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Every individual on earth has the same amount of time - 60 seconds in a minute; 60minutes in an hour; 1,440 minutes in a day; and 525,600 minutes in a year. While a vast majority of people confesses faltering to come to grips with it, extremely few can claim to have made the most of it. How is it that they have got it all done? Its because they have managed a way to figure out how to manage their time effectively. Time Management is more than just managing time. It is about controlling the use of the most valuable - and undervalued - resource. It is managing oneself in relation to time. It is setting priorities and taking charge of the situation and time utilization. It means changing those habits or activities that cause waste of time. It is being willing to adopt habits and methods to make maximum use of time. With good time management skills one is in control of ones time, stress and energy levels. One can maintain balance between ones work and personal life. One finds enough flexibility to respond to surprises or new opportunities. It is not how much time one has, but rather the way one uses it. The bottom line is how well one manages time. Poor time management shows up by way of one or a combination of typical perceptible symptoms. Managers would do well to look for and reflect on whether they are subject to any of those symptoms with a view to take necessary corrective actions.

The following are some of the indicators of poor time management: Constant rushing (e.g. between meetings or tasks) Frequent delays (e.g. in attending meetings, meeting deadlines) Low productivity, energy and motivation (e.g. I cant seem to get worked up about anything) Frustration (e.g. Oh, things just dont move ahead)

Impatience (e.g. where the hell is that information Ive asked him for?) Chronic vacillation between alternatives (e.g. whichever option I choose it is going to put me at a big disadvantage. I dont know which way to jump) Difficulty setting and achieving goals (e.g. Im not sure what is expected of me)

The Eleven Time Thieves

1. Poor Planning: Failure to see the value of planning and getting impatient to get something done are the causes of poor planning. Absence of a plan of action is likely to trigger off a false start, resulting in unproductive time utilization on the critical path of the task being undertaken. Consequently, the managers might not find enough time for completing the task.

2. Crisis Management: Most often, crisis management is an offspring of lack of prioritization of tasks. As a result of the inability to distinguish between the urgent, the important and the unnecessary tasks, unimportant tasks are likely to get done first at the cost of important tasks. Consequently, the managers are not likely to find enough time to get around to the important things.

3. Procrastination: It is easy to put off tasks if they are not due right away. The trouble is, tasks pile up and can force managers to run into a time crunch later. Procrastination is generally triggered off by the fear of failure / success, perfectionism, wanting to do it all or incorrect priorities. It is a virtue to want to do a good job. But some people become so anxious about getting a job done perfectly that they never complete it. Managers should examine whether their efforts to get the job done perfectly are really improving things or preventing them from getting the job done.

4. Interruptions: Interruptions and distractions arise due to lack of planning, poor concentration and lack of control over environment. They are unnecessary thieves of a managers time and come in many forms drop-in visitors, telephones, e-mails unscheduled meetings, poor communications and confused chain of authority etc. Managers should be less willing to automatically give away their time just because they demand it. They should learn to avoid distractions if they are to get work done. They should work in areas where they are less likely to be disturbed and tell people when they are busy and cannot be disturbed.

5. Not Delegating: Wanting-to-do-all by oneself is yet another thief that could let the managers lose control. They feel that employees can never do anything as well as they can. They fear that something will go wrong if someone else takes over a job. They lack time for long-range planning because they are bogged down in day-to-day operations.

6. Unnecessary Meetings: If a meeting is held without a specific agenda and nothing productive comes out of it, clearly that meeting was unnecessary. Obviously, such meetings are thieves as the time is wasted and things just do not get started. 7. The shuffling blues: Managers often waste much time because of disorganization. Keeping things that they need in a specific place, eliminating clutter, making sure that they have all the materials or information that they need before starting on the task and following a day-planner or schedule will help keep the shuffling blues away at the work place.

8. Poor Physical Setup: Not having the things that the managers need frequently within easy reach and having a lot of the things that they seldom require close-by results in wastage of a lot of time, wearing out the carpet, retrieving what they frequently need. And of course, as they pass others they will often pull them aside to steal some of their time.

