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Integration of a n experiment into the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory

H. I. Abu-Mulaweh Mechanical Engineering Department, Purdue University at Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN 46805, USA E-mail: mulaweh@engr.ipfw.edu
Abstract A n experimental apparatus was designed, developed and constructed for the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory at Purdue University at Fort Wayne. This paper presents a n experiment that can be integrated into the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory. The objective of this experiment is to enhance the understanding of the transfer of thermal energy by undergraduate mechanical engineering students. This experiment exposes the students to several important concepts in heat transfer, such as one-dimensional, steady-state heat transfer by conduction and n efciency. In this type of experiment, the students get the opportunity to compare the measured temperature proles in the n to both analytical and numerical solutions. The experimental apparatus required to carry out this experiment is simple and inexpensive. Keywords ns; experiment; Laboratory; heat transfer

Notation Ac Af h k L n P Qf T To T x h q(x) qo cross-sectional area surface area of n convection heat transfer coefcient thermal conductivity length of n nodal point perimeter of n rate of heat loss from n temperature base temperature ambient temperature axial location n efciency excess temperature (T(x) - T) To - T

Introduction Heat transfer is a very important subject and has long been an essential part of mechanical engineering curricula all over the world. Heat transfer is encountered in a wide variety of engineering applications where heating and cooling are required. Heat transfer plays an important role in the design of many devices, such as spacecraft, radiators, heating and air conditioning systems, refrigerators and power plants.
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H. I. Abu-Mulaweh

It is important for engineers to understand the principles of thermodynamics (especially the rst and second laws) and of heat transfer, and to be able to use the rate equations that govern the amount of energy being transferred via the three different modes of heat transfer (i.e., conduction, convection, and radiation). However, the majority of students perceive thermodynamics and heat transfer as difcult subjects. A portable experimental apparatus (refrigeration system) was designed, developed and constructed by Abu-Mulaweh [1] to demonstrate processes and systems which are fundamental to an understanding of the basic concepts of thermodynamics, such as the rst and second laws. Similarly, the integration of the present experiment into the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory would enhance and add another dimension to the teaching and learning of the subject of heat transfer. The students would be able to apply to real-life situations the principles of conductive heat transfer, such as Fouriers law, n efciency, and others that they have learned in classroom lectures. This approach could make the subject of heat transfer a more pleasant experience for undergraduate mechanical engineering students. Purdue University at Fort Wayne is a state-supported institution. This makes the purchase of new instructional laboratory apparatus a challenge, due to typical budgetary limitations. Moreover, the apparatus designed by companies specializing in education equipment may not exactly reect the educational objectives intended by the faculty. These obstacles had forced the author to seek different ways to acquire a n experimental laboratory apparatus for demonstrating some heat transfer principles. The author concluded that such an apparatus can be designed, developed and constructed in house within a manageable budget. Extended surfaces (ns) are used to enhance the heat transfer rate between a solid surface and adjoining uid. The n is a good application that involves combined conduction and convection effects. In this experiment the n is assumed to be innitely long (i.e., the tip of the n is at the same temperature as the adjacent uid) and the heat ow is one dimensional. Under steady-state conditions, the students estimate the convective heat transfer coefcient from the measured temperature prole of the n and the rate of heat dissipation from it. The measured temperature prole of the n is compared with both the analytical and numerical (nitedifference) solutions. The ns efciency is also evaluated. Experimental apparatus and procedure A portable n experimental apparatus was designed and constructed. The experimental apparatus is relatively simple and inexpensive. It consists of a constanttemperature energy source (a heated aluminum plate) into which the end of a circular cross-section rod is attached, as shown in Fig. 1. An aluminum circular crosssection test rod (90 cm in length) with a diameter of 9.5 mm is employed as the n. This 90 cm length was chosen, based on analytical calculations, to ensure that the tip of the n is at the same temperature as the adjacent uid. Nine copper constantan thermocouples are inserted at equal intervals into the rod to measure the axial temperature distributions. The heated aluminum plate is made of four composite layers that are held together by screws. The upper layer is an aluminum plate
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Fig. 1

A picture of the n apparatus.

