Preface In business world, people have recently talked too much about private sectors development, WTO opportunities and challenges, international integration, etc. And all the enterprises as well as organizations in Vietnam is trying to catch the development of the world. One of the most complicated issues existing in organizations nowadays is Human Resource Management (HRM) that partly prevents them from further development. HRM has developed strongly in the developed countries, but to developing ones like Vietnam, the term seems to be still new and is at the first stage of building and developing. It is no doubt that HRM development is an urgent task that should be done by planning strategists to fit the very fast changing economy situation simply because Human Resource (HR) creates core competencies for the company. All those above took me to the study of the following issue : Acquiring and Preparing Human Resources in Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry current situation and recommendations. Besides acknowledgements, preface, conclusion, references, appendices and mid-term internship experience, the report is divided as follows (3 main parts): Part I (VCCI). Part II : Current situation of acquiring and preparing human : Overview of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
resources in VCCI. Part III : Recommendations about the acquiring and preparing human resources in VCCI.
This paper would not be done without great assistance of a number of my people involving. Firstly, I would like to express my warmest thanks to my supervisor Mr. Hoang Anh Duy - lecturer of Foreign Trade University for his invaluable guidance, correction and suggestions throughout my internship period. Secondly, I would like to show my gratitude to my instructor, Mrs Le Thanh Ha from VCCI for her enthusiastic assistance in providing information, materials, analysis as well as precious orientation, without which I would not carry out my study of Human Resource Management. Moreover, I would like to give sincere thanks to all the people at VCCI for welcoming and facilitating the best for me during the time I was there. I would also like to take this opportunity to send my special thanks to my parents, my respectful lecturers from Foreign Trade University and my good friends for their encouragement, professional instruction, and marvelous constructive ideas. Thanks to them, my study would be entirely completed.
Source : Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a national organization which assembles and represents business community ,employers and business associations of all economics sectors in Vietnam .The purpose of Chamber is to protect and assist business enterprises ,to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country and to promote economic ,commercial and technological co-operations between Vietnam and the rest of the world on the basic of equality and mutual benefit. The Chamber is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization having the status of a legal entity and operating with financial autonomy.
The Chamber has its head office located in Hanoi, the capital city of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and branches and representative offices in Vietnam and abroad The Chamber conducts its activities in accordance with Vietnamese laws and within the framework of the resent statute, with the support and under the supervision of the Vietnamese State. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, formerly known as the Chamber of Commerce of Vietnam Democratic Republic, was founded in 1963, to promote trade relations between Vietnam and other countries in the world. By 1982, VCCI renamed the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Socialist Vietnam. And now this organization is known as VCCI. 2. The functions of VCCI There are two main functions of VCCI: To represent the Vietnamese business community for the promotion and protection of the lawful, legitimate interests of the business community and employers in Vietnam in domestic and international relations. To promote the development of business enterprises, entrepreneurs ,the cooperation among business entities and to offer assistance in trade and investment ,economic and technological co-operation and other business activities of enterprises in Vietnam and abroad. 3. The duties of VCCI VCCI was established with the following duties: To collect and study the views and suggestions of business enterprises for reflection, recommendation and advice to the State on
legal matters and economic policies for the improvement of the business environment. To participate in formation and implementation of the strategy for socio-economic development and international economic integration, to participate in the conferences and missions for economic and trade negotiations in the line with State regulations. To facilitate forums, dialogues and meetings between business enterprises, employers and governmental agencies, between business enterprises and the representative of employees and other relevant domestic and foreign organizations for the exchange of information and views on matters relating to business environment. To conduct necessary activities for the protection of the legitimate interests of business enterprises and employers in domestic and international business relations. To organize activities for the promotion and encouragement to business enterprises on the strict observance of laws, improvement of social accountabilities ,good business ethics and culture and sound working relations, protection of environment ,and participation in the social activities in the line with the Chambers objectives. To assemble and align with business associations in Vietnam, to cooperate with chambers of commerce and industry, and relevant organizations of the foreign country ,to joint international and regional organizations in line with the objectives of the Chamber and to help business enterprises participate in those organizations activities. To conduct activities for the development, promotion and improvement of the reputation of the business enterprises, entrepreneurs ,commodities of Vietnam; to promote business
supporting services; to assist businesses in developing trade and investment relations in Vietnam and abroad through such approaches as: match-making, seeking partners, promotion activities. To organize training activities in appropriate forms to develop the human resources for business enterprises, to help entrepreneurs enhance their knowledge, management skills and business capacity; To help in the registration and protection of intellectual property and technology transfer in Vietnam and abroad. To issue Certificates of Origin for Vietnamese export commodities and to certify other necessary commercial documents, and the cases of force majeure. To help domestic and foreign business enterprises in setting discrepancies, disputes through negotiation, mediation and
arbitration, and to conduct in general average adjustment, if requested. To conduct other activities with are assigned by the Vietnamese State or other organizations. 4. The organizational structure of Chamber Figure 2: The organizational structure of VCCI (See the Appendix 3)
Genneral Assembly Executive committee Control committee
Standing committee
Specialized committee
Professional departments
Local branches
According to the figure above, the organizational structure of VCCI seems to be sophisticated. VCCI has many organizations attached to and members who receive the advices and helpings from VCCI (See the appendix 3). In fact, the main departments of Chamber which take over the main activities of VCCI will be shown in the following chart: Figure 3: Professional Departments of VCCI
Membership & Training Dept. Administration Offfice Bureau of Employers' Activities
Legal Dept.
