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Trifold Sunday 04292012

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Little Prelude in G Minor - Bach
Jack Hostetler, organist
Send Me Out - Fee, Teen Praise Band
Call To Worship
Psalm 92:1 - 2 Cameron McAllister
Processional Hymn
A Mighty Fortress (No. 26, vs. 1, 2 & 4)
When You Believe - Schwartz
Combined Choirs
Jenny and Katy Statler, soloists
Praise Songs
Stained Glass Teen Choir
All Good Gifts, from Godspell - Schwartz
Maddie Perrine, soloist; Angelina Lewallen, dancer
Larry Hostetler
Call to Communion
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (No. 185, vs. 1)
Morning Prayer
Offering/Word in Song
I Will Rise - Tomlin
Teen Praise Band
Frank Shirvinski
Song of Commitment
A Mighty Fortress (No. 26, vs. 1)
Toccata in D Minor - Bach
Taylor Hostetler
Prayer Remembrance & Giving
Dr. Marion Hostetler
Minister, Music
Travis Armes
Minister, Youth
Community Involvement
Mary Cartwright
Minister, Adults
Dr. Larry Hostetler
Founding Minister
Stacy Shirvinski
Ministry Director
Children, Publications
W l ' H l l / d . ' . 4
W l l ^ l
............. ...... ................... 5/4 6:00 p Get Connected Dinner Choir Rm
............. ...... ...................... 5/5 2:00 p Womens Spring Tea Commons
............. ...... ....................... 5/9 9:00 a Reap What you Sew Forum
........... ...... .... 5/11 6:30 p Dinner Posse - Last for Spring! TBD
........... ...... .............................. 5/12 8:30 a Mens Breakfast Commons
........... ...... .............................. 5/12 varied KP Service Day varied
........... ............ ............................. 5/13 all Baby Dedication All Svcs
........... .... .................................... 5/14 10:00 a Chain Gang Forum S.
........... .... ............... 5/19 11:00 a Saguaro Club Game Day Commons
........... ............ ...... 5/20 all Graduate Recognition Sunday All Svcs
........... ........ .................................... 5/25 noon Ofce closes
........... ..... ......... 5/28 all day Ofce Closed Memorial Day
A place to belong...
Welcome! We are so glad you have joined us. If you are new to
Chaparral, please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up
information about our Church. Getting connected is one of the
most important ways to grow your faith and get to know others
in meaningful ways.
Please remember in prayer: Betty Benjamon, Pat Boring, Martha
Craig, Kathy Ducey, Dee Hicklin, Dan & Hal Marty.
Sympathy: Please remember the Godwin family. Michelles
mother, Peggy Zuffante, passed away last week. The service will
be Sunday, May 6, at 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Flowers on the pulpit were provided by Cathi Searles in honor of
Megan Humphreys and Jack Jensens 90
April total: $84,010 Monthly needed: $87,200
Frank Shirvinski,
Ph.D. abd
Senior Minister
We welcome into our Special Service this
morning instrumentalists and vocalists
from all three of Chaparral's Praise
Bands. In addition to our regular
Sanctuary Praise Band, we have The Well
Band led by Adrienne Armes, and the
Teen Band led by Lucy DiGrazia.
Joining our Sanctuary Choir are the children's choir, God's
Handiwork, directed by Sharon Dufort, and Stained Glass Teen
Choir, directed by Jackie Huber.
Our Kids Ministry is Awesome!
Want to join in? Contact Stacy to see where you can serve!
Current needs: Nursery and Toddler helpers and subs for
the summer.
Baby Dedication, May 13
- Mothers Day
Please let Stacy know if you would like to have your
precious baby dedicated!
Youth Group
End-of-Year Gathering, Tonight!!
We will meet at our regular time and place (5-6:30 in the
Commons) for pizza, prize giveaways, sumo wrestling,
and fellowship. Don't miss out on the fun!
Graduate Recognition
On Sunday, May 20
, we will recognize and honor the graduating class
of 2012. If you have a son or daughter graduating this spring, please
call or email Travis or the ofce by Monday, May 14
. Please include
the student's name, degree achieved, and school they are graduating
from and a picture (frontdesk@chaparral.org, travis.armes@chaparral.org).
CrossFit Chaparral is preparing to offer an
ofcial CrossFit Kids program for ages
7-12. CrossFit Kids has a proven track
record for producing a fun, safe, and
welcoming community geared toward
increasing body awareness and general
physical tness. Our staff will provide coaching and encouragement so kids
can be active and learn to move their bodies safely. Classes include a warm-
up, focus/skill training, a workout using the skills, and a
game to maximize the fun! For more information on
CrossFit Kids go to crosstkids.com. We are launching the
program on Tuesday, May 1
. On that Tuesday and the
following Thursday, May 3rd, we will offer free introductory
classes. Your kids can attend the Kids WOD and you can
meet the coaches and get your questions answered.
New to Chaparral?
GET CONNECTED at a delicious
dinner on Friday, May 4
. Join our
staff, meet others who are new to
Chaparral, and nd out more about
our Church. There is no charge for the meal. Children are
welcome! Please email adrienne.armes@chaparral.org,
sign up in the Welcome Book, or call the Church ofce to let
us know if you will join us. The dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. in
the Choir Room.
Nicole Moran
Preschool Director
Adrienne Armes
Minister, Youth,
Sara Perrine
Discipleship &
Nick Stavlund
Executive Minister
Sharon Dufort
Ministry Director
Women, Hospitality
Jackie Huber
Director, Teen Choir
Womens Annual
Spring Tea
May 5, 2012, 2-4 p.m.
$15 per person, Hostess sits free
Last Sunday to sign up!!!!
KP Service Day, May 12
KP service day is Saturday, May 12. All men, women, children, pre-teens
and teens are invited to join in fellowship and service at one of the
following locations:
Prayer Team - 6 a.m.-7a.m. in the Chaparral
Conference room. Gather to lift up needs in prayer.
Generations - 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at Pueblo
Norte (to be conrmed). Visit with senior residents,
help with crafts, hear great stories.
Community - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at Maggie's Place in Tempe (RSVP by
5/6 required). Assist with the monthly cleaning duties at this house for
young pregnant and new mothers.
C6 (Campus) - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the East
House for interior and exterior cleanup: Cut down
and trim trees and other plant material, organize
interior game rooms, deep clean kitchen and
Donate your vehicle!
Used vehicles are ALWAYS needed at House
of Refuge and House of Hope. In particular,
the mom we mentor for House of Hope just
lost her van and is in great need of a van or
car in order to keep her job and help with her family of six
children. A car or truck would also help several men from House
of Refuge either acquire better jobs or keep the jobs which
require moving from location to location.
Prayerfully consider donating a vehicle to assist these men and
women who are striving to be self-sufficient and productive
through the ministries at House of Refuge and House of Hope.
Contact Paul Williams for details at www.houseofrefuge.us,
or (602) 678-0223.
We hope your worship experience with us will be meaningful. To help
you feel a bit more comfortable with our campus and morning
programs, we have included a few recommendations. We are glad
you are here today!
Helpful Information
Sermon Notes
6451 E. Shea Blvd I Scottsdale, AZ 85254 I 480-991-9878
We would like to get to know you! Each pew has a Welcome Book in which
you can let us know prayer requests, sign up for events and update your
information. Please pass the Welcome Book down the row so we can hear
from everyone!
Communion/Lords Supper
All followers of Christ are welcome to participate in our Service of Communion.
If you have prepared yourself for this very special moment with our Savior, you
are invited to his table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please take the emblems as
they are passed and partake when you are ready. Some prefer to take it while
it is in front of them before passing it along.
In our first two services, a special time for giving is set aside. Participation is an
act of worship and voluntary. During our third service there will not be a time
specific for offering but rather boxes are placed at the entry to allow for giving
as you are led.
We have a friendly, well-staffed and impeccably clean nursery located on the
north side of the narthex. Please see an usher for directions.
Sun. Children Youth Adults
8:30 a.m. 0-2 Nursery Breakfast Worship Sanctuary
3s & 4s Rm 2 Teen Choir Pathfinders Cnf Room
5K Rm 3 Commons OK Corral East Hall
Elem. Choir The Hub