(15.24 cm 15.24 cm, and 0.95 cm thick). The second layer consists of a heating pad that can be controlled for electrical energy input. The third layer is a 0.64 cm thick Transite insulating material. The bottom layer of the heated plate is aluminum plate 1.6 cm thick serving as backing and support for the heated plate structure. The aluminum plate can be heated and maintained at a constant temperature by adjusting and controlling the level of electrical energy input to the heating pad. This is accomplished utilizing a variable-voltage transformer. The temperature of the aluminum plate is measured by a thermocouple that is inserted into the plate from the back. The heated aluminum plate and the n attachment assembly are rigidly mounted on a short stand, as shown in Fig. 1. A portable thermocouple is also used to measure the ambient temperature (i.e., air temperature). The heat is dissipated by the n to the adjacent air by natural convection. The experimental procedure is very simple, quick, and straightforward to carry out. First, turn on the energy source and adjust the electrical energy input to the desired heating level using the variable-voltage transformer. Second, when the system reaches steady-state conditions, measure the axial temperature distribution, T(x), of the rod. In addition, measure the surrounding air temperature, T, using a portable thermocouple.
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Theory Analytical solution The analysis for ns of uniform cross-sectional area can be found in any standard heat transfer textbook (see, for example, Incropera and DeWitt [2] and zisik [3]). In this experiment, the n is assumed to be innitely long (i.e., the tip of the n is at the same temperature as the adjacent uid) and the temperature at the base (x = 0) is constant, To. The analysis is simplied by the following assumptions: onedimensional conduction in the x direction, steady-state conditions, constant thermal conductivity, no heat generation, constant and uniform convection heat transfer coefcient over the entire surface, and negligible radiation from the surface. Under these assumptions, the system of energy equation and boundary conditions assumes the form (refer to Fig. 2): d 2T - m 2 (T - T ) = 0 d x2 T (0) = To T ( L ) = T Where m = (1) (2) (3)

hP kAc The resulting temperature distribution and total heat transfer by the n are given, respectively, by:

Fig. 2

Schematic of the n.

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T ( x ) - T = (To - T ) exp(- mx ) Q f = hPkAc (To - T )

(4) (5)

The n efciency, h, is dened as the ratio of the actual heat transfer through the n to the ideal heat transfer through the n if the entire n surface were at n base temperature. For the present experiment, the n efciency is expressed by: hlongn = 1 mL (6)

Finite-difference solution The numerical method solution is employed to determine the temperature distribution in the ns. The numerical scheme that the students are asked to use is the nitedifference method. The nite-difference numerical scheme is described by Chapra and Canale [4]. In this method, the differential equation of heat conduction is approximated by a set of algebraic equations for temperature at a number of nodal points. Therefore, the rst step in the analysis is the transformation of the differential equation of heat conduction in the n into a set of algebraic equations (i.e., the nite-difference representation of the differential equation). This can be done considering an energy balance for a typical internal node of the n rod. It should be noted that the temperatures at the boundaries are prescribed; that is T(0) = To and T(L) = T. The rod is divided into N subregions, each Dx = L/N, and the node temperature is denoted by Tn, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N, as shown in Fig. 3. The resulting general form of the nite-difference equation for the internal nodes (i.e., n = 1, 2, . . . , N - 1) is: kAc kA (Tn-1 - Tn ) + c (Tn+1 - Tn ) + hPDx(T - Tn ) = 0 Dx Dx (7)

The simultaneous algebraic equations for temperatures at the nodal points can be solved by the Gaussian elimination method, GaussSeidel iteration, or by the matrix

Fig. 3

Notation for nite-difference nodes.

