious? I asked.
The older, lean, taller man who had been taking the pictures said to him,
Wait, Arthur, I know that. Thats why I said you would want the picture to
throw darts at. Its all right, Venable brought him in last night.
Well see, Arthur Prone said grimly, and stalked off to see Dave Holland.
The lean white man, Lennie, and I waited, side by side. It was a longish wait.
The young man returned, very put out. Lennie said, Its all right. Young
Arthur yelled back towards Holland, Youre asking for some mighty hard deci-
Arthur stared at me. He ground his jaw. He looked hard into my face and
said, I dont give a damn for kikes. He said, Keep the dream alive. Kill a Jew.
Keep Hitlers dream alive.
Hatred hardened his voice. His eyes blazed. There was no way to communi-
cate. I turned and walked off; I was not going to get into a macho contest.
I paced around, much agitated. He followed me with his eyes constantly. My
stomach was rolling. I walked over to one of the guys from North Carolina,
who stood by his truck, and spoke of what had just happened. That fellow said,
He doesnt mean anything personal.
Well, I said, I am here to learn. I dont like upsetting the man. I thought it
was obvious I was a Jew.
zo racisr xovtxtrs
Youre not an Orthodox Jew, are you? the North Carolinian youth asked.
When I said no, he went on: Well, then. I take it youre here in a professional ca-
pacity, not as representing Jews. If you were here that way, I might have prob-
I walked about for ten to twenty minutes. The incident raised problems for
me. As a thin and nervous child, I had learned with great difculty the necessity
of standing up to intimidation. At the same time, I truly hate rudeness, and I felt
that Arthur had a right to be startled that an agent of the arch-end had wan-
dered into his gathering. I needed, for my dignity, to confront him; I felt that I
needed, at the same time, to acknowledge his right to his own responses. These
things had to be done, and perhaps good would come of it.
I walked back up to Arthur, who had been eyeing me steadily. I stood in front
of him. I told him that, speaking as one man to another, it had not been my in-
tention to upset him. I looked squarely at him.
I told you what I mean, he said. I dont like a kike.
He stared at me. I have no use for a Jew. Keep Hitlers dream alive: Kill a Jew.
He was still trying to provoke me.
He said again that he had no use for a Jew.
I said, Well, thats you.
I had already told him I was studying the movement; I now said, truthfully,
that I would like to hear more about what he was sayingthat this wasnt the
time or place, but if it were, I would want to hear more about this.
He said, If it were the time and the place, I would show you.
Thats you, I said in a level voice. I walked off.
I realize now, some years later and after much more interaction, that I must
have been conspicuous since my rst appearance. I had felt rather casual,
strolling among the folk, nodding and saying howdy now and then. I was
dressed in no particular manner. I had supposed I seemed out of place, but not
especially noteworthy. I much misunderstood, I now can see, the amount of
fear in which these people live, and their belief that a Jewish power base was out
to endanger them. There had undoubtedly been bits of gossip following me all
morning and afternoon as I walked about. The incident with Arthur ignited
that tinder; a strange few hours, harmless, deeply frightening, and deeply edu-
cational, followed.
As I experienced it, tentacles of hostility seemed to snake out from the en-
counter, seemed to spread through the meadow the rest of the afternoon. I was
talking rst with the North Carolina men, and someone called across from an
enclosure, Hes a Jew! Soon, as I was asking one of the attendees where the af-
ternoons street parade was to be held, another called across, Dont tell the fuck-
ing Jew! As I walked about the meadow, I picked up pieces of conversation:
Jew, Jewboy. There were periodic catcalls. As I passed near a row of parked ve-
hicles, one of the Klansmen hidden in a van called over a speaker system in a
metallic, loud, and nasty voice, Yeah, just move your niggerized self along, Jew-
rarnati tztxiti zo,
boy! Just move along. More catcalls; more frozen stares as I passed; more hard,
hostile faces.
I talked then a long time with the men from North Carolina about Jews:
What was the deal? I heard deep enmity. The Klan was profoundly anti-Semitic.
I left that little group and continued to walk about; the catcalls followed, the
nasty stares.
I talked after a while with a blond, bearded young fellow over by some cars.
