A Review of Geometry
A Review of Geometry
A Review of Geometry
1 Whats Next? 2
Chapter 1
Whats Next?
I have learnt all theorems and properties in planar geometry. Whats next for me? Similar to the topic of inequalities in algebra, geometry is a topic in Mathematics Olympiad which is saturated with theorems and properties. What is even more challenging is that students must be equipped with strong visualisation skills in order to incise geometric problems with the correct theorems and properties. This reason alone makes many student detract attention from geometry and focus on other ares instead. Yet the mastery of geometry is not an unthinkable feat. Just like what I said in the previous document on Algebra, there are two distinctive phase in the grasping of Mathematics Olympiad. The rst step in studying geometry is, obviously, to study geometric theorems and be well acquainted with basic applications of such theorems. Of course, this step is relatively challenging in studying geometry due to the sheer number of dierent quantities, shapes and concepts that students have to master. On the other hand, it is no less important for student to learn the strategies involved in solving geometric problems. It is a cardinal sin (well, pardon my exaggeration) to neglect this step because most geometric problems in competitions does not merely involve the application of a theorem. It is often coupled with ingenious transformations and inspired combination of theorems that allows one to solve a geometric problem beautifully. In order to acquire dierent skills in geometry, it is important for one to do hundreds and thousands of problems to familiarise oneself with dierent strategies and pick up useful lemmas in the process. (Youve heard it, THOUSANDS) There are two approaches in solving geometric problems: synthetic geometry and analytical geometry. Synthetic geometry involves using theorems learnt in MO to solve a geometric problem. This is often coupled with creative construction and transformation in the process of solving the problem. The lack of a xed approach or algorithm in solving the problem is a huge contrast to analytical geometry. Analytical geometry, on the other hand, is also known as the brute force method. Students can use methods such as coordinate geometry, trigonometry, vectors and complex numbers to quantify everything within the problem and solve the problem algebraically. I do not have any preferred method in solving geometric problems. Synthetic geometry does help in solving a problem quickly and elegantly, but sometimes it takes too much time in arriving at the correct approach. The analytical geometry approach will denitely involve heavy computation, but it is more certain that one will obtain the solution through this method. I recommend students to master both techniques in solving geometric problems. By saying basic theorems and properties in geometry, I refer to the following topics: 1. Planar Geometry (a) Triangles i. ii. iii. iv. Similarities and congruences Area of triangles Trigonometric properties Special lines within the triangle and notable theorems (Pythagorean theorem, Mid-point theorem, Angle-bisector theorem, Stewarts theorem, etc) 2
v. Centres of a triangle (b) Circles i. ii. iii. iv. Basic circular properties Cyclic quadrilaterial Power of a point and radical axis Notable theorems (Ptolemys theorem, Simsons theorem, etc)
(c) Concyclic, collinearity, concurrency i. Menalaus Theorem and Cevas Theorem (d) Area properties i. Herons formula ii. Area relations with circumradius and inradius iii. Area relations with trigonometry (e) Geometric inequalities i. Triangle inequalities ii. Other geometric inequalities 2. Trigonometry (a) Trigonometric identities (b) Sine rule and cosine rule 3. Analytical geometry (a) Coordinate geometry (b) Vectors (c) Complex numbers (d) Inversive geometry Yup, thats a lot of things to study, considering that this is merely the rst step in studying geometry. Note that I have omitted 3D geometry in the list above. 3D geometry is covered in most regional Olympiads around the world. However, it is not within the syllabus of SMO and IMO. Nevertheless, it is still useful to learn the skills in 3D geometry as these problems do appear in AMC, AIME and Purple Comet. The fundamental knowledge listed above will help in the following three strategies that I will expound in the following chapters: 1. Chasing. This technique involves using geometric theorems to chase all the quantities within the geometric diagram. This includes the lengths, angles and areas within the problem. Similarity and congruences help tremendously in this technique. Often, we cannot chase all the quantities and have to set variables to simplify our work (be cautious not to complicate it). 2. Construction and transformation. This technique involves constructing auxiliary lines (or circles/curves) to help us identify similarities, chase quantities or simply apply geometric theorems. We can also transform a certain part of the diagram through reection, rotation, translation, dilation, etc. There are often hints in the question that suggests us to use this technique. 3. Analytical geometry. Brute force method. Nu said. I have organised this set of notes based on the strategies used in solving geometric problems. This set of notes is created to help students in senior section (and perhaps some in junior section), so I will try my best in choosing simple examples...