Strategic Management & Marketing: Main Aims of The Assignment
Strategic Management & Marketing: Main Aims of The Assignment
Strategic Management & Marketing: Main Aims of The Assignment
Main aims of the assignment: To enable students to: Strategic Management: Approach the challenges facing the organization creatively and objectively. Develop your understanding of the organizations likely response to change and plan for change to meet the challenges within it. Adopt techniques that will enable effective implementation of the changes needed to meet the challenges. Set realistic objectives that take account of the demands of the supply chain and the organizations strategic objectives. Use management tools and techniques to ensure operations meet requirements for efficiency and effectiveness. Apply quality standards to the performance of your organization. Ensure compliance with quality, legislative and regulatory requirements. Marketing: Create effective marketing plans to achieve agreed objectives and strategy. Identify the resources needed to implement marketing plans and the controls to be employed. Learning outcomes for the Assignment Knowledge 1. Analyze and evaluate the current strategic position of your organization or strategic business Module, and the challenges facing it. 2. Evaluate the implications and impact of different ways of tackling these challenges and recommend the most appropriate routes to meet strategic needs. Thinking skills 3. Plan and control the implementation of the changes required to achieve the recommended strategy.
4. Explain what your organization does and how your operation supports strategic objectives. Subject-based practical skills 5. Identify, analyse and evaluate the range of tools and techniques you use for managing operations. Promote the importance and benefits of quality as a contribution to the organizations strategic objectives. 5. Describe the range of legislation that impacts upon both your area of responsibility and that of your organization. Skills for life and work (general skills) 7. Investigate, analyse and evaluate information on the macro, micro and internal environments of your organization or strategic business Module. Conduct a marketing audit of your organization or strategic business Module. 8. Develop marketing objectives from the results of a market analysis, establish and review the feasibility of options to meet those objectives. Prepare a marketing plan for your organization or strategic business Module and explain how you would manage its implementation and control.
QUESTION: The coursework is a research based business report, it requires the students to critically analyse the strategic, formulation, implementation and marketing plan of a company along with recommendations for an airline industry that is going through a challenging times. Assignment: The assignment consists of two parts. You are required to write a report based on your research on the following: Part I Select any medium to large size business. Introduce Strategy/Strategic Management and explain the different circumstances under which a suitable growth strategy should be selected by the chosen company to improve its performance (i.e., intensive, integrative or diversification growth). Investigate the components of a good Business Plan and briefly explain the importance of each. Part II Conduct a study on the Marketing Environment of the chosen organisation and prepare a Marketing Plan for the next five years. The marketing plan should be aligned with the business goals set in its strategic plan in the Part I of the assignment,
Assignment Documentation: Use a standard report structure. Use Word Processor to develop your report. Average size of report is 2000 words. (1000 words for each part) Collusion and Plagiarism must be absolutely avoided. All work should be comprehensively referenced according to Harvard Style of referencing and all sources must be acknowledged fully: books and journals, websites etc. Your assignment should be +10% of 2000 words Marking scheme for Part I & Part II Proposal Provide brief information about the background, aims and objectives of the organization. 10 Marks Context Analyse the current position of the organization with BCG Matrix 10 Marks
Strategic Implementation Introduction to Strategy/Strategic Management. Business Plan and the growth strategy of the company 25 Marks Marketing Introduction & theoretical background of Marketing Environment. Effect of 7ps in Marketing 10Marks Marketing Plan Devise a marketing plan for the chosen organisation in line with its strategic plans framed in the part I of the assignment 15 Marks Analysis Critically analyse the alignment between the marketing plan and the strategic Implementation 10 Marks Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion and future recommendation for the organisation.
10 Marks
Presentation: Appropriate structure of a research report with Harvard Style of referencing. Marks Total 100 Marks
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Use a cover sheet for your essay. Use references within the body of your essay, and evaluate & critically analyse the arguments presented in your work. Write a title, introduction & conclusion for your essay. Use a appropriate academic style, and relevant theories & examples. Use appropriate English (grammar & structure). Be aware of Plagiarism when using other academic sources. Include a list of references at the end of your essay, using the Harvard Style which has been already demonstrated on the Business Building Foundation moodle page. The books advised are:
Core Book: Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, R. E, (2008) Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, South-Western College, ISBN-10: 0324655592 Lynch R (2007) Corporate Strategy (4th edition) FT Prentice Hall Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong (2007), Principles of Marketing (12th edition), ISBN: 9780132390026 Essential Books: Hunger J. D., Wheelen, T., (2006), Essentials of Strategic Management, Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0131485237 Saloner, G., Shepard, A., Podolny, J., (2005) Strategic Management, Wiley, ISBN-10: 0470009470