9. Poor Networking: Quality relationships with employees and others can be a substantial

time-saver as they open doors for the managers with all kinds of opportunities. Failing to develop a good network base will cause them to waste time creating what they might have had through their network.

10. Bad Attitude: Nothing sinks a day more effectively than having a poor attitude. It causes the managers to dwell on the problems and not the solutions and makes it possible to throw the day away. When they are burdening others with their problems and complaints they are forfeiting their valuable time.

11. Negative People: Being surrounded by negative people could mean the managers are spending a lot of their time listening to them but getting nothing much or purposeful from them. Obviously, avoiding such people will help the managers to minimize wasted hours and get some of their productive time back.

Saboteur Time Styles

The other aspect is self-inflicted thieves saboteur time styles that steal time. Based on the typical patterns of behaviour that tend to sabotage peoples attempts at effective time management, Susan Ward (Are You Sabotaging Your Time Management Efforts) classifies managers into different personality types and prescribes the following simple exercise, intended to help managers discover their standard behavioural responses to events and provide them with some clues for effective time management.

The Firemen - For them, every event is a crisis. They are always seen busy dousing the fires. They find scarcely any time for anything else and do not spare a thought on time-management. Tasks keep piling up around them, while they are seen rushing from fire to fire all day. The Over-Committers They just cannot say No to anybody. They oblige and try to please everybody. All that anyone has to do is just ask, and they will chair another committee, take on another project, or organize yet another community event. Consequently, none of the tasks receives complete attention and remains half-done.

The Aquarians - There is such a thing as being too laid-back - especially when it starts interfering with their ability to finish tasks or bother to return phone calls. Getting to things that is when they get to them is not time management; it is simple task avoidance.

The Chatty Kathys - Born to socialize, they have astounding oral communication skills and cannot resist exercising them at every opportunity. Every interaction becomes a long drawn out conversation - especially if there is an unpleasant task dawning that they would like to put off. The Perfectionists Exactitude is their watchword, and they feel that no rushed job can be a good job. Finishing tasks to satisfaction is such a problem; they need more time zones, not just more time.

How can you get an extra hour out of each day?

Here are some tips to help you squeeze those extra minutes out of your day. Of course, you can adapt these so that they will fit in with your situation.

1. Get up earlier 2. Watch less TV (I mean how many Law & Order spinoffs does one need to watch?) 3. Avoid allowing others to waste your time 4. If you dont have to drive to work, use that time to study or plan. If you do drive to work listen to a motivational tape on the way to work instead of that mindless dj talk. 5. Organize your work; do it systematically.

6. Make creative use of lunchtime. 7. Delegate authority if, possible. 8. Spend less time on unimportant phone calls. 9. Think first, and then do the task. 10. Do what you dream about doing, instead of just dreaming about it. 11. Work hardest when youre the most mentally alert 12. Eliminate activities that make the smallest contributions to your life. 13. Always do the toughest jobs first. 14. Before each major act ask, Is this really necessary? 15. Choose interesting and constructive literature for spare time reading. 16. Learn how to sleep. Sleep soundly, then work refreshed.

The Five Time Zone Concept

To accelerate the ability to manage their time, managers need to strike a proper balance between monochronic and polychronic aspects of time management. The Five Time Zone Concept advocated by Lewis, Justus and Storz, Moni Laui (Switch on Your Mind: Accelerative Learning Strategies at Work.) enables managers to bring about that balance. The five links in the Five Time Zone approach are - vision, plans, personal organization systems, commitment and energy.

Developing Zone 1 - Vision and Goals: Managers must search for visions, not tasks. These visions are guided by their personal standards and values, and the direction they want to take. Once their visions are crystallized, they need to do

some thinking to create goals from their visions and action steps from their goals. My vision and goals . . . What is most important to me? What would I like to do if there were no limitations? What things in my life would I like to be different? My visions for myself are . . .

