Minitab Basics
Minitab Basics
Minitab Basics
1. Basics
Conventions: Word in capital letters Menu choice Word inside < > hit that key or button (e.g., <ENTER>, <OK>)
Starting Minitab
Double click on the Minitab icon. In the computer lab: the Minitab icon is in the folder: Windows Applications. As you get into Minitab, two windows open: The Worksheet window The Session window. Initially, each of these windows occupies half of the screen. The Worksheet window is the spreadsheet where the data are entered, and stored. The Session window is where numerical outputs are displayed, and can be edited. Other windows: Graphs - where histograms, dot plots, etc are stored. (created per graph) History - generally ignore it, unless you want to track errors, etc. Project manager - for an overview and control of the different windows Report pad - where a final output can be compiled.
If it is already named, and you are just re-saving it, then: SAVE CURRENT WORKSHEET The spreadsheet will be saved as a file type MTB. (name.mtb). It will have a yellow icon In a similar way, you can save the various output windows (such as Session, Report Pad, and graphs), each one separately. But, better yet, you can save everything that you created for a homework assignment, all together as a Minitab Project. (It will include the spreadsheets, session window, graphs, and report pad). FILE SAVE PROJECT AS (or just SAVE PROJECT if you are re-saving it under same name)
Then name the file (if it is newly saved). Recommended names: hw1, hw2, It will be saved as name.mpj (i.e., file type MPJ). After naming it, you can also give it a date and a description (Description), and specify which parts you may not want to save (e.g., the History window) (Options). Then click <Save>
Note: (i) Minitab Project is a different type of file than Minitab Worksheet. (ii) In the computer lab, you need to save files to your own disk or flash drive.
It will save as Rich Text Format (rtf). Then, open the file in WORD, and choose file type rtf. You can now edit it as a WORD file, using all the features of Microsoft WORD. 2. The other alternative is to open a blank WORD file, and copy every item from the Session window directly into the WORD file. You can also copy each graph directly into a WORD file.