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Role of The HR Function

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Role of the HR function

HR functions are concerned with the management and development of people in organizations. They are involved in the development and implementation of HR strategies and policies and some or all of the following people management activities: organization development, human resource planning, talent management, knowledge management, recruitment and selection, learning and development, reward management, employee relations, health and safety, welfare, HR administration, fulfilment of statutory requirements, equal opportunity and diversity issues, and any other matters related to the employment relationship. The IRS survey of HR roles and responsibilities (IRS, 2004b) found that HR functions were spending 20 per cent of their time on strategic activities, 40 per cent on administration, 30 per cent on providing a consultancy service, and 10 per cent on other activities. The clients or customers of the HR function are not just management. They also comprise the front-line managers who actually implement HR policies and on whom the function relies to get things done, employees, and potential recruits. This chapter deals with: the overall role of the function; the role of HR in facilitating and managing change; variations in practice; organization of the function;

marketing the function; preparing, justifying and protecting the HR budget; outsourcing; the provision of shared services; the use of external consultants; evaluating the HR function.


The role of the HR function is to enable the organization to achieve its objectives by taking initiatives and providing guidance and support on all matters relating to its employees. The basic aim is to ensure that the organization develops HR strategies, policies and practices that cater effectively for everything concerning the employment and development of people and the relationships that exist between management and the workforce. The HR function can play a major part in the creation of an environment that enables people to make the best use of their capacities and to realize their potential to the benefit of both the organization and themselves. Essentially, the HR function provides the advice and services that enable organizations to get things done through people. It is in the delivery business. Ulrich (1998) points out that: The activities of HR appear to be and often are disconnected from the real work of the organization. He believes that HR should not be defined by what it does but by what it delivers. The more sophisticated HR functions aim to achieve strategic integration and coherence in the development and operation of HRM policies and employment practices.

Strategic integration could be described as vertical integration the process of ensuring that HR strategies are integrated with or fit business strategies. The concept of coherence could be defined as horizontal integration the development of a mutually reinforcing and interrelated set of HR employment and development policies and practices. These strategic aspects of the work of the function are dealt with in Chapters 7, 8 and 9 of this book.


If HR is concerned as it should be with playing a major role in the achievement of continuous improvement in organizational and individual performance and in the HR processes that support that improvement, then it will be concerned with 54 Managing people facilitating change. Ulrich (1997a) believes that one of the key roles of HR professionals is to act as change agents, delivering organizational transformation and culture change. Strategic HRM is as much if not more about managing change during the process of implementation as it is about producing long-term plans; a point emphasized by Purcell (1999) who believes that: We should be much more sensitive to processes of organizational change and avoid being trapped in the logic of rational choice. In 2001 Purcell suggested that change is specially important in HRM strategies, since their

concern is with the future, the unknown, thinking of and learning how to do things differently, undoing the ways things have been done in the past, and managing its implementation. He believes that the focus of strategy is on implementation, where HR can play a major part. The importance of the human resource element in achieving change has been emphasized by Johnson and Scholes (1997):
Organizations which successfully manage change are those which have integrated their human resource management policies with their strategies and the strategic change process... training, employee relations, compensation packages and so on are not merely operational issues for the personnel department; they are crucially concerned with the way in which employees relate to the nature and direction of the firm and as such they can both block strategic change and be significant facilitators of strategic change.

The contribution of HR to change management

The HR function may be involved in initiating change but it can also act as a stabilizing force in situations where change would be damaging. Mohrman and Lawler (1998) believe that:
The human resources function can help the organization develop the capability to weather the changes that will continue to be part of the organizational landscape. It can help with the ongoing learning processes required to assess the impact of change and enable the organization to make corrections and enhancements to the changes. It can help the organization develop a new psychological contract and ways to give employees a stake in the changes that are occurring and in the performance of the organization.

How HR can facilitate change

Ulrich (1998) argues that HR professionals are not fully comfortable or compatible in the role of change agent, and that their task is therefore not to carry out change but to Role of the HR function 55 get change done. But HR practitioners are in a good position to understand possible points of resistance to change and they can help to facilitate the information flow and understanding that will help to overcome that resistance.

Change guidelines for HR

To facilitate change, HR has to be fully aware of the reasons why people resist change and the approaches that can be adopted to overcome that resistance, indeed to gain agreement that change is desirable. These approaches are described in Chapter 24. Useful guidelines (quoted by Ulrich, 1998) on how HR can facilitate change have been produced by the HR department in General Electric. These are to ensure that: employees see the reason for change; employees understand why change is important and see how it will help them and the business in the long and short term; the people who need to be committed to the change to make it happen are recognized; a coalition of support is built for the change; the support of key individuals in the organization is enlisted; the link between the change and other HR systems such as staffing, training, appraisal, rewards, structure and communication is understood; the systems implications of the change are recognized; a means of measuring the success of the change is identified; plans are made to monitor progress in the implementation of change; the first steps in getting change started are recognized;

plans are made to keep attention focused on the change; the likely need to adapt the change over time is recognized and plans can readily be made and implemented for such adaptations.


The role of the HR function and the practice of human resource management vary immensely in different organizations. As Sisson (1995) has commented, HR management is not a single homogeneous occupation it involves a variety of roles and activities that differ from one organization to another and from one level to another in the same organization. Tyson (1987) has claimed that the HR function is often balkanized not only is there a variety of roles and activities but these tend to be relatively self-centred, with little passage between them. Hope-Hailey et al (1998) believe that HR could be regarded as a chameleon function in the sense that the diversity of 56 Managing people practice established by their research suggests that contextual variables dictate different roles for the function and different practices of people management. Adams (1991) has identified four approaches to the role of the function, each of which can be seen as representing a kind of scale of increasing degrees of externalization, understood as the application of market forces to the delivery of HR activities: 1. The in-house agency, in which the HR department is seen as a cost centre and the activities are cross-charged to other departments or divisions. 2. The internal consultancy, in which the HR department sells its services to internal

customers (line managers), the implication being that managers have some freedom to go elsewhere if they are not happy with the service that is being provided. 3. The business within a business, in which some of the activities of the function are formed into a quasi-independent organization that may trade not only with organizational units but also externally. 4. External consultancy, in which the organizational units go outside to completely independent businesses for help and advice. The common feature of all these approaches is that the services delivered are charged for in some form of contract, which may incorporate a service level agreement. The approach to the provision of services and their externalization will vary between different organizations because of contextual factors such as the way in which the business is organized and the type of people employed, the values and beliefs of top management about the need for HR and the extent to which it will make a contribution to the bottom line, and the reputation and credibility of the HR function. Another area for variation is the extent to which the traditional methods of managing HR functions have changed in the direction of setting up shared services and outsourcing, as described later in this chapter.


The organization

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