Con Currency Control
Con Currency Control
Con Currency Control
Download the pdf version of these notes. When multiple transactions are trying to access the same sharable resource, there could arise many problems if the access control is not done properly. There are some important mechanisms to which access control can be maintained. Earlier we talked about theoretical concepts like serializability, but the practical concept of this can be implemented by using Locks and Timestamps. Here we shall discuss some protocols where Locks and Timestamps can be used to provide an environment in which concurrent transactions can preserve their Consistency and Isolation properties.
Lock-X (B); (Exclusive Lock, we want to both read Bs value and modify it) Read B; B = B + 100; Write B; Unlock (B); (Unlocking B after the modification is done) And the transaction that deposits 10% amount of account A to account C should now be written as: Lock-S (A); (Shared Lock, we only want to read As value) Read A; Temp = A * 0.1; Unlock (A); (Unlocking A) Lock-X (C); (Exclusive Lock, we want to both read Cs value and modify it) Read C; C = C + Temp; Write C; Unlock (C); (Unlocking C after the modification is done) Let us see how these locking mechanisms help us to create error free schedules. You should remember that in the previous chapter we discussed an example of an erroneous schedule: T1 T2 Read A; A = A - 100; Read A; Temp = A * 0.1; Read C; C = C + Temp; Write C; Write A; Read B; B = B + 100; Write B; We detected the error based on common sense only, that the Context Switching is being performed before the new value has been updated in A. T2 reads the old value of A, and thus deposits a wrong amount in C. Had we used the locking mechanism, this error could never have occurred. Let us rewrite the schedule using the locks. T1 T2 Lock-X (A) Read A; A = A - 100; Write A; Lock-S (A) Read A; Temp = A * 0.1; Unlock (A) Lock-X(C) Read C; C = C + Temp; Write C; Unlock (C) Write A; Unlock (A) Lock-X (B) Read B; B = B + 100; Write B; Unlock (B) We cannot prepare a schedule like the above even if we like, provided that we use the locks in the transactions. See the first statement in T2 that attempts to acquire a lock on A. This would be impossible because T1 has not released
the excusive lock on A, and T2 just cannot get the shared lock it wants on A. It must wait until the exclusive lock on A is released by T1, and can begin its execution only after that. So the proper schedule would look like the following: T1 T2 Lock-X (A) Read A; A = A - 100; Write A; Unlock (A) Lock-S (A) Read A; Temp = A * 0.1; Unlock (A) Lock-X(C) Read C; C = C + Temp; Write C; Unlock (C) Lock-X (B) Read B; B = B + 100; Write B; Unlock (B) And this automatically becomes a very correct schedule. We need not apply any manual effort to detect or correct the errors that may creep into the schedule if locks are not used in them.
Unlock (A) Lock-X(C) Read C; C = C + Temp; Write C; Unlock (C) Lock-X (B) Read B; B = B + 100; Write B; Unlock (B) The schedule is theoretically correct, but a very strange kind of problem may arise here. T1 releases the exclusive lock on A, and immediately after that the Context Switch is made. T2 acquires a shared lock on A to read its value, perform a calculation, update the content of account C and then issue COMMIT. However, T1 is not finished yet. What if the remaining portion of T1 encounters a problem (power failure, disc failure etc) and cannot be committed? In that case T1 should be rolled back and the old BFIM value of A should be restored. In such a case T2, which has read the updated (but not committed) value of A and calculated the value of C based on this value, must also have to be rolled back. We have to rollback T2 for no fault of T2 itself, but because we proceeded with T2 depending on a value which has not yet been committed. This phenomenon of rolling back a child transaction if the parent transaction is rolled back is called Cascading Rollback, which causes a tremendous loss of processing power and execution time. Using Strict Two Phase Locking Protocol, Cascading Rollback can be prevented. In Strict Two Phase Locking Protocol a transaction cannot release any of its acquired exclusive locks until the transaction commits. In such a case, T1 would not release the exclusive lock on A until it finally commits, which makes it impossible for T2 to acquire the shared lock on A at a time when As value has not been committed. This makes it impossible for a schedule to be cascading.
2. 3.
If TS (T) < R-timestamp (Q), then it means that the system has waited too long for transaction T to write its value, and the delay has become so great that it has allowed another transaction to read the old value of data item Q. In such a case T has lost its relevance and will be rolled back. Else if TS (T) < W-timestamp (Q), then transaction T has delayed so much that the system has allowed another transaction to write into the data item Q. in such a case too, T has lost its relevance and will be rolled back. Otherwise the system executes transaction T and updates the W-timestamp of Q to TS (T).