Financial Dept.
Source: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry brochure Each department has its own functions and tasks. However, legal department is one of the professional departments of VCCI. It has function to advise the Standing committee and implement construction activities legal advocacy, policies related to business environment, management of activities to give certifications of orgin of exported goods of VCCI mandated by Vietnamese government. All the local branches of VCCI are proposed to support the VCCI in Hanoi to follow activities of enterprices in provinces and receives refections from companies to have quick resolutions to help enterprises in their business activities.
Until May, 2011, VCCI has admitted about 3000 members and organizations attached to which are controlled by Membership & Training Dept. All members will have responsibility to pay fee to remain acitivites of Chamber. However, the rights of enterprises being members are that they will be supported to many aspects in business activities. They can be introduced customers or contracts by VCCI, be answered the concerns, contributing their ideas to Chamber, indirectly helping to make the laws. Besides, members will receive many other right protections or suppotings from VCCI. 5. The prominent activities of VCCI in 2008- 2010 According to an amount of money which members of VCCI paid fee each month, and based on money other organizations paid for VCCI to conduct event, VCCI has plentiful financial resource to organize its activities. In 2008, VCCI organized many events such as the organization of the 5th Congress of VCCI ( this is the central task of VCCI in 2008). For advisory work for the State, improving investment environment, commenting legislative policies, VCCI was the member of drafting committee, the editor of 12 legal documents, making suggestions for 52 drafts of legal documents, organizing 96 classes of law and 11 legislative conference. Besides, the network to cooperate and support business was grasually expanding. Moreover, the training and developing enterprises also continued to grow in both size and quality. However, 2008 was the year VCCI had many weak points. VCCIs activites sometimes overlapped, lack of coherence. The ability to support business was discrete. The researching, forecasting, advising the State were limited. They all were because financial resource of VCCI was limited and the leadership, direction hadnt been focused and unprofessional. 2009 was the year with many difficulties and challenges, but VCCI had completed the major taskd outlined, achieving 20.4% growth compared to
2008, the quality of activities was improved, some new activities and new factors were effective. VCCI had also organized various trade promotion activites. In 2009, the VCCI has held nearly 500 meetings, conferences, seminars with the participation of more than 75000 businesses, organizations. VCCI admitted 761 new members ( 90% compared 2008). The financial resource met the requirements, ensured the balance sheet have toal revenue was 260.9 billions VND, total expenditure was 258.9 billions VND. However, because of the governments policies of free C/O for enterprises, the troubles to be cut the budgets made some VCCI activities slow to deploy. 2010 this the year which is significantly and greatly important to Vietnam. This is the final year of implementation the plan to develop economy and society in five years 2006-2010, and the strategy of economic and social development in 2001-2010. VCCI achieved many important results with national community of enterprises as well as promoting trade activities with many international enterprises in this year. In 2010, along with Vietnam plays host as 2010 Chairman of ASEAN, VCCI has successfully implemented the Chairman of ASEAN Chamber of Commerce ans Industry, the Chairman of ASEAN Business Advisory Council 2010. The Chamber has successfully organized ASEAN Business and Investment Summit ( ASEAN-BIS) 2010 in Hanoi with the participation of regional and foreign enterprises, to propose recommendations and initiatives about development of economy and enterprises in the global cooperation. Accompanied by ASEAN BIS 2010, VCCI establised The 3rd ASEAN Business Award Ceremony (ABA) conducted by ASEAN Business Advisory Council ( ASEAN- BAC) to honor outstanding business in ASEAN region.