9:45 a.m. 0-2 Nursery Worship & Classes Worship Sanctuary
3s & 4s Rm 2 Commons and Faithbuilders East Hall
5-K Rm 3 The Forum In-Tune Cnf. Room
- 3
Rm 12-14
& 5
The Hub
11:05 a.m. 0-2 Toddler Worship Worship Commons
3-5K Rm 3 Commons High Flight East Hall
Elem. Worship The Hub





We now return to our
Regularly Scheduled Programs
................ .................................. Core Fit and More Class M & W, 5:00 p Commons
............................ ................................. Core Fit Aquatics Tu & Th, 5:30 p Offsite
........................... ............................ Mens Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30 a Good Egg
...................... ............................ Womens Bible Study Wednesday, 9:00 a North Room
...................... ............................ Womens Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p North Room
........................................ ............................ Bell Choir Wednesday, 6:00 p Bell Room
...................................... ............................ Adult Choir Wednesday, 7:00 p Choir Room
...................... ............................... Womens Bible Study Thursday, 6:30 a Cartwrights
........................... ............................... Mens Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 a Dennys
..................... ............................... Roots (Young Adults) Thursday, 7:00 p Stavlunds
...................... .................................... Womens Bible Study Friday, 9:30 a North Room
........................................... .............. CrossFit www.crosstchaparral.com East Hall

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