Caution: Printer Port Setting Procedures For Inmarsat-C JUE-75C
Caution: Printer Port Setting Procedures For Inmarsat-C JUE-75C
Caution: Printer Port Setting Procedures For Inmarsat-C JUE-75C
Printer port setting might not be correct if the printer alarm PRINTER NOT READ CONFIRM THE PAPER AND ON-LINE was occurred and unable to clear. Then set the printer port according to following procedures.
E Never set up other than the printer settings. Unrelated settings may cause trouble.
1. Confirm that the printer cable connects whether IME or DTE with the printer.
Press Cntl, Fn and Left arrow / Home key on the keyboard simultaneously.
6. Move the cursor to Data port main using the arrow keys and press the Enter key. Installation 1 of 2
Mes number : 123456789 Delivery date (yy-mm-dd ) : 04-01-01 Date (yy-mm-dd ) : 04-01-01 Utc (hh:mm) : 00:00 Time difference : -00:00 Display time : Utc Lt Nav. Equipment connected with mes : None External Buzzer sound duration for message received (0-10) : 1 sec. Data port main : DTE ( Msg print ON printer routed to IME ) Data port #1 : Data port #2 : F7:Default
F9:Next F10:Previous
Move the cursor to Data port main using the arrow keys.
7. Move the cursor to Dte on the sub-menu using the arrow keys and press the Enter key. Installation 1 of 2
Mes number Delivery date (yy-mm-dd ) Date (yy-mm-dd ) Utc (hh:mm) Time difference Display time Data port main Nav. Equipment con None Buzzer sound durat Dte Data port main : D Data Source Data port #1 : Data port #2 : F10:Previous F7:Default Move the cursor to Dte.
: 123456789 : 04-01-01 : 04-01-01 : 00:00 : -00:00 : Utc Lt : None External : 1 sec. to IME )
F9:Next F10:Previous
8. Move the cursor to Printer routed to and press the Enter key.
9. Then move the cursor to the printer port that is connected to the printer and press the Enter key. Installation 1 of 2
Mes number : 123456789 Delivery date (yy-mm-dd ) : 04-01-01 Date (yy-mm-dd ) : 04-01-01 Utc (hh:mm) : 00:00 time difference : -00:00 Display time : Utc Lt Data port main Nav. Equipment connected with mes : None External Internal Buzz Data Message print out : On Off : Ime Dte H.Dte(ext) Both Both(H.Dte-ext) Data Printer routed to Data F10:Previous F7:Default F9:Next F10:Previous
Move the cursor to Printer routed to. Move the cursor to the port which is connected to the printer.
10. Press F10 key for three times to return to the menu.
11. Turn off the main power switch, then turn on the switch in a few seconds later.