VCCI participated as member of the editors of legal documents or directly commented om 45 draft legal documents, organized 348 conferences and seminars with the participation of nearly 57.680 enterprises; completed the final draft resolution promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the period of industrialization, modernization and international intergration. In 2010, VCCI continued to deploy more effective activites to improve business environment, reform of administrative procedures; set up to imvestigate and announce PCI 2009 ( Provincial Competitiveness Index) report. VCCI aslo successfully implemented 1,257 training courses for 60,675 business students ( up to 26.3% of number of classes and 16.7% of number of students in comparison with the numbers in 2009). In 2010, VCCI hosted and prepared for 368 groups which included nearly 15,000 foreign businessmen coming to Vietnam; organized 110 groups with 5,403 Vietnamese enterprises turning into foreign countries to research market and find investment opportunities. As these results, 2010 is the year when VCCI achieved many successes in the performance. Besides, the good implementation of being Chairman of ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry has contributed to raising the prestige of VCCI with regional countries and national bussiness community.
Part II: Current situation of acquiring and preparing human resources in Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
1. Planning and Recruiting of Professional Departments in VCCI 1.1. The process of Human Resource Planning
As the theories about humans resources in the book Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, the first step in human resource planning is forcasting. The human resource management has to forecast whether the enterprise needs to recruit new employees or not, which position is vacant,etc. However, in VCCI, everything is more simple. The deparments of VCCI will determine recruitment whenever they needs or there are vacant positions in the Chamber. Because one of the main duties of VCCI is to organize big events or projects, the Chamber always needs many freelancers during the periods events and projects happening. And the special thing is that the department which takes over to conduct this event or project will be the committee to operate the recruitment. Its essential for officers in VCCI to plan detailly for all the events and projects they organize. After having a specific plan, the members of organizing committee will estimate the number of collaborators in each program. Moreover, depending on the characteristics of each event, they will give criteria for collaborators. For example, VCCI is operating the project to find PCI (Provincial Competitiveness Index) 2011, which is operated by Legal Department and they need about 35 freelances who only work in two months. The characteristics of job is to persuade enterprises to answer the survey questionaire which VCCI sent to them before. After receiving the results from enterprises, VCCI needs to synthesize the results of the surveys and give PCI 2011. Based on the requirements of the projects, the managers
decided to recruit 35 collaborators who can be students in universities or self-employed workers. Alongside the implementation of recruiting collaborators, VCCI aslo conducted the recruitment when they need the official staffs, which will be taken over by the Personnel Department. However, its not frequent and the requirements are higher. They will find other people if there is person who will retire or being lay-off. The decision to recruit will be sure after the managerment considers all the circumstances above. 1.2. Publicize the information of recruitment
Nowadays, there are many media which are suitable for advertising or publicizing information. Therefore its easy for Chamber to post recruitment information. The most usual way VCCI often uses is to post their information in the website of VCCI. Besides, VCCI also uses social networks such as www:// to advetise and find employees. Its up to characteristics and scale of project, VCCI will give the most effective media to post information. For example, when recruiting the collaborators in PCI 2011 project, VCCI wants to find student to do this project. So they post the recruitment information in forums of universities, and this way strongly attracts students because there are more than 200 applications while the numbers required is 35. When VCCI wants to recruit official staffs, they mainly use their website to give information, and they also use other websites which help workers to
find a job such as ;,etc. They rarely use televison, radio or magazine to publicize the information of recruitment. The development of modern media now plays an important role in the development of all organizations. VCCI as well as other organizations is also using up thoroughly these media and is receiving positive results. 2. Selecting employees of Professional Department in VCCI According to the basic steps to select employees in theories, VCCI has created all figure to show their steps to select people. Figure 4: Steps in selection process in VCCI
Considering applications
Making selection
Its the first step but very important in the selecting emloyees process. Based on the informations the candidates provide in application form, employers can have overview about the candidates, and initially realize whether the candidates is suitable for this job or not. In VCCI, the drafting a candidate information is very necessary. Depending on the nature of recruitment, the department will give a different application
form. For the recruitment of collaborators, the applicant form is more simple. For example, when recruiting collaborators for PCI project, the applicaion form is simplified because that the job didnt need any special skill but the abilities to persuade people. And this recruitment is open for every kind of people. The candidates only need to fill this table to register to be collaborator. Table 1: The form for candidates in PCI 2011 project.