He talked to me about the Federal Reserve, about the conspiracies, about the
Jews. The Jews are children of the Serpent.
Look, I said, thinking to myself that I must not answer in the terms of his
delusion but as a real person, must see the effect, in real life, I get my ideas about
people by what really happens, day by day what really happens with them. Now
you, youre from a little town in North Carolina, I reckon.
No, he answered. Tennessee.
Okay, I said. But the point is, how many Jews were in your town?
None, he said. None. But all I need to know about Jews He was shouting
by now; he had grabbed his Bible and sprung it open, he thumped it, he lifted it
into the air above his head, he slashed the air with it. All I need to know about
Jews, I get it right here! He slammed his hand onto the Good Word. All I need to
know, the Book tells me!
I stood near a tent, quietly. I was not willing to be driven away. More catcalls
came. I understood: I would not be safe here if it were dark: If someone moved
to hurt me, no one would stop him.
I had been dened. I was not Rafe, not Raphael Ezekiel; I was not the indi-
vidual my friends knew, my students knew, I knew. I was Alien, stripped of my
particular history.
I was Jew.
It was incredibly lonesome.
[From The Racist Mind (London: Penguin, so), ,s,.]
ritrrt-anrt raouitrr
The New Cultural Racism in France
The New Rights counter-offensive of anti-racism began also in ss,ss.
Launched by the Front National and its national Catholic auxiliary (the Comits
Chrtient Solidarit, the daily Prsent, the weekly Minute), the reversal concern-
ing racism was accepted by a portion of the conservative wing, which saw itself
as part of national liberalism as dened by the Club de lHorloge. The rst
move was to stigmatize anti-racist Leftists as anti-French, anti-European, anti-
Western, or anti-White racists for siding with the enemies of all the aforemen-
tioned. The second was the substitution of one denition of racists for another.
zoo racisr xovtxtrs
The most ideologically effective ploy, which has eluded Left criticism, is the
differentialist argument. The praise of difference, after being emphasized by
the ethnic doctrine of GRECE (Groupement de Reserches et dEtudes pour la
Civilisation Europene), was rapidly accepted within the neo-chauvinist camp
and became fundamental to the nascent heterophobic ideology. This praise of
difference was reduced to the claim that true racism is the attempt to impose a
unique and general model as the best, which implies the elimination of differ-
ences. Consequently, true anti-racism is founded on the absolute respect of dif-
ferences between ethnically and culturally heterogeneous collectives. The New
Rights anti-racism thus uses ideas of collective identities hypostatized as in-
alienable categories.
A third argument completes the rst twothe disjunction between Right
nationalists and Europeanists, on the one hand, and the racist phenomenon
reduced to the desire to erase differences, on the other. Differentialism is op-
posed to universalism, as authentic anti-racism is to true racism. Together,
these three arguments reverse classical anti-racist discourse.
Anti-totalitarianism is the latest reversal, which draws on all the political con-
sequences of three generations of liberal (or neo-liberal) critiques of totalitari-
anismunderstood as a tendency toward state management and centralization.
After the economic critique of the s,os (Von Mises, Hayek), the political cri-
tique of the s,os (Arendt, Aron), and nally the conjunction of the sociologi-
cal (Baechler, Boudon, Bnton), historical (Besanon, Furet) and philosophical
(Lefort, Castoriadis) critiques, the absolute rejection of the totalitarian model
and of all paths supposedly leading thereto became a precondition for the de-
mocratic ideal. The welfare state thus became the agency of totalitarianism par
excellence. To be anti-totalitarian means to refuse unconditionally all so-
cialisms, above all the fatal rst step of state control on the road leading to to-
The purpose of these rst three ideological appropriations was to make pos-
sible a positive self-re-evaluation of the Right which, starting with liberal conser-
vatism, could be extended to various nationalist families whoexcept for the
Gaullist factionhad been discredited after s,. These appropriations were
carried out by means of the rhetorical model of reversal, i.e., by borrowing the
adversarys own arguments and turning them against him. Fascism, racism, and
totalitarianism become at once key political words and demonized representa-
tions constituting the object of a consensual rejection. They function as criteria
for distinguishing enemies, adversaries/competitors and even absolute en-
emies from friends.
