Pamela J. Kexel: Objective
Pamela J. Kexel: Objective
Pamela J. Kexel: Objective
PHONE 414-704-4145 EMAIL
To obtain a Physician Assistant position in a patient-centered practice, that utilizes evidence-based medicine, respects alternative medicine, and values continued education.
WORK EXPERIENCE September 2006 through present: Metro Neurosurgical, Dr. William McCullough
I provide high quality patient care in an advanced, five-physician neurosurgical practice serving southeastern Wisconsin. This includes shared responsibility of hospital rounds and consultations, clinic visits for follow-up or consultation, as well as multiple and varied administrative tasks with a mentoring physician. For each patient I perform a complete history and physical examination, along with a comprehensive diagnosis and plan. Throughout, I became proficient in reading and interpreting imaging studies and laboratory results related to neurosurgery. I operate as first and second assist in brain and spinal surgeries, and perform minor procedures independently. On an ongoing basis, I am available to patients and their families as an educational resource; I mentor several students annually, and participate in my own continuing education.
Pediatrics: Medical Surgical Clinic Milwaukee, Dr. George Idarraga General Surgery: Brookfield Surgical Associates, Dr. David Engstrand Family Practice: Waukesha Family Practice, Dr. Robert Beaumont Internal Medicine: St. Lukes Medical Center, Dr. Richard Battiola CT Surgery: West Suburban Cardiothoracic, Dr. Paul Seifert Geriatrics: Veterans Affairs- Milwaukee, Dr. Edmund Duthie Emergency Medicine: St. Josephs Hospital, Deb Pacey, PAC Cardiology: Cardiovascular Associates, Dr. Anita Arnold Hematology/Oncology: Medical College of Wisconsin, Becki Stein, NP
OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE May 1998 August 2003: Medical College of Wisconsin, Dr. David Binion
Research Technologist and Laboratory Manager in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Investigation Harvested vascular endothelial cell from surgically resected human bowel Planned and executed laboratory experiments on live tissue culture, following precise protocol to elucidate specific intracellular pathways Educated fellows, residents, students, and guests in laboratory procedure and IBD Maintained a laboratory day-to-day, ordered supplies, maintained instrumentation
1. Mechanism of MAdCAM-1 gene expression in human intestinal microvascular endothelial cell. Ogawa H, Binion DG, Heidemann J, Theriot M, *Fisher PJ, Johnson NA, Otterson MF, Rafiee P. Am J. of Phys., Cell. Phys.; 2005, 288, 2, C272-81, United States. 2. Cyclosporine A differentially inhibits multiple steps in VEGF induced angiogenesis in human microvascular endothelial cells through altered intracellular signaling. Rafiee P, Heidemann J, Ogawa H, Johnson NA, *Fisher PJ, Li MS, Otterson MF, Johnson CP, Binion DG. Cell. Commun. and Signal.; 2004, 2, 1, 3. 3. Sodium butyrate inhibits angiogenesis of human intestinal microvascular endothelial cells through COX-2 inhibition. Ogawa H, Rafiee P, *Fisher PJ, Johnson NA, Otterson MF, Binion DG. FEBS Lett.; 2003, 554, 1-2, 88-94, Netherlands. 4. Buyrate modulates gene and protein expression in human intestinal endothelial cells. Ogawa H, Rafiee P, *Fisher PJ, Johnson NA, Otterson MF, Binion DG. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.; 2003, 309, 3, 512-19, United States. 5. Isolation and characterization of human esophageal microvascular endothelial cells: mechanisms of inflammatory activation. Rafiee P, Ogawa H, Heidemann J, Li MS, Aslam M, Lamirand TH, *Fisher PJ, Graewin SJ, Dwinell MB, Johnson CP, Shaker R, Binion DG. Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest. Liver Physiol; 2003. 285. 6. G1277-92. United States. 6. Mechanisms of endotoxin tolerance in human intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Ogawa H, Rafiee P, Heidemann J, *Fisher PJ, Johnson NA, Otterson MF, Kalyanaraman B, Pritchard KA, Jr., Binion DG. J. Immunol.; 2003, 170, 12, 5956-64, United States. 7. Cyclosporine A enhances leukocyte binding by human intestinal microvascular endothelial cells through inhibition of p38 MAPK and iNOS. Paradoxical proinflammatory effect on the microvascular endothelium. Rafiee P, Johnson CP, Li MS, Ogawa H, Heidemann J, *Fisher PJ, Lamirand TH, Otterson MF, Wilson KT, Binion DG. J. Biol. Chem.; 2002, 277, 38, 35605-15, United States. 8. Deficient iNOS in inflammatory bowel disease intestinal microvascular endothelial cell sresults in increased leukocyte adhesion. Binion DG, Rafiee P, Ramanujam KS, Fu S, *Fisher PJ, Rivera MT, Johnson CP, Otterson MF, Telford GL, Wilson KT. Free Radic, Biol. Medi.; 2000, 29, 9, 881-8, United States. *PJ Fisher represents Pamela Kexel prior to a name change.
American Academy of Physician Assistants, Fellow Member Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants, Fellow Member BLS/ ACLS American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Medical Technologist
William McCullough MD, employer Carol Zembinski, PA-C, colleague Debra Casper, APNP, colleague Jennifer Ottelien, colleague Diane Bucholtz, office manager Tina Kolodzek, surgical coordinator Enaas Hamed, RN 414-379-0707 262-442-0383 262-751-2555 262-751-9489 414-385-8701 414-385-8778 414-414-7377