Name applicant
of Job
Mobile number
Position applied
Source: VCCI Legal Department However, in the big events, for entrance, ASEAN-BIS, the application form needs more information from candidates. (See the Appendix 1- Application form for ASEAN- BIS ). Besides, the recruitments of official staff will be more complex than collaborators. And the application form will follow a common standard. (See the Appendix 2- Application form of VCCI ). In short, considering application to know the usual way that applicants introduce about themselves, and as the results, the employers will have preparation for the next round : testing and interviewing. 2.2. Testing
However, with the official staff, this is very important round for all candidates. The tests are designed to assess how well a person can learn or aquire skills and abilities. Up to the characteristics of the job, there is a test to examine candidates performing specialized tasks such as computer skill,accounting skill, financial skill, designing advertising materials, handing calls from customers, etc. This test will be written by professional people. For examples, employers will test the keyboarding speed of candidates who apply for office job. Besides, the department also designs an IQ & EQ test to check candidates about the characteristics and social knowledges. The form of test will be similar to other enterprises test. And the common criteria VCCI requires is : active, intelligent, communicative, persuasive and social and the characteristecs suitable for the job applied. Others will be considered in the recruitment process. Because of the international relationships of VCCI, the last and very
essential test in the testing process is Engish test. The test is establised to examine the ability of using English of candidates. They need have excellent communications skill and proficiency in English to work with national and international organizations. 2.3. Interviewing
This is the complusory part in all kinds of recruitment, both collaborators and staffs in VCCI. These interviews bring together job applicants and representatives of the employer to obtain applicants qualifications. The interviewers will establish a set of questions to ask the candidates. Ideally, the questions are related to job requirements and cover relevent information and evaluate the
knowledge, skills and experiences. However, in many cases, the interviewers also use the nondirective interview that interviewers will based on the reply of candidate to ask the next question. Along with PCI project, for example, because PCI project measures and ranks how provincial governments work to build an enabling business environment for the private sector. The Index focuses on assessing economic governance quality at provincial level. So the responsibility of collaborators is to call enterprises and persuade them to answer the survey questionaire VCCI sent to them before; therefore, the interviewers use the nondirective interview. Theres no questions to be prepared. The first requirement to candidates is introducing themselves and interviewers will base on their application form and their introduction to ask them the next questions such as: Should you do to fix your weak points to support this job? or In this case, what do you want if you are always tempered like that?. In contrast, when VCCI organize to recruit collaborators for ASEAN-BIS, the interviews prepared a list of questions to ask the applicant. Because the number of applicants is so large and this is a big international events, so the candidates need not only necessary skills but also the knowledge of ASEAN. So in the list of questions, there are some questions as : What do you know about the history of ASEAN? , etc. However, when the requirement of candidates is high and special, there is always a list of question for interviewer to ask. Especially, in the recruitment of staff for Chamber. The results will be more valid and reliable. 2.4. Making selection decision
Based on these results above, the Chamber will decide who are chosen for the job. This is the difficult job because most organizations find more than one qualified candidate to fill an open position.