Positive Values
Two strategies emerge in the struggle for legitimate appropriation. The first
is a matter of presenting oneself as sharing with ones designated adversary,
but with even more authenticity, the latters declared values. The objective is
ritrrt-anrt raouitrr zo,
to appropriate exclusive use of the adversarys arguments and thereby both to
prevent those very same adversaries from using their own arguments and to
lock the adversary into a defensive position with an indefensible future. How-
ever, there is another series of ideological appropriation of values regarded as
positive. First, there is the celebration of a cultural modernity and the call for
social modernization, where the modern is reduced to economics and techno-
logical innovation and linked to individualist, productivist and managerial
values. Second, there is the appeal to the real as opposed to the utopian, mes-
sianic, and ideological. This is a recent French recycling of the thesis of the
end of ideology. While the tendency toward deideologization has never
been confirmed, the theme remains ingrained in the social imagination,
where propaganda can always rediscover it and exploit it. Third, there is the
praise of established roots, which applies to property and all forms of inheri-
tance, no less than to identities based on origins. Here, the right to be differ-
ent changes from a Left slogan (in the s,os) to one of the Right (in the
ssos)a displacement radicalized in neo-racist uses of the differentialist
principle. But this right to be different is a symptom of the aspiration to con-
tinuity and a longing for community that the modern destruction of tradi-
tional forms necessarily generates. Nostalgia for a close-knit community, for
emotional ties inexorably neutralized by democratic contractualism and the
atomization fostered by industrialization, are the affective substrata of the
ideology of established roots. Ethnicity and neo-nationalism substitute for
the meaning once provided by traditional societies.
Fourth in this series of ideological appropriations is the defense of liberty in
an explicitly anti-statist perspective. Liberal-capitalist ideology denes its hori-
zon by opposing the initiative and the responsibility of citizen-entrepreneurs to
the social hell of the interventionist state bureaucracy. This generates the
dream of a liberated civil society brought about by the marketplace freed of the
state. This is the utopia of spontaneous social organizations. However, it con-
tradicts the longing for security which demands ordersomething which can
be guaranteed only by a strong state. Fifth, then, is the demand for security, and
this demand for the security of people and property is a demand for order which
translates into greater state authority. Yet, since the state is often negatively per-
ceived as cut off from the people and suspected of inefciency, this demand is
bound to be frustrated.
The sixth appropriation is the ideal of the national body as a categorical im-
perative of political action. The decline of the internationalist project, whose
goal was the abolition of national boundaries, and a world-wide renewal of na-
tional ideologies has meant the relegitimation of nationalism. This ideal has be-
come a common stake in all movements and all parties that, directly or indirectly,
portray themselves as the defenders of national interests.
Beyond the fact that
nationalism has everything it needs to please,
and heads the list of leading ide-
ologies (socialism, fascism and liberalism), it is the most natural ideology of the
zos racisr xovtxtrs
modern state and its most effective spontaneous mode of legitimation. In terms
of total particularism, one consequence of a progressive discrediting of univer-
salism begun with WWs has been that nationalism today has no serious ideo-
logical competitor and is thus an essential component of any concrete political
project. The seventh and last appropriation is the exclusivist anchoring in the re-
publican tradition. This is a polemical reappropriation meant to deprive the So-
cialist Left of a century-old heritage. [. . .]
From the Right to be Different to a New Cultural Racism
Racisms new modes of legitimation derive from two fundamental operations:
the production of new projects concerning the defense of cultural identities
and the renement of new, acceptable arguments predicated on the privileging
of difference. New commonplaces concerning cultural identity and difference
have crystallized around the question of immigration. They are meant to con-
ceal fears of racial intermingling, perceived as indirect genocide and ethnocide.
Consider the following statements from texts published by radical right-wing
groups in France: The truth is that the people must preserve and cultivate their
differences. . . . Immigration merits condemnation because it strikes a blow at
the identity of the host culture as well as at the immigrants identity.
It is be-
cause we respect ourselves and others, that we refuse to see our country trans-
formed into a multiracial society in which each one loses ones specicity.