Developing Zone 2 - Plans: Having established goals, managers now can move into zone two - plans. A plan is needed to turn visions and goals into action. Writing things down and using some form of planning tool are keys to successful planning. Once they have drawn up the plan, they need to review it. They should plan for highpayoff and low-payoff activities for high and low priorities. Developing Zone 3 Personal Organization Systems (POS): Zone three encompasses a managers personal organisation system. Organising the desk, follow-up, paperwork, physical environment are all part of personal organization system. The personal organization system should focus on Creating an interesting and relaxing work-space Providing easy access to basic tools and materials Grouping similar tasks together to optimize time Devising a good follow-up system that works well Enabling efficient handling of each piece of paper Ensuring a wider reach of people

Developing Zone 4 Commitment: The fourth time zone is the zone of commitment, in which managers correct any tendencies they might have towards procrastination. Procrastination can be overcome by identifying why one is procrastinating, breaking the mental blocks and visualizing the successful completion of a task while in a relaxed state. One way to do this it to identify the real reason for the procrastination - personal, logical, emotional or ethical barrier to action. Once this has surfaced from the subconscious to the conscious, strategies can be brought into play to deal with it.

Developing Zone 5 Energy: The final factor that keeps the chain together is zone five, the energy zone. Managers must check their office surroundings, as the environment they work in can sap or strengthen their energy levels. They must also identify the prime time - the time of day when they are most energetic and alert they can schedule high-priority, high-payoff tasks or activities for these times.

Find your prime time Internal and external prime time Cognitive tasks for the morning Complete high-energy tasks in high-energy periods Take energy breaks

Time Management Matrix

Time management experts like Stephen Covey S R (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; Simon & Schuster) have developed a model called a time management matrix. This model enables managers to prioritize their activities and use their time more effectively. With the help of the model, they can evaluate their activities in terms of importance and urgency. Tasks can be categorized as urgent/ not urgent or as important/ not important as shown below. Each of a managers activities can be distinguished as one of four types, represented by the four quadrants of the time management matrix. Categorizing a managers activities in these quadrants helps him identify what is important and avoid unimportant tasks and activities.

Getting oriented to manage time

To get ready to manage their time better, managers should answer the following questions:

What is my time worth? How much do I get paid per hour? If I could save one hour a day, what would this amount to, in the course of one year? What is my job? What results are expected of me? Am I meeting a predetermined, definable purpose, or am I just drifting? What have I been doing? At the end of a day, am I able to account for my time, or do I say to myself, Where did the day go? I dont feel I have accomplished anything. Have I been doing the right things? Am I involved in work activities that rightfully fall

under the responsibility of my subordinates? What are the five most important tasks I have to do? How am I spending/ investing my time? What results do I see for the time I spend on each activity? What would happen if some of these things were not done? Am I goal-oriented? Am I working toward quantified objectives? Have I established performance standards for myself? For my people? Have I done any planning? When I arrive on the job in the morning, do I know what it is I want to accomplish during that particular day? Have I established priorities? Have I determined a hierarchy of importance? Have I tried to manage, schedule, control my work and time? Is the job running me or am I running the job? Am I suffering from brief caseitis, i.e., bringing home more and more of my work ? Do I delegate all possible tasks? Am I able to hand over more tasks to my coworkers or staff at work and to my spouse or children at home? Does the time I spend on the job affect my lifestyle? Am I enjoying life and having fun, or am I so stressed from the pressures of poor time management on the job that the tension carries over into my everyday life?

Overcoming Barriers to Effective Time Management

a. Telephone Interruptions: Delegation of authority and responsibility is an ideal way of controlling telephone interruptions. Also fixing specific time slots for socializing and business will help the managers effectively reduce the telephone interruptions. Implementation of the screening procedures also lessen the burden of unwanted telephone intrusions.

b) Drop-in Visitors: Taking time-log of visits and implementing a plan to arrange and screen appointments is an effective way of dealing with drop-in visitors. Managers can also have Open Door and Quiet Hour timings fixed so that they are not distracted when certain of their tasks demand undivided personal attention.

c. Meetings: Setting a clear agenda before will provide the right direction to the meetings and elicit positive outcomes from them. Selecting an appropriate location and assessing the needs of participation, information and coordination are also important prerequisites in conducting meetings. Concise minutes summarizing decisions, assignments and deadlines followed by effective follow-up on decisions make meetings purposeful.