In VCCI, the group of examniners will be the people making selection. The selection decision tyically combines ranking based on objective criteria along with subjective judgments about which candidate will make the greatest contribution. 3. Training employees of Professional Department in VCCI As the theories, traning consists of an organizations planned efforts to help employees accquire job related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviours, with the goal of applying these on the job. In general, VCCI also applies the common steps for training employees. Figure 5: Steps to implement training program in VCCI
Needs assessment
Needs assessment is the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees and employees tasks to determine what kinds of traning are necessary. This is the step which VCCI concentrates on in all training program. The training to collaborators is always essential in any circumstances. However, the training for collaborators is not always sophisticated. For
example, in PCI project, the Chamber only takes one day to train for all freelances. So the preparation for it dont take long time. The Chamber gives the fixed day to implement training and all collaborators has to accept it. And the content of training will be all the regulations and experiences about the job. Its not complex because the Chamber use the experienced people to give new collaborators the basic and specific things about this job. However, about other kinds of training, especially collaborators in big events, the training program takes many times because the amount of knowledge is so large, they need more time to prepare the tasks the training covers and the time to give them to employees. With the staff of Chamber, they will be permited to go to a course to improve their profession if necessary. 3.2. Planning training program
One of the main tasks of VCCI is to organize the training course of enterprises and businessman. Therefore, the Chamber has many experience to train its employers. To plan a training program, the first step is know the objectives of the training, and depending on these things to give the most effective methods for this training. The most usual methods VCCI often uses is presentation. They design a presentation to give the employees. The speakers will be the people have experience in this subject and has good communication skill. With each characteristic of the job, the Chamber will construct a specific program of training. For example, when organizing to train for collaborators of ASEAN-BIS, the Chamber uses presentation to be the main method. Because the objectives of the training is to give basic information about ASEAN-BIS for
collaborators, and training them the communication skill as well as solving the unexpected problems. As the results, in the rest time of the training, they also organize team building and games to improve the skills of the employees, 3.3. Implementing training program and evaluating the training results After all things are completely finished, the training program will be implemented. The results of training will be evaluated by Chamber as soon as the training stops. The employees will share their feelings and the questions to trainers. Maybe, there will be a short test to examine the knowledge the employers received form the training. The highest results of training is applying in the job. So VCCI always expect that the employees can know to apply all the experiences, skills , knowledge they receive from the training programs to have the most effective results in their job. 4. Advantages and limitations of acquiring and preparing human resoursces in VCCI 4.1. Advantages
VCCI often uses external recruitment, so there are many advantages for them. The first advantages is that the recruitment collaborators always give the new and fresh ideas for many projects and help the projects have effective results. Besides,in the period of recruiting, the employees has chosen carefully, so the training cost for collaborators and new staff is not high, and the Chamber can reduce the cost in each project.
One more advantages is the new staff and collaborators can help organization to have needed competences. Maybe the old staffs hasnt had the skills and knowledge which the job and project require. So the newcomers will help the Chamber reach its goals. The most featured thing in recruitment process of VCCI is the meticulous preparation in each steps. Being a professional organization in the conducting events, the recruitment process always follow a systematic process. The employers in VCCI are brilliant in assessing the nature of job, and based on these things, they make professional and effective plans to recruit and train the staffs. As the results, VCCIs reputation is higher and higher in the national and international communities of enterprises. 4.2. Limitations
There is not so many limitations in the acquiring and preparing human resources in VCCI. Some weak points of this process will be included in making selection decision. Because VCCI is supporting for the State, so some of selection decisions is not fair to all candidates. The candidates who have close relationship with the staff of VCCI or staff of the State will be preferred than the other candidates. Besides,in VCCI, the frequent application of the nondirective interview gives the employers wide latitude, their reliability is not great, and some interviewers ask questions that are not valid or even legal.
Part III: Recommendations about the acquiring and preparing human resources in VCCI. 1. The objectives and the orientations of VCCI in 2011 2011 is the year of many important events concerning the development of the country. This is the year when the world economy has prospered, but still contains many elements of instability, can cause negative impacts on Vietnams economy. In 2010, there were many problems for Vietnams economy as the inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, energy. Besides, the exported enterprises are facing with many difficulties such as trade barriers, quality and the diversity of exported products,attracting foreign investment tends to decrease, businesses is difficult to access to credit by high interest rates. According to these circumstances, in 2011, VCCI will focus on building and implementing action plans to operate the Resolution 11/NQ-CP about the major solutions to curb inflation, stabilize macro-economy, ensuring social security in community and local business in VCCI. Besides, VCCI will accelerate the implementation of activites to promote business environment, especially the business environment in local provinces through the following activites: building and suggesting policies, business development, international economic intergation, announcing the PCI report. Thereby, development and implementation of programs and national projects which support enterprises will be improved. VCCI will promote the activities to establish, capacity building, coordination of the system of business associations in the country; moreover, they will ensure the strenthening of business links, expanding the scale of supporting business; on the other hand, improving the role of representative organizations of employees in locality.