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H. I. Abu-Mulaweh

inversion method. Computer programs for the solution of the simultaneous algebraic equations using these schemes are found in zisik [3]. Estimation of the convection heat transfer coefcient The convection heat transfer coefcient, in general, varies along the n as well as its circumference. For convenience in the analysis, however, it is assumed that the convection heat transfer coefcient is constant and uniform over the entire surface of the n. The value of the convection heat transfer coefcient is needed in order to determine the temperature distribution in the n using the analytical and nitedifference solutions as given by equations 4 and 7, respectively. There are two possible methods for the estimation of the convection heat transfer coefcient in this situation. The rst method utilizes equation 4 and the measured temperature distribution along the n. This is accomplished by rearranging equation 4 and taking the natural logarithm of both sides. This yields: T - T ln = - mx To - T (8)

T - T Use the measured temperature distribution and plot- ln against x and then To - T use the least squares method to nd the slope of the line which is equal to m. Once the value of m is known, the convection heat transfer coefcient value can be calculated from the following relation: m= hP kAc

Also, the value of the convection heat transfer coefcient, h, can be estimated by considering an energy balance for a differential volume element Dx/2 at node n = 0, as shown in Fig. 4:

Fig. 4

Notation for energy balance at node n = 0.

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kAc Dx (To - T1 ) + hP (To - T ) Dx 2


where Q is the heat entering the element from the base, which is equal to the heat lost by the n to the adjacent uid by convection as given by equation 5, and T0, T1, and T are from the measured data. Combining equations 5 and 9 yields: hPkAc (To - T ) = kAc Dx (To - T1 ) + hP (To - T ) Dx 2 (10)

Equation 10 can be solved for the convection heat transfer coefcient, h, by trial and error. Sample results and discussion Measurements of the axial temperature distribution along the n were carried out for four different base temperatures (qo = 73.8, 90.1, 109.2, and 132.1 C). For all of these conditions, the temperature at the tip of the n was the same as that of the air. The convection heat transfer coefcient value was estimated using the least squares method as shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5, the measured data are represented by the circles and the solid line represents the best t using least squares. The value of

Fig. 5

Least squares method for estimation of the convection heat transfer coefcient.
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the convection heat transfer coefcient was estimated to be h = 11.6 W/m2.C. And subsequently the rate of heat dissipation by the n and its efciency were determined using equations 5 and 6, respectively. The efciency of the n in the present experimental set-up was estimated at h = 16.6%. The variations in the rate of heat dissipation by the n with the base temperature are presented in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 shows, as expected, that the rate of heat loss by the n increases linearly as the base temperature increases. It should be noted that once the n efciency is known, the rate of heat dissipation by the n can be obtained from the following relation: Q f = hhA f q o (11)

The measured and the predicted dimensionless temperature distributions for the four different base temperatures (qo = 73.8, 90.1, 109.2, and 132.1 C) are presented in Fig. 7. In Fig. 7, the solid lines represent the results from the analytical solution (equation 4), and the points represented by the + and circle symbols are, respectively, the predicted results from the nite-difference solution (equation 7) and the measured values. As can be seen, the measured results agree favorably with both the

Fig. 6

Rate of heat dissipation by the n.

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Fig. 7

Dimensionless temperature distribution along the n.


H. I. Abu-Mulaweh

analytical and the numerical solutions. The reason for carrying out the experiment at four different base temperatures is to show that the measured results are repeatable. The good agreement between the measured results and the analytical and numerical solutions and the repeatability of the experimental results indicate that the apparatus is well designed for its intended purpose of demonstrating basic heat transfer principles. Conclusion The experimental n apparatus described in this paper is a valuable addition to the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory. The experimental set-up is relatively simple and the equipment relatively inexpensive and available in almost all undergraduate heat transfer laboratory. The sample results prove that the apparatus is well designed for its intended purpose of demonstrating basic heat transfer principles. The experimental apparatus is portable. This allows it to be used for laboratory experiments and classroom demonstrations. The integration of this experiment into the undergraduate heat transfer laboratory would enhance and add another dimension to the teaching and learning of the subject of heat transfer. References
[1] H. I. Abu-Mulaweh, Portable experimental apparatus for demonstrating thermodynamics principles, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 223231, (2004). [2] F. P. Incropera and D. P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (John Wiley, New York, 2002). [3] M. N. zisik, Heat Transfer (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985). [4] S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd edn (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988).

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