d) Lack of Priorities: Putting first things first helps managers spend relatively more time on activities that are important. Managers must realize that most of the problems arise due to action without thought. Defining clearly the objectives and priorities and deadlines in the form of a Daily Planner will help managers effectively use their time.

e. Personal Disorganization: Managers must recognize that personal disorganization, indecision, procrastination, insecurity, confusion of priority, and inability to meet deadlines are mostly due to lost documents. Uncluttered desk, orderly filing system and simplified procedures will help the managers make the most of time management. Through a system in place for screening junk mails, minimizing paperwork and emphasis on brevity, managers can overcome their personal disorganization.

f) Ineffective Delegation: Managers must ensure that clear, unambiguous instructions are given to the subordinates. They should establish plans, schedules with details, progress reports, monitoring of deadlines, and emphasize goal accomplishment methods and procedures. They should measure results rather than activity and track progress of an activity to take timely corrective actions.

g. Attempting too much: Managers must set their objectives, priorities, and

deadlines daily so that they must plan, start early and always remember Murphys 2nd Law: Recognize that everything takes longer than you think. They must limit their response to the urgent and important demands. They should learn to say No when necessary.

h. Unclear Communication: Managers must assess the legitimate needs for information and check for interference, noise or activity in the flow of information. They should also assess potential impact of unclear communication, take preventive steps and minimize organizational levels. If it is difficult to minimize organizational levels, they should facilitate easy flow of information across the organization.

i. Inadequate, Inaccurate or Delayed Information: Managers must determine what information is needed for planning, decisions and feedback on results. Then they should ensure its availability, reliability and timeliness.

j. Indecision/ Procrastination: Managers must set deadlines on all objectives and priorities, use reminders, have the secretary check on the progress, reward themselves (no coffee until they finish). They should avoid fixing blame; ask whats been learned and how repetition can be avoided.

k. Confused Authority / Responsibility: Managers must lay emphasis on accountability for results; through recognition and reward for exercise of initiative; through citation, consideration in performance and salary review, promotion, etc. l. Inability to say No: Managers must recognize that inability to say No is a major cause of time wastage. They should understand that saying Yes may betray feelings of insecurity and low self-worth and should resist this urge. They should take time log recording all Yes responses that could have been No and assess the time wasted. They should learn to say No, especially to inappropriate or thoughtless requests. Dr Mackenzie suggests four steps to say NO and it is presented in the BOX on the next page for quick reference.

m) Leaving tasks unfinished: Managers must take time log and assess the impact of leaving tasks unfinished. They should set deadlines on all important tasks to provide incentive to complete them. They should get organized to permit effective control of tasks. They should recognize that sound organization saves time in retrieving information, processing decisions, and maintaining control over projects.

n. Lack of Self-Discipline: When a manager switches priorities of his team, he makes self-discipline difficult to practice. S/he should take time log to record frequency, assess cost, discuss with colleagues to seek ways of reducing problem.

Time Management Facts and Figures 80% of crisis management events are preventable. One hour of planning will save 10 hours of doing. Good time managers do not allocate their time to those who demand it, but rather to those who deserve it. The most powerful word in our time management vocabulary is no. Delegation is an unlimited method to multiply time for achieving results. The hardest part about delegation is simply letting go If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. Nine out of 10 people daydream in meetings. 60% of meeting attendees take notes to appear as if they are listening. When someone is asking for our time for a meeting, 80% of the time there is an alternate date and time that will be acceptable. The average person gets one interruption every eight minutes, or approximately seven an hour, or 50-60 per day. The average interruption takes five minutes, totaling about four hours, or 50% of the average workday. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as little value or no value creating approximately three hours of wasted time per day. 20% of the average workday is spent on crucial and important things, while 80% of the average workday is spent on things that have little value or no value. In the last 20 years, working time has increased by 15% and leisure time has decreased by 33%. Dr. Donald E. Wetmore -Productivity Institute

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