2. Recommendations for acquiring and preparing humans resources in VCCI. With all major tasks, VCCI needs an effective human reources to work in the next year. And in 2011, VCCI continues to recruit collaborators for many projects such as PCI. Moreover, VCCI is tending to make rejuvenation for the staff systems. So they maybe need a large recruitment process in many positions. So to ensure the equality and effectiveness of the acquiring and preapring human resources in the next year, VCCI should consider some recommendations in the following. 2.1. Recommendations for recruitment in VCCI
The acquiring and preparing human resources in VCCI in general are effective; however, it does not make large effort with the publics, so to advoid the unequality of recruitment and improve more effective recruitment process, they should do : Advertising the Chamber: The more job seekers know about how great the organization is, the more they'll want to be employed and stay employed with the Chamber. Marketing the organization as well as the job openings is important. Why does an applicant want to work for this organization? What makes the organization apart from the rest? What type of organization is it and how long has it been in business? The public of information of Chamber and recruitment will avoid the unequality of recruitment. Using banner advertising to increase visibility : In order to reach a larger number of quality candidates, place banner ads featuring the organization 's key message and logo on the most popular site. It will drive more qualified job seekers to your job openings. When a job seeker clicks on the banner ad, a special page displaying the job postings with a link to the
company profile is displayed. This is a good way to reach multi nations candidate as well as promote this organization Searching the Resume Database : The Chamber may use the Resume Database to search for difficult-to-fill positions that may require a special skill or unique combination of experience and education. In addition, the employer may locate passive job seekers - 30% of the workforce who are not actively interviewing and job hunting but would be open to an exceptional opportunity. 2.2. Recommendations for training process in VCCI
To impove the training programs, VCCI should consider some solutions: Surveying the audiences: Ask class participants to identify jobperformance improvement areas. A well-constructed assessment can include surveys, observations from management and employees as well as any available data (turnover reports, sales reports, customer comments, etc.). This process helps define what subject matter interests your target audience. Be prepared: As pre-work, give participants exposure to information that prepares them for classroom discussion. This knowledge-based prework can include definitions, concepts and skills, which helps set the stage for a more successful training experience. Ask the expert: the speaker need to master the material and become the expert on the information that speaker is presenting. Keep the pace of the class moving and anticipate the questions the participants will ask. If the speaker dont know the answer to a question, make sure the others find an answer and communicate it to the group at the earliest possible time.
These suggestions will not guarantee the success of every training class in VCCI, but they will improve the likelihood that the training will address the needs of the participants and will be delivered in an effective manner. In an age of constant change and expanding knowledge, effective training programs are fundamental to individual and business successes.
The above issues reveal a fact of one aspect of Human Resource Management at VCCI in particular and state-owned businesses in general. VCCI is a very big corporatation with long-term reputation, it has great influences on its members presenting in policies and regulations. The regime for HRM has been newly updated, but to some extent, within a short time of innovation, there havent many changes be done up to now. The difference between the old machenism and the new one is obvious. It nees time to make something different. Despite some great efforts of innovation, people of state-owned ones still inherit a great hard to change traditional ideology. In theory, the process of Recruitment and Selection is doing the right way, complying with the process of the parent corporation. However, to some extent, there still exists fraud, and bias in Recruitment and Selection, that may affect on the quality of Human Resources. So they need to be prepared in the next time. Besides, the training process is nearly perfect, however, it also needs to upgrade to be suitable for the development of the economy and society in Vietnam. Those are just some of my thinking and suggestions in the shoes of a pregraduated student. This paper is really meaningful to me, and I do hope that my paper would be useful to ones who concern.
References Books: 1. Raymond A. Noe, 2009, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Mc Graw-Hill Publisher, International 3rd Edition. 2. John M. Ivancevich, 2007, Human Resource Management, Mc Graw-Hill Publisher, International 10th Edition. 3. Oxford University Press, 2009, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford University Press Publisher, 7th Edition. 4. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2010,Legal
Documents and Operating Information and Materials, Legal Department. 5. Nguyen Huu Than,2009, Human Resource Management, Statistics Publisher, 6th edition, Hanoi. Internet sources 6. VCCI tong ket cong tac cuoi nam 2008 (20/01/2009), (25/07/2011) 7. VCCI tong ket cong tac nam 2009 va phuong huong nhiem vu nam 2010 (19/01/2010) (25/07/2011) 8. VCCI tong ket cong tac nam 2010 va phuong huong nhiem vu 2011 (26/03/2011)