What Is Global Warming?
What Is Global Warming?
What Is Global Warming?
The Greenhouse Effect is what keeps Earth warm enough for people to live on,
but a build-up in the gases that produce this warmth is overheating our planet
and causing global warming.
How does global warming occur?
Heat from the sun is trapped at the Earth's surface by a blanket of greenhouse
gases. This "greenhouse effect" keeps the Earth warmer than it otherwise
would be. Human activities are rapidly increasing the amount of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, causing more heat to be trapped and increasing
global temperatures. The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and
land-use changes such as deforestation have raised the amount of carbon
dioxide, the most important human-produced greenhouse gas, by 30% since
pre-industrial times. Concentrations of methane, another potent greenhouse
gas, have more than doubled. Climate scientists around the world agree that
global average temperature has risen about 1°F (0.6°C) over the past century.
Current temperatures are likely the warmest seen in the last 2,000 years.
Assessments by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) find that most of the
warming of the past 50 years is likely due to human-produced greenhouse gas
Well now, they are blaming immigrants for Global Warming. No, really.
The findings of a new study indicate that future levels of immigration will have
a significant impact on efforts to reduce global CO2 emissions. Immigration to
the United States significantly increases world-wide CO2 emissions because it
transfers population from lower-polluting parts of the world to the United
States, which is a higher-polluting country.
I really can’t do justice to the type of rebuttal I would like to give this, but No to
Borders and Binaries has a great post that rips apart the report. Here is an
excerpt.The argument assumes that if these immigrants stayed in their
countries, they would not get the chance to consume like most Americans, and
hence not increase their carbon footprint. Is the CIS implying that improving
standards of living for people through immigration or development in their own
countries leads to global warming so improving their quality of life is wrong?
How honorable. It does absolutely nothing to propose solutions to the very real
problem of global warming (a fact that right wingers choose to overlook till they
can use it against immigration), and is yet another means of immigrant
Furthermore, the report completely looks over the fact that the countries which
contribute the most immigrants–legal or illegal–to the United States (India,
China, Mexico) are developing countries where consumption rates are likely to
explode in the future–another fact that right-wingers always point to
themselves when told to rein in consumption by the G-8 nations. Again, the
United States can take the lead in this matter and do something about its own
consumption rates before it starts blaming population growth for the problem.
If we rein in consumption patterns, our ecological footprint decreases and
hence population growth–from immigrants or otherwise–becomes a less
important issue.
Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases Are Effecting
As we sit in our living rooms, buttressed against the cold by blankets, hot
toddies, and cranked-up thermostats, it may seem easy to believe the
assertions of those who say that global warming isn't real or those who say that
it may be real but it's nothing to worry about. Hey, who doesn't love hot fun in
the summertime? Maybe global warming will be our most successful export!
Well, not so fast there, Sly. Let's take a look at some data. In 2001, the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization whose
membership includes the US, released a report that included data and analysis
about temperature trends, what's causing them, and what impacts we might
expect to see. The graph below shows IPCC's scientific estimates of
temperature changes over the last 140 years. The graph is a little techno-
nerdy, but the most important part is the solid black line, which shows a clear
increasing trend over the last century.
Some would still argue that scientists also know temperatures vary from year
to year, and even long-term trends (over decades and centuries) in temperature
can vary. Yes, this is true, but a quick look at the next graph should dispel any
doubt that something very different has gone on in the last century, something
indicative of a radical departure from past temperature variations and trends.
The plot below shows how temperatures over the last 1,000 years varied from
the 1961-1990 average. Beginning in the early 1900s there is a steady rise up
to the baseline period (1961-1990), and in the decade 1990-2000 the rise is
even more dramatic. While the sharp rise in the last century is quite
noticeable, the most important thing to see is that this rise contrasts sharply
with the overall consistency of the previous 900 years.
Global warming pictorial food for thought